Samsung Electronics Co GTC5010D Cellular/PCS GSM Phone with Bluetooth User Manual 08 user manual C5130
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Cellular/PCS GSM Phone with Bluetooth 08 user manual C5130
Users Manual
User manual using this manual This user manual has been specially designed to guide you through the functions and features of your mobile phone. To get started quickly, refer to “introducing your mobile phone,” “오류! 참조 원본을 찾을 수 없습니다.,” and “오류! 참조 원본을 찾을 수 없습니다..” Instructional icons Before you start, familiarise yourself with the icons you will see in this manual: Warning—situations that could cause injury to yourself or others Caution—situations that could cause damage to your phone or other equipment Note—notes, usage tips, or additional information Refer to—pages with related information; for example: X p. 12 (represents “see page 12”) Õ Followed by—the order of options or menus you must select to perform a step; for example: In Menu mode, select Messages Õ Create new message (represents Messages, followed by Create new message) [ ] Square brackets—phone keys; for example: [ ](represents the Power/ Menu exit key) Angled brackets—softkeys that control different functions at each screen; for < > example:(represents the OK softkey) Copyright information Rights to all technologies and products that comprise this device are the property of their respective owners: z Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide z Java™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. z Windows Media Player® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. contents safety and usage information Safety warnings Safety precautions Important usage information introducing your mobile phone Unpack .. Phone layout Keys Display Icons assembling and preparing your mobile phone Install the SIM card and battery Charge the battery using basic functions Turn your phone on and off Access menus Customise your phone Use basic call functions Send and view messages Add and find contacts troubleshooting safety and usage information Comply with the following precautions to avoid dangerous or illegal situations and ensure peak performance of your mobile phone. Safety warnings Keep your phone away from small children and pets Keep your phone and all accessories out of the reach of small children or animals. Small parts may cause choking or serious injury if swallowed. Protect your hearing Listening to a headset at high volumes can damage your hearing. Use only the minimum volume setting necessary to hear your conversation or music. Install mobile phones and equipment with caution Ensure that any mobile phones or related equipment installed in your vehicle are securely mounted. Avoid placing your phone and accessories near or in an air bag deployment area. Improperly installed wireless equipment can cause serious injury when air bags inflate rapidly. Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care z Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers specifically designed for your phone. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries or damage to your phone. z Never dispose of batteries or phones in a fire. Follow all local regulations when disposing used batteries or phones. z Never place batteries or phones on or in heating devices, such as microwave ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated. z Never crush or puncture the battery. Avoid exposing the battery to high external pressure, which can lead to an internal short circuit and overheating. Avoid interference with pacemakers Maintain a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) between mobile phones and pacemakers to avoid potential interference, as recommended by manufacturers and the independent research group, Wireless Technology Research. If you have any reason to suspect that your phone is interfering with a pacemaker or other medical device, turn off the phone immediately and contact the manufacturer of the pacemaker or medical device for guidance. Turn off the phone in potentially explosive environments Do not use your phone at refuelling points (service stations) or near fuels or chemicals. Turn off your phone whenever directed by warning signs or instructions. Your phone could cause explosions or fire in and around fuel or chemical storage and transfer areas or blasting areas. Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases, or explosive materials in the same compartment as the phone, its parts, or accessories. Reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries When sending text messages or playing games on your phone, hold the phone with a relaxed grip, press the keys lightly, use special features that reduce the number of keys you have to press (such as templates and predictive text), and take frequent breaks. Safety precautions Drive safely at all times Avoid using your phone while driving and obey all regulations that restrict the use of mobile phones while driving. Use hands-free accessories to increase your safety when possible. Follow all safety warnings and regulations Comply with any regulations that restrict the use of a mobile phone in a certain area. Use only Samsung-approved accessories Using incompatible accessories may damage your phone or cause injury. Turn off the phone near medical equipment Your phone can interfere with medical equipment in hospitals or health care facilities. Follow all regulations, posted warnings, and directions from medical personnel. Turn off the phone or disable the wireless functions when in an aircraft Your phone can cause interference with aircraft equipment. Follow all airline regulations and turn off your phone or switch to a mode that disables the wireless functions when directed by airline personnel. Protect batteries and chargers from damage Avoid exposing batteries to very cold or very hot temperatures (below 0° C/32° F or above 45° C/ 113° F). Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity and life of your batteries. Prevent batteries from contacting metal objects, as this can create a connection between the + and - terminals of your batteries and lead to temporary or permanent battery damage. Never use a damaged charger or battery. Handle your phone carefully and sensibly Do not allow your phone to get wet—liquids can cause serious damage. Do not handle your phone with wet hands. Water damage to your phone can void your manufacturer’s warranty. z Avoid using or storing your phone in dusty, dirty areas to prevent damage to moving parts. z Your phone is a complex electronic device— protect it from impacts and rough handling to avoid serious damage. z Do not paint your phone, as paint can clog moving parts and prevent proper operation. z Avoid using the phone’s camera flash or light close to the eyes of children or animals. z Your phone and memory cards may be damaged by exposure to magnetic fields. Do not use carrying cases or accessories with magnetic closures or allow your phone to come in contact with magnetic fields for extended periods of time. Avoid interference with other electronic devices Your phone emits radio frequency (RF) signals that may interfere with unshielded or improperly shielded electronic equipment, such as pacemakers, hearing aids, medical devices, and other electronic devices in homes or vehicles. Consult the manufacturers of your electronic devices to solve any interference problems you experience. Important usage information Use your phone in the normal position Avoid contact with your phone’s internal antenna. Allow only qualified personnel to service your phone Allowing unqualified personnel to service your phone may result in damage to your phone and will void your warranty. Ensure maximum battery and charger life z Avoid charging batteries for more than a week, as overcharging may shorten battery life. z Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use. z Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use. z Use batteries only for their intended purpose. Handle SIM cards and memory cards with care z Do not remove a card while the phone is transferring or accessing information, as this could result in loss of data and/or damage to the card or phone. z Protect cards from strong shocks, static electricity, and electrical noise from other devices. z Frequent writing and erasing will shorten the life span of memory cards. z Do not touch gold-coloured contacts or terminals with your fingers or metal objects. If dirty, wipe the card with a soft cloth. Ensure access to emergency services Emergency calls from your phone may not be possible in some areas or circumstances. Before travelling in remote or undeveloped areas, plan an alternate method of contacting emergency services personnel. Health and safety information Ex posu r e t o Ra dio Fr e qu e n cy ( RF) Sign a ls Ce r t ifica t ion I n for m a t ion ( SAR) Your wireless phone is a radio t ransm it t er and receiver. I t is designed and m anufact ured not t o exceed t he exposure lim it s for radio frequency ( RF) energy set by t he Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC) of t he U.S. governm ent . These FCC exposure lim it s are derived from t he recom m endat ions of t wo expert organizat ions, t he Nat ional Counsel on Radiat ion Prot ect ion and Measurem ent ( NCRP) and t he I nst it ut e of Elect rical and Elect ronics Engineers ( I EEE) . I n bot h cases, t he recom m endat ions were developed by scient ific and engineering expert s drawn from indust ry, governm ent , and academ ia aft er ext ensive reviews of t he scient ific lit erat ure relat ed t o t he biological effect s of RF energy. The exposure lim it set by t he FCC for wireless m obile phones em ploys a unit of m easurem ent known as t he Specific Absorpt ion Rat e ( SAR) . The SAR is a m easure of t he rat e of absorpt ion of RF energy by t he hum an body expressed in unit s of wat t s per kilogram ( W/ kg) . The FCC requires wireless phones t o com ply wit h a safet y lim it of 1.6 wat t s per kilogram ( 1.6 W/ kg) . The FCC exposure lim it incorporat es a subst ant ial m argin of safet y t o give addit ional prot ect ion t o t he public and t o account for any variat ions in m easurem ent s. SAR t est s are conduct ed using st andard operat ing posit ions accept ed by t he FCC wit h t he phone t ransm it t ing at it s highest cert ified power level in all t est ed frequency bands. Alt hough t he SAR is det erm ined at t he highest cert ified power level, t he act ual SAR level of t he phone while operat ing can be well below t he m axim um value. This is because t he phone is designed t o operat e at m ult iple power levels so as t o use only t he power required t o reach t he net work. I n general, t he closer you are t o a wireless base st at ion ant enna, t he lower t he power out put . Before a new m odel phone is available for sale t o t he public, it m ust be t est ed and cert ified t o t he FCC t hat it does not exceed t he exposure lim it est ablished by t he FCC. Test s for each m odel phone are perform ed in posit ions and locat ions ( e.g. at t he ear and worn on t he body) as required by t he FCC. For body worn operat ion, t his m odel phone has been t est ed and m eet s t he FCC RF exposure guidelines whenused wit h a Sam sung accessory designat ed for t his product or when used wit h an accessory t hat cont ains no m et al and t hat posit ions t he handset a m inim um of 1.5 cm from t he body. Non- com pliance wit h t he above rest rict ions m ay result in violat ion of FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR inform at ion on t his and ot her m odel phones can be viewed on- line at oet / fccid. This sit e uses t he phone FCC I D num ber, A3LGTC5010D. Som et im es it m ay be necessary t o rem ove t he bat t ery pack t o find t he num ber. Once you have t he FCC I D num ber for a part icular phone, follow t he inst ruct ions on t he websit e and it should provide values for t ypical or m axim um SAR for a part icular phone. Addit ional product specific SAR inform at ion can also be obt ained at cgb/ sar. Con su m e r I n for m a t ion on W ir e le ss Ph on e s The U.S. Food and Drug Adm inist rat ion ( FDA) has published a series of Quest ions and Answers for consum ers relat ing t o radio frequency ( RF) exposure from wireless phones. The FDA publicat ion includes t he following inform at ion: W h a t k in ds of ph on e s a r e t h e su bj e ct of t h is u pda t e ? The t erm wireless phone refers here t o hand- held wireless phones wit h built - in ant ennas, oft en called “ cell,” “ m obile,” or “ PCS” phones. These t ypes of wireless phones can expose t he user t o m easurable radio frequency energy ( RF) because of t he short dist ance bet ween t he phone and t he user's head. These RF exposures are lim it ed by Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission safet y guidelines t hat were developed wit h t he advice of FDA and ot her federal healt h and safet y agencies. When t he phone is locat ed at great er dist ances from t he user, t he exposure t o RF is drast ically lower because a person's RF exposure decreases rapidly wit h increasing dist ance from t he source. The so- called “ cordless phones,” which have a base unit connect ed t o t he t elephone wiring in a house, t ypically operat