COMPUTIME DRG1 Garage Door Opener User Manual

Computime Limited Garage Door Opener

User Manual

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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-06-24 00:00:00
Date Available1999-09-02 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-06-21 16:30:42
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod1999-06-21 16:31:28
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

(Ky; eryxuéfi' J)?Gj_
To operale the transmilter.
Remove the Visor dip and then the battery
22 we
Pull out the PVC sheet horn the battery cum-
1. OVERVIEW parlrnent to make connection to the battery.
This universal garage dcertransmflter is design-d Node battery M)! 7“ replacement
to work with most at the RF garage door epenels
mnufaduned after 7981. This transmitter can or» “PORTANT NOTE : TAKE CARE OF ENTER"
Q BWM'GEJZZMQ “manure“ “m AFTER THE EATI'ERY |s TAKEN oun, om.
- Stanley A l l
~ Sears (most units) , Bl
- Chamberlain (most units) . l
- Lin—Master
. Wayne Dalton (msl units) 5
- Master Mechanic I -
- Genies . li- _
Madei :AR 85 (Q-pnsiflcn switch) '
Martel : AR 90 (12—position swrtch) 0
Made! :SD9500(12-posifion5w'rtm) |
This padrage contains : lg fix
7 universal garage door transmitter /
with visor clip
- 12-VOII 23A battery with PVC sheet
- this user guide
Note : This model is not campatible with railing
and. systems.
To set up [he universal garage door transmit-
ter, please follow Ihe steps below
A 12-Volt battery ls inswlled in battery compartv Removeths “so, clip and me“ the battery door.
menl at the transmitter. but is not connected.
q—l lane: mu- 2 ‘é
Find lhe manuttcturer of your receiver unit as
shown in Table 1. lgnorethe numb-ls marked
on the switches. only Mer to the numbers
labeled on the PCB (1-12. A,B,C).
Table 1 : Manuflnturer Switches Satin 3
Gense AR85
(390MHZ. S-posflion coding swncn)
Genie AR90 and 809500
(390mm. 12-posi1ion coding switch)
Sears, Chamberlain Lin-Master. Wayne Dalton
Master Mechanic
(BQOMHz. 9—position tristate coding switch)
(310MHz, IO-posflion coding Mott)
Linear, MooreoMafic
(310mm, 3 position coding switch)
(300mm, 10-posilinn coding switch)
Set the manul‘aaurer snatches (A, B and C)
on the transmitter to match Wllh the manufacturer
at your receiver unit. Figure 1 shows the correct
positions of the switches,
1m. 1x m
Set the ending switches ( 1422 marked on the
PCB ) the same as your receiver unit, Set only
the same number of switches the! your revolver
unit has. it your receiver has 9 coding switches,
set only the first 9 switches an transmitter. Olhers
should he set to the DOWN position For the first
9 coding switches there are 3 states, UP. DOWN
and MIDDLE. Some receivers have only 2 states.
UP and DOWN, Please make sure that NO
MIDDLE state is set for the firs! 9 coding switches
in this case
Notes :
lMth some SEARS and CRAFTBTMAN models.
the DIP switch numbering begins with the number
2. Then the universal transmitter should also be
set from coding switch number 2,
Some Genie openers do not have DlP switches,
They have ‘knocknut‘ or "punch out” switmas Ia
set the transmitter code. Where the hole is
“punched eut’on mass models. the [fansmmerDlP
switch should be selln tho DOWN postlion Where
the hole is NOY'punehed out". the vansm'tter DIP
switch should be set in the UP position. On these
models. the transmitter should never be set to the
MIDDLE position.
It you cannot get the transmitter to operate your
Stanley opener, try setting the DIP Switches (1-
10)tothe opposite otyouroriginaltnnamittet For
example, ityou set all 10 ot the DIP swltdies to
the UP position to match your originat Stanley
transmitter, then reverse the witches to the DOWN
position and test the transmitter again.
Some Stanley openers do not have DIP switches.
They have even numbered wires located in both
the original transmitter and the head unit. Notice
that there are no odd numbered wires. To pro-
gram the transnittertooperate on thesewired unit:
: place all the DIP switches (1-12) in the transmit-
ter in the DOWN position. Now/locate the uncut
wires in the original transmitteror over head unit
and place the transmitter DIP switch that matches
that number in the UP position. on these nwdeis.
the transmitter DIP switches (1-9) should never be
in the MIDDLE posrtion.
ll your Graeme door opener is a newer model
