Centrica Hive SH12 Alertme Wireless Starter Hub 1-2 User Manual Manual Web

AlertMe.com Ltd Alertme Wireless Starter Hub 1-2 Manual Web


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Getting ready to
install your AlertMe
From Alertme
Installing your Aler tMe system is very
straightforward. You need to allow about an
hour and a half; it's best to do the whole install
at once, rather than stopping part way
through. It may take a while, but it's very easy!
Until towards the end of the install you
won't be able to use your system; the
Buttons, Keyfobs etc won't work . This is
because we focus on getting the install
right, and m aking sure everything is
reliable. Please be patient - you'll be able to
test out your system at the end - and we'll help
you do it!
If you just have some Alertme devices to add to
your existing system, you can add them in just
a few minutes.
You don't need any tools. Because AlertMe uses
a wireless network (ZigBee) in your home there
are no wires to fit to connect up the sensors.
Also, we provide special stick y pads to fix
AlertMe accessories in your home, and so you do
not need to drill holes or fiddle with screws.
Our sticky pads are carefully chosen for you,
and even if you leave them stuck to your wall
for years, they can be removed without
damaging your decor! Please make sure you
read the instructions on how to use these sticky
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pads - they aren't quite lik e normal ones.
You will need to have broadband! The Hub
connects to a spare Ethernet connection in
your home; this will probably be a spare socket
on your broadband router. If you'r e unsure
about this, r ead about Connecting the Hub
to your home network .
During the installation you will need a web
browser running on a PC or laptop in your
home, so that you can follow our web-based
walk through. Once the system is set up, you do
not need a computer to be turned on and
running all the time; AlertMe is a
standalone appliance.
It's well worth doing a little planning in
advance about how you will use AlertMe to
protect your home, too. Read our guide here.
Please also read the Safety Advice for using
AlertMe and Regulatory Compliance pages
before you get started. Both of them contain
important safety information.
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Safety Advice for
using AlertMe
From Alertme
1 Interference
1.1 Pacemakers
1.2 Hearing aids
1.3 Other medical devices
2 Batteries
3 Customising Alertme
Alertme is designed to be extremely safe
and to meet and exceed European,
American and many other national
safety and radio emissions standards. In
normal circumstances, interference
should never be a problem for you.
However, please study the rest of this
section carefully. You may want to
check out our Regulatory Compliance
page for more information.
Pacemak er manufacturers recommend
that a minimum distance of 15 cm (6
inches) be maintained between any
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wireless product and a pacemaker to
avoid potential interference with the
pacemaker. If you have any reason to
suspect that interference is taking
place, ensure that you are at least this
distance from the unit.
Hearing aids
Some wireless devices may interfere
with some hearing aids. In the event of
such interference, you may wish to
consult your hearing aid manufacturer
to discuss alternatives.
Other medical devices
If you use any other personal medical
devices, consult the manufacturer of
your device to determine if it is
adequately shielded from external RF
CAUTION: All Accessories (except the
Lamp) each contain a user-replaceable
battery. Risk of explosion if battery is
incorrectly replaced. Replace only with
the same or equivalent type
recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to
the manufacturer's instructions. Never
use a battery that is damaged in any
Do not short-circuit the battery.
Accidental short-circuiting can occur
when a metallic object like a coin, clip
or pen causes a direct connection
between the + and terminals of the
battery (metal strips on the battery).
Short-circuiting the terminals may
damage the battery or the object
causing the short-circuiting.
Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.
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2 of 3 16/10/08 16:50
Custom ising Alertm e Accessories
We strongly advise you not to modify
your Alertme accessories. Our
accessories have all been certified to
international safety and radio emissions
standards. If you change or modify
them, you could lose all that protection.
In the US, you could even void your
authority from the FCC to use them.
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From Alertme
In the United States radio-frequency
equipment is regulated by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). The
following Alertme.com accessories are
defined by the FCC as Class B Digital
Devices and Intentional Radiators. Each
is subject to Certification by the FCC
and has a unique FCC Identifier:
[see FCC rules 15.3 (i) (k) (o) (z), 2.907,
Alarm Detector (FCC ID WJHAD11)
Window / Door sensor (FCC ID
Button (FCC ID WJHB11)
Lamp (FCC ID WJHL21)
Key Fob (FCC ID WJHKF11)
Motion Detector (FCC ID
Starter Hub (FCC ID WJHSH12)
The following statements contain
important information applying to
each of your Alertme accessories:
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This device com plies with Part 15
of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device m ay not
cause harm ful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any
interference received, including
interference that m ay cause
undesir ed operation.
[see FCC rule 15.19 (3) (5)]
Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by Alertme.com could void
your authority to operate this
[see FCC rule 15.21]
NOTE: This equipment has been tested
and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the
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2 of 3 16/10/08 16:51
following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving
Increase the separation between
the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an
outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an
experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
[see FCC rule 15.105 (b)]
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Installing the Hub
From Alertme
The Hub is the first part of your Kit to
be installed. It's in the box mark ed "1".
You'll find the hub power supply
underneath the Hub itself in that box,
along with an Ethernet cable.
Positioning the Hub
Your hub is the heart of the AlertMe
system in your home. As well as
communicating with the internet and
your mobile phone via your broadband
gateway, it manages the AlertMe radio
network in your home, and k eeps you
informed of events and status by
playing audio messages. It also lights up
white to tell you that all is well (if you
want it to!). You should bear these
various functions in mind when
choosing a location for your hub.
As well as being placed so that your
AlertMe hub can connect to your
broadband gateway and a mains power
socket, your hub should ideally be
placed somewhere central in your home,
such as a hallway or living room. This
will give you the best radio coverage in
your home, and also means you will be
able to hear any important audio
messages played by the hub. At the
same time, it is a good idea not to put
your hub and broadband gateway right
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next to each other - try to position them
somewhat apart if possible.
Your hub should be placed the right
way up, with the AlertMe logo on top,
and shouldn't have other items placed
on top of it. (The top of your hub may
get warm during operation.) Also, avoid
putting your hub anywhere which will
get very warm, such as an airing
To maximise the performance of your
hub, try not to put it in the middle of a
tangle of wires or in a cupboard. Also,
avoid placing it near any large metal
objects, such as radiators, boilers,
fridges and so on.
Connecting the Hub
If you are unsure about the connections
on the Hub, click here for a labelled
You should connect the Ethernet
cable between the sock et on the
back of the Hub, and a spare
Ethernet sock et on your broadband
router. For more information about
where this might be, or about
connecting your Hub to your broadband
router or to Ethernet sockets, click
You can position the Hub on any flat
surface, such as a shelf, desk , or the
floor. Don't put anything on top of it!
Next, connect the hub power supply
to the back of the Hub, and plug
the other end into a mains power
sock et. Your hub should light up; now
sign in to the Alertme secure website, if
you haven't already.
Note that your Hub power supply and
Ethernet cable are in the Hub
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packaging box, underneath the Hub!
Linking the Hub to your
AlertMe website account
If you have not already logged into the
AlertMe secure website, now would be a
good time to do so! If you have not
registered on the site, you will need to
do this now (it is likely that you will
have registered when you ordered your
Kit, though). There is more information
about registration here. If you are
having problems with the secure
website, click here.