e at far lower power levels, and t hus produce RF exposures well wit hin t he FCC's com pliance lim it s. D o w ir e le ss ph on e s pose a h e a lt h h a za r d? The available scient ific evidence does not show t hat any healt h problem s are associat ed wit h using wireless phones. There is no proof, however, t hat wireless phones are absolut ely safe. Wireless phones em it low levels of radio frequency energy ( RF) in t he m icrowave range while being used. They also em it very low levels of RF when in t he st and- by m ode. Whereas high levels of RF can produce healt h effect s ( by heat ing t issue) , exposure t o low level RF t hat does not produce heat ing effect s causes no known adverse healt h effect s. Many st udies of low level RF exposures have not found any biological effect s. Som e st udies have suggest ed t hat som e biological effect s m ay occur, but such findings have not been confirm ed by addit ional research. I n som e cases, ot her researchers have had difficult y in reproducing t hose st udies, or in det erm ining t he reasons for inconsist ent result s. W h a t is FD A's r ole con ce r n in g t h e sa fe t y of w ir e le ss ph on e s? Under t he law, FDA does not review t he safet y of radiat ion- em it t ing consum er product s such as wireless phones before t hey can be sold, as it does wit h new drugs or m edical devices. However, t he agency has aut horit y t o t ake act ion if wireless phones are shown t o em it radio frequency energy ( RF) at a level t hat is hazardous t o t he user. I n such a case, FDA could require t he m anufact urers of w ireless phones t o not ify users of t he healt h hazard and t o repair, replace or recall t he phones so t hat t he hazard no longer exist s. Alt hough t he exist ing scient ific dat a do not j ust ify FDA regulat ory act ions, FDA has urged t he wireless phone indust ry t o t ake a num ber of st eps, including t he following: z “ Support needed research int o possible biological effect s of RF of t he t ype em it t ed by wireless phones; z “ Design wireless phones in a way t hat m inim izes any RF exposure t o t he user t hat is not necessary for device funct ion; and z “ Cooperat e in providing users of wireless phones wit h t he best possible inform at ion on possible effect s of wireless phone use on hum an healt h. FDA belongs t o an int eragency working group of t he federal agencies t hat have responsibilit y for different aspect s of RF safet y t o ensure coordinat ed effort s at t he federal level. The following agencies belong t o t his working group: z “ Nat ional I nst it ut e for Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h z “ Environm ent al Prot ect ion Agency z “ Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission z “ Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h Adm inist rat ion z “ Nat ional Telecom m unicat ions and I nform at ion Adm inist rat ion The Nat ional I nst it ut es of Healt h part icipat es in som e int eragency working group act ivit ies, as well. FDA shares regulat ory responsibilit ies for wireless phones wit h t he Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC) . All phones t hat are sold in t he Unit ed St at es m ust com ply wit h FCC safet y guidelines t hat lim it RF exposure. FCC relies on FDA and ot her healt h agencies for safet y quest ions about wireless phones. FCC also regulat es t he base st at ions t hat t he wireless phone net works rely upon. While t hese base st at ions operat e at higher power t han do t he wireless phones t hem selves, t he RF exposures t hat people get from t hese base st at ions are t ypically t housands of t im es lower t han t hose t hey can get from wireless phones. Base st at ions are t hus not t he prim ary subj ect of t he safet y quest ions discussed in t his docum ent . W h a t a r e t h e r e su lt s of t h e r e se a r ch don e a lr e a dy? The research done t hus far has produced conflict ing result s, and m any st udies have suffered from flaws in t heir research m et hods. Anim al experim ent s invest igat ing t he effect s of radio frequency energy ( RF) exposures charact erist ic of wireless phones have yielded conflict ing result s t hat oft en cannot be repeat ed in ot her laborat ories. A few anim al st udies, however, have suggest ed t hat low levels of RF could accelerat e t he developm ent of cancer in laborat ory anim als. However, m any of t he st udies t hat showed increased t um or developm ent used anim als t hat had been genet ically engineered or t reat ed wit h cancer- causing chem icals so as t o be pre- disposed t o develop cancer in absence of RF exposure. Ot her st udies exposed t he anim als t o RF for up t o 22 hours per day. These condit ions are not sim ilar t o t he condit ions under which people use wireless phones, so we don't know wit h cert aint y what t he result s of such st udies m ean for hum an healt h. Three large epidem iology st udies have been published since Decem ber 2000. Bet ween t hem , t he st udies invest igat ed any possible associat ion bet ween t he use of wireless phones and prim ary brain cancer, gliom a, m eningiom a, or acoust ic neurom a, t um ors of t he brain or salivary gland, leukem ia, or ot her cancers. None of t he st udies dem onst rat ed t he exist ence of any harm ful healt h effect s from wireless phones RF exposures. However, none of t he st udies can answer quest ions about long- t erm exposures, since t he average period of phone use in t hese st udies was around t hree years. W h a t r e se a r ch is n e e de d t o de cide w h e t h e r RF e x posu r e fr om w ir e le ss ph on e s pose s a h e a lt h r isk ? A com binat ion of laborat ory st udies and epidem iological st udies of people act ually using wireless phones would provide som e of t he dat a t hat are needed. Lifet im e anim al exposure st udies could be com plet ed in a few years. However, very large num bers of anim als would be needed t o provide reliable proof of a cancer prom ot ing effect if one exist s. Epidem iological st udies can provide dat a t hat is direct ly applicable t o hum an populat ions, but t en or m ore years' follow- up m ay be needed t o provide answers about som e healt h effect s, such as cancer. This is because t he int erval bet ween t he t im e of exposure t o a cancer- causing agent and t he t im e t um ors develop - if t hey do - m ay be m any, m any years. The int erpret at ion of epidem iological st udies is ham pered by difficult ies in m easuring act ual RF exposure during day- t o- day use of wireless phones. Many fact ors affect t his m easurem ent , such as t he angle at which t he phone is held, or