ALPS ALPINE SAZY1002 BD Remote Control User Manual

Alps Electric Co., Ltd. BD Remote Control


User Manual

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Document ID733832
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize17.27kB (215935 bits)
Date Submitted2006-12-01 00:00:00
Date Available2006-12-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-11-28 22:07:46
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorRST3.6.5.0 - ApeosWare Flow Service

Blu-ray Dlsc Remote Control
Télécommande BIu-ray Disc
Manda a dislancla de BIu-ray Disc
Instrucllon Manuel I Made d'emplol [Manual ds instmccionss
- Bzfm’e using this puma, urellllly rad ths mun Ind min 11 forfinm “Schultz. Rad
also in: lnsmwfinm for an mymmom uynnn
- Dn lml 11mm. dmugnd or linking mums,
Preca ulio
Gallery use
- Dn “muse ham-ins ntherlhln (hm specified, and always mplzm win the same typz nf
bunny Do nut mix old Ind flaw bxnuizs
- hum bulimic: wiih 111; plus and minus and: III in: cancel dimnnn
- Ramon bafluizswbenflmy have m:hi=d'h==11doflheirl.lfe.mif|leD lemme wnlml 1: lo
beslamd forunemnnud [mind film“;
use and handling
' Do nosexposé 111: ED mum: conlml m high impenmun high lmmidilyordhm sunilghi.
' De natalluw liquid or man parficlasm guinw dle pmflnct.
- Do ndtpul huvy object on 111; mm;
' Never disassemble or modify the pmlm
- Dn mm 11: amp Ihe ninnm ursubjecl inn mnng physical shnck.
' D0 1101 place any 111be nxvinyl mam-ink on ma pmducmmrfnr-numded puind of
' When clawing 111= pmdncl. use a son, dry ninth. Do no: use unlvcnh v! 1mm chemicals.
Preparing for use
lnserflng the bananas .
Rumwe me com hm 11-1: an mm; control rur uml insm 1h= supplizd hum-luv Sui 111.5
bum in me sumac! pnnivlnn.
Updating the PsalmI syslem
rssm symm mm venion 1311 or lam: is required 1n‘ us: the 111) “mm comm]. To check
in sysuum mfiwm versinn, me mulls!“ uysiun sham: menu idea... (Sailing!) > °fi
(Sysmn Sailings) > “Sysmn lnloflnallnn".
You must updnué uw sysmn xofiwm ifil is u vexsinn enrlin' nun 1.311. Use my of the follawing
melhnds 1n pulfmm 111: npdala
l Network update '
Dcwnlud mu updlmdnn my in me pszm uynm Fm the system‘s hm mu, 591513:
a (Settings) > 11 (Syslcm Updm) > “Updm vi. lulu-mt".
l Update uslng a PC
Use n PC in downlcni 1h: upduie 11m 10 mmpnnbu flange mum.
Pox 11min visizhnpwwwwmnlnymfinunni.
1=ni nun unnu1= muhods. vigil uan/wmuu. playslaIinn. cum or cumin! scan Comm
Sen/ms m 1 xw- 345- 7669
Reglslarlng the ED remote control with the PSS’“ system
Bdm wing 111: 1313 mum connn1, you mils! main“ rpm the. mum 011ml win in: Pszm
symm. This opemiml is parfivrmed only am when you are using 1115 main ovum-111W ma first
Tum nn the psam syslum
From in» syslems home menu, selem—(Séflings) > °|(Aonessn1y Sammy)
>“R=glsur aluemhlm Dzvlu" and men puss the x bufion.
3 Selecting Iype of dwlce in uglmr.
4 Pru: ma START and ENTER bumnu on ma ED rum com! mm mm
lime and far a: lens! an menus.
The male control cums ngisn-ndnn main Fallow 111; mm lumucllnns W legixmr 1m
lemom oil-11:01.
- Only oils 51:1 mum wmml nun bemgisoami with the Pssm syslem.
- lfynn legismr 1.11: an mnn1= unnlml with nnmhn P537“ $515me will huvn tn mngism i!
you wmlmnse she mum: annual Againwlfil theflanSZN synml.
Basic operations
Basic operation of the ED remote control
ibis menuel eupleins huttnrt npmn'uus for Blu-rny Dist: (ED) playback The ”Inc operriions tan
also be perfmmd Winn playing DVD videos onludifl G): with til: exception of some Nut-ions.
No be
Some content muy huve preset pleyhaek conditions set by the content developer. in this etse,
some button operuioos or the remote control may not be evsiiebls.
button operations (reter to diagram)
Em button Eject the dire.
