Hp Xp1024 Disk Array Cli Reference Guide Tiered Storage Manager

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HP StorageWorks XP
Tiered Storage Manager CLI Reference Guide
Part number: T1785-96003
First edition: 11/2005
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HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager CLI Reference Guide
Contents 3
Revision history (start here)
Revision tables ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
1 Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager
1-1 Tiered Storage Manager Software Components....................................................................................... 10
1-2 Volume Migration Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI........................................................................ 10
1-2-1 Storage Tier Filter Conditions......................................................................................................... 12
1-2-2 Volume Search and Volume Filter Conditions................................................................................ 13
1-2-3 Creating a Candidate Migration Plan.............................................................................................. 13
1-2-4 Editing a Migration Plan.................................................................................................................. 17
1-2-5 Creating and Executing a Migration Task....................................................................................... 17
2 Requirements and Installation
2-1 Requirements for CLI Operations.............................................................................................................. 19
2-2 CLI Memory Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 19
2-3 Tiered Storage Manager CLI Installation and Setup ................................................................................. 20
2-3-1 Requirements for CLI Installation and Setup..................................................................................20
2-3-2 CLI Installation and Setup on a Windows System.......................................................................... 20
2-3-3 CLI Installation and Setup on a Solaris or HP-UX System............................................................. 21
2-4 Tiered Storage Manager CLI Uninstallation and Unsetup......................................................................... 23
2-5 Precautions Regarding Execution of the CLI Commands ......................................................................... 23
3 Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
3-1 CLI Command Overview ........................................................................................................................... 25
3-2 Description of the CLI Command Elements .............................................................................................. 26
3-3 CLI Command Syntax ............................................................................................................................... 27
3-3-1 CLI Command Parameters............................................................................................................. 27
3-3-2 Filter Condition Expressions........................................................................................................... 30
3-4 Miscellaneous Operational Information ..................................................................................................... 35
3-4-1 Recommended/Maximum Values for Tiered Storage Manager Operations................................... 35
3-4-2 Common Options (Username, Password, and Output) .................................................................. 36
3-4-3 Tiered Storage Manager Repository Information ........................................................................... 37
3-4-4 CLI Return Responses ................................................................................................................... 38
3-5 Starting the Tiered Storage Manager CLI ................................................................................................. 38
3-5-1 Using CLI Commands in a Batch (Script) File ................................................................................ 39
3-6 Displaying CLI Help................................................................................................................................... 39
4 Detailed Command Descriptions
4-1 Storage Domain Management Commands ............................................................................................... 41
4-1-1 CreateStorageDomain.................................................................................................................... 41
4-1-2 DeleteStorageDomain .................................................................................................................... 43
4-1-3 GetStorageDomains ....................................................................................................................... 44
4-1-4 ModifyStorageDomain .................................................................................................................... 48
4-1-5 GetVolumes.................................................................................................................................... 49
4-1-6 Refresh........................................................................................................................................... 59
4-2 Storage Tier Management Commands ..................................................................................................... 59
4-2-1 CreateStorageTier.......................................................................................................................... 59
4-2-2 DeleteStorageTier .......................................................................................................................... 61
4-2-3 GetStorageTiers ............................................................................................................................. 62
4-2-4 ModifyStorageTier .......................................................................................................................... 65
4-2-5 GetVolumes (with storagetiername Specified) ............................................................................... 67
4-3 Migration Group Management Commands ............................................................................................... 67
4-3-1 CreateMigrationGroup.................................................................................................................... 67
4-3-2 DeleteMigrationGroup .................................................................................................................... 68
4-3-3 GetMigrationGroups ....................................................................................................................... 69
4-3-4 ModifyMigrationGroup .................................................................................................................... 73
4-3-5 AddVolumeToMigrationGroup ........................................................................................................ 74
4-3-6 RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup............................................................................................. 76
4-3-7 GetVolumes (with migrationgroupname Specified) ........................................................................ 78
4-4 Migration Commands ................................................................................................................................ 79
4-4-1 CreateMigrationPlan....................................................................................................................... 79
4-4-2 CreateMigrationTask ...................................................................................................................... 85
4-4-3 GetTasks ........................................................................................................................................ 87
Contents 4
4-4-4 ModifyTask ..................................................................................................................................... 94
4-4-5 ExecuteTask................................................................................................................................... 96
4-4-6 CancelTask..................................................................................................................................... 96
4-4-7 DeleteTasks.................................................................................................................................... 97
5 Tiered Storage Manager Properties Files
5-1 Overview of Properties for Tiered Storage Manager CLI ........................................................................ 101
5-2 Specifying Values in the htsmcli.properties File ...................................................................................... 102
5-2-1 htsmserver.location Property........................................................................................................ 102
5-2-2 option.output Property .................................................................................................................. 102
5-2-3 option.password Property............................................................................................................. 102
5-2-4 option.username Property ............................................................................................................ 103
5-2-5 parameter.parameter-name Property........................................................................................... 103
5-3 Specifying Values in the htsmclienv.properties File ................................................................................ 103
5-3-1 logger.fileCount Property.............................................................................................................. 103
5-3-2 logger.filePath Property ................................................................................................................ 103
5-3-3 logger.maxFileSize Property ........................................................................................................ 103
5-3-4 logger.tracelogLevel Property....................................................................................................... 104
6 Troubleshooting
6-1 Troubleshooting Tiered Storage Manager CLI ........................................................................................ 105
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Figures 5
Figure 1-1 Flow of Migration Operations.................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 1-2 Example Candidate Migration Plan .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3-1 Filter Condition Expressions in BNF......................................................................................................... 30
Table 1 Document Conventions................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 2 Revisions ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Table 1-1 Properties That Can Be Specified for Storage Tier Filter Conditions ....................................................... 12
Table 1-2 Properties That Can Be Specified for Volume Filter Conditions ................................................................ 13
Table 1-3 Candidate Migration Plan Items................................................................................................................. 14
Table 3-1 CLI Command Categories ......................................................................................................................... 25
Table 3-2 Description of CLI Command Elements..................................................................................................... 26
Table 3-3 Range of Valid Parameter Values ............................................................................................................. 28
Table 3-4 Range of Valid Property Values for Filter Condition Expressions.............................................................. 31
Table 3-5 Recommended/Maximum Values for Tiered Storage Manager Operations .............................................. 35
Table 3-6 Common Options for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI ............................................................................. 37
Table 3-7 Impact of CLI Commands on Repository Information................................................................................ 37
Table 3-8 CLI Return Values ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Table 4-1 Options of the CreateStorageDomain Command ...................................................................................... 42
Table 4-2 Parameters of the CreateStorageDomain Command................................................................................ 42
Table 4-3 Items Output by the CreateStorageDomain Command ............................................................................. 42
Table 4-4 Options of the DeleteStorageDomain Command ...................................................................................... 43
Table 4-5 Parameters of the DeleteStorageDomain Command ................................................................................ 43
Table 4-6 Items Output by the DeleteStorageDomain Command ............................................................................. 44
Table 4-7 Options of the GetStorageDomains Command ......................................................................................... 45
Table 4-8 Parameters of the GetStorageDomains Command ................................................................................... 45
Table 4-9 Items Output by the GetStorageDomains Command ................................................................................ 45
Table 4-10 Options of the ModifyStorageDomain Command .................................................................................... 48
Table 4-11 Parameters of the ModifyStorageDomain Command .............................................................................. 49
Table 4-12 Items Output by the ModifyStorageDomain Command ........................................................................... 49
Table 4-13 Options of the GetVolumes Command .................................................................................................... 50
Table 4-14 Parameters of the GetVolumes Command.............................................................................................. 50
Table 4-15 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter........................................................................... 50
Table 4-16 Items Output by the GetVolumes Command ........................................................................................... 51
Table 4-17 GUI-Displayed Character Strings Representing Reasons a Volume Cannot Be a Migration Target, and a
Description of those Character Strings ...................................................................................................................... 54
Table 4-18 Parameters of the Refresh Command ..................................................................................................... 59
Table 4-19 Options of the CreateStorageTier Command .......................................................................................... 60
Table 4-20 Parameters of the CreateStorageTier Command .................................................................................... 60
Table 4-21 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter........................................................................... 60
Table 4-22 Items Output by the CreateStorageTier Command ................................................................................. 60
Table 4-23 Options of the DeleteStorageTier Command........................................................................................... 61
Table 4-24 Parameters of the DeleteStorageTier Command .................................................................................... 61
Table 4-25 Items Output by the DeleteStorageTier Command.................................................................................. 61
Table 4-26 Options of the GetStorageTiers Command ............................................................................................. 62
Table 4-27 Parameters of the GetStorageTiers Command ....................................................................................... 63
Table 4-28 Items Output by the GetStorageTiers Command .................................................................................... 63
Table 4-29 Options of the ModifyStorageTier Command .......................................................................................... 65
Table 4-30 Parameters of the ModifyStorageTier Command .................................................................................... 65
Table 4-31 Properties Specifiable for the newfiltercondition Parameter .................................................................... 66
Table 4-32 Items Output by the ModifyStorageTier Command ................................................................................. 66
Table 4-33 Options of the CreateMigrationGroup Command .................................................................................... 68
Table 4-34 Parameters of the CreateMigrationGroup Command .............................................................................. 68
Table 4-35 Items Output by the CreateMigrationGroup Command ........................................................................... 68
Table 4-36 Options of the DeleteMigrationGroup Command..................................................................................... 69
Table 4-37 Parameters of the DeleteMigrationGroup Command .............................................................................. 69
Table 4-38 Items Output by the DeleteMigrationGroup Command............................................................................ 69
Table 4-39 Options of the GetMigrationGroups Command ....................................................................................... 70
Table 4-40 Parameters of the GetMigrationGroups Command ................................................................................. 70
Tables 6
Table 4-41 Items Output by the GetMigrationGroups Command .............................................................................. 70
Table 4-42 Options of the ModifyMigrationGroup Command .................................................................................... 73
Table 4-43 Parameters of the ModifyMigrationGroup Command .............................................................................. 73
Table 4-44 Items Output by the ModifyMigrationGroup Command ........................................................................... 74
Table 4-45 Options of the AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Command ........................................................................ 75
Table 4-46 Parameters of the AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Command ..................................................................75
Table 4-47 Items Output by the AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Command ............................................................... 75
Table 4-48 Options, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command ......................................................................77
Table 4-49 Parameters, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command................................................................ 77
Table 4-50 Output, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command........................................................................ 77
Table 4-51 Parameters of the CreateMigrationPlan Command................................................................................. 80
Table 4-52 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter.......................................................................... 80
Table 4-53 Items Output by the CreateMigrationPlan Command .............................................................................. 80
Table 4-54 Options of the CreateMigrationTask Command ...................................................................................... 85
Table 4-55 Parameters of the CreateMigrationTask Command ................................................................................ 85
Table 4-56 Items Output by the CreateMigrationTask Command ............................................................................. 86
Table 4-57 Options of the GetTasks Command ........................................................................................................ 87
Table 4-58 Parameters of the GetTasks Command .................................................................................................. 87
Table 4-59 Items Output by the GetTasks Command ............................................................................................... 88
Table 4-60 Options of the ModifyTask Command ..................................................................................................... 94
Table 4-61 Parameters of the ModifyTask Command ............................................................................................... 94
Table 4-62 Items Output by the ModifyTask Command ............................................................................................ 95
Table 4-63 Parameters of the ExecuteTask Command............................................................................................. 96
Table 4-64 Items Output by the CancelTask Command............................................................................................ 97
Table 4-65 Options of the DeleteTasks Command.................................................................................................... 97
Table 4-66 Parameters of the DeleteTasks Command.............................................................................................. 97
Table 4-67 Items Output by the DeleteTasks Command........................................................................................... 98
Table 5-1 Properties Specifiable for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI ................................................................... 101
Table 5-2 Sample htsmcli.properties Property Values............................................................................................ 102
Table 6-1 Troubleshooting Tiered Storage Manager CLI ........................................................................................ 105
Revision history (start here) 7
About this guide
This guide provides information about:
Installing HP StorageWorks Command View XP Advanced Edition Device Manager Server software.
Installing Java™2 Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE).
Intended audience
This guide is intended for customers and HP authorized service providers who are experienced with the
Data processing and direct-access storage device subsystems.
HP StorageWorks XP Series disk array(s).
Prerequisites for installing this product include:
Reading through the user’s guide.
Meeting all the minimum installation requirements.
Reviewing the readme.txt file on the CD for any last-minute announcements.
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document Conventions
Convention Element Convention Element
Medium blue text: Figure 1 Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Medium blue, underlined text
Web site addresses
Bold font Key names
Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as
menu and list
italics font Text emphasis
Monospace font File and directory names
System output
Text typed at the command-line
Monospace, italic font Code variables
Command-line variables
Monospace, bold font Emphasis of file and directory names, system output, code,
and text typed at the command-line
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP: Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
Revision history (start here)
Revision history (start here) 8
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP web site:
Collect the following information before calling:
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Product model names and numbers
Applicable error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed, specific questions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
HP strongly recommends that customers sign up online using the Subscriber’s choice web site at
Subscribing to this service provides you with email updates on the latest product enhancements, newest
versions of drivers, and firmware documentation updates as well as instant access to numerous other
product resources.
After signing-up, you can quickly locate your products by selecting Business support and then Storage
under Product Category.
HP-authorized reseller
For the name of your nearest HP-authorized reseller:
In the United States, call 1-800-345-1518.
Elsewhere, visit http://www.hp.com and click Contact HP to find locations and telephone numbers.
Helpful web sites
For additional product information, see the following web sites:
Revision history (start here) 9
Revision history (start here)
Revision tables
Table 2 Revisions
Date Edition Revision
November, 2005 First Initial release
Overview of HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered
e Mana
Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 10
1 Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage
This chapter explains the software components of Tiered Storage Manager as well as volume migration using
the Tiered Storage Manager CLI. The explanations on migration cover the overall procedures and commands
that can be used at each step, volume filtering and filter conditions, creation of candidate migration plans, and
creation and execution of migration tasks.
1-1 Tiered Storage Manager Software Components
Volume Migration Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
1-1 Tiered Storage Manager Software Components
The following software components are needed to use the Tiered Storage Manager CLI to perform volume
Device Manager server
The Device Manager server is a prerequisite program for the Tiered Storage Manager server.
Tiered Storage Manager obtains configuration information about storage subsystems as well as
information about volumes (LDEVs) from the Device Manager server. Also, the user management
functionality provided by Device Manager is used to perform system registration for the user groups and
users that use Tiered Storage Manager.
Tiered Storage Manager server (Management server)
The Tiered Storage Manager server (Management server) performs migration (relocation of volume data)
within the domain control storage subsystem and the external storage subsystems that are connected to
it, based on information received from the Management client.
To use the Tiered Storage Manager server, the Device Manager server must be installed on the same
Tiered Storage Manager client (Management client)
The Tiered Storage Manager client (Management client) is used by system administrators, and storage
administrators on the host side.
The Management client provides users with information needed to perform migration, as obtained from
Tiered Storage Manager server, and relays migration requests from the user to the Management server.
The Management client consists of a CLI client and a Web client. The CLI client requires a Java
execution environment.
For details on how to operate the Web client, please refer to the HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage
Manager User's Guide.
1-2 Volume Migration Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
This section explains the overall flow of operations when using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI to perform
volume migration. Figure 1-1 illustrates the overall flow, and also lists the commands that can be used during
each step of the operation.
Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 11
Figure 1-1 Flow of Migration Operations
1. Map volumes (LDEVs)
Use the External Storage XP from StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000 to map the volumes (LDEVs) on
external storage subsystems to StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000. Mapping involves determining the
controller LDEV numbers on the domain control storage subsystem, for volumes (LDEVs) on external
storage subsystems. Mapping enables volumes on external storage subsystems to be handled in the
same manner as those on StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000.
2. Create a storage domain
Use the CreateStorageDomain command to create a storage domain. Creating a storage domain
involves registering, as a storage domain in Tiered Storage Manager, a domain control storage
subsystem or a domain control storage subsystem to which external storage subsystems are connected.
Migration (relocation of volume data) can be performed within the storage area consisting of the domain
control storage subsystem and the external storage subsystems that are connected to it.
3. Create a storage tier
Use the CreateStorageTier command to create a storage tier in the created storage domain. A
storage tier is a collection of volumes that are migration target volume candidates. A storage tier is
determined by the filter condition specified for the filtercondition parameter of the
CreateStorageTier command.
Overview of HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered
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Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 12
NOTE: The storage tier must be created such that it contains a volume whose characteristics match
those of the migration source volume.
4. Create a migration group
Use the CreateMigrationGroup command to create a migration group in a storage domain. A
migration group is a collection of volumes on which application data is stored. Define a migration group to
specify a collection of volumes to be migrated simultaneously.
5. Create a candidate migration plan
Use the CreateMigrationPlan command to create a candidate migration plan. A candidate migration
plan is a text file that contains a pairing of a migration source volume and a migration target volume. A
candidate volume that is chosen by Tiered Storage Manager is set in the migration target volume.
For details on how to create and edit candidate migration plans, see sections 1-2-3 and 1-2-4 .
6. Create and execute a migration task
Use the CreateMigrationTask command with a migration plan specified to create a migration task.
Created migration tasks can be executed immediately or executed using the ExecuteTask command.
This can be selected using the execute option of the CreateMigrationTask command.
For details on creating and executing migration tasks, see section 1-2-5 .
1-2-1 Storage Tier Filter Conditions
Storage tier filter conditions can be used for creating a storage tier, or for updating an existing storage tier. By
specifying a storage subsystem or characteristics of volumes in a storage tier as filter conditions, you can
select storage tiers that match the conditions.
Table 1-1 lists and describes the properties that can be specified for the filtercondition parameter of the
CreateStorageTier command and the newfiltercondition parameter of the ModifyStorageTier
command. The formats of the filter condition expressions that can be specified are:
An expression consisting of a property name, operator, and value, for one property
A logical expression consisting of several expressions connected by AND, for several properties
A logical expression consisting of several expressions connected by OR, for several properties
Table 1-1 Properties That Can Be Specified for Storage Tier Filter Conditions
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemDisplayModel =, <> The name used for displaying the model of the
storage subsystem. This name is
displayArrayType of Device Manager (not
Example: StorageWorks XP1024
SubsystemSerialNumber =, <>, startsWith, contains The serial number of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemName =, <> The name of the storage subsystem.
ArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the array group.
SubsystemVendor =, <> The name of the storage subsystem vendor.
Capacity <, <=, =, <>, >, >= The volume capacity.
RAIDLevel =, <> The RAID level.
EmulationType =, <> The emulation type.
DiskType =, <> The disk type.
SLPRNumber =, <> The SLPR number.
CLPRNumber =, <> The CLPR number.
ControllerArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the controller array group.
The following shows an example of a filter condition expression for a storage tier:
filtercondition="RAIDLevel='RAID5(3D+1P)' AND EmulationType='OPEN-8' "
Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 13
1-2-2 Volume Search and Volume Filter Conditions
Volumes in a storage domain and storage tiers can be searched by their attributes. To search volumes, specify
a volume filter condition expression.
