CHINA ELECTRONICS BT-2032 Bluetooth Speaker User Manual pt 1
China Electronics Shenzhen Company Bluetooth Speaker pt 1
- 1. User Manual pt 1
- 2. User Manual pt 2
User Manual pt 1
MOMMA/XL Bluetooth Speaker Malektronio® User Manual Mfiégy Pol/MM Malekilonlc Thank you tor purchasing this Maleklranlo® product Please read this user manual Take the lime to iollow the instructions in this owner's manual caretully, It Will help you to properly use your new Malektmnlc® product and enioy its teatures. Please keep this owner's manual lor tulure references. Keep the speaker away trom water and moisture to avoid electric shock and damage to the unit. - The speaker must be away irom any heat source I The device contains a lithium ion battery, Adyust to a suitable volume Turning the music tooioud can lead to some distortion which is normal since not all sound is recorded at the same level Do not attempt to open or disassemble the device tor any reason. There are no replaceable parts. While the normal bluelooth transmission range is about to meters, this can be greatly aliected by other signals in the area as well as any obstructions including walls, metal or glass. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Blueiooih version. 3.0 +EDR (to m distance) l 33 fl Output power. aw x 2 (RMS) Frequency response: 90H: 123 KHZ impedance 4 Ohm Sensitive 80 dB 2dE er Ratio: 2 70 dB Distortio s 0.3% input power: DC 12.6V 1A Working Temperature limit: .20 and 60 degrees PRODU T FEATURES ft. Bluetooth version. 30 +EDR (t0 meter dislance) / 33 eel 2. Hands free iunclion: easily answer/hang up or reject the call with one button 3. High quality anllrimerfererice microphone 4. Audio input (AUXaIH) compatible with all 3.5mm audio devices. 5, Power supply: 5000 mAh (2000 x 3) Lithium ion Batteries and DC 120v charging input. 6 5v 1A/ USB External device charging interiaee Plug your USB device into this port to charge your device Included accessories: Malibu XL Speaker, power adapter and manual. FUNCTIONS t ‘Q :Piay/Pause/HandFree/Mode 2 <{ .Preleolume- g » :Next/Volurne+ Note Some iunctions only operate when connected via Bluetooth and only it your device and application support the tunction, BLUETOOTH MODE 1.Tum on Ihe Speaker, it will “beep” and Ihe blue light will flash = bluelooll'l is ready for Connection. 2 Use your blueloolh device to Search lor the device named “Malibu XL" and then click to connect Once bluelooth has paired and connecled successlully. the blue LED indicator will be on and lhe speaker will be ready lor playing musrc, you can control the music using the keys on the top ol the speaker or wrth the devrce Please remember that you also have a volume control on your deVICe and me M0 volume Controls lunctlon independenlly from one another. 3. Under Bluetooth Connected status. when a call comes in you can answer usrng the speaker. AUX MODE 1. AUX»in mode. the front light indicalor is red and blue. 2. Press and hold “ " / “ ” to conirul lhe volume on lhe speaker- thrs wlll functron separately than the volume control on your source devrce. 3. Qurckly press% lor pause press and hold‘fito change between AUX/Bluetcoth mode This unll has a buill-in lithium-ion battery. If the volume oi the unit is low, sound is nol stable. display is blinking or speaker automatically shuts down. thrs means that the battery is out of power and needs to be Charged rmmedrately Feel free to keep the unrt on and playrng musrc whrle rt rs also plugged In and charging FUNCTIONS sswtmsswtmswums state tnorceior lrreure ll Prev/Volumes Next/Volumet Fley/PsuselHandsFree/Mode [Flgufez] FowavON/CFF Dulpul5V=1A AUXannck EfllphnneJnck ChzvgeJack lFIgufe at NFC Near Field Communica on A quick bluetooth parring technology rs parred through a non-contact sensor, NFC can help make parring of your blueloolh mobile phone easier and taster Switch on the NFC function on the mobile phone. and then pul the back ol lhe phone near the NFC icon on the speaker to scan, For the first connecllon. you will see a prompt to accept the device After your frrst connectron. you should not see that prompt agarn. You can also qurckly drsconnect tn the same manner. by placrng the back of the phone near the NFC rcon. Note: your phone must support NFC for this function. Note. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 5 digital device pursuantto part 1 5 ol the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. lfthis equipment does Cause harmlul inlerlererlce ID radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures. iReorient or relocae the receiving antenna. ilncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver. 7Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected. iconsult the dealeror an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Malibu/XL Bluetooth Speaker Manual de Uso Malektronio® www.malektron com lsuppon® Ma‘ek‘romc Gracias por la compra de este produclo Ma‘ektromcfib PW lavcr, \ea a1en|amente esle manual antes de usar el Par‘ante. Mamanga el panama a‘ejadn del agua y de la humedad para evllar dasaargas e‘écmcas o dafics a \a umdad Mamanga el panama leJos de cualqurermeme de ca‘cr. El mspasiuvo cormene una baten'a de runes de lilio. Ajuste a un vo‘umen adecuado. Escuchar \a musiaa demasiado alla puede provocar una dismrsién, ya que no lodo el somdo se graba en 9‘ mismo nwe‘ No meme abrir o desmomar el disposilwo por nlnguna man No hay prezas reemp‘azables, El range normal de transmisrdn del Blueroum es de aproxrmadamente 1o metros sm embargo eslo puede ser afedado por mras sefia‘es en la zona‘ as.’ some barreras, parades, mela‘l, etc . ESPECIFICACIONES DEL PRODUCTO Versién de B‘uelooth 3 o +EDR(10 m dislancia) I 33 pies Polencia de sahda aw x 2 (RMS) Respuesta de frecuencra. 90 Hz a 13 kHz lmpedancia: 4 Ohm Senslblhdad 80 dB 2 dB 3 / N Radlo' 2 70 dB Dislorslbn: s 03% Energia de emrada DC 12 5v 1A Lima de temperature 720 y en grades CARA ERISTICAS DEL PROD O 1 Veraran de B‘uetomh: 3.0 + EDR (separaclo’n de 10 metres) / 33 mes 2 Funclbn d5 manos hbres: Comestar iécllmeme / Colgar 0 rechazar \a Hamada Con un bok'm 3. M‘Créfono anlwrmterierencias de a‘ta Ca‘idad 4. Enlrada de audio (AUX-in) Compalwble Con (odes \os dwspaswlivos de aud‘o de 3,5 mm 5 Fueme de ahmentacién 6000 mm (2 000 x 3) Balen‘as de lones as Mrs y DC 12 6V entrada de carga s. Inlerlaz de arsposrtivo de carga externo 5v 1A/ uss. Coneda el drsposrtivo usa en esre pueno para cargar e‘ draposmvo. Accesorios incluidos: Mahbu >" para controlarel volumen de‘ atlavozt lambién puede ser controlado desde el disposillvo biuetoolh de lorma independiente 3 Presione % ra'pidamenle para hacer una pausa. presrone % y manlenga presionado para cambiaf enlre el mode AUX / Biuelooth. BATERIA Esta umdad cuenta con una baterla de rones de lrlro mcorporada. Si el volumen de la unidad esta bayo, el somdo no sera estable, si la pantalla parpadeab el altavoz so apaga automa'llcamenle. esto signifrca que la baterla esla' descargada y Ilene que cargarse inmedratamente El allavoz puede segurr en use mientras este conectado y/o cargando. FU NCIONES Luz lndlcadou Volume-r , volume" . Relmcedev Melanrar Faura r PlaylMcdo manbs rims Enoendidoy Sahdade Audl'lunn: Ca annr AMsda 5v=1A AUXIH “3 NFC Near Field Communicatl Esla tecnoiogia puede hacer el enlace bluetoolh de los leléfonos movlles y ei parianle de manera raprda, como ulrlrzar: anero se debe de cambrar err funcron de NFC en el mévll (rinrcamente teléfonos con NFC). y luego se coloca la parte posterior del telefono cerca del icono de NFC del parlante para la conexion Para la primera conexion. se vera en la rrrterfaz de avisos de telelono. Para desconeclar el bluetootn reprta el proceso, Nola El leiéfono debe admilir NFC para esta luncién Note. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class E digital device‘ pursuantto part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radto frequency energy and‘ if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Howeven there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. lfthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures. iReorientor relocate the receiving antenna. fincrease the separation between the equipment and receiver. iconnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected. 7Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 4 Language : en-US Author : TC Creator : Writer Producer : LibreOffice 3.5 Create Date : 2014:10:30 16:37:05+01:00EXIF Metadata provided by