Mercedes Benz Cs1000 Users Manual


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Fault Code Scanner
Model Years 1988-98
Analog/Digital Fault Code Module 1988-98 OB15-11
Transmission Fault Code Module 1990-98 OB15-12
©Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. December 1, 1998
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
Table of Contents
SCANNER FEATURES ................................................................. 7
1. Keypad....................................................................... 7
2. Screen Symbols ................................................................ 7
3. Indicator lights ................................................................. 8
SECTION 1 Using the CS1000 Code Scanner ............................................ 9
Diagnostic Cable ................................................................. 9
General Usage Notes .............................................................. 9
Connection Table ................................................................ 10
Connector Layout of Vehicle Diagnostic Connector ...................................... 10
8-pole Diagnostic Connector ................................................... 10
16-pole Diagnostic Connector .................................................. 11
38-Pin Diagnostic Connector ................................................... 12
9-Pole Diagnostic Connector (1980-94) ........................................... 13
Operating the CS1000 - Mercedes Benz ................................................... 14
1. Setting Up ................................................................... 14
2. Ignition ON or Engine at idle ..................................................... 14
3. System Selection .............................................................. 15
About Current, Stored and Registered Faults ...................................... 15
Check Engine Light Diagnosis .................................................. 16
4. Read Fault Codes ............................................................. 16
5. Identification/Rectification of Faults ................................................ 16
6. Clearing Fault Codes ........................................................... 17
7. Return to System Select Function ................................................. 17
OB15-11 Software Cartridge ...................................................... 18
201.126 1989 ..........................19
124.128 1990-91 ........................20
126.134 126.135 1990-91 ........................20
124.128 1992-93 ........................21
140.134 1992-93 ........................21
124.026 124.030 124.050 124.090 1988-89 (California version only) .....22
126.024 126.025 1988-89 (California version only) .....22
201.028 (1988-93) 201.029 1988-89 (California version only) .....22
107.048 1988-91 (California version only) .....22
126.035 126.039 126.045 1988-91 (California version only) .....22
124.026 124.030 124.090 124.230 124.290 1990-93 ........................23
126.024 126.025 1990-93 ........................23
201.029 1990-93 ........................23
124.051 129.061 1990-93 ........................25
129.066 1990-92 ........................25
124.026 124.030 124.090 124.230 124.290 1990-92 ........................27
129.066 1990-92 ........................27
201.029 1990-92 ........................27
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
140.032 140.057 140.076 1992-93 ........................28
124.034 124.036 1992-93 ........................28
129.067 1992-95 ........................28
140.042 140.043 140.051 1992-95 ........................28
104 111 1993-97 ........................30
124.034 124.036 1992-93 ........................33
129.067 1992-95 ........................33
140.032 140.042 140.043 140.051 140.057 140.076 1992-95 ........................33
124.034 124.036 1992-93 ........................34
129.067 1992-95 ........................34
140.032 140.042 140.043 140.051 1992-95 ........................34
140.057 140.076 1992-95 ........................36
124.028 124.032 124.052 124.092 1994-95 ........................39
140.032 1992-95 ........................41
124.051 1990-93 ........................43
129.061 129.066 1990-95 ........................43
124.034 124.036 1992-93 ........................44
129.067 129.076 1992-95 ........................44
140.042 140.043 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 1992-95 ........................44
124 129 140 202 1992-97 ........................46
124 129 140 202 1992-97 ........................47
129 w/CFI 1990-93 ........................49
129 140 w/HFM-SFI 1993-97 ........................50
124.230 124.290 1990-93 ........................51
129.061 129.066 1991-93 ........................52
129.063 129.067 129.076 1991-95 ........................53
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1991-94 ........................54
124.128 1991-95 ........................55
126.134 126.135 1991 ..........................55
129.061 1991-95 ........................55
140.134 1991-95 ........................55
201.028 1991-93 ........................55
140.032 140.042 140.043 140.134 1992-93 ........................56
124.034 124.036 1992-93 ........................57
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 1992-93 ........................57
202 210 1994-95 ........................59
124.034 1994-95 ........................60
129 1994-95 ........................60
140 1994-95 ........................60
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
129 140 202 1995 ..........................61
210 1995-96 ........................61
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1992-93 ........................63
140 1994 ..........................64
124.066 1993-95 ........................65
124.066 1993-95 ........................66
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-12/93 .....................67
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-93 ........................68
129 1/94-6/96 .......................70
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-93 ........................71
140 1990-96 ........................72
129 1993-96 ........................73
129 140 202 1992-94 ........................74
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-93 ........................75
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1990-93 ........................75
129 140 202 1994-96 ........................75
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1992-95 ........................76
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1992-95 ........................76
140 1992-96 ........................77
201.028 201.029 201.034 201.126 201.128 1988-93 ........................79
124.034 124.036 1992-95 ........................81
124.026 124.030 124.050 124.090 124.051 124.230 124.290 1988-95 ........................82
126.024 126.025 126.035 126.039 126.045 126.134 126.135 1988-91 ........................82
TAU 2.1 ..............................83
129 Chassis 1990-95 ........................86
129 Chassis 1996-98 ........................89
140 Chassis 1992-95 ........................92
140 Chassis 1996-97 ........................98
202 Chassis 1995 .........................101
202 Chassis 1996-98 .......................107
210 Chassis 1996-98 .......................110
107 126 140 201 1988-93 .......................113
124 129 1990-93 .......................114
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
DIGITAL FAULT CODE SYSTEMS 2 - 12 ................................115
129 140 124 1994-1995 .....................116
202 210 Beginning of manufacture -1995 .....116
129 (R) 140 (S) 202 (C) 210 (E) 1996 - 98 ......................117
104 119 120 1991-1993 .....................118
111 (4 cylinder, 2.2/2.3L engine) 1994-1997 .....................122
104 (6 cylinder, 2.8/3.2L engine) 1994-1997 .....................122
111 (4 cylinders, 1.8/2.0L engine) 1994-1997 .....................127
104 119 120 1991-1996 .....................131
TRANSMISSION MODULE OB15-12 INSTRUCTIONS .......................141
124.230 124.290 w/CFI 1990-93 .................... 144
129 w/CFI 1990-93 .................... 145
129 140 w/LH-SFI 1990-93 .................... 146
129 140 163 170 202 208 210 w/ME-SFI 1995-98 .................... 147
129 140 w/LH-SFI or HFM-SFI 1993-96 .................... 150
MERCEDES TECHNICAL ACRONYMS .............................................151
MERCEDES MODEL IDENTIFIER ..................................................154
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
Mercedes Benz is a registered trademark of Daimler Benz AG.
All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
1. Keypad
SYSTEM Select vehicle control system for code reading and erasing.
READ Read fault codes.
NEXT 2. View next fault code. (If more than one fault code present)
CLEAR Clear fault codes.
2. Screen Symbols
Control systems select.
. .
Scanner is Reading or Clearing fault code
UIndicate fault code list number to use.
I Indicate fault code.
0000 Four 0s flashing together.
Connection fault or vehicle not equipped with this system
»Check that the Ignition key is on or the Engine is running.
»Check power requirement to scanner (10.5 to 14.5 Volts)
»Check the in-line fuse on the Yellow probe wire.
»Check for correct connection to the Vehicle Diagnostic Connector.
»Check for short circuit in the Vehicle Diagnostic Connector.
»Check that this memory cartridge is available for this vehicle system.
»Check that vehicle system requested for test is fitted to this vehicle.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
3. Indicator lights
Power indicator (Red LED light)
Data link indicator (Green LED light). Receive data from the control unit.
Data link indicator (Yellow LED light). Transfer data to the control unit.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
SECTION 1 Using the CS1000 Code Scanner
Diagnostic Cable
General Usage Notes
The OB15 Code Scanner can display available fault codes from Mercedes Benz vehicles
fitted with 8-pole, 16-pole and 38-pole Diagnostic Connectors. The Red wire from the
scanner is for powering up the unit and is taken either from the power source socket on the
Diagnostic Connector, if available, or from the vehicle battery, using the extension cable
supplied. The Black earth wire from the scanner is grounded to the earth socket on the
Diagnostic Connector. The Yellow wire from the scanner is used to read the codes from the
Diagnostic Connector.
The P/N 15-C2 diagnostic cable must be used with the P/N 15-C2-1 diagnostic cable for the
38-pole vehicle diagnostic connector.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
Connection Table
Test Lead of Cable Connection source
Red Power -To power supply socket or vehicle battery
Black Ground - To socket 1
Yellow To diagnostic test socket
Power supply (B+) socket on the vehicle Diagnostic Connectors
8-pole connector Use with the battery extension cable to the vehicle battery
16-pole connector Socket 16 (circuit 15 - ignition ON)*
Not present in some models. Use battery +.
38-pole connector Socket 3 (circuit 30 - Battery+)
*Must be performed with the ignition ON to power up the scanner.
Ground (-) socket on the vehicle Diagnostic Connectors
8-pole connector socket 1
16-pole connector socket 1
38-pole connector socket 1
Connector Layout of Vehicle Diagnostic Connector
8-pole Diagnostic Connector
Models 201, 124, 126
1 Ground
2 Not used
3 CIS-E Continuous fuel injection system (CFI)
EDS Diesel injection system - Electronic idle speed control system
Electronic diesel system
4MATIC Automatic locking differential
Automatic-engaged four wheel drive (124 only)
6 SRS Supplemental Restraint System
7 A/C Air Conditioning
8 Not used
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
16-pole Diagnostic Connector
Models 124, 129
1 Ground
2 OBD Push-button for On Board Diagnostic (California only)
DM Continuous Fuel injection system (CFI)
Diagnostic Module - LED (California only)
4 EDS Electronic diesel system
4MATIC Automatic locking differential
Automatic-engaged four wheel drive
6 SRS / AB Supplemental Restraint System / Air Bag
RB Air Conditioning (Model 124)
Roll Bar (Model 129)
Distributor ignition
HFM Sequential multi-port Fuel Injection/Ignition system
Pressurized engine control
RB Adaptive Damping System
Roll Bar (Model 124)
10 RST Roadster Soft Top (Model 129)
TN-signal (Gasoline)
11 ATA Anti Theft Alarm system
12 IRCL Infrared Remote Central Locking
13 ETC Electronic automatic Transmission Control
14 EA
Electronic Accelerator (Model 124)
Cruise Control / Idle Speed Control (Model 124)
Engine System Control Module (MAS), (Model 129)
15 Not used
16 Voltage, Ignition ON (Circuit 15) (Not equipped on all models.)
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
38-Pin Diagnostic Connector
Models 124.034/036, 129.058/063/067/076, 140, 170, 202,
208, 210
The Mercedes Diagnostic “Mushroom” #140-1463 available
from Baum Tools Unltd. is recommended to allow easy
access to the diagnostic connector. Call 800-848-6657 or 941-
927-1414 for more information.
Pin System Description
1 Ground (Terminal 31) W12 (Chassis Ground), W15 (Electronics Ground)
2 Voltage, terminal 87 Ignition Switch 12volts +
3 Voltage, terminal 30 Battery 12volts +
4 EDS Electronic Diesel System
IFI In-line Fuel Injection
DFI Electronic Distributor-type Fuel Injection (Diesel)
HFM-SFI Hot-Film Engine Management Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection/ignition
LH-SFI LH Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection System
Engines 104, 119
Engine 120 Right Bank
ME-SFI Motor Electronics with Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection/ignition System
Engine 119
Engine 120, Right Bank
5 LH-SFI LH Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection, Engine 120 Left Bank
ME-SFI Motor Electronics with Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection/ignition System
Engine 120 Left Bank
6 ABS Anti-lock Brake System
ETS Electronic Traction System
ASR Acceleration Slip Regulation
ESP Electronic Stability Program
7 EA Electronic Accelerator+
ISC Idle Speed Control
CC Cruise Control/idle Speed Control
8 BM Base Module
BAS Brake Assist
9 ASD Automatic Locking Differential, Models 124, 129, 140
10 EATC Electronic Automatic Transmission Control (5-speed AT) (722.6)
ETC Electronic Transmission Control (722.6)
11 ADS Adaptive Damping System
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
12 SPS Speed-sensitive Power Steering
13 TD Speed Signal (Time Division) (Di) (Diesel) Models 202, 210
TNA Signal (Gasoline) on LH-SFI
TN Speed Signal (DI/KSS) (Gasoline) on HFM-SFI, ME-SFI
14 Lambda on/off ratio LH-SFI Engine 119,
LH-SFI Engine 120 LH-SFI, Right Bank
15 Lambda on/off ratio LH-SFI Engine 120 Left Bank
IC Instrument Cluster
16 HEAT Automatic Heater
TA/C Air Conditioning (Tempmatic)
AA/C Air Conditioning (Automatic)
17 DI Distributor Ignition, Engines 104, 119, Engine 120, Right
TD Speed Signal (Time Division) (Di) (Diesel) Model 140
TN Speed Signal (DI/KSS) (Gasoline) on LH-SFI / model 202 HFM-SFI
18 DI Distributor Ignition, Engine 120, Left
19 DM Diagnostic Module
20 PSE Pneumatic System Equipment, Model 140
MFCM Multi-function Control Module, Model 210
21 CF Convenience Feature, Model 140
RST Roadster Soft Top, Model 129
22 RB Roll Bar, Model 129
23 ATA Anti-theft Alarm
24-25 -
26 ASD Automatic Locking Differential, Model 202
27 -
28 PTS Parktronic System, Model 140
29 -
30 AB Airbag/emergency Tensioning Retractor
31 RCL Remote Central Locking
32-33 -
34 CNS Communication and Navigation System
35 -
36 STH Stationary Heater
36 ZUH Heater Booster
37-38 -
9-Pole Diagnostic Connector (1980-94)
The 9-pole Diagnostic Connector is used on earlier model vehicles. It can display
on-off ratio fault codes (1986 and later), RPM and Lambda sensor values. Various
on-off ratio Meters are available that provide access to this type of diagnostic
connector. Call Baum Tools at 800-848-6657 or 941-927-1414 for more information
on these meters.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
Operating the CS1000 - Mercedes Benz
OB15-11 Memory Cartridge - Mercedes Benz Analog & Digital Fault Codes
1. Setting Up
Identify vehicle Model and Month/Year of production
Confirm specific drivability complaint. If MIL is on, when did it come on and under what conditions?
Insert the OB15-11 memory cartridge into the base of the scanner. Make sure the arrow on the
cartridge is facing up as it is inserted. Gently push the cartridge into the CS1000 until the cartridge
seats completely.
Refer to Diagnostic Cable introduction page 9 and connection table page 10 of this manual to
determine vehicle cable requirements. Connect the cable specified to the scanner and to the vehicle
Diagnostic Connector.
Connect the 25-pin cable connector head firmly to the scanner 25-pin connection port.
Connect the Red test lead from the scanner to the power supply socket (B+) on the Diagnostic Connector,
where available, or to the vehicle's battery via the extension cable and battery clamp supplied.
Connect the Black test lead from the scanner to the ground socket on the Diagnostic Connector. Now the
scanner powered up and the power indicator light should be fully illuminated. The screen will display E 1.
Power indicator light (LED) must light up. If it does not, refer to the list below for detailed test.
Refer to the connection table of this manual; check the Red and Black test lead with the socket number on the
Diagnostic Connector, Is there an incorrect or weak connection?
Check the power requirement on the Diagnostic Connector. (Must be performed with the ignition ON when
connected with 16-pole diagnostic connector at socket 16)
Connect the Yellow test lead to the system diagnostic socket that you use to extract codes.
Refer to this manual or Mercedes Benz maintenance manual for location of the Diagnostic sockets for the type
of Diagnostic Connector fitted to the vehicle and the system capabilities available for code access on the
applicable Diagnostic sockets.
2. Turn Ignition ON (KOEO) or Engine at idle (KOER)
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
3. System Selection
1 All analog impulse fault code systems. If unsure, start with this system.
2 Digital type SRS (1 or 2 airbag) system as follows:
1. W202 © class). 2. W129 / W140 1993 - 1996
3 Digital type SRS (4 airbags)
1. W210 (E class). 2. W129 / W140 1996 1998
4 Digital type LH-SFI for the Current fault codes. 1991-1993
5 Digital type LH-SFI for the Stored fault codes. 1991-1993
6 Digital type HFM-SFI for the Current fault codes. 1993-1997
Digital type PMS for the Current fault codes. 1993-1996
7 Digital type HFM-SFI for the Stored fault codes. 1993-1997
Digital type PMS for the Stored fault codes. 1993-1996
8 Digital type DM for the Current fault codes. 1991-1996
9 Digital type DM for the Stored fault codes. 1991-1996
10 Digital type DM for the Registered fault codes. 1991-1996
11 Digital type ME-SFI for the Current fault codes. 1996-1998
12 Digital type ME-SFI for the Stored fault codes. 1996-1998
Press the SYSTEM key to scroll to display from 1 to 2 system etc....
1. Ignition in the KOEO position (Key On Engine Off)
2. Choose system 1
3. Place test probe (yellow) in pin-out for specific analog test.
1. Ignition in the KOEO position (Key On Engine Off)
2. Choose system 2 thru 12
3. Place test probe (yellow) in pin-out for specific analog test.
4. If any system does not respond, test it using the Analog Test Procedure.
*Some early LH Injection and Diagnostic Module systems may not respond to the digital test.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
4. Read Fault Codes
Press the READ key to begin to read the fault codes for the system selected. The scanner will scan all of the
fault codes and keep them in memory.
Press the NEXT key to scroll through the fault codes xx . The display will cycle to the first code after
the last code is displayed. When there are no faults in the system, 0 will be displayed on the screen.
There are 5 digital numbers for fault code for the ME-SFI control system, the fault code will
automatically display 1 digital number first then 4 digital numbers later. For example, the fault
code 1234 will display C 0 then 1 2 3 4 . C 0 stands for (Power-train system)
5678 will display C 1 then 5 6 7 8 . C 1 stands for (Chassis system)
0110 will display C 2 then 0 1 1 0 . C 2 stands for (Body system)
4321 will display C 3 then 4 3 2 1 . C 3 stands for (Unspecified system)
5. Identification/Rectification of Faults
A. Identify fault code and related circuit using this manual or using the factory diagnostic manuals available
from Baum Tools Technical Publications 415-566-9229.
B. Carry out required repair before clearing fault codes.
About Current, Stored and Registered Faults
Current Faults - These faults are detected while the car is running at idle or speed. They represent components
currently failing. These codes cannot be erased, and are only meaningful with the ignition on and the engine
running. Codes found in this system with the KOEO have no meaning. Components not present on the vehicle may
be flagged as failing by the cars internal diagnostics due to the generic nature of the cars software. This is
particularly true in C-Class (202) cars.
Stored or Permanent Faults - These faults are recorded in the permanent memory of the cars system controller
and are the main cause of MIL illumination. These codes can be erased.
Registered Faults - These faults are recorded in the temporary memory of the of the cars system controller. This
temporary memory records the number of times a component fails. When a certain number of failures has occurred
the fault is moved to permanent storage and the Check Engine Light (MIL) will be illuminated. On cars equipped
with Fault Registers the Check Engine Light may stay on after the Stored or Permanent Fault has been erased if
another occurrence of the fault has happened since the Permanent Fault was stored. To extinguish the light erase
the Stored and Registered faults. These codes can be erased.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
Check Engine Light Diagnosis
Mercedes S(140), SL(129), E(210) and C(202) class have multiple systems which can turn on an Check Engine
Light. All related systems must be tested for codes and repaired before the light will extinguish.
129 LH LH (pin 4 & 5) EA/CC/ISC (pin 7), BM (pin 8), DI (pin 17 & 18) and DM (pin 19)
140 LH LH (pin 4) EA/CC/ISC (pin 7), BM (pin 8), DI (pin 17) and DM (pin 19)
124 HFM HFM (pin 8) EA/CC/ISC (pin 14), and DM (pin 3)
140 HFM HFM (pin 4) EA/CC/ISC (pin 7), BM (pin 8), DI (pin 17) and DM (pin 19)
202 HFM HFM (pin 4) EA/CC/ISC (pin 7) (except C220) and DM (pin 19)
210 HFM HFM (pin 4) EA/CC/ISC (pin 7), BM (pin 8), DI (pin 17) and DM (pin 19)
6. Clearing Fault Codes
After repairs have been carried out reread the codes. After rereading the codes press the CLEAR key to erase
all of the fault codes from the control unit memory. When there are no faults in the system, either 1
(Impulse or analog systems) or 2 (digital systems) will be displayed on the screen.
7. Return to System Select Function
Press the SYSTEM key to scroll through the system selections.
Mercedes Benz Code Scanner CS1000 OB15-11
Mercedes Benz System Type and Model Applications
OB15-11 Software Cartridge
The Code Scanner will read and clear the fault codes for the following System applications and Year models.
Refer to the table of contents section 3 or to system malfunction tables of this manual to determine vehicle
model and year.