Once you are logged in, it's tim e to
connect your Hub with your secure
website account. On the website, you
should automatically be tak en to the
right place in the install process, but if
not, go to the MySettings section (by
clicking on the icon at the top right).
You should now be in the online install
walk through. There will be a few
screens of information, which you
should read, before you need to do
You will, then, see a box where you
should type in your Hub ID Number.
This number is printed at the back of
the Hub, just above where the cables
plug in. The Hub ID consists of 3 letters
and 3 numbers. Once your Hub is
flashing red, on and off and on again,
it is ready to connect. Type the Hub ID
into the box on the website, and click
If your Hub is flashing oddly and
only on one side, click here for
If all has gone smoothly, the website
should now tell you that it is
communicating with your hub. If not,
click here for help.
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3 of 4 10/10/08 11:34
Excellent! Your hub is now in constant
contact with AlertMe.
You can now move onto Starting up the
Find out more about what the Hub is
and what it does here (leaving the
installation user guide - you might want
to open this page in another tab or
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Illustrated: Hub connections
From Alertme
Here you can see where to connect power and Ethernet cables to your Hub.
(If you are wondering where these cables are, they are in the Hub packaging
box, underneath the Hub!)
If you would like to watch a movie of this, click here.
Illustrated: Hub connections - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Illustrated:...
1 of 3 10/10/08 12:16
The SIM card is supplied fitted in your Hub and we recommend you don't
remove it. If you do, please put it back! Only AlertMe-supplied SIMs are
supported. When you replace it, it will only "click " into place one way
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Starting up the
From Alertme
All the rest of your AlertMe Kit, and
any extra Accessories you may have
bought, will communicate with the Hub
using a wireless network . Before you
position these items around your home,
you should introduce them to your Hub.
This process ensures that your AlertMe
Accessories only communicate securely
with your Hub, and no one else's
systems. It sets up an encrypted wireless
network around your home, and also
mak es sure that as you position the
Accessories, you are able to pick
locations where they can stay in
contact with the Hub.
Once your Hub is set up and you have
confirmed this on the secure website,
you can move on to the accessories. The
website will display a screen
showing num bers 2 to 7 (num ber 1
was your Hub!), and as you set up
each Accessory, an icon for that
Accessor y will appear. The numbers
correspond to the packaging, but you
can turn on the Accessories in any
Setting up the wireless
network between Accessories
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1 of 5 10/10/08 11:33
Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
and Hub
For each Accessory, you will turn it on,
and then position it right next to the
Hub so that the wireless network is set
up correctly. You will do this with all
your Accessories at once, and then move
on to the next stage of installation.
There's more information on how to
turn on each type of Accessory below.
Most Accessories (although not the
Lamp!) are turned on by putting in
their battery (see below). When you
first turn on any Accessory, it will
light up (every Accessory has a
light on it somewher e!). The light
will be off most of the tim e but will
"blink " twice every 4 seconds or so.
Once you bring the Accessory near
the Hub, or after a few m oments,
the light will turn off. This means
that the Accessory has successfully
found the Hub and is
com m unicating with it.
If you turn on an Accessory close to the
Hub, it may not light up for very long
at all before finding the Hub and
stopping blinking.
Once you have turned on your
Accessor ies, group them together
around the Hub, lik e ducklings
around the m other duck. When you
have finished, you should have a set of
Accessories with their lights turned off.
If any still have their lights turned on,
move them closer to the Hub and wait a
few minutes; if that doesn't help, click
You can check that all the Accessories
successfully found the Hub by checking
that the website is displaying the
correct number of each type of
Accessory. The Accessory page you are
currently look ing at on the website has
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2 of 5 10/10/08 11:33
a section for each type of Accessory,
illustrated with a number which
matches the packaging number for that
Accesory type. If any are missing, click
here. If all your Accessories are
present and cor rect on the website,
click on to the next page.
The r est of the installation is quite
straightforward. One by one, we
will go through each system or
service offered by AlertMe, and will
install the Accessories for that
service in tur n. For each Accessor y,
you will then position that
Accessor y in your home, with
guidance from its light as to wher e
is a good spot, and then you will
return to the website to give it a
nam e. The website will walk you
through the installation and test the
wireless network signal strength as you
position each Accessory, ensuring that
it will work well. The guidelines give
more information about Accessory
You can now move onto Installing the
Lamp system.
Turning on Accessories
The Lamp
The Lamp may go dark if you
unplug it from the mains, but
should light up after being
plugged in, and flash twice every 4
seconds or so for a short while.
(The Lamp power supply cable fits
into a little hole on the bottom of
the Lamp, which may contain a
plastic "bung" when you first
receive the Lamp - you'll need to
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3 of 5 10/10/08 11:33
remove this if you have one!) If the
light does not turn on at all, then
click here for help.
The Motion Sensor
To put in a battery, squeeze the
tabs on opposite sides of the
sensor, and lift off the front (see
here for pictures). The battery is
supplied by AlertMe in the Motion
Sensor box. Clip the back on the
sensor again when you have put
the battery in. If the light does not
turn on at all, then click here for
The Alarm Detector
To put in a battery, squeeze the
tabs on opposite sides of the
sensor, and lift off the front (see
here for pictures). The battery is
supplied by AlertMe in the Alarm
Detector box. Clip the back on the
detector again when you have put
the battery in. If the light does not
turn on at all, then click here for
The Door/Window Sensor
To put in a battery, squeeze the
tab mark ings on opposite sides of
the big part of the sensor, and use
them to lift off the front (see here
for pictures). The battery is
supplied by AlertMe in the
Door/Window Sensor box. Clip the
back on the sensor again when
you have put the battery in. If the
light does not turn on at all, then
click here for help.
The Keyfob
To put in a battery, insert a small
flat-bladed screwdriver into the
slot at the keyring end, and lever
up the top of the case, then slide it
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4 of 5 10/10/08 11:33
back away from the k eyring end
(see here for pictures). The battery
is supplied by AlertMe in the
Keyfob box. Clip the Keyfob
together again when you have put
the battery in. If the light does not
turn on at all, then click here for
The Button
To put in a battery, squeeze the
tabs on opposite sides of the
Button, and lift off the front (see
here for pictures). The battery is
supplied by AlertMe in the Button
box. Clip the back on the Button
again when you have put the
battery in. If the light does not
turn on at all, then click here for
Find out more about the ZigBee
network used by AlertMe, which you
have just set up, here (leaving the
installation user guide - you might want
to open this page in another tab or
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Categories: Installation | Lamp | Button
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Accessories | Kit | Security
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The Hub does not
seem to connect to
From Alertme
Make sure that your Hub is connected to your
broadband router via an Ethernet cable.
Make sure that the Hub is plugged into mains
power and that the mains socket is turned on!
Make sure the hub power cable is securely
plugged in.
Wait a few minutes - som etim es this stage
takes a little while, as AlertMe and your
home set up secure comm unications.
Your Hub will light up various colours after you
plug it in for the first time. It is ready to connect
to our servers when it is flashing red, on and off
and on again.
If you've waited over 5 minutes, please
Contact AlertMe for support and have your
Hub ID to hand.
