Lab Manual

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Copyright c 2018 Dr CK Raju
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First printing, July 2018


Part One


Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments


Brief Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9




EER Schema and DDL Commands . . . . 11


EER Schema
DDL Commands
DCL Commands
TCL Commands


Content Management System . . . . . . . . 15


Downloading Drupal Tarball
Enabling PHP module for Drupal


Chapter 1. Syllabus

Creation of Procedures and Functions *
Creation of Packages *
Creation of Database Triggers and Cursors *
Practise various front-end tools with report generation.
Creating Forms and Menus
Mini Project (Application Development using Oracle/MySQL using Database connectivity)*
(a) Inventory Control System
(b) Material Requirement Processing
(c) Hospital Management System
(d) Railway Reservation System
(e) Personal Information System
(f) Web-based User Identification System
(g) Timetable Management System
(h) Hotel Management System


Chapter 2. Brief Outline

future versions of MySQL.
MariaDB is used at DBS Bank, Google, Mozilla and the Wikimedia Foundation since 2013 and
is emerging as the most preferred RDBMS for many establishments and professionals worldwide.


Chapter 3. EER Schema and DDL Commands

Figure 3.2: EER Schema for sakila database

3.2 DDL Commands



DDL Commands
Theorem 3.2.1 A couple of examples from the data definition language includes creation and

dropping of databases, creation and dropping of tables etc. We should also know how to create a
database from its archived backup, as well as creating a backup for an existing database.
• Create database from an existing database dump.
• Create a new user and associate privileges with it.
• Create a backup from an existing database - discuss significance

Exercise 3.2


DCL Commands
Theorem 3.3.1 By using these commands, all privileges would be extended to newuser on

sakila database.


TCL Commands
Theorem 3.4.1 Transactional Control Language is used to control transactions occurring within

a database. It gives more flexibility for the database programme to exercise control over transactions.
In MariaDB, the AUTOCOMMIT flag is usually set to 1 (or ON). This implies that any
transaction is a "commit" by default. To enable TCL, one has to reset AUTOCOMMIT flag by
setting it to 0 (or OFF).
mariadb> SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0
Thereafter, the transactions are not committed unless explicitly done by issuing a COMMIT.
This also implies that all changes made to database are transcient in nature and could be rolled
back by issuing ROLLBACK command.
Experiments: Carry out experiments on DDL, DML and DCL commands to figure out which
all SQL statements come under the purview of this feature of TCL.
• By issuing "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0" command, ROLLBACK will be active as long
as AUTOCOMMIT is not set to 1. ie until SET AUTOCOMMIT=1 is issued, or
database reset (by quitting and restarting).
• START TRANSACTION is a valid statement that enables Transaction Control, but
will be in force only till the first ROLLBACK or COMMIT is issued. After the
ROLLBACK/COMMIT statement is issued, one has to start new block with another


Chapter 4. Content Management System

Exercise 4.4 $ sudo apt-get install php-fdomdocument php-gd

"Clean URL" feature for Drupal need to be activated. For this,
Exercise 4.5 $ sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Add the following snippet under the line where "DocumentRoot /var/www/html" appear

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

Next issue the following command
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

Exercise 4.6 At this point, most of the background preparation ought to be over. Open browser

and execute "http://localhost" as URL.
If drupal points out any errors, these need to be eliminated.
At the end, the site should be up for further work.

Exercise 4.7 As a default, Drupal 8.x doesn’t support PHP module. To activate it, the PHP

module must be downloaded from Extend feature inside Drupal admin panel, and the tarball
must be exploded inside core/modules/ of drupal installation folder. After exploding, the PHP
module need to be installed through the admin panel of Drupal.



To create a DDL to perform creation of table, alter, modify and drop column.

1. The Create Table Command: - it defines each column of the table uniquely. Each column
has minimum of three attributes, a name , data type and size.
Create table  ( (), ));
Ex:create table emp(empno number(4) primary key, ename char(10));


Modifying the structure of tables.

a) Add new columns
Alter table  add(datatype(size));
Ex:alter table emp add(sal number(7,2));

3. Dropping a column from a table.
Alter table  drop column ;
Ex:alter table emp drop column sal;

4. Modifying existing columns.
Alter table  modify(());
Ex:alter table emp modify(ename varchar2(15));

5. Renaming the tables
Rename  to ;
Ex:rename emp to emp1;

6. truncating the tables.
Truncate table ;
Ex:trunc table emp1;

7. Destroying tables.
Drop table ;
Ex:drop table emp;

create table(column1 datatype,column2 datatype...);
SQL>create table std(sno number(5),sname varchar(20),age number(5),sdob date,sm1
number(4,2),sm2 number(4,2),sm3 number(4,4));
Table created.
SQL>insert into std values(101,’AAA’,16,’03-jul-88’,80,90,98);
1 row created.
SQL>insert into std values(102,’BBB’,18,’04-aug-89’,88,98,90);
1 row created.
Select * from std;





03-jul-88 80






04-aug-89 88



SQL>create table student(id number(5),name varchar(10),game varchar(20));
Table created.
SQL>insert into student values(1,’mercy’,’cricket’);
1 row created.
alter tableadd(col1 datatype,col2 datatype..);
SQL>alter table student add(age number(4));
SQL>insert into student values(2,’sharmi’,’tennis’,19);

ALTER: select * from student;

Mercy Cricket

ADD: select * from student;

Mercy cricket


Sharmi Tennis 19

Alter tablemodify(col1 datatype,col2 datatype..);
SQL>alter table student modify(id number(6),game varchar(25));

desc student;


Name Varchar(20)
Game Varchar(25)


SYNTAX: drop table;
SQL>drop table student;
SQL>Table dropped.

