GE Free Standing, Gas Manual L0408101

JGBP80SEH2SS JGBP80SEH2SS GE GAS RANGE - Manuals and Guides L0408101 View the owners manual for your GE GAS RANGE #JGBP80SEH2SS. Home:Kitchen Appliance Parts:GE Parts:GE GAS RANGE Manual

User Manual: GE GE Free Standing, Gas Manual GE Free Standing, Gas Owner's Manual, GE Free Standing, Gas installation guides

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Page Count: 56
Safety Instruotions ...... 2-7
Operating Imtrudions
Ahnninum Foil ........... 13
(;lock and Timer ......... 15
Oven ................ 10-26
Baldng and Roasting ..... 13
Broiling, Broiling Guide . .l 4
Oven Controls ....... l 0, l l
Power Outag_ ....... 12, 15
Preheating ............. 13
Sabbath Feaune ...... 19-21
Self-Cleaning ......... 25, 26
Special Feaun_es ...... 17, 18
ThennostatAdjusunent . .22
Timed Baking
arrd Roasting ........... 16
Surt_ace Cooking ........ 8, 9
_4'arming Drawer ...... 23, 24
Care and Cleani_
Broiler Part arrd Grid ...... 30
Burner Assembly ...... 27, 28
Burner Grates ............ 29
Corruol Panel arrd Farobs . .32
Cooktop SurtZace ......... 29
Door Removal ........... 30
()\'err Bottom ............ 30
Oven iJght Replacement . .32
Oven Vents .............. 32
Self-Cleaning ......... 25, 26
Sheh>s ................. 32
Stainless Smel Surfl_ces .... 29
Storag_ Drawer .......... 31
_4'arming Drawer ......... 31
Instructions .......... 33-43
Air Adjustment ........... 42
Ai_ti-Tip Device ....... 36, 43
Checking Burner Ignition . .41
Cormecting the Rang>
to Gas ............... 37-39
Dimensions arrd
Clearances .............. 35
Electrical Connections..40, 41
Leveling the Rang> ....... 42
Location ................ 36
LP ..................... 43
Tips ................ 44-47
Accessories .............. 53
Consumer Support
Support ......... Back Coxer
.. 5 5
Product Registration .. 1,. 2
Warranty for Customers
ira Canada r.r.
............... DD
_'arrantv for Customers
in the U.S.A ............. 54
Write the model and serial
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label on
the front ot the range behind the
warll/ing drawer or storage di'awer.
183D5580P160 49-85073 01-04JR
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion,
electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
WARNING:If the information
in this manual is not followed exactly,
a fire or explosion may result, causing
property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your
Immediately call your gas supplier
from aneighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be
performed by aqualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
All ranges can tip and injury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall by installing the Anti-tip device supplied.
If the Anti-tip device supplied with the range does not fit this application, use the universal Anti-tip
device WB2X7909.
To check if the device is installed and engaged properly, carefully tip the range forward. TheAnti-tip
device should engage and prevent the range from tipping over.
If you pull the range out flom tile wall for any reason, make sure die device is properly engag>d
when you push the range back against the wall. If it is not, there is a possible risk of tile rang>
tipping ox>r and causing inju_ y if you or a child stand, sit or lean on an open door.
Please refer to the Anu-Tip device infollnafion in this manual. Failure to take this precaution
could result in upping of tile rang_ and illjui>
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm, and
requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon
monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by a bluish rather than a yeflow flame, will minimize
incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
Have the installer show you the location of the range gas shut-off valve and how to shut it off if necessary.
Hate your rang_ installed and properly Plug your rang_ into a 190_\_lt grounded
grounded by a qualified installer, in
accordance with the Installation Insuucfions.
Any adjustment and service should be
perfo,_ned only by qualified gas rang>
installers or service technicians.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your range unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
service should be refetTed to a qna]ified
outlet only. Do not remove the round
grounding prong fiom dm plug. If in doubt
about the grounding of the home electrical
system, it is your personal responsibility and
obligation to haxe an ungrounded outlet
replaced wifll a properly gTounded,
d_tee-prong outlet in accordance with
the National Electrical Code. Do not use
an exmnsion cord with this appliance.
Locate the range out of kitchen traffic path
and out of drafty locations to prexent poor
air ciIvulafion.
Be sure all packaging materials are remoxed
flom tile range before operating it to
prexent fire or smoke damage should the
packaging material ignite.
Be sure your range is correctly adjusted by
a qualified service technician or installer for
tile type of gas (natmal or LP) that is to be
used. Your range can be converted for use
with either type of gas. See the Installation
of the range sect.ion.
be made by a qualified service technician
in accordance with die mannlCactuler's
instrucOons and all codes and requirements
of the antboritv having jurisdiction. Failure
m follow fllese instructions could iesult in
seiJons iojm y or property damage. Tile
qualified agen W performing this work
assumes iesponsibility for the conversion.
After prolonged use of a range, high floor
temi)eraulleS m W result and many floor
coxering:s will not wifllstand this kind of use.
Nexer install the range ox_r viw1 tile or
linoleunl that cannot withstand such type
of use. Nexer install it directly oxer intelJor
kitchen carpeting.
Do ,lot leme children alone or unattended
where a range is hot or in operation. They
could be seriously burned.
Do *lot allow anyone m climb, stand or hang
oil the oxen dooI; storage draweL wanning
drawer or cookmp. They could damage the
range and exen tip it oxer, causing severe
personal ilijnry.
CAUTION: temsofinteresttO
children should not be stored in cabinets
aboxe a range or on tile backsplash of a
range---rhildren climbing oil tile rang_
m reach items could be selJonsly iojured.
For your safety, nexer use your appliance
for wanning or heating the room.
Nexer wear loose fitting or hanging garments
while using the appliance. Be carefld when
reaching for items stored in cabinets oxer the
range. Flammable material could be ignited
if brought in contact wifll flame or hot oxen
sniPdces and may cause sexere bni_ls.
Do not store flmnmable materials in an
oxen, a range storage drawe_; a wanning
drawer or near a cooktop.
Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids ill the vicinity of this or any other
Do ,lot let cooking gTease or other
flammable materials accumulate in or
near tile range.
Do not use water on grease fires. Nexer pick
up a flaming pan. Turn die controls off:
Smother a flaming pan oil a surface burner
by coxering the pan completely with a
well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat uay.
Use a multi-puq)ose di T chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher
Flaming grease outside a pail can be put
out by co\ering it with baMng soda or;
if available, by using a multi-purpose di T
chemical or foam-type fire exdnguishen
Flame in tile oven or wanning drawer can be
smothered completely by closing the oxen
door or drawer and turning the control to
off or by using a multi-purpose d Uchemica]
or foam-type fire exdnguishen
Let die burner grates and oilier surfaces
cool before ranching them or leaving them
where childlen can ieach them.
Nexer block tile \ents (air openings) of the
range. They provide tile air inlet and outlet
that are necessa Ufor file range to operate
I)ioperly with conect combnstion. Air
opening_ aie located at file rear of tile
cooktop, at file mp and bottom of tile oven
dooI; and at the bottom of file range nnder
file wanning drawer or storage drawen
Large scrawhes or impacts to glass doors can
lead to broken or shatteied glass.
Use proper pan size--avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat bottoms
large enough to cover burner grates. To avoid spillovers, make sure cookware is large enough to contain
the food properly. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since
heavy spattering or spillovers left on range can ignite. Usepans with handles that can be easily grasped
and remain cool.
Always use the LITEposition when igniting
the top burners and make sure the burners
haxe ignimd.
Nexer leaxe file surface 1)nrners unattended
at high flame setting:s. Boiloxers cause
smoking and greasy spilloxers that m W
catch on file.
Adjust tile top burner flame size so it
does not exmnd 1)evond die edge of tile
cookware. Excessixe flame is hazardous.
Use only d Upot holders--moist or damp
pot holders on hot surfaces may resuh in
bnrlls from smam. Do not let pot holders
come near open flames when lifting
cookware. Do not use a towel or other
bulky c]oti/in place of a pot holder
V_]mn using ,glass cookware, make snle it
is designed for tOlyof-range cooking.
To minimize tile possibility of bums,
igniuon of flammable materials and spillage,
turn cookware handles toward tile side or
back of tile rang> without exmnding oxer
adjacent 1)umers.
Carefldly watch foods being fcied at a high
flame setting.
Always heat l_at slowly, and watch as it heats.
Do not leme any imms on tile cooktop. Tile
hot air flom tile xent m W ignim flammable
imms and will increase pressure in closed
containers, which may cause tilem to 1)nrst.
If a combination of oils or t_atswill be used in
flTing, sos mgetiler before headng or as fats
melt slow]>
Use a deep fat fl/ermomemr whenexer
possible m i)_exent oxerheating fat beyond
file smoking point.
Use tile least possible amount of t_at for
eflective shallow or deeI>fat flTing. Filling
tile pan mo fldl of t_atcan cause spillovers
when food is added.
V_lmn flaming %ods are under die hood,
mm die fan off. Tile t_an, if operating, may
spread tile flames.
Do not use a wok on dm cooking surface
if tile wok has a round metal ling tilat is
placed oxer tile burner gxam to support
tile wok. Tiffs ring acts as a heat trap,
which m W damage tile 1)ni_ler gram and
1)nrner head. Also, it m W cause tile burner
m work improped> Tills may cause a
carbon monoxide level aboxe fllat
allowed by cunent standards, iesulting
in a heahh hazard.
Foods for flTing should be as d Uas possible.
Frost on frozen foods or moisture on fresh
foods can cause hot l_atto 1)ubble up and
oxer tile sides of the pan.
Nexer ti_vm moxe a i)an of hot t_at,especially
a deep t:at riTer _'ait until tile t:at is cool.
Do *lot ]eme plastic imms on tile cookmI>---
tiler may meh if left too close to tile xent.
Kee I) all plastics away flom tile sniPace
To ax_id tile possibility of a burn, ahvays be
certain tilat tile controls for all burners are
at the OFF position and all grams are cool
before atmmpfing to remoxe them.
If range is located near a windoxx, do not
hang long curtains that could blow oxer tile
surface burners and creak a fire hazard.
If you smell gas, ulrn off the gas to tile range
and call a qualified service technician. Nexer
use an open flame to locam a leak.
Alwws mm tile surflme 1)urner controls off
before iemoving cookware.
Do not lift tile cookmp, iJfting tile cookmp
can lead m damage and improper operaOon
of the range.
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly--meat to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°1:and poultry to
at least an INTERNAL temperature of 180°ECooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodbome illness.
Stand away from the range when opening the door of a hot oven. The hot air and steam that escape
can cause bums to hands, face and eyes.
Do ,lot use the oven for a storage area.
hems stored in the o\_n can ignite.
Kee I) tire oxen flee flom gxease buildup.
Place tile oven sheh'es in the desired
position while file oven is cool.
Pulling out tile shelf m tile stoi>lock is a
convenience in lifting hem?' foods. It is also
awecaufion ag_dnst bm_ls flom ranching
hot surfaces of tire door or ox>n walls. The
lowest position is *lot designed m slide.
Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and rite container
could bnrst, causing an injm>
Nexer use alnminnn_ foil m line fire oxen
bottom. Improper use of foil could start
a fire and result in high carl)on monoxide.
Do not use almninum foil an_,here in the
oven except as described in this manual.
Misuse could result in a fire hazard or
damag> m the rang_.
When using cooking or roasdng bags in the
oxen, follow the manufitcturer's directions.
Do IIOt rise vonr ox'en to dUnewspapers.
If oxerheated, they can catch fire.
Use only glass cookwate titat is
recommended for use in g_s oxens.
Always remox> the broiler pan flom rang_
as soon as you finish broiling. Grease left in
fire pan can catch rite if oxen is used without
removing dte grease flom tire broiler pan.
When broiling, if meat is mo close m tile
flame, die l_atm W ignim. Trim excess l_atto
prevent excessive flareqq)s.
Make sine the broiler pan is in place
correctly m reduce the possibility of
grease fires.
If you should haw a grease fire in the broiler
pan, press tile C/EAR/OFFpad, and kee I)
tile oven door closed to contain rite until
it burns ont.
For safety and proper cooking per%nnance,
always bake and broil with the oxen door
Be sure to wipe off excess spillag> be%re
self-cleaning operation.
Before self-cleaning tim oven, remove
tile broiler pan, grid and other cookware.
Nickel oven shelxes (on some models)
should be remoxed from tile ox>n before
beginning the self-clean cycle.
Gr W potvelain-coated oven sheh>s (on some
models) m W be cleaned in the ox>n dining
the self-dean wcle.
Do not clean the door gasket. The door
gasket is essential for a good seal. Care
should be token ,lot to rub, damag> or
move the gasket.
Clean only parts listed in this Owner's
If tim self-cleaning mode malflmctions,
turn the oxen off and disconnect the power
supply. Haxe it serviced by a qualified
Do ilot use oxen cleaners. No commercial
oxen cleaner or oxen liner of any kind
should be used in or around any part of
tim oxen. Residue flom oxen cleaners will
damage the inside of tile oxen when the
self-dean cycle is used.
Tile pul])ose of tile wanning drawer is Do not touch the heating element or the interior
to hold hot cooked foods at serving
ten/peramre. Always start wifll hot food;
cold food cannot be heated or cooked
in tile wanning drawer
Do not use tile wanning drawer m di T
newspapers. If ox>rheamd, they can catch
on 11Ie.
Do not ]eme paper products, cooking
utensils or food in the warming drawer
when not in use.
surface of the warming drawer. Tilese suiPaces
may be hot enough to bum.
REMEMBER: Tile inside surface of the
wanning drawer m W be hot when the
drawer is opened.
Use care when opening tile drawer Open
the drawer a crack and let hot air or smam
escape before removing or replacing food.
Hot air or smam which escapes can cause
burns to hands, lace and/or eves.
Never lem>jars or cans of fitt dripping:s in
or Ileal your warnling drawei:
Always keep wooden and plastic umnsils
and canned food a safe distance away from
your wanning drawer.
Do not warm food in the wanning drawer
for more than two hours.
Do not use aluminun_ tbil to line tile dims,ei:
Foil is an excellent heat insulator and will
trap heat beneath it. Tilis will upset tile
performance of tile drawer and it could
damage tile interior finish.
Usingthe gas surfaceburners.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
Before Lighting a Gas Burner
Drip pans are supplied with your range;
thev should be used at all times.
Make sure all burne_ are in place.
Make sure all grates on the range are
properly placed befilre using any burnei:
After Lighting a Gas Burner
Do not operate tile burner fin" an
extended period (it time with(lut
cookware on tile grate. Tile finish on
the grate may chip without cookware
to absorb tile heat.
