Musical Electronics GMRS1000H GMRS Transceiver User Manual
Musical Electronics Ltd GMRS Transceiver
- 1. User Manual
- 2. RF Safety Information
- 3. Revised RF Safety Information
User Manual
23 CHANNEL GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM WITH AMIFM STEREO RECENER GMRS-1000 H BEFORE OPERATING THIS PRODUCT PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY _—| Museum IWFCCYDGE 1 zwunmsm ‘7‘u £114. flow/fl) Warning: Adjustment to this unit or replacement ul any transmitter component (crystal, semiconductor, etc.) to this unit that could result in a vielatinn of the rules. ’ NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against hermiui interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,‘ uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, it not inatailed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interierence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference ta radie er talevleiun reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: El modem or relocate the receiving antenna. El increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. D Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different ircrn that to which the receiver is connected. El Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. TN” fl“: ”ILL 7627 77K,M7zai nu 74.4: Pwr 7445, 0/7 //\,J‘ 73< u (ff, hJ A/4v aw /Z~{ ‘f/7 FCC WARNlNGS Tlllsdevlfimmpliswllh pal1|5 all!!! FCC mist-spawn“ issubjeulinlhe madman Mal this davlce does not wise harmful lured-reuse, How (a Obtain a'GMRS License? You musr oblaln an FCC "mass (or be an Immadiale tar-my member ni snmma who is already licensed) beiure yrm may lunamil will: a GMRS radio. Tfl awry lur- (30/le Iicsnser yw musr nomplala and mum a Farm 60le the FCC You an nblairr a copy nllhe Fcc Form 505 arm [Is lnsuuciinns by mrllngz1-nan-CALL Fcc. vou all also ublain a copy qum rne FCC' 5 Web 54; men. imgrwlimmpage hlmi You can also apply inr a GMRS license mum on ma Wen Applicams mun alsa submi an FCC Form 15!(flumlflsnm Advlca), ll is avaiabia (mm inasame scurcaamennuned above, As qrseplamherzooo. [ha coal ninbiainlng an FCC licensein lb; GMRS is 555. Tm: innindas assn aypllcah'nm’ee, mm a usagaree urns ($7 perysar for me five-yearGMRS "causal This sash: lolalrrmsl ha suhmlnedalnng with I!!! applinaiian PRECAUTIONS Donal nmdrfyurnkempllu filinsl Illelrarrsmivarfwanyusun. Avalri ems: in uxpnsura Io walflr. heal and cold. This Iransneiver ls weamar “sham hul nm walerpmor, Do not name the nanmluar to long pzriod aidlrafl sunlighl, nnrpianu me Iranscelver cluse Ln healing appliance; Do rml place lira Muscular in excessively dusty areas, humid areas. rvel areas, not an unslahia surfaces, llan almonnalur smoke B deludnd flaming hum lire Mr. Immnfl’leiy svfllcil OFF Ihn pawsr and remnve lhe binaries [rum (he transceiver. Cnniad yuurdeaiar Carmonszainrarn mtrmilanuawilhlmFCCsRqusueglfleflr-aghoflflm lmrrsm’lirerlrld lnipnn- il'flslz inch (5 amalgam) fiamymnrauanu spa-k hr anomaivobe‘vnhmeanmnapulnladup andawayhmnhralana liyquwesl lha handset nn yuur hurry while using (he iveadsei enemy. use Duly (he manuladurerssupplrsd bEIi diplurmisprodud andunsum Hullhealllelma is Hi ram 1 ‘mchllfi mndmzlerslrmmynmmdywhen vanam'mzng Use MW ihe suppilud anlannl Unaulllnn’zed inlennas, mnfllficalluns, cf auzmms muiddzmage me nansmmerandmayviolaie FCCrragulaLirns. “annoy 505 AM u) lsr i"1 V) v- >~ FROM MUSICF—‘li. ELECTRDNIES LTD 14:17 11 -DCT*2ZEll Safety Information . Your wirdess handheld portable iransoewu ooniains a low power hansmflmr When (he Fusi‘r—lo-laikPTT) Mon rs pushed i\ sends uul Mu Mama (RF) Signals- Thisdmmrsauflmizadinopsalealadutyfaflurnulmexmedwln. in Angus! 19m, lire Federal Communiwfions Commissim (FCC) adopled Rmeosureguidei’u-reswllh salelyieveis lorhard—haidwireias dawns. Features - Up lo 7 miles range wilhaulRepaatenAssisled Communicaliuns - Tmal23 Channsis 1. 14 Main Channels wiih 36 CTCSS Submannais 2, 7 Repealer—Assisled Channels with 35 CTCSS Subohanneis 3. 