Radio Shack 1901104 User Manual Rsbl dxn epsi

RadioShack Corporation Rsbl dxn epsi


Cat. No. 19-1104OWNER’S MANUALPlease read before using this equipment.HTX-400Mini Handheld 70cm FMAmateur  Page 1  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
2FEATURESYour RadioShack HTX-400 Mini Handheld 70cm FM Ama-teur Transceiver is compact and lightweight, making it easy tocarry almost anywhere. The crystal controlled circuitry providesaccurate and stable channel selection, making it an ideal choicefor your amateur communications needs.Note: You must have a Technician Class or higher Amateur Ra-dio Operator’s License, and a call sign issued by the FCC, to le-gally transmit using this transceiver. Transmitting without alicense carries heavy penalties. Getting a license is easier thanever. See “Introduction to Amateur Radio” on Page 7 for more in-formation.Here are some of your transceiver’s features.200 mW/2 Watt Output — the transceiver automatically trans-mits at 200 mW output when powered by internal batteries, or at2 Watt output when powered by an external 9-volt power source.CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System subaudibletone) — helps reduce interference from other nearby systems op-erating on the same frequency. Encoding and decoding tone un-locks squelch when received.Repeater Offset — lets you select an appropriate offset value tomatch a local repeater.Scan — the transceiver scans frequency range and memorychannels for transmissions.Power Save — conserves battery power when the transceiver isnot transmitting or receiving.Programmable Frequency Steps — let you set the frequencyincrement for tuning or scanning to 5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 50 kHz,or 1 MHz steps.©1999 Tandy Corporation.All Rights Reserved.RadioShack is a registered trademark used by Tandy  Page 2  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
3Alert Melody — you can set the radio to play a short, selectablemelody when it transmits, and play the same melody when it re-ceives a tone encoded signal.Signal Strength Indicator — a graduated bar shows the relativestrength of the received signal.Time-Out Timer — lets you set a maximum transmission time in-terval from 0 to 990 seconds to make the best use of repeatertransmission time.Busy Channel Lock Out — prevents transmitting while the se-lected channel is receiving a signal.TX Delay — continues transmitting to prevent noise at the end ofa transmission as you release the push-to-talk (PTT) button.Scan Delay — delays restart of scanning when the radio locksonto a channel.Earphone Jack and External Microphone Jack — let you con-nect an optional earphone, external microphone, or combinationheadset for more flexible operation.External Power Jack — lets you use an external power sourcefor maximum output.30 Memory Locations — let you store up to 30 frequencies andother settings.Back Light — makes your transceiver easy to operate in low-light situations.Key Lock — lets you lock the transceiver’s keys to prevent acci-dentally changing settings.We recommend you record your transceiver’s serial numberhere. The number is on the transceiver’s back panel.Serial Number  Page 3  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
4MANUAL CONVENTIONSYour transceiver’s buttons perform multiple functions. The abbre-viation or symbol for a function is printed on, below, or aboveeach button.To activate certain transceiver features, you must press FUNC(function) and another button at the same time. Those key com-bination instructions are printed as first button name, +, then thesecond button name. For example, FUNC+LOCK means holddown FUNC while you press LOCK.Button names are printed in small, bold, capital letters such asBEEP or SC. Words, symbols, and numbers that appear on thedisplay are printed using a distinctive typeface such as 446.000or BUSY. FCC INFORMATIONThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause un-desired  Page 4  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
5CONTENTSIntroduction to Amateur Radio  .................................. 7Preparation .................................................................. 9Power Sources ....................................................... 9Using Internal Batteries  .................................. 9Testing Internal Batteries .............................. 10Using Vehicle Battery Power ......................... 11Connecting the Antenna  ...................................... 12Attaching the Belt Clip  ......................................... 13Attaching the Wrist Strap  ..................................... 13Connecting a Microphone/Speaker ...................... 14A Quick Look at the Controls  .................................. 15Operation ................................................................... 17Understanding Repeaters .................................... 17Receiving, Transmitting and Setting Squelch ....... 17Scanning for Active Frequencies  ......................... 19Monitoring a Frequency ....................................... 19Changing the Frequency Range .......................... 19Locking the Keypad .............................................. 20Lighting the Display .............................................. 