Rothenbuhler Engineering 1668-2 Remote Firing Device User Manual

Rothenbuhler Engineering Company Inc Remote Firing Device


REMOTE FIRING DEVICEOPERATOR'S MANUAL(DRAFT 10/25/99)The information contained in this document is subject to changewithout notice.  In no event shall Rothenbuhler EngineeringCompany be liable for errors contained herein or for special,indirect, or consequential damages or injuries of any natureresulting from use of information in this document.ROTHENBUHLER ENGINEERINGP.0. BOX 7082191 RHODES ROADSEDRO WOOLLEY, WA 982841668-A1610/25/99©1999 Rothenbuhler EngineeringAll Rights reserved
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL iiSPECIAL NOTICEWARNING TO USERS AND AFFECTED PERSONSThe Remote Firing Device (RFD) is designed to be used in blasting operations.Explosives used in connection with the RFD may be extremely powerful.  Improper useof explosives with or without the RFD or improper safety precautions taken with respectto personnel or property may result in death, serious personal injury, or propertydamage.  Other manufacturers’ equipment that may not be in compliance withfrequency coordination may inadvertently interfere with the operation of the RFD.  Beaware of other operations within the receiving range of the RFD.The literature accompanying this warning contains information of a general nature forusers of the RFD based upon the Manufacturer’s experience in the design andmanufacture of remote radio frequency devices.  In addition, the Manufacturer providesproduct literature and technical data sheets periodically which should be consulted fordetailed information on the characteristics, specifications and recommendations for theRFD.  The Manufacturer does not purport to give information or advice on explosives ortheir use.The RFD and related explosive devices are intended for use only by trainedprofessionals having comprehensive knowledge of the RFD, the explosives being used,and the application together with all related safety precautions.  The Manufacturer of theRFD is responsible only for the proper performance of the RFD itself and is notresponsible for the performance, safety, or specifications of the explosive used, nor thesuitability of the RFD for any particular purpose other than that expressly described inthe Manufacturer’s literature.LIMITED WARRANTYManufacturer warrants the Model 1668 Remote Firing Device (RFD) to be free ofdefects in workmanship or materials for the period of one year from the date ofpurchase.  In the event any RFD or component thereof is shown to be defective inworkmanship or materials within one year, the system or component will be repaired orreplaced without charge by Manufacturer at Manufacturer’s place of business.This warranty does not cover damage or injury to equipment resulting from abuse,neglect, or use in applications other than expressly described by Manufacturer as fitpurposes for the RFD.This Limited Warranty is given in lieu of all other legal warranties express or implied andneither Manufacturer nor its representatives shall be liable for any direct, incidental orconsequential loss or damages arising out of any occurrence or accident involving theuse of this product.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL iiiFCC NOTICEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC regulations.  Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) That this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL ivTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter PageSpecial Notice.............................................................................................iiWarning to Users and Affected Persons .....................................................iiLimited Warranty.........................................................................................iiFCC Notice ................................................................................................ iiiTable of Contents.......................................................................................ivList of Illustrations ..................................................................................... viiSafety Summary ...................................................................................... viii1. Introduction......................................................................................... 1-11.1.Purpose. ............................................................................................................1-11.2.Explosives Handling Practices...........................................................................1-11.3.Storage and Environmental Conditions. ............................................................1-11.4.Packaging..........................................................................................................1-21.5.Maintenance. .....................................................................................................1-42. Introduction to RFD System Components........................................... 2-52.1.System...............................................................................................................2-52.2.Controller Unit....................................................................................................2-72.3.Controller Unit Switch Operation........................................................................2-82.4.Controller Unit Display Operation. ...................................................................2-102.5.Detonator Unit..................................................................................................2-122.6.Battery Charger Assembly...............................................................................2-132.7.Antenna Assembly...........................................................................................2-142.8.Carrying Case..................................................................................................2-152.9.Vent operation. ................................................................................................2-162.10. Antenna / Battery Charger Connector. .........................................................2-172.11. Connector Dust Cover Operation.................................................................2-19
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL v3. System Specifications. ..................................................................... 3-203.1.Radio. ..............................................................................................................3-203.2.Physical. ..........................................................................................................3-213.3.Battery. ............................................................................................................3-213.4.Timing..............................................................................................................3-223.5.Detonate Output. .............................................................................................3-223.6.System Identification........................................................................................3-234. Pre-Operational Procedures............................................................. 4-244.1.Physical Inspection..........................................................................................4-244.2.Battery Charging..............................................................................................4-244.3.Battery Discharging..........................................................................................4-254.4.Bench Testing The System..............................................................................4-265. Operational Procedures.................................................................... 5-295.1.Ready the System at Site. ...............................................................................5-295.2.Placement of Detonator Units..........................................................................5-305.3.System Operation – Detonator Units Within 1,000 Feet of Controller Unit. .....5-315.4.System Operation – Detonator Units More Than 1,000 Feet And Less Than 5Miles From Controller Unit......................................................................................5-325.5.System Operation – Detonator Units Both Within and In Excess of 1,000 Feetand Less Than 5 Miles from Controller Unit. ..........................................................5-346. Post Operational Procedures............................................................ 6-366.1.Securing the System........................................................................................6-366.2.Physical Inspection..........................................................................................6-366.3.Packaging........................................................................................................6-366.4.Maintenance & Equipment Storage. ................................................................6-367. Basic Troubleshooting in the Field.................................................... 7-377.1.Detonator Units................................................................................................7-377.2.Controller Unit..................................................................................................7-378. Optimizing Range............................................................................. 8-38
