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Product Version: 4.52
This software and documentation is © COPYRIGHT 1994-2002 Absolute
Communications. All Rights Reserved.
This documentation for use only with licensed SmartTRAC products.



INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 6
STARTING SMARTTRAC WORKSTATION ................................................................................... 7
LOGGING ON ......................................................................................................................................... 8
SELECTING A MAP BACKDROP............................................................................................................... 8
TRACK EXPLORER PROGRAM WINDOW.................................................................................. 10
TOOLBAR............................................................................................................................................. 10
FILTER ................................................................................................................................................. 11
UNIT LIST ............................................................................................................................................ 11
MAP WINDOW ...................................................................................................................................... 12
DISPLAYING MOBILE UNITS......................................................................................................... 12
DISPLAYING MOBILES OF INTEREST IN THE UNIT LIST ......................................................................... 12
DISPLAYING A UNIT ON THE MAP ........................................................................................................ 12
DISPLAYING MULTIPLE UNITS............................................................................................................... 13
VIEWING A DIFFERENT PART OF THE MAP ............................................................................ 14
ZOOMING IN TO THE MAP .................................................................................................................... 14
ZOOMING OUT FROM THE MAP ............................................................................................................ 14
USING THE PAN TOOL.......................................................................................................................... 15
OTHER OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 15
AUTOMATIC MAP ZOOMING ................................................................................................................ 16
VIEWING DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DETAIL............................................................................... 17
DISPLAYING A MOBILE’S TRACK .......................................................................................................... 17
DISPLAYING THE LOCATION OF EACH POSITION REPORT ..................................................................... 17
DISPLAYING A UNIT’S OPPORTUNITY ELLIPSE ..................................................................................... 17
VIEWING SIGHTINGS ............................................................................................................................ 18
SELECTING MOBILES FROM THE MAP..................................................................................... 19
SELECTING A SINGLE MOBILE .............................................................................................................. 19
SELECTING ALL MOBILES WITHIN A RECTANGLE/CIRCLE .................................................................... 19
SELECTING ALL MOBILES WITHIN A PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHIC AREA ................................................. 20
MAP SELECTION AND THE UNIT LIST ................................................................................................... 20
ATTRIBUTES OF A MOBILE ................................................................................................................... 21
STATUS OF SELECTED MOBILES........................................................................................................... 22
DESELECTING MOBILES ....................................................................................................................... 23
MONITORING MOBILE MOVEMENT .......................................................................................... 24
INFORMATION TOOL ............................................................................................................................ 24
MEASURING DISTANCE ........................................................................................................................ 25
LABEL TOOL........................................................................................................................................ 26
CLEAR LABELS .................................................................................................................................... 26
DISPLAYING HISTORICAL DATA................................................................................................. 27
DATE BAR ........................................................................................................................................... 27
CHANGING THE TIME/DATE INTERVAL OF INTEREST ........................................................................... 28
VIEWING WHICH MOBILES WERE ACTIVE AT A PARTICULAR TIME ...................................................... 29
SMARTTRAC INFORMATION LAYERS....................................................................................... 30
CURRENT LOCATION ........................................................................................................................... 30
ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................................................. 31
POSITION REPORTS .............................................................................................................................. 32
TRACKS ............................................................................................................................................... 32
SIGHTINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 33

ELLIPSES (ROUTINE & OVERDUE) ....................................................................................................... 34
PRESENTATION STYLES ....................................................................................................................... 35
Normal............................................................................................................................................ 35
Color by Position Type ................................................................................................................... 35
Color by Speed ............................................................................................................................... 36
Defining Additional Presentation Styles......................................................................................... 36
EXPORTING DATA............................................................................................................................ 37
PRINTING THE MAP .............................................................................................................................. 37
E-MAILING THE MAP ........................................................................................................................... 37
SAVING THE MAP WINDOW AS A PICTURE ........................................................................................... 38
EXPORTING MOBILE UNIT DETAILS ..................................................................................................... 38
EXPORTING TRACK DETAILS ............................................................................................................... 39
EXPORTING THE ENTIRE MAP .............................................................................................................. 40
SENDING COMMANDS TO MOBILE UNITS................................................................................ 41
REQUESTING AN IMMEDIATE POSITION UPDATE .................................................................................. 41
SENDING AN E-MAIL MESSAGE ........................................................................................................... 42
DOWNLOADING A LOGFILE .................................................................................................................. 42
SELECTING A REPORTING & LOGGING RATE........................................................................................ 43
SETTING DIGITAL OUTPUT LINES ......................................................................................................... 45
VIEWING AND EDITING MOBILE DETAILS .............................................................................. 46
THE PROPERTIES DIALOG .................................................................................................................... 46
DETAILS .............................................................................................................................................. 48
SYMBOL, SIZE, TRACK THICKNESS & COLOR ..................................................................................... 49
AUTOMATIC LOCATION COMMUNICATOR SETTINGS ............................................................................ 50
Communication Channels............................................................................................................... 51
INPUT AND OUTPUT SENSORS .............................................................................................................. 52
PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................................................................. 53
LICENSES ............................................................................................................................................. 54
ALERTS................................................................................................................................................ 55
ADDING AND DELETING MOBILES ............................................................................................. 57
ADDING A MOBILE TO THE FLEET ........................................................................................................ 57
Default Values ................................................................................................................................ 57
Adding Many Units......................................................................................................................... 57
DELETING A MOBILE ........................................................................................................................... 58
CREATING CUSTOM GROUPS OF MOBILES ........................................................................................... 59
CUSTOMIZING THE MAP DISPLAY ............................................................................................. 60
LAYER SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................. 60
MAP PROPERTIES................................................................................................................................. 62
DRAWING AND ANNOTATING ON THE MAP............................................................................ 64
OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................... 64
DRAWING TOOLS ................................................................................................................................. 65
Text ................................................................................................................................................. 65
Symbol ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Lines, Polylines and Arcs ............................................................................................................... 67
Rectangles, Rounded Rectangles, Regions and Circles.................................................................. 68
CONVERTING OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................ 69
Combine.......................................................................................................................................... 69
Convert to Polyline......................................................................................................................... 69
Convert to Region........................................................................................................................... 70
Buffer .............................................................................................................................................. 70
CONFIGURING ALERTS .................................................................................................................. 72
CONCEPTS ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Architecture of the Alerting System ................................................................................................ 72
Events ............................................................................................................................................. 73
Business Rules ................................................................................................................................ 73
Actions ............................................................................................................................................ 73
THE ALERT CONFIGURATION TOOL ..................................................................................................... 74
BUSINESS RULES ................................................................................................................................. 75
Events ............................................................................................................................................. 75
Date Range ..................................................................................................................................... 76
Applying Alerts to Specific Mobiles................................................................................................ 76
DEFINING GEOFENCES ......................................................................................................................... 77
Making the Area Layer Editable..................................................................................................... 77
Defining the Geofence Area............................................................................................................ 78
Changing the Geofence Style.......................................................................................................... 78
Naming and Numbering the Geofence............................................................................................ 79
Modifying an Existing Geofence..................................................................................................... 79
Deleting a Geofence ....................................................................................................................... 79
ALERT ACTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 80
Changing Mobile Reporting Rates ................................................................................................. 80
Sending a Message to a Mobile ...................................................................................................... 81
Changing Digital Output States...................................................................................................... 82
E-Mail Notification......................................................................................................................... 82
Cellular/Pager Notification ............................................................................................................ 83
Setting Actions to Trigger from an Alert ........................................................................................ 84
HOW DO I? .......................................................................................................................................... 85
CHANGE THE LABEL FORMAT FOR DISPLAYED MOBILES..................................................................... 85
CHANGING THE UNITS FOR DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................... 85
GENERATING SURVEILLANCE REPORTS ............................................................................................... 85
TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................................................................... 86
WHY ARE THE DRAWING TOOLS UNAVAILABLE?.................................................................................. 86
WHY CAN’T I DISPLAY LABELS?.......................................................................................................... 86
WHY CAN’T I SELECT MOBILES ON THE MAP? ..................................................................................... 86
INSTALLING SMARTTRAC AND RELATED TOOLS ................................................................ 88
PRE-INSTALLATION STEPS ................................................................................................................... 88
TO BEGIN THE INSTALLATION YOU WILL REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING CDS:............................................. 88
INSTALLING SMARTTRAC................................................................................................................... 89
SELECTING A DATABASE FILE.............................................................................................................. 92

The SmartTRAC Product has been modeled around well-known Windows
applications and is designed to be straightforward to learn and remember.
This documentation provides an overview of user functions in the system, and how to
work through commonly used scenarios. It is recommended that you become
comfortable with basic operations then experiment with the tools at your own pace.
Experimentation is recommended as the fastest way to becoming an experienced
The Track Explorer is a powerful and flexible tool for monitoring the activity of fleets of
mobile units. Each mobile operator is fitted with an automatic location communicator
so that its position and movement can be tracked on screen against a background
map of your region.
The Track Explorer window provides a comprehensive range of tools for working with
the map and the mobiles. You can generate current and historical position data for
mobiles of interest, and view animations of past tracks. Depending on your operator
privileges the Track Explorer also allows you to modify mobile reporting rates and
map characteristics.

NOTE: Throughout this document the terms unit and mobile are used
interchangeably to refer to the mobile entities (vehicles, personnel or vessels) being

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Starting SmartTRAC Workstation
If SmartTRAC has not already been installed on you will need to do this first.
To check, open the folder shown below from the [Start] menu. If the "SmartTRAC"
item is missing please refer to the final chapter Installing SmartTRAC. After
installation you can return to this point to begin using the product.
To open SmartTRAC Workstation…

Select the "SmartTRAC Explorer" item from the [Start] menu as shown.
To open SmartTRAC more easily, you can create a shortcut on your desktop
or TaskBar. To do this;

Click on the "SmartTRAC Explorer" icon as shown above


Drag this onto either the Desktop or TaskBar.


The example below shows the SmartTRAC Workstation icon dragged
to the immediate right of the windows "Start" menu for easy access.

(Please note; some earlier Windows versions do not support this feature)

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Logging On

While SmartTRAC is loading, you may be presented with a Database
Authentication dialog.

NOTE: If you do not see this dialog, your SmartTRAC system is either
configured to use your Windows Logon for all security, or you are using a
single user standalone system.
When this dialog is displayed you must enter the following:
1. The Database Name. This determines which SmartTRAC database you
will be logged into. Most organizations have only one SmartTRAC
database, but in some cases separate databases are configured for
training purposes or for each region/division. If you are unsure which
database name to use, contact your Systems Administrator.
2. Your username will default to the same setting used during Windows NT
or Windows 2000 logon. In most cases this is also your SmartTRAC
username. If your Systems Administrator has assigned you a different
username for SmartTRAC use, you will need to enter this instead.
3. You must enter a password. Depending on how your systems
administrator has configured the SmartTRAC system this is usually the
same as your Windows NT or Windows 2000 password. If not, contact
your systems administrator for further details on the correct Username &
Password to use when logging into SmartTRAC.

Selecting a Map Backdrop
Once SmartTRAC has completed loading, you will be presented with the main Track
Explorer window.
1. If you have purchased product directly for Standalone use this will show
information from the SmartTRAC Sample Database.
2. If you are working in a multi-user system, your Systems Administrator will
have configured a SmartTRAC database for use. This will include
information on your organization’s fleet.
3. In either case; you now need to select a map Backdrop. To do this; click
button on the toolbar.
4. The Open Dialog is then displayed. You can select any compatible
mapping file for use with SmartTRAC. Compatible files end with the
extension "WOR" (Workspace) and contain data in the MapInfo
Workspace Format. When SmartTRAC installs; a very basic worldmap is
present; this has the name "LAND.WOR". If you do not have any specific
mapping files, open "LAND.WOR".

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5. When loading Map Files you may see the message "This Workspace is
not Compatible with Track Explorer…". If this occurs; copy the message
down and pass to your Systems Administrator or Map Supplier. Some
Mapinfo Workspace files contain features not supported by SmartTRAC,
and need to be slightly modified before they can be opened in Track
6. Once the Map has loaded, you will see a screen similar to the one below
(the exact screen will depend on which database and map set you are

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Track Explorer Program Window
The Track Explorer program window includes the following components, which can be
resized to suit your working preferences.


