Evenflo 615R 49MHz Superheterodyne Receiver User Manual User maunal
Evenflo Company, Inc. 49MHz Superheterodyne Receiver User maunal
Evenflo >
- 1. User maunal
- 2. MANUAL1
- 3. MANUAL2
- 4. MANUAL3
- 5. MANUAL4
User maunal
' AC Adapwrlack (even 0 Ultra-Sensitive Monitor” with Sound Lights Owner’s Handbook Model 615 "15703525 Thank you for mmlng file 11va UllmSensin‘ve Mnnilnr. Umkrslanding how your manila! works helps you obtain [he lllglusl pelformanbe levels. Before swing up and using your Evmlfln UIu-AVSalsitive Mnnimr, please read this Owuu's Handbook complelely. It pmvldex helpful ups to mum the buy operaliug clmumslnnaes [or maullorlng youl child, IMPOll'l‘AN'l‘; The Eves-Ann Ultra-Sensitive Manilnr should not be used as 3! replacement for adult supervisitm nfcllildrcn. Hem no“: lhal any modifiullion of [he transmitwr or receiver wIlI vhllsle FCC compliance and am mid the user‘s humorlly m upemle (his moullar set. Flexiblc Auunua Paws. nghl Fewer oll/nfi' Auluuuu Display Lighls Pm: Lighl Power ell/arr luul Volulm Swuch Micmphom AC Adupm “4k Chunuel Seleclol Bunny Camplmmem Baby’s Unit 2 AC Adaptexs FCC ID: EHK615R [I if]: ll WWII Important Safety Instructions lnts rinoot i! mended W5 wmbolis’ malenlmusatulnc tte ourtoure ntrsrrmtitunouiut tiring-uteri. options and nulmmnu wtltilri tire prod tnntetnpy institutions my Nuts-mu ntmtpnnoueto in ur- inntnrc xwmuimmd downing I rut oi tt-rtnod inc lwlllliu. moor to retou- AWARNING! A - DI] IIOl OPEN. III] USER SERVIEEABLE PARTS INSIDE. RISK nr ELECTRIC SIIIlCK. IIIAV CAUSE SERIDU$ INJURY. FIRE, 0K DEATH, ~ Ill) NOT USE NEAR WATER DH OUTDOORS. ‘ DO III" PLACE FURNITURE [III BORE. ______._____—. . This product dues IIM upland roopdiilible adult superulslnti m a chill. AWARNING! - Ynu shauld muck all ur child regularly ax lltls pmdudt wlll ml detect your phlltl’s du til acllvlllu. -'ltllx prndudt Is mil intended In In uszd as a mndlcnl mdnllur, lull it: use should lttit laplm adult superulslun. A tesputtsilile adult must fit; wllltlil lauds til the Evlltllti Ultra-Sensitive Mnnllur 11 all Ilmas II II! II“. - Always he sure that hulll the news INI Poreltl’s uitils an: pulp-lily luluztiottlup, an the same channel and uilhin reception range ul each other. - II is e'ssellliul In chat-Jim wund rmptloli regularly. L dead and [allow oil instrnruuro eareituly Mm: using your Eventio mun-Sensitive Mimi e to inlm'mlmoll netted “WARNING and "IMPORTANT" This information can oilect your child's safety. Keep this owners monuctl umthy for quick and any reterenee ' 1 need and observe nil warning; on the pmdtlct’ and in this Owner’s Manual. Pity specinl otteotien a. llmr place llle baby‘s r its adapter and lit Ill: drill ill pl ell, tirwilhln maul] uI ll'iu clvi . ml um hang l: muuiittr near nr uu mill. The mid rail preseul a manpulatiurt hazard. - Always ltee lllti adaptdrs, transmillunild rmltter tin oltlto IHEII ill children. 9. Pmtzcttlte AC adapter curds. Route cards so thnt they are not walked on or pinched by items placed upon titetn. and pay pnrticulnr mention to cords ut the AC odapter plugs. wall plugs, and where lliey plug into the transmitter or receiver. AWAHNING! III. DU NET IMMERSE ANV EOMPIIIIENT III WATER. Clean these muuildts wllh a dry clulll. 11. no not use ncor fluorescent lighis, appiipnm tvlut motors, televisions, ions or other ntflchlnery. rinse items may interferewitit tile poulity or your imils' 4. AVOID FUIEEMEIT NEAR WATER AND MDISTIJRE. no not use hill: 3 uuil unlddtlrs. Dd mitt use your munilnr near a alliIuli. shuumr, slltk, laundry luh, swlmmlttt; pool, wet haul-tout tit diner Idutintts where water or moislure an: present. 