Midland Radio SP200U2 User Manual 39754
Midland Radio Corporation 39754
- 1. 8
- 2. users manual
FCC ID: F3JSP200U2 APPENDIX 5 OPERATOR’S MANUAL EIGHT (8) PAGE OPERATOR’S MANUAL FOLLOWS THIS SHEET OPERATOR’S MANUAL FCC ID: FJJSPZOOUZ APPENDIX 5 SP—200 Synthe ed Scanning Radio Operating Instructions About Your SP—ZOO Radio Maxon's SPr200 radio Fealurcl99 Channel operaliun wiih supurinr pcrfnmiancc and reliability. Operation and functions for Maxon's SP-ZOO radius an: described in this manual We urge you ll) thumughly rud inn inunnnl hrlnrc opzratlng the rndin. Application ufsome ofthe functions dcscrlbed In this manunl is determlned by the system you use Yultr Maxcn Dealer will program ynur radio so that ynu have the grcalesl number of functions possible relative to your nctds Should yml have qucslilms regarding the operation of the radio, please mnsull your Maxon Dealer Ahoul Mnxon America, Inc. Maxon America, Inc designs and manufactures professional FM twtyway radio equipment in serve a wide variety cfcommunlcalion needsr Maxim produces equlpmfllt for the Land Mnblle Radio and Specialized Mobile Radio markets (business, industrial, government and public safety). Table of Contents Safety Information. Unpacking lnl‘nrmatiun SP-200 Features.. Doscriplion ni‘Radio Componmts” Antenna Installatio n , , lnsmlllng and Removing the Battery Pack Anal—"hing and Removing lhe Belt Clip. Battery Charging and Care. SPVZOO Operation. . Power On-Volumc. ,. Channel Select Transmit Receive Power 0 Status Indinatms and Audible Alert Tunes. Scan Mndes,. ,. Normal Channel Scan , Priority Channel Scan. Olher Scanning Features. Lock Back Scan Channel Delete. Cl'CSS/DCS Scanning Norma] Scan TX Priorily Scan ‘I‘X Priority Only ‘I‘X Receive Only Scan Licensing and Scrvic: information Recycling/Disposal ofBatlerles. Snfiware Copyrights Maintenance... Warranty Statement ,. Safety Information The Federal Communlcimons Commissron (FCC). wrth its aetion in General Docket 19444, Maren 13. 1935. has adopted a safety standard for human exposure in Radio Frequenoy (RP) electromagnetic energy cmiucd by FCC regulated equipment. Maxcn subscribes to the same safety standard for the use ofirs producn. Proper operation ortlns radio will msull "1 user exposure far below the Occupational Safely and l-lealrlr Act and Federal Cummunicalions Commission limits. WARNING - no nor hold the radro in sueh a manner that the body. especially the taco or eyes, whrle transmitting WARNING _ Do NOT allow children to operate liansmillcr - equipped CAUTION - DO NOT operate the radiu near unshrclded electrical unless it is a type especially designed and qualified for such use. CAUTION - DO NOT mess and hold lh: "ansmil smlch (P-T-T) when NOTE: This radio operates in Fcl: regulated frequency use. Because this radio contains a transmitter, Federal radio. FCC before or adjustments oi this Unpacking Information Remove and carefully inspect the contents of your packagets) for the following items: Radio Battery Pack Antenna Spring Belt Clip Operating instructions irany items are missing, please conlacl your Dealer or Maxim. SP-200 Features Wideband frequency separation l or 5 w pmgrammabli: output power programmable 12.5/15 kHz channel spacing Channel scan Prlority channel scan Look back channel ~ CTCSS/DCS rnne signaling antenna is next not or touching, cxposcd pans orthc radio equipment. lalasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere not actually wishing to transmit. bands. All radios musl be licensed by the law pro is unauthorized use Busy channel Inckoul '| 1me-out umer Description of Radio Componenls 1) 2) 3) 4) S) 6) 7) 3) 9) Anlennn Retepllcl: Channel Selector Bnnons omom Volume Comm Busy/I x/nT Inditntnr Blurry Lnlch Push-Tofrnlk 1m) Monitor Button Option nmon Syuker m] Micrnphonc m Atccssory Cunnmor u) Bek Cllp 13) Bancry u) Baflery Clurgt Contacts 15) LCD Antenna lnslallslion Faslen the ahlenna in the radii) by [liming rne nnienna clockwise inlo rhe receptacle nn mp of ihe mdio. Installing and Removing Ihe Battery Pack Tn Install: Poallloli lhc guides ufthe ballery in line wilh lhe radio ballery guide rails and slide lhc battery inlo posilion unlil aclick IS heard. Tn Rzmnvc: Holding radio in one hand, push and hold ballcry larch bullon localcd in rhe upper righi hand comer nflhe hanery pack c held as it looking ai ihc back cl ma unii. Hold