Cobra Electronics ESD9860 Radar/ Laser Detector User Manual users manual
Cobra Electronics Corporation Radar/ Laser Detector users manual
- 1. users manual
- 2. warning statement
users manual
Nothing comes close to a ColrraTM mportant Informa an Important Information about... Foch-d laws Govovflg the Use of Roda Detectors It is not against federal law to receive rodor transmissions with your CobraD radar detector. The Communications Act of l924 guarantees your right to receive radio transmissions on any frequency. local laws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may be enforced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action. Safety Alert” and Strobe Alert" Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents, It is only intended to alert the motorist that an emergency vehicle equipped with a 3M Corporation Opticom'” or iomarO preemption system, or a (0th Snfehy Alert“ transmitter is within range as defined by that product. Please call local fire and police departments ' to learn if coverage exists in your area, Safe Driving Motorists, as well as operators of emergency or service vehicles, are expected to exercise all due caution while using this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws, Security of Your Voiido Before leaving your vehicle, always remember to conceal your radar detector in order to reduce the possibility of breakin and theft. Customer Support In this user‘s manual, you should find all the information you need to install and operate your 509860. lfyou require further assistance after reading through this manual, Cobra® Electronics offers the following customer support services: Automated Heir Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 773-BBV~3087. Costa-inter Service Operators are avodable at the same number Monday through Friday, 3:00 urn. to 6:00 pm. (ST. Questions can lie faxed to 773167242”. Mounted Technical Assistance is avalable 24 hours, 7 days a week via email at: productinlo@cobra.conr On-Ilne moms to frequently asked questions urn be found at: wwwcolrruconr. 0 IlTRA-SEIISmVITY 0 ”INSTANT-Ofl'soeed monitoring detedioa 0 MANUAL MUTE or AUTO MUTE RADAR lASER 0 Deterts and provides separate alerts for: 0 TONE ALERT or VOICE ALERT” with °l audio alerts DET (TOR rodarsigaals (X, K, and Ka bands, with adiustable vqume O EASYSET‘" programming menu mum E s p 9 s 5 0 WM] ”mm WW” ‘ DIGIVIEW'” DATA MSPLAY with 0 AUXILIARY AUDIO JACK for external - oasy-torea on o numerit t rnotnx eaker ronnection - larersrgna/s d d I h / do ' Si] «- C g lions emeroeuty vehide safety and slmbe text reo out o Distinguishes important safety alerts from You've made a smart thoite by alert signal; 0 CITY or HIGHWAY modes to redufe other K bond grands purchasing the 509860 radar/loser my SiiIM/S ml” alerts . o Mounts easily on windshield or dashboard detector from Cobroi03 Just look at some . 8-POIIIT COMPASS displays direction ° SAFETY ALERT” Traffic Warning System this booklet describes the simple mm m mounting “fl” “this"(“fedfeflmm'td of travel ° “ROBE Min“ and setting on your tsoveao ltolso provides helpi “WNW“ W” "W unit “I‘M“: ' LASEREYE‘7 lot 360° detection of laser 0 SMARTMUTE,”I a mute function which inlorman'on about how rodor and laser guns are use and strobe signals » f automatically reduces false alerts by sensing and how you (an interpret the alerts you receive. engine RPMs I2V DC POWER JACK lASEREYE" tor 360° detection of loser and strobe signals. OH—OFF/VOLUME control allows you to adtust the volume at the TONE alerts, SPEAKER AUXILIARY AUDIO JACK SET/CITY button for CITY or HIGHWAY modes for fewer false alerts (and to change user aloha/aumerit dot matrix text display showing*: mode settings while PROGRAM/Min E button to programming). Efrhzthhasgemngs EiTYe irldc'mh manually mute {Judie alerts (find t° sum/mar button a adiust the display asthma; mm, voz and enter orogromnang mode). brightness for easy reading (and to wall through si nol strength safety/strobe user mode settings while pmgmmmingl. in team; inditators ‘See‘ am"(pqyes5»r9)/mmma/mmm aboal' flea/ores Impmnm ilfnvmafim about... Fedeml Laws, Safely M/Snobe AlmeMe Dviving, Security af Vnuv Vehide, Custom Supper! 1 Inmllminn .4 2 Operation—6mm Started 30mfaVinn—UsaMndsSe1mgs 15 Mining an Ale" vac/[ms Semng Auxiury Mafia lfldfi Compass VGZ Men” ..... DigiView" Dam Display Blighmsss Midway/(ivy Mods 4 Man .. Signals Deteded Audio Alerts Vlsud D'splay . 