OpenCell OPENCELLV1-1 User Manual operators manual

OpenCell Corp operators manual

operators manual

OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page iTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLETABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 11.1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................. 11.1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 11.1.2 Manual Organization..................................................................................................... 11.2 TERMINOLOGY, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................... 11.2.1 Notations Conventions.................................................................................................. 11.2.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations........................................................................................ 11.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................... 21.4 SYSTEM OVERVIEW................................................................................................................ 21.4.1 System Configuration.................................................................................................... 21.4.2 General Description ...................................................................................................... 31.4.3 Hub Subsystem Assemblies......................................................................................... Base Station Interface Module (BIM) .................................................................... BIR Power Supply.................................................................................................. Central Processing Unit (CPU).............................................................................. System Interface (STF) ......................................................................................... Synchronous Interface (SIF).................................................................................. Hub Down Converter (HDC).................................................................................. Forward Simulcast Card (FSC) ............................................................................. Reverse Simulcast Card (RSC)............................................................................. Hub Up Converter (HUC) ...................................................................................... Hub Reference Module (HRM).............................................................................. Ethernet Hub.......................................................................................................... RF I/O Module (RFIO) ........................................................................................... Digital I/O Module (DIO) ........................................................................................ RF CompactPCI Chassis & Backplane................................................................. Digital CompactPCI Chassis & Backplane............................................................ FIR CompactPCI Power Supply............................................................................ Power Supply Interface (PSI)................................................................................ Ethernet Hub Power Inverter (EHPI)..................................................................... 71.4.4 RAN Subsystem Assemblies........................................................................................ Central Processing Unit (CPU).............................................................................. System Interface (STF) ......................................................................................... Synchronous Interface (SIF).................................................................................. RAN Down Converter (RDC)................................................................................. RAN Up Converter (RUC) ..................................................................................... RAN Chassis & Backplane.................................................................................... CompactPCI Power Supply (RPS)........................................................................ RAN Rectifier (RCT).............................................................................................. Power Amplifier (PA) ............................................................................................. PA Interface Controller (PIC)................................................................................. Multiplexers............................................................................................................ PA Fans ................................................................................................................. Fuses ..................................................................................................................... Battery Backup (BB).............................................................................................. Glitch Batteries (GB).............................................................................................. Multicoupler (PCS and Cell).................................................................................. 9
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page iiTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLE1.4.4.17 Antenna (ANT)....................................................................................................... 91.4.5 Communication Interfaces............................................................................................ I2C.......................................................................................................................... Network Interface................................................................................................... SNMP/IP ................................................................................................................ 92.0 POWER ON/OFF PROCEDURES.................................................................................... 102.1 HUB POWER-ON/OFF ........................................................................................................... 102.2 RAN POWER ON/OFF........................................................................................................... 103.0 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ...................................................................................... 123.1 COMMON TO HUB AND RAN................................................................................................. 123.1.1 CPU............................................................................................................................. 123.1.2 STF.............................................................................................................................. 133.1.3 SIF............................................................................................................................... 143.2 RAN.................................................................................................................................... 163.2.1 RDC............................................................................................................................. 163.2.2 RUC............................................................................................................................. 173.2.3 P/MCPLR ....................................................................................................................183.2.4 C/MCPLR ....................................................................................................................193.2.5 PIC .............................................................................................................................. 203.2.6 CompactPCI Power Supply ........................................................................................ 213.2.7 Rectifier Front Panel ................................................................................................... 223.2.8 RAN Rectifier Chassis Front Panel Controls and Indicators...................................... 233.3 HUB ..................................................................................................................................... 243.3.1 HDC............................................................................................................................. 243.3.2 FSC ............................................................................................................................. 253.3.3 HUC............................................................................................................................. 263.3.4 RSC............................................................................................................................. 273.3.5 COMPACTPCI PS ...................................................................................................... 293.3.6 DIO.............................................................................................................................. 303.3.7 RFIO............................................................................................................................ 313.3.8 HRM ............................................................................................................................ 323.3.9 Ethernet Hub...............................................................................................................333.3.10 PSI........................................................................................................................... 343.3.11 BIM .......................................................................................................................... 353.3.12 BIR PS..................................................................................................................... 364.0 MIB STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................375.0 SETUP PROCEDURES..................................................................................................... 395.1 NETWORKING....................................................................................................................... 395.2 RAN NETWORK CONFIGURE................................................................................................. 425.3 NETWORK CONFIGURE ......................................................................................................... 445.4 PATHTRACE ......................................................................................................................... 485.4.1 Pathtrace Concept ...................................................................................................... 485.4.2 Pathtrace MIB Information.......................................................................................... 485.4.3 TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-BTS-CONNECTION-MIB................................................ 495.4.4 TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-HUB-RF-CONNECTION-MIB......................................... 505.4.5 PATHTRACE FAULT DETECTION............................................................................ 505.5 TENANT CONFIGURE ............................................................................................................ 505.5.1 SET Channels............................................................................................................. 525.5.2 SET Forward Gain ...................................................................................................... 53