which m odel of phone is used. W h a t is FD A doin g t o fin d ou t m or e a bou t t h e possible h e a lt h e ffe ct s of w ir e le ss ph on e RF? FDA is working wit h t he U.S. Nat ional Toxicology Program and wit h groups of invest igat ors around t he world t o ensure t hat high priorit y anim al st udies are conduct ed t o address im port ant quest ions about t he effect s of exposure t o radio frequency energy ( RF) . FDA has been a leading part icipant in t he World Healt h Organizat ion int ernat ional Elect rom agnet ic Fields ( EMF) Proj ect since it s incept ion in 1996. An influent ial result of t his work has been t he developm ent of a det ailed agenda of research needs t hat has driven t he est ablishm ent of new research program s around t he world. The Proj ect has also helped develop a series of public inform at ion docum ent s on EMF issues. FDA and Cellular Telecom m unicat ions & I nt ernet Associat ion ( CTI A) have a form al Cooperat ive Research and Developm ent Agreem ent ( CRADA) t o do research on wireless phone safet y. FDA provides t he scient ific oversight , obt aining input from expert s in governm ent , indust ry, and academ ic organizat ions. CTI A- funded research is conduct ed t hrough cont ract s t o independent invest igat ors. The init ial research will include bot h laborat ory st udies and st udies of wireless phone users. The CRADA will also include a broad assessm ent of addit ional research needs in t he cont ext of t he lat est research developm ent s around t he world. W h a t st e ps ca n I t a k e t o r e du ce m y e x posu r e t o r a dio fr e qu e n cy e n e r gy fr om m y w ir e le ss ph on e ? I f t here is a risk from t hese product s - and at t his point we do not know t hat t here is - it is probably very sm all. But if you are concerned about avoiding even pot ent ial risks, you can t ake a few sim ple st eps t o m inim ize your exposure t o radio frequency energy ( RF) . Since t im e is a key fact or in how m uch exposure a person receives, reducing t he am ount of t im e spent using a wireless phone will reduce RF exposure. z “ I f you m ust conduct ext ended conversat ions by wireless phone every day, you could place m ore dist ance bet ween your body and t he source of t he RF, since t he exposure level drops off dram at ically wit h dist ance. For exam ple, you could use a headset and carry t he wireless phone away from your body or use a wireless phone connect ed t o a rem ot e ant enna. Again, t he scient ific dat a do not dem onst rat e t hat wireless phones are harm ful. But if you are concerned about t he RF exposure from t hese product s, you can use m easures like t hose described above t o reduce your RF exposure from wireless phone use. W h a t a bou t ch ildr e n u sin g w ir e le ss ph on e s? The scient ific evidence does not show a danger t o users of wireless phones, including children and t eenagers. I f you want t o t ake st eps t o lower exposure t o radio frequency energy ( RF) , t he m easures described above would apply t o children and t eenagers using wireless phones. Reducing t he t im e of wireless phone use and increasing t he dist ance bet ween t he user and t he RF source will reduce RF exposure. Som e groups sponsored by ot her nat ional governm ent s have advised t hat children be discouraged from using wireless phones at all. For exam ple, t he governm ent in t he Unit ed Kingdom dist ribut ed leaflet s cont aining such a recom m endat ion in Decem ber 2000. They not ed t hat no evidence exist s t hat using a wireless phone causes brain t um ors or ot her ill effect s. Their recom m endat ion t o lim it wireless phone use by children was st rict ly precaut ionary; it was not based on scient ific evidence t hat any healt h hazard exist s. D o h a n ds- fr e e k it s for w ir e le ss ph on e s r e duce r isk s fr om e x posu r e t o RF e m ission s? Since t here are no known risks from exposure t o RF em issions from wireless phones, t here is no reason t o believe t hat hands- free kit s reduce risks. Hands- free kit s can be used wit h wireless phones for convenience and com fort . These syst em s reduce t he absorpt ion of RF energy in t he head because t he phone, which is t he source of t he RF em issions, will not be placed against t he head. On t he ot her hand, if t he phone is m ount ed against t he waist or ot her part of t he body during use, t hen t hat part of t he body will absorb m ore RF energy. Wireless phones m arket ed in t he U.S. are required t o m eet safet y requirem ent s regardless of whet her t hey are used against t he head or against t he body. Eit her configurat ion should result in com pliance wit h t he safet y lim it . D o w ir e le ss ph on e a cce ssor ie s t h a t cla im t o sh ie ld t h e h e a d fr om RF r a dia t ion w or k ? Since t here are no known risks from exposure t o RF em issions from wireless phones, t here is no reason t o believe t hat accessories t hat claim t o shield t he head from t hose em issions reduce risks. Som e product s t hat claim t o shield t he user from RF absorpt ion use special phone cases, while ot hers involve not hing m ore t han a m et allic accessory at t ached t o t he phone. St udies have shown t hat t hese product s generally do not work as advert ised. Unlike “ hand- free” kit s, t hese so- called “ shields” m ay int erfere wit h proper operat ion of t he phone. The phone m ay be forced t o boost it s power t o com pensat e, leading t o an increase in RF absorpt ion. I n February 2002, t he Federal t rade Com m ission ( FTC) charged t wo com panies t hat sold devices t hat claim ed t o prot ect wireless phone users from radiat ion wit h m aking false and unsubst ant iat ed claim s. According t o FTC, t hese defendant s lacked a reasonable basis t o subst ant iat e t heir claim . W h a t a bou t w ir e le ss ph on e in t e r fe r e n ce w it h m e dica l e qu ipm e n t ? Radio frequency energy ( RF) from wireless phones can int eract wit h som e elect ronic devices. For t his reason, FDA helped develop a det ailed t est m et hod t o m easure elect rom agnet ic int erference ( EMI ) of im plant ed cardiac pacem akers and defibrillat ors from wireless t elephones. This t est m et hod is now part of a st andard sponsored by t he Associat ion for t he Advancem ent of Medical inst rum ent at ion ( AAMI ) . The final draft , a j oint effort by FDA, m edical device m anufact urers, and m any ot her groups, was com plet ed in lat e 2000. This st andard will allow m anufact urers t o ensure t hat cardiac pacem akers and defibrillat ors are safe from wireless phone EMI . FDA has t est ed wireless phones