Be sm'e tile bm'ne_s and grates are cool
before you place yore" hand, a pot holder;
cleaning cloths or other mamrials
(Ill thelIl.
Push the control knob in and turn it
to the LITEposition.
How to Light a Gas Surface Burner
Make sure all tile sm_i_ce burne_ are
placed in their respective positions.
Push tile control knob in and ttlrn it
to the LITE position.
Ylu will hear a little clicking noise---
tile so/md ot tile electric spark igniting
tile bm'ne_:
Turn tile knob to a(!just tile flame size.
If the knob stays at LITE, it will continue
to click.
X_l/en one bm'ner is turned to LITE,
all tile bm'ne_ spark. Do not attempt to
disassemble or clean aro/md anv bm'ner
while another burner is on. An electric
shock may result, which could cause wlu
to knock over hot cookware.
Medium Small
Large Large
Sealed Gas Burners
Yore" gas range cooktop has ffmr sealed
gas burners. They otter convenience and
fle_bilitv to be used in a wide range ot
cooking applicati(ms.
Tile smallest bm'ner in tile right rear
position is tile simmer bm'ne_; This bm'ner
can be tllrned down to a very low silili//er
setting. It provides predse cooking
perfimnance fin" delicate toods such as
sauces or fi)ods that require low heat flit"
a long cooking time,
Tile medimn (left rear) and tile lmge
(left fl'ont and right ti'ont) b/m_e_ are tile
primm T bm'ne_ flit most cooking. These
general-pull)ose burnei_ can be turned
down fl'om HIto tO to suit a wide range
ot cooking needs.
How to Select Flame Size
Forsafe handlingof cookware, neverlet the flames
extend upthe sides of the cookware.
_Mmh tile flame, not tile knob, as you
reduce heat. When ti_st heating is desired,
the flame size on a gas bm'ner should
match the cookware vou are using.
Iqames larger than tile bottom of tile
cookware will not result in fi_ster heating
of tile cookware and could be hazardous.
Top-of-Range Cookware
Aluminum: Medium-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly
and e_enl_. Most foods brown e_enlv in an
ahmfinum skillet. Use saucepans with tight-
fitting lids when cooking with minimum
_lIIlO/Ints of ]g_lteI:
Cast-Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will
give satislactorv results.
Enamelware: Under some conditions,
tile enai/lel of SOille ('ookw;iYe ill}iv i//elt.
Follow cookware iilan/ifilCttlrei"s
recommendations fl)r cooking methods.
Glass: There are two types of glass
cookware--those fi)r oven rise only and
those tot u)i>of-range cooking (saucepans,
coffee and teapots). Glass conducts heat
ve_' slowly.
Heatproef Glass Ceramic: Can be used fi)r
either sm_hce or oven cooking. It conducts
heat very slowly and cools vex_' slowly: Check
cookware i/l_lnttlilCttli'er's directions to be
sure it can be used on gas ranges.
Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poor
heating properties and is usually combined
with coppe_; ahmfinum or other metals for
improved heat distribution. Combination
metal skillets usually work satisfi_ctorilv if
they are used with medium heat as the
Ill_l n/llil Ct[li'er recoii/iilends.
Stove Top Grills
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed
gas burnex_. If you use tile stove top grill
on tile sealed gas burnex; it will cause
incomplete combustion and can result
in expos/lre to c_lrbon ii/onoxide levels
above allowable cmTent standards.
Thbcanbehazardousto yourhealth.
Usea flat-bottomedwok.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthatyouusea 14" orsmaller
flat-bottomedwok Makesurethewokbottom
sits flatonthegrate.Theyareavailableat your
Onl) a fiat-bottomed wok should be used.
Do not use a fl}lt-bottoilled wok Oil }1
support ring. Pladng tile ring over tile
burner or grate may cause tile burner
to work improperl> resulting in carbon
monoxide levels above allowable standards.
This could be dangerous to yore" health.
In Case of Power Failure
In case of a power fifilure, you can light
tile gas sm'fi_ce burne_ on w)m" range with
a match. Hold a lit match to tile burne_;
then push in and ttlYn tile control knob
to tile LITEposition. Use extreme caution
when lighting bm'ne_ this way,
Sm_i_ce bm'nets in use when an electrical
power fifilm'e occms will contintle tO
operate noli/lallvk,
Usingthe ovencontrols.(onsome models)
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
0 0
(on models with number pads only)
OvenControl,Clockand TimerFeatures
Touch this pad to select tile bake flulction.
Touch this pad to select the broil flulction.
Shows tile till/e of day, oven tei/lpei'attli'e,
whether tile oven is in tile bake, broil or
self:cleaning nlode and tile tiines set for
tile [iI/ler or atltOlllatic {)veil operations.
On sonle nIodels, it will also show wamiing
di'awer settings.
If "F-anda numberorletter"flashinthedisplayandthe
ovencontrolslgna& thisindicatesa functionerrorcode.
/f yourovenwassetfora t/knedovenoperationand
Thetimeof daywill flashinthedisplaywhentherehasbeen
If "Err"appearsinthedisplay,youhavetriedtoseta timeor
temperatureoutsideof thecontro/#bruits.TouchCLEAR/OFF
Onmodels with an oven deerlatch, if thefunctionerror
is movedto thewht asfaras it wi//go.
Touchthe CLEAR/OFFpad.Allow ovento coolforonehour
Putovenbackintooperation.If functionerrorcoderepeats,
disconnectpowerto rangeandcall forsen/ice.
Touch this I)ad to cancel JILL {)veilalterations
except tile clock and tiIneI; and wamiing
drawer settings.
Touch this pad and then ttIuch tile nuinber
pads to set tile aI//Otlnt oil tillle Vail l_;lllt VO/lr
fi)od to cook. Tile oven will shut off when tile
cooking tiIne has run {)/It.
pads to set tile oven to start and stop
aumInaticallv at a tinIe u)/t set.
Touch this pad to turn tile o;en light on
or {) JJ_'.
Touch this pad to select tile tiiner teatuI'e.
Touch and hold this pad, until tile display
changes, to set tile clock.
Must be touched to start any cooking or
cleaning fimction, and _mniIlg drawer settings
(on some II-lo(lels).
oNumber Pads
Use to set nile, ][illl(fion I'e(ltliI'ing_ ntllllbeI3
such as dine of day on tile clock, fiIneI; {)veil
tenlperature, internal fi)od tenlperature, start
dine and length of operation fi)r tiIned
baking and self-cleaning.
OWARMING DRAWERPad (on some models)
Touch this pad and then touch ntlillber
pads 1-3 to tlse tile wamiing di'awei: See tile
Usingthe electric warming drawer section.
Touch this pad to select self:cleaning
flulction. See tile Usingthe self-cleaningoven
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
(on models with + and -pads only)
OvenControl,Clockand TimerFeaturesand Settings
BAKE Pad @
Touch this pad to select the bake timcfion.
Touch dfis pad to select die broil fimcfion.
Shows the time of day and the time set for
the fime_;
If "F--and a number or letter" flash in the display
and theoven controlstgna& this indicates a
If yourovenwassetfora tlYnedovenoperation
Thetkneof daywill flashinthedisplaywhen
Touch this pad and then touch the 4- or -
pads to set the amount of time you want
your food to cook. The oven will shut off
when the cooking time has run out.
Touch this pad to select the timer teatm'e.
Touch and hold this pad, until the display
changes, to set the clock.
Must be touched to start any cooking or
cleanino lilnction.
Short taps to this pad will decrease the
time or temperature b)' small amounts.
Touch and hold the pad to decrease the
time or temperature by larger amounts.
Short taps to this pad will increase the time
or temperature by small amounts. Touch
and hold the pad to increase the time or
temperature b)' linger amounts.
Touch this pad to cancel ALL oxen
operations except the clock and time_:
Touch this pad and the +or - pads to
delay the starting of your oven up to 9
hotu_ and 59 minutes.
Touch this pad to select the self:cleaning
flmction. See the Usingthe self-cleaning
oven section.
Touch this pad to turn the oxen light on
OI" OJ[]['.
Usingthe oven.
Toavoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
The shelves have stoic-locks, so that when
I)laced correctly on tile shelf supports
(A through E), they will stop befln'e
coming completely out, and will not tilt.
\,\]/en placing and removing cookware,
pull tile shelf out to tile bum l) on tile
shelf' SUl)port.
Toremove a shelf, pull it toward you, tilt tile
ti'ont end up and pull it out.
TOreplace, l)lace the end of the shelf
(stopqocks) on the sui)port, tilt up the
front and push the shelf in.
NOTE: Theshelf is not designed toslide out at the
specb/ low shelf (R)position.
Ttie oven has 5 shelf positions.
It also has aspecial low shelf
position (R)for extra large items,
such as a large turkey.
Plasticitemson ttie cooktopmay
meltif left tooclose to ttie venL
Oven Vent
_ur (wen is vented through ducts at tile
rear ot the range. Do not block these ducts
when cooking in the oven--it is important
that the flow of hot air from the oven
and fl'esh air to tile oven burner be
tminterrul)ted. Avoid touching tile vent
ol)enings or nearby SUlti_ces during oven or
broiler operation--they may become hot.
becomehot if left toodose to thevenL
cooktop--theymaymeltorigniteif left tooclose
to thevenL
whichmaycausethemto burst.
Metalitemswill becomeveryhot if theyareleft
Power Outage
attempt to operate the electric i_?nitionoven
during an e/ectricalpower failure.
Tile oven or broiler cannot be lit during
a power fifihu'e. Gas will not flow unless
the glow bar is hot.
If tile oven is in use when a power fifilure
occtllS_ tile oven btlI'neI" shtlts off and
cannot be re-lit until power is restored. This
is because tile flow of gas is autonmficallv
stopped and will not _esume when power
is resu)red until the glow bar has reached
operating temperature.
Oven Light
Touch tile OVEN LIGHTpad on tile upper
control panel to turn tile light on or off'.
If your model has a door latch, do not lock the oven door with the latch during baking or roasting.
The latch is used for self-cleaning only.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
Your oven is not desl#ned for open-door cookl)_g.
[] Touch tile BAKEpad,
[] T(mchthe+or-l)ads (onsoine
models) or the nmnber pads (on s()me
models) until the desired temperature
is displayed.
Touch the STARTpad.
Typeof Food Shelf Position
Frozenpies(oncookiesheet) BorC
Angelfoodcake, B
Biscuits,muffins,brownies, C
Casseroles BorC
Roasting RorATheoven has aspecial low shelf(R)
position just above the oven bottom.
Useit when extra cooking space is
needed, for example, when cooking
a large turkey. The shelf is not
designed to slide out at this position.
Tile word ON and 100" will be displayed.
_s tile oven heats up, tile display will show
tile changing temperatm'e. _,_q/en tile oven
reaches the temperature you set, a tone
will seined.
touchtheBAKEpadandthenthe+or- pads(on
toget thenew temperature.
[] (_heck fl)od fi)r d(meness at minim um
time on recipe. Cook longer if
necessa i'v:
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking is coinplete.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat tile oven it tile recipe calls for it.
To l)reheat, set tile oven at tile correct
temperature. Preheating is necessary fl)r
good results when baking cakes, cookies,
past_ T and breads.
Forovens without a preheatibdlcator //_ht or tone,
preheat 10minutes.
Baking results will be better if baking pans
are centered in the oven as much as
possible. Pans should not touch each other
or the walls of the oven. If you need to use
two shelves, stagger the pans so one is not
direcflv above the othe_; and leave
appro_mately 1½" between pans, fl'om
the fl'ont, back and sides of the wall.
Cut slits in the foil just like the grid.
Aluminum Foil
Never cover the oven bottom wi_h
aluminum foil.
You can use ahmfinum fl)il to line the
broiler pan and broiler grid. Howe\'el;
you must mold the foil tightly to the
grid and cut slits in it just like the grid.
_Mmninmn flfil may also be used to catch
a spillove_: To (lo so, place a small sheet of
fifil on a lower shelf several inches below
tile fi)o(l.
Never entirely cover a shelf with ahmfinum
fi)il. This will disturb tile heat circulation
and result in poor baking.
Oven Moisture
_&sw)m" (wen heats up, tile temperatm'e
change ot the air in the oven may cause
water droplets to titan on the door glass.
These droplets are hamfless and will
e\;q)orate as tile oven contintles to heat Ill), 13
Usingthe oven.
If your model has a door latch, do not lock the oven door with the latch during broiling.
The latch is used for self-cleaning only.
Always use the broiler pan and grid
that came with your oven. It is
designed to mflTimizesmokflTgand
spatterflTgby trappflTgjuices f17the
shielded lower part of the pan.
How to Set the Oven for Broiling
[] Place the meat or fish on the broiler
grid in the broiler pan.
[] Follow suggested shelf positions in the
Broiling Guide.
[] Tile oxen door must be closed during
[] Touch the START pad.
[] X,_hen broiling is finished, touch the
Serxe the food immediately and leaxe the
pan outside the oxen to cool (hu_no_ the
meal tot easiest cleaning.
[] Touch tile BROILHI/LOpad once for
HI Broil.
To change,to LOBroil, touch the
BROILHI/LOpad again.
Use LO Broil t() cook foods such as p()ult_)'
or thick cuts of meat thoroughl} without
oxe>browning them.
Broiling Guide
The size, weight, thickness,
starting temperature and Food
VOIII"preference ot aloneness Bacon
will affect broiling times.
This guide is based on ineats GroundBeef
at refl-igerator temperature. Well Done
tThe U.& Department of Agriculture Beef Steaks
says "Rare beef is popular, but you RarU
should bTow that cooking it to only Medium
14O°Emeans some food poisoning Well Done
organisms may survive." (Source:
Safe Food Book Your Kitchen Guide
USDARev. June 1985.)
Theoven has 5 shelf positions.
Well Done
Pork Chops
Well Done
Well Done
Well Done
1/2 lb.
(about 8 thin slices)
1 lb. (4 patties)
1/2 to 3/4" thick
1" thick
1 to Ibs.
1½" thick
2 to 2YzIbs.
1 whole
2 to 2½ Ibs.,
split lengthwise
4 hone-inbreasts
6 to 8 oz.each
1/4 to I/2" thick
1" thick
1/2" thick
2 (1/2" thick)
2 (1" thick} about 1 lb.
2 (1" thick} about 10
to 12 oz.
2 (1½" thick)about 1 lb.
First Side
Time (rain.)
12 15
25 30
13 16
Second Side
Time (rain.)
7 10
10 12
16 18
10 15
12 14
Arrange in single layer.
Space evenly. Up to
8 patties take about
ti_e same time.
Steakslessthan 1" thickcook
through before browning.