20Turning the Key tone On and Off  ......................... 20Using Memory Locations  ..................................... 20Using the Calling-FrequencyMemory Location .......................................... 20Using Standard Memories  ................................... 21Storing a Transmit/Receive Frequency ......... 21Storing a Repeater Offset Frequency ........... 22Storing a Scanning Skip Setting ................... 22Scanning Standard Memory Locations ......... 23Locking Out (Skipping) Locations During Memory Location Scanning .......................... 23Using Subaudible Tone Squelch .......................... 24Subaudible Tone Frequencies  ...................... 25Reversing the Offset  ............................................ 26Reversing the Transmit and receive Frequencies   26Melody Options .................................................... 26Using the Transmit Melody Alert ...................  Page 5  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
6Using the Receive Melody Alert ...................  27Special Features .......................................................  28Using the Special Features  .................................  28Frequency Step ............................................  29Repeater Offset ............................................  29Power Save  ..................................................  29Time-Out Timer ............................................  30Scan Delay Time ..........................................  30Transmit Delay Time .....................................  30Busy Channel Lockout  .................................  31Troubleshooting ........................................................  32Care and Maintenance  .............................................  33Resetting the Transceiver ....................................  34Specifications ...........................................................  Page 6  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
7INTRODUCTION TO AMATEUR RADIOYour transceiver is the perfect first radio for anyone entering theexciting world of amateur radio as well as a great additional trans-ceiver for the experienced amateur radio operator. Your trans-ceiver opens a door for you to the world from almost anywhere!All you need is an Amateur Radio Operator’s License (TechnicianClass or higher) issued by the Federal Communications Commis-sion (FCC). If you do not have a license, it is easier than ever toget one and help from licensed operators is available. Here are afew tips to help you get started.You can turn on your transceiver and scan the entire band to hearwhat is going on. However, do not attempt to transmit untilyou get your license. If you transmit without a license you are inviolation of federal law that can lead to severe penalties. Note thatham operators take the FCC rules very seriously and want noth-ing to do with “bootleggers” — their term for people who operatewithout a license.Find out if there is a ham radio club in your area. Most clubs wel-come newcomers and are glad to help you get your license.There are thousands of clubs across the country, so there is prob-ably one in or near your own community. Often, the staff at yourlocal RadioShack store can help you locate a club. If you do not hear anyone talking about a local club in your areaas you listen to local transmissions, write to the American RadioRelay League (ARRL), at the following address, to find out howto contact a local affiliate. The ARRL is the national organizationrepresenting amateur radio in the United States. The league hasmore than 150,000 members. Most are ham operators, or mem-bers in the process of obtaining their license. The American Radio Relay League225 Main StreetNewington, CT 06111  Page 7  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
8Start studying for the license exams. Do not be intimidated by theword “study,” for most people can go from knowing absolutelynothing about amateur radio to passing the Novice and Techni-cian written exams in less than a month. The exams test your knowledge of basic radio regulations and el-ementary radio theory. Many clubs hold license classes whichcan be a fun and easy way to learn about amateur radio. Thereare good books, cassette tapes, computer programs, and manyother study aids available. Your local RadioShack store sells FCCLicense Preparation study guides for amateur radio operator li-censes. While you are no longer required to learn Morse code fora Technician Class license, we encourage you to learn it anywayso you can advance to higher levels of operating privileges.The examiners for a Novice license test can be any two ham op-erators who hold a general or higher class license and who are atleast 18 years old and are not related to you. There is no fee totake the Novice exam. As soon as you pass the Novice exam,you can immediately take the Technician exam. There is a smallfee required for taking the Technician exam, and the test must beadministered by a three-member Volunteer Examiner Team.Contact the ARRL for a schedule of exam opportunities in yourarea.The Technician Class license lets you use the HTX-400 to com-municate directly with other operators, and use repeaters for dis-tant communication.The ARRL staff helped us prepare this section of the Owner’sManual. Amateur radio is a great hobby that has enriched thelives of millions of people all over the world. The ARRL would beglad to hear from you if you need more information or would liketo join!  Page 8  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