Mobile management tools and utilities are available in the toolbar below the
menu bar. The toolbar contains four separate tool palettes, which are
separated by vertical lines on the toolbar.
The tool palette can be dragged away from the toolbar and on to the map
window if required. To return a palette to the main toolbar just drag it or
double-click the palette’s title bar.
The available tools are as follows:





Date Bar

Allows you to open a previously saved workspace into the
program window. A saved workspace includes a view of
the map with track presentation & label options.
Allows you to save the contents of the map window exactly
as they are (including map settings, and labels) so that
they can be reviewed during a later session.
If a printer is connected to this PC, you can use this option
to print the displayed map and mobile information.
This is a menu of tools for moving around the map
This is a menu of tools for selecting mobiles displayed on
the map and exporting data to other applications
This is a menu of tools that allow you to make distance
measurements, label information displayed on the map and
show/hide various detail levels of information.
This is a menu of tools that allow you to add your own text
and graphics to the map. Depending on your operator
privileges you can save your graphics so that they are
displayed every time you use the Track Explorer.
Use this option to return to the previous view of the map.
Use this option to immediately cancel the current action; for
example, loading a selection of mobiles. The Stop button
immediately stops the activity but does not restore any
previous settings.
This slide bar allows you to select a date range for
historical analysis and animations. Right click on this tool
to see further menu options.

Note: Only one tool from the above menus can be active at any one
time; the active tool is highlighted on the menu bar. For example;
The [Move]Æ [Zoom-In] tool is selected.
The [Analyze] Æ [Ruler] tool is selected.

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The Filter allows you to view and select mobiles of
interest. It is operated in the same way as the
Windows Explorer is used to select files and
Because Track Explorer is capable of monitoring several thousand mobiles,
the available units are sorted into groups according to attributes such as their
country of origin, type, and length. This allows you to locate a mobile of
interest much more quickly than searching through the entire list.
The available groups of mobiles are displayed at the first level of the Filter
window; groups that have special icons are shared with other SmartTRAC
users and cannot be changed, except by the system administrator.
However, you can set up your own groups of frequently monitored units.
These groups can be changed as often as you like. They are saved each time
you exit Track Explorer so that they are available during future sessions by
you and any other users connected to the same database.
Within each group there are several categories, which further sub-divide the
available mobiles (for example, one category for each unit type) . You can
add and remove categories of mobiles in your personal groups as required
(you cannot modify categories within shared groups).

Unit List

The unit list is displayed across the bottom of the map. It displays the mobile
units that are currently available for display on the map.
Under normal circumstances the unit list contains only a small number of the
total mobiles in the system. This is because the Filter window is usually set up
to sort and filter all mobiles so that only mobiles of interest are displayed.
1. The exact list of columns depends on the database in use. You may see
a different selection of Mobile Attributes to those shown above.
2. You can sort the list by any attribute. To do this; click on the column
heading. You can also right click (anywhere in the unit list except directly
on a mobile) and choose an [Arrange
Icons by] option.
3. You can simplify the view to icons
only. To do this right click (anywhere
in the unit list except directly on a
mobile) then select a [View] option.
4. To jump quickly to a mobile if you know the short name (the first column)
enter the first letter. The list will then scroll to the appropriate point.

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Map window
Mobiles selected for tracking are displayed on the in
the map window. The positions are updated
automatically whenever new reports are received.
You can change the basic characteristics of the Map
Window by right-clicking anywhere on the map and selecting one of the menu
options. The [Move], [Select], [Analyze] and [Draw] tools allow you to modify
the presentation and configuration of the Map Window in more detail.

Displaying Mobile Units
Displaying Mobiles of Interest in the Unit List
Use the groups and categories displayed in the filter window to change the
contents of the unit list as follows:
• Click on the All option to display all mobiles in
the unit list
• Click on a category to see only the mobiles in
that category in the unit list
• To list the members of more than one group
or category press the [Ctrl] key then click on
each group/category in turn.
• If you select multiple folders within a group
this means to show mobile units in all
categories selected. For example; selecting
the types; Bus & Car will show any mobiles
that are either Busses or Cars.
• If you select multiple folders across categories; eg. Type=" Vessels"
and Country="Australia" then only mobile units where type "Vessel"
AND with a country of "Australia" will be displayed in the unit list.

Displaying a Unit on the Map
You can display the current geographic location of mobiles on the map in
several ways:
• To show the current location of all mobiles in your
fleet, ’drag-and-drop’ the [All] icon onto the map
• To show a section of the fleet, ’drag-and-drop’ a category folder from
the filter list directly onto the map window.
• To show specific mobile units, first use the filter (as described above)
to select part of the fleet. Then use the Unit List (bottom of the
window) and ‘drag-and-drop’ a specific mobile units from the mobile
list onto the map window (or)
• Double-click on the mobile in the unit list (or)
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• Right-click on a mobile and choose the
"Explore tracks" menu option
The selected unit is displayed at its current
location on the map, and replaces any
previously displayed mobiles.

Displaying multiple units
To select multiple adjacent mobiles from the unit list:
• Click and drag the pointer across
the mobiles of interest (for example
from top-left to bottom-right). You
will see a block of mobiles selected
similar to the example shown.
To select multiple mobiles at random:

Press the [Ctrl] key while clicking in
turn on each unit of interest. You
will see a block of mobiles selected
similar to the example shown.

When all units have been selected "drag-and-drop" the units to the map
window, or right-click and choose the [ Explore Tracks] option. The new
mobiles replace any selection previously displayed on the map.
If you want to select all mobiles in a particular group or category:
• Drag-and-drop the folder of interest
from the filter window to the map
Displaying a group of mobiles is different from
selecting the same mobiles individually. The
difference is best illustrated by an example. If you select all busses in the
sample database individually (from the unit list), then new mobile units were
added to the fleet the map selection does not change. It shows only the units
that were specifically selected for display on the map.
However, if you select the "Bus" folder, as shown above, then any new mobile
units added of type "Bus" are automatically displayed (added) to the map.
Displaying groups is particularly useful when the selected group represents a
status attribute of the mobile (e.g. reporting rate, a digital input sensor such
as door open/door close status). For example some system configurations
have mobile data terminals connected to the mobile unit. These
configurations include additional folders indicating mobile status such as
on/off-duty, type of cargo or area of operation.
By using the techniques illustrated it is then possible to monitor, for example,
all off-duty vehicles. As drivers change status through their mobile data
terminals the map automatically changes to show the appropriate mobile

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Viewing a Different Part of the Map
The Move tools menu is used to navigate within the map window. This
includes zoom operations and selecting a specific map view based on known

Zooming In to the Map
Select “Zoom In” from the Move tool menu.
The shape of the pointer changes to indicate that the
Zoom In tool is active. While the Zoom In tool is active
you can:
• Enlarge a single point of interest by clicking the
Zoom In pointer at that point on the map. This redraws the map at
twice the scale and positions the selected point is at the centre of the
map window.
• Enlarge a region of interest by clicking and dragging the Zoom In
pointer across (for example, from the top, left-hand side to the
bottom, right-hand side of) the area of interest. This redraws the map
so that the selected area of interest fills the map window.
• Use a combination of these techniques to size the map as required.
Switch to another tool when you’re finished with this tool.
• NOTE: If your mouse has a Scroll Wheel you can use this tool by
clicking in the map windows, then scrolling forward to zoom-in or
backwards to zoom out.

Zooming out from the Map
Select “Zoom Out” from the Move tool menu.
The shape of the pointer changes to indicate that the
Zoom Out tool is active. While the Zoom Out pointer is
active you can:
• Reduce a single point of interest by clicking the
Zoom Out pointer at that point on the map. This redraws the map at
half the scale and positions the selected point is at the centre of the
map window.
• Reduce a region of interest by clicking and dragging the Zoom Out
pointer across (for example, from the top, left-hand side to the
bottom, right-hand side of) the area of interest. This redraws the map
so that the area currently displayed in the map window is as small as
the selected area.
• Use a combination of these techniques to size the map as required.
• NOTE: If your mouse has a Scroll Wheel you can use this tool by
clicking in the map windows, then scrolling forward to zoom-in our
backwards to zoom out.

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Using the Pan Tool
Select “Pan” from the Move tool menu. The shape of
the pointer changes to indicate that the Pan tool is
• Click and hold the left-hand button of the
mouse while moving the pointer in any
direction. The map slides across the map
window in the same direction as the pointer.
• Release the mouse button when the map is positioned as
• You can continue to use the Pan tool to reposition the map within
the map window. Switch to another tool when you’re finished with
this tool.
• NOTE: If your mouse has a Scroll Wheel you can use this tool by
clicking once on the scroll wheel button, then moving the mouse.
The map will pan to follow the direction of mouse movement.

Other Options
Back. Select this to cancel the last map movement command and restore
the map to the previously displayed view.
Show All Tracks. This option immediately resizes the map so that all
selected mobiles can be seen.
Jump To. Displays a dialog allowing you to specify the map area to view, and
options to change the map scale. To change the distance units (e.g. degrees,
miles) use the [Select]Æ[Map Properties] menu option.

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Automatic Map Zooming
When a new set of mobile unit(s) is placed on the map, SmartTRAC
automatically sets the zoom and pan settings to ensure all mobiles within the
new selection are visible.
When new data is received from mobile units, SmartTRAC redraws the
display. However, in this case it does not alter the zoom or pan settings by
default. If you would like SmartTRAC to automatically zoom and re-center the
display when mobile units update; turn the [View]Æ[Auto Follow] option ON.
Auto Follow is particularly suited to display terminals that operate in
unattended mode such as video projectors or flat panel wall displays. When
activated, Auto Follow allows SmartTRAC to continuously adjust the display
for optimum presentation of the selected mobile units.

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Viewing Different Levels of Detail
Displaying a Mobile’s Track
By default only the current location of a vehicle is displayed. Enabling the
track display provides additional information based on the historical location
and path of the vehicle. To display tracks:
• Open the [Analyze] menu, and click
on [Tracks].
• The map is redrawn to include the
route traveled by each mobile.
• To turn tracks off, select the
[Analyze] Æ [Tracks] menu option
As tracks often overlap and double-back small arrows along the track are
used to indicate direction. The mobile unit symbol at the end of the track
(current location) is also orientated to show the direction of the mobile based
on the last two position reports received.

Displaying the Location of each Position Report
Track data provides an overview of the history of a vehicle. For further detail
on each position report received (the dots that the track is connecting) it is
necessary to display position reports. To do this:
• Open the [Analyze] menu,
and click on [Position
• The map is redrawn to
include the location of the
displayed mobiles at each
position report.

Displaying a Unit’s Opportunity Ellipse
Opportunity ellipses identify the distance a unit could have strayed from its
track according to its current speed. You can view the opportunity ellipses for
a selection of mobiles as follows:
• If the mobile isn’t already
displayed on the map, add it
to the map now.
• Open the [Analyze] menu
and click the [Ellipses
(Routine)] option to view
ellipses for all displayed

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Viewing Sightings
Mobile Units typically report their position automatically. For surveillance
orientated systems a facility is also provided to enter sightings, or manual
positions, that can then be compared with the automatically received locations
from mobile units. To display sightings:
• Open the [Analyze] menu,
then click [Sightings].
• The map is redrawn to show
the location of any sightings
of the displayed mobile; a dot
and description mark each
• Sightings are generally
viewed in conjunction with the automatically reported track. The
example illustrated shows two Sightings for "Trial A". One is
consistent with the trace from automatic reporting, the other appears
to be in error, or has been reported against an incorrect mobile
designation. A surveillance operator would then use this information
to investigate further why this discrepancy could have occurred.
• Systems configured to support sightings information also have a
special mobile unit added. This is named "Unresolved Sightings"
which is used to display sightings that are not presently assigned to
any mobile unit within the fleet. Such sightings typically represent
partial surveillance information; i.e. a vessel was spotted by a
surveillance aircraft but could not be identified properly by
international radio callsign.

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Selecting Mobiles from the Map
The Map Selection works in conjunction with the Unit Filter, Unit List and
Status bar.

Selecting a Single Mobile
• Select the [Pointer] item from the [Select]
tool menu.
• The shape of the mouse pointer changes
to indicate the selection tool is active.
• Click on any mobile unit on the map.
• The selected mobile is highlighted on the
map and the corresponding mobile in the
unit list is also marked with a gray rectangle. Any previously selected
mobiles are automatically deselected.

Selecting All Mobiles within a Rectangle/Circle
• Select the [Rectangle] or [Circle] item from
the [Select] tools menu.
• The shape of the mouse pointer changes
to indicate that the selection tool is active.
• Position the mouse pointer at one corner of
the area of interest on the map.
• Click and drag across the area of interest on the map (for example
from top-left to bottom-right).
• A rectangle or circle is drawn over the map; the boundary of which is
controlled by the current position of the pointer with respect to the
point you commenced dragging.
• Drag the pointer until the rectangle encloses all units of interest, then
release the mouse button.
All mobiles within the boundary are selected and highlighted on the map.
Also, the corresponding mobiles in the unit list are marked with a gray
rectangle. Any previously selected mobiles are automatically deselected.

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Selecting all Mobiles within a Particular Geographic Area
• Select the [Region] item from the [Select]
tools menu.
• The shape of the pointer changes to
indicate that the selection tool is active.
• Click the pointer anywhere within the
zone of interest.
All mobiles within the zone are selected and highlighted on the map. Also, the
corresponding mobiles in the unit list are marked with a gray rectangle. Any
previously selected mobiles are automatically deselected.

