COMPUTIME 9800 User Manual Owners Manual
Computime Limited Owners Manual
Owners Manual
“ma—9500 1/9/99 2:57 pm fig; 1 ~ glfll? Wfioducegog Universal IR/RF Remote Control System Instruction Manual one—9800 7/9/99 2:52 m ? CONTENT INSTALLING THE BATTERIES n n USING YOUR HOME PRODUCER“ Feallues and Funclrons .. SETTING THE CLOCK. . QUICK SET UP . SETTING UP INDIVIDUAL HOME ENTERTAINMENT COMPONENTS To Sal Up Vour Televlslon .. -To Set Up Your VCR or TVNCFI Combinations To Sol Up Vuur Cable Box v To Set Up Vour DSS or Salellile Recervor. To Set Up Your Laser Drsc Plays-rm, To Set Up Your CD Player ,. To Set Up Your Tuner/Receiver . To SeI Up VOW Amplllier ,, .. , SETTING UP ADDITIONAL HOME ENTERTAINMENT COMPONENTS Re-Assignrng Device Keys .......... SEARCHING FOR VOUR CODE. nnmng 0m Vour Code SETTING UP THE HOME THEATER MODE KEV Power Key Macro LEARNING FUNCTIONS ONTO THE LI THROUGH L6 KEY Deleung Fealures From The L Keys, SETTING UP TIMED SEOUENCES To Delete a Tlmed Sequence REPEATING A SERIES OF KEV PRESSES IAUD AND VID KEYS HOW TO USE THE SHIFT KEV .. . . . HOW TO USE THE SLEEP KEV Sleep Lock . v VOLUME LOCK v KEVMOVEFI ... . . CLEAR ALL v SETTING UP AND USING THE IR/RF COMMAND CENTER COMPLIANCE WITH THE FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS . .. TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR MESSAGES, KEV INDEX TV Funclions. . ...v VCR Functions Cable Functions Laser Disc/Casseue/DVD Funcllons. DSS & Satellite Funcuons Receiver/Tuner Funcllons Amplifier Functions. CD Functions Home Aulomauon Functions v WARRANTY .. v neceaoo ”9/99 2;52 m pége 3 w» INSTALLING THE BATTERIES Your Home Producerrequires tour (4) new AAA alkaline batteries. To install the batteries: On the back of the Home Producer, press down on the black battery cover near the indentation where the black and silver sections meet and push/slide the cover off (see illustration). Match the + and — marks on the batteries to the + and — marks in the battery case, then insert the batteries Slide the battery cover back into place. Test the unit by press» ing POWER. It the batteries are inserted correctly, the red light will blink. NOTE: A/lsr flue/ling the batteries, the LCD screen WIYI 577/973 lest mode, which tests each segment of the LCD screen, This process ww last /0/ 10 seconds or um any key is pressed, which , $7 ever DCcU/S lirsl. mac—9900 7/9/99 7:52 pmfipjgtei US|NG UR HOME PRODUCER Features and Functlons The illustration below and the chart on the next two pages describe the features and the functions of the Home Producer's keypad, The following keys will always have the same function, regardless of which component you are controlling For an explanation of what each key does by component type, please use the index at the rear of the manual (pages 52 to 64). Zaiggfigé @l[~:~]@ mac—9800 7/9/99 2:52 Phieége 57 Feature Function ‘ The MAGIC key is used to access @ the menu and program your Home P/oducer The TV, VCR, CBL, SAT, AMP, TUN, CD, and DVD/LD keys are used to select the home entertainment com- ponent you want to control. If your component does not respond when you press a key on the remote con- trol, press the TV, VCR, CBL. SAT. AMP, TUN, CD, or DVDILD key to tell the remote control which compo- nent you would like to operate The HOME THEATER key is used to select the Home Theater mode of the Home Producer. The ESC (Escape) key is used to exit the LCD Screen menu. The LITE key is used to turn ON and OFF the Home Producer's backlit keypad and LCD screen. Press the LITE key once to turn ON the backlight. The Home Producer's backlight will stay on lor 10 seconds after the last key press and re-activates with the press of a key To de-activate the backlight, press the LITE key again, The POWER key controls power ON and OFF The VOL 1» (Volume Up), VOL — alb (Volume Down) and MUTE keys control the volume the same as the Volume Up and Down and Mute keys on your original remote ® mac-9300 7/w99 2.52 mg Fig/e}; Feature Functlon The CH + (Channel Up) and CH — (Channel Down) keys change channels the same as the Channel Up and Down keys on your original remote. The AUD and VID macro keys memorize up to 15 keystrokes that can be accessed in sequence at the press of a single key. These keys are not mode specl'ic. @ The SHIFT key accesses advanced features that are mapped under the following keys: CENTER, MENU. SELECT, MUTE, PREV CH, PIP, REW, PLAY, FF, STOP, and PAUSE, NOTE: For a detailed explanation a/ what function each key wi// perform by device type (e.g., rv, VCR URLs/Q), please refer la pages 52 through 64, UkC-9800 7/9/99 2:52 PM gigs 7 ‘ To set up the CLOCK/TIME on the display screen: Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key twice, the display will change to [CONFIGURE]. Press SELECT. the display will change to [THEATR SELL (5@ Menu Press MENU — one time, the display will change to [TIME SETUP], Press SELECT again. ée new 4 0 - 9 The display will change to [TIME] and the lirst digit in the time will blink. Enter either a 0 or a 1, then / the next digit in the time will begin to blink, continue entering the time until all four digits of the time have been set. After the time has been set, AM/PM will then blinkt Press MENU - to toggle between AM and PM, once AM or PM is selected, press SELECT, <5 new The display will then change to the day of the week (MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT or SUNL Use MENU — to toggle through the days until the proper day of the week is displayed on the screen, then press SELECT. The display will return to the [DEVICE and the TIME] screen with the correct time on the display M) Q?) NOTE: Af/a: marrying Ihe belief/es, you wrr/ have to reprogram the clock. uRc—eaoo 7J9J99 2:52 pm yfiqe e 1 To Qulckly Set Up the Home Producer to Operate Your Home Entertainment Components more: ”the four-mgr: code la! yaw device begins with a ‘m only the last three numbers of your code wi/lbe displayed. 1 Turn on all of the components that you will be setting up. Press and release the TV key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from rrv and the TlME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key one time. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SETUP], Press SELECT. The display will change to [TV]. MENU» Enter the first TV code listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes iorTVs" on pages 10-12, then press SELECT. Point the remote control at the TV and press POWER. Your Television should turn OFF. lf yourTV does not turn OFF. enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER again. Once your TV turns OFF, press VCR. You will now enter your VCR code. We 5 Enter the first VCR code listed lor your brand in the “Set Up Codes for VCRs" on pages 13-14, then press SELECT. Point the remote control at the VCR and press POWER. Your VCR should turn OFF. ll your VCR does not turn OFF. enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER again. Once your VCR turns OFF. press CBL. You will now enter your Cable Box code. 4.5 URC-BBOO News as; pm fifties 7 @ Continue to enter your codes as illustrated in Steps 5 and 6 until the Home Producer is operating all of your home entertainment components. Once you have tin- ished setting up your components, press ESC to return to the [DEVICE and TIME] display, If you would like to setup each of your components individually, or If you purchase a component after you have set up the AN Producer, set the ”SETTING UP INDIVIDUAL HOME ENTERTAINMENT COMPONENTS" sectlon on pages 10 to 23 In this manual. Set Up Codes lor TVs ,. Set Up Codes for VCRs Set Up Codes for Cable Boxe Set Up Codes for D88 and Satellite Receivers .................. Set Up Codes for DVD or LD Player Set Up Codes for CD Players Set Up Codes lorTuner/Fleceivers Set Up Codes for Amplifiers ...... mac-9500 7/9/99 3:52 pm pj‘tge 10 77, 10 ING UP INDIVIDUAL HOME ENTERTAINMENT COMPONENTS To Set Up YourTeIevislon: Mars; ”the lourd/g/f code for you! device begins wilh a “0'; only [he last three numbers D/yuur code mil be displayed. ée new eeéee Turn on your TV, Press and release the TV key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [TV and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ} Press the MENU — key onetime The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECT The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. Press SELECT and the display screen will change to {TV} Enter the first TV code listed for your brand in the "Set Up Codes torTVs" on pages 10-12, then press SELECT Aim the remote control at the TV and press POWERYour TV should turn OFE Press ESC to return the display to rl’V and the TIME]. If yourTV does not turn OFF, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT fol- lowed by POWEH again Once the correct code is entered, press so to return the display to [TV and TlMfl, For a detailed explanation of what function each key will pertorm in the TV mode, please refer to page 52. Set Up Codes for We A-Mavk 0003 Ambassador 0177 AOC D030 0019 0003 0052 Ammo 0751 OISE: Anam 0150 Ahex 0032 [main Na'IDnaI cuss Admiral 0093 Archer 0003 Adventura OMB Audlwox Mil, own, 0003, 0092. Alkn 0092 0523 Akai 0030 Aumaik 0050 Aimm 0|79 ansomc 0180 Allegro 0720. 0774 Belcor 0019 fitH 0009000 1/9/09 2:52 014 g» ge 11 Set Up Codes forTVs (cont) 0:11 0 Howe” 01301010 avnckwoea 010115601: CCE cxc Candle 5211011311 (1310111210 Carver Celebmy 01110131 szen Clalmne ounceuo Camec c-alq cmsw men Cums Mamas Daewno 031711011 00710" 0111115111 Dwm 0101310011 E1eflvuhanfl E1eclroh0m= Emevson Enwsmn Fishev Fulllsu Funal Fulnmecn GE 511mm Ge Vmeo 1301115131 Gmmente 0.0an “30111301 Havley Dawdsnn Human/11310011 Harvard Hllachl 111111110 01140 JEL JCB JVC Janell KEC KW Kaynam 0154, 0015 0100 0019 0236, 0463, 0003 0217 0100 0030 0055 0046, 0185 0052 0030 0054 1 0000 04510002 0060 0030, 0055. 0039 0046, 0092. 0105, 0250 0105 0055 0100 0157 0105 0180 0054 01000039 0047. 0054, 0154, 00510451, 0093, 0060. 00300145 00550016, 0030 016504551147 1347 0451. 0019 0030, 0002 00230524 0019, 0039 0145 0017, 0010 0720, 0774 0217 0000. 0155 0301 0154 0236 04630100. 0252 017000100179. 0039, 0030. 0177. 0105, 0200, 0523. 0624 0030 01540150 11170 0130, 0179 0171 0100 0047 0051.0451 0093. 0202, 0170. 0021 0055, 0027. 0135 1147 1347 0017 00300019 0050 0030 0170, 0010, 0056. 0039 0001, 0032 0053 0050 01000170 0170 0170 0054 0100 0145. 0055 0032, 0030, 0151 0054 0017 0054 0000 0053 0045 0100 0100 00300039 0105, 0217 0230 0052 77+ Kenwood 111055 LG LXI Luglk Luxmzm MEI MGA MIC Maqnavox Ma|es11c Maramz Matsusmtz Megzlmn Memulex Mldland 1711111112 141150515111 MOI070I3 101111110011 NAD NEC 1110 M0010 anm 011wa 0911111115 00101103 011011 Panasomc Penney Pmlcn mugs P|I0| Pioneer Fenland Pnsm Pmscan 17101011 P0153! Quasar 01:4 Radio Shack Reahsuc Rhansony 77 0030, 0019 0024, 0045 0050 0047, 0054, 0017, 0154, 015501701347 0016 0056 0105 0150. 