Midland Radio SP200V2 User Manual 8

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Date Submitted1999-06-11 00:00:00
Date Available1999-08-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-20 00:07:25
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Document Title8

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Issueu ny: lsslle Date:
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Portable Radio
Features List &
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: 5 material is for use only by the recipient thereof d really from Maxcn Kora, Inc. This
in nu nmnznv of Maxnn Korea Inc. and shall not be made nva ble ur disclosed without me proper
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This is the property of Maxon Korea Inc. and
1. Operation Mode
1.1 Power Off Mode
1.2 Power On Mode
1.3 RX Mode
1.3.1No Carrier Mode
1.3.2 Un~muted Busy Mode
1.3.3 Muted Busy Mode
1.3 .4 Correct Call Mode
1.4 TX Mode
1.5 Scan Mode
1.6 Priority Scan Mode
2. Alerts and Alert messages
21 Power On
2.2 Button
2.3 Busy
2.4 Correct call
2.5 Transmit
2.6 Scan
2.7 Scan Delete
2.8 Scan All Delete
2.9 Time-Out-Timer
2.10 TX Penalty
2.11 TX Penalty End
212 EEPROM Error
2.13 PLL Unlock Error
2.14 Low Battery
2.15 Programming
2.16 Busy Lock Out
2.17 TX Inhibit I Receive Only
2.18 Auto Test
3. Features
3.1 Sofiware Version/Revision Display
3.2 Channel Spacing
3.3 Output Power
3.4 Power Save
3.5 Low Battery
3.6 Transmit Titne-Out-Timerl'l'x Penalty
3.7 Squelclt Options
3.7.1 CTCSS
3.7.2 DCS
3.7.3 Squelch Defeat (Monitor) Operation
3.8 Busy Channel Lockout/Marked Idle
3.9 Priority Look Back
3.10 Sean Function
3.10.1RX Only/No TX
3102 Normal Scan TX
3.10.3 Priority Scan TX
3.10.4 Priority Only TX
3.11 Scan Delete Function
3.12 Prugamming & Cloning
3.12.1 Programming
3.12.2 Cloning
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Operation Description
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Operation Description
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This section provides general descriptions of the operating modes of the SP—200 Radio.
1. Operation Mode
1.1 Power Off Mode
The SP-200 shall enter Off mode when the OnIOfl' Volume knob is rotated to the most counter-clockwise
position, beyond the demerit. Upon entering Off mode, the radio shall store its current channelfif Power On
Channel function is disabled via PC programmer).
1.2 Power On Mode
The SP-200 shall enter Power-On mode when the Onlofi' Volume knob is rotated clockwise beyond the detent
Upon entry of the Power-On mode, the radio shall perform the power—on alert to indicate that it has been turned
on. 111 the Power-On mode, the radio shall restore the operational setting stored when it was last turned ofitif
Power On Channel function is disabled via PC programmer).
1.3 RX Mode
The SP-ZOO shall enter the RX made when the user is not transmitting and the scan function is not active. In
this mode, the receive function is performed. There shall be 4 conditions in this mode.
1.3.1 No Carrier Mode
In this mode, the LED shall not be lit and there shall he no audio present.
1.3.2 Un-muted Busy Mode
In this mode, the LED shall he lit for yellow and there shall be audio present.
1.3.3 Muted Busy Mode
In this mode, the LED shall be lit for yellow and there shall not be audio present.
1.3.4 Correct Call Mode
in this mode, the LED shall be lit for green and there shall be audio present. Any audio present shall be heard
through the radio’s speaker.
1.4 TX Mode
The SP-ZOO Radio enter the TX mode, when FTl‘(Pnsh-To-Talk) button is press and hold. In this mode, the
radio shall transmit the audio on the selected channel. The speaker shall be muted and no alert tones shall be
given. The radio shall exit this mode when the user releases the P11" button, the Time-Out-Timer expires, or the
radio is turned off.
1.5 Scan Mode
The SP-200 Radio shall enter the scan mode, when scan function is enabled by user.
1.6 Priority Scan Mode
The SP-ZOO Radio shall enter the priority scan mode, when priority scan function is enabled by user.
2. Alerts and Alert messages
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ARY INFORMATION: This mater for use only by the recipient thereof dire r] from Maxon Korea, lnc.
t be made available or disclosed without the proper written authorization thereof.
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Operation Description
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This section describes the various audible alerts and LED/LCD alert messages the SP-ZOO shall give to the user
for each condition.
Notes : All LED or audible alerts can be globally disabled via PC programming. All of the following
descriptions assume both LED and audible alerts are enabled.
2.1 Power On
Upon power-on, the SP-ZOO radio shall emit 50msee 800Hz, 50mm “00st SOmsec 1401-11, 50msec 1601-11,
50msec 2000Hz tones.