; Example: Truncate table stud; DESC Example: desc emp; Name Null? Type --------------------------------- -------EmpNo NOT NULL number(5) EName VarChar(15) Job NOT NULL Char(10) DeptNo NOT NULL number(3) PHONE_NO number (10) CONSTRAINTS: Create table tablename (column_name1 data_ type constraints, column_name2 data_ type constraints …) Example: Create table Emp ( EmpNo number(5), EName VarChar(15), Job Char(10) constraint un unique, DeptNo number(3) CONSTRAINT FKey2 REFERENCES DEPT(DeptNo)); Create table stud (sname varchar2(20) not null, rollno number(10) not null,dob date not null); DOMAIN INTEGRITY Example: Create table cust(custid number(6) not null, name char(10)); Alter table cust modify (name not null); CHECK CONSTRAINT Example: Create table student (regno number (6), mark number (3) constraint b check (mark >=0 and mark <=100)); Alter table student add constraint b2 check (length(regno<=4)); ENTITY INTEGRITY a) Unique key constraint Example: Create table cust(custid number(6) constraint unique, name char(10)); Alter table cust add(constraint c unique(custid)); b) Primary Key Constraint Example: Create table stud(regno number(6) constraint primary key, name char(20)); Queries: Q1. Create a table called EMP with the following structure. Name Type ---------- ---------------------EMPNO NUMBER(6) ENAME VARCHAR2(20) JOB VARCHAR2(10) DEPTNO NUMBER(3) SAL NUMBER(7,2) Allow NULL for all columns except ename and job. Solution: 1. Understand create table syntax. 2. Use the create table syntax to create the said tables. 3. Create primary key constraint for each table as understand from logical table structure. Ans: SQL> create table emp(empno number(6),ename varchar2(20)not null,job varchar2(10) not null, deptno number(3),sal number(7,2)); Table created. Q2: Add a column experience to the emp table. experience numeric null allowed. Solution: 1. Learn alter table syntax. 2. Define the new column and its data type. 3. Use the alter table syntax. Ans: SQL> alter table emp add(experience number(2)); Table altered. Q3: Modify the column width of the job field of emp table. Solution: 1. Use the alter table syntax. 2. Modify the column width and its data type. Ans: SQL> alter table emp modify(job varchar2(12)); Table altered. SQL> alter table emp modify(job varchar(13)); Table altered. Q4: Create dept table with the following structure. Name Type ------------ --------------------DEPTNO NUMBER(2) DNAME VARCHAR2(10) LOC VARCHAR2(10) Deptno as the primarykey Solution: 1. Understand create table syntax. 2. Decide the name of the table. 3. Decide the name of each column and its data type. 4. Use the create table syntax to create the said tables. 5. Create primary key constraint for each table as understand from logical table structure. Ans: SQL> create table dept(deptno number(2) primary key,dname varchar2(10),loc varchar2(10)); Table created. Q5: create the emp1 table with ename and empno, add constraints to check the empno value while entering (i.e) empno > 100. Solution: 1. Learn alter table syntax. 2. Define the new constraint [columns name type] 3. Use the alter table syntax for adding constraints. Ans: SQL> create table emp1(ename varchar2(10),empno number(6) constraint check(empno>100)); Table created. Q6: drop a column experience to the emp table. Solution: 1. Learn alter table syntax. Use the alter table syntax to drop the column. Ans: SQL> alter table emp drop column experience; Table altered. Q7: Truncate the emp table and drop the dept table Solution: 1. Learn drop, truncate table syntax. Ans: SQL> truncate table emp; Table truncated. QUESTIONS 1. Define DDL 2. What are constraints? 3. Categories of SQL Command. 4. Difference between truncate and drop. 5. Define primary and referential integrity. RESULT: Thus the DDL commands have been executed successfully. EX.NO:2 IMPLEMENTATION OF DML AND DCL COMMANDS AIM; To study the various DML commands and implement them on the database. DML COMMANDS DML commands are the most frequently used SQL commands and is used to query and manipulate the existing database objects. Some of the commands are Insert, Select, Update, Delete. Insert Command This is used to add one or more rows to a table. The values are separated by commas and the data types char and date are enclosed in apostrophes. The values must be entered in the same order as they are defined. Select Commands It is used to retrieve information from the table. It is generally referred to as querying the table. We can either display all columns in a table or only specify column from the table. Update Command It is used to alter the column values in a table. A single column may be updated or more than one column could be updated. Delete command After inserting row in a table we can also delete them if required. The delete command consists of a from clause followed by an optional where clause. Q1: Insert a single record into dept table. Ans: SQL> insert into dept values (1,'IT','Tholudur'); 1 row created. Q2: Insert more than a record into emp table using a single insert command. Ans: SQL> insert into emp values(&empno,'&ename','&job',&deptno,&sal); Enter value for empno: 1 Enter value for ename: Mathi Enter value for job: AP Enter value for deptno: 1 Enter value for sal: 10000 old 1: insert into emp values(&empno,'&ename','&job',&deptno,&sal) new 1: insert into emp values(1,'Mathi','AP',1,10000) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for empno: 2 Enter value for ename: Arjun Enter value for job: ASP Enter value for deptno: 2 Enter value for sal: 12000 old 1: insert into emp values(&empno,'&ename','&job',&deptno,&sal) new 1: insert into emp values(2,'Arjun','ASP',2,12000) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for empno: 3 Enter value for ename: Gugan Enter value for job: ASP Enter value for deptno: 1 Enter value for sal: 12000 old 1: insert into emp values(&empno,'&ename','&job',&deptno,&sal) new 1: insert into emp values(3,'Gugan','ASP',1,12000) 1 row created. Q3: Update the emp table to set the salary of all employees to Rs15000/- who are working as ASP Ans: SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 3 Gugan ASP 1 12000 SQL> update emp set sal=15000 where job='ASP'; 2 rows updated. SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 Q4: Create a pseudo table employee with the same structure as the table emp and insert rows into the table using select clauses. Ans: SQL> create table employee as select * from emp; Table created. SQL> desc employee; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------EMPNO NUMBER(6) ENAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) JOB NOT NULL VARCHAR2(13) DEPTNO NUMBER(3) SAL NUMBER(7,2) Q5: select employee name, job from the emp table Ans: SQL> select ename, job from emp; ENAME JOB -------------------- ------------Mathi AP Arjun ASP Gugan ASP Karthik Prof Akalya AP suresh lect 6 rows selected. Q6: Delete only those who are working as lecturer Ans: SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 5 Akalya AP 1 10000 6 suresh lect 1 8000 6 rows selected. SQL> delete from emp where job='lect'; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL --------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 5 Akalya AP 1 10000 Q7: List the records in the emp table orderby salary in ascending order. Ans: SQL> select * from emp order by sal; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 5 Akalya AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 Q8: List the records in the emp table orderby salary in descending order. Ans: SQL> select * from emp order by sal desc; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 1 Mathi AP 1 10000 5 Akalya AP 1 10000 Q9: Display only those employees whose deptno is 30. Solution: Use SELECT FROM WHERE syntax. Ans: SQL> select * from emp where deptno=1; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 5 Akalya AP 1 10000 Q10: Display deptno from the table employee avoiding the duplicated values. Solution: 1. Use SELECT FROM syntax. 2.Select should include distinct clause for the deptno. Ans: SQL> select distinct deptno from emp; DEPTNO ---------1 2 IMPLEMENTATION OF DATA AND BUILT IN FUNCTIONS IN SQL CHARACTER/STRING FUNCTION: SQL> select upper('welcome') from dual; ----------WELCOME SQL> select upper('hai') from dual; --HAI SQL> select lower('HAI') from dual; LOW --hai SQL> select initcap(‘hello world') from dual; INITCAP('Hello -------------Hello World SQL> select ltrim(' hai') from dual; LTR --hai SQL> select rtrim('hai ')from dual; SQL> select rpad('hai',3,'*')from dual; RPAD(' -----hai*** SQL> select lpad('hai',3,'*')from dual; LPAD(' -----***hai SQL> select replace('Dany','y','ie')from dual; REPLACE ------Danie SQL> select translate('cold','ld','ol')from dual; TRANSL -----cool DATE & TIME FUNCTION SQL> select sysdate from dual; SYSDATE --------07-APR-10 SQL> select round(sysdate)from dual; ROUND(SYS --------07-APR-10 SQL> select add_months(sysdate,3)from dual; ADD_MONTH --------07-JUL-10 SQL> select last_day(sysdate)from dual; LAST_DAY( --------30-APR-10 SQL> select sysdate+20 from dual; SYSDATE+2 --------27-APR-10 SQL> select next_day(sysdate,'tuesday')from dual; NEXT_DAY( --------13-APR-10 NUMERIC FUNCTION SQL> select round(15.6789)from dual; ROUND(15.6789) -------------16 SQL> select ceil(23.20)from dual; CEIL(23.20) ----------24 SQL> select floor(34.56)from dual; FLOOR(34.56) -----------34 SQL> select trunc(15.56743)from dual; TRUNC(15.56743) --------------15 SQL> select sign(-345)from dual; SIGN(-345) ----------1 SQL> select abs(-70)from dual; ABS(-70) --------70 MATH FUNCTION: SQL> select abs(45) from dual; ABS(45) --------45 SQL> select power(10,12) from dual; POWER(10,12) -----------1.000E+12 SQL> select mod(11,5) from dual; MOD(11,5) --------1 SQL> select exp(10) from dual; EXP(10) --------22026.466 SQL> select sqrt(225) from dual; SQRT(225) --------15 NESTED QUERIES AND JOIN QUERIES Q1: Display all employee names and salary whose salary is greater than minimum salary of the company and job title starts with ‗M‘. Solution: 1. Use select from clause. 