Microchip Technology BM62S2 Bluetooth Module User Manual Manual

Microchip Technology Inc. Bluetooth Module Manual


Preliminary Revision 0.2 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 53 BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information                             BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information    Revision 0.3  May’ 2016
BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information Preliminary Revision 0.3 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 54      This document covers the Regulatory Compliance information which is part of the BM62 Module datasheet and related documents shared with customers.
Preliminary Revision 0.2 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 55 BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information    1.0 ANTENNA  1.1 Antenna Characteristics  1.1.1 PCB  ANTENNA The BM62 module contains an integral PCB antenna.  The Figure 1-1 illustrates the antenna performance of the module.  FIGURE 1-1:  BM62 ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERN
BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information Preliminary Revision 0.3 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 54    APPENDIX A:    CERTIFICATION NOTICES   BM62 module regulatory approval status: •  BT SIG/QDID: in Progress •  United States/FCC ID: A8TBM62S2 (in Progress)  •  Canada/IC ID: 12246A-BM62S2 (in Progress)              HVIN: BM62SPKS1MC2 •   Europe/CE: in Progress •  Japan/MIC: in Progress •  Korea/KCC: in Progress  •  Taiwan/NCC No: in Progress •  China/SRRC: in Progress  A.1 REGULATORY APPROVAL This section outlines the regulatory information for the BM62 module for the following countries: •  United States •  Canada •  Europe •  Japan •  Korea •  Taiwan •  China  A.1.1 UNITED STATES The  BM62  module  has  received  Federal Communications Commission  (FCC)  CFR47 Telecom- munications, Part 15 Subpart C "Intentional Radiators" modular approval in accordance with Part 15.212 Mod- ular Transmitter approval. Modular approval allows the end user to integrate the BM62 module into a  finished product  without  obtaining  subsequent  and  separate FCC  approvals  for  intentional  radiation,  provided  no changes or modifications are made to the module cir- cuitry. Changes or modifications could void the  user's authority to operate the equipment. The end user must comply  with  all  of  the  instructions  provided  by  the Grantee,  which  indicate  installation  and/or  operating conditions necessary for compliance. The finished product is required to comply with all appli- cable  FCC  equipment  authorizations  regulations, requirements and equipment functions not  associated with the transmitter module portion. For example, com- pliance must be demonstrated to regulations for  other transmitter  components  within  the  host  product;  to requirements for unintentional radiators (Part 15  Sub- part  B  "Unintentional  Radiators"),  such  as     digital devices,  computer  peripherals,  radio  receivers,  etc.; and  to  additional  authorization  requirements  for  the non-transmitter  functions  on  the  transmitter  module (i.e.,  Verification,  or  Declaration  of  Conformity)  (e.g., transmitter modules may also contain digital logic func- tions) as appropriate.  A.1.2 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The BM62 module has been labeled with its own FCC ID number, and if the FCC ID is not visible when  the module is installed inside another device, then the out- side  of the finished  product  into  which  the module  is installed  must  also  display  a  label  referring  to  the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording as follows: Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID:  A8TBM62S2 or Contains FCC ID: A8TBM62S2 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two   conditions: (1)  this device may not cause harmful  interference, and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference received,  including  interference  that  may  cause undesired operation A user's manual for the finished product should include the following statement:   Additional  information  on labeling and user  information requirements  for Part 15 devices can  be  found in KDB Publication 784748 available at the FCC Office of Engi- Note:      This  device  has  no   been  au orized  as required by the rules of the  ederal Com- munications  Commission   This  device  is no   and  may  not  be,  offered   or  sale  or leas or sold or leased, until au orization is obtained  is equipment has been tested and found  o comply wi he limi  for a Class B digi l device  pursuan   o pa  15 of the FCC Rule  These limi s are designed provide  reasonable  protection  agains    ha ul in erence  in  a  residential  ins allation.  his  equip- ment  generate   uses  and  can  radiate  radio  fre- quency  energy   and  if  no   ins alled  and  used  in accordance wi h  he in ru ions  may cause harmful in erence   to   radio   communic ions    Howeverere is no guaran ee  hat in nce will not occur in  a  par icular  in lla ion       his  equipmen   does cause  harmful  in nce  to  radio  or  television recep io which  can  be  determined  by   urning  the equipment of  and on, the user is encouraged to  ry to corre  the in erence by one or more o  the follow- ing measures  • Reorien  or reloca e  he receiving an enn  • ncrease the separation between  he equipment and receiver  • Connec   he equipmen  in an outlet on a circuidi eren  from  hat  which the receiver is con- ne ed. • Consult  he dealer or an experienced radiochnician for help.