Aunio button Change audio on in); with multiple audio mks teeenien
ANGLE button Clint-Age viewing mglu on not with multiple angles recorded on
' the same toette
sue-mu button Change ttte language for subtitles on line with subtitles
CLEAR hut-on Clear enterett numbers
TIME button flew the elapsed time or unwilling time or e title or oheptee
0-9 bnuon Enter numbers.
RED, GREEN, perform itntctions essimeri to etch hmtnrt
BLUE mow huueu (Animxed flincliolu very depending on the soutentheinp
, played.)
DISPLAY hillimi view slams information brother irn‘mmetion on the ooutettt
being played.
TOP MENU lutnott view the mutant“: top menu.
POP U'PiMENu huttrrn View the eontem's popeup menu.
REHJRNbuiwn ite'htnt in e specific pointin thevineo.
B button operations (refefto diagram)
Mormons. El/VIEW.
x. OIBACK'hlnton
Directional hunent
(PS button)
Ll.Rl.L2 112.1411!
ENTER button
Perform theme opentietts as the sixextsm wireless
ouuttniler for the P537“ system.
Perform them opemionartlte x btntunon thesixmclsm
w eleos eontrofler for the Pszm system.
button operations (refer to diagram)
PLAY button snrt ptaybeet.
STOP button Skip play/hank.
muse button Stop playbaek tetnpunt-tly.
«SCAN »scm Fm remand orftst reverse phyla-ole Playbook speed shuteet
button ease time you press the huuon.
mplwv, »tNl»:x’lj Mmmrhepnvimuormtchnpm

”a (Primates sytm-ne) > "Infmmaljws syttbue" dans le menu d'uttueil nlu system: P537“.
Vitus elevez meme njour le iogieiel systems 51] s'ngit d'une version mttaieure u 1.311. Utilisez
l'ttne on huge ties midi/M15 mlvuntes pour etretruer In mite hjonr.
I Miss u iour réseau
Telschtrgee let sonnets oe ntise hieur directs-user sllr te system tssm. Duns te menu
d'seeueii du system. selectiounez = wmmeuet) > 0 (Mist: hjottr syttbzw) > “Misc tjnur
per inter-set".
I Miss 3 [our nu muyon d'un ardlnateur
Utilisez un mdtnuieur pour Iélkllngprlcs nmtnses tierrtise tniveeu penrier supports tie
may centpatihles.
Pour plus de rietaiis. visitez hltpzllwwvml.physmionmm.
Pour d’allmes ntethottes tie mine tiottr, visitez te rite hnp:/ m umnetez
ie Service eenserumneuts scEA nII 1-800-345-7669v
Enreglstrer la télécommande ED pour Ie systéme P531”
Avnnl o'ntiliser la telecommunne BD. vour tlevez emegisner (‘jllmfilrfl la Iélécommalldc pour
ie systeme P531", Gene operation n'est efieeruee qu’lliw settle iois, tors tie in premiere utilisation
de le teieeetnrnunee
1 til-inn: is eyetietne Psafl- eeue tension.
2 Dans le menu n'accueil du sys1éme, séleeliennezfi (Ferarneitee) > |
(firemen-es accessories) >"Enregletter un ponpltéthu- Bluewoth“, puls
appuyez aur la toucrte x.
3 sileetionnez le type dB pi'riphérique e enregistler.
4 Appuyez elmultanémom out its: touches s'l'Arrr et ENTER ne Ia télécommande
ED pendent au moins deux eenontiee.
Lil télécbmmimde pnfle mode d'uneg'isrremeni, Suiva ks instructions 5 l’écran pout
mg‘malu teieeutntomtte
- ii n'est possible ti'enregistrer qu'une settle teweumrnende BD pour le system P53?!
‘ Slvou! mgihmlntélécommand: BD ave: un unite syslime P837“, vtms devez in
reenregisoersi vntls dsimz utiliser te teleeunurtnttoe t nonveeu uvee le premier system
CommandEs tie base
Commands de base de la |é|écommsnde ED
Ce mun] enpliqne les Demands d=|m|d|= panm Iechnu dz; dixquu 3111»ny (ED). Ins
memes cummanlks sum égalnm'nt exémmblzs 105 E12 r. lac-m des disqus DVD-Vidéo a flux
co nndm a l'nbeplim de cemnnmonchen
Le 00mm“ pflll 1mm: min in mndifivns flu mane paedéfinies ayanl as spam“ par le
dévelvppzur an mutant. Le w came n u pen qua mun-es cmnnunflls par 15510“:th de
la |éléunmnm|dc n: wimlpus dispcnibles.