Panfrying is recommended.
Brusheachsidewith melted
butter.Broil skimsidedown
Cutthrough backof shell.
melted butter before broiling
and after half of broiling
Handleand turnvery
carefully.Brushwith lemon
butter beforeand during
cooking, if desired. Preheat
broilerto increasebrowning.
*See illustration for description of shelf positions.
Usingthe clock and timer,
Not all features are on all models.
Makesure theclockis set to the
correct time of da_¢
To Set the Clock
Tile clock must be set to tile correct time
of (la_ fin" tile automatic oven timing
flmctions to work i)roperly. Tile time ot day
cmmot be changed dtwing a timed baking
or self=cleaning cycle.
[] Touch and hold tile TIMER/CLOCK pad
tmtil tile display changes.
[] Depending on which model )ou haxe,
you will set tile clock by touching
either tile +or - or tile number pads.
Touch tile number pads tile same wa))ou
read them. For example, to set 12:34, touch
tile number pads I,2, 3 and 4in that order:
If nmnber pads are not touched within one
minute after you touch tile TIMER/CLOCK
pad, tile display reverts to tile original
setting. /t this hal)pens, press and hold tile
TIMER/CLOCKpad and reenter tile time
of day:
[] Touch tile STARTpad until tile time
of day shows in tile display: This ente_
tile time and starts tile clock.
Tocheckthetl_neof daywhenthedisplayis
the TIMER/CLOCKpaduntilthetl_ne/sdisplayed
Thet/meof dayshowsuntilanotherpadis touched
Thetimer is a minutetimer onl_¢
TheCLEAB/OFFpad does not affect
To Set the Timer
Thet_Ynerdoes not control ovenoperations.
Themaximum setting on the timer is 9 hours
and 59 minutes.
Touch tile TIMER/CLOCK pad.
Touch tile +or - or tile number pads
tmtil tile mnolmt of time you want
sho_vs in tile display: The maim um
time that can be entered in minutes
is 59. Times more than 59 minutes
should be changed to hems and
minutes. For example, to enter 90
minutes as 1 hour 30 minutes, touch
I, 3 and 0 in that order:
If youmakeam/stake,touchthe TIMER/CLOCK
[] Touch tile START pad. _dter touching
the STARTpad, SET disappeaxs; this
tells w,u tile time is COlmfing down,
although the display does not change
tmtil one minute has passed.
[] _._q/en tile timer reaches .'/70,tile
control will beep 3 times fi)llo_ed by
one beep every 6 seconds tmtil tile
TIMER/CLOCKpadis touched.
The6 second tone canbe canceledby following
thesteps in the Specialfeatures of your ovencontrol
section under Tonesat the Endof a TimedCycle.
To Reset the Timer
If tile display is still showing tile time
remaining, you may change it by touching
tile TIMER/CLOCKpad, then touch tile +or
- or tile number pads tmdl tile time you
want appea_ in tile display.
If tile remaining time is not in tile display
(clock, delay start or cooking time are in
the display), recall the remaining time by
touching tile TIMER/CLOCK pad and then
touching tile number pads to enter tile
new time VOtl w;Int.
To Cancel the Timer
Touch the TIMER/CLOCKpad twice.
Power Outage
If a flashing time is in the display,you have
experienceda power failure.Resetthe clock.
To reset tile clock, touch and hold tile
TIMER/CLOCK pad until the display changes.
Enter tile correct time of day l)y touching
tile ÷or - or tile ai)propriate nmnber
pads. Touch tile START pad. /5
Usingthe timedbaking and masting features.
If your model has a door latch, do not lock the oven door with the latch during timed cooking. The latch is used for
self-cleaning only.
NOTE" Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to s# for
more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an lmmediate Start and Automatic Stop
Theoven will turnon immediately and cookfor a
selectedlength of flYne.At the end of the cooking
time, the oven will turn off autornatica/ly
[] Touch tile BAKEpad.
[] Touch the +or - or the nmnber pads
to set tile desired o_en temperature.
[] Touch the COOKING TIME pad.
NOTE:If your recl_)erequkespreheating, you may
need to add additional tl?neto the length of the
V_ Totl('h the +or - or the nt/illber pads
to set the desn'ed length of cooking
time. Tile minimum cooking time pm
can set is 1 minute and the maximum
is 9 houI_ and 59 ininutes.
The oven temperatm'e that um set and
tile cooking time that you enmred will be
in the display.
[] Touch tile START pad.
Tile oven will turn ON, and tile display will
show tile cooking tinle CO/lntdown and
the changing temperature stinting at 100°E
(The temperature display will start to
change once the {)veil [eIlll)eKIttlI'e reaches
lO0°E) When tile oven reaches tile
temperature you set, 3 beeps will sound.
Tile oven will contintle to cook for tile set
anlount of time, then turn off automatically,
tmless the cook and hold featm'e was set.
See tile Special features of your oven control
_Mter tile oven turns off; tile end-of=cycle
tone will so/md.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
the displa) if necessax T, Remove the
t()od fl'oi//tile oven. Uei//elllbei; even
though tile oven turns off automaticall>
food left in file oven will (_mtinue
cooking aftei" tile o'_en ttli'llS O_l}_
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Theoven will turnon at the tl?neof day youset,
cook for a specifc length of tl?neand then turn off
Make S/lI'e tile dock shows tile ('oFi'e('t
time of day.
[] Touch tile BAKEpad.
[] Touch tile +or - or tile nmnber pads
to set tile desired oxen temperature.
[] Touch tile COOKING TIME pad.
NOTE:If your recl_)erequkespreheating, you may
need to add additional tl?neto the length of the
cooking time.
[] Touch tile +or - or tile nt/IllbeY pads
to set the desired length of cooking
time. The minim um cooking time you
can set is 1 minute and tile maim um
is 9 hom_ and 59 minutes. Tile oven
temperature that w_u set and tile
cooking time that you entered will
be in the display:
[] Touch tile DELAYSTARTpad.
[] Touch tile +or - or tile ntlI//beI" pads
to set tile time of day you want tile
{)veil to ttlFn {Ill and st_lYt cooking.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
NOTE:If you would like to checkthe tl?nesyouhave
set, touch the BEL4Y STARTpad to checkthestart
tl?neyou haveset or touch the COOKING TIME
pad to check the length of cookl)_gtkne youhaveset
_._qleIl tile oxen turns ONat tile dine
of da) you set, the display will show the
cooking time countdown and tile cham,in-_6
temperatm'e ,startino_at 100°E (Tile
temperatm'e display, will start to change
once the oxen temperature reaches 100°E)
"_._q/enthe oxen reaches the temperature
you set . beeps x_allspired.
The oxen will continue to cook fi)r the set
amount of time, then turn off automaticall_
tmless the cook and hold featm'e was set.
See the Special features of your oven control
_MteI"tile oxen ttlrns Off, tile end-of:c_cle
tone will sound.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
tile display if necessm 3. Remoxe tile
food fl'om tile oven. Remember; even
though tile oxen turns off automaticall),
food left in file oxen will continue
c{_{_kingafter tile oxen ttlliiS off.
Special featuresof your ovencontrol,
Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features and
how you may activate them.
The special feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day. They remain in the
control's memory until the steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, touch the STARTpad. The special features will remain in memory after
a power failure.
12 Hour Shut-Off
With this feature,should youforget and leave the []
oven on, the control will automatically turn off the
oven after 12hours dunbgbaking functionsor after
3 hoursdunbga broil function.
If you wish to turn OFF this teattlI'e, ti)llow
the steps bellow. []
[] Touch the BAKE and BROIL HI/tO pads
at the same time f'm 3 seconds tmtil
the display shows SF.
Touch tile DELAYSTART pad. Tile
display will show 12shdn (12 hour
shut-off). Touch tile DELAYSTARTpad
again and the displa} will show no shdn
(no shut-off).
Touch the START pad to actixate the
no shut-off and leave the control set in
this special featm'es mode.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontrol is set to usethe Fahrenheit [] Touch the BROIL HI/tO and COOKING
temperatureselections,but you maychange this TIMEpads at the same time. The
to use the Celsiusselections, displa} will show F(Fahrenheit).
[] Touch the BAKE and BROIL HI/LO pads [] Touch the BROILHI/LO and COOKING
at tile same time fb_ 3seconds tmtil TIMEpads again at tile same time.
the displa} shox_s SE The displa} will show C(Celsius).
[] Touch the START pad.
Tonesat the End of a Timed Cycle
At the end of a flYnedcycle,3 short beeps will
soundfollowed by one bee/)every 6 secondsuntil
the CLEAR/OFFpad is touchecLThiscontinual
6-second/)eel)may be cance/ecL
To cancel tile &second beep:
[] Touch the BAKE and BROILHI/tO pads
at tile same time I'm 3 seconds tmtil
tile display shows BE
[] Touch the BROILHI/LOpad. The
displa) shows CON BEEP(continual
beep) and BEEP. Touch the BROIL
HI/tO pad again. The display shows
BEEP. (This cancels the one beep
e\'erv 6 seconds.)
[] Touch tile START pad.
Changing the Speed of the Increase or Decrease Pads
setflbga timeortemperature,youmaynoticethe
displaychangesslowly Thisspecialfeatureallows
To set tile speed you preter fi)llow tile steps
[] Touch the BAKE and BROILHI/LO pads
at the same time f))_ 3 seconds tmtil
tile display shows SE
[] Touch the ÷pad. The display will show
you a set speed between 1 and 5.
[] Touch tile +pad to increase tile speed
up to tile ntm_ber 5.
Touch the - pad to decrease the speed
down to tile ntm_ber 1.
[] Touch STARTto acfix ite tile setting
and leaxe the control set in this special
featm'es mode.
Special features ofyourovencontrol
12-Hour,24-Hour or Clock Blackout
Your control is set to use a 12-hour cloct_
li you would preier to have a 24-hour
militar_ dine clock or black out tile clock
displa), fi)llow the steps below.
[] Touch tile BAKE and BROIL HI/tO
pads at tile same time for 3 seconds
tmtil tile displa) shows SF.
[] Touch tile TIMER/CLOCKpad once,
Tile display will show 12ht: If this
is tile choice xou want, touch tile
START pad.
Touch tile TIMER/CLOCK pad again to
change to tile 24-hem" military time clock,
Th e display wil 1sh ()w 24 fit:. If this is th e
choice you want, touch tile START pad.
Touch tile TIMER/CLOCK pad again to black
out the dock display, The display will show
OFF If this is tile choice you want, touch
tile START pad,
NOTE:If theclockis in theb/ack-outmodeyouwill
notbeableto usetheDelayStartfunction.
Cook and Hold
Your new control has a cook and hold feature that
keeps cooked foods warm for up to 3 hours after
the cookingfunction is finished
This feature can only be used when dined
To activate this ti_atm'e, follow tile steps
[] Touch tile BAKE and BROIL HI/LO pads
at tile same time fi)r 3 seconds until
tile display shows SF
Touch tile COOKING TIME pad. Tile
display will show Hid OFF
Touch tile COOKING TIME pad again
to acfixate tile teatm'e. Tile displa) will
show Hid ON.
Touch tile STARTpad to acfix Ke tile
cook and hold feature and leave tile
control set in this special teatm'es
Ill ode.
Oven Lockout (on models with +and -pads)
Yourcontrolwill allowyoutolockout thetouchpads
so theycannotbeactivatedwhenpressed
[] Touch tile BAKE and BROILHI/LOpads
at tile same time for 3 seconds tmtil
tile displa) shows SF.
[] Touch tile SELFCLEAN pad. Tile displa)
will show LOC OFF
Touch tile SELFCLEANpad again.
Tile display will show LOCON.
[] Touch tile STARTpad to acfix _te tile
oxen lockout featm'e and leaxe tile
control set in this special featm'es mode.
\_]/en this teatm'e is on and tile touch pads
are touched, tile control will 1)eep and tile
display will show LOC.
NOTE: The oven lockout mode wi// not affect the
Control Lockout (on models with number pads)
Yourcontrol will allow you to lock out the touch
pads so they cannotbe activated when touched
or cleaning thepanel.
To lock tile controls:
[] Touch tile 9and 0touch pads at tile
same time for 3 seconds tmtil tile
control beeps twice. Tile display will
show tOC continuously and tile time
NOTE:Aft cookingand tlYningfunctionswill be
cancelledwhen locking out the control.
[] To tmlock tile control, touch tile
9and 0touch pads at tile same time
for 3 seconds until tile control beeps
twice, and LOC will be removed fl'om
tile display:
of (Ira if not blacked out.
Usingthe SabbathFeature.(onmodelswithnumberpads)
(Designed for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Hofidays)
The Sabbath feature can be used for baking/roasting only. It cannot be used for broiling, self-cleaning or
Delay Start cooking.
NOTE: The oven light comes on automatically (on some models) when the door is opened and goes off when the
door is closed. The bulb maybe removed. See the Oven Light Replacement section. Onmodels with a light switch
on the control panel, the oven light may be turned on and left on.
ilii iiii@ !iii
ii(ZI(ZI(Z)(Z}( ¸:
When the display shows Dthe
oven is set in Sabbath. When the
display shows D c the oven is
How to Set for Regular Baking/Roasting
Make sure the clockshows the correct time of day
and the oven is off
] Touch and hold both the BAKE and
BROIL HI/LO tlads, atthe same time,
until the display sho/*/s SF
] "[_lt, the DEIAYSTARTt/ad until
SAb bAtH _q/pears in the display'.
] "['ou(h the STARTt/ad and D willat/pear
in the (tistlla" _
] Tou(h the BAKE pad. No signal will
b(! _]_,, (!l/,
] l,-ISillg tile I//llIlbeF pads, ellter the desired
temi)(!l'_lttlre b(ft/'vre(fll 170° and 550 °.
No sigllal or tel//I)el'_tttllX_ will be }2,J'_en.
] Touch the START pad.
[_] ?diet ;_rim(tom dela} t/eriod at
at)t/_oxim;_tely 30 se(onds to 1 minute,
D C will _l])lle;-u: ill ill(' display in(ti(ating
that tile (l_m is baking/resisting. If D c
doesn't appem: in tile displa?, start ag'ain
at Ste M) 4.
To a(!iust tile oven temperatm'e, touch tile
BAgEpad, enter tile new temperature using
tile mmK)er pads mid touch tile STARTpad.
arc _l(ti_(' (truing tile Sabll_lth/i.'at HI:('.
i @i!i
i:i@ i!ii!iii
When the display shows Dthe
oven is set h7Sabbath. When the
display shows D c the oven is
How to Set for Timed Baking/Roasting--Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Using the mmg)er pads, enter the desired
Make sure the clock shows the correct time of doll FR ]
and the oven is off, tel//i)el_lt tll;e. No sigqlal O1" t(tlIlt)(tF_tt Hre will
] "lbu(h and hold both the BAKE and
BROIL HI/LO tlads, at the same time,
m/Ill the display shows SF.