0030, 0170, 0010 0050, 0030. 0019, 0055' 0105 0054, 0030, 0170, 0020. 0024. 0005, 0105, 0107, 0305 0015 0054, 0030 0051, 0250 0170. 0145, 0003 0154. 0250. 0150, 0050, 0170110500016 0047, 0017, 0051. 0030, 0032, 0135 0021 0093, 0150, 017170010 0003, 0055 0180, 0217 0155, 0170, 0150 0030, 0010, 0055, 0497 0092 0047. 0017, 0154, 0150, 0030, 0170. 0092, 1347 0010 0100 0154, 0250, 0165 0093, 0165 0235, 0463, 0179 0047. 0054, 0154, 0155, 0051, 0250, 0093, 01551 0150, 0050, 0053, 0170, 0145, 0055, 0001, 1347 0047, 0155, 01151, 0000, 0030, 0173, 0021, 0019. 0018, 0056, 0039, 0003, 0027. 0032, 0135, 1347 0054, 0453. 0030, 0145, 0019, 0020, 0024. 0095' 01 35, 01 87 0054, 0017, 0000, 0021, 0019, 0015, 0030, 0020. 0024, 0027, 0052 0030. 0019, 0039 0030, 0155 0019, 0039, 0092 0051 0047, 0030, 1347 0170. 0003, 00510455 0017, 0019 0051, 0250, 0105. 0055 0047, 0051, 0003, 0019, 0010, 0030, 0090, 0135' 1047,1147,1247,1347 0047. 0154, 0165, 0100. 0030, 0170, 0019, 0055, 0039, 0032 0154. 0155, 0100. 0030, 0170, 0019, 0056, 0039, 0032 0105 uRc-saao 7/9/99 2:59, PM 951 12 set Up Codes tor TVs (cont): Hunt!) 0017 0030.0697 0603 TMK 0178, 0056. 0177 SSS 0100 0019 Tandy 0053 Serum: 0030 0039. 0032 0052 73mm 0055. 0003 Samsunq 0060, 0030 0170. 0019 725071155 0047. 0017. 0051, 0250, 0056, 0039 0032 1347 Samsux 0039 Technol Ace 0179 Sanstl 0651 Techwnnd 0051. 0066. 0003 Sansul 0053 Tekmka 0054. 0100. 01501 0060. Sanyn 0155 0146 0159 00191017000560016, Sclmllsu 0019 0030, 0092. 0106 Smith 0170 Telellmken 0056 Sch" 0236 0180 0175 0010 Tnsnma 015401500060 0179 10mm: 0105 Sears 0047 0054 0154, 0156 Tnlevnsmn 0039 0178 0170 00560146 Intel 0157 0150 0171 Universal 0021,0027 Semwox 0100 VeclolRemmh 0030 Sump 0156 Victor 0053 Shaw 0093 0155 0039.0157 Vldlkron 0054 0386 Written 0170. 0019 Shogun 0019 Wang 0045 Swnalure 0018 Wams 0054, 0156. 0165. 0030, Slmpson 0185.0107 017B,002|,0019.0179, Sony 0000. 0000 0111 0056. 0015, 0020, 00277 Smmdeslwv 01000170 0170 0106 0000,0095,0111.0135, Speclncnn 0003 0107 Squarevizw 0171 Wlme Slarllle 0180 Weslmqhouse 06210624 SunreMacy 0046 Vamaha 0030. 0019 Sunreme 0000 Zennh 0017, 0016, 0002, 0146 Sylvama 0054 0030 00200024, Zunda 0003 0006010001070351 Symvhomc am To Set Up Your VCR orTVNCR Combinations: NOTE: ”the lolll-dlgli code for your dew'ce begins Min 5 “0", only the last [hree numbers 1.7/ yaw code wrll be displayed. 1 Turn on your VCR and insena1ape. 2 Press and release (he VCR key. 3 Press and hold MAGIC until (he display screen changes from [VCR and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. 4 Press the MENU - key one time, The display screen wi|| change to [CODE SET UP} Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. new Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [VCR]. 60 luRc—asoo 7/9/00 2 p74 lEige 71773 W ‘ 13 Enter the first VCR code listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes tor VCRs” below or “Set Up Codes for TVNCR Combinations" on the next page, then press SELECT. Aim the remote control at the VCR and press POWER or PLAY. Your VCR should turn OFF or start to play. Press the ESC key to return the display to [VCR and the TIME]. If your VCR does not turn OFF or start to play, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER or PLAY again, Once the correct code is entered, press the ESC key to return the display to [VCR and the TIME]. For a detailed explanation of what function each key will perform in the VCR mode. please refer to page 54 in the "Key Index". Set Up Codes For VCRs Aainiim Aflvenmm Aiko Arwa Altai American Hign Asha Audlovux Beauiimk Bell 0 Hnwell Broksomc CCE Calix Canon Canehan Can/er Cineml 72mm Colt Eiaiu ciinis Mattias cyneinex 000mm nayimii Dena" Dynaiecn Eleclmllnme Eieciiopnoiiic Emeiex Emeisnii Flshel n... Funzi GE 0040 Garrard 0000 0000 Go View 0432, 0520 0270 GnldStar 0037, 0030 0037 0000, 0307 Gradients 00000000 0047 0007 0705 Hl-O 0047 0035 Harley 0074771an 0000 0240 Hannah/Kmart 00010030 0037 Harwriud 0072. 0058 0240 Headquarter 0046 0704 when 0000, 0042, 0047, 0705 0707 07270200 0002. Jvc 0067,0047,0000 0205. 0470 Jensen 0047 0072 0270 KEC 0037. 0270 0037 KLH 0072 0035 Kenwnod 0007, 0047, 0038, 0046 0020 Kodak 0035, 0037 0007 LXI 0037 0278 Lloyd‘s 0000, 0200 0037 0270 Legit 0072 0072 MEl 0035 0037 0047, 0240. 0072. M00 0240. 0043, 0007 0277 M677 Tecnnalovy 0240 0060 0035, 0041, me? MW 0240, 0000 0240 Magnasnmc 0270, 0503 0075 0270, 0020, 0507 Magnet/ax 0035, 0039, 0007, 0000. 0020 0740, 0770 0042 M0007" 0240 0000 Marantz 0035. 0007. 0030 0037 Marta 0037 0037 Malsusnita 0035. 0702. 0454 0032 Memoiex 0035. 0037, 0040, 0030. 0037, 0704 0000 0727, 0043. 0209, 0002, 0270, 0047, 0240, 0000, 0704. 0045,0307, 1037, “62, 00300061 0000 0200, 1262 0272. 0205, 0470 0557 Minolta 0042, 0705 0047, 0704. 0054. 0055 Mitsubishi 0040, 0007, 0043. 0007 0035, 0033 Motorola 0035. 0048 0000 Muhilenh 0000, 0072 0060, 0035, 0040, 0240, NAP 0202 0035. 0037. 0039, 0042, 0033, 0034, 0056, 0705 ~< URC‘900U 7/9/99 3-52 90 F439?“ 14 Set Up Codes For VCRs (Cont) MEC 01040057 0041.0038. Sanyo 0047, 02400104, 0045 0040 Scoll 0104, 0045. 0121, 0043. mm 0037 0210, 0212 mm 0034 0253 Sears 0035003700410000, Nomex 0240 0042. 0104, 0046, 0054, ONMDHS 0035 0055, 0105 0911771175 0037 0040 01040162, 38100 0045 0432 0454 05931040. Shaw 00480062 1062 1152 1252 57117007“ 0072 Oplnnlta 0062 Shogun 0240 0mm 0104. 0002, 0295, 0479 51071311775 0035 Panasomc 0035 0152. 0077 0225 501907 0072 0454 1162 Sony 0030003100000003, Penney 00050037 0240 0042, 00340253 0030 0040. 0054 Sunpak 0253 Penlak 0042 0105 sylvzma 0035, 0051,0000, 0043, Phflcn 0035, 0200 0470 0110 thvs 0035.0031 0052 0110 Symnhnmc 0000, 0593 P110! 0037 "MK 0240, 0035, 0200 Plenum 0057 Talung 0041 907037111 0020 Teab 0000. 0041 Pwmrnmc 0240 Tscnmcs 0050, 0035, 0039. 0152. Proscan 0050. 0202 0202 Front 0072 Tekmka 0035, 0037, 0000 Pulsar 0039 Thnmas 0000 Guam: 0045 7050100 0045, 0043, 0056. 0210, 003711 0045 0212 Quasav 0005 0152 00710450, 100000" 00310240 1162 Unmech 0240 RCA 0060, 0035 0040, 0240 V200)! 0045 0042 014000710105, Vecmv Research 00300040 0106 0202 Video Cuneepls 0045. 00400061 Radm Shack 0000 1037 Vldensomc 0240 Rm 0097 Wards 0050, 0035, 0040. 0047. Randex 0037 0001, 0240, 0045. 0000, Heahshc 0035 0037, 0048. 01747. 0000 0104 0052 0045, 0066 While Ricoh 0034. 0253 Wenlnqmusu Runcn 0039 xii-mm) 878 0042 Vamaha Samsunu 0240 0045 Zemm Sanky 0040. 0039 3371501 0000 0057 0041. 0271. 0479 0042. 0072, 0140, 00521 0212 0278 0035, 0000, 0072 an", 0035 0039, 0000. 00310034. 0479 so: Up Codes for TVNCR Comblnallons: URc—9800 nun/9K» 7.52 PM fig? 7175 75 To Set Up Your Cable Box: NOTE /r the four-dig” code lorypur device begins mm a W, on/y me last lhree numbers olyour code wfl/ be displayed 1 Turn on your Cable Box, Press and release the CBL key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [CABLE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key onetime. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP} Press SELECT, The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. ée uzuu. Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [CABLE], Enter the first Cable Box code listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes for Cable Boxes" on page 16, the press SELECTr QQQ Point the remote control at the Cable Box and press POWER Your Cable Box should turn OFF if your Cable Box turns OFF, press the ESC key to return the display to [CABLE and the TIME]t If your Cable Box does not turn OFF. enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT fol- lowed by POWER again Once the correct code is entered, press the ESC key to return the display to [CABLE and the TIME], (96 NOTE: /r yaw angma/ ScienI/fr'c Allanra remols conlro/ does not have an “Oil/"key, press cm or one o/lhe dig/Y keys on the Home Producer 10 [um your Cab/e Box on, For a detailed explanation 01 what function each key will perform in the Cable mode, please refer to page 56 in the “Key index". we URC~9HOO 7/9/99 3:51 PM he}? 76 Set Up Codes For Cable Boxes ABC 00010000 0014 0017, Plllhus 0007 0011 0001 0013 P10neer Allegro 0153 0315 Pauular Ammmx 0022, 0207 Meclwubs Archer 0153 0022 0207 0707 Pyescan Below 0056 Pu1sar 135110 Howell 0014 Quasar Cablt $131 0055 RCA Cablmnna 0022 R300) Shatk Cahlewew 0022 Reallsllc Csnlury 0153 Recolun 131111011 0153 0315 Regal Cnlmlrvmce 0025 0031 Regency 5011111171115: 0040 Rembvanm Dome: 0019 Runco 0191 0637 51 MW Easlem 0002 Samsung Emevson 0797 Smenlvlm Evevquzsl 0015 0040 Allznta Facus 0400 Seam GO Eleclmmcs 0056, 0207 S1gnal Gavmd 0153 s-gnalm Gemlm 0015 Sumter Genaval Slamm lnslmmenl M76 0275. 0011 0010 Slargale GuldSlav 0144. 0040 Slaluuefl 00001111110 0797 Sylvama Hamlm 0020 0259 0009, 0034 TFC Mac?” 0011 WEB Nwex 0007 Tandy Jasco 0015, 0153 0315 Televlew Jevmld 0003 0012 0476, 0276. Tuscan 0014 0015 00110510 Trmeless Lmsay 0440 70:0?“ Maonavox 0014 0027 Tosluha Memnlex 0000 Tusa Mom 11111: 00510156 Umka MAP 0007 Umlefl Amsls MSC 0053 0155 Umversal "waulex 0610 0311 0019. 0007 Vldwway Dphmns 0021 Viewslal Panasom: 0000 0107, 0021 10111111 Panmel 0637 Zenlek Paragon 0000 0153. 0025, 0027, 0031 1114600210533 0000 0021 0000 0000 0021 0015, 0315. 0797, 0053 0207 0400 0020,0259 0002 00m 0000 0040 0141, 0040 0000,0477,0017 mm 0015, 0040 WM 021 nmw,uou 0015, 0040, 0797 0015 0001 mm 0053 0258 0040 Wm 0415 0012, 0013 0000 0015 0153, 0022, 0207 0007 0153, 0022, 00551 11191, 0207 0250 0063, 0027, 0250 0000, 0000, 0015, 0207, 0525 Mm To Set Up Your DSS or Satelllte Hecelver: mars: Iflhe low-mm coda [or your demo beg/775 with a “0", only [her last [Nee numbers o/you/ code Wil/ be dfsp/ayed. 1 Turn on your DSS or Satellite Receiver. Press and release the SAT keyr Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [SAT and lhe TIME] to [TIMED SEQ} $5 Mac—9300 779799 2:51 pm 0Tge 717 17 Press the MENU — key. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECTA The display will change to [DEV SET UP} J; 90029 Press SELECT and the display screen will change to {SAT} or Enter the first Satellite code listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes for Satellites“ on page 17, then press SELECT. Point the remote control at the Satellite and press POWER. Your Satellite should turn OFF. If your Satellite turns OFE press the ESC key to return the dis- play to [SAT and the TIME]2 If your Satellite does not turn OFF, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER again Once the correct code is en- tered, press the ESC key to return the display to [SAT and the TIMEL (09 For a detailed explanation at what function each key will perform in the Satellite mode, please reler to page 59 in the "Key Index". Set Up Codes for 055 and Satelllte Recelvers AlphaSlal 0772 Jerrold 06210361 Astra lndustlles 0005 Legend 0269 ESR 0095 Mamm 00l B Capelmmc 0095 Channel Master OMB 0212 Chapallal 0053 0209 0216 DX Amen" 004i Magnavux 0724, 0722 Mummx 0724, 0269 Next Lmi 0869 Panasumc 070i, 0l52 make 0010 0064, 0039, 0245 Pmllps 0724, 0722, 0200 Emma 0775 0140 0690269, President 0074 0200 anestal 0627, 03st Expmssvu 0775 onscan 0565 General RCA 0566, N43, 0302, 0055 Insllumenl 0527 past, 0059 Rad-0 Shack 0556,0869 NTS 0775 Rzallsllb 0052 Hitachi 0519 $15 0041, 0210 Hnmecable 0230 Sony 0539 Hughes Slat Choice 0859 Nelwnrk Sys 0749 Stir Yuk N80 Mylek 0095 7057003 0790, 0002 I0 02|0 Uri-0m 0724, 0722, 0052, 0070, IQ Prism 02m 0076, 0230, 0370 JVC D775 Zemlii 0054. 0245, 0556 Janetl 0152 uRc—geoo 7/0/90 2:53 PM rfigewlfl 18 To Set Up Your DVD or L0 Player: NOTE: If the Voul-lJ/g/I code fo/your device beg/Its Wilh 2 WT} arr/y me last three numbers afyowcude wil/be flip/Eyed 1 Turn on your DVD or LD Player and insert a disc. 2 Press and release the DVDILD key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [DVD/LDF' and the T|ME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key one time. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]A Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. (5@ MENU— Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [DVD/LDP]. Enter the first DVD or LD oode listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes for DVD Players" or "Set Up Codes for LD Players" on the next page, then press SELECTA Aim the remote con- trol at the DVD or LD player and press POWER or PLAY.Your player or should turn OFF or start to play your disc. Press the ESC key to return the display to [DVD/LDP and the TIME]. ll your player does not turn OFF or start to play your disc, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT lollowed by POWER or PLAY again, Once the correct code is entered, press the ESC key to return the dis- play to [DVD/LDP and the TIME]. @@ we For a detailed explanation of what function each key will perform in the DVDn_DP mode, please refer to page 58 in the “Key Index". mac—9000 7/9/99 11:53 pm 7539395 179 r9 set Up Codes for DVD Players Harman/Kama" 0552 Pruscan 0522 JVC 0555 RCA 0522 Kenwood 0530 Samsung 0573 Magnavox 0503 Sony 0533 Mllsuhlsm 052i thhnics 0490 Onkyo 503 Then Digital 0571 Optimus 0525 Tush-ha 0503 Panasonic 0490 Yamaha 0490, 0515 Philips 0503 0530 Zemlh 05010591 From: 0525. 0571 Set Up Codes for LD Players Arm 0203 Panasonic 0sz Carver 0064 N94 0323 Philly: 00000194 Denon 0050 0|72 Pioneer 0059, 0023 Discn Vlslnll 0023 Quasar 0204 Purim 0203 Realistic 0203 Harman/lemon 0m Samsunq 0323 Nilachr 0023 Sega 0023 Magnavnx MW 0217 Sony fligi‘ 0201 Mann" 0004. 0‘91 Techmcs 0204 Mllsublshl 0059 Thela Dlvilal 0104 0059 Vamaha 0217 MD To Set Up Your CD Player: NOTE: lfme foul-dry!) code for your device begins with a 0: only the last Wes numbers of your code will be displayed (305 usurp 00 Turn on your CD Player and insert a disc. Press and release the CD key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [CD and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key onetime. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET UP], Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [CD], Enter lhe first CD code listed lor your brand in the “Set Up Codes for CD Players" on the next page, lhen press SELECTA URC»9800 7/11/90 20 7,53 PM afield To Set Up Your CD Player (cont): 7‘ ”P Aim the remote control at the CD player and press POWER or PLAY. Your CD player should turn OFF or start to play your disc. Press the ESC key to return the display to [CD and the TIME], If your CD player does not turn OFF or start to play your disc, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT tollowed by POWER or PLAY again, Once the correct code is entered, press the ESC key to return the display to [CD and the TlME], For a detarled explanation of what function each key will perform in the CD mode, please refer to page 63 in the “Key Index", Set Up Codes for CD Players ADD DD|E Mnnavox 0157, 0305 Adam“ 0155, 02370 Mararrtz 0029 01510180 Arwa 015700110124 Mblnlosh 0237 Aka! 0155 Mlssmn D! 57 Audra Alchemy 0104 NEC 00110234 Aud1e~Tetnmca 0170 NSM 0157 BSR MN 0245 Nakamrcm 0147 Bang L Glutsen 0212 71111107 0154, 0170, 0174 Burmestev 0120 0nkyu 0101, 0868 Calrtorma Uptrmus mo, mm, 0179, 0305, Aumn Labs 0029 Czrrera 0194 Carver 0157 men at 22 Cultrs Mamas 0029 DAK 0245 max 0254 DKK 0000 Denwr 0003, Emerson 0305. Frsher 0179 GE 0009 Garrard 0420 0425 Genexxa 0032, GoIdStar 0417 Harman/Karlie" 0157 Hllacm 0032 JVC 0072 Kenweofl 0028 068! Kodak 0207 Krelt 0157 Kyocera 0018 Lxl 0305 errrr 0157 human 0003 M05 0029 M112 0420 0037. DJZO, 0145, 0458, 0087, 0175, 0190, 0196, 0179 0437 0200, 0342, 006,041” Pauasorrrc 0029, 0303. 0357, 0752 Pamsuunfl 042110104 Prrrlrns 015702370626 Profile! 0032, 0305, 01550, 0244 Proscan 0053 0873 Proton 0157 0155, 0164, 0469 QED 0157 008210174 0342 Quasar 0020 RCA 0179, 0305, 0053. 0009, 03010245 0250, 0155, 0754 Realtstlc 0179, Mo, 0155, 0164, 0305, 0164 0175, 0130 Rotul 0157, 0420 01710425 sAE 0157 0155 STS 0015 0655 0658 Sansul 0157, 0305. 0202 0037, 0100 0526, Surya 0179, 0087 Scott 0305, 0155, 0154 Sears 0305 Sharp 0057, 0150, 0061 Snuwuud 0150. 0195, 0425 strure 0013 Sony 0000, 0105, 0090. 05m, 0605 00m Sonndeslgn 0145. 0125 Sylvama 0157 mac-9mm 7/0/99 2:51 PM LEE} 21 Set Up Codes for CD Players (cont) Tascam MED Vtfilm 0072 Text 0420 0393 mnmso Wards 0157. 0053 Technics 0029 0207 0303 Yamaha 003601710187 Veclm Volx Mel Research DISA um To Set Up Your Tuner/Receiver: NOTE: If the foul-digit COGS fol your device begins Wit/I a W'i on/y [he Iasl three numbers o/your code wil/be displayed 1 Turn on your Tuner/Receiver. Press and release the TUN key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from rI'UN and the TIME] to rI'IMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key one time. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP], Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. (35 nzuu» Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [TUNER]. Enter the first Tuner code listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes for Tuner/Receivers” on the next page, then press SELECT. Aim the remote control at the Tuner/Receiver and press POWER. Your Tuner/Receiver should turn OFE Press the ESC key to return lhe display to [TUN and the TIME]. It yourTuner/Receiver does not turn OFF, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER, Once the cor— rect code is entered, press the ESC key to return the display to [TUN and the TIME]. Q9 @@ For a detailed explanation of what function each key will perform in the Tuner mode, please refer to page 60 in the “Key Index", ,, ,{% q, mac—9000 7/0/99 2:51 PM 0qu g; 22 Set Up Codes For Tuner/Receivers ADC 0531 Nakammin 00070347 Aflnnm 0515 mm 0135, 0100, 0300 41010 0155 0189 0121 0405 Oplimus 0531,0670, 0106, 0042. Akal 0075. 0224 0177, 0101, 0219, 0735. 8:00 0 01111300 0090 0501,102Cl 0301111011: 0531. 0105 Panasmilc 0039, 0300, 0510 Cami 0150. 0000 00410360 Penney 0105 Cum 0195 Philips 01000391 Clannetlz 0195 Pioneei 053i, 0014, 0150, 0630. Cums Mattias 00300000 00001023 Denon 0004. 0273 0771 Pioscan 0054 Emeison 0424 Quasar 0039 Flshev 0002 0219 0360 0801 RCA 0531,0054,0340,0360, swam 0451 0424 0530 Hziman/Kaiuon 0110 0109, 0591 Reallsllc 0195.0163,0101 lilkel 0052 83715111 0189, 0103, 0345 JBL 0110 Sanyo 0219, 0501 JVC 0071 5:00 01510322 Kenwoofl 0027 0106, 0042, 0077 Shaw 0186 03110314 Sherwood 0491, 00510502 Koss 0m slams 0m LXI 0101 Smw 015001500474 Linn 0100 Smmflaslqil 0570 Lloyd's 0195 Teac 0453. 0153 M05 0030 0340 110111105 0030030002000510 Magnavnx 0531, 0100. 0105. 01211 01:10; 0071 0391 Wald; 0158, 0014, 0189, 0080, anu 0030, 0100. 0120 0012, 0054 Module": 0195 Vamaha 0176, 0105 NAB 0320 Vurx 0195 NEC 0235 2001111 0057 To Set Up Your Amplifier: NOTE I! lhe row-11:90 code forqu device begins min a “a", only 1/75 Iasl three numbers afyaur code wlilbe d/‘sp/ayed. 1 Turn on your Amplifier. 2 Press and release the AMP key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [AMP and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU — key one time. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET UP} 000 Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [AMP]. Enter the first Amplifier code listed for your brand in the “Set Up Codes for Amplifiers" on the next page, then press SELECT , 1 else 000 URC-9900 7,9/99 2:53 PM 9‘ e 273 25 To Set Up Your Amplifier (cont): 7 Aim the remote control at the Amplifier and press POWER. Vour Amplifier should turn OFF Press the @ ESC key to return the display to [AMP and the TIME]. If your Amplifier does not turn OFF, enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER. Once the cor- rect code is entered, press the Esc key to return the display to [AMP and the TIME]. For a detailed explanation of what function each key will perform in the Amplifier mode, please reler to page 61 in the “Key Index". $0! Up Codes for Amplifiers Alwa 0406 ODIlmus 0305 Base 0674 Panasonic 0308 Carver 0269 Parasuund 0245 Cums Memes 0300 Phlllvs 0261 0892 Denon 0150 Plnneer 00l 3‘ 0300 GE 0070 Realistic 0395 Harman/Kama" 0692 sansm 032i NE 0331 Shine 0254 \ Kehwbod 0355 Sony 0220, 0589 lll’ll’l 0259 Saundesiqn 0078, 021! Luxman 0165 Technlcs 0308, 052! Maanavnx 0269 Vlclnr 0331 anu 026103210892 Wards 0013. 0075, 0211 NEC 0254 Yamaha 0351. 0133. one. 0504 Nakamicm 0321 URC-9800 7/9/9911“)! pm figs 24 ADDITIONAL HOME ENTERTAINMENT COMPONENTS Besides the device keys that are already labeled (TV, VCR, CBL, etc), the Home Produce/can also operate the lollowing components: Cassette Decks, Home Automation, Digital Audio Tape, Phonographs, Video Accessories, and Miscellaneous Audio Components (e.g., Graphic Equalizers and Digital Music Service Boxes). The Set Up codes (or these devices can be accesed under the following device keys: Cassette Decks: Use Ihe DVDILD Key Home Automation: Use the CD Key Digital Audio Tape: Use the DVD/LD Key Phonographs: Use the CD Key Video Accessories: Use the CBL Key Miscellaneous Audio: Use the AMP Key NOTE: Each dewce (TV, van, DBL, elc.) can only ope/ale one component a! a ”me, ll you have already set up a component on a key, [hen assigning a second compo/19"! an the same key will erase the code for me first component you set up, Fol example, l'lyuu set up a DVD Player an DVD/Ll? and than sel up a Cassette Deck an DVD/L0, the Home Produce! ml! only opemte ills Cassette Deck. For example, to set up a Cassette Deck on the DVDILD key: NOTE: If Ills Iow-Lfigil code laryou/ Ciel/lbs begins with S YT; only lhe A951 [Nee numbers alyour code wl// be dl'splaysd 1 Turn on your Cassette Deck. Press and release the DVDILD key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [UVD/LDP and the TIME] to rl'lMED SEQ], Press the MENU -— key one time. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECTA The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. do new Press SELECT and the display screen will change to [END/LDF'} , {BE ‘unc-esoc 7/9/99 7.53 PM fig? 25 l i ’ i 25 6 6 Press MENU — to toggle between [DVDP]. [LDP]. [TAPE], and [DAT]. Once [TAPE] is on the display screen, enter the first Cassette Deck code listed for your brand in the "Set Up Codes for Cassette . Decks" on the next page, then ® press SELECT. 7 Point the remote control at the Cassette Deck and press POWER. Your Cassette Deck should turn @ OFF. Then press the ESC key to return the display to [TAPE and the TIME]. If your Cassette Deck does not turn OFF. enter the next code in the code list then press SELECT followed by POWER again. Once the correct cocde is entered, press the ESC key to return the display to [TAPE and the TIME]. He-asslgnlng Device Keys You can use the Home Produce/to operate a sec- ond TV or a second VCR or any combination of eight devices. To do this, you must reassign one of the device keys (i.e,, AMP, TUN, TV, CBL, CD, VCR, SAT, or DVD/LD) to operate your second device. For example, to re-assign one of the device keys to support your other components: 1 Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [DVD/LDP and the TIME] to rI'IMED SEO]. 2 x2 Press the MENU - key twice. The display screen will change to [CONFIGURE]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [THEATER SEL]. new. x3 Press the MENU — key three times. The display screen will change to [MODE MAP} Press SELECT. . The display will change to @ [SOURCE], OQ menu- URC~9800 7/9/99 2:51 pm PTge 26 1 I, 26 Fle-assigning Devloe Keys (cont) 4 (Device Key) Press the device key you would like to move, The display screen will change to [COPY TO]. Press the unused device key you would like to replace. The display will change to [DEVICE2 and the TIME]. Proceed with programming the re-assigned device key with the appropriate code. Set Up Codes for Cassette Decks Alwa 0029 01971 0200 Akai 0203 Bang s. 0Iu1sen 0210 Carver 0029 Dalton 0075 Fisher 0074 Garrard 0300 0439 Narmzn/Kardorr 01010029 JVC 02110273 Kerrwrmd 0070, 0071 Maunavnx 0020 010117111 0029 0000 unsumsm 0283 Onkyo 01351 0135 0202 Set Up Codes for Home as 0240 0010000 0004 Luirorr 0310 009 for All 0157 x10 Dntlrrius 00270220403310439 Panasonic 0220 Phrlle 0029 Pioneer 0027, 0220, 0099 Revox 0190 53115171 0029. 0009 Sherwood 0337 Sony 0243, 0170 0291 Teas 0300 mnmcs 0220 Vittor 0273 Wards 0027 Vamaira 0007, 0091 Automation name Snack 0240 Smarty Symm 0157 Universal x10 0157 0167 Set Up Codes for Digital Audio Tape Carver 0150 Berrarr 003i Hyman/Kama" 0150 Magnavnx 0150 Set Up Codes ior Turnta Arwa 0100 Carver 0100 Maunavox 0100 Set Up Codes for Video Archer 0160 GD Eleclmmcs 0160 Jensen 0100 qunzvnx 0010 Philips 0010 Maranlz 0150 Phrlle 0150 Sony 0093 bies Maranll 01 08 Philips 0100 Sony 0318 Accessories 0117011 0081 Ram Snack 0160 Sony 0550 Telecaplron 0|7i Set Up Codes tor Miscellaneous Audio AIM 0010 015920104 Frsnzr 171752 Harman/110111071 N77 JBL 0477 JVC 0073 10qu M59. 0520 Mrkka 1137s Paramount Pmi 0317 RCA 0056 551 0317 Schneider 0376 ScrerrimuAtlzmA 0460 Sony 0010‘ 0159 Seundlslqn 0375 Starcorrr 0459 Wu 0375 URCAQBDD 7/9/99 1:53 w ‘P'qu 37 \ 27 SEARCHING FOR YOUR CODE If your components do not respond to the Home Produce/alter trying all ol the codes listed for your brand, or it your brand is not listed at all, try search- ing for your code. For example, after trying all of the codes for your brand otTV, you still cannot get the Home Producerto operate your TV, then: 1 Press and release the TV key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [TV and the TIME] to [TIMED SEO]. Press the MENU — key onetime. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET UP]. (5@ new Press the MENU - key another time, The display screen will change to [DEV SEARCH]. Press SELECT. The diSplay will change to [TV and XXX]. QQ Menu NOTE: XXX represents [he lets! three-digit code lhal was ems/ed prr'or to start/Hg the search. 5 Press POWER ll yourTV turns OFF, press SELECT to lock in your code and return the display to [TV and the TIME]. It yourTV does not turn OFF, press MENU —. The next available code will appear on the display screen. then press POWER againt Continue to press POWER then MENU — until your TV turns OFF Once yourTV turns OFF, press SELECT to lock in your code and return the display to [TV and the TIME]. NOTE: (I you are searcmrrg for your van, on Player, DVD Player, or L0 Player code, use FLAYr'nstead o/ POWER. Om‘e your component begins to play the rape or dr‘so, press 551.507 to lock In the code. 99 ., st) in 9: are vac—9300 7/9/99 7:53 pm figs}? 28 Flnding Out Your Code After you have set up your components using the search, you may need to find out which four-digit code is operating your components. For example, to find out what four-digit code is operating your TV: TV code: VCFl Code: Press and release the TV key. Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [TV and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press the MENU - key one time. The display screen will change to [CODE SET UP]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [DEV SET up]. Press MENU — twice. The display will change to [DEV NUMBER]. Press SELECT. The display will then change to [TV and your code]. Write down the code in the below boxes and press ESC to return the display to [TV and the TIME . Cable Code: Satellite Code: Tuner Code: Amplifier Code: CD Player Code: DVD/LD Player Code: mic-9800 7/9/99 2:53 PM? pegs 29 ‘ y, SETTING UP THE HOME THEATER KEY The HOME THEATER mode key brings all of the most commonly used home theater functions into one mode of the Home Producer, When setting up this key, you will choose which components will control your volume, channel changing, playback, F'icture-in-Picture and menu functions. 1 Press and release the HOME THEATER mode key, 2 @ Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [THEATER and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. 3 x2 Press the MENU - key twice, the 6 display will change to [CONFIGUFlE]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [THEATR SEL], press . x2 SELECT. The display will change @ to [AUDIO], ~g~ , 4 Press SELECT. This will change the display to [AMP] or, if you have redefined the AMP key, the display would read [We], [DVDZ], [SAT2] and so on, At this screen you will select the device that will control your Volume in the Home Theater (Device Key) Modet Use the device keys AMP, TUN, TV, CBL, SAT or DVDILD to choose your AUDIO selection. Once you choose the AUDlO @ source. press SELECT, For example. it your Tuner will control your volume in the Home Theater Mode, press TUN + SELECT The display will change to [CHANNEL]. This will allow you to choose the device that will control your channel changingt new (continued on next page) W $7 URC-9800 7/9/99 2:53 PM 30 SETTING UP THE HOME THEATER KEY (con .) 5 Press SELECT. This will change the display to [SAT]. Use the device keys (Device Key) TV, VCR, SAT, CBL or DVD/LD to choose your CHANNEL source, then press SELECT, For example, if your Satellite will control channel chang- ing in the Home Theater Mode, press SAT + SELECT. The display will change to [PLAYBACK]. This will allow you to choose the device that will control the transport keys (PLAY. REW, FF, PAUSE, STOP and REC). 6 Press SELECT. This will change the display to [VCR]. Use the device keys (Devlce Key) CD, VCR, or DVDILD to choose your PLAYBACK source, then press SELECT. For example, if your DVD Player will control playback in the Home Theater Mode, press DVDILD + SELECT. The display will change to [PIP]. This will allow you to select the device that will control your Picture-in-Picture Features. 7 Press SELECT. This will change the display to [TV]. Use the device keys (Device Key) TV, CBL, or VCR to choose your . PICTURE-IN-PICTUHE source, then ® press SELECT. For example, it your VCR will control Picture-in-Picture features in the Home Theater Mode, press VCR + SELECT. The display will change to [MENU]. This will allow you to select the device that will control your Menu features. 8 Press SELECT. This will change the display to [SAT]. Use the device keys (Device Key) TV, CBL, SAT, VCR, TUN, or . DVDILD to choose your MENU ® source, then press SELECT. For example, if your DSS will control your Menu features in the Home Theater Mode. press SAT + SELECT. The display will then return to the [DEVICE and the TIME] screen. _. <4? luRc—eano 7/9/99 2:53 PM (Pig’s 31 31 After setting up the HOMETHEATER Mode key, you can then set up a macro sequence on the POWER key in the Home Theater Mode. This macro will allow you to power ON all of your components in the Home Theater mode with the press of one key. Power Key Macro - Powering ON Your Home Theater Components wlth One Key Press 1 Press and release the HOME THEATER Mode key, then press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [THEATER and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. x2 Press the MENU — key twice. the display will change to [CONFIGURE], F'ress SELECT, the display will change to [THEATR SELL ®® MENU- x4 Press MENU — four times until the display reads [KEY MACROL Press SELECT The display will read [SEL MACKEY]. (9? new Press the POWER key to assign the macro to POWER Enter the macro sequence that will power “ON" your home theater, for example: at (Sequence) TUN + POWER + TV + POWER + VCR ¢ POWER + etc., until you have added all of your home theater components. 4 @ When your macro sequence is con- cluded, press ESC to save. The dis- play will then return to the [THE- ATER and the TIME] screen 5 To activate the Home Theater Power macro, the LCD screen must read [THEATER], and you must press POWER. NOTE: The AUD or V/D macro keys cannalbe used in your Home Thea/er Power key macro. 4B, URC-9EDO 7/9/99 2.53 PM 32 LEARNING FUNCTIONS ONTO THE Ll THROUGH L6 KEVS The L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, and L6 keys can be used to customize those functions that are unique to your home entertainment needs For example, the Home Producerdoes not offer Tracking Up or Down for a VCR, However, with the learning feature, you can add these as well as many other lunctions to the Home Producer NO‘IE: Please have your original remo/e comm/s handy before pal/arming lean/mg. 1 (Device Key) Press and release the Device key (e.g,, VCR) where you want Home Pradi/certo learn new feature(s). 