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL viiLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSFigure 1-1 RFD System................................................................................................1-3Figure 2-1 RFD System................................................................................................2-6Figure 2-2 Controller Unit. ............................................................................................2-7Figure 2-3 Detonator Unit...........................................................................................2-12Figure 2-4 Battery Charger Assembly. .......................................................................2-13Figure 2-5 Antenna Assembly. ...................................................................................2-14Figure 2-6 Carrying Case. ..........................................................................................2-15Figure 2-7 Vent Operation..........................................................................................2-16Figure 2-8 Controller Antenna / Battery Charger Connection.....................................2-17Figure 2-9 Detonator Antenna / Battery Charger Connection.....................................2-18Figure 2-10 Connector Dust Cover Operation............................................................2-19Figure 3-1 Identification Label. ...................................................................................3-23Figure 8-1 Unit Normal Transmission Location...........................................................8-39Figure 8-2 Detonator Unit Elevated. ...........................................................................8-39Figure 8-3 Detonator Unit Tilted. ................................................................................8-40Figure 8-4 Antenna Radiation Pattern ........................................................................8-41
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL viiiSAFETY SUMMARYThe following are WARNINGS and CAUTIONS, contained throughout this manual andare repeated here for emphasis.  All personnel engaged in the handling, firing, andstorage of the system covered in this manual must fully understand these WARNINGSand CAUTIONS, and procedures by which hazardous conditions are to be reduced oreliminated.  Also listed are general safety precautions that are not related to any specificprocedures and therefore don't appear elsewhere in this publication.  These arerecommended precautions that personnel must understand and apply during manyphases of operation and maintenance.WARNING   Never rely on the equipment for your safety.WARNING   Use of this system and its components must be restricted to personnelqualified and experienced in the field of explosives and detonating devices. Under nocircumstances shall untrained personnel attempt to use this manual as a text for self-teaching.WARNING   This system and its components should be stored in a secure area withno access to unauthorized personnel.  This system can be used in conjunction withexplosives as a deadly weapon.WARNING   These radios contain batteries.  The potential for activation is alwayspresent whether or not antennas are attached to the units.WARNING   Employ standard blasting system safety standards when using thisequipment with explosives.WARNING   Lightning induced energy, caused by electrical storms, can detonateexplosives.  In the interest of safety, blasting on land, water and underground should besuspended and all personnel should be evacuated to a safe distance from the blastarea whenever lightning storms are in the vicinity.  Dangerous levels of static electricitycan build up in the atmosphere.  These levels can be sufficient to detonate explosives.WARNING   Radio frequency energy of sufficient magnitude can cause blastingcaps to detonate.WARNING   To eliminate long wire runs, and to make the "shoot" from a safedistance, the Remote Firing Device uses low energy level radio frequencytransmissions.WARNING   The Controller Unit has a 5 watt output power level (5 mile transmitrange).  The Controller Unit should be considered DANGEROUS and NEVER beoperated within 100 feet (minimum) of blasting caps, wires connected to blasting caps,or other electrically initiated explosives devices.  Do NOT apply power to the ControllerUnit unless the operator is at least 100 feet from blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or explosives.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL ixWARNING   Do not connect a blasting cap to a Detonator Unit unless the greenSAFE light is on, the red ARMED light is off, and the yellow ON/LOW BATT light is onsteady.  This indicates there is no voltage on the binding posts, the binding posts areelectically isolated from the firing capacitor, the binding posts are shunted to each other,and the battery is not low.WARNING   Ensure that blasting caps are not connected to any of the DetonatorUnits during bench test.WARNING   This is a sensitive electronic radio system and it may be damaged.WARNING   Detonator Units have been tested and are safe to use near explosivesand blasting caps.  The low level of transmit power (less than 100 milliwatts) used bythe Detonator Unit will NOT detonate blasting caps, even if they are directly connectedto the Detonator Unit's antenna terminals.  The Detonator Unit transmission range islimited - approximately 1,000 feet.  The Detonator Units will receive and will act uponcommands from the Controller Unit which may be located in the line of site up to 5 milesaway.  The controller Unit need not and may not receive verification from a DetonatorUnit which is more than 1,000 feet away.CAUTION   Do not assume the Disarm command has been received by theDetonator Unit unless DISARMED status is confirmed with a steady DISARMED lightfor that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  If distance appears to bethe problem, move closer to the Detonator Unit following standard procedures for thistype of situation.  The “STATUS” and/or “DISARM” switches may be pressed repeatedlyas the Detonator Unit is approached.  Maintain a safe distance from the Detonator Unit.Do not approach the Detonator Unit until Disarmed status is confirmed with a steadyDISARMED light for that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  Under noconditions should the “FIRE” switch be pressed as the Detonator Unit is approached.Do not bring the Controller Unit closer than 100 feet to blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or other explosives.CAUTION   All units must be thouroughly tested and the batteries fully chargedprior to operational use.CAUTION   Unequal air pressure inside the Controller Unit may affect theoperation of membrane switch keypad.  Extreme pressure differentials may irreversiblydamage the keypad and/or cases.CAUTION   Vents in all units should be momentarily opened and closedimmediately before use.CAUTION   Do not open a vent if there is water on or near the vent.  Takenecessary precautions to ensure water does not enter the vent.CAUTION   Do not use any component that is damaged, suspected of beingdamaged, or is not able to operate as designed.  The safety of the operation could becompromised.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 1-11. INTRODUCTION.1.1. PURPOSE.1.1.1.  The primary purpose of this manual is to provide descriptive information,operational information, instructions in assembly, and instructions in testing andpreparation for operational or training use of the Remote Firing Device (RFD).1.1.2.  The Remote Firing Device (RFD) is used to activate electric detonatordevices.  The System is strictly an electronic device, containing no explosive.  TheController Unit shall be operated from 100 feet to five miles from the explosive.  TheDetonator Unit shall be placed at the explosive site, with a two-conductor firing linerunning to the explosive.  The Controller Unit communicates to the Detonator Unitthrough a two-way RF transmitter data link, for a line of site distance of 5 miles.  TheDetonator Unit can return communication for a distance of 1,000 feet.1.2.  EXPLOSIVES HANDLING PRACTICES.1.2.1.  The transmitting output power of a Detonator Unit is limited to less than 100milliwatts.  The Detonator Unit’s radio frequency power output level is well below thesafe energy limits cited by the IME (Institute for Manufacturers of Explosives) todetonate a single blasting cap via radio frequency energy.  This safe power level hasbeen established by IME in Pamphlet 20, titled “Safety Guide for the Prevention ofRadio Frequency Radiation Hazards In the Use of Commercial Electric Detonators(Blasting Caps).”1.3.  STORAGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS.1.3.1.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Unit have manual operated vents.  Thevents should always be CLOSED during air transport, underwater transport, storageand operational use to prevent moisture intake.  The operator should momentarily openand close the vent after the unit has been subjected to changes in elevation or depth.This equalizes pressure within the case to the outside environment.  