You can use any region style object from the map as a boundary
area for this function.


The [Draw] tools can be used to create custom regions for use
with this tool. Drawing tools and their use are discussed in detail
later in the section Drawing and Annotating the Map.

Map Selection and the Unit List
When selecting units on the Map, the same units are also highlighted in the
Unit List. This allows cross comparison between geographic details (location)
and the unit details such as name and mobile unit type.
This combination of Map and Unit List selection can also be used to more
easily locate, view and edit mobile details. For example:

Select mobile unit(s) on the
map using individual, circle
or rectangle tools.


The same units are also
highlighted in the Unit List
(as gray rectangles)


Right click on one of the
selected units in the Unit
List. The highlight color
changes to blue, and a
menu appears


Select [Properties]

The Properties dialog opens:

If multiple units are selected then the
attributes that are common for all
selected mobiles are displayed. Other
attributes are left blank.


If only one mobile is selected then full
details for that mobile unit are


Using the Properties dialog it is
possible to edit the attributes of the
mobile such as its name, symbol color or reporting rate. Further
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information on these functions is given in the section Editing Mobile

When you finish viewing mobile details you can close the [Properties]
dialog to save space -- or leave it open to show the attributes of the
selected mobiles automatically as the selection changes.

Attributes of a Mobile
A mobile displayed in the Unit List or in the Properties dialog has several
categories of attribute.
Some are standard on all SmartTRAC systems - such as a mobile callsign,
name and type.
Other attributes may be enabled or disabled by a systems administrator
depending on the application SmartTRAC is configured for.
Although the exact set of attributes can vary, the most commonly configured
attributes are:



A short identifier for the mobile. Typically a Car Number, Vessel Radio
Callsign or similar. The callsign should be a compact, but unique,
identifier for the mobile unit.
The full name of the mobile unit. This attribute is optional and does not
need to be unique.
The type of unit. The use of this attribute is at the discretion of the
system administrator. Typically it is based on either the type of mobile
asset (car, truck etc) or the usage of the asset.
The country of origin/ownership of the mobile unit.
For maritime systems only; the flag of registration for a vessel
For maritime systems only; the length of the vessel in meters
The weight of the unit in tons/tonnes
The maximum speed the unit can travel. Expressed in the distance
units of the map. For example; miles/hour if the system map being
used designates miles, km/hour if the map designates kilometers and
knots if the map is measured in nautical miles.
The generated event "Alert" in relation to this unit. Alerts are significant
events, as configured by a manager or systems administrator.
The date and time that the "Last Alert" was generated, in local time.
The automatic reporting rate for the unit in minutes. Units that report
more often than once per minute have a decimal figure; for example 0.5
minutes = 30 second reporting.
The e-mail address of the mobile, if supported. Mobile units with an email address can have messages sent to them in conjunction with your
e-mail application.
The type of wireless network the mobile unit uses. If this field is not
displayed only one network has been configured for use on this system.
Digital or analog input sensors (temperature, door open/close etc.).
Generally the systems administrator renames these as appropriate.
Digital outputs. For example an engine immobilize. The systems
administrator will configure these as appropriate.


Max Speed

Last Alert
Last Alert Date
Update Rate


Input #1,2,3 …
Output #1,2,3…

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Status of Selected Mobiles
The Status Bar shows information on the current selection within the Map
Window. The fields available (left to right are):

1. Context Help: Shows a short description of the current menu function.
To activate this; open a menu and move the pointer over it. When no
menu activity is occurring, this field shows "Ready".





Range: Active only when targets are designated on the map. To
designate targets:

Use any [Select] tool to click on any mobile unit on the map. This
designates the first target, known as the "A" target.


To define a second target (or "B" target), hold down the [ Shift] key
and click on another mobile unit.


If only an "A" target is specified, the current cursor location takes the
place of the "B" target. In this way you can select one target, then
move the mouse over points of interest. The display will then update
the range from the selected target to the current point.


The units used are based on the map settings. For example; you
would see "mi" (for miles) if the map is configured to measure
distances in miles. "km" (kilometers) and "nmi" (nautical miles) are
also common settings for distance measurement.

Bearing: Active only when targets are designated on the map.

The bearing from the "A" target to "B" target in degrees (or)


If there is no "B" target defined, this field shows the bearing from the
"A" target to the current cursor location.

Speed: Active only when targets are designated on the map.

The current speed of target "A".


This is calculated from the last two position reports received from this

Estimated time of Arrival (ETA): Active only when targets are
designated on the map.

The time taken to traverse from target "A" to "B" (or from target "A" to
the current cursor location if no "B" target selected).


The ETA is shown in days, hours, minutes and seconds.


This function assumes the shortest possible path (known as a great
circle route) is taken.


The speed of the unit is assumed to remain constant.

Latitude: The Latitude of the current cursor location. Normally this is
expressed in the format Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although a
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systems administrator can reconfigure this to alternate formats). The
latitude is expressed in the datum currently selected for map display.

Longitude: The Longitude of the current cursor location. Normally this is
expressed in the format Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although a
systems administrator can reconfigure this to alternate formats). The
longitude is expressed in the datum currently selected for map display.

Deselecting Mobiles
Selected mobiles are automatically deselected whenever you make a new
• If you want to add some mobiles to the current selection press the
[Shift] key while using the Select tools in the usual way.
• If you want to deselect all mobiles, use the [Select] Æ [Unselect
All] menu option.

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Monitoring Mobile Movement
The Analyze menu contains the tools used to display information related to a mobile’s
activity. Before using these tools you should first display the relevant information
from a selection of mobile(s) on the map.

Information Tool
The information tool is useful when there is too
much data to display effectively. To use the Info
• Select the [Info] tool from the Analyze
tool palette.
• Click on an object of interest (e.g. a
mobile unit or map location)
The info dialog box appears.

If only one layer is selectable then this dialog will show the details
of the object under the cursor location.


If multiple layers have selectable objects, a summary is
presented. Select a line in the summary list to show full details of
the item in the selected layer:

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Measuring Distance
You can measure the distance between locations on the map as follows:
• Select [Ruler] from the [Analyze]
tool menu.
The Ruler dialog appears and the shape of the pointer changes to show that
the Ruler tool is active. The Ruler dialog overlays part of the map and can be
moved if it is hiding information of interest. Initially the values shown in the
dialog are zero.
• Click on the first point of interest on the map. A square marker
identifies the selected location.
• Move the pointer to the second point of interest.
The Distance shown in the Ruler dialog is updated as you move the pointer
across the map. You can now continue to move the pointer around the map
display, noting the distance between the fixed point and locations of interest
on the map.
When you want to make measurements from a different point, double-click
anywhere on the map, or press the Esc key. When you’ve finished
measurements switch to a different tool and close the Ruler dialog.
If you want to reposition the map between measurements select the
appropriate Move tool and move the in the usual way. The Ruler dialog
remains active and you can resume measurements at any time by selecting
the Ruler tool.

NOTE: When measuring distances you can press the “S” key, to snap to the
nearest point (symbol, line etc). To disable snap, press the "S" key again.

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Label Tool
You can add pre-defined labels to objects such as
mobiles, tracks and reporting points on the map.
• Select “Label” from the [Analyze] tools menu. The shape of the
pointer changes to indicate that the Label tool is active.
• Click the pointer on the object to be labeled. A text label appears
beside the selected object on the map.
• Repeat until all objects of interest have been labeled.
• When you’ve finished labeling switch to a different tool.

Note: Advanced users can experiment with the custom labeling options in the
Layer Settings dialog, available via the Select tools menu.
The text shown on the label is based on the map layer that is topmost at the
location being clicked.
Some map layers are set to automatically label items at a certain zoom level
(magnification). However, to reduce screen clutter most elements of the map
backdrop will label only when you specifically use the
Label Tool.
Once a label is placed you can drag it to a more
convenient location on the map. An arrow will extend
back to the original location.
A label can also have its content, size text style and
alignment altered. To alter a label double click on the
item, which displays the options in the Label Style

Clear Labels
When you want remove all labels from the map:
• Click on the [Analyze] tools menu and choose the [Clear Labels]
• Confirm that you want to remove all custom labels when prompted to
do so.

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Displaying Historical Data
Date Bar
During routine fleet monitoring the Track Explorer displays and updates tracks
on screen each time a position report arrives; i.e. an on-screen track
represents a unit’s activity from a particular point in time until now.
SmartTRAC also automatically records all data received from each mobile so
that activity can be reviewed at a later date. The Date Range slider allows you
to specify the date/time interval of interest when viewing positions, tracks or
other information from a mobile unit.
The date bar works as follows:

The blue area of the bar depicts the track
duration. This area cannot be altered
directly but moves automatically such that the slider is always
with in the "track window" denoted by the blue area.


The slider indicates where on the track the current
location icons are displayed. Click and drag to alter the
selected date as follows:

If the slider is located at the right edge of the track then the
icons display the most recent position received within the
selected date and time range.


Conversely, if the slider is at the left edge of the track the
icons are displayed for the first position in the selected date &
time range.


Placing the slider in any other position
along the track causes the map to redraw
with the icons showing the approximate
geographic location of each mobile at the selected date and
time. The selected date and time is updated as you move
and shown directly below the slider control.


NOTE: The position approximation is made based on the
nearest two positions received (by date and time) against the
requested date. The algorithm used assumes that the mobile
traveled in a straight line between the points. If the mobile
unit reports infrequently, or position reports are widely
spaces, this algorithm can produce results that are nonoptimal. For example; placing a mobile between streets in a
city or displaying a maritime asset on land (i.e. where the
track goes from one side of an island to another). These
limitations are caused by the resolution of the source data.

Within SmartTRAC all dates and times are stored in the database in UTC
(Universal Coordinated time) also known as GMT or Greenwich Mean Time.
Before display the dates and times are converted to local time. This means
that two users accessing the same database, but located in different countries
or timezones, will see different date & times labels although the source data is

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To see which timezone your computer is configured for,
double click on the clock on the Windows Taskbar. If you
have default Windows settings this is located at the bottom
right corner of your computer monitor.
This displays the following dialog. Select the
"Time Zone" section to specify how
SmartTRAC should translate dates and times
from UTC to local time.

Changing the Time/Date Interval of Interest
You can change the active time interval directly as follows:
• Right-click on the Date
Range slider and select the
[Date Range] menu option.
• Set the track length
(for example 2
weeks) and the
approximate date of
interest (for
example 1
September 2000)
• The "Datebar"
section permits the scale of the datebar to be specified. By
default this is automatic. You can also specify an explicit scale;
i.e. 1 Week, 3 Months as appropriate for the type of analysis being
• The "Alignment" specifies where the icons are drawn relative to
the track:

This option starts the date range from the selected
date. For example; selecting 1 Week from
1/Jan/2001 would result in a track that from 1 Jan to
7 Jan 2001 with the icons placed at 1 Jan 2001. This
method of display is suitable for display of historical
tracks only.

This option centers the track on the selected date.
Use this option where you want to see track
immediately prior to and following a specific event.
This method of display is suitable for display of
historical tracks only.

This option displays track history prior to the selected
date. Use this option when monitoring activity in real

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Viewing which Mobiles were Active at a Particular Time
• Click on the date range slider and drag it left (to go backwards
from the current date) or right (forwards from the current date).
When the date and time of interest are displayed below the slide
bar release the slider.
• Alternatively, you can use the Date Range dialog (above) to go
directly to a specific date range and duration.
• The displayed mobiles are repositioned according to the retrieved
data, or removed from the map if they weren’t active during the
selected time period.

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SmartTRAC Information Layers
When information is displayed on the map it is typically shown in graphical form
against the map backdrop. Some attributes of the data are implicit to presentation in
this manner - for example latitude & longitude. Using tools such as the Info tool and
Labeler (see preceding sections) further information is available.
This section describes what information is available for each layer. This
is most applicable when objects are selected with the Info tool, or data
is exported to other applications such as Microsoft® Excel.