A/C Air Conditioning / Heating 1988-93
ABS Anti-lock Brake System 1992-95 1992-97
ADS Automatic Damping System (Suspension) 1991-93
ASD Automatic Locking Differential 1991-93
ASR Acceleration Slip Regulation 1992-95 1992-97
ATA Anti-theft Alarm System 1990-95
BM Base Module (Master ECU Controller) 1992-95
CC Cruise Control (Tempomat) 1992-95
CF Convenience Feature 1992-95
CFI Continuous Fuel Injection (CIS-E) 1988-92
CST Cabriolet Soft Top 1993-95
DI Distributor Ignition System 1990-93
DM (USA) Diagnostic Module (Emissions) 1990-93 1991-98
EA Electronic Accelerator 1992-95
EDS Electronic Diesel System 1990-93
ELR Diesel Electronic Idle Speed Control 1989
HFM-SFI Hot Film Engine Management 1993-95 1994-97
IRCL Infrared Remote Central Locking 1990-95
ISC Idle Speed Control 1992-95
KE Continuous Injection System (CIS-E) 1987-92
LH-SFI LH Sequential Fuel Management 1990-93 1991-93
MAS Engine System Control Module (Mas) 1990-93
ME-SFI Motor Electronic Injection 1996-98
PMS 1993-95 1994-97
PSE Pneumatic System Equipment 1992-95
RB Roll Bar Control 1990-95
RST Roadster Soft Top 1992-95
SPS Speed-sensitive Power Steering 1992-95
SRS Supplemental Restraint System (Airbag) 1988-93 1993-98
4MATIC 4 Wheel Drive Transmission Control 1990-93 1993-95
ETC/EGS Electronic Transmission Control 1990-93 1993-97
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Year
201.126 1989
Connect wires of Scanner as follows:
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Speed sensor signal
3 Coolant temperature sensor signal
4 ELR control unit or Idle speed control (ISC) system
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Year
124.128 1990-91
126.134 126.135 1990-91
Connect wires of Scanner as follows:
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Fuel rack position sensor (L7)
3 Air flow sensor (B2/1)
4 EDS control unit (N39), atmospheric pressure sensor
5 EGR valve vacuum transducer (Y31/1) or malfunction in EGR control circuit
6 EDS control unit (N39), internal voltage supply
7 Starter ring gear speed sensor (L3)
8 Coolant temperature sensor (B11/4)
9 Intake air temperature sensor (B2/1a)
10 Voltage supply insufficient
11 Electronic idle speed control actuator or exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve vacuum
12 Not used
13 Electronic diesel system control unit (n39), faulty (internal fault memory)
14 Electronic diesel system pressure sensor (B5/1), defective
15 Intake manifold air pressure control valve vacuum transducer (Y31/2), wastage vacuum
transducer (Y31/3), or malfunction Intake manifold air pressure circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Year
124.128 1992-93
140.134 1992-93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (124)
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (140)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Fuel rack position sensor (L7)
3 Air flow sensor signal (B2/1)
4 Electronic diesel system (EDS) control unit (N39) or atmospheric pressure sensor
5 Exhaust gas recirculation valve vacuum transducer (Y31/1) or fault in exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) control circuit
6 Electronic diesel system (EDS) control unit (N39), internal voltage supply
7 Starter ring gear speed sensor (L3)
8 Engine coolant temperature sensor (B11/4)
9 Intake air temperature sensor (B2/1a)
10 Voltage supply insufficient
11 Electronic idle speed control actuator (Y22) or exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve
vacuum transducer (Y31/1) or Boost pressure cut-out switchover valve
12 Not used
13 Electronic diesel system control unit (N39), faulty (internal fault memory)
14 Electronic diesel system pressure sensor (B5/1), defective
15 Boost pressure control/ pressure control flap vacuum transducer (Y31/5) , or defect in
Boost pressure control circuit.
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Year
107.048 1988-91 (California version only)
124.026 124.030 124.050 124.090 1988-89 (California version only)
126.024 126.025 1988-89 (California version only)
126.035 126.039 126.045 1988-91 (California version only)
201.028 (1988-93) 201.029 1988-89 (California version only)
Connect wires of Scanner as follows:
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 3
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Throttle position switch - wide open throttle fault
3 Engine coolant temperature sensor
4 Air flow sensor position indicator
5 Oxygen sensor
6 Not used
7 TD-signal (rpm)
8 Altitude correction capsule
9 Electronic hydraulic actuator (EHA)
10 Throttle position switch - closed throttle position fault (idle)
12 Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.026 124.030 124.090 124.230 124.290 1990-93
126.024 126.025 1990-93
201.029 1990-93
Connect Wires of Scanner as Follows:
Scanner Data Link Connector 8 & 16-pin
Yellow Socket 3
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Throttle position switch - wide open throttle (WOT), signal faulty
3 Engine coolant temperature signal read by CFI control module
4 Potentiometer voltage illogical
5 Oxygen sensor signal illogical
6 Not used
7 TNA signal(rpm) read by CFI control module
8 Altitude pressure signal from ignition control module illogical
9 Current to EHA is illogical
10 Throttle position switch - closed throttle position fault (idle)
11 Air injection system
12 Absolute pressure values from EZL ignition control module are illogical
13 Intake air temperature reading is illogical
14 Vehicle speed signal read by CFI control module is illogical
15 Not used
16 Exhaust gas recirculation
17 Oxygen sensor is shorted to positive or ground
18 Current to idle control valve is illogical
19 Not used
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
20 Not used
21 Not used
22 Oxygen sensor heating current illogical
23 Short circuit to positive in purge switchover valve circuit
24 Not used
25 Short circuit to positive in start valve circuit
26 Short circuit to positive in upshift delay solenoid valve circuit
27 Data exchange between CFI control module and ignition control module interrupted
28 Intermittent contact in engine coolant temperature sensor circuit
29 CFI and ignition control module reading different engine coolant temperature
30 Not used
31 Intermittent contact in engine coolant temperature sensor circuit
32 Not used
33 Not used
34 Engine coolant temperature read from ignition control module illogical
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.051 129.061 1990-93
129.066 1990-92
Connect wires of Scanner as follows:
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 3
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Throttle position switch - wide open throttle fault (WOT), signal faulty
3 Engine coolant temperature in CFI control module illogical
4 Air flow sensor position indicator potentiometer current illogical
5 Oxygen sensor signal illogical
6 Not used
7 TNA- signal (rpm) at CFI control module illogical
8 Altitude correction signal from ignition control module
9 Current to EHA is illogical
10 Throttle position switch - closed throttle position fault (idle)
11 Air injection system, open or short circuit
12 Absolute pressure values from ignition control module illogical
13 Intake air temperature illogical
14 Speed signal at CFI control module illogical
15 Not used
16 Exhaust gas recirculation switchover valve, open or short circuit
17 Oxygen sensor signal wire shorted to positive or ground
18 Current to idle control valve is illogical
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
19 Not used
20 Not used
21 Not used
22 Oxygen sensor heater voltage illogical
23 Short to positive in purge switchover valve circuit
24 Not used
25 Short circuit to positive in start valve circuit
26 Short circuit to positive in upshift delay solenoid valve circuit
27 Data exchange between CFI control module and ignition control module
28 Intermittent contact in engine coolant temperature sensor circuit
29 CFI and ignition control module reading different engine coolant temperature
30 Not used
31 Intermittent contact in engine coolant temperature sensor circuit
32 Not used
33 Not used
34 Engine coolant temperature read from ignition control module illogical
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.026 124.030 124.090 124.230 124.290 129.066 201.029 1990-92
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 14
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Fuel pump relay (circuit 87) not functioning
3 TN/TD signal (RPM) interrupted
4 Output for oxygen sensor heater control defective
5 Output for air injection pump control defective
6 Output for kickdown switch control defective
7 Not used
8 Engine coolant temperature sensor signal out of range
9 Circuit 50 failure
10 Output failure of the start valve
11 A/C compressor engagement signal missing (87Z)
12 Output for A/C compressor control defective
13 Excessive A/C compressor clutch slippage
14 Vehicle speed signal illogical
15 Short circuit detected in fuel primp circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
140.032 140.057 140.076 1992-93
124.034 124.036 1992-93
129.067 1992-95
140.042 140.043 140.051 1992-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Engine coolant temperature sensor circuit 1, open or short circuit.
3 Engine coolant temperature sensor circuit 2, open or short circuit.
4 Voltage at mass air sensor with hot wire circuit. Open or short circuit.
5 Not used
6 Not used
7 TNA-signal (rpm signal ) incorrect or open or short circuit.
8 Camshaft position sensor signal. Open or short circuit.
9 Starter signal (circuit 50) missing, open or short circuit.
10 Closed throttle position recognition from electronic accelerator control unit, short
11 Secondary air injection system, open or short circuit.
12 Burn-off control for mass air sensor with hot-wire, open or short circuit.
13 Intake air temperature sensor, open or short circuit.
14 Not used
15 Not used
16 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) switchover valve, open or short circuit.
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
17 CAN data: Electronic accelerator control module - no data transmission
18 CAN data: Ignition control module - no data transmission from DI module
19 Left LH-SFI control module no data transmission to right LH-SFI control module
20 LH-SFI control module - no data transmission
21 Oxygen sensor open circuit.
22 Oxygen sensor heater, open or short circuit.
23 Purge switchover valve, open or short circuit.
24 Left adjustable camshaft timing solenoid (Y49/1), open or short circuit
25 Adjustable camshaft timing solenoid, open or short circuit.
27 Injectors, open or short circuit.
29 I GR Start relay module (K29/1), open or short circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Engines Model Year
104 111 1993-97
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (124)
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 8
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (202 129 140)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Engine Coolant temperature sensor
3 Intake air temperature sensor
4 Hot film mass air flow sensor
5 CTP switch
6 Not used
7 Not used
8 Idle speed control (ISC) system at upper or lower control stop or CC or EA indicates "limp
home" mode.
9 O2S 1 (before TWC) - voltage too high, circuit open or voltage implausible
10 O2S 2 (after TWC)voltage too high, circuit open or voltage implausible
11 O2S 1 heater (before TWC) - Current too high/low or short circuit.
12 O2S 2 heater (after TWC) - Current too high/low or short circuit.
13 O2S (Lambda) control system operating at rich or lean limit
14 Injector, cylinder 1
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
15 Injector, cylinder 2
16 Injector, cylinder 3
17 Injector, cylinder 4
18 Injector, cylinder 5
19 Injector, cylinder 6
20 Self-adaptation at idle speed or upper/lower partial load at rich or lean limit
21 Ignition output 3 or ignition coil for cylinder 1 and 6
22 Ignition output 1 or ignition coil for cylinder 2 and 5 (Engine 111, cylinder 1 and 4)
23 Ignition output 2 or ignition coil for cylinder 3 and 4 (Engine 111, cylinder 2 and 3)
24 CKP sensor or magnet for position sensor not recognized
25 CMP sensor not recognized or implausible
26 Not used
27 TN-signal (rpm signal ) - open or short to ground
28 VSS - open circuit
29 Not used
30 Fuel pump relay module - open or short circuit
31 Not used
32 Knock sensors 1 and /or 2
33 Maximum retard setting on at least one cylinder has been reached or the ignition angle
deviation between the individual cylinders is greater than 6 degrees crankshaft angle
34 Knock control-output switch in engine control module faulty Momentary fault in
self-adaptation closed throttle speed/partial load
35 Model 124,129 and 140 AIR pump switchover valve and/or electromagnetic AIR pump
clutch. Model 202 AIR pump switchover valve and/or AIR relay module
36 Purge control valve - open/short to ground or B+
37 Upshift delay switchover valve
38 Adjustable camshaft timing solenoid - open/short to ground or B+
39 Exhaust gas recirculation switchover valve - open/short to ground or B+
40 Transmission overload protection switch - open/short to ground or B+ or open or closed or
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
41 CAN communication from engine control module faulty
42 CAN communication from ASR, EA/CC/ISC module or diagnostic module (OBD II) faulty
43 Starter signal (circuit 50) not present
44 Not used
45 Fuel safety shut-off of electronic accelerator or cruise control active
46 Resonance intake manifold switchover valve - open/short to ground or B+
48 O2S 2 (after TWC) heating circuit relay module - open/short to ground or B+
49 Voltage supply at engine control module implausible/low volts
50 Engine control module faulty or not coded.
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.034 124.036 1992-93
129.067 1992-95
140.032 140.042 140.043 140.051 140.057 140.076 1992-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 8
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2, 3, 4 Not used
5 Maximum permissible temperature in module box exceeded
6 Electromagnetic a/c compressor clutch blocked
7 Poly v-belt slipping
8 Voltage supply for LH-SFI control module interrupted
9 Voltage supply for LH-SFI control module interrupted
10 Voltage supply for LH-SFI control module interrupted
Voltage supply for fuel injectors interrupted
11 Voltage supply for accessory equipment control module interrupted
12 Voltage supply for ABS control module, ABS/ASR control module or ASD control
module interrupted
13, 14 Not used
15 Voltage supply for kickdown valve interrupted
16 Voltage supply for electromagnetic a/c compressor clutch interrupted
17 Voltage supply for module box blower motor interrupted
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.034 124.036 1992-1993
119.067 1992-1995
140.032 140.042 140.043 140.051 1992-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data link connector 38-
Yellow Socket 19
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Oxygen sensor faulty
3 Lambda control faulty
4 Air injection system faulty
5 Exhaust gas recirculation faulty
6 Idle speed control faulty
7 Ignition system faulty
8 Engine coolant temperature sensor. Circuit open or circuit short
9 Intake air temperature sensor. Circuit open or circuit short
10 Voltage at mass air sensor too high/low
11 TNA-signal (rpm signal ) faulty
12 Oxygen sensor greater, circuit open or circuit short
13 Camshaft position sensor signal from ignition control module faulty
14 Intake manifold pressure too low when starting
15 Wide open throttle position information faulty
16 Closed throttle position information faulty
17 Data exchange fault between individual control module
18 Adjustable camshaft timing solenoid circuit open or circuit short
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
19 Injector open or short circuit or emission control system adaptation at limit
20 Vehicle speed signal missing
21 Purge switchover valve, circuit open or circuit short
22 Camshaft position sensor signal faulty
23 Intake manifold pressure with engine running too low
24 Starter ring gear segments faulty
25 Knock sensors faulty
26 Upshift delay switchover valve, circuit open or circuit short
27 Engine coolant temperature sensor deviation between sensor circuit 1and sensor
circuit 2.
28 Engine coolant temperature sensor (engine coolant temperature change monitor)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
140.057 140.076 1992-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 19
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Right oxygen sensor faulty
3 Lambda control of right LH-SFI control module faulty
4 Air injection at right cylinder bank faulty
5 Exhaust gas recirculation of right LH-SFI control module faulty
6 Idle speed control faulty
7 Ignition system for right cylinder faulty
8 Right engine coolant temperature sensor, circuit open or circuit short
9 Right intake air temperature sensor, circuit open or circuit short
10 Voltage at mass air sensor too high/low
11 Tn-signal (rpm signal ) at right LH-SFI control module faulty
12 Oxygen sensor heater of right oxygen sensor, circuit open or circuit short
13 Camshaft position sensor signal of right ignition control module faulty
14 Intake manifold pressure at startup (in right ignition control module) too low or too
15 Wide open throttle position information faulty
16 Closed throttle position information faulty
17 Data exchange fault between right-hand control modules LH-SFI ignition control
module electronic accelerator
18 Right adjustable camshaft timing solenoid circuit open or circuit short
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
19 Right injector circuit open or circuit short or emission control system adaptation in
right LH-SFI control module at limit
20 Vehicle speed signal missing
21 Right purge switchover valve, circuit open or circuit short
22 Right camshaft position sensor signal faulty
23 Intake manifold pressure(in right ignition control module) with engine running too
24 Starter ring gear segments faulty
25 Knock sensors or right ignition control module faulty
26 Upshift delay switchover valve, circuit open or circuit short
27 Right engine coolant temperature sensor deviation between circuit 1, and sensor
circuit 2.
28 Right engine coolant temperature sensor (engine coolant temperature change
34 Left oxygen sensor faulty
35 Lambda control of left LH-SFI control module faulty
36 Air injection at left cylinder bank faulty
37 Exhaust gas recirculation of left LH-SFI control module faulty
38 Not used
39 Ignition system for left cylinder faulty
40 Left engine coolant temperature sensor, circuit open or circuit short
41 Left intake air temperature sensor, circuit open or circuit short
42 Voltage at mass air sensor too high/low
43 Tn-signal (rpm signal ) at left LH-SFI control module faulty
44 Oxygen sensor heater of left oxygen sensor, circuit open or circuit short
45 Camshaft position sensor signal of left ignition control module faulty
46 Intake manifold pressure at (in left ignition control module) faulty
47 Not used
48 Not used
49 Data exchange fault between left LH-SFI ignition control module
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
50 Left adjustable camshaft timing solenoid circuit open or circuit short
51 Left injector circuit open or circuit short or emission control system adaptation in left
LH-SFI control module at limit
52 Not used vehicle speed signal missing
53 Left purge switchover valve, circuit open or circuit short
54 Left camshaft position sensor signal faulty
55 Intake manifold pressure(in left ignition control module) with engine running too
56 Starter ring gear segments and/or left crankshaft position sensor faulty
57 Knock sensors or left ignition control module faulty
58 Not used
59 Left engine coolant temperature sensor deviation between circuit 1, and sensor
circuit 2.
60 Left engine coolant temperature sensor (engine coolant temperature change monitor)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Year
124.028 124.032 124.052 124.092 1994-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data link connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 3
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No Fault Found
2 Heated oxygen sensor faulty
3 Lambda control faulty
4 Air injection system faulty hot film mass air flow sensor with hot wire
5 Exhaust gas recirculation faulty
6 Idle speed control faulty
7 Ignition system faulty
8 Engine coolant temperature sensor open circuit
9 Intake air temperature sensor, open circuit
10 Voltage at mass air sensor too high/low
11 Tn-signal (rpm signal ) at engine control module faulty
12 Heated oxygen sensor heater circuit open or circuit short
15 Injector, cylinder 2
16 Closed throttle position information faulty
17 Data exchange malfunction between individual control module
18 Adjustable camshaft timing solenoid circuit open or circuit short
19 Injectors circuit open or circuit short emission control module adaptation in engine
control module at limit
20 Vehicle speed signal not present
21 Purge switchover valve circuit open or circuit short
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
22 Crankshaft position sensor signal faulty
23 Intake manifold pressure (in base module pressure sensor-) with engine running too
24 Starter ring gear segments and /or crankshaft position sensor faulty
25 Knock sensors or engine control module faulty
26 Upshift delay faulty
27 Not used
28 Engine coolant temperature sensor (engine coolant temperature change monitor )
44 Not used
45 Fuel safety shut-off electronic accelerator or cruise control active
46 Resonance intake manifold switchover valve
47 Not used
48 Not used
49 Voltage supply at engine control module 8v
50 Engine control module
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
140.032 1992-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 17
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Maximum retard setting on at least one cylinder has been reached
3 Not used
4 Load sensor in ignition control module faulty.
5 Knock sensors 1 and/or 2 faulty.
6 Camshaft position sensor faulty.
7 Knock output switch in ignition control module faulty.
8 Transmission overload switch does not close.
9 Transmission overload switch does not open.
10 Not used.
11 Preference resistor faulty .
12 Tn-signal is outside the tolerance range.
13 Not used
14 Not used
15 Ignition coil 1 output from ignition control module faulty
16 Ignition coil 2 output from the DI defective or primary winding of the coil has an open
17 Crankshaft position sensor faulty
18 Magnets for crankshaft position sensor (CKP) not recognized.
19 Not used
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
20 Ignition control module DTC memory faulty
21 Load sensor in control module faulty. (Recognized with engine running)
22 Not used
23 Not used
24 Not used
25 Not used
26 Ignition control module data exchange fault
27 LH-SFI control module data exchange fault
28 Electronic accelerator control module/idle speed control data exchange fault
34 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 1 (104) / cylinder 1 (119)
35 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 5 (104) / cylinder 5 (119)
36 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 3 (104) / cylinder 4 (119)
37 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 6 (104) / cylinder 8 (119)
38 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 2 (104) / cylinder 6 (119)
39 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 4 (104) / cylinder 3 (119)
40 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 7 (119)
41 Ignition misfire detected at cylinder 2 (119)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
124.051 1990-1995
129.061 129.066 1990-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows:
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 8
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Maximum retard setting on at least one cylinder has been reached
3 Engine coolant temperature sensor faulty
4 Load sensor in EAL/AKR control module faulty
5 Knock sensors 1 and/or 2 faulty
6 Camshaft position sensor faulty
7 Knock output switch in EAL/AKR ignition control module faulty
8 Transmission overload switch does not close
9 Transmission overload switch does not open
10 Data exchange from EAL/AKR engine control module to CFI control module faulty.
11 Preference resistor faulty
12 Tn-signal is outside the tolerance range
13 Full load contact does not open.
14 Idle speed contact does not open.
15 Ignition coil 1 output from EAL/AKR ignition control module faulty
16 Ignition coil 2 output from EAL/AKR ignition control module faulty
17 Crankshaft position sensor faulty
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.034 124.036 1992-1995
129.067 129.076 1992-1995
140.042 140.043 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 1992-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 17
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Maximum retard setting on at least one cylinder has been reached
3 Not used
4 Load sensor in EAL/AKR control module faulty
5 Knock sensors 1 and/or 2 faulty
6 Camshaft position sensor faulty
7 Knock output switch in ignition control module faulty
8 Transmission overload switch does not close
9 Transmission overload switch does not open
10 Not used
11 Reference resistor (ignition control module ) faulty
12 TN-signal (engine RPM) is outside the tolerance range
13 Not used
14 Not used
15 Ignition coil 1 output from ignition control module faulty or primary winding of ignition
coil has open circuit
16 Ignition coil 2 output from ignition control module faulty or primary winding of ignition
coil has open circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
17 Crankshaft position sensor faulty
18 Magnets for crankshaft position sensor not recognized
19 Ground, Coding from Left EZL/AKR Ignition Control Module Not Present
20 Ignition control module DTC memory faulty
21 Load sensor in control module faulty. (recognized with engine running)
22 Not used
23 Not used
24 Not used
25 Not used
26 Ignition control module data exchange fault
27 Control module data exchange fault
28 Electronic accelerator control module/idle speed control data exchange fault
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124 129 140 202 1992-97
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (W124)
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 14
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (129 140 202)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 7
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Cruise control/idle speed control module
3 Cruise control/idle speed control actuator
4 Cruise control switch
5 Stop lamp switch
6 Starter lock-out/backup lamp switch
7 Data bus (CAN)
8 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor
9 Left rear axle vehicle speed sensor or Hall-effect speed sensor
Rear axle vehicle speed sensor from ABS control module
Rear axle vehicle speed sensor from ETS/SPS control module
Incorrect CC/ISC control module installed ETS signal
10 Engine speed (RPM) signal (TNA)
11 Fuel safety shut-off to LH-SFI control module
12 Cruise control/idle speed control voltage supply
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Year
124 129 140 202 1992-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (W124)
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 14
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (W202 W129 W140)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 7
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 EA/CC/ISC control module (N4/1) or Safety contact switch (M16/1s1) or Stop lamp
switch or Cruise control switch or Actual value potentiometer or Starter lock-out/back-up
lamp switch or engine speed signal or vehicle speed signal or closed throttle position
switch or safety relay in EA/CC/ISC control module
3 Right EA/CC/ISC actuator (left cylinder bank) (M16/1)
4 Cruise control switch (S40)
5 Stop lamp switch (S9/1)
6 Starter lock-out/backup lamp switch
7 CAN data bus signal from EA/CC/ISC, ABS/ASR, HFM-SFI or LH-SFI (right or left)
control module faulty.
