Repeater Technologies OA19CL4 2 Channel Repeater User Manual 79562

Repeater Technologies Inc 2 Channel Repeater 79562



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Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

RepeaterNet Craft for the
OA 1 9000 NR
1150 Morse/Minus ' Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1505 ' USA '
550-3100-02, Revision B
RepeaterNet Software Version 2.1
August 1998
Tel,“ +1 405 747-1900 ' Fax: +1 408 74747375
0 1998 Repeater Technologies, Inc, All rights reserved
All figures, tables, and text in this manual are the property of Repeater Technologies. Inc.
This manual provides product. ordering, installation. testing, maintenance. and application information torthis
product This intorrnaticn is confidential: any unauthorized dupiication. distribution or electronic transfer oi the
materials to anyone other than Repeater Technologies’ authorized employees is forbidden.
By accepting this operations manual trom Repeater Technologiee. you agree to hold, in strictaet confidence the
materials and information herein, and not to use or to disclose this information to any person. firm or corporation,
without the express written permission ct Repeater Technologies, “Confidential Information" reters to any
Repeater Technologies proprietary information, technical data, know-how, product plans, products, services,
designs. drawings, hardware configuration information, and tables featured in this manual,
Repeater Technologies, Network Repeater, and RepeaterNet are trademarks of Repeater Technologies, inc.
Microsoft and andows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. other brands and their products are
trademarks or registered trademarks at their respective holders.
August 1 998
Revision 8
Corporate Headquarters
1150 Morse Avenue - Sunnyvale, CA 94303
Tel: (408) 747-1900 - (883) 747-1515 (USA and Canada)
Domestic Customer Service: (800) 938-1901
Fax: (408) 7470375 - www.repeaners.ccm
Chapter 1. Installing RepeatorNot
RepeaterNet Craft Software
Minimum System Requireme
Installation Procedure .............
Chapter 2. Repemmet Craft
Configuring the Repeater Connectlo
Starting Crafl ..........
0A1900C NR Crett Main Control Screen.
Status Reporting
Alarm Status R omng on the Main Control Screen.
Defining Alarm Severity ..................
Chapter 3. Configuring OA19000 NR Properties.
Front End Properties
Forward FE Tab
Reverse FE Tab .
Diversity FE Tab.
Diversity FE Gain Tab
Channel Properties .......
Channel Reverse PA Tab.
Channel Forwenj PA Tab.
Channel PA Control Tab
Channel Reverse Filter Ta
Channel Fomerd Filter Ta
owmommmflwwmmma Ul-h-hmeNN AAA-l
Channel 3 Tab.
Channel Gain T
ACU Properties ...... . 10
Inputs and Outputs. 10
ACU IIO Descriptions Tab
ACU llO Controls Tab
ACU Alarms Setting Ta
ACU DC Voltage Alarm Threshold Tab,
Modem Properties
Alarm Setting
Modem Setting
Pager Setting
Cell Phone Properties
Power Syslem Propeme
Backup Power System (UPS) Properties,
Chapter 4. Monitoring OMSDOC NR Status
Front End Statue,"
Channel Filter Status .
Channel PA Status.
PA Alarm Tab ..
PA Measurement Tab.
ACU Status ...................
ACU Alarm...
Modem Statue.
Cell Phone Status
Craft for the 0419006 NR Contents - Page iii
Power System Status,
UPS Status ..
Chapter 5. Rommel Commands
File Menu—OA19000 Craft ,,,,,,
Download Properties
Upload Properties...
Update Repeater Firmware
Configuration Menu—0A1QOOC NR Craft
System Menu—OA1900C NR Craft.
System Tab ...........
System Inventory Ta
Login Tab.......
Alarm and Event Log
Saving , Printing. and Editing the Log
Options Menu~OA1900C NR Crafl
Color Independent Icons
Alarm Sounds...
Hold Connection
Help Menu—OAtQOOC NR Cra
Navigating Help
Exiting RepeaterNet.
Appendix A. Default Alarm Settings ...........................
Appendix B. RopolhrNot Executable:
Appendix C. The Oki Cellular Phone
Accessing the OKI Cellular Phone
Programming the OKI Cellular Pho
Appendix D, Troubleshooting
Crafl for the OA19000 NR Contents - Page iv
Chapter 1. Installing RepeaterNet
This chapter briefly describes the components of the RepeaterNet software, identifies minimum
system requirements. and describes the installation procedure.
RepeaterNet Craft Software
The RepeaterNet Craft software (Craft) provides Windows 95- and Windows NT-based
configuration management and alarm monitoring for individual Repeater Technologies repeaters
and dynamically manages sessions in real time through one of these connections:
a A laptop computer with a direct connection to the repeaters—a technician can visit
repeater sites and connect to the repeaters directly using the serial port on the laptop.
z; A laptop or desktop computer with a modem connection to the repeater—with the modem
connection. a technician need not visit the physical repeater sites to connect to the
The Craft user intenaoe varies, depending upon the model repeater being configured or
NOTE: You must have Administrator pnvlledgo to install Craft 2.1 soltware when mnning
Mndows NT.
Minimum System Requirements
Craft system requirements includez
:> Pentium 120 MHz running Windows 95 with 32 MB ofmemery
: Approximately 10 MB of free disk space
:> Modem (its modem connection is to be used)
3 The Craft system must be used with Windows 95 with Service Pack 1 Update (Version
4.00.950 A) orlaler releases or Windows NT, Service Pack 3 Update.
: Use ‘Hayesmmpafible’ modems only. “Connect with Rockwell” certified for modems of
56K and above. US Robotics modems are not supported
r I! you use a fax program such as Microsoft Fax, make sure that the Auto Answer feature is
disabled. See Appendix D. Troubleshooting on page 33, Problem 7, for how to disable
Auto Answer for Microsoft Fax.
Installation Procedure
The OA19000 NR Craft software is distributed on 3 HD floppy disks. To install:
1. Insert Disk 1 in your a: drive.
2. From the Windows start menu, select Run.
3. Type filo-tup and click on OK.
4. Follow the online instructions to install the Craft software.
The Craft soitware comes with default configuration files, which you can download to your
repeater according to the repeater type and number of channels. This eliminates the need to
configure the properties manually. See Download Properties on page 22.
Craft for the GA 19000 NR Chapter 1. Installing RepeaterNet— Page 1
Chapter 2. RepeaterNet Craft
Configuring the Repeater Connection
You must use the RepeaterNot Craft Admin program to configure the connection to the repeater
before you can access the RepeaterNet Craft sottware. Follow this path from the Shrt menu to
invoke the RepeaterNet Administrator:
Start -> Program. -> Repeat-Met Craft 2.1 -> Repeat-Mot Cult Admln
When you invoke the Administrator. a window such as the tollowing is displayed:
You can save both Direct and Dial-Out (Modem)
configurations. but remember to assign a unique
COM Port Number to each Also, be sure to
check Use this connection for only one oi the
configurations. The connection checked is the
connection RepeaterNet Craft uses to connect to
the mmmr.
For example. you may assign the connection type
as Dine! through con Port 1. You can check
the UM this connection box to make this your
default configuration. Click on Save.