9PREPARATIONPOWER SOURCESYou can operate your transceiver from either of two powersources:• internal batteries• vehicle battery power (using an optional DC adapter)Using Internal BatteriesYour transceiver can use two AA batteries (not supplied) for pow-er. For the best performance and longest life, we recommend Ra-dioShack alkaline batteries.Cautions:• Use only fresh batteries of the required size and recom-mended type.• Do not mix old and new batteries, different types of batteries(standard, alkaline, or rechargeable), or  rechargeable bat-teries of  different capacities.Follow these steps to install batteries.1. Move the LOCK tab in the opposite direction of the markedarrow on the bottom of the transceiver.LOCK Tab (on bottom)  Page 9  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
102. Press down and slide the battery compartment cover in thedirection of the arrow marked on the cover.3. Put the batteries into the compartment and on top of theattached ribbon according to the polarity symbols (+ and –)marked inside the compartment. 4. Replace the cover and slide the LOCK tab on the bottom tosecure the cover.Testing Internal BatteriesTo test the battery strength, rotate VOL/OFF clockwise on the topof the radio until it clicks, then press C. C appears in the lowerright corner of the display. Then hold down the push-to-talk buttonand  MO at the same time. BAT appears and the graduated barnext to BAT indicates the battery strength. If the batteries areweak, the battery symbol shows less than 4 bars. Replace bothbatteries as soon as possible.Cautions:• Dispose of old batteries promptly and properly. Do not burnor bury them.• If you do not plan to use the transceiver with batteries for atwo week period, remove the batteries.  Batteries can leakchemicals that can destroy electronic  Page 10  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
11Using Vehicle Battery PowerYou can operate the HTX-400 from your vehicle’s battery using aDC adapter such as RadioShack Cat. No. 273-1815.Cautions:You must use a power source that supplies 9 voltsDC and delivers at least 800 mA. Its center tipmust be set to positive, and its plug must fit thetransceiver’s DC 9V jack. The recommended adapter meetsthese specifications. Using an adapter that does not meetthese specifications could damage the transceiver or theadapter. •Always plug the adapter into the transceiver before you plugit into the cigarette-lighter socket, and unplug the adapterfrom the cigarette-lighter socket before you unplug it fromthe transceiver.1.Set the adapter’s voltage switch to 9V.2.Insert the 3.8 mm outer diameter/1.1 mm inner diameterplug (Cat. No. 273-1712, not supplied) into the adapter’scord, so it reads +TIP. 3.Insert the plug into the HTX-400’s DC 9V jack.4.Plug the other end of the adapter into the cigarette-lightersocket in the vehicle.!!  Page 11  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
12CONNECTING THE ANTENNAPlace the threaded base socket of the supplied antenna over theantenna connector on top of the transceiver and turn the antennaclockwise to tighten it.Caution: Do not overtighten the antenna  Page 12  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
13ATTACHING THE BELT CLIPUse a Phillips screwdriver and the two supplied screws to attachthe supplied belt clip to your transceiver. Do not overtighten thescrews.ATTACHING THE WRIST STRAPAttach the supplied wrist strap to the top of the belt clip, threadthe strap’s small loop through the opening in the top of the clip.Then insert the longer loop through the smaller loop. Pull on thestrap until the loop is  Page 13  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
14CONNECTING A MICROPHONE/SPEAKERYou can connect an external communications headset, con-sisting of a microphone and speaker, to the transceiver so youcan use it privately. Lift the hinged, rubber dust cover from theMIC and SPK jacks on the top of the transceiver, then insertthe plug of an optional voice activated headset with micro-phone, such as Cat.No. 19-312, or an optional communicationheadset, such as Cat. No. 19-316, into the jacks.Caution: Use only microphone speaker accessories that do notshare a common ground for the speaker and the microphone. Do-ing otherwise might damage the transceiver.Note: Inserting the headset plug automatically disconnects theinternal speaker and the push-to-talk (PTT) button. You can also connect an optional mono earphone, such as Cat.No. 33-175, into the SPK jack. This lets you use the transceiver’spush-to-talk button to transmit as  Page 14  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
15A QUICK LOOK AT THE CONTROLS VOL/OFF – turns the radio on/off; adjusts the volumeSQ — sets the squelch level to block weak signalsor  — sets the frequency or change other valuesFUNC+  — directly sets the frequencyPTT (Push-to-Talk) buttonVOL/OFFSpeakerMicrophoneSQ  Page 15  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
