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Organization of a Program library for a Digital
Computer Center
· .. Werner l. Frank
Growth of I. B. M. Electronic Data Processing
Operations on the West Coast
· .. Neil D. Macdonald
Translating Spoken English into Written Words
· .. Edmund C. Berkeley
"Automation": Lecture by Historian
· .. Allan Lytel

I. B. M. Trust Suit Ended by Decree

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The design of modern communications equipment
involves much more than electronic circuit techniques. Keyboards and coders are often required
to translate the intelligence to be transmitted into
"machine language:' Recording and reproducing
devices store intelligence until the equipment is
ready to transmit it, or hold received intelligence
until it can be translated back into human language
by a printer or other output display device.

The combination of such mechanical and electromechanical techniques with the better known but
still developing techniques of electronic circuit
design makes of modern communications a much
broader field than is commonly recog':lized. When
such technical tools are used to provide equipment
tailored to our rapidly improving understanding of
propagation phenomena and information theory,
the resulting practical improvements in communication are sometimes little'short of spectacular.

The growing communications activities of The RamoWooldridge Corporation have generated requirements
for additional physicists and engineers with substantial experience in research, development, or production
engineering on advanced airborne and ground-based •••
• Communication, Navigation and ECM Systems
• HF, VHF, and UHF Transmitters and Receivers
• Precision Electro-Mechanical Equipment
• Magnetic Recording Systems
• Signal Analysis Equipment
• Video and Pulse Circuitry
• Miniaturization and Packaging


Part of Communications Equipment
Pilot Production Activities

Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation

Vol. 5,








No. 3




Organization of a Program Library for a Digital
Computer Center
Translating Spoken English into Written Words
Growth of I.B.M. Electronic Data Processing
Operations on the West Coast
I.B.M. Trust Suit Ended by Decree
Prohlems Placed on an Automatic Computer

• •• W. L. Frank


••• E. C. Berkeley
••• N. D. Macdonald


••• N. D. Macdonald



International Analogy Computation Meeting,
Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 26 to Oct. 2, 1955
-- Program, and Titles of Papers
Publications for Business on Automatic Computers:
Reference Listing
New Patents

• •• N. Chapin


• •• R. R. Skolnick


• • • A. Lytel


• • ,. A. R. Zipf
• •• F. H. Raymond


· .. . E. L. Harder
• •• F. A. Brown
• ... C. G. Levee



Lecture by Historian

IBM 702 Computing Service
Automation Meeting and Exhibition, Paris,
France, June 18-24, 1956
Highlights of the International Analogy Computation
Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 26 to Oct 2, 1955
Glossary of Computer Terms: Comment
Inventories and Economic Order Quantity
Symposium on Analog Computers, Kansas City,
April 10-11, 1956
Comments on the "Who's Who", etc.
Application~ to AStronomical Calculations
The Editor's Notes ••• 4
Editor: Edmund C. Berkeley
Assistant Editors:
Neil D. Macdonald, F.L

Index of Notices ••• 4

• •• p,.


· ,. . B. Danch




Advertising Index •••• 46
Advisory Committee: SalIluel B. Willia~s,
Herbert F. Mitchell, Jr., Justin


Contribu ting Edi tors: Andrew D. Booth, John .... Breen, John W. Carr, III, Alston S. Householder, Fletcher Pratt
Publisher: Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
Publication Office: 513 Avenue of the Americas, New York 21, N.Y. - Algonquin 5-7177
Editorial Office:
36 West 11 Street., New York, 11, N.Y. - Gramercy 7-1157
Branch Office: R15 Washington Street., Newtonville 60, Mass. - Decatur 2-5453 or 2-3928
Advertising Representatives: San Francisco - W. A. Babcock. 605 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Yukon 2-3954
Los Angeles - Wentworth F. Green, 439 So. Western Ave., Los Angeles 5, Calif. Dunkirk 7-8135
elsewhere - the Publisher
COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION is published monthly. Copyright, 1955 by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. Subscription rates:
for one year, $10.50 for two years, in the Uni ted Sta tes;
$6.00 for one year, $11.50 for two years, in
$6.50 for one year, $12. ~ for two years elsewhere. Bulk subscription rates: see page 2S Advertising rates: see page 4 ....


Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, New York, N. Y.

- 3 -




The Computer Directory

The June 1956 issue of "Computers and Automation" will be "The Computer Directory, 1956'~
It will contain three parts: '~art 1, Roster
of Organizations in the Computer Field; Part 2,
The Computer Field, Products and Services for
Sale; and Part 3, Who's Who in the Computer
As we go to press in the middle of February for the March issue, we are currently
mailing out last year's entries of Products
and Services and blank forms, with the expectation that this year'~ edition will be fUller,
more accurate, and more useful.
In a fel'l more weeks, we expect to m ail
out entry forms for Part 3, Who's Who in the
Computer Field. We have had some discussion
tv! th one of our staunch readers (Mr. P a .. u 1
Armer - see below), and as a res ul t we
expect to include a special offer.
I. From Paul Armer
Santa Monica, Calif.
In your January, 1956, issue you aske d
for comments on your announced plans for "The
Computer Directory, 1956". I strongly object
to your proposal to charge $2.00 per individual
entry in the "Who's Who in the Computer Field"
section of the directory. I think it's fine
to charge for entries in the "Products and
Services for Sale" section, since there is an
obvious motive for organiZations to be included
in the list. But what motivates the individual
to cough up two bucks? So, as an individual,
I obj ect to paying the money. And as a use r
of your directory, I object on the basis that
the list will be so short (since I bel i eve
most individuals will feel as I do) th a t it
will be useless. Possibly I am misinterpreting
l'lhat you mean by "... a brief entry may appear
in condensed form if des irable ••• ". So m ething like "Jones ,-:1. - Los Angeles, Cal if."
might just as well be omitted.

One more small point regarding for mat.
I frequently find myself stumbling over words
at the end of a line due to the justification.
For example, see line 10 of the right half of
page 13 in your January issue. The spac in g
between the letters in "long" is the sam e as
between the Ivords "a" and "long". Personally,
I prefer no justification at all to the present product.

From the Editor

We thank Mr. Armer for his friendly and
frank comments on the Who's Who and va ri 0 us
other aspects of "Computers and Automation".
To cover the matters he-mentions, in reverse order, the reason for the style of justification we use in the magazine is P 0 s t
Office requirements. When we applied in 1952
for second class mailing privileges, we lie r e
told by the U. S. Post Office that we had to
justify, at least approximately, our lines of
type (and in addition lYe had to use a t y p e
face tvhich was different from the 0 r din a r y
typewriter type faces, elite and pica). As is
clear from the appearance of our lines of type,
we type once and not twice, achieving approximate justification. But we can try to produce
a less confusing result.
We have no objection in principle to publishing brief biographies of authors. But we
do think the best place for the publication of
a brief biography of any person in~e computer field is in the "Who's MlO" that we publish.
(continued on page 38)

For Information on:
Advertising Index
Advertising Rates and
Back Copies
Bulk Subscription Rates
Computer Directory
Reader's Inquiry Form
Special Issues

To close on a more harmonious note, I' d
like to say that I've found "Computers and
Auto~ation" to be a useful and in teres t i ng
publication. I applaud the inclusion of articles like ''Machines and Religion". I ,believe
the inclusion of a short biography of the author
would have enhanced the interest of the article.
Why not include biographies of all authors?

See Page:


Last Month's Issue


Address Changes: If your address changes, please
send us both your new and your old address, (torn
off from the wrapper if possible), and allow
three weeks for the change.
- 4 -

Mathematical Analyst Keith Kersery loads
jet transport flutter problem into one
of Lockheed's two 701's. On order: two
704's to help keep Lockheed in forefront of numerical analysis and production corurol data processing.

With two 701 digital computers already in operation, Lockheed
has ordered two 704'8 to permit greater application of numerical
analysis to complex aeronautical problems now being
approached. Scheduled for delivery early next year, the 704's
will replace the 701 'so

704's and 701's speed
Lockheed research in

Much of the work scheduled or in progress is classified.
However, two significant features are significant to career-minded
Mathematical Analysts: 1) the wide variety of as,signments
created by Lockheed's diversified develop~ent pro~m and
2) the advanced nature of the work, which falls largelyJnto
unexplored areas of numerical analysis.

Career positions for Mathematical Analysts

numerical analysis

Lockheed's expanding development program in nuclear energy,
turbo-prop and jet transports, radar search planes, extremely highspeed aircraft and other classified projects has created a ntlmber of
openings for Mathematical Analysts to work on the 704's.
Lockheed offers you attractive salaries, generous travel and m~ing
allowances which enable you and your family to move to Southern
California at virtually no expense; and an extremely wide range of
employe benefits which add approximately 14% to each engineer's
salary in the form of insurance, retirement pension, etc.
Those interested in advanced work in this field are invited to
write E. W. Des Lauriers, Dept. MA-31-3.



- 5 -

Ramo Wooldridge Corp.
Los Angeles 45,Calif.
The' efficiency of a computing center is not
only a function of the equipment and personnel
employed, but also of the collection of r 0 utines comprising its Program Library. The availability of general subroutines, those for the
calculation of the more common mathematica I
operations, wi 11 reduce the elapsed time usually associated with a problem's formulation and
subsequent numerical solution. Of no less importance is the collection of what may be clrused as supervisory (ur service) routines: r 0 utines which provide the tools for manipulating
information (assembly or compiling programs),
moni toring (pos t mortem and alarm routines),and
expanding the capabilities of the built-in manine logic (floating-point and complex-numberarithmetic routines.)

may have over 100 routines at its disposal, rubdivision and classification of this material is
imperative. Hence, if one seeks a fixed-point
decimal card punch routine, it is only necessary to search through the inclusive class of
Output Routines in order to find an applicable
While a first breakdOtl1n of routines might
be the previously mentioned categories of s u pervisory routines and general subroutines, ~ese
classes are still too wide. The following list
presents one possibility which has been adopted
and found practical:
Supervisory Routines:

The generation of such a library is nosmall
task. Experience has shown that it takes over
ten man-years to establish a versatile collection of routines. For a large scale digital
computer center this may represent an in ves tment of over $150,000.00 in manpower and machine use. In addition, there is the ever present cost of maintenance and expansion of the
In order to reduce this investment for any
one istallation, recent attempts have been made
to combine the efforts of users of like computing machines in the development of a Pro g ram
Library. By formulating standards and assigning specific responsibilities to avoid duplic~
tion of efforts, groups such as SHARE (IBM 704
users) and USE (ERA 1103A users) have recognized the need for mutual assistance.



