- 2. User Manual
5IJTVTFSNBOVBMJTDPQZSJHIUQSPUFDUFE 5IJTVTFSNBOVBMIBTCFFODSFBUFECZUIFCMVFCJSETPGUXBSFDP8FIBWFEPOFPVSCFTUOPUUPDSFBUFUZQPT FEJUJOHFSSPST BOEMFBWJOH PVUBOZJOGPSNBUJPO1MFBTFVOEFSTUBOEJGUIFSFBSFBOZJODPOWFOJFODFT 5IJTQSPEVDUĂTQSPHSBNJTMFHBMMZQSPUFDUFE*MMFHBMDPQZJOH USBOTNJUUJOH PSFSBTJOHPGUIFQSPHSBNJTQSPIJCJUFE 5IJTQSPEVDUĂTQBSUJBMGVODUJPOTNJHIUIBWFQSPCMFNTGSPNUIFFOWJSPONFOU VTFSQSPHSBN BOEPUIFSNBDIJOFT 5IJTXJSFMFTTFRVJQNFOUDBOOPUTFSWJDFSFMBUFEUPTBGFUZPGIVNBOMJWFTEVFUPQPTTJCMFTJHOBMJOUFSGFSFODF REGISTERED PIDION as the future mobileâs leading global brand, expresses with reliability, representativeness, and image of advanced technology. It is a registered trademark from the global brand of Bluebird Soft. and is copyright protected. NOTICE TOUSERS MODEL TYPE Class B Device (Household Information and Communication Device) NOTICE TO USERS This device has qualified the electromagnetic wave suitable registration and can be used as a household device at a residential area as well as any other areas. ĂśPLEASE READ THE WARNING SIGNS BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT. &RQWHQWV /PUJDF#FGPSF6TJOHUIF%FWJDF $POOFDUJOH"DUJWF4ZOD 1IPOF 1SFDBVUJPOT#FGPSF6TJOHUIF#BUUFSZ Installing on PC Using ActiveSync Connecting ActiveSync $IFDLJOHDPNQPOFOUT Getting to know your deviceâs each part Getting to know the buttons Insert/Remove the battery Insert/Remove the USIM card Insert/Remove the MicroSD card Connecting the hand-strap Charging with Cradle Turning On Soft Reset Hard Reset Using the Stylus Pen Adjusting the Display Making a Call Receiving a Call Blocking a Call Hanging Up 6TJOHUIF#BSDPEF3FBEFS Using the Barcodes Scanning with Barcodes Checking Barcodes (FUUJOHUPLOPXZPVS)PNF4DSFFO Looking at the Home screen up photos as Home Screen Background Adjusting Volume Checking Battery Level *OQVUUJOH5FYU Selecting text input mode Block recognizer Letter recognizer 5SBOTDSJCFS $POUBDUT Searching Adding a Contact Menu $BNFSB Taking Photos Viewing Photos 4FUUJOHT %FWJDF4QFDJGJDBUJPOT 2" 4FSWJDF$FOUFS 8BSSBOUZ$FSUJGJDBUF 1RWLFH%HIRUH8VLQJ'HYLFH This information is for your own safety. Please observe the following precautions This device is qualified of electromagnetic wave human safety standards. For your own safety please use the authenticated devices only from the head company. If not the case, we cannot guarantee your safety. Do not press the power button or the power adepter/ cord when the device is wet. There is a danger of electrical shock. Do not remodel, take apart, or repair the device. Please refer to your customer service center. If not the case, you will not be able to get your free repair service. Please follow instructions when using the batter. Do not use your device at an explosive danger zone. HM50 Manual In case your device is wet, do not put your device in heaters, microwaves, or etc to dry- there is a risk of explosion or it can be the cause of malfunction. (Please note there is a label in the device that changes color when it gets wet. In this case your will not be able to get your free repair service.) Do not use your device on-board an airplane or in hospitals. Please backup your deviceâs inner data and information. During the repair or upgrade, there is a slight possibility of your data being erased. (Ring tones, text/voice message, characters will be reset.) Please refrain from using your device while driving. If you are in an unavoidable situation, stop your vehicle or use your hand free kit. Do not use in places of high temperature and high humidity. The following can be the causes of malfunction: getting wet from the rain, spilling drinks, and taking it in with you at the sauna (high temp.) In these cases, you cannot receive your free repair service. Do not place credit cards, phone cards, bankbook, and tickets next to the device. The deviceâs magnetism can damage the listed itemâs information. Do not place your device at a dusty place. Keep your power cord away from any heating devices. Unplug the power cord when cleaning. If there are any dusts or residue clean the power cords pins thoroughly. When not using a battery for long periods, please charge it