HYUNDAI MOBIS PA715AMLSB Car Audio Bluetooth User Manual K AM USA 081210

Hyundai MOBIS Co., Ltd. Car Audio Bluetooth K AM USA 081210

User Manual

  FCC ID: PINPA715MLSB / IC: 4018A-PA715M                                                                                   HCT CO., LTD. SAN 136-1, AMI-RI, BUBAL-EUP, ICHEON-SI, KYOUNGKI-DO, 467-701, KOREA TEL:+82 31 639 8517    FAX:+82 31 639 8525 Report No. :  HCT-RF09-0522                                                      1/1    ATTACHMENT E.   - User Manual -
31Knowing your vehicle1. FM/AM Selection Button2. CD/AUX Selection Button3. Power ON/OFF Button & Volume ControlKnob4. Automatic Channel Selection Button5. SCAN Button6. SETUP Button & Clock Control Button7. TUNE Knob & Sound Quality Control Knob8. Preset ButtonRADIO, SET UP, VOLUME CONTROL(PA710/PA715 AMAB, USA)❈ There will be no  logo if the Bluetooth feature is not supported.
Knowing your vehicle231. FM/AM Selection ButtonTurns to FM or AM mode, and toggles inthe order of FM1 ➟  FM2 ➟  AM ➟  FM1...when the button is pressed each time.2. CD/AUX Selection ButtonIf there is a CD in the CDP DECK it turnsto CD mode. If a device is connected toAUX, then it toggles in the order of CD ➟AUX ➟CD... when the button is pressedeach time. (It will not turn to AUX if thereis no auxiliary device connected.) 3. Power ON/OFF Button &Volume Control KnobTurns on/off the set when the IGNITIONSWITCH is on ACC or ON. If the buttonis turned to the right, it increases the vol-ume and left, decreases the volume.4. Automatic Channel SelectionButton• When the [SEEK ] button is pressed,it reduces the band frequency by200kHz to automatically select a chan-nel. Stops at the previous frequency ifno channel is found.• When the [SEEK ] button is pressed,it increases the band frequency by200kHz to automatically select a chan-nel. Stops at the previous frequency if nochannel is found.5. SCAN ButtonIf this button is pressed, the frequencieswill become increased and receive thecorresponding broadcasts. This functionwill play the frequencies for 5 seconds(SIRIUS MODE:10 seconds) each andfind other broadcasts as the frequencyincreases. Press the button again whendesiring to continue listening to the cur-rently playing broadcast.6. SETUP Button & Clock ControlButtonPress this button to turn to the SIRIUSoption and the other adjustment mode. If no action is taken for 5 seconds afterpressing the button, it will return to theplay mode. (After entering SETUP mode,move between items using the left, rightand PUSH functions of the [TUNE]knob.) ■ PA710 AMAB is an internal AMPMODEL with Bluetooth feature. The setup changes in the order ofCLOCK ↔ SAT ↔ SCROLL ↔ P.BASS↔  RETURN  ↔  TEMP ↔PHONE  ↔SDVC ↔ CLOCK...■ PA710 AMA is an internal AMP MODELwithout Bluetooth feature. The setup changes in the order ofCLOCK ↔ SAT ↔ SCROLL ↔ P.BASS↔ TEMP ↔ SDVC ↔ CLOCK...■ PA715 AMAB is an external AMPMODEL with Bluetooth feature.  The setup changes in the order ofCLOCK ↔ SAT ↔ SCROLL ↔ TEMP ↔PHONE ↔ SDVC ↔ CLOCK...■ PA715 AMA is an external AMP MODELwithout Bluetooth feature.The setup changes in the order ofCLOCK ↔ SAT ↔ SCROLL ↔ RETURN↔ TEMP ↔ SDVC ↔ CLOCK...