DO NOT open thevent if there is water on or near the vent.  Towel dry prior to opening vents.  The ventsshould be OPEN, when stored in a dry hot environment.1.3.2.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Unit (with vents closed) are airtight to analtitude of 30,000 feet and watertight to a depth of 100 feet.1.3.3.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Units are shock resistant, drop tested from5 feet onto concrete.1.3.4.  The battery pack and unit electronics are electrically isolated from the unitcase.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 1-21.3.5.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Unit have a temperature operation from-22 ºF to +140 ºF.1.4. PACKAGING.1.4.1.  The RFD Systems are packaged in a hard-shell carrying case.  The ControllerUnit and all Detonator Units have an individual cut-out location in the internal packing.There is a cut-out location in the internal packing for all the Antenna Assemblies.Provided in Carrying Case Assembly is a cut-out location in the internal packing with theBattery Charger Assembly.  Do not damage or throw away the Carrying case Assembly,this is used to store and ship the RFD System.Table 1-1 RFD SystemFigure Index No. Description Units Per SystemFigure 1-1 1 Controller Unit 1Figure 1-1 2 Detonator Unit 8Figure 1-1 3 Battery Charger Assembly 1Figure 1-1 4 Antenna Assembly 9Figure 1-1 5 Carrying Case Assembly 1
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 1-3Figure 1-1 RFD System.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 1-41.5. MAINTENANCE.1.5.1.  Periodic maintenance is limited to discharging and charging the batterypacks.1.5.2.  Corrective maintenance shall be accomplished at the Manufacturer or RepairDepot.  Replacement of parts or repair at the user level and field disassembly is notauthorized.1.5.3.  In case of failure of a component of the RFD System, ship the System to theRepair Depot.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-52. INTRODUCTION TO RFD SYSTEM COMPONENTS.2.1. SYSTEM.2.1.1.  The RFD is a battery powered, hand held, radio remote controlled system tobe used on land as a primary firing mechanism to detonate explosive charges.  TheRFD system consists of a Controller Unit and 8 Detonator Units.2.1.2.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Units in one System will not operate withUnits from another System.2.1.3.  The RFD is transportable over land, underwater to a depth of 100 feet, and inthe air to an altitude of 30,000 feet.  The units are shock resistant (5 feet to concrete)and impervious to static discharge.2.1.4.  The RFD will operate in a temperature range of -22 ºF to + 140 ºF.2.1.5.  The system has two modes of operation; the one-way (out of range) and thetwo-way (in range) mode.  Range for one-way mode is up to 5 miles in the line of site.  Range for two-way mode is up to 1,000 feet in the line of site.2.1.6.  The RFD System consists of the component parts in Table 2-1.  The totalsystem is shown and identified in Figure 2-1.Table 2-1 RFD System.Figure Index No. Description Units Per SystemFigure 2-1 1 Controller Unit 1Figure 2-1 2 Detonator Unit 8Figure 2-1 3 Battery Charger Assembly 1Figure 2-1 4 Antenna Assembly 9Figure 2-1 5 Carrying Case Assembly 1
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-6Figure 2-1 RFD System.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-72.2. CONTROLLER UNIT.2.2.1.  Figure 2-2.  Provides the physical size, weight, front panel light, and switchlocations on the Controller Unit.  The unit is sealed at the Manufacturer or repair depotand should not be opened during field activity.Figure 2-2 Controller Unit.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-82.3.  CONTROLLER UNIT SWITCH OPERATION.2.3.1.  Unit Power Control.  Depress the “ON” switch to turn the power on to theController Unit when the Antenna Assembly is attached.  Depress the “OFF” switch toturn the power off to the Controller Unit.  The power is off when the Antenna Assemblyis removed.2.3.2.  Display Panel Light Dimmer Circuit.  Depress the “DIM” switch to togglethe display panel lights dim or bright.2.3.3.  Select Detonator Units.  Depress “1” through “8” switches to selectindependently the Detonator Units that will communicate with the Controller Unit.  Anycombination of the eight Detonator Units may be selected.  The yellow SELECT light onthe switch indicates if the Detonator Unit programmed for that switch is selected.  Pressthe switch again and the yellow SELECT light for that Detonator Unit will be turned offindicating the Detonator Unit is not selected.2.3.4.  Request Detonator Unit Status.  Depress “STATUS” switch to transmit astatus request signal to the selected Detonator Units.  The selected Detonator Units willtransmit their current status to the Controller Unit.  If none of the Detonator Units areselected, the Controller Unit will request status from all eight Detonator Units.  If theController Unit is within range of the Detonator Unit transmitter, the status of theselected Detonator Unit will be presented on the display panel with a steady light.  If theController Unit is out of range of the Detonator Unit transmitter, the status will beassumed from the last command sent to that Detonator Unit.  In that case the assumedstatus of the Detonator Unit will flash on the display panel.2.3.5.  Arm the Detonator Unit.  Depress the “ARM” switch for 1/2 second and theController Unit will transmit the Arm command to the selected Detonator Units.  The redARMED light at the selected Detonator Units will flash on the Controller Unit displaypanel until the firing capacitor charging time is completed.  The Controller Unit thenrequests status of the selected Detonator Units.  If the Controller Unit is within range ofthe selected Detonator Unit transmitter, the ARMED red light for that Detonator Unit willbe on steady on the Controller Unit display panel.  If the Controller Unit is out of rangeof the selected Detonator Unit transmitter, the red ARMED light for that Detonator Unitwill continue to flash on the Controller Unit display panel.  If the Fire command is notsent within 60 seconds, the system will disarm automatically.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-92.3.6.  Disarm the Detonator Unit.  Depress the “DISARM” switch, the ControllerUnit will transmit the Disarm command to selected Detonator Units.  Selected DetonatorUnits will internally discharge their firing capacitor.  Selected Detonator Units thatreceive the Disarm command will become Disarmed within 3 seconds of receiving thecommand.  The green DISARMED light for selected Detonator Units will begin to flashon the Controller Unit display panel.  The Controller Unit will then request status ofselected Detonator Units.  If the Controller Unit is within range of the selected DetonatorUnit transmitter, the green DISARMED light for that Detonator Unit will turn to steady onthe Controller Unit display panel.  If the Controller Unit is out of range of the selectedDetonator Unit transmitter, the green DISARMED light for that Detonator Unit willcontinue to flash on the Controller Unit display panel.  If the Fire command is not sentwithin 60 seconds of Arming, the system will Disarm automatically.CAUTION Do not assume the Disarm command has been received by theDetonator Unit unless DISARMED status is confirmed with a steady DISARMED lightfor that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  If distance appears to bethe problem, move closer to the Detonator Unit following standard procedures for thistype of situation.  The “STATUS” and/or “DISARM” switches may be pressed repeatedlyas the Detonator Unit is approached.  Maintain a safe distance from the Detonator Unit.Do not approach the Detonator Unit until Disarmed status is confirmed with a steadyDISARMED light for that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  Under noconditions should the “FIRE” switch be pressed as the Detonator Unit is approached.Do not bring the Controller Unit closer than 100 feet to blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or other explosives.2.3.7.  Activate the Detonator Unit Firing Circuit.  Depress the “FIRE” switch for1/2 second and the Controller Unit will transmit the Fire command to selected DetonatorUnits.  If the “FIRE” switch is pressed during the firing capacitor charge time, theController Unit will wait until the Detonator Units have had time to fully Arm, and then itwill send the Fire command automatically.  The Controller Unit will only transmit the Firecommand to selected Detonator Units whose status is Armed.  The selected DetonatorUnits will be placed in Fire Mode and discharge the firing capacitor across the bindingposts.  The red ARMED light will turn off and the green DISARMED light for eachselected Detonator Unit will begin to flash on the Controller Unit display panel.  TheController Unit will then request status from the selected Detonator Units. If theController Unit is within range of the selected Detonator Unit transmitter, theDISARMED green light for that Detonator Unit will turn to steady on the Controller Unitdisplay panel.  