Cubic Defense Applications COM000-8 HF Transmitter User Manual T 4180 p65

Cubic Defense Applications HF Transmitter T 4180 p65


User Manual III

TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONAn ISO 9001 CertifiedCompanyT-4180 HF DSP EXCITERHALF-RACKThe T-4180 is a high performance computer-controlled 1.6 to 30 MHz HF DSP ExciterFEATURES• Frequency Range:  1.6 to30 MHz• Incorporates digital signalprocessing (DSP) for greaterlinearity and spectral purity• User-friendly menu-drivendisplay• Exceptional tuning speed,2 msec typical, 4 msecmaximum (10 MHz step)• Operating modes:  LSB, USB,ISB, AM, FM, CW, FSK, FMfax,LSBfc, LSBpc, USBfc andUSBpc• Integral post selector minimizesharmonic and spurious outputs• 250 preprogrammablechannels• Rugged construction - threeindividually shielded modules,in addition to the power supply• Surface mount technology forsuperior reliability• Outstanding MTBF:  15,000hours over temperature• Full function remote control:RS-232 or RS-422• BITE and BIT - isolation to themodule level
T-4180 HF DSP EXCITER HALF-RACK SPECIFICATIONFREQUENCYFrequency Range: 1.6 to 30 MHzTuning Step Size:  adjustable 1 Hzto 10 MHz in decade stepsSynthesizer Tuning Speed: (fromreceipt of last command byte untilwithin 1 kHz of the final fre-quency): all modulation modes∆f<100 kHz  <1.0 msec, typical∆f<1 MHz    <1.5 msec, typical∆f<10 MHz  <2.0 msec, typicalSweep and Scan Speed:100 channels per secondTuning Accuracy:Internal Standard TXCO: ±1 ppmof tuned frequencyExternal Standard: equal toaccuracy of external standardin ppmInternal/External FrequencyStandard: 10 MHzMODULATIONModulation: LSB, USB, ISB, AM,FM, CW, FSK, FMfax, LSBfc,LSBpc, USBfc and USBpcBandwidth may be automaticallyselected by modulation mode andmodulation characteristicLSB, USB, 2-channel ISB andCW per MIL-STD-188-141A,Table I and Paragraph Figure 5AM - 6 kHz default or as selected.Amplitude Modulation up to 95%FM bandwidth automaticallyselected for specified modula-tion characteristics. Deviation upto 5 kHzInternal Modulation: 50 Hz -6 kHz sine wave or white noiseEmission Designators  supported:A1A/A1B, A2A/A2B, A3E, B8E,F1A/F1B, F1C, F3E, H2A/H2B,H3E, J2A/J2B, J3E, R2A/R2B, &R3C/R3ERF SECTIONExciter Power Output: +27 dBmmaximumOutput Impedance: 50 ohmsOutput VSWR: 2:1 maximumRF On/Off Switching Speed:<80 µsec, 60 dB isolation,controlled by external TTL levelsRF Filters:  eight suboctavebandpass filters reduce harmoniccontentAutomatic Level Control (RF):0 to -60 dB level control fromsingle RS-422 (dedicated from PAmicrocontroller)Manual Level Control (MLC):-33 to +27 dBm in 1 dB stepsPhase Noise: Per MIL-STD-188-141A, Paragraph 5.2.5 and Figure3 fixed site, non-cositedPhase Stability: ExceedsMIL-STD-188-141A, Para-graph 5.2.4Absolute Delay: 5 ms maximumKeying Characteristics:Attack Time Delay: 3 ms max  to 90percent of full steady state outputRelease Time Delay: 3 ms max  to10 percent of full steady stateoutputKeying Time: Defined as time from“key down” to RF output or “keyup” to reduce RF outputNOISE AND DISTORTIONIn-band Noise: -105 dBc/HzIn-band Intermodulation Distortion(IMD): 50 dB below either tone oftwo equal signals producing+21 dBm PEPSpurious Broadband Emissions:per MIL-STD-188-141A, Para-graph and Table IIHarmonic Outputs: -55 dBc.  All otherdiscrete spurious are  -80 dBcCarrier Suppression: -60 dBc for asingle tone at +27 dBm signaloutputUnwanted sideband suppression: -60dBIF SECTION1st IF: 24 kHz, DSP generated,lowpass filter @ 80 kHz2nd IF: 456 kHz, Standard Filter BWis 18 kHz3rd IF: 40.456 MHz, Standard FilterBW = 22.5 kHzIF Filters: 51 DSP derived FIR filtersprovide bandwidths from 100 Hz to16 kHz automatically chosen bymodulation mode and modulationcharacteristicsINPUT CHARACTERISTICSUnbalanced Audio InputImpedance: 150 ohms ±10% over100 to 7000 Hz passbandAudio Input Level: -45 to -15 dBmref. 150 ohmsBalanced Audio Input Impedance: 600 ohms, 0 dBm -20 dB to +10 dBAudio Level Control:  automaticaudio level control holds PEPaudio at standard level ±1 dB overthe 30 dB input rangeREMOTE CONTROLRS-232 and RS-422 available. Allexciter operational parametersincluding SELCAL are remotelycontrollableBITEFault isolation to the module levelRELIABILITYMTBF: 15,000 hours. Calculatedbased on “Naval Sheltered” (NS) asdefined in MIL-HKBK-217FMAINTAINABILITYMean-Time-to-Repair (MTTR) of notmore than 30 minutes at the modulereplacement levelPOWER REQUIREMENTS90 - 260 VAC, 47 - 440 Hz, 60 wattsmax., switching mode power supplyCONTROLS AND CONNECTORSFront Panel:Full alphanumeric display with fullfunction keypad for entry of allparametersControl knob for selection of allnumeric parametersPower Switch: toggle-type:Phone jack:  1/4 inch for micro-phone and/or key line inputRear Panel:Power Connector: IECRF Output: BNCExternal Frequency StandardInput:  BNCAudio Input: 15-pin Sub DPA Control: 15-pin Sub DBus Control: 25-pin Sub D forRS-232 and RS-422