33Knowing your vehicle• Adjusting the Clock Press the [SETUP] button. Use the vol-ume controller to adjust the clock in thefollowing order: CLOCK ➟ENTER  ➟hour or minute. Adjust the hour and press the [ENTER]button to set. Use the same method toadjust the minute and press the [ENTER]button to complete and exit from clockadjustment mode. Pressing the [SETUP] button while inPOWER OFF screen will allow the userto make immediately adjustments to theclock.• SCROLLThis function is used to display charac-ters longer than the LCD text display andcan be turned ON/OFF through the vol-ume controller.• RETURNThis function displays the previousMODE screen.• TEMPThis function is used to change the tem-perature display setting.• SDVCThis function automatically adjusts thevolume level according to the speed ofthe vehicle and can be turned ON/OFFthrough the volume controller.• POWER BASS(P.BASS)Based on psychoacoustic technology, thistechnology overcomes BASS limitationswhich may occur due to the limited num-ber and size of speakers to offer dynamicBASS sound quality. It is possible toadjust in 3 levels of LOW/MID/HIGH.OFF ➟LOW ➟MID ➟HIGHModes: CD/FM/AUX/IPOD/USB (exclud-ing AM Mode)7. TUNE Knob & Sound QualityControl KnobRotate the knob clockwise by one notchto increase frequency by 200kHz fromcurrent frequency.Rotate the knob counterclockwise by onenotch to decrease frequency by 200kHzfrom current frequency.• Pressing the button changes the BASS,MIDDLE, TREBLE, FADER and BAL-ANCE TUNE mode. The mode selectedis shown on the display. After selectingeach mode, rotate the Audio controlknob clockwise or counterclockwise. (Sound Quality Control will operate in FM,AM, CD, AUX, USB, iPod and SATmodes.)• BASS ControlTo increase the BASS, rotate the knobclockwise, while to decrease the BASS,rotate the knob counterclockwise.• MIDDLE ControlTo increase the MIDDLE, rotate the knobclockwise, while to decrease the MID-DLE, rotate the knob counterclockwise.• TREBLE ControlTo increase the TREBLE, rotate the knobclockwise, while to decrease the TRE-BLE, rotate the knob counterclockwise.• FADER ControlTurn the control knob clockwise toemphasize rear speaker sound(frontspeaker sound will be attenuated). Whenthe control knob is turned counterclock-wise, front speaker sound will be empha-sized(rear speaker sound will be attenu-ated).
Knowing your vehicle43• BALANCE ControlRotate the knob clockwise to emphasizeright speaker sound(left speaker soundwill be attenuated). When the controlknob is turned counter clockwise, leftspeaker sound will be emphasized(rightspeaker sound will be attenuated).8. Preset ButtonPush [1]~[6] buttons less than 0.8 secondto play the channel saved in each button.Push Preset button for 0.8 second orlonger to save current channel to therespective button with a beep.
35Knowing your vehicle1. CD Loading Slot2. CD Eject Button3. CD/AUX Selection Button4. Automatic Track Selection Button5. REPEAT Button6. RANDOM Play Button7. CD Indicator8. SCAN Play Button9. INFO Button10. SEARCH Knob & ENTER Button11. FOLDER Moving ButtonCD(PA710/PA715 AMAB, USA)❈ There will be no  logo if the Bluetooth feature is not supported.