If the Controller Unit is out of range of the selected Detonator Unittransmitter, the green DISARMED light for that Detonator Unit will continue to flash onthe Controller Unit display panel.2.3.8.  Multistage Firing of Detonator Units.  Multistage firing provides the abilityto Arm all eight Detonator Units at one time, and select any combination of theDetonator Units to Fire at different intervals within the 60 second Arm period.  Theprocedure for multistage firing is :•  Depress “1” though “8” switches.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-10•  Depress “ARM” switch – all eight Detonator Units will Arm.•  Depress the switches for the Detonator Units that will not be fired initially.•  Depress the “FIRE” switch.  Only Detonator Units still selected will Fire.•  Depress the switches for the Detonator Units that were just Fired.•  Depress the switches for Detonator Units to be Fired next.•  Depress the “FIRE” switch.  Only Detonator Units still selected will Fire.•  Repeat as necessary.  Detonator Units will automatically Disarm if not Fired within60 seconds of Arming.2.3.9.  Misfires.  If a Detonator Unit does not Fire when the Fire command is sent,repeat Fire sequence up to 3 times.  If the Detonator Unit continues not to Fire, then athirty-minute wait prior to approaching is mandatory.  Follow your standard operatingprocedures for misfires.2.4.  CONTROLLER UNIT DISPLAY OPERATION.2.4.1.  Nighttime Panel Switch Locator.  There are fourteen red lights used forbacklighting the Controller Unit switches.  When the “ON” switch is pressed, the lightsturn on to locate the switch positions.2.4.2.  Display Panel Dimmer Circuit.  Pressing “DIM” switch reduces the intensityof all of the panel display lights except the ON light.2.4.3.  Controller Unit Battery Status.  The yellow light at the “ON” switch displaysthe Controller Unit battery status.  If the Controller Unit Battery is low, the yellow light atthe “ON” switch will flash.  Otherwise this light will be on steady.2.4.4.  Detonator Unit Battery Status.  The yellow select light at each of the “1”through “8” switches will indicate the selected Detonator Units’ battery status after astatus request command is issued.  If the selected Detonator Unit transmitter is withinrange of the Controller Unit and Detonator Unit's battery is low, the yellow select light forthat Detonator Unit will flash.  Else, the select light will be on steady.2.4.5.  Detonator Unit Disarmed.  A green light next to each of the “1” though “8”switches is used to indicate when the corresponding Detonator Unit is Disarmed.  Thelight will be on steady when the Detonator Unit transmitter is within range of theController Unit and it is Disarmed.  If the Detonator Unit transmitter is out of range of theController Unit, the light will flash after a Disarm command has been sent.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-112.4.6.  Detonator Unit Armed.  A red light next to each of the “1” though “8”switches is used to indicate when the corresponding Detonator Unit is Armed.  TheARMED light for selected Detonator Units will flash after the Arm command is sent tothe selected Detonator Units.  The ARMED light will go to steady after the firingcapacitor charge time if the Controller Unit is within range of the selected DetonatorUnit's transmitter.  If the Detonator Unit transmitter is out of range of the Controller Unit,the ARMED light will continue to flash.2.4.7.  Status.  A yellow light at the “STATUS” switch lights when the “STATUS”switch is pressed.  The light remains on until the display panel has been updated withresults of the status request.  All new commands are blocked while this light is on.2.4.8.  Arm.  A yellow light at the “ARM” switch lights when the “ARM” switch ispressed.  This light will stay on for the firing capacitor charge time.  Other commandswill not be sent until this light is turned off.2.4.9.  Disarm.  A yellow light at the “DISARM” switch lights when the “DISARM”switch is pressed.  This light will stay on until the display panel is updated for the Disarmcommand.  Other commands will not be sent until this light is turned off.2.4.10.  Fire.  A yellow light at the “FIRE” switch lights when the “FIRE” switch ispressed.  This light will stay on until the display panel is updated for the Fire command.Other commands will not be sent until this light is turned off.2.4.11.  “TX” (Transmit).  A red light at the “TX” position lights while Controller Unit istransmitting.2.4.12.  “CDT” (Receiver).  A green light at the “CDT” position lights when theController Unit is receiving status from the Detonator Units.  The light will be onwhenever the Controller Unit detects transmissions on its operating frequency.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-122.5. DETONATOR UNIT.2.5.1.  Figure 2-3.  Provides the physical size, weight, and front panel lights on theDetonator Unit.  The unit is sealed at the Manufacturer or repair depot and should notbe opened during field activity.Figure 2-3 Detonator Unit.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-132.6.  BATTERY CHARGER ASSEMBLY.2.6.1.  Figure 2-4.  Provides the front panel lights, and switch position on the BatteryCharger Assembly.  The unit is sealed at the Manufacturer or repair depot and shouldnot be opened during field activity.Figure 2-4 Battery Charger Assembly.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-142.7. ANTENNA ASSEMBLY.2.7.1.  Figure 2-5.  Provides the physical size, technical requirements and view ofthe Antenna Assembly.  The power to the Controller Unit and Detonator Unit isinterrupted when the Antenna Assembly is not connected.Figure 2-5 Antenna Assembly.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-152.8. CARRYING CASE.2.8.1.  Figure 2-6.  Provides the physical size of the Carrying Case and a view of thestorage location for System assemblies in the Carrying Case.  The Carrying Case has apressure equalization vent near the handle.  The vent should be opened prior toopening the Carrying Case.  The vent should be kept closed during storage andshipment.Figure 2-6 Carrying Case.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-162.9. VENT OPERATION.2.9.1.  Figure 2-7.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Unit vents are manual andrelieve internal pressure due to heat and altitude.  When the vent is closed, it will notleak in 100 feet of water or up to 30,000 feet in altitude.CAUTION Unequal air pressure inside the Controller Unit may affect the operationof membrane switch keypad.  Extreme pressure differentials may irreversibly damagethe keypad and/or cases.CAUTION Vents in all units should be momentarily opened and closed immediatelybefore use.CAUTION Do not open a vent if there is water on or near the vent.  Take necessaryprecautions to ensure water does not enter the vent.Figure 2-7 Vent Operation.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-172.10.  ANTENNA / BATTERY CHARGER CONNECTOR.2.10.1.  Figure 2-8. & Figure 2-9.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Unit antenna /battery charger connector accommodates the input requirements for both the AntennaAssembly and the Battery Charger Assembly.  The unit electronics and battery pack areonly connected together when the Antenna Assembly is connected to the antenna /battery charger Connector.Figure 2-8 Controller Antenna / Battery Charger Connection.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-18Figure 2-9 Detonator Antenna / Battery Charger Connection.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 2-192.11.  CONNECTOR DUST COVER OPERATION.2.11.1.  Figure 2-10.  The Controller Unit and Detonator Unit antenna / battery chargerconnector dust cover protects the connector pins from shorting out and damage whenthe Antenna Assembly or Battery Charger Assembly is not connected.  The connectordust cover should be connected to the connector when the connector is not in use.Figure 2-10 Connector Dust Cover Operation.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 3-203. SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS.3.1. RADIO.CARRIERFREQUENCY 135 - 174 MHz * OPERATINGTEMPERATURERANGE-30ºC to 60ºC-22ºF to 140ºFFCC Pending <freq. diff. 1300 HZ (±650)CONTROLLER UNIT DETONATOR UNITFREQUENCYSTABILITY ±5PPM OR(0.00005%) FREQUENCYSTABILITY ±5PPM OR(0.00005%)MODULATION 10K6F2D (AFSK) MODULATION 10K6F2D (AFSK)TRANSMITPOWER 5 Watts TRANSMITPOWER 100 milliwattsOPERATINGPOWER 12 VDC OPERATINGPOWER 7.2 VDCTRANSMISSIONRANGE 5 miles (line-of-site)** TRANSMISSIONRANGE Approximately 1,000feetRECEIVERSENSITIVITY 12 dB Sinad at0.28uV RECEIVERSENSITIVITY 12 dB Sinad at0.28uV(*) The Production Unit Frequency Designation will be provided in the contract.(**) Typical transmission range, based on frequency used and terrain.  Frequenciesunder 150 MHz typically have a range of at least 4 miles,