If your hub is glowing pink continuously
...then you may need to reset it. You can reset
your Hub using a paperclip or similar pointy
object. There is a small hole on the bottom of the
Hub (smaller than the other holes! see the
pictures here - the reset switch is shown at the
bottom right). Insert your paperclip to press the
recessed reset button. The Hub should stop
glowing for a moment and then light up again;
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1 of 2 10/10/08 12:18
Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
check the power and Ethernet cables, and wait 5
minutes, then try again.
If you use MAC address filtering on your
broadband gateway...
then you may need to set up the Hub MAC
address on your gateway. If you type in your Hub
ID to the AlertMe website, and your Hub does not
connect (because you use MAC filtering), the
error message on the website will tell you the
Hub MAC address, so you can now enter it in
your broadband router configuration.
TalkTalk users, click here
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Getting started with
the Alarm Detector
From Alertme
What is it? What does it look lik e?
How do I start it up (how do I put the
battery in)?
Wher e in my hom e should I put it?
I can't see a flashing light on it
How do I stick it up in m y home?
What does the flashing light m ean,
whilst I'm installing it?
I can't get it to flash regularly every
second where I want to install it
What does the flashing light m ean,
when I'm testing it?
What is it?
The Alarm Detector is a way of connecting
your existing smok e or carbon monoxide
alarms to AlertMe. as part of the AlertMe
Emergency Alarm systems (Smoke Alarm
and Carbon Monoxide Alarm). It is battery
powered and look s like this:
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1 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
It work s by listening out for the noise of a
smoke alarm, or other alarm, going off; it
should be installed within 5cm of the alarm
it is to listen to. There's more info here.
How do I start it up?
To put in a battery, squeeze the tabs on
opposite sides of the sensor, and lift off the
front (see here for pictures or here for a
movie). The battery is supplied by AlertMe
in the Alarm Detector box. Clip the back
on the sensor again when you have put the
battery in. The light should then blink
twice every few seconds for a while; this
will stop once the Alarm Detector is
communicating with the Hub. If the light
does not turn on at all, then click here for
If it stops flashing, but does not appear on
the website as an icon, wait a few minutes.
If that doesn't work , try taking the battery
out for 10 seconds, replacing it, and
waiting another few minutes. If it still
doesn't appear, click here.
Where should I put it?
The Alarm Detector is a way of
connecting your existing smoke or
carbon monoxide alarm s to Aler tMe.
To add an existing alarm to the
AlertMe system, sim ply install an
Alarm Detector im m ediately next to
the alarm . When an alarm goes off, it
will mak e a sir en noise as usual, but
in addition you can receive phone calls
or text m essages through Aler tMe. You
should position your Alarm Detector within
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2 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
5cm of your existing smok e alarm, sticking
it next to the existing alarm on the ceiling
(or, possibly, wall).
You should also try to follow our general
Accessory positioning guidelines.
If you are having problems positioning it,
try reading our help on positioning.
I can't see a flashing
light on it
The light, when flashing, is in the position
of the green dot here:
When you first put the battery in, you
should expect to see the Alarm Detector
light blink twice every few seconds; the
light will go out once the Alarm Detector is
communicating with the Hub. The light
will come on again when this Alarm
Detector is selected for placement on the
website; then, it will flash regularly once a
second (if it is in a good position for the
Accessory to be installed), or it will blink
twice every few seconds (if it is not in a
good position). If you aren't placing this
Alarm Detector, it most likely will not be
flashing its light.
How do I stick it up?
Firstly, mak e sure you know how to use the
sticky pads! If you haven't already read the
instructions for these, do so now here.
Peel a sticky pad off the backing sheet, put
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3 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
it onto the back of the Alarm Detector and
press firmly for a few seconds. Then, peel
off the printed part of the cover sheet off
the pad you just stuck down, and press the
Alarm Detector against the surface you
want to stick it to firmly for a few seconds.
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
installing it?
When this Alarm Detector is selected for
placement on the website it will flash
regularly once a second (whilst it is in a
good position for the Accessory to be
installed), or it will blink twice every few
seconds (if it is not in a good position).
You should hold the Alarm Detector still in
the place you want to install it for about 5
seconds. If the light flashes regularly once
a second all that time, it is a good spot to
install it. If it doesn't, you should try
moving the Alarm Detector somewhat -
read our tips here.
I can't get it to flash
regularly where I want to
install it
Check you have followed our Accessory
positioning guidelines. For help with
getting Accessories to communicate with
your Hub all around your home, click here.
What does the flashing
light mean when I'm
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4 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
testing it?
Once you have installed your Alarm
Detector, the light will go out for the
remainder of the Alertme setup process.
When you reach the testing stage, the
light will come on whenever the Alarm
Detector detects the noise of the alarm
next to it. For more information about
testing, click here.
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Installing the
Alarm Detector
From Alertme
This Accessory is part of the
Emergency, or Smoke, Alarm system.
Questions about the Alarm
Detector? Click Getting started
with the Alarm Detector.
Where to put the Alarm
The Alarm Detector is a way of
connecting your existing smoke or
carbon monoxide alarm s to
AlertMe. To add an existing alarm
to the AlertMe system, sim ply
install an Alarm Detector
im m ediately next to the alarm .
When an alarm goes off, it will
m ake a siren noise as usual, but in
addition you can r eceive phone
calls or text m essages through
AlertMe. You should position your
Alarm Detector within 5cm of your
existing smoke alarm, sticking it next
to the existing alarm on the ceiling (or,
possibly, wall). There are general
guidelines about positioning AlertMe
Accessories here. For more information
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1 of 4 10/10/08 11:31
Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
about the Alarm Detector, click here.
Repeat the following instructions for
each Alarm Detector you have. It is a
good idea before you start to think
about which of your smok e and/or
carbon monoxide alarms you are going
to connect to your AlertMe system. (You
can buy more Alarm Detectors if you
need more.)
Positioning the Alarm Detector
in your home
All Alarm Detectors which you have not
yet set up should currently be near to
your Hub, and their lights should be off.
On the walkthrough page on AlertMe's
secure website you should now be able
to see all the Accessories you have not
yet set up, including the Alarm
Detector you are about to install. If you
click an Alarm Detector icon on
the website, you should see the
light on one of the Alarm Detectors
near your Hub start to flash on and
off r egularly. This is the one to
install now.
Take this Alarm Detector to wher e
ever you wish to put it. As you m ove
around your home, the light on
your Alarm Detector may continue
to flash every second, or the light
m ay start to blink twice every few
seconds. When the light is blink ing,
that means that you are not in a good
location to install your Alarm Detector,
as the radio signal is not good enough.
Don't panic! There are two reasons the
light might do this. One is that you are
in a slightly bad spot for the wireless
network ; you may find that moving the
sensor just a few inches one way or
another is all it takes to get to a better
place. If moving it around does not
work , try another location. If you
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2 of 4 10/10/08 11:31
cannot find a good spot anywhere near
there, it might be that you are out of
range of the Hub. Moving your Lamp
nearer to where you want to install this
sensor might be the answer - read more
about tweak ing your system for better
wireless network coverage.
As you position your Alarm
Detector, you should m ake sure you
select a location where the Alarm
Detector light is flashing
continuously. You may wish to place
the Alarm Detector somewhere, and
then watch it for 5 to 10 seconds to
ensure that it continues to flash,
confirming that this is a good position
where it can be in constant contact
with your Hub. Once you have found a
good spot, fix the Alarm Detector in
place with a sticky pad (r ead the
instructions first!).
