DECATHLON USA G90017BR GEYE 900 User Manual 4


User Manual - 4

Download: DECATHLON USA G90017BR GEYE 900 User Manual   4
Mirror Download []DECATHLON USA G90017BR GEYE 900 User Manual   4
Document ID3955882
Application ID54l7PvJh4aD40BoGXvHPKw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual - 4
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize200.87kB (2510934 bits)
Date Submitted2018-08-08 00:00:00
Date Available2018-08-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-08-02 18:09:17
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Document Lastmod2018-08-02 18:10:09
Document TitleUser Manual - 4
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CC 2015 (Windows)

EN - General i11§tructions 01‘ use For us market
G-EYE 900 - 8390837
DECATHLON r 4 Boulevard de Mons e BP
299 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex e France Roc KRI D E R
, Decathlon is not liable tor accrdenrs or , To avoid s ous .ury or death. toliow mude is accurate and complete, Decathlon
iriiurit. due to improper use ofrlic product. the safety rniormatron in this doerrment is not liable for any errors orornrssrons
rarlure to adhere to the rnslmcriens grverr In
this mride, or modifications to the product
use rhrs product under the drr tsuperyr
sien Ofal-i adult. An adult should review
and explain the rull set ot’rnsiruelrons rn
this guide with the youth (age is years and
over) berorc using rt
, Keep rhese rnsirrrctrons , Thrs product is not a toy. it is not intended
for use by ehrldren l2 years orage or
, while every eiIorl lras been made to _
younger Youth or ages 13 to 17 should only
cnxurt: lhar Ihc informauoii comamcd irl Iht:
, WARNING when usrng the G-LYE 900
and drurng actrvrtics : alrvays be aware oryout
surrouudrugs to ’ded rnrrrry to yourseiraud
— WARNING Observe thc ioiiowrng preearr
tiens »
-Do nor drop, drssaemble, enrsir bend. dc-
form. ' erncratc or inicrcwavc the camera
470 nor rrrserr rorergn objects in the connectors
orthe camera
Do not we the eanrera li'll has been craekcd,
punctured or damaged by water
-Do nor use rite camera in water or or a humid
area wrthout ihc watcrprobfcasing and us
closed door
no not dry your camera wlih arr extenrai heat
source mrcrovvave or harr dryer I'tircxamplc
eFariurc to observe these preearrrrons could
result rn fire or electrie shock.
, WARNING when camera is charging, do
not handle ihc plug or charger with wet hands
faflul e In observe this precaution could rcsult
rrr electne shocks
- “AMINO Only use chargers marked »
«OUTPUT 5v 1A», it you don’t know. use
the ineiuded usa cable to charge wrth your
- WARNING [fusing your GrEYF, camera
yvrth a helmet mount, airvarys make re that
sclcct hcinret that meets the appircablc sal'cry
standards. Select the nght lrelmet lor your
sport and control that the srze fil roryou,
inspect your thnicI to make Sun) that it is in
gotld corrditron and always follow tire helmet
marrrrl'acturer' rn nrctrorrs No helmets can
avord rrrrurr s rn e ry accrdenr
— WARNING Your GrEY‘F. rs dcsrgrrcd wrth
glass (lens, seroeni, should the glass break
eare sirouid be taken to avord rrrruries.
, WARNING nrurng rrsc or charge our
ORV? may become hotsrmply let rt srt and
cool berore attenrptrng to use rt agarrr
— WARNING Tirrs rarurprrrenr must be
irrerliod and operated in accordance with
provided ina‘trucllou: and the anicnna(s) used
fm tins transmitter must be insullcrl to provide
a separation drslance orat leasl 20 em from all
persons and must not be ctrlucaled or opera
ling rn corrrunctrorr wiLh arty other antenna or
, CAUTION when usrng your camera
near another el tronie device, read the tire
saiety precautions ol'tire user manual. Tum
oil’ your camera when rescues actrons usrng
locairsatien tools (GPS. BEACDNS,, ) are
runrrrrr g around you to lrrnrt the mini-er
- CAUTION Rrslr ot' lire andlrunrs no
, semble, heat above tthe
' turer 's pecrlied
temperature raturgi, or rrrcrnerate. Keep
battery out or reach or chrldren and rn
orrgrnal package
urrtri ready to use. Dispose oi'usedbattenes
pr omptiy Nerrer put batterres ur mouth If
swallowed, contact your ph rarr or local
porsorr corrtr oi center,”
- \IOTICE Avord usrrrg your camera in very
cold or very hot temperatures errvrrorrmerrts
l ow or hr gh temperatures condr trons may
ternporanly shorten the battery Me or may
cause the camera slop yvorirrng properly,
- \IOTICE Always l'tillriw the local iarvs
when usrng your camera, rrrciudrrrg pnvacy
laws which may reslrret recordrng rrr
certarrrs ar -
NOTlCE When using G-EYF camera, always use the related mount [0 your Sport.
Please, before using your GrEYE, rerer to the user manual rncluded in the packaging.
- WARNING Before clcanrng your
G-EYE, take care to unplug your dcvrcc
- Thrs desree comphes wrth pan 15 or the
i=cc Rules Operarien rs subioerro rhet ,
lowi g two conditions: (it ihrs devrce ma ,
e harrnrui rnterlererrce, and (zit
must accept any inrerrerence recerv
urcluding rnterrerence that may cause under
srred operatrorr
, Tlre courpmenr eornplres with I‘CC R17
exposure linrrts set forth for an iinconrmllcd
, To ensure RF exposure levels remain at or
below the rested levels use a belrclrp noisier,
or srmrlar aec . ry that hav: no metalire
eornponenr rn rhe assembly and must nminr
from an eiectricty power source (charger.
7 NOTlCE Afler using, rinse the
waterprooicase under pure water then
wipe rt with a clean tissue.
. nrrnrmum separatrorr drsia e ommm
betuoen your body and the devrc .
, SAX rnrormatron fol thrs device is on file
urtir FCC and can be round under the drspiay
gram section ofhrtps/ svwwi’ccgov oet ea/
- Tins eourpnrent has been tested and round
to comply with the lrmrts for a class B
digrtai devrce pursuant to Pan 15 orthe
FCC Rules These irmrts are desrgned to
provide reasonable proroerrou agarnst hamrrui
rnterference in a resroential rnsiallation, This
enurpnrent generates uses and can r-adrare
radro frequency energy and, lfnol rnsiailed
and used rn accordance wrth the rnsbrucrrons,
we adv!
- NOTICE store your camera vvrthrn
rts rvaterprooiease in a dry and tempe—
ratc condition,
may arrse harrnriri rrrter rerenee to radro
, However, there is no guaranuc that
rnterrererrce will not occur rn a parrreular
, lrtlris equipment does cause harmful inlcrr
Terence to radro or teiesrsron reeepuon. which
can be derermined by runimg rhe miiipmcm
on and on, the user is encoruaged to try to
correct the rnteri'ererrce by one or more or' the
toiiosving measures;
, iseorr'ent or relocate the receiving antenna.
- increase the separatrorr betwccii the euurpe
mam and r LIVCI‘,
- NOTICE Before storage, recharge
your L‘r-EYE and then unplug il rrom
an clecrrrcrty power sourcc (charger,
PC. , ,)
- Connect the enurpment rrrto an outlet on a
cireurl drriererrt from rhar ro whreh the reoci
ver IS connected
- Consult the dealer or an expenerrced radro/
TV rechnrcian for help,
, N01 1:: Any changes or modificatrons not
expressly approved by the grantee orthrs due
vice eould void the mar: authority to operare
the equipment.

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