BEI Electronics RPU-60W-150S RPU Transmitter User Manual

BEI Electronics, LLC RPU Transmitter SRPT 40A

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iWARNINGTHIS EQUIPMENT MUST BE OPERATED WITH A 3-PRONGGROUNDED OUTLET RECEPTACLE.  FAILURE TO USE APROPERLY GROUNDED OUTLET MAY RESULT IN IMPROPEROPERATION OR SAFETY HAZARD!LIMITED WARRANTYThe Seller warrants that, at the time of shipment, the products manufactured by the Seller are free from defects inmaterial and workmanship. The Seller’s obligation under this warranty is limited to replacement or repair of suchproducts which are returned to Marti at its factory, transportation prepaid and properly insured, provided:a.  Notice of the claimed defect is given to Marti within one (1) year  [two (2) years for STL systems] from date oforiginal shipment and goods are returned in accordance with Marti instructions.b.  Equipment, accessories, tubes and batteries not manufactured by Marti are subject to only such adjustments asMarti may obtain from the supplier thereof.c. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been altered, improperly handled, or damaged in any way.The Seller is in no event liable for consequential damages, installation cost or other costs of any nature as a result of theuse of the products manufactured or supplied by the Seller, whether used in accordance with instructions or not.This warranty is in lieu of all others, either expressed or implied. No representative is authorized to assume for the Sellerany other liability in connection with Seller’s products.MAILING & SHIPPING ADDRESS:Broadcast ElectronicsMARTI Electronics Division4100 North 24th StreetQuincy, IL 62301The United States of AmericaCOPYRIGHT NOTICE©2001 All Rights ReservedMarti Electronics1st printing, June 2001No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system , or translated into anylanguage, natural or computer, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Marti Electronics.
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Document ID267694
Application IDOLgJ1UCOHDmUM65YP189Yw==
Document DescriptionMANUAL
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize18.66kB (233254 bits)
Date Submitted2002-09-03 00:00:00
Date Available2002-09-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-04 14:07:27
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 3.01 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-25 13:05:21
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - SRPT-40A.DOC
Document CreatorWindows NT 4.0
FCC ID Filing: DDE-RPU-60W-150S

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