If you have any problems with finding a
position for your Alarm Detector where
the light stays flashing, click here for
help. If you have any problems deciding
where to place the Alarm Detector, or
actually fixing it in place, click here.
Naming the Alarm Detector
Now you should have successfully
positioned the Alarm Detector in your
On the website, you can now name it in
the box. You can give the Alarm
Detector a name, such as Hallway
Smoke Alarm Detector or Landing
Carbon Monoxide Detector. The name is
entirely up to you!
(Later on, you will have the opportunity
to assign the Alarm Detector to a room
in your home, if you opt to set up Rooms
on the AlertMe secure website. For now,
you just need to give it a name.)
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3 of 4 10/10/08 11:31
Great! You have installed your Alarm
Find out more about what the Alarm
Detector is and what it does here
(leaving the installation user guide -
you might want to open this page in
another tab or window).
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Getting started
with the Button
From Alertme
What is it? What does it look lik e?
How do I start it up (how do I put
the battery in)?
Wher e in my hom e should I put it?
I can't see a flashing light on it
How do I stick it up in m y home?
What does the flashing light m ean,
whilst I'm installing it?
I can't get it to flash regularly every
second where I want to install it
What does the flashing light m ean,
when I'm testing it?
What is it?
The Button is quite simply a button!
You can use it to provide an input to
your AlertMe system for many different
reasons. Most likely, your Button will
become your AlertMe Doorbell; we will
offer more Button functions soon. It is
battery powered and looks lik e this:
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Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
There's more info here.
How do I start it up?
To put in a battery, squeeze the tabs on
opposite sides of the sensor and lift off
the front (see here for pictures or here
for a movie). The battery is supplied by
AlertMe in the Button box. Clip the
back on the sensor again when you
have put the battery in. The light
should then blink twice every few
seconds for a while; this will stop once
the Button is communicating with the
Hub. If the light does not turn on at all,
then click here for help.
If it stops flashing, but does not appear
on the website as an icon, wait a few
minutes. If that doesn't work , try
taking the battery out for 10 seconds,
replacing it, and waiting another few
minutes. If it still doesn't appear, click
Where should I put it?
If your Button is to be an AlertMe
Doorbell, then you should place it
where you would put a doorbell! If you
are going to use your Button for
something else, then it should be clear
where you would want it for that
You should also try to follow our general
Accessory positioning guidelines.
If you are having problems positioning
it, try reading our help on positioning.
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2 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
I can't see a flashing
light on it
When the Button flashes its light, the
whole of the orange ring on the front
will light up!
When you first put the battery in, you
should expect to see the Button light
blink twice every few seconds; the light
will go out once the Button is
communicating with the Hub. The light
will come on again when this Button is
selected for placement on the website;
then, it will flash regularly once a
second (if it is in a good position for the
Accessory to be installed), or it will
blink twice every few seconds (if it is
not in a good position). If you aren't
placing this Button, it most lik ely will
not be flashing its light.
How do I stick it up?
Firstly, mak e sure you know how to use
the sticky pads! If you haven't already
read the instructions for these, do so
now here.
Peel a sticky pad off the backing sheet,
put it onto the back of the Button and
press firmly for a few seconds. Then,
peel off the printed part of the cover
sheet off the pad you just stuck down,
and press the Button against the
surface you want to stick it to firmly for
a few seconds. Done!
With the Button, you have the
alternative of using screws to fix the
Button to a wall. There are special
guide circles on the back part of the
Button where you could punch through
in order to use screws; these should be
obvious if you lift off the front of the
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3 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
Button as if you were changing the
battery. Screw the back plate onto your
wall, then simply clip the front part
back on.
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
installing it?
When this Button is selected for
placement on the website it will flash
regularly once a second (whilst it is in a
good position for the Accessory to be
installed), or it will blink twice every
few seconds (if it is not in a good
You should hold the Button still in the
place you want to install it for about 5
seconds. If the light flashes regularly
once a second all that time, it is a good
spot to install it. If it doesn't, you should
try moving the Button somewhat - read
our tips here.
I can't get it to flash
regularly where I want
to install it
Check you have followed our Accessory
positioning guidelines. For help with
getting Accessories to communicate
with your Hub all around your home,
click here.
What does the flashing
light mean when I'm
testing it?
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4 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
Once you have installed your Button,
the light will go out for the remainder
of the Alertme setup process. When you
reach the testing stage, the light will
come on whenever the Button is
pressed. For more information about
testing, click here.
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Installing the Button
From Alertme
Before you start here, you should have installed your
Hub, prepared all your Accessories by turning them
on and bonding them with the Hub, and installed the
Lamp (or all your Lamps if you are luck y enough to
have more than one!). If you have more Lamps to set
up, click here to go back and install them.
Where to put the Button
The Button can be used for many things! For
now, we recomm end that you choose one of our
m ain options, such as Door bell. You can always
change the function of your Button later on, but
it is a good idea to pick something for it now,
before you comm it to placing it som ewhere in
your hom e. There are general guidelines about
positioning AlertMe Accessories here. For more
information about the Button, click here.
The Button may, if you prefer, be attached to your
home using screws rather than sticky pads. Read
more about this here.
Repeat the following instructions for each Button you
Positioning the Button in your home
All Buttons which you have not yet set up should
currently be near to your Hub, and their lights should
be off.
On the walk through page on AlertMe's secure website
you should now be able to see all the Accessories you
have not yet set up, including the Button you are
about to install. If you drag a Button icon on the
website to the box on the right hand side, you
should see the light on one of the Buttons near
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1 of 3 10/10/08 11:31
Text messages
Wireless network
your Hub start to flash on and off regularly. This
is the one to install now.
Tak e this Button to wher e ever you wish to put it.
As you m ove ar ound your hom e, the light on
your Button may continue to flash, or the light
m ay start to blink twice every few seconds. When
the light is blinking, that means that you are not in
a good location to install your Button, as the radio
signal is not good enough. Don't panic! There are two
reasons the light might do this. One is that you are in
a slightly bad spot for the wireless network ; you may
find that moving the button just a few inches one way
or another is all it takes to get to a better place. If
moving it around does not work , try another location.
If you cannot find a good spot anywhere near there, it
might be that you are out of range of the Hub. Moving
your Lamp nearer to where you want to install this
button might be the answer - read more about
tweaking your system for better wireless network
As you position your Button, you should m ake
sure you select a location where the Button light
is flashing continuously. You may wish to place the
Button somewhere, and then watch it for 5 to 10
seconds to ensure that it continues to flash,
confirming that this is a good position where it can
be in constant contact with your Hub. Once you have
found a good spot, fix the Button in place with a
sticky pad (read the instructions fir st!).
If you have any problems with finding a position for
your Button where the light stays flashing, click here
for help. If you have any problems deciding where to
place the Button, or actually fixing it in place, click
Naming the Button
Now you should have successfully positioned the
Button in your home.
On the website, click OK to say you have positioned
your Button; you can now name it in the box. You can
give the Button a name, such as Master Bedroom
Panic Button or Kitchen Doorbell. The name is
entirely up to you; by default your Button is just given
a number, such as Button 1, for the first Button, or
"Doorbell 1" if you decided to mak e it a doorbell.