2. Use like operator to match job and in select clause to get the result. Ans: SQL> select ename,sal from emp where sal>(select min(sal) from emp where job like 'A%'); ENAME SAL -------------------- ---------Arjun 12000 Gugan 20000 Karthik 15000 Q2: Issue a query to find all the employees who work in the same job as Arjun. Ans: SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 SQL> select ename from emp where job=(select job from emp where ename='Arjun'); ENAME -------------Arjun Gugan SET OPERATORS QUERIES: Q1: Display all the dept numbers available with the dept and emp tables avoiding duplicates. Solution: 1. Use select from clause. 2. Use union select clause to get the result. Ans: SQL> select deptno from emp union select deptno from dept; DEPTNO ---------1 2 12 30 40 Q2: Display all the dept numbers available with the dept and emp tables. Solution: 1. Use select from clause. 2. Use union all in select clause to get the result. Ans: SQL> select deptno from emp union all select deptno from dept; DEPTNO ---------1 2 2 1 12 1 2 30 40 9 rows selected. Q3: Display all the dept numbers available in emp and not in dept tables and vice versa. Solution: 1. Use select from clause. 2. Use minus in select clause to get the result. Ans: SQL> select deptno from emp minus select deptno from dept; DEPTNO ---------12 SQL> select deptno from dept minus select deptno from emp; DEPTNO ---------30 40 VIEWS Q1: The organization wants to display only the details of the employees those who are ASP. Solution: 1. Create a view on emp table named managers 2. Use select from clause to do horizontal portioning Ans: SQL> create view empview as select * from emp where job='ASP'; View created. SQL> select * from empview; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 Q2: The organization wants to display only the details like empno, empname, deptno, deptname of the employees. (Vertical portioning) Solution: 1. Create a view on emp table named general 2. Use select from clause to do vertical partioning Ans: SQL> create view empview1 as select ename,sal from emp; View created. Q3: Display all the views generated. Ans: SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------DEPT TABLE EMP TABLE EMPVIEW VIEW EMPVIEW1 VIEW Q4: Execute the DML commands on the view created. Ans: SQL> select * from empview; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 Q5: Drop a view. Ans: SQL> drop view empview1; View dropped. Q3: Issue a query to display information about employees who earn more than any employee in dept 1. Ans: SQL> select * from emp where sal>(select max(sal) from emp where empno=1); EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 JOINS Tables used SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 SQL> select * from dept; DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------- ------------1 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 2 RESEARCH DALLAS 30 SALES CHICAGO 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON EQUI-JOIN Q4: Display the employee details, departments that the departments are same in both the emp and dept. Solution: 1. Use select from clause. 2. Use equi join in select clause to get the result. Ans: SQL> select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 1 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 2 RESEARCH DALLAS 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 2 RESEARCH DALLAS 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 1 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK NON-EQUIJOIN Q5: Display the employee details, departments that the departments are not same in both the emp and dept. Solution: 1.Use select from clause. 2. Use non equi join in select clause to get the result. Ans: SQL> select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno!=dept.deptno; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 1 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 1 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 RESEARCH DALLAS EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------4 Karthik AP 1 15000 2 RESEARCH DALLAS 1 Mathi AP 1 10000 30 SALES CHICAGO 2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 30 SALES CHICAGO EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 30 SALES CHICAGO 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 30 SALES CHICAGO 1 Mathi AP 1 10000 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------2 Arjun ASP 2 12000 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON 3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON 12 rows selected. LEFTOUT-JOIN Tables used SQL> select * from stud1; Regno Name Mark2 Mark3 Result ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------101 john 89 80 pass 102 Raja 70 80 pass 103 Sharin 70 90 pass 104 sam 90 95 pass SQL> select * from stud2; NAME GRA ----------- ---------john s raj s sam a sharin a Q6: Display the Student name and grade by implementing a left outer join. Ans: SQL> select,grade from stud1 left outer join stud2 on; Name Gra ----------- ---------john s raj s sam a sharin a smith null RIGHTOUTER-JOIN Q7: Display the Student name, register no, and result by implementing a right outer join. Ans: SQL> select, regno, result from stud1 right outer join stud2 on =; Name Regno Result ----------- ---------- -------------------------john 101 pass raj 102 pass sam 103 pass sharin 104 pass Rollno Name Mark1 Mark2 Total ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------1 sindu 90 95 185 2 arul 90 90 180 FULLOUTER-JOIN Q8: Display the Student name register no by implementing a full outer join. Ans: SQL> select, regno from stud1 full outer join stud2 on (; Name Regno ----------- ---------john 101 raj 102 sam 103 sharin 104 SELFJOIN Q9: Write a query to display their employee names Ans: SQL> select distinct ename from emp x, dept y where x.deptno=y.deptno; ENAME -------------------Arjun Gugan Karthik Mathi Q10: Display the details of those who draw the salary greater than the average salary. Ans: SQL> select distinct * from emp x where x.sal >= (select avg(sal) from emp); EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------3 Gugan ASP 2 20000 4 Karthik AP 1 15000 11 kavitha designer 12 17000 DCL COMMANDS The DCL language is used for controlling the access to the table and hence securing the database. DCL is used to provide certain privileges to a particular user. Privileges are rights to be allocated.The privilege commands are namely, Grant and Revoke.The various privileges that can be granted or revoked are, Select Insert Delete Update References Execute All. GRANT COMMAND: It is used to create users and grant access to the database. It requires database administrator (DBA) privilege, except that a user can change their password. A user can grant access to their database objects to other users. REVOKE COMMAND: Using this command , the DBA can revoke the granted database privileges from the user. TCL COMMAND COMMIT: command is used to save the Records. ROLL BACK: command is used to undo the Records. SAVE POINT command is used to undo the Records in a particular transaction. Queries: Tables Used: Consider the following tables namely “DEPARTMENTS” and “EMPLOYEES” Their schemas are as follows , Departments ( dept _no , dept_ name , dept_location ); Employees ( emp_id , emp_name , emp_salary ); Q1: Develop a query to grant all privileges of employees table into departments table Ans: SQL> Grant all on employees to departments; Grant succeeded. Q2: Develop a query to grant some privileges of employees table into departments table Ans: SQL> Grant select, update , insert on departments to departments with grant option; Grant succeeded. Q3: Develop a query to revoke all privileges of employees table from departments table Ans: SQL> Revoke all on employees from departments; Revoke succeeded. Q4: Develop a query to revoke some privileges of employees table from departments table Ans: SQL> Revoke select, update , insert on departments from departments; Revoke succeeded. Q5: Write a query to implement the save point Ans: SQL> SAVEPOINT S1; Savepoint created. SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 SQL> INSERT INTO EMP VALUES(5,'Akalya','AP',1,10000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 5 Akalya AP 1 10000 Q6: Write a query to implement the rollback Ans: SQL> rollback s1; SQL> select * from emp; EMPNO ENAME JOB DEPTNO SAL ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------1 Mathi AP 1 10000 2 Arjun ASP 2 15000 3 Gugan ASP 1 15000 4 Karthik Prof 2 30000 Q6: Write a query to implement the commit Ans: SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete. RESULT Thus the DML, DCL,TCL commands was performed successfully and executed. EX.NO:3 IMPLEMENTATION OF CURSORS CURSOR PROGRAM FOR ELECTRICITY BILL CALCULATION: SQL> create table bill(name varchar2(10), address varchar2(20), city varchar2(20), unit number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into bill values('&name','&addess','&city','&unit'); Enter value for name: yuva Enter value for addess: srivi Enter value for city: srivilliputur Enter value for unit: 100 old 1: insert into bill values('&name','&addess','&city','&unit') new 1: insert into bill values('yuva','srivi','srivilliputur','100') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for name: nithya Enter value for addess: Lakshmi nagar Enter value for city: sivakasi Enter value for unit: 200 old 1: insert into bill values('&name','&addess','&city','&unit') new 1: insert into bill values('nithya','Lakshmi nagar','sivakasi','200') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for name: maya Enter value for addess: housing board Enter value for city: sivakasi Enter value for unit: 300 old 1: insert into bill values('&name','&addess','&city','&unit') new 1: insert into bill values('maya','housing board','sivakasi','300') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for name: jeeva Enter value for addess: RRR nagar Enter value for city: sivaganagai Enter value for unit: 400 old 1: insert into bill values('&name','&addess','&city','&unit') new 1: insert into bill values('jeeva','RRR nagar','sivaganagai','400') 1 row created. SQL> select * from bill; NAME ADDRESS CITY UNIT ---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------yuva nithya srivi Lakshmi nagar srivilliputur sivakasi 100 200 maya housing board sivakasi 300 jeeva sivaganagai 400 RRR nagar SQL> declare 2 cursor c is select * from bill; 3 b bill %ROWTYPE; 4 begin 5 open c; 6 dbms_output.put_line('Name Address city Unit Amount'); 7 loop 8 fetch c into b; 9 if(c % notfound) then 10 exit; 11 else 12 if(b.unit<=100) then 13 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||b.address||' '||||' '||b.unit||' '||b.uni t*1); 14 elsif(b.unit>100 and b.unit<=200) then 15 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||b.address||' '||||' '||b.unit||' '||b. '||||' '||b.unit||' '||b. unit*2); 16 elsif(b.unit>200 and b.unit<=300) then 17 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||b.address||' unit*3); 18 elsif(b.unit>300 and b.unit<=400) then 19 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||b.address||' '||||' '||b.unit||' '||b.unit* 4); 20 else 21 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||b.address||' '||||' '||b.unit||' 5); 22 end if; '||b.unit* 23 end if; 24 end loop; 25 close c; 26 end; 27 / Name Address yuva srivi nithya maya city Unit srivilliputur Lakshmi nagar housing board Amount 100 100 sivakasi sivakasi jeeva RRR nagar sivaganagai 200 300 400 400 900 1600 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PROGRAM FOR STUDENT GRADE CALCULATION SQL> create table std(name varchar(10), rollno number(3),mark1 number(3), mark2 number(3), mark3 nu mber(3)); Table created. SQL> insert into std values('&name','&rollno','&mark1','&mark2','&mark3'); Enter value for name: gowri Enter value for rollno: 101 Enter value for mark1: 78 Enter value for mark2: 89 Enter value for mark3: 99 old 1: insert into std values('&name','&rollno','&mark1','&mark2','&mark3') new 1: insert into std values('gowri','101','78','89','99') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for name: prem Enter value for rollno: 102 Enter value for mark1: 88 Enter value for mark2: 99 Enter value for mark3: 90 old 1: insert into std values('&name','&rollno','&mark1','&mark2','&mark3') new 1: insert into std values('prem','102','88','99','90') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for name: ravathi Enter value for rollno: 103 Enter value for mark1: 67 Enter value for mark2: 89 Enter value for mark3: 99 old 1: insert into std values('&name','&rollno','&mark1','&mark2','&mark3') new 1: insert into std values('ravathi','103','67','89','99') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for name: arun Enter value for rollno: 104 Enter value for mark1: 56 Enter value for mark2: 66 Enter value for mark3: 77 old 1: insert into std values('&name','&rollno','&mark1','&mark2','&mark3') new 1: insert into std values('arun','104','56','66','77') 1 row created. SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 tot number; 3 average number; 4 cursor c is select * from std; 5 s std %ROWTYPE; 6 begin 7 open c; 8 dbms_output.put_line('Name Grade'); Rollno Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 Total Average 9 loop 10 fetch c into s; 11 tot:=s.mark1+s.mark2+s.mark3; 12 average:=floor(tot/3); 13 if(c % notfound)then 14 exit; 15 else 16 if(s.mark1<50 or s.mark2<50 or s.mark3<50)then 17 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||s.rollno||' '||s.mark1||' '||s.mark2||' '||s.mark3|| ' '||tot||' '||average||' '||'F'); 18 elsif(average>=90 and average<=100)then 19 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||s.rollno||' '||s.mark1||' '||s.mark2||' '||s.mark3|| ' '||tot||' '||average||' '||'S'); 20 elsif(average>=80 and average<90)then 21 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||s.rollno||' '||s.mark1||' '||s.mark2||' '||s.mark3|| ' '||tot||' '||average||' '||'A+'); 22 elsif(average>=70 and average<80)then 23 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||s.rollno||' '||s.mark1||' '||s.mark2||' '||s.mark3|| ' '||tot||' '||average||' '||'B'); 24 elsif(average>=60 and average<70)then 25 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||s.rollno||' '||s.mark1||' '||s.mark2||' '||s.mark3|| ' '||tot||' '||average||' '||'C'); 26 else 27 dbms_output.put_line(||' '||s.rollno||' '||s.mark1||' '||s.mark2||' '||s.mark3|| ' '||tot||' '||average||' '||'D'); 28 end if; 29 end if; 30 end loop; 31 close c; 32 end; 33 / Name Rollno Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 gowri 101 78 89 99 266 88 A+ prem 102 88 99 90 277 92 S ravathi 103 67 89 99 255 85 A+ arun 56 66 77 199 66 C 104 Total Average Grade PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. RESULT: Thus the program to implement cursors was executed and output was verified successfully. EX.NO:4 IMPLEMENTATION OF TRIGGERS TRIGGER FOR DISPLAYING GRADE OF THE STUDENT SQL> create table stdn(rollno number(3),name varchar(2),m1 number(3),m2 number(3),m3 number(3),tot num ber(3),avrg number(3),result varchar(10)); Table created. SQL> create or replace trigger t1 before insert on stdn 2 for each row 3 begin 4 :new.tot:=:new.m1+:new.m2+:new.m3; 5 :new.avrg:=:new.tot/3; 6 if(:new.m1>=50 and :new.m2>=50 and :new.m3>=50) then 7 :new.result:='pass'; 8 else 9 :new.result:='Fail'; 10 end if; 11 end; 12 / Trigger created. SQL> insert into stdn values(101,'SM',67,89,99,'','',''); 1 row created. SQL> select * from stdn; ROLLNO NA M1 M2 M3 TOT AVRG RESULT --------- -- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------101 SM 67 89 99 255 85 pass PROGRAM TO INDICATE INVALID CONDITION USING TRIGGER SQL> create table emp (name varchar(10),empno number(3),age number(3)); Table created. SQL> 1 create or replace trigger t2 before insert on emp 2 for each row 3 when(new.age>100) 4 begin 5 RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20998,'INVALID ERROR'); 6* end; SQL> / Trigger created. SQL> insert into emp values('nithya',101,24); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp values('nithya',101,103); insert into emp values('nithya',101,103) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20998: INVALID ERROR ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.T2", line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.T2' RESULT: Thus triggers were implemented successfully. EXNO:5 PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS PROCEDURE TO INSERT NUMBER SQL> create table emp1(id number(3),First_name varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> insert into emp1 values(101,'Nithya'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into emp1 values(102,'Maya'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from emp1; ID FIRST_NAME --------- -------------------101 Nithya 102 Maya SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> create or replace 2 procedure insert_num(p_num number)is 3 begin 4 insert into emp1(id,First_name) values(p_num,user); 5 end insert_num; 6 / Procedure created. SQL> exec insert_num(3); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from emp1; ID FIRST_NAME --------- -------------------101 Nithya 102 Maya 103 SCOTT FUNCTION TO FIND FACTORIAL SQL> create or replace function fact(n number) 2 return number is 3 i number(10); 4 f number:=1; 5 begin 6 for i in 1..N loop 7 f:=f*i; 8 end loop; 9 return f; 10 end; 11 / Function created. SQL> select fact(2) from dual; FACT(2) --------2 RESULT: Thus procedures and functions were implemented successfully. EX.NO:6 IMPLEMENTATION OF EMBEDDED SQL PL/SQL PROGRAM FOR BONUS CALCULATION SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 salary number; 3 bonus number; 4 begin 5 salary:=&sa; 6 if salary>5000 then 7 bonus:=salary*0.5; 8 else 9 bonus:=0; 10 end if; 11 dbms_output.put_line(bonus); 12 end; 13 / Enter value for sa: 10000 old 5: salary:=&sa; new 5: salary:=10000; 5000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PROGRAM FOR ARMSTRONG NUMBER SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number; 3 b number; 4 i number; 5 begin 6 i:=# 7 a:=i; 8 b:=0; 9 while a>0 10 loop 11 b:=b+power(mod(a,10),3); 12 a:=trunc(a/10); 13 end loop; 14 if b=i then 15 dbms_output.put_line(i||'IS AN ARMSTRONG NUMBER'); 16 else 17 dbms_output.put_line(i||'IS NOT AN ARMSTRONG NUMBER'); 18 end if; 19 end; 20 / Enter value for num: 123 old 6: i:=# new 6: i:=123; 123 IS NOT AN ARMSTRONG NUMBER PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> / Enter value for num: 407 old 6: i:=# new 6: i:=407; 407IS AN ARMSTRONG NUMBER PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PROGRAM FOR MULTIPLICATION TABLE: SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number; 3 b number; 4 i number; 5 n number; 6 s number; 7 begin 8 a:=&ulimit; 9 b:=&llimit; 10 n:=&n; 11 for i in a..b loop 12 s:=i*n; 13 dbms_output.put_line(i||'*'||n||'='||s); 14 end loop; 15 end; 16 / Enter value for ulimit: 1 old 8: a:=&ulimit; new 8: a:=1; Enter value for llimit: 10 old 9: b:=&llimit; new 9: b:=10; Enter value for n: 5 old 10: n:=&n; new 10: n:=5; 1*5=5 2*5=10 3*5=15 4*5=20 5*5=25 6*5=30 7*5=35 8*5=40 9*5=45 10*5=50 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. RESULT: Thus Embedded SQL was executed successfully. EX NO:7 Database design using E-R model and Normalization ER diagram: Chen Notation • ORDER (OrderNum (key), OrderDate, SalesPerson) ORDERITEMS (OrderNum (key)(fk) , ItemNum (key), PartNum, Quantity, Cost) • In the above example, in the ORDERITEMS Relation: OrderNum is the Foreign Key and OrderNum plus ItemNum is the Composite Key. Chen Notation In the ORDER Relation: OrderNum is the Key. Representing Relationships • • • • 1:1 Relationships. The key of one relation is stored in the second relation. Look at example queries to determine which key is queried most often. 