Quuppa LD-7L Locator User Manual

Quuppa Oy Locator

User Manual.pdf

QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation 1 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
ContentsForyoursafetyIntroductionQuuppaLD7LdimensionsSafetyInformationInstallationnotesSelectingcompatiblemountingbracketInstallingQuuppaLD7LSuggestedcableandconnectorforoutdoorusePaintingQuuppaLD7LProductinformationCareandMaintenanceRecycleCopyrightandothernotices 2 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
Foryoursafety   Read these simple guidelines. Not following them may be dangerous or          illegal.Readthecompleteinstallationguideforfurtherinformation.SWITCHONSAFETYDo not switch the device on when the use of wireless devices is            prohibitedofwhenitmaycauseinterferenceordanger INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may be susceptible to interference, which        couldaffectperformance QUALIFIEDSERVICEOnly qualified personnel may install, configure, or repair this        product ACCESSORIES Use only approved accessories. Do not connect incompatible       products Whenconnectingtoanyotherdevice,readitsuserguidefordetailedsafetyinstructions.Donotconnectincompatibleproducts. 3 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
IntroductionQuuppa LD7L (HAIP Locator) is a part of the Quuppa HAIP System.           Other parts of the Quuppa HAIP system are Quuppa LD6T (HAIP Tag)           and Quuppa Positioning Engine software. The Quuppa HAIP System        allows you to locate and track any objects equipped with HAIP Tags in            an environment equipped with HAIP Locators. Quuppa LD7L is        designedforuseinindoorandoutdoorenvironments.Read this guide carefully before having the Quuppa LD7L        professionally installed. Also, watch the Quuppa Site Planner and        Quuppa Deployment tutorial videos before starting to use the HAIP         system. For the latest guides, additional information, and downloads        relatedtoyourQuuppaproduct,gotowww.quuppa.com/support. 4 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
QuuppaLD7LdimensionsFigures1and2showthedimensionsoftheQuuppaLD7L.Figure1.RearviewoftheQuuppaLD7L5 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
Figure2.SideviewoftheQuuppaLD7LSafetyInformationObservethefollowingsafetyguidelineswheninstallingQuuppaLD7L.● Only a qualified service technician should install or service Quuppa LD7L. Faulty           installation or service may be dangerous and may invalidate any warranty which           mayapplytoQuuppaLD7L.● End users should remember that Quuppa LD7L comprises of complex technical          equipment that requires professional installation using special tools and expert         knowhow.● Instructions given in this guide are general guidelines that apply to the installation            of Quuppa LD7L. However, due to the wide variety installation environments and           mounting surfaces, this guide cannot consider the individual technical        requirements relevant for any particular installation. Consult Quuppa in case you          areuncertainaboutinstallationinaspecificenvironment.● Quuppa LD7L is designed to operate with a standard PoE (Power over           Ethernet) compatible network component connected at the Ethernet socket. For         your safety, and to prevent any damage to Quuppa LD7L, only use standard            certifiedPoEnetworkcomponents.6 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
● When installing Quuppa LD7L, make sure the installation surface can safely          carrytheweightoftheequipmentandpossiblewindloads.● Your service technician or dealer may be able to provide you with information on             alternatives for mounting the equipment suitably in different types of         environments.● Do not smoke when installing the equipment. Make sure there is no source of fire              orflamenearby.● Make sure cables are placed so that they will not be subject to mechanical wear              andtear.InstallationnotesQuuppa LD7L should be mounted clear of any metal obstructions         (such airconditioning ducts, large ceiling trusses, building      superstructures) to the side or front of the enclosure. In case needed,           use a rigid conduit to lower the Quuppa LD7L away from these           obstructions.Quuppa LD7L should be aimed into the intended coverage area,         therefore mount the device so that the desired mechanical tilt can be           achieved.SelectingcompatiblemountingbracketThe mounting holes of Quuppa LD7L are arranged according to VESA          MISF, 200, Y, 6 standard (Four M6 threaded holes in 200x200mm          pattern). Select your mounting bracket according to the requirements        set by the installation environment. Make sure that the mounting bracket          cancarrytheweightofQuuppaLD7Landpossiblewindloads. 7 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
InstallingQuuppaLD7L  1. Attach the Quuppa LD7L to compatible VESA mounting bracket.        Use M6 bolts and assembly torque of 2 nM (max allowed torque is            2.5nM).2. AttachtheVESAmountingbrackettothewall,ceiling,ormast.3. Aim the Quuppa LD7L towards the intended coverage area and         tightenallfasteners.4. Connect the ethernet cable to the Quuppa LD7L. Make sure the          other end of the ethernet cable is connected to a device          connectedtoQuuppaHAIPsystem.WARNING: Always make sure that the installation surface or mast can carry the weight             oftheequipmentandpossiblewindloadsbeforeinstallation.Not following general safety regulation can cause damage to objects or injuries to            people.RelyonqualifiedpersonnelforcarryingouttheinstallationofQuuppaLD7L.SuggestedcableandconnectorforoutdooruseIn case you are installing Quuppa LD7L outdoors or to other humid           environments use an ethernet cable and an ethernet connector that are          designed for outdoor use. The ethernet socket of Quuppa LD7L is          Conec 1710020 and it accepts both bayonet and M28 threaded        waterproofEthernetconnectorsfromConec,forexample17100464.In indoor environments normal Ethernet cable with RJ45connector       (Modular 8P8C) can be connected directly to the waterproof socket in          QuuppaLD7L.8 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