8 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor from ABS/ASR control module
9 Left rear axle vehicle speed sensor from ABS/ASR control module or in 124 chassis
Hall-effect speed sensor.
10 Engine speed signal (TN) from base module (LH-SFI) or engine control module (HFM-
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
11 Closed throttle recognition signal to engine control module (HFM-SFI or Left LH-SFI)
Fuel safety shut-off to engine control module (HFM-SFI or left or right LH-SFI)
12 EA/CC/ISC control module voltage supply
13 Left EA/CC/ISC actuator (right cylinder bank) or actual value potentiometer (M16/4r1 or
M16/4r2) or actuator motor (M16/4m1)or magnetic clutch (M16/4k1).
14 Closed throttle position contact switch
15 CAN data exchange with ABS/ASR control module illogical
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129 1990-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 13
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Not used
3 Engine load signal interrupted
4 Throttle valve switch (potentiometer) interrupted
5 Engine speed (RPM) signal interrupted
6 Vehicle speed signal interrupted
7 Output fault in 5-speed automatic transmission control module or fault in control valve.
8 5-speed automatic transmission control module
9 Control valve
10 Control valve short circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
129 1990-1993
140 1990-1996
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 10
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Not used
3 Transmission overload protection switch (4/5 gear) faulty
4 CAN data line to Electronic Accelerator/Cruise Control Module
5 CAN data line to ignition control module (knock sensor)
6 CAN data line - short or open circuit
7 Open circuit at control valve or transmission control module (5-speed automatic )
8 5-speed automatic transmission control module
9 Control valve faulty
10 Control valve short circuit
Also test BM and DI systems.
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.230 124.290 1990-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 5
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 4MATIC control module
3 Brake light switch
4 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor
5 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor
6 Rear speed sensor signal
7 All 3 vehicle speed sensors
8 Over volts protection relay, front axle train valve
9 Over volts protection relay, central differential lock valve
10 Over volts protection relay, stop lamp switch, Rear axle differential lock valve
11 Steering angle sensor signal
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.061 129.066 1991-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 9
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Adaptive damping system control module
3 Body acceleration sensor
4 Wheel acceleration sensor
5 Steering angle sensor
6 Front axle solenoid valves 1
7 Front axle solenoid valves 2
8 Rear axle solenoid valves 1
9 Rear axle solenoid valves 2
10 Not used
11 Not used
12 ABS signal
13 Oil level switch (ADS)
14 Steering angle sensor not activated
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.067 129.076 1991-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data link connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 11
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No fault found
2 Adaptive damping system control module
3 Body acceleration sensor
4 Wheel acceleration sensor
5 Steering angle sensor
6 Front axle solenoid valves 1
7 Front axle solenoid valves 2
8 Rear axle solenoid valves 1
9 Rear axle solenoid valves 2
12 Right front axle vehicle speed signal
13 Oil level switch (ADS)
14 Steering angle sensor not activated/initialized
15 Comfort or sport switch (ADS) short circuit
17 Vehicle load sensor
18 Adaptive damping system warning lamp
19 Volts supply too low
20 Steering angle sensor
21 Volts supply too high
22 Comfort or sport switch (ADS)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1991-1994
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 11
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No fault found
2 Adaptive damping system control module
3 Body acceleration sensor
4 Wheel acceleration sensor
5 Steering angle sensor
6 Front axle solenoid valves 1
7 Front axle solenoid valves 2
8 Rear axle solenoid valves 1
9 Rear axle solenoid valves 2
12 Right front axle vehicle speed signal
13 Oil level switch (ADS)
14 Steering angle sensor not activated
15 Comfort or sport switch (ADS)
17 Vehicle load sensor
18 Adaptive damping system warning lamp
19 Volts supply too low
20 Steering angle sensor
21 Volts supply too high
22 Comfort or sport switch (ADS)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.128 1991-1995
126.134 126.135 1991
129.061 1991-1995
140.134 1991-1995
201.028 1991-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 124 126 129)
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 5
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 140.134)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 9
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible cause of faults
1 No fault found
2 Adaptive damping system control module
3 Stop lamp switch
4 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor signal
5 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor signal
6 Rear speed sensor signal
7 No speed signal from any sensor, missing ground
8 Adaptive damping system valve or stop lamp switch
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
140.032 140.042 140.043 140.134 1992-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No faults found
2 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor signal
3 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor signal
4 Rear axle speed sensor signal
6 Left front axle solenoid valve
7 Right front axle solenoid valve
8 Rear axle solenoid valve
10 Return/pressure pump motor or return/pressure pump relay
11 Solenoid valves relay
12 Master cylinder switchover valve
13 Stop lamp switch
14 ABS Lateral acceleration sensor
15 ABS control module
16 Vehicle speed sensors incorrect, dirty or damaged toothed rotor
17 Low voltage at solenoid valves relay
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124.034 124.036 1992-1995
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 1992-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No fault found
2 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor signal
3 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor signal
4 Left rear axle vehicle speed sensor signal
5 Right rear axle vehicle speed sensor signal
6 Left front axle solenoid valve
7 Right front axle solenoid valve
8 Left rear axle solenoid valve
9 Right rear axle solenoid valve
10 Return/pressure pump motor or return/pressure pump relay
11 Solenoid valves relay
12 Models 140.04/05 Master cylinder switchover valve
13 Stop lamp switch(ASD/ASR)
14 Models140.04/05 ABS lateral acceleration sensor
15 ABS/ASR control module
16 Vehicle speed sensors incorrect, dirty or damaged toothed rotor
17 Low volts at solenoid valves relay
20 Switchover or solenoid valve
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
21 Pressure switch charge
22 Pressure switch charge
23 Pressure switch hydraulic system
24 ASR charging pump
30 CAN data line to electronic accelerator/cruise control/idle speed control module
31 CAN data line to LH-SFI control module left LH-SFI control module Right LH-SFI
control module
32 CAN data line to left ignition control module right ignition control module Ignition control
module, LH-SFI
33 CAN data line, short or open circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
202 210 1994-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No fault found
2 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor, open circuit
3 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor, open circuit
4 Rear speed sensor, open circuit
6 Solenoid valve, Left front axle
7 Solenoid valve, Right front axle
8 Solenoid valve, Rear axle
10 Return/pressure pump motor or return/pressure pump relay
11 Solenoid valves relay
15 ABS control module
16 Vehicle speed sensors
17 Battery volts low
25 Left front vehicle speed sensors signal Illogical
26 Right front vehicle speed sensors signal Illogical
27 Rear front vehicle speed sensors signal Illogical
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Year
124.034 1994-95
129 1994-95
140 1994-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No fault found
2 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor, open circuit
3 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor, open circuit
4 Rear speed sensor, open circuit
6 Left front axle solenoid valves
7 Right front axle solenoid valves
8 Solenoid valve, rear axle
10 Return pump motor or return pump relay
11 Solenoid valves relay
12 Models140.04/05Master cylinder switchover valve
13 Brake lamp switch
14 Models140.04/05 Lateral acceleration sensor
15 ABS control module
16 Vehicle speed sensors signal Illogical
17 Solenoid valves relay
25 Left front vehicle speed sensors signal, Illogical
26 Right front vehicle speed sensors signal, Illogical
27 Rear front vehicle speed sensors signal, Illogical
29 Models140.04/05 Lateral acceleration sensor signal, Illogical
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129 140 202 1995
210 1995-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
1 No fault found
2 ASR/SPS or ETS/SPS control module
3 Left front axle VSS sensor, open circuit
4 Right front axle VSS sensor, open circuit
5 Left rear axle VSS sensor, open circuit
6 Right rear axle VSS sensor, open circuit
7 Left front axle VSS valves, illogical
8 Right front axle VSS valves illogical
9 Left rear axle VSS valve illogical
10 Right rear axle VSS valve illogical
11 VSS signal illogical
12 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, solenoid valves relay
13 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, Left front axle solenoid valves(hold)
14 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, Left front axle solenoid valve(hold)
15 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, right front axle solenoid valve (release)
16 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, right front axle solenoid valve (release)
17 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, left rear axle solenoid valve(hold)
18 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, left rear axle solenoid valve (release)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Faults
19 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, right rear axle solenoid valve(hold)
20 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, right rear axle solenoid valve (release)
21 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, switchover/solenoid valve
22 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, inlet solenoid valve
23 ASR only: ASR system pressure too low
24 ASR/ETS hydraulic unit, high-pressure/return pump relay
27 Stop lamp switch
28 Battery voltage too low, circuit 87
29 ETS only Circuit 30, volts supply
30 ASR only CAN date bus to EA/CC/ISC control module, interrupted
31 ASR only CAN communication with LH-SFI control module Left LH-SFI control module
right LH-SFI control module faulty CAN communication with engine control module
32 ASR only CAN communication with DI or left and right DI control module, faulty
33 ASR only CAN communication faulty in general
34 ETS only Brakes overheated
35 Model 129.076,140.04/05/07 Master brake cylinder switchover valve
36 Model 129.076,140.04/05/07 ASR lateral acceleration sensor, open circuit
37 Model 129.076,140.04/05/07 ASR lateral acceleration sensor, illogical
38 ETS only EST/SPS control module not identify the software (not coded)
39 Model 140/210 ETS/SPS or ASR/SPS control module
40 Model 140 SPS P-valve
41 Model 140/210 ASR/SPS or ETS/SPS control module
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1992-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 12
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Speed sensitive power steering control module
3 Left/center rear axle speed sensor signal
4 Right rear axle vehicle speed sensor signal
5 Diffident vehicle speed signals from right and left rear axle sensor
6 No vehicle speed sensor signal
7 Inductive speed sensor, transmission faulty
8 Short circuit between positive connection of speed sensitive power steering valve and
ground (-)
9 Short circuit at speed sensitive power steering valve
10 Open circuit at speed sensitive power steering valve
11 Volts supply at speed sensitive power steering control module
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
140 1994
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 12
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Speed sensitive power steering control module
3 Comparison of axle vehicle speed signal attars/left front axle vehicle speed signal
4 Axle vehicle speed signal status missing
5 Speed-sensitive power steering control module
6 Speed-sensitive power steering P-valve; short circuit
7 Speed-sensitive power steering P-valve; open circuit
8 Short circuit between speed sensitive power steering P-valve (+) and ground (-)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
124.066 1993-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector
Yellow Power Soft top test connection (4 pole) at Socket 2. The connection is located at the right front
passenger footwell. To avoid the need for an extension cable, connect the black lead of code scanner
to any good ground and red lead to a battery + source inside vehicle.
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Volts low
3 Normal operating time exceeded
4 Limit switch signals Illogical
5 Soft top compartment cover "locked", limit switch,
6 Soft top compartment cover "closed", limit switch,
7 Soft top compartment cover "open", limit switch
8 Soft top fabric bow "locked", limit switch
9 Soft top fabric bow "down", limit switch
10 Soft top fabric bow "raised", limit switch
11 Left front soft top "locked", limit switch
12 Right front soft top "locked", limit switch
13 Soft top "open" switch (soft top in storage compartment), limit switch ,
14 Soft top "overhead", limit switch
15 Soft top "retracted", limit switch
16 Roll bar "extended", limit switch,
17 Automatic deployment of roll bar has occurred
18 Power soft top switch
19 Vehicle speed signal
20 Circuit in power soft top control module, solenoid valve, roll bar retracted
21 Circuit hydraulic unit, circuit solenoid valve, roll bar retracted
22 Circuit in power soft top control module, solenoid valve, roll bar extended
23 Circuit solenoid valve, roll bar extended
24 Circuit in power soft top control module, Power windows
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Year
124.066 1993-95
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 9
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No faults found
2 Roll bar control module
3 Roll bar control module volts supply
6 Roll bar deployment solenoid, open circuit, short circuit to Battery + or ground (-).
7 Rear axle switch, short circuit to Battery + or ground (-).
8 Roll bar indicator lamp faulty
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-12/93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 129.061/066)
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 7
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 129.067/076, all 129 from 1993)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 22
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No faults found
2 Roll bar control module
3 Volts supply
4 Driver seat belt lock relay open circuit or short circuit to Battery + or ground (-).
5 Passenger seat belt lock relay open circuit or short circuit to Battery + or ground (-).
6 Roll bar deployment solenoid, open circuit or short circuit to Battery + or ground (-).
7 Left and/or right axle switch, roll bar, short circuit to 30 or 31
8 Roll bar warning lamp
9 SRS warning lamp and/or code scanner button held to erase faulty
10 SRS control unit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-12/93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 129.061/066)
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 10
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 160
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 129.067/076, all 129 from 1993)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 21
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No faults stored
2 Limit switch, left locked, soft top storage compartment cover
3 Limit switch, right locked, soft top storage compartment cover
4 Limit switch, left closed, soft top storage compartment cover
5 Limit switch, right closed, soft top storage compartment cover
6 Limit switch, left locked, soft top fabric bow
7 Limit switch, right locked, soft top fabric bow
8 Limit switch, left closed, soft top fabric bow
9 Limit switch, right closed, soft top fabric bow
10 Limit switch, left front locked, soft top
11 Limit switch, right front locked, soft top
12 Limit switch soft top storage compartment cover open
13 Limit switch soft top fabric bow raised
14 Limit switch soft top down (in storage compartment)
15 Limit switch soft top up (secondary closing speed )
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
16 Limit switch roll bar retracted
17 Limit switch left side window down Circuit in power soft top control module, solenoid
valve, roll bar retracted
18 Limit switch right side window down Circuit hydraulic unit, circuit solenoid valve, roll bar
19 Axle vehicle speed signal illogical Circuit in power soft top control module, solenoid
valve, roll bar extended
20 Hardtop installed recognition Circuit solenoid valve, roll bar extended
21 Power soft top switch Circuit in power soft top control module, Power windows
22 Roll bar switch
23 Roll bar control module
24 Roll bar crash deployment
25 Limit switch signals illogical
26 Operation time exceeded
27 Insufficient volts
28 No speedometer signal
29 No axle vehicle wheel speed sensor signal
30 Soft top operation blocked
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
129 1/94-6/96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 21
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No faults stored
2 Low voltage
3 RST/RB hydraulic unit locked up.
4 Vehicle speed sensor fault
5 RST/RB hydraulic unit
6 Right or left power window activation
7 Right or left front soft top “locked” switch fault, Soft top open/closed switch, Fabric bow
locked switch,
8 Power soft top control module defective
9 Roll bar crash deployment has occurred
10 Power soft top switch or Roll bar switch.
11 Power soft top switch indicator lamp or Roll bar switch indicator lamp or Warning
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 12
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 31
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Infrared remote control module
3 Supply pump, central locking system short to ground
4 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Red indicator
lamps, short to ground
5 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Green
indicator lamps, short to ground
6 Supply pump, central locking system, short to circuit 30
7 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Red indicator
lamps, short to circuit 30 or open circuit
8 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Green
indicator lamps, in receiver have short to short to circuit 30 or open circuit
9 Driver door switch group wiring, short to circuit 30 ATA/convenience microswitch wiring
short to circuit 30 ATA/convenience microswitch wiring short to circuit 30
10 Ignition/starter switch-position recognition switch, open circuit
11 Ignition/starter switch-position recognition switch, open circuit 31
12 Left front door actuator, open circuit
13 Right door actuator, open circuit
14 Trunk lid lock actuator, open circuit
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
140 1992-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 31
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Left front door actuator, open circuit
3 Warning buzzer -open circuit
4 Warning buzzer -open circuit to ground
5 Red indicator lamps, short to ground
6 Green indicator lamps, short to ground
7 Short to positive, lock circuit 1
8 Short to positive, lock circuit 2
9 Red indicator lamps, short to positive
10 Green indicator lamps, short to positive
11 Infrared remote control module faulty
12 Immobilization output, short to circuit 30 (Battery +)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Years
129 1993-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 31
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 IRCL control module
3 Supply pump, central locking system short to ground
4 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Red indicator
lamps, short to ground
5 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Green
indicator lamps, short to ground
6 Supply pump, central locking system, short to B (+)
7 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Red indicator
lamps , short to B (+) or open circuit
8 Infrared remote control receiver, Left front door/Right front door/Trunk lid Green
indicator lamps, short to B (+) or open circuit
9 Driver door switch group wiring, short to B (+) ATA/CF microswitch wiring short to B (+)
ATA/CF microswitch wiring short to B (+)
10 Ignition/starter switch-position recognition switch, open circuit
11 Ignition/starter switch-position recognition switch, open circuit 31
12 Left front door actuator, open circuit
13 Right door actuator, open circuit
14 Trunk lid lock actuator, open circuit
15 Immobilization output, short to B (+)
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129 140 1992-94
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data link connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 20
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Central locking system, air demand too high, leakage
3 Retractable trunk lid grip, air demand too high, leakage
4 Backup assist, air demand too high, leakage
5 Orthopedic backrest pressure, air demand too high, leakage
6 Manifold vacuum assist, air demand too high, leakage
7 Short to positive, lock circuit 1
8 Short to positive, lock circuit 2
9 Signal fault, Rear head restraint retraction
10 Signal fault, Central locking interior control switch
11 Signal fault, Front door
12 Signal from lock circuit 1 is present for longer than 2 minutes
13 Signal from lock circuit 2 is present for longer than 2 minutes,
14 Central locking interior control switch signal is present for longer than 2 minutes
15 Rear head restraint retraction signal is present for longer than 2 minutes
16 Not used
17 Pneumatic control module faulty
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1990-93
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1990-93
129 140 202 1994-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 129.061, 129.066)
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 11
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (Model 129, 140, 202)
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 23
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Alarm activated, trunk sensor circuit
3 Alarm activated, engine hood circuit
4 Alarm triggered, glove compartment
5 Alarm activated, rear door circuit Console compartment circuit
6 Alarm activated, front door circuit
10 Alarm activated, radio circuit
12 Alarm activated, ignition circuit
14 Alarm activated, brake circuit
19 AT Control module faulty
20 Left front door actuator, No ground connection
21 ATA disarmed, Starter lock-out relay module. short to circuit 30
23 ATA armed, Open to circuit 30
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129.061 129.066 129.067 129.076 1992-95
140.032 140.042 140.051 140.057 140.070 140.076 140.134 1992-95
If a fault code is set, the code is shown on the in-car telephones display and the phone goes off-line.
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 TR memory defect (ROM)
2 TR memory defect (RAM)
3 NAM defect
4 ESN defect
5 TR memory defect (EE PROM)
6 TR output power defect
7 IDCM defect
8 TR output power control defect
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Model Model Year
140 1992-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 21
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Control module, Close circuit for left front power window motor
3 Control module, Open circuit for left front power window motor
4 Control module, Close circuit for right front power window motor
5 Control module, Open circuit for right front power window motor
6 Control module, Close circuit for left rear power window motor
7 Control module, Open circuit for left rear front power window motor
8 Control module, Close circuit for right rear power window motor
9 Control module, Open circuit for right rear power window motor
10 Switch for left front power window Closing time exceeded
11 Switch for left front power window Opening time exceeded
12 Switch for right front power window Closing time exceeded
13 Switch for right front power window Opening time exceeded
14 Left rear power window circuit and left rear power window switch front console closing
time exceeded
15 Left rear power window circuit and left rear power window switch front console opening
time exceeded
16 Right rear power window circuit and right rear power window switch front console
closing time exceeded
17 Right rear power window circuit and right rear power window switch front console
opening time exceeded
18 Circuit for left front lock switch, right front, trunk lid lock switch closing time exceeded,
lock switch circuit 2
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
19 Circuit for left front lock switch, right front, trunk lid lock switch opening time exceeded,
lock switch circuit 1
20 Left front power window switch short to ground or wires reversed
21 Right front power window switch short to ground or wires reversed
22 Left rear window circuit and left rear power window switch front console short to ground
or wires reversed
23 Right rear power window circuit and right rear power window switch front console short
to ground or wires reversed
24 Left front power window motor , wiring or speed sensor
25 Right front power window motor, wiring or speed sensor
26 Left rear power window motor, wiring or speed sensor
27 Right rear power window motor, wiring or speed sensor
28 Left front power window motor, sensor wiring reversed
29 Right front power window motor, sensor wiring reversed
30 Left rear power window motor, sensor wiring reversed
31 Right rear power window motor, sensor wiring reversed
32 Left front power window motor, Speed sensor signal faulty
33 Right front power window motor, Speed sensor signal faulty
34 Left rear power window motor, Speed sensor signal faulty
35 Right rear power window motor, Speed sensor signal faulty
36 Convenience control module faulty
37 Volts too low(9V), circuit 30E fuse F4-11
38 Sliding/pop-up roof switch circuit short, check wiring harness
39 Volts supply circuit 30 A, control module
40 Volts supply circuit 30 B, control module
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Year
201.028 201.029 201.034 201.126 201.128 1988-93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 In car temperature sensor, short circuit
3 In car temperature sensor, open circuit
4 Outside temperature sensor, short circuit
5 Outside temperature sensor, open circuit
6 Evaporator temperature sensor, short circuit
7 Evaporator temperature sensor, open circuit
12 Coolant temperature gauge sensor, short circuit
13 Coolant temperature gauge sensor, open circuit
14 Feedback potentiometer, short circuit
15 Feedback potentiometer, open circuit
30 Coolant pump, short circuit
33 A/C compressor control module, short circuit
34 Auxiliary fan relay short circuit
50 Switchover valve unit (5 connections) between pins 5 and 4 faulty
51 Switchover valve unit (5 connections) between pins 5 and 6 faulty
52 Switchover valve unit (5 connections) between pins 5 and 2 faulty
54 Switchover valve unit (5 connections) between pins 5 and 3 faulty
55 Switchover valve unit (4 connections) between pins 5 and 1 faulty
56 Switchover valve unit (4 connections) between pins 5 and 2 faulty
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
57 Switchover valve unit (4 connections) between pins 5 and 1 faulty
58 Switchover valve blend air flaps (warm) short circuit
59 Switchover valve blend air flaps (cold) short circuit
60 Switchover valve blend air flaps (closes) short circuit
61 Blower switch, low speed faulty
62 Blower switch, high speed faulty
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Year
124.034 124.036 1992-1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 16
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Short circuit, In car temperature sensor
3 Open circuit, In car temperature sensor
4 Short circuit, Outside temperature sensor
5 Open circuit, Outside temperature sensor
6 Short circuit, Evaporator temperature sensor
7 Open circuit, Evaporator temperature sensor
8 Short circuit Left heat exchanger temperature sensor
9 Left heat exchanger sensor, open
10 Right heat exchanger temperature sensor, short circuit
11 Right heat exchanger temperature sensor, open
12 Engine coolant temperature sensor, short circuit
13 Engine coolant temperature sensor, open circuit
30 Circulation pump, short or open circuit
31/32 Duo valve short circuit/open
33 compressor cut-out control module short circuit/open
34 Auxiliary fan 2nd stage (actuation), short circuit
56 Switchover valve fresh air/recirculated air flaps, long stroke short circuit
57 Switchover valve fresh air/recalculated air flaps, long stroke short circuit
Models Model Years
124.026 124.030 124.050 124.090 124.051 124.230 124.290 1988-95
126.024 126.025 126.035 126.039 126.045 126.134 126.135 1988-91
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 7
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 In car temperature sensor, short circuit
3 In car temperature sensor, open circuit
4 Outside temperature sensor, short circuit
5 Outside temperature sensor, open circuit
6 Evaporator temperature sensor, short circuit
7 Evaporator temperature sensor, open circuit
8 Heater core temperature sensor, short-circuit
9 Heater core sensor, open
12 Engine coolant temperature sensor, short circuit
13 Engine coolant temperature sensor, open circuit
30 Coolant pump, short circuit
31 Duo valve short circuit/open
33 A/C compressor control module short circuit
34 Auxiliary fan relay faulty
50 Switchover valve unit, faulty at between pins 5 and 8 (7 connections)
51 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 7 (7 connections)
52 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 3(7 connections)
54 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 4 (7 connections)
55 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 6(7 connections)
56 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 2(7 connections)
57 Switchover valve unit, faulty between pins 8 and 1(7 connections)
1. Remove the operating console from the TAU
2. At the upper side of the operating consol there is a display.
3. Ignition ON : Position 1
4. The fan speed selector NOT on position 1
5. The display alternates between the sensor/component number and the value of that sensor/component.
Example: "OP E" : Open circuit or "CL O" : Closed circuit.
Number Component
02 Interior Temperature Sensor
04 Exterior Temperature Sensor
06 Evaporator Temperature Sensor
08 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor
10 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor
12 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT)
14 Left Temperature Selector Wheel Setting (Degree C)
16 Right Temperature Selector Wheel Setting (Degree C)
18 Vehicle Speed Signal(km/h)
20 Soft Top OPEN : "U", Soft Top CLOSED : "O"
22 Power Supply Voltage
83 OFF/ON (Not Used)
84 Blower Motor Voltage "050" (0.5v) - "600" (6.0v)
1 Turn temperature selector wheel into the white area.
2 Place the air speed selector at position 0 and the air direction to "DOWN"
3 IGNITION = ON : Position 1
4 Within the next 10 sec., press the "RECIRCULATE AIR" and "REST" button simultaneously for 3 sec.
5 Press the AUTO button until all error numbers are read and recorded.
DTC Readout Description Cause
1 No DTC's Stored in System Memory. No faults
2 In-Car Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Short Circuit
3 In-Car Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Open Circuit
4 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short Circuit
5 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Open Circuit
6 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short Circuit
7 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Open Circuit
8 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)) Short Circuit
9 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1) Open Circuit
10 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (Right) Short Circuit
11 Heater Core Temperature Sensor(Right) Open Circuit
12 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Short Circuit
13 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Open Circuit
16 Center Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r2) Short Circuit
17 Center Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r2) Open Circuit
18 Center Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer
(R23/3) Short Circuit
19 Center Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer
(R23/3) Open Circuit
20 Left Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r1) Short Circuit
21 Left Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r1) Open Circuit
22 Left Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer
(R23/1) Short Circuit
23 Left Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer
(R23/1) Open Circuit
24 Right Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r3) Short Circuit
25 Right Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r3) Open Circuit
26 Right Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer
(R23/2) Short Circuit
27 Right Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer
(R23/2) Open Circuit
30 Auxiliary Coolant Pump Short Circuit
31 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Left) Short Circuit
32 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Right) Short Circuit
33 A/C Compressor Signal Short Circuit
DTC Readout Description Cause
34 Auxiliary Fan Signal 2 Stage Short Circuit
35 Auxiliary Fan Signal 1 Stage Short Circuit
50 Switchover Valve Block Signal Short Circuit
70 Auxiliary Coolant Pump Open Circuit
71 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Left) Open Circuit
72 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Right) Open Circuit
73 A/C Compressor Signal Open Circuit
74 Auxiliary Fan Signal 2nd Stage Open Circuit
75 Auxiliary Fan Signal 1st Stage Open Circuit
1. IGNITION ON : Position 1
2. Press the REST button and within 1 second press blower speed button 4.
3. The temperature window (upper left) will alternately display the test step number (ex. "02" In-car Temp) or
"0P E" for Open Circuit or "Cl 0" for Closed Circuit.
4. Press "F" button to go to higher test.
5. Press "C" button to go to a lower test.
6. To end this test mode turn IGNITION OFF : Position 0 for longer then 5 seconds.
Number Component
02 In-Car Temperature Sensor
04 Outside Temperature Sensor
06 Evaporator Temperature Sensor
08 Heater Core Temperature Sensor
12 Engine Coolant Temperature (ETC) Sensor
14 Temperature Selector Wheel Setting
18 Vehicle Speed Signal(km/h)
20 Soft Top OPEN : "U" ; Soft Top CLOSED : "O"
22 Power Supply Voltage
83 OFF/ON (Not Used)
84 Blower motor voltage "050" (0,5V) - "600" (6,0V)
1. Turn temperature selector wheel into the white area.
2. IGNITION ON : Position 1
3. Within the next 10 sec., press the "F", "RECIRCULATE AIR" and "REST" buttons simultaneously for 2 to 4
4. The display will show the permanent DTC's stored. press the "RECIRCULATE AIR" button after each is
displayed until the display reads "END"
5. Press "RECIRCULATE AIR" button again and the intermittent DTC's will be shown. A SQUARE is shown
after each DTC to indicate that it is intermittent. Press the "RECIRCULATE AIR" button again to see the
next DTC. Until "END" is shown.
6. To erase the DTC's : IGNITION ON : Position 1 Press the "RECIRCULATE AIR", "REST" and "UP" buttons
simultaneously until --- is displayed in the window.
FAULT CODES - 129 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause
1 No DTC's Stored in System Memory. No Faults
FAULT CODES - 129 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause
2 In-Car Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Short Circuit
3 In-Car Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Open Circuit
4 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short Circuit
5 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Open Circuit
6 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short Circuit
7 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Open Circuit
8 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)(Left) Short Circuit
9 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)(Left) Open Circuit
10 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (Right) Short Circuit
11 Heater Core Temperature Sensor(Right) Open Circuit
12 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Short Circuit
13 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Open Circuit
16 Center Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r2) Short Circuit
17 Center Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r2) Open Circuit
18 Center Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer (R23/3) Short Circuit
19 Center Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer (R23/3) Open Circuit
20 Left Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r1) Short Circuit
21 Left Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r1) Open Circuit
22 Left Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer (R23/1) Short Circuit
23 Left Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer (R23/1) Open Circuit
24 Right Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r3) Short Circuit
25 Right Air Vent Control Module (N18/2r3) Open Circuit
26 Right Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer (R23/2) Short Circuit
27 Right Air Vent Feedback Potentiometer (R23/2) Open Circuit
30 Auxiliary Coolant Pump (M13) Short Circuit
31 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Y19) Short Circuit
32 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Right) Short Circuit
33 A/C Compressor Signal Short Circuit
34 Auxiliary Fan Signal, 2nd Stage Short Circuit
35 Auxiliary Fan Signal, 1st Stage Short Circuit
50 Switchover Valve Block Signal (Y11) Short Circuit
70 Auxiliary Coolant Pump (M13) Open Circuit
FAULT CODES - 129 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause
71 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Y19) Open Circuit
72 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Right) Open Circuit
73 A/C Compressor Signal Open Circuit
74 Auxiliary Fan Signal, 2nd Stage Open Circuit
75 Auxiliary Fan Signal, 1st Stage Open Circuit
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Set temperature selector to 72 degrees F.
3. Press the REST button for more than 6 seconds.
4. The left display will alternately show the number "01" and the in-car temperature.
5. Press the FAN button and the next component number and its value will be displayed.
6. Press the REST button to end the test program.
Number Component
01 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator Blower (B10/4)
02 Outside Temperature Sensor (B14)
03 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2)
05 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
06 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) (B11/4)
07 Refrigerant Pressure in Bar
08 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
09 Not Used
10 Blower Control Voltage
20 Control Current for Auxiliary Fan exp. : 7 = 7 mA
21 Engine RPM. example 00..99 (x100) = 9900
22 Vehicle Speed
23 PIN 58D exp. 99.0 = 99% of Battery Voltage
24 Battery Voltage : 12.8 = 12,8 Volt
40 A/C Controller Software Version Coding
41 A/C Controller Hardware Version
42 Variant code 1
43 Variant code 2
50 Not Used
51 Not Used
52 Not Used
54 ON/OFF A/C Compressor emergency off signal from engine control module.
60 Roof "OPE" = OPEN, "CLO" = CLOSED
61 Left Air Outlet, Potentiometer Voltage
62 Vacuum Actuator 46, Feedback Potentiometer Voltage
63 Center Air Outlet, Potentiometer Voltage
64 Vacuum Actuator 47, Feedback Potentiometer Voltage
65 Right Air Outlet, Potentiometer Voltage
66 Vacuum Actuator 47, Feedback Potentiometer Voltage
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Temperature selector wheel : "LO"
3. Within 20 seconds press the REST and DEFROST buttons simultaneously for more than 5 seconds.
4. The LED in the RECIRCULATE button flashes and "dI A" appears on the display.
5. Press the AUTO button until all DTC's are displayed and recorded.
6. The current faults are displayed first, then the intermittent faults. "END'" is displayed when all codes have
been displayed.
7. To erase codes press AUTO again, "dEL" will be displayed. Press v and ^ simultaneously for more than 5
seconds. The display will then show "---". Press AUTO to cancel the erase.
8. IGNITION : OFF to end the test program.
FAULT CODES - 129 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
026 CAN Bus Communication
226 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4)
227 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B14)
228 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2)
230 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
231 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B11/4)
232 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12)
233 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
241 Refrigerant Level
416 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1)
417 Automatic A/C Monovalve (Y19)
419 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch (A9k1)
420 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase
FAULT CODES - 129 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
421 Auxiliary Fan Control Module (N65/1)
422 Serial Interface Connection (K1) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
423 Switchover Valve Block (15 connection multiplex) (Y11)
459 Serial Interface Connection (K2) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
1. Turn temperature selector wheel into the white area.
2. IGNITION = ON : Position 1
3. Press the left and right "AUTO" buttons.
4. Within 20 seconds press the "REST" button for more than 5 sec.
5. LEFT DISPLAY = Component Number
RIGHT DISPLAY = Actual Component Value or "HI" for a short circuit or "LO" for an open circuit
6. Press the left "AUTO" button to monitor the next component.
7. Press the "REST" button to end the test mode.
Number Component
01 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator Blower (B10/4)
02 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5)
03 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2)
04 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3)
05 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
06 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (A/C) (B10/8)
07 Refrigerant Pressure in Bar : Ex. 06'4 = 6.4 Bar
08 Blower Control Voltage from 8(min) - 60(max)
09 Software Status, A/C Pushbutton Control Module(N22) Mfg.
10 Left rear heater core temperature sensor (B10/9)
11 Right rear heater core temperature sensor (B10/10)
12 Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/11)
13 Software Status, Rear A/C Pushbutton Control Module(N22) Mfg.
16 Control Module Applicable for Charcoal Filter : "A"=YES "0 "=NO
1. Turn the left selector wheel into the red area.
2. Turn the right selector wheel into the blue area.
3. IGNITION = ON : Position 1.
4. Press the "AUTO" button.
5. Within 20 seconds, press the "REST" and "O" button for more than 2 seconds.
6. The display will show the permanent DTC's stored. Left window "E0" or "E1", right window "01", "02"...etc.
Record each DTC and press the right "AUTO" button to display the next code. Continue until "END" is
7. To erase the DTC's : Turn IGNITION OFF, Then turn IGNITION ON : Position 1. Press the left "AUTO"
button. A "d" (delete) is displayed in the left window. By pressing the right "AUTO" button the DTC will be
deleted. Alternate left and right "AUTO" buttons until all DTCs are erased and "E0 00" is displayed.
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
001 No DTC's Stored in System Memory.
002 A/C Pushbutton Control Module (N22)
003 Rear A/C Pushbutton Control Module (N22/3)
006 Connection to the Switchover Valve Block
007 Data Exchange (CAN B) Short Circuit.
008 Data Exchange (CAN A) Short Circuit.
009 Data Exchange (CAN A and CAN B) Short Circuit.
010 Make the Diagnosis Again.
011 Data Exchange (CAN B) Open Circuit.
012 Data Exchange (CAN A) Open Circuit.
013 Connection with the Rear A/C Pushbutton
Control Module
014 Data Exchange (CAN B) : Rear A/C Control
Module Open Circuit.
015 Data Exchange (CAN A) : Rear A/C Control
Module Open Circuit.
016 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
017 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
018 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
019 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
024 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
025 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
026 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
027 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
028 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
029 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
030 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
031 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
032 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
033 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
034 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
035 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
036 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
037 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
038 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
039 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
040 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
041 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
042 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
043 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
044 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
045 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
046 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
047 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
048 Left Temperature Wheel Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
049 Left Temperature Wheel Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
050 Left Temperature Wheel Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
051 Left Temperature Wheel Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
052 Right Temperature Wheel Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
053 Right Temperature Wheel Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
054 Right Temperature Wheel Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
055 Right Temperature Wheel Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
072 Heater Supply Unit Coolant Circulation Pump
(A31m1) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
073 Heater Supply Unit Coolant Circulation Pump
(A31m1) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
074 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
075 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
076 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1) Overload CONTINUOUS
077 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1) Overload INTERMITTENT
080 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y1) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
081 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y1) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
082 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y1) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
083 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y1) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
084 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y2) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
085 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y2) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
086 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y2) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
087 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31y2) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
088 A/C Compressor Ground Activation CONTINUOUS
089 A/C Compressor Ground Activation INTERMITTENT
090 A/C Compressor Ground Activation Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
091 A/C Compressor Ground Activation Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
096 Auxiliary Fan, 1ST Stage Activation Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
097 Auxiliary Fan, 1ST Stage Activation Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
098 Auxiliary Fan, 1ST Stage Activation Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
099 Auxiliary Fan, 1ST Stage Activation Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
100 Auxiliary Fan, 2ND Stage Activation Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
101 Auxiliary Fan, 2ND Stage Activation Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
102 Auxiliary Fan, 2ND Stage Activation Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
103 Auxiliary Fan, 2ND Stage Activation Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
104 Auxiliary Fan, 3RD Stage Activation Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
105 Auxiliary Fan, 3RD Stage Activation Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
106 Auxiliary Fan, 3RD Stage Activation Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
107 Auxiliary Fan, 3RD Stage Activation Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
108 Auxiliary Coolant Pump Control Relay Module
(K30), Power Supply Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
109 Auxiliary Coolant Pump Control Relay Module
(K30), Power Supply Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
110 Auxiliary Coolant Pump Control Relay Module
(K30), Power Supply Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
111 Auxiliary Coolant Pump Control Relay Module
(K30), Power Supply Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
112 Engine RPM Increase Diode Matrix (V2) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
113 Engine RPM Increase Diode Matrix (V2) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
114 Engine RPM Increase Diode Matrix (V2) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
115 Engine RPM Increase Diode Matrix (V2) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
116 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
117 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
118 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
(OPEN) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
119 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
(OPEN) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
120 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
121 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
122 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
(CLOSED) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
123 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) :
(CLOSED) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
128 Left Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/9) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
129 Left Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/9) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
130 Left Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/9) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
131 Left Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/9) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
132 Right Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/10) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
133 Right Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/10) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
134 Right Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/10) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
135 Right Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor
(B10/10) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
136 Left Temperature Selector wheel Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
137 Left Temperature Selector wheel Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
138 Left Temperature Selector wheel Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
139 Left Temperature Selector wheel Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
140 Right Temperature Selector wheel Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
141 Right Temperature Selector wheel Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
142 Right Temperature Selector wheel Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
143 Right Temperature Selector wheel Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
144 Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/11) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
145 Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/11) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
146 Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/11) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
147 Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/11) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
148 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31/1m1) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
149 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31/1m1) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
150 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31/1m1) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
151 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31/1m1) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
152 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31/1m1) Overload CONTINUOUS
153 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31/1m1) Overload INTERMITTENT
156 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y1) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
157 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y1) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
158 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y1) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
159 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y1) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
160 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y2) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
161 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y2) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
162 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y2) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
163 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (A31/1y2) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
164 Rear Refrigerant Shut-Off Valve (Y67) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
165 Rear Refrigerant Shut-Off Valve (Y67) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
166 Rear Refrigerant Shut-Off Valve (Y67) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
167 Rear Refrigerant Shut-Off Valve (Y67) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
168 Rear Tunnel Flap Vacuum Valve (Y67/1) Short Circuit CONTINUOUS
169 Rear Tunnel Flap Vacuum Valve (Y67/1) Short Circuit INTERMITTENT
170 Rear Tunnel Flap Vacuum Valve (Y67/1) Short or Open Circuit CONTINUOUS
171 Rear Tunnel Flap Vacuum Valve (Y67/1) Short or Open Circuit INTERMITTENT
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Press the AUTO button
3. Set both temperature selectors to 72 degrees F.
4. Press the REST button for more than 5 seconds.
5. The left display will alternately show the number "1" and the in-car temperature.
6. Press the AUTO button and the next component number and its value will be displayed.
7. Press the REST button to end the test program.
Number Component
01 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator Blower (B10/4)
02 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5) 1996, (B14) as of 1997
03 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2)
04 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3)
05 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
06 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (A/C) (B11/4)
07 Refrigerant Pressure in Bar
08 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
10 Blower Control Voltage
11 Emissions (Refrigerant Leak) Sensor (B31)
12 Sun (Excessive Heat) Sensor (B32)
20 Control Current for Auxiliary Fan example : 7 = 7 mA
21 Engine RPM. example 00..99 (x100) = 9900
22 Vehicle Speed
23 PIN 58D example. 99.0 = 99% of Battery Voltage
24 Battery Voltage : 12.8 = 12,8 Volt
30 Left Rear Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/9)
31 Right Rear Heater Core Temperature sensor (B10/10)
32 Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/11)
33 Rear Blower Control Voltage
34 Left Rear Temperature Sensor version
35 Right Rear Temperature Sensor
38 Rear A/C Controller Software Version Coding
39 Rear A/C Controller Hardware Version
40 Front A/C Controller Software Version Coding
41 Front A/C Controller Hardware Version
42 Variant code 1
43 Variant code 2
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Left Temperature selector wheel : HI
Right Temperature selector wheel : LO
3. Within 20 seconds press the REST and EC buttons simultaneously for more than 5 seconds.
4. The LED in the RECIRCULATE button flashes and "OFF" appears on the display.
5. Press the right AUTO button until all DTC's are displayed and recorded.
6. To erase all codes must be read out. Press both AUTO buttons simultaneously for more than 2 seconds. "d"
will be displayed on the left and "FF" is displayed on the right. The erase can be canceled by pressing the
AUTO button.
7. Reset temperature selector to normal setting.
8. IGNITION : OFF to end the test program.
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
026 CAN Bus Communication
226 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4)
227 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) to 1996, (B14) as of 1997
228 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/2)
229 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/3)
230 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
231 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B11/4)
DFI or IFI models Right Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B11/10) to 1996
232 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12)
233 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
234 Sun Sensor (B32)
235 Emissions (Refrigerant Leak) Sensor (B31)
241 Refrigerant Level
416 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1)
417 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21y1)
418 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21y2)
419 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch (A9k1)
420 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase
421 Pulse Module (N65)
422 Serial Interface Connection (K1) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
423 Switchover Valve Block (Y11)
424 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) : OPEN
425 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) : CLOSE
432 Maximum Heat
FAULT CODES - 140 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
459 Serial Interface Connection (K2) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
460 LED - Center Air Outlet "Warm"
461 LED - Center Air Outlet "Cold"
462 Wide Open Throttle (WOT) Position Signal - Diesel Engine Only
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Set temperature selection to 72 degrees F (Press v and ^ simultaneously).
3. Press the AUTO button.
4. Press the REST button for more than 5 seconds.
5. The display will alternately show the number "01" and the in-car temperature or "LO" if there is an open
circuit or "HI" if there is a short circuit.
6. Press the "Top Air Outlet" button to increase the component tested and the "Bottom Air Outlet" button to
decrease the component number tested.
7. Press the REST button to end the test program.
Number Component
01 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator Blower (B10/4)
02 Outside Temperature Sensor (B10/5)
03 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
05 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
06 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (A/C) (B10/8)
07 Refrigerant Pressure in Bar
08 Blower Control Voltage
09 Software Status of A/C Pushbutton Control Module
15 Selected In-Car Temperature
20 Version Code
21 Engine Speed in RPM
22 A/C Compressor Speed in RPM
23 Vehicle Speed in km/h
50 Not Used
51 Number of Current Poly-V Belt Slip Recognitions
52 Number of Stored Poly-V Belt Slip Recognitions
1 IGNITION : Position 1
2 Press the V button until "LO" appears on the display.
3 Within 20 seconds press the REST and BLOWER buttons simultaneously for more then 2 seconds.
4 The LED in the RECIRCULATE button flashes and "dI R" appears on the display
5 Press the AUTO button until all DTC's are displayed and recorded. Continuous faults are displayed first. if
no faults are stored, "En d" is displayed. Press AUTO again to retrieve intermittent faults. If no intermittent
faults are stored, "En d" is displayed.
6 Press the AUTO button until "dE L" is displayed. To erase codes press both V and ^ simultaneously for at
least 5 seconds. The display will show "---"
7 IGNITION : OFF to end the test program.
FAULT CODES - 202 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
01 No ERROR Stored No Faults
02 A/C Pushbutton Control Module (N22). Power failure or damaged
03 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator
Blower (B10/4) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
04 In Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator
Blower (B10/4) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
05 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator
Blower (B10/4) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
06 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator
Blower (B10/4) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
07 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
08 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
09 Outside air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
10 Outside air Temperature Sensor (B10/5) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
11 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
12 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
13 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
14 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
19 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
20 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
21 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
22 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
23 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ETC)
(B10/8) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
24 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ETC)
(B10/8) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
25 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ETC)
(B10/8) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
26 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ETC)
(B10/8) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
27 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
28 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
FAULT CODES - 202 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
29 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
30 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
31 A/C Compressor RPM Sensor (A9l1) Bad Sensor
32 Poly-V Belt Slip Recognition Slipping Belt
47 Auxiliary Coolant Pump (M13) Unknown
48 Auxiliary Coolant Pump (M13) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
49 Auxiliary Coolant Pump (M13) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
50 Auxiliary Coolant Pump (M13) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
51 Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
52 Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
53 Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
54 Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
59 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch
(A9k1) Short circuit CONTINUOUS
60 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch
(A9k1) Short circuit INTERMITTENT
61 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch
(A9k1) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
62 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch
(A9k1) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
63 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 1 Short circuit CONTINUOUS
64 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 1 Short circuit INTERMITTENT
65 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 1 Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
66 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 1 Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
67 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 2 Short circuit CONTINUOUS
68 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 2 Short circuit INTERMITTENT
69 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 2 Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
70 Activation of Auxiliary Fan Stage 2 Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
71 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
72 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
73 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase Short circuit CONTINUOUS
74 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase Short circuit INTERMITTENT
75 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Diverter
FAULT CODES - 202 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
76 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Diverter
77 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Diverter
Flap Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
78 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Diverter
Flap Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
79 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Tempering
80 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Tempering
81 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Tempering
Flap Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
82 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Tempering
Flap Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
83 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Long Stroke
84 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Long Stroke
85 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Long Stroke
Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
86 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
87 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Short Stroke
88 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Short Stroke
89 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Short Stroke
Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
90 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3),
Fresh/Recirculating Air Flap Short Stroke
Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
91 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Long Stroke (80%) CONTINUOUS
92 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Long Stroke (80%) INTERMITTENT
FAULT CODES - 202 Chassis to 8/95
DTC Readout Description Cause Fault Type
93 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Long Stroke (80%) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
94 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Long Stroke (80%) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
95 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Short Stroke (20%) CONTINUOUS
96 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Short Stroke (20%) INTERMITTENT
97 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Short Stroke (20%) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
98 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Defroster
Flap Short Stroke (20%) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
99 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Long Stroke (80%) CONTINUOUS
100 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Long Stroke (80%) INTERMITTENT
101 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Long Stroke (80%) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
102 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Long Stroke (80%) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
103 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Short Stroke (20%) CONTINUOUS
104 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Short Stroke (20%) INTERMITTENT
105 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Short Stroke (20%) Short or Open circuit CONTINUOUS
106 Switchover Valve Block (Y11/3), Footwell
Flap Short Stroke (20%) Short or Open circuit INTERMITTENT
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Set temperature selector to 72 degrees F.
3. Press the REST button for more than 6 seconds.
4. The left display will alternately show the number "01" and the in-car temperature.
5. Press the FAN button and the next component number and its value will be displayed.
6. Press the REST button to end the test program.
Number Component
01 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator Blower (B10/4)
02 Outside Temperature Sensor (B14)
03 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
05 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
06 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) (B11/4)
07 Refrigerant Pressure in Bar
08 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
09 Not Used
10 Blower Control Voltage
20 Control Current for Auxiliary Fan exp. : 7 = 7 mA
21 Engine RPM. example 00..99 (x100) = 9900
22 Vehicle Speed
23 PIN 58D exp. 99.0 = 99% of Battery Voltage
24 Battery Voltage : 12.8 = 12,8 Volt
40 A/C Controller Software Version Coding
41 A/C Controller Hardware Version
42 Variant code 1
43 Variant code 2
50 Not Used
51 Not Used
52 Not Used
54 ON/OFF A/C Compressor emergency off signal from engine control module.
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Temperature selector wheel : "LO"
3. Within 20 seconds press the REST and DEFROST buttons simultaneously for more than 5 seconds.
4. The LED in the RECIRCULATE button flashes and "dI A" appears on the display.
5. Press the AUTO button until all DTC's are displayed and recorded.
6. The current faults are displayed first, then the intermittent faults. "END'" is displayed when all codes have
been displayed.
7. To erase codes press v and ^ simultaneously for more than 5 seconds. The display will then show "---".
Press AUTO to cancel the erase.
8. IGNITION : OFF to end the test program.
FAULT CODES - 202 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
026 CAN Bus Communication
226 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4)
227 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B14)
228 Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
230 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
231 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B11/4)
232 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12)
233 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
241 Refrigerant Level
416 Coolant Circulation Pump (A31m1)
417 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21y1)
418 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21y2)
419 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch (A9k1)
420 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase
421 Pulse Module (N65)
422 Serial Interface Connection (K1) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
451 Diverter Flap (Y11/3)
452 Blend Air Flap (Y11/3)
453 Fresh/Recirculated Air Flap (Y11/3) Long Stroke
454 Fresh/Recirculated Air Flap (Y11/3) Short Stroke
455 Defroster Outlet Flap (Y11/3) Long Stroke
456 Defroster Outlet Flap (Y11/3) Short Stroke
457 Footwell Flap (Y11/3) Long Stroke
458 Footwell Flap (Y11/3) Short Stroke
459 Serial Interface Connection (K2) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
FAULT CODES - 202 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
462 Wide Open Throttle (WOT) Position Signal - Diesel Engine Only
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Press the AUTO button
3. Set both temperature selectors to 72 degrees F.
4. Press the REST button for more than 5 seconds.
5. The left display will alternately show the number "1" and the in-car temperature.
6. Press the AUTO button and the next component number and its value will be displayed.
7. Press the REST button to end the test program.
Number Component
01 In-Car Temperature Sensor with Aspirator Blower (B10/4)
02 Outside Temperature Sensor (B14)
03 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
04 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
05 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
06 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (A/C) (B1/4)
07 Refrigerant Pressure in Bar
08 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
10 Blower Control Voltage
11 Emissions (Refrigerant Leak) Sensor (B31)
12 Sun (Excessive Heat) Sensor (B32)
20 Control Current for Auxiliary Fan exp. : 7 = 7 mA
21 Engine RPM. example 00..99 (x100) = 9900
22 Vehicle Speed
23 PIN 58D exp. 99.0 = 99% of Battery Voltage
24 Battery Voltage : 12.8 = 12,8 Volt
40 Software Version Encoded
41 Hardware Version
1. IGNITION : Position 1
2. Left Temperature selector wheel : HI
Right Temperature selector wheel : LO
3. Within 20 seconds press the REST and EC buttons simultaneously for more than 5 seconds.
4. The LED in the RECIRCULATE button flashes and "dI R" appears on the display
5. Press the right AUTO button until all DTC's are displayed and recorded.
6. To erase all codes must be read out. Press both AUTO buttons simultaneously for more than 2 seconds. "d"
will be displayed on the left and "FF" is displayed on the right. The erase can be canceled by pressing the
7. Reset temperature selector to normal setting.
8. IGNITION : OFF to end the test program.
FAULT CODES - 210 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
026 CAN - Communication
226 In-Car Air Temperature Sensor (B10/4)
227 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (B14)
228 Left Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
229 Right Heater Core Temperature Sensor (B10/1)
230 Evaporator Temperature Sensor (B10/6)
231 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (B10/8)
232 Refrigerant Pressure Sensor (B12)
233 Refrigerant Temperature Sensor (B12/1)
234 Sun Sensor (B32)
235 Emissions (Refrigerant Leak) Sensor (B31)
241 Refrigerant Level
416 Coolant Circulation Pump (M13)
417 Left Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21y1)
418 Right Duovalve (Water Valve) (Y21y2)
419 A/C Compressor Electromagnetic Clutch (A9k1)
420 Closed (Idle) Throttle Speed Increase
421 Pulse Module
422 Serial Interface Connection (K1) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
423 Switchover Valve Block (Y11)
424 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) : OPEN
425 Activated Charcoal Filter Actuator (A32m2) : CLOSE
432 Maximum Heat
459 Serial Interface Connection (K2) to Instrument Cluster (IC)
FAULT CODES - 210 Chassis from 9/95
DTC Readout Description
462 Wide Open Throttle (WOT) Position Signal - Diesel Engine Only
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
107 126 201 140 1988-1993
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
Scanner Data link connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 30
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 SRS Control unit
3 SRS - Driver air bag
4 Front passenger Airbag
5 Driver seat beat buckle
6 Front passenger seat belt buckle
7 Airbag resistor, Front passenger
8 Circuit 15R, Voltage supply
9 Waning lamp faulty
10 Control unit was activated
1 ANALOG CODES CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
124 129 1990-93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (124, 129.061/066)
Scanner Data Link Connector 8 or 16-pin
Yellow Socket 6
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
Connect wires of Scanner as follows (129.067/076)
Scanner Data link connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 30
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 SRS Control unit self test failure
3 Driver Airbag squib
4 Front passenger Airbag squib
5 Airbag/ETR, Driver seat beat buckle switch
6 Front passenger seat belt buckle switch (ETR)
7 Front passenger Airbag resistor
8 Voltage supply interrupted
9 SRS Warning Lamp (with flashing SRS warning lamp Impulse counter scan tool button
held too little time to read out the DTC memory or too long to erase DTC codes. Reread
10 SRS Control unit activated.
2SRS - Chassis 124 129 140 202 210 (1-2 Airbags) 1994-95)
3SRS - Chassis 129 140 202 210 (4 Airbags) 1996-98
4 LH-SFI Current Faults
Engines 104 (1992-93)
119 (1992-95)
120 (1990-95)
5 LH-SFI Stored or Permanent Faults
Engines 104 (1992-93)
119 (1992-95)
120 (1990-95)
6 HFM-SFI / PMS Current Faults
Engines 104 (1993-96)
111 (1994-96)
7 HFM-SFI / PMS Stored or Permanent Faults
Engines 104 (1993-96)
111 (1994-96)
8 DM Current Faults
Engines 104,
9 DM Stored or Permanent Faults
Engines 104
10 DM Registered Faults
Engines 104
11 ME1 Current Faults -
Engines 119 (1996-98)
120 (1996-98)
12 ME1 Stored or Permanent Faults
Engines 119 (1996-98)
120 (1996-98)
2 SRS CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129 140 124 1994-95
202 210 From beginning of manufacture -1995
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 30
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 SRS Control unit
2 SRS Driver air bag squib
3 Left front ETR squib
4 Right front ETR squib
5 Model 140R12/8Front passenger airbag squib 1
17 Low volts, Voltage supply circuit 15R
19 SRS indicator lamp. failure
20 Front passenger seat occupation signal (currently not used)
24 Driver seat belt buckle switch (Airbag/ETR)
25 Front passenger seat belt buckle switch (ETR)
73 Squib short circuit
3 SRS CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Models Model Years
129 (R) 140 (S) 202 (C) 210 (E) 1996-98
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 30
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 SRS-Control unit
2 SRS indicator lamp. failure
3 low volts, Voltage supply circuit 15R
4 Driver side air bag squib circuit
5 Driver side seat belt squib circuit
6 Front passenger side seat belt squib circuit
7 Front passenger side air bag squib circuit
8 Driver side front door air bag squib circuit
9 Front passenger side door air bag squib circuit
16 Driver side seat belt buckle switch
17 Front passenger side seat belt buckle switch
18 Driver side door air bag detect sensor circuit
19 Driver side door air bag detect sensor failure
20 Driver side door air bag detect sensor failure
21 Passenger side door air bag detect sensor circuit
22 Passenger side door air bag detect sensor failure
23 Passenger side door air bag detect sensor failure
24 Driver side seat occupation signal
25 Front passenger side seat occupation signal
26 Coded version not correct with control unit
32 Driver side door air bag detect sensor signal
33 Passenger side door air bag detect sensor signal
4 - 5 LH-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Engines Model Years
104 119 120 1991-193
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 8
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
(These fault codes numbers are only for the CS1000 Code Scanner. They are different from those found in the
Mercedes Benz original Diagnostic Manual fault code tables.)
4 LH-SFI “Current” Fault Codes (These codes do not turn on the MIL.)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
001 Injector, cylinder 1 circuit short to positive
002 Injector, cylinder 5 circuit short to positive
003 Injector, cylinder 4 circuit short to positive
004 Injector, cylinder 8 circuit short to positive
005 Injector, cylinder 6 circuit short to positive
006 Injector, cylinder 3 circuit short to positive
007 Injector, cylinder 7 circuit short to positive
008 Injector, cylinder 2 circuit short to positive
009 Injector, cylinder 1 open circuit or short to ground
010 Injector, cylinder 5 open circuit or short to ground
011 Injector, cylinder 4 open circuit or short to ground
012 Injector, cylinder 8 open circuit or short to ground
013 Injector, cylinder 6 open circuit or short to ground
014 Injector, cylinder 3 open circuit or short to ground
015 Injector, cylinder 7 open circuit or short to ground
4 - 5 LH-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
016 Injector, cylinder 2 open circuit or short to ground
017 HFM sensor Voltage too high or too low, may open circuit
018 Engine coolant temperature sensor short or open circuit
019 Engine coolant temperature sensor short or open circuit
020 Engine coolant temperature sensor signal questionable
021 Intake air temperature sensor short or open circuit
022 Exhaust temperature sensor short or open circuit (Japan version only)
023 CO potentiometer open circuit (non KAT)
024 LH-SFI control unit coding plug open circuit (not USA version)
025 Starter signal missing (circuit 50), may short or open circuit
026 Idle speed recognition from Cruise control/Electronic accelerator (CC/EA), circuit short
to ground
027 Not used
028 O2S 1 signal, short or open circuit
029 Not used
030 Not used
031 O2S 2 signal, short or open circuit
032 Not used
033 CAN communication problem, No communication from LH control unit
034 CAN communication problem, No communication from ASR control unit
035 CAN communication problem, No communication from LH control unit
036 CAN communication problem, No communication from LH control unit
037 CAN communication problem, No communication from EZL/AKR ignition control unit
038 CAN communication problem, No communication from EZL/AKR ignition control unit
038 CAN communication problem, No communication from Cruise control/Electronic
040 Not used
041 Air injection system short or open circuit
042 Fuel purge switchover valve open or short circuit
043 Transmission switchover valve, circuit open or short
044 EGR switchover valve, circuit open or short
045 Camshaft timing adjust solenoid, circuit open or short
046 Camshaft timing Adjust solenoid, circuit open or short
047 First gear start relay, circuit open or short
048 Not used
4 - 5 LH-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
049 Air injection system circuit short or open
050 Fuel purge switchover valve circuit short or open
051 Transmission switchover valve relay or solenoid, circuit short or open
052 EGR switchover valve circuit short or open
053 camshaft timing Adjust solenoid circuit short or open
054 camshaft timing Adjust solenoid circuit short or open
055 First gear start relay circuit short or open
056 Not used
6 - 7 HFM-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
5 LH-SFI “Stored” Fault codes (These codes turn on the MIL.)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
001 Not used
002 HFM sensor Voltage too high or too low, may open circuit
003 Engine coolant temperature sensor short or open circuit
004 Engine coolant temperature sensor short or open circuit
005 Intake air temperature sensor short or open circuit
006 Japan only Exhaust temperature sensor, circuit short or open
007 CO potentiometer open circuit (non KAT)
008 LH-SFI control unit coding plug open circuit (not USA version)
009 Starter signal circuit 50 missing, circuit short or open
010 Starter signal missing (circuit 50), may short or open circuit
011 O2S 1 signal, short or open circuit
012 CAN communication problem, No communication from LH control unit
013 CAN communication problem, No communication from Cruise control/Electronic
014 Camshaft position sensor circuit short or open
015 Air injection system circuit short or open
016 Air mass sensor, hot-wire burn-off control circuit short or open
017 EGR switchover valve, circuit open or short
018 CAN communication problem. No communication from EZL/AKR ignition control unit
019 CAN communication problem. No communication from LH control unit
020 Fuel purge switchover valve circuit short or open
021 camshaft timing Adjust solenoid circuit short or open
022 camshaft timing Adjust solenoid circuit short or open
023 Transmission switchover valve circuit short or open
024 Fuel injectors circuit short or open
025 First gear start relay circuit short or open
6 - 7 HFM-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Engines Model Years
111 (4 cylinder, 2.2/2.3L engine) 1994-97
104 (6 cylinder, 2.8/3.2L engine) 1994-97
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 8
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
(Code Scanner will display the fault code numbers listed under OB15, Mercedes factory numbers are listed
under MB.)