(Later on, you will have the opportunity to assign the
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2 of 3 10/10/08 11:31
Button to a room in your home, if you opt to set up
Rooms on the AlertMe secure website. For now, you
just need to give it a name.)
Great! You have installed your Button. You can install
further Buttons now, or move onto
Find out more about what the Button is and what it
does here (leaving the installation user guide - you
might want to open this page in another tab or
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Getting started
with the Keyfob
From Alertme
What is it? What does it look lik e?
How do I start it up (how do I put
the battery in)?
What should I call it? What is a
good nam e for a Keyfob?
I can't see a flashing light on it
What does the flashing light m ean,
whilst I'm nam ing it?
What does the flashing light m ean,
when I'm testing it?
What is the sm all thingy in the box
with m y Keyfob?
What is it?
The Keyfob is used to control the
AlertMe Intruder Alarm system, by
blipping your home whenever you go in,
or out. The big button is used when you
return Home, and the small button
when you go Away. This affects how the
Intruder Alarm and Emergency Alarms
work - when you are At Home, the
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Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
Motion Sensors do not trigger an
alarm, for example, but when you are
Away they do. You can also set different
doorbell sounds for whether you are at
home or not, and get notifications when
other family members go out, or come
back home - even if you are not at home
yourself! The Keyfob is battery powered
and look s lik e this:
You can hang it on your keyring!
There's more info here.
How do I start it up?
To put in a battery, insert a small
flat-bladed screwdriver into the slot at
the keyring end, and lever up the top of
the case, then slide it back away from
the keyring end (see here for pictures
or here for a movie). The battery is
supplied by AlertMe in the Keyfob box.
Clip the Keyfob together again when
you have put the battery in. The light
should then blink twice every few
seconds for a while; this will stop once
the Keyfob is communicating with the
Hub. If the light does not turn on at all,
then click here for help.
If it stops flashing, but does not appear
on the website as an icon, wait a few
minutes. If that doesn't work , try
taking the battery out for 10 seconds,
replacing it, and waiting another few
minutes. If it still doesn't appear, click
If your AlertMe Keyfob came with a
special tool in the Keyfob box, you can
use that to open it - click here.
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2 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
What should I call it?
You should give each Keyfob the name
of the person who will k eep it. So, if one
Keyfob will belong to Billy, call the
Keyfob "Billy" here on the website.
Then, AlertMe can show you who is at
home at any given time, and can tell
you who set the alarm when they left
the house, and so on.
I can't see a flashing
light on it
The light, when flashing, is in the
position of the green dot here:
When you first put the battery in, you
should expect to see the Keyfob light
blink twice every few seconds; the light
will go out once the Keyfob is
communicating with the Hub. The light
will come on again when this Keyfob is
selected for naming on the website. If
you aren't naming this Keyfob, it most
likely will not be flashing its light.
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
naming it?
When this Keyfob is selected for naming
on the website it will flash regularly
once a second (whilst it is in a good
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3 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
position to be used), or it will blink
twice every few seconds (if it is not in a
good position, and cannot communicate
with the Hub).
What does the flashing
light mean when I'm
testing it?
Once you have installed your Keyfob,
the light will go out for the remainder
of the Alertme setup process. When you
reach the testing stage, the light will
come on whenever either Keyfob button
is pressed. For more information about
testing, click here.
What is the little
thingy in the box with
my Keyfob?
In some cases you may find a small
plastic bag inside the Keyfob box, which
contains a little metal tag. This tag can
be used to open the Keyfob (just insert
the small end into the slot in the
Keyfob, and twist the tag). If the tag is
big enough, you may wish to use it on
the Keyfob keyring, writing on it to
label which Keyfob this is. (There are
two versions of the tag - tiny, and
If you have a trial/beta version of
AlertMe, then you probably won't find
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Installing the
From Alertme
Before you start here, you should have
installed your Hub, started up all your
Accessories by turning them on and
bonding them with the Hub, and
installed the Lamp, the Doorbell, and
the Intruder Alarm.
The Keyfob is the main way of
controlling the behaviour of your
AlertMe system day to day. With its
two buttons, you can tell Aler tMe
whether you are At Home or Away
sim ply by blipping the Keyfob as
you enter or leave your hom e. The
two behaviour s affect how the
Intruder Alarm and Em er gency
Alarm s work - when you are At
Home, the Motion Sensors do not
trigger an alarm , for exam ple, but
when you are Away they do. You can
also set differ ent doorbell sounds
for whether you are at hom e or not.
For more information about the Keyfob,
click here.
Questions about the Keyfob? Click
Getting started with the Keyfob.
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1 of 2 10/10/08 11:34
Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
Naming the Keyfob
On the walkthrough page on AlertMe's
secure website you should now be able
to see all the Accessories you have not
yet set up, including the Keyfob you are
about to set up. Your Keyfobs should be
near your Hub with their lights turned
off. If you click a Keyfob icon on the
website, you should see the light on
one of the Keyfobs near your Hub
start to flash on and off regularly.
This is the one to name now.
You should now be able to give the
Keyfob a name in the box. You can give
the Keyfob a name, such as Fred; it is
best to give a Keyfob the name of the
person who will carry the Keyfob. If you
are not giving the Keyfob to someone at
this point, you might want to name a
Keyfob "Spare", or "Kitchen Drawer".
When you've named all your Keyfobs,
you can now move on to Installing the
Emergency Alarm.
Find out more about what the Keyfob is
and what it does here (leaving the
installation user guide - you might want
to open this page in another tab or
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Getting started
with the Lamp
From Alertme
What is it? What does it look lik e?
How do I start it up? Where should I
plug it in?
Wher e in my hom e should I put it?
I can't see a flashing light on it
What does the flashing light m ean,
whilst I'm installing it?
I can't get it to flash regularly every
second where I want to install it
What does the flashing light m ean,
when I'm testing it?
What is it?
As well as providing light, the Lamp
acts as a wireless signal booster to
ensure that your AlertMe system works
reliably throughout your home. We will
be adding more Lamp functions soon. It
is mains powered and comes with its
own power supply; it also contains a
battery backup to k eep it running, but
you don't need to fit that battery
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Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
yourself. It look s lik e this:
Nice, isn't it? There's more info here.
How do I start it up?
Plug the Lamp power supply into a
mains power socket, somewhere near
the Hub, and plug the power supply
cable into the Lamp (click here for a
movie showing this). Then press the
Button on the base of the Lam p
The light should then blink twice every
few seconds for a while; this will stop
once the Lamp is communicating with
the Hub. The Lamp may go dark if you
unplug it from the mains, but will work
fine when plugged in again (this is
because the backup battery inside it
may not be fully charged yet). If the
light does not turn on at all, then click
here for help.
The Lamp power connector may be a
little tricky to plug into the Lamp, but
don't worry, you won't break it.
If your Lamp does not light up at
all, click here.
Where should I put it?
You should position your lamp
som ewhere you will enjoy it, but
also som ewher e not too close to
Getting started with the Lamp - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
2 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
your Hub. Putting the Lamp in
another r oom , or on another floor,
of your home, is ideal. The Lamp
needs to be plugged into a mains
power socket.