Current Location
Activate this layer by selecting [Analyze]Æ[Current Location]. This following
information is then available with the [Info] tool in relation to each symbol


Date & Time

The short identifier; identical to the callsign
The full name of the mobile unit
The date and time that the position was obtained.
NOTE: This may differ from the current time as the unit could be
blocked from transmitting, be unable to establish its location through
GPS, or may not be configured to report automatically.
The latitude of the mobile unit. The format is normally Degrees,
Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this can be reconfigured by the
systems administrator to alternative representations). The datum is
The latitude of the mobile unit. The format is normally Degrees,
Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this can be reconfigured by the
systems administrator to alternative representations). The datum is
Altitude in meters above mean-sea-level. This value is 0 if the altitude
is unknown or not supported by the mobile unit.
The distance between the previous position and this one. The distance
is measured on the most direct route from the previous position, known
as a great circle route. The units of measurement are as specified
according to the settings for the map. Common units of messages are
miles/hour, km/hour or nautical miles.
The speed, expressed in SpeedUnits (i.e. miles/hour, km/hour, knots) at
which the unit is estimated to have traveled. The speed is calculated as
an average from the last two positions, assuming a straight line
(shortest distance) between the last two positions on the track.
The speed, expressed in SpeedUnits that the unit reported it was
travelling at the time of the position report. This may be significantly
different from the average speed and is also commonly called the
instantaneous speed. Many tracking units do not report this value, in
which case the display is -1.
The course-over-ground in degrees. For land based systems this is the
same as the heading or bearing of the unit. In maritime or aeronautical
systems this is the true course (over ground). Due to the influence of
tide and wind the bearing of the vessel or aircraft can differ significantly
from its course. The course is calculated as an average from the last
two positions, assuming a straight line (shortest distance) between the
last two positions on the track.
The course-over-ground in degrees as reported by the unit at the time of
position report. This is also known as the Instantaneous Course. Many
tracking units do not report this value, in which case the display is -1.
The type of position. Not all mobile types support all codes. Generally
these codes are not used directly, instead they are accessed by the
Alerting system and are combined into easily understood groupings in
the "Unit Status" folder related to mobile units.




Speed &

Reported Speed


Reported Course

Pos Type

Advanced users can find a full list of the supported codes for a

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particular system in the VMS_ALC_POSITION_TYPE table within the
Commonly included values are:



0: Normal (GPS) position
11: Normal (GPS) position
64: The mobile unit has powered on
65: The mobile unit is powering off
66: A Power Failure (unplanned shutdown) occurred
80: The mobile unit is entering a low power (sleep) mode
81: Normal (GPS) position, from a unit in sleep mode
82: The mobile is exiting a low power (sleep) mode
83: A low power unit has activated to accept commands
257: Unit has changed to internal/battery power source
258: Unit has moved to external power source
259: Battery Low
260: Assistance Required / Panic Button
300-304: Doppler/Direction finder position reports
256: Manual Position Reports
Codes above 1024 are internal representations of digital
or analog sensors (temperature etc.). Full details of how
these input types are coded can be found in the Systems
Administrator and Developer Documentation for
The quality of fix. 0 is the lowest (most unreliable) value through to 9
which represents the best quality fix possible (most reliable). The exact
interpretation of this field depends on the type(s) of mobile units and
wireless networks used with the system. Further information is
contained in the Systems Administrator documentation.
This value is generated by SmartTRAC for internal purposes

Often, when many mobile units are displayed the track display can
become cluttered. In this case it is difficult to determine the sequence
of events - that is, the order in which activity occurred. The Activity
layer provides an alternative view of the same information that is
normally displayed in a static manner.
Using the Activity layer, after selecting an appropriate date provides
an animated replay of the sequence of movements from the selected
date/time to the end of the active time interval. This real-time
animation of activity can be a valuable tool in better understanding
fleet movements and activity across time.
The Activity Layer is activated through
the [Analyze]Æ[Activity] menu item.
• Activating the [Activity]
Animation deactivates the
[Current Location] layer.
• Conversely, activating the
[Current Location] layer will
deactivate (stop) any
Activity Animation.
The Activity Animation uses the same data as the Current Location
layer, specifically an icon representing the location of a mobile unit at
a given point in time. However, unlike other layers, the Activity layer
creates an animation of the current map view by automatically
stepping through the selected date range. For this reason you cannot
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use some tools such as the Info tool and Labeler in conjunction with
an Activity Animation.
To start an Activity Animation:
• Select the date/time interval of interest using the Date
Range tools.
• Select [Activity] from the [Analyze] tools menu.
Movement of the selected mobiles is replayed on screen. You can
continue to use most tools and functions during animation.

• To replay a portion of the animation, move the Date Bar
Slider back or forward. The animation will fast forward or
rewind as the current location is altered. The current date
• To stop the animation, select the [Current Location] layer
in the Analyse tools menu.
For performance reasons there are some limitations on which tools
are available, and some functions may operate more slowly, while an
Animation is running.

Position Reports
Activate this layer by selecting [Analyze]Æ[Position Reports].
Information available for each point in a position track is identical to that
shown for a mobile under [Current Location]. Please refer to the [Current
Location] description for details on each attribute.

Activate this layer by selecting [Analyze]Æ[Tracks]. This following information
is then available with the [Info] tool in relation to each track line for a mobile.


TrackStartDate &

The short identifier; identical to the callsign
The full name of the mobile unit
The start date & time for the track.
This matches the currently selected interval on the Date Bar and is the
same for all tracks displayed on the map.
The end date & time for the track.
This matches the currently selected interval on the Date Bar and is the
same for all tracks displayed on the map.
The first position received within the selected track interval for this
mobile. Each mobile unit on the map has its own first pos date & time.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the first position in the track. The
format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this
can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the first position in the track. The
format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this
can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the last position in the track. The
format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this
can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative

TrackEndDate &
FirstPosDate &



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Entity Id

representations). The datum is WGS84.
The latitude of the mobile unit the last position in the track. The format
is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this can be
reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
This value is generated by SmartTRAC for internal purposes.

Activate this layer by selecting [Analyze]Æ[Sightings]. This following
information is then available with the [Info] tool in relation to each sighting
report. NOTE: Sightings are only available on Surveillance Edition systems.


Date & Time

The short identifier; identical to the callsign
The full name of the mobile unit
Primary categorization of sighted entity type
Country of flag (maritime only) as two digit code
Date & Time the sighting was recorded, in local time
The latitude of the mobile unit. The format is normally Degrees,
Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this can be reconfigured by the
systems administrator to alternative representations). The datum is
The latitude of the mobile unit. The format is normally Degrees,
Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although this can be reconfigured by the
systems administrator to alternative representations). The datum is


Speed &

The speed, expressed in SpeedUnits (i.e. miles/hour, km/hour, knots) at
which the unit is estimated to be proceeding. If the speed of the sighted
mobile unit is unknown the Speed will be set to -1.
The course-over-ground in degrees that the unit was proceeding at
when sighted. If unknown the Course is set to -1.
Activity at time of sighting. These codes are defined by a systems
administrator and are specific to the surveillance application the
SmartTRAC system is configured for.
The frame number (film camera) or file number (digital camera) that
records the sighting. Set to 0 if no photographic record exists. Frame
numbers should be unique with respect to a specific ObserverTrip.
The confidence in the validity of the sighting:






1. Confirmed by other sources
2. Probably true
3. Possibly true
4. Doubtfully true
5. Improbable report
6. Truth cannot be judged
Name or identifier for the observation craft; i.e. aircraft number, vessel
callsign, unique identifier for satellite acquisition vehicle
Name of the human source (if known), or automatic observation
Unique trip identifier. The combination of ObserverCraft and
ObserverTrip uniquely identifies this surveillance mission.
As per Latitude, but for the observer craft
As per Longitude, but for the observer craft
Distance from the observation point to the observed vessel
Estimated accuracy in meters of the Latitude & Longitude. This figure
should include both the margin of error in establishing the location of the
observer and the margin of error in then establishing the location of the
target (i.e. if the target location is established by range and bearing from
a radar source).
This value is generated by SmartTRAC for internal purposes.

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Ellipses (Routine & Overdue)
Activate this layer by selecting [Analyze]Æ[Ellipses (Routine)] or
[Analyze]Æ[Ellipses (Overdue Reports)]. This following information is then
available with the [Info] tool in relation to each ellipse.


StartDate &

The short identifier; identical to the callsign
The full name of the mobile unit
The start date & time for the ellipse. This is based on the first (from)
position that the ellipse is measuring.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the first position in the ellipse (from).
The format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although
this can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the first position in the ellipse (from).
The format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although
this can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
The end date & time for the ellipse. This is based on the second (to)
position that the ellipse is measuring.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the second position in the ellipse (to).
The format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although
this can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
The latitude of the mobile unit for the second position in the ellipse (to).
The format is normally Degrees, Minutes, Decimal Minutes (although
this can be reconfigured by the systems administrator to alternative
representations). The datum is WGS84.
The shortest distance between the two points the elipse is based
The speed expressed in SpeedUnits (i.e. miles/hour, km/hour, knots) at
which the unit is estimated to have traveled between the two points in
the ellipse. The speed is calculated as an average from the last two
positions, assuming a straight line (shortest distance) between the last
two positions on the track.


EndDate &


Speed &


Entity Id

The difference between the speed calculated in this manner and the
The course-over-ground in degrees. For land based systems this is the
same as the heading or bearing of the unit. In maritime or aeronautical
systems this is the true course (over ground). Due to the influence of
tide and wind the bearing of the vessel or aircraft can differ significantly
from its course. The course is calculated as an average from the last
two positions, assuming a straight line (shortest distance) between the
last two positions on the track.
This value is generated by SmartTRAC for internal purposes.

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Presentation Styles
By default the tracks, icons, line
type and line thickness are
determined when a mobile unit is
added to the system.
Presentation styles are alternative
ways to style data for presentation
on the map.
A systems administrator can
define Presentation Styles, or alter
existing styles. To see what styles
are defined for your system open
the [Analyze]Æ[Presentation Style] menu.
By default the following styles are present. However you should confirm with
your systems administrator that the settings used on your system are
consistent with the defaults shown here before relying on the following

All position and track data displayed on the map uses the styles set
for the mobile unit. This is the default style.

Color by Position Type
Track and position data is colored according to the status of the
mobile unit when the position report was recorded. The default color
scheme is as follows:

Blue: Indicates a normal position report


Green: Indicates the mobile is in low-power (sleep)
mode. Such units cannot be contacted by SmartTRAC
but will still report their position automatically at a preprogrammed rate.


Red: Indicates a power on/off or fail event. This typically
indicates that the mobile has been deactivated


Pink: Indicates a unit failure (i.e. antenna blocked,
antenna is disconnected, unit tampered with or battery
low). This color indicates that the unit may require

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Color by Speed
Track and position data is colored by speed. The default color
scheme is as follows:

Red: Indicates the mobile unit is stationary or moving at a
very slow speed. By default the threshold is
approximately 5 km/h, 3 miles/h or 2.5 knots.


Orange: Indicates the mobile unit is moving at a slow
speed. By default the threshold is approximately 15
km/h, 10 miles/h or 8 knots.


Gray: Indicates the mobile unit is moving at a normal
speed. By default this is over 15 km/h, 10 miles/h or 8

Defining Additional Presentation Styles
Systems administrators and advanced users should consult the
SmartTRAC Server documentation and technical notes for
information on Presentation Styles.
This provides information on adding new styles to a system or
changing the default ranges/styles described in this section.

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Exporting Data
Most data in SmartTRAC can be exported to other applications. A variety of methods
and formats for exporting data are available. These include:

Printing the map window


E-mailing the map window


Saving a map window as a picture (bitmap)


Copying and Pasting data to other applications

Printing the Map
If a printer is connected to this PC you can
print the current view of the map, including all
mobiles, tracks, labels and annotations:
• Click [Print] in the toolbar (or)
• Select the [File] menu and choose the
[Print] menu.
• Set the print options for your printer in
the usual way, then click OK.
• NOTE: For advanced options, use the
[File]Æ[Print Setup…] option before
selecting the [Print] menu.

E-Mailing the Map
If a supported e-mail application is installed
you can e-mail a copy of the map directly.
• Select the [File] menu and choose
the [Send Map…] option.
• The map is embedded into a new email message.
• Address the e-mail, add any
comments or other attachments to
the message, then click [Send].

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Saving the Map Window as a Picture
The map window can be exported in a variety of graphics formats, for
inclusion in other documents, web pages etc. To export the map as a picture:
• Select the [File] menu and choose
the [Export Picture…] option.
• The "Save Window As" dialog
appears. The size of the exported
image can be specified (by default
the current window size is
• Further control of how certain
types of map objects are exported
is available with the [Advanced]
• Click [Save…] to select the format
and filename for the image.
• NOTE: Depending on the type of
image file, and the size of the
image saved this function may create large files. It is recommended
that the JPG format or Windows Enhanced Metafile be specified, as
these are the most compact picture formats.

Exporting Mobile Unit Details
To copy the attributes of the mobile (callsign, name, type etc.)

Select mobile(s) either on the Map or in the
Unit List. Any selection tool described in the
preceding chapters can be used to
accomplish this task.


Right-click on the mobiles in the Unit List
and select [Copy]


Open another application, for example
Microsoft® Excel


Select [Edit]Æ[Paste]

NOTE: As an alternative, and faster, method you can drag-and-drop
mobiles directly from the Unit List into another application.

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Exporting Track Details
Current locations, position reports or tracks can be copied in either text or
graphical format by selecting [Edit]Æ[Copy]. The resulting information can
then be pasted into programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel for further
The exact sequence of steps differs depending on the type of data (text or
picture) that is desirable:
To copy a selection from the map as a graphic image:

Use the [Analyze] options to enable only the layer that you wish to
copy. For example; [Position Reports].