2.2 Button
The SP-ZOO radio shall emit a SOmsec 10001-11 tone each time an any button is pressed.
2.3 Busy
If a channel is busy, the LED shall glow yellow.
2.4 Correct call
lf a channel has sub tone option, LED shall glow green for the duration of the correct call.
2.5 Transmit
While PTT is pressed, the LED shall glow red for the duration of the transmission.
2.6 Scan
while the radio is scanning, the LED shall flash green as the radio scans. The radio display current scanning
channel on LCD.
2.7 Scan Delete
If monitor button is pressed in the scan mode, the radio is delete scanned-channel at scan list. And the radio
shall emit a 10001—1: tone for 250m. The radio display “_d” message on LCD.
2.5 Scan All Delete
If all channel is deleted at scan list in scan mode, the radio shall emit two 250msee 100on tone. And the radio
display “Ad" message on LCD.
2.9 Time-Out-Timer
Five seconds prior the Time-Out-Timer time out. the radio shall emit a lOOOl-lz 250msec tone to alert the user.
Once the Time-Out-Timer expires, the radio shall emit the Transmit Not Available alert (a l000Hz 250msec
tone). And the radio display “ 0" message on LCD.
2.10 TX Penalty
If the user attempts to transmit when the TX Inhibit time expires, the radio shall emit the Penalty alert (three
1000112 250mm tone). And the radio display “Pt" message on LCD.
2.11 1x Penalty End
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Operation Description
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The SP-ZOO radio shall emit at 1000111 250msec tone.
2.12 EEPROM Error
If the radio detects an error in the EEPROM, the radio shall emit a lOOOHz 250mm tone. And the radio
display “Er” message on LCD.
2.13 PLL Unlock Error
When the PLL is out of lock, the radio shall emit two 1000112 150mm tones. And the radio display “UL"
message on LCD.
2.14 Low Battery
Upon detection of a low battery condition, the radio shall emit three 1000Hz 250msee tones, And the radio
display “LC" message on LCD.
2.15 Programming
When the programmer is reading programmed data from the radio, the radio display “ r " message on LCD.
And the LED shall flash red. When the programmer is writing data to the radio, the radio display “ w“ message
on LCD. And the LED shall flash green.
2.16 Busy Lock Out
If the user attempts to transmit when the radio is busy or correct call, the radio shall emit a 100on 250msec
tone. And the radio display "bL" message on LCD(if Busy Channel Look Out function is enabled via PC
2.17 TX Inhibit / Receive Only
If the user attempts to transmit when the SCAN-TX option is Normal-scan TX or Receive—Only/No-TX, the
radio shall emit two lOOOI—lz 250msec tones and display “_h" or “re“ message on LCD.
218 Auto Test
In the auto test mode, the radio display “ A" message on LCD.
3. Features
3.l Sofiware Version/Revision Display
Press and hold both Up and Down buttons. The radio is display the safiware version and revision number on
LCD. First digit is version number and 2nd digit is revision number.
3.2 Channel Spacing
The radio shall be capable of programmable channel spacing. Each channel can be programmed via the PC
programmer to have 12.5KH1, ZOKHL or ZSKHz channel spacing.
33 Output Power
The radio shall be capable of programmable output power. Each channel can be programmed via PC
programmer to have either ahigh or low output power. And the calibration software can program the high and
low output power level from i to 5 Watts.
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3.4 Power save
The radio shall be capable of power save parameters. The power save parameters can be programmed via the
PC programmer. "the power save on time (RX off time) can be programmed to be from 0.1 to 4.0 seconds in 0,1
second increments. The power save off time (RX on time) can be programmed to be from 0.05 to 0.2 seconds in
0.0] second increments. The power save delay time (time before the power save begins or resumes) can be
programmed to be 1 to 8 seconds in 1 second increments.
3.5 Low Battery
Upon detection of low battery condition, the radio shall emit three beeps repeatedly, with display message of
“ LC " on LCD. Radio continuously flashes the red LED for the duration of 200msec to indicate a low battery
condition. When detected of low battery condition, the radio shall transmit the audio. If transmission is
attempted afler release P'l'l‘ button, no transmissions shall be allowed and then low battery alert shall be given
and displayed “ LC ” message on LCD. When detected of low battery condition, the radio shall be receive.
3.6 Transmit Time-Out-Timer/TX Penalty
The radio shall have a programmable transmit Time-Out-TimedTOT). This timer shall prevent the user from
transmitting for extended periods of time, which may damage the radio. The Time-Out-Timer period can be
programmed via PC programmer from 0 to 990 second in 10 seconds increments. At five seconds before the
Time-Out-Timer time-out, the radio shall emit a single beep of "(Hz and duration of 250msec to alert the user.