Table 1-2 lists and describes the properties that can be specified for the filtercondition parameter of the
GetVolumes command and the CreateMigrationPlan command. The formats of the filter condition
expressions that can be specified are:
An expression consisting of a property name, operator, and value, for one property
A logical expression consisting of several expressions connected by AND, OR, NOT, or parentheses, for
several properties
Table 1-2 Properties That Can Be Specified for Volume Filter Conditions
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemDisplayModel =, <> The name used for displaying the model of the
storage subsystem. This name is
displayArrayType of Device Manager (not
Example: StorageWorks XP1024
SubsystemSerialNumber =, <>, startsWith, contains The serial number of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemName =, <> The name of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemVendor =, <> The name of the storage subsystem vendor.
ControllerDeviceNumber = The controller LDEV number. Note that only a
representative LDEV can be specified for a LUSE
Host =, <>, startsWith, contains The host name.
ArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the array group.
Capacity <, <=, =, <>, >, >= The volume capacity.
RAIDLevel =, <> The RAID level.
EmulationType =, <> The emulation type.
DiskType =, <> The disk type.
VolumeStatus = A string indicating whether or not the volume is being
VolumeLockStatus = A string indicating the lock status of the volume.
SLPRNumber =, <> The SLPR number.
CLPRNumber =, <> The CLPR number.
ControllerArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the controller array group.
The following shows an example of a filter condition expression for a volume:
filtercondition="RAIDLevel='RAID5(3D+1P)' AND DiskType='FC'"
1-2-3 Creating a Candidate Migration Plan
Use the CreateMigrationPlan command to create a candidate migration plan.
Candidate migration plans are either output to the standard output in text format, or created in the redirect file
specified by the output option. The following parameters must be specified for the CreateMigrationPlan
The name of the storage domain
The name of the migration source migration group
The name of the migration target storage tier
For a migration target volume candidate for each migration group migration source volume, a volume of the
same RAID level and same capacity as the migration source volume is chosen from the specified migration
target storage tier.
Overview of HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered
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Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 14
When volume filter conditions are further specified by the filtercondition parameter, candidate migration
target volumes are chosen from those that match the specified conditions. See Table 1-2. for details about the
properties of the filtercondition parameter that can be specified for creating a candidate migration plan.
Table 1-3 lists the items specified for candidate migration plans created as information output for commands.
Table 1-3 Candidate Migration Plan Items
Type of Information Item Name Description
Overall plan information plan-type The plan type.
format-version The format version of the plan. This is information for
compatibility between different format versions.
This is indicated as a string of two decimal numbers,
separated by a period (.), such as in 1.0.
storageDomainName The name of the storage domain.
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group.
targetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier.
permitCrossSlprMigration# Indicates whether migration is permitted for transferring
volume data between SLPRs.
Yes: permitted.
No: not permitted.
permitCrossClprMigration# Indicates whether migration is permitted for transferring
volume data between CLPRs.
Yes: permitted.
No: not permitted.
Information for each
pair of migration target
pair Indicates the start of a description for a pair
consisting of a migration source volume and a
migration target volume.
The migration source volume. The controller LDEV
number is displayed.
The migration target volume. The controller LDEV
number is displayed.
# This is set to No when the CreateMigrationPlan command creates a candidate migration plan.
Figure 1-2 shows an example of a candidate migration plan.
#Example plan for migration
# LU=A3:A6
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 15
# CLPRNumber=0
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSupressionMode=Disable
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# arrayGroupName=1-9-1
# Target candidates for source LDEV - 3:A7, 3:A6
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# arrayGroupName=1-10-1
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:80 * (3:A6)
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:84 * (3:A7)
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:85
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:86
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:87
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:89
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8A
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8C
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8F
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:91
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:92
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:95
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:99
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:9E
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:9F
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A0
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A3
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A4
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A5
Overview of HP
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Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 16
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A6
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A7
Figure 1-2 Example Candidate Migration Plan
Even if migration target volume candidates cannot be selected for all migration source volumes, the specified
candidate migration plan is created for those that can be selected.
A candidate for a migration target volume is selected from the logical partition (SLPR and CLPR) to which the
migration source volume belongs. If a volume that can serve as a migration target volume is not found within
the logical partition to which the migration source volume belongs, an empty string is output for the controller
LDEV number of the migration target volume. In such a case, the command outputs the candidate migration
plan and terminates with an error.
In candidate migration plans, comment lines (lines whose first column starts with a hash mark (#)), like those
described below, are generated automatically by Tiered Storage Manager:
Comment lines for a pair that consists of a migration source volume and a migration target volume
The following information is displayed after the pair line (and before the lines that display the pair that
consists of the migration source volume and migration target volume):
Information about attributes, capacity, and location for the migration source volume
The LUSE volume attribute (LUSE)
The LU device number (LU)
The emulation type (emulationType)
The CVS volume attribute (CVS)
The volume capacity (capacityInKB)
The SLPR number (SLPRNumber)
The CLPR number (CLPRNumber)
The cache mode (cacheMode)
The IO suppression mode (IOSuppressionMode)
Comment lines for a candidate migration target volume
Comment lines start with the # Target candidates for source LDEV line and the following
information is output: The items to be output and their order might differ depending on the version
installed on the server.
Controller logical device number for the corresponding migration source volume
This item is displayed in the # Target candidates for LDEV line. Multiple volume candidates
are separated by commas and displayed if multiple candidates that can serve as migration target
volumes exist.
Information about an attribute, capacity, and location for each migration target volume (candidate
The emulation type (emulationType)
The CVS volume attribute (CVS)
The volume capacity (capacityInKB)
The name of model (subsystem)
The SLPR number (SLPRNumber)
The CLPR number (CLPRNumber)
The name of the array group where the LDEV exists (arrayGroupName)
The disk type (diskType)
The RAID level (RAIDLevel)
The cache mode (cacheMode)
The IO suppression mode (IOSuppressionMode)
Controller logical device number for the corresponding migration target volume (candidate volume)
If multiple migration target volumes (candidate volumes) exist, multiple lines are displayed for each
volume. For the first candidate (the volume that is paired with the migration source volume after the
pair line), an asterisk (*) and controller logical device number for the migration source volume (in
parentheses) are displayed following the controller logical device number.
All volumes other than the first candidate are chosen not only from the logical partition (SLPR and CLPR) to
which the migration source volume belongs, but also from the other logical partitions (SLPRs and CLPRs).
Users can change the candidate volume easily by switching the first candidate migration target volume and one
of the subsequent candidate volumes.
Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 17
1-2-4 Editing a Migration Plan
A candidate migration plan created by the CreateMigrationPlan command can be used as-is for migration,
or can be edited as text data by a user as needed.
The format for candidate migration plans is as follows:
Each item consists of an item name, equal sign (=), and value, in that order. Note that only the item name
is specified for pair.
NOTE: Item names are not case-sensitive (for example, storagedomainname and
STORAGEDOMAINNAME are equivalent).
NOTE: Item values are case-sensitive (for example, groupName_1 and GroupName_1 are different
Any space characters before or after the item name, equal sign (=), and value are disregarded.
Specify one item per line. The specification for an item cannot continue over multiple lines.
Lines in which the first non-space character is a hash mark (#) are treated as comments.
Specify item names as follows:
Specify each item name in the order listed in Table 1-3.
Specify plan-type, format-version, storageDomainName, migrationGroupName,
targetStorageTierName, permitCrossSlprMigration, and permitCrossClprMigration only
once at the beginning of a migration plan.
For each migration source volume belonging to the specified migration group, specify each of pair,
sourceControllerDeviceNumber, and targetControllerDeviceNumber, once each and in that
Specify migration source volumes and migration target volumes as follows:
Specify two controller LDEV numbers, one for the migration source volume and one for the migration
target volume.
For the migration source volume, specify a volume that belongs to the specified migration group.
For the migration target volume, specify a volume that belongs to the specified storage tier.
For migration source volumes that do not require migration, specify the same volume as the migration
source volume for the migration target volume.
Note that different combinations of migration source volumes or migration target volumes cannot be specified
1-2-5 Creating and Executing a Migration Task
When migration is performed based on a migration plan, a migration task must be created and then executed.
Migration tasks can be created by executing the CreateMigrationTask command with a migration plan
specified. A task ID is given to the created migration task.
There are two ways to execute a migration task:
You can execute a migration task immediately by using the CreateMigrationTask command with the
execute option specified.
NOTE: Migration tasks not immediately executed using the CreateMigrationTask command with
the execute option specified, remain in Standby status.
You can use the ExecuteTask command (including the migration task ID) to execute a migration task
that is in Standby status.
Migration task execution requires that a request be made for task execution to the Tiered Storage Manager
server. The actual task execution is performed asynchronously to the CreateMigrationTask command and
ExecuteTask command.
1-2-5-1 Migration task status
Migration tasks can be in any of the following statuses. The GetTasks command can be used to obtain
the status of a task.
Standby: Standby
Overview of HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered
e Mana
Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 18
Active.WaitingMigration: Waiting for migration to be performed
Active.Migrating: Migration is being performed
Active.WaitingDataErasure: Waiting for erasure to be performed
Active.DataErasing: Erasure is being performed
Success: Ended in success
Failure.MigrationFailure: Ended in migration failure
Failure.DataErasureFailure: Ended in erasure failure
Failure: Ended with a failure other than those mentioned above
Cancel: Ended by cancellation
1-2-5-2 Volume migration reserve
When the CreateMigrationTask is used to execute a migration task, a volume migration reserve is
performed for the migration source volume and migration target volume specified in the migration plan.
A volume migration reserve is released either when the migration terminates normally or the migration
task changes to a terminated status, or when the Cancel command is executed to cancel the migration
task. Refresh processing releases the volume migration reserve when the migration task ends with a
1-2-5-3 Swapping controller LDEV numbers for migration source volumes and migration
target volumes
Once migration terminates normally, the controller LDEV number of the migration source volume and the
controller LDEV number of the migration target volume are swapped.
1-2-5-4 Deleting (erasing) migration source volume data
If the erasedata parameter of the CreateMigrationTask command is set to either Yes or omitted,
the migration source volume data is deleted when migration terminates normally.
Requirements and Installation 19
2 Requirements and Installation
This chapter explains the system requirements for operating the Tiered Storage Manager CLI. This chapter
also explains installation and setup of the Tiered Storage Manager CLI, which is required for setting an
environment where CLI commands can be executed on a Management client.
2-1 Requirements for CLI Operations
2-2 CLI Memory Requirements
2-3 Tiered Storage Manager CLI Installation and Setup
2-4 Tiered Storage Manager CLI Uninstallation and Unsetup
2-5 Precautions Regarding Execution of the CLI Commands
2-1 Requirements for CLI Operations
The system requirements for operating the Tiered Storage Manager CLI are:
Storage subsystems
All storage subsystems to be managed by Tiered Storage Manager must be connected to a LAN, and be
accessible by the Management server and Management client for Tiered Storage Manager. Also, external
storage subsystems must be connected to the domain control storage subsystem, and the LDEVs within
external storage subsystems must be mapped to the domain control storage subsystem.
Device Manager server
Device Manager server must already be installed, set up, and fully ready for operation. For details, please
refer to the HP StorageWorks Command View XP Advanced Edition Device Manager Server Installation
and Configuration Guide.
Tiered Storage Manager server
Tiered Storage Manager server must already be installed, set up, and fully ready for operation. For
details, please refer to the HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager Server Installation and
Configuration Guide.
Platform for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
The platform used for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI must be running one of the following operating
systems supported by Tiered Storage Manager 1.1 (01-10) for CLI:
Windows XP
Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or later)
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit version only)
Sun Solaris 8 (SPARC platform only)
Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC platform only)
HP-UX 11i V1.0
HP-UX 11i V2.0
Java execution environment
The Tiered Storage Manager CLI requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.2.
If the OS of the machine on which CLI is executed is Windows, the path in which java.exe is stored
must be set in the Path environment variable.
If the OS of the machine on which CLI is executed is Solaris or HP-UX, the path in which java is stored
must be set in the PATH environment variable.
For details about requirements for installing and setting up CLI on the client, see section 2-3-1 .
2-2 CLI Memory Requirements
The maximum memory size for running CLI must be set appropriately when CLI is executed. The maximum
amount of memory allocated is set using the HTSM_CLI_MEM_SIZE environment variable.
The default for HTSM_CLI_MEM_SIZE is set to 256M, meaning that 256 MB is reserved. The value specified
here must be a multiple of 1,024 bytes that is at least 2 MB. Since this value is set using notation in bytes, add
k or K to specify kilobytes, or m or M to specify megabytes.
Overview of HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered
e Mana
Requirements and Installation 20
For commands such as the GetVolumes command that can obtain a large amount of information depending
on parameter settings, the amount of memory secured must suit the parameter settings. The maximum amount
of memory required for executing the GetVolumes command is about 150 MB.
If the value set for HTSM_CLI_MEM_SIZE is not enough for the amount of memory needed during CLI
execution, CLI will display the following error message, and then terminate:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
<<no stack trace available>>
If this error occurs, increase the value of HTSM_CLI_MEM_SIZE, and run CLI again.
2-3 Tiered Storage Manager CLI Installation and Setup
To set up an environment for running CLI on the Management client, you must install CLI by copying its setup
command from the Tiered Storage Manager server to the Management client, and then executing the setup
command. Also, you must install the Java execution environment.
When CLI commands are executed on a Management server, there is no need to transfer the setup file or
execute the setup command. When the server is installed, the CLI commands are also installed on the
Management server. When the Tiered Storage Manager server is installed, the CLI setup files are ready to
download from the Management server.
The name of the CLI setup file is:
TSM01-10-mm_Enn_WIN_CLI.zip (Windows version)
TSM01-10-mm_Enn_SOL_CLI.tar.gz (Solaris version)
TSM01-10-mm_Enn_HP_CLI.tar.gz (HP-UX version)
mm indicates the number of revised versions. nn indicates the build number.
When the Tiered Storage Manager server is installed on a Management server, the CLI setup file is stored in
the following location on the Management server:
NOTE: Operations described in this section, Tiered Storage Manager CLI Installation and Setup, are
unnecessary for executing CLI commands on a Management server. When the server is installed, an
environment where CLI commands can be executed is also created on the Management server.
2-3-1 Requirements for CLI Installation and Setup
The requirements for CLI installation and setup for a Management client are as follows:
When the Management client is running on Windows:
Administrator login is required.
At least 100 MB of free space must exist on the disk on which the OS is installed.
The environment must allow .zip files to be decompressed.
When the Management client is running on Solaris or HP-UX:
Administrator (root) login is required.
At least 100 MB of free space must exist on the disk to which /opt is allocated.
2-3-2 CLI Installation and Setup on a Windows System
To perform CLI installation and setup:
1. Log on to the Management client machine as a user who is a member of the Administrators group.
2. Use FTP or external media to transfer the setup file from the Management server machine of Tiered
Storage Manager to the Management client machine. You can copy this file to any location.
3. Decompress the transferred setup file into the Windows system drive.
After decompression, files such as the batch file for setup, batch file for unsetup, batch file for running
CLI, and properties files are decompressed and stored on the system drive:
Requirements and Installation 21
NOTE: The decompressed properties file htsmcli.properties is a sample file, and examples of
property setting are contained in the file as comment lines.
4. Execute setup.bat, the batch file for setup.
This stores the common library for collecting trace information, sets the settings for the common library,
and edits the batch file for running CLI The common library is stored in the following directory:
system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\HNTRLib2
Java execution environment
The Tiered Storage Manager CLI requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.2. To confirm that
setup is complete:
1. From the Start menu, choose Settings, then Control Panel, and then System. The System Properties
dialog box is displayed.
2. In the System Properties dialog box, choose the Advanced tab, and then click the Environment variables
button. The Environment Variables dialog box is displayed.
3. Verify that the Path value in the System environment variables list box contains the path in which
java.exe is stored. If it does not, add the appropriate path.
Once you have verified that setup is complete, edit the properties file as needed. Also, to use a previously
backed up properties file, simply replace the existing one.
NOTE: The properties file htsmcli.properties can be stored in any desired location; however, the
directory containing this file must be set in the environment variable HTSM_CLI_HOME in advance.
2-3-3 CLI Installation and Setup on a Solaris or HP-UX System
To perform CLI installation and setup:
1. Log on to the Management client machine as a user with administrator privileges (root).
2. Use FTP or external media to transfer the setup file from the Management server machine of Tiered
Storage Manager to the Management client machine. You can copy this file to any location, such as
3. Decompress the transferred setup file into the /opt directory.
After decompression, files such as the shell script for setup, shell script for unsetup, shell script for
running CLI, and properties files are decompressed and stored on the /opt directory:
NOTE: The decompressed properties file htsmcli.properties is a sample file, and examples of
property settings are contained in the file as comment lines.
4. Execute setup.sh, the shell script for setup.
This stores the common library for collecting trace information and sets the settings for the common
library. The common library is stored in the following directory:
Java execution environment
The Tiered Storage Manager CLI requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.2. To confirm that
setup is complete:
Requirements and
Requirements and Installation 22
1. Execute the env command to verify that the value set for the PATH system environment variable contains
the path in which java is stored. If it does not, add the appropriate path to the system logon script (such
as /etc/profile).
Once you have verified that setup is complete, edit the properties file as needed. Also, to use a previously
backed up properties file, simply replace the existing one.
NOTE: The properties file htsmcli.properties can be stored in any desired location; however, the
directory containing this file must be set in the environment variable HTSM_CLI_HOME in advance.
Requirements and Installation 23
2-4 Tiered Storage Manager CLI Uninstallation and Unsetup
To perform unsetup of CLI, you must execute the batch file or shell script for unsetup. When unsetup of CLI is
performed, the files for CLI are deleted and the common library for collecting trace information is uninstalled.
The batch file or shell script for unsetup is one of the files decompressed from the setup file during setup, and
is located in the same directory as the batch file or shell script for setup.
When the Management client is running on Windows:
1. Back up the htsmcli.properties properties file.
2. Make sure that the two conditions below are met for the following directory:
The current directory must not be in or under this directory.
Directories or files in or under this directory must not be in use.
If these conditions are not met, directories might not be deleted, even if unsetup ends normally.
3. Execute the following batch file for unsetup:
The common library for collecting trace information is uninstalled, and the files and directories
decompressed from the setup file during setup are deleted.
When the Management client is running on Solaris or HP-UX:
1. Back up the htsmcli.properties properties file.
2. Execute the following shell script for unsetup:
The common library for collecting trace information is uninstalled, and the files and directories
decompressed from the setup file during setup are deleted.
2-5 Precautions Regarding Execution of the CLI Commands
Note the following precautions regarding the execution of the CLI commands:
Language on the CLI client
We recommend that the language on the CLI client should match that of the locale on the server. Some
messages output by Tiered Storage Manager contain information, such as message text, in the form that
it was received from Device Manager. The language of this text depends on the machine that runs the
Device Manager server or the machine that runs the Tiered Storage Manager server.