Knowing your vehicle631. CD Loading SlotPlease face printed side upward and gen-tly push in. When the ignition switch is onACC or ON and power is off, power isautomatically turned on if the CD is loaded.This CDP supports only 12cm CD. If VCDor Data CD are loaded, a "Reading Error"message will be displayed and the CD willbe ejected.2. CD Eject ButtonPush  button to eject the CD duringCD playback. This button is enabledwhen ignition switch is off.3. CD/AUX Selection Button• If an auxiliary device is connected, itswitches to AUX mode from the othermode to play the sounds from the aux-iliary player. • If the CD is loaded, turns to CD mode,and if a device is connected to AUXthen it toggles in the order of CD ➟AUX➟CD... when the button is pressedeach time.(It will not turn to AUX if theauxiliary device is not connected.) • If there is no CD or auxiliary device,then it displays the message "NoMedia" for 3 seconds and returns to theprevious mode.4. Automatic Track SelectionButton• Press [TRACK ] button for less than0.8 second to play from the beginningof current song. • Press [TRACK ] button for less than0.8 second and press again within 1seconds to play the previous song.• Continue to press down the [TRACK ]button to initiate reverse direction highspeed sound search of current song.• Press [TRACK ] button for less than0.8 second to play the next song.• Continue to press down the [TRACK ]button to initiate high speed soundsearch of current song.5. REPEAT ButtonRepeats current song when the button ispressed for less than 0.8 second.Repeats the entire DISC when the buttonis pressed for 0.8 second or longer.(In the case of MP3, the Repeat functionwill operate only within folder.)6. RANDOM Play ButtonPress this button for less than 0.8 secondto activate ‘RDM’ mode and longer than0.8 second to activate ‘A.RDM’ mode.• RDM : Only files/tracks in a folder/discare played back in a random sequence.• A.RDM(MP3/WMA Only) : All files in adisc are played back in the randomsequence.7. CD Indicator When car ignition switch is ACC or ONand if the CD is loaded, this indicator islighted. If the CD is ejected, the light isturned off.8. SCAN Play ButtonScans first 10 seconds of each song inthe DISC. To cancel the mode, press thebutton once again.9. INFO ButtonDisplays the information of the currentCD TRACK(FILE) in the order shownbelow each time the button is pressed.• CDDA : Disc Title ➟ Disc Artist ➟TrackTitle ➟ Track Artist ➟Total Track...
37Knowing your vehicle• MP3/WMA : File Name ➟ Title ➟Artist ➟Album  ➟  Folder Name ➟Total File...(not displayed if the information is notavailable on the DISC.)10. SEARCH Knob & ENTERButtonRotate the knob clockwise to display thesongs after the currently played song.Rotate the knob counterclockwise to dis-play the songs before the currentlyplayed song. Press the button to skip andplay the selected song. 11. FOLDER Moving Button• Press [FOLDER ] button to movechild folder of the current folder and dis-play the first song in the folder. PressTUNE/ ENTER knob to move to thefolder displayed. It will play the firstsong in the folder.• Press [FOLDER ] button to moveparent folder and display the first songin the folder. Press TUNE/ENTER knobto move to the folder displayed.
Knowing your vehicle831. USB Selection Button2. TRACK Moving Button3. REPEAT Selection Button4. RANDOM Playback Button5. SCAN Selection Button6. INFO Button7. SEARCH Knob & ENTER Button8. FOLDER Moving ButtonUSING USB(PA710/PA715 AMAB, USA)❈ There will be no  logo if the Bluetooth feature is not supported.