1:N Relationships. Parent - Relation on the "1" side. Child - Relation on the "Many" side. Represent each Entity as a relation. Copy the key of the parent into the child relation. CUSTOMER (CustomerID (key), Name, Address, ...) ORDER (OrderNum (key), OrderDate, SalesPerson, CustomerID (fk)) • • M:N Relationships. Many to Many relationships can not be directly implemented in relations. Solution: Introduce a third Intersection relation and copy keys from original two relations. Chen Notation • • SUPPLIER (SupplierID (key), FirmName, Address, ...) COMPONENT (CompID (key), Description, ...) SUPPLIER_COMPONENT (SupplierID (key), CompID (key)) Note that this can also be shown in the ER diagram. Also, look for potential added attributes in the intersection relation. RESULT: Thus the ER Database design using E-R model and Normalization was implemented successfully. ___________________________________________________________________________ EX NO: 8 DATABASE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION PAY ROLL PROCESSING STEPS: 1. Create a database for payroll processing which request the using SQL 2. Establish ODBC connection 3. In the administrator tools open data source ODBC 4. Click add button and select oracle in ORA home 90, click finish 5. A window will appear given the data source home as oracle and select TNS source name as lion and give the used id as SWTT 6. ADODC CONTROL FOR SALARY FORM:7. The above procedure must be follow except the table , A select the table as salary 8. Write appropriate Program in form each from created in VB from each from created in VB form project. SQL>create table emp(eno number primary key,enamr varchar(20),age number,addr varchar(20),DOB date,phno number(10)); Table created. SQL>create table salary(eno number,edesig varchar(10),basic number,da number,hra number,pf number,mc number,met number,foreign key(eno) references emp); Table created. TRIGGER to calculate DA,HRA,PF,MC SQL> create or replace trigger employ 2 after insert on salary 3 declare 4 cursor cur is select eno,basic from salary; 5 begin 6 for cur1 in cur loop 7 update salary set 8 hra=basic*0.1,da=basic*0.07,pf=basic*0.05,mc=basic*0.03 where hra=0; 9 end loop; 10 end; 11 / Trigger created. PROGRAM FOR FORM 1 Private Sub emp_Click() Form 2.Show End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub salary_Click() Form3.Show End Sub PROGRAM FOR FORM 2 Private Sub add_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox "Record added" End Sub Private Sub clear_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub delte_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.Delete MsgBox "Record Deleted" If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = True Then Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End If End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub main_Click() Form1.Show End Sub Private Sub modify_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.Update End Sub PROGRAM FOR FORM 3 Private Sub add_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox "Record added" End Sub Private Sub clear_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub delte_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.Delete MsgBox "Record Deleted" If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = True Then Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End If End Sub Private Sub exit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub main_Click() Form1.Show End Sub Private Sub modify_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.Update End Sub Output: RESULT: Thus payroll system was designed and implemented successfully. __________________________________________________________________________ EX No:9 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BANKING SYSTEM ___________________________________________________________________________ DETAILS OF THE STEP 1.Create the DB for banking system source request the using SQL 2.Establishing ODBC connection 3.Click add button and select oracle in ORA home 90 click finished 4.A window will appear give the data source name as oracle and give the user id as scott 5.Now click the test connection a window will appear with server and user name give user as scott and password tiger Click ok 6.VISUAL BASIC APPLICATION: Create standard exe project in to and design ms from in request format  To add ADODC project select component and check ms ADO data control click ok  Now the control is added in the tool book  Create standard exe project in to and design ms from in request format 7ADODC CONTEOL FOR ACCOUNT FROM:- Click customs and property window and window will appear and select ODBC data source name as oracle and click apply as the some window. CREATE A TABLE IN ORACLE SQL>create table account(cname varchar(20),accno number(10),balance number); Table Created SQL> insert into account values('&cname',&accno,&balance); Enter value for cname: Mathi Enter value for accno: 1234 Enter value for balance: 10000 old 1: insert into account values('&cname',&accno,&balance) new 1: insert into emp values('Mathi',1234,10000) 1 row created. SOURCE CODE FOR FORM1 Private Sub ACCOUNT_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub EXIT_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub TRANSACTION_Click() Form3.Show End Sub SOURCE CODE FOR FORM 2 Private Sub CLEAR_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub DELETE_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.DELETE MsgBox "record deleted" Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = True Then Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End If End Sub Private Sub EXIT_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub HOME_Click() Form1.Show End Sub Private Sub INSERT_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub TRANSACTION_Click() Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub UPDATE_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.UPDATE MsgBox "record updated successfully" End Sub SOURCE CODE FOR FORM 3 Private Sub ACCOUNT_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub CLEAR_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub DEPOSIT_Click() Dim s As String s = InputBox("enter the amount to be deposited") Text2.Text = Val(Text2.Text) + Val(s) A = Text2.Text MsgBox "CURRENT BALANCE IS Rs" + Str(A) Adodc1.Recordset.Save Adodc1.Recordset.UPDATE End Sub Private Sub EXIT_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub HOME_Click() Form1.Show End Sub Private Sub WITHDRAW_Click() Dim s As String s = InputBox("enter the amount to be deleted") Text2.Text = Val(Text2.Text) - Val(s) A = Text2.Text MsgBox "current balance is Rs" + Str(A) Adodc1.Recordset.Save Adodc1.Recordset.UPDATE End Sub Result: Thus the banking system was designed and implemented successfully. __________________________________________________________________________________ EX NO:10 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STEPS: 1. Create a database for library which request the using SQL 2. Establish ODBC connection 3. In the administrator tools open data source ODBC 4. Click add button and select oracle in ORA home 90, click finish 5. A window will appear given the data source home as oracle and select TNS source name as lion and give the used id as SWTT 6. ADODC CONTROL FOR library FORM:7. The above procedure must be follow except the table , A select the table as library 8. Write appropriate Program in form each from created in VB from each from created in VB form project. Relational Database Schema Status code description Media media_id code Book ISBN title BookMedia media_id ISBN Customer ID name addr Card num fines ID Checkout media_id num since Location name addr phone Hold media_id num name until queue Stored_In media_id name Librarian eid ID Pay name since Video title year director rating price VideoMedia media_id title year author year dewey price DOB phone username password until CREATE TABLE Status ( code INTEGER, description CHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (code) ); CREATE TABLE Media( media_id INTEGER, code INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (media_id), FOREIGN KEY (code) REFERENCES Status ); CREATE TABLE Book(ISBNCHAR(14), title CHAR(128), author CHAR(64), year INTEGER, dewey INTEGER, price REAL, PRIMARY KEY (ISBN) ); CREATE TABLE BookMedia( media_id INTEGER, ISBN CHAR(14), PRIMARY KEY (media_id), FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media, FOREIGN KEY (ISBN) REFERENCES Book); CREATE TABLE Customer( ID INTEGER, name CHAR(64), addr CHAR(256), DOB CHAR(10), phone CHAR(30), username CHAR(16), password CHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY (ID), UNIQUE (username) ); CREATE TABLE Card( num INTEGER, fines REAL, ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (num), FOREIGN KEY (ID) REFERENCES Customer ); CREATE TABLE Checkout( media_id INTEGER, num INTEGER, since CHAR(10), until CHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (media_id), FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media, FOREIGN KEY (num) REFERENCES Card ); CREATE TABLE Location( name CHAR(64), addr CHAR(256), phone CHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (name) ); CREATE TABLE Hold( media_id INTEGER, num INTEGER, name CHAR(64), until CHAR(10), queue INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (media_id, num), FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES Location, FOREIGN KEY (num) REFERENCES Card, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media ); CREATE TABLE Stored_In( media_id INTEGER, name char(64), PRIMARY KEY (media_id), FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES Location ); CREATE TABLE Librarian( eid INTEGER, ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Pay REAL, Loc_name CHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (eid), FOREIGN KEY (ID) REFERENCES Customer ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (Loc_name) REFERENCES Location(name) ); CREATE TABLE Video( title CHAR(128), year INTEGER, director CHAR(64), rating REAL, price REAL, PRIMARY KEY (title, year) ); CREATE TABLE VideoMedia( media_id INTEGER, title CHAR(128), year INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (media_id), FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media, FOREIGN KEY (title, year) REFERENCES Video ); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (60201, 'Jason L. Gray', '2087 Timberbrook Lane, Gypsum, CO 81637', '09/09/1958', '970-273-9237', 'jlgray', 'password1'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (89682, 'Mary L. Prieto', '1465 Marion Drive, Tampa, FL 