5. Alltiw tor pmper vuntilntion of tlw depikrs and the monitors. Do not pleee your monitor ml or under a mg, bed, nets. blanket or similar object tint uloclrs in vmlilnliun. Do not place it in o builtrin insultntion not or n nootcineor stereo eooiner. Tlteee tony impede the flow of nit lltrmlgh tire venlilaliutt openings. o Remlwe the pottery or unplug tire AC edopter from tn. Parent’s unit and unplug Baby‘s Unit itit will not be used for a long period ohime. 7. Avoid plntentent our heat sources. Do not one your monitor neor n radiator, stove, lieu register, mother uppiiunos (including unptiiiers and We) dint produce Ital. Heal enn dnmope the case or oompeneno. iii Operate this monitor toting only n Molt hungry [not included) or tire Emilio AC nriopters provided and plugging die ntlnpters into standard wall'outlet. no not use exterioron cont. transmission or reception. 12.Adupler mm be mnovtd iron. receiver for pottery opmtion. in pose of 11 power (image, batteries will in! not in a pickup iitite adopter is engdgcd. I Ii 13.1» not use your monitor if: - earlier AC ndnpter orttteir nerds ltovc oeen dumped. -0I7jct:bl have Fallen or liquid in; becn spilled Into ony orru components. - it lies been exposed to ruin or wuter. - it has been dropped or something inside is damaged? it. Refer to tire hwhlexhomhtg com in this nundnoulr before rewriting your mtlniltlr rorsurvirinp. You may be able to mite the pmblem on your own in my little time. 15.1.l'servlcels required the It) I pmfillle defect, and lhe mnnilor is still under wan—my, see Limlkd Wumory for instructions. This product eitould be serviced only by qualified servtoe personnel to mouth: Company, lite. when: - An AC zdaplcr or its plug ins been damaged - Objeso have toilet or liquid hils been spilled into tire Trunsmillzr ul‘ Rweiver. ~ Tire Tlemrn‘ttter or Receiver do not appear la operatic normally er etltittit a marked plunge in pcrformallce. ' There are no user serviceable parts inside that monitors. Du uot open the mass. I-nn-n-umm FCC ID: EHK615R —é% Helpful Operating “ups ' FOR BEST RESULTS, use your AC adapter with the Parent‘s uniL The power is more consislem lhan rhar ofrhe ballery, and using ihe adaprer provides clearer reoeprion. - in some homes. hosiery operalinn will dramalieslly reduce lhe effective range of lhe syslem. - Your mnilor’s rypioal iransmission/recepiion range is ulsour 300 feet depending on bauery power and possible obsirunn'ons (1.5. wulls) that radio waves encounter, The methods and materials used in your home's consmlctinn, lerrdin and olher factors may also affocl lunsmissim. - Fur heal results, use your adnpler when you are in flu: same place (sum as your bedroom or nighr or she kilchm during lhe day) over a long period oilinre. The adaprer provides [maximum power. ~ WARNING: Your adsplers are cqllipped wilh polarized aliemaling eurrenr line plug; (a plug having one blade wider rhan ihe usher). This plug will fit inns lhe power ourler only one way. This is n safely lealure. if you are unable in inserr rhe plug fully inlo llle outlet, lry reversing the plug If the plug slrould'sifll Fail to fir. contact your tkctrlnlan in replacb your obsnlele initial. Must building mdes currently require [inlarlud eleclrieal outlets. Du not defeal lhe safeiy purpose urine polxrlwl plug. - WARNING: The AC adaplers provided wuh rhis monilor should NOT be used with oiher equipment under any oireumsianoes, Do nor use any oiher product's adaplet Willi rhis moniror. Differsni odapiers use differenr amourus of cur-rem. - IMPORTANT: This nursery rnanilor operares over publie airwaves. Tmnsmissions from your Baby's lulil may he picked up by anorher prodnor opemring on ihe same bequency. Your Purenr's unit may ulso pick up unnsrnissions from another product on me same frequency. ii inlerferenae occurs, change BOTH your Baby's and Parent‘s Uniu lo rho ullarnnre frequency channel, - ALWAYS make sure rhai borh mills are on lire same frequency channel. ll is possible for line Purern's Unn (u piek up ihe Baby's Unil even il'llley are on different channels when bolh unirs are close logerher. However, you'll experienm mic and inlerferenze. UL Listed Adapler. FCC Approved. Using Your Evenflu Ultra-Sensitive Monitor Beflm yull 52! up your moniror, read “lmporllmt Safely lmilruciinns" carellrlly and mrnplelely. Setting Up Your Evenflo Ultra-Sensitive Monllm __________.