and leave in at room temperature. Even a charged batteryâs voltage will decrease over time. Do not paint your device. It can damage your screen or your deviceâs exterior. Also, the paint can peel off and trigger allergies. If there is a allergic reaction please seek medical advice. Please avoid impacts or vibrations. When not using the device unplug the power cord and place it at a safe place where it will not drop. 3UHFDXWLRQV%HIRUH8VLQJ%DWWHU\ These are safety precautions in order to prevent a dangerous accident. Please use the battery correctly and carefully observe the instructions. If the battery is taken apart by impact, applied heat, submersion, or hole-drilling, there is a risk of a dangerous explosion. Please keep away from children and animals. Please use only the designated battery for the device. If the original battery is not used, the deviceâs life may decrease and there is a risk of explosion. (In this case you cannot receive the free repair service) Leaving the battery in a hot car or enclosed space where there is direct sunlight, can deform or break down the battery. When charging the battery you must use the supplied standard power adapter. If the original adapter is not used the battery life may decrease and may explode. (In this case you cannot receive the free repair service) Please take precaution in not letting necklaces, coins and etc touch the batteryâs terminal (metal part). Do not give an impact on the battery by a sharp object or an animal. There is a risk of explosion. HM50 Manual $ERXWWKH3URGXFW $IFDLJOHDPNQPOFOUT 5IFJNBHFTJOUIJT6TFSĂ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anual $ERXWWKH3URGXFW #VUUPOT #VUUPO %FTDSJQUJPO $BMMCVUUPO 6TFEUPTUBSUUIFQIPOFQSPHSBN*GZPVQSFTT UIJTCVUUPOPODFXIJMFVTJOHUIFQIPOF QSPHSBN BDBMMJTNBEFUPUIFMBTUQBSUZJOUIF DBMMMJTU "SSPXCVUUPOT 6TFEUPNPWFMFGUSJHIUVQEPXO #BSDPEF4DBO#VUUPO 4DBOUIFCBSDPEF #VUUPO %FTDSJQUJPO &OECVUUPO &OETUIFQIPOFQSPHSBN:PVDBO GJOJTIBDBMMCZQSFTTJOHUIJTCVUUPO EVSJOHUIFDBMM :PVDBOBMTPFYJUBOBQQMJDBUJPO QSPHSBN 1SFTTBOEIPME BUMFBTUTFD UIJTCVUUPOUPTXJUDIPGGUIFQIPOF GVODUJPO /VNFSJD"MQIBCFUTZNCPM CVUUPO 5IFEFGBVMUJT/VNFSJD6TFE UPFOUFSOVNCFST BMQIBCFUTPS TZNCPM $ERXWWKH3URGXFW #VUUPO %FTDSJQUJPO 4)*'5#VUUPO 6TFEUPTXJUDICFUXFFO-PXFSDBTF6QQFSDBTF &OHMJTIBMQIBCFU 5IFEFGBVMUJT-PXFSDBTF &OHMJTI *GZPVQSFTTUIJTCVUUPOPODFBOEUIFO BOBMQIBCFULFZ UIFVQQFSDBTFPGUIFLFZJT FOUFSFE5IFO JOQVUNPEFJTTXJUDIFEUPUIF MPXFSDBTF*GZPVQSFTTUIJTLFZUXJDF UIFJOQVU NPEFJTSFNBJOFEJOUIF6QQFSDBTFMJLF$BQT -PDLVOUJMZPVSFMFBTFJU5PSFMFBTFUIF$BQT -PDL ZPVOFFEUPQSFTTUIF4)*'5LFZUXJDF &OUFS#VUUPO :PVDBODIBOHFUIFSPXZPVBSFUZQJOHJO *UGVODUJPOTUIFTBNFBTUIFDPNQVUFS FOUFSCVUUPO HM50 Manual #VUUPO %FTDSJQUJPO 1PXFS#VUUPO 5VSOTPOUIFEFWJDF 5BC#VUUPO 41"$&#VUUPO 41"$&#VUUPO NPWFT POFTQBDFGPSXBSE 0,#VUUPO #VUUPO %FTDSJQUJPO 'MBTI#VUUPO 1SFTTUIJTCVUUPOUPTFUUIF'VODUJPOLFZ *GZPVQSFTTBOEIPMEUIJTCVUUPOGPSPWFS TFDPOET UIF-$%EJTQMBZMJHIUJTTXJUDIFE 0O0GG5IF%JTQMBZ0OPS0GGTUBUVTJT NBJOUBJOFEVOUJMZPVQSFTTUIFCVUUPOBHBJO 'O#VUUPO 5IJTCVUUPOĂTGVODUJPOJTVTFEBTB DPNCJOBUJPO*UJTVTFEXIFOUIFCMVF QSJOUFECVUUPOJTVTFE ŕŁŕľ ডࡣ 'O#VUUPO/6.&3*$ 5IJTCVUUPOĂTGVODUJPOJTVTFEBTB DPNCJOBUJPO*UJTVTFEXIFOUIFCMVF QSJOUFECVUUPOJTVTFE /VNFSJD"MQIBCFUTZNCPMCVUUPO 5IFEFGBVMUJT/VNFSJD6TFEUPFOUFS OVNCFST BMQIBCFUTPSTZNCPM /HDUQLQJ%DVLFV *OTFSU3FNPWFUIFCBUUFSZ *OTFSUUIFCBUUFSZ 11VTIZPVSCBUUFSZJOUIFEJSFDUJPOPGUIFBSSPX 0OMZVTFUIFTVQQMJFEBEBQUFSUPDIBSHFZPVSCBUUFSZ 10 HM50 Manual 25VSOUIFCBUUFSZQJOTJOTJEFUPGJYUIFCBUUFSZ 3FNPWJOHUIFCBUUFSZ 14XJUDIPGG1%" 5VSOUIFCBUUFSZQJOTPVUTJEFUPSFNPWFUIFCBUUFSZ 2-JGUPGGUIFCBUUFSZUPUIFBSSPXEJSFDUJPO 11 /HDUQLQJ%DVLFV *OTFSU3FNPWFUIF64*.DBSE *OTFSUUIF64*.ÉDBSE 3FNPWJOHUIF64*.ÉDBSE 64*.É$BSE4MPU 14MJEFJOUIF64*.ÉDBSEJOUIFBSSPXEJSFDUJPO 5IFEFWJDFTTVQQPSUT64*.TMPUT 12 HM50 Manual 21VTIUIFUPQPGUIF64*.DBSEUPTMJEFJUPVUJOUIFBSSPX EJSFDUJPO *OTFSUUIF64*.ÉDBSE 64*.É$BSE4MPU 11VTIUIF64*.**DBSEIPMEFSUPĂ01&/ĂEJSFDUJPOUIFOMJGU VQ 21MBDFUIF64*.**DBSEPOUIFIPMEFSUIFOQVTIEPXOUIF IPMEFS 13 /HDUQLQJ%DVLFV *OTFSU3FNPWFUIF.JDSP4%$BSE 14 3FNPWJOHUIF64*.ÉDBSE *OTFSUUIF.JDSP4%$BSE 1VTIUIFUPQPGUIF64*.**DBSEBOETMJEFJUPVUGSPNUIFIPMEFS 10QFOUIFTUPSBHFDBSEIPMEFSCZMJGUJOHVQUIFGMBQ HM50 Manual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anual *GUIFNFNPSZDBSEEPFTOPUTMJEFPVU EPOPU SFNPWFCZGPSDF"GUFSSFNPWJOHUIFDBSEBUUIF SFQBJSDFOUFS FYDIBOHFZPVSEFWJDFPSHFUBSFGVOE $POOFDUJOHUIFIBOETUSBQ 1#PEZJOUIFHSPPWFBUUIFCPUUPNPGUIFIBOETUSBQIBOETUSBQ JTBQVTIJOUIFEJSFDUJPOPGUIFBSSPX 21VTIZPVSCBUUFSZJOUIFEJSFDUJPOPGUIFBSSPX 17 /HDUQLQJ%DVLFV 3$POOFDUUIFIBOETUSBQIPMEFS 18 HM50 Manual $IBSHJOHXJUI$SBEMF As you see in the picture, connect the adapter with the power cable to charge the PDA. Power Charging Light Charging Orange Charged Green hen the deviceâs battery is low, it may warn you with a ring and a message. he charging time can vary depending on the environment. A new battery is only partially charged. Please charge fully before using. 19 /HDUQLQJ%DVLFV 5VSOJOH0O 4PGU3FTFU The [Power] button in on the front. To turn your device on you must press the shortly. After purchasing your device or hard reseting, the booting process can take some time. We apologize for the inconvenience. To reset, press the [Power] button + [M] lease soft reset if your device freezes or has an unexpected error. It is very similar to rebooting your computer. Any information not saved will not be lost. 20 HM50 Manual )BSE3FTFU 6TJOHUIFTUZMVT1FO Hold [Power] button + [M] button <4/&%> The supplied stylus pen is used to run programs or inputting on the touch screen. Pressing Pressing means to open, run, and cancel any items. lease use this function when your device does not react to the soft reset. It will go back to the factory state. When doing the hard reset, everything will be erased. Please do it at your own risk. We are not responsible for any information being erased. Before you hard reset, please back up your data. Pulling Using the stylus pen you can select multiple items as much as needed. (it is similar to the mouse drag on the PC) Holding Down If you want to see further details of the selected item, hold down on the item and a popup will appear. ( it is similar to the mouse right click on the PC) 21 /HDUQLQJ%DVLFV "EKVTUJOHUIF%JTQMBZ On your LCD screen, it is the function of setting the input value of the stylus pen. Adjusting screen Setting StartÄśSettingsÄśSystemÄś displayÄśScreen adjustment Press the center target accurately followed by left topÄleft bottomÄright bottomÄright top. 22 HM50 Manual &RQQHFWLQJ$FWLYH6\QF *OTUBMMJOHPO1$ [Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5] Korean version. he functions and the layout can be different if you use different version. 1After connecting to the Microsoft homepage, download and install [Microsoft ActiveSync]. [Microsoft ActiveSync] can be updated through the Microsoft Homepage. [Windows Vista] users need to install [Windows Mobile Device Center]. 23 &RQQHFWLQJ$FWLYH6\QF 2On the window about the license terms, press Äś On the [Client information] window, inputÄś Specify where you want to install. 3[Microsoft Active Sync] can be installed when it is ready to install. 4[Microsoft ActiveSync] is installed. 24 HM50 Manual 6TJOH"DUJWF4ZOD ou can see a Windows Mobile version on the display and it can be different according to the version. 1You can connect with the Cradle. [Microsoft ActiveSync] can be used when the device is plugged into a notebook or pc. You can transfer files by syncing it. You can also install/uninstall new programs. he USB cable is sold separately. Please contact the service center for more details. [Code : 12132] 25 &RQQHFWLQJ$FWLYH6\QF 2If the device and computer are successfully connected, Microsoft Activesync] will automatically start. Please select the button. 