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page iiiTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLE5.5.3 SET Reverse Gain ...................................................................................................... 555.5.4 SET Forward/Reverse Cable losses .......................................................................... 555.5.5 SET Auto Functions.................................................................................................... 556.0 INTEGRATION PROCEDURES........................................................................................ 566.1 HUB/RAN INTEGRATION...................................................................................................... 566.1.1 Forward Path Balance ................................................................................................ 566.1.2 Reverse Path Balance ................................................................................................ 567.0 BTS INTEGRATION .......................................................................................................... 577.1.1 BTS Parameter Changes – TDMA ............................................................................. 577.1.2 Neighbor List Updates ................................................................................................ 577.1.3 BTS Validation ............................................................................................................ 587.1.4 Forward RF Path Balance........................................................................................... 587.1.5 Reverse Path Balance ................................................................................................ 587.1.6 RAN Call verification................................................................................................... 588.0 MONITORING AND TROUBLESHOOTING..........ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.8.1 TENANT STATUS MONITORING............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.8.2 TROUBLESHOOTING ...........................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.8.2.1 Overall Status............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.8.2.2 Critical Severity ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.8.2.3 Major Severity .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.8.2.4 Minor Severity .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.8.2.5 Info Severity ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.8.2.6 Good Status ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.8.3 MODULE FAULTS................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.8.3.1 Common Modules........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. SIF......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.8.3.2 RAN.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. P/MCPLR and C/MCPLR ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. RDC ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. RUC ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. PA ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. PIC ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.8.3.3 Hub............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. HDC ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. HUC ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. FSC....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. RSC ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.0 REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES..........................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.9.1 RAN MODULE INSTALLATION...............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.9.1.1 CPU.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.2 STF............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.3 SIF................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.4 RDC.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.5 RUC.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.6 P/MCPLR ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.7 C/MCPLR..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.8 COMPACTPCI Power Supplies................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.9 COMPACTPCI Fans.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.10 PAs........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page ivTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLE9.1.11 PICs.......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.12 PA Fans.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.13 Fuses........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.14 Rectifier Module........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.15 Low Voltage Disconnect........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.16 Glitch Batteries ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.17 Backup Batteries ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.1.18 GPS Lightning Arrestor ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2 HUB MODULE INSTALLATION...............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.9.2.1 CPU.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.2 STF............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.3 SIF................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.4 RSC.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.5 HDC.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.6 FSC .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.7 HUC.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.8 DIO............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.9 RFIO............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.10 COMPACTPCI Power Supply.................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.11 Hub COMPACTPCI Fans......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.12 Ethernet Hub ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.13 Power Inverter .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.14 HRM.......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.15 BIM ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.9.2.16 BIR Power Supply .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.10.0 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE..............................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.10.1 FILTERS..........................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.10.2 ANTENNA AND GPS CABLES...........................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.10.3 ANTENNA LEVEL .............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.10.4 MOUNTING HARDWARE...................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.10.5 BATTERIES.....................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.11.0 SOFTWARE UPDATES .........................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.12.0 AUTONOMOUS SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITY .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.12.1 FORWARD GAIN MANAGEMENT....................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.12.2 REVERSE GAIN MANAGEMENT .....................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.12.3 REVERSE DELAY MANAGEMENT.................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.12.4 FORWARD CONTINUITY............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.12.5 REVERSE CONTINUITY.............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSFigure PageFIGURE 1.  OPENCELL ARCHITECTURAL SUMMARY DIAGRAM ............................................................ 3FIGURE 2.  OPENCELL BLOCK DIAGRAM............................................................................................ 4FIGURE 3.  BATTERY LVD DISCONNECT PLUG ................................................................................ 11FIGURE 4.  CPU FRONT PANEL....................................................................................................... 12FIGURE 5.  STF FRONT PANEL........................................................................................................ 13FIGURE 6.  SIF FRONT PANEL......................................................................................................... 15FIGURE 7.  RDC FRONT PANEL....................................................................................................... 16
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page vTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLEFIGURE 8.  RUC FRONT PANEL....................................................................................................... 17FIGURE 9.  C/MCPLR FRONT PANEL .............................................................................................. 18FIGURE 10.  C/MCPLR FRONT PANEL ............................................................................................ 19FIGURE 11.  PIC FRONT PANEL ...................................................................................................... 20FIGURE 12.  COMPACTPCI POWER SUPPLY FRONT PANEL ............................................................. 21FIGURE 13.  RAN RECTIFIER FRONT PANEL.................................................................................... 22FIGURE 14.  RAN RECTIFIER CONTROLLER FRONT PANEL.............................................................. 23FIGURE 15.  HUB DOWN CONVERTER FRONT PANEL....................................................................... 24FIGURE 16.  FORWARD SIMULCAST CARD FRONT PANEL ................................................................ 25FIGURE 17.  HUB DOWN CONVERTER FRONT PANEL....................................................................... 26FIGURE 18.  REVERSE SIMULCAST CARD FRONT PANEL.................................................................. 28FIGURE 19.  HUB COMPACTPCI POWER SUPPLY FRONT PANEL ..................................................... 29FIGURE 20.  DIGITAL I/O FRONT PANEL........................................................................................... 30FIGURE 21.  RF I/O MODULE FRONT PANEL ................................................................................... 31FIGURE 22.  HUB REFERENCE MODULE FRONT PANEL........................................................................IFIGURE 23.  HUB REFERENCE MODULE FRONT PANEL.................................................................... 32FIGURE 24.  ETHERNET HUB CONVERTER FRONT PANEL ................................................................ 33FIGURE 25.  POWER SUPPLY INTERFACE FRONT PANEL.................................................................. 34FIGURE 26.  BTS INTERFACE MODULE FRONT PANEL .........................................................................IFIGURE 27.  BTS INTERFACE RACK POWER SUPPLY FRONT PANEL ................................................ 36FIGURE 28.  MIB RELATIONSHIPS ................................................................................................... 37FIGURE 29.  HUB RAN MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................. 39FIGURE 30.  HUB MASTER MANAGEMENT........................................................................................ 40FIGURE 31.  SYSTEM MANAGEMENT – SINGLE SYSTEM................................................................... 41FIGURE 32.  SYSTEM MANAGEMENT – MULTIPLE SYSTEMS............................................................. 42FIGURE 33.  TENANT OAM INFO SELECT ........................................................................................ 51FIGURE 34.  SNMPC SET BUTTON.................................................................................................. 51FIGURE 35.  TENANT OAM INFO MIB.............................................................................................. 52FIGURE 36.  TENANT STATUS SELECT...........................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 37.  TENANT OAM INFO MIB, CHANNELS .........................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 38.  TROUBLESHOOTING PROCESS...................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 39.  RAN COMPACTPCI SLOT POSITIONS ........................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 40.  RAN FAN ACCESS DOOR ..........................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 41.  RAN FAN ACCESS DOOR – OPEN .............................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 42.  FAN MODULE.............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 43.  PA PLACEMENT ON RAN DOOR.................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 44.  RAN PA FAN ACCESS CLOSED.................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 45.  RAN PA FAN ACCESS OPEN.....................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 46.  RAN PA FANS ..........................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 47.  RAN PA FAN RELEASE .............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 48.  RAN FUSE LOCATION................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 49.  RAN FUSE BOX.........................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 50.  