Craftsman 572 61072 Owners Manual

572610520 572610520 CRAFTSMAN ROTARY TOOL - Manuals and Guides L0709185 View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN ROTARY TOOL #572610520. Home:Tool Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman ROTARY TOOL Manual

CRAFTSMAN Rotary Tool Manual L0709185 CRAFTSMAN Rotary Tool Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Rotary Tool installation guides

572.610530 L0709185

572610720 2fa782f7-d5b8-458c-a527-28548e4c66ee Craftsman Drill 572.610720 User Guide |


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For your own safety,
read your owner's
manual before
operating your
rotaw tool.
Refer to your service diagram for specific warranty
information on your Craftsman Rotary Power Tool.
Consulte el diagrama de servicio para obtener
informaci6n especffica de garantfa para su
herramienta mecAnica giratoria Craftsman.
_oHabla espaSo!? Ver pAgina 7
oassembly ®operation omaintenance ,, repair parts
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.SoAo
FORM NO 2610911273 2/96 PRINTED IN US A
ISafety When using electric tools, basic safety precautions
should always be tel!owed to reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock and personal Injury, Including the following:
1_ Keep work area clean -- Cluttered areas
and benches invite injuries
2o Avoid dangerous environment _ Don't
expose tools to rain_ Don't use power tools in
damp or wet tocations Don't use power tools
in the presence of flammable liquids or gases
Avoid chemicaI or corrosive environments
Keep work area well lit
3. Guard against electric shock -- Prevent
body contact with grounded surfaces For
example: pipes, radiators, refrigerator
4,, Keep children away -- Do net let visitors
contact tool or extension cord All visitors
should be kept away from work areas
5o Store idle toots -- When not in use, toots
shou]d be stored in dry, and high or locked-up
ptace -- out of reach of children
6. Don't force tool -- It will do the job better
and safer at the rate for which it was intended
7, Use right tool -- Don't force small too] or
attachment to do the job of a heavy-duty tool.
Don't use tool for purpose not intended -- for
example -- don't use circular saw for cutting
tree limbs or logs
8. Dress properly -- Do not wear loose
clothing or jewelry They can be caught in
moving parts Rubber gloves and non-skid
footwear are recommended when working
outdoors Wear protective hair covering to
contain long hair
& Use safety glasses -- Also use face or
dust mas]_ if cutting operation is dusty
t0. Don't abuse cord -- Never carry tool by
cord or yank it to disconnect from receptacle
Keep cord from heat, oil, and sharp edges
11. Secure work -- Use clamps or vise to
hold work. it's safer than using your hand and
it frees both bands to operate toot
12o Don't over-reach -- Keep proper footing
and balance at all times
13. Maintain tools with care -- Keep toots
sharp and clean for better and safer
performance Fo_low instructions for lubricat-
ing and changing accessories inspect toot
cords periodically and, if damaged, have
repaired by authorized service facility inspect
extension cords periodically and replace if
damaged Keep handles dry, clean and free
from oil and grease
14,, Disconnect tools -- When not in use,
before servicing, and when changing
accessories, such as blades0 bits, cutters
15, Remove adjusting keys and wrenches
-- Form habit of checking to see that keys
and adjusting wrenches are removed from
tool before turning it on
16. Avoid unintentional starting -- Don't
carry plugged-in tool with finger on switch Be
sure switch is off when plugged in
17. Outdoor use extension cords -- When
tool is used outdoors, use only extension
cords intended for use outdoors and so
18. Stay alert -- Watch what you are doing.
Use common sense. Do not operate tool
when you are tired Don't use power tools
after taking drugs, alcohot or medications
19o Do not alter or misuse toot -- These
tools are precision built Any alteration or
modification not specified is misuse and may
resuft in a dangerous condition
20. Avoid gaseous areas -- Do not operate
portable electdc tools in gaseous or explosive
atmospheres Motors in these tools normally
spark, and the sparks might ignite fumes
21. Check for damaged parts -- Before
further use of the tool, check for damaged
parts Check for alignment of moving parts,
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts,
mounting, and any other conditions that may
affect its operation A part that is damaged
should be properly repaired or replaced by an
authorized service center before further use
of the tooi Have defective switches replaced
by an authorized sewice center, Do not use
tool if switch does not turn it on and off
22. Your tool is double insulated -- And no
grounding is necessary The tool is equipped
with a two wire cord and two prong pfug
which can be used in standard 120 volt
A.C. outlets_ Use only identical
replacement parts when service is
2& Polarized plugs -- Your tool is equipped
with a polarized plug (one blade is wider than
the other), this plug will fit in a polarized out_et
onIy one way If the p_ug does not fit fully in
the outlet, reverse the plug ff it still does not
fit, contact a qualified electrician to instal] the
proper outlet. To reduce the risk of electric
shock do not change the plug in any way
24. Extension cords -- An undersized cord
will cause a drop in line voltage, resulting in
loss of power and over-heating Use 18
gauge or heavier cord, NOTE: The smaller
the gauge number, the heavier the cord
(Extension cords are available )
25,, WARNING: Use of damaged cords can
shock, bum or electrocute
Models 572 610520, 572 610530 & 572 610720
The brushes should be inspected frequently
when tools are used continuously if your tool
runs sporadically, loses power, makes
unusual noises or runs at a reduced speed,
check the brushes To continue using the tool
in this condillon will permanently damage
your too_
With the cord unplugged, remove the brush
caps one at a time with a small screwdriver by
rotating cap counter-clockwise and check
each brush
If the brush is less than 1/8" long and the end
surface of the brush that contacts the
commutator is rough and/or pitted, they
should be replaced Check both brushes
Usually the brushes will not wear out simul-
taneously If one brush is worn out, replace
both brushes Make sure the brushes are
installed as illustrated The curved surface of
the brush must match the curvature of the
After repladng brushes the tool should be run
at no-load; place it on a clean surface and run
itfreely for 5 minutes before loading (or using)
the tool This wi!l allow the brushes to "seat"
properly and will give you more hours of life
from each set of brushes This wilt also
extend the total life of your tool since the com_
mutator surface will "wear" tonge_
BEARINGS - Rotary Tool No& 572,610520,
572.610530 &572,610720 have double ball
bearing construction,, Under normal use
neither type requires additional lubrication,,
Any servicing of this tool (Excluding brush re-
placement for Models 572.610520,
572610530 & 572 610720) should be
performed by an authorized service
Use of any accessories or attachments other
than those suppiied by Sears may be
Page 2
Hereare examples
of what aSEARS
Craftsmantool can
Sharpen Tools
Cawe Wood
Precise Ddliing Shape Wood
Deburr Metal Cut Metal
_The operation of any power
toot can result in foreign
objects being thrown into the eyes, which can
result in severe eye damage Always wear
safety glasses or eye shields before com-
mencing power tool operation, We
recommend Wide Vision Safety Mask for use
over spectacles or standard safety glasses
Whenever you hold the tool,be careful not to
cover the air vents with your hand This blocks
the air flow and causes the motor to overheat
_ Always unplug rotary tool
before changing acces-
sories, changing collets or servicing your
rotary toolo
COLLET -- To loosen, first press shaft lock
button and rotate the shaft by hand until the
lock engages the shaft preventing further
\ t C0LLEr
_._ --L_ --'_ NUT
_Do not engage loci( while
the Rotary Tool Is running.
