Cobra Electronics ESD9210 Radar/ Laser Detector User Manual users manual
Cobra Electronics Corporation Radar/ Laser Detector users manual
- 1. users manual
- 2. users manual statement
users manual
Nothing comes close to a CobraTM Important Information Important information about... him! Laws Governing the Use of Rah Detectors It is not against federal law to receive radar transmissions with your Cobra“ radar detector. The Communications Act of 1924 guarantees your right to receive radio transmissions on any frequency local laws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may be enforced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action. Safety Alert” and Strobe Alert” Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents. It is only intended to alert the motorist that an emergency vehicle equipped with a M Corporation Ctpticom'M or lomar® preemption system, or a Cobra” Safety Alerta transmitter is within range as defined by that product. Please (all local fire and police departments to learn if coverage exists in your area. AI Safe Driving Motorists, as well as operators of emergency or service vehicles, are expected to exercise all due caution while using this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws. Security ol Your Vefide Before leaving your vehicle, always remember to conceal your radar detector in order to reduce the possibility of breakin and theft. Customer Suppod In this user's manual, you should find all the informan'on you need to install and operate your [5092] 0. If you require further assistance after reading through this manual, Cobra® Electronics offers the following customer support services: Automated Help Desk is available 74 hours a day, 7 days a work at 773-BB9-3087. (ustamor Serviu Operators are available at the some number Monday through today, 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm. (51. Questions can be faxed to 7736221267, Automated Technical Assistnee is available It hours, 7 days a week via email at: productirdo®cobracom On-Im answers to lregaently asked questions can be lound at: www.cabra.corn. RAAAR AASAR not DETCTOR ”' signal strength indrbakd) laser signals MODEL ESD- 92|0 emergenfyvehidesafelyandstmbe alert signals Vl‘rZ signals - lASEREYE‘E for 360° detertioa of laser and strobe signals Congratulations You’ve made a smart choice by purchasing the ESMZIO radar/laser detertor from Cobra? Just look at some of the sophisticated features and capabilities your new unit includes: rzv uc . POWER JACK '''''' lASEREVE" far 360° detetiion of laser and ON-OFF/VOIIIME strobe signals. rontral allows you to adiust the volume of the TUNE or VOICE alerts. SPEAKER SMARTMIJTE’M engine RPMsensing mute (I'I'Y button for CITV funttian whirh reduces or HIGHWAY modes false alerts. Brman turns to reduce false alerts. SmanMute‘“ on and all. (Also sets rev paint?) MUTE button for MANUAL MUTE ar DIM button allows you to udiust the AUTO MUTE nf audio alerts. (Also UltroBright” Dota Display brightness for easy turns Voioe Alerts” on and offf) reading. (Also toms VG? Alert" an and off) Wits: and bold int 7 semnds to arses: Ihese [unions 0 ”INSTANT-OH” speed rrrarritaring detection - TONE ALERT or VOIC! ALERT“ with athustable volume ' UlTRABITIGHT‘” DATA DISPlAY is easytoread with adiustable brightness 0 CITY or HIGHWAY modes to reduce false alerts 0 SAFETY All!!!“1° Traffic Warning System 0 STROBE ALERTw 0 MAlllJAI. MUTE arAlJTO MUTE 0 SMARTMIITEI'“ a mute function whirb nutomatirnlly redures false alerts by sensing engine RPMs 0 Distinguishes important safety alerts, from other K band signals 0 Mounts eusihr on windshield or dashboard This booklet describes the simple steps for mounting and setting up your [5&9210. it also provides helpful information about how radar and laser guns are used and how you (an interpret the alerts you rereive. radar, VG? and safety/strobeindicators SmartMute'” indicator OllOFl/‘IOLUME control signal strength, laser and CITY/ HIGHWAY mode indicators Imponnm ivfummian «ban... Fodomi Laws, Safety M/Svmbe Aim? Safe liming Sammy 01 Your Vehide, Cusinmei 5mm 1 mm . 2 Marion-Genny Starved 3 WMM'M—Seirings Highway/aw Made umnrigm' mm Display Bvighmess Mmiig m Ale" ..... Mm Mme Mods SmariMuie". Wine/Tone Selma VGZ Mew’ Audio Sening 4 0mm. Signals Dermot! Mdio News Vismi Disnlw InstumOn Derem'un Responding tn Maris 5 Undmtundim Radar mud Lose! 6 Mn’msnnnne and Servks .. 