HFM-SFI 6 for Current and 7 Stored Fault codes
OB15 MB Description
000 No fault found
001 (002) Engine coolant temperature sensor, short circuit
002 (003) Engine coolant temperature sensor, open circuit
003 (004) Engine coolant temperature sensor signal incorrect
004 (006) Intake air temperature sensor, short circuit
005 (007) Intake air temperature sensor, open circuit
006 (009) Hot film air mass sensor signal too high
007 (010) Hot film air mass sensor, open circuit
008 (011) Engine idle speed contact Throttle valve position too large
009 Not used
010 (012) Engine idle speed contact air mass too large
011 (113) HFM-SFI control unit not coded
012 (014) Throttle valve potentiometer actual value too high
013 (015) Throttle valve potentiometer actual value too low
014 (017) Throttle valve potentiometer drive value implausibly high
015 (018) Throttle valve potentiometer drive value implausibly low
016 (020) ISC (Idle speed control) at lower control stop area, malfunction
6 - 7 HFM-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
017 (021) ISC (Idle speed control) at upper control stop area, malfunction
018 (022) CC,EFP actuator signals in limp home mode (emergency mode)
019 (023) O2 sensor (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), voltage too large
020 (024) O2 sensor (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), open circuit
021 (025) O2 sensor (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), signal incorrect
022 (026) O2 sensor (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), voltage too large
023 (027) O2 sensor (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), open circuit
024 (028) O2 sensor (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), signal incorrect
025 (029) O2 sensor heater (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), heater current (amp) too small
026 (030) O2 sensor heater (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), heater current (amp) too large
027 (031) O2 sensor heater (before/upstream of Cat. Conv.), heater current, short circuit
028 (032) O2 sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), heating current (amp) too small
029 (033) O2 sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), heating current (amp) too large
030 (034) O2 sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), heating current, short circuit
031 (035) Fuel adaptation (lambda) control, mixture too lean (rich stop)
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator)
032 (036) Fuel adaptation (lambda) control, mixture too rich (lean stop)
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator)
033 (037) Injection valve cylinder 1, short to positive
034 (038) Injection valve cylinder 1, open circuit or short to ground
035 (039) Injection valve cylinder 2, short to positive
036 (040) Injection valve cylinder 2, open circuit or short to ground
037 (041) Injection valve cylinder 3, short to positive
038 (042) Injection valve cylinder 3, open circuit or short to ground
039 (043) Injection valve cylinder 4, short to positive
040 (044) Injection valve cylinder 4, open circuit or short to ground
041 (045) Injection valve cylinder 5, short to positive
042 (046) Injection valve cylinder 5, open circuit or short to ground
043 (047) Injection valve cylinder 6, short to positive
044 (048) Injection valve cylinder 6, open circuit or short to ground
045 (049) Self-adjustment too rich at Idle
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
046 (050) Self-adjustment too lean at Idle
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
047 (051) Self-adjustment too rich at Lower part load
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
6 - 7 HFM-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
048 (052) Self-adjustment too lean at Lower part load
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
049 (053) Self-adjustment too rich at Upper part load
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
050 (054) Self-adjustment too lean at Upper part load
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
051 (061) Ignition system output stage 3, Cylinder 1 misfires
052 (062) Ignition system output stage 3, Cylinder 6 misfires
053 (063) Ignition system output stage 3, Current value not reached
054 (055) Ignition system output stage 1, Cylinder 2 misfires
055 (056) Ignition system output stage 1, Cylinder 5 misfires
056 (057) Ignition system output stage 1, Current value not reached
057 (058) Ignition system output stage 2, Cylinder 3 misfires
058 (059) Ignition system output stage 2, Cylinder 4 misfires
059 (060) Ignition system output stage 2, Current value not reached
060 (064) Crankshaft signal incorrect
061 (065) Crankshaft signal Magnet missing or Number of teeth incorrect
062 (066) Crankshaft signal Speed incorrect, too high
063 (067) Camshaft signal incorrect/not recognized
064 (068) HFM circuit/trimming plug short to ground
065 (069) HFM circuit/trimming plug open circuit or short to positive
066 (070) TN speed signal (rpm) Output short to ground
067 (071) TN speed signal (rpm) Output short to positive
068 (072) Vehicle speed signal not recognized, short circuit
069 (073) Vehicle speed signal implausibly high, short circuit
070 (074) PSV relay K3/1 circuit short to positive
071 Not used
072 (076) Fuel pump relay open circuit or short circuit
073 Not used
074 (077) CO potentiometer Input short to positive
075 (079) Knock sensor 1 signal open circuit
076 (080) Knock sensor 2 signal open circuit
077 (081) Ignition timing max retardation reached at least one cylinder
078 (082) Ignition angle deviation between the individual cylinders too high
079 (083) Knock control analysis, HFM control unit defective
080 (084) Short-term self-adjustment Idle/Part-load fault
081 (085) Air pump relay-module/switch-valve output, open circuit or short circuit
6 - 7 HFM-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
082 Not used
083 Not used
084 (086) Fuel purge switch-valve, open circuit/short circuit
085 (087) Fuel purge switch-valve, short to positive
086 (088) Transmission shifting delay/smooth switch-valve, open circuit or short circuit
087 Not used
088 Not used
089 (089) Camshaft timing adjust actuator circuit short to positive
090 (090) Camshaft timing adjust actuator open circuit or short to ground
091 (091) EGR switch-valve short to positive
092 (092) EGR switch-valve open circuit or short to ground
093 (093) Transmission overload protection switch short to ground
094 (094) Transmission overload protection switch, circuit short or open
095 (095) Transmission overload protection switch, circuit short or open
096 (096) Transmission overload protection switch signal implausible
097 (097) CAN problem Transmission communication from HFM control system faulty
098 (098) CAN problem No data reception from ASR
099 (116) CAN problem No data reception from IRCL. ( if equip with IRCL) Voltage supply at
Circuit 87M, low voltage or implausible (Starting 06/93)
100 Not used
101 (099) CAN problem No data reception from EFP,TPM
102 (100) CAN problem No data reception from Diagnosis Module
103 Not used
104 (117) Attempt to start with IRCL locked
105 (101) No starter signal (Terminal 50), open or short circuit
106 (102) Thermocouple CAT B16/6 Temperature too high
107 (103) Thermocouple CAT B16/6 Temperature too low
108 (104) Fuel safety cut-off settled
109 Not used
110 (105) Resonance intake manifold switchover valve, short to positive
111 (106) Resonance intake manifold switchover valve, open circuit/short to ground
112 (107) Ignition dwell angle control output stage, short to ground
113 (114) HFM control unit identification illogical
114 (108) Oxygen sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), short to positive
115 (109) Oxygen sensor heater (after/downstream of Cat. Conv.), open circuit or short to
6 - 7 HFM-SFI CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
116 (115) HFM-SFI control unit N3/4 coding bytes illogical
117 Not used
118 (110) Voltage supply to HFM-SFI control unit, incorrect
119 (111) Voltage supply at HFM-SFI control unit, voltage too low
120 (112) HFM control unit faulty
121 (005) Coolant temperature sensor, Loose contact
122 (008) Intake air temperature sensor, Loose contact
123 (013) Idle speed contact, Loose contact
124 (016) Potentiometer throttle valve, Loose contact
125 (019) Potentiometer throttle valve drive, Loose contact
126 (078) CO potentiometer R33 Loose contact
127 Not used
128 Not used
6 - 7 PMS CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Engines Model Years
111 (4 cylinders, 1.8/2.0L engine) 1994-97
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 8
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
(Code Scanner will display the fault code numbers listed under OB15, Mercedes factory numbers are listed
under MB.)
PMS 6 for “Current” and 7 “Stored” Fault Codes
OB15 MB Description
001 (002) Coolant temperature sensor, short circuit
002 (003) Coolant temperature sensor, open circuit
003 (004) Coolant temperature sensor, incorrect
004 (006) Intake air temperature sensor, short circuit
005 (007) Intake air temperature sensor, open circuit
006 (009) PMS Control unit, Intake manifold pressure implausible
007 (010) PMS Control unit, No Intake manifold pressure
008 (011) Idle speed contact closed signal incorrect
009 (068) Idle speed contact open circuit
010 Not used
011 Not used
012 (013) Potentiometer throttle valve, value too high
013 (014) Potentiometer throttle valve, value too low
014 (016) Potentiometer throttle valve drive value too high/incorrect
015 (017) Potentiometer throttle valve drive value too low/incorrect
016 (019) Idle speed control at lower control stop area, malfunction
017 (020) Idle speed control at upper control stop area, malfunction
018 (021) Idle speed control in limp home-mode (emergency operation)
6 - 7 PMS CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
019 (022) O2 sensor voltage too large
020 (023) O2 sensor, open circuit
021 (024) O2 sensor signal illogical
022 (069) Exhaust flap short to positive
023 (070) Exhaust flap open circuit or short to ground
024 Not used
025 (025) O2 sensor heater current (amps) too small
026 (026) O2 sensor heater current (amps) too large
027 (027) O2 sensor heater, short circuit
028 Not used
029 Not used
030 Not used
031 (028) Fuel adaptation (lambda) control mixture too lean (Intake air leak, fuel
injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator)
032 (029) Fuel adaptation (lambda) control mixture too rich (Intake air leak, fuel
injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator)
033 (030) Injection valve cylinder 1/4 short to positive
034 (031) Injection valve cylinder 1/4 open circuit or short to ground
035 (032) Injection valve cylinder 2/3 short to positive
036 (033) Injection valve cylinder 2/3 open circuit or short to ground
037 (064) Input signal from IFZ, open circuit or short to positive
038 (065) Input signal from IFZ, short to ground
039 (066) IFZ system unresponsive
040 (067) Input signal from IFZ incorrect
041 Not used
042 Not used
043 Not used
044 Not used
045 (034) Self-adjustment too rich at Idle
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
046 (035) Self-adjustment too lean at Idle
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
047 (036) Self-adjustment too rich at Part load (Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm
pressure regulator, wear engine)
048 (037) Self-adjustment too lean at Part load
(Intake air leak, fuel injectors, diaphragm pressure regulator, wear engine)
049 Not used
6 - 7 PMS CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
050 Not used
051 (038) Ignition system output stage 1, short to positive
052 (039) Ignition system output stage 1, Cylinder 1/4 misfires
053 (040) Ignition system output stage 1, Amperage not achieved
054 (041) Ignition system output stage 2, short to positive
055 (042) Ignition system output stage 2, Cylinder 2/3 misfires
056 (043) Ignition system output stage 2, Amperage not achieved
057 Not used
058 Not used
059 Not used
060 (044) Crankshaft signal incorrect
061 (045) Crankshaft signal Magnet missing or Numbers of teeth incorrect
062 (046) Crankshaft signal Speed incorrect, too high
063 Not used
064 (047) PMS circuit/trimming plug short to ground
065 (048) PMS circuit/trimming plug open circuit or short to positive
066 (049) TN speed signal (rpm) Output short to ground
067 (050) TN speed signal (rpm) Output short to positive
068 (051) Vehicle speed signal not recognized, short circuit
069 (052) Vehicle speed signal too high, short circuit
070 (053) PSV relay open circuit or short to positive
071 (054) PSV relay short to ground
072 (055) Fuel pump relay open circuit or short to positive
073 (056) Fuel pump relay short to ground
074 (057) CO potentiometer Input circuit short to positive
075 ~079 Not used
080 (061) Short-term self-adjustment faulty at idle speed or part load
081 (071) Rear axle ratio was changed
082 (072) Rear axle ratio signal incorrect
083 Not used
084 (059) Fuel purge switch-valve open circuit or short to positive
085 (060) Fuel purge switch-valve short to ground
086 (062) Transmission shifting delay/smooth switch-valve, open circuit or short circuit
087 ~092 Not used
093 (073) Transmission protection short to ground or active too long
094 Not used
6 - 7 PMS CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
095 Not used
096 (074) Transmission protection open circuit or short to positive
097 ~ 118 Not used
119 (063) PMS control unit voltage supply too low
120 Not used
121 (005) Coolant temperature sensor, Loose contact
122 (008) Intake air temperature sensor, Loose contact
123 (012) Idle speed contact, Loose contact
124 (015) Potentiometer throttle valve, Loose contact
125 (018) potentiometer throttle valve drive value, Loose contact
126 (058) CO potentiometer circuit, Loose contact
127 Not used
128 Not used
8 - 9 - 10 DM CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
Engines Model Years
104 119 120 1991-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 3
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 19
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DM 8 for “Current”, 9 “Stored” and 10 “Registered” Fault Codes
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
000 No fault found
002 Oxygen sensor. No signal (right bank in 120)
003 Fuel adaptation (lambda control), inoperative. Engine control module (right bank in 120)
004 Air injection defective, fault from Fuel control system (right bank in 120)
005 EGR exhaust gas recirculation incorrect, fault. Engine control module (right bank in 120)
006 Idle speed control incorrect, fault from EA/CC/ISC
007 Ignition system defective, fault from Fuel/Ignition control system (right bank in 120)
008 Coolant temperature sensor signal. Open or short circuit (right bank in 120)
009 Intake air temperature sensor signal. Open or short circuit (right bank in 120)
010 Air mass sensor voltage signal too high /low. (right bank in 120)
011 Engine speed signal TN (RPM) or Engine control module (right bank in 120) defective
012 Oxygen sensor heater circuit. Open or short circuit (right bank in 120)
8 - 9 - 10 DM CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
013 Camshaft position sensor (CMP) signal, fault from Fuel/Ignition control system (right bank
in 120)
014 Intake manifold pressure value at start too high/low, fault from Fuel/Ignition control system
(right bank in 120)
015 Wide open throttle (WOT) signal incorrect/implausible.
016 Closed throttle position (CTP) sensor signal incorrect/implausible.
017 CAN communication faulty in between control units (right bank in 120).
018 Camshaft timing adjust solenoid, open or short circuit (right bank in 120)
019 Fuel injector circuit, open or short circuit or self adaptation at limit. (right bank in 120)
020 Speed signal missing
021 Fuel purge control valve, open or short circuit (right bank in 120)
022 Camshaft position sensor (CMP) signal defective (right bank in 120)
023 Intake manifold pressure sensor signal incorrect, too high/low. (right bank in 120)
024 Crankshaft position sensor (CKP) signal incorrect or starter ring gear segment damaged.
025 Knock sensors circuit or Ignition control module defective (right bank in 120)
026 Transmission upshift delay switch over valve, open or short circuit.
027 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensors circuit 1 and 2 have difference values. (right
bank in 120)
028 Engine coolant sensor/Operating temperature error. (right bank in 120)
034 Oxygen sensor. No signal (left bank in 120)
035 Fuel adaptation (lambda control), inoperative. Engine control module (left bank in 120)
036 Air injection defective, fault from Fuel control system (left bank in 120)
037 EGR exhaust gas recirculation incorrect, fault. Engine control module (left bank in 120)
038 Not used
039 Ignition system defective, fault from Fuel/Ignition control system (left bank in 120)
040 Coolant temperature sensor signal. Open or short circuit (left bank in 120)
041 Intake air temperature sensor signal. Open or short circuit (left bank in 120)
042 Air mass sensor voltage signal too high /low. (left bank in 120)
043 Engine speed signal TN (RPM) or Engine control module (left bank in 120) defective
044 Oxygen sensor heater circuit. Open or short circuit (left bank in 120)
8 - 9 - 10 DM CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
045 Camshaft position sensor (CMP) signal, fault from Fuel/Ignition control system (left bank in
046 Intake manifold pressure value at start too high/low, fault from Fuel/Ignition control system
(left bank in 120)
047 Not used.
048 Not used.
049 CAN communication faulty in between control units (left bank in 120).
050 Camshaft timing adjust solenoid, open or short circuit (left bank in 120)
051 Fuel injector circuit, open or short circuit or self adaptation at limit. (left bank in 120)
052 Not used.
053 Fuel purge control valve, open or short circuit (left bank in 120)
054 Camshaft position sensor (CMP) signal defective (left bank in 120)
055 Intake manifold pressure sensor signal incorrect, too high/low. (left bank in 120)
056 Crankshaft position sensor (CKP) signal incorrect or starter ring gear segment damaged.
057 Knock sensors circuit or Ignition control module defective (left bank in 120)
058 Not used.
059 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensors circuit 1 and 2 have difference values. (left
bank in 120)
060 Engine coolant sensor/Operating temperature error. (left bank in 120)
063 Annomalous Code (Battery Jump most likely Caused)
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
*ME Injection includes both EA/CC/ISC and DM codes.
Engines Model Years
104 (6 cylinders, 2.8/3.2L engine) 8/96-
111 (4 cylinder 8/96-
112 (V6 engine, 2.4/2.8/3.2L) 8/97-
119 (V8 engine 4.2/5.0L) 8/95-1998
120 (12 cylinder engine) 8/95-1998
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 4
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
There are five digital numbers in one fault code. Code Scanner will automatically to display the one digital
number first then display the four digital numbers later. For example, the fault code "00100" will display C 0
then 0 1 0 0.
ME-SFI 11 “Current” and 12 “Stored” Fault Codes
OB15 MB Description
00100 P0100 Hot-film mass air flow sensor signal incorrect
00101 P0101 Mass or Volume Air flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem
00102 P0102 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit low Input
00103 P0103 Mass or Volume Air flow Circuit High Input
00104 P0104 Mass or Volume Air flow Circuit Intermittent
00105 P0105 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Pressure Circuit Malfunction
00106 P0106 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance
00107 P0107 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input
00108 P0108 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit High Input
00109 P0109 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Intermittent
00110 P0110 Intake air temp. sensor signal in the Hot film mass air flow sensor
00111 P0111 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem
00112 P0112 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Low Input
00113 P0113 Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input
00114 P0114 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Intermittent
00115 P0115 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Malfunction
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00116 P0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem
00117 P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input
00118 P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input
00119 P0119 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Intermittent
00120 P0120 Throttle Potentiometer Actuator Actual value, EA/CC/ISC Actuator
00121 P0121 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Range/Performance Problem
00122 P0122 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit low Input
00123 P0123 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit High Input
00124 P0124 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Intermittent
00125 P0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Closed Loop Fuel Control
00126 P0126 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Stable Operation
00130 P0130 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
00131 P0131 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
00132 P0132 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
00133 P0133 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
00134 P0134 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
00135 P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
00136 P0136 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
00137 P0137 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
00138 P0138 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
00139 P0139 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
00140 P0140 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
00141 P0141 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
00142 P0142 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3)
00143 P0143 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 3)
00144 P0144 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 3)
00145 P0145 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 3)
00146 P0146 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 3)
00147 P0147 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3)
00150 P0150 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
00151 P0151 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
00152 P0152 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
00153 P0153 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
00154 P0154 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
00155 P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
00156 P0156 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
00157 P0157 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00158 P0158 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
00159 P0159 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
00160 P0160 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
00161 P0161 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
00162 P0162 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3)
00163 P0163 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 3)
00164 P0164 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 3)
00165 P0165 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 3)
00166 P0166 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 3)
00167 P0167 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3)
00170 P0170 Fuel Trim Malfunction (Bank 1)
00171 P0171 System Too Lean (Bank 1)
00172 P0172 System Too Rich (Bank 1)
00173 P0173 Fuel Trim Malfunction (Bank 2)
00174 P0174 System Too Lean (Bank 2)
00175 P0175 System Too Rich (Bank 2)
00176 P0176 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00177 P0177 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00178 P0178 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Low Input
00179 P0179 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit High Input
00180 P0180 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Malfunction
00181 P0181 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Performance
00182 P0182 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit low Input
00183 P0183 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit High Input
00184 P0184 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Intermittent
00185 P0185 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Malfunction
00186 P0186 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance
00187 P0187 Fuel Temperature Sensor U Circuit Low Input
00188 P0188 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit High Input
00189 P0189 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Intermittent
00190 P0190 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00191 P0191 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00192 P0192 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
00193 P0193 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
00194 P0194 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00195 P0195 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Malfunction
00196 P0196 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Range/Performance
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00197 P0197 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Low
00198 P0198 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor High
00199 P0199 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Intermittent
00200 P0200 Injector Circuit Malfunction
00201 P0201 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 1
00202 P0202 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 2
00203 P0203 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 3
00204 P0204 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 4
00205 P0205 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 5
00206 P0206 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 6
00207 P0207 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 7
00208 P0208 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 8
00209 P0209 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 9
00210 P0210 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 10
00211 P0211 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 11
00212 P0212 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 12
00213 P0213 Cold Start Injector 1 Malfunction
00214 P0214 Cold Start Injector 2 Malfunction
00215 P0215 Engine Shutoff Solenoid Malfunction
00216 P0216 Injection Timing Control Circuit Malfunction
00217 P0217 Engine Overtemp Condition
00218 P0218 Transmission Over Temperature Condition
00219 P0219 Engine Over Speed Condition
00220 P0220 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Malfunction
00221 P0221 Throttle/pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Range/Performance Problem
00222 P0222 Throttle/pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Low Input
00223 P0223 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit High Input
00224 P0224 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Intermittent
00225 P0225 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Malfunction
00226 P0226 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Range/Performance Problem
00227 P0227 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Low Input
00228 P0228 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit High Input
00229 P0229 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Intermittent
00230 P0230 Fuel Pump Primary Circuit Malfunction
00231 P0231 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Low
00232 P0232 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit High
00233 P0233 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Intermittent
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00234 P0234 Engine Overboost Condition
00235 P0235 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit Malfunction
00236 P0236 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance
00237 P0237 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit Low
00238 P0238 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit High
00239 P0239 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit Malfunction
00240 P0240 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance
00241 P0241 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit Low
00242 P0242 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit High
00243 P0243 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A Malfunction
00244 P0244 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A Range/Performance
00245 P0245 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A low
00246 P0246 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A High
00247 P0247 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Malfunction
00248 P0248 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Range/Performance
00249 P0249 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Low
00250 P0250 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B High
00251 P0251 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Malfunction (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00252 P0252 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Range/Performance
00253 P0253 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Low (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00254 P0254 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" High (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00255 P0255 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Intermittent (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00256 P0256 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Malfunction (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00257 P0257 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Range/Performance
00258 P0258 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Low (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00259 P0259 Injection lump Fuel Metering Control "B" High (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00260 P0260 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Intermittent (Cam/Rotor/Injector)
00261 P0261 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit Low
00262 P0262 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit High
00263 P0263 Cylinder 1 Contribution/Balance Fault
00264 P0264 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit Low
00265 P0265 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit High
00266 P0266 Cylinder 2 Contribution/Balance Fault
00267 P0267 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Low
00268 P0268 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit High
00269 P0269 Cylinder 3 Contribution/Balance Fault
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00270 P0270 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit Low
00271 P0271 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit High
00272 P0272 Cylinder 4 Contribution/Balance Fault
00273 P0273 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit Low
00274 P0274 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit High
00275 P0275 Cylinder 5 Contribution/Balance Fault
00276 P0276 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit Low
00277 P0277 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit High
00278 P0278 Cylinder 6 Contribution/Balance Fault
00279 P0279 Cylinder 7 Injector Circuit Low
00280 P0280 Cylinder 7 Injector Circuit High
00281 P0281 Cylinder 7 Contribution/Balance Fault
00282 P0282 Cylinder 8 Injector Circuit Low
00283 P0283 Cylinder 8 Injector Circuit High
00284 P0284 Cylinder 8 Contribution/Balance Fault
00285 P0285 Cylinder 9 Injector Circuit Low
00286 P0286 Cylinder 9 Injector Circuit High
00287 P0287 Cylinder 9 Contribution/Balance Fault
00288 P0288 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit Low
00289 P0289 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit High
00290 P0290 Cylinder 10 Contribution/balance Fault
00291 P0291 Cylinder 11 Injector Circuit Low
00292 P0292 Cylinder 11 Injector Circuit High
00293 P0293 Cylinder 11 Contribution/balance Fault
00294 P0294 Cylinder 12 Injector Circuit Low
00295 P0295 Cylinder 12 Injector Circuit High
00296 P0296 Cylinder 12 Contribution/Balance Fault
00300 P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