RAN RECTIFIER MODULES........................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 51.  RAN RECTIFIER MODULE GUIDES .............................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 52.  DIGITAL COMPACTPCI CHASSIS FRONT ....................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 53.  DIGITAL COMPACTPCI CHASSIS REAR ......................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 54.  RF COMPACTPCI CHASSIS FRONT ...........................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 55.  RF COMPACTPCI CHASSIS REAR..............................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 56.  HUB CPCI POWER SUPPLY WITH MODULE 2 EXTRACTEDERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 57.  HUB COMPACTPCI POWER SUPPLY MODULE............ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 58.  HUB COMPACTPCI FAN ACCESS DOOR.....................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page viTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLEFIGURE 59.  HUB COMPACTPCI FAN ACCESS DOOR – OPEN........ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 60.  BIR POWER SUPPLY WITH MODULE EXTRACTED ........ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 61.  BIR POWER SUPPLY MODULE...................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 62.  FORWARD GAIN MANAGEMENT BALANCE...................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.FIGURE 63.  REVERSE GAIN MANAGEMENT BALANCE....................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.LIST OF TABLESTable PageTABLE 1.  UNUSED CHANNEL VALUES ............................................................................................. 52TABLE 2.  MAX. FORWARD GAIN SETTINGS AS FUNCTION OF #CHANNELS........................................ 54TABLE 3.  REVERSE GAIN SETTINGS ............................................................................................... 55TABLE 4.  SIF FAULTS ..................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 5.  MULTICOUPLER FAULTS ................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 6.  RDC FAULTS ................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 7.  RUC FAULTS ................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 8.  PA FAULTS ...................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 9.  PIC FAULTS ..................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 10.  HDC FAULTS ..............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 11.  HUC FAULTS ..............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 12.  FSC FAULTS...............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 13.  RSC FAULTS ..............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 14.  FORWARD GAIN SPECIFICATIONS ................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 15.  REVERSE GAIN SPECIFICATIONS .................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page viiTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLESAFETY CAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONSDefinitions of Symbols Used in this ManualGeneral CautionHazardous VoltageHot SurfaceRF HazardProtective Earth GroundFrame or Chassis GroundRAN Installation• Only trained and qualified personnel should install, replace, or service this equipment. Thisincludes service or replacement of cables and antennas.• The RAN shall be installed and wired by licensed electricians in accordance with the NationalElectrical Code and local building codes.• Electrical service shall accommodate the RAN maximum load of 10 amps at 240 VAC, 60 Hz.A readily accessible disconnect device must be incorporated near the point of power entry tothe main RAN enclosure.• The RAN and antenna shall be bonded and grounded in accordance with National ElectricalCode requirements.RAN Servicing CautionsHigh voltages are present within the RAN enclosures. Use extreme caution when workinginside the equipment. Disconnect power to the equipment before servicing.Exterior surface of the RAN may be hot. Use caution during servicing.Do not work on the RAN or antenna or cables during lightning storms.Caution This system is a RF transmitter and continuously emits RF energy. Maintain 3 footminimum clearance from the antenna while the system is operating. Wherever possible, shutdown the RAN before servicing.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -Page viiiTRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY - DATA ON THIS PAGE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS CITED ON COVER AND TITLEHUB Installation• Only trained and qualified personnel should install, replace, or service this equipment.• The OpenCell HUB shall be installed and wired by licensed electricians in accordance with theNational Electrical Code and local building codes.• Electrical service shall accommodate the HUB FIR maximum load of 21(?) amps at –48 VDC,and the HUB BIR maximum load of 7(?) amps at –48 VDC. A readily accessible disconnectdevice must be incorporated near each point of power entry to each HUB rack.• The HUB shall be bonded and grounded in accordance with National Electrical Coderequirements.• The HUB grounding (earth) terminal provided is intended to connect the equipment framedirectly to local earth ground for personnel safety. To ensure proper operation of theequipment, connect the earth terminal to the protective earth conductor only.HUB Servicing CautionsHazardous voltages are present. The inverter located in the HUB FIR converts 12 volts to 120VAC. Use caution when servicing the equipment.FCC APPROVAL IN PROCESSFCC License Data  The OpenCell RAN has been authorized for use as a RF device under parts 15, 22, and24 of the FCC rules.  The OpenCell equipment complies with FCC rules when the antennas and cables havingcharacteristics and part numbers as specified in the instructions are used with thesystem. The installer and operator are responsible for ensuring that only the specifiedantennas and cables are used and properly installed.  Other than as specifically described in the product manuals, this product shall not bechanged or modified by the operator without the express approval of Transcept Inc.Failure to do so may void the operator’s or provider’s authority to operate thisequipment.NOTE:  The OpenCell Hub has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Adigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in acommercial environment.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may causeharmful interference to radio communications.  Operation of this equipment in a residential areais likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct theinterference at his own expense.FCC APPROVAL IN PROCESS
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 11.0 INTRODUCTIONThis manual contains the Operation and Maintenance procedures for the OpenCellsystem.1.1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL1.1.1 Scope1.1.2 Manual Organization1.2  TERMINOLOGY, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS1.2.1 Notations Conventions1.2.2 Acronyms and AbbreviationsCommon Items (Hub or RAN)CPU Central Processing UnitNMS Network Management SystemBTS Base Transceiver StationBIF Backplane InterfaceSTF System InterfaceSIF Synchronous Interface (Fiber Interface)HUB SpecificFIR Fiber Interface Rack (formerly CompactPCI Rack)BIR BTS Interface RackN/HDC Narrowband Hub Down ConverterW/HDC Wideband Hub Down ConverterFSC Forward Simulcast CardRSC Reverse Simulcast CardHUC Hub Up ConverterBIM Base Station Interface ModuleHRM Hub Reference ModuleRFIO RF Rear I/ODIO Digital I/OEHUB Ethernet HubPSI Power Supply InterfaceBPS BIR Power Supply
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 2FPS FIR Power SupplyRAN SpecificRUC RAN Up Converter (Dual)PA800 Power Amplifier(800 MHz)PA1900 Power Amplifier(1900 MHz)P/MCPLR PCS MulticouplerC/MCPLR Cellular MulticouplerRDC RAN Down ConverterPQP PCS QuadplexerCTP Cellular TriplexerCDP Cellular DiplexerRECT RectifierGB Glitch BatteryRPS RAN CompactPCI Power SupplyLVD Low Voltage DisconnectPIC Power Amplifier Interface ControllerANT Multiband AntennaBAT Battery Backup BatteriesRAN Basic Four Tenant RANERAN Expansion Eight Tenant RAN1.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION1.4 SYSTEM OVERVIEWThe Transcept OpenCell system is an open access network supporting multiple wirelessvoice, data, video services and applications.  Wireless Service Providers (WSP) andWireless Internet Service (WISP) Providers use Transcept OpenCell to either enhanceor replace existing networks, wired or wireless, or to develop new networks.OpenCell is a multi-frequency, multi-protocol RF access network, providing microcellularCellular, PCS, and wireless data coverage via a distributed RF access system.  TheOpenCell system is comprised of base station interfaces, located at hub locales,connected via high speed datalinks to Radio Access Nodes, commonly referred to asRANs, distributed over a geographical area of interest.1.4.1 System ConfigurationThe following figure illustrates an OpenCell system with RANs distributed over a desiredgeographical area, connected back to a group of WSP base stations at a Hub locale.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 3The illustration shows utility pole mounted RANs, with pole top antennas.  The OpenCellHub Equipment is comprised of a number of Base Station Interface Racks (BIR) andFiber Interface Racks (FIR) racks.  The OpenCell Hub equipment provides theinterconnection between at the RF layer between the  WSP base station sector(s) andthe OpenCell Radio Access Nodes.Figure 1.  OpenCell Architectural Summary Diagram1.4.2 General DescriptionThe OpenCell system can be implemented in a number of ways to address the RFdesign objective of the WSP community.   There are two classes of assemblies;common system and WSP specific assemblies, in both the Hub and RAN locations.This section of the document will describe what each assembly does and how it plays inthe system.  The block diagram in Figure 2 shows the RF signal path through theOpenCell system.  The signal starts from the base station sector on the left flowing to theright (arrows pointing right) and radiating out from the multi-band antenna to a mobilesubscriber.  This is commonly referred to as the Forward Path.   In the reverse direction,or what is commonly referred to as the Reverse Path, the RF signal starts from a mobilesubscriber device, is received by the antenna and then flows from the RAN to the HUBand to the base station sector receiver(s).The following figure illustrates each of the major assemblies.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 4BTSSector SIF SIFHDCBTS – Base Transceiver StationHUB – Centralized Equipment LocationBIM – Base Station Interface ModuleHDC – Hub Down ConverterFSC – Forward Simulcast CardDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRSC – Reverse Simulcast CardIF – Intermediate FrequencyHDCFSCBIMRUC MCPAHUB RANRAN – Remote Access NodeDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRUC – RAN Up ConverterMCPA –Multi-Carrier Power AmplifierMPLX –Multi-plexer/combinerMB ANT –Multi Band  AntennaMUL – Multi-couplerRDC – RAN Down ConverterMPLXMBANT1900MUL800MULRDCRSCHUC4466CPUEthernetCPUEthernet33PriDivPriDivGPS1900-P1900-D800-P800-DPriDivDIF DIF RFIFIFRFRFFwdRF FiberFiberDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFEthernetTo NMSRFRFRev-PRFRev-DRF7DIF6DIFRFRFBTSSector SIF SIFHDCBTS – Base Transceiver StationHUB – Centralized Equipment LocationBIM – Base Station Interface ModuleHDC – Hub Down ConverterFSC – Forward Simulcast CardDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRSC – Reverse Simulcast CardIF – Intermediate FrequencyHDCFSCBIMRUC MCPAHUB RANRAN – Remote Access NodeDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRUC – RAN Up ConverterMCPA –Multi-Carrier Power AmplifierMPLX –Multi-plexer/combinerMB ANT –Multi Band  AntennaMUL – Multi-couplerRDC – RAN Down ConverterMPLXMBANTMBANT1900MUL800MULRDCRSCHUC4466CPUEthernetCPUEthernet33PriDivPriDivGPS1900-P1900-D800-P800-DPriDivDIF DIF RFIFIFRFRFFwdRF FiberFiberDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFEthernetTo NMSRFRFRev-PRFRev-DRF7DIF6DIFRFRFFigure 2.  OpenCell Block DiagramThe Block diagram shows the functional flow and where each component of theOpenCell system resides.  The following paragraphs in section 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 willdescribe each components function and contribution to the OpenCell system.1.4.3  Hub Subsystem AssembliesThe Hub is comprised of two rack types.  