7 ljmiied Hem Wnuumy 8 Specifmfinm ., 9 Opfinml Amessnrios 10 Oniev Form ...... M17 kyour ESE-9210 if you mount it at a point (approximately in the center of the vehicle, as low as possible on the front windshield without obstructing the unit's view of the road either to the front or rear, You can also mount it directly on the dashboard. bashboanl mounting The unit's lenses must not be blocked and the LoserEye‘” should have a clear view out the back window to allow 360° detection. Radar and laser signals pass through glass but not through other materials and obiects, Obiects tltat can block or weaken incoming signals include: > windshield wiper blades > mirrored sun screens b dark tinting at the top of the ‘windshield b heated Windshields currently available on some vehicles (lnstaclear for Ford}9 Electric/ear for GM? consult your dealer to see if you have this option) lratucbwlarford‘a “WWI/MM olionlmor my, lot mamma- unmidmmumarm (WWW Windshield Mounting I. Attach the rubber cups to the bracket. 2. Make sure the rubber cups and your windshield are clean. 3. Push the bracket firmly onto the windshield. 4. Attach the detector to the brodcet. Check the angle of the unit. lll'TAIJ-A'I'l 5. To adiust the angle if necessary, gently push or pull on the bracket to bend it. DO NOT use the detector to bend the bracket. 7. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on the power cord into your vehicle's cigarette fighter 8. Youean temporariby remove the detector whenever you wish by sliding it all of the bracket. Hate the detector on the dashboard to find a location where the unit has a clear, level view of the road. The angle can N01 be adiusted alter mounting, 2. Remove the poper backing from one side of the hookundloop laotener. 3. Attach the pad to the dashboard at your chosen Iomtion and remove the other paper ha(king. 4. Attach the detector to the hookan oop fastener. You (an remove and reattach the unit as often as you like. 6. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on the power (ord imo your vehicle's (igarette lighter. OPIIA‘I‘ION 0 GETTING STAR J I. lurn on the unit and adiust audio volume by rotating the ON-OFF/VOLUM! CONTROL DIAL clockwise (away from you). 2. You will hear the voice "105509 ”TESIING” (then 3 beeps) “ ”SYSTEM READY”. lhe letter ”h” will appear ih the display indicating that the power is on. NOTE: In some vehicles, power is supplied to me (igarefle lighter even while the ignition is all. If this it the case with your vehicle, you should turn all or unplug your 509210 when parking for lengthy periods. - Buttons can have multiple functions. 0 Depending on your choice of Voice Alert“I or Tone Alert made, you will hear either voice messages or tones confirming changes in settings ' All settings will be stored in memory when the power is turned off and recalled when the power is turned back on, Highway/ City Mode Setting your ESMZTO to City mode delays all X band audio alerts until the signal strength reaches level 3, (A single beep will sound when the signal is first detected) This will ioduie false alerts while you are Praiedare Press and release the CI" bintori. To change from riy mode mode _ To drango Irom City node back i to Highway (Q :\:)c l XKKaVS WWW? Time 1 beep C appears in the display OPIIATIOII ' SETTI dliving in or near urban areas where there Ultraliriglrl'”I Data are many sources for conflicting X band Display Brightness You can cycle through the settings signals such as microwave towers and . ated h‘n the DIM button automatic door mum You can choose from three settings for lit rope ll we I _9 . ‘ hnghmess of the display. The factory sent/pg is HnghI. To dionge settings, follow the procedure in the table below, whidi indicates what you will see and hear (either in Voice hiert'"1 or Tone Alert mode) as you complete each step, fire {achrry setting is Highway made, CITY button Press and term DIM button Vaicn Visual Display Press and release the ”l". haiton appears in the dlSlllflV , @ "gm Press and release the DI“ button a third time. . the bri htrress i, to Brig t llA‘I'IOII 0 SETTINGS g an Alert sour ESMZlO alluws you to quickly turn roll an audio alert by momentarily pressing ' the MUTE button if you press the MUTE button a serond time during the alert, the audio alert will be turned back on. MUTE button Press