You should also try to follow our general
Accessory positioning guidelines.
If you are having problems positioning
it, try reading our help on positioning.
I can't see a flashing
light on it
When the Lamp flashes its light, the
whole top of the Lamp should flash blue!
It may be hard to see this in a brightly
lit room.
When you first plug it in, you should
expect to see the Lamp light blink twice
every few seconds; the light will go out
once the Lamp is communicating with
the Hub. The light will come on again
when this Lamp is selected for
placement on the website; then, it will
flash regularly once a second (if it is in
a good position for the Accessory to be
installed), or it will blink twice every
few seconds (if it is not in a good
position). If you aren't placing this
Lamp, it most likely will not be flashing
its light. It m ay also stop flashing, or
go dim , if it is unplugged; it should
start again without problem s if you
plug it back in. (AlertMe Lamps
contain backup batteries to k eep them
running, but these may not be fully
charged when you start off installing
your Kit.)
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
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3 of 5 10/10/08 11:59
installing it?
When this Lamp is selected for
placement on the website it will flash
regularly once a second (whilst it is in a
good position for the Accessory to be
installed), or it will blink twice every
few seconds (if it is not in a good
You should hold the Lamp still in the
place you want to install it for about 5
seconds. If the light flashes regularly
once a second all that time, it is a good
spot to install it. If it doesn't, you should
try moving the Lamp somewhat - read
our tips here.
I can't get it to flash
regularly where I want
to install it
Check you have followed our Accessory
positioning guidelines. For help with
getting Accessories to communicate
with your Hub all around your home,
click here.
What does the flashing
light mean when I'm
testing it?
Once you have installed your Lamp, the
light will go out for the remainder of
the Alertme setup process. When you
reach the testing stage, the light may
come on. Lamp functions are currently
under development by AlertMe. For
more information about testing, click
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Installing the
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Before you start here, you should have
installed your Hub and started up all
your Accessories by turning them on
and bonding them with the Hub.
Where to put the Lamp
As well as providing light, the Lamp
acts as a wireless signal booster to
ensure that your AlertMe system works
reliably throughout your home. For
more information about the Lamp, click
You should position your lamp
som ewhere you will enjoy it, but
also som ewher e not too close to
your Hub. Putting the Lamp in
another r oom , or on another floor,
of your home, is ideal. The Lamp
needs to be plugged into a mains
power socket. There are general
guidelines about positioning AlertMe
Accessories here. If you are having
problems positioning your Lamp, or any
other Accessory, click here.
If you have multiple Lamps to install,
simply follow these instructions for each
Lamp in turn.
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Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
Positioning the Lamp in your
The Lamp you are about to install
should currently be near to your Hub.
On the walkthrough page on AlertMe's
secure website you should now be able
to see all of the Lamps you have,
including the one you are about to
install. If you drag a Lamp icon on
the website to the box on the r ight
hand side, you should see the Lamp
in your home near your Hub start to
flash on and off regularly. This is
the Lamp to install now, if you have
m ore than one.
If your Lamp does not flash at all,
please read our help page her e.
Bear in mind that although your Lamp
has a battery in to keep it running when
the mains power goes out, it may not
yet be fully charged if you only recently
plugged in the Lamp for the first time. If
the light goes out it may be lack of
power, not that you are out of range.
Try plugging in the mains and waiting
5-10 seconds rather than watching the
light as you walk around your home, to
position the Lamp.
You can unplug your Lam p now and
carry it, with its power supply, to
where ever you wish to put it. As you
m ove around your home, your lam p
m ay continue to flash, or the light
m ay go out. When the light is blink ing
twice every few seconds, that means
that you are not in a good location to
install your Lamp, as the radio signal is
not good enough. Don't panic! There
are two reasons the lamp might do this.
One is that you are in a slightly bad
spot for the wireless network; you may
find that moving the sensor just a few
inches one way or another is all it
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2 of 4 10/10/08 11:32
takes to get to a better place. If moving
it around does not work , try another
location. If you cannot find a good spot
anywhere near there, it might be that
you are out of range of the Hub. If you
cannot find a good spot for your lamp,
read more about how to fix any issues
with the wireless network.
As you position your Lamp, you should
mak e sure you select a location where
the Lamp is flashing regularly all the
time. You may wish to place the
Lam p, connect it to m ains power,
and then watch it for 5 to 10
seconds to ensure that it continues to
flash, confirming that this is a good
position for the Lamp where it can be
in constant contact with your Hub. If
you have any problems with finding a
position for your Lamp where the light
stays flashing, click here for help.
Naming the Lamp
Now you should have successfully
positioned the Lamp in your home.
On the website, click OK to say you
have positioned your Lamp; you can now
name your Lamp in the box. You can
give the Lamp a name, such as First
Floor Night Light, or AlertMe Status
Lamp. The name is entirely up to you,
and may reflect the use of your lamp, or
the location of the lamp, or anything
else! (Feel free to call your Lamp Bob, if
you like.) By default your Lamp is called
Lamp 1, if you just have the one Lamp.
(Later on, you will have the opportunity
to assign the Lamp to a room in your
home, if you opt to set up Rooms on the
AlertMe secure website. For now, you
just need to give it a name.)
Great! You have installed your Lamp.
You can install another Lamp now if
Installing the Lamp - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_th...
3 of 4 10/10/08 11:32
you have one, or move onto Setting up
the Keyfob.
Find out more about what the Lamp is
and what it does here (leaving the
installation user guide - you might want
to open this page in another tab or
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Getting started
with the Motion
From Alertme
What is it? What does it look lik e?
How do I start it up (how do I put the
battery in)?
Wher e in my hom e should I put it?
I can't see a flashing light on it
How do I stick it up in m y home?
What does the flashing light m ean,
whilst I'm installing it?
I can't get it to flash regularly every
second where I want to install it
What does the flashing light m ean,
when I'm testing it?
What is it?
The Motion Sensor detects activity in your
home, as part of the AlertMe Intruder
Alarm. It is battery powered and look s lik e
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Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
It look s out across your home from a
vantage point near the top of a wall.
There's more info here.
How do I start it up?
To put in a battery, squeeze the tabs on
opposite sides of the sensor, and lift off the
front (see here for pictures or here for a
movie). The battery is supplied by AlertMe
in the Motion Sensor box. Clip the back
on the sensor again when you have put
the battery in. The light should then
blink twice every few seconds for a while;
this will stop once the Motion Sensor is
communicating with the Hub. If the light
does not turn on at all, then click here
for help.
If it stops flashing, but does not appear on
the website as an icon, wait a few
minutes. If that doesn't work , try taking
the battery out for 10 seconds, replacing
it, and waiting another few minutes. If it
still doesn't appear, click here.
Where should I put it?
Motion Sensors protect areas you think an
intruder might walk through - they are
good in hallways, for example. They are
also excellent for monitoring areas where
there are many external access points
(doors and windows), where a lot of
Door/Window Sensors would be needed.
The Motion Sensor can be used to
check for activity in a room or area
in your home. The Motion Sensor is
Getting started with the Motion Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
2 of 5 10/10/08 11:58
designed for use indoors. A hallway,
or in a ground floor r oom pointing
towards a door , are good choices. You
should position it so that it has a good
view across the area you want to
protect, but try to position your
Motion Detector so that it points away
from windows or exter ior doors. Your
AlertMe Motion Sensor will sense motion
in a range up to 10m. Make sure you put
the Motion Detector the right way up!