39Knowing your vehicle1. USB Selection ButtonIf USB is connected, it switches to theUSB mode from the other mode to playthe song files stored in the USB. If no CDand auxiliary device is not connected, itdisplays "NO Media" for 3 seconds andreturns to the previous mode.2. TRACK Moving Button• Press the [TRACK ] button for lessthan 0.8 second to play from the begin-ning of the song currently played. Press the button for less than 0.8 secondand press it again within 1 seconds tomove to and play the previous track. Press the button for 0.8 second orlonger to play the song in reverse direc-tion in fast speed.• Press the [TRACK ]  button  for lessthan 0.8 second to move to the nexttrack. Press the button for 0.8 secondor longer to play the song in forwarddirection in fast speed.3. REPEAT ButtonPress this button for less than 0.8 secondto activate 'RPT' mode and longer than0.8 second to activate ' ' mode.• RPT : Only thr current file is repeatedlyplayed back. •  : All files in a folder are repeat-edly played back.4. RANDOM Playback ButtonPress this button for less than 0.8 secondto activate 'RDM' mode and longer than0.8 second to activate 'A.RDM' mode. • RDM : All files in a folder are playedback in random sequence.• A.RDM : All files in a USB memory areplayed back in random sequence.5. SCAN Selection ButtonScan 10 seconds of each song in the USBdevice.Press the button once again to cancelscanning.6. INFO ButtonDisplays the information of the currentlyplayed file in the order of File Name ➟Title ➟  Artist ➟  Album  ➟  Folder ➟  TotalFile ➟Normal Display ➟ File Name ➟…(Displays no information if the file has nosong information.)7. SEARCH Knob & ENTERButtonRotate the knob clockwise to display thesongs after the currently played song.Rotate the knob counterclockwise to dis-play the songs before the currentlyplayed song. Press the button to skip and play theselected song. 8. FOLDER Moving Button• Press [FOLDER ] button to movechild folder of the current folder and dis-play the first song in the folder. PressTUNE/ENTER knob to move to thefolder displayed. It will play the firstsong in the folder.• Press [FOLDER ] button to moveparent folder and display the first songin the folder. Press TUNE/ENTER knobto move to the folder displayed.
Knowing your vehicle103CAUTION IN USING USB DEVICE• To use an external USB device,make sure the device is notmounted when starting up thevehicle and mount the deviceafter starting up.• If you start the vehicle when theUSB device is mounted, it maydamage the USB device. (USB isnot ESA)• If the vehicle is started up orturned off while the external USBdevice is connected, the externalUSB device may not work.• It may not play inauthentic MP3 orWMA files.1) It can only play MP3 files withthe compression rate between8Kbps~320Kbps.2) It can only play WMA musicfiles with the compression ratebetween 8Kbps~320Kbps. • Take cautions for static electricitywhen mounting or dismountingthe external USB device.• An encoded MP3 player is notrecognizable. (Continued)(Continued)• Depending on the condition ofthe external USB device, the con-nected external USB device canbe unrecognizable.• When the formatted byte/sectorsetting of External USB devices isnot either 512BYTE or 2048BYTE,then the device will not be recog-nized.• Use only a USB device formattedto FAT 12/16/32.• USB devices without USB I/Fauthentication may not be recog-nizable.• Make sure the USB connectionterminal does not come in contactwith a human body or any object.• If you repeat mounting or dis-mounting USB device in a shortperiod of time, it may break thedevice.• You might hear a strange noisewhen mounting or dismounting aUSB device. (Continued)(Continued)• If you dismount the external USBdevice during playback in USBmode, the external USB devicecan be damaged or malfunction.Therefore, mount the external USBdevice when the engine is turnedoff or in another mode.• Depending on the type and capac-ity of the external USB device orthe type of the files stored in thedevice, there is a difference in thetime taken for recognition of thedevice, but this is not an indicatorof trouble and you only have towait.• Do not use the USB device for otherpurposes than playing music files.• Use of USB accessories such asrecharger or heater using USB I/Fmay lower performance or causetrouble.• If you use devices such as a USBhub you purchased separately,the vehicle’s audio system maynot recognize the USB device.Connect the USB device directlyto the multimedia terminal of thevehicle. (Continued)
311Knowing your vehicle(Continued)• If USB device is divided by logicaldrives, only the music files on thehighest-priority drive are recog-nized by the car audio.• Devices, such as MP3 players,cellular phones, or digital cam-eras not recognized by standardUSB I/F may not be recognized.• USB devices other than standard-ized goods (METAL COVER TYPEUSB) can be unrecognizable.• USB flash memory reader (suchas CF, SD, microSD, etc.) or exter-nal-HDD type devices may beunrecognized.• Music files protected by DRM(DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT)are not recognizable.• The data in the USB memory maybe lost while using this AUDIO. Itis recommeded to back up impor-tant data on a personal storagedevice.                              (Continued)(Continued)• Please avoid using USB memoryproducts which can be used askey chains or cellular phoneaccessories as they could causedamage to the USB jack. Pleasemake certain only to use plug typeconnector products as shownbelow.