Command-s des touches (voir diagramme)
Tomne FJECT Ejncne u dhqllh
Tom: AUDIO , Clungp an pisle min Sn! [5 disqnas BD qni component
plnnnm pisms nndia.
Toner-e ANGLE cnangn my» dc grist! an ws snr has dinqnes an qni
wmpemm plusis'urs unglu dc pris= dz vn= mum: meme
Tamale sum Change 1: langll: des sous-firms wr lzs disques an qni
cumpcflun nu sous-Em
Touche CLEAR Efl‘lce Ies “um; min
Touche TIME man u Imps scene ml 1: (amps neswnd'nn nine an d'un
Tou=he 0-9 Snim'z m unmam,
Make man, (mm, Exeune lzs fonmious mribnéex lax lonchs mpecfivzs,
BLUEYELLOW (Lu functions m‘bnéu variant mm 1: cmmu m cents Ae
1mm: DISPLAY Affid]: la infermm‘nns mm on mm: infamufions mum
an mum“! on wins a lemme.
1mm TOP MENU Am; 1; menu mpérizlll‘ dn come-m.
Malia POP UP/M'ENU AMA In men“ ovmexmnl du mnmmln
Make RETURN Rwicnl a nu point spécifiqna de la video.
Commandcs deslounhes B (volrdlsgrsmme)
Thad-w Alm’TlON.
DNIEW. ><. omcx
‘ronclnu dimfimndls 1m 1 fl
—— cnm nu new“ mmnndzs qua n mun: suns
3“ “W“ P5) smsm pour 1e mum: Psaw.
Mlle Ll, R1. L2. x2,
“mulls m STAR!"
“Iv-lube ENTER Béémfln meme wmmmldcsurll wnehe x (1515 mnneme nuns
«1 MSN pmn' la syslhne Pszr".
Commendzs des touchu (volr dlagramme)
Tbunhn PLAY Lane: ln lame
Tun-nu 5m? Arm: him".
much; muss mun taupnrnilemenl 1; 1mm.
Touche « SCAN. Meme rapids ms I’m/ant on I'arrihe. La vines»: dc lam-Iv
»SCAN clungp n ennqnn pressien m: h much;
Touche mmEv. Se déplwa an alumna précédrm. on mimr.
>>INExT .
Touche 11|>stlsTEP entancéz. le mmenu est In an xnlenn‘.
Conseil "
u ptessiou mn'nnpom quell: punched: 1. ulécommlnd: ED nlm q“: l: sysmn: Pssmw
hm lmsinn (en mod: veiue) met I: sysmme sons nenxlcn.
5! la charge fies batteries est faible
Inrsquc 1:4 mm des bunnies es: fable, il se pcul qua u lélécommami; m: fmcfionne pas
cmecmmlml qnnsnpmee aiminnn u 1:35 scum; nmplacczlcs denx banm'es pandas
Scum n'numnmnnnn Bunnies AA (2)
Dimensions ulérienns mam 51x 25,5 x 219 1.11le x1>< 3,6 pangs
(Ingcur x )uumn‘ x ion-Agnew)
munpnmm d= tonniannemem 5° c—ssa cm“ F—95'F
Conception aspécifimions snjenu nnwdjfimiun sun prénvis.
‘ Antes db milimrmn pmflncw, I!!! delenidlmbnw ale mnmlal y lxmskvnhpm ml refund:
nnnn. “Rm-Mb: In Its inn-mien: pm at sigmlFLAYsTAflONOS,
- No miniyllln balm’u daimdzs 0 on fnxas.
Use (la la halerla
- Nnm lrmjeln bum‘l‘uflfilegn
- No “Lilia: balm-{as qne sun din-Inf): de man; espeezfieadzs. y flame xeempuae can el
mismn npn dn hncm‘a. Nn meme mamas viejas can humus nuevas.
- Colbqne humans can In! poles ynsifivo(+) y neg-live Hen In uriemncxdn mam
- Refine 1:5 ham-ins anemic 1mm alumna el finnl de ml vidnnn1.o si cl mm» a 41mm (is
an (Dim BhHay} m: per almacmlme pvt lm pen‘mia dz fibmpo pmlwngndn.
Ulllizaclén y manejo
- Na “pang: zl mmdn ldlsmm-i‘ deBDA um umpernmns n hnmednd gum-m n hm
solar dima.
- No pennin qu: se innodnnm anidm ni pamcnm p=q|ldhs an d mum.
- - No mme objeius pclidn; me an prodncm.