and helped develop a volunt ary st andard sponsored by t he I nst it ut e of Elect rical and Elect ronic Engineers ( I EEE) . This st andard specifies t est m et hods and perform ance requirem ent s for hearing aids and wireless phones so t hat no int erference occurs when a person uses a com pat ible phone and a com pat ible hearing aid at t he sam e t im e. This st andard was approved by t he I EEE in 2000. FDA cont inues t o m onit or t he use of wireless phones for possible int eract ions wit h ot her m edical devices. Should harm ful int erference be found t o occur, FDA will conduct t est ing t o assess t he int erference and work t o resolve t he problem . Addit ional inform at ion on t he safet y of RF exposures from various sources can be obt ained from t he following organizat ions: z FCC RF Safet y Program : ht t p: / / oet / rfsafet y/ z Environm ent al Prot ect ion Agency ( EPA) : ht t p: / / radiat ion/ z Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h Adm inist rat ion's ( OSHA) : ht t p: / / SLTC/ radiofrequencyradiat ion/ m l z Nat ional inst it ut e for Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h ( NI OSH) : ht t p: / / niosh/ em m l z World healt h Organizat ion ( WHO) : ht t p: / / / peh- em f/ z I nt ernat ional Com m ission on Non- I onizing Radiat ion Prot ect ion: ht t p: / / z Nat ional Radiat ion Prot ect ion Board ( UK) : ht t p: / / z Updat ed 4/ 3/ 2002: US food and Drug Adm inist rat ion ht t p: / / cellphones Roa d Sa fe t y Your wireless phone gives you t he powerful abilit y t o com m unicat e by voice, alm ost anywhere, anyt im e. But an im port ant responsibilit y accom panies t he benefit s of wireless phones, one t hat every user m ust uphold. When driving a car, driving is your first responsibilit y. When using your wireless phone behind t he wheel of a car, pract ice good com m on sense and rem em ber t he following t ips: 1. Get t o know your wireless phone and it s feat ures, such as speed dial and redial. I f available, t hese feat ures help you t o place your call wit hout t aking your at t ent ion off t he road. 2. When available, use a hands- free device. I f possible, add an addit ional layer of convenience and safet y t o your wireless phone wit h one of t he m any hands free accessories available t oday. 3. Posit ion your wireless phone wit hin easy reach. Be able t o access your wireless phone wit hout rem oving your eyes from t he road. I f you get an incom ing call at an inconvenient t im e, let your voice m ail answer it for you. 4. Let t he person you are speaking wit h know you are driving; if necessary, suspend t he call in heavy t raffic or hazardous weat her condit ions. Rain, sleet , snow, ice and even heavy t raffic can be hazardous. 5. Do not t ake not es or look up phone num bers while driving. Jot t ing down a “ t o do” list or flipping t hrough your address book t akes at t ent ion away from your prim ary responsibilit y, driving safely. 6. Dial sensibly and assess t he t raffic; if possible, place calls when you are not m oving or before pulling int o t raffic. Try t o plan calls when your car will be st at ionary. I f you need t o m ake a call while m oving, dial only a few num bers, check t he road and your m irrors, t hen cont inue. 7. Do not engage in st ressful or em ot ional conversat ions t hat m ay be dist ract ing. Make people you are t alking wit h aware you are driving and suspend conversat ions t hat have t he pot ent ial t o divert your at t ent ion from t he road. 8. Use your wireless phone t o call for help. Dial 9- 1- 1 or ot her local em ergency num ber in t he case of fire, t raffic accident or m edical em ergencies. Rem em ber, it is a free call on your wireless phone! 9. Use your wireless phone t o help ot hers in em ergencies. I f you see an aut o accident , crim e in progress or ot her serious em ergency where lives are in danger, call 9- 1- 1 or ot her local em ergency num ber, as you would want ot hers t o do for you. 10. Call roadside assist ance or a special non- em ergency wireless assist ance num ber when necessary. I f you see a broken- down vehicle posing no serious hazard, a broken t raffic signal, a m inor t raffic accident where no one appears inj ured, or a vehicle you know t o be st olen, call roadside assist ance or ot her special nonem ergency num ber. “Th e w ir e le ss in du st r y r e m in ds you t o u se you r ph one sa fe ly w h e n dr iving.” For m or e in for m a t ion , ple a se ca ll 1 - 8 8 8 - 9 0 1 - SAFE, or visit ou r w e b- sit e w w w .w ow - com .com Pr ovide d by t h e Ce llu la r Te le com m u n ica t ions & I nt e r n e t Associa t ion Ope r a t in g En vir on m e n t Rem em ber t o follow any special regulat ions in force in any area and always swit ch your phone off whenever it is forbidden t o use it , or w hen it m ay cause int erference or danger. When connect ing t he phone or any accessory t o anot her device, read it s user's guide for det ailed safet y inst ruct ions. Do not connect incom pat ible product s. As wit h ot her m obile radio t ransm it t ing equipm ent , users are advised t hat for t he sat isfact ory operat ion of t he equipm ent and for t he safet y of personnel, it is recom m ended t hat t he equipm ent should only be used in t he norm al operat ing posit ion ( held t o your ear wit h t he ant enna point ing over your shoulder) . Usin g You r Ph on e N e a r Ot h e r Ele ct r on ic D e vice s Most m odern elect ronic equipm ent is shielded from radio frequency ( RF) signals. However, cert ain elect ronic equipm ent m ay not be shielded against t he RF signals from your wireless phone. Consult t he m anufact urer t o discuss alt ernat ives. Pa ce m a k e r s Pacem aker m anufact urers recom m end t hat a m inim um dist ance of 15 cm ( 6 inches) be m aint ained bet ween a wireless phone and a pacem aker t o avoid pot ent ial int erference wit h t he pacem aker. These recom m endat ions are consist ent wit h t he independent research and recom m endat ions of Wireless Technology Research. Pe r son s w it h pa ce m a k e r s: z should always keep t he phone m ore t han 15 cm ( 6 inches) from t heir pacem aker when t he phone is swit ched on. z should not carry t he phone in a breast pocket . z should use t he ear opposit e t he pacem aker t o m inim ize pot ent ial int erference. I f you have any reason t o suspect t hat int erference is t aking place, swit ch your phone off im m ediat ely. H e a r in g Aids Som e digit al wireless phones m ay int erfere wit h som e hearing aids. I n t he event of such int erference, you m ay wish t o consult your hearing aid m anufact urer t o discuss alt ernat