Symbols that have special meanings for the OS
Exercise caution when using symbols within a Tiered Storage Manager CLI command that have special
meaning to the operating system (e.g., <, >, &, !). Enclose strings containing these symbols in double
quotation marks (") or single quotation marks ('), or use an escape character before each of these
symbols so that they are not misinterpreted by the operating system.
File names containing unusable characters
An unexpected result might occur if an unusable character is contained in the name of a file such as a
redirect file. For example, in Windows, if a file name containing a colon is specified for a redirect
destination or output option, the file is created with a file name consisting of the characters preceding
the colon, but nothing is output to that file.
Path to be set for the Windows environment variable HTSM_CLI_HOME
Note the following when setting the path for the Windows environment variable HTSM_CLI_HOME:
Do not enclose the path in double quotation marks (").
Do not specify the symbol \ at the end of the path.
Do not specify the directory that exists directly under the drive.
Umask for the htsmcli script for Solaris and HP-UX.
Umask 0 is used for the script htsmcli. Therefore, access permissions for the following files that htsmcli
creates become "-rw-rw-rw-":
Trace log files created in /opt/TieredStorageManager/0110/CLI/logs.
Files specified in the output option to which the standard output is to be redirected.
Requirements and Installation 24
By using the desired umask, if you want to create a file to which the standard output is to be redirected,
use the shell redirect functionality instead of the output option.
Canceling a CLI command by pressing Ctrl + C or closing the window
When a CLI command is canceled by pressing Ctrl + C or closing the window, the user does not know the
execution result. In such a case, execute a view command, such as GetTasks, to check the execution
result. If necessary, re-execute the update command such as DeleteTasks.
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 25
3 Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
This chapter provides an overview of the Tiered Storage Manager CLI and describes the structure and syntax
of CLI commands.
3-1 CLI Command Overview
3-2 Description of the CLI Command Elements
3-3 CLI Command Syntax
3-4 Miscellaneous Operational Information
3-5 Starting the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
3-6 Displaying CLI Help
3-1 CLI Command Overview
There are four categories of CLI commands:
Storage domain management
Storage tier management
Migration group management
Table 3-1 lists and describes the CLI commands by category.
Table 3-1 CLI Command Categories
Category Command Name Description
Storage domain
CreateStorageDomain Creates a new storage domain (by registering a domain
control storage subsystem as a storage domain).
DeleteStorageDomain Deletes a registered storage domain.
GetStorageDomains Obtains information about storage domains.
ModifyStorageDomain Changes attributes for a storage domain.
The following attributes can be changed:
Storage domain name
Storage domain description
GetVolumes Obtains information about volumes within a storage domain.
Refresh Updates information about a storage domain. The refresh
processing re-obtains subsystem information from Device
Manager and registers it in the Tiered Storage Manager
Storage tier
CreateStorageTier Creates a storage tier within a storage domain.
DeleteStorageTier Deletes a storage tier.
GetStorageTiers Obtains information about storage tiers in a storage domain.
ModifyStorageTier Changes attributes for a storage tier.
The following attributes can be changed:
Storage tier name
Filter condition for a storage tier
Storage tier description
(with storagetiername specified)
Obtains information about volumes within a storage tier.
Migration group
CreateMigrationGroup Creates a migration group within a storage domain.
DeleteMigrationGroup Deletes a migration group.
GetMigrationGroups Obtains information about migration groups in a storage
Requirements and
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 26
Table 3-1 CLI Command Categories
Category Command Name Description
ModifyMigrationGroup Changes attributes for a migration group.
The following attributes can be changed:
Migration group name
Attribute indicating whether the migration group is
subject to migration operations.
Migration group description
AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Adds a volume to a migration group.
RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Removes a volume from a migration group.
(with migrationgroupname specified)
Obtains information about volumes in a migration group.
Migration CreateMigrationPlan Creates a migration plan.
CreateMigrationTask Creates, and optionally executes, a migration task.
GetTasks Obtains information about migration tasks.
ModifyTask Changes attributes for a migration task.
The following attribute can be changed:
Task description
ExecuteTask Executes a migration task in standby status.
CancelTask Cancels (places in terminated status) a migration task in
standby status.
DeleteTasks Deletes a terminated migration task.
NOTE: A detailed description of each command is provided in 4 .
3-2 Description of the CLI Command Elements
CLI commands can contain up to four elements. Table 3-2 lists and describes each element of the CLI
Table 3-2 Description of CLI Command Elements
Command Element Description
server-location Information indicating the location of the Tiered Storage Manager server on the network.
Specify a value such as rmi://myhost.mydomain:20352/HTSMServer.
Specify the host and port for the Tiered Storage Manager server in the following URL format:
host: Specify the host name or IP address for Tiered Storage Manager. If this is omitted, the
local host is used.
port: Specify the port number where client requests are received, as specified during HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager installation. If this is omitted, 20352 (the default
for HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager installation) is used.
You can omit the server-location when using the command line, by setting it in the properties file.
command The name of a command requesting processing on the Tiered Storage Manager server, such as
CreateStorageDomain or CreateMigrationTask.
The command name is not case-sensitive. As such, createstoragedomain is the same
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 27
Table 3-2 Description of CLI Command Elements
Command Element Description
options Options contain information for controlling the CLI operation.
Use the general UNIX format when entering options. There are two kinds of such expressions:
one-character expressions and one-word expressions. Insert one hyphen before one-character
expressions, and two hyphens before one-word expressions. For example, a one-character
expression should be specified like –u, and a one-word expression should be specified like –-
Some options require an argument to be specified after the option.
Specify arguments as command line parameter strings. Arguments that contain space
characters should be enclosed in quotation marks (such as in --output "C:\My
Documents\redirect.txt"), or whatever is appropriate for the command execution
Options are case-sensitive.
Options can be specified in any order.
IMPORTANT: Not all options are valid for all commands. Refer to the detailed command descriptions in 4 to determine
which options are valid for each command.
parameters Parameters contain information passed to the server as part of a request. The parameters
required depend on the command requested. Each parameter consists of a name and a value,
such as in name=value.
Specify parameters as command line parameter strings. Parameters that contain space
characters should be enclosed in quotation marks (such as in "filtercondition =
capacity < '1024GB'"), or whatever is appropriate for the command execution
Names are not case-sensitive.
Values are case-sensitive. As such, xp and XP are considered two different values.
Parameters can be specified in any order.
Parameters can be omitted from the command line if they are set in the properties file.
IMPORTANT: Refer to Table 3-3 to determine the range of valid parameter values for each parameter.
3-3 CLI Command Syntax
Using the command line interface, you can initiate requests to the Tiered Storage Manager server and review
responses from the server. CLI commands are executed from the command line. The syntax of Tiered Storage
Manager CLI commands is:
htsmcli [server-location] command [options]... [parameters]...
NOTE: When commands are entered from the command line, shell escaping must be performed in
accordance with the platform used.
3-3-1 CLI Command Parameters
Command parameters are specified as a combination of a name and a value. Specify a parameter as follows,
with the name of the parameter first, followed by an equal sign, and then the value of the parameter:
Parameters can be specified in any order. Specify parameters as a single command line parameter character
string. Parameters that contain space characters should suit the command execution environment. For
example, enclose such parameters in quotation marks as follows:
"filtercondition = capacity < '1024GB'"
NOTE: The parameter name is not case sensitive. The parameter value is case sensitive. For example, xp
and XP are considered two different values.
Parameters can be set in the command line when the command is issued or the parameters can be set in the
CLI properties file. Parameters that are set in the command line take precedence over parameters that were
set in the properties file. For details about the Tiered Storage Manager CLIproperties file, see 5 .
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 28
Table 3-3 Range of Valid Parameter Values
Parameter Permissible Value or
Valid Characters and
Parameter Restrictions
Size or Number of
One of the following
names provided in Tiered
Storage Manager:
- storagedomainname
- storagetiername
- migrationgroupname
-- A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Period (.)
At mark(@)
Space character ( )
Non-ASCII characters
The specified value
cannot start or end with
a space character.
An empty character
string cannot be
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1 byte,
other characters are from 1
to 3 bytes.
description -- No restrictions Up to 500 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
controllermodel The value displayed for
the arrayType
attribute of the
StorageArray object,
in GetStorageArray
for the Device Manager
No restrictions on the types
of characters exist, but note
the following restriction:
The specified value
cannot start or end with
a space character.
Space characters
included within the
string are not
The value is not case
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1 byte,
other characters are from 1
to 3 bytes.
controllerserialnumber The value displayed for
the serialNumber
attribute of the
StorageArray object,
in GetStorageArray
for the Device Manager
A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Period (.)
At mark (@)
Space character ( )
Non-ASCII characters
The specified value
cannot start or end with
a space character.
An empty character
string cannot be
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1 byte,
other characters are from 1
to 3 bytes.
controllername The value displayed for
the name attribute of the
StorageArray object,
in GetStorageArray
for the Device Manager
No restrictions on the types
of characters exist, but note
the following restriction:
The specified value
cannot start or end with
a space character.
Up to 256 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1 byte,
other characters are from 1
to 3 bytes.
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 29
Table 3-3 Range of Valid Parameter Values
Parameter Permissible Value or
Valid Characters and
Parameter Restrictions
Size or Number of
controllerdevicenumber -- Two hexadecimal values
less than 0x100, separated
by a colon (:).
Specify the first value as
one or two characters, and
second value as two
The value is not case
Space characters
cannot be specified.
canmigrate Yes and No The value is not case
The value cannot
contain space
erasedata Yes and No The value is not case
The value cannot
contain space
The task ID.
An ID created by
k, this is the value
displayed for the ID
attribute of the
MigrationTask object
A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Period (.)
At mark (@)
Space character ( )
Non-ASCII characters
The specified value
cannot start or end with
a space character.
An empty character
string cannot be
Up to 75 bytes, (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1 byte,
other characters are from 1
to 3 bytes.
The status of the task.
The value is not case
The value cannot
contain space
A lower-level status can
be specified by omitting
Active. or Failure.
datetype Created
The value is not case
The value cannot
contain space
daystobase 0 or a positive integer 0 or a positive integer
You cannot add the
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 30
Table 3-3 Range of Valid Parameter Values
Parameter Permissible Value or
Valid Characters and
Parameter Restrictions
Size or Number of
symbol + to the value.
direction Before
The value is not case
The value cannot
contain space
filtercondition See Table 3-4. See Table 3-4. Up to 4,096 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
3-3-2 Filter Condition Expressions
There are two types of filter condition expressions specified for the filtercondition parameter:
Filter condition expressions for a storage tier (storage_tier_filter_condition). These are filter
condition expressions specified for CreateStorageTier and ModifyStorageTier.
Filter condition expressions for a volume (volume_filter_condition). These are filter condition
expressions specified for GetVolumes and CreateMigrationPlan.
Figure 3-1 illustrates the syntax of these filter condition expressions, in Bachus Naur form (BNF):
storage_tier_filter_condition ::= and_search_condition | or_search_condition
and_search_condition ::= comparison_predicate | and_search_condition "AND"
and_search_condition | "(" and_search_condition ")"
or_search_condition ::= comparison_predicate | or_search_condition "OR"
or_search_condition | "(" or_search_condition ")"
volume_filter_condition ::= term | volume_filter_condition "OR"
term ::= factor | term "AND" term
factor ::= test | "NOT" factor
test ::= comparison_predicate | "(" volume_filter_condition ")"
comparison_predicate ::= symbol comp_op literal
symbol ::= name
comp_op ::= "=" | "<>" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "startsWith" | "contains"
literal ::= string_literal | numeric_literal
numeric_literal ::= digit { digit }
digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
The maximum number of comparison predicate that can be contained in one filter condition expression is
Figure 3-1 Filter Condition Expressions in BNF
NOTE: Curly brackets ({}) indicate 0 or more repetitions
If any of the following characters are included in string_literal, enclose string_literal in single
quotation marks ('). For a single quotation mark (') used for enclosing a string, add a single quotation mark (')
as an escape character (specify two single quotation marks sequentially).
Space character, parenthesis (), inequality sign <>, equal sign =, single quotation mark '
Unknown cannot be specified for literal. Note that the displayed Unknown might mean that either the value is
unknown or the character string is Unknown.
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 31
The following is an example specification for filtercondition, for a filter condition for a storage tier:
Property names are not case sensitive.
filtercondition="RAIDLevel='RAID5(3D+1P)' AND DiskType='FC'"
Table 3-4 describes the values that can be specified in the properties for the filter condition expressions used
for the filtercondition parameter.
NOTE: The term “properties for the filter condition expressions” refers to the comparison_predicate and
term objects in the filter condition expressions shown in Figure 3-1.
Table 3-4 Range of Valid Property Values for Filter Condition Expressions
Property Name Permissible Value or Range Valid Characters and
Character Restrictions
Size or Number of
SubsystemDisplayModel The value displayed for the
displayArrayType attribute of
the StorageArray object, in
GetStorageArray for the
Device Manager CLI.If the
displayed model name is
unknown, specify the product
No restrictions on the types of
characters exist, but note the
following restrictions:
The specified value
cannot start or end with a
space character.
Space characters included
within the string are not
The value is not case
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8)
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
SubsystemSerialNumber The value displayed for the
serialNumber attribute of the
StorageArray object, in
GetStorageArray for the
Device Manager CLI.
Part of the value can be specified
by using startsWith or
A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Period (.)
At mark (@)
Space character ( )
Non-ASCII characters
The specified value
cannot start or end with a
space character.
An empty character string
cannot be specified.
If the operator is = or <>,
the specified value cannot
start or end with space
If the operator is
startsWith, the
specified value cannot
start with space
characters. Space
characters at the end are
included in the search
If the operator is
contains, space
characters at the start or
end are included in the
search string.
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 32
Table 3-4 Range of Valid Property Values for Filter Condition Expressions
Property Name Permissible Value or Range Valid Characters and
Character Restrictions
Size or Number of
SubsystemName The value displayed for the name
attribute of the StorageArray
object, in GetStorageArray for
the Device Manager CLI.
No restrictions on the types of
characters exist, but note the
following restriction:
The specified value
cannot start or end with a
space character.
Up to 256 bytes
(when converted to
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
SubsystemVendor The value displayed for the
vendor attribute of the
VolumeConnection object, in
GetStorageArray for the
Device Manager CLI. If the vendor
name is unknown, specify
No restrictions on the types of
characters exist, but note the
following restriction:·
The value is not case
Space characters cannot
be used.
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8)
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
ControllerDeviceNumber -- The values specifiable for
in Table 3-3, separated by a
comma (,) for an array, or by a
hyphen (-) for a range.
Space characters at the
start or end of
ber in Table 3-3 are
The maximum
number of elements
separated by
commas (,) is 100.
The range
specified by a
hyphen (-) is
used as one
Host Part of the value can be specified
by using startsWith or
No restrictions on the types of
characters exist, but note the
following restriction:
If the operator is = or <>,
the specified value cannot
start or end with space
If the operator is
startsWith, the
specified value cannot
start with space
characters. Space
characters at the end are
included in the search
If the operator is
contains, space
characters at the start or
end are included in the
search string.
Up to 256 bytes
(when converted to
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 33
Table 3-4 Range of Valid Property Values for Filter Condition Expressions
Property Name Permissible Value or Range Valid Characters and
Character Restrictions
Size or Number of
ArrayGroup The value displayed for the
displayName attribute of the
ArrayGroup object, in
ArrayGroup) for the Device
Manager CLI.
Part of the value can be specified
by using startsWith or
A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Period (.)
At mark (@)
Space character ( )
Non-ASCII characters
An empty character string
cannot be specified.
If the operator is = or <>,
commas (,) can be used
to specify multiple
ArrayGroup names.
Space characters at the
start or end of the
ArrayGroup name are
If the operator is
startsWith, or
contains, multiple
ArrayGroup names cannot
be separated with
commas (,).
If the operator is
contains, space
characters at the start or
end are included in the
search string.
The maximum
number of elements
separated by
commas (,) is 100.
Capacity -- Specify a positive integer, or a
combination of a positive
integer and a character string
indicating the units.
Such as 256, 500KB or 10MB.
The units you can specify are
KB, MB, GB, and TB. KB is
assumed if omitted. #
This cannot contain space
You cannot add the
symbol + to the value.
The value is not case
RAIDLevel The value displayed for the
raidType attribute of the
LogicalUnit object, in
(subtarget=LogicalUnit) for
the Device Manager CLI.
No restrictions exist.
Specify this in the RAIDLevel
or RAIDLevel(Drive Conf.)
format, such as the following:
RAIDLevel: RAID5 or
Drive Conf.: 5D+1P
The specified value
cannot start or end with a
space character.
Space characters included
within the string are not
The value is not case
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 34
Table 3-4 Range of Valid Property Values for Filter Condition Expressions
Property Name Permissible Value or Range Valid Characters and
Character Restrictions
Size or Number of
EmulationType The value displayed for the
emulation attribute of the
LogicalUnit object, in
LogicalUnit) for the Device
Manager CLI.
No restrictions exist.
The specified value
cannot start or end with a
space character.
Space characters included
within the string are not
The value is not case
Up to 75 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
1 ASCII character is 1
byte, other characters
are from 1 to 3 bytes.
DiskType FC
No restrictions exist.
The value cannot contain
space characters.
The value is not case
VolumeStatus Used
The value is not case
The value cannot contain
space characters.
VolumeLockStatus Locked
The value cannot contain
space characters.
The value is not case
An integer from 0 to 31. 0 or a positive integer.
You cannot add the symbol +
to the value.
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 35
Table 3-4 Range of Valid Property Values for Filter Condition Expressions
Property Name Permissible Value or Range Valid Characters and
Character Restrictions
Size or Number of
ControllerArrayGroup This value is displayed in the
displayName attribute of the
ArrayGroup object for the
(subtarget=ArrayGroup) in
Device Manager CLI.
A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Period (.)
At mark (@)
Space character ( )
Non-ASCII characters
The specified value
cannot start or end with a
space character.
An empty character string
cannot be specified.
If the operator is = or <>,
commas (,) can be used
to specify multiple
ArrayGroup names.
Space characters at the
start or end of the
ArrayGroup name are
If the operator is
startsWith or
contains, multiple
ArrayGroup names
cannot be separated with
commas (,).
If the operator is
startsWith, contains,
multiple ArrayGroup
names cannot be
separated with commas
If the operator is
contains, space
characters at the start or
end are included in the
search string.
The maximum
number of elements
separated by
commas (,) is 100.
# In expressing a value for the Capacity property in output information of CLI commands, the highest-order unit,
which may be different from the unit that the user specified, is used to express the value as an integer. For
example, the value 10240 KB is displayed as 10 MB.
3-4 Miscellaneous Operational Information
This section contains information that you should be aware of before using the CLI.
3-4-1 Recommended/Maximum Values for Tiered Storage Manager
Table 3-5 lists and describes the recommended values and the maximum permissible values for several Tiered
Storage Manager operations.