These include the Base Station Interface Rack,referred to as the BIR and the Fiber Interface Rack, commonly referred to as the FIR.The BIR is houses the following modules in varying quantities;1)  BIR Power Supply Module.  This module provides the 12V necessary topower the base station interface modules, referred to as a BIM.  Each BIRpower supply module is comprised of a hot-swappable shelf design and two(2) power modules.One BIR Power Supply Module is required per 12 BIMs, or one rack2)  Base Station Interface Module, or BIM.  The BIM is a multi-port transitionmodule used to interface with the WSP’s base station sector.  The BIMaccepts either duplexed or simplexed RF from the base station sector andprovides the to the OpenCell RF section separate transmit and receive paths.The BIM is unity gain, with a nominal noise figure of 5dB, contributingnegligible noise in the reverse path.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 5The FIR is houses the RF signal processing and and data transport modules.  There aretwo primary chassises in the FIR, referred to as the Digital and RF chassis.  The Digitaland RF chassis follow CompactPCI standards for form, size and functionality.The Digital Chassis houses the following circuit cards;1) The CPU2)  The System Interface card, STF3)  The Wideband Digital Optical Transport card, WBDOT4)  The Reverse Simulcast card, RSC5)  ‘CompactPCI Power SupplyThe functionality of each of these card assemblies will be defined in the followingsection.The RF Chassis houses the following circuit cards;1)  The Hub DownConverter card, HDC2)  The Hub UpConverter card, HUC3)  The Forward Simulcast card, FSC4)  CompactPCI Power Supply The functionality of each of these card assemblies will be defined in the followingsection.  Base Station Interface Module (BIM)The Base Station Interface Module provides the following BTS interface functionality:1.  Interface to a high power forward BTS path2.  Interface to a low power forward BTS path3.  Handles duplexed and non-duplexed signals4.  Added gain to adjust for different reverse path configurationsThe BIM is controlled via an I2C connection from its CPU.  BIR Power SupplyThe BIRPS provides +12VDC for all BTS Interface Modules.  Central Processing Unit (CPU)The Hub CPU is a x86 machine with hard disk running LINUX.  The Hub CPU performsthe following functions:1.  Master Hub Process controlling all Tenant specific functions2.  Manages a subset of Hub hardware including RF and Digital equipment3.  Manages RANs connected to it Hub managed hardware.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY  System Interface (STF)The System Interface (STF) module provides the ability to communicate between theCPU and other modules (HDC, FSC, HUC, PSI, BMI & HRM) using four I2C busses.The STF also communicates with the GPS module found in the Master Hub ReferenceModule.The four I2C busses are accessible via the CompactPCI backplane or via front panelconnectors. Synchronous Interface (SIF)The Synchronous Interface module provides the fiber interface between the Hub andRANs.  This interface includes:1.  RF Signal information2.  10BaseT Ethernet for command and control between Hub and the RANs.  Hub Down Converter (HDC)The HDC down converts the forward RF channel to an intermediate frequency (IF) thatcan be digitized.  Each HDC can support up to four separate RF channels.  A secondHDC may be installed to support 8 RF channels.  Forward Simulcast Card (FSC)The Forward Simulcast card converts the IF signals from the HDC to Digitized IF(DIF)format.  There are eight separate analog to digital conversion circuits on an FSC.   Reverse Simulcast Card (RSC)The RSC sums the Digital IF (DIF) from up to eight RANs into a single DIF signal that issent to the HUC for conversion to RF.   Hub Up Converter (HUC)The HUC accepts two Digital IF (DIF) signals from a SIF or RSC.  The DIF signals aredigital to analog converted and translated to a pair of RF signals (diversity). Hub Reference Module (HRM)The HRM generates the RF reference and fiber clocking for distribution within a FiberInterface Rack.  In addition, it contains a GPS that generates a 1PPS for distribution tothe Digital equipment for delay management. Ethernet HubEach FIR rack is equipped with a 24 port Ethernet Hub, at the top of the rack, below theHRM. RF I/O Module (RFIO)The RFIO provides the ability for a CPU to communicate with an I2C device in anotherchassis.  Each STF module and HUC has an RFIO installed in the rear of the chassis.Cables connect the RFIO modules I2C connections.  In addition, the RFIO is used toprovide clock and reference to all CompactPCI chassis for use by the boards.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY Digital I/O Module (DIO)The DIO provides the ability for connecting DIF signals between multiple CompactPCIchassis.  Cables are used to connect the DIO modules DIF connections. RF CompactPCI Chassis & BackplaneThe CompactPCI RF Chassis houses the RF transceiver modules, HUC and HDC, andthe Forward Simulcast Module.  The backplane provides the distribution for clock,communication and control data and timing.  RF and digital RF signals areinterconnected between modules using the appropriate cabling.  The appropriate datasignal cabling is provided to interconnect the RF Chassis backplane to the STF in theDigital Chassis. Digital CompactPCI Chassis & BackplaneThe CompactPCI RF Chassis houses the CPU, System Interface Module, and ReverseSimulcast Module.  The backplane provides the distribution for clock, communicationand control data and timing.  The digital RF signal from the RSC is interconnected to theHUC in the RF Chassis using the appropriate cabling. FIR CompactPCI Power SupplyEach CompactPCI chassis has its own power supply.  Eech supply has modules thatsupport N+1 redundancy.  The supply provides +/-12V, 5V and 3.3V DC. Power Supply Interface (PSI)The PSI is used to monitor the discrete outputs from the BIR anf FIR power supplies.The CPU communicates with this module using an I2C interface. Ethernet Hub Power Inverter (EHPI)The EHPI provides 120VAC for the Ethernet Hub in each Fiber Interface Rack.  Theinput is 12VDC.1.4.4  RAN Subsystem Assemblies1.4.4.1  Central Processing Unit (CPU)The RAN CPU is a x86 machine with hard disk running LINUX.  The RAN CPU performsthe following functions:1.  Manages all RAN hardware including RF and Digital equipment1.4.4.2  System Interface (STF)The System Interface (STF) module provides the ability to communicate between theCPU and other modules (RDC, RUC, PIC) using four I2C busses.  The STF alsocontains the GPS module. Synchronous Interface (SIF)The Synchronous Interface module provides the fiber interface between the Hub andRANs.  This interface includes:1.  RF Signal information2.  10BaseT Ethernet for command and control between Hub and the RANs.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY  RAN Down Converter (RDC)The RDC is a dual-diversity wideband receiver that converts PCS, Cellular and SMR800signals to digitized IF.  It also includes a CW test tone used in reverse continuity testing.  RAN Up Converter (RUC)The RAN Up Converter converts digitized IF into PCS, Cellular and SMR frequencybands.  Each RUC supports two simultaneous wideband outputs.  RAN Chassis & BackplaneThe RAN chassis is a standard CompactPCI unit.  The backplane supports the basicCompactPCI functions and has been extended to allow the routing of DIF, referenceclocks and I2C signals between CompactPCI modules.  CompactPCI Power Supply (RPS)The CompactPCI Power Supplies provide +/-12V, 5V and 3.3 V DC power to theCompactPCI backplane for use by CompactPCI modules.  These units are redundantand hot swappable.  RAN Rectifier (RCT)The RAN rectifier converts 240 VAC prime power into –48VDC for use with the RAN.  Italso manages the batteries (glitch or 2hr).  Power Amplifier (PA)The Power Amplifiers are multi-carrier and can provide up to 10 watts (total) for a givenTenant.  Different units are used for PCs, Cellular and SMR800. PA Interface Controller (PIC)The PA Interface Controller is managed by the CPU over an I2C connection.  The PICinterfaces to the discrete signals of the Power Amplifier.  The PIC also converts from  -48VDC to +12VDC or +28VDC depending upon which PA is being used.  Each PA hasits own PIC module. MultiplexersThe multiplexers consist of four units that interface the antenna to the RAN PAs andmulticouplers.  There are four types found in every RAN:1.  Quadplexer Primary (PCS Bands A, B, F), interfaces to PCS primary antenna2.  Quadplexer Diversity (PCS Bands D, E, C), interfaces to PCS diversity antenna3.  Triplexer Primary (Cellular Band B, SMR800 band), interfaces to 800 MHzprimary antenna4.  Diplexer Diversity (Cellular Band A), interfaces to 800 MHz diversity antenna1.4.4.12 PA FansThese fans are mounted in the RAN door shroud and provide the cooling of the PAsmounted on the door by blowing external air across heatsink.  They are controlled by athermistor mounted to the door heatsink.  The STF module monitors the TAC outputs ofthe fans.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY FusesThere are 6 fuses in the RAN that protect the –48VDC distribution:1.  Four 15 amp fuses for the PA/PICs2.  1 15 amp fuse for the CompactPCI chassis3.  1 5 amp fuse for the fans1.4.4.14 Battery Backup (BB)The battery backup system consists of a –48VDC battery string (4 batteries) contained ina separate enclosure that provides up to 2 hours of backed up power for the RAN. Glitch Batteries (GB)The glitch battery system consists of –48VDC battery string contained within the RANand can provide 5 minutes of backed up power for the RAN. Multicoupler (PCS and Cell)The multicouplers interface to the multiplexer system and contain the front end low noiseamplifiers for the reverse path.  They are dual-diversity receive for the PCS and 800MHZ bands.  The PCS band has 12 outputs (bands A-F, with diversity).  The 800 MHzhas 6 outputs (Cell bands A,B and SMR800, with diversity). Antenna (ANT)The multiband antenna is designed reside on the top of a utility.  It will interface with thePCS and Cellular/SMR bands and contains diversity receive paths.  Also included is theGPS antenna used by the RAN.1.4.5 Communication Interfaces1.4.5.1 I2CI2C is a two-wire, bidirectional serials bus that provide a simple, efficient method of dataexchange between devices.  It is primarily used in the consumer and telecom marketsector and as a board level communications protocol.I2C interfaces are used for communication to the following modules:1.  Hub - HDC, FSC, HUC, BIM, PSI2.  RAN - RDC, RUC, PIC1.4.5.2 Network InterfaceThe Hub CPUs are able to communicate to any other CPU in the Hub over an EthernetLAN.  Ethernet connections are aggregated with each rack via an Ethernet Hub.  Intra-rack communication is possible by connecting the Ethernet Hubs between racks.Each SIF has an 10BaseT Ethernet connection.  The Hub CPUs are able tocommunicate with the RANs over this Ethernet connection. SNMP/IPSNMP/IP is the primary interface to the OpenCell equipment for performing OA&Mfunctions.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 102.0  POWER ON/OFF PROCEDURESThis section contains the procedures for powering on and off OpenCell equipment.WarningThe CPU is not Hot Swappable.  Damage can occur if attempted.  Insure tbat the CPUis installed before applying power to system2.1 HUB POWER-ON/OFFHub Rack Power On1.  Power to the Hub racks (BIR or FIR) is enabled at the Power Distribution Unit(PDU).Hub Rack Power Off1.  Power to the Hub racks (BIR or FIR) is disabled at the Power Distribution Unit(PDU).Hub CompactPCI Chassis Power On1.  Power to a CompactPCI chassis enabled by inserting the modules within thepower supply below the chassisHub CompactPCI Chassis Power Off1.  Power to a CompactPCI chassis disabled by extracting the modules within thepower supply below the chassis2.2 RAN POWER ON/OFFRAN Equipment Power On1.  Turn circuit breaker on at the load center located near the bottom of the utilitypole AND switch the rectifiers AC switch, located in the top section of the RAN, tothe ON position2.  The DC power, from either the glitch battery or the two hour battery must also beconnected.  Connecting the “molex” type connector at the contactor does this.See picture below.RAN Equipment Power Off1.  Turn the circuit breaker off at the load center located near the bottom of the utilitypole OR switch the rectifiers AC switch, located in the top section of the RAN, tothe OFF position2.  The DC power, from either the glitch battery or the two hour battery must also bedisconnected.  Disconnecting the “molex” type connector at the contactor doesthis.  See picture below.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 11Figure 3.  Battery LVD Disconnect PlugDisconnectPlug