General Subroutines:

Ultimate responsibility for a Program Library must nevertheless remain ld th the individual computing center. This entails a tV e 11
thought out plan of cataloging, standardizing
and distributing the more common routines.


Cataloging implies the classification and
labeling of routines. The procedure followed
for either process depends on the philosophy
adopted by the computing center.
Since a well established computing





- 6 -

Executive Routines --Assembly or compiling routines
Bootstrap and Basic Read-In routines
Code Checking and Diagnostic Routines
- Post mortem and Monitoring routines
Speci al Arithmetic Routines - Floating-point arithmetic
Complex number arithmetic
Double precision arithmetic
Demonstration Routines

Input Routines
Output Routines
Quadrature (definite integral evaluation)
Differential Equations (ordinary and
partial equations)
Vector Algebra - Simultaneous linear
Matrix inversion
Eigen value and eigen vectors
Linear programrrdng
Non-Linear Equations - Roots of polynomials
Minimization of functions
Statistical - Correlations, variances,
means, random number generator
Data Reduction - Sorting, ordering,
Logical Arithmetic
Function Evaluation --Trigonometric
Exponentials and Roots
Logari thmic
Special Functions


Computers anrl Automation

Differencing and Interpolation
Approximations and curve fitting

That the task of labeling routines is not
arbi trary is seen in the case of a comp iii n g
program tl1hich may require some identifying tag,
of fixed form, to be associated with each subroutine. If only for the sake of simplicity,
it is des irable that both tag and label be the
It is poss ible, for example, to ass i g n
labels serially or by mnemonic tags. Whi I e
the first method prohibits a recognizable correspondence between label and class, the second
can create some confusion for those pers 0 n s
1,vho are not fully acquainted wi th the system.
Thus, tvhile a second version of a sine routine
can be designated by SIN-2, one could recognize
INT-3 as ei ther an integration or interpolation


Sine-Cosine (degrees)
Tangent (radians)
Tangent (degrees)



Point Sine-Cosine
Point Arcsine-Arcosine
Point tangent
Point arctangent

Exponentials and Roots (P)

Square Root
Cube Root
pth Root
Fractional Power
e to x power


Floating Point Square Root
Floating Point Cube Root
Floating Point Exponent i a 1




It is seen then that the label must not
only identify each routine uniquely, but must
also place it wi thin one of the above cl asses •
In addi tion, the tag should indicate tiheth e r
the routine is designed for fixed or floating
point operation (and possibly ifhis fu single
or double precision). Finally, some information ought to be forthcoming in regard to the
status of the routine, such as:



Is the routine a revision?


Is the routine obsolete, but not retired?


Is the rotuine available fr 0 m some
auxiliary storage (active) or must
it be assembled into a program frWl
cards or tapes?

It tdll be assumed for these purposes that
the fixed form adopted for the tag consists of
three alphabetical characters and two decimal
digits (XYZ-OO). The X position identifiesthe
routine to be in one of the categories listed
above. The Y character further breaks d 0 tV n
the X class, tl/hile Z indicates Ivhether the
routine operates in fixed (0), floating (F) ,
complex (C), etc. The tens digit of the numerical part designates a specific function or
operation while the unit digit specifies the
version or method employed. To illustra t e ,
we choose the class entitled Function Evaluation (M) and list a possible breakdOtvn:
Function Evaluation (M)

Trigonometric Functions (T)

Logari thmic



Logarithm Base 2
Natural Logarithm


Floating Point Natural Logarithm

Special Functions (S)

In addition to this vertical grouping, it
is desirable to include some horizontal organization. Hence, if ICF-lO is a floating point
card input routine one would expect OCF-IO to
be this routine's counterpart in the 0 u t put
NOtv it is a simple task to add to t II i s
nomenclature further information. It is possible, for example, to interpret the following:
MID-II r - This routine
MID-II 0 - This routine
MTO-il i-This routine
not in the

is a revision
is now obsolete
is available, but
active form

A standard format for library routines is
important since it serves to facilitate recogni tion and learning .of new subroutines. It also
develops modes of operation within the corrp.d:ing center by establishing procedures tdth regard to parameter presentation, s u br 0 uti n e
entries, scaling conventions, etc.
There are three basic parts compris in 9
the description of a particular routine:

Sine-Cosine (radians)
Small angle Sine-Cosine


- 7 -

Summary concerning the structure and

Computers and Automation

application of the program (one or
ttfO pages).
(2) Details of the routine and descriptim
of the method employed.
(3) Code listing of the program.

ary in order to keep the programming staff informed of the current state of the organizatkn.

The first section should be self-contained and encompass the information needed by the
programmer to successfully employ the routine.
This should include:
(a) Name and label of the routine.
(b) Type of routine (supervisory or subroutine) •
(c) Number of words of the program.
(d) Temporary ~torage requirements.
(e) Description of the function 0 f the
program with sufficient information
to indicate its capacities and limitations.
(f) Programming procedure, including parameters needed and form of the entry.
(g) Accuracy of the computation.
(h) Duration.
0) Special remarks concerning use 0 f
alarm indications, constant pools,
etc •
.(j) Name of the individual who coded the
(k) Date of issue of the routine.
The second part further delineates the
information contained in the initial summary.
The mathematical method employed s h 0 u 1 d b e
presented here, giving the adaptions made, tnth
adequate references to source material. When
applicable, an error analysis should describe
the accuracy of the process, considering the
effects of both truncation and round-off. Examples relating to input, computation and output of the routine ought to be given. A valuable addition to a routine of major propooctlon
is a description of the resul ts l~hich tV ere
obtained by application of the program to some
selected cases.
The code-listing comprises too third s e ction. It should be fully annotated, g ivin g
comments and symbols in order to faci 1 i tate
tracing through the steps of the program.

The exchange of information between various computing organizations is also facilitated through the distribution of the library
programs. By this means each group has the
opportuni ty to compare operations leadi n g t 0
more efficient use of the machine and to better
techniques of computation.
A disadvantage resulting from a wide distribution of the Program Library is the responsibility which is involved in maintaining
the material up-to-date. Experience has shown
that no routine remains static. Changes a re
made with respect to storage assignments, parameter requirements and more often, err 0 r s
are detected in the original write-ups. Even
a minor change or correction may invalidate a
routine description.
To reduce the probability of issuing reVISIons it may be necessary to Impose s 0 m e
restrictions on the general routine description
explained above. Thus, excluding the cod e
listing from the wider library distribut ion
represents one possibili ty since infre que n t
references are made to this section and it is
relatively useless to persons unfamiliar with
the code. However, the code l.isting rna y be
made available upon request.
Another suggestion is to limit tempor a 1
information, such as storage assignmen,ts an d
entrance requirements to the first section.
Hence, when these more frequent changes are
made, only the first portion of the write-up
is invalidated and consequently a rev is ion
affects only one or two pages.
The publication of a periodic 1 ib r a r y
bulletin serves to correct typographical e rrors and keeps the library users informed of
impending changes or additions to the Program
Library. This device is especially useful in
filling the gap between an error IS detectio n
and the publication of a program revision.
Finally, a word should be said concerning
the relationship between the Program Library
and the staff of the computing center.

The most complete presentation 0 f the
routine tvill incorporate all three of the above
parts. In this form the copy is suitable for
di stribution, not only wi thin the co mp u tin g
center, but also as part of the exchange program existing between the various facilities.

It has been found that persons t-vho use
the library routines over an extended peri 0 d
of time soon require only a basic amo un t of
information concerning a particular r ou ti ne.
At this point the first part of the full description of the routine becomes a convenient
and condensed form which will serve this r equirement. Therefore, it is desirable to issue
to such persons a full Program Library and also
a condensed vers ion made up of the sum rna r y
sheets of each routine.

The Program Library is one of the maj 0 r
sources reflecting the status and capabilitres
of a computing center. Prompt and effic i en t
distribution of available routines is necess- 8 -

Recently in "Computers and Automation" (in
The Editor's Notes for December, 1955) we referred to the problem of trans lating s po ken
English into properly spelled English wor d s •
This problem has two parts: Part 1 consists of
recognizing spoken sounds and writing them down
as English phonemes, sounds which carry meaning,
such as "p" in "cup", "ng" as in "sing", th e
"eh" in "very", and the longer "eh" in "vary";
Part 2 consists of converting the sets of phonemes into properly spelled English words.
Part 1 of the problem is being worked 0 n
under the direction of Professor Wi 11 i a m N."
Locke of Mass. Inst. of Technology, head of the
Department of Languages and author of the article
"Translation by Machine" printed in the "s c ientific Amerlcan" , January, 1956. The work is
being carried out by Dr. Morris Halle and George
W. Hughes in the Acoustics Laboratory of M.I.T.
About two years ago a protytype mac hi n e
that distinguishes between vowels and consonants,
successful about 9~1o of the time, was finished;
the machine was christened Grundoon, aft era
character in a comic strip who speaks only i n
consonants. When you look at an oscilloscop e
report by Grundoon, of a sentence, you see a
vowel as a great cluster of waves abo v e and
below the base line, while a consonant s ho w s
no departures at all from the base line; or vice
versa, depending on a switch.
In January, 1956, the consonant sounds F,
SH, and S were successfully distinguis he d by
electronic gear. The separation is base d on
distinctive differences in the pattern of energies at various sound frequencies, which occur
during the pronunciation of the consonant. A
paper detailing the technique for distinguishing them by machine is to appear shortly in the
"Journal of the Acoustical Society" publishe d
by the Institute of Physics, New York.
Currently, the work in the laboratory is
to distinguish electronically between the sounds
P, T, and K, as spoken by different speakers.
For example, the words "LOOP, LOOT, LUKE," are
clearly spoken by half a dozen different speakers, recorded on magnetic tape, and played over
and over, until the equipment settings differentiate them by automatic analysis. In fact,
for a single speaker, all the problems of distinc tion of phonemes are, according to Hall e
a~d Hughes, so easy that they are "not inte res'ting". The essential difficulty at the present
stage comes in designing circui ts which will
s till distinguish the sounds when di f fer e n t
speakers "clearly enunciate" the same phonemes.