____—-f—— Componcnls: ii Baby's Uni! (lransmincl). Pinem's Unit (receiver). and we AC adapters. 1. Place ohe Baby‘s Uni! wiihin lo feer of your baby. 2. rosiu'on are from of rhe Baby’s Unii toward your baby. Be sure microphone and your baby. 3. Your moniror can broadcast over one efrwo g facinry presei fxequemry channel (A or B). The ' ‘ each unii lie sure born Baby’s rind Parent's Unirs ore on rho same channel. 4. If inrerference is prwcnt, change the ehonnel seuiug nu BOTH Using Your Syslem Succass‘l'ully The Baby’s Unit: 1. much lire AC rdapier in he Baby's Unit, fully exrend die the adnplers included, 2. Turn she unis on using rhe ON/OFF swueh, loeared on she righi side. The red LED power lighr shauld glow. there arsn'l any large objeors blocking The pain berween rhe frequency selling is incurred no she righl side of units. oord, and plug lhe adapier inro a standard willl ourler. Use unly 3. CIlBCk m soc if Ilia Channel is set 10A or B. The Parent’s Unit: 1. Move inro anorher room away from Baby's Unit. Auoch the AC adaprer no she Parent's Univ. fully exrerid she said, and plug lhe ddupl/er imo u slandard wall ouLlel. Use only the adapleis mwifiafifigfifiy (noi included). FCC ID: EHKGISR 2. Be sure borh (ht Baby's ind Parent's Unils are ser on (be same frequeney channel. 3. Using The ON/OF‘F volume swimll laoaled on ihe righl side of lire unil. tum u on. “Di: red LED power llghr should glow. 4. Tire ON/OFF swireh also aonrrols she volume. Adjust rhe volume in your liking. 5 You're nnw ready in rnonilor rill sounds from use nursery. 6. Have an sduli speak inro rhe Baby's Unir ro verify sunnd rrnnsraission. 7. Use headphone jack on Psmnl‘s Unis wirh any srnndard headphone. Use uuliou when sdjusring ihe volume USEFUL TIPS: You may “50 cilhel’ a standard wixll bullet or fine (l)9—vullb:llil>ry (mil included) for ihe Pilreili's Unil, lfyml have inserted the hallcry imc tile unit, it will anwmillicnlly disconnect whorl you’re using lhe aduprer. You do nol need in remove ii. is is hesr or use your law-voltage AC plug-in nduprer (dais comes wirh Llw unil) when you are in she same plaoe over along period of time. For example; - From your bedroom ul nighl. _‘- Frorn a kiichen counlerlop during rho day. on Anal ugw em sure,” (4:1/ m eepe I men, “use, TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ‘ i PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION " unmrligmslgrul Isn’t - virus ucn'l gelling power. - Make sure each urur is pmpedy phlggul inro (he wnll nnrl lire ' working. purlel ls swilclrcd on. i ~ When using bureries wilh lire Pueru's Unii, us sure we udupler ‘ is rlolelleehedllirisumuudrneliplllsdll dwnnlwuvk. ‘ replooe llre lmenies indium lmil on eguin, ‘ Recepl‘oll II prior IIIIE In ' Bllhy's Unll and Pilmnl's Unil ilm lm dlficrcm channcls. ‘ Milk: m thin bail Uniu Ill! lm ihe sum: channel. i slalic llum‘ug or . anus: Ilnll‘chold upplrunoes, eonllesr phvm. fluorescent . ‘lllrrl nfl‘, unplug or move me deurce “is! is causing imeelenncz. ligml of nlmors mly be dismpfing lne sigpel. me problem, - Parent's Unit is ml of effusive NH? ~ Mme ihel’amll'w Unil closer is live Biby‘s UNI. r Pnrznl‘n Unit - Ba '5 Uni! my lwl be pluggal inm I