2 EmEFQEDW Calmrreis - Build-in VGX Funmlnn wllh adjnslahle Mic sensllivity - Adiuslahie Squelch Caniml - Trma-Onl-‘i'rmer (Transmitter nperalinn limer) - Auln channel Sm - Channel Memory Preseis - Multifunction Back—ill LCD Display Talk Cumimrallon Tone and Call I Ring Bullnn Delachabie Belt Clip Auto Ballsry Saver External Power (DC QV) and Enema! Nfiu'ophune Speaker-Jacks UNPACKING carefully unpack the uanscelver, We recommend mal you idenliiy lhe ‘llsms lisled below heiure discarding lhs packing material. - Transceiver . ...1 ' Bell Clip . - Inalructirm Manual ,,,,, ,, 1 "1 —I may sou: IE mm pas z Frequency Range Our23 Channel GMRS unil represents one ofthe most advanced FM two-way radius used with the fallowlng UHF lrequencies. Mail Channels channel Frequency 1 462.5625 MHz FRS Channel 1 2 462.5875 MHZ FRS Channel 2 3 462.8125 MHZ FRS Channel 3 4 462.6375 MHZ FRS Channel 4 5 462.6625 MHZ FRS Channel 5 6 462.6875 MHz FRS Channel 6 7 462.7125 MHz FRS Channel 7 B 462.5500 MHZ 9 462.5750 MHZ 10 462.6000 MHZ 11 462.6250 MHZ 12 462.6500 MHz 13 4627000 MHZ 14 462.7250 MHZ RepeatehAssisted Communication Cahnneln Channel Rx Frequency Tx Frequency 15 462.5500 MHZ 457.5500 MHZ 113 462.5750 MHZ 467.5750 MHZ 17 462.6000 MHZ 467.6000 MHZ 18 4626250 MHZ 467.6250 MHZ 19 462.6500 MHz 467.6500 MHZ 20 462.7000 MHZ 457.7000 MHz 21 462.7250 MHz 467.7250 MHz Emergency Cahnnels Ech1 462.6750 MHZ E0112 462.6750 MHZ 467.675 MHz (wilh Repaaler) _1 F emu-1 not: Is var FCQPSS 4 zuwm. 6:45 AM | I Controls and Indicators Earphone! Mlcrophona jack Transmission] Receptlen Indlwlor LED display CALL button P'I'I' button MONITOR button EMERGENCY MENU button Miaopphone UPIDOWN buttons ENTER/LOCK POWER button button Display and Indicators LED display - indicates Channel numbers, Volume level, Luck, Beep, Low Battery Level, etc. “insmisiian and Reception indicatnr - When Iransmitting. the indi- cator stays on. The indicatnr flashes when receiving a signal. Power Saver Mode Indlcatnr - flashes in Power Saver Mode. 27 fl: com-mun IE «arenas s 2|-Oe—Dt msm Operation Install Batteries 1. Pull lock tab dawn and lift door up (towards you) to remove battery cover, 2. Insert six "AAA" batteries. Position batteries accordlng to polarity markings. Note :When batteries are low or need charging the E BATI' LOW indicator will blink. Replaoe alkaline batteries. "T Gun-15m ismsccpas a 114mm. mom FF LCD Display Out 0! Ran e Infilcaror Speaker ON Indicalnr for FM Mode H5? Transmit (Talk) Indicator Lock Indicator ' Rscsrve (Listen) Indicator Talk Confirmation Main Channel Frequency — for FM Mode _7 ummmo IE lot recess 7 — FM - FM Made Indicator — VOL - Volume adjust Mode Indicator — WB - WBElheV Hand Made lndhator — SOL - Squelch adjust Mode Indicator — CH » Channel adjust Mode Inarcamr — vox - vox sensitivity adjust Mode Ind‘cator CTCSS Subchanna‘ Indimlur Frequency for FM Mode Monilcr Mode for Weamsr Band Radio Hungry Level Indicamr 11: 21415411. mm AM “l To Turn On The Unit or To Turn Off The Unit Press the POWER switch for more than 1 second. Auto Battery Power Saver The unit has a special circuit designed to extend battery life. If there are no transmissions wlthin 5 seconds, the unit will auto- matically switch to battery save mode. To Transmit Simply talk to the built~in microphone as VOX (Voice Actlvated Transmission) turns into transmission mode automatically. or press the PTTtPush-To-Talk) button. To Adjust VOLUME control Press momentarily UP button to increase or DOWN button to decrease volume. The higher number. the higher volume level. emu-mm: mrrccwfr a 21mm. ems/3M _—| To Select Main Channel 1. Press the MENU button. The LCD dis- play indicates as shown at right. 2 Press the UP or DOWN button to set a desired dtannel. 3 Press the MENU button to continue other settings. To complete setting, press the ENTER button. Note: Channel 15 though Channel 21 and Emergency Channel 2 require Repeater station to communicate. To Select Sub-Channel 1.After setting Main Channel, press the MENU button agaln. The LCD display Indicates as shown at right. fl ; 553.111“! 