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To be able to send an SMS reminder to your patient when they have a repeatable script due, you Amend
that patients profile and Enable the SMS options, in order for them to receive the reminders.
1. This can either be done by logging into the pharmacy program, select Option 1 (MAINTAIN) and
A Patient Information (see screen below)
2. After selecting the Patients profile, Press U to Update it with the Cell phone number and to
Enable to SMS flags
3. Ensure that the Patients number on which they’d like to receive their reminders are typed in the
Cell No: “ Field. (i.e. 081 or 085)
4. The flags “SMS Y/N and SMS Repeats Y/N: should both be set to Y.
These steps applies to all patients which would like to receive reminders!
To send the actual SMS reminder to the Patients, follow these steps:
5. From the Unisolv Master Menu, Go to 10. DAILY / WEEKLY ROUTINES MENU.
6. Select Option 10. Print and SMS Repeat Scripts
7. Select the Printer Number. The report provided will specify which patients are due for repeats
within the date range specified within the script or date range, specified in the next step!
If you do not wish to print this report, it can be sent to Printer 99 which is just a spool printer,
otherwise print it to your default Report Printer.
Specify the date range for which the SMSs should be sent!
By pressing the TAB key on your keyboard when prompted for the Date Range, you can change the date
option into a script range!
The questions followed are to your discretion:
- Select By M/Aid or Patient ( when choosing medical aid, you can set the program to only
SMS patients due for repeats on i.e. the PSMM M/Aid. If you want to select ALL medical
aids, just press ENTER.
- Select only patients with SMS-Flag set to Y should be Y
- All Repeats or a Specific Repeat Number (You can also fine tune the SMSs Sent at this
After this point, the system will search through all profiles within date/script range specified and then
send the SMSs one by one. Leave the screen at this point, until it returns to the Menu, to ensure that all
SMSs are sent out.
For each SMS sent from Unisolv. You will receive an email on the address specified on the SMS
application, showing the number to which the SMS was sent and the Text Message.
The email will also display the amount of SMS Units remaining, which should be monitored by the
Pharmacist or Administrator.
To Order new SMSs, you can
- Follow this link:
- Send an email to stating the pharmacy name, Amount of Credit required
and the name of the person placing the order
Or call our office at:
ComputerKit Namibia
Tel: +264 61 254 663
Fax: +264 61 254 628

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