The final stage will come in distinguis h in g.
different sounds spoken by anybody in norm a 1
rapid speech. (In fact, I will predict th at
the first half minute of listening to any speaker will require an automatic tuning in to that
particular person's pattern of speech sounds).
Similar investigations are being pursued
at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill,
N. J., at Haskins Laboratories, New York, and
probably elsewhere. But the particular principles being used in the investigation at M. LT.
are different: they are the principles of recognizing distinctive differences, rather than
recognizing patterns - on the theory thatwhen
a man is trying to find his l"ay with a map, a
small number of judgments made c orrec t 1 y is
sufficient for him to tell where on the map
he is.
None of the Ivork being investigated at the
laboratory in M.LT. includes the problem of
subsequent correction of the sounds heard, by
clues from context. For example, suppos e a
foreigner speaking English says to you "Please
sit down in this share." You correct "share"
into "chair" a few seconds after you recognize
"sh" in your brain, by a rapid pro c e s s
mental query, analysis, and correction, using
possible contexts. This process is of course
important, but comes later.
The added value of the investigation at
M.I.T., if finished in a year or two, instead
of five or ten years, would be simply enormous.
A tremendous vol ume of work is done i nth e
business world and elsewhere all through s 0ciety, which involves the re~ognition of meaningful sounds of language, phonemes. Grea t
quantities of work done by typists, stenographers, dictating machine transcribers, and
many other persons are waiting to be mechanized.
Here at M. I. T. is a place whe"re, if the present
annual budget of $10,000 a year (provided by a
grant from the National Science Foundati 0 n )
coul.d be increased through gifts and furth e r
support to $20,000 or $30,000 a year, a v er y
great gain to all sorts of business and other
human activities would soon result.
- END Program Library
(continued from page 8)

The system outlined above has prov.ed itself effective and efficient, reflec tin g
experiences wi th the Program Library 0 f the
Digital Computer Center of The Ramo-Wooldridge
Corporation and of the University of Illinois.

- END - 9 -


A multimillion dollar expansio n
of the West Coast operations of International
Business Machines Corp., the greatest regional
expansion program in the company's histor y,
was announced in Los Angeles on Feb. 1.
program includes:
1- A new thirteen-story office buildin g
and data processing center of advanced
design in Los Angeles.
will start at Wilshire Boulevard and
Mariposa Avenue in mid-1956, and occupation by 600 IBM people t\' i l l get
undertvay in mid-1957. An IBM 704 and
a 705 will be in the Data Process i n g
Center here.
2- A six-story office building now nearing completion at Market and Fro n t
Streets in San Francisco. Occupation
by nearly 300 IBM people will begin in
3- New manufacturing, engineering, and
education facilities at San Jose. Approximately 400,000 square feet wi 1 1
be built during this year and occupied
by 1,500 employees beginning in the
fall of 1956. The net" facili ties a t
San Jose tvill be built on a 190-acre
site in a campus-style arrangement.
4- A new office building in Santa Monica.
Over 150 people moved into this t w 0story structure in mid-January.
5- Data processing centers in Portland
and Seattle. These facilities, the
first of their type in the Pac i f i c
Northwest to use electronic data processing machines (Type 650), will b e
installed in Portland in Mar c h , in
Seattle in June.
Commenting on the building pro g ram,
Mr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., president of IBM,
said: "On the Pacific Coast there is the largest concentration of giant electronic c 0 mputers in the world. We know from the heal thy
look of the business climate out here that the
surface has only been scratched in the computer
and data process ing market. ' Wi thin the ne x t
several months, scores more of these powerful
tools will be installed in business, industry,
- 10 -

and government enterprises in California, Oregon, and Washington. This is a major reason
tvhy IBM is building in Los Angeles, and is expanding its acti vi ties up and dOtvn the coastal
The new buildings t..rill provide space for
IBM to carry out every phase of its activities
- research, development and product engineering, manufacturing, sales, service, and education4
One of the world rs greatest concentrations
of "electronic brain power" has grown 0 n th e
West Coast in the past few years. Today, these
machines are in operation throughout the area,
and handle a wide Variety of conunercial and
technical problems for business, industry, and
governmen t. Many more wi 11 be ins ta 11 e d i n
the next few years. A large part of this "electronic brain power" consists of IBM electronic
computers. At the beginning of 1956, over 25
of the five IBM types of electronic data processing machines were installed and in operation on the West Coast, with scores more scheduled for delivery. These types are the IBM
650 -- medium-sized computer (magnetic drum)
- and the IBM 701,702,704,705 -- gia n tsized electronic computers. In addition, there
are several hundred IBM electronic calculators
such as the IBM 604, 607 and Card Programm e d
Calculator installed on the Coast.
Following are some 'examples:
Richland. Wash ••••• The General Electric
Company has an IBM 704 at its Hanford Atom i c
Products Operation; it is used for scientific
and engineering design and technical data reduction. The machine also processes'the 7,000
employee weekly payroll and handles other acc oun ting problems. .
Seat tIe. Wash. • ••• The Boeing Airp 1 an e
Company has had a 701 since December 1953 and
a 650 since 1 ast June. Both machines are used
to assis t engineers and des igners in sol v i n g
problems involved in the study of aerodynami~r
stress and structural development, and flight
testing of supersonic and jet aircraft and
guided missiles. The company will install a
705 later this year to handle payroll and labor
distribution for its 40,000 employees in this

Computers and <\utomation

area, material requirements and stock controL
and accounts payable, which usually exc e e d
over 50,000 open purchase orders.
Anong the 650' s on order is one for the
Uni vers i ty of Washington for its com put e r
center, to be used for class instruction in
data processing and numerical analysis, in pure
science research, to facilitate grade prediction studies by the Admissions Department,and,
for about two hours a month, to handle the universi ty 9 s hourly payroll of 2,500. The grade
predic tion studies are expec ted to have tV ide
application in the educational world.
Magazine devoted a page of its January 9 issue
to the system, which was developed by Dr. Paul
Horst, executive director of the university's
counseling and testing service division. Using
a complicated formula, Dr. Horst's system requires over 1,000 separate additions and multiplications to obtain each student's g r ad e
prediction for 32 subjects that can be taken
in four years of college. The IBM 650 wi 1 1
compute one forecast in about five sec onds.
It will compute predictions for an entering
Freshman class of 3,000 students in the tim e
it n01'l requires a trained clerk to work 0 u t
one forecast on a desk calculator.
Also the Department of Lighting, of Seattle, Washington, will use an IBM 650 fo r
computing customer electric utility bill s,
load statistics, payroll and related personnel data, stores accounting, and transportation cost allocation.

Jwurs.. It is expected that the Type 702 computations will serve the bank's headquarters
as well as branches in many other fie 1 d s 0 f
Southern Pacific is installing two Typ e
650' s, the first primarily for pay roll and
labor distribution and related statisticalreports for 20,000 employees of the railroad for
whom payrolls are prepared in San Francisco;
the second, for other large volume paperwork
procedures in passenger and freight accounting.
To facilitate its plans to extend 650 procedures to payrolls prepared in other locations,
Southern Pacific has ordered four IBM 0 a t a
Transceivers for the telegraphic transmission
of timekeeping and payroll punched card data
from outlying points to central pro c e s si n g
Another 650 is scheduled for the Cal ifornia Packing Corporation, world's 1 a rg est
canner of fruits and vegetables - a tap eoperated 650 -- to handle sales analy sis reports. Other probable applic ations inc 1 u d e
raw products accounting, accounts receivable,
inventory control, order allocation, payroll,
cost accounting, and operations research proj ects.
Another 650 will go to Crot..,n Zellerbach
Corporation, which plans to use its mac h in e
ini tially for the preparation of c u s tom e r
orders, and later for invoice t'lriting, sales
accounting and statistics, and other accounting and production planning application.

Portland. Oregon •••• One of the 650 's to
be delivered is a machine for the 0 reg 0 n
Liquor Control Commission, which plans to use
its 650, in this instance a magnetic-tape operated model, to provide centralized inventory
control over the 150 retail outlets.
Suc h
control is not possible under the pre sen t
method; the commission expects the resulti n g
store and warehouse stock balance integration
will save thousands of dollars annually.
Also, the Bonneville Power Administration
will use its 650 to compute payroll, distribution, and leave records and an eng in e e ring
study of load flow. The use of a digital computer to handle the load flow study is a new
approach and is expected to have wide application in this field.
San Francisco. Calif ••••• The Ban k of
Americ a has in operation at its nel.., data processing center here an IBM 702 -- the firs t
large-scale, general-purpose machine of th i s
type to be installed in any bank. As the first
of many tasks it tdll perform for the ban k,
the 702 is processing about 90,000 individual
real estate loan accounts for customers of 66
of the bank's Bay area branches. It servic e s
all of the 90,000 accounts in less than four

Another 650 will go to the Pac i f i c
National Fire Insurance Company, which w i l l
use it for statistical distribution work and
rating and coding. The machine will eliminate
many steps in the company's accounting routines
and provide more complete records for management at reduced costs.
Another 650 will go to the U. S. P 0 s t
Office Department for the 12th Region of th e
department's Bureau of Finance. This 650 is
one of 12 being installed in these Post Office
regions throughout the country, primarily for
general and disbursement accounting, management reports and man-hour control. The 12th
Region here is responsible for the payroll of
12,500 postal employees, with upcoming changes
and conversions expected to swell this figure
to 41,000 by June.
San Jose. Calif . . . . . Stanford University
has just installed a 650 in its corn put in g
center here. The center shares the rna chi n e
with Stanford Research Institute in solving
more complicated mathematical problems t han
it was poss ible to solve previously, both for
industrial researchers and for investigators
in departments of the university.

- 11 -

Computers and Automation
atory. It is used for the physical conversion
Moffet t Field, Cal if. • .... The Nat i on a 1
of pressure, temperature, and fuel measurements
Advisory Cormni ttee for Aeronautics has a 65
in operation at the Ames Aeronautical Laborasampled at high speed in rantiet devel opme n t
tory, to aid in solving complex mathematical
tests; and it is also used to expedite design
calculations connected with aeronautical r eand development of ranti et components and a csearch in transonic and supersonic flight ..
cessories. The computer processes d a t a in to
calcula1;.ed form for engineering analysis within
Sacramento, Calif ........ The State of Caltwo and a half hours after completion of a test
ifornia Department of Employment is scheduled
run of a rantiet -- five times faster than preto start using its 702 this month for processvious methods used.
ing unemployment and disability ins u ran c e
claims.. This is the first state to apply e 1The Systems Research Corporation tfill inectronic data processing equipment to s tat e
stall an IBM 704 in the computing center it is
government operations. The 702 will han die
planning here. The machine will be uti 1 iz e d
five main applications: processing of about
in the center's solving of problems of complex
20,000 claims each tveek, involving referenc e
guidance and control sys tems, both techn i cal
to magnetic tape records on 5,400,000 employand military.
ees; employer notice preparation for each employer affected by a claim; fraud rna tc h to
Canoga Park. Calif ....... The Rocketdy n e
detect possible cases where claims have been
Division of North American Aviation tdll install
paid to those earning wages above stip ula ted
a 704 in the near future. Problems to be hanamounts; keeping wage earnings records current
dled on the machine include the reduction and
by quarterly up-dating of the master wage recanalysis of rocket engine performance d a t a ..
ord, td th each up-dating in v 0 I vi n gab 0 u t
Atomics International Division of the company
8,000,000 change items; and maintaining employwill use the 704 for research, design, develer accounting records for 400,000 employe rs ,
opment, engineering, and produc tion prob Ie m s
of tvhich 270,000 are active at anyone time;
associ ated with nuclear reac tors for use i n
determination of tax rates from these and the
industrial, medical, and scientific rese arc h ,
and for the production of useful power.
claims records ..