Table 3-5 Recommended/Maximum Values for Tiered Storage Manager Operations
Type of Operation Description Recommended
Storage domain The number of storage domains 1 5
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 36
Table 3-5 Recommended/Maximum Values for Tiered Storage Manager Operations
Type of Operation Description Recommended
Storage tier The number of storage tiers within the storage
30 or less 100
Migration group The number of migration groups within the storage
1,000 5,000
Volume The number of volumes within the storage domain Not applicable 16,384
The number of volumes within the migration group 64 or less 300
Migration task The number of unfinished tasks that can be
registered in Tiered Storage Manager
Not applicable 100
The total number of volumes (within the storage
domain) in the registered task
Not applicable 8192
The number of volumes where migration can be
performed concurrently
8 64
The number of tasks that can be canceled
1 5
The number of volumes within the tasks that can be
canceled concurrently
64 or less 300
The number of task logs for finished migration tasks
that can be saved
1,000 5,000
Server execution
The number of users who can access the Tiered
Storage Manager server concurrently
3 or less 5 #
Volume filter condition The number of condition elements that can be
combined by using AND or OR in one filter condition
Not applicable 30 #
The number of elements that can be concurrently
specified when a device number or array group is
used for searching (the enumeration number of
elements for ControllerDeviceNumber or
Not applicable 100 #
# If the specified value exceeds the maximum value, an error occurs.
3-4-2 Common Options (Username, Password, and Output)
The username, password, and output options are valid options for all commands. Table 3-6 describes these
options in detail.
As an alternative to specifying the server-location and the common options (username, password, and
output) for each command, the server location and common options can be omitted from the command line if
you include this information in the htsmcli.properties file of CLI. The precedence between values
specified on the command line and those specified in the properties file is as follows.
First: the value specified on the command line
Second: the value specified within the properties file
IMPORTANT: There are restrictions on characters that are usable in the htsmcli.properties properties file.
When specifying values in this file, such as parameter values, take care not to use invalid characters.
NOTE: Usable and printable characters are restricted to ASCII characters, including \u0020 - \u007E (which
are recognized as ASCII characters), when they are used for values of properties in the htsmcli.properties
properties file.
NOTE: Values specified in the command line take precedence over those specified in the properties file. For
details about the htsmcli.properties file, see 5 .
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 37
Table 3-6 Common Options for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
Option Option Argument Description
-u or
user-name Specify the user name used to log on to Tiered Storage
Manager server. This is the same as the logon user
name for Device Manager.
-p or
password or @name-of-password-file Specify the password corresponding to the user name.
You can either specify the password directly, or specify
a file that contains the password.
When specifying a file name for an argument, add @
before the file name. The string in the first line of the
specified text file is assumed to be a password.
For the file name, specify either an absolute path or a
relative path from the directory from which the CLI
command is executed.
-o or
name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file Specify the name of the redirect file to which the
standard output is to be sent. Specify this to redirect
the execution results of a CLI command to the specified
file, instead of the console.
For the file name, specify either an absolute path or a
relative path from the directory from which the CLI
command is executed.
server-location server-location Information indicating the location of the Tiered Storage
Manager server on the network.
Specify a value such as
Specify the host and port for the Tiered Storage
Manager server in the following URL format:
host: Specify the host name or IP address for HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager. If this
is omitted, the local host is used.
port: Specify the port number where client requests
are received, as specified during HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager
installation. If this is omitted, 20352 (the default for
HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager
installation) is used.
You can omit the server-location when using the
command line, by setting it in the properties file.
3-4-3 Tiered Storage Manager Repository Information
Executing some CLI commands causes Tiered Storage Manager repository information such as related storage
domains, storage tiers, migration groups, and migration tasks to be displayed. Executing other CLI commands
causes the repository information to be updated but not displayed. Table 3-7 shows which CLI commands
cause the repository information to be displayed, and which commands cause repository information to be
Table 3-7 Impact of CLI Commands on Repository Information
Category Command Name Repository Information
Repository Information
Storage domain management CreateStorageDomain No Yes
DeleteStorageDomain No Yes
GetStorageDomains Yes No
ModifyStorageDomain No Yes
GetVolumes Yes No
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 38
Table 3-7 Impact of CLI Commands on Repository Information
Category Command Name Repository Information
Repository Information
Refresh No Yes
Storage tier management CreateStorageTier No Yes
DeleteStorageTier No Yes
GetStorageTiers Yes No
ModifyStorageTier No Yes
(with storagetiername
Yes No
Migration group management CreateMigrationGroup No Yes
DeleteMigrationGroup No Yes
GetMigrationGroups Yes No
ModifyMigrationGroup No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
(with migrationgroupname
Yes No
Migration CreateMigrationPlan Yes No
CreateMigrationTask No Yes
GetTasks Yes No
ModifyTask No Yes
ExecuteTask No Yes
CancelTask No Yes
DeleteTasks No Yes
3-4-4 CLI Return Responses
When a Tiered Storage Manager CLI process terminates, the process returns a value (to standard output) to
indicate whether the process terminated normally or whether an error condition was detected. The ranges of
the return values are shown in Table 3-8. For detailed information about the messages returned for each
command, refer to the detailed command descriptions in 4 .
Table 3-8 CLI Return Values
Return Value Description
0 or a positive value CLI has terminated normally.
A negative value An error (such as a parameter error) was detected in the CLI process.
3-5 Starting the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
The CLI commands are provided as Java applications but can be run as batch files (script files) to facilitate
The batch file (script file) htsmcli used for starting CLI commands is stored in the following directory:
system- drive\TieredStorageManager\0110\CLI (Windows)
/opt/TieredStorageManager/0110/CLI (Solaris and HP-UX)
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 39
To start a CLI command on a Management client, specify the file as described below from the command line:
When the OS is Windows:
system-drive\TieredStorageManager\0110\CLI\htsmcli arguments
When the OS is Solaris or HP-UX:
# ./htsmcli arguments
CLI commands can be executed from a Management server. The batch file htsmcli on the Management
server is stored in the following directory:
When CLI is run without any command line arguments specified, the CLI software version is displayed followed
by a message describing how to obtain CLI Help.
Tiered Storage Manager CLI 1.1.0-00
FOR HELP, TYPE: "htsmcli help [command]"
3-5-1 Using CLI Commands in a Batch (Script) File
Note the following when CLI commands are executed from a batch (script) file that a user created by writing
htsmcli in this file:
To verify or check the execution results of the task:
Reference the status and refreshStatus values in the command’s output to check the execution
result of migration tasks or refresh processing. The htsmcli return value indicates the execution result of
htsmcli. Execution results of the tasks that were executed asynchronously with CLI commands cannot
be checked by just referencing the htsmcli return value.
3-6 Displaying CLI Help
To display the basic CLI help information, start CLI with help specified, and no arguments.
In Windows:
system-drive\TieredStorageManager\0110\CLI\htsmcli help
In Solaris and HP-UX:
# ./htsmcli help
When CLI starts, the CLI software version is displayed along with the help topics shown below.
Sample CLI help information
Tiered Storage Manager CLI 1.1.0-00
USAGE: htsmcli [server-location] command[ option]...[ parameter]...
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 40
FOR HELP, TYPE: "htsmcli help [command]"
-u {username} or --username {username} login name for HTSM Server
-p {password} or --password {password} login password for HTSM Server
-o {filename} or --output {filename} send output to the specified file,
instead of the console
Specify parameters for a command using name/value pairs,
like: controllerserialnumber=30051. Use the command-specific help to see the
parameters for a given command.
To display the help information for a particular command, type help at the CLI command line prompt followed
by the command that you want help information about. For example, to display help information for the
CreateStorageDomain command you would type help CreateStorageDomain at the CLI command line
The help information displayed includes details about the format of the command, available options, and the
permissible range of parameters.
In Windows:
system-drive\TieredStorageManager\0110\CLI\htsmcli help command-name
In Solaris and HP-UX:
# ./htsmcli help command-name
Detailed Command Descriptions 41
4 Detailed Command Descriptions
This chapter contains a detailed description for each CLI command. Each command is presented in the
following format:
A description of the command
An example of the command syntax including options
A table containing a list and description of the available options
A table containing a list and description of the command’s parameters
A table containing a list and description of the output that the command could potentially generate
One or more examples showing command line input, and the resulting output
The commands are arranged by category:
4-1 Storage Domain Management Commands
4-2 Storage Tier Management Commands
4-3 Migration Group Management Commands
4-4 Migration Commands
4-1 Storage Domain Management Commands
This section includes a detailed description for each storage domain management command.
NOTE: The examples shown in this section assume that the user name, password, and location of the
Tiered Storage Manager server have been set in the properties file.
4-1-1 CreateStorageDomain
The CreateStorageDomain command can be used to register a domain control storage subsystem as a
storage domain. Note that refresh processing (processing to obtain configuration information from Device
Manager and register it in the Tiered Storage Manager repository) is performed asynchronously to execution of
this command.
You can use either of the following methods to specify a domain control storage subsystem:
A combination of model name and serial number
The name of the storage subsystem set using Device Manager
NOTE: If the domain control storage subsystem cannot be uniquely specified using the name of the
storage subsystem, use the model name and serial number instead.
When processing for the Tiered Storage Manager server to receive a refresh request fails after a storage
domain has been registered, the error message KATS50210-E appears. In such a case, resolve the server
failure, and then use the Refresh command to perform a refresh.
Command syntax
htsmcli server-location CreateStorageDomain
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
{ controllerserialnumber=serial-number controllermodel=model-name |
controllerserialnumber= serial-number controllerdisplaymodel=display-model-
name | controllername=name-of-the-domain-control-storage-subsystem }
[ description=description-for-the-storage-domain ]
Using the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI
Detailed Command Descriptions 42
Table 4-1 Options of the CreateStorageDomain Command
Option Name Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the registered
storage domain to the standard output, after command
If this is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-2 Parameters of the CreateStorageDomain Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
controllerserialnumber Required
Specify in combination with
controllermodel or
You cannot specify this
parameter together with
Specify the serial number for the domain control
storage subsystem. The following values are
obtained using the GetStorageArray command
for Device Manager:
controllerserialnumber: value of
controllermodel: value of arrayType
controllermodel Required
Specify in combination with
ou cannot specify this
parameter together with
or controllername.
Specify the name of the domain controller model.
controllerdisplaymodel Required
Specify in combination with
You cannot specify this
parameter together with
controllermodel or
Specify the name used for displaying the domain
controller model.
controllername Required
You cannot specify this
parameter together with
controllermodel, or
Specify the name of the domain control storage
subsystem. This is the value for name, as obtained
using the GetStorageArray command for
Device Manager.
name Required Specify the name of the storage domain to be
registered. The name should be unique within
Tiered Storage Manager.
description Optional Specify a description for the storage domain. This
is optional.
Table 4-3 Items Output by the CreateStorageDomain Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d
Storage domain information name The name of the registered storage
controllerSerialNumber The serial number of the domain
control storage subsystem.
controllerModel The model name of the domain
control storage subsystem.
controllerDisplayModel The display model name of the
domain control storage subsystem.
controllerName The name of the domain control
storage subsystem.
Detailed Command Descriptions 43
Table 4-3 Items Output by the CreateStorageDomain Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d
description A description of the storage domain. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
In this example, a StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000 domain control storage subsystem and externally
connected storage subsystem group are registered as a storage domain. The name of the storage
domain is set as MegaTechXP12000-Primary.
D:\>htsmcli CreateStorageDomain --detail controllerserialnumber=14011
controllermodel=USP name="MegaTechXP12000-Primary" description="XP12000-
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
4-1-2 DeleteStorageDomain
The DeleteStorageDomain command can be used to delete a registered storage domain.
Note that storage domains in the following statuses cannot be deleted:
Storage domains that contain migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
Command syntax
htsmcli server-location DeleteStorageDomain
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
Table 4-4 Options of the DeleteStorageDomain Command
Option Name Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the deleted storage domain
to the standard output, after command execution.
If this is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-5 Parameters of the DeleteStorageDomain Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
name Required Specify the name of the storage domain to be deleted.
Detailed Command Descriptions 44
Table 4-6 Items Output by the DeleteStorageDomain Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d Displayed as
Storage domain
name The name of the deleted storage domain. -d
controllerSerialNumber The serial number of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerModel The model name of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerDisplayModel The display model name of the domain
control storage subsystem.
-d #1
controllerName The name of the domain control storage
-d #1
description A description of the storage domain. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
#1 Unknown is output for items when refresh processing is being performed or has failed.
In this example, the registration for the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain is deleted.
D:\>htsmcli DeleteStorageDomain --detail name="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
4-1-3 GetStorageDomains
The GetStorageDomains command can be used to obtain information about all storage domains, or about
the storage domain specified by the name parameter.
Some information may not be obtainable for storage domains in the refresh status, or for which refresh has
failed. Output items for which no information could be obtained are output as Unknown.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location GetStorageDomains
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ name=storage-domain-name [ , storage-domain-name ] ... ]
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 45
Table 4-7 Options of the GetStorageDomains Command
Option Name Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output all information about the storage domain to the
standard output, after command execution.
If this is omitted, only summary information# is output.
# Summary information consists of the information for items for which the Output by -d column is blank in Table
Table 4-8 Parameters of the GetStorageDomains Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
name Optional Specify the name of the storage domain for which you want to obtain information.
If this is omitted, this command will be applied to all storage domains.
When specifying multiple storage domain names, separate each with a comma.
Up to 255 storage domains can be specified, depending on the maximum
number of characters allowed by the command line.
Table 4-9 Items Output by the GetStorageDomains Command
Type of
Item Name Description Output by -d Displayed as
Storage domain
name The name of the storage domain.
totalCapacityInGB The total capacity of the volumes in the
storage domain (units: GB). The decimal
portion of the value is truncated to give a
whole value.
usedCapacityInGB The total amount of capacity used for the
volumes in the storage domain (units:
GB). The decimal portion of the value is
truncated to give a whole value.
usedCapacityPercentage The ratio (percentage) of
usedCapacityInGB to
totalCapacityInGB. The decimal
portion of the value is rounded up to give
a whole value.
freeCapacityInGB The total amount of capacity free for the
volumes in the storage domain (units:
GB). The decimal portion of the value is
truncated to give a whole value.
freeCapacityPercentage The ratio (percentage) of
freeCapacityInGB to
totalCapacityInGB. The decimal
portion of the value is truncated to give a
whole value.
numberOfSubsystems The number of storage subsystems in the
storage domain.
-d #1
numberOfStorageTiers The number of storage tiers in the storage
numberOfMigrationGroups The number of migration groups in the
storage domain.
refreshStatus The refresh status.
Success (ended in success)
Failure (ended in failure)
Detailed Command Descriptions 46
Table 4-9 Items Output by the GetStorageDomains Command
Type of
Item Name Description Output by -d Displayed as
lastRefreshedTime The date and time when the previous
refresh finished. If the previous refresh
has not finished, this is blank.
controllerSerialNumber The serial number of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerModel The model name of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerDisplayModel The display model name of the domain
control storage subsystem.
-d #1
controllerName The name of the domain control storage
-d #1
description A description of the storage domain. -d
Error information message An error message.
-d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
#1 Unknown is output for items when refresh processing is being performed or has failed.
Example (1): In this example, detailed information is obtained for storage domains MegaTechXP12000-
Primary and MegaTechXP12000-Secondary.
D:\>htsmcli GetStorageDomains --detail name="MegaTechXP12000-
Output (1):
List of 2 StorageDomain elements:
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 2)
An instance of StorageDomain(2 of 2)
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 47
List of 1 ErrorInfo elements:
An instance of ErrorInfo(1 of 1)
message=KATS50212-E An attempt to execute the refresh operation has
Example (2): In this example, summary information is obtained for storage domains MegaTechXP12000-
Primary and MegaTechXP12000-Secondary.
D:\>htsmcli GetStorageDomains name="MegaTechXP12000-Primary","MegaTechXP12000-
Output (2):
List of 2 StorageDomain elements:
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 2)
An instance of StorageDomain(2 of 2)
Detailed Command Descriptions 48
List of 1 ErrorInfo elements:
An instance of ErrorInfo(1 of 1)
message=KATS50212-E An attempt to execute the refresh operation has
Example (3): In this example, to obtain summary information for all storage domains, the
GetStorageDomains command is executed without specifying the storage domain name. However, no
storage domain exists.
D:\>htsmcli GetStorageDomains
Output (3):
(Command completed; empty list returned)
4-1-4 ModifyStorageDomain
The ModifyStorageDomain command can be used to change information (the name or description) for a
storage domain.
Note that information cannot be changed for storage domains in the following statuses:
Storage domains that contain migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location ModifyStorageDomain
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ newname=storage-domain-name ]
[ newdescription=description-for-the-storage-domain ]
Table 4-10 Options of the ModifyStorageDomain Command
Option Name Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the changed storage
domain to the standard output, after command execution.
If this is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 49
Table 4-11 Parameters of the ModifyStorageDomain Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
name Required Specify the name of the storage domain for which you want to change
newname Optional Specify a new storage domain name.
This name should be unique within Tiered Storage Manager.
If this is omitted, the name of the storage domain will not change.
newdescription Optional Specify a new storage domain description.
If this is omitted, the description of the storage domain will not change.
If an empty character string is specified, the storage domain description that
was previously set is deleted.
Table 4-12 Items Output by the ModifyStorageDomain Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain. -d
controllerSerialNumber The serial number of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerModel The model name of the domain control storage
controllerDisplayModel The display model name of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerName The name of the domain control storage
description A description of the storage domain. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, the name of the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain is changed to
D:\>htsmcli ModifyStorageDomain --detail name="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
4-1-5 GetVolumes
The GetVolumes command can be used to obtain a list of volumes (LUs) in the domain control storage
subsystem within the storage domain.
You can specify or omit the storage tier name and migration group name parameters to limit the items obtained
as follows:
Storage domain (when no storage tier name or migration group name is specified)
Storage tier (when a storage tier name is specified)
Detailed Command Descriptions 50
Migration group (when a migration group name is specified)
You can also further limit the items obtained by specifying both a volume filter condition and each item such as
a storage domain, storage tier, or migration group.
Detailed information cannot be obtained for volumes in storage domains that are being refreshed.
NOTE: If information about a volume in the storage domain cannot be obtained because the volume in the
storage subsystem has been deleted using Device Manager, Unknown is output as the value of the output
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location Getvolumes
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ { storagetiername=storage-tier-name | migrationgroupname=migration-
group-name } ]
[ filtercondition=filter-condition ]
Table 4-13 Options of the GetVolumes Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output all information about the volume to the
standard output, after command execution. If this is omitted,
only summary information# is output.
# Summary information consists of the information for items for which the Output by -d column is blank in Table
Table 4-14 Parameters of the GetVolumes Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
storagetiername Optional Specify the name of a storage tier.
Note that this cannot be specified when migrationgroupname is
migrationgroupname Optional Specify the name of a migration group.
Note that this cannot be specified when storagetiername is specified.
filtercondition Optional Specify a filter condition. For details about
filtercondition properties, see Table 4-15.
If this is omitted, no filter condition is used to narrow down the obtained
Table 4-15 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemDisplayModel = , <> The name used for displaying the model of the storage subsystem. This
name is displayArrayType of Device Manager (not arrayType).
Example: StorageWorks XP1024
SubsystemSerialNumber = , <>,
The serial number of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemName = , <> The name of the storage subsystem.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 51
Table 4-15 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemVendor = , <> The name of the storage subsystem vendor.
ControllerDeviceNumber = The controller LDEV number.
Only a representative LDEV can be specified for a LUSE volume.
Host = , <>,
The name of the host.
ArrayGroup = , <>,
The name of the array group.
Capacity <, <=, =, <>, > ,
The volume capacity.
RAIDLevel = , <> The RAID level.
EmulationType = , <> The emulation type.
DiskType = , <> The disk type.
VolumeStatus = A character string indicating whether the volume is being used.
VolumeLockStatus = A character string indicating the lock status of the volume.
SLPRNumber = , <> The SLPR number.
CLPRNumber = , <> The CLPR number.
ControllerArrayGroup = , <>,
The name of the controller array group.
Table 4-16 Items Output by the GetVolumes Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
Storage domain
name The name of the storage domain.
LU information controllerDeviceNumber The controller LDEV number.
(Only a representative LDEV is
displayed for a LUSE volume.)
subsystemSerialNumber The serial number of the storage
subsystem in which the data is actually
-d #1
subsystemDisplayModel The display name of the storage
subsystem model in which the data is
actually contained.
If the displayed model name is
Unknown, the product name is
-d #1,
subsystemName The name of the storage subsystem in
which the data is actually contained.
If the subsystem name is unknown, the
product name and serial number are
-d #1,
subsystemVendor The vendor name of the storage
subsystem in which actual data is
-d #1
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group to
which the volume belongs.
emulationType The emulation type. #1
Detailed Command Descriptions 52
Table 4-16 Items Output by the GetVolumes Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
CVS The CVS volume attribute of the
This can be either Yes or No.
-d #1
capacityInKB The resource capacity of the volume
(units: KB).
raidLevel The RAID level. #1, #2
diskType The disk type. #1, #2
arrayGroupNumber The array group number of the LU in
which the data is actually contained in
the storage subsystem.
-d #1, #2
controllerArrayGroupName The LU array group name in the
arrayGroupName The array group name of the LU in
which the data is actually contained in
the storage subsystem.
#1, #2
businessCopyXP The Business Copy XP volume type. -d #1
continuousAccessXP The Continuous Access XP volume
-d #1
continuousAccessXPJournal The Continuous Access XP Journal
volume type.
-d #1
snapshotXP The volume type for Snapshot XP. -d #1
volumeStatus Indicates whether the volume is being
This can be either Used (you cannot
specify the volume as the migration
destination) or Free (you can specify
the volume as the migration
volumeLockStatus Indicates whether the volume is
This can be either Locked or
path Indicates whether the path has been
This can be either Yes or No.
-d #1
hostNames The host name. If multiple host names
exist, they are separated by commas
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is
Yes: Can migrate.
No: Cannot migrate.
Cause of
impossibility of
Cause and reason for
Displays a list showing the cause and
reason for each problem, such as the
cause of the inability to use the volume
as a migration source volume or
migration target volume.The sequence
in which the information is output might
differ depending on the version of the
Tiered Storage Manager server and
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 53
Table 4-16 Items Output by the GetVolumes Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
LDEV information
for the domain
control storage
controllerDeviceNumber The controller LDEV number. -d
controllerSerialNumber The serial number of the domain
control storage subsystem.
controllerModel The model name of the domain control
storage subsystem.
controllerDisplayModel The display model name of the domain
control storage subsystem.
-d #1
controllerName The name of the domain control
storage subsystem.
-d #1
emulationType The emulation type. -d #1
CVS The CVS volume attribute of the
This can be either Yes or No.
-d #1
capacityInKB The capacity of the LDEV (units: KB). -d #1
SLPRNumber The SLPR number. -d #1
CLPRNumber The CLPR number. -d #1
raidLevel The RAID level. -d #1, #2
diskType The disk type. -d #1, #2
ControllerArrayGroupNumber The array group number of the LDEV. -d #1
ControllerArrayGroupName The array group name of the LDEV. -d #1
cacheMode The cache mode.
Enable: The cache mode is ON.
Disable: The cache mode is OFF.
-d #1
IOSuppressionMode The IO suppression mode.
Enable: The IO suppression mode is
Disable: The IO suppression mode is
-d #1
LU information for
the actual data
subsystemDeviceNumber The LDEV number of the volume in
which the data is actually contained in
the storage subsystem.
-d #1
subsystemSerialNumber The serial number of the storage
subsystem in which the data is actually
-d #1
subsystemDisplayModel The display name of the storage
subsystem model in which the data is
actually contained.
If the displayed model name is
Unknown, the product name is
-d #1,
subsystemName The name of the storage subsystem in
which the data is actually contained.
If the subsystem name is unknown, the
product name and serial number are
-d #1,
Detailed Command Descriptions 54
Table 4-16 Items Output by the GetVolumes Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
subsystemVendor The vendor name of the storage
subsystem in which actual data is
-d #1
arrayGroupNumber The array group number of the LU in
which the data is actually contained in
the storage subsystem.
-d #1, #2
arrayGroupName The array group name of the LU in
which the data is actually contained in
the storage subsystem.
-d #1, #2
-d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
#1 Unknown is output when volume information cannot be obtained for the domain control storage subsystem.
#2 Unknown is output when information cannot be obtained for externally connected storage.
Table 4-17 shows the GUI-displayed character strings representing the reasons that a volume cannot be a
migration target, and a description of those character strings.
Table 4-17 GUI-Displayed Character Strings Representing Reasons a Volume Cannot Be a Migration Target,
and a Description of those Character Strings
Displayed character string Description Migration
Continuous Access XP
A volume that makes up a Continuous Access XP pair and whose
status is PSUS or PSUE
- Y
Continuous Access XP
A volume that makes up a Continuous Access XP pair and whose
status is neither PSUS nor PSUE
Business Copy XP
A volume that makes up a Business Copy XP pair - Y
Business Copy XP
Configuration [Root]
A volume that makes up a Business Copy XP pair (This is a P-VOL
that makes up a pair with three S-VOLs (three P-VOL/S-VOL pairs).)
Business Copy XP
Configuration [Node]
A volume that makes up a Business Copy XP pair (This is an SP-
VOL that makes up a pair with two S-VOLs (two SP-VOL/S-VOL
Business Copy XP
Configuration [Leaf]
A volume that makes up a Business Copy XP pair (This is an S-VOL
that makes up a pair with an SP-VOL.)
Migration Group
A volume that is included in an migration group - Y
Already Reserved#1 A volume reserved as a migration target Y Y
Continuous Access XP
A volume that makes up a Continuous Access XP Journal pair Y Y
Snapshot XP A volume that makes up a Snapshot XP pair Y Y
Cache LUN XP A volume for which Cache LUN XP is set Y Y
Command Device A volume used as a Command Device Y Y
LUSE (target) A volume that makes up LUSE - Y
Path (target) A volume for which a path is set - Y
Locked (target) Volume that is locked (not Read/Write) by LUN Security XP
- Y
Detailed Command Descriptions 55
Table 4-17 GUI-Displayed Character Strings Representing Reasons a Volume Cannot Be a Migration Target,
and a Description of those Character Strings
Displayed character string Description Migration
NAS (target) NAS system volume - Y
Externally Locked A volume that is using an external subsystem function and is locked
(not Read/Write) by LUN Security XP Extension#2
Y: Corresponds to the reason that cannot be migrated (cannot be used as a volume for migration)
-: Does not correspond to the reason that cannot be migrated (can be used as a volume for migration)
#1 Includes volumes migrated by USP Performance Manager.
#2 LUN Security XP Extension is a product name. For details on this product, see the manual HP
StorageWorks LUN Security XP Extension User Guide for the XP12000/XP10000/XP1024/XP128.
Example (1): In this example, detailed information is obtained for the volumes belonging to the
MyStorageTier storage tier of the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli GetVolumes --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
Output (1):
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 2 LogicalUnit elements:
An instance of LogicalUnit(1 of 2)
controllerArrayGroupName= E9960-1
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 56
List of 2 reason(s) for volume migration exclusion:
reason(1 of 2)=LUSE (target)
reason(2 of 2)=Universal Replicator
List of 1 Ldev elements:
An instance of Ldev(1 of 1)
An instance of LogicalUnit(2 of 2)
Detailed Command Descriptions 57
controllerArrayGroupName= E9980-1
List of 0 reason(s) for volume migration exclusion:
List of 1 Ldev elements:
An instance of Ldev(1 of 1)
Example (2): In this example, summary information is obtained for the volumes belonging to the
MyStorageTier storage tier of the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli GetVolumes storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 58
Output (2):
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 2 LogicalUnit elements:
An instance of LogicalUnit(1 of 2)
An instance of LogicalUnit(2 of 2)
controllerArrayGroupName= E9980-1
Example (3): In this example, a volume search is performed for the storage tier MyStorageTier in the
storage domain MegaTechXP12000-Primary. However, no volume that matches the specified
conditions exists.
D:\>htsmcli GetVolumes storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
storagetiername="MyStorageTier" filtercondition="EmulationType='OPEN-9'"
Output (3):
(Command completed; empty list returned)
Detailed Command Descriptions 59
4-1-6 Refresh
The Refresh command can be used to perform refresh processing (processing to re-obtain configuration
information from Device Manager and register it in the Tiered Storage Manager repository) for all storage
domains, or for the storage domain specified by the storagedomainname parameter.
Note that refresh processing is performed asynchronously to execution of this command. The
GetStorageDomains command can be used to check the refresh status.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location Refresh
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ storagedomainname=storage-domain-name ]
Table 4-18 Parameters of the Refresh Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Optional Specify the name of the storage
If this is omitted, all storage domains
are refreshed.
Example: In this example, the Refresh command is issued for the MegaTechXP12000-Primary
storage domain, and configuration information is re-obtained from Device Manager and registered in the
Tiered Storage Manager repository.
D:\>htsmcli Refresh storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
No information is output with this command.
4-2 Storage Tier Management Commands
This section includes a detailed description for each storage tier management command.
NOTE: The examples shown in this section assume that the user name, password, and location of the
Tiered Storage Manager server have been set in the properties file.
4-2-1 CreateStorageTier
The CreateStorageTier command can be used to create a storage tier within a storage domain.
Storage tiers cannot be created within a storage domain that is being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location CreateStorageTier
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ description=description-for-the-storage-tier ]
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 60
Table 4-19 Options of the CreateStorageTier Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the created storage
tier to the standard output, after command execution. If this is
omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-20 Parameters of the CreateStorageTier Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the storage tier to be created.
This name should be unique within the storage domain.
filtercondition Required
Specify a filter condition. For details about the property specified in the
filtercondition parameter, see Table 4-21.
description Optional Specify a description of the storage tier.
Table 4-21 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemDisplayModel = , <> The name used for displaying the model of the storage
subsystem. This name is displayArrayType of
Device Manager (not arrayType).
Example: StorageWorks XP1024
SubsystemSerialNumber = , <>, startsWith, contains The serial number of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemName = , <> The name of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemVendor = , <> The name of the storage subsystem vendor.
ArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the array group.
Capacity <, <=, =, <>, > , >= The volume capacity.
RAIDLevel = , <> The RAID level.
EmulationType = , <> The emulation type.
DiskType = , <> The disk type.
SLPRNumber = , <> The SLPR number.
CLPRNumber = , <> The CLPR number.
ControllerArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the controller array group
Table 4-22 Items Output by the CreateStorageTier Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d
Storage domain
name The name of the storage domain. -d
Storage tier
name The name of the created storage tier. -d
filterCondition Filter conditions for the storage tier. -d
description A description of the storage tier. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, a storage tier consisting of volumes of RAID level RAID5(5D+1P) and the FC
disk type is created in the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain. The name of the storage tier is
set as MegaTech-HighCost.
Detailed Command Descriptions 61
D:\>htsmcli CreateStorageTier --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MegaTech-HighCost" filterCondition="RAIDLevel='RAID5(3D+1P)'
AND ArrayGroup='1-10-1'"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 StorageTier elements:
An instance of StorageTier(1 of 1)
filterCondition=RAIDLevel = 'RAID5(3D+1P)' AND ArrayGroup = '1-10-1'
4-2-2 DeleteStorageTier
The DeleteStorageTier command can be used to delete a storage tier. Storage tiers are deleted regardless
of whether they contain any volumes.
Note that storage tiers in the following statuses cannot be deleted:
Storage tiers that are specified for migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Storage tiers within the storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location DeleteStorageTier
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
Table 4-23 Options of the DeleteStorageTier Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the deleted storage tier
to the standard output, after command execution. If this is
omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-24 Parameters of the DeleteStorageTier Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the storage tier to be deleted.
Table 4-25 Items Output by the DeleteStorageTier Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain. -d
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 62
Table 4-25 Items Output by the DeleteStorageTier Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by
Storage tier information name The name of the deleted storage tier. -d
filterCondition Filter conditions for the storage tier. -d
description A description of the storage tier. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, the MegaTech-HighCost storage tier is deleted from the
MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli DeleteStorageTier --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MegaTech-HighCost"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 StorageTier elements:
An instance of StorageTier(1 of 1)
filterCondition=RAIDLevel='RAID5(3D+1P)' AND Capacity < '1GB'
4-2-3 GetStorageTiers
The GetStorageTiers command can be used to obtain information about all storage tiers in the storage
domain, or about the storage tier specified by the name parameter.
Information cannot be obtained for storage tiers in storage domains that are being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location GetStorageTiers
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ name=storage-tier-name, [ ,storage-tier-name ] ...]
# Summary information consists of the information for items for which the Output by -d column is blank in Table
Table 4-26 Options of the GetStorageTiers Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output all information about the storage tier to
the standard output, after command execution. If this is
omitted, only summary information# is output.
Detailed Command Descriptions 63
Table 4-27 Parameters of the GetStorageTiers Command
Parameter name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Optional Specify the name of the storage tier for which you want to obtain
If this is omitted, this command will be applied to all storage tiers in the
storage domain.
When specifying multiple storage tier names, separate each with a
Up to 255 storage tier names can be specified, depending on the
maximum number of characters allowed by the command line.
Table 4-28 Items Output by the GetStorageTiers Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Storage domain
name The name of the storage domain.
Storage tier
name The name of the storage tier.
filterCondition The filter condition for the storage tier. -d
numberOfVolumes The number of volumes in the storage tier. -d
totalCapacityInGB The total capacity of the volumes in the storage tier
(units: GB). Values less than 1 GB are rounded down to
display an integer.
Ratio (percentage) of totalCapacityInGB to the total
amount of capacity in the volumes within the storage
domain. Values less than 1% are rounded up to display
an integer.
usedCapacityInGB The total amount of capacity of volumes being used in
the storage tier (units: GB). Values less than 1 GB are
rounded down to display an integer.
usedCapacityPercentage The ratio (percentage) of usedCapacityInGB to
totalCapacityInGB. Values less than 1% are
rounded up to display an integer.
freeCapacityInGB The total amount of capacity of the volumes that are free
in the storage tier (units: GB). Values less than 1 GB are
rounded down to display an integer.
freeCapacityPercentage The ratio (percentage) of freeCapacityInGB to
totalCapacityInGB. Values less than 1% are
rounded down to display an integer.
description A description of the storage tier. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example (1): In this example, detailed information is obtained for both the MegaTech-HighCost and
MyStorageTier storage tiers, in the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli GetStorageTiers --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MegaTech-HighCost"," MyStorageTier"
Output (1):
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 2 StorageTier elements:
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 64
An instance of StorageTier(1 of 2)
filterCondition=RAIDLevel = 'RAID5(3D+1P)' AND Capacity < '1GB'
An instance of StorageTier(2 of 2)
filterCondition=RAIDLevel <> 'RAID5(3D+1P)'
Example (2): In this example, summary information is obtained for both the MegaTech-HighCost and
MyStorageTier storage tiers, in the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli GetStorageTiers storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
name="MegaTech-HighCost"," MyStorageTier"
Output (2):
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 2 StorageTier elements:
An instance of StorageTier(1 of 2)
An instance of StorageTier(2 of 2)
Detailed Command Descriptions 65
Example (3): In this example, to obtain summary information for all storage tiers in the storage domain
MegaTechXP12000-Secondary, the GetStorageTiers command is executed without specifying the
storage tier name. However, no storage tier exists.
D:\>htsmcli GetStorageTiers storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Secondary"
Output (3):
(Command completed; empty list returned)
4-2-4 ModifyStorageTier
The ModifyStorageTier command can be used to change information (the name, filter condition, or
description) for a storage tier. Note that information about storage tiers in the following statuses cannot be
Storage tiers specified for migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Storage tiers within the storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location ModifyStorageTier
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ newname=storage-tier-name ]
[ newfiltercondition=filter-condition ]
[ description=description-for-the-storage-tier ]
Table 4-29 Options of the ModifyStorageTier Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the changed storage tier
to the standard output, after command execution. If this is
omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-30 Parameters of the ModifyStorageTier Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the storage tier.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 66
Table 4-30 Parameters of the ModifyStorageTier Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
newname Optional Specify a new storage tier name. This name should be unique within the
storage domain.
If this is omitted, the name of the storage tier will not change.
newfiltercondition Optional
Specify a filter condition. For details about the property specified in the
newfiltercondition parameter, see Table 4-31. If this is omitted, the filter
condition will not be updated.
newdescription Optional Specify a new storage tier description.
If this is omitted, the description of the storage tier will not change.
If an empty character string is specified, the storage tier description that
was previously set is deleted.
Table 4-31 Properties Specifiable for the newfiltercondition Parameter
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemSerialNumber = , <>, startsWith, contains The serial number of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemName = , <> The name of the storage subsystem.
ArrayGroup = , <>, startsWith, contains The name of the array group.
Capacity <, <=, =, <>, > , >= The volume capacity.
RAIDLevel = , <> The RAID level.
EmulationType = , <> The emulation type.
DiskType = , <> The disk type.
SLPRNumber = , <> The SLPR number.
CLPRNumber = , <> The CLPR number.
ControllerArrayGroup =, <>, startsWith, contains The name of the controller array group
Table 4-32 Items Output by the ModifyStorageTier Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain. -d
Storage tier information name The name of the storage tier. -d
filterCondition The filter conditions of the storage tier. -d
description A description of the storage tier. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, the name of the MyStorageTier storage tier in the MegaTechXP12000-
Primary storage domain is changed to OurStorageTier.
D:\>htsmcli ModifyStorageTier --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MyStorageTier", newname="OurStorageTier"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 StorageTier elements:
An instance of StorageTier(1 of 1)
filterCondition=RAIDLevel <> 'RAID5(3D+1P)'
Detailed Command Descriptions 67
4-2-5 GetVolumes (with storagetiername Specified)
The GetVolumes command with storagetiername parameter specified can be used to obtain a list of
volumes (LUs) in the storage tier of the storage domain to specify.
You can also limit the volumes obtained, by specifying a volume filter condition.
For details about how to specify options, parameters, and filter conditions, or about the items output by this
command, see the GetVolumes command in the Storage Domain Management section 4-1-5 .