- Nunza Sammie ni modifiqne d pmdwu,
- Nu muje ni am men =l pmdncm. ni I0 mun n cmqnns a vibrations: vinlmms
0 No ulnque ningfln Lipn de nmm’d an 30mm 0 vlnila an ex uleriotdrzl pmducw rim-mm nn
p=dodo de liempo prolongm,
- Al limphr e1 pmnnm. milieu nn plfw suave y 5m No mime disolvenms ni cm snstzncias
Pr paramon para la utl |zacmn
Colocacién de Ins baten'as
Rem: 1n up: mm. dc! made a dimncin dz B!) y cologne Ins baled“ incluidn. insane 1:5
bum-Ins can I: wrismacién camera.
Actuallzaclén del slslamu P53?"I
Sn requiem Jn vesian 1:10 a supuim—dzl wfiwue del nismn PS3“ pm nu'um el mundo
n mum de 51) run van-15m 1. vmion 1141;me (kl shmnm duke] men a: midn
dclslsma mam. museum ...(Ajums) > °9mjns|u del menu) > "Mormncian dd
Dehe mmm cl mfiwm an mm en use de qne sen unn Vasién infarior n In 1.30. Us:
manlqm‘en d: log flguiemu mans plumdinx u mwmnddn.
l Actuallzaclén medlame Ia red
Dun-rye y amuse; has claws giuecumzenw u mm Pszm Dada el mm dn mm dzl
sis-emu. sdeeclum: 2 (Aims) > ti (Acmnfimwn dc! mum; > Memnm menime
I Ac’mnllzuclén medlunto unu PC
Us: um PC pm dnsmgar lns dams ne munfiucim n In: media a: almamnamiwlo.
Pm m1: inlonnwién. visa» hnpy/wwmsplnymflnnmm
m mos 111500605 dc Mmah'um‘én, vim Mpllwwwmnpllymfiommm o paw-gm en mum
mm el serviciu d: alzncifin I] diam: scan a firm/ts del mimm do (CMGIID l-EMM5—7669.
Reglslro del mando a dlslancla flu BD can a! alslema F'Sfi"M _
Amudznlifimzlmndnndislandadefibyrimuodwamgimfpmufld mundol
dimncia mm cl nlslem- Pssm. m- opennidn s: rulim xéln um vez cmdo em per mm: A
man adjxlanai; pvt primenn m.
1 Enclenda e! slat-ems P53“.
Dash: 4 mam] do Inlnlo dnl sisum,se|neeinna... (Alums) >°| (Ajusns de
acczsurius) > “Registrar dispnslfivo Bluetooiff'y Imago oprima 9! man x.
3 Seleulone el upu de dlspnshivn pm reglsnm.
Oprlma Io: mun-s aesmrry ENTER en el mandn n dlnnnch as an
(cim-ral-msnotuyms) flmuninenmmey par n\ r'ner‘ms do: Seamus."
51 manna n fismcu amen-i a! mean dungislm. Sign 11: insmwclmes en pmulh pm
registrar nl mundv a dismm‘L
- sale un mandu a dimmin ne m: pneae in: mginndn can cl sism Pser.
- sa mgigm an mmdp adismnciu man m m sislsml mm, in mmirfl qua mg'mmr de mimic
par-um sn mm a din-nah cm Llprimzr sigma: psam.
Ope ac nes ha cas
Operacifin béslca dal mando a dlslancla ds BD
Em manual explict m 0mm. a: 1m hmm pm 1- npmdunaisn a: dim: Bin-m (ED).
Lax mamas apemirmbs umbitn puedcn mam u csur leptodlm‘cndo videos DVD 0 audio
cm mm mm“ a algmas mnmfi.
mag qua dgunus mnmn‘lflos wngnn mmngumda 1a cmaacim da upmduuibn umblecida
per cl desmollndm’ dz! comm En file use. [70ch qua flgnnns npuacitms a: 1m bmnnzs
dc! manda a dinancia no eclén disponibus,
Operaclonss del bolén A (veg eI dlagramfl)
Bmfin um (extract) Expulsar =| dim.
momma CambiuulmdinenBDS gl'nblflucvnmfilliplzs pamdnum
Bmén ANGLE (hgflo) Clmbhr lbs ingulo: dc Vl-nl en ED: mhdos con mlfiple!
fingulvs an 1: mm csccnl.
Balm SUBTITLE Clmhinr el idinml pin 1m sub-(min! en EDA gmbndns con
(mm-1m mummies.