Once the Time-Out-Timer expires, the radio shall emit the Transmit Not Available alert and displayed “ Pt "
message on LCD if PTT is pressed. The TX Inhibit feature may be used in conjunction with the Time—Out-
Timer. The TX Inhibit feature shall prevent the user from transmitting again for a period of time afier the Time»
Out-Timer expires. The TX Inhibit time-out can be programmable via PC programmer from 0 to 75 seconds in
5 seconds increments. If the user attempts to transmit before the TX Inhibit time-out occurs, a Transt Not
Available alert shall be given and displayed “ Pt ” message on LCD.
3.7 Sqnelch Options
The radio shall support three different squelch options: CTCSS, DCS, Squelch defeat(Monitor). Each channel
shall have its squelch option set during dealer programming. For each transmit operation, the squelch option
shall be implemented if the channel is deemed not busy.
3.7ll CTCSS
The radio shall support the 38 TIA/EIA standard CTCSS tones and non-standard CTCSS tones ranging from
sor-rz to 2601-Iz in 0.1Hz increments. All the tones shall be set up during dealer programming.
- TX operation : Upon pressing PTI‘, the radio shall encode the channel’s programmed CTCSS tone and enter
TX mode. The tone shall last for the duration of the transmission.
0 End of TX operation : Upon leaving TX mode, the radio may employ dealer programmable squelch tail
elimination functions.
- RX operation ; When the proper CTCSS tone is decoded, the radio shall enter correct call state from busy
state. When the proper CTCSS tone is no longer being decoded, the radio shall enter busy state from correct call
3.7.2 DCS
The Radio shall support the encoding and decoding of 83 TIA/EIA normal and inverted DCS data.
- TX operation : Upon the pressing of P'IT, the radio shall encode the programmed DCS bit pattern for the
selected channel and enter TX mode. The data shall last for the duration of the transmission.
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fly from Maxon Korea, Inc.
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Operation Description
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0 End of TX operation : Upon leaving TX mode, the radio may employ squelch tail elimination. This shall be
done by sending a turn off coder
0 RX operation : The radio shall decode the incoming data stream to determine if there is a match with the pre-
programmed DCS data. If the DCS data is properly decoded, the radio shall enter correct call state from busy
state. When the proper DCS data is longer being decoded, the radio shall enter busy state from correct call state.
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3.7.3 Squelch Defeat (Monitor) operation
If a Monitor button is dealer-programmed for Monitor operation, Monitor button shall function as push
on/release off. By pressing the monitor button, the user shall defeat the programmed squelch operation and enter
correct call status on the selected channel. When the user releases the monitor button, the radio shall enter busy
and resume programmed squelch operation
3.8 Busy Channel Lockout/Marked Idle
These features shall be dealerprogrammable on/off. These features shall not be defeated when scan is enabled.
. Busy Channel Lockout On : Upon PIT being pressed, if carrier is present, the radio shall not exit RX mode to
enter TX mode. The Transmit Not Available alert shall be given.
- Busy Channel Lockout Off : Upon P‘lT being pressed, the radio shall enter TX mode regardless of the
presence of carrier.
- Marked Idle On : If the Busy Channel Lockout is on and carrier is detected, the radio shall be permitted to
enter TX mode if the RX squelch option is valid.
33 Priority Look Back
This dealer-programmable option shall place the radio in a state where it shall periodically look back to a pre-
programmed priority channel.
- RX : The radio shall receives calls on its selected channel and priority channel. While the radio is receiving a
call on its selected channel, it shall look for carrier on its priority channel for the pre-programmed priority look
back time. It’s call is detected on the priority channel, the radio shall leave the cur-rent channel call and receive
the priority call. Afier the priority call has ended, the radio shall remain on the priority channel for the pre-
programmed priority look back time. When the priority look back timer expires, the radio shall go back to the
selected channel and resume priority look back operation.
- TX : The user may only initiate new transmissions on the selected channel. The user may transmit on the
priority channel only alter receiving a call on the priority channel.
3.l0 Scan Function
During programming of the radio, any channel can be selected as a scanned channel. The scan list will be
activated by switching to the channel that was selected as the scan list channel dun'ng programming of the
system parameters. The user shall active scanning by selecting the scanned channel for current channel. While
the radio is scanning, the LED shall flash green as the radio scans. Once the radio has enabled scan, the radio
shall traverse through the pre-programmed scan list. The time spent on receiving a channel in the scan list is
referred to as the scan speed time When an incoming call is detected and decoded, scanning shall stop and the
radio shall enter Un-muted Busy Mode or Correct Call Mode. Afier the call has ended, the radio shall enter Un-
muted Busy Mode or Correct Call Mode for a pre-prograntmed period of scan wait time. If the radio receives a
call from the same caller before the scan wait time expires, the radio shall re—enter Un-muted Busy Mode or
Correct Call Mode and the scan wait time shall be reset. If the user is permitted to respond to the caller, the scan
wait time shall be reset. When the scan wait time expires, the radio shall resume scanning.