Next. you can save a Modern configuration to
another COM port, such as COM Port 2:
“rah Admm
1. Assign a COM Port Number that is different from the COM Port Number used tor Direct
2. Click on Save, then click on OK to exit RepeaterNet Admin.
Sta rti ng C raft
Double-click the Craft icon to display this window.
RepeaterNet connects to the repeater and d'splays
the Craft Main Control screen tor the OA1QOOC NR.
letforlhe 04419000 NR
Chapter 2, Repeater-Net Craft — Page 2
0A1900C NR Craft Main Control Screen
The Cratt Main Control screen provides access to all monitor and control functions of the
0A19000 Network Repeater (NR).
Main Control screen ioons (labeled on the following screen) provide access to subsystem status
screens and report alarms.
'- Unritled — Repeats-rue:
Bl- Lunlgurllou 5mm nylon- M
Forward Chan»! 1
Front End Forward
Chlnntl 1 Amnlmar
Forward Channol
Soloct Fillnr Chlmld 2
F rd
Channel 2 Fm
Fonnrd Amnllflnr
Chlnnll Sibel
Fm" Channel 1
Malta Chanml
Chlmnl 1 W Flltor
Rlvlm Rum From End
Divinity Front End
Charm-l 2
“2:3" Channel 1
"mum" lechlnml
8M Fllhr
Alarm Comml Modem Call Phone Power Buck-up Pow"
Unn supply
omsooc NR Cult Main Comml Sen-an
= All units are shipped with PAS fumed OFF as indicated by the PA OFF indicator (a circle
with a slash through it) displaying over each PA subsystem icon (FPA and RPA). PAs
should remain OFF until gain is adjusted.
: The Main Control screen displays differently depending on the hardware configuration 0!
the unit. For example, Channel 2 icons are grayed-out (unavailable) for a single-channel
Crall for the CA 19000 NR Chapter 2. RepsalarNel Cralr — Page 3
Confgure the 0A19OOC NR on subsystem Propertie- screens, which you can display from the
Clan Configuration menu.
The Configuration menu contains the tollowing:
Front End ..Forward. Reverse, and Diversity
Channel 1 vailable on all units
Channel 2 vailable on 2-channel units only
Alarm Con CU
Modern ....... nlemal or external modem option
Cellular phone Cellular option only
Pcmer System nput, battery. and internal
UPS .. . ackup power system
Status Reporting
Onoe you have configured the repeater, you can monitor and control repeater system functions on
subsystem status screens. Click a subsystem icon to open its status screen.
When an alarm is triggered. the subsystem icon changes appearance. blinks, and activates an
audible alarm, Clicking on the icon and viewing the subsystem status screen stops the blinking
and the audible alarm. The display 01 the icon does not revert to normal until the alarm condition
is cleared.
The display of the Forward PA and Reverse PA icons also indicate the operational status oi the
PAs. Ifa PA is OFF, a circle with a slash is displayed overthe associated icon.
When RepeaterNet displays a subsystem as disabled. that subsystem is not available to the
repeater. For example, in repeaters without a cellular phone, the cellular icon is displayed in light
Alarm Status Reporting on the Main Control Screen
RepeaterNet uses a color system to report subsystem alarm status on the Main Control screen.
The meanings of the colors. and color independent icons. is shown in the following table.
Subsystem Alarm Status Action
Normal— No Alarm
System Not Available Light Gray
‘ When all alarms in an individual subsystem are disabled or set to event severity. the icon
color displays in dark gray.
Craft forthe OA1900C: NR Chapter 2. RepeaterNet Craft — Page 4
When an alarm is triggered, the icon color of the attected subsystem changes from green
(normal) to the color of the alarm definition, and the icon blinks.
RepeaterNet also offers two optional alarm features:
2 Color independent Icons is provided for operators unable to distinguish colors
3 Alarm Sounds adds an audible alarm
Should more than one alarm within an individual subsystem be triggered, the higher severity
alarm is reported on the Main Control screen.
For example, it both a major and a minor Reverse PA alarm triggers, a yellow subsystem icon is
reported If the major alarm is cleared while the minor alarm remains active. a blue subsystem
icon is reported. Color-independent icons also report the higher severity alarm. should more than
one alarm on an individual subsystem be triggered,
NOTE: When an subsystem alarm is triggered, click the icon {to open the status screen) to
terminate the icon blinking feature and silence the audible alarm. Icon color continues to
report and a color independent icon (if applicable) continues to display until the alarm is
cleared. Color reporting does not apply to subsystems set to Event severity.
Defining Alarm Severity
The OA1900C NR is factory-configured with a standard set at alarm severity settings, Adjust
alarm severity on the subsystem Properties screens. See Chapter 3. Configuring OA1900C
NR Properties on page 6 tor more information about alarm severity and the factory configuration.
The levels of alarm severity are:
:> Critical
=> Major
=> Minor
:> Event
:> Disabled
To define alarm severity:
1. Login to a session with the repeater.
2. Select Configuration from the Main Control menu bar. then select a subsystem to open its
Properties screen. For example, select Configuration -> Channel 1.
The Alarm. tab is displayed.
3. Click the down-arrow next to an Alarm field to select a new alarm severity
4. Click Apply or OK,
Chill for he OA1900C NR Chapter 2. RepeaterNat Craft — Page 5
Chapter 3. Configuring 0A19000 NR Properties
Use the subsystem Properties screens to perform configuration of the repeater. To open 8
Properties screen. select a subsystem from the Configuration menu.
Front End
Channel 1
Channel 2
Alarm Control Unit
Cellular Phone
Power System
The Properties screens display labs specific to each subsystem. Some subsystem Properties
screens include labs for redefining alarm severity and specifying operational settings; others have
a single tab for redefining alarm severity.
Configuration includes:
:> Redefining alarm seventy W“ law—Kl MKiMFEE-rl
=> Specifying operational settings
for the repeater M-mP-a- Min-
Front End Properties
The Front End Proportion screen lets
you configure the ant End subsystems,
This screen includes tabs that let you set
the alarm severity for:
=> Forward FE
: Reverse FE
=> Diversity FE
:lv‘lt End
Forward FE Tab r-u-drx Mi|mrs|mrtml
The Forward FE tab lets you setthe
alarm severity of the Forward FE alarm.
The Fonrvard FE alarm is activated when
the forward signal power level is too
strong and is being attenuated to protect
the repeater from possible damage.
NOTE: Do not adjust power amplifier gain
while this alarm is active.
Reverse FE Tab
The Reverse FE tab lets you set the alarm
severity of the Reverse FE alarm. The
Reverse FE alarm is activated when the reverse signal power level is too strong and is being
attenuated to protect the repeater from possible damage.
NOTE: Do not adjust power amplifier gain while this alarm is active,
Craft for the 0A 1900C NR Chapter 3. Configuring OA19000 Properties - Page 6
Diversity FE Tab
The Diversity FE tab lets you set the
alarm severity ofthe Diversity FE Alarm Mil WK hi"“’*||’*--iz'Fifi-"l
and setthe gain ot the Diversity receiver.