Belfln CLEAR (bum!) Bum: Ins nmnhms ingmadvs.
sewn TIME (dunpn) V5: a dam)» “auscurridn o cl Iicmpc tesunle de m u‘mlo o
amen m9 lvlgresar mum.
Bulfin RE}, GREEK Rulinr amnion“ lsignndns n csdn bum.
BLUE. YELLOW (Lu filndnnz: asigmdls vlrlm dEPflldiflldD dd ennunirln qua
' “ti-siendo mum.) '
Ema-1 DEPLAY V2: Ll Mummién d: sums II 0&1! infanmcim SOME el
(vimxzxim dd pm! d: conmidn queen siende upmdnn'zdo.
cmrml) . ,
Bolfin TOPNENU (mam Veil! 11:11qu 1:19! mmfi lld=l cunwnido,
d: limbs) ‘
gamma poyvp/Msuu VthmuHadclmmflmmh m humid-1,
(cmrgznmlmtnll) .
am. mum (volvc!) I limes-u m pm, specifinn en el video.
Operaciones da] butén B (vea e] diagmma)
(opdanex), 13wa
Bananas u was"
4; (501611 PS)
Bolbn Ll. R1, LLRz.
L3. R3
Bolén SELECT (salads-xx
mm (iniiria) .
Em EN'IER (wepur)
leiu Ins mamas npaminnes mm al mmdo immmhn’cn
SIXAXIS'N pm cl 515mm Pszw
kahuna mlmu opflmfinnel cum» alhmfin x an elmmdo
inaumbfieo slexlS’m pm 91 sincmz P53”.
Operaciones del bolén c (was el dlugrama)
5mm PLAY (Weir) hush: repmdnccién.
mm m)? (pm) Dzwnzrnpmdnnciém
BulanAUSE (pa-ma) Dzlunzr mpmnmim wmpllemmm,
Em «SCAN (mum). Avanm n mam: lipid-mimic lu mpmduccién. Ln Modded
»scm 01m) dz mpmdllccién mm cada m M pmsiurm el bmén.
man MPREV (Interim). Mmrse u capimln anterior o siguienle.
mm (signiunle)
Bomn <|u<|sLowlerP Ruptodudl el cnnunifln un hmmmaala m. 31 opflm y
(“Malena/10mm). mm: uprimidn cl ham a] cmlmidn x= mpmdnme an
l>ll|>sLOWISTEF cflmam 1mm.
(mum Innmlfotngmmls)
Dpfimircnflqfler hum cg! nude 5 disuncia 6; BD (ct-mm lam/Bowmmu) munch a!
flslemn P531" mi ammo (en moan wk espm) mused qua a! fislflmsc “cicada.
Si Ia carga de la baterl‘a eslé baia
Cuandn h cirgi dc lnbuocril we baja, puede qua fl mandoa dislmcin nu immiom
ndacnadunwnm n we 15 dismncin Hum-0:12 In and u manduz dislnncin opzmureduzcu. En E51:
cm,te=1nplam unbn bum-Ins can mum
Es pet: has
Hum dz al’nnmmcifin dz znmgfl anutls u’po AA (2)
Dimmsibnes exuzms Aylmn 51 x 25.5 x 219 mm 12 x 1 x u pnlgam
(almmX mm: x langilud)
Mpcmnnadgfnncinnamiuuo 5°C—35’CI4PF795“?
m dimflc y m cspuifincimes am. wjm amodifimlmb! sin previo aviso.
Jim-1 ‘TLAYSI‘AIIDN" m mgnm mflmrh qfsony CnmpflmE-zlmmnnmu 1n:.AI-u,“PSl" mu
“snows" “ nilnnmh mm mm mm.
“mm!" A: a unis-mu Mum MSnny Camus-L
“If. ‘Pliysbfiun' "PLAYS'MTION" m dc: mm semen de 5°.” Cnmpalzr Emuuinmml inn. m
nmmn, “P51" wsrxms" w.“ m mm mm M‘umkme mm
53 Bluetooth'
me am ward mark and “15an m», m: 3mm». SIG, (n: m: my be elm-sh mak: w Sony
Cumpm Human-amend“. n m“ lime.
1.5 [m a In marqu- oummnminledn mm Blulmnm mannem n Blunmxh 5m, m. a. W mlnflun a:
<= mm: cmmlflu w smy Compuxex Enxzminmm m. m M: m Bum
02005 Sony Computer Enhemlnmem w.- AH rights reservadA Primed in chm

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 4
Creator                         : RST3.6.5.0 - ApeosWare Flow Service
Create Date                     : 2006:11:28 22:07:46
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