Bear in mind that the Motion Detector
may detect medium to large pets.
You have the choice of positioning the
Motion Sensor flat on one wall, or on a
corner between two walls. These two
options are illustrated here, which also
shows the "right way up"!
You should also try to follow our general
Accessory positioning guidelines.
If you are having problems positioning it,
try reading our help on positioning.
I can't see a flashing
light on it
The light, when flashing, is in the
position of the green dot here:
When you first put the battery in, you
should expect to see the Motion Sensor
light blink twice every few seconds; the
light will go out once the Motion Sensor is
communicating with the Hub. The light
will come on again when this Motion
Sensor is selected for placement on the
website; then, it will flash regularly once
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3 of 5 10/10/08 11:58
a second (if it is in a good position for the
Accessory to be installed), or it will blink
twice every few seconds (if it is not in a
good position). If you aren't placing this
Motion Sensor, it most lik ely will not be
flashing its light.
How do I stick it up?
You have the choice of positioning the
Motion Sensor flat on one wall, or on a
corner between two walls. These two
options are illustrated here.
Firstly, mak e sure you know how to use
the sticky pads! If you haven't already
read the instructions for these, do so now
Peel a sticky pad off the backing sheet,
put it onto the back of the Motion Sensor
and press firmly for a few seconds. Then,
peel off the printed part of the cover sheet
off the pad you just stuck down, and press
the Motion Sensor against the surface you
want to stick it to firmly for a few seconds.
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
installing it?
When this Motion Sensor is selected for
placement on the website it will flash
regularly once a second (whilst it is in a
good position for the Accessory to be
installed), or it will blink twice every few
seconds (if it is not in a good position).
You should hold the Motion Sensor still in
the place you want to install it for about 5
seconds. If the light flashes regularly once
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4 of 5 10/10/08 11:58
a second all that time, it is a good spot to
install it. If it doesn't, you should try
moving the Motion Sensor somewhat -
read our tips here.
I can't get it to flash
regularly where I want to
install it
Check you have followed our Accessory
positioning guidelines. For help with
getting Accessories to communicate with
your Hub all around your home, click
What does the flashing
light mean when I'm
testing it?
Once you have installed your Motion
Sensor, the light will go out for the
remainder of the Alertme setup process.
When you reach the testing stage, the
light will come on whenever the Motion
Sensor detects activity. For more
information about testing, click here.
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Installing the
Motion Sensor
From Alertme
This Accessory is installed as part of the
Intruder Alarm.
Questions about the Motion Sensor?
Click Getting started with the
Motion Sensor .
Where to put the Motion
The Motion Sensor can be used to
check for activity in a room or area
in your home. The Motion Sensor is
designed for use indoors. A hallway,
or in a ground floor r oom pointing
towards a door , are good choices.
You should position it so that it has
a good view across the area you want
to pr otect, but try to position your
Motion Detector so that it points
away from windows or exterior
doors. Your AlertMe Motion Sensor will
sense motion in a range up to 10m.
Make sure you put the Motion Detector
the right way up! Bear in mind that
the Motion Detector may detect medium
to large pets.
You have the choice of positioning the
Motion Sensor flat on one wall, or on a
corner between two walls. These two
options are illustrated here.
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Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
There are general guidelines about
positioning AlertMe Accessories here.
For more information about the Motion
Sensor, click here.
Repeat the following instructions
for each Motion Sensor you have. It
is a good idea before you start to
think about where you will install
each of your sensors to best secur e
your hom e.
Positioning the Motion Sensor
in your home
All Motion Sensors which you have not
yet set up should currently be near to
your Hub, and their lights should be off.
On the walkthrough page on AlertMe's
secure website you should now be able
to see all the Accessories you have not
yet set up, including the Motion Sensor
you are about to install. If you click a
Motion Sensor icon, you should see
the light on one of the Motion
Sensors near your Hub start to flash
on and off regularly. This is the one
to install now.
Take this Motion Sensor to where
ever you wish to put it. As you m ove
around your home, the light on
your Motion Sensor may continue to
flash r egularly, or the light may
start to blink twice every few
seconds. When the light is blink ing,
that means that you are not in a good
location to install your Motion Sensor,
as the radio signal is not good enough.
Don't panic! There are two reasons the
light might do this. One is that you are
in a slightly bad spot for the wireless
network ; you may find that moving the
sensor just a few inches one way or
another is all it takes to get to a better
place. If moving it around does not
work , try another location. If you
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2 of 4 10/10/08 11:32
cannot find a good spot anywhere near
there, it might be that you are out of
range of the Hub. Moving your Lamp
nearer to where you want to install this
sensor might be the answer - read more
about tweak ing your system for better
wireless network coverage.
As you position your Motion Sensor ,
you should m ake sure you select a
location wher e the Motion Sensor
light is flashing continuously. You
may wish to place the Motion Sensor
somewhere, and then watch it for 5 to
10 seconds to ensure that it continues
to flash, confirming that this is a good
position where it can be in constant
contact with your Hub. Once you have
found a good spot, fix the Motion
Sensor in place with a sticky pad
(read the instructions fir st!).
If you have any problems with finding a
position for your Motion Sensor where
the light stays flashing, click here for
help. If you have any problems deciding
where to place the Motion Sensor, or
actually fixing it in place, click here.
Naming the Motion Sensor
Now you should have successfully
positioned the Motion Sensor in your
On the website, you can now name it in
the box. You can give the Motion Sensor
a name, such as Hallway Motion
(Later on, you will have the opportunity
to assign the Motion Sensor to a room
in your home, if you opt to set up Rooms
on the AlertMe secure website. For now,
you just need to give it a name.)
Great! You have installed your Motion
Installing the Motion Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_t...
3 of 4 10/10/08 11:32
Find out more about what the Motion
Sensor is and what it does here
(leaving the installation user guide -
you might want to open this page in
another tab or window).
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Illustrated: Positioning the Motion
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with the
From Alertme
What is it? What does it look lik e?
How do I start it up (how do I put
the battery in)?
Wher e in my hom e should I put it?
I can't see a flashing light on it
How do I stick it up in m y home?
What does the flashing light m ean,
whilst I'm installing it?
I can't get it to flash regularly every
second where I want to install it
What does the flashing light m ean,
when I'm testing it?
What is it?
The Door/Window Sensor detects
whether a door, window, or other thing
is Open or Closed, as part of the
Getting started with the Door/Window Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
1 of 6 10/10/08 11:59
Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
AlertMe Intruder Alarm system. As well
as alerting you to intruders, this check s
that you've shut all your doors and
windows before going out! The
Door/Window Sensor is battery powered
and look s lik e this:
The big part is the main sensor, and
the little part is a magnet. It work s by
detecting if the two parts are very close
together (meaning the door, or window,
is shut), or far apart (meaning it is
open!). There's more info here.
How do I start it up?
To put in a battery, squeeze the tabs on
opposite sides of the big part of the
sensor, and lift off the front (see here
for pictures or here for a movie). The
battery is supplied by AlertMe in the
Door/Window Sensor box. Clip the back
on the sensor again when you have put
the battery in. The light should then
blink twice every few seconds for a
while; this will stop once the
Door/Window Sensor is communicating
with the Hub. If the light does not turn
on at all, then click here for help.