_] Tap tile DEIAYSTARTtlad m/Ill
SAb bAtH _,pt)ears in tile display.
] "Ibu(h the START tlad and D will atlpear
in the distlla}'.
[] "lbu(ll tile COOKING TIME pad.
] "lbu(h tile numb(w pads to set the desired
length of (ookil)g time b(!|/V(!(fll 1 min/ne
and 9 hom:s mid 5(.) minutes. The cooking
time that you emered will be displayed.
] "lbu(h the START tlad.
] "lbu(h the BAKEpad. No siglml will
b(! gJ_, el/,
Tottcll tile START pad.
Ati(r a n,n(tom delay tleriod of
at)ill oximately 30 se(on(ls to 1 minute,
D c will appear ill tile dist)l_Lv indicating
that the oven is baking/roasting. If D c
doesn't appear in tile display, start again
at Sw l) 7.
To at!just the oven temperature, touch tile
BAKEpa(t, emer tile new temtler_mm' using
tile Immber pads and touch tile STARTt);_d.
When (()()king is finished, the displ m will change
/i'om D c to D mid O:O0_ill at)peru; in(ti(;_ting
that tile ovell ]l_ts ttll;l/('(t OFF but is still set in
Sabbath. Remove tile cooked/ood.
How to Exit the Sabbath Feature
[] "lbu(h the CLEAR/OFFp;_d.
] lI the o'_en is (ooking, wait tbr a randonl
(lela} period oI apilroximatel" _ 30 se(onds
to 1 min/_te,/mtil only _ is in the (tispla}.
]"Ibu(h mid haM both the BAKE mid
BROIL HI/LO tlads, at the same time,
tmtil the (tispla} shows SF
I_ "[hi) the DELAY START tlad until 12shdn or
no shdn _qlllem:s in the dist)la } 12shdn
indi(_m's theft the ov('n ',','ill auton/_ti(allv
tunl off_,fler 12 hours, no shdn indi(_,t(,s
theft tile ov(,n will not +mtOlnati(Mlv turn oil
]Tou(h the START tlad.
NOTE: If a power outage occurred while the oven was
in Sabbath, the oven will automaticafly turn off and stay
off even when the power returns. Theoven control must
be reset.
"'-;--usingthe SabbathFeature.(onmodelswith+and- pads)
(Designed for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays)
The Sabbath feature can be used for baking/roasting only. It cannot be used for broiling, self-cleaning
or Delay Start cooking.
NOTE,"The oven light comes on automatically when the door is opened and goes off when the door is closed.
The bulb maybe removed. See the Oven Light Replacement section. On models with a light switch on the
control panel, the oven light may be turned on and left on.
! @; i¸ i
When the display shows Dthe
oven is set f17Sabbath. When the
display shows D c the oven is
How to Set for Regular Baking/Roasting
NOTE: Tounderstandbow the oven control works,
practice using regular baking (non-Sabbatb)before
entering Sabbathmode.
Make sure the clock shows the correct time of day
and the oven isoff
] Touch and hold both the BAKE and
BROIL HI/LO p_ds, at the same time, umil
the display shows SF,
] "[_t11the DELAYSTARTtla(tm/tJl
SAb bAtH al)llears ill tht! disllla }
] Toulh tilt STARTpad and D will al)llear
ill the (list)lay.
] Toulh the BAKE tlad. No siglml will
be gJ'_ (!l l,
] The preset starting temtlerature will
amomad( _dlv tie st t to _YS()°. Tap
the +or -pads to increase or decrease the
tt'l/ll)t'lTat tll'e ill 2_ ° il/Cl?l'l//l'l/|S. Tilt'
temlleraulre can tie set between 170 ° and
550 °. No signal or temt)emture will be
] Touch die STARTpad.
],\ffer a random delay t)eriod of
atltlroximatel" _30 seconds t/) 1minute,
m m will al)llear ill die (tislll_y indilating
that tl/e ()\ell is baking!roasting. IfD C
does not apt)ear ill the (tistlla }, start again
at step 4.
"Ii) a(!iust tile ()\el/ teml)et_mn:e, touch tile
BAKEpad and t;_p the +or -llads to increase
or dctrcase the temlXT_mlre ill 25 ° intrements.
Touch tile STARTtlad.
m:c at tJ'+e(hn:ing the S;ffll)ath/k'atm'e.
When the display shows Dthe
oven is set h7Sabbath. When the
display shows D c the oven is
How to Set for Timed Baking/Roasting--Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
NOTE: Tounderstand bow the ovencontrol works,
practice using regular (non-Sabbath)Immediate Start and
Automatic Stop before entedng the Sabbathmode.
Make sure the c/ockshows the correct time of day
and the oven is off
] Touch and hoM both the BAKE and
BROIL HI/LO llads, atthe same time, until
the (tistlla } shows SE
] "[ht1 the DELAYSTARTpad until
BAh bAtH _qlpears ill dw display.
] Tou/h the START tlad and D will atll)ear
ill the distlla }
]"['ou/h dw COOKING TIME t)ad.
Touch dw +or -t)ads to set the desired
length of looking time t/em,+een 1 minute
and 9 hours and 59 minutt s. The cooking
time that you entered will 1)e dist)layed.
"[bu/h die START tlad.
Touch the BAKEt)ad. No sig_lal will
b(! gJ'_ el/,
The llreset Sml:dng ten/t)eratul:e will
automati( all_ be set to 35() '_.[:all the
+or - pads to increase or det Tease tile
temperature ill 25 ° increments. The
tel/ll)erattll:e call tie set tletweell 170 °
and 550 °. No sig,nlal or temt)eratm:e
will be given.
Touch the START pad.
]Miera mndonl dela} lleriod oI
tt tlloxim t ely _0 se(onds to 1 minute,
m m will _lt)t)em: ill die display in(lit_ldng
that the oven is tl+&ing/roasdng.
IfD C does not at)t)ear ill the display,
start ag_dn at step 7.
To a(!iust tl/e ()\ell temperature, touch tile
BAKEllad and tall the 4-or -llads to increase
or decrease the temllerature ill 25 ° increments.
Touch tl/e STARTllad.
When cooking is tinished, the (listlla }, will
change/i'om D m to D and O:OOwill be
(tislllayed, indicating that tile o\en has ulmed
OFFbut is still set ill Sabl)ath. Remove the
cooked tood.
How to Exit the Sabbath Feature
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad.
[] If tile oxen is cooking, wait fin" a
rmMom dela)period of approxinmtel)
30 seconds to 1 minute, until only D is
in the display,
[] Touch and hold beth the BAKE and
BROIL HI/LO pads, at the same time,
until tile display sho_vs SF.
[] Tap tile DELAYSTARTpad until
12 shdn or no shdn appeax_ in tile
display. 12shdn indicates that tile oven
will automatically turn off atter] 2
hom_./IO shdnindicates that tile oven
will not automatically turn off.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
NOTE."If a power outage occurred while tile
oven was in Sabbath mode, the oven will
automatically turn off and tile oven control
must be reset,
Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourself!
Youmay find that your new oven cooks differently than the one #replaced. Use your new oven for a few weeks to
become more familiar with it. If you still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the thermostat yourself.
Do not use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores, to check the temperature setting of your oven.
These thermometers may vary20-40 degrees.
NOTE" This adjustment will not affect the broiling or the self-cleaning temperatures. The adjustment will be retained
in memory after a power failure.
To Adjust the Thermostat (onmodels with number pads only)
[] Touch tile BAKE and BROILHI/LO pads [] Tile o_en temperature (an be a(!justed
at tile same time for 3 seconds tlntil tip _lS II/tlch _lS_4.;)°F OI down aS II/tlch
tile display sho_:s SE
Touch the BAKEpad. A two digit
ntunber shows in the displa);
Touch BAKE once to decrease (-)
the t)ven teiill)ei';lttli'e _ oi" twice to
increase (+),
as 35°E Touch the number pads the
same wa) you read them. For example,
to change the oxen temperature 1:14,
touch Iand 5.
_'_hen you haxe made tile a(!justment,
touch the START pad to go back to the
time of da) displa). Use _our oxen as
_()tl wotfld nolillallv;
To Adjust the Thermostat (onmodels with ÷or -pads only)
[] Touch the BAKE and BROIL HI/LO pads
at the same time tor 3 seconds imtil
the display shows SE
[] Touch tile BAKEpad. _. two di-it
number shows in the display:
[] _._/eil }()u ha',e inade the a(!justinent,
touch the START pad to go back to the
time of day display. Use %our oxen as
VOII would II()II//all_.
[] The oven temperatm'e can be a(!iusted
up as much as 35°F or down as much
as 35°E Touch the +pad to increase
the temperature by 1 degree
increments. Touch the -pad to
decrease the mmperamre by 1 degree
Thetype ofmargarine will affect baking performanc!!
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high fat products such as butter or margarine (80% fat). If you
decrease the fat, the recipe may not give the same results as with a higher fat product.
Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with low fat spreads. The lower the fat
content of a spread product, the more noticeable these differences become.
[_e(lei'al standards require l)roducts labeled "margarine" to contain at least 80% lilt by weight. Ix)w tilt spreads, on tile
other hand, contain less tilt and more water: The high moisture content (ff these spreads affects the mxtm'e and flavor
of baked goods. For best restflts with u)ur old tilvorite recipes, use margarine, butter or stick spreads containing at least
70% vegetable oil.
Usingthe electric warming drawer. (onsome models)
The warming drawer will keep hot, cooked foods at serving temperature. Always start with hot food. Do not use to heat
cold food other than crisping crackers, chips or dry cereal.
To Use the Warming Drawer (on models equipped with press pads)
[] Touch the WARMING DRAWER pad.
"Hot" and "1" are lit on the displa)and
"Set" begins to blink.
[] On the nmnber pad, touch Ifin" I,ow,
2for Medium or 3fi)r High.
The display "1" changes corresponding
to the xmmber pad selected.
[] Touch the START pad.
"Hot" and the number remain lit.
"Set" stops blinking.
To cancel, touch the WARMING DRAWER
pad. NOTE: Touchingthe CLEAR/OFFpad does
not turn the warming drawer off
Number Pad Setting ]
1 Lo(pies)
2 Med(casseroles)
3 Hi(meats)
Thewarming drawer cannot be useddunng
a self-dean cycle.
Thewarming drawer has three settings. 1,2 and
3. Thesesettings maintain different temperature
levels in the warming drawer
Onsome mode/s, if using the ovenat thesame
time as the warming drawer,the ovensetttngs
only will be displayed
i ii
Control Knob (on models equipped with a knob)
Push and tm'n the control knob to any ON Signal Light
desired settin ,
NOTE:The wamfing drawer should not
be used dm_ing a self:clean cycle.
LO ......................... Pies
Medium (mid-position
on the knob) ............ Casseroles
HI ........................ Meats
The ONsignal light is located ab_we the
control knob and glows when the knob is in
the on position. It stays on tmtil the knob is
moved to the OFFposifion.
When Using the Warming Drawer
The wamfing drawer will keep hot, cooked
foods at se_Mng temperature. Mwa):s start
with hot food. Do not use to heat cold
food other than crisping cracke_, chips
or dlw cereal.
Do not line the warming drawer or pan with
aluminum foil. Foil is an excellent heat
insulator and will trap heat beneath it. This
will upset the performance of the drawer
and could damage the interior finish.
Preheat prior to use according to these
recommended times:
Setting 1/LO ............ 15 minutes
Setting 2/Medium ........ 25 minutes
Setting 3/H1 ............. 35 minutes
Do not put liquid or water in the
wamfing (h'awe_:
For moist foods, cover them with a lid
or almninmn fifil.
For crisp foods, leave them uncovered.
Food should be kept hot in its cooking
contninei" oi" transtelTed to a heat-sate
serving dish.
CAUTION: la t,ccontalneraor
plastic wrap will melt if In fikect contact with the
drawer,pan era hot utensil Me/ted p/astlc maynot
be removableand isnot covered underyour warranty
Remove sep,'ing spoons, etc., before
placing containe_ in wamfing drawe_:
Usingthe electric warmingdrawer. (o,so?e?odels_
Rack will fit from front to back.
Pan (on some models) Rack (onsomemode/s)
F,,,.Do ,,sei"thei,,the d,'.we,",),,1,, !Use tile skle handle edges to lift tile
pan in and out of the drawer fi_r ease
of cleaning.
:::, Do not put liquid or water ill tile
wamling pan. For use ill the wamling drawer only.
Do not use ill the (Well.
Preheat with tile rack ill place.
Using the rack allows tot double stacking
of items.
Temperature Selection Chart
To kee I) several different fi)ods hot, set tile control to tile fi)od needing tile highest setting.
Place tile items needing tile highest setting on tile botton/ of tile drawer and items
needing less heat on tile rack.
Tile temperature, _'pe and alnount of
tood, and tile time held will affect tile
quali Vof tile fi)od.
Food ill heat-sate glass and glass-ceramic
utensils may need a higher control setting
as compared to fi_od ill metal utensils.
Repeated opening of tile drawer allows
hot air to escape and tood to cool.
Mlow extra time for tile temperature
inside the drawer to stabilize after
adding items.
With laige loads it may be necessai T to
use a higher themlostat setting and
cover SOllle ot tile cooked tood iteIl/S.
Do not use plastic containeiN or
plastic wrap.
]FoodType ControlSetting ]
Bacon 3/HI
Breads 2/Medium
Casserole 2/Medium
Chicken,fried 3/HI
Eggs,scrambled 2/Medium
Fish 3/HI
Gravy,sauces S/HI
Ham 3/HI
Muffins 2/Medium
Onionrings 3/HI
Pies 1/LO
Pizza 3/HI
Potatoes,baked 3/HI
Potatoes,mashed 1/LO
TortillaChips 1/LO
^,.CAUTION:Donot*ee foodin
warming drawer formore than two hours.
To Crisp Stale Items
Place food ill hm_si(led dishes or pans.
Preheat on I/LOsetting.
Check crispness after 4:5 minutes.
Add time as needed.
To Warm Serving Bowls and Plates
To warn/serving bowls and plates, set the
conrad on I/LO.
Use only heat-sale dishes.
Place empty dishes on the rack to raise
thenl off' tile bott()m (ff tile drawei:
Placing dishes on the wam/ing drawer
bottolll ll/}lY cause theI/1 to becoi/le
extremely hot and could (lamage them.
If you want to heat fine china, please
check with the lnanufilcturer ot the
dishes tot their nmxinmm heat tolerance.