16PTT (Push-to-Talk) — press to transmit and to store settings inmemoryFUNC+  — accesses the subaudible tone squelch frequenciesFUNC+REV — reverses the offset frequencyFUNC+PTT — reverses the send and receive frequencies                   FUNC+LOCK — locks/unlocks all front panel buttons— turns on the backlighted display for 4 secondsSC — starts/stops scanning and changes the frequency rangeFUNC+BEEP — enables/disables the key tone FUNC+MR — accesses a memory location for programmingFUNC+T.SET — accesses/sets the melody settingsand CTCSS tonesFUNC+MO — resets all settings on power upMO — overrides the squelch settingC — displays the current calling frequencyC, then  or — changes the calling  Page 16  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
17OPERATIONUNDERSTANDING REPEATERSOperation through a repeater, where you transmit on one fre-quency and receive on another, is called duplex operation. Oper-ation direct to another station, where you transmit and receive onthe same frequency, is called simplex operation.A repeater is a station that receives a signal on one frequency(the input frequency) and then retransmits that signal on a differ-ent frequency (the output frequency). Repeater antennas are typ-ically located at the tops of tall buildings or on antenna towers, soa relatively low-power signal can reach the repeater. The repeat-er retransmits the signal at a higher power. This gives your trans-ceiver the ability to communicate over a much greater range. To use a repeater, you must know the repeater’s input and outputfrequencies. Repeaters are usually identified by their output fre-quency. Thus, a repeater that has an output frequency of 445.00is referred to as the “445.00 repeater.” To determine the input fre-quency, you must know the frequency offset (typically 600 kHz forthe 70cm band) and the offset direction (+ if you add 600 kHzto the output, or – if you subtract 600 kHz from the output).To determine the offset and the direction, obtain a copy of TheARRL Repeater Handbook (available directly from the ARRL)which lists the locations of repeaters as well as their frequencyand offset information.RECEIVING, TRANSMITTING AND SETTING SQUELCH1.To turn on the radio, rotate VOL/OFF clockwise until it clicks.The transceiver sounds a tone.2.Rotate SQ counterclockwise until you hear a hissing sound.Then slowly rotate SQ clockwise just until the noise stops. 3.Set VOL/OFF to a comfortable listening  Page 17  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
18Notes:•If the transceiver picks up unwanted weak transmissions,rotate SQ slightly clockwise to decrease the transceiver’ssensitivity to signals. The weak transmissions areblocked.•Your transceiver normally tunes the range of 430.000–458.000 MHz. (To change to the extended range, see“Changing the Frequency Range” on Page 19.)•BUSY appears when the transceiver finds a standardtransmission. If you turn on the squelch and receive atransmission that uses the matching CTCSS (subaudibletone), CALL also appears.4.You can use either manual tuning or direct frequency entryto select a specific frequency. To manually select a fre-quency, repeatedly press or hold down  or   until the dis-play shows the desired frequency.To directly enter a frequency, press FUNC+  (the seconddigit from the left flashes), then press  or  to change thenumber. Press FUNC+  again to select the next digit.Repeat this to select each number of the frequency, thenpress the PTT button to set the selection.Note: Do not attempt to transmit unless you possess a validamateur radio license.5.To transmit, hold down the push-to-talk button, then speakinto the microphone. Release the button to stop transmit-ting.6.To turn off the radio rotate VOL/OFF counter-clockwise until  Page 18  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
19SCANNING FOR ACTIVE FREQUENCIES1.To search for activity on a frequency, press SC. The trans-ceiver begins to scan up or down the full frequency range,and stops on active frequencies for 5 seconds.2.To change the scan direction, press  or  .3.To stop on a frequency or to stop scanning completely,press SC again.MONITORING A FREQUENCYWhile the radio is receiving a transmission, press MO (monitor) tosuspend the squelch setting and hear everything on that frequen-cy. This lets you hear the signal even if the incoming CTCSS(subaudible tone) does not match your setting.If you hold down MO for longer than 1 second, the set values forreceive tone, transmit tone, scan skip condition (if any), repeateroffset, and frequency step appear. Release MO to turn on the squelch again.CHANGING THE FREQUENCY RANGEYou can change the standard transmit frequency range from430–450 MHz to an extended range of 420–450.000 MHz.To set the transceiver to its extended range, turn off the transceiv-er. Then hold down SC and turn on the transceiver again.To return to the standard frequency range, turn the transceiver offthen hold down SC and turn it on  Page 19  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