and release Prareduru rm and term the MUTE button while no lien is mum has; and telease the MUTE hlmrrn again while no alert is orannng Auto Mute Mode Auto Mute will automatirally reduce the audio volume of all alerts alter 4 seconds for as long as the signal is detected, ihe forte/y setting IorAuhr Mute is ON, Visual Display SmartMute'” SmurtMutem is a unique new feature of the [509210 that allows you to avoid alerts you don’t need to hear because you are stopped or moving slowly, By sensing the ”revs” (RPMs) of your engine, SmartMute‘M knows when you are at low speed and automatically mutes alerts (exrept for strobe signals from emergency vehicles) Before SmanMutem will work, you must set an attivation point for your engine's revs (see page 10). Whenever the revs are below that point, SmartMute'" will begin mutingr The activation paint will be stored SMAITTMUTE'M button Press and release OPIRA'I'IOII 0 SETTI in memory and recalled each time the ‘ is turned on. The factory sem'ng is Smart/dine” OPE PLEASE NOTE: SmartMule’“ may not work wilh some vehicles because it runner sense the engine’s revs. In such roses, you ran redure unwanted audio alerts by using Auto Mule and City mode when appropriate, vim Visual Display dot wears next to the lane dialarter mneméi IIA'I'IOII 0 SETTINGS to Remember Whie SmartMate'" gmartMute’“ works with bath City and Auto Mute modes. Whenever your engine revs are below the activation point, the dot next to the large dtaracter an the right side of the display will remain Iit. Above the attivntion paint, the (lot will blink twice every 2 setonds. I0 If, for any reason, the unit stops sensing your engine's revs, SmartMute"'1 will indicate an error and automatically turn off. The rev point you set will be stored in the unit‘s memory when power is turned off, and recalled each time the power is turned on. The rev paint must be reset it you use your [SD‘iZlO in a different vehicle, Important: When initially (hoosing your Smat‘tMuteTM activation paint, a setting of approximately 300 to 600 RPMs above idle is rerommended. You can reset the activation point at any time to fit your individual preferen(es and driving style. Setting the Smartlllate'"I Attivatian Point Your ESD‘iZlO must be installed in your vehide Caution: Do not attempt to set the rev point while driving. Your vehicle should be parked and idling, Premium Tone Presmrdhold the ‘Zheeps SHAMUTE'" button lot 2 Premium Kev WI" chairs to the level you wish to set key the engite slitjttiy abate Itlle and held revs steady tar 2 seconds. Pvatedura Tune Attire ties-ed rev loud, 3heeps “Sn-1mm” al three hats hash ‘ pres rltd role-me the sef three timer SMARTMIITI'“ hmarr = OPIIA‘I‘IOH 0 SETTI Smarttltute'" must be turned on. Depending on whether the unit is in lane Alert or Voice Alert” mode, you will hear beeps or vai(e messages as you follow these steps: Veire Visual Display "m min nus” Visual Display Veim Visual Display II IA‘I‘IOH O SETTINGS [lone Setting liou can set your [509210 to sound alerts with either a voice or a tone, You chunge settings by using the MUTE button. In Voice ihlertm mode you will first hear several tones, then a voice mecsage announcing the type of signal detected, followed by more tones. In Tone Alert ‘ 7 v ‘ mode, on will hear the tones onI . l l MUTE button the factory setting is Voice Alert“ made , Press and hold an 1 seconds Tone Ilnire Visual Display n" While no signd is being dawned, Procedure While no signal IS being detected, press and hold the mm himori loi ma seconds 10 Iron Voice A rtW' to Tom Alert To change from ; Tone Ahrt hack to Voice Ihlerl‘"I pies: and hold the MIT! himnri lot two seconds again 12 OPERATION ' SETTIN5§ VG-Z Alene Audio Setting f‘gi The [309210 is undetectable by police VG-Z detection devices, and will alert you when such a device is in use near your vehicle. During the alert, the unit continues to detect other signals. You can choose ‘ whether or not you want your unit to sound VG-Z alens, The factory setting is VG? Audio On, DIM button Procedure To lum 0" While no signal is vgq hang detected, minim health to two maids. mo no signal is being detected, WES and hold the DIM himm lui two seconds ogan. I3 , tables on the following pages show “You the types of signals your [509210 will detect, as well as the voice and visual alerts it provides for each one. Audio Alerts In