The Diversity FE alarm is activated when
the Diversity Receive signal power level is
too strong and is being attenuated to
protect the repeater from possible
Front End
Pm u'm
NOTE: Do not adjust power amplifier gain
while {his alarm is active.
Diversity FE Gain Tab
Gain must be carefully balanced in any
application to ensure proper hand-off and system operation. Note that RepeaterNet detects the
configuration of the repeater and displays the applicable gain range on the Diversity FE Gain tab.
You can adjust the Diversity FE gain. The adjustable gain range depends upon the type of
repeater you are using and the power level of the power amplifiers.
To adjust Diversity FE gain: ml?“—
1. Select Configuration ->Front End to mm] Ran-FEI mam mmw|
open the Front End Properties screen.
Click the Dlverllty FE Glln tab.
3 Click-drag the horizontal sliders to
define forward and reverse gain.
noting that gain adjusts in 2 dB
increments. The gain value box
(centered under slider) displays
selected gain.
4. Click Apply or 0K.
Channel Properties
From the Main Control screen menu bar.
select Channel 1 or Channel 2 (for Zmannel units only) to open a Channel Properties screen.
Channel properties include:
Reverse PA
Forward PA
PA Control
Reverse Filter
Forward Filter
Channel it
Craft for the OA1900€ NR Chapter 3. Configuring OA19000 Properties - Page 7
Channel Reverse PA Tab
The Reverse PA flb shows the most recent
alarm state, including severity, date, and
time, for these alarms:
PA Alarm
Indicates a component failure in the
power amplifier, the repeater is
VSWR Alarm
Indiutes a problem with the Voltage to
Standing Wave Ratio.
Thermal Alarm
Indicates the system temperature has
exceeded the alarm threshold. The
repeater has been shut down. When
the temperature falls below subsystem
tolerances, the repeater automatically readivates die PA.
External shutdown Alarm
Indicates thatthe repeater has been shut down by a user, also activates one RPA alarm.
Channel rpmpmns
Redefine alarm severity for the Raven. PA subsystem on this tab.
1. Click the down~arrow next to an Alarm field to select a new alarm severity.
2. Click Apply or 0K.
See Forward PA for a sample screen.
Channel Forward PA Tab
The Forward PA tab shows the most recent alamr suite, including severity. date. and time, for
these alarms:
PA Alarm .
Indicates a component failure in the ”‘WE‘ l p"°”""“
power amplifier; the repeater is lbw-m Mm|nr¢u|hm|rmm|m¢u
VSWR Alam- mime...“
Indicates a problem with the Voltage to mm mun-una-
Standing Wave Ratio. M“ E‘SW‘MM‘
Thermal Alarm
Indicates the system temperature has
enceeded the alarm threshold. The
repeater has been shut down. When the
temperature falls below subsystem
tolerances. the repeater automatically
reactivates the PA.
External shutdown Alarm
indicates that the repeater has been shut
down by a user; also activates one RPA alarm.
Redefine alarm severity tor the Forward PA subsystem on this tab.
1. Click the down-arrow next to an Alarm field to select a new alarm severity.
2. Click Apply or UK
Craft for fire OA190OC NR Chapter 3. Configuring CA 19000 Properties — Page 8
Channel PA Control Tab
The PA Control tab provides a switch to him
PA power ON or OFF
1. Click on ON or OFF in the PA Power box
to change the value.
2 Click Apply or OK for the setting to take
thr‘ng—l r Pmpemes
Channel Reverse Filter Tab
This tab displays the most recent alarm state
for a single channel select filter alarm A
failure in the Reverse Filter assembly triggers
an alarm and the filter becomes inoperative.
Redefine alarm severity for the Reverse
Filter subsystem on this tab.
1. Click the down-arrow next to an Alarm
field to seleq a new alarm severity.
2, Click Apply or OK
Values are Disabled Event, Minor, Major,
and Critical,
See Fomrd Filter for a screen example,
Channel Forward Filter Tab
This tab displays the most recent alarm state
tor a single channel select filter alarm. A
failure in the Forward Filter assembly triggers
an alarm and the filter becomes inoperative.
Redefine alarm severity for the Forward
Filter subsystem on this tab,
1. Click the down~arrow next to an Alarm
field to select a new alarm severity
2. Click Apply or 0K.
Values are Disabled, Event. Minor, Major,
and Critical.
Channel it Tab
The Channel # tab lets you set the operating
channel or band for Channel 1 or Channel 2,
Once you select a channel, the
corresponding frequencies are displayed.
Consult your network administrator or the
system Site Plan for the proper channel or
band setting,
Crafl‘ for the OA19000 NR Chapter 3, Configuring 0A19000 Properties — Page 9
Channel Gain Tab
Repeater-Net detects the configuration of
the repeater and displays the applicable
gain range on the Gain tab. You can
adjust Forward and Reverse gain tor the
selected channel.
The adjustable gain range depends upon
the type of repeater you are using and the
power level otthe power amplifiers.
RepeaterNet limits gain adjustment to
valid selections only
NOTE: Set gain for the Diversity Receiver
on the Diversity FE tab of the
Front End Properties screen.
Gain must be carefully balanced in any
application to ensure proper hand-oft and system operation,
p June 4 Pin-if! es
To adjust Forward PA or Reverse PA gain:
1. Select Configuration ochannol 1 or channel 2 to open the Channel Properties screen.
2. Click the Glin tab.
3. Click-drag the horizontal sliders to define forward and reverse gain, noting that gain adjusts in
2 dB increments. The gain value box (centered under each slider) displays selected gain.
4. Click Apply or OR.
ACU Properties
Select Alarm Corrupt Unlt from the Main Control screen Configuratlon menu to open the ACU
Proportion sween. This screen includes tables for IIO Ducriptlons, IIO control, Alarml, and
Dc Voltage Alarm Threshold
The ACU subsystem provides alarm and control functions for the repeater. The ACU monitors all
the repeater subsystems and reports status to a connection device or to remote devices through a
dial-up modem connection. In addition to monitoring the repeater system, the ACU contains a
number of external inpum and outputs to monitor and control external devices.
Inputs and Outputs
RepeaterNet lets you monitor two digital alarm inputs and one DC voltage input from extremal
devices. You also an activate up to tour external devlces with two relay outputs and two digital
NOTE: Alarm settings for digital input 1 and digital input 2 are initially set to Disabled.
The inputs and outputs are as follows:
Rot-y Output: 1 and 2
The two relay outputs are configured with three leads in a Form C Contact Closure, with
normally dosed and common connectors closed with the switch in the OFF position and
normally open and common connectors closed with the swltch in the ON position.
Gran for the omsooc NR Chapter 3. Configuring omsooc Properties - Page 10
Digital Outputs 1 and 2
The two digital outputs each have two
leads that provide an opto—isolated
circuit that presents a low impedance
connection when the switch is in the
ON position and a high impedance
connection when the switch is in the
OFF position.
Digital Input: 1 and 2
The two digital inputs each have leads
that generate an alarm condition if the
leads form a low impedance circuit (a
closed contact), and a clear condition it
the leads form a high impedance circuit
(an open circuit).