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 3-213.2. PHYSICAL.Controller Unit Detonator UnitSIZE(w/outantenna) (in) 8H x 3W x 2.5D SIZE(w/outantenna)(in) 6H x 3W x 2.5DSIZE(w/outantenna) (cm) 20.32H x 7.62W x6.35D SIZE(w/outantenna)(cm) 15.24H x 7.62W x6.35DWEIGHT(w/battery) 2.5 lbs., 1.14 kg WEIGHT(w/battery) 2 lbs., 0.91 kgCASE Die cast aluminum CASE Die cast aluminumCOLOR Black COLOR Black3.3. BATTERY.Controller Unit Detonator UnitBATTERY PACK RechargeableNiCad BATTERY PACK Rechargeable NiCadBATTERY LIFE 6 Hours BATTERY LIFE 24 Hours*BATTERYRECHARGE 90 Minutes BATTERYRECHARGE 90 MinutesSTANDBYCURRENT 60 milliamps STANDBYCURRENT 30 milliampsTRANSMITCURRENT 1 Amp TRANSMITCURRENT 800 milliamps(*) At the end of the standby time, the Detonator unit can detonate 5 (2-Ohm) blastingcaps connected in series and attached to 100 feet of wire.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 3-223.4. TIMING.Controller Unit ARM time: 1/2 ± 0.1 SecondsDetonator Unit ARM time: 10 ± 0.1 SecondsController Unit Auto DISARM time: 60 ± 0.1 SecondsDetonator Unit Auto DISARM time: 60 ± 0.1 SecondsController Unit DISARM time: 3 ± 0.1 SecondsDetonator Unit DISARM time: 3 ± 0.1 SecondsController Unit FIRE time: 1 ± 0.1 SecondsDetonator Unit FIRE time:* 20 Milliseconds*This is the delay after the Detonator Unit receives the command signal from theController Unit to Fire.3.5. DETONATE OUTPUT.3.5.1.  The Detonator Unit detonation output pulse is from a 3300 microfaradcapacitor charged to 27 volts.Stored Energy Level: 1 Joule (minimum)Pulse Voltage Level: 27 VDC (minimum)Circuit Current Limit:* 0.1 Ohm (maximum)**This is the maximum resistance between the firing capacitor and the output terminals.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 3-233.6. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION.3.6.1.  Each Controller Unit and Detonator Unit is marked with an identification label.Figure 3-1.  Shows how the identification label should interpreted.  The Controller Unitwill only communicate with Detonator Units from the same System.Figure 3-1 Identification Label.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 4-244. PRE-OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES.4.1. PHYSICAL INSPECTION.4.1.1.  Inspect all components for physical damage.CAUTION Do not use any component that is damaged, suspected of beingdamaged, or is not able to operate as designed.  The safety of the operation could becompromised.4.1.2.  Ensure the antenna / battery charger connector on the Controller Unit andDetonator Unit is not Damaged.4.1.3.  Remove the antenna / battery charger connector dust cover and ensure theelectrical pin area is clean and free of foreign material.  Replace the dust cover.4.1.4.  Ensure the Antenna Assembly whip is not broken and that the whip has notseparated from the sealing compound at the top of the connector.4.1.5.  Ensure that the spring-loaded binding posts on the Detonator Units are notdamaged.4.1.6.  Remove the red dust cover from the Antenna Assembly and ensure that thereis no foreign material in the electrical contact area.  Replace the red dust cover.4.2. BATTERY CHARGING.4.2.1.  The battery packs in the Controller Unit and Detonator Units containrechargeable NiCad batteries.  The battery packs are recharged through the antenna /battery charger connector on each unit.  Battery packs are not to be removed (caseopened) in the field.4.2.2.  The battery pack in the Controller Unit and Detonator Units should becharged before the System is used each time.  The Battery Charger Assembly willcharge the Controller Unit and Detonator Units in 90 minutes.  Each Battery ChargerAssembly has nine independent rapid chargers.  Each rapid charger has a CHARGE,DONE, and DISCHG light.  The Battery Charger Assembly has a single “BATTERYDISCHARGE” switch.  The Battery Charger Assembly will discharge all battery packsconnected, when the “BATTERY DISCHARGE” switch is pressed.  Complete dischargeof battery packs occurs in approximately 2 hours.  Battery capacity will be maintained ifthe battery packs are discharged prior to charging.4.2.3.  Turn off the power switch on the Battery Charger Assembly.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 4-254.2.4.  Plug the AC cord into a 110 VAC 60 Hz outlet.  The Battery ChargerAssembly will operate from 90-135/180-270 VAC, 47-63 Hz.4.2.5.  Connect each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit to the Battery ChargerAssembly.  The Controller Unit can be connected to any of the nine cables.4.2.6.  Open the vent on each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit.4.2.7.  Turn on the power switch on the Battery Charger Assembly.4.2.8.  The CHARGE light for each connected unit will flash for approximately 5seconds.  The flashing CHARGE light indicates that rapid charging is pending.4.2.9.  In normal operation, the CHARGE light will be on solid after 5 seconds haspassed.  The solid CHARGE light indicates that the battery is being rapid charged.4.2.10.  The battery must be within the temperature range 32 ºF and 104 ºF for rapidcharging to occur.  If the battery pack is not within temperature range for rapid charging,the CHARGE light will continue to flash beyond 5 seconds.  While the CHARGE light isflashing, the battery pack is being slow charged.4.2.11.  If the detected battery voltage is less than 6 volts for Detonator Units and 10volts for Controller Units, the battery will be slow charged until the voltage is highenough for rapid charge.  If the battery pack is defective and the voltage does not rise tothe correct level, for rapid charge, the Battery Charger Assembly remains in slowcharge mode.  In that case the CHARGE light will continue to flash.4.2.12.  When rapid charging terminates, the DONE light will be on steady, and theCHARGE light will be turned off.4.2.13.  Rapid charging terminates when the charger detects the battery pack ischarged.  Rapid charging will also terminate after 90 minutes, or if the battery packtemperature is out of range.4.2.14.  If a Controller Unit or Detonator Unit is left turned on beyond the low batterypoint, the battery pack may not fully charge before the 90 minute rapid charge time limitexpires.  In that case, charge the battery pack again.4.2.15.  Close the vent on each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit4.3. BATTERY DISCHARGING.4.3.1.  Turn off the power switch on the Battery Charger Assembly.4.3.2.  Plug the AC cord into a 110VAC 60Hz outlet.  The Battery Charger Assemblywill operate from 90-135/180-270 VAC, 47-63 Hz.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 4-264.3.3.  Connect each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit to the Battery ChargerAssembly.  The Controller Unit can be connected to any of the nine cables.4.3.4.  Open the vent on each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit.4.3.5.  Turn on the power switch on the Battery Charger Assembly.4.3.6.  The CHARGE light for each connected unit will flash for approximately 5seconds.  The flashing CHARGE light indicates that rapid charging is pending.4.3.7.  Press the BATTERY DISCHARGE switch.  The DISCHG light will be on solidand the CHARGE light will flash.4.3.8.  After the battery pack has been discharged, the DISCHG light will turn off andthe CHARGE light will be on solid indicating rapid charge mode.4.3.9.  When the battery pack is charged, the DONE light will be on steady, and theCHARGE light will be turned off.4.3.10.  Close the vent on each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit.4.4.  BENCH TESTING THE SYSTEM.WARNING Radio frequency energy of sufficient magnitude can cause blasting capsto detonate.4.4.1.  The System test must be conducted in an area that is at least 100 feet fromthe nearest blasting caps, wires connected to blasting caps, or other explosives.4.4.2.  All RFD System controls are described in detail in section 2.CAUTION All units must be thouroughly tested and the batteries fully charged priorto operational use.WARNING The Controller Unit has a 5 watt output power level (5 mile transmitrange).  The Controller Unit should be considered DANGEROUS and NEVER beoperated within 100 feet (minimum) of blasting caps, wires connected to blasting caps,or other electrically initiated explosives devices.  Do NOT apply power to the ControllerUnit unless the operator is at least 100 feet from blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or explosives.4.4.3.  Install the Antenna Assembly on the antenna / battery charger connector ofthe Controller Unit.  Ensure the Controller Unit is off.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 4-274.4.4.  Install the Antenna Assemblies on the antenna / battery charger connectors ofthe Detonator Units.  The ON/LOW BATT and SAFE lights will come on steady.  If theON/LOW BATT light is flashing, the Detonator Unit has a low battery.  Recharge thebattery in accordance with section  Turn the Controller Unit on by pressing the “ON” switch for 1 second.  Ayellow light located in the upper left quadrant of the “ON” switch will come on steady.  Ifthe yellow light does not come on steady, but flashes, this indicates a low battery for theController Unit.  Recharge the battery in accordance with section  Press the “STATUS” switch for 1 second.  The red TX light on the ControllerUnit will start blinking for approximately 15 seconds.  During that time the Controller Unitis requesting status from the Detonator Units.4.4.7.  When the TX light stops flashing, the green DISARMED light will come onsteady adjacent to the switches numbered “1” through “8”.  A steady DISARMED lightindicates that Detonator Unit answered back with its status and it is disarmed.  Aflashing DISARMED light indicates the Controller Unit did not receive the DetonatorUnit’s status transmission.WARNING Ensure that blasting caps are not connected to any of the DetonatorUnits during bench test.4.4.8.  Select all of the Detonator Units by pressing switches “1” through “8”.  Ayellow light will be lit in each switch to indicate the corresponding Detonator Unit isselected.4.4.9.  Press the “ARM” switch for ½ second.  The red ARMED light for eachselected Detonator Unit will flash on the Controller Unit display panel for approximately10 seconds and then come on steady.  The ARMED light for each selected DetonatorUnit will grow brighter and then stay on steady.  The Detonator Units are now Armed.4.4.10.  Observe the Controller Unit and Detonator Units.  In approximately 60seconds the Detonator Units will automatically Disarm.  The ARMED lights at theController Unit and Detonator Units should turn off.  The DISARMED lights at theController Unit and SAFE lights at the Detonator Units should turn on.4.4.11.  Re-Arm the Detonator Units.  Before the 60 second time-out takes place,press the “DISARM” switch on the Controller Unit. The Controller Unit's ARMED lightwill be turned off.  The DISARMED lights at the Controller Unit should blink forapproximately 3 seconds and then turn on steady.  The ARMED lights at the DetonatorUnits will turn off and the Detonator Units’ SAFE lights will turn on.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 4-284.4.12.  Connect a test bulb assembly to the binding posts of each Detonator Unit.Arm the Detonator Units.  Press the “FIRE” switch on the Controller Unit.  The test bulbshould flash brightly.  The ARMED light will turn off and the SAFE light will turn on ateach Detonator Unit.  The displayed status at the Controller Unit will change fromArmed to Disarmed.4.4.13.  Turn off the Controller Unit by pressing the “OFF” switch.  Turn off theDetonator Units by removing their Antenna Assemblies.4.4.14.  The RFD system is now ready to use operationally.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-295. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES.WARNING Use of this system and its components must be restricted to personnelqualified and experienced in the field of explosives and detonating devices. Under nocircumstances shall untrained personnel attempt to use this manual as a text for self-teaching.WARNING Employ standard blasting system safety standards when using thisequipment with explosives.CAUTION All units must be thouroughly tested and the batteries fully charged priorto operational use.5.1.  READY THE SYSTEM AT SITE.5.1.1.  Detonator Units.  Select the number of Detonator Units required for theoperation.  Remove the dust cover from the antenna / battery charger connector.  Installthe Antenna Assembly on to the antenna / battery charger connector.  This will turn onthe Detonator Unit.  The yellow ON/LOW BATT light and green SAFE light will be turnedon.  The green SAFE light will be on whenever the Detonator Unit is turned on and it isDisarmed.  In the Disarmed state, the firing capacitor charge circuit is disabled, thebinding posts are electrically isolated from the firing capacitor, and the binding posts areshunted to each other.  If the yellow ON/LOW BATT light is flashing, the Detonator Unitbattery is low and should be recharged before use.WARNING Do not connect a blasting cap to a Detonator Unit unless the greenSAFE light is on, the red ARMED light is off, and the yellow ON/LOW BATT light is onsteady.  This indicates there is no voltage on the binding posts, the binding posts areelectically isolated from the firing capacitor, the binding posts are shunted to each other,and the battery is not low.5.1.2.  Open and close the vent on each Detonator Unit and the Controller Unit toequalize the case pressure.  Unscrew the vent one revolution to open.5.1.3.  Remove the dust cover from the antenna / battery charger connector of theController Unit.  Install the Antenna Assembly on to the antenna / battery chargerconnector.  This will enable the keypad on the Controller Unit.WARNING The Controller Unit has a 5 watt output power level (5 mile transmitrange).  The Controller Unit should be considered DANGEROUS and NEVER beoperated within 100 feet (minimum) of blasting caps, wires connected to blasting caps,or other electrically initiated explosives devices.  Do NOT apply power to the ControllerUnit unless the operator is at least 100 feet from blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or explosives.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-305.1.4.  Press the Controller Unit “ON” switch for one second.  The yellow light in theupper left quadrant of the “ON” switch will come on steady.  If the yellow light flashes,the Controller Unit battery is low and needs charging.  Refer to Battery charging section4.  Press the “STATUS” switch on the Controller Unit.  The red TX light will flashfor approximately 15 seconds.  The green DISARMED light corresponding to eachDetonator Unit will come on steady if the Controller Unit receives a status message fromthat Detonator Unit.  If the Controller Unit does not receive a status message from aDetonator Unit, the green DISARMED light for that Detonator Unit will flash on theController Unit display panel.Note:  The Controller Unit battery life is approximately 6 hours when in the “ON”condition.  To conserve battery life, the Controller Unit should be turned off when notbeing used.5.1.6.  Turn the Controller Unit “OFF” until Detonator Units are in place and wired toshoot.5.2.  PLACEMENT OF DETONATOR UNITS.WARNING Do not connect a blasting cap to a Detonator Unit unless the greenSAFE light is on, the red ARMED light is off, and the yellow ON/LOW BATT light is onsteady.  This indicates there is no voltage on the binding posts, the binding posts areelectically isolated from the firing capacitor, the binding posts are shunted to each other,and the battery is not low.5.2.1.   The range of the RFD is typically 5 miles under most conditions.5.2.2.  Place the Detonator Units with the antenna in a vertical position and free fromobstruction within 100 feet of the shot.  Use sandbags or other suitable materials toprotect the Detonator Units from the shot.5.2.3.  Ensure that all Detonator Units indicate a SAFE condition (green light onsteady).5.2.4.  After performing standard demolition circuit checks and before placing initiatorinto main charge, depress the two spring-loaded binding posts on the Detonator Unit.5.2.5.  Insert one leg of the demolition wire in each binding post and allow thebinding posts to close on the wire ends.5.2.6.  Ensure the wire is held securely by the binding posts and that the wire endsare not touching the Detonator Case or each other.5.2.7.  Prepare the shot and return to the safe firing area.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-315.2.8.  If all Detonator Units are located within 1,000 feet of the Controller Unit, referto section  If all Detonator Units are located more than 1,000 feet and less that 5 milesfrom the Controller Unit, refer to section  If some Detonator Units are located within 1,000 feet of the Controller Unit,and other Detonator Units are between 1,000 feet and 5 miles from the Controller Unit,refer to section  SYSTEM OPERATION – DETONATOR UNITS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OFCONTROLLER UNIT.Note:  If the distance between the Controller Unit and the Detonator Units is in excessof 1,000 feet, the Detonator Units status transmissions may not be received by theController Unit.  The Controller Unit will command the Detonators from a distance up to5 miles, but the Detonator Status may not be confirmed.  The Controller Unit performsjust as it would when it is within 1,000 feet of the Detonator Units.  The only difference isthe method the status indications are displayed on the Controller Unit display panel.The ARMED and DISARMED status lights for out of range Detonator Units will flash onthe Controller Unit display panel to indicate the Controller Unit did not receive a statusmessage from the Detonator Unit.  Once the Detonator Units are set up for the shot, theoperator must assume the Detonator Units have received the command.5.3.1.  Ensure the area is clear.5.3.2.  Turn the Controller Unit on.5.3.3.  Press the “STATUS” switch.  The Controller Unit will request status from allDetonator Units.  The red TX light will flash for approximately 15 seconds.  The greenDISARMED light on the Controller Unit display panel will come on steady for theDetonator Units that the Controller Unit receives a Disarmed status message from.5.3.4.  Select the Detonator Units that are to be used in the shot by pressing thecorresponding numbered switches “1” through “8”.  Press the numbered switches one ata time.System Safety Feature Once Armed, the Detonator Units must be sent a Firecommand within 60 seconds.  If the Detonator Units do not receive a Fire commandwithin 60 seconds of being armed, they will automatically Disarm.  The firing capacitorwill be safely internally discharged, the binding posts will remain isolated from the firingcapacitor and the binding posts will remain shunted together.5.3.5.  To Arm the selected Detonator Units, press the “ARM” switch.  The redARMED light next to each selected Detonator Unit switch will flash for 10 seconds andthen come on steady.  The selected Detonator Units are now ARMED!