Sears. Chambertain, Liflntaster or Master Me—
ortaniC. wu mayneodtoteaoh the motorhead (re
dia receiver). mounted in your garage. what code
you are using. In criteria do this, you will have to
miner. To setup this transmitter tor ‘smart’ of
"Learning' garage door openers :
Ream the motorhoad unit and remove the plea-
tic cover. Find the 'Srnart‘ or “Learn" button on
the head unit. The button should have an LED
next to it.
Atter setting the manutaduret‘s DIP switches
(A, B and C). set the coding DIP switches on the
transmitter to any position you like,
Press and hold the button on your transmitter.
While holding down that button. press the ‘Smart‘
or ‘Leam' button on the head unit. After the light
on the head unit flashes. release both buttons.
3h mm .
Test your transmitter by pressing the button.
Note : Von have now added the access code or
your transmitter to the radio receiver. However. a
your original transmitter may not be able to oom-
muniale with the opener. "this is the case, erase
the memory of your radio receiver by pressing and
holding the ‘Smtrt‘ or ‘Leam' button on the head
unit tor approximately 10 seoonds. New. relearn
your original transmitter by pressing and holding
the button on your original transmitter. IMrile hold~
ing own that button. press the “Smart' or ‘Leam' ~
button on the head unit. Amer the light on the head ‘
unit flashes. release both buttons. Then, relearn
the transmitter. It this tails to matte both Irensrnlt-
tersoonvatible with your garage doorOperter, men
erase the memory otyour radio receiver and re-
learn the original transmitter and match the trans-
mitt'r DtP switohes in the original transmittet
Point the front at the transmitter towards the
Press the button and LED on the hunt Will be
ON to indicate that radio signal transmission.
Note . The sensitivity of the universal garage door
transmitter depends on the direction and distance
to the receiver unit. To get the maxrmum range, .
point the transmltter direotly to the receiver unit.
Wanting : Keep the transmitter out or children
The garage door could close and mouse so
out Injury or death. Use the transmltter only '
when you are sure all obstacle: have been re j
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not
expressly approved by the party responsible tor
oon'plianos could void the user's authority to op-
9 mLE
. erale the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and iound to comply with the limits for a Class 5 digital device.
pursuant to Part 15 d! the FCC Rules. These iirniis are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful inter-revenue in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses and ran radi-
ate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and wed in accordance m‘lh the instructions. may cause
harmlul interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not court in a partioular installation. I! this equip~
men! does cause harmful interference to radio or leiewsron whim an be determined by iuming the
equipment at! and on. the user is encouraged in try to comet the inlerterence by one or more of the
tollcming measures.
, Realism or relocate the receiving antenna.
lnaease the separation between the equipment And receiver.
Connect the equipment in to an outlet on a cirwit different form that to mien the receiver is needed.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV temnldan tor help.
This device complies with Perl15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions
: (1) this device may not cause harmlul interference, and (2) this device must aoeept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The tmnsmittefs LED becomes dim. Regime a new 12V 231! alkaline batte
copy ulthe DIP swflches setting tram Make sure that the DIP switches setting start
SEARS lransnitterdoes network I‘mm number 2 and DtP switch number 1
must be set to ‘-'
The uansmitter'LED ON but the garage Replace a new 12V 23A alkaline battery and try
door opener mnrm be wnlmlled again
Model No. DRG1 6/99
1M wnsm

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 1999:06:21 16:31:28+08:00
Create Date                     : 1999:06:21 16:30:42+08:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 4
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FCC ID Filing: DI2-DRG1

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