7-19 InstanfOn Damion 0 Minding in Alan; l) 5 Uraustnming Radar and Laser 2m 6 Maimamme and Smite . 3-24 7 um l-Vw Warranty ' 3Spetifkminm .. 9 Ovfinml Accessories 10 om Farm . STALLA'I'IOII l y e to Mount Your llnit km” \ WI get optimum perlarmance from j-yoar [509860 ifyou mount it at a point approximately in the (enter of the vehicle, as low as possible on the from windshield without obstructing the unit's view at the road either to the front or rear You can also mount it directly on the dashboard, mauntirlg The unit's lenses must not be blorked and the LaserEye® should have a clear view out the back window to allow 360° detection, Radar and laser signals pass through glass but not through other materials and obierts. Obiects that can block or weaken inraming signals indude: > windshield wiper blades b mirrored sun screens > dark tinting at the top of the windshield > heated Windshields turrently available on some vehides (Instaflear for Ford? Elertrr‘dea/ for GM? consult your dealer to see ilyorr have this option) mum/«M'oarmmmiwwmmwwm mmmmfnawmmmmwmwm Windshield Mounting I. Attach the rubber (ups to the bracket. 2. Make sure the rubber (ups and your windshield are clean. 3. Push the bracket firmly onto the windshield. 4. Attach the detector to the bracket, (he(k the angle of the unit INSTALLA'I'I 5. To ad|ust the angle it necessary, " gently push or pull on the bra(ket ~ to bend it. DO NOT use the detector to bend the bracket. 7. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on the power cord into your vehicle's cigarette lighter. 8. You can temporarily remove the detector whenever you wish by sliding it all at the bradret. We the detector on the dashboard to find a location where the unit has a dear, level view of the road. The angle can NOT be udiusterl alter mounting. 2. Remove the paper backing from one ‘ side of the hookand-loop fastener. 3. Attach the pad to the dashboard at your chosen Iocotion and remove the other poper backing. 4. Attach the detector to the hookon oop fastener. You can remove and reattodr the unit as often as you like. 6. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter an the power cord into your vehicle's cigarette lighter. OPERATION 0 GElTlNG STAR , I. lam on the unit and adiust audio volume by rototing the ON-OFF/VOLUME (ONIROL DiAl clodrwise (away from you). sm 2. You will see and hear the messages ”TESTING” (3 beeps will sound), then ”SYSTEM READ" ”VOICE mm inditating that the power is on. 3. The display will cycle through the user mode settings (SmartMute' 0nd City/Highway status) for approximately . l second each. «. 4. Start-up is complete when the display tontinuously shows the current compass direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW) plus single letters indicating cunent user mode settings (( = city mode, h = highway mode, 5: SrnartMute" on). NOTE: in some vehides, power is supplied to the cigarette lighter even while the ignition is off. lfthis is the case with your vehicle, you should turn all or unplug your [509860 when parking for lengthy periods mode settings on your ESMBoO changed by using Program mode. changing tire settings, please keep i” mind: 0 Buttons can have multiple functions. 0 All settings will be stored in memory when the power is turned off and recalled when the power is turned back on, In geneml, the procedure for using Program mode is as follows: I. Press and hold the FROG/MUTE button for 2 seconds to enter Program mode. You will bear 3 beeps and the word PROGRAM will appear in the display. then brief programming instrucn'ons will scroll through the display two times. 2. While the programming instructions are scrolling, press and release the SElECT/DIM button to cycle through the user modes. You will bear 1 beep each time you press the button, As each mode is displayed, the current setting for that mode will be shown. 