Knowing your vehicle1231. iPod Selection Button2. TRACK Moving Button3. REPEAT Selection Button4. RANDOM Playback Button5. INFO Button6. SEARCH Knob & ENTER Button7. CATEGORY Selection ButtonRUNNING iPod®(PA710/PA715 AMAB, USA)iPod®is a trademark of Apple Inc.❈ There will be no  logo if the Bluetooth feature is not supported.
313Knowing your vehicle1. iPod Selection ButtonIf iPod is connected, it switches to theiPod mode from the current mode to playthe song files stored in the iPod. If thereis no iPod connected, it displays "NoMedia" for 3 seconds and returns to theprevious mode.2. TRACK Moving Button• Press the [TRACK ] button for lessthan 0.8 second to play from the begin-ning of the song currently played. Press the button for less than 0.8 secondand press it again within 1 seconds tomove to and play the previous track.Press the button for 0.8 second orlonger to play the song in reverse direc-tion in fast speed.• Press the [TRACK ] button for lessthan 0.8 second to move to the nexttrack. Press the button for 0.8 second orlonger to play the song in forward direc-tion in fast speed.3. REPEAT ButtonRepeats the song currently played.4. RANDOM Playback ButtonPress the button for less than 0.8 secondto start or stop the random playback ofthe songs within the current category.Press the button for longer than 0.8 sec-ond to randomly play all songs in theentire album of the iPod.Press the button once again to cancel themode.5. INFO ButtonDisplays the information of the file cur-rently played in the order of Title ➟ Artist➟ Album ➟… (Displays no information ifthe file has no song information.)6. SEARCH Knob & ENTERButtonWhen you rotate the knob clockwise, itwill display the songs (category) next tothe song currently played (category inthe same level).Also, when you rotate the knob counter-clockwise, it will display the songs (cate-gory) before the song currently played(category in the same level).To listen to the song displayed in thesong category, press the button to skip toand play the selected song.7. CATEGORY Selection ButtonMoves to the upper category from cur-rently played category of the iPod.  To move to (play) the category (song)displayed, press TUNE/ENTER knob.You will be able to search through thelower category of the selected category.The order of iPod’s category is Playlist,Albums, Artists, Genres, songs, com-posers.
Knowing your vehicle143✽NOTICE FOR USING iPodDEVICE• Some iPod models might not sup-port the communication protocoland the files will not be played.(iPod models supported: Mini, 4G,Photo, Nano, 5G)• The order of search or playback ofsongs in the iPod can be differentfrom the order searched in theaudio system.• If the iPod crashes due to its ownmalfunction, reset the iPod. (Reset:Refer to iPod manual)• An iPod may not operate normallyon low battery.CAUTION IN USING iPod DEVICE• You need the power cable exclu-sive for an iPod in order to oper-ate an iPod with the buttons onthe audio system. The PC cableprovided by Apple may cause amalfunction and do not use it forvehicle use.• When connecting the device withan iPod cable, push in the jackfully not to interfere with commu-nication.• When adjusting the sound effectsof an iPod and the audio system,the sound effects of both deviceswill overlap and might reduce ordistort the quality of the sound.• Deactivate (turn off) the equalizerfunction of an iPod when adjust-ing the audio system’s volume,and turn off the equalizer of theaudio system when using theequalizer of an iPod. (Continued)(Continued)• When the iPod cable is connected,the system can be switched to theAUX mode even without the iPoddevice and can cause noise.Disconnect the iPod cable whenyou are not using the iPod device.• When the iPod is not used for theaudio system, the iPod cable hasto be separate from iPod devices.Original display of iPod may not bedisplayed.