With the shaft lock engaged use the coilet
wrench to loosen the collet nut if necessary
Change accessories by inserting the new one
into tl_e collet as far as possible to minimize
runout and unbalance. With the shaft lock
engaged, finger tighten the coflet nut until the
accessory shank is gripped by theco!let Avoid
excessive tightening of the collet nut The
collet system is a superior method of seeudng
COLLETS _ Two different size coliets (see
illustration),to accommodate different shank
sizes, are available for your Rotary Tool, To
instatl a different cofiet, remove the cotlet nut
and remove the old colleL Insert the unslotted
end of the coltet in the hole inthe end of the
tool shaft,, Replace coIIet nut on the shaft.
Always use the collet which matches the
shank size of the accessory you plan to
uSe,rNever force a larger diameter shank into
a coltst
be identifiedby the rings on theback end of eollet I
1/32" Co[lethas one (t) ring |
!/16" Collet has two (2) rings |
3/32"Cotlefhasthree (3) rings |
1/8" CoHethasno rings J
118"COLLET 25037
precision work, it is important that all
accessories be in good ba;ance (much the
same as the tires on your automobile} To true
up or balance an accessory, slightly loosen
collet nut and give the accessory or collat a 1/4
turn. Retighten coflet nut and nJn the Rotary
Tool. You should be able to teff by the sound
and feel if your accessory is running m
balance. Continue adjusting in this fashion
until best balance is achieved To maintain
balance on abrasive wheel points, before each
use, with the wheel point secured in the co]let,
turn on the Rotary Tool and run the Dressing
Stone lightly against the revolving wheel point
This removes high spots and trues up the
wheel point for good balance
Do not use grinding
wheels over 1" in dia-
meter. Rotary Tool's high speed can cause
larger wheels to fly apart and could cause
SAFETY -- Protect your eyes when grinding
or routing with the Rotary Toof .always wear
an approved type of safety glasses
Remember, your new Sears Rotary Tool is the
finest power tool of its kind But its
performance is only as good as the
accessories with which it is used. We
recommend only Sears accessories be used.
Use of any other accessories may create a
hazard We hope you'll enjoy many years of
trouble free pleasure from your Sears
Craftsman Rotary Power Tool
Page 3
Rotary Power
The Rotary Toot is a handful of high-speed
power It serves as a carver, a grinder,
polisher, sander, cutter, power brush, drilt and
The Rotary Tool has a small, powerful electric
motor, is comfortable in the hand, and is
made to accept a targe variety of accessories
including abrasive wheels, drill bits, wire
brushes, polishers, engraving cutters, router
bits, and cutting wheels Accessories come in
a variety of shapes and permit you to do a
number of different jobs. As you become
familiar with the range of accessories and
their uses, you will learn ust how versatile the
Rotary Tool is You f see dozens of uses you
hadn't thought of before now
The real secret of the Rotary Tool is its speed
To understand the advantages of its high
speed, you have to know that the standard
portable electric dril runs at speeds up to
2,800 revolutions per minute. The Rotary Tool
operates at speeds up to 30,000 revolutions
per minute The typical electdc drill is a low-
speed, high torque too!; the Rotary Tool is ust
the opposite - a high-speed, low torque tool
The chief difference to the user is that in the
high speed tools, the speed combined with
the accessory mounted in the collet does the
work. You don't appty pressure to the tool, but
simply hold and gu{de it tn the low speed
tools, you not only guide the tool, but also
apply pressure to it, as you do, for example,
when drilling a hole
It is this high speed, along with its compact
size and wide variety of special accessories,
that makes the Rotary Tool different from
other power tools The speed enables it to do
jobs low speed tools cannot do, such as
culling hardened steel, engraving gtass, etc
Getting the most out of your Rotary Tool is a
ma_ter of learning how to let this speed work
for you
Using the
Rotary Power
Read the next sections carefully They will
hetp you use your Rotary Tool correctly and
hetp you select the correct accessory for your
.... The first step in learning to use the Rotary
Tool is to get the "feel" of it Hold it in your
hand and feel its weight and balance. Feel the
taper of the housing This taper permits the
Rotary Tool to be grasped much like a pen or
When you turn on the tool for the first time,
hold it away from your face. Accessories can
be damaged during handling, and can fly
apart as they come up to speed This is net
common, but it does happen
Practice on scrap materials first to see how
the Rotary Tool cuts Keep in mind that the
work is done by the speed of the tool and by
the accessory in the coltet. You should not
tean on or push the tool into the work
Instead, lower the spinning accessorylightly
to the work and allow it to touch the point at
which you want cutting (or sanding or etching,
etc ) to begin, Concentrate on guiding the tool
over the work using very little pressure from
your hand Aitow the accessory to do the
Usually, it is best to make a series of passes
with the tool rather than attempt to do alt the
work in one pass To make a cut, for example,
pass the tool back and forth over the work,
much as you would a small paint brush Cut a
little material on each pass until you reach the
desired depth, For most work, the deft, gentle
touch is best With it, you have the best
control, are less likely to make errors, and will
get the most efficient work out of the
For best control in close work, grip the Rotary
Tool fike a pencil between your thumb and
This is the "handgrip" method of holding the
tool used for operationssuch as grinding a flat
surface or using cutoff wheels
_When using the steel
saws, cutoff wheels, high
speed cutters or tungsten carbide cutters,
always have the work securely clamped.
Never attempt to hold the work with one
hand while using any of these
accessories. The reason is that these
wheels will grab if they become slightly
canted in the groove, and can kickback
causing loss of control resulting in
serious injury. Your second hand should
be used to steady and guide the hand
holding the tool. When a cutoff wheel
grabs, the wheel itself usually breaks.
When the steel saw, high speed cutters or
tungsten carbide cutter grab, it may jump
from the groove and you could lose
control of the tool.
Page 4
Operating Speeds
& Accessories
Set the speed indicator to fit the job; to
achieve the best job results when working
with different materials, the speed of the
Rotary Too_ should be regulated. Only a full
wave output speed control such as the Sears
Model 2514 (available from catalog only)
shoutd be used with the Modet 572.610520
Models 572610530 & 572610720 Rotary
Tools have an integral speed control and an
external speed control should never be used
with these tools
To select the right speed for each job, use a
practice piece of material. Vary speed to find
the best speed for the accessory you are
using and the job to be done
There are three basic types of Rotary Tools:
singte speed, two-speed and variable speed
models On the single speed model, there is
an ON-OFF switch_ When the switch is on,
the toot runs at 28,000 RPM On the two-
speed-mode!, there is a LO and H! switch
When the switch indicator is on the low
setting, the too] runs at about 20,000 RPM
When the switch indicator is on the high
setting, the toot runs at about 30,000 RPM
On the variable speed model, there is a
switch indicator with a white line on it..Slide to
the number on the housing to seiect the
operating speed needed from 5,000 - 30,000
RPM You can refer to the charts on page 5 to
determine the proper speed, based on the
material being worked and the type of cutter
or other accessory being used These charts
enable you to select both the correct acces-
sory and the optimum speed at a glance
If you have a single-speed or two-speed
model, you will be able to use many
accessories to do a wide assortment of jobs.