radio firmly and slide hairery in doumwarrl diiecrlcn while pushing me balmy lamh hurion Allaclling and Removing the Belt Clip To lnxtsll: lnsull belt cllp 0mm [he bzll clip holder located on the upper lefi hand comer oflhe mdlo. held as ifluoking a! me back of the unit. Lannie slut locmlon in hell clip and push bell cllp until a click is heard To Remove: Push and hold release bum)“ located 31 mp Olhell ally and sllde Clip ofl‘lhe belt clip hUIdCl’v Baltery Charging and Care To ensure peak performance from your radio. m: ballery pack musl be fully charged. Prupcr care and charging will allow maximum performance and life olyour baflery pack. The apoonal ACC4DO Deskmp Charger provides 15 hours charging and normal "slow” charging to one radio and one hauery. See accampanying insuucrions included wiLh lhis charger for more informahon. To receive maximum performance from your radio and ballery packc periodically eompleieiy discharge and recharge the hairery vack SP»200 Operations Power On-Volume Turn the radio on by rotating inc onIulT- volume cuntml cluchise unlil you hear a click and Ihc sclficsl "alert” lunc. Chrnnel Select The snot) is eapable or up to 199 programmed channels . To change chnnnels press and release the A or V keys to change channels A press rind hold Wlii scmll through your programmed channels. Channel numbers will appear in the LCD located at top of unit Trunsmil CAUTION OPERATION OF THE TRANSMITTER WITHOUT A PROPER ANTENNA INSTALLED MAY RESULT IN PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE RADIO 1) Press the monllur button to monitor the channel fur activily Tn avoid intermptirlg anolher user, make Sure the channel is clear before you begin transmitting NOTE: Federal Cammunicalions Cornmtssion Rules and Regulattons require that you monitor a channel for activity before tramsmlmng, NOTE: The tri-color LED lucztlcd on the top panel can help with channel mcnttcrtng it will glow amber ifRF activity is present, or green tfthe transmission has across or DCS tone thatinatches a tone programmed for recetve in your mdlo. when this LED is not illuminated, the radic is indicating a "clear" channel 1) when the channel is clear, hold the radio upright wilh the antenna vertical and the front microphone area about 2-3 inches from the month, keeping tlte antenna away from the fate and eyes Press and hold the P-r-l bar on lht: side orthe radio, and speak slowly and clearly into the microphone area, non he LED will glow red when transmi ing. This indicator should bc on cunllnuuusly while the P-T-T bar is hemg pressed and the radio is transmining Should the red LED be "flashing". the battery needs to be recharged and transmission will cease Recharge mt: hattery before atlcmpling more than one transmission. Receive When you have finished transmitting, release the P-T—T bar to receive. Power on when flnlshed transmitting, receiving, monitoring, etc . mm the radio omry rotating the on/ofl‘svolnme control fully munterclcchwrse, to the detent position, Status lndicamrs and Audible Alert Tones Your SP-ZOU has a suphlsllcaled microprocessor control whlch provides a series Mandible alert tones. Upon initial pnwer up, a quick melody indicates that the self-lest ol‘ the microprocessor functions has been completed salisfacloril). A series oftones may bu sounded with any oftl'le following conditions: - Allempl to transmit on a channel set for receive only -Allempl to transmit on achannel lhal is already in usc when busy channel loekout has been prugnmmed mm the rndto ' Transmitting limc has exceeded limc-oul liincr pmgrnmnicd Icriglh ‘ vl ow halicry condition rSeieciing a channel wiih no programmed frequency * lndicales a function lhnl is inilially programmed inio ihc radio by your Ma‘fl)“ Dealer NOTE: All audible loner can in programmed on for siienl operulion. Scan Modes Scanning, is a Dealer pmgrammaolc fearure that allows you in monlmr a number orchannels, Your Dealer will help you define a channel "scan list" ll) be programmed into a scan Once Ihal channel location is Seleclell. scan is initialed Vormnl Channel Scan Once thr scan list is programmed you can iniiiatc scan. Simply move ihe channcl selecior knob in the scan channel position and the radio will start to scan. The top pimcl LED can he programmed io flash grecn as the radio is scanning lfa cnnversaiion is dclccrcd on any nrrhe