33602', '11/20/1961', '813-487-4873', 'mlprieto', 'password2'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (64937, 'Roger Hurst', '974 Bingamon Branch Rd, Bensenville, IL 60106', '08/22/1973', '847-221-4986', 'rhurst', 'password3'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (31430, 'Warren V. Woodson', '3022 Lords Way, Parsons, TN 38363', '03/07/1945', '731-845-0077', 'wvwoodson', 'password4'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (79916, 'Steven Jensen', '93 Sunny Glen Ln, Garfield Heights, OH 44125', '12/14/1968', '216-789-6442', 'sjensen', 'password5'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (93265, 'David Bain', '4356 Pooh Bear Lane, Travelers Rest, SC 29690', '08/10/1947', '864-610-9558', 'dbain', 'password6'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (58359, 'Ruth P. Alber', '3842 Willow Oaks Lane, Lafayette, LA 70507', '02/18/1976', '337-316-3161', 'rpalber', 'password7'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (88564, 'Sally J. Schilling', '1894 Wines Lane, Houston, TX 77002', '07/02/1954', '832-366-9035', 'sjschilling', 'password8'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (57054, 'John M. Byler', '279 Raver Croft Drive, La Follette, TN 37766', '11/27/1954', '423-592-8630', 'jmbyler', 'password9'); INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (49312, 'Kevin Spruell', '1124 Broadcast Drive, Beltsville, VA 20705', '03/04/1984', '703-953-1216', 'kspruell', 'password10'); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 5767052, 0.0, 60201); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 5532681, 0.0, 60201); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 2197620, 10.0, 89682); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 9780749, 0.0, 64937); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 1521412, 0.0, 31430); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 3920486, 0.0, 79916); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 2323953, 0.0, 93265); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 4387969, 0.0, 58359); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 4444172, 0.0, 88564); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 2645634, 0.0, 57054); INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 3688632, 0.0, 49312); INSERT INTO Location(name, addr, phone) VALUES ('Texas Branch', '4832 Deercove Drive, Dallas, TX 75208', '214-948-7102'); INSERT INTO Location(name, addr, phone) VALUES ('Illinois Branch', '2888 Oak Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60016', '847-953-8130'); INSERT INTO Location(name, addr, phone) VALUES ('Louisiana Branch', '2063 Washburn Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802', '225-346-0068'); INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (1, 'Available'); INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (2, 'In Transit'); INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (3, 'Checked Out'); INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (4, 'On Hold'); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (8733, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (9982, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (3725, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (2150, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (4188, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (5271, 2); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (2220, 3); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (7757, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (4589, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (5748, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (1734, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (5725, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (1716, 4); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (8388, 1); INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (8714, 1); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0743289412', 'Lisey''s Story', 'Stephen King', 2006, 813, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-1596912366', 'Restless: A Novel', 'William Boyd', 2006, 813, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0312351588', 'Beachglass', 'Wendy Blackburn', 2006, 813, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0156031561', 'The Places In Between', 'Rory Stewart', 2006, 910, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0060583002', 'The Last Season', 'Eric Blehm', 2006, 902, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0316740401', 'Case Histories: A Novel', 'Kate Atkinson', 2006, 813, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0316013949', 'Step on a Crack', 'James Patterson, et al.', 2007, 813, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0374105235', 'Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier', 'Ishmael Beah', 2007, 916, 10.0); INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0385340229', 'Sisters', 'Danielle Steel', 2006, 813, 10.0); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (8733, '978-0743289412'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (9982, '978-1596912366'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (3725, '978-1596912366'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (2150, '978-0312351588'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (4188, '978-0156031561'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (5271, '978-0060583002'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (2220, '978-0316740401'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (7757, '978-0316013949'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (4589, '978-0374105235'); INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (5748, '978-0385340229'); INSERT INTO Checkout(media_id, num, since, until) VALUES (2220, 9780749, '02/15/2007', '03/15/2007'); INSERT INTO Video(title, year, director, rating, price) VALUES ('Terminator 2: Judgment Day', 1991, 'James Cameron', 8.3, 20.0); INSERT INTO Video(title, year, director, rating, price) VALUES ('Raiders of the Lost Ark', 1981, 'Steven Spielberg', 8.7, 20.0); INSERT INTO Video(title, year, director, rating, price) VALUES ('Aliens', 1986, 'James Cameron', 8.3, 20.0); INSERT INTO Video(title, year, director, rating, price) VALUES ('Die Hard', 1988, 'John McTiernan', 8.0, 20.0); INSERT INTO VideoMedia(media_id, title, year) VALUES ( 1734, 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', 1991); INSERT INTO VideoMedia(media_id, title, year) VALUES ( 5725, 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', 1981); INSERT INTO VideoMedia(media_id, title, year) VALUES ( 1716, 'Aliens', 1986); INSERT INTO VideoMedia(media_id, title, year) VALUES ( 8388, 'Aliens', 1986); INSERT INTO VideoMedia(media_id, title, year) VALUES ( 8714, 'Die Hard', 1988); INSERT INTO Hold(media_id, num, name, until, queue) VALUES (1716, 4444172, 'Texas Branch', '02/20/2008', 1); INSERT INTO Librarian(eid, ID, pay, Loc_name) Values (2591051, 88564, 30000.00, 'Texas Branch'); INSERT INTO Librarian(eid, ID, pay, Loc_name) Values (6190164, 64937, 30000.00, 'Illinois Branch'); INSERT INTO Librarian(eid, ID, pay, Loc_name) Values (1810386, 58359, 30000.00, 'Louisiana Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(8733, 'Texas Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(9982, 'Texas Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(1716, 'Texas Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(1734, 'Texas Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(4589, 'Texas Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(4188, 'Illinois Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(5271, 'Illinois Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(3725, 'Illinois Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(8388, 'Illinois Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(5748, 'Illinois Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(2150, 'Louisiana Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(8714, 'Louisiana Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(7757, 'Louisiana Branch'); INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(5725, 'Louisiana Branch'); SELECT C.ID,, C.addr, C.DOB,, C.username, nvl((SELECT 'Librarian' FROM Librarian L WHERE L.ID = C.ID), 'Customer') AS role FROM Customer C WHERE C.username = AND C.password = ; /* Book search for customers */ SELECT B.ISBN, B.title,, B.year, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BookMedia BM WHERE BM.ISBN = B.ISBN AND BM.code = 1) AS num_available FROM Book B WHERE B.title LIKE '%%' AND LIKE '%%' AND B.year <= AND B.year >= ; /* Find all copies of a book (used for placing holds or viewing detailed information). */ SELECT BM.media_id, S.description, nvl((SELECT FROM Stored_In SI WHERE SI.media_id = BM.media_id), 'none') AS name FROM BookMedia BM, Media M, Status S WHERE BM.ISBN = AND M.media_id = BM.media_id AND S.code = M.code; /* Video search for customers */ SELECT V.title, V.year, V.director, V.rating (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VideoMedia VM WHERE VM.ID = V.ID AND VM.code = 1) AS num_available FROM Video V WHERE V.title LIKE '%%' AND V.year <= AND V.year <= AND V.director LIKE '%%' AND V.rating >= ; /* Find all copies of a video (used for placing holds or viewing detailed information). */ SELECT VM.media_id, S.description, nvl((SELECT FROM Stored_In SI WHERE SI.media_id = VM.media_id), 'none') AS name FROM VideoMedia VM, Media M, Status S WHERE VM.title = AND VM.year = AND M.media_id = VM.media_id AND S.code = M.code; /* Find the status of a given media item */ SELECT S.description FROM Status S, Media M WHERE S.code = M.code AND M.media_id = ; /* Create a new Hold */ INSERT INTO Hold(media_id, num, name, until, queue) VALUES (, , , , nvl((SELECT MAX(H.queue) FROM Hold H WHERE H.media_id = ), 0) + 1 ); /* Cancel Hold, Step 1: Remove the entry from hold */ DELETE FROM Hold WHERE media_id = AND num = /* Cancel Hold, Step 2: Update queue for this item */ UPDATE Hold SET queue = queue-1 WHERE media_id = AND queue > ; /* Functions needed to view information about a customer */ /* View