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 123.0  CONTROLS AND INDICATORS3.1  COMMON TO HUB AND RAN3.1.1 CPUThe front panel controls for the CPU are:•  Reset – Recessed reset buttonThe front panel indicators for the CPU are:•  Activity LEDs – 8 Yellow LEDs flashing when the OS is operatingFigure 4.  CPU Front PanelActivityLEDsReset
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 133.1.2 STFThe front panel controls for the System Interface are:•  RST – Reset switch, recessed buttonThe front panel indicators for the System Interface are:•  Status LED 1/2 – Yellow LED.  Reserved for future use.•  GPS LED – Green LED indicating 1PPS (Ran only)•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  I2C Comm LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Green LED lighted when I2Cmessage sent, red LED when no response on interface•  I2C Error LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Red LED when no response oninterface•  HS LED – Blue LED, turns blue when board can be hot swap extractedFigure 5.  STF Front PanelI2CConnectorsI2C Comm LEDI2C Error LEDPowerLEDFaultLEDHotSwapLEDGPSLEDStatusLED 2StatusLED 1ResetSwitch
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 143.1.3 SIFThe front panel indicators for the Synchronous Interface are:•  In 1-4 LED – DIF Input Tri-color LEDo  Off = Interface not enabledo  Green = goodo  Yellow = bado  Red = bado  Flashing = Interface is in and out of lock•  Out 1-4 LED – DIF Output Tri-color LEDo  Off = Interface not enabledo  Green = goodo  Yellow = N/Ao  Red = bad data on DIF input caused by Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)•  OP IN LED – Optical Input Tri-color LEDo  Green = goodo  Yellow = N/Ao  Red = bad, bad framing, bad parity, no signal•  OP OUT LED – Optical Output Tri-color LEDo  Green = goodo  Yellow = N/Ao  Red = bad output•  FLT LED – Red fault LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green Power LED lighted when module has power•  HS LED – Hot Swap Blue LED, turns blue when board can be hot swap extracted
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 15Figure 6.  SIF Front PanelOpticalInput/OutputLEDsDIF OutputLED 1-4DIF InputLED 1-4HotSwapLEDPowerLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 163.2 RANThis section describes the various controls and indicators for RAN specific modules.3.2.1 RDCThe front panel indicators for the RAN Down Converter are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 7.  RDC Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 173.2.2 RUCThe front panel indicators for the RAN Up Converter are:•  COM 1/3 – Yellow LED indicting I2C communications to PICs 1/3•  COM 2/4 – Yellow LED indicting I2C communications to PICs 2/4•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 8.  RUC Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLEDCOM 2/4LEDCOM 1/3LED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 183.2.3 P/MCPLRThe front panel indicators for the PCS Multicoupler are:•  FLT LED – Red Fault LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green Power LED lighted when module has powerFigure 9.  C/MCPLR Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 193.2.4 C/MCPLRThe front panel indicators for the Cellular Multicoupler are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 10.  C/MCPLR Front PanelFaultLEDPowerLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 203.2.5 PICThe front panel indicators for the PA Interface Controller are:•  -48VDC LED – Green LED lighted when module has –48VDC input•  5VDC LED – Green LED lighted when module has 5VDC power•  12VDC LED – Green LED lighted when module has 12VDC power•  RF ON LED – Yellow LED, lighted when RF is present on input to PA•  PS LED – Red LED lighted when power supply has failed•  PA LED – Red LED lighted when PA has failed (not currently supported)Figure 11.  PIC Front Panel12VDCLEDPALEDPSLEDRF ONLED5VDCLED-48VDCLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 213.2.6  CompactPCI Power SupplyThe front panel indicators for the RAN CompactPCI power supplies are:•  Fault LED – Yellow LED lighted when module is failed•  Power Good LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 12.  CompactPCI Power Supply Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 223.2.7  Rectifier Front PanelThe front panel indicators for the RAN rectifier are:•  AC ON (Green) - Lighted when AC is present•  CL (Yellow) – Lighted when unit is current limiting•  RFA (Red) – Lighted when rectifier has failedThe front panel controls are:•  AC on/off toggle switch•  CL adjustment screw - Current limit adjustment.  Factory set.•  FLO  adjustment screw – Float voltage adjustment.  Factory set.The front panel test points are:•  I-/I+ - Current draw adjustment.  Factory set.Figure 13.  RAN Rectifier Front Panel
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 233.2.8  RAN Rectifier Chassis Front Panel Controls and IndicatorsThe front panel indicators for the RAN rectifier chassis are:•  FL (Green) – Float voltage indicator•  EQU (Yellow) – Equalizer charge voltage•  HV (Red) – High Voltage Condition•  LV (Red) – Low Voltage Condition•  MN (Org) – Minor Alarm•  MJ (Red) – Major Alarm•  HVSD (Red) – High Voltage Shutdown•  AC Fail (Red) – AC Missing•  Fuse Alm – Not Used•  LVDS Open – LVDS in open stateThe front panel controls are:•  FL/EQU – Float voltage equalizer alarm reset button•  HVSD RST – High Voltage Disconnect alarm reset button•  SMR RST – SMR Reset ButtonThe front panel connectors are:•  9-pin RS-232 connector – Interface to STF module•  ETH – Ethernet connection, Not UsedThe front panel test points are:•  I-/I+ - Current draw adjustment.  Factory set.•  V-/V+ - Current draw adjustment.  Factory set.Figure 14.  RAN Rectifier Controller Front Panel
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 243.3 HUBThis section describes the various controls and indicators for RAN specific modules.3.3.1 HDCThe front panel indicators for the Cellular Multicoupler are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  CDMA LED – Yellow LED indicating Wideband HDC•  GSM/TDMA LED – Yellow LED indicating Narrowband HDCFigure 15.  Hub Down Converter Front PanelGSM/TDMALEDCDMALEDFaultLEDPowerLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 253.3.2 FSCThe front panel indicators for the Forward Simulcast Card are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 16.  Forward Simulcast Card Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 263.3.3 HUCThe front panel indicators for the Forward Simulcast Card are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  P/Lock LED – Yellow LED lighted when Primary path is locked•  D/Lock LED – Yellow LED lighted when Diversity path is lockedFigure 17.  Hub Down Converter Front PanelDiversity PathLocked LEDPrimary PathLocked LEDFaultLEDPowerLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 273.3.4 RSCThe front panel indicators for the Cellular Multicoupler are:•  IN 1-4 LEDs – DIF Input Tri-color LEDso  Off = No input signalo  Green = Goodo  Yellow or Red = Bad•  OUT 1-4 LEDs – DIF Output Tri-color LEDso  Off = No input signalo  Green = Goodo  Yellow or Red = Bad•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  HS LED – Hot Swap Blue LED, turns blue when board can be hot swap extracted
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 28Figure 18.  Reverse Simulcast Card Front PanelDIFOutputLEDsDIFInputLEDsHotSwapLEDPowerLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 293.3.5 COMPACTPCI PSThe front panel indicators for the Hub CompactPCI Power Supply are:•  Fail Good LED – Green Power LED, lighted when good•  Fault LED – Yellow LED, lighted when module has failedEach module has its own set of LEDs.  There are up to three modules per CompactPCIpower supply.Figure 19.  Hub CompactPCI Power Supply Front PanelFail GoodLEDFaultLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 303.3.6 DIOThe front panel indicators for the Forward Simulcast Card are:•  REF LED – Green LED lighted when 9.6 MHz reference is present•  CLK LED – Green LED lighted when 42.912 MHz clock is present•  DIF LED 1-12 – Tri-color LEDs.  Operational when used behind SIF (1-8) orRSC(1-12).  Not used when behind HUC or FSC.o  Off = No input signalo  Green = Goodo  Yellow or Red = BadFigure 20.  Digital I/O Front PanelDIF LEDs 1-12
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 313.3.7 RFIOThe front panel indicators for the Forward Simulcast Card are:•  REF LED – Green LED lighted when 9.6 MHz reference is present•  CLK LED – Green LED lighted when 42.912 MHz clock is present•  I2C Comm LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Green LED lighted when I2Cmessage sent•  I2C Error LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Red LED when no response oninterface•  LED 1 & 2 – Tri-color LEDs.  Reserved for future use.Figure 21.  RF I/O Module Front PanelI2CConnectorsI2C Status LEDI2C Comm LEDClockLEDReferenceLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 323.3.8 HRMThe front panel indicators for the Hub Reference Module are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  PLL Lock LED – Yellow LED lighted when Phase Locked Loop is lockedFigure 22.  Hub Reference Module Front PanelThe rear panel indicators for the Hub Reference Module are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  PLL Lock LED – Yellow LED lighted when Phase Locked Loop is locked•  I2C Address Display – 7 segment display showing I2C Address(0-7)The rear panel controls for the Hub Reference Module are:•  I2C Address Selector – Rotary switch selecting I2C address 0-7Figure 23.  Hub Reference Module Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLEDPLLLockedI2CAddressselectorI2CAddressI2CAddressselectorPowerLEDFaultLEDPLLLocked
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 333.3.9 Ethernet HubThe front panel indicators for the hub Reference Module are:•  Power LED – Lit when unit has power•  Module Link/Act LED – Flickering when receiving or transmitting data•  100 Col LED – Lit when 100 Mbps collisions are occurring•  10 Col LED –Lit when 10 Mbps collisions are occurring•  Link/Act LEDs –Lit when port is transmitting or receiving data•  100 LEDs – Lit when operating at 100 MbpsFigure 24.  Ethernet Hub Converter Front PanelLink/ActLEDsPowerLEDModuleLink/ActLED100LEDs10 ColLED100 ColLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 343.3.10 PSIThe front panel controls for the Power Supply Interface are:•  Internal I2C address select.  The default can be set to the following addresses.The front panel indicators for the Power Supply Interface are:•  I2C Comm LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Green LED lighted when I2Cmessage sent, red LED when no response on interface•  I2C Error LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Red LED when no response oninterfaceFigure 25.  Power Supply Interface Front PanelI2C ErrorLEDI2C CommLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 353.3.11 BIMThe front panel controls for the BTS Interface Module are:•  I2C Address selector – Turn dial to select I2C address (0-7)The front panel indicators for the hub Reference Module are:•  FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed•  PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power•  SMR/CELL/PCS LED – Yellow LED lighted indicating BIM band configuration•  Address display – Displays I2C address, 0-7Figure 26.  BTS Interface Module Front PanelI2CAddressSelectorI2CAddressDisplayPowerLED FaultLEDSMR/CELL/PCS BandLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 363.3.12 BIR PSThe front panel indicators for the BIR Power Supply are:•  INPUT LED – Green LED lighted when module has –48VDC input•  OUTPUT LED – Green LED lighted when module has 12VDC outputEach module (up to 3) has its own set of LEDsFigure 27.  BTS Interface Rack Power Supply Front PanelInputLEDOutputLED