For the majority of applications, all models of
the Rotary Tool should be used at top speed
Needs for Slower Speeds
Certain materials, however, (some plastics,
for example) require a retatively slow speed
because at high spend the friction of the tool
generates heat and causes the plastic to melt
Slow speeds (15,000 RPM or less) usually
are best for polishing operations employing
the felt polishing accessories They may also
be best for working on de_icate projects as
"eggery" work, delicate wood carving and
fragile model parts You should always do
polishing with wire brush accessories at
slower speeds and never higher than 15,000
Higher speeds are better for carving, cutting,
routing, shaping, cutting dadoes or rabbets in
Hardwoods, metals and glass require high
speed operation, and drilling should also be
done at high speeds
The speed of the Rotary Tool is controlted by
setting this indicator on the housing
SwitchSetting Speed Range
1 4,500- 8,000 RPM
2 9,000-11,000 RPM
3 12,000- t7,000 RPM
4 18,000 - 24,000 RPM
5 25,000 - 30,000 RPM
NOTE: Speed is affected by voltage
changes. A reduced incoming voltage will
slow the RPM of the toot, especially at the
lowest setting, If your tool appears to be
running slowly increase the speed setting
The point to remember is this: You can do the
great majorily of work with the single speed at
its regular speed of 28,000 RPM But for
certain materials and types of work, you need
slower speeds -- which is the reason the
variable speed models were developed
To aid you in determining the optimum
operational speed for different materials and
different accessories, we have constructed a
series of tables that appear on page 5 By
referring to these tables, you can discover the
recommended speeds for each type of
accessory Look these tables over and
become familiar with them.
Ultimately, the best way to determine the
correct speed for work on any matedal is to
practice for a few minutes on a piece of scrap,
even after referring to the chart You can
quickly learn that a slower or faster speed is
more effectivejust by observing what happens
as you make a pass or two at different speeds.
When working wilh plastic, for example, start
at a slow rate of speed and increase the speed
untit you observe that the plastic is melting at
the point of contact. Then back the speed off
slightly to get the optimum working speed
Some rulesof thumbin regardto speed:
1 Plastic and materials that melt at low
temperatures should be cut at low speeds.
2, Polishing, buffing and cleaning with a wire
brush should be done at speeds below
15,000 RPM to prevent damage to the
3 Soft wood shoutd be cut at high speed
4 iron or steel should be cut at top speed il
using tungsten carbide accessory, but at
slower speeds if using high speed steel
cutters If a high speed steel cutter starts to
chatter -- this normally means it is running
too slow
5 Aluminum, copper aIfoys, lead alloys, zinc
alloys and tin may be cut at any speed,
depending on the type of cutting being
done Use paraffin or other suitable
lubricant on the cutter to prevent the cut
material from adhering to thecutter teeth
Increasing the pressure on the too_is not the
answer when it is not cutting as you think it
should Perhaps you should be using a
different cutter, and perhapsan adjustment in
speed would solve the problem But leaning on
the tool seldom helps
,t Dope
...... 25014,53102
I 53103,25011
53074,53075 } 5
53075 5•
Ifor light cuts, caution burning on deep grooves.
_din 9 on cutting direction, relative to £1rain.
25034 [
25026 I 5 l
25024, 53088
53078 [
25057 ,,
63071,52072,53104 I
3 2
2 .............................I:2 .
5 2 3 5
3 .............. 2 2 2
5 2 ............................1-2 1-2
2 1-2 2 2
5 4 f 4 i 3
5, 3" I 4 2
I I 2 I, 1
5 6 i
1 j 3
:i 1-2
t t 1
1 t I
1 I I-2
51 2 I 3
! 1-1
I t
t 1
Page 5
Rotary Tool Accessories
The number and variety of accessories for the
Rotary Tool are almost ]fmifless.There is a
category suited to almost any job you might
have to do -- and a variety of sizes and
shapes within each category which enables
you to get the perfect accessory for every
If you expect to use avariety of accessories,
we recommend that in the beginning you
purchasea complete set of four coliets. Store
these so that you wJtlhave the propersize of
celtet for any accessory or drill bit you want to
use. Currently, the No_ 25036 I/8" and No
25037 3/32" coltets accommodate all of the
available Sears accessories.
Aluminum Oxide Grinding Stones
Round, pointed, fiat J you name the shape
and there is one available in this category.
These are made of aluminum oxide and
cover virtually every possible kind of gdnding
application Use them for sharpening lawn
mower blades, screwdriver t_ps, knives,
scissors, chisels and other cutting tools. Use
to remove flash from metal castings,
deburdng any metal after cutting smoothing
welded joints,grinding off rivets and removing
rust, In machine shops, high speed drills and
cutters normarly are ground with aluminum
oxide wheels
A mandrel is a shank with a threaded or
screw head, and mandrels are required when
you use polishing accessories, cutting
wheels, sanding discs, and polishing points
The reason mandrels are used is that sanding
discs, cutting wheels and similar accessories
must be replaced frequently The mandrel is a
permanent shank, allowing you to replace
only the worn head when necessary, thus
saving the expense of replacing the shaft
each time
Screw Mandrel Noo53089
This is a screw mandrel used with the felt
polishing tip and felt polishing wheels.
Small Screw Mandrel Noo25028
This is a mandrel witha small screw at itstip,
and is used with emery cutting wheels,
sanding discs and polishing wheels
High Speed Cutters
Available in many shapes, high speed cutters
are used in carving, cutting and slotting in
wood, plastics and soft metats such as
aluminum, copper and brass. These are the
accessories to use for freehand routing or
carving in wood or plastic, and for prec_slon
Tungsten Carbide Cutters
These are tough,long-lived cutters for use on
hardened steel, fired ceramics and ether very
hard materials They can be used for
engraving on toe_sand garden equipment
Small Engraving Cutters
This group has a wide variety of sizes and
shapes, and are made for intricate work on
ceramics (greenware), wood carvings,jewelry
and scrimshaw They often are used in
making complicated printed circuit boards.
They should not be used on steel and other
very hard materials but are excellent on
wood, plastic and soft metals Needs 3/32"
Silicon Carbide Grinding Stones
Tougher than aluminum oxide points, these
are made especially for use on hard materials
such as glass and ceramics. Typical uses
might be the removal of stilt marks and
excess glaze on ceramics and engraving on
Polishing Accessories
These includean impregnatedpolishingpoint
and an impregnated polishing wheel for
bringing metal surfaces to smooth finish; a felt
polishing tip and felt polishing wheel and
cloth polishing wheel, all used for polishing
plastics, metals, jewelry and small parts Also
included in this group is a £olishing
compound (No_25031) for use with the felt
and cloth polishers.
Polishing points make a very smooth surface,
but a high iuster is obtained using felt or cloth
wheels and pofishing compound.
No polishing compound is needed when
usingthe 25034 Polishing Wheel
Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Wheels
Use to remove paint, deburr metal polish
sta nless steel and other metals Available in
fine and medium grits
Sanding Accessories
Sanding discs in fine, medium and coarse
grades are made to fit mandrel No. 25028.
They can be used for nearly any small sanding
job you might have, from model making to fine
furniture finishing.In addition, there is the drum
sander, a tiny drum which fits into the Rotary
Tool and makes it possible to shape wood,
smooth fiberglass, sand inside curves and
other difficult places, and other sanding jobs
You replacethe sanding bands on the drum as
they become worn and lose their grit Bands
come in fine and coarse grades
Wire Brushes
Three different shapes of wire brushes are
available For best results wire brushes
should be used at speeds not greater than
t5,000 RPM. They remove rust from tools
and other metal surfaces, and clean and
burnish metal parts Use for such jobs as
cleaning electrical connections to assure
good conduction
Bristle Brushes
These are excellent cleaning tools on
silverware, jewelry and antiques The three
shapes make it possible to get into tight
corners and other difficult places Bristle
brushes can be used with polishing
compound for faster cleaning or polishing
_Allow brushes to run at
operating speed for at
least one minute before using wheel.
During this time no one is to stand in front
or in line with the brush, do not run in
excess of 15,000 RPM.