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location Getvolumes
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ { storagetiername=storage-tier-name | migrationgroupname=migration-
group-name } ]
[ filtercondition=filter-condition ]
4-3 Migration Group Management Commands
This section includes a detailed description for each migration group management command.
NOTE: The examples shown in this section assume that the user name, password, and location of the
Tiered Storage Manager server have been set in the properties file.
4-3-1 CreateMigrationGroup
The CreateMigrationGroup command can be used to create a migration group within a storage domain.
For the migration group to be created, you can use the canmigrate parameter to specify an attribute
indicating whether the migration group is subject to migration operations. If you specify that migration is
disabled, you can prevent the volume belonging to the migration group from being migrated by mistake.
Migration groups cannot be created within a storage domain that is being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location CreateMigrationGroup
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ canmigrate={ Yes | No } ]
[ description=description-for-the-migration-group ]
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 68
Table 4-33 Options of the CreateMigrationGroup Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the created migration
group to the standard output, after command execution. If this
is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-34 Parameters of the CreateMigrationGroup Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the migration group to be created. This name
should be unique within the storage domain.
canmigrate Optional
Specify whether migration is possible.
Yes: Migration is possible (default).
No: Migration is not possible.
description Optional Specify a description of the migration group.
Table 4-35 Items Output by the CreateMigrationGroup Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain. -d
Migration group information name The name of the created migration group. -d
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is possible. -d
description A description of the migration group. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, a migration group named MG01 is created in the MegaTechXP12000-
Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli CreateMigrationGroup --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MG01" description="MigrationGroup01"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 MigrationGroup elements:
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 1)
4-3-2 DeleteMigrationGroup
The DeleteMigrationGroup command can be used to delete a migration group. Migration groups are
deleted regardless of whether they contain any volumes.
Note that migration groups in the following statuses cannot be deleted:
Migration groups specified for migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Migration groups within the storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
Detailed Command Descriptions 69
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location DeleteMigrationGroup
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
Table 4-36 Options of the DeleteMigrationGroup Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the deleted migration
group to the standard output, after command execution. If this
is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-37 Parameters of the DeleteMigrationGroup Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the storage domain name.
name Required Specify the name of the migration group to be deleted.
Table 4-38 Items Output by the DeleteMigrationGroup Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by -d
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain. -d
Migration group information name The name of the deleted migration group. -d
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is possible. -d
description A description of the migration group. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, the MG01 migration group is deleted from the MegaTechXP12000-Primary
storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli DeleteMigrationGroup --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MG01"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 MigrationGroup elements:
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 1)
4-3-3 GetMigrationGroups
The GetMigrationGroups command can be used to obtain information about all migration groups in the
storage domain, or about the migration group specified by the name parameter.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 70
Information cannot be obtained for migration groups in storage domains that are being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location GetMigrationGroups
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ name=migration-group-name [ , migration-group-name ] ...]
Table 4-39 Options of the GetMigrationGroups Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output all information about the migration group
to the standard output, after command execution. If this is
omitted, only summary information# is output.
# Summary information consists of the information for items for which the Output by -d column is blank in Table
Table 4-40 Parameters of the GetMigrationGroups Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Optional Specify the name of the migration group for which you want to obtain
If this is omitted, this command will be applied to all migration groups in
the storage domain.
When specifying multiple migration groups, separate each with a comma.
Up to 255 migration groups can be specified, depending on the maximum
number of characters allowed by the command line.
Table 4-41 Items Output by the GetMigrationGroups Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain.
Migration group information name The name of the migration group.
targetStorageTierName The name of the storage tier for which the migration
destination was last specified. If no migration task
has ever been created, this is blank.
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is possible.
totalCapacityInGB The total capacity of the volumes in the migration
group (units: GB). Values less than 1 GB are
rounded down to display an integer.
lastModifyUserGroup The user group name of the user who created or last
modified the migration group.
creationTime The date and time when the migration group was
lastModifyTime The date and time when the migration group
information was last changed.
Detailed Command Descriptions 71
Table 4-41 Items Output by the GetMigrationGroups Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
lastMigrationTime The date and time when migration was performed for
the storage tier specified in
targetStorageTierName. If the previous
migration has not finished, this is blank. If a new
migration task is created, this is blank.
migrationStatus The status of the migration task.
If migration has not previously been performed, this
is blank.
This can be any of the following:
Active.WaitingMigration (waiting for migration
to be performed)
Active.WaitingDataErasure (waiting for
erasure to be performed)
Success (ended in success)
Failure.MigrationFailure (ended in migration
Failure.DataErasureFailure (ended in
erasure failure)
Failure (ended with a failure other than those
mentioned above)
Cancel (ended by cancellation)
numberOfVolumes The number of volumes in the migration group.
description A description of the migration group. -d
-d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example (1): In this example, detailed information is obtained for all migration groups in the
MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli GetMigrationGroups --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Output (1):
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 2 MigrationGroup elements
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 2)
creationTime=2005/03/31 11:57:23
lastModifyTime=2005/03/31 12:05:59
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 72
An instance of MigrationGroup(2 of 2)
creationTime=2005/03/31 12:06:41
lastModifyTime=2005/03/31 12:06:41
Example (2): In this example, summary information is obtained for all migration groups in the
MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli GetMigrationGroups storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
Output (2):
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 2 MigrationGroup elements
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 2)
An instance of MigrationGroup(2 of 2)
Detailed Command Descriptions 73
Example (3): In this example, to obtain summary information for all migration groups in the storage
domain MegaTechXP12000-Secondary, the GetMigrationGroups command is executed without
specifying the migration group name. However, no migration group exists.
D:\>htsmcli GetMigrationGroups storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Secondary"
Output (3):
(Command completed; empty list returned)
4-3-4 ModifyMigrationGroup
The ModifyMigrationGroup command can be used to change information (the name, attribute indicating
whether the migration group is subject to migration operations, or description) for a migration group.
Note that information cannot be changed for migration groups in the following statuses:
Migration groups specified for migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Migration groups within the storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location ModifyMigrationGroup
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ newname=migration-group-name]
[ newcanmigrate={ Yes | No } ]
[ description=description-for-the-migration-group ]
Table 4-43 Parameters of the ModifyMigrationGroup Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the migration group.
newname Optional
Specify a new migration group name. This name should be unique within
the storage domain. If this is omitted, the name of the migration group will
not change.
newcanmigrate Optional
Specify whether migration is possible.
Yes: Migration is possible.
No: Migration is not possible.
If this is omitted, the migration will remain the same.
newdescription Optional Specify a new migration group description.
If this is omitted, the description of the migration group will not change.
If an empty character string is specified, the migration group description
that was previously set is deleted.
Table 4-42 Options of the ModifyMigrationGroup Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the changed migration
group to the standard output, after command execution. If this
is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 74
Table 4-44 Items Output by the ModifyMigrationGroup Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by
Storage domain information name The name of the storage domain. -d
Migration group information name The name of the migration group. -d
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is possible. -d
description A description of the migration group. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, the name and description are changed for the MG01 migration group in the
MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli ModifyMigrationGroup --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-
Primary" name="MG01" newname="MG011" newdescription="MigrationGroup011"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 MigrationGroup elements:
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 1)
4-3-5 AddVolumeToMigrationGroup
The AddVolumeToMigrationGroup command can be used to add a volume to the specified migration
group. Use the LDEV number in the domain control storage subsystem (controller LDEV number) to specify a
volume. Only volumes that do not belong to any migration groups can be added to a migration group. Note that
volumes cannot be added to migration groups in the following statuses:
Migration groups specified for migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Migration groups within the storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
NOTE: If information about a volume in the storage domain cannot be obtained because the volume in the
storage subsystem has been deleted using Device Manager, Unknown is output as the value of the output
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location AddVolumeToMigrationGroup
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
Detailed Command Descriptions 75
Table 4-45 Options of the AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the volume added to
the migration group, to the standard output, after command
execution. If this is omitted, nothing is output to the standard
Table 4-46 Parameters of the AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the migration group.
controllerdevicenumber Required Specify the controller LDEV number.
Table 4-47 Items Output by the AddVolumeToMigrationGroup Command
Type of
Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
Storage domain
name The name of the storage domain. -d
Migration group
name The name of the migration group. -d
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is possible. -d
description A description of the migration group. -d
Information for
added volumes
controllerDeviceNumber The controller LDEV number. -d
emulationType The emulation type. -d #1
CVS The CVS volume attribute of the volume.
This can be either Yes or No.
-d #1
capacityInKB The resource capacity of the volume (units:
-d #1
raidLevel The RAID level. -d #1, #2
diskType The disk type. -d #1, #2
The array group name of the LU in the
arrayGroupName The array group name of the LU in which the
data is actually contained in the storage
-d #1, #2
volumeStatus Indicates whether the volume is being used.
This can be either Used (you cannot specify
the volume as the migration destination) or
Free (you can specify the volume as the
migration destination).
-d #1
volumeLockStatus Indicates whether the volume is locked.
This can be either Locked or Unlocked.
-d #1
hostNames The host name. If multiple host names exist,
they are separated by commas (,).
-d #1
-d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
#1 Unknown is output when volume information cannot be obtained for the domain control storage subsystem.
#2 Unknown is output when information cannot be obtained for externally connected storage.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 76
Example: In this example, a volume is added to the MG011 migration group in the MegaTechXP12000-
Primary storage domain. The controller LDEV number for the added volume in the domain control
storage subsystem is 3:A6.
D:\>htsmcli AddVolumeToMigrationGroup --detail
storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary" name="MG011"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 MigrationGroup elements
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 1)
List of 1 Volume elements:
An instance of Volume(1 of 1)
4-3-6 RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup
The RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup command can be used to remove a specified volume from its
migration group. Use the LDEV number in the domain control storage subsystem (controller LDEV number) to
specify a volume.
Note that volumes cannot be removed from migration groups in the following statuses:
Migration groups specified for migration tasks that have not ended (End)
Migration groups within the storage domains that are being refreshed
You can use the GetTasks command to check the statuses of migration tasks.
NOTE: If information about a volume in the storage domain cannot be obtained because the volume in the
storage subsystem has been deleted using Device Manager, Unknown is output as the value of the output
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup
{ -u | --username } user-name
Detailed Command Descriptions 77
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
Table 4-48 Options, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output information about the volume removed
from the migration group, to the standard output, after
command execution. If this is omitted, nothing is output to the
standard output.
Table 4-49 Parameters, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
name Required Specify the name of the migration group.
controllerdevicenumber Required Specify the controller LDEV number.
Table 4-50 Output, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command
Type of
Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
Storage domain
name The name of the storage domain. -d
Migration group
name The name of the migration group. -d
canMigrate Indicates whether migration is possible. -d
description A description of the migration group. -d
Information for
removed volumes
controllerDeviceNumber The controller LDEV number. -d
emulationType The emulation type. -d #1
CVS The CVS volume attribute of the volume.
This can be either Yes or No.
-d #1
capacityInKB The resource capacity of the volume (units: KB). -d #1
raidLevel The RAID level. -d #1, #2
diskType The disk type. -d #1, #2
The array group name of the LU in the controller #1
arrayGroupName The array group name of the LU in which the
data is actually contained in the storage
-d #1, #2
volumeStatus Indicates whether the volume is being used.
This can be either Used (you cannot specify the
volume as the migration destination) or Free
(you can specify the volume as the migration
-d #1
volumeLockStatus Indicates whether the volume is locked.
This can be either Locked or Unlocked.
-d #1
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 78
Table 4-50 Output, RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup Command
Type of
Item Name Description Output
by -d
Displayed as
hostNames The host name. If multiple host names exist,
they are separated by commas (,).
-d #1
-d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
#1 Unknown is output when volume information cannot be obtained for the domain control storage subsystem.
#2 Unknown is output when information cannot be obtained for externally connected storage.
Example: In this example, a volume is removed from the MG011 migration group in the
MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain. The controller LDEV number for the removed volume in
the domain control storage subsystem is 3:A7.
D:\>htsmcli RemoveVolumeFromMigrationGroup --detail
storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary" name=" MG011"
An instance of StorageDomain(1 of 1)
List of 1 MigrationGroup elements
An instance of MigrationGroup(1 of 1)
List of 1 Volume elements:
An instance of Volume(1 of 1)
4-3-7 GetVolumes (with migrationgroupname Specified)
The GetVolumes command with migrationgroupname parameter specified can be used to obtain a list of
volumes (LUs) in the migration group of the storage domain to specify.
You can also limit the volumes obtained, by specifying a volume filter condition.
For details about how to specify options, parameters, and filter conditions, or about the items output by this
command, see the GetVolumes command in the Storage Domain Management section 4-1-5 .
Detailed Command Descriptions 79
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location Getvolumes
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ { storagetiername=storage-tier-name | migrationgroupname=migration-
group-name } ]
[ filtercondition=filter-condition ]
4-4 Migration Commands
This section includes a detailed description for each migration command.
NOTE: The examples shown in this section assume that the user name, password, and location of the
Tiered Storage Manager server have been set in the properties file.
4-4-1 CreateMigrationPlan
The CreateMigrationPlan command can be used to create a candidate migration plan for the specified
migration group. Candidate migration plans are output to the standard output in text format, or created in the
redirect file specified by the output option.
Candidates for migration target volumes for each volume of a migration group are chosen from the specified
migration target storage tier. When you use the filtercondition parameter to specify a volume filter
condition, candidates for the migration target volume are chosen based on the condition.
Candidates chosen for migration target volumes are displayed in the candidate migration plan as pairs with the
migration source volumes.
NOTE: A candidate for the migration target volume is chosen from the logical partition (SLPR and CLPR) to
which the migration source volume belongs.
Even if you cannot select candidates for the migration target volume for all migration source volumes, the
candidate migration plans for those selected are created. In this case, the command will end in an error.
Comment lines (with # in the first column) are generated in the candidate migration plan. If multiple migration
target volume candidates exist, those are shown in comment lines as well. Note that all volumes other than the
first candidate are chosen not only from the logical partition (SLPR and CLPR) to which the migration source
volume belongs, but also from the other logical partitions (SLPRs and CLPRs).
NOTE: This command does not perform volume migration reserve for migration source volumes and
migration target volumes.
NOTE: Volumes specified for migration tasks that have not ended (and are in any other status than End)
cannot be selected as migration target volumes, because volume migration reserve is performed for such
NOTE: Candidate migration plans cannot be created in storage domains that are being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location CreateMigrationPlan
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 80
[ filtercondition=filter-condition ]
Table 4-51 Parameters of the CreateMigrationPlan Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Required Specify the name of the storage domain.
migrationgroupname Required Specify the name of the migration group.
targetstoragetiername Required Specify the name of the storage tier (migration target storage tier
name) to which migration is to be performed.
filtercondition Optional
Specify a volume filter condition. For details about the property
specified in the filtercondition parameter, see Table 4-52.
Table 4-52 Properties Specifiable for the filtercondition Parameter
Property Name Operators Description
SubsystemDisplayModel = , <> The name used for displaying the model of the
storage subsystem. This name is
displayArrayType of Device Manager (not
Example: StorageWorks XP1024
SubsystemSerialNumber = , <>, startsWith, contains The serial number of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemName = , <> The name of the storage subsystem.
SubsystemVendor = , <> The name of the storage subsystem vendor.
ControllerDeviceNumber = The controller LDEV number.
Host = , <>, startsWith, contains The name of the host.
ArrayGroup = , <>, startsWith, contains The name of the array group.
Capacity <, <=, =, <>, > , >= The volume capacity.
RAIDLevel = , <> The RAID level.
EmulationType = , <> The emulation type.
DiskType = , <> The disk type.
VolumeStatus = A character string indicating whether the volume
is being used.
VolumeLockStatus = A character string indicating the lock status of
the volume.
SLPRNumber = , <> The SLPR number.
CLPRNumber = , <> The CLPR number.
ControllerArrayGroup = , <>, startsWith, contains The name of the controller array group.
Table 4-53 Items Output by the CreateMigrationPlan Command
Type of Information Item Name Description
Overall plan information plan-type The plan type.
format-version The plan format version. Specify this for compatibility
between different format versions.
storageDomainName The name of the storage domain.
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group.
targetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier.
Detailed Command Descriptions 81
Table 4-53 Items Output by the CreateMigrationPlan Command
Type of Information Item Name Description
permitCrossSlprMigration# Indicates whether migration is permitted for transferring
volume data between SLPRs.
Yes: permitted.
No: not permitted.
permitCrossClprMigration# Indicates whether migration is permitted for transferring
volume data between CLPRs.
Yes: permitted.
No: not permitted.
Information about each
volume pair for
pair The symbol indicating the start of specification for a
migration source volume and migration target volume.
sourceControllerDeviceNumber The migration source volume.
targetControllerDeviceNumber The migration target volume. Blank space characters are
output when a migration target volume cannot be
# This is set to No when the CreateMigrationPlan command creates a candidate migration plan.
Example (1): In this example, a candidate migration plan is created for when each volume in the MG01
migration group is migrated to the MegaTech-HighCost storage tier, in the MegaTechXP12000-
Primary storage domain.
D:\>htsmcli CreateMigrationPlan storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
migrationgroupname=" MG01" targetstoragetiername= MegaTech-HighCost
Output (1):
#Example plan for migration
# LU=3:A6
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 82
# LU=3:A7
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
# Target candidates for source LDEV - 3:A7, 3:A6
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# subsystem=USP#14011
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# arrayGroupName=1-10-1
# diskType=FC
# RAIDLevel=RAID5(3D+1P)
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:80 * (3:A6)
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:84 * (3:A7)
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:85
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:86
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:87
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:89
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8A
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8C
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8F
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:91
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:92
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:95
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:99
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:9E
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:9F
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A0
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A3
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A4
Detailed Command Descriptions 83
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A5
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A6
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A7
Example (2): In this example, the conditions for creation of the candidate migration plan are the same as
in example (1), but some of the candidate migration target volumes cannot be found.
D:\>htsmcli CreateMigrationPlan storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
migrationgroupname=" MG01" targetstoragetiername= MegaTech-HighCost
Output (2):
#Example plan for migration
# LU=0:E7
# emulationType=OPEN-9
# CVS=No
# capacityInKB=7,211,520
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
# LU=3:A6
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 84
# LU=3:A7
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
# Target candidates for source LDEV - 3:A7, 3:A6
# emulationType=OPEN-V
# CVS=Yes
# capacityInKB=10,240,320
# SLPRNumber=0
# CLPRNumber=0
# arrayGroupName=1-10-1
# diskType=FC
# RAIDLevel=RAID5(3D+1P)
# cacheMode=Disable
# IOSuppressionMode=Disable
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:80 * (3:A6)
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:84 * (3:A7)
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:85
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:86
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:87
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:89
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8A
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8C
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:8F
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:91
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:92
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:95
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:99
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:9E
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:9F
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A0
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A3
Detailed Command Descriptions 85
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A4
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A5
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A6
# targetControllerDeviceNumber=2:A7
KATS10601-E An attempt to create a candidate migration plan has failed. There
is a pair for which a target volume was not found.