26 HM50 Manual 3In the folder, you can check the photos, music, and documents stored in the device and move it to the computer. [Precautions using ActiveSync] When "unknown USB device" can pop up, when the device is turning on while connected to the . If you reconnect the device from the the ActiveSync will run properly. The device not running after removing the battery while device on. For this to be avoided, do not remove the battery while the device on. You must press the [Power] button or the [Shut Down] button with the stylus pen in order for the Windows Mobile to [turn off] correctly. If in ActiveSync, the state "connectingâŚ" is continued for a long period of time, disconnect the device from the . In [ActiveSync] If in a case where you have removed the battery press FILE Äś CONNECTION SETTINGS Äś Select while the device is on, hold the [Reset] button + Äś Press [OK]. Reconnect [OK] button to hard reset. the device. Please note if you hard reset, all the data in the If you have reconnected several times and still memory will be erased. âunknown USB deviceâ pops up In certain cases the computerâs USB host has gone wrong leading to connection failure. Remove the device from the and reboot the computer. Reconnect the device to the cable and it will run properly. 27 &RQQHFWLQJ$FWLYH6\QF $POOFDUJOH"DUJWF4ZOD Start Äś Setting Äś Connect Äś USB-PC connect If you select [Advanced Network Function Use] you can connect various Surrounding USB devices to your PDA device. Your device and the surrounding devices can you used when connected with the . 28 HM50 Manual If you use the function [USB-PC Connect] your deviceâs battery consumption will be high. If you are not using the function [USB-PC Connect] disconnect to save your battery consumption. 8VLQJ7KH%DUFRGH5HDGHU 6TJOHUIF#BSDPEFT 4DBOOJOH#BSDPEFT Press the [Barcode Scan] button on the side or front of the device to start scanning barcodes. In order to scan accurately, you must scan with the correct angle 10cm away. Correct scanning Angle If you are using Barcodes with special programs, please contact the manufacturing company. 29 8VLQJ7KH%DUFRGH5HDGHU $IFDLJOH#BSDPEFT StartÄśMemo The barcodeâs information will appear if you press the [Create New] button in . If you scan a barcode while is open, the barcode will be automatically saved in . If you scan when is not opened, it will not be saved. To do this, press the [Menu] button in [Create New] and [Paste] to save. 30 HM50 Manual *HWWLQJ7R.QRZ . (The SMS service from call waiting is not supported.) 38 HM50 Manual &RQWDFWV 4FBSDIJOH "EEJOHB$POUBDU 1Start ÄśSelect Contacts. 1Select the [Create New] button on the top left. 2Type in a name on the [Name Input] to search a contact. 2Select the contactâs category. 39 &RQWDFWV You can use various menus when you hold down the contact. Call Work/Home/Cell phone : Each numbers saved can be called. Send Email : Sends email to the saved email account. Send Message : Sends a text message to the saved phone number. Copy Contact : Copies the selected contact. Delete : Deletes the selected contact. 40 HM50 Manual If the BIP-1500 device has been reset, there will not be a information message when retrieving/deleting a contact list. The BIP-1500 device may take some time showing the saved contacts when it has been reset or has been erased from the USIM card. &RQWDFWV .FOV 3The contact will be saved when the attributes are imputed in order. Press [OK] to save in Contacts. Press and select the [Menu] button on the bottom right of the contacts screen. Edit : You can edit a saved contact. Send Contact : You can send a contact wirelessly. Contact copy/delete : You can copy/delete a selected contact. Option : You can do the setup of and . Display standards : You can set up the standards of the contacts for the names/companies. Filter : You can filter the selected items. Selecting Contacts : You can multi-select or select all. 41 &DPHUD 5BLJOH1IPUPT Start Äś Camera Video : Switches to Video mode. Mode : You can set it up as normal/bust/timer. Resolution : You can set various resolutions of 480x640 / 600x800 / 768x1024 / 1536x2048. Your photo will be taken when you press the [OK] button. The photo/video will be automatically saved in the album. Flash : You can turn on/off your flash. Full-Screen : You can change your display to full screen. Option : You can change the name/storing location/file size. 42 HM50 Manual &DPHUD 7JFXJOH1IPUPT You can do the following options : Delete / Send / Wireless-transfer / Set up as background / Enlarge / Edit / Properties with the photo / Video. Start Äś Photos and Video You can Enlarge/Reduce or check the information of the saved Photo/Video. If the battery is too low, the camera will turn off or will not open. If not in use more than a minute, it will go into sleep mode. the device can shoot video, the user If manual will vary depending on the camera program. 