Channels in the scan list. the radio will stop on ihai channel and you will he ahlu lo hear lhc convcrsalion ll“ programmed for normal sciin lx you will be able to lransmii on ihni aciive channel during the pm- grammnhlc semi delay time. The scan delay lime is the amount of iimc ihe radio will slay an that channel once aciivily has ceased {Dealer programmable, 477 Seconds is typical) The radio will resume scanning once lhe scan delay lime has expircd. Scanning will Continue until lhl: channel ls changed Priority Channel Scan A Single thamlel may bi: programmed as the "Priority“ channel. The radio will conslanlly munimrthis channel while scanning and when thc radio has slnpl-icd on an activa channel liacall is llclcclcd on the "Pricrlly” channel. the radii: will aulamzllcally move lo. Md rcmnin on, die "Priorlly" channcl for as lung as (he priorily conversdlion lakxs place. ”Prinrily" channtl acti lakcs prccbdcnm over all other conversations NOTE: "Priority“ channel scan and "look back" require Lhat the radio leave [he HClIVE channel for z fracti n urn second (al regular iniervalsl in check the priority channel for a mcssngc. Depending upon how iiie radio is programmed (scan speed, eic.) lhis may or may not bc noiieeahle as "breaks" on rhe aclive channel for thin same fraclicn ofa sccond. Other Scanning Features Look Back; Any channel, when ml in [he scan mode. can be programmed to "look back“ at the "Priurlly" channcl. This fault: _ is ideal fur those who dci riol and scan as defined above, but want to make sure lhal lhcy never miss a call on ihc "Pricrily" channel if another channel has been selecwd. Once a "look back" channel _ _ _ g _ has been selected, the radio will periodically "leak back" ai lhe . _ "Prlurlly" channel. if flcllvlty IS dctccied on [he "Priorily" channel‘ the radio will move to dial channcl for as long as n remalns active. Sun Channel Delete; To ieniporarily delete a channel from ihe scan list, simply press the monitor button while scanning and slap on lhe channel to be dclctcd This will rcmove lhal channel from the scan lisl uniii me channel is changed or the radios power is reset, When power is resiored or the scan lisi channel posnion is again selected. rile original Dealcr programmed scan list Wlll he aclivatcd. CTCSS/DCS Scanning: The SP-ZOO can be programmed by yuur Dealer lo scan for (one. This will help block uni unwanted calls. » Normal Sun TX: Allows a transmission only afier a call is received, depending on the programmed scan delay lime Afierrhe Scan resumes, and a transmission is made. lhc radio will sound an alarm (mo beeps) and iiili nci allow allansmisslon » Priority Scan Tx: Allows a rrallsmission aller a call IS rlzcclvcd depcndmg on prugrammcd scan delay time. The lransmission will be made on the channel lhal the call was received, Ahcr me scan resumes. il'fl lrnnsmission is madz, llu: radiu will iransmir on the programmed priority channel » Priority Only TX: Allows a transmission on me priority channel when scanning and nut stopped an an nciive channel, ll can also be programmed in always transmit on the priorily channel ifscrlnning or stopped on an aerive channel. - Receive Only Scan: This allows only raception. if a transmission is made al any lime, the radio will sound an alarm (two beeps) and will nol allow lhc lmnsmission Licensing and Service Information FCC Licensing The Federal Communicalinns Commission requires lhal lhe operalor oflnis radio lre properly licensed under are applicable Pan and/or Parse orllle FCC Rules and Regulallons Consuh wllh ynur Maxml Dealer or Contact the nearzsl FCC Field Dffilx for inlbrmzlicll about obtaining a iiccns: Service no nol lanlper null lnlernal adjustmems. Dnmagc lo me equipmenl and/or lrnproperoperallon may resull There are no user strviceflbie items inside Lhc radio lr is recommended mar yml rerum your radio lo a qualllied Maxon Dealer for any servlce or repalrs. Recycling/Disposal of Batteries The U 5. Environmental Prolcclion Agency (EPA) classifies used NlaCd hanerles as hazardous lyasle, unless cerlaln cxcmplinns apply. The batlcry should be recycled or line end orlls llscful inc Under various slale or local laws, sucll ballerics musl be recycled or dlspuscd of properly and canal b: dumped lrl landfills nr incineralors Mason America, lne fully endorses and encourages me recycling ole-Cd baneries. A national