Cutting Wheels
These thin discs of emery or fiberglass are
used for slicing, cutting off and similar
operations Use them for cutting off frozen
boft heads and nuts, or to resIot a screw head
which has become so damaged that the
screwdriver won't work in it..Fine for cutting
BX cable, small rods, tubing, cable and
cutting rectangular holes in sheet metaf
_When using steel saws,
cutoff wheels, high speed
cutters or tungsten carbide cutters,
always have the work securely clamped,
Never attempt to hold the work with one
hand while using any of these
accessories, The reason is that these
wheels will grab if they become slightly
canted in the groove, and can kickback
causing loss of control resulting in
serious injury. Your second hand should
be used to steady and guide the hand
holding the tool. When a cutoff wheel
grabs, the wheel itself usually breaks°
When the steel saws, high speed cutter or
tungsten carbide cutter grab, it may jump
from the groove and you could lose
control of the tool.
Page 6
[Seguridad AI utilizer herramientas eldctrtcas, slempre se deberdn tomar
precauciones de segurtdad bdsicas pare reducfr el rlesgo de
tncendfo, sacudtdas etdctrlcas y leslones personales, incluyendo Ins sigulentes:
1. Mantengallmptael dreade lrabajo -- Lee_reasy me-
sas desordenadasinvitana quaseproduzcaoaccidentes
2. Evltelosenigmaspeltgrosos-- No expongaInsherra-
mientasale lluviaNo uti]iceherramientasmec_nicasen
Zugaresh_medosomojados.No ugliceherramientasme-
c_nlcasenpresenciade I_quidsso gasesinfIamablesEvils
los entomos en qua haya productosquimicos o quasean
corrosivesMantengad _readetrabajobienituminada
3Proidjase centrelee secudidasei_ctricas-- Evilsel
contacledel cuerpocan ins superficies conectadas a
tlena Per ejemplo:tubedas,radiadoresy refngeradores
4, Mantengaalejados a losniSos-- Nopermitaqualos
visitantestoquenla herram]enms el corddnde extension
Todos los visltantes deben mantenerse atejadosde Ins
5. Guardslasberramientasqua noes!_usando--Cuau-
do Ins berramientas no se est_n utifizando,deborah
guardarseen un lugar sees.aitoo cerrsdo-- fuera del
atcancede los ni+tos
B,Hefuersela herramfenla-- Laherramientahar_d tra-
bajomajorycon m_ssegurid_dala capacidadparala coal
7. gltltse la hertamtentaadecaada_ No fuemeunahe+
rrsmieota pequefiaoun accesodo pequeSoa real+zarel
trabajo de una herramienlapesada No at+lice]a herra-
mienlaparefunclonespare ]asconiesno tun diseSada--
perejemplo,no useunasierracircularparecedar ramaso
troncosde _rbe]ea
8.,Vfstaseadeceadamente-- No se pongaropesuellanJ
joyes Puedenquedaratrapadasenlas piezasmdvi+esSe
recomlenda tdilizar guantes de cauchoy caizado anti-
desiizantecuandosetrabajaata inlemperie.Usecubiertas
protectoraspareel poloafin de sujetarel polo]argo
9 Use {]alas de saguridad-- Use tambi_nuna caretao
unarn_searscontrael polvosi +aeperacidnde eo_egene-
10, Noabasedelc_rdd,n-- Nunca_levalaherramientaper
el cordonnitire de _+paredesconectartodeltsmacorriente
Protejaelcordondelcato_daceite y los bordesafilados
11. Fije la ptezade irabeja_ UtIliceab+'azaderasean
lorni+lode carpinleropare sujetar la pieza de trabajo Es
m_s seguro qua utifizarta mane y +iberaambasmanes
12, No intentealcanzar demastado ]ejes -- Manlenga
unaposicidoyun equilibriaadecuadosen redomemento
13 Menlengetee berramtenlasconceidado_ Conserve
+asherramientas afiladas y limpias pare qua funcionen
majory conmgsseguridadSign lasi_streccionssde lubfi-
cacidny de cambio de accesorios Inspeccioneped0dfca-
montelos cordenesde +aherremientay si est_ndafiados.
h_galosrepararper un centrede servicioaulorizado,ins-
peccione peri6dicamenle tos cordonesde extensidn y
sustitt_yalos si esl;_ndaSados Mantenga +usmangos
secos,limpiosyiibresdeaceitey gmsa
14..Oescuoeatelee herramieolas- Cuandeno seest_n
t!tilizando,antesdel se_icio deajustesyreparacionesy al
cambiaraccesoriostarescomehojas,brocasy coriadorss
15 Guilelea Ilaveede ajttsle ylas liaves de apflele
Formse+h_bitode asegurarsede quaInsttavesdeaiustey
de update se hen quilado de ta berramieeta antes de
16 Evils el arranque no lntenctsnado_ No tiara la
herramient;_enchutadaconeldedo en eI interrupterAse-
g_rese de qua el inler_upter est_ apagaducuande ia
17.. Ata lntemperle,utiltce cnrdonesde exlensi6n--
Cuandola herramientase utilize a +aintemperie,useuni-
cements cordones de extensidn diseBadospare Ia utili-
zacidnala intempafiey marcadospareesepropdsffo
18. Mantdngasealerta -- Fiieseen io qua est_haciendo
Use ei sentidncom_n No utitice Ia herramientacuando
estdcansado Nogillies herramientasmec_nlcasdespots
de tamerd+'ooas,alcoholo med{eamentos
tO, Noalters nl hagause ]nc_rrectode la hermmienla
-- Estes herramieotas asianfabricadas con precision
C_alguieralteraeidno moditicacidn no espedficadacons-
tituyeun use incorrectoypuededar]ugara one situaci0n
20_EvilsIns _reas de gases-- No el+liceberramien]as
e{_ctricasport,tiles en almOsferasgaseosasoexplosives
Los restoresde estas herramientasnormalmenleprodu-
conchispasy Insch+spespuedendar lugarala ignici0n de
21, Cumpmebeei hayplazasdafiadas-- Anlesde vulvar
a utilizerla bermmienla,cempruebesthaypiezasda_adas.
Vefifiquela alineacidnde +asplazasm0v+les,_asujeei_nde
quiet otrasituaeiOnqua puedaafectarsu funcinnamienlo
Una plazaque presenladefiesdebe setreparadao
suslituidaadeeuadamenleen un centre de servicio auto-
rizadoantesde seguirutili_ndola herramientaHagaqua
camb+enlos interruptores defectuosos en uncentrede
servicloautorizado No util+cela hermmientast etinterrup-
terno 12enciendeoapaga
22, La herramlentac_enla con aisiamtente duble-- Y
no es necesarioconectarlaa tierra La herramientaest_
eqoipadaconun cordon dedosalambresyun enchufede
desterminalesqoese puedenulitizarenlemaconientes
est_ndarde 120 rallies AC Ulllfcetinieamenle plazas
de repaesla id_ntlcas cuandose neceslte realizer
servlclo dereparaslones
23 Ench_IBepoladzados-- Le herramientaest_ equF
pada con un enchufepolarizado (one terminales m_s
ancha qua la otra). Este enchufe entrar_ en un toma-
eorriente polarizado solamente de una manera Siei
enchufeno entreper cempleloen e!tomacorrien_e,dalefa
vuelta. Si sloes sin entrar,p0ngase en contacts con un
electrictsta competencepare instalar e] tomacsrrienie
adecuado Pare reducirel riesgo de sacudtdasel_clficas.