You may waml emlm' seiMng dishes while
preheating tile drawer.
When hoMing hot, cooked toods and
wam/ing emlm' seiMng dishes at tile
same time, place tile seiMng dishes on
tile rack and tile fi_od on tile bottom of
tile dl'a wel:
,_ CAUTION:D,sheswillbeho_.Use
pot holders or mitts when remownghot dishes.
Usingthe self-cleaning oven.
If your model has a door latch, never force the latch handle. Forcing the handle will damage the door lock mechanism.
The oven door must be closed and all controls set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
Before a Clean Cycle
]For the ti_t selL:clean cycle, we recommend
venting your kitchen with an open window
or using a ventilation tim or hood.
Remove tile broiler pan, broiler grid, all
cookware and any aluminum toil from tile
oven--they cmmot withstand tile high
cleaning temperatures.
If vom" oven is equiI)ped Mth nickel oven
shelves, remove them befiwe you begin
tile sel6clean cycle.
If vom" oven is equiI)I)ed Mth gray
porcelain-coated oven shelves, tile)' may
be left in the oven (hwing the sel6clean
Do not clean tile gasket. Tile fiberglass
material of tile oven door gasket cannot
withstand abrasion. It is essential fin" tile
gasket to remain intact. If wm notice it
becoming worn or ti'ayed, replace it.
_]I)e up any hea\ 3' spillove_ on tile oven
Make sure tile oven light bulb cover is in
place and tile oven light is off.
IMPORTANT'.Tile health of some birds is
extremely sensitive to tile tirades given off
(hwing tile selfZcleaning cycle of any range.
Move birds to another well ventilated room.
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
[] If ,_ore" model has a latch, latch
tile (loo_:
[] Touch tile SELFCLEANpad.
[] Using the +°r - °r the number I)ads'
enter tile desired clean time, if a time
other than 4 horns and 20 minutes is
Clean cycle time is nommllv 4 horns and
20 minutes. You can change the clean time
to any time between 3 hom_ and 5 horns,
depending on how di_y yore" oven is.
[] Touch tile START pad.
On models Mthout a door latch, the door
locks automatically: The display will show
the clean time remaining. It will not be
possible to open tile oven door tmtil
tile temperature drops below tile lock
temperature and tile LOCKEDDOOR light
goes off.
The oven shuts off automaticallv when the
clean cycle is complete.
[] X,_hen tile LOCKED DOOR light is off,
slide tile latch handle to tile left as tin"
as it will go and open tile doo_: If w_m"
range does not have a latch, tile door
will tmlock automadcallv.
Tile words LOCKDOOR Mll flash and tile
oven control will signal if you set the
clean cycle and tinget to close the oven
door or tor get to latch tile door on
models with a latch.
To stop a clean cycle, touch tile
light goes off indicating the oven has
cooled below the locking temperature,
unlatch the door (on models with a
latch) and open the dora:
Usingthe self-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and all controls set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
How to Delay the Start of Cleaning
Make sure the clock shows the correct time
Ot day.
[] If _our model has a latch, latch
the doo_:
[] Touch the SELFCLEANpad.
[] Using the +or - or the number pads,
enter tile desired clean time.
[] Touch the DELAYSTARTpad. The
earliest start time _ou can set will
appear in tile display.
[] Using the ÷or - or the number pads,
enter tile time of day you want tile
clean cycle to start.
[] Touch the START pad.
[] When tile LOCKED DOOR light is off,
slide tile latch handle to tile lett as tin"
as it will go and open the (h)o_: If yore"
ranoe does not haxe a latch, the door
will tmh)ck automatically.
Tile words LOCKDOOR will flash and tile
oven control will signal if you set the
clean cycle and forget to close the oven
door or fi)rget to latch the door on
models with a latch.
To stop a clean cycle, touch the
CLEAR/OFFpad. _]/eil tile LOCKEDDOOR
light goes off indi(ating the oven has
cooled below the locking temperature,
unlatch the door (on models with a
latch) and open the dora:
On models without a door latch, the door
locks automatically: The display will show
the start time. It will not be possible to open
tile oven door tmfil tile temperatm'e drops
below the lock temperattn'e and the
LOCKEDDOORlight goes off]
Tile oven shuts off automatically when tile
clean cycle is complete.
After a Clean Cycle
Y)u ma_ notice some white ash in tile o_en.
X_ipe it up with a damp ch)th after the
ox, en cools,
ff white spots remain, remove them with a soap-
filled scouringpad and nbse thoroughlywith
a vinegarand water mlkture.
These deposits are usually a salt residue
that cannot be removed bv the clean cycle.
If the oven is not clean after one clean
c',cle repeat the c)cle.
You cannot set the oven fi)r cooking until
tile oxen is cool en(moh for tile door
to unlock,
X_l/ile file oven is sel6deaning, you (:m
touch tile TIMER/CLOCKpad to display
the time ot Ore'. To remm to the dean
c()tmtdown, touch tile COOKINGTIME pad.
If the shelves become hard to slide,
apply a small amotmt of vegetable oil or
cooking oil to a paper towel and wipe
the edges of the oven shelves with the
paper towel.
Careand cleaning of the range. _CEA_,i..cescom
Be sure electrical power is off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the range.
If your range is removed for cleaning, servicing or any reason, be sure the anti-tip device
is re-engaged properly when the range is replaced. Failure to take this precaution could
result in tipping of the range and cause injury.
_lectrode ,
Sealed Burner Assemblies
Turn all controls OFF before removing the
burner parts and drip pans.
The burner grates, caps, burner heads and
drip pans can be lifted off, making them
easy to clean.
cooktop without all burnerparts, drippans and
grates in place.
The electrode of the spark igniter is
exposed when the bm'ner head is
removed. _*\]/ell one burner is turned
to LITE, all the burnei_ spark. Do not
attempt to disassemble or clean
around any burner while another
bm'ner is on. An electric shock may
result, which could cause you to
knock ovei" hot cookware.
Drip Pans
pans. Drip pans can be cleaned in a
dishwasher or b_ hand.
X&q_enreplacing the drip pans, make sure
they are in the correct position.
To get rid of bm'ned-on fi)od, place them
in a covered container (or plastic bag)
with l/4 cu l) ammonia to loosen the soil.
Then scrub with a soap-filled scorning pad
if necessa_ w.
pans in a self-cleaningoven.
Careand cleaning of the range.
Burner Caps and Heads
NOTE: Before removing the burner caps
and heads, remember their sloe and location.
Replace them in the same location after
Usea sewing needleor twist-tie
to unclogflTesmallholein the
Burner caps
IJfl off when cool. _\'ash burner caps
in hot, soapy water and rinse with clean
water: You me} scour with a I)lasfic scouring
pad to remoxe bm'ned-on fi)od particles.
Burner heads
For proper ignition, make sm'e the
small hole in the section that fits oxer the
electrode is kept open. A ,sewim,_needle
or wire twist-tie works well to tmclog it.
Thesilts in the burnerheads must be keptclean
at aft times for an even, unhamperedflame.
Clogged or dim' burner po_Is or electrodes
_ill not allow the bm'ner to operate properly;
A W spill on or arotmd an electrode must
be carefifll) cleaned. Take care to not hit an
electrode with an){hing hard or it could
be damaged.
Y_)u should clean the burner caps and
bm'ner heads routinely, especially alter bad
spillove_s, which could clog the openings
in the bm'ner heads, i.ifl offwhen cool.
To remove bm'ned-on fl_od, soak the
bm'ner heads in a solution of mild liquid
detergent and hot water for 20-30 minutes.
For more stubboi]l stains, use a toothbrush.
After cleaning
gef_)re )uttino the burner ca )s and heads
back, sll,ake out excess water l,nd then dr,
them thoroughl_ b_ setting in a wam_ oxen
ti)r 30 ininutes.
NOTE:Do not use steel wool or scouringpowders
to dean the burners
P,eplace burner heads over the electrodes
on the cooktop, in the correct locations
according u) flmir size.
Meiiumhead small I,gd
;;: Fro,,t of ran
Largehead Largehead
Make sm'e the slot in the bm'ner head is
positioned oxer the electrode.
Replace the matching size caps onto the
heads. There is one small, one medium
and two large caps.
Mediumcap Smallcap
Largecap Largecap
Make sm'e that the heads and caps are
replaced in the correct locations,
Burner Grates
i,ift out when cool. Grates should be
washed regularly and, of com_e, alter
spill_vei_. _'ash then/in hot, soapy water
and rinse with clean water: When replacing
the grates, be sm'e they are positioned
securely over tile b/lFnelB.
Do not operate a burner for an extended
period of time without cookware on the
grate. The finish on the grate may chip
without cookware to absorb tile heat.
To get rid of bm'ned-on food, place the
grates in a covered containe_; Add ]/4 cup
ammonia and let them soak several l/om_
or overnight. Wash, rinse well and d_,':
_Mthough they are din'able, the grates
will gradually lose their shine, regardless
of the best care you can give them. This is
due to their continual exposm'e to high
temperatm'es. _m will notice this sooner
with lighter color grates.
NOTE:Donot cleanthegrates in a self-cleaningoven.
To avoid damaging tile porcelain enamel
surfi_ce of tile cooktop and to prevent it
fl'om becoming dull, clean up spills right
away D)ods with a lot of acid (tomatoes,
sauerkraut, fl'uitjuices, etc.) or leeds with
high sugar content could cause a dull spot
if all_m'ed to set.
When tile sm'fi_ce has cooled, wash and
rinse. For other spills such as tilt spatterings,
etc., wash with soap and water once tile
surfilce has cooled. Then rinse and polish
with a (hw cloth.
NOTE:Do not store flammablematerials in
an ovenor near the cooktop.Donot storeor
use combustl_le materials, gasolineor other
flammable vaporsand liquids in the vicinitv
of this or anyother appliance.
NOTE."Do not lift the cooktop.Lii_lbgthecooktop
can leadto damageand improper operation of
Stainless Steel Surfaces (onsome models)
Do not use a steel-wool pad; it will scratch
the surface.
Shake bottle well.
Place a small amo/mt of CEIL_dMA
BRYTE _>Stainless Steel Appliance
Cleaner on a damp cloth or damp
paper towel.
Clean a small area (appro_matel)
8" x 8"), rubbing with tile grain of tile
stainless steel if applicable.
D_) and buff with a clean, (hT paper
towel or soft cloth.
] Repeat as necessarv:
NOTE: If a mineral oil-based stainless steel
appliance cleaner has been used before to
clean tile appliance, wash tile s/m'i_ce with
dish soap and water prior to using tile
CEI_L_dMA BRYTE e>Stainless Steel Appliance
Cleane_: _Mter washing tile sml'hce with dish
soap and _%'_lteI; rise a genei'o/is _llllO/lnt of
CEI_L_dMA BRYTE e>Stainless Steel Appliance
Cleaner to clean tile appliance.
To Order
To order CEIL_dMA BRYTE '_Stainless Steel
Appliance Cleane_; please call ore" t()ll-li'ee
National Parts Center 800.626.2002
Stainless Steel Appliance
Cleaner .................... # PM10X317
Careand cleaning of the range.
Lift thedoorstraightupandoff
The gasket is designed with a gap
at the bottom to allow for proper
air circulation.
Donot rub or clean the door gasket--
it has at?extremely low resistance
to abrasion.
If you notice the gasket becomfl?g
won?, frayed or damaged fl?any way
or if it has become displaced on the
door, you should have it replaced.
Lift-Off Oven Door
Theoven dooris removable,but it is heavy Youmay
needhelp removingand replacing the door.
Toremove the door, open it a fbw inches to
the special stop position that will hold the
door open. Grasp firefly on each side and
lift the door straight up and off the hinges.
NOTE:Be careful not to place handsbetween the
hinge and the oven door frameas the hinge could
snap backand plhch fingers.
Toreplace the door,make sure the hinges
are in the special stop position. Position
the slots in the bottom of the door squarely
over the hinges. Then lower the door
slowly and evenly over both hinges at the
same time./t the hinges snap back against
the oven fl'ame, pull them back out.
Toclean the inside of the door:
Do not allow excess water to i'[in into
any holes or slots in the doo_;
Because the area inside the gasket is
cleaned during the self clean wcle, you
do not need to clean this bv hand. Any
soap left on the liner causes additional
stains when the oven is heated.
The area outside the gasket can be
cleaned with a soap-tilled scom_ing pad.
Toclean the outside of the door:
Use soap and water to thoroughly clean
the top, sides and ti'ont of the oven door.
Rinse well. Yim may also use a glass
cleaner to clean the glass on the outside
of the door.
Spillage ot marinades, fl'uitjuices, tomato
sauces and basting materials containing
adds Illay cause discoloration and should
be wiped up immediately: _4]_en the
surti_ce is cool, clean and rinse.
Do not use oven cleanels, cleansing
powde_ or hm_h abrasives on the
outside of the doo_:
Oven Bottom
The oven bottom has a porcelain enamel
finish. To make cleaning easier; protect
the oven bottom fl'om excessive spillove_s
by placing a cookie sheet on the shelf
below the shelf you are cooking on. This is
particularly important when baking a fl'uit
pie or other fi_ods with a high acid content.
Hot fl'uit fillings or other fi_ods that are
highly acidic (such as tomatoes, sauerkraut,
and sauces with vinegar or lemon juice)
Illay Catlse pitting and damage to the
porcelain enamel surfi_ce and should be
wiped up immediately:
"_.Vedon't recommend using aluminum fifil
on the oven bottom. It can affect air flow if
the holes are blocked and it can concentrate
heat at the bottom ot the oven, resulting in
poor baking i)erfimnance.
To clean iiI) spillove_s, use soap and water;
an abrasive cleaner or soap-tilled scouring
pad. Rinse well to remove any soap beflwe
Broiler Pan and Grid
_Mter broiling, remove the broiler pan fl'om
tile oven. Remove the grid fl'om the pan.
Carefully pour out grease fl'om the pan
into a proper containe_: "_._hshand rinse
the broiler pan and grid in hot wamr
with a soap-tilled or plastic scouring pad.
If fl)od has burned on, sprinkle the grid
with detergent while hot and cover with
wet paper towels or a dishcloth. Soaking
the pan will renlove burned-on foods.
The broiler pan and grid may be cleaned
with a comlnercial ()\/ell cleanei:
Both the broiler pan and grid can also be
cleaned in a dishwasher;
Do not store a soiled broiler pan and grid
anywhere in the range.
pan or grid lb a self-cleanlhgoven.
Warming Drawer Rack (onsomemodels)
Clean the rack with detergent and water:
Atter cleaning, rinse tile rack with clean
water and dr) with a clean cloth.