3. Path the user mode you wish to change displayed, press and release the SEI/(ITY button to change the setting. You will hear either i or Z beeps, depenihng on your selection. To move to the next selection, press SELECT/DIM llA'I‘ION - USER MODE SETTlNGS again. When you exit Program mode, the new setflng will automatically be 4. When you have finished programming any or all of the user modes, press and release the FROG/MUTE button to exit Program mode, Or simply wait 10 seconds without pushing any buttons. SETltNGS SAVED will appear in the ifisplay. NOTE: You cannot enter Program mode during an alert. The unit will not detect signals while in Program rnode. During programming, if no bottom are pushed for 10 seconds, the unit will automatically exit Program mode and save the last settings. EasySet" Progamming: Programming User Modes The table on the next page shows you how to program all user modes and the settings you can choose from. NOTE: On the following pages, you will find more detailed explanations of each See page 10 for instructions on setting the SmartMr/te' activation point, See page 13 for instructions on calibrating the compass. OPERATION-EASYSET'M PROGRAM/slit EasySet“ Programming Menu 1 1. Press and release the Pane/mars mum. to enter ngmm mode. ‘ 2. Press and release 3. Press and role-use the the SELKTHDIM button SET/(IN button to choose . to cycle through the the desired setting for user modes: each user made: VISUAL MIA-to so ' Allows you n; m in engine new paint wmrsmewmem whertushg SmurtMine.‘ on page arm mmmantmll Voice is head tor alerts on confirmation oi user settiigs, lane is mm for alerts and mrillmatian n usersetti gs r g . tamotty dimmed tor dusk or am wing, More mmmed lav dusk or right tinting IRAI'ION O SETTINGS martMute" is a unique new feature of fithe £50986!) that allows you to avoid alerts you don't need to hear because you are stopped or moving slowly. By sensing the "revs” (RPMs) of your engine, SmartMute” knows when you are at low speed and automatically mates aII alerts (except for strobe signals from emergency vehicles). Before SmartMute" will work, you must set an activation point for your engine’s revs (see page 10). Whenever the revs are below that point, SmartMute“ will begin muting. The activation point will be stored in memory and recalled each time power is turned on. When you turn SmottMute'"I on while in Voice Alert” mode, you will hear ”SmottMute on.” in Tone mode you will hear one beeps, ”5” will appear in the display, When you turn SmartMute'"I off while in Voice Alert” mode, you will our “SmanMute off.” In Tone mode you will hear one beep. (See page 7 for instructions using the Program mode to select SmaitMuteT) W m. i a” m A The factory selflng is SmartMi/te" ofl. NOTE: SmottMute" may not work with some vehicles because it cannot sense the engine's revs. In such (ases, you can reduce unwanted audio alerts by using Auto Mute and City modes when appropriate. What to Remember While Using SmartMvte'“ SmottMute" works with both City and Auto Mute modes. Whenever engine revs are below the activation point, an arrow pointing down will appear in the display. Above the activation poim, an arrow pointing up will appear OPEIA‘IIOH ' SETTI If, for any reason, the unit stops sens' your engine's revs, SmurtMute" will in an error and automatically turn off. The rev point you set will be storedin the unit's memory when power is turned off, and recalled each time the power is turned on. The rev point must be reset if you use your [509860 in a different vehicle. Iltportant: When initially choosing your SmartMute" activation point, a setting of approximately 300 to 600 RPMs above idle is recommended. You can reset the activation point at any time to fit your individual preferences and driving style. ElA'I'IOII O SETTINGS (nation: Do not attempt to set the rev point while driving. Your vehicle should be parked and idling. SmartM-te’" must be turned on. {Your ESIt9860 must be installed in your vehicle I . ‘ In l’mgrarn made, go in Set Mine, Pass and release the ‘ SET/(NV button to bash setting SmaliMuteY" Procedure ”set “in Plus SET rag-in in v " dosh! mus. Procedure Rev your engine to the levd you wish to set. he the wane ' slightly above are and rod revs shady lor 2 seconds. Procedure Atthedosierlrevleval Procedure Press and release either the SELECT/DIM button to proceed rottenexrtmmdemrbe FROG/nut! button to exit the Program tirade. I0 Auto Mute Mode Auto Mute will automatically reduce the audio volume of all alerts after 4 seconds for as long as the signal is detected. When you turn Auto Mute on or off while in Voice Alert"l mode, you will hear ”Auto Mute on" or ”Auto Mute off.” In Tone mode, you will hour 2 beeps for Auto Mute on and i beep for Auto Mute all. (See page 7 for instructions on using the Program mode to select Auto Mute) The factory setting