Select the mobiles on the map
and then choose the [Edit]
Æ[Copy] menu item.


Open another application, for
example Microsoft® Excel, and
select [Edit]Æ[Paste Special…]


Select the [Picture (Enhanced
Metafile)] option.

To copy a selection from the map in textual form:

Use the [Analyze] options to enable only the layers that you wish to
copy. For example; [Position Reports].


Select the mobiles and then
choose the [Edit] Æ[Copy]
menu item.


Open another application, for
example Microsoft® Excel, and
select [Edit]Æ[Paste Special…]


Select the [Unformatted Text]


A tabular view of the selected data is inserted. The information is
dependent on the type of data; i.e. positions, tracks, current location
of the mobile unit. For a full description of the fields applicable in
each case please refer to the section SmartTRAC Information Layers.

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Exporting the Entire Map
It is possible to export an entire map image. This differs from exporting only a
portion of the data. When the entire map is exported the receiving
application, such as Microsoft® Word or Excel can access all details on the
map and tools such as zoom and pan can be used directly in the receiving
To export the map:

Click anywhere within the map window.


Choose the [Select]Æ[Unselect All] menu item (if this item is grayed
out the there are no items to unselected and you can go to the next


Select the [Edit] Æ[Copy] menu item.


Open another application,
for example Microsoft®


Select [Edit]Æ[Paste]


The map window is inserted
into the application.


Double-click to activate the
map image. A toolbar
appears with a basic set of map navigation tools. You can then
resize the map and change the view or layer settings.


NOTE: A map inserted into another application is only active on the
machine that created the image and other machines with an identical
SmartTRAC configuration. If you subsequently send a document
containing an embedded map to other people they can view the
image, but not resize it or change the map layer options.

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Sending Commands to Mobile Units
Mobile tracking units report their position automatically to SmartTRAC. The
configuration of the mobile unit can also be altered remotely for example to make the
unit report its position more frequently.

NOTE: The exception is when using a wireless or satellite network that is one-way
only. If a mobile unit can send data to SmartTRAC, but not visa versa, then the
command functions described here are not supported.
Depending on the sophistication of the tracking device(s) used additional functions
may also be available. These include two-way messaging (e-mail), logging of position
data while out the mobile is outside wireless coverage areas and control of external
devices (engine immobilizes, door lock/unlock etc).
SmartTRAC supports most functionality offered by tracking devices available in the
market today. However, there are differences in regard to the functions supported for
any given vendor’s tracking equipment. Also, not all vendors support the functions
provided by SmartTRAC so some requests to a mobile unit may fail.
As far as possible SmartTRAC makes the details of how a tracking device operates
transparent to an operator. Basic tracking operations work similarly on different
vendor’s equipment. Translation is performed automatically to perform a function as
close as possible to that requested; for example where a tracking device cannot
report its position automatically SmartTRAC will request an updated position on a
regular basis to simulate the same feature.

NOTE: Absolute publishes technical notes for systems administrators and advanced
users that describe in detail how support is implemented for each wireless network
and vendor platform. Please refer to the Tech Center on
www.AbsoluteCommunications.com for further information.

Requesting an Immediate Position Update
Mobile units typically report according to pre-configured criteria. In addition,
you can also request an immediate position update at any time. To do this:
• Use any combination of the map selection tools, for example;
[Map]Æ[Pointer] to select
mobile units on the Map (or)
• Highlight mobile units
directly in the Unit List.
• Once you have selected the
mobile unit(s), right-click on
the highlighted item(s) in
the Unit List.
• Choose the [Update
Position Now] item.
• A request is queued for transmission to each mobile. The position
of the selected mobile(s) will be updated on the map as new data
is received.

NOTE: You can continue working while the request is in progress. Depending
on the wireless network(s) in use with the system the response to this request
can vary from 1 second to 15 minutes. See your systems administrator or the
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Absolute technical reference material for further information on how quickly
you should expect a given tracking device to respond.

Sending an E-Mail Message
If the mobile unit has an e-mail address, or supports text messaging to you
can send a message to the driver/captain:
• Select mobile unit(s) from the Unit List.
• Right-click and choose the "Send Message" option.
• Your e-mail program is
displayed, with the address
details already entered.
• Type a message and click
[Send] to transmit the
• NOTE: If the Send Message
option is grayed out the
mobile does not support email or you do not have a
supported e-mail application
installed on your computer.
A message is transmitted to the mobile unit.
You can send to multiple units simultaneously by selecting a group of mobiles
from the List, then right-clicking to bring up the menu.

NOTE: Depending on the wireless network(s) being used with the system the
delivery of the e-mail to a mobile can take 5 second to 2 hours. See your
systems administrator or the Absolute technical reference material for further
information on how quickly a unit should receive the message.

Downloading a Logfile
Some mobile units can store a "logfile" of information onboard the vehicle,
vessel or aircraft. This information is not sent to the base automatically but is
stored in case it may be required at a later date. The size of the log (i.e. how
many positions can be stored) and the criteria for what information is logged
differ according to the unit vendor.
To request information from the logfile use the [ Retrieve Position Log…]
command. This will request any supplementary log information from the
mobile unit against the currently selected date range.

NOTE: For information on selecting a date range, refer to the Date Bar

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To download the logfile from a mobile unit:
• Highlight the appropriate
mobile(s) in the Unit List and
right click.
• Choose the [Retrieve Position
Log] item.

• The date range is
displayed for
• If you select "Yes" a
command is queued
requesting a log

NOTE: You can continue working while the download is in progress.
Depending on the wireless network(s) in use with the system the response to
this request can vary from a few seconds to several hours (for a large log
download). See your systems administrator or the Absolute technical
reference material for further information on whether Log Downloads are
supported, and what limits apply to the size of the log for a particular type of
tracking device.

Selecting a Reporting & Logging Rate
Use the reporting rate to determine how often mobile unit reports its position
to the SmartTRAC system. The criteria can be based on time; i.e. report
every 15 minutes, or a combination of time and distance, i.e. report every 15
minutes or every 5 miles.
A Logging Rate can also be specified. This relates to the Log Download
function and determines how often the unit should store positions internally.

NOTE: Only the most advanced types of tracking unit presently support this
function - and some units log information differently (i.e. based on door
open/close triggers, the vehicles stopping etc) and may ignore or only partially
support the settings specified here.
To specify the reporting and logging rate parameters:
• Highlight the appropriate
mobile(s) in the Unit List and
right click.
• Choose the [Properties] item.
• The Properties dialog is

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• Select the [ALC] tab
• Specify the reporting rate to
the base. In this example
every 120 minutes (2 hours)
or every 30 nautical miles
has been selected.
• Optionally; specify a Logfile
rate and distance. In this
example the logfile is
updated every 15 minutes.
• Click [Apply] to save the
• The appropriate messages will be queued to reconfigure the

• The (default) setting for a reporting rate means to use the system
default value. This is configured by the systems administrator and
is used by all mobile units which do not have an explicit reporting
rate specified.
• To report faster than one minute select a decimal number. For
example; 30 seconds = 0.5 minutes.
• Take care when entering longer values. The figures are in
Minutes, and entering 4:00, incorrectly intending 4 hours is
interpreted as four minutes. The correct setting for this example
would be to enter 240 (minutes).
• Some mobile units do not support the distance parameter (i.e. the
miles, kilometers, nautical miles field). In this case only the time
value is used and the distance parameter is ignored.

The current reporting rate can be viewed on
the Filter. As an alternative to changing the
reporting rate from the Properties dialog you
can drag-and-drop mobiles into the
appropriate folder directly from the Unit List.
This is equivalent to changing the "Report to
Base" setting on the [ALC] settings.

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Setting Digital Output Lines
Some mobile units have "output lines". These can be connected to a variety
of external sensors to provide control of activity such as engine immobilizers,
remote door lock/unlock control, valve control and other similar devices.
The systems administrator determines the number of digital output lines and
their configuration. To view the output lines configured for the system (if any):
• Highlight a mobile(s) in the Unit
List and right click.
• Choose the [Properties] item.
• The Properties dialog is

• Select the [Input/Output] tab
• To change the status of a
Digital Ouput line, select from
the drop down list of options.
• Click [Apply] to save the
• The appropriate messages
will be queued to transmit configuration parameters to the mobile.


The current status of the digital
output lines can be viewed on the
Filter. As an alternative to
changing the status from the
Properties dialog you can dragand-drop mobiles into the
appropriate folder directly from the
Unit List.

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Viewing and Editing Mobile Details
The Properties Dialog

The Properties Dialog displays detailed attribute information on either;

A single selected mobile (or)


A group of selected mobiles.

You open the Properties dialog by right clicking on unit(s) in the Unit List.
Attributes are categorized according to type with tabbed dividers along the top
of the Properties dialog.

NOTE: Once the properties dialog is open it will automatically update
whenever the selection on the Map or Unit List changes. You can therefore
use the Properties dialog in conjunction with all map selection tools (i.e.
[Select]Æ[Pointer] and [Select]Æ[Rectangle]).
Depending on whether a single mobile is selected, or a group of mobiles, the
behavior of the Properties dialog changes. The following table indicates what
information is available under each category in both cases:



Single Unit Selected

Multiple Units Selected


A summary of mobile unit
identification attributes.



Most details can be edited
by changing the value then
clicking [Apply].

A summary of those attributes
that are common to all selected
mobile units.


Editing a value will change it for
all selected mobiles. This
allows group reassignments,
for example to change the
"Type" attribute on several
mobiles simultaneously.


Display style settings that are
common to all selected mobile


Changing a style will apply it to
all selected mobiles. This
allows group assignments, for
example to change a set of
icons to the color Red.


Displays communications
settings and configuration that
are common to all selected


Changing a value will apply it to
all selected mobiles. This
allows group assignments, for


Display style settings for the


Styles can be edited by
selecting the appropriate
style attribute (icon, symbol,
size, track) then selecting
an item on the list and
clicking [Apply].


Displays communications
settings and configuration
for a mobile.


Settings can be edited by
changing the value then
clicking [Apply].

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Single Unit Selected



Displays digital/analog input
and current status of digital


Digital output settings can
be altered by selecting an
option from the list then
clicking [Apply].







Displays information on
People and Organizations
that have a relationship with
this mobile unit.
Shows licenses/permits
issued by area. These
details are typically
imported from another
system. See your systems
administrator for details.
Shows alert history for the
selected mobile. Alerts are
system generated events
configured by a

Multiple Units Selected


example to change the position
reporting rate for a group of
Displays digital/analog input
and current status of digital
outputs that are common to all
selected mobiles.


Changing a digital output
setting will apply it to all
selected mobiles. This allows
group assignments.
Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

NOTE: Depending on your security settings, you can edit none, some, or all
attributes of a mobile unit. If you receive an error "Insufficient Privilege" when
changing attributes this indicates that access to that attribute has been

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The details tab permits viewing and editing of attributes related to mobile
categorization and identification. The attributes that can be edited are as
Max Speed


The type of unit. The use of this attribute is at the discretion of
the system administrator. Typically it is based on either the type
of mobile asset (car, truck etc) or the usage of the asset.
A short identifier for the mobile. Typically a Car Number, Vessel
Radio Callsign or similar. The callsign should be a compact, but
unique, identifier for the mobile unit.
The full name of the mobile unit. This attribute is optional and
does not need to be unique.
The maximum speed the unit can travel. Expressed in the
distance units of the map. For example; miles/hour if the system
map being used designates miles, km/hour if the map
designates kilometers and knots if the map is measured in
nautical miles. This setting is required when generating
Opportunity Ellipses. It is not required for all other layer types.
The weight of the mobile
The length of the mobile; in either feet or meters as appropriate.

Click [Apply] to save changes.

There are several other attributes shown
that cannot be edited directly. Most of
these attributes can be altered outside
the Properties dialog.
For example to change the "Country"
attribute you would use drag-and-drop
behavior to move the mobile to a
different country folder.
The example shown changes the country
designation to "Belgium".

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Symbol, Size, Track Thickness & Color

The style tab permits viewing and editing of attributes related to mobile
display. The attributes that can be edited are as follows:

The symbol (icon) that marks the location of a mobile
The color of the icon and track display for a mobile
The size of the icon
The line thickness of the track

To change a style, select one of the four attributes and make a selection from
the list. To save the changes either double-click on the new selection, or
select [Apply].
If the units selected are presently drawn on the map, the display will redraw
with the new styles.

NOTE: If any of the style attributes is the same for all selected mobiles the
current setting is displayed, otherwise a generic "*" symbol is displayed.

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Automatic Location Communicator Settings

The ALC (Automatic Location Communicator) tab permits viewing and editing
of communications configuration parameters.
For details on configuring the Reporting Rates (the top section) please refer
to Sending Commands to Mobile Units.
The other parameters describe how the mobile unit is identified. Different
wireless and satellite networks require different combinations of identifiers.
The definition of each identifier is as follows:
Unit #

A unique identifying number for the mobile unit. This field is
generally used where no other identifier is available.
Prefix; used on Trunked Mobile Radio Networks
Ident; used on Trunked Mobile Radio Networks
TCP/IP address in format "x.x.x.x". This is used by mobile units
that have wireless internet addresses
Inmarsat Mobile Number. Uniquely identifies mobiles that
operate on the Inmarsat network.
Inmarsat Land Earth Station (LES) code.
Inmarsat Data Network Identifier. Indicates the group to which a
mobile belongs on the Inmarsat network for position reporting
Inmarsat Member Number. Identifies a mobile uniquely in
conjunction with the Inmarsat group (DNID) number.
An Internet e-mail address. This type of address is used by
mobiles that operate on a wireless internet system that supports
A phone number. Uniquely identifies mobile units that use the
cellular network for communications.

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The combination of identifiers to be entered depends on the type of tracking
device and how the system is configured.

NOTE: The following table is intended as a guideline only - your systems
administrator may have altered the default settings in this regard.
Select the type of tracking device from the left column. The identifiers that
should be entered, based on the tracking device type, are shown below:
Unit #
GSM Cellular

Pfix &


AMPS Cellular
Cellular Packet Data
GPRS/GSM Cellular



Mem #










Trunked Mobile Radio




Private Radio


M = Mandatory. This field must be entered.


O = Optional. This field may be entered. See the SmartTRAC
Technical reference material pertaining to the tracking device(s)
in use for the system for information on whether this field is
appropriate for your system.

Communication Channels
If you have multiple types of tracking
device, the system may be configured to
support several Communications
The is indicated by the Channel folder on
the Filter. Open this folder to see wireless
networks are available for communication
with mobile units.
If you make changes in the Properties
dialog that alter which network a given unit
communicates via, you must also update
the Channel.
An example is substitution a cellular
tracking device with a satellite transponder
on a given mobile unit. In this case edit
the mobile details in the Properties dialog
then use the Unit List and Filter to reassign
the mobile to the correct channel - in this
example the "Inmarsat : Comsat" folder.

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Input and Output Sensors

A system can be configured with input and output sensors. These are
connected to external devices on the vehicle.
For a complete description of controlling output lines please refer to the
section Sending Commands to Mobile Units.
The two types of sensor available are:

A list of inputs defined for this system with values shown.
If no value is indicated then the particular mobile unit selected
does not have this sensor type installed.
Digital output lines configured for use with the system. If no
value is shown then the status of this output line is unknown.

After changing an output value, click [Apply] to send the appropriate
commands to the mobile unit.

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People and Organizations

The People and Organizations tab shows particular associations between a
person/organization and a particular mobile unit. The nature of the
association is referred to as a "Role".
Roles are system specific but typically include definitions such as
"Driver","Owner" and "Agent".
The top portion of the display indicates a list of all organizations (folders) and
people (icons) that have some relationship with this mobile unit. If your
systems administrator has imported hierarchy information then the
association of people within their respective organizations is also displayed.
The details available are:

The name of the person or organization
The address, phone and fax numbers for the person or
A list of one or more roles.
The left hand column (description) is the mobile unit that the role
relates to and the right hand column defines the type of

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The Licenses tab shows licenses or permits issued to mobile unit. A date
range and a status identify each license. Status codes are as follows:

A white license indicates a current status


A gray license has expired


A license with a cross mark has been cancelled

Selecting a license displays additional details. The exact details are defined
by the system administrator, so your display may appears slightly different to
the example shown here. In most cases the details available will include:

Date the license comes into effect
Date the license is valid until
Cancellation date for the license
A trip identifier, if this is a single use license
A list of geographic areas where the license is valid
Designations of restrictions on the license; i.e. hours of
operation, types of fishing gear. The exact interpretation of these
attributes is dependent on the system configuration.

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Alerts are generated in relation to significant activity or events. Almost any
activity on the system can be configured to trigger an Alert. For further details
on configuring Alerts and how they operate please refer to the Configuring
Alerts section of this manual.
When an Alert is generated all details are stored in the database. The Alerts
tab is then used to review details on alerts received for a specific mobile unit.

NOTE: A summary of the most recent
Alert for each mobile is displayed on the
Filter and Unit List. These tools can be
used to monitor activity in relation to the
status of a mobile.

Details available for each Alert include:


Type of alert. Described in the following table.
Priority assigned to the alert by the system administrator.
Date that the activity causing the alert commenced. This may
not be the same as the date the alert was issued, as the alert
could relate to older data that was downloaded (i.e. from a
logfile) at a later date.
Alert specific details, provides additional information based on
the specific type of alert.

NOTE: Before Alerts will be generated the Alerting System must be
configured. See the Configuring Alerts section for details on this process.

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Alerts are categorized according to a hierarchy. The first portion is system
category and describes the general nature of the alert. Each portion of the
Alert Code is then separated with a "." (full stop) and describes in
progressively more detail the exact nature of the Alert.
To check which Alerts are supported on a given system configuration,
perform the following steps:

Open the Alert Configuration
from [Tools]Æ[Alert Properties]


Click on [New…]


Expand the [Event] folder. By
concatenating the folders in this
view the Alert Code can be


For example; the "Stop" item
shown here has an Alert Code
of "Command.Sent.Stop"
formed by concatenating the
"Stop", "Sent" and "Command"

A description of the Alert Categories is as follows:



A command, reprogramming a mobile unit, was
A command, reprogramming a mobile unit , was
A command, reprogramming a mobile unit, failed
The alert relates to a status received in relation to a
position report. For example; Power On, Power Off.
The exact list of status codes supported is system
A position report was received from an Unregistered
mobile. This can happen where a new transponder has
been commissioned but not yet added to the system.
The final portion of the alert code is as per the Position
Send/Received/Failed indication on the transmission of a
text message (e-mail) to or from a mobile.
The mobile unit is stationary
The mobile is moving within the "slow" speed range. This
threshold is configured by the systems administrator.
The mobile is moving in the high speed range.
The mobile has exceeded the maximum speed specified
in the Details tab on the Properties Dialog.
The unit has entered a defined area
The unit has exited a defined area


Position.Unknown Unit


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The unit has reported a position with a defined area
The unit has stoped reporting at its programmed rate.
The digits after the alert indicate the tolerance; i.e. 01:00
indicates one hour.

Adding and Deleting Mobiles
Adding a Mobile to the Fleet

New mobile units are added to the system by right-clicking on the Unit List and
selecting the [New…] option.
This creates a new mobile, and opens the Properties dialog so you can enter values
for the mobile unit and its wireless or satellite network communications configuration.
For details on setting these mobile attributes refer to the preceding section: Viewing
and Editing Mobile Details.

Default Values
If a Filter has been specified for the Unit List, those attributes are filled in
automatically when a new unit is created.
For example;

Selecting a filter criteria of "Type"="Trucks" and "Update Rate" =
30 minute filters the Unit List.


Selecting [New] will create a new mobile, of type "Truck" with a
reporting rate of 30 minutes.

Adding Many Units
When entering details for many units many attributes may be the same, or
similar. For example;

The type, size (length)


The style (icon, size, thickness)

Rather than enter these individually for each unit, use the following process:

Create each new unit


Enter only the details that are different for each unit (i.e. the name
and mobile unit identification numbers)

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When complete, select all the new units in the Unit List. The
Properties dialog will change to the group mode.


Set the relevant attributes for the entire group.

Deleting a Mobile

To delete an existing mobile;

Select the mobile in the Unit List


Right-click and select "Delete"


You are asked to confirm the deletion


Depending on system configuration deleting a mobile may not remove
track data or other information from the database as indicated.


If the system is configured with an Oracle Database, and auditing is
enabled, this function marks the mobile as inactive and removes it form
the display. In this configuration only systems administrators can
permanently delete data.


If you delete a mobile unit in error, ask your systems administrator to
restore the deleted unit for you (this is only possible on systems
configured with auditing enabled).


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Creating Custom Groups of Mobiles
If you frequently work with a group of mobiles that aren’t included in a
standard SmartTRAC group you can create a personal group to store the
mobiles in:
• Right-click on the Filter, choose the [New]
option and select [Group].
• A new group appears in the Filter.
• Type a name for the group, then click
elsewhere in the Filter.
• The group is created and contains a single
Unknown category containing all mobiles.

You then create categories within the group:
• Click (select) the group to add a category
• Right-click in the Filter window, choose the
[New Category] option.
• A new category appears in the Filter
• Type a name for the category, then click
elsewhere in the filter.

To select which units are in each group:
• Click and drag the units of interest into the
category folder.
• You can also drag category folders from
other groups, to place the entire contents
of another category into this one.

The new group and categories are stored when
you exit and also shared with other users.

NOTE: If other users add new categories these do
not appear on your display until you next restart
SmartTRAC Workstation.

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Customizing the Map Display
Layer Settings
The map display is created from a series of layers. Each layer is like a
transparent sheet, with a specific type of information drawn on it. The layers
stack from bottom to top, with information in upper layers drawing over lower
The topmost layers contain the track and position information that
SmartTRAC draws on the display. Layers below this are defined by your map
supplier and will vary according to the type of map you are using.
Layers can change visibility at different zoom levels. For example showing
street names on a map of the entire world would not be feasible, but as you
zoom in on the map display it becomes appropriate for this layer to become
visible. The technique used to achieve this style of display is called zoomlayering. You can change the settings at which each layer displays, and
customize many display options, through the Layer Settings dialog.
When you open the Layer
Settings dialog it will display the
list of layers on the map. Layers
with the following names are
reserved for exclusive use by


You can change the order in which layers are displayed by either:

Clicking and dragging the layer up or down
Clicking on a layer, and using the [Reorder] options

Beside each layer are four icons with checkboxes. These control the major
attributes of the layer. From left to right the checkboxes are:

Visibility: Indicates that this layer is visible. A purple
checkmark indicates that the layer is visible, but at the present
map scale it has been turned of due to zoom-layer settings.
You can turn layer visibility off to reduce screen clutter, however
do not disable visibility on SmartTRAC reserved layers. Instead
use the [Analyze] menu options to enable/disable SmartTRAC
To alter visibility settings; click on the
[Display…] button. This opens the
Display Options dialog for the
selected layer.

Use [Style Override] to override
the display style for all objects on
the layer. For example; to force

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all objects on the layer to display in Blue.

Use Zoom-Layering to specify the minimum and maximum
zoom level for this layer.


When you draw an object with the [Draw] menu tools,
the Editable layer is where the object is saved. Unless you intend
to modify map data permanently, it is safest to make only the
"Cosmetic Layer" editable. The Cosmetic Layer is like a
scratchpad, you can use it to draw objects on a temporary basis
without affecting the map files. NOTE: If the edit option is grayed
out, the layer is read-only and you do not have permission to edit


Indicates this layer can participate in operations with
the Select tools. Occasionally it is desirable to disable selection
on a layer, so objects from a lower layer will be selected instead.
For example; disabling selection on the "Location" layer is
necessary when copying position data from the "Positions" layer.
This is because the "Positions" layer is normally below "Location"
layer in the selection order.


Auto-Label: If this checkbox is on, labels are drawn
automatically for all objects in this layer. If not checked, labels
are drawn only when an object is clicked on with the Label tool.
As with the Visibility option, a purple checkmark indicates that
Auto-Labeling is active, but labels are not currently drawn due to
zoom layering.
To change labeling
options, click on the
[Label…] button. This
displays the label option

Use the Visibility
options to determine
when the layers are
visible, and how
overlapping labels
should be handled.


Use the Style options
to set the font size
and color.


Use the Position
options to specify the
label location and offset from the object (e.g. below, and
offset by 4 points).


The "Label with…" list shows the fields that can be used for
the label. The available selection varies according to the
specific layer and map provider. You can also create
composite labels from many fields by selecting the
"Expression…" option. This displays the expression dialog.

To enter an
expression, select all
fields required from
the "Columns" box.

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Concatenate fields with the ’+’ symbol


To put a space between two fields use the ’+ " " + ’
syntax; for example; Date+" "+Time


To make a multi-label line, insert the expression
chr$(13). This adds a new line to the label.


For example; Name + chr$(13) + Date + " " + Time
creates a composite label on two lines using the name of
the mobile and the date and time of last report.

Map Properties
The Map Properties dialog displays the current presentation attributes for the

Use the Coordinate Units list to specify
the measurement units. To display all
coordinates in the
Degrees/Minutes/Seconds notation,
also select the "Show DMS" checkbox.


The distance and area units specified
are used by SmartTRAC for speed
calculations. The speed unit that
SmartTRAC will select is related to the
distance measurement unit as follows:















Nautical Miles



The Projection allows you to specify the type of map view. For example
the first example is a Latitude/Longitude view, the second shows the
Projection of the world from the North Pole.