Warming Drawer Pan (onsomemodels)
The wamfing drawer has a rem(wable pan
fi)r easy cleaning.
Remove tile pan, using tile side edge
handles and clean it with detergent and
water. _Mier cleaning, rinse with clean water
and (ha' with a clean cloth. Replace tile pan
in tile wamfing (h'awe_:
Removable Warming Drawer (onsomemodels)
electricalpowersupplyat thehousehold
switchingoff thecircuitbreakerMakesure
the warmingdrawerheatingdementis cool.
Toreplace the warming drawer:
[] Place tile left drawer rail arotmd tile
imler left rail guide and slide it in
slightly to hook it.
[] Place tile right di'awer rail ai'otlnd tile
tuner right rail guide and slide it in
slightly to hook it.
Most cleaning can be done with tile drawer
in place. However, tile drawer may be
removed if fiu'tl/er cleaning is needed. Use
soap and waml water to thoroughly clean.
[] Slide tile drawer all tile wax in.
Toremove the warming drawer:
[] Pull tile drawer straight out tmtil
it stops.
[] Press tile left rail release up and press
the right rail release down, while
)ullino tile drawer fi)rward and fl'ee.
Thestorage drawer may be removed
for cleaning under the range.
Removable Storage Drawer (onsomemodels)
andflammablematenalib thedrawer
Tile storage drawer may be removed
tor cleaning under the range. Clean the
storage drawer with a damp cloth or
sponge. Never use harsh abrasives or
scom_ing pads.
To remove storage drawer:
[] Pull drawer straight ()lit tmtil it stops.
[] Tilt the front of the drawer up and
fl'ee of the range.
Toreplace storage drawer:
[] Set tile stops on tile back of tile drawer
oxer tile stops in tile range
[] Slide drawer exenly and straight back,
so that the rails in the range are
Careand cleaning of the range.
Ventappearance and location var,A
OvenAir Vents
Never block tile vents (air openings) of file
hinge. Tile} plxMde tile air inlet and outlet fllat
are necessary' ti/r file range to operate properly
with correct combustion.
,Jdr opening._ are located at file rear of
tile cooktop, at tile top and bott(im of tile
oten door and at file bottonl of tile range,
under file storage drm_r or warrMng drm_r
(depending on tile rrlodel).
Pulltheknobstraightoff thestem.
Lower Control Panel (Front Manifold Panel) and Knobs
It's a good idea to wipe tile control panel after
each use of file oten. Use adamp cloth to clean
or rinse. For cleaning, use mild soap and water
or a 50/50 soludon ofvineg_ar and _ttel'. For
rinsing, use clean _twr Polish dr_ with a soft
Do not rise abrasive cleansers, strong liquid
cleaners, plastic scouring pads or oten cleaners
on tile control panel--the} will damage tile
Tile control knobs mat be removed tk)r easier
cleaning. To rerrio\e a knob, pull it straight off
tile ster|-I. If knob is difficult to rer|-|ot e, place a
towel or dishcloth bet\_een tile knob and conrad
panel and pull gentl}. ]\ilsll tile knobs ill soap
and water or a vinegar and hot water solution.
Metal parts call be cleaned with soap and watel:
Do not use steel w_ol, abnlsives, arru-rlonia, acids
or con/n/ercia] oten cleaners. Dry with a soft
Do not bend knobs by pulling then/up or do_n
or by,bang,Jng<a towel or other such loads. This
can damage tile g_,ls_,abe shaft.
Oven Shelves
If your o\en is equipped Mth nickel oven
sheltes, thet should be I_moted ii'om the ()tel/
beiiwe beginning tile self:clean cycle.
To clean tile nickel shekes, use an abnlsit e
cleanser Mter cleaning, rinse tile shelves with
clean _lter and dlv with a clean cloth. If tile
sheltes ever becorl-le haM to slide, wipe tile shelf
edges or ()tel/shelf supports with vegetable oil.
If your oven is equipped with gray porcelain-
coated shelves, thet may be cleaned ill the oten
during tile sell:clean c}cle.
They may also be cleaned b} using all abnlsive
cleansel: Mter cleaning, rinse tile shel\es with
clean water and dr_ wifll a clean cloth. If tile
shekes ever become haM to slide, wipe tile shelf
edges or ()tell shelf supports with vegetaNe oil.
Wire cover holder.
Oven Light Replacement
lightbulb,disconnecttheelectricalpowerto therangeat
themainfuseorcircuitbreakerpanel.Besureto let the
Tile oven light bulb is covered with a removable
glass corer that is held ill place with a bail-
shaped wire. I_.emove tile oven dooI, if desired,
to leach cover easily.
VT] Hold ahand under tile (o,,er so it doesn't
i fidl when released. With fingers of the same
band, firrMy push back tile Mre coxer
bolder. I,itt off tile cover.
] Do not touch hot bulb Mth a wet cloth.
Replace bulb with a 40-watt household
appliance bulb.
[] Place it into the groove of the light
receptacle. Pull tile wil_ tiwward to file
center of tile corer until it snaps into place.
When ill place, tile wire holds the cover
firmly. Be certain tile wile is ill tile
depression ill file center of file covel:
] Connect electrical t)o_r to tile hinge.
32 thecover.
I Installation Instructions I Range
Iffyou have questions, call 1.800.GE.CARESor ,isit our _:ebsite at:
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
This product must be installed by a licensed phunber
or gas fitter.
• When using ball-type gas shut-off valves, they shall be
tile T-handle type.
A flexible gas c(mnectm; when used, must not exceed
3 tibet.
Read these histructions completely mid caxefully.
Installation of this range must conform with local
codes, or in the absence of local codes, with the
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA.54,
latest edition. In Canada, installation must conform
with the current Natural Gas Installation Code,
CAN/CGA-B149.1 or the current Propane Installation
Code, CAN/CGA-B149.2, and with local codes where
applicable. This rmlge has been design-certified by
CSA International according to ANSI Z21.1, latest
edition and Canadian Gas Association according to
CAN/CGA-1.1 latest edition.
As with any appliance using gas and generating heat,
there are certain safety i/recautions you should follow.
You will find these i_recautions ill tile Important SMetl/
Information section in the ti'ont of this inanual. Read
them carefldlv.
IMPORTANT - Sa',etheseinstructions
fin" local electrical inspector's use.
IMPORTANT -Obser,,eallgoxerning
codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with tile Consumei:
• Note to Consumer -Keep these insti'ucfions fi)r
filtuI'e reference.
• Note - This appliance Inust be propedy grounded.
Servicer - The electrical diagrmn is in an era'elope
attached to the back oI the range.
• SMll level - Installation of this ai)pliance requires basic
mechanical skills.
Proper installation is tile resi)onsibili _' of tile installei:
Product tifihu'e due to ilni)roi)er installation is not
covered under the X_'_ri'antv:
Anti-Tip bracket kit 33
Do not store or use combustible materials, gasoline or
other flammable vapors mid liquids hi the vicinity of this
or rely other applimlce.
If you smell gas:
Open windows.
Don't touch electrical switches.
Extinguish any open flame.
hmnediatelv call your gas suppliei:
Flat-blade screwdriver
_::_ s ; U:S:: :5_" ................
Pencil and ruler
Pipe wrenches (2)
(one for backup)
Drill, awl or nail
• Gas line shut-off wflve
• Pipe joint sealant or Ui,-ai_proved pipe thread tape
with Teflon':: that resists action ot natural and I,P gases
Flexfl)le metnl appliance connector (1/2" I.D.)
A 5-fl)ot length is recommended fin" ease of installation
but other lengths are acceptnble. Never use an old
connector when installing a new range.
Flare union adapter for connection to gas sui)ply lille
(3/4" or 1/2" NPT x 1/2" I.D.)
Flare union adapter fiir connection to i)ressure
regulator on range (l/2" NPT x 1/2" I.D.)
• Liquid leak detector or soap)' wateI:
• I_g bolt or l/9" O,D, sleeve anchor (fiw concrete
flo(._ ()Ill)').
*Teflon: Regist( red tl-,Memark of DuPont
Installation Instructions
Read these hls_'uctions completely and caxefully.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
maJntenmlce can cause injury or property damage. Refer
to this mmmal. For assJstaa_ce or additional information,
consult a qualified installer, service agency, mmmfacturer
(dealer) or the gas supplier.
Never reuse old flexible connecting. The use of old
flexible connecto_ can cause gas leaks and personal
ii_iuu: _Mwavs use NEW flexible connectm3 when
installing a gas appliance.
IMPORTANT -Reinoxe all packing
material and literatm'e fl'om oven bet0re connecting gas
and electrical supply to range.
CAUTION -t),,n.t ,t emptt,,operate the
oven ot this range dining a power tifilm'e (Electric
Ignition models only).
Have yore" range installed by a qualified installer;
Your range must be electrically grotmded in
accordance with local codes m; in the absence of local
codes, in accordance with the National Electrical Code
(ANSI/NFPA 70, latest edition). In Canada, electrical
grotmding must be in accordance with tile current
CSA (722.1 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 and/or
local codes. See Eloctrical Connoctions in this section.
getore installing yore" range on linoleum or any other
synthetic floor covering, make sure the floor covering
can withstand 180°F without shrinking, wmping or
discoloring. Do not install the range over cmpeting
unless a sheet of 1/4" thick plywood or similar
insulator is placed between the range and caq)eting.
Make sm'e the wall coverings aro/md the range can
withstand heat generated by the range up to 200°E
Avoid placing cabinets above tile range. To reduce tile
hazard caused by reaching over tile open flames ot
operating bm'ne_, install a ventilation hood over the
range that proiects tin'ward at least 5" beyond the fl'ont
of the cabinets.
The ventilating hood must be constructed (ff sheet
metal not less than 0.0122" thick. Install above the
cooktop with a clearance of not less than 1/4" between
the hood and the trade,side (ff the combustible
material or metal cabinet. The hood must be at least as
wide as the appliance and centered over the appliance.
Clearance between the cooking sm_i_ce and the
ventilation hood sm_i_ce MUST NEVFII BE LI_NS
EXCEPTION: Installation ot a listed microwave oven or
cooking appliance over the cooktop shall conflmn to the
installation instructions packed with that appliance.
If cabinets are placed above the range, allow a
minimum clearance of 30" between tile cooking
sm_hce and tile bottom of tml)rotected cabinets.
If a 30" clearance between cooking surface and
overhead combustible material or metal cabinets
cannot be maintained, protect the tmde_ide ot the
cabinets above the cooktop with not less than 1/4"
insulating millboard covered with sheet metal not less
than 0.0122" thick. Clearance between the cooking
suYlace and promcted cabinets MUST NEVER BE
Tile vertical distance fl'om tile plane _ff tile cooking
sm-lhce to tile bottom of a(!iacent overhead cabinets
extending closer than 1" to the plane ot the range
sides must not be less than 18". (See tile l)imonsions
and Cloarancos illustration in this section.)
CAUTION -Itelns of interest to children
should not be stored in cabinets above a range or on
the backsplash of a range---children climbing on the
range to reach items could be seriously ii_jm'ed.
Installation Instructions
Provide adequate clearmaces between the rm_ge and adjacent combustible surfaces. These dimensions must be met for
safe use of your rm_ge. The location of the electrical outlet and pipe openh_g (see Gas Pipe and Electric Outlet Locations)
may be adjusted to meet specific requirements.
The rm_ge may be placed with 0" clearm_ce (flush) at the back wall.
Minimum to
cabinets on
either side
of the range
t _- 2" Minimum
18" to wall on
either side
1 I I
Maximum depth [
for cabinets
To cabinets
below cooktop
and atthe range
Depth with door closed (includes door handle)
Depth varies depending on model.
See specifications sheet for your model.
Installation Instructions
All ranges can tip and injury could result.
To prevent accideutaJ tipping of the rmage,
attach an approved AJafi-Tip device to the
wall. (See Installing the Anti-tip Device ha this
section.) To check if the device is hastalled
mad engaged properly, carefully tip the rmage
forward. The Anti-Tip device should engage
mad prevent the rmage from tipping over.
If you pull the rmage out from the wall for
may reason, make sure the Anti-Tip device
is engaged when you push the range hack
against the wall.
For your safet)', never use your range for waruiing
or heating tile rooni. Your oven and cooktop are
not designed to heat your kitchen. Top burners
should not be operated without cookware oil the
grate. Such abuse could result in fire and daniage
to your range and will void your warranty.
Do not store or use conlbustible ulaterials,
gasoline or other flauunable wq)oi's and liquids
in the vicinity of this or any other ai)pliance.
Explosions or fires could result.
Do not use ()veil tor a storage area. ]teuls stored in
the ()veil can ignite.
Do not let cooking grease or other flauinlable
nlaterials accuululate in or near tile range.
Do not locate the range where it may be subject to strong
drafts. Any openings ha the floor or wall behind the rmage
should be sealed. Make sure the openhags aromad the
base of the rmage that supply fresh air for combustion
mad ventilation axe not obs_'ucted by carpeting or
Your range, like ulanv other household iteins, is hea\ T
and can settle into sott floor coverings such as cushioned
vinyl or caipeting. Use care when uloving tile range
on this b'pe (ff flooiing. It is recoumlended that the
following siInple and inexpensive instructions be
fi)llowed to protect your flooI:
Tile range should be installed on a sheet (ff plywood
(or siufilar inaterial). _4]/eIl the floor covering ends at
tile ti'ont of tile range, tile area that tile range will rest
on should be built up with plywood to tile sanle level or
higher than tile floor covering.
This will allow the range to be uloved fi)r cleaning or
servicing. Pdso, ulake sure vour floor covering will
withstand 180°E (See the Installation Safety Instructions
Make sure tile wall c(werings around your range can
withstand tile heat generated (up to 200°F) by tile range.
(See tile Installation Safety Instructions section.)
Remove all tape mad packaghag. Make sure the burners
are properly seated mad level.
Take the accessory pack out of the oven mad/or drawer.
Check to be sure that no rmage parts have come loose
during shipphag.
Installation Instructions
Your rmlge is designed to operate at a pressure of 4" of
water cohunn on natural gas or, if desi_md for LP gas
(propmm or butane), 10" of water cohunn.
Make sure you are SUl)plyii_g your range with the _'pe of
gas fin" which it is designed.
This range is convertible fi_i" use on natural or l)ropane
gas. If you decide to use this range on LP gas, convei_ion
must be made b)' a qualified 12 installer before
attempting to operate the range on that gas.
For proper operation, the pressm'e of natm'al gas
supplied to the regulator illtlSt be between 4" and 13"
of water cohlil/n.
For I,P gas, the pressure supplied must be between 10"
and l 3" ot water cohmm.