3 ‘JrL’L‘ J 2, Press the UP or DOWN button to set a desired sub-channel from 00(sub-channel 011) to 38. 3. Press the MENU button to continue other settings. To complete setting, press the ENTER button. Sub—channel digits will! flash at slow speed atter setting. Automatic Channel Scan Press and hold the UP or DOWN button to search signals. When the unit catches a strong signal, scan will stop for 5 sec- ands, If you want to stop at that channel, press the FIT or ENTER bul- ton. Gems—two la luv FCC pee v mos-m. 3:45 AM To Set Preset Memory You can store the most frequently used channels up to 10 pre- sets. 1. Press the MENU button and set main and sub-channel as desired. ” ' “u ‘ . For example: Channel 14—38 as shown at ' 1“ O . right —-—J 2. Press the MENU butlon. The LCD die- -‘; play Indicates as shown at right. i d v ' U a i v i Ifa memory number is flashing, a i’M I1 'L l memory preset is free to store a channel. 1 l - ' ' I: i .. W4 If a memory number is not flashing. that memory preset number is occupied. A channel number Is shown after memory preset number. To see a memory number. press the MONlTOR button. 3. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a desired memory preset number For example: Memory preset number M- 10 as shown at right. 4. Press and hold the ENTER button for 2 seconds. You will hear a oonflnnatlon beep. A channel number is stored. then the dis- play shows a stored channel number. 5.To enter a new channel number to an occupied memeory pre- set. set a desired channel first. Then, press the MENU button. While a memory number flashes, press UP or DOWN button to select a desired memory number and press and hold the ENTER button for 2 seconds until a beep is heard. _7 V— Gmmmo la in FCC pm 10 zi-nem. 3:45 AM LE 6. Press the MENU button to continue other settings. To complete setting, press the ENTER button. To Set Dual Watch Function This feature enables you to monitor 2 channes simultanuosly Set Main and Sub channels you went to muni- tor prior to set Duel Watch Function. kW =.-. 1. Press the MENU button repeatedly untll the l ' ' lfll‘ LCD display indicates as shown at right. ' ‘ 2. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a de— sired channel to monitor. Examplez‘MSB 3. Press the MENU button to continue other settings. To oumplste setting. press the ENTER hul~ ion. To Select VOX Level This texture enables you to adjust VOX microphone sensitivity. 1. Press the MENU button repeatedly until the LCD display indlwtes as shown at right. 2, Press the UP or DOWN button to set a desired level H ,— High Sensitivity n d — Middle Sensitivity to — Low Sensltivity 3. Press the MENU button to continue other settings, To complete setting, press the ENTER button. Gun-1000 lBtorFCc.o55 n zmsm.s:45AM To Select Squelch Level This feature enables you to adjust squelch level on reception. When you hear interference noises during reception. adjust squelch level. 1.F’ress the MENU button repeatedly until the LCD display Indicates as shown at right. 2. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a desired level. to - Low r. d - Middle H . - High 3. Press the MENU button to continue other settings. To complete setting. press the ENTER button. To Set Time-Out-Timer When you communicate by using repeaters, you should keep your unites brlel as possible. Most repeaters have built-in timers that limit single transmission to 3 minutes or less. You can set the trensoelverto stop transmitting and sound a beep lfyou exceed a set time Ilmltwlth a single transmission. To select a value for the time-out timer, 1. Press the MENU button repeatedly until the LCD display indicates as shown at right. 2. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a de- sired time lrom 10 seconds to 180 seconds. \ v_| l W 3, Press the MENU button to continue other :I n!" settings. —I “4 To complete setting. press the ENTER but~ ton. _l emu-imam VerFDO.nfi5 1: 2mm. 5:45AM To Select Call Tones Call tones sound like a telephone ring, and are convenient for quickly identify yourself to another party. Persons whom you call will instantly recognize you because of your call tone, As the unit features 5 different tones, you can select and set your favorable tone. 1.Prsss the MENU button repeatedly until the LCD display indicates as shown at right, 2. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a de- sired tone from 1 to 5. 3A Press the MENU button to continue other settings. To complete setting. press the ENTER button. To Look Control Keys (UPIDOWN, MENU keys) Press and hold the ENTER button for 2 seconds, Key Icon 01 will appear on the display To Turn On or Off Roger (Talk Confirmation Tone) This alerts the other party that you are finished talking and it's OK for them to begin talking. 1 Press the M EN U button lepeatedy untilihe LCD dSPbyi—idraEs as shown atr'qht 2.91255 the UP orDOW N button iomm on the n A beep. LII-l: VTT)‘ _i rF Gmrurimfl IB rupee ass 1: awe-ox 5:45 AM What are GMRS repeaters? For Repeater-Assisted Communications A typical low-power handheld radio might be able to communicate with a base station on top of a mountain or a tail building 15 miles to even 30 or more miles distant. A repeater station is really lust a special kind of base station which employs a very tall antenna. The repeater usually receives on a 457 MHz GMRS frequency When it receives a signal (usually accompanied by a special code which this repeater listens for as» peoiallyh the repeater then automatically (ie. without further op- erator action or controi) retransmits that same signal on the com— parable 462 MHz frequency. The advantage of the repeater is in Its capability to receive a signal from a distant transmitter. and to retransmit a signal which can he heard by a distant receiver. because at the station's greater anv tenna height. It a repeater with a tall antenna can hear a mobile signal 20 miles away (a typical distance for a well—sited repeater). then it can usu- ally transmit to another mobile unit anywhere within that same 20» mile radius. The two mobile units themselves do not need to be near each other. They could be at opposite sides of the ZD—mile radius of coverage of the repeater. or 40 miles apart from each other. and still be able to communicate through the repeater. There are some practical upper limits on range. For example. a repeater whose antenna is mounted on a 1OD-ioot tower in mostly flatternain might cover a 15-mile radius. An additional 5 to 10 miles of coverage might be gained by each doubling of antenna height. Using this example (and with the same typical terrain), mounting the antenna on a ZOO-toot tower might provide a 25—mile radius of rxwemge. But to achieve a 35-miie radius. you would need a 400- loot tower. For a 45-miie radius of coverage. you would need an BOO-foot tower. From this example. you can see that extending the range beyond 25 or 30 miles can come oniytrom having access to a very tall antenna or (more likely) to a mountain top. in emn-ww la tor 700.965 M mount. a 45m FF Although (here is the obvious advantage of additional communica- tions range in oommunicating through a repeater station. there are also disadvantages. When one repeater is trensmitt it can block out or Interfere with all other communications on that same tre— quency within that same area. Since there are only eight frequency pairs available for repeater communications, GMRS users must cooperate in sharing the use at these trequencies. One method of cooperating is to use the repeater only when it is necessary to employ its extended range When the corresponding units are close enough to each other so that the repeater is not needed, then the units should communicate with each other di- rectly. not through the repeater. Repeater users should also keep their communications as short as possible (namely, only necessary and urgent communications). omnooo IBtnr Foo ps5 t5 awe-01.13 ts w fl: To Set Radio Mode 1,Press the MENU bufiun repeatedly untIJ the LCD display indicates as shown at right 2. Press the ENTER button to sel Radio moder "AM' indlcator wIII flash. Ifyou want to listen to AM. press the EN- TER button. 