ives. Ot h e r M e dica l D e vice s I f you use any ot her personal m edical devices, consult t he m anufact urer of your device t o det erm ine if it is adequat ely shielded from ext ernal RF energy. Your physician m ay be able t o assist you in obt aining t his inform at ion. Swit ch your phone off in healt h care facilit ies when any regulat ions post ed in t hese areas inst ruct you t o do so. Hospit als or healt h care facilit ies m ay be using equipm ent t hat could be sensit ive t o ext ernal RF energy. Ve h icle s RF signals m ay affect im properly inst alled or inadequat ely shielded elect ronic syst em s in m ot or vehicles. Check wit h t he m anufact urer or it s represent at ive regarding your vehicle. You should also consult t he m anufact urer of any equipm ent t hat has been added t o your vehicle. Post e d Fa cilit ie s Swit ch your phone off in any facilit y where post ed not ices require you t o do so. Pot e n t ia lly Ex plosive En vir on m e n t s Swit ch your phone off when in any area wit h a pot ent ially explosive at m osphere and obey all signs and inst ruct ions. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire result ing in bodily inj ury or even deat h. Users are advised t o swit ch t he phone off while at a refueling point ( service st at ion) . Users are rem inded of t he need t o observe rest rict ions on t he use of radio equipm ent in fuel depot s ( fuel st orage and dist ribut ion areas) , chem ical plant s or where blast ing operat ions are in progress. Areas wit h a pot ent ially explosive at m osphere are oft en but not always clearly m arked. They include below deck on boat s, chem ical t ransfer or st orage facilit ies, vehicles using liquefied pet roleum gas ( such as propane or but ane) , areas w here t he air cont ains chem icals or part icles, such as grain, dust or m et al powders, and any ot her area where you would norm ally be advised t o t urn off your vehicle engine. Em e r ge n cy Ca lls This phone, like any wireless phone, operat es using radio signals, wireless and landline net works as well as user program m ed funct ions, which cannot guarant ee connect ion in all condit ions. Therefore, you should never rely solely on any wireless phone for essent ial com m unicat ions ( m edical em ergencies, for exam ple) . Rem em ber, t o m ake or receive any calls t he phone m ust be swit ched on and in a service area wit h adequat e signal st rengt h. Em ergency calls m ay not be possible on all wireless phone net works or when cert ain net work services and/ or phone feat ures are in use. Check wit h local service providers. To m ake an em ergency call: 1. I f t he phone is not on, swit ch it on. 2. Key in t he em ergency num ber for your present locat ion ( for exam ple, 911 or ot her official em ergency num ber) . Em ergency num bers vary by locat ion. 3. Press I f cert ain feat ures are in use ( call barring, for exam ple) , you m ay first need t o deact ivat e t hose feat ures before you can m ake an em ergency call. Consult t his docum ent and your local cellular service provider. When m aking an em ergency call, rem em ber t o give all t he necessary inform at ion as accurat ely as possible. Rem em ber t hat your phone m ay be t he only m eans of com m unicat ion at t he scene of an accident ; do not cut off t he call unt il given perm ission t o do so. Re st r ict in g Ch ildr e n 's a cce ss t o you r Ph on e Your phone is not a t oy. Children should not be allowed t o play wit h it because t hey could hurt t hem selves and ot hers, dam age t he phone or m ake calls t hat increase your phone bill. FCC N ot ice a n d Ca u t ion s FCC N ot ice This device com plies wit h Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion is subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions: ( 1) t his device m ay not cause harm ful int erference, and ( 2) t his device m ust accept any int erference received, including int erference t hat m ay cause undesired operat ion. z This equipm ent has been t est ed and found t o com ply wit h t he lim it s for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These lim it s are designed t o provide reasonable prot ect ion against harm ful int erference in a resident ial inst allat ion. This equipm ent generat es, uses and can radiat e radio frequency energy and, if not inst alled and used in accordance wit h t he inst ruct ions, m ay cause harm ful int erference t o radio com m unicat ions. However, t here is no guarant ee t hat int erference will not occur in a part icular inst allat ion. I f t his equipm ent does cause harm ful int erference t o radio or t elevision recept ion, which can be det erm ined by t urning t he equipm ent off and on, t he user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct t he int erference by one or m ore of t he following m easures: - Reorient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna. - I ncrease t he separat ion bet ween t he equipm ent and receiver. - Connect t he equipm ent int o an out let on a circuit different from t hat t o which t he receiver is connect ed. - Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV t echnician for help. The phone m ay cause TV or radio int erference if used in close proxim it y t o receiving equipm ent . The FCC can require you t o st op using t he phone if such int erference cannot be elim inat ed. Vehicles using liquefied pet roleum gas ( such as propane or but ane) m ust com ply wit h t he Nat ional Fire Prot ect ion St andard ( NFPA- 58) . For a copy of t his st andard, cont act t he Nat ional Fire Prot ect ion Associat ion, One Bat t ery m arch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, At t n: Publicat ion Sales Division. Ca ut ions Changes or m odificat ions m ade in t he radio phone, not expressly approved by Sam sung, will void t he user’s aut horit y t o operat e t he equipm ent . Only use approved bat t eries, ant ennas and chargers. The use of any unaut horized accessories m ay be dangerous and void t he phone warrant y if said accessories cause dam age or a defect t o t he phone. Alt hough your phone is quit e st urdy, it is a com plex piece of equipm ent and can be broken. Avoid dropping, hit t ing, bending or sit t ing on it . Ot h e r I m por t a n t Sa fe t y I n for m a t ion z Only qualified personnel should service t he phone or inst all t he phone in a vehicle. Fault y inst allat ion or service m ay be dangerous and m ay invalidat e any warrant y applicable t o t he device. z Check regularly t hat all wireless phone equipm ent in your vehicle is m ount ed and operat ing properly. z Do not st ore or carry flam m able liquids, gases or