T-4180 HF DSP EXCITER HALF-RACK SPECIFICATIONENVIRONMENTAL DATAOperating High Temperature:MIL-STD-810E, Method 501.3,Procedure II, Table 501.3-I (ambi-ent air conditions), maximum testtemperature 50°C, one cycleOperating Low Temperature:MIL-STD-810E, Method 502.3,Procedure II, Temperature 0°CStorage High Temperature: MIL-STD-810E, Method 501.3,Procedure I, 85°C, one cycleStorage Low Temperature:MIL-STD-810E, Method 502.3,Procedure I, Temperature -40°Cfor 12 hoursHumidity:  MIL-STD-810E,Method 507.3, Procedure I-Natural, Table 507.3-I, fivecycles totalShock:  MIL-STD-810E,Method 514.4, Procedure I,Category 9, Figure 514.4-15EMI/EMCEquipment designed to intent of theapplicable requirements of MIL-STD461/462 as a guideDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONDesign and Construction:MIL-STD-2036, Paragraph 5.1.4as a guidelineWorkmanship: MIL-HDBK-454,Guideline 9Interchangeability: all identical units,assemblies and replacement partsare physically, electrically andfunctionally interchangeableDIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTSize: half 19-inch rack size:8.45 inches (21.5 cm) wide3.5 inches (8.9 cm) high22.25 inches (56.5 cm) deepWeight:  16 lb. (7.3 kg)FINISHFront Panel: FED-STD-595 chip26307, semigloss grey enamelChassis: corrosion protectedfollowing guidelines established inMIL-HBK-454, Requirement 15Handles and Silkscreen Markings:matte blackOPTIONSHigh Performance Ref Oscillator:OCXO, 0.1 ppm of tunedfrequencyParallel Data Bus: IEEE-488 (Notavailable with RS-232/RS422Serial Data BusDual Rack Mount Kit: Hardware andslides to fasten two T-4180exciters together for installation instandard 19” rack.Available as a single 19” rack mountChassis (T-4150).with T1TMS320C31-50D/A4 5 5Front PanelControlProcessorDigital Signal ProcessorX 4fo = 24 +-0.5 kHz 456 +- 0.5 kHz40.456 MHz+- 0.5 kHz1.6 - 30 MHzVCOPLLCoarseLoop(1 MHz)10 MHzTCXO48 MHz ClockOutputLoop80Fine Loop(80 kHz)Synth. FrequencyPostselector BandExt. ReferenceA/DA/DDSP CommandsRS-232/422480 kHzLogicAMUSBLSBISB - USBISB - LSB Analog Strobe 40 MHz 42.056 - 70.456 MHz in 1 kHz steps10 MHzBand Select........1.6 - 2.3 MHz2.3 - 3.3 MHz3.3 - 4.8 MHz4.8 - 6.9 MHz6.9 - 9.9 MHz9.9 - 14.3 MHz14.3 - 20.5 MHz20.5 - 30.0 MHzPostselectorRFOut
Specifications subject to change without prior notice Printed in U.S.A.  Copyright 1/999333 Balboa Ave., San Diego, CA 92123PHONE: 858.505.2024    FAX: 858.505.1593www.cubic.comAn ISO 9001 Certified Company CCI-212f  5/04T-4180 HF DSP EXCITER HALF-RACK SPECIFICATIONCubic’s COM Series Power Amplifiers are designedto operate with the T-4180 HF DSP Exciter.The COM-1000 is a solid state linear MOD FETamplifier capable of delivering a power output of1000 Watts in the frequency range of 1.6 to 30 MHz.The COM-1000 is modularized for ease ofmaintenance. Adjustments are easily accessible andLED’s indicated performance of critical circuitry.The COM-4000 is a 4000 Watt power amplifierworking in the frequency range of 1.6 to 30 MHz. It iscomprised of four 1KW PA modules, a 3 phasepower supply, a 4-Way Combiner module, and aSystem Controller module.The COM-5000 is a 5000 Watt power amplifierworking in the frequency range of 1.6 to 30 MHz. It iscomprised of four 1.25KW PA modules, a 3 phasepower supply, a 4-Way Combiner module, and aSystem Controller module.Ordering InformationModel Number Part Number DescriptionT-4180 2607-1000-1 LH-HF DSP Half-rack Exciter, 1.6 - 30 MHzCHAS-KIT-01 2600-1000-1 Full Rack Chassis Kit Without Rack SlidesRKSLD-KIT-02 222-024/222-087 Rack Slides Kit (2RU)MNT-KIT-01 2600-1009-1 Dual Rack-mount Kit, Side-by-sideOPTIONAL POWER AMPLIFIERSCOM-1000 Power AmplifierCOM-4000/5000 Power Amplifier

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