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-325.3.6.  To Fire the Detonator Units, press the “FIRE” switch.  The operator should getan indication of shot initiation.  The ARMED light will go out and the green DISARMEDlight for each selected Detonator Unit will come on solid on the Controller Unit displaypanel.5.3.7.  If not all the Detonator Units were selected for the shot, repeat above steps toinitiate the remaining shots.5.3.8.  To Disarm any Detonator Units that have been Armed, select the DetonatorUnits and press the “DISARM” switch.  All selected Detonator Units will return to theDISARMED mode in approximately 3 seconds.CAUTION Do not assume the Disarm command has been received by theDetonator Unit unless DISARMED status is confirmed with a steady DISARMED lightfor that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  If distance appears to bethe problem, move closer to the Detonator Unit following standard procedures for thistype of situation.  The “STATUS” and/or “DISARM” switches may be pressed repeatedlyas the Detonator Unit is approached.  Maintain a safe distance from the Detonator Unit.Do not approach the Detonator Unit until Disarmed status is confirmed with a steadyDISARMED light for that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  Under noconditions should the “FIRE” switch be pressed as the Detonator Unit is approached.Do not bring the Controller Unit closer than 100 feet to blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or other explosives.5.3.9.  Turn off the Controller Unit.5.3.10.  Recover the fielded Detonator Units.5.3.11.  Refer to Post Operational Procedures in chapter 6.5.4.  SYSTEM OPERATION – DETONATOR UNITS MORE THAN 1,000 FEET ANDLESS THAN 5 MILES FROM CONTROLLER UNIT.Note:  If the distance between the Controller Unit and the Detonator Units is in excessof 1,000 feet, the Detonator Units status transmissions may not be received by theController Unit.  The Controller Unit will command the Detonators from a distance up to5 miles, but the Detonator Status may not be confirmed.  The Controller Unit performsjust as it would when it is within 1,000 feet of the Detonator Units.  The only difference isthe method the status indications are displayed on the Controller Unit display panel.The ARMED and DISARMED status lights for out of range Detonator Units will flash onthe Controller Unit display panel to indicate the Controller Unit did not receive a statusmessage from the Detonator Unit.  Once the Detonator Units are set up for the shot, theoperator must assume the Detonator Units have received the command.5.4.1.  Ensure the area is clear.5.4.2.  Turn the Controller Unit on.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-335.4.3.  Press the “STATUS” switch.  The Controller Unit will request status from allDetonator Units.  The red TX light will flash for approximately 15 seconds.  The greenDISARMED light on the Controller Unit display panel will flash for all Detonator Unitsthat the Controller Unit does not receive a status message from.5.4.4.  Select the Detonator Units that are to be used in the shot by pressing thecorresponding numbered switches “1” through “8”.  Press the numbered switches one ata time.System Safety Feature Once Armed, the Detonator Units must be sent a Firecommand within 60 seconds.  If the Detonator Units do not receive a Fire commandwithin 60 seconds of being armed, they will automatically Disarm.  The firing capacitorwill be safely internally discharged, the binding posts will remain isolated from the firingcapacitor and the binding posts will remain shunted together.5.4.5.  To Arm the selected Detonator Units, press the “ARM” switch.  The redARMED light next to each selected Detonator Unit switch will flash for 10 seconds, thencome on steady for two seconds, and then continue to flash.  The selected DetonatorUnits are now assumed to be ARMED!5.4.6.  To Fire the Detonator Units, press the “FIRE” switch.  The operator should getan indication of shot initiation.  The ARMED light will go out and the green DISARMEDlight for each selected Detonator Unit will flash on the Controller Unit display panel.5.4.7.  If not all the Detonator Units were selected for the shot, repeat above steps toinitiate the remaining shots.5.4.8.  To Disarm any Detonator Units that have been Armed, select the DetonatorUnits and press the “DISARM” switch.  All selected Detonator Units will return to theDISARMED mode in approximately 3 seconds.CAUTION Do not assume the Disarm command has been received by theDetonator Unit unless DISARMED status is confirmed with a steady DISARMED lightfor that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  If distance appears to bethe problem, move closer to the Detonator Unit following standard procedures for thistype of situation.  The “STATUS” and/or “DISARM” switches may be pressed repeatedlyas the Detonator Unit is approached.  Maintain a safe distance from the Detonator Unit.Do not approach the Detonator Unit until Disarmed status is confirmed with a steadyDISARMED light for that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  Under noconditions should the “FIRE” switch be pressed as the Detonator Unit is approached.Do not bring the Controller Unit closer than 100 feet to blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or other explosives.5.4.9.  Turn off the Controller Unit.5.4.10.  Recover the fielded Detonator Units.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-345.4.11.  Refer to Post Operational Procedures in chapter 6.5.5.  SYSTEM OPERATION – DETONATOR UNITS BOTH WITHIN AND IN EXCESSOF 1,000 FEET AND LESS THAN 5 MILES FROM CONTROLLER UNIT.Note:  If the distance between the Controller Unit and the Detonator Units is in excessof 1,000 feet, the Detonator Units status transmissions may not be received by theController Unit.  The Controller Unit will command the Detonators from a distance up to5 miles, but the Detonator Status may not be confirmed.  The Controller Unit performsjust as it would when it is within 1,000 feet of the Detonator Units.  The only difference isthe method the status indications are displayed on the Controller Unit display panel.The ARMED and DISARMED status lights for out of range Detonator Units will flash onthe Controller Unit display panel to indicate the Controller Unit did not receive a statusmessage from the Detonator Unit.  Once the Detonator Units are set up for the shot, theoperator must assume the Detonator Units have received the command.5.5.1.  The RFD will operate in a two-way mode (confirmed communications – rangeto 1,000 feet) and one-way mode (unconfirmed communications – range up to 5 miles).5.5.2.  If the Detonators are within 1,000 feet of the Controller Unit, the status of theDetonator Units (ON/LOW BATT, ARMED, and SAFE) will be displayed with solid lightson the display panel of the Controller Unit.5.5.3.  If one or more Detonator Units are out of range of the Controller Unit, thestatus of these Detonator Units will be assumed and their status lights will flash on theController Unit display panel to indicate unconfirmed status.  Accordingly the operatormust assume the following:•  Commands have been received by the Detonator Units.•  The Detonator Unit battery is sufficiently charged to activate the firing circuit.