2 Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from the device you selected [e.g., VCR and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. 3 6x2 Press MENU — twice, the display will change to [CONFIGURE]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [T HEATER SEL]. Press MENU + twice, the display will ff. x2 change to [IR LEARNER]. 4 x2 Press SELECT, the display screen will change to [IR LEAFIN]. Press SELECT again. new 5 The display screen will change from [IR LEARN] to [VCRL Home Produce/is now ready to learn new features. NOTE'A/ [hrs poml, you can press a different device key (e,g., TV) 10 learn fealL/les In a d/We/Enl mode. 6 (Device Key) Press and release the Device key (9.9, TV) for the component you want to be learned. more: Steps 71nroirgn 9 need [0 be comp/elect w/thr'n 10 seconds Please read the next three sreps before proceeding. a? URC-BEUO 7/9/99 2:53 pm, figsjz 33 7 Press and release the L(1-6) key where you want to assign a compo- nent‘s feature The Home Producer’s red light will flash rapidly. 9 Place your original remote control about 2 inches apart (nose-to-nose) lrom the Home Producer. 0 DE 0 DE £ 0 GE 10 On your original remote control, press and hold the key (leature) you want learned until the red light on the Home Producer blinks twice and the display will read {SUCCESS}. It the red light on the Home Producer does not blink twice or the display reads [ERROR], stop and repeat steps 9 and 10. NOTE: You can now repeal sleps s Ihrough 10 lo ream addrtian- a! [Uriel/ans on me other LII-6) keys and in d/flerenl modes. 11 Once the Home Producer has ® learned all desired leatures, press and release ESC to exit out of learning model 12 To test a new feature, press and release a desired device key, tol- Iowed by the L(1-6) key where a corresponding lemurs was learned. vac-9800 7/9/99 2:53 PM PTge 34 34 Deletlng Features from the L keys: 1 (Devlce Key) Press and release the Device key (e.g., VCR) where you want Home Producerto learn new leature(s). 2 @ Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from the device you selected [a.g., VCR and the TlME] to [TlMED SEQ]. 3 x2 Press MENU — twice. the display 6 will change to [CONFIGURE]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [THEATER SEL]. Press MENU + twice, the display will ff x2 change to [IR LEARNER]. 4 ®x2 Press SELECT, the display screen new will change to [IR LEARN]. Press MENU + once and the screen will fl? change to [IR DELETE]. Press and release SELECT. 5 The display screen will now change to [KEY/MODE]. Press and release SELECT. 6 (Device Key) Press and release the Device key which holds the learned feature you want to delete (e.g., TV). Then press and release the L(1~G) key you want to delete. The Display will read [DELETED]. 7 You can now repeat steps 5 and 6 to continue deleting any and all learned features. Linc—9800 7/9/99 2:53 pm, PT? 35 35 SETTING UP TIMED SEQUENCES - RECORDING WHEN YOU ARE NOT HOME The Home Produce/is equipped with a special fea- ture that lets you set up a sequence of key-strokes that can be played back at a specified time, up to seven days in advance. You can use this feature to record from your DSS satellite, turn on your infrared home automation lighting system when you are not home, or any other series of keystrokes that you would like to play back at a later time. The Home PraducerYou can store up ten sequences in the memory with each sequence having a maximum of 15 keystrokes. For example, to set up the remote to record a program off of your DSS receiver: 1 @ Press and hold MAGIC until the play screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. . x2 Press SELECT. The display will ® change to [ADD MACFtO], Press SELECT again, 2 0 or 1 The display will change to [START 6 and the TIME], with the first digit of the TIME blinking. Enter either a 0 or a 1, then the next digit in the time . will begin to blink, continue entering ® the time until all four digits of the time have been set. Next, {AM/PM] wiII blink. Press MENU — to toggle between AM and PM. Choose one and press SELECT. 3 The display will change to [ONCE], 6 Use MENU - to toggle through [ONCE], [DAILY], or [WEEKLY], . depending on when and how often ® you want the sequence to play. Choose one and press SELECT. The display will change to the day of the week on which the sequence will begin. Use MENU — to toggle . through the days of the week until a ® desired day is displayed Press SELECT. The display will change to [ENTER SEQ]. we URCvQBtJG 7/9/09 as} P“, gfiees 36 NOTE: When self/[lg up your sequence, you Will need to l‘ndude any keystrokes Ihar would normally be required during regular usage, such as pressing ENTER after enterl'ng a channel num- ber when Chang/[lg charms/s. For example, enter a sequence that will start your VCR recording your DSS channel as follows: SAT+POWER+SAT+2+7+5+ VCFI + POWER + VCR + RECORDA This sequence will turn on the DSS. change the channel to 275, and turn on the VCR and start it recording 5 ® Once a sequence has been set up, press the ESC key to return to the [DEVICE and the TIME] display screen, Below the [TIME], a CLOCK (®) symbol will appear to show that there is a timed sequence in the memory. NOTE: lf, at any llme durl'rlg the sel up 01 your ll'med sequence, a mlslake ls made, press the ESC key to return to me maln display [DE I/IDE and the TIME} Then dale/e the sequence that was warm! and reslan your ll'med sequence, After you have set up a timed sequence, you may want to set up a second sequence that turns every- thing ofl alter your initial sequence For the example above, after recording the program lrom your DSSv you can set up a second sequence to power OFF your D88 and VCR. Just repeat steps 1 through 5 to set up a sequence to power OFF your components mac—9300 7/9/99 2-5] PM 57 To Delete 3 Timed Sequence 1 @ new @@ Press and hold MAGIC until the display screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. Press SELECT. The display will change to [ADD MACRO], Press MENU - one time. The dis- play will change to [DEL MACRO]. Press SELECT. The display will then change to [DEL (the DAY or D for Daily or W for WEEKLY) and (the TIME of the Sequence”, If this is the timed se- quence you would like to delete, press SELECT. The display will change to [DELETED] then return to [DEVICE and the TIME], NOTE: ”you have male than one trmed sequent-e saved in Ihe memory 0/ the Home Produeer, use the MENU - key to scroll through your saved tr‘med sequences until you see the sequence you would like to lie/919. Once the sequence is displayed on the screen, press SELECZ The drlsp/ey wr‘l/ change In [DELETED] [hen [slum to the next aVa/Yable sequence [0 be deleted /I [here are no other sequences In be deleted, then [he dr‘sp/ay wrl/ return to [DEV/CE and the TIME]. URc—saoo rig/99 2:51 pm figs §s ‘ 38 REPEATING A SERIES OF KEY PRESSES USING THE AUD AND VID KEYS The Home Produce/has two Macro keys (AUD and VID) that will play back a series of key strokes at any time with the press of one key, Each sequence can have up to a maximum of 15 keystrokes. These keys are not mode specific and can be accessed in any mode, For example, to set up a sequence that will turn on devices and turn them to the proper inputs: Press and hold MAGIC until the dis- play screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to rI'IMED SEQ]. Press MENU — twice until the display reads [CONFIGURE], then press SELECT, The display will then read [THEATR SELL Qé) uzuu» Press MENU - four times until the display reads [KEY MACRO]. Press SELECT. The display will read [SEL MACKEY]. Press either the AUD or VID sequence key. This will be the key that will play back the series of keystrokes assigned to that key. The display will then read [SELECT SEQL Begin entering the sequence of keystrokes, up to 15. mars: When setting up your sequence, you will needm include any keystrokes Ina! would normally be required during regular usage, such as pressing ENTER after enter/fig a channel num- bar when changing channels, For example: (sequence) TUN + POWER + TV + POWER + TVISAT (to change the input on the TV to VIDEO 1) + SAT + POWER O@ new 99 3 @ When your macro sequence is con- cluded, press ESC to save. When the sequence key is pressed, the Tuner will power ON, the TV will power ON and change its input to VIDEO 1, and then the Satellite will power ON. Repeat these steps 1 to 8 to setup another sequence key (either AUD or VID) for your needs. N07E: ir you make a mislake during Ins selup Ola macro sequence. press Esc la return to the main display screen and begin Ihe setup of your sequence again. (be URC—QHOO 7/9/% 2:53 PM 39 HOW TO USE THE SHIFT KEY The Home Producer has additional features that can be accessed by using the SHIFT key. They are list- ed above the keys that they are mapped to. For example. on the transport keys PLAY. HEW, FF, STOP: and PAUSE, there are the following fea- tures: SLOW, SLOW+, SLOW—, X2, and EJECT If you want to eject a tape from your VCR, press: SHIFT + STOP This will eject your tape, as long as your original remote supported this feature. NOTE: Once you have pIEssEd [he SHIFT key, Hume Producer Wl/l lama/n 117 1/79 ~snflr mode, as ind/baled by an [57017 [he LCD screen, far 5 seconds afle/ [he /as[ key press or 1117/17 the SHIFT key 15 pressed again. The following keys have functions that are shifted: CENTER: SHIFT + CENTER = REAR MENU: SHIFT + MENU = PROGRAM SELECT: SHIFT + SELECT = CLEAR MUTE: SHIFT + MUTE = SLEEP PREV CH: SHIFT + PREV CH = DISPLAY PIP: SHIFT + PIP = FREEZE PIP REW: SHIFT + REW = SLOW- PLAY: SHIFT + PLAY = SLOW FF: SHIFT * FF = SLOW + STOP: SHIFT + STOP = EJECT PAUSE: SHIFT + PAUSE = X2 IMPORTANT: Fol a more data/79d explanation of what function each shf/Ied key performs by device type (erg, TV, VCR. eta). please fefer to pages 52 Waugh 54. PRC—9300 7191999153 pm 3739110 ‘ 40 HOW TO USE THE SLEEP KEY The Home Producer has a SLEEP key that either operates your component‘s sleep timer or, if your component does not have a sleep timer, it activates the Home Producer's built-in sleep timer, after you activate SLEEP LOCK (see below). To use the Home Producer‘s SLEEP key, press SLEEP (i.e., SHIFT + MUTE). ll your component does not have a sleep timer, the Home Producerwill access its own built-in timer. To activate it, press SLEEP (i.e., SHIFT + MUTE).The display will change to [SLEEP 15].To add time to the sleep timer. press MENU —, Each press of MENU — will add 15 minutes to the sleep timer, up to a total of 60 minutes. Once the desired time is displayed on the LCD screen, press SELECT. The display screen will change to [SLEEP and the TIME]. Sleep Lock If you would like Home Producerto use its built-in sleep timer on all of your components, you can lock 4 the SLEEP mode, as lollows: 1 @ Press and hold MAGIC until the dis- play screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. 