NOTE: The "Display in Status Bar" options are not supported by SmartTRAC.
SmartTRAC will always display its own status bar instead of the options
specified in this dialog.
Changes in this dialog apply only for the current session unless you save the
map as a new template Workspace (Map) file. To save a Workspace file:

First turn off all SmartTRAC layers through the [Analyze] menu (e.g.
Positions, Location,
Tracks, Sightings).
You will know that all
layers are disabled
when the following
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dialog appears:

Use the [File]Æ[Save As…] menu to specify a name for this Map
Workspace. Once the Workspace is saved, you can reopen it later
with [Open] and all the options specified for the map display will be


Re-enable tracking layers through the [Analyze] menu.

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Drawing and Annotating on the Map
The options in the Draw menu can be used to add custom
text, symbols and simple graphics to any layer in the map.

NOTE: If these tools are shown on your system grayed out
then you must first select a layer to edit, please refer below.
Editing a layer creates a permanent change to the map and for this reason
only administrative users are normally permitted to edit layers. To see which
layers are editable on your system, open the [Select]Æ[Layer Settings] dialog.
Layers that have a white checkbox under the Pencil symbol can be edited.
Other layers are read-only and cannot be altered.
Only one layer can be selected for editing. Making a layer as editable
removes the checkbox from the previously selected editable layer.
It is most common to create temporary
objects, known as annotations, on a
map. For this purpose the drawing
tools are used, but rather than altering
the underlying map the editing is
performed on the "Cosmetic Layer".
The Cosmetic Layer is analogous to a
scratchpad or overlay on top of the
map window. It is the only layer that
can be used for used for making
annotations on the map. The annotations can still be saved as a separate file
using [File]Æ[Save As…] but drawing objects on the Cosmetic Layer do not
affect the underlying map base.
If the Cosmetic Layer is not editable, select the checkbox shown above and
click [OK]. The drawing tools will then be enabled.

The Snap Option
Often when using drawing tools it is desirable to create a new object based in
part, or located relative to, an existing drawing object or feature of the map
(i.e. a street, or a coastline). The "Snap" function provides a convenient way
to trace objects of the map as part of a new object.


To enable Snap press "S" while using any drawing tool. The
mouse cursor will indicate with crosshairs the closest existing
map object under the cursor. When you click to define a point in
the new object, the location is "snapped" to the location of the
To disable Snap press "S" again.

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Drawing Tools
Select the [Text] tool from the [Draw] menu:

Click on the map to place a text label


Type text directly onto the Map

A text object that has been placed can be edited later:

Use the [Select]Æ[Pointer] menu option to change to the
selection tool.


To move the label to a
different location, click
on the label and drag it
to a different part of
the map. A line is
drawn back to the
original point of origin.


To edit, rotate, or
change the style of a
label double-click on
the label to display the
Text Object dialog box.

NOTE: You can specify the default style, font, size etc for all new text
objects by selecting the [Draw]Æ[Drawing Style]Æ[Text] menu option.
This opens the [Text Style] dialog box.

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Select the [Symbol] tool from the [Draw] menu:

Click on the map to place a symbol

A symbol object that has been placed can then be edited:

Use the [Select]Æ[Pointer]
menu option to change to the
selection tool.


To move the symbol to a
different location, click and
drag it to a different part of
the map.


To change the symbol type
double-click on the symbol to
display the Point Object
dialog box.

NOTE: You can specify the default style, font, size etc for all new
symbol objects by selecting the [Draw]Æ[Drawing Style]Æ[Symbol]
menu option. This opens the [Symbol Style] dialog box.

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Lines, Polylines and Arcs
To draw a line between two points on the map, select the [Line] tool
from the [Draw] menu:

Click on the map at the starting position for the line and hold
the mouse button down.


Drag the line to the ending
position and release the
mouse button.


Press [ESC] at any time to


A line object can be edited later by choosing the [Select] Æ
[Pointer] tool, then double clicking on the line.

To draw an object comprised of many line segments; select the
[Polyline] tool from the [Draw] menu:

Click on the map at the starting position for the polyline and
release the mouse button.


Move to the first point along
the line and click.


Repeat until all line segments
have been placed.


Double click to complete
drawing the line.


Press [ESC] at any time to


A polyline object can be edited later by choosing the [Select]
Æ [Pointer] tool, then double clicking on the polyline.

To draw an arc between two points; select the [ Arc] tool from the
[Draw] menu:

Click on the map at the starting position for the arc and hold
the mouse button down.


Drag the line to the ending
position and release the
mouse button.


Press [ESC] at any time to


An arc object can be edited
later by choosing the [Select]
Æ [Pointer] tool, then double clicking on the arc.

NOTE: You can specify the default style, font, size etc for all new line,
polyline and arc objects by selecting the [Draw] Æ[Drawing
Style]Æ[Pen] menu option. This opens the [Line Style] dialog box.

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Rectangles, Rounded Rectangles, Regions and Circles
To draw a rectangle or rounded rectangle on the map, select the
[Rectangle] tool from the [Draw] menu:

Click on the map at the starting
position for the rectangle and
hold the mouse button down.


Expand the rectangle to the
desired size and release the
mouse button.


Press [ESC] at any time to


A rectangle object can be edited later by choosing the
[Select] Æ [Pointer] tool, then double clicking on the

To draw a region comprised of many segments; select the [ Region]
tool from the [Draw] menu:

Click on the map at the starting position for the region and
release the mouse button.


Move to the first point along the
line and click.


Repeat until all segments have
been placed.


Double click to complete
drawing the region. The last
two points are joined to
enclose the shape.


Press [ESC] at any time to cancel.


A region object can be edited later by choosing the [Select] Æ
[region] tool, then double clicking on the region.

To draw a circle between two points; select the [ Circle] tool from the
[Draw] menu to draw an object comprised of many line segments.

Click on the map at the starting position for the arc and hold
the mouse button down.


Drag the line to the ending
position and release the
mouse button.


Press [ESC] at any time to


An arc object can be edited
later by choosing the [Select] Æ [Pointer] tool, then double
clicking on the arc.

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Converting Objects
After objects have been drawn they can be converted from one format to
another using the tools located under [Draw]Æ[Object…]

Several objects can be drawn individually, then combined into a
single object. This function is used to construct complex shapes that
represent a combination of different tool types, i.e. rectangles, circles
and regions.
To combine objects:

Draw objects onto the map


Choose the [Select] Æ [Pointer] tool


Click on the first object to be combined (grouped)


Hold down the [Shift] key and select additional objects


Select [Draw]Æ[Object…]Æ[Combine]

All individual objects are now combined into a single composite
object. The object can now be selected, moved or edited as a single

Convert to Polyline
Rectangles, Regions and Circles can be converted from an enclosed
(filled) object to an outline (polyline) through this tool. To convert:

Choose the [Select] Æ [Pointer] tool


Click on the object to be converted


Select [Draw]Æ[Object…]Æ[Convert to Polyline]


The object is converted into the equivalent polyline
(outline) representation.


NOTE: If this option is grayed out then the object type
selected does not support conversion to a polyline.

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Convert to Region
Polylines can be converted from an outline object to a filled region
object. To convert:

Choose the [Select] Æ [Pointer] tool


Click on the object to be converted


Select [Draw]Æ[Object…]Æ[Convert to Region]


The object is converted into the equivalent region
(enclosed) representation. During this process the start
and end point of the polyline are joined, to create the
enclosed shape.


NOTE: If this option is grayed out then the object type
selected does not support conversion to a region.

A buffer is a region object created around one or more other objects
on the map. The buffer represents a set distance from these objects
and can be used in several situations, including:

Creating areas that
follow a set route, with
a specified degree of
tolerance. For
example a 250 meter
corridor along
Broadway, New York.


Creating a buffer
around a land feature,
such as an island.
For example a set of
islands in the
Hawaiian Island

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To create a buffer:

Choose the [Select] Æ
[Pointer] tool


Click on the first object to be
included in the buffer


Optionally, hold down the
[Shift] key and select
additional objects




The Buffer Objects dialog is


Select the Value (i.e. 12) and the distance units (i.e.
miles) of the buffer.


The Smoothness value dictates the accuracy of the
buffer. Higher values give a more accurate result, but
the function operates more slowly.


Other options on this dialog should be left at their default


Click [OK] to create the buffer.

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Configuring Alerts
An alert can be automatically generated by SmartTRAC when any mobile unit
behaves in an unexplained or potentially suspicious way. For example, when
a unit travels into a restricted zone, or stops for a prolonged period of time.
In SmartTRAC Workstation Alerts are viewed through the Properties dialog.
Features are also provided within the Alerting system to forward alerts via email and pager to recipients. In this case incoming alerts are listed in the mail
program’s window just like ordinary e-mail messages. Alert messages can be
read, printed and forwarded just like ordinary mail messages too.

Architecture of the Alerting System

Alert Criteria
(Business Rules)

(i.e Position Report
from Mobile Unit)

Is Alert

Commands to Mobile
Units (i.e. change
reporting rate)

Actions to Take when
Alert Triggered

Style Changes (i.e
change Icon to Red)

Execute Alert Actions

Alert Generated and Stored in Database

E-Mail & Pager

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An event is generated in relation to almost any transaction on the
SmartTRAC system. However not all Events generate Alerts. This is
because Business Rules are defined to filter most Events out leaving only those of most interest.

Business Rules
A Business Rule defines the circumstances under which an Event
becomes an Alert. Each Rule handles one or more Events, and
considers these in conjunction with Filter Criteria.
A Business Rule examines an event to determine whether:

The Event is of a type handled by this Rule


The Date and Time of the Event is within the range
specified for this Rule


The Mobile Unit is part of a group selected for this Rule

The result of the evaluation is always a YES or NO outcome. If the
outcome is YES then an Alert is generated. If NO then no further
action is taken (the Event is ignored).

An Action is a set of steps taken in response to an Alert. Almost any
type of activity that can be performed through SmartTRAC
Workstation can also be executed automatically.
Actions include:

Reconfiguring the mobile unit’s reporting rate,
downloading a log file or requesting an updated position.


Sending a text message to the mobile unit


Changing the value of a digital output control


Setting the style of icon and track display (i.e. changing
the Icon to Red when a panic button is pressed)


Sending e-mail or pager notifications

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The Alert Configuration Tool
To create, edit and delete Alerts open the Configuration Tool.

Select [Tools]Æ[Alert


This displays the current
list of Business Rules
(under the Alert section of
the tree), and


The current set of Actions
(under the Action section
of the tree)

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Business Rules
To define a new Business Rule;
1. Click on the [New…] item under the [Alerts] folder. This will
open a dialog to define the criteria.
2. Change the attributes as described below, and click on [OK]
when finished. You are then given the opportunity to name the
Business Rule. Select a name that describes the intent of the
rule; i.e. "Detect Unit Failures", "Entry to Prohibited Area".
3. You can rename or edit existing rules in the same way. Just
double click on the rule to view it, or select the rule and click
[Rename] to change the label.

The simplest Rule is one that
specifies a set of Events that
will generate an Alert.
More complex rules still
require a set of Events as a

To specify which Events
will trigger the alert, open
the folders and browse
for the correct Event(s).


You can select any
number of Events.

NOTE: For a definition of the Event Codes please refer to the Alerts
section of this manual.

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Date Range
Rules can filter the events based on the date and time:

Select whether to
trigger if the Events occur
within (Include) or outside
(Exclude) the specified
date range.


Specify the date and
time range and whether
the settings are in UTC
or local time.


The time period can
also be set to repeat
each day, for example so
that the Alert Triggers
only after-hours during
summer months.

Applying Alerts to Specific Mobiles
Rules can filter the events so they are only applicable to specific
mobiles, or groups of mobiles:

Select the "[Unit]" option
to filter by a set of
individual mobiles.


Select the "[Group]"
option to filter by a group
of mobiles.


These tools operate the
same way as the Filter in
the main window (i.e. you
can use the [Ctrl] key to
select multiple groups).

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Defining Geofences
Several categories of Event are concerned with movement of mobile units
between areas. Specifically the Area.Entry, Area.Exit and Area.Within
Before it is possible to generate Alerts in these categories the appropriate
areas must be drawn. An area used to monitor the behaviour of the fleet is
called a Geofence.

Geofences can be drawn in two ways:

In a Geographic Information System package such as MapInfo
Professional. The areas can then be imported into SmartTRAC
for use in Alerting. Discussion of this topic is outside the scope of
the User Manual and is covered instead by the Systems
Administrator material for SmartTRAC.


Directly in SmartTRAC Workstation. This is suitable for simple
types of geofence - such as a rectangle, circle or a simple area.
This procedure is described here.

NOTE: Not all systems are configured for GeoFencing. If you are unable to
access the Area layer described below then GeoFencing is not enabled. See
your systems administrator for information on configuring the SmartTRAC
Map Workspace to include the Geofence layer.

Making the Area Layer Editable


Choose [Select]Æ[Layer Settings] to show the Layer Control


Click on the checkbox under the Pencil symbol to make the Area
layer editable. This layer is where all Geofences are defined.