no haganing0n cambioen e}enchufe
24. Cordonesde exlensl_n _ Un corddnde tamaAo
insuficientecausa_ unacaidade lenstdnde linen,dande
lager a pdrdidade polenciay recalentamientoUIilice un
cordon de calibre 10 o m_sgrease NOTA:C_antom_s
peque_o es el n_mero de calibre, m_s grease es et
corddn (Hay cordunesde extensiondisponibles)
2& ADVERTENCIA-- Lautilizaut_nde cordnnesdafiados
puedeprodueir sacudidas ef_ctricas,quemar o eleclro-
Modetos572 610520,572 610530y 572 610720
Se deborah inspeccionar tee escobiilasfrecuentemeole
cuando]asberramientasse uttlicende maneracontinueSi
cia, baseruidosextraSoso funcionaa velocidadreducida,
reviseInsescobillas.ElsegutrutilizandoIa herramienlaen
esleestadoladaSar_de manerapermanents
Con el cord0ndesencbufado,saqueIns tapesde eseobii]a
una a una con un destornil_adorpequeSogirandola tape
en sentidocontrarioat de ]asaguiaedet reloj y revisecede
Si la escobillaliensuna!ongitud interior a 1/8" y +asuper-
ficie del extremede ]a escobilla qua haceeentautocon el
conmuladoreat&_speray/o corroida,se deberAcambim:
Reviseambasescobillas Normaimente,Ins escob+llasno
se desgasIar_neimult;_neamente.Siuna escobigaest_
dosgastada,cambieambasescobillasAseg&resede qoe
Ins escob+!lasee insla_antel comese muest+aen Ia ilus-
trac+0nLasuperficiecuba de la escobtlladebecoincidir
conla curvaturede[conmulador,
Despuds de eambiar tas escobillas, se deber_ baser
loncionar la herramientasin carga:col0quetasobreuna
superfieie limpia y h_gatafuncionar libremente durante
5 m+nutosantesde sometm"a carga(o utilizer) la bm'ra_
mienta Esto permitir_ qua Ins escebittas se asienten
adecuadementey har_qua cadajuegode escobi+laspro-
porcione muchas m_s horns de servicio Eels tambt6n
prolongar_lavida total dela herramienta,yaque lasuper-
ficiedotconmutadoriardar_m_s en deegastaree
RODAMIENTOS-- Lee berramienlas mee_nteas glra-
torlasNos. 572.510520572,610530y 572.,810720ttenen
unaconslrucstdnde redamlentesde bolesdoblea+Con
unautilizaclOnnormal,ntngunode estostipos rsqoiere
lubrication adlclonal
Tsdo elservicio de ajuslesy reparadonesde asia herra-
mienia (excluyende"et cambiode,escobif+as,pare.los
modelos572.610520572 610530 y 572.610720)deber_
ser reaiizadoper unrepresenlantedeservicioautorizado
P&gina 7
Heaqu ejernplos
de Is qua una
baser ...
Nflar herramlentas
Desbatbarmetal Corlarmetal
E] funclonamiento do euaIqufer
lager a qua ebjetoeextrahos s,_Igandespedidosycaigan
en los ojos, la cual puedetener coma resugadaleslanes
gravesen los ajas, Usesiempregalasde seguddado pro-
restoresparetoeojos antesde comeezara hacarfuncionar
la herramientamec_nica Recomendamosuser ona m_s-
cars desugar}dadde ampliosarapevisual pare utilizaci6n
sabreanteojosogalasde segetidadest_nda_
Cuandoagarrela herramienta,tongaeuldadode no cubflr
las absrturasde ventilasi6nconla mane Esle bloqoeael
fiuje de airsy hacequeelmeier serecafiente
Desenehu[e siempre la
berramieatagiralorta sales de
oambiar aacssortos, cambiar pertaherramlenlae a
realizer eervicio de ajustes yreparactones en la
PORTAHERRAMENTA-- Pareaflojado,optimapdmeroel
cierre defejey gireel eiea manehastaqueel cierreaceple
No aceple el clefts mientras la
herramlenta giralorta est_ en
Con el sierradot eje acoplado,orifice nallave de porta-
he_'ramlentapare aflojar t_tuercadelpoflaherrramientaen
case de qua sea necesarlo Cambleaceesodus{ntrodu-
ciendoei nuevoaceesorio en el portahsrramientahaste
dondese puedapare minimizerel descentramientoyel
desequflibfioConef cnerredsl ejeacopIade,updatela tour-
cadeIpe_herremienta con losdudeshastequeel perta-
herramientaaLgarreel ct_erpodei accesotio Evilsapretar
excesiwmenteta tuercatel portaherramIentaElsistema
de portaherramientaeenstituye un m_todo excelentede
POBTAEIERBAMIENTAS-- Haypodaherramisntasdedos
tamafiosdistintas (yea]a ilestraci0n) disposablesperu la
harramientegirateria con ebietede acomodardiferentes
tamafiosde cuerpa Pareinstatarunpertaherramientadis-
tints, saqueIa tuercadsl pertaherramiantay quiteeI perta-
herramientavieje tntroduzcael extremeno ranuradotel
_ettaherramient_en elaguieroqueseencueetraanfinalden
MIENTAS-- Leetama_asdeportaherrem{ent_se pus-
Etpoflaherramientade !/32" tiene(1) anilla
El porleherramientade 1/16"tiene(2) ani[tas,
E1podahsrram{entade3/32"tiena(3) aniIlas
El portaherramnentade 1/8"no tieneaniIlas
25037 DE3/32"
Peg}ha 8
eje de la herramientaVuelvaa conocarla tuercadel poda-
herramieotaen el eje.Utilleestempreel psrtaherramienta
qua correspondsal tamafiadel euerpotel acaeeariaqua
usled piensautilizer,NuecaintentsIntroducira la fuerza
en un portaherram[entaun cuerpode di_metram_sgrands
quee]qua puedaaceptarclicheportaherramienta
precisiones Impedantequa todos los aecesetiesse en-
cuentrenbienequilibrates (de manorsmay parecidaelas
gomaedeso autom6vit) Parenivelaroequilibrarunaces-
curio, afloje nigeramentele tuereadel porlaherramieatey
hagsgirar elaccesofiooeI poflaherramtanta1/4 devaults
Vuelvaa apretarla tuercadot podaherramlentay pongaen
marchala herramientagiratofia Et sonido y la sensaci6n
delaccesoriodeborahpermitirla sabersi 6sisest_funeio_
oandode masersequilibrate Siga realtzandoajus_esde
estamanorsbaslelograr elmajorequilibtio Paremanteaer
equilibrateslasfresasabrasives,antesde cadsetilizaai6n,
con ta frees lijada de manors segura ee el portaherra-
mienta,enciendala herramientagiraloriay hagsIuncionar
ta piedrade reaeondicionamienteapoy_ndoIaligsramente
centre nafrees qua gila Estoquite tas pafiesque sabre*
eateny nive}e{afrasapareque_staqaedebienequilibrate
No utilice raedas de amolarde
mac de 1" de diamelro.La alia
vele_idadde la herramlentagirataria puedebaserqua
las r_e_asmasgmedes se rampartysangaedespedidas,
SEGUBIDAD= Prot_jase!osojose! amuserofresarconta
herramienta girataria .use siempra unas gafas do
segutidadde tipoap[obado
Recuerde,su nusvaherramientag[ratofiade Searses {a
meier herramientamec_nicade su close Peru su rendi......