fDiAi/lo Mute is ON. Mating an Alert Your E5098“) allows you to quickly turn off an audio alert by momentarily pressing and releasing the PROG/MUIE button, Ifyou press and release the FROG/MUTE button a second time during the alert, the audio alert will be turned back on. PROG/MUT! button Press and release ornanou - SETTl ‘ Voice/Tone Setting You can set your {SD-9860 to sound alerts and confirm user settings with either a voice or a tone. When you turn Voice Alert“1 on, you will hear ”Voice Alert." When you turn lane Alert on, you will hear ”Tone Alert” and subsequent voice alerts will be turned all. (See page 7 for instructions on changing the Voice/lone setting.) The factory setting is Voice Alert"M mode, Auxiliary Audio Jack Use to connect an erctemal speaker in environments with high ambient noise levels. The internal speaker will be disconnected. ll OPIRA'IION 0 SETTl EIA‘I‘ION - SETTINGS $5 The compass will remain accurately To calibrate the «muss: (alibroted as long as your 509860 is ;‘ ESD9B60 includes an internal aooint med _ th | _ h' | I Praredurn fcompuss that will continuously display your F0" h '" Tltmlm once fl you'rlvs ", e. 1 in flagrant mode, or to Set tum“. imam dire (tion of travel: N, NE, E, SE, S, you c nnge e otatlon w ere 9 unit IS , Press aggzimusmgggm in SW w 0, NW mounted or move itta another vehide, you ' ' ' must recalibrate tlre tompass. (alibralmg fl“ (omymss _ The compass tempomrily may not provide lmflflll': 3910? USIHQ if hi the filS' ncrurate readings if you are inside a time, you must calibrate the compass to building or endosure, or are dose to a nrovide "(wrote indications of direction large metal tractor/trailer, truck, or train, 2. “my“ e I ' ' 4 ' with“ ' mos, drive ya 5; Sell (58 Wile 7 for liiSTiUCTWHS “3an “19 Onte you are away from such a location, vehideinlli‘lclitde Mm, mu“; iazmrmmd try mount/cm button again. Calibration allows the compass elettronits to measure and store information about the Program mode to select 597 Compass) the compass will work correctly again. i magnetic fields generated by your vehide. 1 Ton Vniu vrmr Display Flare-lam Visual Display a mm raleosueillter the mid/Dill button to proceed mthomnuwnmdsortt» moo/nut! burnt. to m I’mgnln made I2 EIATION 0 SETTINGS AlertO ‘ ‘ 509860 is undetectable by police “VG-2 detection devices, and will alert you ' when sudr a device is in use near your vehicle. During the alert, the unit continues to detect other signals. You can choose whether or not you want your unit to show VG—Z alerts. Wrth VGZ detection on, you can also choose whether or not you want your unit to sound audible Vt}? alerts. When you turn VG-Z detection on or off while in Voice Alert“ mode, you de hear "VG? on” or ”VGZ off.” In Tone mode, you will hear Z beeps for VGZ on or i beep for YG—Z off, When you turn VG-Z audio on or off while in Voice AlertTM mode, you will hear ”VG? audio on” or ”VCrZ audio off.” In Tone mode, you will heat 2 beeps for VGZ audio on or i beep for YG—Z audio offo (See page 7 for instructions on using the Program Mode to turn VCrZ alerts on and oh.) lire factory settings are Vt}? Detect Uri, V0? Audra 0a, I4 DigiView" Data Display Brightness You can choose from four settings for tightness of the display: Bright for daytime driving Dim for dusk driving Dimmer for night driving Dark (no visual olens will be displayed) Dark nrdirotur You can cycle through the 4 settings by repeatedly pressing and releasing the SELECT /DtM button. SELECT / DIM button has and release h.— When you set display brightness while in Voice Alert'” mode, you will hear the corresponding voice message, ”bright,” ”dim,” "dimmer,” or ”dark,” In lone mode, you will hear 2 beeps for bright, i beep for dim, dimer, and dark (See page 7 for instructions on using the Progmm Mode to set Display Brightness.) NOTE: You can set display brightness without entering Program Mode by repeatedly pressing and releasing the SELECT/ DIM button. The factory setting is Brig/rt. OPERATION O SETTI 15 ElA'I'ION ' SETTINGS . ay/City Made g your 509860 to City mode retreats all X hand audio alerts until the signal strength reaches level 3. (A single beep will sound when the signal is first detected.) This will reduce false alerts while you are driving in or near urban areas where there are many sources for conflicting X hand signals such as microwave towers and automatic door