NOTE: If you can see the Area layer, but the checkbox is grayed out
then the security settings for your account do not permit editing of

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Defining the Geofence Area
To create a new Geofence use the drawing tools to define an area on
the map. Refer to the section Drawing and Annotating on the Map for
further details on the use of each type of drawing tool.
Only the following tools can be used to create Geofences:







Region objects produced through use of the Buffer tool


A combination of any of the above through use of the
Combine tool (([Draw]Æ[Object…]Æ[Combine])


NOTE: Other drawing objects are not suitable because
they do not have an area that a position can be tested to
determine whether it is inside or outside. For this reason
objects such as lines, text or symbols cannot be used as
part of a Geofence.

Changing the Geofence Style
Because Geofences sit on top of all other layers it is important that
they are transparent. This allows the map display below the
Geofence to remain visible even though the Geofence overlays the
To make a Geofence transparent, double click to bring up the
Properties Dialog:

Click on the [Style] setting


Change the [Fill Pattern] to N


You can also specify other style
settings to indicate what type of
geofence you are drawing; i.e. Red
for Prohibited Areas, Green for
Safe Zones.


The Sample section at the bottom
of the dialog indicates
approximately how the new
Geofence will look on the map.

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Naming and Numbering the Geofence
To work with the Alerting system each geofence must have a name
and number assigned.
After you have drawn the object select the [Analyze]Æ[Info] tool and
click on the newly defined Geofence. This will display the Info Tool.
If the map is cluttered you may need to select the "Area" row first,
then the following dialog should be displayed.


Enter a number into the Area_Id field to uniquely identify this
Geofence. This number can be anything that is meaningful - a
route number or simply an ascending sequence; 1,2,3…


Enter an Area_Type. This is optional, if entered it can be used
later during display and reporting to separate different types of


Enter a name for the Geofence. This name is used by the
Alerting System.

Modifying an Existing Geofence

To modify the attributes of an existing Geofence use the Info tool
in the same manner as for a new Geofence.


To modify the geography (i.e. to move the geofence on the map)
use the [Select]Æ[Pointer] tool to select the object then drag it to
a new location.


The exact location can be specified by double-clicking and typing
coordinates into the dialog box.

Deleting a Geofence
To delete a geofence:

Use the [Select]Æ[Pointer] tool to select the object.


Select [Edit]Æ[Cut] (or)


Press the [Delete] key.

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Alert Actions
NOTE: If you previously worked through the GeoFencing section, return now
to the Alert Configuration screen by selecting [Tools]Æ[Alert Properties….]
To define a new Action;

Click on the [New…] item under the [Action] folder.


Change the attributes of the Action as described below, and click
on [OK] when finished.


You are then given the opportunity to name the Action. Select a
name that describes what happens when this action executes;
i.e. "Page Shift Supervisor", "Set Reporting Rate to 15 minutes".


You can rename or edit existing actions in the same way. Just
double click on the rule to view it, or select the rule and click
[Rename] to change the label.

Changing Mobile Reporting Rates

An Action that changes the Reporting Rate operates in the equivalent
manner to changing a reporting rate, requesting a position update, or
downloading a logfile from a mobile within Track Explorer.
For details on performing these functions refer to the section Sending
Commands to Mobile Units.

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Sending a Message to a Mobile

A message can be issued to the mobile unit that generated the Alert.
The text in the message consists of literal text and macro
expressions that are expanded from the Alert itself and other relevant
data. The full list of Macro expansions is available from the drop
down dialog.
Macro expressions are grouped according to type. The table
following includes the most common macros. Items with an "*"
indicate that several formatting options are available; select from the
drop down list to view the available formats:

The unique identification number for this Alert
Type of Alert. Refer to the Alerts section for further information
The configured priority for this type of Alert
Date & Time of Event.
Versions with UTC are the UTC/GMT date/time.
Additional parameters related to the specific Alert generated
The name of the Action being executed
The name of the Business Rule that triggered the Alert
Date/Time the Message was sent from the Mobile Unit
Date/Time the Message was processed by the Wireless
Date/Time the Message was processed by SmartTRAC
Text message (only for e-mail/text messages to/from mobile
Latitude at time Alert was generated
Longitude at time Alert was generated
Altitude at time Alert was generated
As for Pos, but for the previous position received before the
Average speed of the mobile, in a variety of measurement
Average course-over-ground of the mobile
The type of position code. Refer SmartTRAC Information
Area the mobile entered/exited (if this is an area related Alert)
The callsign of the mobile unit (as displayed on the Unit List)
The name of the mobile unit (as displayed on the Unit List)
The mobile type (as displayed on the Unit List)

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Changing Digital Output States

An Action defined to change the Digital Output lines operates in the
equivalent performing this function within Track Explorer.
For details on performing these functions refer to the section Sending
Commands to Mobile Units.

E-Mail Notification

An Alert can be e-mailed to one or more recipients. Click on the [To]
and [Cc] buttons to indicate where this action should send the Alerts.
As with messages sent to a mobile unit the text of the e-mail can be
configured with Macro Expressions. Refer to the Sending a Message
to Mobile section on previous pages for details.

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Cellular/Pager Notification

An Alert can be transmitted via pager or cellular phone.

NOTE: If your cellular or pager provider has an e-mail gateway then
use the preceding section to configure transmission to an e-mail
address. Use this section only if your system is configured with a
direct wireless gateway for Short Messaging Services. See your
systems administrator if you are unsure which method to use.
Enter the cellular phone number to transmit the message to. For
some older GSM (European & Asian) cellular networks and phones it
is also necessary to specific the Short Messaging Service Center
number. See the Short Messaging or Text Messaging documentation
from your cellular provider for details.
As with messages sent to a mobile unit the text can be configured
with Macro Expressions. Refer to the Sending a Message to Mobile
section on previous pages for details.

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Setting Actions to Trigger from an Alert
After you have defined Actions, they can be linked to the Business Rules
defined in the Alerts section. To do this:


Open the [+] folder beside the Rule in the [Alerts] folder


The Actions show as a set of checkboxes


Enable or disable the Action by clicking on the checkbox. The items
marked with a red checkmark are the Actions that will be automatically
triggered when the Alert is generated.


If multiple actions are defined that alter the same setting (i.e. the
mobile reporting rate) then the last Action shown in the list takes


It is good practice to test a Business Rule before enabling any
Actions. When the Alert has been observed to be triggering as
expected the Actions can be progressively enabled.


Think carefully about any Alerts an Action itself may trigger. For
example; setting an Alert to detect command failures, linked to an
Action that itself issued a command is not recommended. This is
because such an alert loops; i.e. the alert happens, so a
command is sent that triggers an alert that sends a command and
so on.

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How Do I?
Change the Label Format for Displayed Mobiles
By default, displayed mobiles are labeled with their unit name. You can
change the label to include one or more of the mobile’s attributes as follows:
• Select Layer Settings from the Select tool menu. The Layer
Control dialog appears.
• Click on the Label button. The Label Options dialog is displayed.
• Use the Label with drop-down list box to choose the attribute to
label displayed mobiles with.
• Click OK. The Label Options dialog is closed.
• Click OK. The Layer Control dialog is closed and displayed
mobiles are labelled according to the new format.
Track Explorer stores the new labeling format when you exit so that it is used
during future sessions.

Changing the Units for Distance Measurements
You can change to a different unit of distance as follows:
• Click on the Select menu and choose Map Properties. The Map
Options dialog is displayed.
• Click on the Distance Units drop-down list box and select the
required units.
• Click OK to store the settings and close the dialog.
All measured distances are now displayed in the new unit.

Generating Surveillance Reports
Much of the information available in the Track Explorer can be copied into
other Windows software, for example Microsoft Word, Excel, and Exchange.
This allows you to quickly include detailed and relevant information in your
mobile activity reports and e-mails. In particular you can:
• Copy the map display including all mobiles, tracks and labels
• Copy mobile and alert data
• Send the details of a mobile in your e-mail messages; just drag
the mobile of interest from the unit list into the message area of
the e-mail message
• Export the map window as a bitmap.

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Why are the drawing tools unavailable?
The tools in the Draw menu are disabled when the current layer settings are
such that no map layers can be annotated. You can reset the attributes of one
or more layers so that they can be annotated as follows;
• Select Layer Settings from the Select tool menu.
The Layer Control dialog appears. The left-hand side of the dialog lists the
individual layers of your map; the check boxes beside each layer show the
status of that layer. The column headed by a picture of a pencil indicates the
status of annotation for a layer; layers that have a tick in this column can be
• Activate on the Annotate check box for the layer you want to
• Click OK.
The dialog is closed and the tools in the Draw menu are now available. You
may also need to Save the current workspace if you want these new layers
settings to be saved for future sessions.

Why can’t I Display Labels?
The Label tool in the Analyse menu can be used to add predefined labels to a
layer of the map only when layer settings are such that the layer of interest
can be labelled. You can reset the attributes of one or more layers so that
they can be labelled as follows;
• Select Layer Settings from the Select tool menu.
The Layer Control dialog appears. The left-hand side of the dialog lists the
individual layers of your map; the check boxes beside each layer show the
status of that layer. The right-most column headed by a picture of an address
label indicates the status of labelling for each layer; layers that have a tick in
this column can be labelled.
• Activate on the Label check box for the layer you want to label.
• Click OK.
The dialog is closed and the Label tool can now be used in conjunction with
the updated layers. You may also need to Save the current workspace if you
want these new layers settings to be saved for future sessions.

Why can’t I select Mobiles on the Map?
The Select pointer can be used to select objects only when the layer settings
for that layer are such that the layer of interest can be labeled. You can reset
the attributes of one or more layers so that they can be selected as follows;
• Select Layer Settings from the Select tool menu.
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The Layer Control dialog appears. The left-hand side of the dialog lists the
individual layers of your map; the check boxes beside each layer show the
status of that layer. The third from left column headed by a picture of a pointer
indicates the status of selection for a layer; layers that have a tick in this
column can be selected.
• Click on the Select check box for the layer you want to select
objects on.
• Click OK.
The dialog is closed and you can now select the objects on the updated layer.
Track Explorer stores the new layers settings when you exit so that they are
available during future sessions.

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Installing SmartTRAC and Related Tools
This document describes the process for installing SmartTRAC Workstation
software on workstations running Microsoft 32 bit operating systems.
Should you encounter any problem completing this process please refer to
the technical support documents on the Absolute website at:
As part of the installation procedure it is recommended that you mark off each
step in the installation as it is performed. That way if any step fails you will be
able to inform technical support of the current status. In particular, please
write down the details of any error messages that occur during the installation

Pre-Installation Steps
To begin the installation you will require the following CDs:


You may also have additional CDs that require installation after SmartTRAC
in order to use the system. Check for special installation instructions provided
with the system, as these may include settings for the following items and/or
installation steps in addition to those indicated here for:

Oracle 8i (for Oracle based installations only)
Map Data CDs from commercial suppliers

Please Note: In order to install SmartTRAC the client machine must have
Windows 98, ME, NT or 2000 installed.
Minimum hardware requirements are:

Pentium II 300MHz




1GB Hard Disk Drive (depending on map data requirements)


An 800x600 display resolution

If you are installing the application on a system that is running Windows NT
Workstation 4.0 or Windows 2000 Professional you must logon on with an
account that has Administrator rights before commencing installation.

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Installing SmartTRAC

Close any applications that are currently running


Insert the SmartTRAC CD and wait a few seconds for the startup screen
to be displayed.


Click on Next> to continue


Click on Yes to accept the licensing agreement


Unless your IT department has instructed otherwise, click on Next> to accept
the default location for the destination folder (location of the program folder)

Select a Setup Type As Follows:
Multi-User Installation–Workstation:
If you are installing a multi-user configuration select this option
Single User Installation:
If you are installing a standalone system select this option

• Click on Next> to continue

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© 1995-2001 Absolute Communications Limited. All Rights Reserved



Select the program folder that will display the SmartTRAC icons. Unless your
IT department has instructed otherwise, click on Next> to accept the default
program folder.


The installation process will now begin. You should be presented with a
screen that displays a status bar and the SmartTRAC logo.


As part of the installation the MapInfo Run Time setup process automatically


Enter your name, company and serial number into the next screen then click
on Next>. Refer to the CD packaging for serial the serial number.



You will be prompted by the next screen to confirm this information. If is
correct click on Yes. If you made a mistake click on No and re-type the
information. Repeat this process until you are satisfied it is correct.
You will now be presented with the MapInfo Destination Folder screen.
Unless the client IT department has instructed otherwise, click on Next> to
accept the default program folder.

If the above screen is not automatically presented to you it could be
hidden in the background! If this is the case  +  to cycle
through the opened programs until you locate it.

Please Note:


MapInfo will now present you with your current settings before the copying
process begins. If all the statements are correct click on Next>. If you made
a mistake click on 
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