mientostile estanbuenacomelosaccesatioscontosque
seutilize Recomendamosque0nicamentecautiltcenaces*
series de Sears La u_itizaei6ede cualquiarotto aceesorio
puedeconstituirun psligro £speramosquala herramienta
mecanieagiratetia Craftsmande Sears _epermitsdtsfrub'_r
de mashesafios desatisfacci6nsin preblemas
mec nica giratofia
La herramientagiratoda poneen la mane delusuado po-
tenda a alia vetocidad Sirve de taltadora amoladora,puli-
La herramientagiratedutienean peque5oy poteniemotor
el_ctfico, se agarracOmodamentecen la mane y est_ha-
cba pare aceptar una amptia variedad de accesorios,
intloyendo ruedasabrasivas,brocastaladradoras,cepiIIos
de alambre,pulidores,cortadoresparegrabar,brocaspare
fresar y _edas de code Losaccesoriosvienen enIermas
diversasy le permitena ustedrealizervaries trahaiosdire-
rentes A medida qua se vaya famifiarizandocon lagama
de accesodosy sus uses, it& d_ndoseconnie de la gran
versatilidadde la herramientagiratoda Oescobdr_dose-
hasde usesen los quano bahiapensadohasteabets
£1verdaderasecretede ta herramientagirsteda es su ve-
letidad Pareentenderlosverdejasqeeeffacesualt;1vale-
sided, usled ha de saberque el taladree!_cfdto pod;_til
est0ndarlunciona a velocidadesde haste2,000 :evolu-
clones per minulo. La berramientaglratoria fenciena a
vdotidades de hasta30.000 revolucienesper minulo Et
la_adrod_:ctrlco lfpico es ana herramientade batevelo-
cidady par motor alto;la herramienlagi_atoriues justo !n
eontrado-- unaherramienlade aItavetocidady parmotor
baie La diferenciapdncipsl pare el usuario es quaenlas
herramienlae de alta velecidadlave_ocidadcombinada
con etaecesoriemontadoen el podaberrsmientarealizeel
trahaje Ustedno tienequa ejereerprestoncobra la berra-
minnie,sine simplementesujetahaygoiarta En las her_a-
mientasde bajaveiotidad,ustedne s0totienequa outerla
herramienta,sine qua adem_s liana qee ejercerpresi0n
sobreella. tel come Io hate. per ejemp]o al taladrar un
Esla altove!ocidad,jun_ocon su lamaOetempucloy am-
plia gamede atceeodoeeepecialee,esIn qua haceqoe la
herramientagiratoriaseadistiniaa otras herramientasme-
c_nicas La velocidadpermile quala herramientahagatra-
be}hequa las herramienlasde bajavelonidadno poeden
baser,talestome cedaracornlemptado,grabsrvidrio,eft
El SOlare] mayor prevecboa Iu herramientsgiraloriaes
euesli0nde aprendercome deiarqua la vetocidadbagaet
UtilizatiOn de
ta herramienta
rnec nica giratofia
aulilizarla herramientagiratoriacorrectamentey a se{ec-
cionarel accesodoterraria pareel lrabuiequa usled de-
E!primer pasopareaprendera utilizerlaherramienlagira-
toriaeonsieteen seoefumbraseala berramientaT_ngala
en la mane y expedmentela seossci0nqua producensu
pesoy eqoilibrio Toquela parle oOnicade ta caia protec-
tore EstaparlecOnicapermiteagarrarlaherramienlagira-
toriade maneramuy parecidaacome seagarrauna ptoma
oun l_piz
Cuandoenciendala herramientaper pdmera vez.sost_n-
gala alejadade ]a sara Los accesuries peedenresultar
dahadosdurante e! traesperteoei manejoy puedensalir
despedidosaI gonervdooidad Este no as comSn,poresi
Pracliqueprimere en matedatesde desechoparever cOmo
cedeta herramientagiratoria Tongaen cuenta_lueel Ira-
hajees realizadoperia vetesidaddelaherramientay per el
aceeserioqua se encuentraen elpodaherramieoiaUsted
no debe apeyarsesabre la harramientani empojarlapare
quaentreen ta plazade trabaio
Envez de hacerearn.I_agadescenderlentamenlehastela
piezade trabajoe_accesodomientras_stegiray dejequa
toque el puntoen el c_alosled qoiere qua eomieneeel
code (o lijadoo grabado,etc} Conc_ntreseenguiar la he-
rramientasobrela piezadetr_bajoejerciendomaypoeapre-
siOnconlamane Dejequaelaccesodoreclineeltraba]e
Normalmeote,es majorreaiizaranaseriedepasadasconta
herramieotaen vezde inteolarbasertodo eitrabajoen une
sola pasada Per ejemplo,pare realizerun code,pasola
herramieotabaciaadetantey haciaatria sobrela plazade
trabajode maneramuy paretidaa comeIn bartacon ona
broehapequeOaCorteunpesode materialen codapasada
hastequa llegueala profundidaddeseadaPardla mayoria
de los Irabajos,esruder utilizaron toque b_bil y suave
Con _ste,ustedloam el majorcontrol, reducelos posibilF
dudesde cometererroresy Iograr_quaet aecesodoreslite
eltraba]odela maoeram_seIieazpesible
Paraloner meier control al realizertrabaioline. agarrela
herramienlagiratoriacomean l@iz entre eldedo puigary
Estees el mdtodode "agarre'_psra eujetarla herramienta
utilizado en operaciones talescome el amolado de uoa
supedicieplanao la otiliz_ciOnderuedasde reto_r
AI utilizersierrasde acera,rue-
dan de resorter, cerladoresde
alia velotldad ocortadoresde earburode Iuegeleno,
tengaslemprala plazade Irabajo fija conabrazsderas
Nonceinlente suJetorlaptezsde Iraba]o conunamane
cuendoesle uti!izaedocuelqulemde eeloeactesodos
La razones quaeslas rondosse atasearansi se ladean
ligeramente en la rannray puedenexperimentertetra-
case, causandounaperdldadecontrolqeelendra come
resulladoleslenesgraves La olra mane se debeutili_r
pare sflanzaryaurarla manequa suJelala herramlenla,
Cuandouna raeda de reeertarse atasca,normaimentela
propiarueda se tempe Cuandola sierradeacorn,los
codsdoresde alia veloctdade el cortaderde carbt_rode
tungstenoso stesean,es pesiblequa sullenyse salgan
de la moore, cooto qua naiadpodr[aperdetel ten{ral de
la herramienla,
P_gina g
Ajusleel indicadorde vdotidad de maneraadeeuadapare
el Irabaioqua sevaa realizer;pareIograrInsmejoresresel-
tadosal trabajar con materiales dilerenles, se deber_
regularlavelocidadde laherramientagi_toria Cooel me-
dole572610520s01ose debauserancentral de velocidad
de saIidade onda completatel come el modeIo2514 de
Sears{disponiblea tray,s dot sub,logo _nicamenle),Los
modetoa572 610530 y572 610720 de ia herramienla
giratoriatienenun control develocidadintegraly noocase
deber_ utilizeruo conlroI de velocidadexternocoo estas