43 &DPHUD The selected Photo/Video can be Enlarged / Reduced / Viewed with as a slideshow/set as a background / Wireless-transfer / Save / Edit /Properties. 44 HM50 Manual 6HWWLQJV #MVFUPPUI Setup for the communication of Bluetooth equipment. Search surrounding Bluetooth devices and pair (connect). Start Äś Settings Äś Bluetooth Turning on Bluetooth Set up as on/off. (If not in use, it will drain your battery.) Way to set up your Bluetooth Making your device discoverable Other devices and search and discover your BIP-1500 device. 1Press [Search for devices] to search other Bluetooth devices. 2Select a Bluetooth device and press [Next]. 45 6HWWLQJV -PDL 3Type in the password to connect with the selected device and press [Next]. (The password will be different for every device. Please refer to manual) 4Check if you are connecting to the right device. It correct, press [Finish]. 5If the model name and icon of the device you have chose appears, you are finished connecting. Password Set up a password for your device every time you turn it on. Start Äś Settings Äś Lock You must input your password twice. After selecting [Press ok if the device is not used for the following time] set up a time. The pairing method is different for every Bluetooth devices. Please read the manual for other Bluetooth devices. 46 HM50 Manual The password must be 4~6 characters long. Simple passwords such as [1111] or [1234] cannot be used. If the [Check if the device is not used for the following time] is set up, the screen below will show when turning on your device. Hint Type in a phrase in which will help you to remember your password. After inputting your password, press the [Unlock] button on the bottom of the screen. If you get the password wrong 4 times in a row, a [Hint] window will appear. 47 6HWWLQJV 4PVOEBOE/PUJGJDBUJPOT Sound You can set up your event, program, screen pressing, hardware button notification sounds. 48 HM50 Manual Notifications You can set the Notifications sounds when the (sound and notification) is set up. Start Äś Settings Äś Sound and Notifications. Start Äś Settings Äś Sound and Notifications Äś Notifications If you check each item the (sound and notification) will be setup with a sound. You can set the phone, wireless network, notification, Activesync, and etc sounds by Ring/Vibration. )PNF Background Display You can set up your photos as the home screen background. Start Äś Settings Äś Home 1After selecting [Use this as background] press the [Find] button. 2Select the folder that has the photo you want to use in [Folder]. Items You can set up items to be displayed on your home screen. Start Äś Settings Äś Home Äś Items When you check the item it will be shown on your home screen. You can set the order of the items that are going to be shown by using the [Move up] / [Move down] button. 3Select your photo. 4After selecting you photo press [OK]. 49 6HWWLQJV 6TFS*OGPSNBUJPO You can set up a memo or your personal information. Start Äś Settings Äś Personal Äś User Information You can set your name, company name, address, phone number, email address, and memo to be shown when your device turns on. 1IPOF Phone You can adjust/turn off the devices sounds. Start Äś Settings Äś Personal Äś Phone Ring/Vibration : You can set as Ring / Ring(getting louder) / Ring only once / vibrate / Ring and vibrate / Ring after Vibrate / None. Ring tones : You can adjust the Ring tones. Keypad : The key pad sound can be adjusted to Long tone / Short tone / Off when keypad is selected. 50 HM50 Manual %JTQMBZ-JHIU Battery power / Exterior power To save battery, you can set the battery power and exterior power to be turned off automatically. Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Display Light The shorter you adjust your display time, the longer your battery will last. Brightness Use the slider bar to adjust the brightness. Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Display Light Äś Brightness If you set the brightness of PDA close to [Darker] mode, the battery of PDA will last longer. You can turn the light back on again by press the buttons of the display. 51 6HWWLQJV &YUFSOBM(14 Program Select the port you want to use by receiving data from the programâs external GPS. Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś External GPS All the programs using GPS can communicate with this port. Hardware You can designate the hardware port in which GPS devices will connect to. Access If you select [Automatic GPS management] you can receive multiple programâs GPS data simultaneously. 52 HM50 Manual (4FOTPS You can set up the usage for the G-Sensor. Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś G-Sensor .FNPSZ 6OJOTUBMMJOH1SPHSBNT The memoryâs current state (Usage, Available space) will be displayed. The programs installed by the user or in default will be displayed. Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Memory Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Uninstall Program Main memory You can check the memory for Total/Usage/Available space of storage and programs. Select the program you want to uninstall on the list. Press [Uninstall] and it will automatically be removed. Storage Card You can check the usage/available space of the Micro SD memory card and the program store. 53 6HWWLQJV %JTQMBZ 1SPHSBN.POJUPS General You can change the screen vertically, horizontally (right hand), horizontally (left hand) Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Display You can readjust the stylus pen points by pressing the [Display Adjust] button. Text Size You can adjust your text in 5 sizes. 54 HM50 Manual The memory status of running programs will be displayed Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Program Monitor Using the menu you can select the running programs and to stop it. You can also stop all the programs running at once. 64#1$$POOFDUJPO You can connect with a PC. 8J'J Setting up the wireless internet with Wi-Fi. Start Äś Settings Äś Connections Äś USB-PC connection Start Äś Settings Äś System Äś Wi-Fi The computer uses a tunneling VPS can connect with your device with RNDIS. In this case, try to connect un-checking the [Advanced Network Function]. Through the wireless internet settings, you can set up the Wi-Fi that connects the surrounding AP (access point). If the [ActiveSync] does not work properly, try using the [Advanced Network Function]. 55 6HWWLQJV 46..*5 Setting up Wireless Internet 3Select the [Profile] buttons on the bottom. 1Select the [Admin Login] button on the top right. 2Type in SUMMIT(Capitalized) in the password box and press [OK] button. 56 HM50 Manual 4Select the [Scan] button on the top right. 5A list of AP your device can connect to will appear. Connect to ex.) Platform_AP2. (Please select a desired AP) When the popup appears, Press [YES]. 7Once you press [Commit], you will be connected to the internet. 6Type password in the box of the AP you wish to connect and press [OK] buttons. 57 'HYLFH6SHFLILFDWLRQV Physical Characteristics Dimensions (W x H x D) 75.8 x 154 x 28.6 mm / 2.9 x 6 x 1.1 inch Weight Including standard battery : 371g Display - 3.5" VGA with backlight, TFT LCD, 260K, 480 x 640 - 3.5" QVGA with backlight, TFT LCD, 260K, 240 x 320 (optional) Keypad Numeric / QWERTY / AZERTY / QWERTZ Standard Battery Expansion Slot SIM Slot Audio Camera GPS Rechargeable, 3.7V, 3,600mAh, Li-ion MicroSD slot (up to 32GB) Performance Characteristics CPU 1GHz OS Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 / Android Memory 256MB RAM (optional 512MB) / 512MB ROM Interface RS-232C, USB 2.0 Host & Client via Snap-on User Environment Characteristics Operating temp -20âł to 60âł Storage Temp -25âł to 70âł 2 SIM Humiditiy 95% non-condensing Speaker, Dual MIC Phone w/ noise cancellation, Bluetooth headset profile Drop Spec 6 ft. / 1.8m drop per MIL-STD 810G Sealing Spec IP65 5 megapixel color camera w/ LED flash Integrated GPS w/ A-GPS Integrated Radio Data Capture Barcode Scanner 58 HM50 Manual 1D&PDF417 Laser Class II or 1D&2D CMOS Imager WWAN Radio 3.8G GSM HSPA+/HSUPA or CDMA EVDO Rev A WLAN Radio IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n