3.10.1 RX Only/No TX
No transmissions shall be allowed, If transmission is attempted, the Transmit Not Available alert shall be given.
Th rs the property orMaxon Korea Inc. and shall not be made avar
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3.10.2 Normal Scan TX
When the radio receives a call on scanned channel, transmission shall be allowed on scanned channel. When the
radio not receives a call on scanning channel, transmission shall not be allowed.
3.10.3 Priority Scan TX
When the radio receives a call on scanned channel, transmission shall be allowed on scanned channel. The user
shall only initiate a new transmission on the priority channel. It‘prioriry channel im’t selected, transmissions
shall not be allowed.
3.10.4 Priority Only TX
The user shall only transmit on the priority channel. If priority channel isn’t selected, transmissions shall not be
3.11 Scan Delete Function
If a channel in the scan list is constantly being scanned to, the user can temporarily delete the channel from
scan list by pressing the monitor button. This process can only be initiated when scan is active and the radio is
Un-muted Busy Mode or Correct Call Mode on the charmel to he deleted.
3.12 Programming & Cloning
3.12.1 Programming '
The SP-ZOO radios require the QPA-4000 programming cable. With the 25 pin “D" type connector installed on
the computer, take the other end of the programming cable and insert it in the receptacle located on the opposite
side of the FIT on the radio.
1. Reading
(1) Ensure that radio's power switch is in the “OFF" position.
(2) Connect the programming cable through mic jack.
(3) Place the radio in the data read mode by holding the radio’s monitor switch and then turning radio power
switch to the “ON” position. Release the monitor switch on the first led flashfln this time, the radio display
“_r" message on LCD).
(4) Press the radio’s monitor switch. The LED shall glow red and programming will be start.
(5) Afier programming, the radio resets and works normally with programmed frequency.
1. Writing
(1) Ensure that radio's power switch is in the “OFF” position.
(2) Connect the programming cable through mic jack.
(3) Place the radio in the data write mode by holding the radio‘s monitor switch and then turning radio power
switch to the “ON” position. Release the monitor switch on second led flash(ln this time, the radio display
“_w" message on LCD).
(4) Press the radio‘s monitor switch. The LED shall glow green and programming will be start
(5) Afler programming, the radio resets and works normally with reprogrammed frequency.
3.12.2 Cloning
The SP-ZOO radios require the QPA-4001 cloning cable. The frequencies and functions can be programmed
from radio to radio by using a cloning cable.
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Part No:
(1) Ensure that both radio’s power switches are in the “OFF" position.
(2) Place the master radio(the radio which already has desired program information in the EEPROM) in the
data master mode by holding the radio’s monitor switch and then turning radio power switch to the “ON"
position(the yellow LED on the radio flashes). Release the monitor switch on the fourth led flashdn this
time, the radio display “_m" message on LCD).
(3) Place the slave radio(lhe radio which is not programmed, or has program infomiation that will be revised)
into data slave mode by holding the radio’s monitor switch and then turning the radio power switch to the
“ON” position(the yellow LED on the radio flashes). Release the monitor switch on the third led flash(ln
this time, the radio display “_S" message on LCD).
(4) Connect the cloning cable through mic jack.
(5) Press the slave radio’s monitor switch. The LED shall glow green.
(6) Press the master radio’s monitor switch. The LED shall glow red. And Cloning will start.
(7) Afier cloning, the slave radio resets and works normally with re-programmed frequency, and the master
radio display “_m" message on LCD. Press monitor switch, and then the radio will repeat step 6).
(8) For cloning other radios, repeat step 3) through 7).
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r disclosed without the proper written authorization thereof.
The SP200 U/V Receiver is designed for broad band covering UHF(440 to 470 MHz) and
VHF(148-174MH2) and should require no special alignment, unless repairs are performed on
the receiver poru'on.
The only alignment normally required is to squelch circuit, Apply a signal that produes lOdB
SINAD, reduce the input to —l30dBm, close the squelch control(RV2,RV4) until the receiver
Increase the signal to IOdB SlNAD reading reference level and adjust RV2 or RV4 until the
squelch opens In high noise environment, some users may prefer to have the squelch opening
set somewhat tighter, e.g.512 to l4clB SINAD
Should repairs be required, the following procedures should be applied:
1. Set the unit to the lowest transmitter frequency, 440MHZ(UHF), 148MHZ(VHF) and adjust
the VCO L203 to 3 volts
2. Set the unit to the highest transmitter frequency, 470MHz(UHF), l74MHz(Vl-IF) and check
that the VCO voltage is below 11 volts. Adjust L203 for 3.0 volts.
3. Set the unit to the lowest receiver frequency, 440MHz(UHF), l48MHz
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