20LOCKING THE KEYPADTo lock the transceiver’s keypad so you do not accidentallychange a setting, press FUNC+LOCK.   appears. This locks allbuttons except push-to-talk,  , VOL, and SQ. Press FUNC + LOCKagain to unlock the keypad.LIGHTING THE DISPLAYPress  to turn on the display backlight for about 4 seconds. Ifyou press any key while the light is on, the light remains on forabout 4 seconds more. Press down  for more than 1 second tohave the light remain on until you press  again.TURNING THE KEY TONE ON AND OFFThe transceiver is preset to sound a beep each time you press akey. To turn off the beep, press FUNC+BEEP.   disappears. Torestore the key tone, press FUNC+BEEP again.USING MEMORY LOCATIONSYou can store one special calling-frequency, and up to 30 of yourmost often used frequencies and their associated settings, in thetransceiver’s memory.Using the Calling-Frequency Memory LocationThe calling-frequency memory location lets you quickly jump to aspecific frequency at any time. The default calling frequency is446.00 MHz. You can record your own frequency into memory aswell as other settings associated with that frequency, such as therepeater offset and CTCSS tone. 1.Press C to display the current calling  Page 20  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
212. To change the frequency, hold down C until   and C flash.3. Directly enter or press   or   to select the desired fre-quency. If you want to enter a repeater frequency see“Understanding Repeaters” on Page 17.4. Press C to store the selected frequency in memory.5. To program the repeater offset for the selected frequency,press FUNC+SC. To change the value, press   or  . Select0 Hz if you want to remove the offset. To store the setting,press C or PTT.While   and C appear, you can program other settingssuch as CTCSS tones (see “Using Subaudible ToneSquelch” on Page 24.)To enable the calling frequency, press C at any time. The trans-ceiver immediately goes to that frequency with the settings youprogrammed. To exit the calling frequency mode, press C again.USING STANDARD MEMORIESYour transceiver has 30 standard memories that you can use tostore frequencies for quick access. You can also store other set-tings such as repeater offset, CTCSS tones, and frequencies topass or lock out during scanning. Storing a Transmit/Receive Frequency1. Press MR to enter the memory setting mode.  and the lastused memory location appear. 2. Repeatedly press   or   to select the desired memorylocation. ------ appears if the memory location is empty.3. Press  FUNC+MR. The selected memory location and  Page 21  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
224. To select a different frequency than that displayed, repeat-edly press   or   or use direct frequency entry.5. To store the setting, press PTT.   and the memory locationstop flashing and your entry is stored.6. Press MR to exit the memory mode.Storing a Repeater Offset FrequencyTo store a repeater offset frequency for the stored transmit/re-ceive frequency, follow these steps.1. Press MR.   and the last used memory location numberappear. 2. Repeatedly press   or   to select the desired memorylocation.3. Press FUNC+MR. The selected memory location and flash.4. Press FUNC+SC. rPt appears. To change the offset value,press   or  . Select 0 Hz for no offset. 5. To store the setting, press PTT.Storing a Scanning Skip SettingThe transceiver is preset to include all memory locations duringmemory scanning. But you can set the transceiver to have it skipa location during scanning.1. Press MR.   and the last used memory location appear. 2. Repeatedly press   or   to select the desired memorylocation.3. Press FUNC+MR. The selected memory location and  Page 22  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
235. If you want to set scanning to skip the memory location,press SC, then press   or   so SCSP ON (scan skip)appears.To include the displayed location in a scan press   or   soSCSP oF appears.6. When you finish, press SC again, then press PTT to store thesetting. Scanning Standard Memory Locations1. Press MR (so   appears), then press SC. The transceiverscans all locations except the ones you programmed topass during scanning.2. To change the scanning direction, press   or  .3. To stop scanning, press SC again.Locking Out (Skipping) Locations During Memory Location ScanningWhen you scan the 30 standard memory locations, you can setthe transceiver to lock out a location while scanning. When the transceiver stops at a memory location you want toskip, press FUNC. PASS briefly appears and the transceiver con-tinues to scan, locking out (skipping) that location from then on.Repeat this for each location you want to skip.To return all skip settings to their stored settings, simply turn theradio off then on again.Note: You cannot lock out all memory locations. One location isalways active. If you lock out all but two active locations and thenlock out one more, EMPTY briefly appears and scanning  Page 23  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