worklng wild or may - (kinds MAC cum lobe Email is working - tuntinlns In bun when M filmed on. ' Check lh: Baby’s Unil m be melt is fin and mind In“) XIlc lullud ml. same lrequeucy channel as |I1l= Pemu'e Unil, i Parcel-s Unit is mulling n - Baby's linil is picking up much from anll'x Unilbecuuse - Move lire Parenl's Unix ul lerrsl ID reelewuy From unflahy'n loud (embank mike. llvey um Ian close in each slim. Unh. - Volume may bum Ian high. > manila volume, Parent’s Bull 3 pIckIng ~ A neighhnr luls. sunilnr baby nrpn‘upr. mlm plmneor - Change lire luequeney cnonuel rim in in line. He sure e up mild! or slafic Irvin WIIIflE mlkle mm is Imnsmilllng ml'lmk ml (be same FM in change il on BOTH lm‘lu, _ 4 pulsirle your lluole or dnmlei. were”... . Wank reuplilm Msmmd, - annl'n Unil may be musk]: of mg Iranxmisiinn range vflhz ~ Skunk bath Unlls ln lm AC nuiiet at ten WIIIi new Baby's UniL pumice ~Anlellnl1 IX col/awl cl llnll islying delL ' Mov: Parent’s Unit chm m Baby's Unit - lanlleries my be week. -Mulue we both lulils end errlennl-s lre sismfing upright lelted Warranty Evepilc Company, luc, Wnrranls [Ills producl m be free from derecls in mlerrel and wnrkmsrlship under normal use {in a period of ONE (l) ycer hum j the due of purrdlune by ale original consumer/buyer, , Evcnflo Company, Inc. will. M ils u‘piiqn, eilhcr repuir or refine lilis producl if Eveline Company. Inc. deems il in he deleclive willrin suclr one (I) year period. A pmduci claimed 10 be de eoriue should he mumad, pompe plepuid. lo llre Eve-lac employ. Inc. Cerisumer nelelrcns llsred below. nlis wulluuly ell-es llui upply lo uny producl rluunugprl due (0 album, ullemlious. damage in lrouril, ruilure lo use uccordiug in insimclicns, improper mainlellapce, connccliunl (0 an improper VLVIIiigC supply, mime or accidmlL REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF TIIE PRODUCT, AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY, IS EVENTLO COMPANY, INC.‘S SOLE LIAIIILI'I'Y IN CONNECTION WITH TIIIS WARRANTY OF THE PRODIICI‘. EXCEPT AS EXPRFSSLY STATED HEREIN, EVENFIO COMPANY, INC. MA Km“, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIEII. WITII RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT, UNLI‘X? REQUIRED IIY LAW TO DU 50. IN NO EVENT SHALL EVENFLU COMPANY, INC, IIE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR IC’OONgEQCTUENTl-AL DAMAGE WITH RESPECT TOANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF THE R 1 Same slales do rlol allow me exciusion or luniluuou of incidental muonsequenlial damages. or alluw limilalimls on Ylvw long an implied‘mmuly lass, so are above lilrliulluns or exclusivn my nol ayply to your Wamnly replucenuenl my be available from your releilee Check willl them am, especially if this is u recenr purchase. To obtain lscooly wammly sewiee lire consumer siren carefully puck and pad llu: conlplele pmducl and send it poslflge plwpnid, lo rile Everdlo Cumpany, Inc. Consumer Relations (address lisred below Proolut pumice inflke l‘nnn ofu hill ofsele meipled involoe or other posillve prcor um the unit ls wlmln iis vmrnnty period Inns! be enclosed. ~ This Mummy gives wll specific Izgill riglus. Yuu uruy also have other rights, which may very hum scuc lo 3mm melmiler inforruulion. comm: Evenl'lo Company. Inc. Cmsunla RcInIimls, IXUI Cnmmace Drive. Piqun, OH 45356 USA. 140072315le » evenflo Even-flu Campiny, lue er... ("Illa m ~ (In mime-ms. I'M-Lu" em us I ”N“ “M For new panel-ms or plller replacement parts eell: 0 me Mn, on,“ rm, Evenflo Company, Inc. lesulnsr Relaliuns, MUD-2335921 mfiff 13-3 "5:an mmm'l’.‘ hull-m Muunnneurxmmmplu or wrilie: 180i Ccmmcmc Drive. Pique, OH 45356 USA. Alsaummm FCC ID: EHK615R
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