WPAN Radio Bluetooth Class II V2.1 4 $ Water went into my device. What do I do? First, remove your battery from the device and dry them in a dry place. After drying for a period of time try turning it on. If it still does not turn on, the main-board or other parts needs to be replaced. Please refer to your service center. It wonât turn on. The program may be damaged. Please try resetting your device. If it still doesnât work, refer to your service center. How do I get the repair service? My battery drains very quickly. You can send via a delivery service to the headquarters. When sending the package make sure you pay for the shipping fee in advance. When the repair is finished the headquarters will be covering the shipping fee. The battery can be drained quickly when the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is turned on. If it drains quickly regardless of using the options above, please purchase another battery. It wonât charge. Make sure the power cable and your device has been connected correctly. Try cleaning your charging terminals. If it still doesnât work, your battery life might be finished or it can be a broken battery. (The battery warranty is 6 menthes) ŕ° If you have done the above and the device still does not work, please refer to the service center. ŕ° After the 1 year warranty the repair service will be charged. 59 6HUYLFH&HQWHU Before Requesting After-Sales Service Before asking for after-sales service, please back up the data from the terminal. We do not back up data from the products received in the Customer Care Center. Therefore, we assume no responsibility for loss/deletion of data. Bluebird Soft Customer Service FAX : +82-2-548-0870 E-Mail : Address : 1242, Gaepo-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Operating hours Mon.-Fri. : 9:30 A.M. ~ 6:30 P.M. (GMT Time: +9 Hours) The center is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 60 HM50 Manual Registering for After-Sales Service We receive the products for after-sales service through mail, delivery service and hand carry only in principle. If you bought the product from any party other than the authorized dealer, you need to register the product before asking for after-sales service. Please enclose an evidence of purchasing or the receipt to the product for after-sales service. Please enclose the name, telephone number, address and symptom for prompt service. You can ask for after-sales service through the dealer or the Customer Care Center in the head office. Do not intentionally damage the label on the product. Damaged label may result in a disadvantage to the customer. When you return the product to Bluebird Soft for service, please put the product in a protective box. No warranty will not be provided for any damage occurring during delivery. We recommend you to use the box and protective cover supplied with the product. Make sure to deliver the product in a safe way. Bluebird Soft assumes no responsibility for loss of the product during delivery. Charged Service 1. If it is not a default, it will be charged when requesting for after-sales service. - Service request due to inappropriate use of the customer - Loss of a PIN number - Use of programs that might effect the program (over-clock, forceful changes in the input of the system, personal developments) 2. Default due to a mistake on the part of the customer - Default due to inappropriate or careless use of the product (dropping, submersion under water, shock, damage, unreasonable operations, etc). - Default due to a repair or unauthorized technician. - Default caused intentionally or by carelessness of the customer. - Default due to the use of fraudulent parts or components. 3. Other cases - Default due to nature (fire, damage due to sea wind, flood damage, etc.). - Expendable parts have exhausted there life (batteries, antenna, or other component parts). 