PaintingQuuppaLD7LIf you wish to paint the Quuppa LD7L do not use metallic or            metallicflakepaints,whichwilldegradetheperformanceofthelocator.Remember to cover the vents on the back of the Quuppa LD7L before            painting.Productinformation   Operatingfrequencyrange2400…2483MHzMaximumtransmitpower+6dBmEIRPOperatingtemperaturerange20°C…+60°CStoragetemperaturerange–30°C…+70°CIPprotectionclassIP65,dustandjettingwaterimmunityOperatingvoltagePoweroverEthernet,48VTypicalpowerconsumption2WLength400mmWidth380mmThickness59mmWeight3.8kgMountingVESAMISF,200,Y,6 9 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
CareandMaintenanceYour Quuppa LD7L is a product of superior design and craftsmanship          and should be treated with care. The following suggestions will help you           protectyourwarrantycoverage.● DonotattempttoopentheQuuppaLD7L.● Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong        detergents to clean the Quuppa LD7L. Only use a soft, clean, dry           clothtocleanthesurfaceofQuuppaLD7L.RecycleAlways return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging        materials to dedicated collection points. This way you help prevent         uncontrolledwastedisposalandpromotetherecyclingofmaterials.The crossedout wheeledbin symbol on your product,      battery, literature, or packaging reminds you that all electrical        and electronic products, batteries, and accumulators must      be taken to separate collection at the end of their working          life. This requirement applies in the European Union. Do not dispose of           theseproductsasunsortedmunicipalwaste. 10 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
CopyrightandothernoticesDECLARATIONOFCONFORMITYHereby, Quuppa Oy declares that this Quuppa LD7L product is in          compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant       provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of         Conformitycanbefoundathttp://www.quuppa.com/declarationofconformity©2014Quuppa.Allrightsreserved.FCCNOTICEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the              following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference; and 2. This             device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause          undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the            limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits                are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a          residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency          energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause             harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that          interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause            harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning            the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by               one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.            Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment          into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult               the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. NOTE: FCC Radiation           Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set          forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated           with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. Note: The country code             selection is for nonUS model only and is not available to all US model. Per FCC               regulation, all WiFi product marketed in US must fixed to US operation channels only.             11 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa
NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Quuppa could void the           user'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this             document in any form without the prior written permission of Quuppa is prohibited.            Quuppa operates a policy of continuous development. Quuppa reserves the right to           make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this document            withoutpriornotice.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, UNDER NO         CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL QUUPPA OR ANY OF ITS LICENSORS BE        RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OF DATA OR INCOME OR ANY SPECIAL,          INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES HOWSOEVER     CAUSED.THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". EXCEPT AS          REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER         EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED         WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR       PURPOSE, ARE MADE IN RELATION TO THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY OR         CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. QUUPPA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE         THISDOCUMENTORWITHDRAWITATANYTIMEWITHOUTPRIORNOTICE.The availability of particular products may vary by region. Please check with your            Quuppa dealer for details. This device may contain commodities, technology or          software subject to export laws and regulations from the US and other countries.            Diversioncontrarytolawisprohibited.12 QuuppaLD7LInstallationGuideandSafetyInformation ©2014Quuppa

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