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 374.0 MIB STRUCTUREThe following shows the MIBs in the OpenCell System.  These MIBs contain theinterface for Monitoring and control of the OpenCell System.Figure 28.  MIB RelationshipsThere are three relationship types above, represented by three line types:•  Solid lines represent the Hub Connection relationship•  Dashed lines represent the node-level hardware relationship•  Dotted lines represent the Tenant relationshipHardware Relationships:•  The Bus Scanner MIB contains the hardware discovered at that node by the busscanner software.•  The Network Node MIB contains status information retrieved from one or more of theHCP MIBs.•  The Network Node MIB indicates what type of node this is (Hub, RAN, or HubMaster).•  There is nothing preventing a single node (CPU) from being both a Hub Master anda “regular” Hub Node.Hub Connection Relationships:•  The rack and chassis from the Hub Node MIB is pulled into the BTS Connection MIBby the Hub Config process.HUB MASTERHUB NODERAN NODERDCMIBRUCMIBMUCMIBSIFMIBSIFMIBRSCMIBFSCMIBHUCMIBBIMMIBHDCMIBPSIMIBSTFMIBSTFMIBBUS SCANNERMIBPATHTRACE MIBEQUIPMENT MIBHUB RF CONN MIBNODE PATH MIBBUS SCANNERMIBPATHTRACEMIBNODE PATHMIBEQUIPMENTMIBNETWORKNODEMIB NETWORKNODEMIBBTS CONNECTION MIBTENANTOAMMIB WDMIBWDMIBHUB NODE MIBGPSMIBGPSMIBHRMMIBFGCMIBRGCMIBFGCMIB RGCMIB
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 38•  The Hub Config process pushes the rack and chassis information the Hub node’sNetwork Node MIB.•  The BIM I2C Address is pulled by the Hub Config process from the BIM MIB at eachHub node into the BTS Connection MIB.•  After manual configuration in the BTS Connection MIB, the Hub Config processpushes the connection information to the Hub node’s Hub RF Connection MIB.Tenant Relationships:•  The Pathtrace process on each node pulls the pathtrace information from therelevant HCP MIBs and puts it into the Pathtrace MIB.•  Node-level Tenant processing cleans up the Pathtrace MIB information and puts itinto the Node Path MIB to simplify tenant processing.•  Tenant processing in the Hub Master polls the Node Path MIB on nodes in thenetwork for newly discovered tenants, based on new  pathtrace discovery.•  Node-level tenant processing fills in the Equipment MIB based on all locallydiscovered hardware belonging to known tenants.•  Tenant processing in the Hub Master pushes down Tenant OAM MIB information tothe Equipment MIBs on each node. The node-level Tenant processing determines if thisinformation affects any of its hardware and makes the appropriate changes.•  Tenant processing in the Hub Master pushes down gain control information from theTenant OAM MIB to the Forward/Reverse Gain MIBs.•  Forward and Reverse Gain processing at each node pulls from the Equipment MIBthe location of its required tenant hardware modules.•  Forward and Reverse Gain processing pulls from the relevant HCP MIBs the valuesneeded to do gain control.•  Forward and Reverse Gain processing use their own MIB (FGC and RGC)parameters, filled in by Tenant processing at the Hub Master,       to determine how tooperate.•  Forward and Reverse Gain processing reports results into the FGC/RGC MIB for useby Tenant processing in the Hub Master.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 395.0 SETUP PROCEDURESThis section contains the information needed for setting up the hardware once thehardware has been installed and cabled.5.1 NETWORKINGThe Opencell system is a collection of network devices not unlike any other computer orprinter on a network.The Hub and Ran are the two basic network devices in the system. These devices needcertain things to function in our network.•IP address•User AccountsFigure 29.  Hub RAN ManagementIP Address:OpenCell is set up so that the Hub/Ran gets its IP through a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) server. Whether Opencell provided or customerprovided it does not matter where the DHCP server resides.User Accounts:User accounts will be kept to a very small number.  A root level accountand a user level account.  If the customer wants to create more accounts on a node foraccounting purposes that will be acceptable.One problem with not having a NIS (Network Information Service ) is that all account passwords are stored on the localmachines. So if the customer wants to change the root password or delete a user fromthe system it must be done on all machines. The benefit of this system is that themachine does not need to have contact with the NIS master to validate, which makesremote operation of the machines very difficult.Hub FiberRanRanRanRan
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 40Figure 30.  Hub Master ManagementThe HubMaster has the ability to function as a regular Hub with a few extra abilities.•  DNS ( Domain Name System )•  DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol )• Dial•  NTP ( Network Time Protocol )On top of these the HubMaster need certain information to function• IP Address• User AccountsDNS ( Domain Name System ): The DNS is a system that must be manuallyconfigured for each Opencell system. DNS maps the node name to an IP Address. Mostimportantly the HubMaster name to its IP.  In order for the nodes on the system tocontact and connect to the HubMaster this must be done.DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ): Because every node on the systemneeds to get an IP we have provided a DHCP server on the HubMaster.  If the customerhas a DHCP server already in use they can use that one and disable the one thatresides on the HubMaster.  Two DHCP servers can not reside on the same networkwithout being routed appropriately. If the customers DHCP is used it must beconfigured to broadcast the HubMaster DNS to all nodes on that Opencell system. Thisallows the nodes to have access to the HubMaster.DIAL: The Dial Utility, created at Transcept, allows the nodes to contact the HubMasterand report all vital information, namely the IP Address and Hostname of the node. Postbeta Dial will dynamically update the DNS database with this information. Right now theDNS node information must be manually configured.NTP (Network Time Protocol ):The NTP server will sync all of the nodes in its Opencell system to theHubMaster current time.HubMaster Hub FiberRanRanRanRan
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 41IP Address: For the HubMaster the IP Address must be statically allocated.  This IPmust be static because of the services it provides. It also allows us to be certain that theDNS information will always be accurate with regards to the HubMaster.User Accounts: User accounts will be kept to a very small number.  A root levelaccount and a user level account.  If the customer wants to create more accounts on anode for accounting purposes that will be acceptable. One problem with not havinga NIS ( Network Information Service ) is that all account passwords are stored on thelocal machines. So if the customer wants to change the root password or delete a userfrom the system it must be done on all machines. The benefit of this system is that themachine does not need to have contact with the NIS master to validate, which makesremote operation of the machines very difficult.Figure 31.  System Management – Single SystemIn the simple case of the single Opencell system the customer has several options onhow to set up the system.•  If the customer has a DHCP server and wishes to not use the one provided then theDHCP on the HubMaster just needs to be disabled.•  If the customer does not have a DHCP server then the one provided will benecessary, all the customer has to do is provide a static IP for the HubMaster and arange of IP addresses for the DHCP to serve.These are the simple cases but in each one the DHCP server must be configured tobroadcast the DNS that is on the HubMaster.•  If the customer has a DHCP server already but wants to use the one that is providedby the HubMaster than a router must be brought in to separate the two DHCP servers.Hub RanRanRanRanHub RanRanRanRanHub RanRanRanRanHubMasterNOCCompCompCompCompCustomer Network
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 42Figure 32.  System Management – Multiple SystemsThere can be only one HubMaster in a Opencell system. If there were two then thenodes on the system would be confused as to whom to report to. For this reason wemust break the network apart into zones using routers. Configured properly the routerscan be told to pass DHCP offers through which would allow the customer to use theirDHCP although it would be much easier, wiser, to use the one on the HubMaster.5.2  RAN NETWORK CONFIGUREIdentificationThere are two alternatives that can be used to identify a RAN in the OpenCell network:•  Automatic: When a RAN is installed, it can be identified by its GPS coordinates.The NMS would have the responsibility of detecting the new node and naming itbased on GPS coordinates.•  Manual: The installer can manually correlate the RAN MAC address with itsphysical pole ID. This would be done by manually updating the DNS lookup tableand having the NMS correlate the pole ID with a given RAN.The two approaches for identifying a RAN have pros and cons. Obviously, not requiringany manual configuration is attractive. However, an installer (who still needs to configuresome other information) may not know the GPS coordinates of the RAN. In addition, ifGPS is not available, then the lat/long coordinates would need to be manually entered.•  Each pole can support two 4-tenant RAN boxes, which need to be distinguishedfrom one another. A convention needs to be adopted to automatically identifythem. Suggestion:Hub RanRanRanRanHub RanRanRanRanHub RanRanRanRanHubMasterNOCCompCompCompCompCustomer NetworkHub RanRanRanRanHub RanRanRanRanHub RanRanRanRanHubMasterRouter Router
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 43•  The first installed RAN box will be designated RAN Box A.•  The second installed RAN box will be designated RAN Box B.When a box is installed on the pole, it must be tagged/labeled with its appropriate Box IDor installed in such a way that it can be identified without a label (using a knownconvention like top = A, bottom = B or similar).As each RAN comes online and is detected by the NMS (by recognition of the newnetwork node/IP address), it will be compared to see if another RAN has the sameLocation ID. If not it will be designated RAN Box A, and if so it will be designated RANBox B.If the NMS identifies a new RAN IP address at a location where in the past two RANshave already been identified, the NMS must determine which of RANs is no longerpresent and then assign the new RAN node the RAN Box ID of the removed RAN. Thiswill cover the case of RAN CPUs being swapped.The NMS will have the responsibility of creating new network node icons that correspondto each RAN CPU. The DNS name (based on location information) can be used to namethese icons.The NMS will have the addition responsibility of setting the Hub/RAN state in theNetwork Node MIB of the CPU to be a "RAN".In addition, the NMS has the option of updating a RAN identification text field with somealternative location information such as street address or other customizable description.Number of Tenants in a RANThe RAN needs to be configured with the number of tenants to be supported. This isdone by updating the appropriate parameter in the Network Node MIB of that CPU. Thisis required to allow certain RAN hardware to operate in the proper manner.Please re-write or elaborate on this.  Confusing as to why there is a question here.Will an installer know this information after that RAN is installed? If not, then thisinformation will need to be configured ahead of time using a script that can be executedvia a local Ethernet console session.RF-Antenna ConnectionsThis is really the RF PA to Multiplexer connections, more than it is the Antennaconnections.  Please re-write to be clearer.The RFAntenna connections in a given RAN box need to be configured so that validationchecks can be performed to be sure that signals are being properly routed. Ideally thiswill be configured at the customer test site or in the factory, though it could be configuredafter the fact by the installer via the NMS. If a pre-install method is to be supported, thenthe CPU will need to be locally accessed via an Ethernet console session and a scriptwill need to be executed that will prompt the user for the connection information.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 445.3 NETWORK CONFIGUREHub Master•  One CPU in the Hub will be designated as the Hub Master. It will run specialsoftware that does not run on all other CPUs in the OpenCell network.•  The Hub Master will be designated as such by doing a special installation of HubMaster software. The installation of this software will take care of all configurationnecessary to let the CPU in question be used as a Hub Master. This includes settinga read-only state flag in the Network Node MIB of that CPU to let the NMS recognizeit as a Hub Master.