Cobra Electronics ESD6060 Radar/ Laser Detector - 6 Band User Manual users manual
Cobra Electronics Corporation Radar/ Laser Detector - 6 Band users manual
- 1. users manual
- 2. users manual statement
users manual
VIE ' Nothing comes close to a CobraTM Important Information Important information about... Peck"! laws Guttering the U” of Roda Mortars It is not against federal law to receive radar transmissions with your Cobra0 radar detector, The Communications Act of 1924 guarantees your right to receive radio transmissions on any frequency. local laws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may be erdorced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action. Safety Alert” Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents. It is only intended to alert the ‘ motorist that on emergency vehicle equipped with a Cobra‘m Safety lllertQ transmitter is within mnge as defined by that product. Please call local fire and police departments to learn if coverage exists in your area. AI Sofa Driving Motorists, as well as operators of emergency or service vehicles, are expected to exercise all due caution while using this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws. Security of Your Vehicle Before leaving your vehicle, always remember to conceal your radar detector in order to reduce the possibility of breakin and theft. (ustornn Support In this user's manual, you should find all the information you need to install and operate your 636060, lfyou require further assistance after reading through this manual, Cobra‘v Electronics offers the following customer support services: Mtomatorf Heb Dosh isavarlahle 2d hours a day, 7 days a week at 7738893057. Customer Service Operators are available at the some number Monday through Friday, 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm. (ST. Milo” can Ito loud to 7736224269. Animated TM Assistance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week via email at. produrn‘nfo@cobra,cam Oct-Inc uswecs to frequently asked questions can be found at RADAR iASER DET CTOR MODEL E50 -6060 Congratulations You’ve made a smart (hoice by purchasing the [806060 radar/laser detector from Cabin? Just look at some of the sonhistitated features and (opabilities your new unit includes: 12V Dt POWER JACK ON-OEE/VOLUME control allows you to odiost the volume of the TOME alerts MUTE button fat MANUAL MUTE at AUTO MIJTE at audio alerts, - Detects and provides separate alerts for radarsignols (X, K, and Ka bands, with - Ill.TItAIIIlIGI|T"‘I DATA DISPlAY signal strength irrdltured) is easy-reread Iosersignok 0 QTY or HIGHWAY mode: to redute emeryenty vehide safety signals false alerts V9? signals - SAFETY ALERT" Tral'fic Warning System 0 , 0 MANUAL MUTE or AUTO MUTE - mill“? for 360 detection of loser of audio alerts 0 ”INSTANT-ON” speed rnonitotirg detection lASEITEYEQ for 360° detett'ron of laser signals. gutter 12V DC POWER JACK mdrrator SPEAKER “In L cry CITY button fat CITY or HIGHWAY modes to reduoe lolse alerts. 0 TONE ALERTS with adiustable volume 7m 0 Distinguishec imnortarrt safety alerts, from other K hand signals 0 Mounts easily on windshield or dashboard This booklet describes the simple steps for mounting and setting up your ESD~6060 It also provides helpful informan'on about how radar and laser guns are used and how“ you can interoret the alerts you reteive i OllOFF/VOIUME control CITY/HIGHWAY mode indicators radar laser VG? and safety windshield indicator indicator indicators bracket maun Impnmml informnn about“ Fedeml hm, Safwy Men,” Safe Driving, Seaniiy of erVvhklo, (aims Suppnn 1 Installation . 2 oumwmg sma Signals Daisflad Mdio Alerts . WWI Display .. InsimiOn Demon Rwandan in Aims 5 Undemmfiug Rudui and but ..... 6 Maintenance and Smite 7 Linired 14“.me ‘ B Swfliwtm 9 Omiomi Acmwiss 10 Oldei Farm _, 1243 14—15 ll'llll'l'l ‘ e to Mount Your um Radar and laser signals pass through glass Windshield Mounting 5. To adiust the angle if necessary, » but not throu h other materials and ob’ects. aentlv push or pull on the bmdret ii A I get optimum performance from . g , l} I. Attadr the rubber cups to the bracket . , ‘ ur ESD-6060 if you mount it at 0 Wm Obrects that can block or weaken rncomrng to bend it DO N01 use the approximately in the gem; of the vehide WHO'S ifld'JdK v detector to bend the bracket as low as possible on the front windshield ' windshield wiper blades t without obstructing the unit‘s view of the > mirrored sun screens a 1 mod either to the from or rear, You can » « also mount it directly on the dashboard. b fimflf at the TOP Of the j ‘ \\ ‘ .. > may Windshields currettiy available 5 2. Make sure the rubber cups and ,, .; _, on some vehicles (luster/ear yo, 50,410 a, your windshield are clean. Electriclear for GM? consult your dealer to see if you have this W0") : 3. Push the bracket firmly onto , the windshield, 7. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on the power cord into your vehicle's The unit's lenses must not be blocked and 4‘ Attach "1° “M' to the W“ crgorett‘e Irghter the Lasetfye" should have a dear view out (Mk “1° angle Of the unrt. “ the back window to allow 360° detection. F K K 8. You can temporanly remove the detector whenever you wish by slirhng it off of the bracket. hmhM/M‘flvwmmafladmfw IM 2 [mewuwmumummm 3 l'lAllA‘I‘lOll c e the detector on the dashboard ~: to find a location where the unit has ‘ a clear, level view of the road The angle can N01 be odiusted otter mounting. 2. Remove the paper backing from one side at the hookondloop fastener 3. Attach the pod to the dashboard ot your chosen location and remove the other paper bucking. 4. Attach the detector to the hookon —loop fastener. You con remove and reuttoch the unit os often as you like, 6. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on the power cord into your vehicle's cigarette lighter. MN OPIIA'I'IOII 0 GETTING STAR I. lum on the unit and odiust ourho volume by rotating the Ofl-OfF/VOWME CONTROl DIM. (lodrwise (owoy from you). 2.Youwi|lheor3heepsondthe 7 Indicator will light up in the d' eh indicating that the power is on. fie NOTE: In some vehicles, poweris atop/ted to the cigarette fighter even while the ignition it off, If this is the case with your vehide, you should turn oilr or unplug your 5506060 when parking for lengthy periods. IRA'I'IOII 0 SETTINGS try/City Mode your 506060 to City mode ‘l ays all X band audio alerts at lower signal strength levels. (A single beep will sound when the signal is liist detected.) This will reduce false alerts while you are driving in or near urban areas where there are many sourtes for conflitting X band signals surh as microwave towers and automatit door openers Piaredura To dingo from tree and : "WW “I, mlease the j to City node (m M" \ '>_ (ity mode To thange settings, follow the procedure in the table below, which indicates whatyou wr1l see and hear as you complete each steps The fattory setting is Highway made. Cl'l'Y button Press and release rm Visual cDitysplay I been wars in the deploy CW elf Mining an Alert Your ESMOéO allows you to quickly turn off an audio alert by momentarily pressing the MUTE button Ifyou press the MUIE button a second time during the alert, the audio alert will he tumed back on. 5,601”: MUTE button Press and release Prarcdurc Press and release the MUTE button again while no alert is octum’ugv OPIIA'I'IOII 0 SETTI Auto Mute Mode Auto Mute will automatitally redure th audio volume of all alerts after 4 seconds i for as long as the signal is detetted. The iattary setting for Auto Mule is on. 5 Visual Display iles an the falltming pages show the types of signals your [936060 'll detect, as well as the voice and visual alerts it prwides fat each one Audio Alerts A distinctly dihetent alert tune is used for each type at signal detected. Fat X, K and Ka hand radar signals, the tunele lepeat fastet as you approach the signal source. Thetapeatmteefthetonespivesyaumeful infatuation about the stand detected. (See Respaminptaillefis, page ll.) 5 mill—Km L ws my 0 x-mf—x as cu ._ /,\ Visud Display An indication of the type of signal detected will appear in the UlnaBriahtW' Data Display. a x Kit-{Kw my I During laser alerts the letter "L“ will appear, yi-iy During VGZ Allen” the lanes "V/S" wfll appeun During Safety Alert” the letter "V/S” will appeurt “Jib-yap {mam Type Di sigma Typn at Signal [11 zezu'n' 111 MW“ mam swig mmw Kustem Sipndx Pym III” 1__ ‘ ‘wWWWW’MfiMW Xbandmdrr X Ktmdmdw K/la Kabandmsh DI'I'IG‘I‘I Visual Dlspluy Visual Display 2010“ find lIIIlalylv’“ are nudemmks of Laser Ethnology, Inc, Helmet“ and I’mlnxer III W are nndammkx of Mmmfimkw 10 Type ol Si'gllul V'isunl Display Type nl Signal Visual Display VG—Z Akrr’ Imeluuml‘n VET“ V/S V/S V/S V/S / x I/ an x W “235°“ Safely Alli/la llfll'k Warning Syxmn, VG? Alen‘® and laselfye® an; mgisleled hallmark: nl (ohm Flori/unis (Mullen. Informal»! VEIN/k 11 MM 0! TechniSonlt Mm UD. “in—s) DITIC'I'I Instant-On Detection Your ESMUdO is designed to deted Yovg shgwld "Ike “PPWWG insTnnHm speed monitoring signals, which WM “WWW whenever can suddenly appear ulfull strength. an film is QVMI- Respondlng To Alerts DESKliplinn lnlelpmlnlinn Remmmnmlml Respmise E mnenmtsslwlynllm,llm mu, pullumrlnl FULLALm 3 Wdfllllmlidl‘l ; loinmundsune'imuanly pmbuhlvulalse linlm, but lawman-xi l min wbed mdnl lone lilslnmly beg'm mdnl 01 V5? nearby has run All” new rapidly been nmvmed suddenly Innis