The State of California Departmentm Public Works has recently ordered a 650, w h i c h
will be used for computing problems involve d
in the construction of highways, bridges, and
other public works, as well as to process cost
accounting and inventory data.
The McClellan Air Force Base uses an IBM
650 for inventory control, maintenance costs,
and the projection of aircraft parts requirements to flOt'l through the Sacramento Air Materiel Area's supply pipe-line ..
Burbank. Calif ...... The Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation has tl'10 701' s installed at its California Division. The giant machines are usually in operation 24 hours a day, seven da y s
a week, handling both engineering and production data. Lockheed's Mathematics Analy sis
Department uses the machines to handle a wide
variety of problems related to aircraft design,
such as aerodynamic performance and stability,
thermal dynamics, and s truc tural and f 1 i g h t
dynamics. Production data handled on the 701 's
by Lockheed's Factory Data Processing G ro u p
include: preparation of the proj ect base schedule; parts schedul ing; shop order tV r i tin g;
direct labor hour forecasting; parts activity
ledgers.. Future planned applications inclUde
material control, and payroll and labor d istribution. Lockheed will soon replace the tt."o
701 's tvith two 704'g Ivhich will double the
computing. capacity of the installation ..
Van Nuys. Calif ...... Marquardt Aircraft
Company has a 650 at its Air Force Jet Labor-

Los Angeles, Calif. .. ..... Among 705' son
order here are machines for the Auto mob i 1 e
Club of Southern California, the Farmers Insurance Group, and the Prudential Insurance Co mpany of America. The Automobile Club will use
its 705 to handle insurance records and membership production and accounting to provide better
service to its 443,000 members. The Fa rme r s
Insuranc~ Group machine tdll be applied to maintenance of policy-in-force records, pre mi u m
billing of over 2,000,000 policyholders, and
preparation of accounting records, commission
statements, and statistical analyses.
Prudential's 705 will be installed in its Westem
Home Office, and Idll handle a variety 0 f i nsurance premium billing operations and related
accounting procedures. Similar 705 machines
will be installed in the company's other home
offices in Chicago, Houston, Jacksonville,Minneapolis, and Netfark ..
Chrysler Corporation's West Coast Division
uses a 650 for handling payroll and calculating
material requi~ements and shipping schedules.
The machine also will be used for pe r pet u a 1
Among the 650's on order are ones for the
City's Department of Water and Power, the Mayt'lood Air Force Depot, and the Occidental L i f e
Insurance Company of California. The Water and
POtver Department plans to use its 650 in p a yroll preparation, stores accountings, and transportation and construction equipment accounting ..
The Maywood Air Force Depot's machine will be
one of the 650's to be used at about 16

- 12 -

Computers and Automation

Materiel Command installations throughout the
country, principally for keeping perpetual inventory records; such records include accounting for the monetary value of each transaction
affecting the Command's stock piles of over a
milliori items. Initial applications 0 f the
Occidental Life 650 will be premium selection
and computation, determination of correct policy and rider forms, and data processing involved in policy writing and recordkeeping.
Santa Monica, Calif. . ... North Americ an
Aviation, Inc. has two 701's installed in its
main plant at the Los Angeles Intern at ion a 1
Airport" for handling almost every type of aeronautical engineering problem, from the sele c tion of the basic configuration of the aircraft,
through aerodynamic and structural design, to
the analysis of flight test data. Plans are
now under t'lay to expand the use of th e s e machines to include recordkeeping and data p r 0cessing for accounting functions. Later this
year, the company ldll replace the two 701' s
wi th two 704 's to further expand com put in g
The Rand Corporation has made extensive
use of an IBM 701 for over two years msolving
a wide variety of problems in economics, mathematics, aircraft, miss iles, electronics, n uclear energy and the social sciences. The machine has been moved to the company's West .Los
Angeles location to make way for a new 704 at
its main building. In addition, two more 704' s
will be installed in a new building under construction in Santa Monica to house Rand's System Development Division, which is playing a n
important role in the SAGE proj ec t, the n e t1T
automatic aircraft control and warning system
l'lhich is being developed for the Air Defen s e
Douglas Aircraft Company has tw 0 701' s
installed and one 704 on order. Thanks to the
company's first 701, installed at its pIa n t
here for almost three years, the giant DC-7
transport got into the air months a h e a d of
schedule. The machine is kept busy seven days
a week solving engineering and scientific problems-on all Douglas commercial air transports
-- the DC-6B, DC-7, DC-7C's and development of
the DC-8. The Douglas El Segundo plant a Is 0
has a 701 in 24-hour use every day of the week,
shared with the company's Long Beach plant, on
vital engineering problems for the Navy onthe
A 3 D Skywarrior, A 4 'D Skyhawk and F 4 DSkyray, and for the Air Force on the C-133 Cargo
Transport and RB-66 Twin Jet Bomber. The Douglas 704 will be installed at the El Segu nd 0
plant to expand scientific computation power.
Culver City, Calif •.••. Hughes Aircraft
Company has ins taIled three 650' s which are at
work aiding in guided missile design, do in g
material and labor distribution accoun tin g,

arid" handling a score of routine paper t\'
jobs and complex engineering problems.

r k

Point Mugu, Calif .•••• The U. S. N a v y
has in operation at the Naval Air MissileTest
Center here an IBM 650 for processing d a t a
collected during the launching and flight 0 f
guided missiles.
San Diego, Calif .•••• The Ryan Aeronautical Company has a 650 for handling many e ngineering problems, including: calc u 1 at ion s
for the development of Ryan's automatic navigator; flight path studies for guided missile
projects, and the solution of complex matrix
problems involved in the radically new design
of the company's jet vro 

F. A. Brown
Adalia Ltd, Montreal, Can.
Regarding the glossary of computer tenns
published in the January 1956 issue I fee 1
that in the defini tions of "point", "bin a ry
point", and "decimal point" there is s 0 m e
confusion. "Point" is defined as the p 0 s ition marking the separation bett'leen the in t egral and the fractional parts of the n urn ber.
With this I agree. However in the definitions
of decimal and binary points, it is s tat e d
that this separates the integral and fractional powers of the appropriate base. I believe
these should read positive and negative powers
of the base, or be otherwise rephrased to avoid
the implication that fractional powers are
referred to rather than fractional numbers.

These rates apply to subscriptions coming in
together direct to the publisher. For example,
if 5 sUbscriptions come in together, the saving on each one-year subscription will be 24
percent, and on each two-year subscription will
be 31 percent. The bulk subscription rate s,
depending on the number of simul taneous s u bscriptions received, follow:
Bulk Subscription Rates
(United States)
Number of
Rate for Each Subscription, and
Simultaneous Resulting Saving to Subscriber
One Year
Two Year
10 or more
5 to 9

$3.80, 31%
4.20, 24
4.60, 16







For Canada, add 50 cents for each year; 0 u tside of the United States and Canada, add $1.00
for each year.

It seems to us that the point is well
taken. -- Editor.
- 25 -

Part 1

Illinois Inst. of Technology
Chicago, Ill.

This paper supplies a reference list i n g 0 f
publications for business on automatic computers.
This reference listing is in addition to the "Basic
Listing" and the "Supplemental Listing" that were
published in "Computers and Automation" for S e ptember, 1955, and February, 1956, respectively.

Two types of pUblications are cited in th i s
reference listing. The first type is on vari 0 u s
aspects of automatic computing equipment and devices, and the publications are listed un d e r the
following headings: Particular Automatic Compu~,
Automatic,Computer Listing, Special-Purpose Equipment, Particular Devices, Paper Tape, and Punched
Cards. The second type of publication cit e din
this reference listing is on the general application and use of automatic computers in bus i ness.
This general listing is not further subdi vi rl e d
because the pUblications cited usually con t a i n
repeti tions and further elaborations of the material covered by the publications in the "B a s i c
Listing" and in the "Supplemental Listing".
To facilitate reference, the order of listing
within each major grouping of the publication s
cited in this reference listing is alphabetic by
author. To conserve space, annotation has been
omitted, and items from news magazines have been
Particular Automatic Computers
Howard H. Aiken, "Computing Machine Developme nts
in Continental Europe," Proceedings 0 f the
American Gas Association, 1952, pp 165-169
Herbert O. Brayer, "What Europe is contributing to
the Electronic Office," American Bus iness,
vol. 24, no. 9 (Sept. 1954), pp 22-23,41-43
David R. Brown, editor, "Review of Ele c t ron i c
Computer Progress during 1954," Transactions
of the Institute for Radio Engineers Professional Group on Electronic Computers, vol.
EC-4, no. 1, (March 1955), pp 33-38
W. C. Carter and M. Ellis, "A Comparison of Order
Structures for Automatic Digital Computers",
Journal of the Operations Research Soc i e t y
of America, vol. 2,' no. 1 (Feb. 1954), pp 4158
Harry M. Davis, "Mathematical Machines", Scientific American, vol. 180, no. 4 (April 1949),
pp 28-39
Editor, "Computer Progress," Modern Industry, vol.
24, no. 6 (Dec. 1952), pp 42-47
Editor, "Mathematical Wizards now at Industry r s
Service," Modern Industry, vol. 18, no. 5
(Nov. 1949), pp 43-47
Jay W. Forrester, "Digital Computers: Presentand
Future Trends," Proceedings of the Easte r n
Joint Computer Conference (Net4/ York: Institute for Radio Engineers, Inc., 1953), pp
- 26 -

Jerry Roedel, "An Introduction to Analog and Digital Computers," Industrial Science and Engineering," vol. 1, no. 4 (Oct. 1954), pp 10-15
Albert F. Sperry, "Information System Consolidates
Process. Control," Automatic Control, vol. 1,
no. 5 (Nov. 1954), pp 4-7
Automatic Computer Listing
BIZMAC: Fred Yeaple, "Application of Electr onic
Tape Processing Equipment," The Controller,
vol. 23, no. 6 (Jan. 1955), pp 27~275
Datatron 204: J. C. Alrich, "Engineering Description of the Electro-Data Digi tal Compu te r , "
Transactions of the Institute for Radio Engineers Professional Group on Ele c t ron i c
Computers, vol. EC- 4, no. 1 (March 1955) ,
pp 1-10
Datatron 204: L. L.- Van Oosten, "The Medium-Sized
Computer, " Electronic Data Processing in Industry (New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1955), pp 160-168
ENIAC: D. R. Hartree, "The Eniac, an Electronic
Computing Machine," Nature, vol. 158, no.4015
(Oct. 12, 1946), pp 500-508
E 101: James L. Rogers, "Computer Design Overcomes
High Costs," Electrical Manufacturing, vol.
55, no. 5 (May 1955), pp 121-125
IBM CPC: E. J. Cunningham, "Job That Required 40
Man Days Now Completed in 8 Hours," American
Business, vol. 23, no. 1 (Jan. 1953), pp 24,
IBM CPC: Franklin Myers, "Saving Hours at Martin,"
American Business, vol. 21, no. 3 (Mar c h
1951), pp 50-52
IBM CPC: Peter Wyden, "Biggest Brain in the Office,"
Science Digest, vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1952) ,
pp 23-26
IBM 608: Editor, "Automation in the Office," Office Management and Equipment, vol. 16, no.5
(May 1955), pp 32-33,42-43
IBM 650: Harold F. Hatch, "John Hancock Gets First
IBM 650," Journal of Machine Accounting Systems and Management, vol. 6, no. 1 (J an.
1955), pp 7-8
IBM 650: Harold F. Hatch, "The Small Compu t e r" ,
Electronic Data Processing In Industry (New
York: American Management Association, Inc.,
1955), pp 148-159
IBM 701: Phillip Klass, "Giant Brains Could Aid
Air Defense," Aviation Week, vol. 58, no. 19
(May 11, 1953), pp 67-73
IBM 702: Editor, "Machine Reads, Writes ," Commerce
Magazine, vol. 52, no. 2 (March 1955),
IBM 702: Hugh J. Reber,' "Manage.~ent Looks at th e
Computer: IBM 702," Automatic Control, vol.
1, no. 1 (July 1954), pp. 39-50
LEO: John Grindrod, "The Lyons Electronic Office,"
The Office, vol. 40, no. 1 (July 1954), pp

Computers and Automation
Logistics: Eugene Leonard, "Characteristics of a
Special Purpose Equipment
Logistics Computer," Proceedings of the Wescon (Los Angeles: Institute for Radio EnginR. Hunt Brown, "Applications of Autanatic Computing
eers Professional Group on Electronic Computers,
Equipment to Savings Bank Operations," Com1955), pp 77-85
puters and Automation, vol. 4, no. 7 (Jul y
NCR 102-D: Richard E. Sprague, "Specialized Elec1955), pp 18-21
tronic Equipment Development," Workshop for
R. Hunt Brown, "Automation of Bank Check ProcessManagement (New York: American Management
ing," Computers and Automation, vol. 4, no. 8
Association, Inc., 1955), pp 322-327
(Aug. 1955), pp 6-9, 16
ORDVAC: Peter Wyden, "Electron Powered Ge n ius, "
Richard G. Canning, Electronic Data Process i n g
Science Digest, vol. 32, no. 3 (Sept. 1952),
Machine Requirements. Management Scienc e s
pp 23-26
Research Report ~16 (Los Angeles: UCLA, 1953),
29 pp
TRADIC: Editor, "New Transistor Computer Developed
for the Air Force," Bell Laboratories Record,
Leonard T. Ebert, "The Move Toward Automa tion,"
vol. 33, no. 4 (April 1955), pp 155-156
Banking, vol. 46, no. 2 (Aug. 1955),pp 102-3
UDEC: Edi tor, "Burroughs UDEC at Wayne Univers ity, "
Edi tor, "Common Language," Automatic Control, vol.
3, no. 2 (Aug. 1955), pp 26-29
The Office, vol. 39, no. 2 (Feb. 1954),pp 14,
Edi tor, "Automatic Freight Yard Shuffles Car s
UNIVAC: R. D. Dotts, An Approach to Electronics by
Quickly Yet Gently," Control Engineerin g,
a Medium-Sized Co., (Net\, York: Remington Rand,
vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 1955), pp 28-37
Inc., 1954), 5 pp
Editor, "Electronic Concrete Batching," Engineering-News Record, vol. 154, no. 6 (April 1955),
UNIVAC: E<\itor" "Automation in the Office," Office
Management and Equipment, vol. 16, no.5 (May
p 25
1955), pp 32-33,42-43
Edi tor, ''Magnetic Memory Keeps Inventory Records,"
UNIVAC: Eugene F. Grant et al., "Orientatio n in
The Office, vol. 38, no. 5 (Nov. 1953), pp
, 12, 14, 17-16
Electronics," Workshop for Management (N e w
John'L. Hill, "Design Features of the Remingt 0 n
York: Management Magazines, Inc. 1955), pp
Rand Speed Tally," Trends in Computers (N e w
UNIVAC: Luther A. Harr, "Electronic Accou n tin g
York: Institute for Radio Engineers, Inc.,
1954), pp 155-162
Machine Developments: Remington Rand," Workshop for Management (New York: Manage men t
Philip Patterson, "Mechanization of Modern Sale ~
Magazines, Inc., 1955), pp 301-306
Department," Sales Management, vol. 74, no. 1
(Jan. 1955), pp 26-27
UNIVAC: Lawrence M. Hughes, "The Wizardry of Electronics: Will It Cut Tomorrow's Sales Costs
for You?" Sales Management, vol. 74, no. 2,
(Feb. 1955), pp 28-30
Particular Devices
UNIVAC: John W. Mauchly, "Down to Fundamentals,"
Edi tor, "High Speed Accounting Machines, ",AccountSystems, vol. 18, no. 7 (Sept.-Oct. 1954) ,
ant's Digest, vol, 20, no. 2 (Dec. 1954), pp
pp 3-4
UNIVAC: Hugh J. Reber, "Management Looks at the
Glenn E. Hagen, "Automatic Information S tor age
Computer: The Univac," Automatic Con tr 01,
tad th Random Acces s, " Automation, vol. 1, no. 1
vol. 1, no. 3 (Sept. 1954), pp 15-18
(Aug. 1954), pp 66-66
UNIVAC: L. C. Simmons, "The Large Computer," Elec-,
Gilbert o. Hall, A Digital Electronic Data Recordtronic Data Processing in Industry (New York:
ing System for Pulse-Time Telemetering: AFCRC
American Management Association, Inc., 1955),
Technical Report 53-1 (Cambridge, Mass: Air
pp 169-180
Force Cambridge Research Center, 1953), 47 pp
UNIVAC: Robert M. Smith, "Automation in the Office,"
Gerhard L. Hollander, "Design Fund a me n tal s 0 f
Office Management and Equipment, vol. 16, no.
Photographic Data Storage," Proceedings 0 f
2 (Feb. 1955), pp 32-33,42
the Wescon (Los Angeles: Institute for Radio
Univac File: George K. Campbell, "Univac File ComEngineers, Professional Group on Electronic
puter," Systems, vol. 19, no. 1 (Jan.-Fe b •
Computers, 1955), p 49
1955), pp 3-5
Harry Knox, "Specialized Electronic Equipment DeUni vac File: Edi tor, "Process or Handles Production
velopment," Workshop for Management (N e w
Data," Automation, vol. 2, no. 6 (June 1955),
York: Management Magazines, Inc., 1955), pp
pp 76-77
Univac 120: William V. Cassara, "It Pays, "Systems,
Mil ton E. Mengel, "Specialized Electronic Equipvol. 19, no. 2 (March-April 1955), pp 20-21
ment Development," Workshop for Managemen t
Univac 120: L. W. Day, "Production Contro 1 by
(New York: Management Magazines, Inc., 1955),
Elec tronics ," Sys terns, vol. 19, no. 4 (Julypp 328-335
Aug. 1955), pp 22-23
Pat Merrill, "Accounting Card for Ballots," AmerUnivac 120: Editor, "Univac Cuts AccountingExpense,"
ican City, vol. 70, no. 5 (May 1955), p 123
Banking. vol. 47, no. 11 (May 1955), p 104
Kenneth P. Morse, "Specialized Electronic EquipUnivac 120: Charles Renalde, "Payroll by Electronment Development," Workshop for Managemen t
ics," Sys tems, vol. 18, no. 5 (May-June 1954),
(New York: Management Magazines, Inc., 1955),
pp 16-17
pp. 308-310
Univac Scientific: Phillip Klass, "Giant Bra ins
Richard Neumaier, "Electronics-Must it be Big?"
Could Aid Air Defense," Aviation Week, vol.
Office Executive, vol. 26, no. 12 (Dec. 1953),
58, no. 19 (May 11, 1953), pp 67-73
p 13

- 27 -

Computers and Automation
Thorton F. Bradshaw and Maurice S. Newman, "ThinkJack B. Speller, "A Digital Converter.," Proceedings of the Wescon (Los Angeles: Institut e
ing Ahead on Computers," Electronic Data Profor Radio Engineers, Professional Group on
cessing in Industry (New York: Amer i can
Electronic Computers, 1955), pp 29-31
Management Association, Inc. 1955), pp 39-54
John M. Breen, "Problems Involved in the Applic ation of Electronic Digital Computers to BusiPaper Tape
ness Operations," Computers· and Automati 0 n ,
vol. 4, no. 13 (March 1955), pp 16-21
Kenneth P. Morse, "Specialized Electronic Equi pHerbert O. Brayer, "Electronic Data Processing -ment Development," Workshop for Manag erne n t
Who, What, Whe, and Where?" American Business.
(Net" York: Management Magazines, Inc., 1955),
vol. 25, no. 3 (March 1955), pp 16-18, 38-39
pp 308-310
Herbert O. Brayer, "Facts for Management: Is 1955
Wells Norris, "Five Channel Punched Tape Mechanthe Year for Electronic Data Proc e s sin g?"
izes Office Jobs," American Business, vol •
American Business, vol. 25, no. (Feb. 1955),
24, no. 3 (March 1954), pp 10-12, 36
pp 23-24, 41
Herbert O. Brayer, "The Truth About Electronic
Punched Cards
Business Machines," American Business, vol.
23, no. 7 (July 1953), pp 10-11; vol. 28,no.
Ralph W. Fairbanks, "Elec tronics in the Mod ern
8 (Aug. 1953), pp 16-17, 44-45, vol. 28, no.
Office," Harvard Business Revietv, vol. 30,
9 (Sept. 1953), pp 20-21, 42, 44
no. 5 (Sept.-oct. 1952), pp 83-98
J.A.C. Brown; H. S. Houthakker; and S. J. Prais,
Harry P. Hartkemeier, Punch-Card Methods (Dubuque,
"Electronic Computation in Economic Stati sIowa: William C. Brown Co., 1952), 360 pp
tics," Journal of the American Statistic a 1
George Truman Hunter and Graham M. Clark, "ElecAssociation, vol. 48, no. 1 (Sept. 1953), pp
tronic Data Processing Machines," Instruments
and Automation, vol. 28, no. 5 (May 1955),
R. F. Brown, "One-Shot P.aperwork," Systems, vol.
19, no. 4 (July-Aug. 1955), pp 3-4
pp 782-793
R. Hunt Brown, "Introduction to Electronic Accoonting," Illinois CPA, vol. 17, no. 2 (Dec.1954),
General Listing
pp 2-5
Ira H. Abbott, "Electronic Data Processing," MaR. Hunt Brown, "Office Automation: Beginning of an
chine Design, vol. 26, no. 1 (Jan. 1954) ,
Era, " Office Management and Equipment, vol.
pp 227-234
15, no. 5 (May 1954), pp 24-25; vol. 15, no.
Theron Aiken, et aI, "Initiating an Electronics
6 (June 1954), pp 34,72
Program," Workshop for Management (New York:
Richard G. Canning, Data Processing Systems RequtteManagement Magazines, Inc., 1955), pp 417-426
ments: Industrial Logistics Research Report
Franz Al t, "Evaluation of Automatic Computing Ma#27 (Los Angeles: UCLA, 1953), 11 pp
chines," Product Engineering, vol. 22, no.ll
Richard G. Canning, Electronic Scheduling Machine
(Nov. 1951), pp 146-152
Requirements: Management Sciences Res ear c h
Report #29 (Los Angeles: UCLA, 1955),42 pp
George H. Amber, "Analog Computers for Ma chi n e
Control," Electrical Manufacturing, vol. 56,
Richard G. Canning, Production Control thru Elecno. 2 (Aug. 1955), pp 70-76
tronic Data Processing: Management Scienc e s
Research Report #30 (Los Angeles: UCLA 1955),
Harry T. Ashman, "Distribution of Overhead wit h
Electronic Computers," NACA Bulletin, vol.
52 pp
36, no. 6 (Feb. 1955), pp 798-804 '
Ned Chapin, An Application of the MAPI Approa c h
Philip R. Bagley, Electronic Digital Machines for
to Automatic Computers (Chicago: MAPI National
High Speed Information Searching (MIT: MastResearch Center, 1954), 28 pp
er's Thesis, 1951), 124 pp
Ned Chapin, "Letter on Automatic Computers," HarJ. W. Balet, "Problems of Applying Electronics to
vard Business Review, vol. 33, no.2 (March April 1955), pp 148-149
General Accounting in a Public Uti 1 i t Y , "
Richard F. Clippinger, "How a Central Computi n g
Electronic Data Processing in Industry (N e w
York: American Management Association, Inc.,
Laboratory Can Help Industry," Computers and
Automation, vol. 2, no. 9 (Dec. 1953), pp6-8
1955), pp 197-205
John S. Coleman, "Electronics for the Off ice, "
S. Alexander Bell, "Auditing of Records Maintained
Punched Card Annual, vol. 2 (Detroit: Punched
on Tabulating Machines," Illinois CPA, vol.
Card Publishing Co. 1953), pp 40-44
17, no. 1 (Sept. 1954), pp 44-49
John S. Coleman, "Electronics in the 0 ff ice, "
E. G. Benser, "Preparing for Electronic Data ProOffice Management and Equipment, vol.13, no.
cessing," Workshop for Management (Net... York:
8 (Aug. 1952), pp 20-22, 70-77
Management Magazines, Inc., 1955), pp 355-363
John S. Coleman, "Electronics--Pile Driver 0 n a
Edmund C. Berkeley, "Uses of Automatic Computers
Tack," Office Executive, vol. 29, no. 10 (Oct.
in Financial and Accounting Op era t ion s, "
1954), pp 4-6
Journal of Accounting, vol. 90,
John S. Coleman, "What Price Business Electronics,"
1950), pp 306-311
Systems and Procedures Ouarterly, vol. 2, no.
James W. Birkenstock, "A Loo k Ahead to the Era
3 (Jan. 1952), pp unknown
of Automation," Office Executive, vol. 29,
Emerson F. Cooley, "Computer Methods and Applicano. 2 (Feb. 1954), pp 25-27
tions," Office Management Series #136 (N e w
Matt W. Boz, "HOl''' Your Firm Can Organize an ElecYork: American Management Association, Inc.,
tronics Investigation Program," Manageme n t
1954), pp 41-46
Methods, vol. 5, no. 2 (Jan. 1954), pp21-24
E. Devere Cowles~ "Engineer and Accountant Wo r k
Matt W. Boz, "Where We Stand Today on Electronics
Together on Solving a Technical P rob 1 em, "
for the Office," Management Methods, vol. 5,
Edison Electric Institute Bulletin, vol. 21,
no. 1 (Dec. 1953), pp 12-15

- 28 -

(continued on page 40)

ARTICLES, PAPERS, ETC. January. 1955: Statistics
and Automatic Computers -- Gordon Spenser
Eastern Joint Computer Conference, Philadelphia,
Dec. 8-10,1954 -- Milton Stoller
The Digital Differential Analy~er -- George F.
A Small High-Speed Magnetic Drum -- M. K. Taylor
An Inside-out Magnetic Drum -- Neil Macdonald
February: Problems for Students of Computers
John W. Carr, III
Recogni~ing Spoken Sounds by Means of a Computer -- Andrew D. Booth
The Significance of the New Computer NOR C
W. J. F£kert
The Finan-8eer -- E. L. Locke
Approaching Automation in a Casualty Insurance
Company -- CarlO. Orkild
March: Question -- Isaac Asimov
---COmputers and Weather Prediction -- Br u c e
Random Numbers and Their Generation -- Gord 0 n
Problems Involved in the Application of Electronic Digital Computers to Business Oper ations -- John M. Breen
Computers to Make Administrative Decisions? -Hans Schroeder
April: Thinking Machines and Human Personality-Elliot L. Gruenberg
Marginal Checking -- An Aid in Preventive ~
tenance of Computers -- J. Melvin Jones
May: Reliability in Electronic Data Process 0 r s
-- William B. Elmore
Numerical Representation in Fix e d - Poi n t
Computers -- Beatrice H. Worsley
Automation -- A Report to the UAW-CIO Economic
and Collec.ti ve Bargaining Conference
The Skills of the American Labor Force -- James
P. Mitchell
Automation Puts Industry on Eve of Fantas tic
Robot Era -- A. H. Raskin
The Monkey Wrench -- Gordon R. D~ckson
June: THE COMPUTER DIRECTORY, 1955 (164 pages) :
--Part l: Who's Who in the Computer Field
Part 2: Roster of Organi~ations in the Co' mputer Field
Part 3: The Computer Field: Pro d u c t san d
Services for Sale
July: Mathematics, the Schools, and the Oracle-Alston S. Householder
The Application of Automatic Computing Equipment to Savings Bank Operations -- R. Hu n t
The Book Reviewer -- Rose Orente
Linear Programming and Computers, Par t I Chandler Davis
August: The Automation of Bank Check Processing-R. Hunt Brown
Linear Programming and Computers, Par t II -Chandler Davis
Justifying the Use of an Automatic Computer -Ned Chapin
Charting on Automatic Data Process ing Sys tem s
-- Harry Eisenpress, James L. McPherson, and
Julius Shiskin
A Rotating Reading Head for Magnetic Tape an d
Wire -- National Bureau of Standards

Sorre Curiosities of Binary Arithmetic Usef u 1
in Testing Binary Computers -- AndrewD.Booth
September: A Big Inventory ProDIeni and the IBM
702 -- Neil Macdonald
Pqp.lications for Business on Automatic Computers:
A Basic Listing -- Ned Chapin
Franchise -- Isaac Asimov
Automatic Coding for Di~ital Computers -- G. M.
Automatic Programming: The A-2 Compiler System
-- Part 1
October: The Brain and Learned Behavior -- Dr.
Harry F. Harlow
Automatic Programming: The A-2 Compiler Syste m
-- Part 2
Who Are Manning the New Computers? -- John M.
November: Automatic Answering of Inquiries -- L.
E. Griffith
Found -- A "Lost" Moon -- Dr. Paul Herget
Mister Andrew Lloyd -- R. W. Wallace
December: Digital Computers in Ea$tern Europe
Alston S. Householder
Automatic Airways -- Henry T. Simmons
Roster of Organi~ations in the Computer Field
January. 1956: Machines and Religion -- E 11 i 0 t
Automatic Coding Techniques for Business Da t a
Processing -- Direc tions of Developme n t
Charles W. Adams, Bruce Moncreiff
What is a Computer? -- Neil D. Macdonald
REFERENCE INFORMATION (in various issues):
Roster of Organi~ations in the Computer Field /
Roster of Automatic Computing Services / Roster of Maga~ines Related to Computer san d
Automation / Automatic Computers: List/ Automatic Computers: Estimated Commercial Population / Automatic Computing Machinery: list 0 f
Types / Components of Autom-atic Computing
Machinery: List of Types / Products and S e rvices in the Compu~er Field / Who's Who i n
the Computer Field / Automation: Lis t 0 f
Outstanding Examples / Boo k sand 0 the r
Publications / Glossary / Patents I Titles
and Abstracts of Papers
BACK COPIES: Price, if avail able, $1. 25 e a c h ,
except June, 1955, $4.00. Vol. 1, no. 1, Sept.
1951, to vol. 1, no. 3, July, 1952: 0 u t 0 f
print. Vol. 1, no. 4, Oc t. 1952: in print.
Vol. 2, no. 1, Jan. 1953, to vol. 2, no. 9,
Dec. 1953: in print e x ~ e p t Mar c h, no. 2,
May. no. 4. and July t no. 5. Vol. 3, no. 1,
Jan. 1954, to vol. 3, no. 10, Dec. 1954:
print. Vol. 4, 1955, no. 1 to 12, in print.
A subscription (see rates on page 4) may be specified to begin with the current month's or the
preceding month's issue.

Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
513 Avenue of the Americas
New York 11, N. Y.
- 29 -



From C. G. Levee, Joliet, Ill.

Your article "A Big Inventory Pr 0 ble m
and the IBM 702" by Neil D. Macdonald in the
September issue of "Computers and Automation"
interests me. As an accounting machine (IBM)
supervisor I am lVorking currently on my ve rsion of a punched card inventory control and
accounting procedure. The procedure has been
tested and inaugurated and appears to be satisfactory for an inventory of approxima tel y
30,000 items. But up to date a reorder policy
or formula has not been selected.
The economic order quantity formula described for International Bus iness Ma chi n e s
Corp .. , Poughkeepsie, has now apparently bee n
in use for several months and the res u 1 t s
should be evident.. What improvements in costs
have resulted? What other improvements h a v e
resul ted? To your knowledge what other companies have used this or a similar formula and
what satisfaction do they report?

From C. E. Brunn, Dept. of
Information, International
Business Mach. Corp., New York

aDd Automation

in Poughkeepsie and they have told us that because of rapid changes in production schedules)
they do not yet have definite data on the resuI ts of their use of the Economic Order Quantity formula in handling inventory on the IBM
702 electronic data processing machine. A1though the changes in production schedules at
Poughkeepsie have prevented them from setting
a fixed optimum inventory level as a goal, yet
the first signs of reduced set-up costs and
ordering costs are beginning to appear. They
are certain that significant savings in these
areas will be effected.
We understand that records of vari 0 u s
Systems and Procedures Conferences show th a t
many companies are using a similar EOQ formula in handling inventory, although the handling
of course is not necessarily performed on IBM
machines. A few are:
York Corp.
General Electric
Mullins Manufacturing Corp.
E. F. Houghton and Company
SKF Industries
Argus Cameras, Inc.
For information on the resul ts obtained by these
companies, we would suggest that you con t ac t
them directly.

Your inquiry was forwarded to our plant


pioneers in

Immediate openings for
Supervisory and Staff
positions as well as for
Senior Engineers,
Engineers, and
Associate Engineers,

experienced in:



ARMA, recognized for its accomplishments in the fields
of navigation and fire control, is a leader in the
development of Inertial Navigation. This new system
deals solely with space, time and acceleration ...
acting independently of external influences.
Creative engineering of the highest order is required
to develop components making Inertial Navigation
possible: accelerometers to measure acceleration;
integrators to convert this information into velocity
and distance; gyros to provide directional reference
and hold the system stable; computers to calculate
course-to-steer and distance-to-go. Components
must meet rigid weight and size requirements ...
and function with undreamed-of accuracy.
ARMA, one of America's largest producers of
ultra-precise equipment, offers unlimited opportunity
for engineers to help in this great endeavor.
Challenging projects and ARMA's extensive..
supplementary benefits make an ARMA career
doubly attractive.
Send resume to:

~. . . . ~ Technical Personnel Dept. 2~500
~. .,..,.,. Division of American Bosch Arma Corporation
Roosevelt Field, Garden City, Long Island, N. Y.



KANSAS CITY, APRIL 10-11, 1956
On April 10 and 11, 1956, a Symposium for
Management on Industrial Applications o~ An?log
Computers will be held in the Hotel PhIl II ps ,
Kansas City, Missouri. It is sponsored by ~he
Midwest Research Institute, in cooperation wIth
several technical societies. Details 0 f the
program will be announced early in February.

and Automation
Automation eeting, France (continued from page 14)
Atltomation: Relation between automation a n ci
Definition of Automation
Theoretical bases of Automation
The "functional" s t ru c t u r e of
automatic production
The technical structure of aut 0matic production
Fields of application
Effects on Production
-- from a technical point of view
(productivi ty, quality of the
from the economic point of vietv
-- from the social point of view

Odom Fanning
Manager, Information Services
Midwest Research Institute
425 Volker Blvd.
Kansas City 10, Mo.



Please address all correspondence to:

_ _ _ _ _ _- - - i.;

Secretariat du Colloque sur l'Automatique
Chaire de Mecanique
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
292 rue Saint-Martin, Paris 3e, France

The June issue of "Computers and Automation" commencing with June, 1955, is aspecial
issue, "The Computer Directory."

- EI\n -

For details about the next com put e r
directory. see "The Computer Directory. 1956:
~~o~tl~·c~e~.'_'__________________- -_________ • ____________- - -__- - -__------__-------~

The newest developments in:
Analysis of tabulated data
Numerical methods of finding solutions to equations
Now fully discussed in




Head of the Mathematics Di1Jision
of the U.s. Naval Ordnance Plant, Indianapolis
The methods described in this book will solve
the majority of all numerical problems encountered by engineers, physicists, mathematicians, statisticians, and general scientists. Here
are the new developments which have proved
themselves in usage - logically clear and
based primarily on algebraic manipulation.
Essentials are clearly focused and emphasis is
placed on doing, with many illustrative exam-

pIes and valUable schematics included.
Formulas and methods are derived for the
solution of algebraic, transcendental, ordinary
differential, and partial differential equations
from classical methods of interpolation, finite
differences, differentiation, integration and
smoothing of data. Thorough discussion of
curve fitting and expressing empirical data
by approximating formulas.
Published in January

/!Tile u1tacntillan Cffmn/UWl1/


- 31 -

247-249 Instruments Ave.


RAYMOND R. SKOLNICK, neg. Patent Agent
Ford Instrument Co., niv. of Sperry Rand Corp.
Long Island City N.Y.

The following is a compilation of patents pertaining to computers and associated equipment
from the Official Gazette of the Uni ted State s
Patent Office, dates of issue as in d i cat e d.
Each entry consists of: patent number / i nventor(s) / assignee / invention.
2,723,568 / Thomas a. Surmners,
Jr., Sherman Oaks, Calif. / - / A servomechanism having a manually movable input nember
and an output member that receives an external pressure Ivhich varies, with the position
of the output member.
2, 723,800 / Gene R. Marner, Iot'Ja Ci ty, Iot\'a /
Collins Radio Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa / An
electro-mechanical axis converter.
2,723,801 / Hans P. Luhn, Armonk, N.Y. / IBM
Corp., New York, N.Y. / An electro-mechanicru
decimal adder.
2,724,022 / Albert J. Williams, Jr., Philadelphia, William Russell Clark, Jenkintown, and
Will McAdam, Ambler, Pa. / Leeds and Northr~
Co., Philadelphia, Pa. / A self-ba 1 a n ci n g,
fast-acting feedback amplifier for high i mpedance sources.
2,724,023 / Joseph Antoine Lemouzy, P3ris ,France
/ - / An electronic balanced amplifier.
2,724,034 / Joseph R. Altieri, Watertown, Mass.
/ Ac tion Laboratories, Inc. / A multi t urn
variable resistor.
2,724,061 / Raymond W. Emery, Poughkeepsie,
N.Y. / IBM Corp., New York, N.Y. / A binary
trigger circuit having a single current-multiplication transistor.
2,724,103 / Robert L. Ashenhurst, Cambridge,
Mass. / Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New
York, N.Y. / An electrical circuit employing
magnetic core memory elements.
2,724,104/ Herbert K. Wild, Wappingers Falls,
N.Y. / IBM Inc., New York, N.Y. / A ringcheck circuit for a plurality of s tor ag e
2,724,115 / Clyde Stewart, Cedar Rapids, lOlita
/ Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, IOl"a
/ A tracking system.
NO-.iember 15. 1955:

November 22, 1955: 2,724,251 / Hugh T. \\eaver,
Grand Rapids, MIch. / Lear, Inc., Grand Ra pids, Mich. / A zero-backlash coupling for
2,724,269 / Henry Paul Kalmeis, Washi ng ton,
D.C. / United States of America / An appa-

ratus for measuring the veloci ty _of motio n
of a medium Idth respect to loci spa c e d
apart in a direction at least parallel to a
component of the flow to be investigated.
2,724,281 / TI,omas o. Summers, Jr., Sherman
Oaks, and Roman J. Dolude, Los Angeles,Calif.
/ Summers Gyroscope Co., Santa Monica, Calif.
/ A self-adj usting fric tion clutch and r eversing mechanism.
2,724,553 / Alfred II. Faulkner, Chicago, 111./
Automatic Electric Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Ill. / A time interval meter.
2,724,780 / JamesR. Harris, Dover, N.J. / Bdl
Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New York, NY.
/ An inhibited trigger circuit.
2,724,782 / Raymond A. Hollm\lay, North Hollyt\lood, Calif. / Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif. / A phase sequence correcting
2,724,789 / Wilcox P. Overbeck, Richland,Wash.
/ United States of America / A thyratio n
counting circuit.
November 29. 1955: 2, 724,998 / Ray m 0 n d C.
Goertz and Robert L. Wathen, Hempstead, N.Y.
ft Sperry Rand Corp. / A positional control
apparatus for aiming a gun.
2,725,191 / James Miiton Ham, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada / - .; An electronic integrator for integrating one function wi th respect to another.
2,725,192 / Le Roy E. Kolderup, Glen Cove, N.Y.
/ - / A device for multiplying a first variable by a second variable.
2,725,471 / Scott S. Appleton and Millard ~
Brenner, Belmar, N.J. / United States 0 f
America / A storage circuit having a negative feedback amplifier for producing a In"
impedance source of direct current pOUmtial
of ampl i tude equal to the peak val ue of a
short duration pulse and for adjusting the
amplitude in accordance with the peak value
of each subsequently received pulse.
2,725,476 / Edward Herman Hugenholtz, Hilversum, Netherlands / Hartford National Bank and
Trust Company, Hartford, Conn. / A system for
stabilizing a first voltage pro d u c e-d by a
variable oscillator with respect to- a second
vol tage produced by a reference oscill a tor
having automatic stabilization apparatus operative witnin a predetermined catching range
for effecting the stabilization.
2,725,510 / James H. Reid, Mayt'ltood, N.J./ Allen
(continued on page 34)

- 32 -




Reprint of two
articles by Chandler Davis, in July
and August 1955 "Computers and Automation". A clear, well-written introduction to linear programming,willi
emphasis on the ideas.
• ••• $1.20















C 0




















P.... U












t e r










 also custom- engineered to meet your particular require-

use components that are guaranteed.
Write to Ca!Dbriflge Thermionic Corporation, 430- Concord' Averiue~ 'Cam':'bridge 38, Mass: West Coast manufacturers contact: E. V. Roberts, 5068
West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles
16 and 988 Market Street, San Francisco, California.

ments. We would be glad to give you
complete details, including specifications and prices, on any or all CTC
units - as well as information on how
CTC components can be specially designed to solve your individual electronic components problems.
You will find it well worthwhile to




0/ guaranteed electronic components,
custom or standard


Bill Danch, Munich, Germany


Miss Hebe, I could give you an almost perfect count of the stars if
you could come up to our computer laboratory."

The Univac Scientific Computing SystelT


Operation In Real-Til11e • • •
In the field of missile development,
there's only one commercially available digital computer capable of
real-time performance ~the famous
Univac® Scientific. It's the ideal system for flight simulation and for
on-line data reduction. It solves
complex problems from purely
sensed data at speeds that are
compatible with real-time control.

Because of its ability to reduce
large volumes of data at tremendous
_speeds, the Univac Scientific System
easily handles even the most difficult
research problems. Furthermore, it
offers many other outstanding characteristics, including: superb operating efficiency, obtained through
large storage capacity ... great programming versatility ... the ability to


. - 43 -

operate simultaneously with a wide
variety of input-output devices ...
and far greater reliability than any
computer of its type.
For more information about the
Univac Scientific System or for
information about ways in which
you might apply the system to your
particular problems, write on your
business letterhead to ...

Memorandum from Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
36 West 11 St., New York 11, N.Y.
a montly maga~ine containing articles, papers,
and reference information related to computing
machinery, robo"ts, automatic control, cybernetics, automation, etc. One important piece of
reference information published is the "Ros t e r
of Organi~ations in the Field of Computers and
Automation". The basic subscription rate is
$5.50 a year in the Uni ted States. Sin g 1 e
copies are $1.25, except June, 1955, "The Computer Directory" (164 pages, $4.00). For the
ti tIes of articles and papers in recent issues
of the maga~ine, see the "Back Copies" page in
this issue.
-2. What is the circulation? The circulation
includes 2000 subscribers (as of Feb.IO): over
300 purchasers of individual back copies; and
an estimated 2500 nonsubscribing readers. The
are people concerned with the field of computers
and automation. These include a great number
of people Ivho will make recommendations to the:ir
organizations about purchasing computing machinery, similar machinery, and componen t s,
and whose decisions may involve very substantial figures. The print order for the Feb.
issue lva£ 2600 copies. The overrun is largely
held for eventual sale as back copies, and in
the case of several issues the over ru n has
been exhausted through such sale.
3. What type of advert is ing does COMP UTE RS
AND AUTOMATION take? The purpose of the maga~ine is to be factual and to the point.
this purpose the kind of advertising Ivanted is
the kind that answers questions factually. We
recommend for the audience that Ive reach, that
advertising be factual, useful, interesting,
understandable, and new from issue to issue.
We reserve the right not to accept advertismg
that does not meet our standards.
4. What are the specifications and cos t 0 f
advertising? COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION is published on pages 8!~" x 11" (ad size, 7" x 10")
and produced by photooffset, except that printed sheet advertis ing may be inserted and bound
in with the maga~ine in most cases. The closing date for any issue is approximate I y th e
10th of the month preceding. If possible, the
company advertising should produce final copy.
For photooffset, the copy should be exact 1 y
as desired, actual size, and assembled, and
may include typing, l'llriting, line dratving,
printing, screened half tones, and any othe r

- 44 -

copy that may be put under the ph oto 0 f f s e t
camera without further preparation. Unscreened
photographic prints and any other copy requiring
addi tional preparation for photooffset shou 1 d
be furnished separately; it will be prepared,
finished, and charged to the advertise r a t
small additional cos ts. In the case of printed
inserts, "a sufficient quantity for the iss u e
should be shipped to our printer, addres s on
Display advertising is sold in units of a full
page '(ad size T' x 10", basic rate, $190) twothirds page (basic rate, $145), and half page
(basic rate, $97); back cover, $370; in sid e
front or back cover, $230. Extra for color red
(full pages only and only in certain pQSi tions),
35%. Two-page printed insert (one sheet), $32U;
four-page printed insert (two sheets), $590.
Classified advertising is sold by the 11J 0 r d
(60 cents a word) wi th a minimum of 20 words.
5. Who are our advertisers? Our advertisers
in recent issues have included the follow in g
companies, among others:
Ampex Corp.
Arnold Engineering Co.
The Austin Co.
Automatic Electric Co.
Bendix Aviation Corp.
Cambridge Thermionic Corp.
Epsco, Inc.
Ferranti Electric Co.
Ferroxcube Corp. of America
General Electric Co.
Hughes Research and Development Lab.
International Business Machines Corp.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
Logistics Research, Inc.
The Glenn L. Martin Co.
Monrobot Corp.
Norden-Ketay Corp.
Northrop Aircraft, Inc.
George A. Philbrick Researches, Inc.
Potter Instrument Co.
Raytheon Mfg. Co.
Reeves Instrument Co.
Remington Rand, Inc.
Republic Aviation Corp.
Sprague Electric Co.
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.

















The technology of guided missiles is literally a
new domain. No field of science offers greater scope for
creative achievement.
The increasingly. complex problems associated with missile
systems research and development are creating new
positions in the following areas for Mathematicians possessing
exceptional ability:

Guided Missile Systems


Nuclear Physics

• Computer Research and Development

Engineering Management Problems

Inquiries are invited
from those interested
in personal development
in an appropriate
scientific environment.



research and engineering staff






The purpose of COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION is to be
factual, useful, and understandable. For th~ pu~
pose, the kind of advertising we desire to publish
is the kind that answers questions, such as: What
are your produc ts? What are your services: And
for each product, What is it called? What does it
do? How Ivell does it work? What are its m a i n
Following is the index and a summary of advertis~
ments. Each i tern contains: Name and address 0 f
the advertiser / subject of the advertisement /
page number where it appears / CA number in case
of inquiry (see note below).
Aircraft Marine Products, Inc., 2100 Paxton St.,
Harrisburg, Pa. / Universal Patchcord Programmdng Systems / Page 47 / CA No. 93
Ampex Corr" 934 Charter St., Redwood City,Calif./
Oigl ta Magnetic Tape Transport / Page 39 /
CA No. 94
Arma Division, American Bosch Corp., Roosevelt
Field, Garden City, L.I., N.Y. / Engineering
Opportunities / Page 30 / CA No. 95
Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 513 Ave. of the
Americas, New York II, N.Y. / Publications,
Geniac Kit / Pages 33, 35 / CA No. 96
Cambridge Thermionic Corp., 430 Concord A v e.,
Cambridge 38, Mass. / Computer Components /
Page 41 / CA No. 97
Computers and Automation, 513 Ave. of the Americas, New York II, N.Y. / Back Copies, Advertising / Pages 29, 44 / CA No. 98
Ferroxcube Corp., East Bridge St., Saugerties,
N.Y. / Magnetic Core Materials / Page 37 /
CA No. 99
General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. / Engineers and Mathematicians / Page 19 / CA No.

Hughes Research and Development Laboratories,
CuI ver City, Calif. / Help Wanted / Page 35/
CA No. 101
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., California Div., Bur bank, Calif. / Mathematical Analysts Wanted/
Page 5 / CA No. 102
Lockheed Missile Systems, 7701 Woodley Ave.,
Van Nuys, Calif. / Research and Development/
Page 45 / CA No. 103
Macmi 11 an Co., 60 Fifth Ave., Nety York 11, N. Y./
Book - ''Methods in Numerical Analysis" /
Page 31 / CA No. 104
Northrop Aircraft, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif. /
Help Wanted / Page 33 / CA No. 105
Ramo-Wooldridge Corp., 8820 Bellanca Ave., Los
Angeles 45, Calif. / Page 2 / CA No. 106
R.C.A. Service Co., Inc., Missile Test Project,
P.O. Box 1226, Melbourne, Fla. / Help Wanted / Page 37 / CA No. 107
Remington Rand, Inc., 315 4th Ave., New York 10,
N.Y. / Univac / Page 48 / CA No. 108
Sprague Electric Co., 377·Marshall St., North
Adams, Mass. / Pulse Transformer Kit / Page
48 / CA No. 109

If you wish more information about any products
or serVIces mentioned in one or more of these
advertisements, you may circle the appropriate
CA Nos. on the Reader's Inquiry Form below and
send that form to us (tve pay postage i see the
instructions). We shall then forward your inquiries, and you will hear from the advertisers
direct. If you do not wish to tear the magazine,
just drop us a line on a postcard.


Paste label on



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Name (please print)... ... .. ............ . . .. .

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5 2h 'D 28 29 30 51 52 53 s.c 55 76 77 78 79 80 101 102 103 10"
10 31 32 33 3.c 35 56 57 58 59 60 81 82 83 a.c 85 106 107 108 109
15 36 37 38 39 "0 61 62 63 6.c 65 86 87 88 89 90 111 112 113 114
20 "1 42 .(l 44 45 66 67 68 69 70 91 92 93 9" 95 116 117 118119
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- 46 -






are designed especially for programming required on

o Analog Computers

o Test Equipment

o Digital- Computers
o Data Processing Equipment

o Automatic Control Equipment
and similar devices

These units incorporate many new design features that assure reliable
programming for the most critical applications. They are now available
with 240, 816 and 1632 contacts.



PRODUCTS, INC., 210.0 Paxton




In Canada: AIRCRAFT-MARINE PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LTD., 1764 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontario; Canada

- 47 -








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Sprague's new Type 100Z1 Pulse Transformer Kit
contains five multiple winding transformers, each
chosen for its wide range of practical application.
Complete technical data on each of the transformers is included in the instruction card in each
kit so that the circuit designer may readily select
the required windings to give transformer
characteristics best suited for his· applications ...
whether it be push-pull driver, blocking oscillator,
pulse gating, pulse amplifier, or impedance matching. The electrical characteristics of the transformers in the kit have been designed so that they
may be matched by standard Sprague subininiature
hermetically-sealed pulse transformers shown in
engineering bulletin 5028.
For complete infor-mation on this kit, as well as
the extensive line of Sprague pulse transformers,
write to the Technical Literature Section, Sprague
Electric Company, 377 Marshall Street, North
Adams, Massachusetts.

Sprague on request will provide
you with complete application
engineering service for optimum
results in the use of pul&e
Export fo r the Americas : Sprag ue Electric Internat io nal Ltd ., N o rth Adams, Massachusetts. CABLE : SPREXINT.


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