315Knowing your vehicle1. SATELLITE RADIO Selection Button          2. Channel Selection Button 3. SCAN Button    4. INFO Button 5. TUNE Knob and ENTER Button      6. CAT/FOLDER Button                       7. Preset Selection ButtonSIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO(PA710/PA715 AMAB, USA)❈ There will be no  logo if the Bluetooth feature is not supported.
Knowing your vehicle163How to Use SIRIUS SatelliteRadioYour Kia vehicle is equipped with 3 monthscomplimentary period of SIRIUS SatelliteRadio so you have access to over 130channels of music, information, and enter-tainment programming.ActivationIn order to extend or reactivate your sub-scription to SIRIUS Satellite Radio, youwill need to contact SIRIUS CustomerCare at 888-539-7474.  Have your 12digit SID (Sirius IdentificationNumber)/ESN (Electronic Serial Number)ready. To retrieve the SID/ESN, turn onthe radio, press the [SAT] button and tuneto channel zero. Please note that thevehicle will need to be turned on, in Siriusmode, and have an unobstructed view ofthe sky in order for the radio to receivethe activation signal.1. SATELLITE RADIO SelectionButton(SIRIUS Satellite Radio)Press the [SAT] button to switch to SIR-IUS Satellite Radio.  It cycles through thedifferent bands as noted below. SAT1 ➟ SAT2 ➟ SAT3 ➟ SAT1 ➟...2. Channel Selection Button• Press [TRACK ] or [SEEK ] but-ton for less than 0.8 second to selectprevious or next channel.• Press [TRACK ] or [SEEK ] but-ton for 0.8 or longer to continuouslymove to previous or next channel.• If "CATEGORY" Icon is displayed at thetop of the screen, channel up/down isdone through the channels within cur-rent category.3. SCAN Button • When the button is pressed, it automat-ically scans the radio stations upwards.• The SCAN feature steps through eachchannel, starting from the initial chan-nel for ten seconds.• Press the [SCAN] button again to stopthe scan feature and to listen to the cur-rently selected channel.• If "CATEGORY" Icon is displayed at thetop of the screen, channel changing isdone through the channels in currentcategory.4. INFO Selection ButtonDisplays the information of the channelcurrently played by in the order of Artist/Song title ➟Category/Channel name ➟Composer(if available) ➟ Artist/Song title ➟Category/Channel name ➟... (ART/TITLESelection)Displays the information of the channelcurrently played by in the order ofCategory/Channel name ➟  Artist/Songtitle ➟Composer(if available) ➟ Category/Channel name ➟  Artist/Song title ➟...(CAT/CH Selection) (If there is no infor-mation of COMPOSER NAME, it returnsto main display.)5. TUNE Knob and ENTER ButtonWhile listening to SIRIUS broadcast,rotate this knob to the right or left tosearch other channels while listening tocurrent channels and push this knob toselect what you want to listen to.(Turn to the right to search higher chan-nels and left lower channels)
317Knowing your vehicle6. CAT/FOLDER Button   • Press [CAT ] or [FOLDER ] buttonto enter the Category List Mode, it dis-plays category items and highlights thecategory that currently tuned channelbelongs to.• On Category List Mode, press thesebuttons to navigate category list.• Press [ENTER] button to select the low-est channel in highlighted category.• If channel is selected by selecting cate-gory "CATEGORY" Icon is displayed atthe top of the screen.7. Preset Selection Button• Push [1]~[6] buttons less than 0.8 sec-ond to play the channel saved in eachbutton.• Hold down the [PRESET] button for 0.8second or longer to save current chan-nel. An audible beep will play to confirmthe preset is stored. ✽Troubleshooting1. Antenna Error   If this message is displayed, the anten-na or antenna cable is broken orunplugged.  Please consult with yourKia dealership. 2. Acquiring Signal If this message is displayed, it meansthat the antenna is covered and thatthe SIRIUS Satellite Radio signal isnot available.  Ensure the antenna isuncovered and has a clear view of thesky.