For infomiation about connecting inputs
and outputs to the repeater. see the
GA 19000 NR Operations Manual.
ACU I/O Descriptions Tab
Label external equipment connected to the
repeaters inputs and outputs using the IIO
Descriptions tab. External equipment could
be a security light or any other site
To add IIO Descriptions:
1. Select ConfigurationoAlarm Control
Unit to open the ACU Propem'es screen.
The MO Descriptions tab is active.
2. Provide IIO Descriptions in available data
3. Click Apply or OK,
ACU I/O Controls Tab
The IIO Controls tab contains switches to
turn Relay Outputs and Digital Outputs for
channels 1 and 2 ON or OFF.
See inputs and Output: on page 10.
ACU Alarms Setting Tab
Redefine alarm severity for ACU
subsystems on the Alarm: Settings tab.
1. Click the down-arrow next to an Alarm
field to select a new alarm severity.
2. Click Apply or OK.
Values are Disabled . Event, Minor, Major,
and Critical,
Hint: [M— W [an-T
m2 [w— ga- pm.—
.flla'fl‘ Zorvtrol um: Properties
Craflfolfhe OA19OOC NR
Chapter 3. Configuring 0A19006 Properties - Page 11
ACU DC Voltage Alarm Threshold Tab
RepeaterNet can monitor an external DC voltage power source (a battery) in a range or 0 to 60
volts in 250 mV increments. In addition to monitoring the voltage level, you can define upper and
lower limits for the voltage that is to activate the Dc Voltage alarm in the ACU subsystem.
M°nitor the voltage eta DC power source llarm Como] Unit Properties
(supplied by you) used to pcmer extemal
site equipment using the Dc Voltage
Alarm Threshold lab. An alarm is triggered
if the voltage fluctuates from a defined Wfim'flmw'fi‘fi'"w°‘
operating range. acm-
To define an operating range for DC 1" |° 3-
voltage: 9-— H
1. Select ConfiguntionOAlann Control
Unit to open the ACU Properties
2. Click the DC Voltage Alarm
Threshold tab.
3. Define (type in or arrow-click) the
normal operating range for the DC power source in the Len Then and Greater Than data
4. Click Apply or OK.
Modem Properties
From the Main Control screen menu bar, select Conflguntionolllodom to open the Modern
Properties screen This screen has two tabs:
Alarm Setting
Lets you set the alarm severity lor the Modem alarm. This alarm indicates a failure of the
internal modern.
Modem Setting Modem Prat-antes
Lets you define the port settings for the M“, | Natl-MI P—s-nl
internal or external modem.
Pager Setting Mum
Lets you configure a pager to be notified
when a certain severity level alarm
Alarm Setting
Use the Alarm Setting tab to redefine alarm
severity for the repeaters modem.
1. Click the down-arrow next to an Alarm
field to select a new alarm severity.
2. Click Apply or OK.
Values are Disabled. Event. Minor, Maior, and Critical.
Call for the OA19000 NR Chapter 3. Configuring OA1QOOC Properties — Page 12
Modem Setting
Define modem settings for the repeaters modern using the Modem Properties tab.
To define modern settings: amen pm.
1. Select Modem from the Main Control fins- “films-u!
screen Configuration menu to open the ’
Modem Properties screen,
2. Click the Modem Settings tab.
Define the Setup string, Phone
Number. and Call Attempts.
Setup Strlng is reserved tor configuring
a cell phone or modem.
NOTE: The cell phone setup string is 537=6
Phone Number is the phone number of a
remote computer to be called, This value
is 0 unless you are using RepeaterNet
Network Management software or other network management software
Call Attempts is the number of callout attempts before disconnecting; a zero (0) disables
4. Click Apply or OK.
Changes made to the default settings on the Modem Properties screen take effect upon exiting
Note the following about modern settings:
:> Baud Rate is adjusted automatically downwards by the modem when necessary
a Parity must be set the same as the computers modem
:> Data Blh must be set the same as the computers modem
:> Dlnl Type usually is Tom
In addition:
:> If you configure a repeater to automatically call out and report alarm status, the repeater COM
port settings must match the settings of the modem to be called,
=~ For users to log in to the repeater with a modem, the port settings at their computer‘s modem
(defined in the configuration file) must match the settings of the repeater modem.
:: If the repeater is equipped with an internal modem. the setup string is controlled automatically
by the repeaters hardware. If the repeater is connected to an extemel modern, consult the
modem’s documentation for the setup string.
= Changes you make to the default settings on the Modem Properties screen take effect upon
exiting RepeaterNet.
Clan for the OA19000 NR Chaplar 3. Configuring 01419000 Properties - Page 13
Pager Setting
Vou can set RepeaterNet to send out a page when a
certain severity level alarm occurs with the Pager
lei-saunas.- rq-s‘ml
Setting tab. r-m- |—"‘—nmwm_
A page is generated it the summary alarm severity is
greater than or equal to the Minimum Severity you
select. When a page request is detected, the repeater
terminates any current modem connection and
generates a page, The page format consists oi the
repeater number followed by the severity level; for
example, 123456-2,
If a change in the current alarm severity is detected.
can—t [x—
mm W‘—
note the following:
if the Minimum Severity is set to Major and a Major alarm comes in, a page with a severity of
2 is generated.
It a Critical alarm is detected, page is generated again with a severity of 3 (Critical plus Major).
if the Major alarm is cleared but the Critical alarm remains, a page is generated with a severity
of 1 (Critical)
tithe Critical alarm is cleared, a page is generated with a severity of 0.
ti a Minor aiarrn is detected, no page is generated because the Minimum Severity is set to
Events do not generate a page.
Severity numbers are:
No Alanna 0 Minor 4
Critical 1 Critical + Minor 5
Major 2 Major + Minor 6
Critical + Major 3 Critical + Major + Minor 7
To set a pager
Click on the Pager Setting tab of the Modem Properties screen.
Enter the Paper Number, the number of times RepeaterNet should attempt to call the pager
number (Cali Attempts), and the number of the repeater (Repeater Number).
The Paper Number is the phone number to be called. This reflects the pager phone number,
including networtring access number (9), 1, and area code (if needed). Access the network dial
number and wait 5 seconds before sending the page sequence.
Several commas must toilow the phone number—each comma generates a delay of 1 second.
Generaiiy, it takes about 3 seconds tor the pager company to pick up the line, and a maximum of
5 seconds before they drop the connection. A good delay would be 5 seconds. in which case you
would add 5 commas; for example, 9 1 (we) 555-1212,.,,, . Spaces, dashes, and parentheses
are ignored.
Enter the Call Attempts. which are the number of retry calls to be attempted. A value of 0 in this
field disables paging.
Enter the Repeater Number (a system identification number or description).
Select the minimum alarm severity for paging. Values can be Critical, Major, or Minor.
Click on Apply to set the values without exiting the properties screen; click on OK to set the
values and exit.
Craft for the 0A19000 NR Chapter 3 Configuring 0A19OOC Properties — Page 14
Cell Phone Properties
From the Main Control screen Configuration
menu, select Cellular Phone to open the Cell
Phone Properties screen.