reveals slrmly us you pmhnbly pnllte mdal bay-M n|l|lmdtll a hil oi bn'duu, lhell ll» lliI nl Inidgu moods up sharply In you lsdth it " lmlelqlsmslwl/lwuxhnnpmhd pmhlblynlnlsenlwm ' nnylypevllflssldlen Inset demuremwu FULLAIIRI ‘ lake nhms any Snlsfy Alan” you are mung n mummy Vanda, Full Mill Speed r , tiring Systems band frequencies have been approved Fby the Federal Communications Commission (fCO for use by speed monitoring radar equipment. X band 10,525 GHZ K bald 24,150 GHZ Ila band 334003600 GHZ Yoor ESD6060 detects signals in all three radar bands, VG-2 VH is a "detector detector" that works by detecting low-level signals emitted by most radar detectors, Your ESD6060 does not emit signals that can be detected by VG-Z, but does detect VG-Z signals and will alert you when a device is in use near your vehicle. Safety Alert” Traffic Warning System snaffle." FCC-approved Safety ‘V/ illerta transmitters emit microwave radar signals tfrat indicate the presence of a safety-related concerns Depending on the frequency of the signal emitted, it can indicate a speeding 12 DIIITAIIDIIIO RADAR A IAlIl emergency vehicle or train, or a stationary road hazard. Because these microwave signals are within the K band frequency, most conventional radar detectors will detect Safety Alen® signals as standard l( band radar. Your ESD6060, however, is designed to differentiate between standard K band and Safety Alert‘” signals, and give separate alerts for each. Safety Alert® technology is relatively new, Safety Alert° transmitters can be found in limited numbers in all 50 states, but the number is growing, Depending on your location, you may not receive these alerts regularly and may often encounter emergency vehicles, trains, and road hazards without being alerted. As the number of transmitters increases, these alerts will become more common. When you receive such on alert, please watdt for emergency vehicles ahead of you, on cross streets, and behind you. If you see an emergency vehicle approaching, please pull over to the right side of the road and allow it to pass. llllDlll‘l‘AllDlllO IADAI l I.A lIDAR (laser) the conect none for the technology fhm most line of sight to its target vehide throng , people refer to in laser is actually LIDAR, the entire measurement intervd. Obstructiu . . which shards for Light Detection and Ranging. such 05 Sim DOSE, Ufifift poles, "99 him. IJDllR “WW much lice radar. Its W“ etc, er prevent vrird speed measurement, spreads out Idce a rod! signal, thoudt not as quickly Unlire radar, 1le must have a dear Some common questions about [IDAR include: Does weather have any affect received through glass to trigger an alarm 1 on "MR? by your Esoeoeo, ~ Jess Rain, snow, smoke, fog, or airborne (in “MR We wlfle ir notion? ust portides will reduce the effective No Because LIDAR o |- ~ . ~ . me of st 1, range of LlDAli and can, if dense enough, the person using it mfizmfi the whiff; , prevent "5 operation, aim, and operate the gun all at the some time, = (an “DAR operate through glass? I s LIDAR “9“ to use? 1 Yes. Newer UDAR guns can obtain Y I . I . II . readings through most types of glass, es. “S lega m a 50 states. However, the laser pulse also can be I3 enance of Your Detector l‘ 06060 is designed and built to 4. ive you years of troublefree performance without the need for service, No routine maintenance is required. If your unit does not appear to be operating properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps: P Make sure the power cord is properly connected. P Make sure the socket of your vehicle's cigarette lighter is clean and free of corrosion, > Make sure the power card‘s cigarette lighter adapter is firmly seated in your cigarette lightec b (heck the power cord fuse (Unscrew the ribbed end cap of the cigarette lighter adapter and examine the fuse. Ifreguired, replace it with a lamp ' fuse only) I4 Service You can receive tedtnical assistance with your unit through one of our customer support services: Automated Help Deslr is available Z4homsaday,7daysaweekat 7733896081 Customer Service Operators are avaddtle at the same number Monday through Friday, 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm. CST. Questions can be faxed to 773-622-2269. Automated Ieclr-‘cd Asslstance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week via email at“. productinfo@cobra,com OrEe answers to frequently asked questions can be found at: wwwcohrarcome If you suspect that your unit requlres service, please «I noose-sou BEFORE shipping it to Cobra? This veil ensure that you receive service as quidrly as possble. If you are asked to send your unitto the Cobra® factory, please follow these steps: I. Send the complete unit, including power cord, (It is not necessary to include the mounting bracket.) 