explosive m at erials in t he sam e com part m ent as t he phone, it s part s or accessories. z For vehicles equipped wit h an air bag, rem em ber t hat an air bag inflat es wit h great force. Do not place obj ect s, including bot h inst alled or port able wireless equipm ent in t he area over t he air bag or in t he air bag deploym ent area. I f wireless equipm ent is im properly inst alled and t he air bag inflat es, serious inj ury could result . z Swit ch your phone off before boarding an aircraft . The use of wireless phone in aircraft is illegal and m ay be dangerous t o t he aircraft 's operat ion. z Failure t o observe t hese inst ruct ions m ay lead t o t he suspension or denial of t elephone services t o t he offender, or legal act ion, or bot h. Pr odu ct Pe r for m a n ce Ge t t in g t he M ost Ou t of You r Sign a l Re ce pt ion The qualit y of each call you m ake or receive depends on t he signal st rengt h in your area. Your phone inform s you of t he current signal st rengt h by displaying a num ber of bars next t o t he signal st rengt h icon. The m ore bars displayed, t he st ronger t he signal. I f you're inside a building, being near a window m ay give you bet t er recept ion. Un de r st a n din g t h e Pow e r Sa ve Fe a t u r e I f your phone is unable t o find a signal aft er 15 m inut es of searching, a Power Save feat ure is aut om at ically act ivat ed. I f your phone is act ive, it periodically rechecks service availabilit y or you can check it yourself by pressing any key. Anyt im e t he Power Save feat ure is act ivat ed, a m essage displays on t he screen. When a signal is found, your phone ret urns t o st andby m ode. M a in t a in in g You r Ph one 's Pe a k Pe r for m a n ce For t he best care of your phone, only aut horized personnel should service your phone and accessories. Fault y service m ay void t he warrant y. There are several sim ple guidelines t o operat ing your phone properly and m aint aining safe, sat isfact ory service. z Hold t he phone wit h t he ant enna raised, fully- ext ended and over your shoulder. z Try not t o hold, bend or t wist t he phone's ant enna. z Don't use t he phone if t he ant enna is dam aged. z Speak direct ly int o t he phone's receiver. z Avoid exposing your phone and accessories t o rain or liquid spills. I f your phone does get wet , im m ediat ely t urn t he power off and rem ove t he bat t ery. I f it is inoperable, call Cust om er Care for service. Ava ila bilit y of Va r ious Fe a t u r e s/ Rin g Ton e s Many services and feat ures are net work dependent and m ay require addit ional subscript ion and/ or usage charges. Not all feat ures are available for purchase or use in all areas. Dow nloadable Ring Tones m ay be available at an addit ional cost . Ot her condit ions and rest rict ions m ay apply. See your service provider for addit ional inform at ion. Ba t t e r y St a n dby a n d Ta lk Tim e St andby and t alk t im es will vary depending on phone usage pat t erns and condit ions. Bat t ery power consum pt ion depends on fact ors such as net work configurat ion, signal st rengt h, operat ing t em perat ure, feat ures select ed, frequency of calls, and voice, dat a, and ot her applicat ion usage pat t erns. Ba t t e r y Pr e ca u t ion s z Never use any charger or bat t ery t hat is dam aged in any way. z Use t he bat t ery only for it s int ended purpose. z I f you use t he phone near t he net work's base st at ion, it uses less power; t alk and st andby t im e are great ly affect ed by t he signal st rengt h on t he cellular net work and t he param et ers set by t he net work operat or. z Bat t ery charging t im e depends on t he rem aining bat t ery charge and t he t ype of bat t ery and charger used. The bat t ery can be z charged and discharged hundreds of t im es, but it will gradually wear out . When t he operat ion t im e ( t alk t im e and st andby t im e) is not iceably short er t han norm al, it is t im e t o buy a new bat t ery. I f left unused, a fully charged bat t ery will discharge it self over t im e. Use only Sam sung- approved bat t eries and recharge your bat t ery only wit h Sam sung- approved chargers. When a charger is not in use, disconnect it from t he power source. Do not leave t he bat t ery connect ed t o a charger for m ore t han a week, since overcharging m ay short en it s life. Ext rem e t em perat ures will affect t he charging capacit y of your bat t ery: it m ay require cooling or warm ing first . Do not leave t he bat t ery in hot or cold places, such as in a car in sum m er or wint er condit ions, as you will reduce t he capacit y and lifet im e of t he bat t ery. Always t ry t o keep t he bat t ery at room t em perat ure. A phone wit h a hot or cold bat t ery m ay t em porarily not work, even when t he bat t ery is fully charged. Li- ion bat t eries are part icularly affect ed by t em perat ures below 0 ° C ( 32 ° F) . Do not short - circuit t he bat t ery. Accident al short - circuit ing can occur when a m et allic obj ect ( coin, clip or pen) causes a direct connect ion bet ween t he + and - t erm inals of t he bat t ery ( m et al st rips on t he bat t ery) , for exam ple when you carry a spare bat t ery in a pocket or bag. Short - circuit ing t he t erm inals m ay dam age t he bat t ery or t he obj ect causing t he short - circuit ing. Dispose of used bat t eries in accordance wit h local regulat ions. I n som e areas, t he disposal of bat t eries in household or business t rash m ay be prohibit ed. For safe disposal opt ions for Li- I on bat t eries, cont act your nearest Sam sung aut horized service cent er. Always recycle. Do not dispose of bat t eries in a fire. Ca r e a n d M a in t e n a n ce Your phone is a product of superior design and craft sm anship and should be t reat ed wit h care. The suggest ions below will help you fulfill any warrant y obligat ions and allow you t o enj oy t his product for m any years. z Keep t he phone and all it s part s and accessories out of t he reach of sm all children. z Keep t he phone dry. Precipit at ion, hum idit y and liquids cont ain m inerals t hat will corrode elect ronic circuit s. z Do not use t he phone wit h a wet hand. Doing so m ay cause an elect ric shock t o you or dam age t o t he phone. z Do not use or st ore t he phone in dust y, dirt y areas, as it s m oving part s m ay be dam aged. z Do not st ore t he phone in hot areas. High t em perat ures can short en t he life of elect ronic devices, dam age bat t eries, and warp or m elt cert ain plast ics. z Do not st ore t he phone in cold areas. When t he phone warm s up t o it s norm al operat ing t em perat ure, m oist ure can