• It is absolutely critical that only one CPU in the network be configured as a HubMaster. If the installation of Hub Master software detects that there is already a HubMaster CPU in the network, the installation will exit and indicate that the other HubMaster CPU has to have its Hub Master software uninstalled firstThe Hub MasterCPU will request its IP address from the DHCP server at startup.•  The NMS will display the Hub Master network node in an easily identifiable manner(icon in the network map) so that installers can access it to aid in the configuration ofother network nodes.•  The Hub Master software will periodically scan the network for the presence of allnodes (CPUs) in its own subnet (mask = and take action as needed.CPU Installation•  The Hub in the OpenCell network consists of several racks and chassis, whichtranslate to several CPUs per Hub. Since these CPUs all reside at a singlegeographical location, it is necessary to establish a relationship of each CPU to itsrack and chassis location such that field service personnel can be deployed to thecorrect location within the Hub when the need arises.•  There can be many CPUs at a single Hub Site within the many racks and chassis,but there is no way to correlate an IP address to its physical rack/chassis locationautomatically. Therefore, a convention for identifying racks and chassis needs to beestablished.•  Hub Racks must be given unique identifiers. This can be as simple as numberingHub Racks from 1...N or coming up with some other naming convention. Anotheralternative is to come up with some sort of discrete control mechanism to let the rackIDs be set up. In any event, when a new rack is installed in the Hub, it must belabeled/tagged so a field service technician can easily identify it.•  Chassis within in a rack also need to be uniquely identifiable. The convention usedshould probably just be as simple as a numbering scheme where chasses arenumbered from top-bottom.•  Each CPU used in the OpenCell network can be uniquely identified by the MACaddress of its Ethernet controller. This MAC address should be clearly identified witha permanently fixed label on the front of the CPU module.•  The MAC-Rack/Chassis relationship will need to be manually configured. This canbe done by manually editing the DNS lookup table and providing the MAC address
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 45with a symbolic name based on rack/chassis ID. A convention should be establishedso that the rack/chassis can be easily parsed out by the NMS software.•  The NMS will have the responsibility of creating new network node icons thatcorrespond to each Hub CPU. The DNS name (based on rack/chassis) can be usedto name these icons.•  The NMS will need to set the Rack/Chassis ID fields of the Hub Network Node MIBs.This can be accomplished by parsing out the DNS name and doing SNMP sets tothe appropriate nodes.•  The NMS will have the addition responsibility of setting the Hub/RAN state in theNetwork Node MIB of the CPU to be a "Hub". This is important for hardware thatneeds to operate differently (i.e. Sonet) depending on its node type. The NMS maydo this based on the GPS coordinates of the Hub itself.BTS-BIM Connections•  When installing Hub RF hardware, connections among the BIM, HDC, FSC, andHUC boards, as well as their association with a given tenant, need to be manuallyconfigured because there is no way for software to automatically deduce thisinformation.•  The BTS will interface to the OpenCell network via racks containing only the BTSInterface Modules (BIMs) and their power supplies. Changes to the connectionsbetween the BTS, the BIM, and the CPU controlling the BIM will require configurationchange.•  BIM modules reside in their own racks - these racks need to have a conventionestablished to identify the BIMs within the racks. This may be as simple asnumbering the BIMs from 1…M inside the rack from top to bottom and referring tothe rack locations as shelves.•  When BTS-BIM-CPU connections change (because of new equipment beinginstalled or otherwise), these changes need to be captured in a MIB that is used inthe Hub Master. This MIB will establish the relationships between the BTS owners(tenant), the physical BIM locations (rack/shelf), the controlling CPU location(rack/chassis), and the BIM I2C address. The following is the proposed structure ofthis BIM Configuration MIB:TenantName BTS # BTSSector TenantBand BIMRackIDBIMShelfIDBIMCPURackIDBIMCPUChassisIDBIMI2CBusBIMI2CSlot•  The above MIB will be used on the Hub Master CPU. When an installer or fieldservice technician changes the BTS-BIM-CPU configuration, that installer will accessthe Hub Master CPU via the NMS and update the above MIB table.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 46•  Software that resides on the Hub Master will utilize the information in the above tableto update the appropriate Network Node CPU, based on its Rack/Chassis IDs. Thisimplies that the Hub Master software will need to determine and track the IPaddresses of each Hub node and its Rack/Chassis ID.•  The Hub Master software will perform several operations:o  Combine the Tenant Info into a single Tenant ID String using the followingformat: <Name><:><BTS#><:><Sector><:><Band>o  Pass the newly formed Tenant ID string to the Hub RF Connection MIB (seenext section) of the associated Hub CPU. The entry in the Hub RFConnection MIB will be determined using the BIM I2C bus/slot as the tablekey.o  Ensure that the Hub RF Connection MIB tenant information stayssynchronized with the above table.Hub RF Connections•  When a new Hub RF board (BIM, HDC, FSC, HUC) is installed or the connectionsamong these boards are changed, the installer will make the appropriate connectionsand then access the appropriate node via the NMS.•  The installer will then configure the connections among the Hub RF modules in this nodeby updating the Hub RF Connection MIB, which will have the following format:TenantInfo BIMI2CBusBIMI2CSlotHDC#1I2CBusHDC#1I2CSlotHDC#2I2CBusHDC#2I2CSlotFSCI2CBusFSCI2CSlotHUCI2CBusHUCI2CSlot•  The tenant field in the above table will be automatically set by the Hub Mastersoftware based on the BIM I2C bus/slot, which acts as the key between the twotables.•  The table captures the connections among all of the Hub RF hardware for a giventenant sector. A configuration limitation exists which dictates that all of the RFhardware for a given tenant sector must be under the control of a single CPU. Thislimitation allows a maximum of 5 tenant sectors worth of RF equipment on a singleCPU (a single 20 card chassis can hold 10 HDCs, 5 FSCs, and 5 HUCs in addition tothe 5 BIMs needed that reside in their own rack). Once this number of tenant sectorsis exceeded, a new chassis is required.•  If the above configuration limitation is seen as a problem, then the fallback solutionwill be to maintain a single Hub RF Connection table in the Hub Master CPU thatwould span all RF racks/chassis. This table would take on the same format as theone above, but would have additional fields to identify the CPU that controls each
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 47module. This solution has pros and cons: the primary benefit would be that since allof the connection information would be on one CPU, the field service techniciancould access a single network node (Hub Master) to set up the entire Hub. However,doing this would make the supporting software much more complex because therewould need to be many more SNMP transactions between the Hub Master softwareand the software within the various Hub CPUs. I would like to avoid this approach -everything from this point forward assumes that we will NOT use this solution.RSC/SIF Configuration•  When an RSC/SIF card is installed in the Hub and/or when the cabling configurationof the RSC/SIF is changed, the RSC/SIF ports need to be enabled/disabledaccording to which ones have cables connected to them. The installer will access theappropriate network node (via the NMS) corresponding to the RSC/SIF rack/chassis,go to the appropriate HCP MIB, and set each of the 8 inputs to either “on” (cableconnected) or “off” (no cable connected).HRM Configuration•  No special configuration is necessary when installing HRM modules. However, the NMSmay need to correlate HRM faults to the rack in which it is contained. The HRM-rackrelationship can be deduced by evaluating the Rack ID of the CPU that the HRM iscontrolled by. This Rack ID will be contained in the Network Node MIB.Software Operation•  The HCPs that manage the Hub Forward RF cards (BIM, HDC, FSC) will map to theabove MIB table and use the tenant information to form path-trace strings that will bereported in their respective HCP MIBs. The Path Trace and Tenant HLPs will use thesepath-trace strings for their own specific functionality.•  The path-trace strings will take on the following format:<Tenant Info><,><IP Address>where "Tenant Info" is a formatted string created in the Hub Master (see BTS-BIMsection above):<Name><:><BTS#><:><Sector><:><Band>•  The FSC is the starting point of the transmission of the path-trace string through theforward and reverse signal paths for the associated tenant sector. Each RF card in thechain will receive the path-trace string, report the path-trace string in its HCP MIB, andpass the path-trace string along to the next hardware module in the chain.•  The final board in the chain is the HUC, who has the added responsibility of verifyingthat the tenant information contained in its input path-trace string matches the tenantinformation in the MIB table defined above. If it does not, then the configuration is invalidand the HUC will disable its output to the BIM.In addition, each HCP along the path-trace chain has the responsibility of verifying that itshardware module is configured to the tenant band that it receives in the path-trace string. If not,that HCP will flag a configuration error that will get reported in the Network Node MIB.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 485.4 PATHTRACEThis chapter outlines the concept and usage of pathtrace within the OpenCell system.This chapter breaks these topics down into three (3) areas:• Concept;•  Description of how pathtrace information is populated in the OpenCell MIB structure;•  Detection of a configuratio n fault using pathtrace;5.4.1 Pathtrace ConceptPathtrace is the term used to describe the method by which configuration threadinformation is stored and monitored in the OpenCell system.  A properly configuredOpenCell product requires that the system be aware of the specific modules thatconstitute each and every complete thread (both forward and reverse).  Such anawareness is necessary for the following two reasons:!  Forward gain management – the system makes gain adjustments.  As aconsequence, the system needs to know which specific modules make up theparticular forward gain thread for that tenant;!  Forward and reverse path continuity – the system needs to detect and isolate(where possible) faults in the system. As a consequence, the system needs toknow which specific sequence of cascaded modules make up the forward pathand the reverse path for a particular tenant;A complete thread is composed by the serial cascaded connection of the followingmodules:HUB side: BIM, HDC, FSC, NIF, SIF (Forward path)SIF, NIF, RSC, HUC, BIM (Reverse path)RAN side: SIF, NIF, RUC, PA (Forward path)MCPL, RDC, NIF, SIF (Reverse path)All modules must be functioning for the complete thread to be operational.INSERT DIAGRAM SHOWING THE CASCADE OF MODULES HERE5.4.2  Pathtrace MIB InformationThe configuration of a particular thread is established at installation and is accomplishedusing the following steps:a)  Define the tenant by providing the required information to the BTS-CONNECTION-MIB;b)  View the HUB-RF-CONNECTION-MIB to ensure that all Bus/Slot information isfilled in;c)  View the HUC MIB - an Invalid Configuration Fault will be set if the pathtracealgorithm detects a lack of continuity.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 49More information on each of the above three (3) steps is given below:5.4.3 TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-BTS-CONNECTION-MIBThe BTS Connection MIB is table-based, with 96 entries to account for the maximumamount of tenant sectors supported in the system. This MIB contains the following fields(each set per tenant sector).  The four (4) fields which are highlighted below must bedefined in order for the tenant to be defined.•  Tenant Info - a read-only string comprised of the tenant info from this MIB.