openers, SET/CITY button Puss arid release 16 When you set City mode ”c” will appear in the display In Voice Illert’M mode, you will hear ”city.” In Tone mode, you will hearl beep. When you set Highway mode ”It” will appear in the display. In Voice Alert” mode, you will hear ”highway,” In lone mode, you will hear 2 beeps, (See page 7 for instructions on using the Program mode to select Highway or City mode) NOTE: You can also select Highway or th made without entering Program mode simply by pushing and releasing e SET/CITY button, The factory setting is Highway mode. 1T" DI‘I‘EC'I'I Signals Detected Visual Display Ihe tables on the following pages show An indication of the type of signal you the types of signals your ESI}9360 detected will appear in the DigiView'M will detect, as well as the voice and Data Display. During X, K, and Ko alerts, ‘ visual alerts it provides for each one, you will also see from I to 5 venical bars, Arnllo Alerts indicating the strength of the signal detected. In Voice AlertWI mode you will first hear several tones, then a voice message - mm“ “mm” (”ART announcing the type of signal detected, followed by more tones. in lane Alert mode, you will hear the tones only In both Voice Alon”I and tone Alert modes, a distinctly different alert tone is used for each hype of signal detected (including separate tones for each loser signal). For X, K, and Ka band radar signals, the tones will repeat faster as you approadr the signal source. The repeat rate of the tones gives you useful information about the signal detected. (See Responding to Alerts, page I9) 17 v‘ ‘I'EC‘I‘IOIl lypa al Signal Ln 207W" ill ulna—[view Kusllzm Sigrid: I’lelsevm’ Klistonl Slglluls Plalusel law lypa al Signal Vaiia Visunl Display smaanw “Opium“mhmnr' "mm-meld. Enemyvdk ' PLEASE IIOTE: Wis/e are different miles (a: aazh Safely/1k”! A ‘ylMESDananyfiémdemdflmm ll DETIC‘I’I a lypa al Signal emaipeacv vehicles "mug-my amide low hazards "wilful“ in!“ Vmins “mil mmdfllg" iypn al Signal viiiie V'lsllnl Display ' meMBéflmndesMyf “WM allhwexl‘guak 2020” and Ullrirlyie’“ ale nudemark: af Laser William” B a lmdanmik of 3M (alpamlion. 705W” m" TMIIJIQ is a registered andammk al TOMA/Z Praline/W and PVDUJSEI (NW an; "Mariam; ai‘ Elan/units, Int KW" W1 W1 Imelfeph)! vc—zw is a iiadnninik 471‘ Tettha/lk EasySelW, SImbe Alert“ and SmanMine’“ ale Indusliias ND, lindemarks af (ohm Elamolll'c [alpomll'on Salary Alen‘” Traffic Warning Syslem, VC—Z Mario and LNEVBQ are regisleiad lindemarks of (“0le Elearmiilts (amamlfali 19 TEC'I'ION ‘ t-On Detection 509860 is designed to detect YOU. should take wopriate tantan speed monitoring signals, which Gm Homeefintely whenever tan suddenly appear at full strength, an ill!" IS grven. Responding To Alerts Description lnterpretotiun m repeatssiavdy mam, than speeds up many ‘ toneinstamtyhtgiis racirarYGZ nearlryhas manna j» repem'ng rigidly been monsoon : mum-invent probably m meow-i manna momentum“ thehilamidge w speedswdnvhmvwmdm , mmampmemmi pnmhnunmarm , anytypedlhser alert Iaserdertswenever ruuasrr ' false alarms ; on Safety Men' at you are nearing an emergency exercise caution Strobe Alert“ velude, nilmad closing, or road hazard ( stmctia accident, Rarammanded Response flILl Milli probably poise radii proltahlya false alarm, bat witty pulsed radar 20 UNDERSTANDING RADAR & I.A ‘ Radar Speed Monitoring Systems Three band frequencies have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use by speed monitoring radar equipment X bard 10.525 GHZ K band 24.150 GHZ Ka bald 33.40036BOGH1 Your ESD-9860 detects signals in all three radar hands. VG-2 YG-Z is a "detector detector' that works by detecting lawlevel signals emitted by most radar detectors. Your 60-9860 does not emit signals thatcan be detected by VG-Z, but does detect Vii-2 signals and will alert you when a device is in use near your vehicle, Safety Alerto Traffic Warning System A)“, FCC-approved Safety V Alert" transmitters emit microwave radar signals that indicate the presence of a safeiyrelated concern. Depending on the frequency of the signal emitted, it can indicate a speeding emergency vehicle or nnin, or a stationary road hazard, Because these microwave signals are within the K band frequency, most conventional radar detectors will detect Safety Alert” signals as standard K band radar. Your 509860, however, is designed to differentiate between standard K hand and Safety illertw signals, and give separate alerts for each. Safety Alert® technology is relatively new. Safety Alert® transmitters can be found in limited numbers in all 50 states, but the number is growing, Depending on your location, you may not receive these alerts regularly and may often encounter emergency vehicles, trains, and road hazards without being alerted, As the number at transmitters increases, these alerts will become more common. When you receive such an alert, please watch for emergency vehicles ahead of you, on cross sheets, and behind you lfyou see an emergency vehicle approaching, please pull over to the right side of the road and allow it to pass. 2| DIRSTANDING RADAR l ll!!! Alert”| . ‘li strobes mounted on the light bars at ,,., t ied emergency vehicles (fire truds, ”police cars, arrbulances) automoticdly change trallic sigrrols as the vehicle approadtec an intersection, lime strobe: and the special strobe detectors loaated on tile traffic signals, introduced fairly recently by 3M and iomar, are aheady in use in more than 1000 cities nationwide. Cobra’s exclusive Strobe Illen'"l detector will detect these special Strobes and give an Emergency Vehicle alert. When you receive such an den, please watdt for an approadtitg emergency vehicle (lid pull over to allow it to pass. To inquire about coverage in your area, contact your load lire ard police departments. Does weather have any affect on “DAR? Yes. Rain, snow, smoke, log, or airborne . dust particles will reduce the effective j range of LIDAR and can, if dense enough, 1 prevent its operation. ., Yes. Newer llDAR guns can obtain Some common questions about lIDi'lR include: <5 (an [IBM operate thread! does? lIDAR (laser) the conect name for the technology that most people refer to as laser is actually UDAR, whidi stands for Light Detection aid Ranging. [IDAR operates mach lace radar, its signal spreads out like a radar signal, though not as quickly Unlike mdar, lJDAli must have a clear line of sight to its target vehicle throughout the entire measurement interval. Obstructions such as sigi posts, atiity poles, tree branches, etc, will prevent valid speed mermement received through glass to trigger an alarm by your 609860, Cur “DAR operate ville it motion? No, Because LIDAR operates by line of sight, the person using it cannot drive the vehicle, aim, and operate the gun all atthe some time. Is LIDAR legal to use? Yes. It is legal in all 50 states, MAINTENANCE ‘e SHIV Maintenance of Your Radar Detector Your 609860 is designed and built to give you years at trouble-tree performance without the need for service. No routine maintenance is required, If your unit does not appear to be operating properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps: P Make sure the power cord is properly connected. P Make sure the socket of your vehicle‘s cigarette lighter is clean and free of corrosion, > Make sure the power card's cigarette lighter adapter is firmly seated in your cigarette lighter, > Check the power cord luse. (Unscrew the ribbed end cap of the cigarette lighter adapter and examine the fuse. If required, replace it with a lamp lose only.) Service You can receive technical assistance with r your unit through one of our customer support services: Automated Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 7738893087. Customer Service Operators are available atthe same number Monday through Friday, 8:00 am, to 6:00 pm, CST. Questions our be faxed to 773-622-2269. Animated Technical Asststanoe is available 24 hours, 7 days a week via entail at: On-I'nte answers to frequently asked questions can be lound at: www.cobm,com, 23 suspect that your unit 5 service, please «I ‘ 9-3087 acronc shipping , to Cobra? This vii crime that you receive service as quickly as posslale. If you are asked to send your unitto the Cobraup lactary, please follow these steps: 1. Send the complete unit, including power card. (It is not necessary to include the mounting bracket.) 2. For warranty repair, enclose some form of proof-ofpurchase, such as a photocopy or carbon copy of a sales receipt. if you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned. 3. Enclose a typed or clearly written description of the problem you are having with your unit, plus the name and address where you want the unit retumed. 4. Pack the unit securely to prevent damage during transit. If possible, s use the original packing materials. 24 IN‘I‘INANCI l SEIVICI 5. Ship prepaid and insured using a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express, or first class mail with delivery confinnation Ship to: (ultra Factory Service Cobra Electronics Corporation 6500 (orllilill St. Oricogo, II. 60707 6. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us about the status of your service. Call 773-889-3087 for assistance. ll your unit is under warranty, it Will either be repaired or replaced upon receipt, depending on the model. lfyoor unit is out of warranty, you will receive a letter informing you of the repair or replacement charge 5500 “mm-5mm 60707 m. .airn COBRA ELEGROHICS (ORPORAHOH Excluaons: This Iinv'ted wurority does not apply wanants that its Cobra“ 10 Hand lltra‘" I) to any product damaged by accident; 2) in Pillar/Laser Detectors, and the comment the event of miaise or noise of the product or pans thereol, wil be free of defects in as a reailt of unauthorized olteratiors or repairs; workmarohip and anteriak lor period of one 3) itthe seriri number has been citered, (l) yer: from the date ol first consumer defaced or removed; 4) dihe owner of the purchase Th's warrarty may he erdorced by product resides outside the U.S.A. the l'm WW purchaser, ”WM that All implied warranties, including warranties of the prelim is ufizetl wrtlunvthe USA marcl'rantaliililv and fitness f“ u particular (olim‘D wfll, witlwt drags, repri or replace, at is purpose are Iinited ir titration to the length option, detective IO Band”I Radar/laser Deaths, of this wmonty products “' WW parts “9°" delivery l” ll“ Cobra" shall not be Fable for any incidental, Cobra” Factory 5m WM, WWW consequential or other damages; including by PM“ ll“ date ofhrst “mm“ ”mm without imitation, damages resulting from “(ll ‘5 0 mm“ “W “l “ “ll” m'l’l' loss of use or cost of irstallation. You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship the product for warranty service, but the return charges will he at (ohra's expense, ilthe prorhict is repaired or replaced under warranty. the wananty gives you specific rights, and you may abo have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow limitations on how long at iagilied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exdusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. 25 26 ECIIICA‘I’IONS j Bond Frequenries i K hmli 24.125 2 0.125 GHZ “ Solew Alert“ 24.070 Gill 3 Trulfir Winning Sysienr Gill 4 on 74,230 i 0.0”) Gill Unil Dimensions B. Weiglrr [Jimmie an'w mun x mun 1 Weight 170 grams This rodur detector is covered by one or more of the following ll.S. putents: 5,497,148; 5,594,432; 5,612,685; 6,078,279; 6,094,143. Addin'onol patents may be listed inside the product or pending. You (on find these fine accessories or your local (obro‘E dealer. If you wish, you can order directly from Cobra?” To order by phone (oII 773.889.3087 (Press 1 from the main menu 8 o.m,-6 nme Mi CS]. ) To order by mail or fax Please fill out order form on next page, OPTIONAL Accsssonrl shown or Power on Inrlude: plug and fuse 420030N001 ond mail/fox direcily to (alarm‘ To order onlino Go to and (lick on ”shop Cobra?” thslrield Mounting Brooke! ncludes suction cups 545-1 39-N001 Duol For! Powor Adopter Curlerl l2V DC Power Cord Includes odiustolrle plug (upto 90') ncludes plug and fuse and fuse xxx-xxx-NJUOl MOON-NON 27 [DER FORM m—- mum-m— mom 00deme (Tuxiimmbk) For mm (mi nvdevs fill on! order Mike check m may mdet In nude: mline, firm and fax to: 773.622.2269 payable m: please visit out websfle at m mil 778,689,3037 (obn- medts MMNM (Hess I fiom W» mlil menu) 6500 WC“ (onlnd 5m“ and CM "shop 01th 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, Mi, (ST. (Hugo, Il 60707 USA Ann: Amsmks Dept. Hm um MN Nuns Mdrss (Nu m Box) »’ 01V Stale 1» Telephone ( ) Elem Card No. Em. Dore (inle One: Vm Manhattan! Diswvaf (Mums! Sigma HWNMMHM mmmmflusm 28 SCobrw The Cobra” line of quality products ircludes; CB radios microiALK” radios Radar/ Laser Detectors Safety Alert” Traffic Warning Systems Accessories HighGear"Accessories For more information or to order any of our produtts, please visit our website: www.tobrn.¢om Click ”shop Cobra“ . Nothing comes close to a Cobra“ mo in Karla ©zaar am rm («Damian m tin. mam rm um Lonhtd sr. thin-p, a war
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