form inside t he z phone, which m ay dam age t he phone's elect ronic circuit boards. Do not drop, knock or shake t he phone. Rough handling can break int ernal circuit boards. Do not use harsh chem icals, cleaning solvent s or st rong det ergent s t o clean t he phone. Wipe it wit h a soft clot h slight ly dam pened in a m ild soap- and- wat er solut ion. Do not paint t he phone. Paint can clog t he device's m oving part s and prevent proper operat ion. Do not put t he phone in or on heat ing devices, such as a m icrowave oven, a st ove or a radiat or. The phone m ay explode when overheat ed. When t he phone or bat t ery get s wet , t he label indicat ing wat er dam age inside t he phone changes color. I n t his case, phone repairs are no longer guarant eed by t he m anufact urer's warrant y, even if t he warrant y for your phone has not expired. I f your phone has a flash or light , do not use it t oo close t o t he eyes of people or anim als. This m ay cause dam age t o t heir eyes. Use only t he supplied or an approved replacem ent ant enna. Unaut horized ant ennas or m odified accessories m ay dam age t he phone and violat e regulat ions governing radio devices. I f t he phone, bat t ery, charger or any accessory is not working properly, t ake it t o your nearest qualified service facilit y. The personnel t here will assist you, and if necessary, arrange for service. Correct disposal of this product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal. Correct disposal of batteries in this product (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate battery return systems) This marking on the battery, manual or packaging indicates that the batteries in this product should not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of their working life. Where marked, the chemical symbols Hg, Cd or Pb indicate that the battery contains mercury, cadmium or lead above the reference levels in EC Directive 2006/66. If batteries are not properly disposed of, these substances can cause harm to human health or the environment. To protect natural resources and to promote material reuse, please separate batteries from other types of waste and recycle them through your local, free battery return system. introducing your mobile phone In this section, learn about your mobile phone’s layout, keys, display, and icons Unpack Check your product box for the following items: z Mobile phone z Battery z Travel adapter (charger) z User manual The items supplied with your phone may vary depending on the software and accessories available in your region or offered by your service provider. You can obtain additional accessories from your local Samsung dealer. Phone layout The front of your phone includes the following keys and features: The rear of your phone includes the following keys and features: Keys Key Softkeys 4-way navigation Confirm Dial Power/ Menu exit Alpha-numeric Special function Volume Function Perform actions indicated at the bottom of the display; In Idle mode, press and hold the left softkey to access the simplified menus In Idle mode, access user-defined menus (left/right/up/down); In Menu mode, scroll through menu options In Idle mode, launch the web browser; In Menu mode, select the highlighted menu option or confirm an input Make or answer a call; In Idle mode, retrieve recently dialled, missed, or received numbers Turn the phone on and off (press and hold); End a call; In Menu mode, cancel input and return to Idle mode Enter numbers, letters and special characters; In Idle mode, press and hold [1] to access voice mails and [0] to enter an international call prefix Enter special characters or perform special functions; In Idle mode, press and hold [#] for the silent profile; Press and hold [*] to enter a pause between numbers Adjust the phone’s volume Display Your phone’s display consists of three areas: Icon line Displays various icons Text and graphic area Displays messages, instructions, and information you enter Softkey line Displays the current actions assigned to each softkey Icons Learn about the icons that appear on your display. Definition Signal strength Call in progress New text message assembling and preparing your mobile phone Get started by assembling and setting up your mobile phone for its first use. Install the SIM card and battery When you subscribe to a cellular service, you will receive a Subscriber Identity Module, or SIM card, with subscription details, such as your personal identification number (PIN) and optional services. To install the SIM card and battery, 1. Remove the battery cover. If the phone is on, press and hold [ ] to turn it off. 2. Insert the SIM card. Place the SIM card in the phone with the gold-coloured contacts facing down. 3. Insert the battery. 4. Replace the battery cover. Charge the battery Before using the phone for the first time, you must charge the battery. 1. Open the cover to the multifunction jack on the side of the phone. 2. Plug the small end of the travel adapter into the multifunction jack. Improperly connecting the travel adapter can cause serious damage to the phone. Any damages by misuse are not covered by the warranty. 3. Plug the large end of the travel adapter into a power outlet. 4. When the battery is fully charged (the [|||||] icon is no longer moving), unplug the travel adapter from the power outlet. 5. Unplug the travel adapter from the phone. 6. Close the cover to the multifunction jack. About the low battery indicator When your battery is low, the phone will emit a warning tone and a low battery message. The battery icon will also be empty and blinking. If the battery level becomes too low, the phone will automatically power off. Recharge your battery to continue using your phone. using basic functions Learn how to perform basic operations and use the main features of your mobile phone. Turn your phone on and off To turn your phone on, 1. Slide open the phone. 2. Press and hold [ ]. 3. Enter your PIN and press (if necessary). 4. When the setup wizard opens, customise your phone as desired by following the screen. To turn your phone off, repeat steps 1 and 2 above. Switch to the offline profile By switching to the offline profile, you can use your phone’s non-network services in areas where wireless devices are prohibited, such as aeroplane and hospitals. To switch to the offline profile, in Menu mode, select Settings Õ Phone profiles Õ Offline. Follow all posted warnings and directions from official personnel when in areas where wireless devices are prohibited. Access menus To access your phone’s menus, 1. In Idle mode, press
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