00301 P0301 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected
00302 P0302 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
00303 P0303 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
00304 P0304 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected
00305 P0305 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected
00306 P0306 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected
00307 P0307 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected
00308 P0308 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected
00309 P0309 Cylinder 9 Misfire Detected
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00310 P0310 Cylinder 10 Misfire Detected
00311 P0311 Cylinder 11 Misfire Detected
00312 P0312 Cylinder 12 Misfire Detected
00320 P0320 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction
00321 P0321 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance
00322 P0322 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal
00323 P0323 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent
00325 P0325 Knock Sensor 1 (Front) Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 or Single Sensor)
00326 P0326 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 or Single Sensor)
00327 P0327 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit low Input (Bank 1 or Single Sensor)
00328 P0328 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit High Input (Bank 1 or Single Sensor)
00329 P0329 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Input Intermittent (Bank 1 or Single Sensor)
00330 P0330 Knock Sensor 2 (Rear) Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2)
00331 P0331 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 2)
00332 P0332 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Low Input (Bank 2)
00333 P0333 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit High Input (Bank 2)
00334 P0334 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Input Intermittent (Bank 2)
00335 P0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Malfunction
00336 P0336 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance
00337 P0337 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Low Input
00338 P0338 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit High Input
00339 P0339 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Intermittent
00340 P0340 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00341 P0341 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00342 P0342 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Low Input
00343 P0343 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit High Input
00344 P0344 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00350 P0350 Ignition Coil Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00351 P0351 Ignition Coil A Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00352 P0352 Ignition Coil B Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00353 P0353 Ignition Coil C Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00354 P0354 Ignition Coil D Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00355 P0355 Ignition Coil B Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00356 P0356 Ignition Coil F Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00357 P0357 Ignition Coil G Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00358 P0358 Ignition Coil H Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00359 P0359 Ignition Coil I Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00360 P0360 Ignition Coil I Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00361 P0361 Ignition Coil K Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00362 P0362 Ignition Coil L Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction
00370 P0370 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft Angle) A
00371 P0371 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft Angle) A
Too Many Pulses
00372 P0372 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft Angle) A
Too Few Pulses
00373 P0373 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft Angle) A
Intermittent/Erratic Pulses
00374 P0374 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft angle) A
No Pulses
00375 P0375 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft angle) B
00376 P0376 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft angle) B
Too Many Pulses
00377 P0377 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft angle) B
Too Few Pulses
00378 P0378 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft angle) B
Intermittent/Erratic Pulses
00379 P0379 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal (Camshaft to Crankshaft angle) B
No Pulses
00380 P0380 Glow Plug/Heater Circuit "A" Malfunction
00381 P0381 Glow Plug/Heater Indicator Circuit Malfunction
00382 P0382 Glow Plug/Heater Circuit "B" Malfunction
00385 P0385 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Malfunction
00386 P0386 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance
00387 P0387 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Low Input
00388 P0388 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit High Input
00389 P0389 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Intermittent
00400 P0400 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction
00401 P0401 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Insufficient Detected
00402 P0402 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Excessive Detected
00403 P0403 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuit Malfunction
00404 P0404 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuit Range/Performance
00405 P0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A Circuit Low
00406 P0406 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A Circuit High
00407 P0407 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor B Circuit Low
00408 P0408 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor B Circuit High
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00410 P0410 Secondary Air Injection System Malfunction
00411 P0411 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Detected
00412 P0412 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve A Circuit Malfunction
00413 P0413 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve A Circuit Open
00414 P0414 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve A Circuit Shorted
00415 P0415 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve B Circuit Malfunction
00416 P0416 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve B Circuit Open
00417 P0417 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve B Circuit Shorted
00418 P0418 Secondary Air Injection System Relay "A" circuit Malfunction
00419 P0419 Secondary Air Injection System Relay "B”” Circuit Malfunction
00420 P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
00421 P0421 Warm Up Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
00422 P0422 Main Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
00423 P0423 Heated Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank l)
00424 P0424 Heated Catalyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 1)
00430 P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
00431 P0431 Warm Up Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
00432 P0432 Main Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
00433 P0433 Heated Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
00434 P0434 Heated Catalyst Tern--re Below Threshold (Bank 2)
00440 P0440 Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction
00441 P0441 Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge flow
00442 P0442 Evaporative Emission Control System leak Detected (small leak)
00443 P0443 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit
00444 P0444 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Open
00445 P0445 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Shorted
00446 P0446 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Malfunction
00447 P0447 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Open
00448 P0448 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Shorted
00449 P0449 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Valve/Solenoid Circuit
00450 P0450 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction
00451 P0451 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance
00452 P0452 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Low Input
00453 P0453 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor High Input
00454 P0454 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Intermittent
00455 P0455 Evaporative Emission Control System Tank Leak Detected (large leak) Gas
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
Cap Off
00460 P0460 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00461 P0461 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00462 P0462 Fuel level Sensor Circuit Low Input
00463 P0463 Fuel level Sensor Circuit High Input
00464 P0464 Fuel level Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00465 P0465 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00466 P0466 Purge flow Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00467 P0467 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit Low Input
00468 P0468 Purge flow Sensor Circuit High Input
00469 P0469 Purge flow Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00470 P0470 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Malfunction
00471 P0471 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Range/Performance
00472 P0472 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Low
00473 P0473 Exhaust Pressure Sensor High
00474 P0474 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Intermittent
00475 P0475 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Malfunction
00476 P0476 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Range/Performance
00477 P0477 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Low
00478 P0478 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve High
00479 P0479 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Intermittent
00480 P0480 Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit Malfunction
00481 P0481 Cooling Fan 2 Control Circuit Malfunction
00482 P0482 Cooling Fan 3 Control Circuit Malfunction
00483 P0483 Cooling Fan Rationality Check Malfunction
00484 P0484 Cooling Fan Circuit Over Current
00485 P0485 Cooling Fan Power/Ground Circuit Malfunction
00500 P0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction
00501 P0501 Vehicle Speed Sensor Range/Performance
00502 P0502 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Low Input
00503 P0503 Vehicle Speed Sensor Intermittent/Erratic/High
00505 P0505 Idle Control System Malfunction
00506 P0506 Idle Control System RPM Lower Than Expected
00507 P0507 Idle Control System RPM Higher Than Expected
00510 P0510 Closed Throttle Position Switch Malfunction
00520 P0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Malfunction
00521 P0521 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Range/Performance
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00522 P0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Low Voltage
00523 P0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch High Voltage
00530 P0530 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00531 P0531 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00532 P0532 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
00533 P0533 A/C Refrigerant pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
00534 P0534 Air Conditioner Refrigerant Charge Loss
00550 P0550 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00551 P0551 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00552 P0552 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
00553 P0553 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
00554 P0554 Power Steering Pressure sensor Circuit Intermittent
00560 P0560 System Voltage Malfunction
00561 P0561 System Voltage Unstable
00562 P0562 System Voltage Low
00563 P0563 System Voltage High
00565 P0565 Cruise Control On Signal Malfunction
00566 P0566 Cruise Control Off Signal Malfunction
00567 P0567 Cruise Control Resume Signal Malfunction
00568 P0568 Cruise Control Set Signal Malfunction
00569 P0569 Cruise Control Coast Signal Malfunction
00570 P0570 Cruise Control Accelerator Signal Malfunction
00571 P0571 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Malfunction
00572 P0572 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Low
00573 P0573 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit High
00574 P0574 through 10580 Reserved for Cruise Codes
00600 P0600 CAN Serial Communication Link Malfunction to ESP
00601 P0601 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error
00602 P0602 Internal Control Module Programming Error
00603 P0603 Internal Control Module Keep Alive Memory (KAM) Error
00604 P0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error
00605 P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error (Module
Identification Defined by SAE J1979)
00606 P0606 PCM Processor Fault
00608 P0608 Control Module VSS Output "A" Malfunction
00609 P0609 Control Module VSS Output "B" Malfunction
00620 P0620 Generator Control Circuit Malfunction
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00621 P0621 Generator Lamp "L" Control Circuit Malfunction
00622 P0622 Generator Field "F" Control Circuit Malfunction
00650 P0650 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit Malfunction
00654 P0654 Engine RPM Output Circuit Malfunction
00655 P0655 Engine Hot Lamp Output Control Circuit Malfunction
00656 P0656 Fuel Level Output Circuit Malfunction
00700 P0700 Transmission Control System Malfunction
00701 P0701 Transmission Control System Range/Performance
00702 P0702 Transmission Control System Electrical
00703 P0703 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Malfunction
00704 P0704 Clutch Switch Input Circuit Malfunction
00705 P0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Malfunction (PRNDL Input)
00706 P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00707 P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low Input
00708 P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input
00709 P0709 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00710 P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00711 P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00712 P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input
00713 P0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input
00714 P0714 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00715 P0715 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00716 P0716 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00717 P0717 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal
00718 P0718 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00719 P0719 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Low
00720 P0720 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction
00721 P0721 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
00722 P0722 Output Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal
00723 P0723 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Intermittent
00724 P0724 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit High
00725 P0725 Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction
00726 P0726 Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance
00727 P0727 Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal
00728 P0728 Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent
00730 P0730 Incorrect Gear Ratio
00731 P0731 Gear 1 Incorrect Ratio
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00732 P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio
00733 P0733 Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio
00734 P0734 Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio
00735 P0735 Gear 5 Incorrect Ratio
00736 P0736 Reverse Incorrect Ratio
00740 P0740 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Malfunction
00741 P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off
00742 P0742 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Stuck On
00743 P0743 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Electrical
00744 P0744 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Intermittent
00745 P0745 Pressure Control Solenoid Malfunction
00746 P0746 Pressure Control Solenoid Performance or Stuck Off
00747 P0747 Pressure Control Solenoid Stuck On
00748 P0748 Pressure Control Solenoid Electrical
00749 P0749 Pressure Control Solenoid Intermittent
00750 P0750 Shift Solenoid A Malfunction
00751 P0751 Shift Solenoid A Performance or Stuck Off
00752 P0752 Shift Solenoid A Stuck On
00753 P0753 Shift Solenoid A Electrical
00754 P0754 Shift Solenoid A Intermittent
00755 P0755 Shift Solenoid B Malfunction
00756 P0756 Shift Solenoid B Performance or Stuck Off
00757 P0757 Shift Solenoid B Stuck On
00758 P0758 Shift Solenoid B Electrical
00759 P0759 Shift Solenoid B Intermittent
00760 P0760 Shift Solenoid C Malfunction
00761 P0761 Shift Solenoid C Performance or Stuck Off
00762 P0762 Shift Solenoid C Stuck On
00763 P0763 Shift Solenoid C Electrical
00764 P0764 Shift Solenoid C Intermittent
00765 P0765 Shift Solenoid D Malfunction
00766 P0766 Shift Solenoid D Performance or Stuck Off
00767 P0767 Shift Solenoid D Stuck On
00768 P0768 Shift Solenoid D Electrical
00769 P0769 Shift Solenoid D Intermittent
00770 P0770 Shift Solenoid E Malfunction
00771 P0771 Shift Solenoid E Performance or Stuck Off
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
00772 P0772 Shift Solenoid E Stuck On
00773 P0773 Shift Solenoid E Electrical
00774 P0774 Shift Solenoid E Intermittent
00780 P0780 Shift Malfunction
00781 P0781 1-2 Shift Malfunction
00782 P0782 2-3 Shift Malfunction
00783 P0783 3-4 Shift Malfunction
00784 P0784 4-5 Shift Malfunction
00785 P0785 Shift/Timing Solenoid Malfunction
00786 P0786 Shift/Timing Solenoid Range/Performance
00787 P0787 Shift/Timing Solenoid low
00788 P0788 Shift/Timing Solenoid High
00789 P0789 Shift/Timing Solenoid Intermittent
00790 P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction
00801 P0801 Reverse Inhibit Control Circuit Malfunction
00802 P0802 Resonance intake manifold switch valve circuit
00803 P0803 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Solenoid Control Circuit Malfunction
00804 P0804 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Lamp Control Circuit Malfunction
00805 P0805 Air-flap recirculation signal output stage incorrect
00806 P0806 A/C compressor output stage, magnetic combination
00809 P0809 Variation in angle of camshaft to crankshaft incorrect
00811 P0811 CAN problem No reception from EZS (Ignition Lock)
00816 P0816 Oil pressure sensor open circuit or short circuit, malfunction
01031 P1031 O2 sensor (G3/3 and G3/4) connections reversed
01146 P1146 Mass air flow circuit malfunction - Bank 2 (left)
01147 P1147 ECT circuit malfunction - Bank 2 (left)
01148 P1148 IAT circuit malfunction - Bank 2 (left)
01149 P1149 MAP circuit malfunction - Bank 2 (left)
01162 P1162 Throttle position sensor circuit failure - Bank 2 (left)
01163 P1163 Oil level switch.
01176 P1176 Oil pressure sensor open circuit or short circuit, malfunction.
01177 P1177 Oil sensor, temperature incorrect.
01178 P1178 Oil sensor, engine oil level incorrect.
01179 P1179 Oil sensor, engine oil quality incorrect.
01180 P1180 Oil sensor, engine oil temperature too high
01181 P1181 Engine electric-fan /Air conditioning malfunction
01182 P1182 Starting system relay in fuse and relay module box
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
01183 P1183 Right cylinders bank cut-off output stage malfunction
01184 P1184 Left cylinders bank cut-off output stage malfunction
01185 P1185 Water in engine oil, Oil sensor
01186 P1186 Fuel safety shut-off recognized.
01225 P1225 Resonance intake manifold switchover valve circuit
01235 P1235 Air-flap recirculated signal output stage faulty
01236 P1236 A/C compressor output stage, magnetic combination incorrect
01300 P1300 CKP sensor circuit failure - Bank 2 (left)
01384 P1384 Knock sensor circuit malfunction - Left front.
01385 P1385 Knock sensor circuit malfunction - Left rear.
01386 P1386 Knock sensor control from electronic control module - at limit
01397 P1397 CMP sensor circuit range/performance - Bank 2 (left)
01400 P1400 EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) output stage faulty
01420 P1420 Air-pump switchover valve circuit
01443 P1443 EVAP system malfunction - Bank 2 (left)
01453 P1453 Air-pump relay, relay module, fuse or circuit
01463 P1463 Left AIR system malfunction
01490 P1490 EVAP system purge control valve circuit malfunction - Bank 2 (left)
01491 P1491 A/C system refrigerant pressure too high
01492 P1492 Exhaust-flap faulty
01519 P1519 Right or sole adjustable camshaft timing solenoid mechanically faulty.
01522 P1522 Left adjustable camshaft timing solenoid mechanically faulty.
01525 P1525 Right or sole adjustable camshaft timing solenoid electrically faulty
01533 P1533 Left adjustable camshaft timing solenoid electrically faulty
01542 P1542 Pedal position sensor signal
01570 P1570 CAN bus signal from DAS to the ME-SFI control unit - DAS locked, signal
interrupted, mismatched ECMs.
01580 P1580 Right or sole EA/CC/ISC Actuator circuit faulty
01581 P1581 Left EA/CC/ISC Actuator circuit faulty
01584 P1584 Stop lamp switch/Brake switch signal
01587 P1587 Left engine control module voltage supply faulty.
01588 P1588 CAN bus signal from the RCL controller to the Left engine controller faulty.
01589 P1589 Knock sensor control from the left engine controller at limit.
01603 P1603 CAN bus problem. No data reception from EIS
01605 P1605 CAN fault. ABS speed sensor error vs. VSS (RPM)
01632 P1632 Left engine control module faulty.
01641 P1641 Right of left CTP signal to the engine control module faulty or CAN bus
communication by the left engine control has been interrupted.
11 - 12 ME CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-11
OB15 MB Description
01642 P1642 Engine control module incorrect coding (MT coded has AT)
01643 P1643 Engine control module incorrect coding or CAN signal from Transmission
system faulty.
01644 P1644 Transmission control module, voltage too low. Transmission control system
version cannot be checked.
01747 P1747 CAN signal from ETC. CAN signal failure from ETC or instrument cluster
Mercedes Benz Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
Operating the CS1000 - Mercedes Benz
OB15-12 Memory Cartridge - Mercedes Benz Analog & Digital Fault Codes
1. Setting Up
Identify vehicle Model and Month/Year of production
Confirm specific drivability complaint. If MIL is on, when did it come on and under what conditions?
Insert the OB15-12 memory cartridge into the base of the scanner. Make sure the arrow on the cartridge is
facing up as it is inserted. Gently push the cartridge into the CS1000 until the cartridge seats completely.
Refer to Diagnostic Cable introduction page 9 and connection table page 10 of this manual to determine
vehicle cable requirements. Connect the cable specified to the scanner and to the vehicle Diagnostic
Connect the 25-pin cable connector head firmly to the scanner 25-pin connection port.
Connect the Red test lead from the scanner to the power supply socket (B+) on the Diagnostic Connector, where
available, or to the vehicle's battery via the extension cable and battery clamp supplied.
Connect the Black test lead from the scanner to the ground socket on the Diagnostic Connector. Now the scanner
powered up and the power indicator light should be fully illuminated. The screen will display 1.
Power indicator light (LED) must light up. If it does not, refer to the list below for detailed test.
Refer to the connection table of this manual; check the Red and Black test lead with the socket number on the
Diagnostic Connector, Is there an incorrect or weak connection?
Check the power requirement on the Diagnostic Connector. (Must be performed with the ignition ON when
connected with 16-pole diagnostic connector at socket 16)
Connect the Yellow test lead to the system diagnostic socket that you use to extract codes.
Refer to this manual or Mercedes Benz maintenance manual for location of the Diagnostic sockets for the
type of Diagnostic Connector fitted to the vehicle and the system capabilities available for code access on
the applicable Diagnostic sockets.
2. Turn Ignition ON (KOEO) or Engine at idle (KOER)
3. System Selection
1 Analog type Transmission Systems (impulse fault code type)
Models 129, 140 with CFI, LH-SFI control systems 1990 - 1993
Mercedes Benz Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
2 Digital type Transmission Systems as follows:
Models 202, 210, 129, 140 with HFM-SFI, ME-SFI control system 1994 - 1997
Press the SYSTEM key to scroll to display from 1 to 2 system.
1. Ignition in the KOEO position (Key On Engine Off).
2. Choose system 1.
3. Place test probe (yellow) in pin-out for specific analog test.
1. Ignition in the KOEO position (Key On Engine Off)
2. Choose system 2.
3. Place test probe (yellow) in pin-out for Digital test.
4. If any system does not respond, test it using the Analog Test Procedure.
*Some early LH Injection and Diagnostic Module systems may not respond to the digital test.
4. Read Fault Codes
Press the READ key to begin to read the fault codes for the system selected. The scanner will scan all of
the fault codes and keep them in memory.
When reading Digital Fault Codes the scanner will display a U 1 or a U 2 indicating the type of
digital system it has discovered. Refer to the U codes displayed on the top of the code pages to
identify the system.
Press the NEXT key to scroll through the fault codes xx . The display will cycle to the first code after
the last code is displayed. When there are no faults in the system, 0 will be displayed on the screen.
5. Identification/Rectification of Faults
1. Identify fault code and related circuit using this manual or using the factory diagnostic manuals
Mercedes Benz Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
available from Baum Tools Technical Publications 415-566-9229.
2. Carry out required repair before clearing fault codes.
6. Clearing Fault Codes
After repairs have been carried out reread the codes. After rereading the codes press the CLEAR key to
erase all of the fault codes from the control unit memory. When there are no faults in the system, either
1 (Impulse or analog systems) or 2 (digital systems) will be displayed on the screen.
7. Return to System Select Function
Press the SYSTEM key to scroll through the system selections.
1 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
Models Model Years
124.230 124.290 1990-93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 8-pin
Yellow Socket 5
Black Socket 1
Red Battery (+)
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 4MATIC control module
3 Brake light switch
4 Left front axle vehicle speed sensor
5 Right front axle vehicle speed sensor
6 Rear speed sensor signal
7 All 3 vehicle speed sensors
8 Over volts protection relay, front axle train valve
9 Over volts protection relay, central differential lock valve
10 Over volts protection relay, stop lamp switch, Rear axle differential lock valve
11 Steering angle sensor signal
1 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
Models Model Years
129 1990-93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 16-pin
Yellow Socket 13
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 16
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Not used
3 Engine load signal interrupted
4 Throttle valve position switch (potentiometer) interrupted
5 Engine speed signal (RPM) interrupted
6 Vehicle speed sensor interrupted
7 Output fault in TCM (N15/1) or fault in the valve block control valve circuit (Y3/1y2)
8 Transmission control module (TCM) (N15/1)
9 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2)
10 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2), short circuit
1 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
Models Model Years
129 140 1990-93
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 10
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Engine control module (N3/4) does not match TCM
3 Transmission overload protection switch 4th/5th gear defective
4 CAN data line from EA/CC/ISC control module (N4/1) signal distorted
5 CAN data line from DI control module (N1/3) or HFM control module signal distorted
6 CAN data line signal distorted
7 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2), open circuit or TCM (N15/1) defective
8 Automatic Transmission Control Module (TCM) (N15/1) defective
9 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2)
10 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2), short circuit
2 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
U 1
Models Engines Model Years
129 140 163 170 202 208 210 104 111 112 113 119 120 606 1995-98
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 10
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
Fault Code Table
DTC Readout Possible cause of Failure
1 No fault stored
2 1-2/4-5 shift solenoid valve circuit fault (Y3/6y3)
3 2-3 shift solenoid valve circuit fault (Y3/6y5)
4 3-4 shift solenoid valve circuit fault (Y3/6y4)
5 PWM solenoid valve (torque converter lock-up) circuit fault (Y3/6y6)
6 Pressure regulating solenoid valve circuit fault (Y3/6y1)
7 Shift pressure regulating solenoid valve circuit fault (Y3/6y2)
8 R/P lock solenoid, function defective (Y66/1)
9 Cable to starter lock-out relay module, function defective (K38/3)
10 Voltage supply to solenoid valves
11 Voltage supply to RPM sensors
2 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
DTC Readout Possible cause of Failure
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
12 RPM sensor 2 (Y3/6n2), signal defective
13 RPM sensor 3 (Y3/6n3), signal defective
16 Transmission output sensor (B49) defective
17 Transmission selector lever coding invalid
18 Selector lever signal incorrect (This code can be ignored.) or between ranges
19 Transmission fluid temperature sensor (Y3/6b1) signal defective
20 Starter lock-out contact (Y3/6s1) not functioning
20 Transmission oil temperature sensor defective/Starter lock-out contact not functioning
21 Supply voltage (terminal 87) too low or overvoltage.
22 CAN data: Right rear wheel speed (VSS) from traction system incorrect/implausible
23 CAN data: Left rear wheel speed (VSS) from traction system incorrect/implausible
24 CAN data: Pedal value from ME-SFI controller incorrect/implausible
24 CAN data: Right front wheel speed (VSS) from traction system incorrect/implausible
25 CAN data: Engine RPM from ME-SFI controller system incorrect/implausible
25 CAN data: Left front wheel speed (VSS) from traction system incorrect/implausible
26 CAN data: Right engine torque from ME-SFI controller system incorrect/implausible
26 CAN data: Pedal value from ME-SFI controller incorrect/implausible
27 CAN data: Altitude adjustment factor from the ME-SFI controller incorrect/implausible
(This fault code can be ignored if no relative faults stored in the ME-SFI
27 CAN data: Adjusted engine torque incorrect/implausible
28 CAN data: Left engine torque from ME-SFI controller system incorrect/implausible
28 CAN data: Engine RPM from ME-SFI controller system incorrect/implausible
29 CAN data: Right engine torque from ME-SFI controller system incorrect/implausible
30 CAN data: Communication with traction system faulty
30 CAN data: Altitude adjustment factor from the ME-SFI controller incorrect/implausible
(This fault code can be ignored if no relative faults stored in the ME-SFI
31 CAN data: Communication to the ME-SFI controller is faulty
31 CAN data: Maximum induced engine torque from ME-SFI controller incorrect/implausible
32 CAN data: Communication to/from the ME-SFI controller is faulty
2 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
DTC Readout Possible cause of Failure
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
32 CAN data: Left engine torque from ME-SFI controller system incorrect/implausible
33 CAN data: Communication to/from the ME-SFI controller is faulty
33 CAN data: Throttle valve actuator actual value from ME-SFI incorrect/implausible
34 CAN data: Communication to/from the ME-SFI controller is faulty
35 CAN data: Communication to/from the ME-SFI controller is faulty
36 CAN data: Communication to/from the ME-SFI controller is faulty or the engine
temperature is implausible.