2 x2 Press the MENU — key twice, the display will change to [CONFIG- URE]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [THEATR SEL] Press MENU 4- twice. the display will read [SLEEP LOCK]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [DISABLE]. new Press MENU — once to change the display to [ENABLE], then press SELECT. The display will return to [DEVICE and the TIME]. Now, whenever you press SLEEP (i.e., SHIFT + MUTE). Home Producer will use its own built-in sleep timer. .2 <5 41> ea NOTE: When using me built-in sleep timer, pressing FOWEH will cancel [he s/eep Iurlcllan. ,, 43? Like—9800 7/9/99 2:53 PM 47 VOLUME LOCK With the Home Producer, you can choose which home entertainment component controls your vol- ume, When you originally set up the Home Producer, each individual component operates its own volume, provided the component has volume control. You can change this setting so that one component controls the volume, whether Home Produceris in the TV, VCR, CBL. or SAT mode For example, to set-up the Home Produce/to always control the volume through your Amplifier in the TV, VCR, CBL or SAT mode: 1 @ Press and hold MAGIC until the dis- play screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TlMED SEQ]. 2 x2 Press the MENU — key twice, the display will change to [CONFIG- URE]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [THEATR SEL]. MENU- 3 x2 Press MENU — two more times, the 6 display will read [VOL LOCK]. Press SELECT, the display will change to {UNLOCK} 4 Press MENU — one time to change 6 the display to [LOCK] then press SELECT. Now press the key for the component that will control your vol- ume, For example, to control the vol- ume through your amplifier, press AMPA Press SELECT. The display will return to [DEVICE and the TIME]4 um» menu Now, when you use the volume keys on your Home Producer, the volume will be controlled by the specified component, To return volume control to a component: 1 Press and hold MAGIC until the dis- play screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. (continued on next page) mac—9300 7/9/90 7-53 m fige’iz 42 To relum volume control to a component (cont): x2 Press the MENU — key twice, the display will change to [CONFIG- URE]. Press SELECT, the display wull change to [THEATR SEL]. display will read [VOL LOCK], Press SELECT, the display will change to [LOCK]. Press MENU — one time to change the display to [UNLOCK] then press SELECT. The display will return to [DEVICE and the TIME]A Now, when you use the volume keys on your Home Producer, each component will control its own volume, as long as that component originally had volume control. 45> 3 12 Press MENU — two more times, the “ 42> usuu, mac—9800 1/9/99 2:51 PM age?“ ‘ , , l' 43 KEYMOVER Keymover allows you to map features from one device mode to another. For example, it your VCR does not have volume control, you can map the vol- ume keys in the TV mode to the VCR mode. This will allow you to control the volume of your TV while in the VCR model To Keymove features from one mode to another: 1 Press and hold MAGIC until the dis- play screen changes trom [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ], 2 x2 Press the MENU — key twice, the 6 display will change to [CONFIG- MENU- URE]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [THEATR SEL]. x3 Press MENU + three times, the dis- play will read [KEY MOVER], Press SELECT, the display will change to {FROM} we 4 (Device Key) Press the device key (e,g., TV, VCR. CBL, etc.) that contains the feature you want to move, For the example above, to move the TV’s volume, you would press TV, The display will show [TV). Press the key for the feature you want to move. For the example, above, press VOL +. The display will change to [T0]. Press the device key (Device Key) (i,e., TV, VCR, CBL, etc.) where you would like to place the feature. For the example above. you would press VCR. The display will show [VCR]. Now press the key that will control “lb the feature you are moving, For the example above, press VOL +, The display will return to [DEVICE and the TIMEL In the VCR mode, your Home Praducerwill now operate volume up on yourTV. Now, to com- plete the example above, repeat this sequence to move VOL - and MUTE from the TV mode to the VCR mode. ® [mac—9500 7/9/99 9:53 PM, fig; 4} w 44 If you would like to reset the Home Produce/oi all advanced functions, use the CLEAR ALL feature, The CLEAR ALL feature will erase the following functions from the memory of the Home Producer. Macro Sequences, Timed Macro Sequences, Volume Lock and Keymoversr CLEAR ALL will not erase your set-up codes. To clear the memory using the CLEAR ALL leature: Press and hold MAGIC until the dis- play screen changes from [DEVICE and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ]. x2 Press the MENU — key twice, the display will change to [CONFIG- URE] Press SELECT, the display wrll change to [THEATFI SEL]. ée MENU- Press MENU + one time, the dis» play will read [CLEAR ALL]. Press SELECT, the display will change to [CLR ALL]. 2 Press SELECT, the display will change to [CONFIRM] Press SELECT once more and the display will return to [DEVICE and the TIME]. Your Home Producer is now reset. geee URC-‘BBOO lie/99 2:52 Pt’i 45 SETTING UP AND USING THE IR/RF COMMAND CENTER The Home Produce/comes with an IR/RF Command Center which receives Radio Frequency (RF) signals from your Home Producer, anywhere in your home, up to 100 feet away. The Command Center then converts the RF signal into an Inirared signal to control your home theater components. To setup the Command Center: 1 Find a location approximately 8 teet in from of your home theater components. NOTE: The local/on should have access 10 both you! equ/pmenl (Iine-ol-sighl) and an outlet to plug in [he Command Center 2 Plug in the Command Center‘s Power Cord and raise the telescoping antenna. Telescoping Antenna < ll? Lens 3 Position the Command Center so the black IFl lens is aimed at your home theater com- ponents. 4 Test the Command Center by pressing the POWER key on the Home Producer, Your components should operate from any room in your home. up to 100 feet away. NOTE: Me Home Flam/Ce! transmits Dal/7 an IF! and En HF sig~ na/ simu/[aneaus/y. When you are res/mg me Command Center with Home Producer, make sure that Ins remote con/m/ is not armed a! your equip/"5M. 4h URCvQBDD 7/9/99 1:53 PM figs 46 \ 45 SE UP AND USING THE IR/RF COMMAND CENTER (can?) The Command Center also includes an additional lFt signal extension cord tor use with a component that is not in direct line-oi-sight oi the Command Center, if you have a component that is not in the line-ot- sight of the Command Center: &“ 1 Plug the 4-ioot lFl signal extension cord into the back of the Command Center. f‘“ 2 Run the IR signal extension cord to the component that is not in the line of sight of the Command Centert 3 Using the supplied double-sided tape, attach the lFi signal extension cord so that the LED is over or next to the IR sensor oi your home theater component 4 Test the Home Producer. The Command Center will convert the RF signal from the Home Producer into an IR signal and trans- mit that signal to your component through the IR signal extension cord NOTE: I/ [he IR signa/ extension cord does no! control me com- pone/1) that is no! in [he line 1.7/ sigh! ol the Command Carrier, reposition the LED uni/l Ihe component is able to be con/rolled, [hen Ie-afiach the LED . nae—9800 wwae 2:5! pm fig? 47 47 Here is a list of adjustments that can maximize the operation of your Command Center. For optimal operation of the Home Producer's Command Center: Aim the Home Produce/toward the room where the Command Center is located 00 not position the Command Center near metal (such as heat ducts). Metal can absorb RF signals. Make sure the batteries in the Home Producer are lully charged. Weak batteries will affect the range of the Home Producer. Make sure that the range of the Home Producer is not being affected by other radio frequency transmissions NOTE: rhe tests lar range limlts or the Home Producer and the Command Center were canducredln open-elf distance tests. Actual dlslance or the erg/val will be based on the construction 0/ the bur/ding [he um'l is being used in as well as olher factors such as oulsrde Interference. mac—9900 7/9/99 z~53 P.“ iiifi“ 45 COMPLIANCE WITH THE FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS This equipment has been tested and tound to comply with the limits tor a class B dignat device. pursuant to pert 15 or the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonabte protection against harmtut interterence In a residential installationThis equipment generates, uses and radiates radio irequenoy energy and it not installed and used In accordance with the instructions, may cause harmtul interierence to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that interterence wilt not occur in a particular installation. It this equipment does cause harmtul interterence to radio or television reception. which can be deter» mined by turning the equipment all and on, the user is encour- aged to try and correct the interterence by one or more or the fol» lowing measures. ' Reor‘ienl or relocale the receiver antenna - Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver ' Connect the equipment into an outlet that is dinerent tram that to which the receiver is connected ' Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television techni- cian tor help The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the equipment wrthout the approval or the manulacturer could void the user's authority to operate his equipment. FCC authorization Label This oevtce complies with part 15 ot the FCC Flutes Operation is subject to the toliowing two conditions: I. This device may not cause harmlul inierterence and 2. This device must accept any interletence received, including interterence that may cause undesired operation. FCC ID #: Home Producer: MG3N868629 Command Center: MGG—15-1925R SPECIFICATIONS AAA Battenes 120 Volts AC Remote Powe RF Command Console Power Remote to RF Command Console Range. ,too