Conoh}erede selecciooarIs velotidadcerretta paracsda
trabaje,utilice one piezade materfatde pr_ctica Variela
velocidad a fin de eneootrar la major velocidad pare et
accesorioqua ustedasia utilizandoy el Irabajoqua va a
HayIres ripenbasicoede Iterramienlusgiratorias:modeloa
de una soleve{ocidadde dos veIocidadesy de vaIocidad
variable En los modelos de una sole vslocidad hay on
interrupter"0N-OFF"(deencendidoy apagado).Cuendoel
interrupter est_ eocendido, la berramienta funciona a
28,000 RPM En el medele de dos veioeidadeehay uo
interrupterde ALTAy BAJAvelocidad Cuandoel indicador
del interrupter ae encuentra en la posiciOn baja, la
berramientafueciona s uoas 20,000 RPM Cuando el
[nditadordelinterrupterse encuentraen la posiciOnalia. la
berramiantafunciunaa onus30,OOORPM Eoel medelode
veloeidadvariablebayon ioditadordelinterrupterqualiana
onetineablancasobre_I Dasiicelohasteel numero de la
caja prolectorapareseleccionarla velecidadde fueciona-
miento que se necesiladosde5.000 haste30,000 RPM
Puede eoesultar los cuadros de la p_gina 10 pare
determinertavelocidadadecuadabas_ndoseen el material
en el qua se esIg.Irabaiandoy ei dpo de coMsdoruotro
atcesorioqeese est&utili2andoEstoscuadroslepermilen
eeletcionarde on vistazotantoel acceseriecerrectotome
Siusled liana un modernde una sole velucidado de des
una gran variedad de trabajos Pare la mayoria de tea
aplicsciones,lodes Ins modelosde laherramientagi_toda
deborahutilizarsea m_ima veloeidad
Sin embargo, ciertos materiales (algunos pl_sticos, per
ejemp!o) requieren una velocidad relativamente Ionia
porquea aItavelocidadta fricciOnde Ia herramientagenera
colory hatequael pl_stieesefunda
Los veiocidades lentas (15 00ORPM e manes) normal-
menlo sen mejores parsoperationesde pulido uIilizando
!ns acceseriesde pulir de fiettro Puedequa tambi_nseen
mejoras pars lrabaiaren proyeclos deIicadostotescome
trabajode ta_Iadode t&searas de buevd', talladode me-
dora delicaday trabaioann plazasff_giiee de medetos
Siempradebepulir conaccesodosde cepitlode alambraa
ve!otidadesm_eIentasy noncesuperioresa t5,000 RPM
Los vetotidadeem;_saltaasen meiorespara loller,cedar,
fraser,darfarina y radar eequinaso rebajosen madera
Los muderasdumas,los melalesy elvidrio requierenun
lonuionamiente a alia velocidad,y el laladrado lambi_n
deber_realizarsea aliasvalecidades
La velocidadde la herramientagffatefia se centrola ajus-
rondoesteindieadoren _acajaproleclora
Lasposictonescorrespondientesarevotucionesper mi-
nute aproximadaspare la herramientagiratorio modelo
PosiciSndel tflterruptor IntervaIodeveiocidad
1 4,500- 8,000RPM
2 9.000- t 1.000RPM
3t2.000- t7.000 RPM
4 18.000- 24.000RPM
5 25,000- 30,000RF'M
NOTA:Loseatables de tensidnafectana la velocldad.
Unatensidnde entradateducidahar_ bejar los RPM de
la herramlenla,especlaTmenteen la posicidnm_sbaIa.
Stpamceque la herramientalunciona despaclo,setec-
cione una poslcidnde velocidadm_s alto de manera
Efpuntoqua hayquarecorder_e{sIguiente:Ustedpuede
rea{_r _amayerparledeSos_baios coneI modeiode una
solavelo_dadfunclonandoa suvelocidadno_'ma!de 28,000
RPM Pore pareclericsmatedalasy tiposde tr_bojooared
nec_itavelocid,_desm_slenlas-- estaes la r'_,zdnper Ia
cuaIluerondesarrolladoslosmodelosde velocidad,r_fiable
Par;]ayudadeo determinerIavelocidadde funcionamiento
6prima porediferentesmateriolesy distintos accesodos,
homes prepar_douna aerie de tobiasquo apatecenen !o
p_gina5 Consultondedichaa tobiasasted puededeter-
minorIcevelocidadesrecomeodadasporecodaripede ac-
cosofioEchoun vistazoaostostobiasyfomi]iariceeecon
EnUttimainslanct_,la majormoner_dedeterminerlavale-
tided co,-rectaparerealizerttabojoencualquiermateriales
practicerdurante unos minutes utiilzandoun_,ptezade
desecho,inclosedespuSsde consulterel cuadro. Usted
puededescubfirr_pidamenteqoe unavelocidadm;_slento
om_s rapidaes macho m_e eficazsimpiemente obser-
vandoqu_ pasocuandooaredrealizean_o dos pasadaso
difarantesvelocidodesPer ejemplo,oI trabajarconpf_s-
rico comtenceutilizendoun r_gimenbojodo velocidody
aumentetavelocidadhastequaobservequa el pI_,_;ticose
ast_fundiendoen el puntodo contactoLuego,raduzca_o
velocidadIigeramontaporeobtenerla velocidadde trabajo
Algunaereglosp_cticos encuantoa veloeidad:
1 B pf_sticoy losmaterialesqua asfundena bajastem-
peraturesdeborahcortarsea velocidadeobajas
2 Et puIido,ei brufiido y la flmpiezocon un cepillode
oIombredeborahreatizaroeo ve_ocidodesinfefloreso
t5,000 RPMpareevit_rquaelcepiflosufr_da_es
3 L_maderoblondesedeber_cortaraattavelocidad
4Elhierroo elacerosedeborahco_r a m_irn_ veloci-
dadsise utiliz_e{ accesenode earburede tungsteno,
per(:}a velecidadesm_.slent_ssi se utiltzancortadores
de acerode alia va_addadSi uncortadorde acerode
alia velocidadcomienzaa vibrarruidosomenta-- nor-
molmenteastosignifico qua eat_funeionondedemao
5 Elal_minie,tasale_cionesde cobra,tasaleacionesde
plomo, losaleacionesde cincyet estate se podr_n
cortara cuoIquiervelocidad,segt]nelripedecode qua
so est_teotizando Apllqueoi cortadorparafinou otto
lubficonteadecuadopareevitarqua elmaterialco_do
seadhieraa los dientesdelcortadot"
Elaument_rla p{est6nejercid_ochrela herramientano es
ta solucI6n cuandc _sta no coda comeoaredcreequa
deber[ahacerlo.Telvez usteddeber[outilizer an cortodor
di!erentey quiz_sun oj_stedela ve!ocidadsolueicnafiaef
POSICIONESDE VELOCIDAD t" 8eg_nVeleetdadPOraeorleellgeres;preeouei_ndenoqeernarenranuresPtelundaSladlreccibnde torterespectaaiaveto.
53101 5 53 2 4
25014, 53102 5 3 2 1-2 2
25012 53070 5 5 2 3 5
53103_ 25011 53 2 2 2
25008 5 5 2 1-2 1-2
25016 4 2 1-2 2 2
53074, 53075 I
53076 t55" I 43= t 4
25034 I I I 2 I i I I I
53094 3 3
53107, 53108, 53109, 3 2,
53111,53095 53096
53090, 53091 5 5-
53092 5 2-
53078 131-3
25053 1 1-2 1-1
25049 25046 l 1-2 t-1
25057 1 1 1-1
25058 1 1 1-1
"PIEDRAS DE; A_OLAR DE CARBURO DE SILICIO ...........................