2. For warranty repair, enclose some form of proofofpurchase, such as a photocopy or carbon copy of a sales receipt, if you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned 3. Enclose a typed or cleatly written description of the problem you are having with your unit, plus the name and address where you want the unit returned. 4. Pack the unit securely to prevent damage during transit prossihle, use the original padang materials. 5. Ship prepaid and insured using a traceable caaier such as United ~ Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express” or first class mail with delivery conhnnation. Ship to: Cobra Factory Service Cobra Electronics Corporation 6500 Cortland St. Gringo, Il 60707 6. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us about the status of your service. Call 77343896087 for assistance. If your unit is cinder warranty, it will either be repaired or replaced upon receipt, depending on the model. If your unit is out of warranty, you will receive a letter informing you of the repair or replacement charge. 15 esoo waWWfi-a 60707 medium COBRA EIECI'IIONKS CORPORATION Excludons: This limited wananly does not apply; variants that its Cahm“ 6 handYM Radar/laser l) to any product damaged by accident, 2) in Detectors, and the component parts thereof, will the event of m'urse or abuse of the product or he tree of defects in workmanship and rmten‘als as a rearlt of unauthorized alterations or repairs; farperiadafone(l)yearfromthedaleoffirst 3)itheserialnundtarhr5beendteted, coreumar purchase. This warranty may be defaced or retrieved; 4) if the ovmer of the enforced by the first consmner pudtmer, product resides outside the USA. prowded that the M“ is milized With?" All implied wmranties, includmg warranties of the USA merd'rontahilihy and fitness for a particular (obta’wfll,witlautduge,rqniarreplafe,at'as parpaseare limited in durationtathe length option, deleclived Band” Rodin/Laser Detectors, of this warranty. vmuwwmw ”Mate (ahra‘ shall not he more for any incidental, (M HmY 59W“ “WWW, “(MW consequential or other damages; induding, W M“ lh? d‘m "f WWW ”mi without limitation, damages resulting from sudr as a duplicated copy of a sales retept. lo“ M use 0, (05, of installation. You W“ le‘W initial shipping charges Some states do not allow limitations on how requrred ta Sh'l' the product I“ wananly long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not service, b‘" ll” return dtarges Will he I" allow the exclusion or limitation of inadental (obra‘s expense, lithe product is repaired 0, (oraequential dmmges, w the above °' replaced under WWW limitations may not apply to you. This wamrnty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state, I6 SPIGIIIGA'I‘I - . Band Frequenries r, tha 10.525 x 0.050 are ; Khmd 24.115 20.125 Glll - Snletyrllert‘f 24.070 illlJlO Gllz ; halficWamrng System 24,110 Glll Gllz , Glll Ka hand 34.700 21.300 Glll ; Laser era 2 so am Unit Dimensions 8. Weight j Dimensions za’w xlX'll x 3x-u ‘: eight lloyams This radar detector is covered by one or more of the following US. patents: 5,497,l48; 5,594,432; 5,612,685; 6,078,279; 6,094,l48, Additional patents may he listed inside the product or pending. I7 ‘l‘IOIIAI. ACGIIIOIIII can find these fine accessories at k 0 , 7 local Cobrao dealsrA Ifyou wish, yuu can order directly from (0me ' To ordor by phone Call 773.889.3087 m—- $10.00 Prim (Press I from the main menu , g- B 0,m.-6 pm M1‘ (SI) SW 12V DC Power Cord In ml" by mail or in Includes plug and fuse Please fill out order form on next page, 42003l‘rN-001 $1000 and mun/fax directly Tu (ohm‘.D ‘ To ordar onlln ' . Fm M0010 nrdeu fill out onlev Mute (heck 01 many «da- In mus, allim, 9° '° WWW” “ml (“Ck 0" lam mu lnx m: "mum mu to: please visit out website at shop (ohm. 01d 7731393037 (om Elmwits mm (Pres I lrom 009 main mm) 6500 Wu! (mind 50. and fink 'slmp [OW 8.130 nm - 6:00 pm, M-F, EST. (hm, Il 60707 Ann: Amssorles Dam. Windsllold Haunting Brucke' v Imludes suction cups “mm" 5451394000] $7.00 Name Mdms (N0 7.0. Box]_____ ("v Sm fin Telephone ( ) 0001 [ml No. Exp. Dave ("M "v M PW" ("d 0.0mm; V511 Mmectmd Dismal Includes plug and fuse _ 4200260001 $10.00 Emsluwe MHMMHWWMHMMMMUSMM PtiM'llluw Milo “MIR SCobref The (ohm‘n fine 0! quality products indudos: CB rudios microiALK” radios Radar/Laser Detectors Safety Alert® Traffic Warning Systems Accessories HighGeur"Accessories For more information 0! to cider any of our products, please visit our website: www.¢ (lick ”shop Cobra” Nothing comes close to a CobraTM ©1qu (non mm mm" 5500 m urn-n a. cum, n mm
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