The Alanna tab lets you set the alarm severity
for the Cellular Alarm. This alarm indicates a
failure of a cellular phone.
To change alarm severity:
1. Click the dawn-arrow next to an Alarm
field to select a new alarm severity.
2. Click Apply or 0K.
Severity levels include Disabled, Event. Minor. Major, and Critical.
NOTE: This severity should be minor, The Cell Phone alarm is generated when the cell phone fails
to report an alarm after all retry attempts by either the modem or the pager. This alarm clears
when the cell phone succeeds in reporting an alarm.
When there is no cell phone, the Cell Properties selection is disabled.
Power System Properties
From the Main Control screen Configuration ' m “r" rs
menu, select Power Syltam to open the
Power System Proportion screen. This
screen lets you access initial configuration mmnasmpwmm
' mam-n rs m the
settings for the power subsystem. pg Emma” un-
Redefine alarm severity for Power systems
using the Alamo tab.
1, Click the down~arrow next to an Alarm
field to select a new alarm severity.
2. Click Apply or OK.
Values are Diublad, Event, Minor,
Major, and Critical.
The Alarm Settings tab lets you set the alarm seventy of the following alarms:
Input Power Alarm
The input power to the repeater is out of system tolerances.
Power Supply Alarm
The internal system power at the repeater is out at tolerances.
Battery Alarm
The voltage at the internal battery is below tolerances. This battery supplies power to the
ACU, modern, and cell phone in the event of a system power tailure, letting the repeater call
out and report its status. It also supplies power to the memory that stores the Alarm and
Event Log.
Battery Charger Alan-n
The internal battery charger is not charging the internal battery,
NOTE: The internal battery does not provide power for RF components and the repeater m'll not
be able to provide RF coverage during a power failure.
Craft tor the 01419006 NR Chapter 3. Configuring 0A19000 Properties — Page 15
Backup Power System (UPS) Properties
The UPS Properties screen lets you access initial configuration settings for the optional, external
backup power supply.
From the Main Control screen menu bar,
select Configuration -> UPS to open
the UPS Properties screen.
Redefine alarm severity for backup
power systems using the Alanna manna-mm;-
Satfing lab. Dun-ramm-
IJPS Smmfim
1. Click the down—arrow next to an """“""”“"
Alarrh field to select a new alarm
2. Click Apply or 0K.
Values are Disabled. Event, Minor.
Major, and Critical.
You can set the severity for the tollowing alarms:
AC Fall Alarm
Indicates that the input power to the BUPS has failed. In this case, the BUPS provides 40 or
80 amp-hours (depending upon which BUPS model is installed) at backup power for the
repeater before shutdown. (The AC source powers the charger.)
Battery Low Alarm
Indicates that battery voltage of the BUPS is below operating tolerances and the BUPS
cannot power the repeater.
Battary High Alarm
indicates that battery voltage of the BUPS is above operating tolerances and the BUPS
cannot power the repeater.
Charge Fall Alarm
Indicates that the internal charger of the BUPS has failed and the BUPS is unable to
recharge its batteries.
Summary Alarm
Indicates that one or more of the BUPS alarms have been triggered.
Tamper Alarm
Indicates that the door of the BUPS is open.
Cram for the 0419000 NR Chapter 3. Configuring OA19000 Properties — Page 16
Chapter 4. Monitoring 0A1900C NR Status
Monitor and control repeater system functions on subsystem status screens. Click a subsystem
icon to open its status screen.
Each Status screen includes one or more otthe following tabs:
Reports present subsystem alarm states, with date and time stamps.
Reports power and operational temperature measurements, including Low and High values.
A Reset Low/High button resets values.
Reports present voltages for a subsystem.
Includes ON/OFF switches for internal and external subsystem hardware.
Status screens for the 0A19000 NR are:
=> FrontEnd Status
2 Channel Status
0 Filter Status (Fonrrard and Reverse)
0 PA Status (Forward and Reverse)
Alarm Control Unit (ACU) Status
Modern Status
Cellular Phone Status
Power System Status
UPS Status
Front End Status
Click an FFE (Forward Front End) icon to display the Front End sums screen. The Front End
Status screen Alarm tab reports these
Forward FE alarm
Activated when the forward signal
power level is too strong and is
being attenuated to protect the
repeater from possible damage.
Raver“ FE alarm
Activated when the reverse signal
power level is too strong and is
being attenuated to protect the
repeater from possible damages.
Crafi for the OA1900€ NR Chapter 4. Monitoring OA19000 NR Status — Page 17
Diversity FE alarm
Activated when the Diversity Receive
signal power level is too strong and is
being attenuated to protect the repeater
from possible damage.
Channel Filter Status
Click a Channel 1 or Channel 2 filter icon
(sine waves) to open a filter Stems screen,
which reports a CSF1 Forward Alarm
(Forward Filter) and CSF1 Reverse Alarm
(Reverse Filter) with date and time
stamps. A failure in the Reverse or
Forward filter assembly triggers an alarm.
Channel PA Status
Click a Channel 1 or Channel 2 FPA or
RPA icon to open a PA Status screen.
PA Alarm Tab
The PA Alarms tab reports subsystem
alarms with date and time stamps: A
failure in the Forward or Reverse PA
assembly triggers an alarm.
PA Measurement Tab
The Channel 1 and Channel 2 PA
Measurement tabs reports the output
power 01 the repeater. including low and
high output values. To reset low and high
ou1pul values, click Reset Low/High.
ACU Status
Click the ACU icon to opEn the ACU Statue
screen. There are two tabs—Alan“ and
Craft forms OA19000 NR Chapter 4. Monitoring 01419000 NR Status — Page 16
ACU Alarm
The Alarm tab reports subsystem alarms
with date and time stamps. A failure in the
ACU assembly triggers an alarm.
The ACU alarms include:
Emmll Input Alarms (1 and 2)
An alarm generated from optional.
external equipment.
Temperature Alarm
The system temperature threshold has
been exceeded.
Tamper Alarm
The repeater door is open.
Analog Input Alarm
The upper or lower limits for monitoring
of the analog input DC voltage source
have been exceeded.
The Measurement tab reports current, low,
and high system temperature and DC
voltage source values. Click on the Reset
LowIHigh button to reset the low and high
Modem Status
Click the Modem icon to open the 0.
Modern Status screen. which reports a “W “5“ “m5”
modem alarm with a date and time
smmp. Intemel modem component
failure triggers an alarm.
Cell Phone Status
Click the Cell Phone icon to open the
Cell Phone Status screen, which reports
a Cell Phone Alarm with a date and time
stamp. Internal cellular phone component
failure triggers an alarm.
MAJ—M mum mum»
Cran for ”19 CA 19006 NR Chapter 4. Monitoring OA1QOOC NR Status — Page 19
Power System Status
Click the Power icon to open the Power System status screen. This screen allows access to
monitoring and operating tasks for the repeaters power subsystem.
The Alarm- tab reports the status
of the following alarms with KW” (”m
severity, date, and time information
for each:
l~' mam
Input Power Alarm nu" mm, in mmmm
Indicates the input power to the “’ 2" ”3“ “mm"
repeater is out of tolerances.