4. Regulations of treatment after charged service - If the same default occurs on the part that had been repaired within a 2 months(60 days) period, it will be provided with free of charge repair service. There will be no returning of goods or repayment upon the following situation Removal of the sealing of the product if it had been sealed. If the product has been damaged due to careless use by the customer or due to a natural disaster (floods, rain, fire, etc.). Loss of product or other components (CD, diskette, manual, connecting cables, etc). Damage to the product after 10 days of purchase, the product will either be exchanged or provided with after-sales service (note, returning of goods or repayment is not allowed). 61 :DUUDQW\&HUWLILFDWH Thank you for purchasing a product from Bluebird Soft Inc. If a circumstance arises where you lose a receipt or the certificate of guarantee, then the term of guarantee will be calculated 3 months (certified by the number of the manufacture, a certificate of inspection) after the date of manufacture. 62 Name of Product PDA Name of Model HM50 Date of Purchase In case of accessories (such as batteries), only those that match the sales list managed by the service center will be eligible for customer service. Manufacture Number A repair or an exchange of batteries that does not match the sales list of the service center due to the carelessness of the customer will be fully charged. Term of Guarantee HM50 Manual Place of Purchase 1 year from purchase Warranty 1. Bluebird Soft Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Bluebird) provides the warranty service for its products in compliance with the regulations on compensation for damage of customer. 2. Upon receiving a notification on a defect of its product within the range of warranty during the warranty period, Bluebird will repair or replace the defective product according to its warranty policy. 3. If the defective product within the range of warranty is not repairable or replaceable, Bluebird shall refund the purchasing price within a designated period from the date of receiving a notice of defect. 5. Warranty of Bluebird is valid in the countries where the Bluebird products are distributed by Bluebird. (Contract for additional warranty service like field service) 6. Bluebird products may contain the recycled products, components or materials equivalent to new products in the aspect of performance. 7. This warranty is applied to software products only when the programming commands are not executed. Bluebird does not guarantee interruption-free or error-free performance. 4. Bluebird assumes no responsibility for repairing, replacement or refund until it receives the defective product from the customer. The replacement shall be equivalent to a new product in the aspect of performance. 63 User Information This device may generate or use radio frequency energy. Changes or modifications to this equipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in the instruction manual. The user could lose the authority to operate this equipment if an unauthorized change or modification is made. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: â Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. â Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. â Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. â Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technical for help. â Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. â Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. â Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. â Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technical for help. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC`s Rules. Operation is subject to the following two Conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable operation. We declare that this device is compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of directive 1999/5/EC. FCC SAR information This device is designed to meet the requirements for exposure to radio waves established by the Federal Communications Commission. This device was tested for ear and body-worm operation in touch. $VTUPNFS4FSWJDF$FOUFS 8PSLJOHIPVST 8FFLEBZT BN_QN 4BUVSEBZTBOE4VOEBZT$MPTFE 1IPOF/VNCFS "EESFTTHBPQPEPOHLBOHOBNHV4FPVM $VTUPNFS4FSWJDF$FOUFSXFXJMMEPPVSCFTUUPTBUJTGZZPVSOFFET
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