BLUETOOTH PHONE OPERATION ■ General Feature• This system supports Bluetooth, a wire-less system that allows you to make orreceive calls without taking your handsfrom the steering wheel and withoutusing  cables to connect the phone andsystem.• The phone must be paired to the systembefore using the hands-free feature.Only one linked cellular phone can beused with the system at a time. TheSystem is available in English, USSpanish, or Canadian French languages.✽NOTICESome Bluetooth devices do not offer aperfect compatibility with this system.■Voice Recognition Activation• The voice recognition engine containedin the Bluetooth System can be activat-ed in the following conditions: - Button ActivationThe voice recognition system will beactive when the  button is pressedand after the sound of a Beep.- Active ListeningThe voice recognition system will beactive for a period of time when theVoice Recognition system has askedfor a customer response.• The system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine while number greaterthan ten will not be recognized.• If the command is not recognized, thesystem will announce "Pardon" or Noinput voice signal from microphone. (Noresponse)• The system shall cancel voice recogn-tion mode in following cases : Whenpressing the  button and sayingcancel following the beep. When notmaking a call and pressing the  but-ton. When voice recognition has failed 3consecutive times.Knowing your vehicle183BluetoothVolumeOperationButtonCAUTIONIf the vehicle is moving do not use acellular phone or connect theBluetooth phone.
319Knowing your vehicle• At any time if you say "help", the sys-tem will announce what commands areavailable.■ Menu tree■Phone Setup• Pairing phoneTo use the hands-free system, you needto register your phone in the system. Up to5 phones can be registered in the system.1. Press the  button. 2. Say "Set Up".3. Say "Pair Phone".4. Say "Yes".5. Say the name of the contact.6. Say "Yes".7. The Pairing procedure of the cellularphone varies according to each cellu-lar phone.✽NOTICEThe system may not function in the fol-lowing cases: If 5 phones have already been registered. If the system cannot communicate withthe phone.• To connect phoneThe registered phones can be selected.When the system connects to Bluetooth,the phone previously used is automati-cally selected. Select a different phone ifnecessary. Only the selected phone canbe used with the hands-free system.1. Press the  button.2. Say "Set Up".3. Say "Select Phone".4. Say the name of the contact or thenumber of the contact.5. Say "Yes".✽NOTICEThe system may not function in the fol-lowing cases: If the phone is not found. If the system does not recognize thevoice command.• Deleting phoneThe registered phones can be deleted.1. Press the  button.2. Say "Set Up".3. Say "Delete Phone".4. Say the name of the contact, the num-ber of the contact  or "Delete all phone".5. Say "Yes".Pair phoneSelect phoneChange priorityDelete phoneBluetooth offSetupAdd entryPhonebookChange nameDelete nameBy PhoneBy voiceCall By nameBy number
Knowing your vehicle203• Changing PriorityThe connection priority for registeredphones can be changed.1. Press the  button. 2. Say "Set Up".3. Say "Change Priority".4. Say the name of the contact or thenumber of the contact.5. Say "Yes".•Turning Bluetooth on / offBluetooth function can be  switched ON/OFF. initial status : Bluetooth ON1. Press the button. 2. Say "Set Up".3. Say "Bluetooth off".4. Say "Yes".• Turning Bluetooth on1. Press the send or button.2. Say "yes".3. The Bluetooth will be turned on.■ Phone Book• Adding EntryPhone numbers and voice tags can beregistered. Entries registered in the phonecan also be transferred.• Adding Entry by Voice1. Press the button.2. Say "phonebook".3. Say "add entry".4. Say "by voice".5. Say the name of the contact.6. Say "yes".7. Say the phone number.8. Say "store".9. Say "Home", "Office", "Mobile", "Other"or "default".10. Say "Yes" to store an additional  loca-tion for this contact.• Adding Entry by phone1. Press the button.2. Say "phonebook".3. Say "add entry".4. Say "by phone".5. Say "yes".6. Transfer procedures may vary depend-ing on the cellular phone.✽NOTICEThe system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine. Numbers that are tenor greater are not recognized.To speed up input, it is a good idea togroup all digits into a continuous  string. However, you can enter each digit indi-vidually or group digits together in pre-ferred string lengths.The display corresponding to each oper-ation  appears on the screen as follows:Input operation1. say: "Nine, nine, five"Display: "995"2. say: "Seven, three, four"Display: "995734"• Changing NameThe registered names can be changed.1. Press the button.2. Say "phonebook".3. Say "Change name".4. Say the name of the phonebook [voicetag].5. Say "yes".6. Say the name of the phonebook to bechanged.