3.To change to FM mode. press ihe UP or DOWN button to set FM mode. then press d the ENTER bullonr 27 FF Gmu4mml! ianCQwS 15 aneurysm To Listen to AM Set the unit In AM mode. See “To Set Radio Mode". 1 . Press the MENU button once. The frequency indication will flash. 2. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a de- sired AM station, then press the ENTER but- ton. When pressing and holding the UP or DOWN bullon, frequency search becomes fast moder To stop fast mode, press lhe ENTER button. To Set AM Preset Memory Stations (Up to 10 Presets) You can store lhe most frequently listenlng stations up to 10 pre- sets. a E 1.Prsss the MENU builon and sstths frequency IEI as desired and press lhe ENTER button, I“! -' fl For example: BBOKHz as shown at rlght 0 b u- _| I \ _| Gmm1mularanccp6§ 17 aquarium 2. Press the MENU button twice. The LCD die- pley indicates as shown at right. If a memory number Is flashing at normal speed and a trequency is not shown, a : memory preset is free to store a channel. "J ‘ If a memory number is flashing at higher speed, that memory preset number is occupied and a frequency is displayed. To see a memory number. press the MONITOR button. 3. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a de- sired memory preset number. For example: Memory preset number M02 as shown at right. 4. Press and hold the ENTER button for 2 sate onds. You will hear a oonfirmatlon beep. A station is stored, then the displey shows a stored frequency. 5. To enter a new station frequency to en oocupied memory preset, set a desired frequency first. Then, press the MENU button. While a memory number flashes. press UP or DOWN button to select a desired memory number and press and hold the EN— TER button for 2 seconds untll a beep is heard. i F— Gmre-tflnnlslorFCC use 18 maximum "T To Listen to PM Set the unit in PM mode. See "To Set Radio Made", To receive FM signals. It Is recommended to use an earphone into the Earphonejack. As a cord works as FM antenna, adjust a cord posi- tion to have the best reception. 1. Press the MENU button once. The frequency Indication will flash. 2.Press the UP or DOWN button to set a de— sired FM station, then press the ENTER but- ton, When pressing and holding the UP or DOWN button. frequency search becomes test mode. quill.» To Set FM Preset Memory Stations (Up to 10 Presets) You can store the most frequently listening stations up to 10 pre- sets. 1. Press the MENU button and set the ire- queney as desired and press the ENTER button. For example: 8&1MHz as shown at right emu-um later means is zi-us-oi. swam Al L: 2. Press the MENU button twice. The LCD display indicates as shown at right. If a memory number is flashing at normal speed and e trequeney is not shown, a memory preset Is free to store a channelr its memory number is flashing at higher speed. that memory preset number is occupied and a frequency Is displayed. To see a memory number. press the MONITOR button. 3. Press the UP or DOWN button to set a desired memory preset number. " v r . E1 u For example: Memory preset number M- _ 02 as shown at right. 4. Press and hold the ENTER button for 2 seconds. You will hear a confirmation beep. A station is stored, then the die- piay shows a stored trequency. 5.To enter a new station frequency to an occupied memory pre- set, set a desired frequency first. Then, press the MENU but- ton. While a memory number flashes. press UP or DOWN but— ton to select a desired memory number and press and hold the ENTER button for 2 seconds until a beep is heard. —i F— arr-54mm term Fccws zu zine—01,515 AM
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