the customer's card(s) */ SELECT CR.num, CR.fines FROM Card CR WHERE CR.ID = ; /* View media checked out on a given card */ SELECT B.title,, B.year, BM.media_id, CO.since, CO.until FROM Checkout CO, BookMedia BM, Book B WHERE CO.num = AND CO.media_id = BM.media_id AND B.ISBN = BM.ISBN UNION SELECT V.title, V.director, V.year, VM.media_id, CO.since, CO.until FROM Checkout CO, VideoMedia VM, Book B WHERE CO.num = AND CO.media_id = VM.media_id AND VM.title = V.title AND VM.year = V.year; /* View media currently on hold for a given card */ SELECT B.title,, B.year, BM.media_id, H.until, H.queue, FROM Hold H, BookMedia BM, Book B, Stored_In SI WHERE H.num = AND H.media_id = BM.media_id AND B.ISBN = BM.ISBN AND SI.media_id = H.media_id UNION SELECT V.title, V.director, V.year, VM.media_id, H.until, H.queue, FROM Hold H, VideoMedia VM, Book B, Stored_In SI WHERE H.num = AND H.media_id = VM.media_id AND VM.title = V.title AND VM.year = V.year AND SI.media_id = H.media_id; /* View the total amount of fines the customer has to pay */ SELECT SUM(CR.fines) FROM Card CR WHERE CR.ID = ; /* *\ Functions reserved for librarians \* */ /* Add new customer */ INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES (, , , , , , , ); /* Find a customer */ SELECT C.ID,, C.addr, C.DOB,, C.username, nvl((SELECT 'Librarian' FROM Librarian L WHERE L.ID = C.ID), 'Customer') AS role FROM Customer C WHERE C.username = AND LIKE '%%'; /* Add new card and assign it to a customer */ INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( , 0, ); /* Create an entry in Checkout */ INSERT INTO Checkout(media_id, num, since, until) VALUES (, , , ); /* Remove the entry for Stored_In */ DELETE FROM Stored_In WHERE media_id = ; /* Change the status code of the media */ UPDATE Media SET code = WHERE media_id = ; /* Remove the entry from Checkout */ DELETE FROM Checkout WHERE media_id = ; /* Create the entry in Stored_In */ INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES (, ); /* Find the next Hold entry for a given media */ SELECT H.num,, H.until FROM Hold H WHERE H.queue = 1 AND H.media_id = ; /* Change the Stored_In entry to the target library branch */ UPDATE Stored_In SET name = WHERE media_id = ; /* Find the customer that should be notified about book arrival */ SELECT,, CR.num FROM Customer C, Card CR, Hold H WHERE H.queue = 1 AND = AND H.media_id = AND CR.num = H.num AND C.ID = CR.ID; /* Add a new entry into the Book table */ INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES (, , , , , ); /* Add a new entry into the Video table */ INSERT INTO Video(title, year, director, rating, price) VALUES (, , , , ); /* Add a new Media object */ INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (, 1); /* Add a new BookMedia object */ INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (, ); /* Add a new VideoMedia object */ INSERT INTO VideoMedia(media_id, title, year) VALUES (, , ); /* Remove an entry from the BookMedia table */ DELETE FROM BookMedia WHERE media_id = ; /* Remove an entry from the VideoMedia table */ DELETE FROM VideoMedia WHERE media_id = ; /* Remove an entry from the Media table */ DELETE FROM Media WHERE media_id = ; /* Remove an entry from the Book table */ DELETE FROM Book WHERE ISBN = ; /* Remove an entry from the Video table */ DELETE FROM Video WHERE title = AND year = ; /* Update the customer's fines */ UPDATE Card SET fines = WHERE num = ___________________________________________________________________________ EX NO:10 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ___________________________________________________________________________ STEPS: 1. Create a database for library which request the using SQL 2. Establish ODBC connection 3. In the administrator tools open data source ODBC 4. Click add button and select oracle in ORA home 90, click finish 5. A window will appear given the data source home as oracle and select TNS source name as lion and give the used id as SWTT 6. ADODC CONTROL FOR library FORM:7. The above procedure must be follow except the table , A select the table as library 8. Write appropriate Program in form each from created in VB from each from created in VB form project. i.ADMINISTRATOR Table This table holds the profile information of the application super users otherwise known as system administrators. They have control of the software meaning that they can perform additional tasks that other users cannot ordinarily perform. Every software of this nature has such users and this one is no exception. The table contains the following columns; ADMIN_ID, TITLE, FRIST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and DEPARMENT_ID. The column ADMIN_ID is the primary key column (primary key disallows duplicate values and nulls in a column) every table should have a primary key column, as this acts like table indexing. ii. ALL_COURCES Table This table keeps the courses offered by students in different departments in the school. The table contains the following columns; COURCE_ID, COURCE_TITLE, and COURCE_CODE. The COURCE_ID is the primary key column. iii. APP_USER_A Table This table contains application login details for application administrators. The table columns are; USRNAME, PASSWD and ADMIN_ID. The column ADMIN_ID is the primary key column. iv. APP_USER_L Table This table contains application login details for application lecturers. The table columns are; USRNAME, PASSWD and LECTURER_ID. The column LECTURER_ID is the primary key column. v. APP_USER_S Table This table contains application login details for application students. The table columns are; USRNAME, PASSWD and MATRIG_NO. The column MATRIG_NO is the primary key column. vi. DEPARTMENTS Table This table holds information about the schools departments. The table contains the following columns; DEPARTMENT_ID and DEPARTMENT_NAME. The column DEPARTMENT_ID is the primary key column. vii. GRADES Table This is more like the main table in the database as all other tables relate to this table directly or in some other way. This table holds students examination records. The table contains the following columns; GRADES_ID, SESSION1, REG_NUMBER, DEPARTMENT_ID, LEVEL1, MATRIG_NO, CREDIT_UNIT, FRIST_NAME, LAST_NAME, COURCE_CODE, GRADE, SCORE, LECTURER_ID and GRADE_POINT. The column GRADES_ID is the primary key column. viii. LECTURERS Table This table holds the profile information of the application lecturers. The table contains the following columns; LECTURER_ID, TITLE, FRIST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and DEPARMENT_ID. The column LECTUTER_ID is the primary key column. ix. REG_TABLE Table This table contains student’s registration details i.e. if a student is registered for the semester this table is used to store that information. The table contains the following columns; REG_ID, REG_NUMBER, MATRIG_NO, DEPARTMENT_ID and FRIST_NAME, LAST_NAME, LEVEL1, SESSION1. The column REG_ID is the primary key column. x. STUDENTS Table This table holds the profile information of the application students. The table contains the following columns; MATRIG_NO, TITLE, FRIST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and DEPARMENT_ID. The column MATRIG_NO is the primary key column. RESULT: Thus the student information system was designed and implemented successfully. ___________________________________________________________________________ EX NO:11 Automatic Backup of files and Recovery ___________________________________________________________________________ AIM: To study about automatic backup of files and recovery. INTRODUCTION: Because data is the heart of the enterprise, it's crucial to protect it. And to protect organization's data, one need to implement a data backup and recovery plan. Backing up files can protect against accidental loss of user data, database corruption, hardware failures, and even natural disasters. It's our job as an administrator to make sure that backups are performed and that backup tapes are stored in a secure location. Creating a Backup and Recovery Plan Data backup is an insurance plan. Important files are accidentally deleted all the time. Mission-critical data can become corrupt. Natural disasters can leave office in ruin. With a solid backup and recovery plan, one can recover from any of these. Figuring Out a Backup Plan It takes time to create and implement a backup and recovery plan. We'll need to figure out what data needs to be backed up, how often the data should be backed up, and more. To help we create a plan, consider the following: • • • • • How important is the data on systems? The importance of data can go a long way in helping to determine if one need to back it up—as well as when and how it should be backed up. For critical data, such as a database, one'll want to have redundant backup sets that extend back for several backup periods. For less important data, such as daily user files, we won't need such an elaborate backup plan, but 'll need to back up the data regularly and ensure that the data can be recovered easily. What type of information does the data contain? Data that doesn't seem important to we may be very important to someone else. Thus, the type of information the data contains can help we determine if we need to back up the data—as well as when and how the data should be backed up. How often does the data change? The frequency of change can affect our decision on how often the data should be backed up. For example, data that changes daily should be backed up daily. How quickly do we need to recover the data? Time is an important factor in creating a backup plan. For critical systems, we may need to get back online swiftly. To do this, we may need to alter our backup plan. Do we have the equipment to perform backups? We must have backup hardware to perform backups. To perform timely backups, we may need several backup devices and • • • several sets of backup media. Backup hardware includes tape drives, optical drives, and removable disk drives. Generally, tape drives are less expensive but slower than other types of drives. Who will be responsible for the backup and recovery plan? Ideally, someone should