If it stops flashing, but does not appear
on the website as an icon, wait a few
minutes. If that doesn't work , try
taking the battery out for 10 seconds,
replacing it, and waiting another few
minutes. If it still doesn't appear, click
Where should I put it?
Getting started with the Door/Window Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
2 of 6 10/10/08 11:59
The Door/Window Sensor detects
whether a door, window, or other
thing is Open or Closed. The sensor
has two parts - a larger part, into
which the battery is placed, and a
smaller part (which is actually a
magnet). The Door/Window Sensor is
designed for use indoors but it can be
used on external windows or doors,
providing that the larger part is
normally indoors. You can use the
Door/Window Sensor to check whether
ground floor exterior doors and large
windows are open or closed (especially
helpful when combined with AlertMe's
warning if you leave your home set to
"Away" without closing everything!).
The larger part of the sensor is
usually placed on the door or
window frame, and the smaller
m agnet placed on the door or
window itself; the two parts m ust be
parallel to each other, and as close
to touching as you can place them ,
without stopping the m oving part
from opening smoothly. Each part of
the sensor has a pair of little lines on
one side; you should install the sensor
with those sides with the little lines
next to each other . This is illustrated
in the bottom half of this page. Try to
leave at least a centimetre or so of
em pty space at either end of the
Door/Window Sensor.
Check out the pictures!
If you have UPVC windows or other
windows with bevelled or angled
edges click here.
You should also try to follow our general
Accessory positioning guidelines.
If you are having problems positioning
it, try reading our help on positioning.
Getting started with the Door/Window Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
3 of 6 10/10/08 11:59
I can't see a flashing
light on it
The light, when flashing, is in the
position of the green dot here:
When you first put the battery in, you
should expect to see the Door/Window
Sensor light blink twice every few
seconds; the light will go out once the
Door/Window Sensor is communicating
with the Hub. The light will come on
again when this Door/Window Sensor is
selected for placement on the website;
then, it will flash regularly once a
second (if it is in a good position for the
Accessory to be installed), or it will
blink twice every few seconds (if it is
not in a good position). If you aren't
placing this Door/Window Sensor, it
most lik ely will not be flashing its light.
How do I stick it up?
Firstly, mak e sure you know how to use
the sticky pads! If you haven't already
read the instructions for these, do so
now here.
Peel a sticky pad off the backing sheet,
put it onto the back of the
Door/Window Sensor and press firmly
for a few seconds. Then, peel off the
printed part of the cover sheet off the
pad you just stuck down, and press the
Door/Window Sensor against the
surface you want to stick it to firmly for
a few seconds. If you lik e, you can use
Getting started with the Door/Window Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
4 of 6 10/10/08 11:59
two stick y pads, one at either end of
the sensor.
For the magnet we supply special, small
sticky pads, which you use in the same
way as the big ones.
Check out the pictures!
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
installing it?
When this Door/Window Sensor is
selected for placement on the website it
will flash regularly once a second
(whilst it is in a good position for the
Accessory to be installed), or it will
blink twice every few seconds (if it is
not in a good position).
You should hold the Door/Window
Sensor still in the place you want to
install it for about 5 seconds. If the
light flashes regularly once a second all
that time, it is a good spot to install it.
If it doesn't, you should try moving the
Door/Window Sensor somewhat - read
our tips here.
I can't get it to flash
regularly where I want
to install it
Check you have followed our Accessory
positioning guidelines. For help with
getting Accessories to communicate
with your Hub all around your home,
click here.
What does the flashing
Getting started with the Door/Window Sensor - Alertme http://wiki.alertme.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_star...
5 of 6 10/10/08 11:59
light mean when I'm
testing it?
Once you have installed your
Door/Window Sensor, the light will go
out for the remainder of the Alertme
setup process. When you reach the
testing stage, the light will come on
whenever the Door/Window Sensor
detects whatever it is stuck to opening.
For more information about testing,
click here.
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Using the sticky pads
From Alertme
We provide plenty of sticky pads for you to fix AlertMe accessories around
your home. These are special pads from TESA. Please note that sticky pads
only come in two types - big (most of your Accessories) and small (for the
magnet of your Door/Window Sensor). You don't need to worry about getting
mixed up about which are for what accessories! :)
1 Why use the sticky pads provided, rather than any others?
2 Using the Sticky Pads - the Movie
3 Sticking an Accessory in place
4 Removing an Accessory
5 If you have any problems...
Why use the sticky pads provided, rather than any others?
Because the special AlertMe-provided sticky pads not only secure your
Accessor ies firm ly to your home, but also can be rem oved cleanly
without damaging your decor , if you follow the instructions!
Using the Sticky Pads - the Movie
Click here (http://www.alertme.com/videos/stickies.mov) to watch a Quicktime
movie about how to use the sticky pads.
Sticking an Accessory in place
There is a sheet of sticky pads in the box with each Accessory. This should
mean you have enough to stick up the Accessory, with a couple left over in
case you make a mistake, or want to move the Accessory later.
Mak e sure that both the Accessory you want to stick in place, and the
surface you are sticking it to, are both clean and dry. When you are
picking a location, try to m ake sure you stick the Accessory down so
that you can reach the clips that enable you to open the case and
replace the battery! If you are installing a Button, bear in mind that you
can instead use screws to fix this to your home if you prefer (read more here).
Peel a sticky pad off the back ing paper and place onto the back of the
Accessory, pressing firm ly for 5 seconds. Do not remove the clear strips
from the end of the tab.
Then, simply peel off the printed cover sheet, and stick the Accessory to
your wall, doorframe, etc, m aking sure that the tab is som ewher e you
can r each it later on, and where you can pull it along the surface
away from the Accessory for a few cm at least (see below for why you
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1 of 4 10/10/08 12:16
should do this!). Hold in place, pressing firmly down, for 5 seconds.
Removing an Accessory
Grip the Accessory firmly with one hand (without pressing it against the
surface it is stuck to). Then, with the other hand, hold on the tab sticking
out from the sticky pad, and pull firmly parallel to the surface the pad is
stuck to. Keep pulling as it stretches out! It will stretch a long way, but
eventually will unstick, leaving no mark on your decor. Do not pull the
Accessor y away fr om the surface!
You cannot reuse sticky pads. AlertMe supplies plenty of spares with each
Kit; if you need more, contact us.
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If you have any problems...
Please read our sticky pad help page!
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Installing new
From Alertme
If your AlertMe system is already up and
running, and you buy new Accessories,
this is how to set them up.
Firstly, sign in to the secure website
and click MySettings at the top right.
Then click the Accessories tab.
At the top right you should see an "Add
Accessory" link. Click this, and follow
the instructions!
Note that you may see your existing
Accessories again during this process in
some cases, and may need to rename
them. If you have any problems or
concerns please Contact AlertMe for
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Our terms and conditions, warranty
and privacy policy are all included in
our Service Terms and Conditions
//index.php?pid=tariffterms) .
AlertMe equipment
Read the Specifications, including how
water-resistant AlertMe Kit is, our
Regulatory Compliance, and so on.
We also provide Safety Advice for using
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