When checking fin" proper operation of the regulatm,
the inlet pressure must be at least 1" greater than the
operating (manilold) pressm'e as given above.
The pressm'e regulator located at the inlet of the range
manilold illtlSt remain in the SUl)ply line regardless ot
whether natural or I,P gas is being used.
A flexible metal appliance com_ector used to com_ect the
range to the gas supply line should have an I.D. otl/2"
and be 5 fl_et in length fin" ease ot installation. In Canada,
flexible com_ecto_ must be single wall metal cmmecto_
no longer than 6 teet in length.
Shut off the main gas supply valve before discommcth_g
the old rmlge and leave it off until the new hookup has
been completed. Don't forget to relight the pilot on other
gas applimlces when you turn the gas back on.
Because hard piping restricts movement of the range,
the use of a CSA International-certified flexible metal
appliance cmmector is recommended mdess local codes
require a hard-i)iped connection.
Never use an old connector when installing a new range.
If the hard piping method is used, you must careflflly
align the I)ipe; the range cmmot be moved alter the
connection is II/ade.
To prevent gas leaks, put pipe joint compotmd on, or
wrap pipe thread tape with Teflon* arotmd, all male
(external) pipe threads.
A. Install a manual gas line shut-off'wflve in the gas line in
an easily accessed location outside of the range. Make
sm'e everyone operating the range knows where and
how to shut off the gas supply to the range.
B. Install male 1/2" flare union adapter to the 1/2" NPT
internal thread at inlet of regulator: Use a backup
wrench on the regulator fitting to avoid damage.
When installing the range fl'om the fl'ont, remove the
90 ° elbow tot easier installation.
C. Install male 1/2" or 3/4" flare ration adapter to the
NPT internal thread of the manual shut-off \_flve,
taking care to back-up the shut-off \_flve to kee I) it
fl'om mrning.
D. Com_ect flexible metal appliance connector to the
adapter on the range. Position range to pemfit
com_ection at the shut_fl \zflve.
E. X_]_en all connections have been made, make sure
all range controls are in the off position and mrn on
the main gas sui)ply \:five. Use a liquid leak detector
at all joints and connections to check fin" leaks in
the system,
When using test i)ressures greater than l/2 psig to
i)ressure test the gas supi)ly s):stem of the residence,
disconnect the range and individual shut-off wflve
fl'om the gas supply piping. When using test pressm'es
of 1/2 psig or less to test the gas SUl)ply system, simply
isolate the range fl'om the gas supply system by closing
the individual shut-off' wflve.
*Teflon: Regist_ red trademark of DuPont
Installation Instructions
This area allows for flush range
installation with through4he-wall
connection of pipe stub/shut-off
valve and rear wall 120Voutlet.
Shortest connection from hard
pipe stub location to range
This area allows for flush range installation
with tllrougll-the-floor connection of pipe
stub/shut-off valve.
Installation Instructions
Installer: Inform the
location ofthe gas
shut-offva ve.
Adapter Flex
(6ft. max.)
_[-_ Adapter
l/Z" or3/4" _ shut-off
Gaspipe_ [_J - valve
,O/7Z Nltle !/[ Black
_/I._//)/_ PP .! if I_<'- iron pipe
_4"///._ on,on U
_v-,//_--_Pressure _
regulator _ _ Umon
fl _E...- Nipple
Installer: Inform the I _ Gas
consumer of the I I I.Lqq_.-.-- shut-off
location of the gas )[_]tl valve
shut-off va ve. T-IF_
b.Zl_e---- 1/Z' or 3/4"
Alternate Hookup Adapter
9O'_Elbow _ _ _)_X_L-'" g°'_Elbow
i I _ /Nipple
Nipple _ _" Q
i I _ uickconnect
_,/or union
r, _ f_ b _ ,,. Pressure
uas ,&,--I _t _ N_pple
shut-off _ _ k._ 90<> reguator
valve :_ Elbow 1
l/Z" or 3/4" /90'_Elbow
Gaspipe Adapter_
Installer: Inform the I
constlmer of the location I
of the gas shut-off va ve.
Installation Instructions
Eleclrical Requirements
120-volt, 60 Hertz, properly grounded branch circuit
protected b)' a 15-ami) or 20-amp circuit breaker or time
delay fllse.
Extension Cord Cautions
Because of potential satetv hazards associated with cert;fin
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of
an extension cord. However; if you still elect to use an
extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a
UiAisted, 3-wire grotmding-b'pe appliance extension
cord and that the current carrying rating of the cord in
amperes be equi\_flent to, or greater than, the branch
circuit rating.
IMPORTANT (Please read caacefully)
Preferred Method
The power cord of this appliance is equii)ped with a
3-prong (grounding) plug which nlates with a standard
three-prong grounding wall receptacle to minimize the
possibili_' _ff electric shock hazard fl'om this appliance.
The customer should have the wall receptacle and drcuit
checked by a qualified electfidan to make sure the
receptacle is properly grotmded.
Where a standard two-prong wall receptacle is
encotmtered, it is the personal responsibility and
obligation of the customer to have it replaced with
a propedy gromMed three-prong wall receptacle.
A word about GFCI's -GFCI's axe not required or
recommended for gas rmlge receptacles.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupte_ (GFCI's) are devices
that sense leakage _ff cun'eut in a circuit and automatically
switch off power when a threshold leakage level is
detected. These devices must be manually reset by the
consulnei: The National Electrical Code requires the
use _ff GFCI's in kitchen receptacles installed to se_a'e
cotmtem_p sm_i_ces. Pedimnance ot the range will not
be affected if operated on a (;FCl-protected drcuit
but occasional ntlisance till)ping of the GFCI breaker
is possible. 4O
A. Usage Situations where Applimlce Power Cord will be
Discommcted Infrequently,
An adapter may be used only on a 15-amp circuit. Do not
use an adapter on a 20-amp drcuit. _4]_ere local codes
pemfit, a TEMPORARY CONNECTION may be made
to a propedy grotmded two-prong wall receptacle by the
rise ofa UiAismd adapte_; a\_filable at most hardware
stores. The linger slot in the adapter must be aligned
with the larger slot in the wall receptacle to provide
proper polafi Vin the c(mnection of the power cord.
Temporary Method
(Adapterplugsnotpermittedin Canada)
Align large prongs/slots
Ensure proper ground
and firm connection
before use
CAUTION: At ,chingtheadapter ground
temfinal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not
ground the appliance mfless the cover screw is metal,
and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grotmded
through the house wiring. The customer should have
the drcuit checked by a qualified electridan to make
sure the receptacle is propedy gr()tmded.
_,_]_en disconnecting the power cord fl'om the adapte_;
always hold the adapter with one hand. If this is not
done, the adapter grotmd temfinal is very likely to break
with repeated use. Should this hal)pen, DO NOT USE
the appliance tmtil a proper grotmd has again been
Installation Instructions
B. Usage Situations where Applim_ce Power Cord will be
Discommcted Frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug ill tl_ese situations because
disconnecting ot tl_e power cord places undue strain on
tl_e adapter and leads to eventual fidlure of the a(lapmr
ground temfinal. The customer should have the 2-prong
wall receptacle replaced with a d_ree-prong (grounding)
receptacle by a qualified electrician before using the
The installation ot appliances designed tot mobile home
installation llltlSt COll][()lIl/ with the Manufilctured
Holne Construction and Safe_' Standard, Tide 24 CFR,
Part 3280 (fimnerly tl_e Federal Standard for Mobile
Home Construction and Satiety, Tide 24, HUD, Part 280)
oi; when such standard is not al)plicable, the Standard
fi)r Manufi_ctured Home Installations, latest edition
(Mmmlhcmred Home Sites, Connnunities and Set-Ups),
ANSI A225.1, latest edition, or with local codes. In
Canada, mobile holne installation nmst be in accordance
with the current CAN/CSA Z_240/MH Mobile Home
Installation Code.
Eledric Disconnect
I,ocate disconnect plug on tl_e range back.
Pinch sides ot connector and pull out of range back.
Seal any openings ill the wall behind the range and ill
tl_e floor under tl_e range when hookui)s are colnl)leted.
Operation of all cooktop and oxen burnei_ shouM be
checked after file range and gas suppl) lines hme been
carefitll_ checked fi)r leaks.
Electric Ignition Models
Select a top burner knob and simultaneous]) push ill and
DlI'n [O LITE position. 5t_u will hear a clicking sotmd
indicating proper ot)eiafion of the spark module. Once the
air has been purged fl'om the supp b lines, burnei_s shouM
lig_lt within 4 seconds. After burner lights, romm knob out of
the L1TE positkm. Tr_ each burner ii1 succession until all
burners hme been checked.
Quality of Flames
The combustion qualit\ of burner flames needs to be
determined visual]_
(A) Yellow flames--
Call for service
(B) Yellow tips on
outer cones--
Normal for LP gas
(C) Soft blue
flames--Normal for
natural gas
If burner flames look like (A), call for service. Normal
burner flames should look like Og) or (C), depending
on the type of gas you use.
With I Pgas, some yello_ tipping on outer cones is normal.
The (well is desig_led to ot)eram quietl) and mttomafically.
To operate the oxen, press the BAKE pad mid then press the
number pads until 350 ° al)t)eai_s ill the displa): Touch the
START pad. After 30-90 seconds, the own burner will ig_lim
and burn until the set mmpelature is reached. The o_,vn
burner will continue to cycle on and off as necessar_ to
maintain the oxen at the mml)erature indicamd b) the disl)la)
To check ig_fition of the broil burnei; touch the BROIL
HI/LO t)ad and then the START pad. After 30-90 seconds,
the broil burner will ig_fite.
Electric ignition models require electrical power to operate.
Ill c_tse of a p(_wer outage, the oxen burnei_ on these models
cannot be lit manual]_ with a match. Gas will not fl()w unless
the glow bar is hot,
If file oxen is iI1 use when a power outage occm_, file burner
will shut off and cannot be re-lit until power is restored.
Installation Instructions
Air adjustment shutters for the top mad bottom burners
regulate the flow of air to the flmnes.
The air a(!iusnnent shutter for the top (broil) burner is
in the center of the rear wall of the oxen.
The shutter tbr fl_e bottom (oven) burner is near fl_e back
wall behind die stoi_tge drawer or _m'ming drawei: Remove
fl_e dIwxx_r See fl_e Care and cleaning of the range secdon.
To adjust the flow of air to either burner, loosen the
Phillips head screw mid rotate the shutter toward open
or dosed position as needed.
The flames fiw the top (broil) burner should be steady
with ai)proximatel ) l" blue cones and should not extend
out oxer the edges of the burner baffle.
To detemfine if the bottom burner flames are burning
i)roi)erly, relnove the oven bottom. Haines should have
approximately 1" blue cones and, if range is sui)plied
with natural gas, should burn with no yellow tipping.
(_._]th most I,P gas, small yellow tips at the end of outer
cones are hernial.) Haines should not lift off burner
ports. If lifting is observed, gradually reduce air shutter
opening until flames are stabilized.
Oven bottom',
To remove the oven bottom:
A. Remove the kmu'led screws holding down rear of the
oven bottoi/],
B. (;rasp the oven bottom at finger slots on each side.
C. i,ifl the rear of the oven bottom enough to clear the
lip of the range fl'ame, push it back, and then pull it
up and out.
A, Install the oven shelves in the oxen and position the
range where it will be installed.
1_ range Lower
Lower range
)-- range
Leg _ ,A
leveler --'_'_ _
Raise _" _'_
range _ -
(on some models) (on some models)
B. Check fi_r levelness by placing a spirit level or a cuI),
partially filled with water; on one ot the oven shelves.
If using a spirit level, take two readings--with the level
placed diagonally fi_t in one direction and then
the othe_:
C. Remove the storage drawer or wamfing (h'awe_: See
the Care and cleaning of the range section. The fl'ont
leveling legs can be ac!iusted ti'om the bottom and the
rear legs can be a(!iusted fl'om the top or the bottom.
D. Use an open-end or ac!iustable wrench m a(!iust the
leveling legs until the range is level.
E. _Mter the range is level, slide the range away fl'om the
wall so that the Anti-Tip device can be installed.
Installation Instructions
Range must be secured with an approxed Anti-Tip
Unless properl) inst;flled, the range could be tipped
b) you or a child standing, sitting or leaning on an
open dooi:
_Mier installing the Anti-Ti I) dex@e, xefitk' that it is in
place by careflfll)attempting to tilt the range forward.
This range has been desioned to meet all recognized
industry tip standards fin" all n(mnal conditions.
The use of this dexice does not preclude tipping of
the range when not properl) installed.
• If the Anti-Tii) device supplied with the range does
not fit this application, use the mfi_e_al Ami-Tip
dmice _4 B2X7909.
A. Mark the wall where the RIGHT EDGE (ff the range
is to be located. Be sm'e to allow fin" the com_tertop
overhang if you intend to install the range next to
SIo_ed head
Approx. 20
Marked edge of range
B. I,ocate the outside edge of the device 2_" toward
the center of the range fl'om the marked edge of
the range.
C. Using the device as a template, mark the position of
the hole fin" the screw.
D. For wood construction, drill a pilot hole at an an,de
of 20 degrees fl'om the horizontal. A nail or awl
max be used if a drill is not axailable.
Motmt the Anti-Tip device with the screw provided.
For celnent or conci'ete constrtlction, VOtl will need
a ]/4" x ] ½" lag bolt and a ]/9" O.D. sleeve anchtn;
which are not provided. Drill the recommended size
hole fin" the hardware.
Wood screw
Back of range
lnst;fll the sleeve anchor into the drilled hole and then
install the lag bolt through the device. The bolts must be
i)roperly tightened as recommended fin" the hardware.
E. Slide the range against the wall, and check fin" proper
installation by grasping the ti'ont edge of the cooktop
and carefully attempting to tilt the range forward.
Make sure all controls axe left in the off position. Make
sure the flow of combustion and ventilation air to the
rmlge is unobstructed,
converting back to natural gas from LP)
This rmlge leaves the factory set for use with natural gas.
If you want to convert to LP gas, the conversion must be
performed by a qualified LP gas h_staJler.
The conve_ion instructions and LP orifices can be t0tmd
attached to the range next to the pressm'e regulat(n:
Kee I) these instructions and the o_ifices in case wm want
to convert back to natm'al gas.
Before you call forservice...
Troubleshooting tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
i _ i Possible Causes What To Do
Topburners do notlight Plug on range is not completely *Make sure electrical plug is plugged into a live, properly
or do not burn evenly inserted ha the electrical outlet, glx)tuKled _>uflet.
Burner hole or slits on the side *Remove the burner heads mad clean them. Check the
of the burner may be dogged, electrode area fin" burned-on toed or grease. See the
Care and cleaning of the range section.
hnproper burner assembly. *Make sure the btu'uer parts are installed correctly.