Power Supply Alarm
Indicates system power of the
repeater is out of tolerances.
5mm Alarm
Indicates the voltage of the
internal battery is out of
tolerances. This battery supplies power to the ACU, modem, and cellular phone in the event
of a system power failure, letting the repeater call out and report its status, It also supplies
power to the memory that stores the Alarm and Event Log.
Battery Charger Alarm
Indicates that the intemal battery charger is not charging the internal battery.
NOTE. The inlemel battery does not provide power for RF components and the repeater will not
be able to provide RF coverage during a power failure.
The Voltages tab shows the current
power values for Battery Volts,
Channel 1 PA Volts, and Channel 2 PA
Craft for the 01119000 NR Chapter 4. Monitoring OA1900€ NR Status — Page 20
UPS Status
The UPS Status screen allows access monitoring of the optional, external backup power supply.
This screen includes an Alarm: tab. which displays the alarm status of the following alen-ns:
AC Fail Alarm
Indicates that the input power to the
BUPS has failed. In this case, the
BUPS provides 40 or 80 amp-hours
(depending upon which BUPS model . . s
is installed) of backup power for the ' "we"!
repeater before shutdown. (The AC , mint-am
source powers the charger.) _ §§§§
Battery Low Alarm
India-tee that battery voltage of the
BUPS is below nperating tolerances
and the BUPS cannot power the
Battery High Alarm
Indicates that battery voltage of the BUPS is above operating tolerances and the BUPS
cannot power the repeatert
Charge Fall Alarm
Indicates that the intemal charger of the BUPS has failed and the BUPS is unable to
recharge its batteries
Summary Alarm
Indicates that one or more of the BUPS alarms have been triggered.
Tamper Alarm
Indicates that the door at the BUPS is open,
Craft for the OA1900C NR Chapter 4 Monitoring OA19000 NR Status — Page 21
Chapter 5. RepeaterNet Commands
Commands available from the 0A1aooc NR Main Control screen's menu bar are described in this
File Men u—0A1900C Craft
Open the Main Control screen File menu to display the RepeaterNet commands described in this
Download Properties
You (an download all settings previously uploaded to a repeater with the Download Properties
commend. You can use Download Properties to:
=> Download the default configuration file distributed with your Craft sottware to avoid having to
manually configure each setting.
= if you have used the Upload Propordea command to store repeater configuration settings,
The following preset configuration files are distributed with RepeaterNet Craft installation software
and can be found by following this path:
Program Files -> Repeater Technologln -> Rnput-rN-t Craft 2.1 -> Conflg Flies
Configuration File Configuration
OA1900€_2_Chan_NMSvrct 0A19OOC repeater without modem or phone
0A1900C_2_Chan_ModemPhoneNMS ref 0A19OOC repeater with modem or phone
To download settings to a repeater using the standard repeater configuration file:
1. From the Craft Main Control File menu. select Download Properties; a confirmation box is
displayed to give you an opportunity to
change your mind about the download
2. Click on OK to proceed; in Select file to
moon box is displayed.
3. Select the repeater configuration file
whose properties you want to
4. Click on Open to proceed with the
54,5”grove-mu,—repmerpropemesrmm [IE
Upload Properties
System settings are stored in a repeater configuration (rot) file, which you can use to download all
settings from one repeater to additional repeaters in a network, or to configure a replacement unit.
Once you have configured a repeater, you can upload the configuration from that repeater to your
workstation with the Upload Properties command. You then can use the Download Properties
command to copy the configuration to individual repeaters in your network.
Craft for the 0A1900C NR Chapter 5, Repeatemlst Commands - Page 22
To upload system settings and create a
repeater configuration file: awn t mu; m nus repeater prawns, m
1. Select a repeater and open Craft. m" lawsu 3 El El E2]
2, Select FIle->Upload Properties to we
open the Select a file to save
repeater properties to dialog box.
3. Enter a name for the file without a file
extension. An mt extension is added
automatically to the file name; for
example, filenamech.
Click Save to initiate the upload.
Click OK when the upload is
Save a copy of the repeater configuration file on a floppy disk for safekeeping.
:> When you create a backup file, be aware that Repeater Configuration (ref) files created
using a Network Monitor Iogin include IDs and passwords.
=> The Repeater Configuration (ml) file is saved in the RepeaterNel program directory
Update Repeater Firmware
Select a File to sose repeater properties to
Install a firmware upgrade with the
Update Repeater Flrmware command,
Note that firmware updates are sent
automatically to the desrgnated point of
contact tor every affected owner of the
repeater. Update packages are sent using
ovemight delivery and include a detailed
notice, a floppy disk. and installation
instructions. Any questions oonoeming the an... rfi‘“ -s.-.
update should be directed to the Repeater Sm," W E
Technologies Customer Service 1-
Department m'm
To install a firmware upgrade:
1. Read documentation provided with the
firmware upgrade. - t rm.” ”lie to download re the resent-er ma
2. Login to a session with the repeater to be ' arms 21 3' El] Ffl Efl
3. Insert the upgrade disk into the computer‘s
floppy drive.
4. From the Main Control screen menu bar,
select FlleoUpdata Repeater Firmware.
An Open dialog box is displayed to let you
save the repeaters configuration. You can
choose to select a file into which the
configuration should be saved, or click on
Cancel to proceed with the firmware update
Craft for the OA1QOOC NR Chapter 5. RepeaterNet Commands — Page 23
- To save the configuration and continue with the firmware update, select an rot file
and click Open.
— if you do not want to save the repeater configuration, click on Cancel.
— Clicking Open or Cancel causes the upload operation to proceed; an
Uploading Repeater window displays the progress of the upload.
5. When the upload is complete, the Select a fin'rwlare file to download to the repeater box is
displayed In the Look In box, select the drive in which the upload disk is located.
6. Doubledick the upgrade file. It is labeled with an Joe extension—for example, filenamssas.
The previous firmware version is overwritten.
7. When the upgrade is complete. the repeaters configuration is restored automatically from the
tile you chose in the Open dialog.
The Exit command ends an active session with RepeaterNet and returns to the Welcome screen.
Configuration Menu—OA19000 NR Craft
Initial configuration of the repeater is done from the Configuration menu commands. See
Chapter 4. Configuring OMSOOC NR Properties on page G for detailed information.
System Menu—OA1900C NR Craft
Open the System menu to display the Properties and Alarm and Event Log commands
described in this section.
Select Properties from the System menu to open the System Properties screen.
NOTE: When the repeateris on a network, the system name musl be entered to match that at
the Network Management Station in order for unsolicited alarms to be mnized,
System Tab
The System tab includes data fields for storing sitespecific information—the system name (name
of the repeater), brief site information (such as a network name or city location), and the repeater
phone number for a repeater with a modem option.