4-4-2 CreateMigrationTask
The CreateMigrationTask command can be used to create a migration task to perform migration using the
specified migration plan.
When the execute option is specified for the created migration task, the task is executed immediately.
Otherwise, the task is put in Standby status, and can subsequently be executed by using the ExecuteTask
You can use the erasedata parameter to specify whether the data for the migration source volume is to be
deleted once after migration terminates normally.
NOTE: Migration tasks are executed by requests to the Tiered Storage Manager server. Actual task
execution is performed asynchronously to this command.
When processing for the Tiered Storage Manager server to receive an execution request fails after a migration
task has been created, the error message KATS50213-E appears. In such a case, resolve the server failure,
and then use the ExecuteTask command to execute the task.
NOTE: Migration tasks cannot be created in storage domains that are being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location CreateMigrationTask
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -e | --execute } ]
[ erasedata={ Yes | No } ]
[ description=description- of- the-migration-task ]
Table 4-54 Options of the CreateMigrationTask Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-e or
None Optional Specify this to immediately execute the created migration task.
If this is omitted, the migration task is placed in Standby status.
Table 4-55 Parameters of the CreateMigrationTask Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
migrationplan Required Specify the name of the migration plan file.
Specify it as an absolute path or relative path from the command execution
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 86
Table 4-55 Parameters of the CreateMigrationTask Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
erasedata Optional
Specify whether the data for the migration source volume is to be deleted once
after migration task creation terminates normally.
Yes: Delete the data. (default)
No: Do not delete the data.
description Optional Specify a description of the migration task.
Table 4-56 Items Output by the CreateMigrationTask Command
Information Level Item Name Description
Task information id The task ID.
The task ID format is TK########. The time and serial
number are converted to base 36 and displayed in the format
status The task status.
Active.WaitingMigration (waiting for execution)
creationTime The date and time when the task was created.
storageDomainName The name of the storage domain.
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group.
targetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier.
eraseData Indicates whether the data for the migration source volume is
to be deleted once after migration terminates normally.
description The task description.
Migration volume
sourceControllerDeviceNumber The controller LDEV number of the migration source volume.
targetControllerDeviceNumber The controller LDEV number of the migration target volume.
Example: In this example, a task for performing migration is created by loading the migration plan from
the D:\tmp\plan.txt text file. The task is set to execute immediately.
D:\>htsmcli CreateMigrationTask --execute migrationplan=" D:\tmp\plan.txt"
An instance of MigrationTask(1 of 1)
creationTime=2005/03/25 16:53:11
List of 2 MigrationInfo elements
An instance of MigrationInfo(1 of 2)
An instance of MigrationInfo(2 of 2)
Detailed Command Descriptions 87
4-4-3 GetTasks
The GetTasks command can be used to obtain information about the task specified by the id parameter, or
about tasks that match other specified parameters.
You can also specify a range of tasks by using the status parameter, which indicates the task status.
You can also use dates linked to the task, such as the creation date or end date, to specify a range of tasks,
such as the following:
Tasks created (or ended) on or before the specified base date
Tasks created (or ended) on or after the specified base date
Tasks created (or ended) on the specified base date
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location GetTasks
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
[ { id=task-ID |
[ storagedomainname=storage-domain-name
[ migrationgroupname=migration-group-name ]
[ targetstoragetiername=target-storage-tier-name ] ]
[ status= status [, status ] ....]
[ [ datetype= { Creation | End } ] daytobase=days-to the-base-date
[ direction= { Before | After | Just } ] ] } ]
Table 4-57 Options of the GetTasks Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output all information about the task to the
standard output, after command execution. If this is omitted,
only summary information# is output.
# Summary information consists of the information for items for which the Output by -d column is blank in Table
Table 4-58 Parameters of the GetTasks Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
id Optional Specify the task ID.
This parameter cannot be specified with other parameters.
storagedomainname Optional
Specify the name of the storage domain. This must be specified when
migrationgroupname or targetstoragetiername is specified.
migrationgroupname Optional Specify the name of the migration group, along with
Detailed Command Descriptions 88
Table 4-58 Parameters of the GetTasks Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
targetstoragetiername Optional Specify the name of the migration target storage tier, along with
status Optional Specify the status of the task. This can be any of the following:
Active.WaitingMigration (waiting for migration)
Active.WaitingDataErasure (waiting for erasure)
Success (ended in success)
Failure.MigrationFailure (ended in migration failure)
Failure.DataErasureFailure (ended in erasure failure)
Cancel (ended by cancellation)
Active (running, same as multiple specification of
Active.WaitingMigration, Active.Migration,
Active.WaitingDataErasure, and Active.DataErasing)
NotEnd (not ended, same as multiple specification of Standby and
Failure (ended in one of the failures such as
Failure.MigrationFailure and
End (ended, same as multiple specification of Success, Failure,
and Cancel)
When specifying multiple task statuses, separate each one with a
Only a lower-level status can be specified by omitting Active. or
datetype Optional Specify the type of date (creation date or end date) linked to the task,
for specifying a date range.
Creation (default)
daystobase Optional Specify the number of days to the base date. Specify how many days
from the base date tasks should be obtained.
Acceptable value is 0 or a positive integer.
direction Optional Specify the direction for daystobase.
Before (days on or before the base date)
After (days on or after the base date)
Just (the base date itself, which is the default)
Table 4-59 Items Output by the GetTasks Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
Task information id The task ID.
The task ID format is TK########. The time and serial
number are converted to base 36 and displayed in the format
status The status of the task:
Active.WaitingMigration (waiting for migration)
Active.WaitingDataErasure (waiting for erasure)
Success (ended in success)
Failure.MigrationFailure (ended in migration failure)
Failure.DataErasureFailure (ended in erasure failure)
Failure (ended with a failure other than those mentioned
Cancel (ended by cancellation)
Detailed Command Descriptions 89
Table 4-59 Items Output by the GetTasks Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
creationTime The date and time when the task was created.
executionRequestTime The execution request time and date for the task.
endTime The date and time when task execution ended.
migrationStartedTime The date and time when migration execution started.
The date and time when migration execution completed. -d
migrationProgress Indicates the migration progress, as a percentage. Values
less than 1% are rounded down to display an integer.
The date and time when migration is estimated to end. -d
The date and time when erasure execution started.
The date and time when erasure execution completed. -d
dataErasureProgress Indicates the erasure progress, as a percentage. Values less
than 1% are rounded down to display an integer.
The date and time when erasure is estimated to end. -d
ownerId The user ID of the user that created the task.
ownerGroupId The user group ID of the user that created the task.
storageDomainName The name of the storage domain.
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group.
The name of the migration target storage tier for the previous
migration. If no previous migration has been performed, this
is blank.
targetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier.
eraseData Indicates whether the data for the migration source volume is
to be deleted once after migration terminates normally.
totalCapacityInGB The total capacity of the volumes in the migration group
(units: GB). Values less than 1 GB are rounded down to
display an integer.
description A description of the task.
Task error
message An error message. -d
Migration volume
The controller LDEV number of the migration source volume. -d
The serial number of the storage subsystem on which data is
actually stored for the migration source volume.
The name of the storage subsystem model on which data is
actually stored for the migration source volume.
If the model name obtained from Device Manager is
Unknown, the product name is displayed.
The display name of the storage subsystem model on which
data is actually stored for the migration source volume.
If the displayed model name is unknown, the product name
is displayed.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 90
Table 4-59 Items Output by the GetTasks Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
sourceSubsystemName The name of the storage subsystem on which data is actually
stored for the migration source volume.
If the subsystem name is unknown, the product name and
serial number are displayed.
sourcesubsystemVendor The vendor name of the storage subsystem in which actual
data is stored.
The LDEV number of the migration source volume on which
data is actually stored in the storage subsystem.
sourceSLPRNumber The number for the SLPR to which the migration source
volume belongs.
sourceCLPRNumber The number for the CLPR to which the migration source
volume belongs.
sourceRaidLevel The RAID level of the migration source volume. -d
sourceDiskType The type of disks in which the migration source volume
The name of the controller array group in which the migration
source volume exists.
sourceArrayGroupName The array group name of the migration source volume. -d
The controller LDEV number of the migration target volume. -d
The serial number of the storage subsystem on which data is
actually stored for the migration target volume.
targetSubsytemModel The name of the storage subsystem model on which data is
actually stored for the migration target volume.
If the model name obtained from Device Manager is
Unknown, the product name is displayed.
The display name of the storage subsystem model on which
data is actually stored for the migration target volume.
If the display model name is unknown, the product name is
targetSubsystemName The name of the storage subsystem on which data is actually
stored for the migration target volume.
If the subsystem name is unknown, the product name and
serial number are displayed.
targetsubsystemVendor The vendor name of the storage subsystem in which actual
data is stored.
The LDEV number of the migration target volume on which
data is actually stored in the storage subsystem.
targetSLPRNumber The number for the SLPR to which the migration target
volume belongs.
targetCLPRNumber The number for the CLPR to which the migration target
volume belongs.
targetRaidLevel The RAID level of the migration target volume. -d
targetDiskType The type of disks in which the migration target volume exists. -d
The name of the controller array group in which the migration
target volume exists.
targetArrayGroupName The array group name of the migration target volume. -d
emulationType The emulation type. -d
capacityInKB The resource capacity of the volume (units: KB). -d
Detailed Command Descriptions 91
Table 4-59 Items Output by the GetTasks Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output
by -d
The migration status for each volume:
Active.WaitingMigration (waiting for migration)
Active.WaitingDataErasure (waiting for erasure)
Success (ended in success)
Failure.MigrationFailure (ended in migration failure)
Failure.DataErasureFailure (ended in erasure failure)
Failure (ended with a failure other than those mentioned
Cancel (ended by cancellation)
migrationProgress Indicates the migration progress, as a percentage. Values
less than 1% are rounded down to display an integer.
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example (1): In this example, of the tasks in the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain, detailed
information is obtained about those tasks that ended five or more days ago for which results failed.
htsmcli GetTasks --detail storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary"
status="Standby" datetype="Creation" daystobase="5" direction="After"
Output (1):
List of 1 Task elements:
An instance of MigrationTask(1 of 1)
creationTime=2005/03/25 16:53:11
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 92
List of 2 MigrationInfo elements:
An instance of MigrationInfo(1 of 2)
An instance of MigrationInfo(2 of 2)
Detailed Command Descriptions 93
Example (2): In this example, of the tasks in the MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain,
summary information is obtained for those tasks that ended five or more days ago.
htsmcli GetTasks storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary" status="Standby"
datetype="Creation" daystobase="5" direction="After"
Output (2):
List of 1 Task elements:
An instance of MigrationTask(1 of 1)
creationTime=2005/03/25 16:53:11
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 94
Example (3): In this example, to obtain summary information for all the tasks that finished 5 days ago or
before among the tasks in the storage domain MegaTechXP12000-Secondary, the GetTasks command
is executed. However, no task that matches the conditions exists.
D:\>htsmcli GetTasks storagedomainname="MegaTechXP12000-Primary" status="End"
datetype="Creation" daystobase="5" direction="Before"
Output (3):
(Command completed; empty list returned)
4-4-4 ModifyTask
The ModifyTask command can be used to change task information (the description).
Task information cannot be changed in the following statuses:
Task has ended (End).
Task is in a storage domain that is being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location ModifyTask
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
id =task-ID
[newdescription=description-of-the-task ]
Table 4-60 Options of the ModifyTask Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-d or
None Optional Specify this to output the changed task information to the
standard output, after command execution.
If this is omitted, nothing is output to the standard output.
Table 4-61 Parameters of the ModifyTask Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
id Required Specify the task ID.
newdescription Optional
Modify a description of the task. If this is omitted, the task description does
not change.
If an empty character string is specified, the task description that was
previously set is deleted.
Detailed Command Descriptions 95
Table 4-62 Items Output by the ModifyTask Command
Type of Information Item Name Description Output by
Task information id The task ID.
The task ID format is TK########. The time and serial
number are converted to base 36 and displayed in the format
status The status of the task:
Active.WaitingMigration (waiting for migration)
Active.WaitingDataErasure (waiting for erasure)
creationTime The date and time when the task was created. -d
executionRequestTime The execution request time and date for the task. -d
storageDomainName The name of the storage domain. -d
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group. -d
targetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier. -d
eraseData Indicates whether the data for the migration source volume is
to be deleted once after migration terminates normally.
description A description of the task. -d
Migration volume
The controller LDEV number of the migration source volume. -d
The controller LDEV number of the migration target volume. -d
Legend: -d indicates output only when either the -d or the --detail option is specified.
Example: In this example, the description is changed for the task whose ID is TK1f2lymqv.
D:\>htsmcli ModifyTask --detail id="TK1f2lymqv" newdescription="This property
was changed."
An instance of MigrationTask(1 of 1)
creationTime=2005/03/25 16:53:11
description=This property was changed.
List of 2 MigrationInfo elements:
An instance of MigrationInfo(1 of 3)
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 96
An instance of MigrationInfo(2 of 2)
4-4-5 ExecuteTask
The ExecuteTask command can be used to request execution of a specified task in the Standby status, on
the Tiered Storage Manager server. Task execution is performed asynchronously to this command.
Execution cannot be requested on the Tiered Storage Manager server, for a task in a storage domain that is
being refreshed. The GetTasks command can be used to check the status of a task.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location ExecuteTask
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -d | --detail } ]
Table 4-63 Parameters of the ExecuteTask Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
id Required Specify the task ID.
No output is generated by this command.
Example: In this example, the task whose ID is TK1ev677gu was executed.
D:\>htsmcli ExecuteTask id=TK1ev677gu
No output is generated by this command.
4-4-6 CancelTask
The CancelTask command can be used to cancel a specified task in the Standby status. If cancellation is
successful, the status of the task changes from Standby to Cancel (ended by cancellation). When this
command is executed, volume migration reserve is released for the volume.
Tasks cannot be cancelled in the following statuses:
Tasks are in the executing status (Active).
Tasks are in the ended status (End).
Tasks are in a storage domain that is being refreshed.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location CancelTask
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
Detailed Command Descriptions 97
Table 4-64 Items Output by the CancelTask Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
id Required Specify the task ID.
Example: In this example, the task whose ID is TK1ev677gu is cancelled.
D:\>htsmcli CancelTask id=TK1ev677gu
No output is generated by this command.
4-4-7 DeleteTasks
The DeleteTasks command can be used to delete a task, specified by the id parameter, that has the ended
status (End).
You can specify a range of tasks using the status parameter, which indicates the task status.
You can also use dates linked to the task, such as the creation date or end date, to specify a range of tasks,
such as the following:
Tasks created (or ended) on or before the specified base date
Tasks created (or ended) on or after the specified base date
Tasks created (or ended) on the specified base date
Specify the force option to delete the task without seeing the confirmation message. If the force option is
omitted, a message for confirming each task is output to the standard error output.
Command Syntax
htsmcli server-location DeleteTasks
{ -u | --username } user-name
{ -p | --password } { password | @name-of-password-file }
[ { -o | --output } name-of-the-standard-output-redirect-file ]
[ { -f | --force } ]
[ { id=task-ID |
[ storagedomainname=storage-domain-name
[ migrationgroupname=migration-group-name ]
[ targetstoragetiername=target-storage-tier-name ] ]
[ status= status [, status ] ....]
[ [ datetype= { Creation | End } ] daytobase=days-to-the-base-date
[ direction= { Before | After | Just } ] ] } ]
Table 4-65 Options of the DeleteTasks Command
Option Name Option Arguments Optional or Required Description
-f or
None Optional Specify this to perform deletion without confirmation.
If this is omitted, deletion will need to be confirmed for each
Table 4-66 Parameters of the DeleteTasks Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
id Optional Specify the task ID.
This parameter cannot be specified with other parameters.
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 98
Table 4-66 Parameters of the DeleteTasks Command
Parameter Name Optional or Required Description
storagedomainname Optional
Specify the name of the storage domain. This must be specified
when migrationgroupname or targetstoragetiername is
migrationgroupname Optional Specify the name of the migration group, along with
targetstoragetiername Optional Specify the name of the migration target storage tier, along with
status Optional Specify the status of the task. This can be any of the following:
Success (ended in success)
Failure.MigrationFailure (ended in migration failure)
Failure.DataErasureFailure (ended in erasure failure)
Cancel (ended by cancellation)
Failure (ended in one of the failures such as
Failure.MigrationFailure and
End (ended, same as multiple specification of Success, Failure,
and Cancel)
When specifying multiple task statuses, separate each one with a
Only a lower-level status can be specified by omitting Failure..
datetype Optional Specify the type of date (creation date or end date) linked to the
task, for specifying a date range. This can be any of the following:
Creation (default)
daystobase Optional Specify the number of days to the base date. Specify how many
days from the base date tasks should be obtained.
direction Optional Specify the direction for daystobase. This can be any of the
Before (days on or before the base date)
After (days on or after the base date)
Just (the base date itself, which is the default)
Table 4-67 Items Output by the DeleteTasks Command
Type of Information Item Name Description
Task information id The task ID.
The task ID format is TK########. The time and serial
number are converted to base 36 and displayed in the
format ########.
The status of the task:
Success (ended in success)
Failure.MigrationFailure (ended in migration failure)
Failure.DataErasureFailure (ended in erasure
Failure (ended with a failure other than those mentioned
Cancel (ended by cancellation)
creationTime The date and time when the task was created.
executionRequestTime The execution request time and date for the task.
endTime The date and time when task execution ended.
migrationStartedTime The date and time when migration execution started.
migrationCompletionTime The date and time when migration execution completed.
migrationProgress Indicates the migration progress, as a percentage. Values
less than 1% are rounded down to display an integer.
Detailed Command Descriptions 99
Table 4-67 Items Output by the DeleteTasks Command
Type of Information Item Name Description
DataErasureStartedTime The date and time when erasure execution started.
DataErasureCompletionTime The date and time when erasure execution completed.
DataErasureProgress Indicates the erasure progress, as a percentage. Values
less than 1% are rounded down to display an integer.
ownerId The user ID of the user that created the task.
ownerGroupId The user group ID of the user that created the task.
storageDomainName The name of the storage domain.
migrationGroupName The name of the migration group.
previousTargetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier for the
previous migration. If no previous migration has been
performed, this is blank.
targetStorageTierName The name of the migration target storage tier.
eraseData Indicates whether the data for the migration source volume
is to be deleted once after migration terminates normally.
totalCapacityInGB The total capacity of the volumes in the migration group
(units: GB). Values less than 1 GB are rounded down to
display an integer.
description A description of the task.
If the applied task does not exist within the specified task range, nothing is output.
Example: In this example, the command deletes canceled tasks from the tasks in the
MegaTechXP12000-Primary storage domain. Since the force option is not specified in this example,
a message is output confirming deletion for each task.
D:\>htsmcli DeleteTasks storagedomainname=“MegaTechXP12000-Primary”
An instance of MigrationTask(1 of 1)
creationTime=2005/03/25 16:53:11
endTime=2005/03/25 16:53:45
Detailed Command
Detailed Command Descriptions 100
description=This property was changed.