Preliminary Revision 0.2 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 55 BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information    neering and Technology (OET) Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB) http://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/kdb/index.cfm.  A.1.3 RF EXPOSURE All transmitters regulated by FCC must comply with RF exposure  requirements.  KDB  447498  General  RF Exposure Guidance provides guidance in  determining whether  proposed  or  existing  transmitting  facilities, operations  or  devices  comply  with  limits  for  human exposure  to Radio  Frequency (RF)  fields adopted  by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). From the FCC Grant: Output power listed is conducted. This grant is valid only when the module is sold to OEM integrators and must be installed by the OEM or  OEM integrators.  This  transmitter  is  restricted  for  use  with the  specific  antenna(s)  tested  in  this  application  for Certification and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction  with  any  other  antenna  or  transmitters within a host device, except in accordance with  FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.  A.1.4 HELPFUL WEB SITES Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC): http://www.fcc.gov FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Lab- oratory  Division  Knowledge  Database  (KDB): http://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/kdb/index.cfm  A.2 Canada The  BM62  module  has  been  certified  for  use  in Canada under Industry Canada  (IC) Radio Standards Procedure  (RSP)  RSP-100,  Radio  Standards Specification (RSS) RSS-Gen and RSS-247.  Modular approval permits the installation of a module in a  host device without the need to recertify the device.  A.2.1 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Labeling Requirements for the Host Device (from Sec- tion 3.1, RSS-Gen, Issue 4, November 2014): The host device shall be properly labeled to identify the module within the host device. The  Industry  Canada  certification  label  of  a  module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be labeled to display the Industry Canada certification number  of the module, preceded by the words "Contains transmit- ter module", or the word "Contains", or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows:     User Manual Notice for License-Exempt Radio Appara- tus  (from  Section  8.4,  RSS-Gen,  Issue  4,  November 2014): User manuals for license-exempt radio appara- tus shall contain the following or equivalent notice in a conspicuous  location  in  the  user  manual  or  alterna- tively on the device or both:   Transmitter  Antenna  (from  Section  8.3,  RSS-Gen, Issue 4, November 2014): User manuals for transmit- ters shall display the following notice in a conspicuous location: Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio  trans- mitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the trans- mitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential  radio interference to other users, the antenna type and  its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotrop- ically  radiated  power  (e.i.r.p.)  is  not more  than  that necessary for successful communication. Conformément  à la réglementation d'Industrie  Can- ada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une  antenne  d'un  type  et  d'un  gain  maximal  (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Can- ada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l'intention des autres utilisateurs,  il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente  (p.i.r.e.) ne  dépasse  pas  l'intensité  nécessaire  à  l'établisse- ment d'une communication satisfaisante. The above notice may be affixed to the device instead of displayed in the user manual. Co ains transmitter module  is    device    complies    wi ndu     Canada license-exem R andard(s)    pera ion is  sub- je   to  the   ollowing  two  condi ions   (1)  this  device may not cause interferenc and (2) this device muaccept  any  interference   including  in nce   hay cause undesired operation o  the device  Le présen   appareil es  con orme aux CNR  d dus- trie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exemp s de licence  L'exploi ation es  autorisée aux deux con- ditions suivant (1)  l appareil  ne  doit pas  produire de  brouillage,   (2)  l'utilisateur  de  l appareil  doit accepter  out  brouillage  radioélec rique  subi   même si le brouillage es  susceptible d'en comprome re le nctionneme
BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information Preliminary Revision 0.3 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 56      A.2.2 RF EXPOSURE All transmitters  regulated by IC must comply with  RF exposure requirements listed in RSS-102 - Radio Fre- quency (RF) Exposure Compliance of Radio communi- cation Apparatus (All Frequency Bands).  A.2.3 HELPFUL WEB SITES Industry Canada: http://www.ic.gc.ca/  A.3 Europe      The BM62 module is in progress to be an R&TTE      Directive assessed radio module that is CE marked       and has been manufactured and tested with the inten-     tion of being integrated into a final product. The BM62 module has been tested to R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC  Essential  Requirements  for  Health  and Safety  (Article  (3.1(a)), Electromagnetic  Compatibility (EMC) (Article 3.1(b)), and Radio (Article 3.2) and  are summarized in Table  A-1. A Notified Body Opinion has also been issued. The  R&TTE  Compliance  Association  provides  guid- ance on modular devices in “Technical Guidance Note 01” document available for download from the following location:  http://www.rtteca.com/html/down- load_area.htm.   A.3.1 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The label on the final product which contains the BM62 module  must  follow  CE  marking  requirements.  The R&TTE Compliance Association Technical Guidance Note 01 provides guidance on final product CE  mark- ing.  A.3.2 ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS From R&TTE Compliance Association document Tech- nical Guidance Note 01.  Provided  the  integrator  installing  an  assessed radio module with an integral or specific antenna and installed in conformance with the radio mod- ule  manufacturer's  installation  instructions requires no further evaluation.Under Article  3.2 of the R&TTE Directive and does not require fur- ther involvement of an R&TTE Directive Notified Body for the final product. [Section 2.2.4]   The European Compliance Testing listed in Table  A-1 was  performed  using  the  integral  ceramic  chip antenna. Note:       o  main ain  conformance  to  the  testing li ed in Table A-1  European Compliance es ing   the  module  shall  be  ins alled  in accordance  wi the  in allation  inons  in  this data  sheet  and  shall  no   be modified  When  integra ing  a  radio  module  into  a comple ed      produc        he      in grator becomes  the  manuf urer  of  the  final produ   and  is  therefore  responsible  for demons ng   compliance   of   the   final produ  wi h the essen ial requirements of the R&TTE Direc ive
Preliminary Revision 0.2 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 57 BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information     TABLE A-1:  EUROPEAN COMPLIANCE TESTING  Certification Standards Article Laboratory Report Number Safety EN60950-1:2006/A11:2010/A1:2010/ A12:2011/A2:2013  3(1)(a)    TUV Rheinland xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx Health EN62479:2010 xxxxxxxx xxx EMC EN301489-1 V1.9.2 3(1)(b) xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx  EN301489-17 V2.2.1 Radio EN300328 V1.9.1 3(2) xxxxxxxx xxx Notified Body       A.3.3 HELPFUL WEB SITES A  document  that  can  be  used  as  a  starting  point  in understanding the use of Short Range Devices  (SRD) in  Europe  is  the  European  Radio  Communications Committee  (ERC)  Recommendation  70-03  E,  which can be downloaded from the European Radio Commu- nications  Office  (ERO)  at:  http://www.ero.dk/.  Addi- tional helpful web sites are: •  Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equip- ment (R&TTE): http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/rtte/index_en.htm •  European Conference of Postal and Telecommu- nications Administrations (CEPT): http://www.cept.org •  European Telecommunications Standards Insti- tute (ETSI): http://www.etsi.org •  European Radio Communications Office (ERO): http://www.ero.dk •  The Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Compliance Association (R&TTE CA): http://www.rtteca.com  A.4 Japan The BM62 module has received type certification and is labeled with its own technical conformity mark  and certification number as required to conform to the tech- nical  standards  regulated  by  the  Ministry  of  Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) of Japan pursuant to the Radio Act of Japan. Integration of this module into a final product does not require  additional  radio certification  provided  installa- tion  instructions are  followed and  no modifications  of the  module  are  allowed.  Additional  testing  may  be required: •  If the host product is subject to electrical appli- ance safety (for example, powered from an AC mains), the host product may require Product Safety Electrical Appliance and Material (PSE) testing. The integrator should contact their confor- mance laboratory to determine if this testing is required. •  There is an voluntary Electromagnetic Compatibil- ity (EMC) test for the host product administered by VCCI: http://www.vcci.jp/vcci_e/index.html  A.4.1 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The label on the final product which contains the BM62 module must follow Japan marking requirements. The integrator  of  the  module  should  refer  to  the  labeling requirements  for  Japan  available  at  the  Ministry  of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) website. The BM62 module is labeled with its own technical con- formity mark and certification number.   A.4.2 HELPFUL WEB SITES Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC): http://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/e/index.htm Association  of  Radio  Industries  and  Businesses (ARIB):  http://www.arib.or.jp/english/  A.5 Korea The BM62 module has received certification of confor- mity in accordance with the Radio Waves Act. Integra- tion of this module into a final product does not require additional  radio  certification  provided  installation instructions  are  followed  and  no  modifications  of  the module are allowed. ‘Pending’ ‘Pending’
BM62 Regulatory Compliance Information Preliminary Revision 0.3 5/2016 DS60001372C-Page 58    A.5.1 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The label on the final product which contains the BM62 module  must  follow  KC  marking  requirements.  The integrator  of  the  module  should  refer  to  the  labeling requirements for Korea available on  the Korea  Com- munications Commission (KCC) website. The BM62 module is labeled with its own KC mark. The final product requires the KC mark and certificate num- ber of the module:   A.5.2 HELPFUL WEB SITES Korea Communications Commission (KCC): http://www.kcc.go.kr National Radio Research Agency (RRA): http://rra.go.kr  A.6 Taiwan   The BM62 module has received compliance approval in  accordance  with  the  Telecommunications  Act.. Customers seeking to use the compliance approval in their  product  should  contact  Microchip  Technology sales  or  distribution  partners  to  obtain  a  Letter  of Authority. Integration of this module into a final product does not require  additional  radio certification  provided  installa- tion  instructions are  followed and no modifications  of the module are allowed.  A.6.1 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The BM62  module is labeled with its own NCC  mark and certificate number as below:  The user's manual should contain below warning  (for RF device) in traditional Chinese: ! A.6.2 HELPFUL WEB SITES National  Communications  Commission  (NCC): http://www.ncc.gov.tw  A.7      China  The BM62 module has received certification of conformity in accordance with the China MIIT Notice 2014-01 of State Radio Regulation Committee (SRRC) certification scheme. Integration of this module into a final product does not require additional radio certification, provided installation instructions are followed and no modifications of the module are allowed.  A.7.1 LABELING AND USER INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The BM62 module is labeled with its own CMIIT ID as follows:  When Host system is using an approved Full Modular Approval  (FMA)  radio:  The  host  should  bear  a  label containing the statement “This device contains SRRC approved Radio module CMIIT ID XXXXYYZZZZ”.  A.8        A.8     Other Regulatory Jurisdictions  Should  other  regulatory  jurisdiction  certification  be required  by  the  customer,  or  the  customer  need  to recertify  the  module  for  other  reasons,  contact Microchip for the required utilities and documentation.    CMIIT ID: XXXXYYZZZZ ‘Pending’

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