24USING SUBAUDIBLE TONE SQUELCHYour HTX-400 can transmit and receive a low-level, selectablesubaudible tone at the same time as it transmits (TX) or receives(RX) a regular signal. This special tone lets you listen only to oth-er units set to the same tone frequency when you use the radio ina line-of-sight transmit and receive situation. It also lets youmatch your radio to the subaudible tone frequency used by a localrepeater. To enable TX and RX tones for your radio, follow these steps.1.Press FUNC+. tONE oF appears. (The tone is preset tooff.)2.Press  or   to turn the option on. tONE on appears.3.To set a receive (RX) tone press FUNC+. rC appears.Then press   or   to select a tone frequency from the liston Page 25.4.To set a transmit (TX) tone press FUNC+. tC appears.Then, press  or   to select a tone frequency from the liston Page 25.5.Press PTT to store all the settings.To select and store a CTCSS subaudible tone in a memory loca-tion press MR.   and the last used memory location appear.Then follow Steps 1 – 5  Page 24  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
25Subaudible Tone Frequencies (MHz)67.0 114.8 186.269.3 118.8 189.971.9 123.0 192.874.4 127.3 196.677.0 131.8 199.579.7 136.5 203.582.5 141.3 206.585.4 146.2 210.788.5 151.4 218.191.5 156.7 225.794.8 159.8 229.197.4 162.2 233.6100.0 167.9 241.8103.5 173.8 250.3107.2 179.9 254.1110.9  Page 25  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
26REVERSING THE OFFSETWhen you turn on the repeater offset, the HTX-400 uses the lastoffset direction you set. To change the offset direction, pressFUNC+REV. + appears in the display for a positive offset (thetransmit frequency is above the receive frequency) and – appearsfor a negative offset (the transmit frequency is below the receivefrequency).REVERSING THE TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE FREQUENCIESTo swap the input and output frequencies, press FUNC+PTT. Forexample, if you have set the radio to repeater operation on446.940 with a negative offset, the radio would normally receiveon 446.94 and transmit on 446.340 MHz. After you pressFUNC+PTT the radio will receive on 446.340 and transmit on446.940. This feature is useful if you want to determine whetheryou are close enough to another station to communicate on asimplex frequency. While the other station is transmitting, reversethe frequencies. If you can still hear the other station, you arehearing them directly and do not need to use the repeater.MELODY OPTIONSYour radio can alert the receiver you are transmitting to by start-ing that transmission with one of five selectable melodies. Youcan also set your radio to play that same melody to announce thatyou are receiving a transmission from a radio with the same set-tings as yours. This lets you use the CTCSS to keep the radio si-lent until the radio receives the CTCSS tone you have set. Then,receiving the tone triggers the audio and activates the receivealert  Page 26  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
27Using the Transmit Melody AlertFollow these steps to select a transmit melody.1. Turn on the radio. Make sure you are not in memory mode.2. Hold down FUNC and press T.SET four times. MEL  and anumber from 1 to 5 appear.3. Press   or   to display the number of the melody you wantto use. Each time you change the setting, the transceiversounds the selected melody.4. Press PTT to lock your setting and exit the menu.Your selection is stored even after you turn off the radio.To transmit the selected melody alert, press   while pressingPTT.Using the Receive Melody AlertTo have the transceiver play the selected transmit alert melodywhen it receives a call rotate SQ counterclockwise until you heara hissing sound. Then slowly rotate SQ clockwise just until thenoise stops. Turn off the radio then press   while you turn on theradio.  appears.The first time the radio receives a call, it plays the selected melo-dy and turns off the feature. To turn on the melody again, holddown   then turn off the radio and then on  Page 27  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
28SPECIAL FEATURESUSING THE SPECIAL FEATURESThe transceiver has several advanced features that give you ad-ditional control and convenience while using your transceiver.To set any of the features follow these steps. For detailed infor-mation on any feature, see its section on the following pages1. Turn off the transceiver then hold down FUNC. Turn on thetransceiver, then release FUNC. This accesses the specialfeatures menu.2. The transceiver displays the special feature settings in thisorder:Feature You seeFrequency Step — the increment by which you set to scan the 2-meter band.CSRepeater Offset — the difference between the repeater’s transmit and receive frequency.rPtPower Save — turns off power to the receiver section and conserves battery power.PSTime-Out Timer — limits your trans-mission time to a repeater in case you forget.totScan Delay Time — delays scan-ning restart time. SdTransmit Delay — prevents squelch tail noise t.dYBusy Channel Lockout — prevents transmitting while the radio is  Page 28  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