Feet (30.43m) RF Command Console to Device Range 25 Feet (7.62mi 130' Remote Dimensions (HWD)... s are x 2 7/3 x t are 4 rn. RF Command Console Dimensions ti-lwol Remote Weight (without Balleries).. RF Command Console Weighl.. .1 9/16 x 51/116x4in. 9 0142209) 10.4 oz (3009) Specifications are typical. individual untts might vary. Specifications are subject to change and improvement withoul notice. Wéa URC—QRDO 7/9/99 ".53 PM PTq ails 49 TROUBLESHOOTING Problem: Solution ___A_————_ LCD screen begins to fade, does not appear or the red light blinks five times when you press a key? The Home Producer does not operate your home entertain- ment component? The Home Producer is not performing commands properly? You make a mistake when setting up your Home Producef? VCR not recording? Replace the batteries with tour (4) new AAA alkaline batteries Tw all of the codes listed for your brand ol home entertain- ment component in the “Set- Up Codes“ section. If this does not work. try searching for your code Make sure the home entertainment com- ponent you are setting up is able to be operated with an Infrared remote control. Tty all of the codes listed for your brand of home enter- tainment component in the “Set-Up Codes" section Many set-up codes may allow some degree of operation However, only one set-up code will work correctly with your home entertainment component. During any set up procedure, except tor Macros and Timed Sequences, pressing ESC will return you to [DEVICE and the TIME] screen without saving. ll you make a mistake program- ming a Timed Sequence, return to the Timed Sequence menu and delete it, if you make a mistake when saving a macro, erase it by re—saving a new macro on the same key As a safety leature on the Home Producer, you must press the REC key twice. uRc—Baoo 7/9/99 2:53 PM TROUBLESHOOTING (cent) 50 Problem: Solution CH s/- and PREV CH not working for your RCA TV? Problems changing channels? when you press a key but you receive no response trom your home entertain- ment component? Your audio compo- nents turn on and of! and control volume but do not change preset channels? Your DSS satellite receiver does not respond to the codes listed in the manual? The Home Producer is not operating your Bang & Oiutsen equipment? Due to RCA design (1983 1987). only the original remote control will operate these functions. It your original remote control required an ENTER keystroke when changing channels, press the ENTER key on the Home Producer after you enter the channel number. Make sure you are aiming your Home Producer at your home entertainment compo- nent and that you are within 15 feet before using your remote control. Some audio components may need both a Tuner/Receiver code and an Audio Amplifier code to control all of the fea- tures of your audio component. The codes listed in this man- ual are set up to operate your DSS receiver on the ist or 2nd addresses only. Make sure the DSS Receiver can be operated with an infrared remote control and is not set up to only receive Radio Frequency. Some Bang & Olufsen prod- ucts, as well as some other manufacturer's equipment operate at a frequency higher than 100 kHz and will not work with the Home Producen iuRc—eaoo 7/9/99 2:51 purifiers} ‘ 51 ERROR MESSAGES Error Meaning ___.___—— MEM FULL Maximum memory capacity has been reached, BATTERY L0 Replace batteries with four new "AAA" Alkaline batteries TOO LONG Macro sequence being entered exceeds 15 keystrokes, LIST END You have reached the end of all valid codes using the Step-N-Set sequence. INVALID Displayed when trying to specify a key that is not valid tor the sequence being entered. For example, when selecting a Device Key (erg,v TV) for a Macro sequencer NOT FOUND Displayed when you enter in a code that is not valid for the device being programmed. ERROR Displayed when an error has occurred in the learning sequence. Consumer Help Line: 1 -330-405-8553 World Wide Web: ‘IlRC—QBUO 7/9/99 2:53 en ?*19, 52 l l l, 52 TV Functions 0 - 9 The Digit keys (0-9) control direct channel access the same as the Digit keys on your original remote. NOTE: /1 your on'grna/ remote con/ml required you to use an Enter key to change channels, use [he ENTER key on lhe Home Producer alter enler/ng your channel number. The ENTER key operates the same as the Enter key on your original TV remote control. ® The TVISAT key operates the same as the TVNIDEO or INPUT key on your original TV remote control, @ The PFIEV CH (Previous Channel) key operates the same as the LAST CHANNEL or RECALL key on your original TV remote controls The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV CH) operates the display on your TV The PIP key accesses your TV’s Picture-in-Picture feature. The FREEZE key (SHIFT + PIP) freezes your Picture-InvPicture windowt @ The SWAP key swaps the Picture-in- Picture window and the main picture. ‘ The MOVE PIP key moves the ‘3 Picture-in-F'icture window around your TV screen. @ The MENU key operates the same as the MENU or 050 (On Screen Display) key on your original re C7 mote. Use the MENU + (Up), MENU — (Down), 4 (Lefl) and (Right) > ‘Q® ' to navigate through your menus If 6 your original remote control had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu, use SELECT or ENTER URc—ano 7/9/99 2:53 PM 53 ® 4_ ® The FROG key (SHIFT+ MENU) operates your secondary menus. <2? Use the MENU + (Up), MENU - (Down), 4 (Left) and (Right) > to ‘6699’ navigate through your menus. If Q your original remote control had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu, use SELECT or ENTER. @ The SELECT key is used to make selections in the LCD Screen menu. It is also used to make selections in your on-screen TV menus. The CLEAR ke SHIFT SELEC +. y‘ * n is used to exit or cancel selections in your onscreen TV menus. <5 The MENU + (Up), MENU - (Down), 4 (Left) and (Right) > are used ‘@@9’ to navigate through your on-screen Q menus MENU + and MENU — are also used to navigate through the LCD Screen menu. Q E I} The VCR transport keys (i.e,, PLAY, REW, FF. STOP. PAU. and REC) access the features of yourVCR. @ + ® The SLEEP key (SHIFT + MUTE) accesses the sleep timer on your TV. Even il yourTV does not have a sleep timer, the Home Froducercan access its own built-in sleep timer. The CENTER and REAR (SHIFI' + CENTER) keys lunction the same as the ADD and DELETE keys on + @ your original TV remote control. mac-9300 7,9/99 was pm fife—5,4 54 VCR Functions {a I> I} The VCR transport keys (Le, PLAY, HEW, FF, STOP, PAU and REC) access the features of your VCR, As a safety feature on the Home Producer, you must press the REC key twice, NOTE: The smn key messes advanced lealures 975! are mapped under the V0)? keys: SHIFT + FLA v = 5L ow, SHIFT ¢ HEW: sww -, SHIFT ¢ FF = smw +, SHIFT * srop = EJECTa/ld SHIFT A PAUSE : X2 0 - 9 The Digit keys (0-9) control direct channel access the same as the Digit keys on your original remote, NOTE: /r your ongina/ remote control lequfredyou m use an 5715! key to change channels, use 1/79 ENTER key on [he Home Ploducs/ after entering your channel numbsn ® The ENTER key operates the same as the Enter key on your original VCR remote controlt The TV/SAT key operates the same as the TVNCFl key on your original VCR remote control The PREV CH (Previous Channel) key operates the same as the LAST CHANNEL or RECALL key on your original VCR remote control. The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV + @ CH) operates the display on yourVCFl. ® The PIP key accesses your VCR‘s Picture-in-Picture feature. The FREEZE key (SHIFT + PIP) freezes your Picture-In-Picture windowt @ The SWAP key swaps the Picture-in- Picture window and the main picture ®*. Qgg. ® .*® uRc—Qsoo 7,9/99 2:53 PM 55 The MOVE PIP key moves the Picture-in-Picture window around your TV screen. The MENU key operates the same as the MENU or OSD (On Screen Display) key on your original re mote, Use the MENU + (Up), MENU — (Down), 4 (Left) and (Flight) > to navigate through your menus. If your original remote con- trol had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu. use SELECT or ENTER, The FROG key (SHIFT + MENU) operates your secondary menus, Use the MENU + (Up), MENU - (Down), 4 (Left) and (Flight) > to navigate through your menus If your original remote control had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu, use SELECT or ENTER The SELECT key is used to make selections in the LCD Screen menu, It is also used to make selections in your on-screen VCR menus. The CLEAR key (SHIFT + SELECT) is used to exit or cancel selections in your on-screen VCR menus, The MENU + (Up), MENU - (Down). 4 (Left) and (Right) > are used to navigate through your on-screen menusr MENU + and MENU —- are also used to navigate through the LCD Screen menu. The CENTER and REAR (SHIFT + CENTER) keys function the same as the ADD and DELETE keys on your original VCR remote control. 56 URC-9800 7/9/99 2:53 PM??? Cable Functions 0-9 The Digit keys (0-9) control direct channel access the same as the Digit keys on your original remote, wars: // your arr'grns/ remote control lequr'led you [a use an Enler key 10 change channels, use Ihe ENTEH key on [he Hume Producer after ems/mg your channel number, The ENTER key operates the same as the Enter key on your original Cable Box remote controlt The TVISAT key operates the same as the NB key on your original Cable Box remote control The PREV CH (Previous Channel) key operates the same as the LAST CHANNEL or RECALL key on your original Cable Box remote control. The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV CH) operates the display on your Cable Box The PIP key accesses your Picture- in—Piclure features The FREEZE key (SHIFT + PIP) freezes the Picture-In-Picture window The SWAP key swaps the Picture-in- Picture window and the main picture The MOVE PIP key moves the Picture-in-Picture window around yourTV screen. The MENU key operates the same as the MENU or 080 (On Screen Display) key on your original re mote. Use the MENU + (Up), MENU - (Down), 4 (Left) and (Right) > to navigate through your menus. it your original remote control had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu. use SELECT or ENTER. flask mac—93m) 7/9/99 7:53 pm, y? @+@ (Ego- GE <fll>l> ®+® 57 The FROG key (SHIFT + MENU) operates your secondary menus, Use the MENU + (Up), MENU — (Down), < (Left) and (Right) > to navigate through your menus. If your original remote control had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu, use SELECT or ENTER. The SELECT key is used to make selections in the LCD Screen menu, |t is also used to make selections in your on-screen menus. The CLEAR key (SHIFT + SELECT) is used to exit or cancel selections in your on-screen menus. The MENU + (Up), MENU — (Down), 4 (Left) and (Right) > are used to navigate through your on-screen menus. MENU + and MENU — are also used to navigate through the LCD Screen menu. The VCFt transport keys (i.e., PLAY, HEW, FF, STOP, PAU, and REC) access the features of your VCR. The SLEEP key (SHIFT + MUTE) accesses the sleep timer on your TV. Even if your TV does not have a sleep timer. the Home Producercan access its own built-in sleep timer. The CENTER and REAR (SHIFT + CENTER) keys function the same as ADD and DELETE keys on your original Cable Box remote control. The sun (Surround) key functions the same as the F0 or FAV (Favor- ite Channel) key on your original Cable Box remote control. sis URC~BEDD 7/9/09 2:53 PM 58 KEY INDEX (cont) Laser DIscICassette/DVD Functions {a [b The VCR transport keys (iiei, PLAY, REW, FF, STOP, PAU and REC) @ access the features oi your Cassette Deck or LD/DVD Playerr more: The SHIFT key accesses advanced features that are mapped ands! the van keys: SHIP! + PLAY = SLOW, SHIFT ‘ HEW: SLOW—, SHIFTt FF: SLOW¢, SHIFT‘ STOP: EJECT and SHIFT 4- PAUSE : X2. 