Andrew INCELL800 InCell-800 cellular band repeater User Manual

Andrew Corporation InCell-800 cellular band repeater InCell new manual

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User manual

IInnCCeellll  ™™  FFiibbeerr  OOppttiicc  DDiissttrriibbuutteeddAAnntteennnnaa  SSyysstteemmInstallation and Users GuideCopyright Andrew CorporationVersion 1.1October 2000
Andrew InCell™ Fiber Optic Distributed Antenna System Users Guide- ii -Proprietary InformationThis document is the property of Andrew Corporation.  The information contained herein isproprietary to Andrew, and no part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted inany form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the expresswritten permission of Andrew.DisclaimerAndrew reserves the right to make changes, without notice, to the specifications andmaterials contained herein.  While we have worked diligently to insure every elementpresented is correct, we shall not be responsible for errors.  For the latest productinformation and technical specifications, please see the contact information below. Copyright Andrew Corporation, October 2000, Printed in USA, All rights reserved.FCC NoticeThis equipment complies with Part 22 of the FCC rules.  Any changes or modifications notexpressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.WarningIn order to comply with FCC rules for rf exposure, the following must be observed:1. The antenna for this device must have a gain of no more than 12.7 dBi.2. The antenna must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20 cm. ismaintained between the antenna and any persons.TrademarksInCell™ is a trademark of Andrew Corporation.  All other trademarks belong to theirrespective owner.Contact InformationFor more information about Andrew’s capabilities to extend RF signals coverage intostructures, including office buildings, shopping complexes, warehouses, tunnels, and mines,please contact us using the information below:Andrew Corporation2601 Telecom ParkwayRichardson, Texas 75082Attention: Mr. Matt MelesterE-mail:matt.melester@andrew.comFax: (972) 952-0018Voice: (972) 952-9745
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Document ID131777
Application IDBMeErK9SutfFhW0EM04zSA==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize55.32kB (691495 bits)
Date Submitted2001-01-08 00:00:00
Date Available2001-01-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-12-27 12:02:44
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 3.03 for Windows NT
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleInCell new manual.PDF
Document CreatorMicrosoft Word - InCell new manual.doc
Document Author: TTidwell

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