Hisense Electric LCDF0132 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual

Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV TempConfidential W9HLCDF0132 1

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TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0132_User Manual 2

Hisense H6 Series4K Ultra High-Denition Smart TVES-Quick Start GuideHelp Hisense improve the environment by reducing paper waste.  For detailed instructions and feature descriptions, access the full User Manual online.
© 2017 Hisense Company Ltd. All Rights Reserved.All material in this Quick Start Guide is the property of Hisense Company Ltd. and its subsidiaries, and is protected under US, CANADA, MEXICO and International copyright and/or other intellectual property laws. Reproduction or transmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, electronic, print, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the Hisense Company Ltd. is a violation of Hisense Company Ltd. rights under the aforementioned laws.No part of this publication may be stored, reproduced, transmitted or distributed, in whole or in part, in any manner, electronic or otherwise, whether or not for a charge or other or no consideration, without the prior written permission of Hisense Company Ltd.Requests for permission to store, reproduce, transmit or distribute materials may be made to one of the following addresses:USA:         Hisense USA Corporation                 PO Box 3289                 Suwanee, GA 30024CANADA: Hisense Canada Co., Ltd,                  2283 Argentia Road, Unit 16                 Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5Z2MEXICO: Hisense Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.                Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra No 301                Torre Norte Piso 2, Col. Ampliación Granada                 Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, C.P. 11520Hisense, and any and all other Hisense product names, logo’s, slogans or marks are registered trademarks of Hisense Company Ltd. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.©2017. All rights reserved. Hisense and the Hisense logo are registered trademarks of Hisense. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
1Enjoy 4K TV in a Super Sharp, Super Powerful and Super Smart Way!Multiple Connection Methods• Built-in wireless connection• 2 USB Connectors (2 USB 2.0 Connectors) • 3 HDMI Connectors (3 HDMI 2.0 Connectors)• 1 LAN (Ethernet) portHigh-Quality Picture and Sound•  Vibrant  contrast  and  brightness  to  display  images accurately• Crisp sound and powerful TV speaker output due to dts® technology• 4K technology that supports 4K online streaming, 4K USB content, HDMI 2.0 devices and much more to maximize your entertainment experience• HDR processingSmart LED TV with Popular Features• Ultra-fast access to launch Netflix®• Numerous built-in social media, gaming and movie apps• Thousands of movie titles and streaming content to view• AirBridge technology to share content between the TV and your mobile device•  Hisense-developed  HiMedia  Player  to  play  back  digital content that's stored on your USB drive or in a Cloud account• Many other cool featuresEasy Setup Menu and Simple Design• Short and easy-to-follow first-time setup menu• Simple user interface (UI) design to navigate the TV screens• Descriptive features to help make your selections
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Document ID3446407
Application IDfzV+lGPLenoVvOLYEydkfg==
Document DescriptionTempConfidential_W9HLCDF0132_User Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize87.23kB (1090400 bits)
Date Submitted2017-06-30 00:00:00
Date Available2017-07-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-06-05 16:33:25
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Document Lastmod2017-06-05 16:33:31
Document TitleTempConfidential_W9HLCDF0132_User Manual 2
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CS6 (Macintosh)
FCC ID Filing: W9HLCDF0132

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