37 CAN data: All communications are faulty
38 CAN data: Communication to/from the Traction system controller is faulty
39 CAN data: Communication to/from the ME-SFI controller is faulty
40 CAN data: Communication to/from the Instrument Cluster is faulty
50 Speed sensor n3 or clutch K1 are faulty
51 Gear implausible or transmission slips.
52 Command valve (6, 14, or 25) sticking under pressure.
52 Unauthorized locking of Torque Converter lock-up clutch. Replace Torque Converter.
53 Torque converter lock-up clutch, not functioning. Replace Torque Converter.
53 Torque converter lock-up clutch, input (RPM) too high. Replace Torque Converter.
54 No feedback signal from transmission overload protection.
55 Gear comparison incorrect or target gear selection not achieved.
56-65 Transmission control unit (N15/3) faulty .
98-155 These codes are intermittent. To establish their meaning, subtract 96 from the code
number given and look in the table above for the definition of the intermittent fault.
2 Transmission Module CS1000 Code Scanner OB15-12
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
E 2
U 2
Models Model Years
129 140 1993-96
Connect wires of Scanner as follows
Scanner Data Link Connector 38-pin
Yellow Socket 10
Black Socket 1
Red Socket 3
Fault Code Table
DTC Readout Possible Cause of Failure
1 No fault found
2 Engine control module (N3/4) does not match TCM
3 Transmission overload protection switch 4th/5th gear defective
4 CAN data line from EA/CC/ISC control module (N4/1) signal distorted
5 CAN data line from DI control module (N1/3) or HFM control module signal distorted
6 CAN data line signal distorted
7 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2), open circuit or TCM (N15/1) defective
8 Automatic Transmission Control Module (TCM) (N15/1) defective
9 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2)
10 Valve control valve block (Y3/1y2), short circuit
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
4MATIC 4 Wheel Drive Transmission Control
A/C (Automatic)* Air Conditioning (Automatic)
A/C (Tempmatic)* Air Conditioning (Tempmatic)
AB Supplemental Restraint System (Airbag)
ABS Anti-lock Brake System
ADM Automatic Dimming Inside Rearview Mirror
ADS Automatic Damping System (Suspension)
AIR Secondary Air Injection
AP Accelerator Pedal
AS Antenna System
ASD Automatic Locking Differential
ASR Acceleration Slip Regulation
AT Automatic Transmission
ATA* Anti-theft Alarm System
BA Backup Assist
BARO Barometric Pressure
BCAPC Barometric Pressure-charge Air Pressure Compensation
BM* Base Module (Master ECU Controller)
BPC Barometric Pressure Compensation
CA Closing Assist
CAN Controller Area Network
CC* Cruise Control (Tempomat)
CDC Cd Changer
CF Convenience Feature
CFI Continuous Fuel Injection
CKA Crank Angle
CKP Crankshaft Position
CL Central Locking
CLUS Instrument Cluster
CMP Camshaft Position
CST* Cabriolet Soft Top
CTEL Cellular Telephone
CTP Closed Throttle Position (Idle)
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
DFI* Electronic Distributor-type Fuel Injection
DI* Distributor Ignition System
DM (USA) Diagnostic Module (Emissions)
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
EA* Electronic Accelerator
EAG Electronic Automatic Transmission Control
EATC* Electronic Automatic Transmission Control
ECL Engine Coolant Level
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
EDC Electronic Diesel Control
EDR Electronic Diesel Regulation
EDS Electronic Diesel System
EDW* Anti-theft Alarm System
EFP* Electronic Accelerator
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGS Electronic Transmission Control
EIFI Electronic In-line Fuel Injection
EMSC Electric Mirror, Steering Column Adjustment, Heated Mirrors
ERE* Electronic In-line Fuel System
ESA Electric Seat Adjustment
ESC Electric Steering Column Adjustment
ESCM Engine System Control Module
ESP Electronic Stability Program
ETC Electronic Transmission Control
ETR Emergency Tensioning Retractor
ETS Electronic Traction System
EVAP Evaporative Emission Control System
EVE Electronic Distributor-type Fuel Injection
EZL Distributor Ignition System
FAN Fanfare Horns
FFS Frame Floor System
FP Fuel Pump
GM Base Module (Master ECU Controller)
HAU Automatic Heater
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
HCS Headlamp Cleaning System
HEAT Automatic Heater
HFM Hot Film Engine Management
HFS Hands Free System
HHT Hand Held Tester
HORN Horn Signal System
HS Heated Seats
IAT Intake Air Temperature
IC Instrument Cluster
IDC In Dash Controller
IFI* Electronic In-line Fuel System(diesel)
IFZ Infrared Remote Central Locking (IRCL)
IRCL* Infrared Remote Central Locking
ISC* Idle Speed Control
KE Continuous Injection System (CIS)
KFB Convenience Feature
KI Instrument Cluster
KLA Air Conditioning
KS Knock Sensor
KSS Knock Sensor System
LH-SFI LH Sequential Fuel Management Bank 1 (1-6 Cylinders)
LH2-SFI LH Sequential Fuel Management Bank 2 (7-12 Cylinders)
LLR Cruise Control
LS Loudspeaker System
MAF Mass Air Flow
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
ME Motor Electronics
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Check Engine)
MT Manual Transmission
MVA Manifold Vacuum Assist
O2S Oxygen (O2) Sensor
OBD On-board Diagnostics
OC Oxidation Catalytic Convertor
OSB Orthopedic Seat Backrest
Copyright © 1998 Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. is prohibited.
PL Power Lock
PML Speed-sensitive Power Steering
PMP Partial Intake Manifold Preheater
PNP Park/neutral Position
PS Power Steering
PSE Pneumatic System Equipment
PTS Parktronic System
RB* Roll Bar Control
RD Radio
REST Residual Engine Heat Utilization
RHR Retractable Rear Head Restraints
RHS Rear Heated Seats
RPM Revolutions per Minute (Engine Speed)
RST* Roadster Soft Top
RTG Retractable Trunk Lid Grip
RV Roadster Soft Top
SBE Seat Belt Extender
SLO Starter Lock-out
SMS Service Microfiche System
SPS Speed-sensitive Power Steering
SRS Supplemental Restraint System (Airbag)
STH Stationary Heater
TB Throttle Body
TC Turbo Charger
TCM Transmission Control Module
TD Speed Signal (Time Division) (EZL)
TDC Top Dead Center
TIC Transistorized Ignition Control
TN Speed Signal (EZL/AKR)
TRAP Trap Oxidizer
TS Towing Sensor
TVV Tank Ventilation Valve
TWC Three Way Catalytic Convertor
ÜRB Roll Bar Control
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. Toll Free 1-800-848-6657
VAF Volume Air Flow
VSS Vehicle Speed Signal
WOT Wide Open Throttle (Full Load)
* USA Acronym only.
190C 1961-65 110 121.924 GA190C LO 1
190D 2.2 1984-85 201.122 601.921 717.4/722.4 LO75Z/68
190D 2.5 1986-89 201.126 602.911 717.4/722.4 LS68
190D 2.5 TURBO 1987- 201.128 602.961 722.4 LS68
190DC 1961-65 110 621.912 GA190DC LO 1
190E 2.3 1982-86 201.024 102.961 K 717.4/722.4 LS68
190E 2.3 1982-86 201.024 102.985 KE 717.4/722.4 LS68
190E 2.3 1987-93 201.028 102.985 KE 717.413/722.408 765.903
190E 2.3-16v 1984-87 201.034 102.983 KE 717.4/722.4 765.9
190E 2.5-16v 1988-93 201E25 102.983 KE 717.4/722.4 765.9
190E 2.6 1986-93 201.029 103.942 KE 717.432/722.409 765.903
200 1965-68 110 121.940 GA190C LO 1
200CE 1990-93 124.021 102 KE 717.4/722.400 765.905
200D 1965-68 110 621.918 GA190DC LO 1
200E 1993 124.021 102.963 KE 717.4/722.400 765.905
200TE 1988-92 124.021 102. KE 717.4/722.400 765.905
220 1967-72 115.010 115.920 722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
220B 1959-65 111 180.940 GA220B LO 1
220D 1967-72 115.110 615.912 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
220SB 1959-65 111 180.941 GA220SB LO 1
220SE Cabriolet 1951-65 111.023 127.984 GA220SEB LO 1
220SE Coupe 1959-65 111.021 127.984 GA220SEB LO 1
220SEB 1959-65 111 127.982 GA220SEB LO 1
220SEB/C 1951-65 111 127.984 GA220SEB LO 1
230 123.023 115.954 722.1 765.706
230 1965-66 110 180.945 GA230 LO 1
230 1967-72 114.015 180.954 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
230 1973-78 115.017 115.951 716/722.1 L1Z/765.706
230S 1965-68 111 180.945 GA220B,SB LO 1
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. Toll Free 1-800-848-6657
230SL 1963-68 113.042 127.981 GA230SL LO 1
240D 1973-75 115.117 616.916 716/722.1 L1Z
240D 1976-85 123.123 616.912 716.0,.2/722.1 L1Z/765.706
250 1967-69 114.010 114.920 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
250 1970-75 114.011 130.923 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
250C 1969-75 114.023 130.923 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
250D 1986-93 124.125 602.912 722.414 765.904
250S 1963-68 108 108.920 GA230SL LO 1
250SE 1965-68 108 129.980 GA230SL LO 1
250SE Cabriolet 1965-68 111.023 129.980 GA230SL LO 1
250SE Coupe 1965-68 111.021 129.980 GA230SL LO 1
250SL 113.043 129.982 LO 1
260E 1985-88 124.026 103.940 KE 717.4/722.4 LSC068/O068
280 1972-76 114.060 110.921 722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
280C 1972-76 114.073 110.921 716/717/722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
280CE 1977-85 123.053 110.984 K 716.0/722.1 765.706
280E 1976-85 123.033 110.984 K 716.0/722.1 765.706
280S 1967-72 108.016 130.920 722.2 L1K/LS75
280S 1972-80 116.020 110.922 716/722.1 765.706
280SE 1967-72 108.018 130.980 722.2 L1K/LS75
280SE 1972-80 116.024 110.985 716.0/722.1 765.706
280SE 3.5 Cabriolet 111.025 116.980 LO 1
280SE 3.5 Coupe 111.024 116.980 LO 1
280SE 4.5 1971-72 108.067 117.984 722.0 LS75
280SE Cabriolet 111.025 130.980 LO 1
280SE Coupe 111.024 130.980 LO 1
280SEL 108.019 130.980 722.2 L1K/LS75
280SEL 4.5 1971-72 108.068 117.984 722.0 LS75
280SL 113.044 130.983 LO 1
300CD 1977-80 123.150 617.912 722.1 765.706
300CD Turbo 1982-85 123.153 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
300CE 1987-89 124.050 103.983 KE 717.4/722.3 LS68
300CE 1990-92 124.051 104.980 KE 717.4/722.3 LSH068/C068
300CE 1993-96 124.052 104.992 HFM 717.4/722.369 765.908
300CE Cabriolet 1993-96 124.066 104.992 HFM 717.4/722.369 765.904
300D 1975 115.114 617.910 716/722.1 L1Z
300D 1976-85 123.130 617.912 716.0/722.1 765.706
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. Toll Free 1-800-848-6657
300D 2.5Turbo 1988-93 124.128 602.962 717.4/722.4 765
300D Turbo 1982-85 123.130 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
300D Turbo 1985- 124.133 603.960 722.3 LS68
300E 1985-92 124.030 103.983 KE 717.4/722.3 765
300E 1993-96 124.032 104.992 HFM 722.369 765.904
300E 2.6 1985-92 124.026 103.940 KE 717.4/722.4 765
300E 2.8 1985-93 124.028 103.942 KE 717.4/722.4 765.904
300E 4MATIC 1987-93 124.230 103.985 KE 717.4/722.342 765.906
300SD Turbo 1978-80 116.120 617.950 722.1 765.706
300SD Turbo 1981-85 126.120 617.951 722.3 765.706
300SD Turbo 1992-93 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940
300SDL Turbo 1985-88 126.125 603.961 722.3 765.706
300SE 1961-65 112 189 GA300SE,-E,-EH DB
300SE 1985-92 126.024 103.981 KE 717.4/722.351 765.706
300SE 1992-93 140.032 104.990 KE 722.502 765.940
300SE/C 1961-67 112 189 GA300SE,-E,-EH DB
300SEB 1965-72 108 189 GA300SE-EH DB
300SEL 109.016 130.981
300SEL 1966-68 109 189 GA300SE-EH DB
300SEL 1985-92 126.025 103.981 KE 717.431/722.319 765.706
300SEL 3.5 1969-72 109.056 116.981 722.2 LS75
300SEL 4.5 1971-72 109.057 117.981 722.0 LS75
300SEL 6.3 1967-72 109.018 100.981 K4A050 LS75
300SL 1988-93 129.061 103 KE 722.500 765.907
300SL-24 1990-92 129.061 104.981 KE 722.500 765.907
300TD 1978-85 123.190 617.912 716.0/722.1 765.706
300TD Turbo 1981-84 123.193 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
300TD Turbo 1985- 124.193 603.960 722.3 LS68
300TE 1985-93 124.090/.092 103.983 KE 717.4/722.369 765.904
300TE 4MATIC 1987-93 124.290 103.985 KE 717.4/722.342 765.906
350SD Turbo 1989-6/91 126.134 603.970 722.361 765.706
350SDL Turbo 1989-6/91 126.135 603.970 722.361 765.706
380SE 1985-89 126.032 116.963 722.3 765.706
380SEC 1985- 126.043 116.983 722.3 765.706
380SEL 1980-84 126.033 116.961 722.3 765.706
380SEL 1985-89 126.033 116.963 722.3 765.706
380SL 1980-89 107.045 116.960 722.3 765.706
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. Toll Free 1-800-848-6657
380SLC 1980-89 107.025 116.960 722.3 765.706
400E 1990-93 124.034 119.975 LH 722.354 765.921
400SE 7/91- 140.042 119.971 LH 722.3
400SEL 1992-93 140.043 119.971 LH 722.366 765.940
420SEL 1985-6/91 126.035 116.965 KE 722.351 765.706
450SE 1972-73 116.032 117.983 722.0 765.706
450SE 1974-80 116.032 117.986 722.0 765.706
450SEL 1972-73 116.033 117.983 722.0 765.706
450SEL 1974-80 116.033 117.986 722.0 765.706
450SL 1971-74 107.044 117.982 722.0 765.706
450SL 1975-80 107.044 117.985 722.0 765.706
450SLC 1971-74 107.024 117.982 722.0 765.706
450SLC 1975-80 107.024 117.985 722.0 765.706
500E 1993 124.036 119.974 LH 722.365 765.921
500SEC -1992 126.044 117.965 KE 722.356 765.706
500SEC 1992-93 140.070 119.970 LH 722.370 765.940
500SEL 1985-6/91 126.037 117.963 KA 722.311 765.706
500SEL 1992-93 140.051 119.970 LH 722.370 765.940
500SL 1990-92 129.066 119.960 KE 722.3 LSG068
500SL 1992-93 129.067 119.972 LH 722.364 765.907
560SEC 1985- 126.045 117.968 KE 722.350 765.706
560SEL 1985- 126.039 117.968 KE 722.350 765.706
6.9 1975 116.036 100.985 722.0 765.706
600 1964- 100.012 100.980 K4A050 LS75
600 1964- 100 100 GA600 DB
600 1990-93 129.076 120.981 LH 722.3 LSG068
600 Long 4 Door 1964- 100.014 100.980 K4A050 LS75
600 Long 6 Door 1964- 100.016 100.980 K4A050 LS75
600SEC 1992-93 140.076 120.980 LH 722.362 765.940
600SEL 1992-93 140.057 120.980 LH 722.362 765.940
600SL 1990-93 129.076 120.981 LH 722.362 765.907
C180 1994- 202.018 111.920 PMS 717.416/722.421 765.950
C200D 1994- 202.120 601.913 717.416/722.425 765.950
C220 1994-96 202.022 111.961 HFM 722.423 765.950
C220D 1994 202.121 604.910 EVE 717.416/722.426 765.950
C230K 1997-99 202.023 111.974 ME 2.1 722.600 765.950
C250D 1994 202.125 605.910 ERE 717.417/722.427 765.950
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. Toll Free 1-800-848-6657
C280 1994-96 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.424 765.950
C280 1997- 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.604 765.950/765.922
C280 1998-99 202.029 112.920 ME-2.0 722.606 765.950
C36AMG 1996-97 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.604 765.922
C36AMG 1996-96 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.424 765.922
C43 AMG 1998-99 202.033 113.944 ME 2.0 722.631 765.
CL500 (Coupe) 1996-97 140.070 119.980 ME 1.0 722.620 765.940
CL500 S500 (Coupe) 1996-97 140.070 119.970 ME 1.0 722.620 765.940
CL600 S600 1996-98 140.076 120.982 ME 722.621 765.940
CLK320 (COUPE) 1998 208.365 112.940 ME 2.0 722.607 765.952
E250D 1992-94 124D25 602
E250D Turbo 1988-95 124D25 602
E280 1994-95 124.028 104.942 HFM 722.433/722.504 765.904
E300 1994-95 124.230 103.985 KE 722.342 765.906
E300 TURBO DIESEL 1998 210.025 606.982 722.608 768.002
E300D 1994-95 124.131 606.910 722.4/722.435 765.904
E300D TURBO 1994-95 124.133 603.960 722.4/722.317 765.904
E300D 1997-99 210.020 606.912 722.600 768.003
E300TD TURBO 1994-95 124.193 603.960 722.4/722.317 765.904
E320 1994-95 124.032/052 104.992 HFM 722.369 765.904
E320 1996-97 210.055 104.995 HFM 722.605 768.903
E320 1998-99 210.065/082/265/282 112.941 ME 2.0 722.607/664 768.002/006
E420 1994-95 124.034 119.975 LH 722.366 765.921
E420 1996-97 210.072 119.985 ME 1.0 722.625 768.003
E430 1998-99 210.070 113.940 ME 2.0 722.623 768.002
E500 1994-95 124.036 119.974 LH 722.370 765.921
E55 AMG 1999 210 113? ME 2.0 722.6
ML320 1998-99 163.154 112.942 722.662 ZF.970.402
ML430 1999 163.1 113. ME 2.0 722.6 ZF.970.402
S320 1997-98 140.033 (Long) 104.994 HFM 722.605 765.940
S320 1997-98 140.032 104.994 HFM 722.605 765.940
S320 1994-96 140.032 104.994 HFM 722.508 765.940
S320 1996 140.033 (Long) 104.994 HFM 722.508 765.940
S350 Turbo Diesel 1994-95 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940
S420 1994-95 140.043 119.971 LH 722.366 765.940
S420 1996-97 140.043 119.981 ME 1.0 722.622 765.940
S430 1998 208. 113. ME 2.0 722.6
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc. Toll Free 1-800-848-6657
S500 (Coupe) 1994-95 140.070 119.970 LH 722.3 765.940
S500 1994-95 140.051 119.970 LH 722.370 765.940
S500 1996-98 140.051 119.980 ME 1.0 722.620 765.940
S600 1996-97 140.057 120.982 ME 1.0 722.621 765.940
S600 1994-95 140.057 120.980 LH 722.362 765.940
SL320 1994-96 129.063 104.991 HFM 722.507 765.907
SL320 1997 129.063 104.991 HFM 722.605 765.907
SL500 1994-95 129.067 119.972 LH 722.364 765.907
SL500 1996-99 129.067 119.982 ME 1.0 722.620 765.907
SL600 1994-95 129.076 120.981 LH 722.362 765.907
SL600 1996-98 129.076 120.983 ME 1.0 722.621 765.907
SLK230 1998-99 170.447 111.973 ME 2.1 722.605 765.951
SLK430 1999 170.4 113. ME 2.0 722.6
Mercedes production is generally from July to June. This means that the 1994 model year has production dates
A catalog of tools for all models is available by calling
Baum Tools Unlimited Inc.
800-848-6657 USA/Canada
941-927-1414 International
941-927-1612 Fax
Manuals for most models are available from our Technical Publications division.
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