Voire Alert” mode you will first hear several tones, then a voire message announring the type of signal deterted, followed by more tones. In Tone Alert mode, you will hear the tones only. In both Voire Alertw and lone Alert modes, a distinctly different alert tone is used for each type of signal detected (induding separate tones for each laser signal). For X, Kand Ka band radar signals, the tones will repeat faster as you approach the signal saline. The repeat rate of the tones gives you useful information about the signal detected, (See Responding to Alerts, page 17) Visual Display All indication of the type of signal detected will appear in the UltraBlight’" Data Display. During X, K and Ka alerts, a number will also appear, indicating I4 the strength of the signal detected. (1 = weakest, 5 = strongest) -l Type al Signal X band radar K band ratio to band lath Type at Signal Visual Display (Cr Kill-ff s 5) III 102W" lIl lAtrolyteV'“ During laser alerts the letter "i" will appear, instead of the signal strength indi , it. jl ram Signals nalasam ran-m Simols hollw mm PLEASE NO‘l'E: Beep rate (hedges with different laser alerts ration. / \ ”mg ,l_ During VGZ Alert® the letter ”V” will appear the letter ”5” will appear. During Safety illert® and Strobe Alert“ Type at signal Vaite Visual Display ‘ Strobetlartm‘ 3M0ptitorn'“ ' “my'dl'de orianiara uni ‘ ' v or, \ > K a, 73;\ 'mrsoezroaa»aalmaryfiw°mamm I5 Instant-On Detection Type al Sl'grml Vl'sual Dl’xplny mm,“ MM Wm,“ "M Your ESD-9210 is designed to lelecl Vulf should take appropriate ” immnwn speed monitoring signals, whkh “m0" "Imediflfely whpllever “fizz?“ can xuddenly appear at full strength. all den IS glven. ' PlEASE NOTE: Thele ale lfiffelellr lone; for each Safely Alert” Res din To Alerts l Type al S'lgllnl Vuke Vlsual Dlsplny m g 1m,(ww,zle_— nesmpnaa lnlevyreluliull Remmmendcd Response ~ " ., ' ~ f ' - ' ~~ \ ‘ ~ ~ lallelspemsslwdymfilsuhell plohnblypnlltemdw Fulllllm . V >< (SC/“- \ sawdwpmpldly ’ “ ‘ mnesolllldmlellmonly nlohnblvalnlswlnnn, hnl exsldsemninn mill pulsed mdnl male lnslullllv beams mdnl la voz MM has FULLMIRT lepealing mpidly been ucn‘vnled suddellly lane lepsals slwly as m probably pullte lnflfll beyond mm film approach n MI 01 budge lhe hll nl hlnlge speeds up slmrpN 0: you leach ll lone lepems slowly luv u sllml period plohubly u lnlse uhlm exemss (nlmrm Inset dens we navel ”111 Mm lube nlmms any we of laser alen 1020” and l/llmlyre’” are hudemark: nf [user Opll'aml7M is a lmdemllrk lll 3M Impala/lien. any Salary M u, M m nearing m, mm“ exemse mulion Isdmology, lnc. Tomm® is u WSW WWW of TOMA)? Stmhe llen'" vehltle mllmd (ms: mud lellm’“arrd Prolaserl/IW are lmdemarkx af (wows, Inc ‘ 7 7 7 l rd) (ll-“mm on all m ‘ Km” S’WI‘V I” Inlelceplm VG]7M is H ludemmk of TechniSom‘c Slope Ale/W and Small/Mew ale nude/walks of Ipdl/sllies llll A (ohm Hermit: (manual. Safely W Mic Wulm'llg Syslem, Vt}? New" and laserfye” are regismeri lindemarkx 01 [ohm fled/units [mpomllbllv I6 I7 ‘fhree band frequencies have been approved by the federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use by speed monitoring radar equipment X Iranrl 10.525 GHZ K band 24.150 GHZ Kn band 314003600 GHz Your ESD9210 detects signals in all three radar bands. VG-2 VG-Z is a "detector detector" that works by detecting Iowlevel signals emitted by most radar detectors. Your ESD9210 does not emit signals that can be detected by YG-Z, but does detect Vii-2 signals and will alert you when a device is in use near your vehicle. Safety Alert” Traffic Warning System ”fin." FCC-approved Safety w Alert® transmitters emit microwave radar signals that indicate the presence of a safetyrelated concern. Depending on the frequency of the signal emitted, it can indicate a speeding Dlll'l'AIlDIII. RADAR 1 I‘ll! emergency vehicle or train, or a stationary road hazard Because these microwave signals are within the K band frequency, mast conventional radar detectors will detect Safety rtlertm signals as standard K band radar. Your ESDDZlO, however, is designed to differentiate between standard Kband and Safety AlertO signals, and give separate aims for each. Safety Alert" technology is relatively new. Safety illert‘m transmitters can be found in limited numbers in all 50 states, but the number is growing. Depending on your location, you may not receive these alerts regularly and may