be a primary contact for the organization's backup and recovery plan. This person may also be responsible for performing the actual backup and recovery of data. What is the best time to schedule backups? Scheduling backups when system use is as low as possible will speed the backup process. However, we can't always schedule backups for off-peak hours. So we'll need to carefully plan when key system data is backed up. Do we need to store backups off-site? Storing copies of backup tapes off-site is essential to recovering our systems in the case of a natural disaster. In our off-site storage location, we should also include copies of the software we may need to install to reestablish operational systems. The Basic Types of Backup There are many techniques for backing up files. The techniques use will depend on the type of data we're backing up, how convenient we want the recovery process to be, and more. If we view the properties of a file or directory in Windows Explorer, we'll note an attribute called Archive. This attribute often is used to determine whether a file or directory should be backed up. If the attribute is on, the file or directory may need to be backed up. The basic types of backups we can perform include • • • • • Normal/full backups All files that have been selected are backed up, regardless of the setting of the archive attribute. When a file is backed up, the archive attribute is cleared. If the file is later modified, this attribute is set, which indicates that the file needs to be backed up. Copy backups All files that have been selected are backed up, regardless of the setting of the archive attribute. Unlike a normal backup, the archive attribute on files isn't modified. This allows us to perform other types of backups on the files at a later date. Differential backups Designed to create backup copies of files that have changed since the last normal backup. The presence of the archive attribute indicates that the file has been modified and only files with this attribute are backed up. However, the archive attribute on files isn't modified. This allows to perform other types of backups on the files at a later date. Incremental backups Designed to create backups of files that have changed since the most recent normal or incremental backup. The presence of the archive attribute indicates that the file has been modified and only files with this attribute are backed up. When a file is backed up, the archive attribute is cleared. If the file is later modified, this attribute is set, which indicates that the file needs to be backed up. Daily backups Designed to back up files using the modification date on the file itself. If a file has been modified on the same day as the backup, the file will be backed up. This technique doesn't change the archive attributes of files. In we backup plan we'll probably want to perform full backups on a weekly basis and supplement this with daily, differential, or incremental backups. We may also want to create an extended backup set for monthly and quarterly backups that includes additional files that aren't being backed up regularly. Tip We'll often find that weeks or months can go by before anyone notices that a file or data source is missing. This doesn't mean the file isn't important. Although some types of data aren't used often, they're still needed. So don't forget that we may also want to create extra sets of backups for monthly or quarterly periods, or both, to ensure that we can recover historical data over time. Differential and Incremental Backups The difference between differential and incremental backups is extremely important. To understand the distinction between them. As it shows, with differential backups we back up all the files that have changed since the last full backup (which means that the size of the differential backup grows over time). With incremental backups, we only back up files that have changed since the most recent full or incremental backup (which means the size of the incremental backup is usually much smaller than a full backup). Once we determine what data we're going to back up and how often, we can select backup devices and media that support these choices. These are covered in the next section. Selecting Backup Devices and Media Many tools are available for backing up data. Some are fast and expensive. Others are slow but very reliable. The backup solution that's right for our organization depends on many factors, including • • • • • Capacity The amount of data that we need to back up on a routine basis. Can the backup hardware support the required load given our time and resource constraints? Reliability The reliability of the backup hardware and media. Can we afford to sacrifice reliability to meet budget or time needs? Extensibility The extensibility of the backup solution. Will this solution meet our needs as the organization grows? Speed The speed with which data can be backed up and recovered. Can we afford to sacrifice speed to reduce costs? Cost The cost of the backup solution. Does it fit into our budget? Common Backup Solutions Capacity, reliability, extensibility, speed, and cost are the issues driving our backup plan. If we understand how these issues affect our organization, we'll be on track to select an appropriate backup solution. Some of the most commonly used backup solutions include • • • • • • • Tape drives Tape drives are the most common backup devices. Tape drives use magnetic tape cartridges to store data. Magnetic tapes are relatively inexpensive but aren't highly reliable. Tapes can break or stretch. They can also lose information over time. The average capacity of tape cartridges ranges from 100 MB to 2 GB. Compared with other backup solutions, tape drives are fairly slow. Still, the selling point is the low cost. Digital audio tape (DAT) drives DAT drives are quickly replacing standard tape drives as the preferred backup devices. DAT drives use 4 mm and 8 mm tapes to store data. DAT drives and tapes are more expensive than standard tape drives and tapes, but they offer more speed and capacity. DAT drives that use 4 mm tapes can typically record over 30 MB per minute and have capacities of up to 16 GB. DAT drives that use 8 mm tapes can typically record more than 10 MB per minute and have capacities of up to 36 GB (with compression). Auto-loader tape systems Auto-loader tape systems use a magazine of tapes to create extended backup volumes capable of meeting the high-capacity needs of the enterprise. With an auto-loader system, tapes within the magazine are automatically changed as needed during the backup or recovery process. Most auto-loader tape systems use DAT tapes. The typical system uses magazines with between 4 and 12 tapes. The main drawback to these systems is the high cost. Magnetic optical drives Magnetic optical drives combine magnetic tape technology with optical lasers to create a more reliable backup solution than DAT. Magnetic optical drives use 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch disks that look similar to floppies but are much thicker. Typically, magnetic optical disks have capacities of between 1 GB and 4 GB. Tape jukeboxes Tape jukeboxes are similar to auto-loader tape systems. Jukeboxes use magnetic optical disks rather than DAT tapes to offer high-capacity solutions. These systems load and unload disks stored internally for backup and recovery operations. Their key drawback is the high cost. Removable disks Removable disks, such as Iomega Jaz, are increasingly being used as backup devices. Removable disks offer good speed and ease of use for a single drive or single system backup. However, the disk drives and the removable disks tend to be more expensive than standard tape or DAT drive solutions. Disk drives Disk drives provide the fastest way to back up and restore files. With disk drives, you can often accomplish in minutes what takes a tape drive hours. So when business needs mandate a speedy recovery, nothing beats a disk drive. The drawbacks to disk drives, however, are relatively high costs and less extensibility. Before we can use a backup device, we must install it. When we install backup devices other than standard tape and DAT drives, we need to tell the operating system about the controller card and drivers that the backup device uses. For detailed information on installing devices and drivers, see the section of Chapter 2 entitled "Managing Hardware Devices and Drivers." Buying and Using Tapes Selecting a backup device is an important step toward implementing a backup and recovery plan. But we also need to purchase the tapes or disks, or both, that will allow we to implement our plan. The number of tapes we need depends on how much data we'll be backing up, how often we'll be backing up the data, and how long we'll need to keep additional data sets. The typical way to use backup tapes is to set up a rotation schedule whereby we rotate through two or more sets of tapes. The idea is that we can increase tape longevity by reducing tape usage and at the same time reduce the number of tapes we need to ensure that we have historic data on hand when necessary. One of the most common tape rotation schedules is the 10-tape rotation. With this rotation schedule, we use 10 tapes divided into two sets of 5 (one for each weekday). As shown in Table 14-2, the first set of tapes is used one week and the second set of tapes is used the next week. On Fridays, full backups are scheduled. On Mondays through Thursdays, incremental backups are scheduled. If we add a third set of tapes, we can rotate one of the tape sets to an off-site storage location on a weekly basis. Tip The 10-tape rotation schedule is designed for the 9 to 5 workers of the world. If we're in a 24 x 7 environment, we'll definitely want extra tapes for Saturday and Sunday. In this case, use a 14-tape rotation with two sets of 7 tapes. On Sundays, schedule full backups. On Mondays through Saturdays, schedule incremental backups. RESULT: Thus the study of automatic backup of files was performed successfully.
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