See the Care and cleaning of the range section.
Burner flames very hnproper air to gas ratio. * If range is c(>m]ected t(> l,P gas, c(>utact the l)e_(>u
large or yellow wh() installed y()ur range or ma de the c()u\'e_i()u.
Surface burnerslight The oven gas shut-off valve *To check the oven gas shut-offvalve, remove the storage
but oven does not may have accidentally been drawer or wamfiug drawer (see the Care and cleaning
moved during demmag or of the range section) and look fin" the gas shut-off lever
movhag, at the back of the range.
Control signals after You forgot to enter a bake *Touch the BAKE pad and desired temperature or
entering cooking time temperature or demfing time. the SELFCLEAN pad and desired clean time.
or start time
Clock and timer Plug on range is not completely *Make sure electrical l)lug, is l)lugged,, into a live,
do not work inserted ha the electrical outlet, lnX_l)erly gr_uuded _udet.
A fuse ha your home may be *Replace the fl/se or reset the circtfit breakel:
blown or the circuit breaker
Oven controls hnproperly set. *See the Using the clock and timer secti_)u.
Food does not bake Oven controls improperly set. *See the Using the oven secti_>u.
or roast properly Shelf position is incorrect. *See the Using the oven see ti_>u.
Incorrect cookware or cookware *See the Using the oven section.
of improper size being used.
Oven thermostat needs * See the Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourse[17section.
Clock not set correctly. * See the Using the clock and timer section.
Alumhmm foil used improperly *See the Care and cleaning of the range section.
ha the oven.
Oven bottom not securely *See the Installation of the range section.
seated ha position.
Possible Causes What To Do
Food does not Oven controls improperly set. * Make sure you t(>uch tile BROIL HI/LO pad.
broil properly Oven door not closed. * See tile Using the oven section.
hnproper shelf position *See tile Broiling Guide.
being used,
Food being cooked in ahot pan. *Use tile broiling pan :rod grid that came with w_ur
range. Make sure it is cool.
CookwaJce not suited for broiling. *Use tile broiling pan and grid that came with your range.
Alumhmm foil used on the *See tile Using the oven section.
the broiling pan and grid has
not been fitted properly and
slit as recommended.
Oven bottom not securely See the Installation of the range section.
seated in position.
Oven temperature Oven thermostat * See tile Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourself[ section.
too hot or too cold needs adjustnaent.
Oven light does not work Light bulb is loose or defective. '* Tighten or replace tile btflb.
Plug on range is not completely Make sure electIical plug is plugged into a live, properly
inserted in the electrical outlet, grotmded outlet.
Oven will not self-clean The oven temperature is too ?dlow the range to cool to room temperattu'e and
high to set a self-deml operation, reset the controls.
Oven controls improperly set. • See tile Using the self-cleaning oven secfi_m.
On models with a door latch, Make St/l'e vet/l]lOVe tile door latch handle all tile way
the oven door is not in the to tile right.
locked position.
"Crackling"or This is the sound of the This is nominal.
"popping"sound metal heating and cooling
during both the cooking mad
demfing functions.
Excessive smoking ILxcessive soil. Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad. Open tile windows to rid
the room of smoke. _.%it until the LOCKED DOOR light
goes ofl_ _*\]pe up tile excess soil and l'eset tile
clean cycle.
Oven door willnot open Oven too hot. ?dlow tile oven to cool below locking temperature.
after a clean cycle
Oven not clean after Oven controls not properly set. • See the Using the self-cleaning oven section.
a clean cycle Oven was heavily soiled. * Clean up hea\)' spillove_ before starting tile clean cycle.
Heavily soiled ovens may need to sell=clean again or tot
a hmger period of time.
Before you call forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Possible Causes What To Do
"LOCKDOOR_'flashes The self-cleaJa cycle has been *Close the oxen door.
in the display selected but the door is not
LOCKED DOOR light The oven door is locked
is O0 when you want because the temperature
to cook inside the oven has not
dropped below the
locking temperature.
• Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad. _Mlow the oven to cool and
then, on models with a door latch, uuh)ck the dooI:
Oven door willnot Oven is too hot. _Mlow the oven to cool below locking temperature.
unlock (on models Do not lock the door with the door latch except when
with a door latch) usiu,, the xelf_cleau feature.
"Door"appears in the Self-clemfing cycle has been Move tile latch handle :ill tile way tl) tile right.
display (on models selected but the latch handle
with a door latch) was not moved all the way
to the right.
Latch handle was moved to the Move the latch hala(lle to tile right only when ,setfiw,
right but aprogram other than the sell:tie:ruing cycle.
self-clemfing was selected.
"T--and anumber or On models with a door latch, The latch may have been moved, exeu if only slightly,
letter"flash in the display if a function error code appears fi'om the h)cked position. Make st,re the latch ix moved
during the self-clemfing cycle, to tile right as flu"as it will _o
check the oven door latch.
You have afunction error code. • Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad. ?dlow the oven to cool for
()lie hl)uI: Put the oveu back iuto operatiou.
If the function code repeats. Dixcl)uue('t ;Ill pi)wer tl) the range for 5 minutes
;ilia thel] l'e('l)lllle('t pl)wel: It the _'Hll('til)l] elTOl"
code repeats, call for service.
Oisplaygoes blank A fuse ha your home may be Replace the fl,xe or reset tile circuit breaker:
blown or the circuit
breaker tripped.
The clock is ha the See the Special features of your oven controlsectiou.
black-out mode.
Display flashes Power failure. • Reset the (lock.
Unable to getthe Oven control pads were • The BAKE mad BROILHI/LO pads must be touched at
displayto show "SF" not touched properly, tile same time and held fin" 3 seconds.
Power outage, Power outage or surge. Reset tile clock. If the oven was in use, you must reset
it by touching tile CLEAR/OFFpad, ,settiu,_ tile clock and
resetting :my col)king flmctilm.
Oven shelves are The nickel shelves (if so equipped)
difficult to slide were clemaed ha a self-clema cycle.
The gray porcelain-coated shelves
(if so equipped) were improperly
Apply a sxnall axnlmxat i)f vegetable oil to a paper
towel and wipe the edges of the oven shelves with
the paper towel. Di) ul)t spray with Pare _ or other
lubI_iCalat sprays.
"Burning" or"oily"odor
emitting from the vent
Possible Causes
This is normal in anew oven
mid will disappear in time.
What To Do
To speed the process, set a sell:clean cycle fin" a
nfininmm of 3 houi_, See the Usingthe self-cleaning
oven section,
Strongodor An odor from the hlsulation
around the inside of the oven
is normal for the first few times
the oven is used.
This is telnporary.
Drawer doesnotslide
The drawer is out of aJigmnent. Fully extend the drawer and push it all the way in.
See the Care and cleaningof the range sect.ion.
Drawer is overloaded or load
is mabalmaced.
Reduce weight. Redistlibute drawer contents.
Warmingdrawer will
not work A fuse in your home may be
blown or the circuit breaker
The oven is self-clemthag.
Controls improperly set.
Replace the fllse or reset the circuit bx'eakex:
XAait for the self:clean cycle to finish and the oven
to cool.
See the Electric warmingdrawersecfion.
Excessive condensation
in the warming drawer
Liquid ha wm'mhag drawer,
Uncovered foods.
Temperature setting too high.
Relnove liquid.
Cover tood with lid or ahmfilmln toil,
Reduce temperature setting.
warmingdrawer Moisture escaping. Cover fi_od with lid or ahmfilmln fifil,
_ Notes.
_ Notes_
GE Service Protection Plus rM
GE, a name recognized worldwide _br quality and dependability; offers you
Service Protection Plus '"--comprehensive protection on all },'our appliances--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include:
Backed by GE
All brands covered
• Unlimited service calls
All parts and labor costs included
• No out-of-pocket expenses
• No bidden deductibles
One 800 number to call
We71 CoverAny Appliance.
Anywhere. Anytime.*
You will be completely satisfied with our serxice protection or you ma) request your inonex back
on the remaining xalue of xotu" contract. No questions asked. It's that simple.
Protect vour refl'igerato_; dishwasher; washer and (hTe_; range, TV, VCR and much more--any brmad!
Plus there's no extra charge fl)r emergency service and low monthly financing is awfilable. Even icemaker
coverage and fl)od spoilage protection is ottered. You can rest easy; knowing that all wmr valuable
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Place your confidence in GE and call us in the U.S. toll-free at _UU.I)Ztl.ZZZ_
for UlOYe illforulatioil.
*-M1h_ands c,w( l( (1, up I,_ 20 )'eal_ old, in Ihe c,mlinental U.S.
_(MI h(r_
Please place in envelope and mail to:
General Electric Company
Warranty Registration Department
P.O. Box 32150
Louisville, KY 40232-2150
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us.
_A/eare proud to ha_e you as a customer!
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
Complete mid mail
your Consumer
Product Ownership
Registration today.
ttaw' tim peace of
mind of knowing w(
call colltact VOl/ ill
tile tmlikely exent of a
satbly modification.
Atter mailing tile
registration below,
store this document
in a saii., place. It
contains inlormation
you will need should
you require service.
Our selwice number is
Read your Owner's
Manual carethllv.
It will help you
operate yol/r lle',_
appliance properly.
Model Number Serial Number
I I I I I I I I II ,,,,,,,,I
Important: If you did not get a registration card with your
product, detach and return the form below to
ensure that your product is registered, or register
online at
................................................................................................... _,,.b (Mr here
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
@Model Number Serial Number
,,, ,,,,, II,,,,,,,, I
MI: Ms. M*>,. Mix_,
Fir',l I ILasll
_1 r( (!1 I
Apt. # Ii i
(;i,,I I I
l )ale Placed
hi Use Ill
III I I IEqnailAddress*
GEConsumer& Industrial
* Please provide your eqnail address to receive, via eqnail, discounts, special o[tk,l-, and <)tiler important
communications from Gig Appliances (GEA).
Check here if you do not want to receixe communications ti-om GEA's careflflly selected partners.
For intormation about GEA's prixacy and data usage polio?; go to and click
on "Prixacy t)oli(w " or (:all 800.626.2224.
Looking For Something More?
Youcan find these accessories and many more at,or
carl 800.626.2002(during normal business hours). Have your model number ready.
Drip Pans Grates
/iiii_;i_ !
Surface Burners & Caps
i i i ii i
Oven Racks Broiler Pan Cleaner
Light Bulbs Knobs
Tired of discolored racks? Wishing you had extra-hearT-duty oven _mks?
NOW AVAILABLE for your range:
(;E's innovative, self-cleanable porcelain-coated oven racks!
• Hea_y Duty
• Dmwble
Able m be cleaned in a self-cleaning oven
Visit wwvv.GEAppliances.comfor more information.
GEGasRange Warranty.(ForcustomersintheUnitedStates)
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care®technician. To schedule service,
on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, or
carl 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737).
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warrant_
Fromthe date of the
GE Will Replace:
Anypattofthe range which tifils due to a (lefect in materials or wor!unanship. During this
full one-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all labor and in-home service to
replace the defecti\'e pair.
Service trips to your home to teach you how to use
the product.
Improper installation, delivery or maJntenm_ce.
Failure of the product if it is abused, misused,
or used for other thml the intended purpose or
used commerciadly.
Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
Damage to the product caused by accident, f'tre, floods
or acts of God.
hacidenta] or consequential damage caused by possible
defects with this applimlce.
Damage after delivery.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home
use within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service cuffs to your home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your
legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.
Warrantor:General Electric Company.Louisville,KY 40225
GEGasRange Warranty. (Forc.stomersinCanada)
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers
or an authorized Customer Care®technician. For service,
call 1.800.361.3400.
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warrant_
Fromthe date of the
Camco Will Replace:
Anypattot the range which fifils due to a detect in materials or workmanshii). During this
full one-year warranty,Camco will also provide, free of charge,all labor and in-home service to
replace the defective part,
!!! Y !!!!
Service trips to your home to teach you how to use
the product.
hnproper h_staJlation, delivery or maintenance.
Failure of the product if it is abused, misused,
or used for other thm_ the intended purpose or
used commerciaJly.
Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
Incidental or consequential damage caused by possible
defects with this applimlce.
Damage after delivery.
Warrantor: CAMC() IN(:. I
Have a question or need assistance with your appliance? Try tile GE Appliances X4'ebsite 24 hom_ a day,
any day of tile year'. For greater convenience and faster service, you can now download Owner's Manuals,
order parts, catalogs, or even schedule service ondine. Y_u can also "_sk Our Team of EN)erts _'''
your questions, and so much more...
Expert GE repair se_s,ice is onlx one step away fl'om xour doo_: Get on-line and schedule your service at
_our, conxenience 24 hom_ any da) of the )ear! Or call 800.GE.CAI_ES (800.432.2737) during n{mnal
business hou_. ]n Canada, call 1.800.361.3400.
GE supports tile Universal Design concept--products, services and environments that can be used by
people _ff all ages, sizes and capabilities. _'e recognize tile need to design fin" a wide range of physical and
ment;d abilities and impaim_ents. For details of GE's Universal Design applications, including kitchen
design ideas tar people with disabilities, check out our X.Vebsite today. For the hearing impaired, please call
800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322). In Canada, contact: Manage_; Consulner Relations, (_m_co Inc.,
1 Facto_a, I,ane, Suite 310, Moncton, N.B., El(: 9M3.
Purchase a (;E extended _arrant_ and learn about special discounts that are a_ailable while _our _arrant_
is still in effect. You can i)urchase it on-line an}time, or call 800.626.2224 during natural business hom_.
(;E (_onsulner Home Ser\ices will still be there alter your warrant} expires. In Canada, call 1.800.461.3636.
Individuals qualified to se_'ice their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their
homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today, 24 hom_ eve_a' day or
by phone at 800.626.2002 during natural business hom_.
Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally
should be referred to qualified service personnel Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause
unsafe operation. In Canada, please consult your yellow pages for your local Camco number.
If you are not satisfied with tile service you receive from (;E, contact us on our _.Vebsite with all tile details
including your phone ntlIllbeI; oi" wlJte to: (;eneral Manage_; Custolner Relations, GE Appliances,
Appliance Park, Dmisville, KY 40225. In Canada, to: Manage_; Cons/lillei" Relations, Camco Inc.,
1 Facto_' i,ane, Suite 310, Moncton, N.B., E1C 9M3.
Register your new applimlce on-line----at your €onYenience[ TiInel} l)roduct registration will allow for
enhanced communication and prompt service under tile terms of_our warranty should tile need arise.
You may also mail in tile pre-printed registration card included in tile I)ackin°_ material.
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