•  A “DISARM” command should not be assumed.5.5.4.  Ensure the area is clear.5.5.5.  Turn the Controller Unit on.5.5.6.  Press the “STATUS” switch.  The Controller Unit will request status from allDetonator Units.  The red TX light will flash for approximately 15 seconds.  The greenDISARMED light on the Controller Unit display panel will flash for all the Detonator Unitsthat the Controller Unit does not receive a status message from.5.5.7.  Select the Detonator Units that are to be used in the shot by pressing thecorresponding numbered switches “1” through “8”.  Press the numbered switches one ata time.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 5-35System Safety Feature Once Armed, the Detonator Units must be sent a Firecommand within 60 seconds.  If the Detonator Units do not receive a Fire commandwithin 60 seconds of being armed, they will automatically Disarm.  The firing capacitorwill be safely internally discharged, the binding posts will remain isolated from the firingcapacitor and the binding posts will remain shunted together.5.5.8.  To Arm the selected Detonator Units, press the “ARM” switch.  The redARMED light next to each selected Detonator Unit switch will flash for 10 seconds, andthen come on steady for two seconds.  ARMED lights for selected Detonator Units thatthe Controller Unit did not receive a status message from will begin to flash again.  Theselected Detonator Units are now assumed to be ARMED!  For unconfirmedcommunications, count to 10 from when the "ARM" switch is pressed and assume theDetonator Units are Armed.5.5.9.  To Fire the Detonator Units, press the “FIRE” switch.  The operator should getan indication of shot initiation.  The ARMED light will go out and the green DISARMEDlight for each selected Detonator Unit will flash on the Controller Unit display panel.5.5.10.  If not all the Detonator Units were selected for the shot, repeat above steps toinitiate the remaining shots.5.5.11.  To Disarm any Detonator Units that have been Armed, select Detonator Unitsand press the “DISARM” switch.  All selected Detonator Units will return to theDISARMED mode in approximately 3 seconds.CAUTION Do not assume the Disarm command has been received by theDetonator Unit unless DISARMED status is confirmed with a steady DISARMED lightfor that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  If distance appears to bethe problem, move closer to the Detonator Unit following standard procedures for thistype of situation.  The “STATUS” and/or “DISARM” switches may be pressed repeatedlyas the Detonator Unit is approached.  Maintain a safe distance from the Detonator Unit.Do not approach the Detonator Unit until Disarmed status is confirmed with a steadyDISARMED light for that Detonator Unit on the Controller Unit display panel.  Under noconditions should the “FIRE” switch be pressed as the Detonator Unit is approached.Do not bring the Controller Unit closer than 100 feet to blasting caps, wires connected toblasting caps, or other explosives.5.5.12.  Turn off the Controller Unit.5.5.13.  Recover the fielded Detonator Units.5.5.14.  Refer to Post Operational Procedures in chapter 6.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 6-366. POST OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES.6.1.  SECURING THE SYSTEM.6.1.1.  Turn the Controller Unit off and remove the Antenna Assembly.  This actiondisables the Controller Unit.6.1.2.  Replace the dust cover on the antenna / battery charger connector on theController Unit and replace the red plastic cap on the Antenna Assembly.6.1.3.  Remove the Antenna Assemblies from the Detonator Units.  This action turnsoff the Detonator Units.6.1.4.  Replace the dust cover on the antenna / battery charger connector on theDetonator Units and replace the red plastic cap on the Antenna Assembly.6.2. PHYSICAL INSPECTION.6.2.1.  Inspect the Controller Unit and Detonator Units for physical damage.6.2.2.  Inspect the units for dirt or corrosion around/on connector pins and vent.6.2.3.  Replace any unit found to have damage.  Return unit to Manufacturer.6.2.4.  Clean units using a soft bristle brush.6.2.5.  If a unit cannot be cleaned by brushing, make sure the vent is closed securelyand wash units in warm soapy water.6.2.6.  Rinse units with clean water and dry thoroughly.6.2.7.  Inspect units for damage.  Replace as necessary.6.3. PACKAGING.6.3.1.  Re-package all components in carrying case.6.4.  MAINTENANCE & EQUIPMENT STORAGE.6.4.1.  Periodic battery charging.6.4.2.  Check for signs of corrosion around and on connector pins.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 7-377. BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING IN THE FIELD.7.1. DETONATOR UNITS.7.1.1.  “ON” and “SAFE” lights do not illuminate when the Antenna Assembly isinstalled.a)  Check Antenna Assembly and make sure it is seated, “clicks” on to the connector.b) Recharge the battery.c)  Try a different Antenna Assembly.7.2. CONTROLLER UNIT.7.2.1.  “ON” Light does not stay on.a)  Check Antenna Assembly and make sure it is seated, “clicks” on to the connector.b)  Press and hold the “ON” switch for 5 seconds.c)  Controller Unit battery needs to be recharged.7.2.2.  Command receipt is not confirmed by Detonator Unit.a)  Detonator Unit is more than 1,000 feet from Controller Unit.b)  If the Detonator Unit is less than 1,000 feet away from the Controller Unit.Check for damage to Controller Unit Antenna Assembly.Try a different Antenna Assembly on the Controller Unit.Move at least 25 feet in any direction and try again.Reposition the Detonator Unit if:•  The antenna is not positioned vertically.•  The antenna is next to another radio antenna.•  The antenna is surrounded by metallic objects.•  Use optional magnetic mount antenna for improved gain.c)  Check carrier detect light to see if there is interference from another source.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 8-388. OPTIMIZING RANGE.8.1.1.  When power lines are in the area, the radio transmission distance is reduced.The System can operate at the following distance, when the Controller Unit is elevatedto a maximum transmission location angle to the Detonator Unit location (see Figure8-1).Over Minimum DistanceOpen Land or Water with Power Lines 1 MileDense Vegetation without Power Lines 1 MileOpen Land or Water without Power Lines 5 Miles
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 8-39Figure 8-1 Unit Normal Transmission Location.8.1.2.  If the Controller unit and Detonator Unit must be placed in a position otherthan location in Figure 8-1, use Figure 8-2 or Figure 8-3.  The minimum transmissionwill occur when the Controller Unit antenna and the Detonator Unit antenna are placedin the line of site.  The maximum transmission occurs when the line of site lays in a pathof 5 to 25 degrees above Unit top plane perpendicular to the antenna.  Both theController Unit antenna and the Detonator Unit Antenna have the same radiant energypattern as shown in Figure 8-4.Figure 8-2 Detonator Unit Elevated.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 8-40Figure 8-3 Detonator Unit Tilted.
RFD OPERATOR MANUAL 8-41Figure 8-4 Antenna Radiation Pattern

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