53079, 53080 2 1 2
25062 1-2 1 2
25063 1 I 2
53071,52072, 53104 ]414I1 2i3i } l
53073,53105 5 ,5 , 1 2 3
P_gina 10
Accesoriosparala herrarnientagiratoda
Et numero y is diversidad de aceesorios pare Is hsrra-
mienla giratoria san eastilimitades Hay one categoda
adecuadeparacasi redeslostrabejosqua ustedtongaqua
realizer-- y uesdiversidadde lsmabosy{ormssdeetrs
de codacetegorfaquale permilenausted obtenerel ecce-
Siusted piensautilizerdiversoseccesorios,le reeomen-
demosqueinicialmentecompraun juego completede cue-
tie porteherramientes Gu,4rde_oecon oblate de tenor el
tamabo adocuado de portaherremienta para eualquier
accesorioe brucetaladradsraquaquisraeast:Enla aetua-
lidedlos portahenamientaaNo 25036de 1/8",y No 25037
Un v_stagees unaespiga conena cebezamscadaode
lorniIio, y se requterenv_stsgos cuandose utitizaeaces-
series pare pulir, ruedasde code. discosde I{jary puntss
de puli_Larez_nparla eastse utilizanv_stegosesque los
discos de ltjar,tasruedss de codey aceesoriesstrut]ares
debenset susfituidosfrecuenlementeEt v_stagoesuna
espiga permanents qua permits qua usted csmb{e
5oicamenteis cebezsdesgastadecuandosea neceserio.
per Ioquese ahorrse] costade sustituir e!ejecodavez
V_stago de lornillo No. 53089
Estees un v_stagode torniIIo utilizedocon {apeele de
pulirde fidtro y los ruedasde pulirde fieltro
Eslees ue V_stagoconun lomille pequefioen lapunta y
se o_ilizecon ruedasde code deesmed},discos de li{sr y
ruedaede pu/ir
Diaponiblesen touchesretinas, los codadoresdesite ve-
{oeidadse uLili_n pare teltar, carter y ranurar madera,
piPet)cosy metaleablondestales comeaIuminia,cobray
latSo Estossanlosaeoesoriosqua sehan de utilizerpera
realizera ptdsofreseds o la}]adode madera o pl_sticoy
porerealizercedes deprecidbn
Estessoncedadoresduros y de laroaderaci6npars utiti-
zsoi_nen score temp_edo,ceramics eocfda en homo y
otroemateflalesmaydu_os.Se pgedenutilizarparsgraber
enherramien_asy equiposde]ardin
Eslegrope decottedoresabarcaonaampItagemsde _ma-
hasy fermas,y toe corladoresest_nhechospare realizer
trabajocemplicado en cer,_mica(del ripe no cocidoen
homo),taflsdesenmedera.]oyasy lat_adosenmafli], oa-
parezeoesde moloscos o barbas de balIena Se utilizan
freeuen_smentepare hacer piecesde dreuilos impresos
complicedosNo sedebenutilizeren aceronien airesmale-
rielesmuyduros,peruson excelenlesenmedera,pl_sticoy
metatesblondesNecesitenun po_herramientade3/3Z
Redsndss,punliegudas,p_anas-- digs qe_forms quierey
bsbr_ etgunadispenibieee estacategoria Estaspiedras
sergehechasde 6xidede aluminiey cubrenpr_cticamento
todesleatipospesiblesde apticacionesdeamotado Utiii-
colas para sfilar hdas de codadoras de c_sped,pontes
de destsmiltador,ouchillos,tiieras,cincelesy aires herrs-
mieniosde code Utilfcelesparequitatrebabasde piezss
oodarlo,eliaer tuntassoldedas,emsler remsehesy qniter
herrombre Enlos talleresds maquinarie,normalmsntelos
bracesy los codederssdeella veiocfdadsonameiedoscon
meelasde6xido deaIuminio
M;is daresqua los pontesde 6xide de aluminio,estaspie-
dras est,'{nhechae espeeialmentepera la utilizaciSe en
maleriales dares talescome vidrio y ear,mica Aigunoe
usestfpioospodrienserle remoeiSode marcasquasobre-
satgany el excessde esmaReen ceramics,y el grabaren
Accesorios para pulir
Entre sates aceesoriosse encuentranuna ponta ds pulir
impregnaday una reedsde polir impregnadaparedar en
aeabadolisaaias superficiesmet_licas;uoa puntsde pulir
de fieltroy una reedsde pulirde liellro,y unareedsdepulir
de teiaTodossatesaccesodosss utilizenparepufir pi,_sti-
cos,morales,Ioyefla y pequot,as piezes Tambi_nse en-
cuentraen estegrope un compuestoparepu]ir (No 25031)
pareutilizercon lospulidoresde fidtro y deIda
Leapuntasdo pulirdejan unasupediciemuy lisa,peru se
obtieneUn bdltomayor utilizanderusdasde fiellro o de
telay eompuestopetspalir
No senocesitacompueslo pare pulir cusndo se utilize la
reedsde pulir 25034
Se utilizan pare quitar pinlura, desbarbar metal y pulir
acero inoxidabley otros morales Disponibleacon grano
finey med_ane
Losdiscosde lijsr de grade fine, medianoy grueseest_n
hashes pare aooplarse en el v_s{ago No 25028 Se
puedenutitizarpare cast _odoslos trebajospequefiosde
lijedoqua ustodtongaqua realizer,deedsla fabdcadSnde
e{lijader de tambor,un diminuto lamberqu_ encaieen la
herramienta giraloda y q(_ehsce pssib_edar lerma a
madera,alisarfibrede vidris, lijsr en si interiorde comasy
otros legares diflciles y reafizsr otros trabajes de lijado
Gambletas baodssde Iijsr dsl tambora medide qua se
rayon desgastandoy pierdanel grano Los bendesvienen
engradesfines y grosses
Haytree tormss diferentes de cepillos de elambred{s-
ponibles Pets obtenermejoreeresultados,los cepillosde
slsmbre sedeber_nutilizers ve!eeidadeeno superioresa
15,000 RPM Estos cepillos quiten herrumbre de los
herramisntas y arras superficies met_,licas,y limpian y
bruise plazas met_licas Ulilicelos pare trebajes tales
comela Iimpiezsde coeexionssst_ctricaspera aeegerarse
dequa iacondueciSnesbuena
Cepillosdo cards
Estoscepiilos constituyenexcelenteaherramientsapsra la
limpiezadeobjelss de p_sle,ioyesyantig_edsdesLostree
fnrmasbaconposibietenetaccesoa rinconesestrechosy
afros bgares dificitea Los cepitlss de cords se pueden
utiiizarcon compuesteparepulir con objetode }ograraria
Oojs qua los cepilioseaten en
marcbas fa velocidsd de
lnn_ionamientsduranle at menus an minute antesde
u'fllizar la rlteds. Ouranle eats liempe nadte dsbe
sitoarse delante deI _epillo sen ilnea con asia, Pare
obtener mejores resuitados, no bags tensioner Is
herramientaamas de 15,000BPM
Roedasde code
Ealosdeloadosdiscos de esmerilo de fibre de vidrio se
_tilizaopare rebanar,eerier y operac_onessimiiares Utili-
colasp_ra eeriercabezasde pemoy leercesagarrotedaso
parevotvers rsnuraruna cabezade tomitloqua est_tan
decadequano permitsuserun desterniiladorBuenospare
cedar cableBX,variltespaque_as,luberia, cable,y pare
carter egujsrnsrectanouleresenchopsmet_lica
AI etiHzsr sierras ds scare,
alia velocldad ocodadorssde carbtlrode tengslene,
tangssiemprela piezsde trabajo fljsda con abtazaderas
ds manors segora NonealntenlesajstarIo plaza ds Ira.
bajoconunamane eusndoeste utilizandocualquierade
eslosaeeesortos..LB razones qua aside raedasso alas-
car-_esi se ladean ligeramenle en la ranuray pueden
experimehbri,etroebso,Caesandduda perdita" de con: "
Irof qua tendracomaresultadotestonesgraves.La otra
maneee debeutilizerpara afianzar ygeiar la manequa
sojelala herramtenta,Coandesea ruedade resorterse
atasea,normslmeelela propiareeds se tempe, Ceando
los sierrasde aceto, et corlsdorde atle veteetdado e]
certadorde carbursde tungstensss atascan, es pesible
quasaltsnyss salgan de toranera,conIo qse oaredpo-
dda partier el controlde Is hsrramienta
PAgfna 11
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