• Tenant Name - the name of the tenant• BTS ID - the ID of this tenant's basestation• BTS Sector - the sector of this tenant's basestation• Tenant Band - the band that this tenant's basestation sector uses.•  Tenant Protocol - the protocol that this tenant's basestation sector uses.•  BIM Rack - the physical rack identification of the BIM•  BIM Shelf - the physical shelf identification of the BIM•  CPU Rack - the physical rack identification of the CPU controlling the RF equipment•  CPU Chassis - the physical chassis location of the CPU in its rack•  RF Rack - the physical rack location of the RF equipment•  RF Chassis - the physical chassis location of the RF equipment in its rack•  BIM I2C Bus/Slot - the I2C address of the BIM•  HDC1 I2C Bus/Slot - the I2C address of the first HDC•  HDC2 I2C Bus/Slot - the I2C address of the second HDC•  FSC I2C Bus/Slot - the I2C address of the FSC•  HUC I2C Bus/Slot - the I2C address of the HUCThe TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-BTS-CONNECTION-MIB holds all of the vitalconfiguration information about a tenant. This MIB is the link between the BTS and therest of the system. This is accomplished by specifying the BTS information, BIMinformation, information about the CPU that controls this tenant's RF equipment, and theI2C addresses of this tenant's RF equipment. Since the link between the BTS, BIM andCPU cannot be auto-detected, this MIB provides the interface for setting up theserelationships..When a BIM comes online it places vital process information in the TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-BIM-MIB. The HubConfig software continually scans for new BIMs in thisMIB for each CPU. When a new BIM is discovered the HubConfig software checks tosee if the BIM information and CPU information are already in the TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-BTS-CONNECTION-MIB. The CPU information is critical since it ties usdirectly to the TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-HUB-NODE-MIB and the actual physicallocation of the CPU and the IP address
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 50Another key element to the TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-BTS-CONNECTION-MIB is theHUB-RF-CONNECTION-MIB information (I2C addresses of RF equipment).  Once all ofthis info is manually configured into the MIB, the HubConfig software pushes it all to theHub node level based on the BIM bus/slot. This is also true for all other manuallyconfigured parameters. The BIM info is pushed down to the BIM-MIB and the tenant infois pushed down to the HUB-RF-CONNECTION-MIB.5.4.4 TRANSCEPT-OPENCELL-HUB-RF-CONNECTION-MIBTenantInfoBIMI2CBusBIMI2CSlotHDC#1I2CBusHDC#1I2CSlotHDC#2I2CBusHDC#2I2CSlotFSCI2CBusFSCI2CSlotHUCI2CBusHUCI2CSlotThis MIB contains data critical to the successful implementation of pathtrace information.The Tenant Info string, which is a component of the pathtrace string used in the system,is coupled with the bus and slot locations of every board that requires that data.On startup, the BIM, HDC and FSC HCPs look into this MIB to see if their particular busand slot has been registered with any tenant. If this is the case, then these HCPs takethe tenant info, form the pathtrace string from it, and transmit it through the system.The tenant process uses these pathtrace stings to locate all hardware belonging to aparticular tenant, Along with the IP, Hostname, CPU rack and CPU chassis IDs we canverify the physical locations of every board in our system through the NMS.5.4.5  PATHTRACE FAULT DETECTIONThe HUC HCP searches the MIB in much the same way to find its tenant info. Itcompares the tenant IDs from its primary and diversity pathtrace strings against thisstring to verify the path. If the HUC detects a mismatch, an "invalid configuration" fault isgenerated.5.5 TENANT CONFIGURETo configure a sector for a WSP, access the Tenant OAM MIB on the Master Hub.  ViaSNMPc this is accessible by right clicking on the Hub Master Node icon and selecting,Hub Master InfoTenant OAM InfoTenant OAM Info
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 51Figure 33.  Tenant OAM Info SelectThis MIB allows an operator to configure the following parameters:• Channel #s• Forward Gain• Reverse Gain•  BTS to OpenCell cable losses•  Auto function enable/disableso Forward Autogain/Continuityo Reverse Autogain/Continuityo AutoDelay CompensationFlip the display so that the sector numbers go across the top.  Scroll to the desiredsector number (Sectors go from 1-96).Once changes are made the values change from blue to red.  The set button must beselected for the changes to be accepted.Figure 34.  SNMPc Set ButtonSet Button
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 52Figure 35.  Tenant OAM Info MIBScroll to the desired sector number (Sectors go from 1-96) for entering the followinginformation.5.5.1 SET ChannelsEnter the channel numbers in the Channel1Val-Channel8Val fields.Channels numbers follow the standard FCC conventions for frequencies and protocols.Note:  If only a single HDC is used by this WSP, then channels 1-4 are valid.  If there aretwo HDC’s then channels 1-8 are valid.Note:  Unused channels should be set per the following table.Table 1.  Unused Channel ValuesChannel Value1-12-23-34-45-56-67-7
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 53Channel Value8-85.5.2  SET Forward GainEnter the desired gain in the ForwardGainOffset1 to ForwardGainOffset8 fields.The gain is against the baseline OpenCell power levels.  0 dB of gain (the default) willgive the nominal power per channel by protocol and frequency (first entry in each tablerow).  The gain can be adjusted up from 0 to +8 if a WSP is using less than the baselinenumber of carriers and they desire more power at a selected RAN site.Gain can also be set from –12 to 0 dB if a WSP desires less output power at selectedRAN locations.  The baseline powers are shown in the table below.Typically the gains will be set to zero for all Tenants since that is when the link budgetsmatch.  Optimization a given location may require adjustment from the zero dB gainsettings.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 54Table 2.  Max. Forward Gain Settings as function of #channelsFrequency and Protocol Output (dBm) Max. GainsTransmitter output powerCDMA (PCS)     3 carriers     1 carrier      6 carriers30.535.027.504.5-3.0Transmitter output powerGSM (PCS)     4 carriers     2 carriers     8 carriers30.533.527.503.0-3.0Transmitter output powerTDMA (PCS)     6 carriers     4 carriers     2 carriers     8 carriers28. output powerCDMA (Cellular/SMR)     3 carriers     1 carrier     6 carrier29.534.026.504.5-3.0Transmitter output powerGSM (Cellular/SMR)     4 carriers     2 carriers     8 carriers29.532.526.503.0-3.0Transmitter output powerTDMA (Cellular/SMR)     6 carriers     4 carriers     2 carriers     8 carriers27. output powerIDEN (Cellular/SMR)     6 carriers     4 carriers     2 carriers     8 carriers27.  There is 3.5 dB of loss from PA output to output of RAN for PCS, 2.5 dB inCellular and 3.0 dB in SMR.  The above output powers are denoted at the output of theRAN.  The PA measured power will be higher.
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 555.5.3  SET Reverse GainEnter the desired reverse gain in the ReverseGain field.Reverse gain indicates how much gain OpenCell will give to a reverse path signal beforepresenting it to the BTS (e.g. a –100 dBm signal at the RAN input will be –90 at the inputto the BTS when Reverse Gain is set to 10 dB).Table 3.  Reverse Gain SettingsReverse Gain (dB) Comment+10 Normal setting0 Shared BTS tower sector, 3dBimpact on BTS tower coverage-10 Shared BTS tower sector, noimpact on BTS tower coverage,3dB impact on OpenCellcoverage5.5.4  SET Forward/Reverse Cable lossesEnter the cable loss for the forward connection cable into the ForwardCableLoss field.Enter the cable loss for the reverse connection cable into the ReverseCableLoss field.The cables should be swept to insure that their cable loss is correct.  This allowsOpenCell to accurately manage the gains in the forward and reverse directions.5.5.5 SET Auto FunctionsThe following MIB values should be enabled:•  ForwardAGCEnable – Enables forward gain management•  ReverseAGCEnable – Enables reverse gain management•  DelayCompensationEnable – Enables automatic delay compensation
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 566.0 INTEGRATION PROCEDURES6.1 HUB/RAN INTEGRATION6.1.1 Forward Path BalanceIn order to balance the forward path the following procedure is followed:• Disable PA•  Inject tone into BIM at level to be received from BTS•  Measure power in OpenCell FSC on control channel•  Adjust HDC attenuator to achieve desired power level (0 dBm)• Enable PA•  Measure output power on PA•  Adjust RUC attenuator to achieve desired output power (24-34 dBm)•  Repeat on all channels6.1.2  Reverse Path BalanceIn order to balance the reverse path the following procedure is followed:•  Measure or calculate cable loss from BIM Output to BTS input•  Enter value into Tenant MIB•  Enter reverse gain setting (-10 to +10 dB, typically +10 dBm)
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 577.0 BTS INTEGRATION7.1.1  BTS Parameter Changes – TDMABTS/SCCS Parameter Modifications.Manufacturer RequiredChangeParameter PerformanceProblemReq’d forOpenCellEricssonDisable DC Bias on BTS Rx Ports BTS Bias Alarm YesIncrease 10 dB SSB Level (channel sealinglevel) Unable to place callon sealed channel YesIncrease 8 dBover BTS-onlysettingsSSI (Power Increase) level Repeater/Towerhandoff unbalanced YesIncrease 8 dBover BTS-onlysettingsSSD (Power Decrease) level Repeater/Towerhandoff unbalanced YesLucentEnable Shortened Burst Mode No calls initiated YesChange from 0to 2. Page 5 of FCI form, field 94 No calls initiated YesSet to 2.  (Maxdelay setting) If Page 5 is full, go to page 6of FCI form, field 118 No calls initiated YesDisable Hobbit Intracell handoffoccur YesNortel Change fromnormal toABBREVDCCHDATA datafillFIELD 6 No calls initiated YesDisable TLR (TDMA LocateReceiver) No hand ins YesChange fromenable toDISABLE foreach sector pair,i.e. Z into X aswell as X into Z.HOPAIR datafill NBHOfield No handoffs or handins Yes7.1.2  Neighbor List UpdatesDuring initial OpenCell installation, failed mobile hand-offs may be due to outdated orincorrect  neighbor list. Because the OpenCell system has the ability to change the RFfootprint of its donor base station on a sector by sector basis, the neighbor list of thedonor BTS and of each adjacent BTS (based on RF footprint) will require review andupdating where applicable.   Without this modification, mobile handoff functionality couldbe degraded or even rendered inoperable.  For a quick cross-check of the RANneighbors, note DCCH channel numbers seen by a mobile as it is moved out radially
OpenCell Operations and Maintenance Manual Doc. No.  XXXXXXX -TRANSCEPT PROPRIETARY 58from the center of the site.  This list should match a network planning list of DCCHchannels and sectors for adjacent BTS/SCCS installations.  During this test, if the calldrops due to a low DCCH level in the presence of a large alternate DCCH level, theneighbor list needs to be reviewed and where applicable updated.There are other reasons for failed hand-offs, timers, insufficient neighbor signal quality,interference7.1.3 BTS ValidationPrior to connecting the base station to the OpenCell Hub a full suite of BTS tests shouldbe run to assure the BTS is operating per manufacturers specification.7.1.4  Forward RF Path BalanceThis RF path balance is from the Hub input to the RAN output.In order to balance the forward path the following procedure is followed:• Disable PA•  Enable channel from BTS (place call to get voice channels, certain channels mayneed to be blocked in order to have forward signal)•  Measure power in OpenCell FSC on control channel•  Adjust HDC attenuator to achieve desired power level (0 dBm)• Enable PA•  Measure output power on PA•  Adjust RUC attenuator to achieve desired output power (24-34 dBm)•  Repeat on all channels7.1.5  Reverse Path BalanceIn order to balance the reverse path the following procedure is followed:•  Measure or calculate cable loss from BIM Output to BTS input•  Enter value into Tenant MIB•  Enter reverse gain setting (-10 to +10 dB, typically +10 dBm)7.1.6 RAN Call verificationIn order to balance the reverse path the following procedure is followed•  Deploy technician to RAN sites•  Place calls on all RF channels

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