Do you agree with deletion of this task? (Y/N) :
Tiered Storage Manager Properties Files 101
5 Tiered Storage Manager Properties Files
This chapter describes the properties files for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI.
Overview of Properties for Tiered Storage Manager CLI
5-2 Specifying Values in the htsmcli.properties File
Specifying Values in the htsmclienv.properties File
5-1 Overview of Properties for Tiered Storage Manager CLI
There are two kinds of properties for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI: those stored in the
htsmcli.properties file, and those stored in the htsmclienv.properties file.
Properties pertaining to options and parameters for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI are stored in the
htsmcli.properties file.
Properties pertaining to the trace log for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI are stored in the
htsmclienv.properties file.
When decompressing the CLI setup file into the following directory during installation of the Tiered Storage
Manager CLI on a Management client, the files htsmcli.properties and htsmclienv.properties are
revealed in this directory:
system-drive\TieredStorageManager\0110\CLI (in Windows)
/opt/TieredStorageManager/0110/CLI (in Solaris and HP-UX)
The revealed htsmcli.properties file contains comment lines which show sample property settings to use
as a guide. Based on this sample, a user can create a new htsmcli.properties file in a desired location.
The directory containing the htsmcli.properties file must be set to the environment variable
HTSM_CLI_HOME in advance.
NOTE: HTSM_CLI_HOME is an environment variable used for reporting, to the Tiered Storage Manager CLI,
the location of the htsmcli.properties file that is to be used. If you do not set the directory containing
the htsmcli.properties file to HTSM_CLI_HOME, Tiered Storage Manager will not use the
htsmcli.properties file.
The default values for each property have been set in the htsmclienv.properties file that is revealed
when the CLI setup file is decompressed. The htsmclienv.properties file must be located in the directory
containing the htsmCLI.jar file. The htsmCLI.jar file is revealed in the same directory where the
properties file was revealed when the CLI setup file was decompressed.
These files are in the same format as Java properties files. Properties can be updated using a text editor. Each
property has a name and a value, separated by an equal sign (for example, foo.bar=12345). Each property
is separated by the line-break character defined for the OS.
In the properties files for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI, any lines that start with the # character are treated
as comments. Literal strings or numbers do not need to be enclosed in quotation marks.
In Java properties files, the backslash character (\) is a reserved escape character, and any character
following the backslash is not treated as a normal character. Instead, the character following the backslash is
treated as a tab, line-feed, or other control character. Since absolute path names on Windows platforms
generally contain backslashes, the path name must be preceded by another backslash. For example, the file
path name c:\CVXPAE\docroot\foo.bar must be entered as c:\\CVXPAE\\docroot\\foo.bar. For
property specifications, other characters do not generally need to be preceded by an escape character.
Table 5-1 lists and describes the properties for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI.
Table 5-1 Properties Specifiable for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
Type File Name Property For Details:
Properties pertaining to CLI
options and parameters
htsmcli.properties htsmserver.location See section 5-2-1
option.output See section 5-2-2
option.password See section 5-2-3
option.username See section 5-2-4
Detailed Command
Tiered Storage Manager Properties Files 102
Table 5-1 Properties Specifiable for the Tiered Storage Manager CLI
Type File Name Property For Details:
See section 5-2-5
Properties pertaining to the
trace log of the CLI
htsmclienv.properties logger.fileCount See section 5-3-1
logger.filePath See section 5-3-2
logger.maxFileSize See section 5-3-3
logger.tracelogLevel See section 5-3-4
5-2 Specifying Values in the htsmcli.properties File
You can set the location of Tiered Storage Manager server, and the options and parameters used during
execution of CLI commands as properties in the htsmcli.properties file.
IMPORTANT: Usable characters are restricted to printable ASCII characters, including \u0020 - \u007E
(which are recognized as printable ASCII characters), when they are used for values of properties in the
htsmcli.properties file.
Table 5-2 shows sample settings for the location of the Tiered Storage Manager server, and options in the
htsmcli.properties properties file.
Table 5-2 Sample htsmcli.properties Property Values
Property Value
htsmserver.location rmi://myhost.mydomain:20352/HTSMServer
Option.username Usertaro
Option.password @C:\\TieredStorageManager\\0110\\CLI\\pass.txt
The following shows an example of the above properties and values.
#HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager CLI – Configuration
#Mon May 17 18:53:54 JST 2004
5-2-1 htsmserver.location Property
Specify the location of the Tiered Storage Manager server.
For details about how to specify the location of the Tiered Storage Manager server, see section 3-3 .
5-2-2 option.output Property
Specify the file name to which the standard output is to be redirected.
For details about how to specify the value of this property, see the explanation of the output option in section
3-3 .
5-2-3 option.password Property
Specify the password that corresponds to the user name set for the option.username property. You can
specify the password directly, or specify the name of a text file that contains the password. The file name can
be specified using an absolute path or a relative path from the CLI installation directory.
Detailed Command
Tiered Storage Manager Properties Files 103
When specifying a file name, precede the file name with the @ character. When a string starting with the @
character is specified, the first line of the text file indicated by the string is treated as the password.
For details about how to specify the value of this property, see the explanation of the password option in
section 3-3 .
5-2-4 option.username Property
Specify the name used to log on to the Tiered Storage Manager server.
For details about how to specify the value of this property, see the explanation of the username option in
section 3-3 .
5-2-5 parameter.parameter-name Property
Specify the value of a command parameter. Values specified here are applied to all commands.
For details about how to specify the value of each command parameter, see section 3-3 .
5-3 Specifying Values in the htsmclienv.properties File
You can set each type of value for the log output function of the Tiered Storage Manager CLI as properties in
the htsmclienv.properties file.
IMPORTANT: Usable characters are restricted to printable ASCII characters, including \u0020 - \u007E
(which are recognized as printable ASCII characters), when they are used for values of properties in the
htsmclienv.properties file.
NOTE: Property names are case sensitive.
5-3-1 logger.fileCount Property
Specify the maximum number of trace log files output by the log output function of the Tiered Storage Manager
Trace log files are created with the size specified for the 4.3.3 logger.maxFileSize Property, with a log number
appended to the file name (for example, HTSMCLITrace1.log and HTSMCLITrace2.log). Trace
information is written to log files in the order of the log numbers. If the last file becomes full, the first file is
Acceptable values: 2 to 16.
Default: 10
5-3-2 logger.filePath Property
Specify the name of the file to which the trace log is output, using an absolute path or a relative path from the
CLI installation directory. n.log is automatically appended to the specified file name (where n is a positive
integer indicating the log number for the file).
IMPORTANT: Do not use any characters or file names or directory names that are not permitted by the OS,
or that are reserved by the OS.
installation-directory\logs\HTSMCLITrace (in Windows)
installation-directory/logs/HTSMCLITrace (in Solaris and HP-UX)
The installation directory is that which contains the htsmcli.jar file.
5-3-3 logger.maxFileSize Property
Specify the maximum size of a trace log file. When setting this value, specify KB for kilobytes, MB for
megabytes, or neither of these for bytes. Note that for this property, KB indicates 1,024 bytes, and MB
indicates 1,024 KB.
Acceptable values: From 32,768 bytes to 2,147,483,647 bytes (less than 2 GB).
Default: 1 MB
Tiered Storage Manager
Properties Files
Tiered Storage Manager Properties Files 104
5-3-4 logger.tracelogLevel Property
Specify the threshold for the output level of the trace log.
With the Tiered Storage Manager CLI, an output level of 0, 10, 20, or 30 is set based on the contents of the
log output message, regardless of whether the type of error message is Error, Warning, or Information. Only
messages whose output level is less than or equal to the value set for this property are output to the trace log.
This property can be set to a value from 0 to 30, but we recommend the default output level of 20.
Default: 20
Troubleshooting 105
6 Troubleshooting
This chapter describes the actions to be taken if problems occur with the Tiered Storage Manager CLI.
6-1 Troubleshooting Tiered Storage Manager CLI
If a problem occurs with the Tiered Storage Manager CLI, perform the following operations:
Make sure that the cause of the problem is not the software, nor the computer nor the LAN hardware, and
then restart the computer.
Make sure that no problems exist with the Tiered Storage Manager server. For details about
troubleshooting for the Tiered Storage Manager server, refer to the HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage
Manager Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
For details about troubleshooting specific to the Tiered Storage Manager CLI, see Table 6-1.
For troubleshooting information common to both the CLI client and the Web client of Tiered Storage
Manager, refer to the HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager User's Guide.
Table 6-1 Troubleshooting Tiered Storage Manager CLI
Problem Cause Recommended Action
Cannot log in to Tiered Storage
The Tiered Storage Manager server is
not running.
Start the Tiered Storage Manager
The Tiered Storage Manager server
was not found.
See the server location that was
specified at the command line or
property, and make sure that the
specified port number is correct.
See the server location that was
specified at the command line or
property, and make sure that the
specified host address is correct.
No users have been registered in
Device Manager.
Register users in Device Manager.
You do not have the permissions
needed to log in to Tiered Storage
Use Device Manager to change the
user permissions to System
Administrator, Storage Administrator, or
The user name or password is
Change the user name or password
that was specified at the command line
or property to the correct one.
The contents set in the properties file
htsmclienv.properties have not
been executed properly.
Operation is not possible because there
is an incorrect setting in the properties
Follow the instructions in the output
error message to correct the settings in
the properties file.
The contents set in the properties file
htsmcli.properties have not been
executed properly.
The parameter has been specified
directly from the command line.
The values specified directly from the
command line take preference over the
values set in the properties file. If you
omit the command line specification, the
values in the properties file take
Operation is not possible because there
is an incorrect setting in the properties
Follow the instructions in the output
error message to correct the settings in
the properties file.
The environment variable
HTSM_CLI_HOME has not been set up.
Set the directory containing the
properties file htsmcli.properties
to the environment variable
An error occurred that indicated the
specified command was not found.
A path to java.exe (or java) has not
been established.
In Windows, add the directory
containing java.exe to the environment
variable Path.
Tiered Storage Manager
Properties Files
Troubleshooting 106
Table 6-1 Troubleshooting Tiered Storage Manager CLI
Problem Cause Recommended Action
In Solaris or HP-UX, add the directory
containing java to the environment
variable PATH.
Times, such as the task creation time,
that are displayed by CLI commands on
the Management client do not match
those displayed by the Web client or by
CLI commands on the Management
The time settings on the Management
client differ from those on the
Management server.
In Windows, make the date and time
properties and the environment variable
TZ the same as those on the
Management server.
In Solaris or HP-UX, make the
environment variable TZ the same as
that on the Management server.
Some of the
LDEVs that make
up the LUSE
volume are not
included in the
same storage tier.
Situation (1)
A migration plan
was created so
that LDEVs other
than the
LDEV that do not
meet the
conditions of the
destination storage
tier would not be
Both of the following conditions exist:
The representative LDEV is
included in the storage tier.
LDEVs other than the
representative LDEV are not
included in the storage tier.
Review the migration plan.
If you migrate LDEVs other than the
representative LDEV, first re-specify the
migration destination volume, and then
perform migration.
Situation (2)
A migration plan
was created so
that LDEVs that
meet the
conditions of the
destination storage
tier would be
Both of the following conditions exist:
The representative LDEV is not
included in the storage tier.
LDEVs other than the
representative LDEV are included
in the storage tier.
Review the migration plan.
Create a storage tier that includes the
representative LDEV, and the status will
change to situation (1).
See the recommended action column
for situation (1) and take appropriate
Acronyms and Abbreviations 107
Acronyms and Abbreviations
API application programming interface
BNF Bachus Naur form
CLI command line interface
GB gigabyte
GUI graphical user interface
HTSM HP StorageWorks XP® Tiered Storage Manager
JRE Java™ Runtime Environment
KB kilobyte
LAN local area network
LU logical unit
MB megabyte
OS operating system
SAN storage area network
TB terabyte
TID target ID
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Index 108
adding volume, 75
command, 75
argument, 39
batch (script) file, 38
CancelTask command, 97
candidate migration plan: creating,
12, 13, 79; example, 14; format,
candidate migration target volume,
changing information: migration
group, 73; migration task, 94;
storage domain, 48; storage tier.,
CLI: help, 39; installation and setup,
20, 21; platform, 19; return value,
38; setup file, 20; system
requirement, 19; troubleshooting,
105; uninstallation, 23; unsetup,
19, 23
CLI client, 10
CLI commands:
AddVolumeToMigrationGroup, 75;
CancelTask, 97; command for
managing storage domain, 41;
command list, 25; command
syntax, 27; CreateMigrationGroup,
68; CreateMigrationPlan, 79;
CreateMigrationTask, 85;
CreateStorageDomain, 41;
CreateStorageTier, 59;
DeleteMigrationGroup, 69;
DeleteStorageDomain, 43;
DeleteStorageTier, 61;
DeleteTasks, 97; ExecuteTask,
96; GetMigrationGroups, 70;
GetStorageDomains, 44;
GetStorageTiers, 62; GetTasks,
87; GetVolumes, 50, 67, 79; in a
Batch (Script) Files, 39;
ModifyMigrationGroup, 73;
ModifyStorageDomain, 48;
ModifyStorageTier, 65;
ModifyTask, 94; precautions when
executing, 23; Refresh, 59;
up, 77
command line: argument, 39
common option: username, 36
common options: output, 36;
password, 36
controller LDEV number, 11, 18
CreateMigrationGroup command, 68
CreateMigrationPlan command, 79;
filtercondition parameter, 13
CreateMigrationTask command, 85
CreateStorageDomain command,
CreateStorageTier command, 59;
filtercondition parameter, 12
creating: candidate migration plan,
12, 13, 79; migration group, 12,
68; migration task, 12, 17, 85;
storage domain, 11; storage tier,
11, 59
DeleteMigrationGroup command, 69
DeleteStorageDomain command, 43
DeleteStorageTier command, 61
DeleteTasks command, 97
deleting: DeleteTask command, 97;
migration group, 69; migration
source volume data, 18; storage
domain, 43; storage tier., 61
deleting (erasing) data: erasedata
parameter, 85
Device Manager Server, 10
displaying: CLI help, 39
domain control storage subsystem,
11, 19
editing: migration plan, 17
environment variables:
HTSM_CLI_HOME, 21, 22, 23,
htsmcli.properties file, 101; Java
execution environment, 19;
memory size, 19; Path, 19, 21;
PATH, 19, 21; TZ, 106
erasedata parameter, 85
ExecuteTask command, 96
executing: cautions for CLI
commands, 23; migration task, 12,
17, 96
external storage subsystems, 11
External Storage XP, 11
filter condition: storage tier, 12
filter condition expression: format,
12; property, 12, 13, 31; storage
tier, 30; syntax, 30; volume, 13, 30
filtercondition parameter, 12, 13, 30
force option, 97
format: candidate migration plan, 17;
filter condition expression, 12
GetMigrationGroups command, 70
GetStorageDomains command, 44
GetStorageTiers command, 62
GetTasks command, 87
GetVolumes command, 50;
filtercondition parameter, 13; with
migrationgroupname specified, 79;
with storagetiername specified, 67
help information, 39
HTSM_CLI_HOME, 21, 22, 101
htsmcli.properties file, 102
htsmclienv.properties, 101
htsmclienv.properties file, 103
htsmserver.location property, 102
immediate execution: execute
option, 85; migration task, 17, 86
installation and setup of CLI: on
Solaris or HP-UX system, 21; on
Windows system, 20
JRE, 19
list of CLI commands, 25
locale, 23
log output function, 103
logger.fileCount property, 103
logger.filePath property, 103
logger.maxFileSize property, 103
logger.tracelogLevel property, 104
Management client, 10; CLI, 10;
Web, 10
Management server, 10
managing storage domain, 41
mapping volume, 11
memory size, 19
migration group:
command, 75; change information,
73; CreateMigrationPlan
command, 68; creating, 12, 68;
DeleteMigrationGroup command,
69; GetMigrationGroups
command, 70; GetVolumes
command with
migrationgroupname, 79;
ModifyMigrationGroup command,
up command, 77
migration operation flow, 11
migration plan: CreateMigrationPlan
command, 79; creating candidate,
13; editing, 17
migration source volume, 14
migration target volume, 14
migration task: CancelTask
command, 97;
CreateMigrationTask command,
85; creating and executing, 12, 17;
DeleteTasks command, 97;
ExecuteTask command, 96;
GetTasks command, 87;
immediate execution, 17, 86;
status, 18
ModifyMigrationGroup command, 73
ModifyStorageDomain command, 48
Index 109
ModifyStorageTier command, 65;
newfiltercondition parameter, 12
ModifyTask command, 94
newfiltercondition parameter, 12
obtaining: list of volume (LU), 50;
migration group information, 70;
migration task information, 87;
storage domain information, 44;
storage tier information, 62
option, 27
option.output property, 102
option.password property, 102
option.username property, 103
parameter, 27; range of specifiable
value, 28
property, 103
Path, 19, 21
PATH, 19, 21
platform for CLI, 19
property file: htsmcli.properties, 102;
htsmclienv.properties, 101, 103
redirect file, 13, 37
Refresh command, 59
refresh processing, 25, 41, 59
registering storage domain, 41
p command, 77
removing volume, 77
repository: Tiered Storage Manager,
requirement: installation and setup
for CLI, 20
requirements: Device Manager
server, 10; for CLI installation and
setup, 20; memory requirements
for CLI, 19; system requirements
for CLI operations, 19
return value, 39
script files: batch files for CLI
commands, 39
searching: with volume folter
conditions, 13
server-location, 26
setup: with CLI installation on
Windows, 20; with installation on
Solaris or HP-UX, 21
setup file: CLI, 20
software components, 10
standard error output, 97
standard output, 37
starting CLI: batch (script) file, 38;
directory, 38
statuses: of migration task, 18
storage domain:
CreateStorageDomain command,
41; creating, 11;
DeleteStorageDomain command,
43; ModifyStorageDomain, 48;
Refresh command, 59
storage tier: CreateStorageTier
command, 59; creating, 11, 59;
DeleteStorageTier command, 61;
deleting, 61; filter condition, 12;
filter condition expressions, 30;
GetStorageTiers command, 62;
GetVolumes command with
storagetiername, 67;
ModifyStorageTier command, 65
StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000,
syntax: CLI commands, 38; filter
conditon expression, 30
system requirement for operationg
CLI, 19
task ID, 17, 86, 88
tasks: CancelTask command, 97;
CreateMigrationTask command,
85; DeleteTasks command, 97;
ExecuteTask command, 96;
GetTasks command, 87;
ModifyTask command, 94
threshold for output level of trace
log, 104
Tiered Storage Manager: client, 10;
repository, 59; server, 10; software
components, 10
Tiered Storage Manager client, 10
trace log, 103; log output function,
103; threshold for output level, 104
Troubleshooting, 105
Troubleshooting information, 105
TZ, 106
umask for Solaris and HP-UX script
htsmcli, 24
uninstallation, 23
unsetup: CLI, 23
user, 10
user group, 10
volume: candidate migration target,
14; filter condition expression, 13,
30; mapping, 11; migration source,
14; migration target, 14; obtaining
list of LUs, 50
volume migration reserve, 18
Web client, 10

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