293. Press   or   to change the selected feature’s settings.4. To change to another feature setting, repeatedly pressFUNC+ or FUNC+ until you see that setting. Then repeatStep 3.5. To store all customized settings and return to the normaldisplay, press PTT.Frequency StepTo change the scanning frequency increment, with CS and a fre-quency step (such as.0100 for 10 kHz) displayed, press   or until you reach the desired setting. You can change the fre-quency step to 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz, 25 kHz,50 kHz, or 1 MHz. Repeater OffsetTo use a local repeater, once you have determined that repeat-er’s offset, press FUNC+ or FUNC+ until you see rPt andthe current offset frequency are displayed. Then press   or   toselect the desired frequency step.You can change the offset frequency from 0.0 Hz to 2 MHz (in 100kHz steps) or 8MHz. The normal offset for the 2-meter band is600 kHz (0.6 MHz).Note: Once you set the offset frequency, you can turn this featureon or off by pressing FUNC+SC while the transceiver is not in thememory or calling frequency mode.Power SaveThis feature lets the radio conserve battery power by turning offpower to the receiver section and periodically turning it on tocheck for a transmission. With PS and the current status (on oroFF) displayed, press   or   to turn this feature on or  Page 29  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
30Time-Out TimerWhen you communicate using repeaters, you should keep yourtransmissions as brief as possible. Most repeaters have built-intimers that limit single transmissions to 3 minutes or less. You canset the transceiver to stop transmitting and sound a beep if youexceed a set time limit with a single transmission.To select a value for the time-out timer, with tot and the currentsetting displayed, press   or   to choose a value from 0 to 990seconds.Scan Delay TimeIf during scanning you encounter a signal which stops, this fea-ture delays the continuation of scanning to allow time for the sig-nal to restart. With Sd and the current delay time shown, press or   to select the delay time (1 to 30 seconds).Transmit Delay TimeAll receivers make a noise called squelch tail, which is a briefnoise that your target receiver might produce the moment you re-lease the PTT button. This noise is generated when the transmit-ter’s carrier ceases and before the normal squelch takes over.Your radio’s transmit delay time feature lets transmitting continuefor an extra moment when you use the CTCSS tone squelch set-ting, to prevent the squelch tail noise. With t.dy and the current status displayed, press   or   to turnthis feature on or  Page 30  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
31Busy Channel LockoutThis feature sets the transceiver so you cannot transmit while itis receiving a signal. With the radio’s preset value bCLO oF dis-played, press   or   to change the display to bCLO oN and  turnthe feature on. Repeat this step to change the display back tobCLO oF and disable the lockout  Page 31  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
32TROUBLESHOOTINGIf your transceiver is not working as it should and it displays anerror message, these suggestions might help you eliminate theproblem. If the transceiver still does not operate properly, take itto your local RadioShack store for assistance.You see Possible Cause RemediesS-SHORT If the transceiver detects any fault in an external micro-phone connection, it automatically switch-es off power to the audio amplifier and displays S-SHORT to indicate a short cir-cuit.Remove the con-nected micro-phone and replace it or use the internal micro-phone.PLL-Error Indicates a PLL cir-cuit malfunction due to a defect in the VCO circuit or bias supply.Turn power off then on again. EEP-Error The EPROM infor-mation needs to be reset.Reset the trans-ceiver. See “Resetting the Transceiver” on Page  Page 32  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
33CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your RadioShack HTX-400 Mini Handheld 70cm FMAmateur Transceiver is an example of superior design andcraftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you carefor your transceiver so you can enjoy it for years.Keep the transceiver dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dryimmediately. Liquids might contain minerals thatcan corrode the electronic circuits.Use and store the transceiver only in normal tem-perature environments. Temperature extremescan shorten the life of electronic devices, dam-age batteries, and distort or melt plastic parts.Keep the transceiver away from dust and dirt,which can cause premature wear of parts.Handle the transceiver gently and carefully. Drop-ping it can damage circuit boards and cases andcan cause the transceiver to work improperly.Use only fresh batteries of the required size andrecommended type. Batteries can leak chemi-cals that damage your transceiver’s electronicparts.Wipe the transceiver with a damp cloth occasion-ally to keep it looking new. Do not use harshchemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong deter-gents to clean the transceiver.Modifying or tampering with the transceiver’s internal compo-nents can cause a malfunction and might invalidate its warran-ty and void your FCC authorization to operate it. If yourtransceiver is not performing as it should, take it to your localRadioShack store for assistance.  Page 33  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
34RESETTING THE TRANSCEIVERIf the transceiver’s display locks up or does not work properly af-ter you connect power, you might need to reset the transceiver.Caution: This procedure clears all the information you have pro-grammed into the transceiver. Before you reset the transceiver,try turning it off then on again to see if it begins working properly.To reset the transceiver, turn it off then hold down FUNC +MO andturn it on again. iniTial appears to confirm the reset opera-tion. Release  Page 34  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