321Knowing your vehicle• Deleting nameThe registered names can be deleted.1. Press the  button.2. Say "phonebook".3. Say "Delete name".4. Say the name of the contact.5. Say "yes".■ Making a phone call• Calling by NameThe system dials the numbers corre-sponding to the spoken names regis-tered in the system.1. Press the  button.2. Say "Call".3. Say "name".4. Say "<John>".6. Say "<at home>".7. Say "yes".✽TipA shortcut to each of the following  func-tions is available.1. Say "Call name".2. Say "Call <john>".3. Say "Call <john at home>".• Dialing by NumberThe system will make a phone call bydialing the spoken numbers.The system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine.1. Press the  button.2. Say "Call".3. Say "Number".4. Say "<digit number>".5. Say "<added digit number>".6. Say "Dial".✽TipA shortcut to each of the following  func-tions is available.1. Say "Dial number".2. Say "Dial <digit>".
Knowing your vehicle223■ Receiving a phone callWhen receiving a phone call, a ring toneis audible and the system changes intotelephone mode.When receiving a phone call, the phonenumber and the message "Incoming" willbe displayed.• Do either one of the following:  Press the send switch to take the call.Press the end switch to refuse the call.• To adjust the ring volume, push "+" or "-" on the steering volume controls.Volume adjustment cannot be madeusing the audio system.• To transfer a call to the phone:The received call can be transferredfrom the hands-free system to the cellu-lar phone that is connected to Bluetooth. For details, please refer to you user'smanual for the cellular phone or go to theKey matrix in this manual (next page).■ Talking on the phoneWhen talking on the phone, the displaywill differ depending on whether or notthe vehicle is in motion.Number and "active call" is displayed.When the call is finished, press the endswitch.✽NOTICEIn the following situations, your voicemay not reach the other party:1. Talk alternately with the other partyon  the phone. If you talk at the sametime, the voice may not reach eachother parties. (This is not a malfunc-tion.) (It is not a malfunction.)2. Keep the volume of receiving voice toa low level. Otherwise, high volumesmay result in an echo. When you talkon the phone, speak clearly towardsthe microphone.3. When driving on a rough road.4. When driving at high speeds.5. When the window is open.6. When the air conditioning vents arefacing the microphone.7. When the sound of the air condition-ing fan is loud.
323Knowing your vehicle■ Key matrixNo.ClassPaired H/PEmpty Disconnected1SHORTLONGSHORTSHORTLONG[10sec]LONG[10sec]Normal modeBT SETUP menuIncoming Call Outgoing Call Active Call 2nd CallNot Paired Not Connecting --Accept CallConnected-2nd call1st Call:waiting2nd Call:active2nd Call2nd Call:waiting1st Call:activeKEY------Transfer call:secret callEnd CallVR MODE CancelVR MODE CancelVR MODE CancelVR MODE Cancel Reject Call End Call End Call-ActiveChangelanguage-ActiveSpeakerAdaptation(Only English)ChangelanguageActiveChangelanguageActive-SpeakerAdaptation(Only English)Changelanguage-----------23
 4 1   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment.  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.  IC Warning Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

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