Entering summary data on the System Tab. .
although optional, is recommended. As a st-Is—n—Imlu‘nl
minimum, type a name for the repeater in the
System Name field: during automatic reporting,
the repeater name is displayed in the title bar of
the Main Control screen, identifying the selected
To record system data:
1. Type required information in the data fields.
2 Click Apply or OK.
Craft for the 01119006 NR Chapter 5, RepeaterNet Commands — Page 24
System inventory Tab
The System Inventory tab includes data fields that provide information about the repeater to
which you are connected. RepeaterNet reads this information directly from the repeater upon
successful Icgin.
These intormationwnty fields are described
as follows:
Assembly Part Number
The part number of the repeater (tor
example, 0901200419).
Serial Number
The 9-digit serial number of the
Date Code
The date the repeater was built,
t/srem rmpemes
Hardware Revision
The repeater hardware revision (such
as Rev. A).
Boot Code Version
The version at the boot code installed in the repeater.
Installed Option-
Optional internal equipment in the repeater (such as a cell phone).
Firmware Version
The firmware version installed in the repeater,
Login Tab
The Login tab includes fields to type in login IDs and passwords and to configure the Auto-Logout
In the Aquogout inactivity Time field, define how long RepeaterNet should wait, during a
period of inactivity. before terminating a session. A time interval in minutes between 1 and 60 can
be defined independently for each access level. If you enter a zero in a time field, this feature is
NOTE: When the repeater is part of a
network, the time field must be zero
To change a login ID or password: WU" “i” "M m
1. Login to the repeater (as an on Du" 1m ° 3-
administrator). Hm Fir—mou— [or m
2. Select Properties... from the System in" i 3.
3. Clickttie Login tab.
4. Type the new login D or password (using
six or fewer characters) into the
appropriate fields.
5, Write down login le and passwords and
secure in a safe place.
Craft for the OA1SOOC NR Chapter 5. RepeateflVet Commands — Page 25
6. Click Apply or OK to set the new information.
7. Notify attested operators of ID and password changes.
NOTE: When the repeater is networked, this information also must reside in the NMS Database.
Alarm and Event Log
Open the Alarm and Event Log from the System menu to view the alarm and event history oi
the CM 900 NR. The log is dynamically updated during viewing.
Line entries in the Alarm and Event Log are organized as follows:
1, Subsystem affected by an alarm or event
2. Alarm severity
3. Date and time stamp
Saving , Printing, and Editing the Log
Alarm and Event Log entries can be printed, saved. or edited using Notepad. Click on Run
Notepad; a copy of the Alarm and Event Log is displayed in a Notepad window, in which you can
edit the log. To print or save the log. select Print or Save as... from the Notepad File menu.
Options Menu—0A1SOOC NR Craft
Open the Options menu to display the Color Independent Icons and Alarm Sounds
RepeaterNet commands.
Color Independent Icons
Color Independent loans are special graphic indicators designed to assist operators unable to
distinguish colors. As part at the alarm reporting system, Color independent loons display on the
Main Control screen for a Critical, Major, or Minor alarm. By default, the Color-Independent Ioons
feature is OFF.
From the Main Control screen menu bar. select OMomcanr Independent Icon: to turn ON
this feature.
m Color Inde -ndent loon
mm" Alarm X through subsystem icon
Major Alarm \ through subsystem icon
l Minor Alarm I through subsystem icon |
Alarm Sounds
The Alarm Sounds feature allows for an intermittent alarm to activate when a subsystem triggers
an alarm. By default, the Alarm Sounds feature is OFF.
From the Main Control screen menu bar. select Alarm Sounds lrorn the Options menu to turn
ON this feature.
NOTE: During an alarm, either clicking a subsystem icon to open the Status screen orclearing
the alarm silences an audible alarm,
Clall‘ for the OA19000 NR Chapter 5. Repeats/Net Commands - Page 26
Hold Connection
The Hold Connection feature maintains the direct or dial-in connection to the repeater for
monitoring until you terminate the connection.
Help Menu—0M 9000 NR Craft
Repeater-Net on—line help is designed to provide quick access to information related to the
operation of the repeater.
= To open RepeaterNet Help, select HoIpoHolp Topics.
=> To learn about the version of RepeaterNet Craft, RepeaterNet NMS. or RepeaterNet
Administrator installed, select About“. from the Help menu of any program window.
Navigating Help
3 From the Content: tab, double-click a book icon to open its contents, then double-click
a topic icon to open its Help page. A help page provides detailed topic information.
Help pages can contain links—identified by green, underlined text—to related topics.
a From the Index tab, type a topic name in the data field to automaticallyjump to a topic
or use the scroll bar to locate a topic entry, Double-click an index entry to open its Help
Click the Index tab to open the Flnd Sotup Mnrd utility, which searches for specific
words and phrases instead oi searching by category. Follow the prompts.
=> To find out the version of RepeaterNet in use, select About from the Main Control
screen Help menu.
Exiting RepeaterNet
To exit RepeaterNet, return to the Main Control screen Filo menu and select Exit.
Craft for the OA1BOOC NR Chapter 5, RepeaterNet Commands - Page 27
Appendix A. Default Alarm Settings
Fwd FE Alarm
RevFE Alarm
RevFEPrmct Alarm
mm mm
Rev PA Alarm
Rev PA VSWR Alarm
Rev PA Thermal Alarm
Rev PA Ext Shuldwm Alarm
Fwd PA Alarm
Fwd PA VSWR Alarm
Fwd PA Thermal Alarm
Fwd PA Ext Shutdown Alarm
Default Setting
Channel 1
csF m
Forward Filter CSF Fwd Alarm
Rev PA Alarm
Rev PA VSWR Alarm
Rev FA Thermal Alarm
Rev PA Ext Shutdown Alarm
Fwd PA Alarm
Fwd PA VSWR Alarm
Fwd PA Thermal Alarm
Fwd PA Ext Shutdown Alarm
Forward PA
PA Control
Forward PA OFF
Reverse Filter CSF Rev Alarm Event
Forward Filter CSF Fwd Alarm Event
Alarm Control Unit (‘If exlemal inputs or External Input 1' Alarm Disabled
{ACU} equipment are used, External Input 2' Alarm Dinabled
sat alarm severity as Temperature Alarm Minor
appropriate.) Tamper Alarm Major
Analog Input Alarm Disabled
Ext. Gromh Box Alarm
Power Supply Channel PS Input Power Critical
Power Supply Alarm Critical
Battery Alarm Minor
Battery Charger Alarm Disabled
Backup Power Supply AC Fail Alarm Disabled
Lw Battery Alarm Disabled
High Battery Alarm Disabled
charge Fail Alarm Disabled
UPS Summary Alarm Disabled
Tamper Alarm Disabled
Modern Alarm
Cell Phone Alarm Minor
Cell Phone
Craft for the OA1900C NR Appendix A. Default Alarm Settings — Page 28
Appendix B. RepeaterNet Executables
The installation program installs all necessary application executables and associated support
drivers in a Windows ialder you select or, by default. in e: \P=oqrn lil¢l\ltap¢lh=
hehnalogi..\ “pennant. The installation program also provides entries into the system
The main RepeaterNet emecutable files are:
The Database Administrator program used to configure and select the communications port
used by RepeaterNet Craft
The Crafl graphical user interface for different repeater hardware types. Used in the setting
and viewing of individual repeater items.