35SPECIFICATIONSGENERALFrequency:RX .............................................................. 420–470 MHzTX ............................................................... 430–450 MHzFrequency Generation ..............................  PLL SynthesizerFrequency Stability ................................................  ± 5 ppmOperating Temperature .........  14° to 131° F (–10° to 55° C)Power Source ...............................................  DC 3.0V to 9VModulation .................................................................... F3EImpedance ..............................................................  50 ohmDimensions (HWD) ....................  2 1/4 × 3 3/8 × 1 1/16 inches  85 × 58 × 26.5 mmWeight (without batteries).............................. 4.2 oz (120 g)RECEIVERCircuit Type .................  Dual Conversion, SuperheterodyneIF Frequency:  1st IF ................................................................ 30.85 MHz  2nd IF ...................................................................  450 kHzSensitivity ........................................ 0.22 µV for 12 dB SNDSelectivity ...........................................................  50 dB Min.Spurious and Image Rejection ...........................  60 dB Min.Intermodulation ..................................................  60 dB Min.Distortion ............................................................  10% Max.S/N Ratio ...........................................................  40 dB Min.Audio Output @10%THD ................. 150 mW 16 Ohm, BTLTRANSMITTERPower Output .................... 200 mW, DC 3.0V/2W, DC 9.0VDistortion ....................................................................... 5%Deviation ................................................................. ± 5 kHzS/N Ratio.................................................................... 40 dBCurrent Drain........................................................... 800 mASpecifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifica-tions are subject to change and improvement without  Page 35  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM
03A99 Printed in KoreaLimited One-Year WarrantyThis product is warranted by RadioShack against manufacturing defects inmaterial and workmanship under normal use for one (1) year from the date ofpurchase from RadioShack company-owned stores and authorized Ra-dioShack franchisees and dealers. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, Ra-dioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TOTHE DURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINEDHEREIN. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack SHALL HAVE NOLIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PER-SON OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGECAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY USE OR PERFORMANCE OFTHE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WAR-RANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAMAGES RESULTINGFROM INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE,OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSE-QUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RadioShack HAS BEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the limitations on how long an implied warrantylasts or the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitations or exclusions may not apply to you.In the event of a product defect during the warranty period, take the productand the RadioShack sales receipt as proof of purchase date to any Ra-dioShack store. RadioShack will, at its option, unless otherwise provided bylaw: (a) correct the defect by product repair without charge for parts and la-bor; (b) replace the product with one of the same or similar design; or (c) re-fund the purchase price. All replaced parts and products, and products onwhich a refund is made, become the property of RadioShack. New or recon-ditioned parts and products may be used in the performance of warranty ser-vice. Repaired or replaced parts and products are warranted for theremainder of the original warranty period. You will be charged for repair or re-placement of the product made after the expiration of the warranty period.This warranty does not cover: (a) damage or failure caused by or attributableto acts of God, abuse, accident, misuse, improper or abnormal usage, failureto follow instructions, improper installation or maintenance, alteration, light-ning or other incidence of excess voltage or current; (b) any repairs otherthan those provided by a RadioShack Authorized Service Facility; (c) con-sumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosmetic damage; (e) transporta-tion, shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product removal, installation,set-up service adjustment or reinstallation.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have otherrights which vary from state to state.RadioShack Customer Relations, Dept. W,100 Throckmorton St., Suite 600, Fort Worth, TX 76102We Service What We Sell3/  Page 36  Friday, March 19, 1999  4:08 PM

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