0 - 9 The Dlgit keys (0-9) control direct channel access the same as the Digit keys on your original remoter NDTE: Ifyour original remole cant/01 required you to use an Enter key 10 change channels, use we ENTEH key on [he Home Ploducel afler entering your channel numben @ The ENTER key operates the same as the Enter key on your original remote control . The DVD/LD key operates the same as the DVD/LD key on your original LB or DVD Player remote control, The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV CH) operates the display on your LD or DVD Player. The MENU key operates the same as the Menu or Program key on your original remote The SELECT key operates the same as the CHAPTER button on your original DVD or LD Player remote control. (57 ® The MENU key operates the same as the MENU or OSD (On Screen Display) key on your original re © mote. Use the MENU + (Up). MENU —(Down), 4 (Left) and '@@ ' (Right) > to navigate through the 6 LCD screen menut NRC—9800 ”9/99 2.5] PM gigs 59 59 @ + @ The CLEAR key (SHIFT + SELECT) is used to exit or cancel selections in your Programming Menu. ® The CENTER and REAR (SHIFT + CENTER) keys function the same as DISC A and DISC B keys on * your original remote control. The SUR (Surround) key functions the same as the DISC key on your original remote control. DSS & Satellite Functlons 0 - 9 The Digit keys (0-9) control direct channel access the same as the Digit keys on your original remote. NOTE: rr your alrgrna/ remote control required you to use an Enter key ru change manners, use [he ENTER key on [he Home Producer after enfenng your channel number. The ENTER key operates the same as the Enter key on your original Satellite remote control. @ The TVISAT key operates the same as the TV/SAT key on your original Satellite remote control The PREV CH (Previous Channel) key operates the same as the LAST CHANNEL or RECALL key on your original Satellite remote controL The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV * CH) operates the display on your Satellite receivert ® The PIP key operates the same as the VIEW key on your original Satellite remote control, The MOVE PIP key operates the same as the NEXT key on your original Satellite remote control. fpfi mac-9800 7/9/99 1 53 PM" PTSF,“ \ 60 DSS 3. Satellite Functions (cont) @ The MENU key operates the same as the MENU or OSD (On Screen Display) key on your original re <5? mote. Use the MENU + (Up). MENU — (Down), 4 (Left) and ‘@@®’ (Right) > to navigate through your 9 menus. If your original remote con- trol had a Select/Enter key for use in your menu, use SELECT or ENTER. Receiver/Tuner Functions 0 - 9 The Digit keys (0 - 9) access the different inputs oi your Receiver. @ The TV/sAT key operates the same as the lNPUT key on your original Receiver remote control. The PREV CH (Previous Channel) key operates the same as the RAN- DOM (CD function) key on your original remote control. The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV + @ CH) operates the display on your Receiver. @ The MENU key operates the same as the PROGRAM key on your orig- inal remote control. The SELECT ke o erates the Y D TAPE MON function on your origi- nal Receiver remote control. The CLEAR key (sanr + SE- @ + @ LECT) is used to exit or cancel selections in your on-soreen menus. Q E [b The transport keys (i.e., PLAY. HEW. FF, STOP, PAU and REC) m ggfizytze features of your l ~d% mac—9500 7/9/09 3,53 pm, y (Egg). Tee §1 at The MENU + (Up) and MENU - (Down) keys access REAR LEVEL + and REAR LEVEL — respectively. MENU 4 (Left) and MENU > (Flight) access BALANCE LEFT and BALANCE RIGHT. NOTE: The SHIFT key accesses advanced features that are mapped under the MENU keys? SHIFT & MEN” 4- : CENTER LEVEL i, SHIF7+ MENU— : CENTEFI LEVEL —, SHIF7¢ MENU 4 = DELAV— , and SHIFT+ MENUP : DELAY 4m @+@ Gar. The SLEEP key (SHIFT + MUTE) accesses the sleep timer on your Receiver. Even if your Receiver does not have a sleep timer, the Home Producer can access its own built-in sleep timer. The SUR (Surround) key functions the same as the Surround Mode key on your original remote control. The CENTER and HEAR (SHIFT + CENTER) keys function the same as the Center Mode and Hear Mode keys on your original Receiver remote control, Ampllfler Funetlons 0-9 The Digit keys (0 - 9) access the different inputs of your Amplifier. The TVISAT key operates the same as the INPUT key on your original Amplifier remote control. The DISPLAY key (SHlFT & PREV CH) operates the display on your Amplifier. The SELECT key operates the TAPE MON function on your origi- nal Amplifier remote control. (continued on next page) , 4¥f luRc-ssuo 7/9/99 2:53 FM figs 52 52 Ampllfler Functions (cont) <2? The MENU + (Up) and MENU — (Down) keys access REAR LEVEL + "@@® and HEAR LEVEL — respectiver 41> MENU < (Left) and MENU > (Right) access BALANCE LEFT and BALANCE RlGHT NOTE: The SHIFT key accesses advanced leatures 11751 are mapped under the MENU keys: SHIFT + MENU + : CENTEH LEVEL e, SHIFTf MEN - = CENTER LEVEL -, SHIFTf MENU 4 = DELAY‘ , and $HIFI+ MENU P = DELAV+, GE + @ The SLEEP key (SHIFT + MUTE) accesses the sleep timer on your Amplifiert Even if your Amplifier does not have a sleep timer, the Home Producsrcan access iis own built-in sleep timer. @ The SUR (Surround) key lunctions the same as the Surround Mode key on your original remote control. The CENTER and REAR (SHIFT + CENTER) keys function the same as the Center Mode and Rear + Mode keys on your original Amplifier remote controL ge a; mac—9300 7/0/99 2:54 pm PT 63 CD Functions Q b a The transport keys (Let, PLAY. REW, FF, STOP, PAU and REC) GD access the features of your CD Player, NOTE: The SHIFT key accesses advanced fealures that are mapped under the VCR keys: e,g.. SHIFT 4- STOP = 5.150! D - 9 The Digit keys (0 - 9) control direct track access the same as the digit keys on your original remote control, The ENTER key operates the same as the Enter key on your original CD Player remote. The TVISAT key operates the same as the NB key on your original CD Player remote control, The PREV CH (Previous Channel) key operates the same as the RAN- DOM key on your original CD Player remote control, The DISPLAY key (SHIFT + PREV CH) operates the display on your CD Player, 9®@® The MENU key operates the same as the PROGRAM key on your orig- inal remote control. (5 (9 The SELECT key operates the DISK SELECT function on your original CD Player remote control. <5 The MENU + (Up) and MENU — (Down) keys access TFtACK + and ‘6698’ TRACK — respectiver MENU 4 9 (Left) and MENU > (Flight) access DISK — and DISK + respectively @ The SUR (Surround) key functions the same as the 10+ key on your original remote control. ale 64 Mme—9900 7/9/99 2:54 PM we 64 1 KEY INDEX (con .) Home Automatlon Functions Mb ® The POWER key operates the same as the ALL ON key of your original remote. The Digit keys (0 - 9) control direct track access the same as the digit keys on your original remote control The VOL +I- keys operate the same as the BRIGHT and DIM keys on your original remote control. The CH sl- keys operate the same as ON and OFF keys respectively. The MUTE key operates the same as the ALL OFF key on your origi- nal remote control. uric—9800 inn/99 2-54 pm praises \ l' WARRANTY One For All PRODUCTS Limited Warranty Universal Electronics Inc. (“UEI") warrants, to the original purchaser only, that this product will be lree from delects in materials and workmanship, under normal use, lor ninety (90) days lrom the date of original purchase. This warranty does not cover damage or lailures caused by products or services not supplied by UEI, or which result from accident. misuse, abuse. neglect. mishan- dling, misapplication, faulty installation. set-up adjust- ment. improper maintenance. alteration, maladjustment of consumer controls, modifications, commercial use, or that is attributable to acts of God, There are no express warranties except as listed above. UEI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WAR- RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ol incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts. so the above exclusions or limita- tions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you spe- cilic legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary lrom state to state. To obtain warranty service tor a delective product during the warranty period, please return the product, preferably in the original carton, along with your purchase receipt. to the store ol original purchase. A note detailing the com- plaint would be helplul. The store. at its option, will replace or repair this product if lound to be defecl'we, Universal Electronics Inc. (330)-405-8655 mac-9800 7/9/99 I‘.'a/l PM 66 One For All® and Home Producer are trademarks of Universal Electronics Inc. Copyright 1999 by Universal Electronics lnc. No part 0! this publication may be reproduced, trans- mitted, transcribed, stored in any retrieval system, or translated to any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written per- mission ol Universal Electronics Inc. uRc—saou 7/9/99 2:54 muffifieffi UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICSQ URC-Qooo REV A Home Pvuduoer mow W6}, 7/99
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1999:07:12 19:10:01 Creator : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0 Producer : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0 Create Date : 1999:07:12 19:09:06 Page Count : 67EXIF Metadata provided by