When any of these executable files are running, an icon is displayed on the Windows Task Bar,
Gran ibrthe OA19000 NR Appendix B. RepeaterNet Executables — Page 29
Appendix C. The Oki Cellular Phone
Accessing the OKI Cellular Phone
The cellular phone is lowled on the inside door of the 0A19000 NR entry box. Unscrew the four
NOTE: The AC charger and cell phone antenna are provided in the accessory kit.
Programming the OKI Cellular Phone
An abbreviated set of instructions for NAM programming of your Oki Phone is provided
in this section. For more detailed information, see your OKI PHONES 1400 Series
Programming Mode Access
1. Turn the power on and press Rcl ~ Func keys at the same time.
2, Enter your 5—digi‘l special password within 30 seconds.
3. Alter the special password is logged in suwessfully, ESNIHEZ Number
and Software Version Number are displayed for two seconds eeoh.
Two seconds later the Speed Dial Memory met prompt is displayed.
5. Proceed to the next section, 'Speed Dial Memory Clear.” or press
volume VA to scroll within the NAM Programming menu.
7 ,
Clafl for the OA1 9000 NR Appendix C. The Old Celular Phone - Page 30
Speed Dial Memory Clear
Scroll the NAM Programming Menu until “Spd dial" appears n the display,
Iollowed by the reset prompt (“raset-O"). Press 0 to clear the Speed Dialing Memory.
Default Data Set
Scroll the NAM programming menu until 'dof data" appears on the display, followed
by the reset prompt ("reset-u"). Press 0 to reset all user programmable functions to
the Manufacturer’s default.
Lock/Unlock Code Programming
1, Scroll the NAM Programming Menu until “Uloc and (current code)" appears on
the display. The default is “1234."
2. Enter a new 1-lo-4 digit unlock code and press Silo key.
Telephone Number Programming
1. In this menu, you can program information that is unique to Telephone #1.
Follow the instructions or press Clr to skip to Telephone #2 or the next item
on the main NAM Programming menu.
2. The display indicates “temp 1'tollowed by the last seven digits of the
current phone number. Enter the new number (area code plus telephone
number) and press Sm.
Authentication Key Programming
The display indicates “Authmo.” followed by “' Enter the authentication
key provided by the carrier (up to 26 digits) and press Sto. If an invalid number
is entered, the display shows “not good” tollowed by “Emma."
Home SID Programming
Enter a 5-digit SID number and press Ste. The IPCH Number Initial paging
channel number is set automatically depending on the stored Horne SID number.
The current number is displayed. Enter a new number if required, then press sbo.
GID Number
1. The current number is displayed. Enter a new number if required. then press Sta.
2. Press Clr to return to the main NAM Programming menu.
Emergency Number
1. The display shows “Help no." and the current setting. Enter a new number
(up to 11 digits) ifrequired.
2. Press sm.
Preferred SID Programming
1. Scroll the Pretened NAM Programming menu. Press Rel and enter the
desired Preferred SID number (5 digits).
Press Sto. You can enter up to 50 SID locations.
Press Clr key to advance to the next programming option.
Clan [Drills (1419000 NR Appendix C. The Oki Cellular Phone — Page 31
Language Option Set
Press Rcl and scroll through the available options.
When the desired language is displayed. press Ste,
System Options Programming
1, Scroll the NAM Programming menu and press Rel to enter the Option
Programming menu.
2. While in this menu. press Rcl to change settings and Sta to save and
go on to the next setting, Press Clr at anytime to return to the main
NAM Programming menu.
Option bilsaredefined aslollows: 0 0 01 1 0 1 0
O = Reserved for future use
- Reserved for future use
Reserved for future use
= MINMK = Mobile ID Number Mark (0=Nu. 1=Yes)
LUMK = Local Use Mark (0=No. 1=Yes)
AMMK = Audio Mute Mark (0=Call, 1=AMays)
HFMK = Hendsfree Mark (O=No, 1=Yes)
HAMK = Horn Alert Mark (0=No, 1=Yes)
Oral! forme OA1900C NR Appendix C. The Okr' Cellular Phone — Page 32
Appendix D. Troubleshooting
The following attempts to identify the most common problems associated with the successful
operation of the RepeaterNet system. The steps listed to resolve the problem may not include all
of the possible reasons lor nonoperability, but may assist in identifying the aduel difliculty. The
problem attributes in the following paragraphs have been ordered with the most likely problem
listed first.
If you continue to have problems, call Repeater Technologies Customer Support for assistance.
See inside the front cover of this document for current telephone numbers.
Problem 1: The Repeatentlet Server reports that it cannot open the NMS database.
Either the DSN is configured improperly, does not point to the proper location, or the system did
not find the DSN itself. Call Customer Support tor assistance.
:> The correct DSN or User ID is not identified.
=> The Windows 0090 drivers are not installed.
:> The database file pointed to by the DSN is corrupted or needs repair.
Problem 2: The Process Manager component of the RepeaterNet Server reports that it
cannot read the database Ports table.
No ports have been configured in the system dambase.
The Ports table in the database may be corrupted. Repair the database and retry.
Problem 3: The System starts up without error but, when a repeater graphical user
interface is launched, no detailed data is displayed"
Wait for up to 4 minutes (cell modem connection) to see whether the program can connect to the
repeater. if not, a warning will pop-up indicah'ng communications could not be established.
Problem 4: A specific port does not seem to be in use and an Alert exists, or the
database log reports the error "Unable to initialized port COMn" where n is
the designation of the non—functioning port.
The port number has been configured incorrectly or the port does not exist.
The port is assigned to another program operating in the same PC. Windows does not permit the
sharing of communications ports between active programs. Shut down the other program.
Problem 5: The system reports "Unable to connect to repeater..."
This can be an indication of:
= The cellular carrier is not handling the call
The phone number provided is incorrect or out of service
A problem with the modem or phone line
A problem with the repeater
Craft for the OA1900C NR Appendix D. Troubleshooting — Page 33
Problem 6: The system reports the message "An unsupported operation was
attempted. "
This message appears when the installation failed to register the OLE controls for alenn bitmaps.
Problem 7: RepeaterNet conflicts with Microsoft Fax.
To disable the auto answer mode:
1. Open the mail icon from the Control Panel.
2. Select Mlcrooon Fax from the Services tab.
3. Click on the Proportion button.
4. Select either Manual or Don‘t answer ndlo button.
Click OK to save.
Problem 8: NMS Client reports “Cannot find application Repeaterlilet Server. "
This can occur when the Server is not running or a network failure prevents the NMS Client from
connecting to the Sewer. Verify that the Sewer is mnning and that the Servers host is
Another possibility is a conflict with the pen assigned to the Server. This problem has been
known to occur with a port number that previousty had no conflict. Run the program
"RepNetConfigexe" in the RepeaterNel directory and increase the value of “Server Port” by one.
Restart the Sewer and NMS Client.
Craft forlhe 04190th NR Appendix D. Troubleshooting — Page 34

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:03 14:21:03
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 79562.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:03 14:21:28-04:00
Page Count                      : 40
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: EK2OA19CL4

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