£ou.5>,m_.\s>>>>:a_2 $53 32 50> Em: ESE 2,398 5,sz 35 RE 35m 3233 Eoie a; £55 GEMtEQhGEsEm 3:3 S: _%o_>_ 5.55: 2.59 . 5.5 a 55“.- HEEE.“ 5.4.5...— =w==a= ==__u=_=a=_ mum” WE» mug. Eou._m>_m_§>>>>\\d§._ wwtwm orI Eve—2 52: Thank you for buying the thver H10 Sertes iRiver wetcomes you to (he wortd of the H10 Series, the teading HDD type MP3 player. We firmly oeheve Ihal the H10 Senes wrtt grve you complete satrstaetion. We know that the H10 Senes thI make your We more pleasurable m so many diflerent ways Thank your (or your tRiver purchasefrhe H10 sertes comes complele wtth a long tist 0! advanced teatures. h rs imparlanl that you read the rnarruat to ensure that you get the most out 01 your new ptayer ~ thver webstte address is www.irtver.cam ~ The srte prouroes product rhforrnahon ano cuslomer support ~ Use the hrnrware (system sofiware) upgrade lunclion 01 our products horn the Stte 10 continuousty tmprove Ihe produrA periormance. -pyright/Certificationl - C iRiver Linnted reserves all patents, trademarks, copyrights. and other intellectual rights regarding the user manual. Copying the manual in part or in full wiihoui the written permission of iRrver is pronitnted. illegal usage of part or all offne document may result in criminal penalty Related laws, including tne oopyngnf law, protect copyrignted contents such as software, music, or movies ii the product is used to copy or distribute copyrighted contents illegally, the user must take all legal responsibility for such actions Companies. organizations, products, persons, and information on events used in the examples in his manual are not actual data. The company has no intention to link tnis user manual to any company, organization, product, or person Do not assume any such intention or connection It is the users responsibility to comply With copyright laws. ©1999-2004 iRiver Limned. All rights reserved Certification 0 CE, FCC Trademarks 0 Windows. windows 93 SE. windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Media Player are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. a SRS is a registered trademark cl SRS Labs, Inc Limited Liability The manuracturer, importer, and dealer cannot be held responsible for accidental damage, including personal iniury or any other damage, due to inappropriate usage oflne product. 0 information in the user manual is written for the current specification or the product. Tne manufacturer. iRiver, continues to provide additional functions and apply new tecnnoicgy to it. All specifications may do changed without notice to individual users Please read and ensure you have fully underslood tne following safety guidelines before using the producl. The safety guidelines descrioe important details regarding your safety and are classified into "Danger," ”Warning," and "Caution " The company cannot be held liaoie for accidenfs and producl damage due to nonaobservance of inese safety precautions Serious injury or death can result if not handled as directed Serious l minor iniury or product 1 pmperly damage can result it not handled as directed. Minor damage can result il not handled as directed ADANGER Sertous injury or death can resutt if not handled as directed. Use pnty tne AC adapter inctuded Usmg any ctner AC adapter may cause fire or etectnc shock Connect tne AC Adapter cnty to rated power cuttet types as descnced m the user manuat Connectmg In ctner types may cause me at etectnc shack nc npt tcucn the AC adapter wtth wet nands n tne made or autsrde at the product get wet an etectnc snack may resutt nc nct ptace heavy ctneets cn tne AC adapter came Do not score, pend twtst‘ or put the no adapter name A damaged AC adapter capte may cause fire or etemnc shack Qé’ Do nut repatr‘ msassemhte‘ er mcdrry tne product Using Ihe pmduct under such candrttans may cause fire pr etemnc shack Te aydrd a nrgn pranamtrty at exptusmn or mammcttan, dd not dry the product wrm a heater er mtcrmve oven wnen tne pmduct is wet twnetner Mtn water or some otner trdurdt Promptty tum tne power at tne product on and dtscunnect tne AC cunnectur tram tne pawer cuttet rt tne product preduces smokey smetls, cr unusuat sounds Usmg tne product m abnormat wndtttcns may cause fire or eleclnc shack Dp not drop tne product. or subtefl rtc strong rmpact cr seuere whvaitun‘ tn avutd damage Pmmpfly tum Ihe pdwer at tne pmflucl dtt and drseannect tram the pcwerouttet fllhe product rs damaged (Rempve tne Ac adapter rune product was berng charged) Usmg Ihe prcduct m atancnnat cdndrtrcns may cause fire or etectnc shock Contact customer support >
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