often encounter emergency vehicles, trains, and road hazards without being alerted As the number of transmitters increases, these alerts will become more common. when you receive such an alert, please watch for emergency vehicles ahead of you, on cross streets, and behind you. lfyou see an emergency vehicle approaching, please pull over to the right side of the road and allow it to pass. Strobe Alert'” Spea‘al strobes mounted on the light bars of authorized emergency vehides (fire trucks, police cars, ambulances) automatically change traffic signds as the vehicle approadres an intersection These strobes and the special strobe detectors located on the traffic signals, introduced fairly recemly by 3M and Tomar, are already in use in more than 1000 cities nationwide (abra’s exclusive Strobe Itlert'M detector will detect these special strebes and give an Emergency Vehicle alert. When you receive such an alert, please watch for an approaching emergency vehicle and pull over to allow it to pass. To inquire about coverage in your area, contact your lord fire and police departments Does weather have any affect on lIDAR? Yes. Rain, snow, smoke, tag, or airborne dust particles will reduce the effective range of LIDAll and can, if dense enough, : prevent its operation. ; Carr lIDAR operate through glass? . Yes. Newer LIDAR guns can obtain readings through most types of glass. ‘ However, the laser pulse also can be unnannunmo nun: l u " Some (ammon questions about lIDAR include: received through glass to trigger an alarm by your {so-9210, (an IJDAR operate wln‘le in motion? Na, Because LIDAll operates byline afsight, the person using itcannot drive the vehide, aim, and operate the gun all at the same time. Is lIDAR legal to use? , Yes, It is legal in all 50 states. lIDAR (laser) The correct name for the technology that people refer to as laser is actually IJDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging. ; [IDAR operates madr like radar. Its signal spreads out Idce a radar signrd, though not as quickly. Unlike radar, UDAR rmst have a dear line of sight to its target vehicle throughout the entire metaurement interval. Obstructions such as sign posts, uhiity poles, tree branches, etc., in prevent valid speed measurement. give you years of troublehee performance without the need for service. No routine maintenance is required. if your unit does not appear to be operating properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps: > Make sure the power cord is properly connected. > Make sure the socket of your vehicle‘s cigarette lighter is clean and free of corrosion. > Make sure the power card‘s cigarette lighter adapter is firmly seated in your cigarette lighter. > Check the power cord fuse. (Unscrew the ribbed end cap of the cigarette lighter adapter and examine the fuse. If required, replace itwith a lamp fuse only.) IITIIIAIICI l lllVIGI Service You can receive technical assistance with your unit through one of our customer support services: Automated Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 7738898007. Customer Service Operators are available at tfre same number Monday through Friday, 0:00 am. to 6:00 pm. (ST. Questions can be faxed to 7736222269, Automated lechnicol Assistance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week via email at Orine answers to frequently asked questions can be found at: wwwcobracom. Mllllfllllllcl l Sllv If you suspect that your unit requies service, please call 773-889-3087 BEFORE shipping it to Cobra? This will ensure that you receive service as quickly as possible. If you are asked to send your unitto the Cobra” factory, please follow these steps: 1. Send the complete unit, including power cord. (It is not necessary to include the mounting bracket.) 2. For warranty repair, enclose some form of proofof-purchase, such as a photocopy or carbon copy of a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned. 3. Enclose a typed or clearly written description of the problem you are having with your unit, plus the name and address where you want the unit retumed. 4. Pack the unit securely to prevent damage during transit. If possible, use the original packing materials. 5. Ship prepaid and insured using a traceable carrier such as United 1 Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express, 1; or first class mail with deliyery confirmation. Ship to: Cobra Factory Service Cobra Electroaies Corporation 6500 Cortland St. Grioago, ll 60707 6. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us about the status of your service. Call 773-089-3087 for assistance. If your unit is under warranty, it will either be repaired or replaced upon receipt, depending on the model. If your unit is out of warranty, you will receive a letter informing you of the repair or replacement charge. (ohm Mantis (orpsrafnn 6500 West (ottlmd Street, Mam, limis 60707 www COBRA ELECTRONICS (ORPORA'I'ION wanants that “as Cobra” 10 lland'"I Radar/Laser Detectors, and the component parts thereof, will lie tree of defects in workmanship and materials for period of one (1) year from the date at first consumer purdiase. this wananty may he enforced by the first consumer purchaser, provided tlwt the product is utihzed within the USA Cobra”3 will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective 10 Band‘“ Radar/laser Detectors, yxoductsorcomrmentpartsrponflivetytothe (M Factory Service Department, accompanied by proat of the date oflist corisuner purdutse, such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt. You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship the product tor warranty service, but the return charges will he at Cobra's expense, it the product is repaired or replaced under warranty. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary tram state to state. 22 .corn Exclusions: 1his limited warranty does not apply; 1) to any product damaged by accident, 2) in the event of misuse oi abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs; 3) if the serial number has been altered, defaced or removed; 4) if the owner of the product resides outside the U.S,A. All implied warmnties, including wormaties of merchantability and fitness tor a particular purpose are limited in duration to the length of this warranty. (ohra° shall not he liable for any incidental, consequential or other damages; including, without limitation, damages resulting lrom loss of use or cost of installation. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warmaty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. SPICIFICA'" - 7 Band Frequencies 3, x band 10,525 10,050 GHz Kband 24.125 ions Gill fl antennae 24.070 $0,010 [3111 » l'“""w“’"i"‘lsl"°'“ 14.110 some on: —__ 74.190 x 0.010 6111 Unit Dimensions & Weight 2 Dimensions W! x l ‘A'll x 4M"D r Weight 140 gmms This radar detector is covered by one or more of the following US. patents: 5,497,148; 5,594,432; 5,612,685; 6,078,779; 6,094,143. Additional patents may be listed inside the product or pending. 3 You can find these fine oaessaries or your local (olrro03 dealer. If you wish, you (on order directly from thra‘.’ To order by phone Call 773.889.3087 (Press I from the main menu 8 a.m.{> porn, MP (51. ) To order by rod or in Please fill our order form on next page, and mail/fax directly To Cobra?3 To order online Go to and click an “shop Cobra?” TIOHAI. Acclllollll , MSIrrriglrr Ar 13:56pm; cord ncludes plug and fuse 4200300001 $10.00 Prices meme mmmm hm. ' y , llirrrr'srdtleulsdfllifi _-—-— _— “— _— Windshield Mounting llrotlrer ncludes sucfion (up; 545] 39-0001 $700 4 60017127 Dzhfiower lcordr Indudes plug and fuse 420026-N—001 $10.00 For rredit card orders ldl oar order Make check or money order To order unline, lorrrr and fax lo: 773.622.2269 payable re: or roll ”3,869.30” tolrrrr Mods please visil our website at wmmolrmm (Press 1 from are main menu) 6500 Wm (onlurd Sr. and tick "shop Cobra“ 8:00 am - 6 00 pm, MF, ESL meow, II. 60707 Am; Amssodes Dem. Hm prrrrl dearly llurue Adam (Mo E0. Box) Stare Telephone 1 l (redivCrrrd Moe Grde One: Visa Masrercord Discover (usmrner Signamre Expo Dare Alive Z-3woeklordrlrury. 00mm or Loam-ml Hi My 25 h‘mdirOha Mmmrn SCobrw The Cobra” lire of quality products includes: (B rodios microiALK” radios Rador/ loser Detectors Safety Alert” Traffic Warning Systems Accessories HighGear"Accessories For more informaiion or To order any of our products, please visit our website: Click “shop Cobro‘b" Nothing comes close to a Cobra”I mm (1mm Coma-anal MI 6500 Was! (Mill-1 Sr (him. Il 50707 »
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2002:08:12 12:03:44-04:00 Create Date : 2002:08:12 11:43:08-04:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 16EXIF Metadata provided by