program lo collecl and recycle used Nl-Cd noncrles ls nclng lmplemenlcd by me lsccllargeanle Ballery Recycling Corporallon (mm: 0) This program is being funded lnrougll llle usc or license fees paid by Ihc bauery and producl mnnufaclurcrs lu plzmc (hr: RBRCO Seal on lhl: laalleries Tile folluwing ls a ilsl orraeilines where lllc iraneries can be shipped to be recycled. Conlacl lllese facililies for proper packaging and snlpplng guldellnes Software Copyrights Tile Maxon producls descriocd in lhis operanng inslruclion manual may include copyriglued Maxmi soflwarc programs slored in semi-conduclor memories or other medla Laws in llle Uniled srales and onler counlriea preserve for Maxon cerlain cxclusiye rigills for copy-riglned sonware programs, including die cxcluslve rlgnl lo copy or reproduce ln any form the copyrighted sonware program, Accordingly, rile copyriglned Maxon sonware programs conlamcd in rile Maxon products desulhed ln nns operaung lnslruclion manual may not be copied or reproduced willluul lire express wrluerl perrnlsslon ofMaxun. Furllrcrmore, the purchase ofMaxun produels shall nul he downed to granl eiurer dlrcclly or by implicarion, esroppel, or oellerwise. any license under llle copyrigins, palenls or parent appllcalmns orMoxon, Exccpl for normal nonexclusive royalty free license (0 use lilal arises by operallon oflaw ln me sale of a produel Maintenance Your SPQOI) Radio is designed [0 be mainlcnanm fit: Tl) kcep your radio in good working condillon Clean eslernal surfaces willl a clean clolll dampened in a sol ullon oldlsllwoaller delergcnl diluled in waler. Apply ule soluuorl sparingly lo ayold any moisture leakm g inlo cracks and creyices Do nor submerge llle radio Use a non-melallic brush to dislodge stubborn parlicles, irnecessary Dry rile surface lilcrouglrly with a son, linl free clcllr. Do NOT use solvems pr spiiiis fur cleaning , they may pernirinei-iiiy damage ihe housing ( lean the hungry cnnlucls on the back 0! the radii-i wlrh a llnl l'rce clnlh m rcnlvve din, gimme, or (“her foreign material (hat may impede good eiecrriuai comaci. Limited Warranty Maxim America, Inc 4“Maxon") warranis lhe Maxan Prednel manufaclured l7y il agaiusl derecis in malarial and workmanship under normal use and servioe for a period of two (2) years from the date ofdelivcry la the uriginal end user, provided Ihxl [he user has complied with the requiremems stated herein. This warrflnly IS nul assignable or transferable Maxun is nol responsible for my ancillary equipmcni which is almhed or used in connection wilh lhis product, Maxim shall have no ubhgaiidn to make repairs or [D cause repiaeeiiieiii required which resuir from normal wear and bear or necessilaled in whale er in pen by caiasiruphe, fault or negligence urine user, iniprriper or nnaulhorized alterations, repairs lo rhe rmducl, use of the Product in a manner for which llwes not designed. or by causes cxiemai lo the Producl This warraniy is void ifihe serial nuniirer is aliel‘ed, defaced or mmuved Maxon's sale ohligaliun hereunder shall be lo repair or replace [he Product covered in lhe above warranly. To receive warranry service. deliver or semi [he Pruducl. iransprmeiicn and insurance prepaid, to die piece ol'purcllase along wini your procrol purchase. Ailemariveiy, can 1300-511 -7848 in other lucalions or auihurlzeiiun lo reium ihe product directly I0 Maxon. THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. INCLUII G. WITHOUT LIMITATION. ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS F OR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FOR ANY PRODUCT WHICH DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE WARRANTY SPECIFIED. THE SOLE REMEDY WILL BE REPAIR DR REPLACEMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL MAXON BE LIABLE TO THE BUYER OR ITS CUSTOMERS FOR ANY DAMAG ES, INCLUDING ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR FOR THE LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE OR DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT. This warrlnty is void for nice and deliveries outside ur me Unired Sines.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:20 14:07:52 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 39754.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:20 14:07:54-04:00 Page Count : 9EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools