Serome Electronics M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL Modem User Manual DSLlinX 3011P Qiuick Guide

Serome Electronics Inc. ADSL Modem DSLlinX 3011P Qiuick Guide

users manual

   M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 Quick Installation Guide        !!  UUnnppaacckkiinngg  tthhee  BBooxx      22  PPAAGGEE  ""  BBeeffoorree  IInnssttaalllliinngg  33  PPAAGGEE  ##  IInnssttaalllliinngg  tthhee  MM--DDNNXX--DDSSLL--PPCCII22  44  PPAAGGEE  $$  IInnssttaalllliinngg  SSooffttwwaarree  DDrriivveerr  oonn  WWiinnddoowwss  9988  55  PPAAGGEE  %%  IInnssttaalllliinngg  SSooffttwwaarree  DDrriivveerr  oonn  WWiinnddoowwss  22000000  88  PPAAGGEE  &&  CCoonnnneeccttiinngg  tthhee  NNeettwwoorrkk  1111  PPAAGGEE
 2     !!  UUnnppaacckkiinngg  tthhee  BBooxx  After the shipping carton carefully and check the contents include the following items. If any items were not delivered, please contact Medialincs or your product provider.         ADSL Modem
 3 ""  BBeeffoorree  IInnssttaalllliinngg  Hardware Requirement The following hardware and software requirements are necessary to configure and use the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2:  Item  Specification CPU  Pentium II 300MHz or compatible processor Operating system  Window 98/98 Second Edtion/2000/NT 4.0 Main memory  32MB (Recommended : 64MB) CD-ROM drive  CD-ROM drive necessary to install the software driver  PCI slot  PCI expansion slot for the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2   Necessary Information  Before installing the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2. investigate and determine the following information.  '  Driver software you want to install  ) LAN (1483) or WAN (PPPoA)  '  Necessary information for the LAN driver  ) IP address  ) Subnet mask ) Default gateway IP address ) DNS server  NOTE If DHCP server function is provided, the above information are unnecessary.   '  Necessary information for the WAN driver  ) VPI, VCI value of the PPP channel ) User ID and password  ) IP address ) Subnet mask ) Default gateway IP address ) DNS server
 4 ##  IInnssttaalllliinngg  tthhee  MM--CCNNXX--DDSSLL--PPCCII22  The following procedures show how to install the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 in the PC.   1. Power off the your computer and disconnect the power cord.            2. Open your computer and find the empty PCI slot. Remove the cover of the PCI slot.                              3.  Slide the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem into the empty PCI slot, push it gently. Using the screw loosen in step 3, fix the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem.      4. Close the computer and connect the power cord. Don’t press the power switch yet.
 5 $  IInnssttaalllliinngg  SSooffttwwaarree  DDrriivveerr  oonn  WWiinnddoowwss  9988    This section describes the following procedures on a Windows 98 or Windows 98 second edition system to use the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem.   '  Installing the software driver '  Setting the VPI, VCI  '  WAN driver : Creating a new connection profile / LAN driver : Setting the TCP/IP  Installing Software Driver M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem software driver is composed of the following three device drivers.   '  Basic System Device  '  ATM Network Controller  '  DSL Network Device   Installation procedures of each device driver are same. So, during installing the  M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem driver, the step 3 ~ 8 in the following procedures are repeated three times.   1. Power on your computer.  2. After a while, Windows 98 detects the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem and the wizard displays a message a system device was detected. Click [Next>] to go to the next wizard panel.   3. Two choices appear. Choose Search to find the best driver for you device and click [Next>] to go to the next wizard panel.   4. The wizard prompts you to specify a location to search for the driver you are installing. Click Specify a location and click [Browse] button. An then, insert the installation driver CD into the CD-ROM drive.   5. According to the software to install, select the following directory path and click [OK].  Software  Directory WAN  <CD-ROM Drive Letter>:\WAN LAN  <CD-ROM Drive Letter>:\LAN  6. If the path is correct, the wizard shows a verification panel and displays the choice you made. Click [Next>] to go to the next panel.   7. The system finds the driver and begins to automatically copy the driver files from the CD. When the copy is complete, click [Finish] button.   8. After completing the driver installation wizard, the system prompts you to reboot. Click [YES] to reboot the system.   9. After rebooting the system, set the VPI and VCI value of the channel referring to the next section. And then, according to the installed driver, create the new connection profile(refer to the section, ‘Creating a New Connection Profile : In Case of the WAN Driver’) or set the TCP/IP (refer to the section ‘Setting the TCP/IP : In Case of the LAN Driver).
 6 Setting VPI and VCI 1. Click Start **** Setting **** Control Panel.  2. Double-click Conexant AccessRu… icon in <Control Panel> window.  3. <Conexant AccesssRunner PCI ADSL WAN Adapter Properties> window appears. Press the [Alt + P] keys simultaneously.   4. Then, several tabs are added to the <Conexant AccesssRunner PCI ADSL WAN Adapter Properties> window. lick Setup tab and specify the VPI and VCI values in the Virtual Path Identifier and Virtual Connection Identifier field.  Click the [Apply] button and click [OK].       ) Contact your ADSL server provider for the VPI and VCI.    Creating a New Connection Profile : In case of the WAN Driver Create and save a connection profile for each dial-up session so that you do not have to re-enter the same information each time you connect to your corporate LAN or ISP.  1. Double-click My Computer icon. The My Computer window appears.  2. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon in <My Computer> dialog box. 3. <Dial-Up Networking> window appears. To create a new connection profile, double-click the Make New Connection icon.   4. The <Make a New Connection> wizard appears. Enter a name for the connection in the ‘Type a name for the computer you are dialing' field and select ‘Conexant AccesssRunner PCI ADSL WAN Adapter’ from the ‘Select a modem’  drop-down menu. And then, click [Next>].    5. The window for specifying the phone number appears. Enter any number in the ‘Area code’ and ‘Telephone number’ fields. And click [Next>].   ) Because ‘Area code’ and ‘Telephone number’ are not related to the ADSL modem, you can enter any values in these fields.   6. A message states that you have successfully created a new connection. Click [Finish] to save the connection profile in the Dial-Up Networking folder.  7. You can see a new connection icon under the <Dial-Up Network> window.  Enter VPI.Enter VCI.
 7 Setting the TCP/IP : In Case of the LAN Driver 1. Click Start **** Setting **** Control Panel.  2. In the <Control Panel> window, double-click the Network icon.   3. The <Network> window appears. Select ‘Conexant  AccessRunner PCI ADSL LAN Adapter’ and click the [Properties] button.            4. <TCP/IP Properties> window appears. Click the ‘IP address’ tab. Click ‘Specify an IP address’ and enter the IP address in the ‘IP Address’ field and enter the subnet mask in the ‘Subnet Mask’ field.          ) Contact your Internet service provider (ISP) for an IP address and subnet mask. ) If the DHCP server is enabled, click ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ item.     5. Click  ‘Gateway’ tab. Enter the IP address of the gateway in the ‘New gateway’ field and click [Add] button. And then, click [OK].           6. The system prompts you to reboot. Click [YES] to reboot the system.             7. After booting the system, you can connect the internet.  Select this item, And click [Properties]. Enter an IP address and subnet mask. Enter the IP address of the gateway, And click [Add] button. Click this item.
 8 %  IInnssttaalllliinngg  SSooffttwwaarree  DDrriivveerr  oonn  WWiinnddoowwss  22000000  This section describes the following procedures on a Windows 2000 system to use the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem.   '  Installing the software driver '  Setting the VPI, VCI  '  WAN driver : Creating a new connection profile / LAN driver : Setting the TCP/IP  Installing Software Driver M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem software driver is composed of the following three device drivers.   '  Basic System Device  '  ATM Network Controller  '  DSL Network Device   Installation procedures of each device driver are same. So, during installing the  M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem driver, the step 3 ~ 8 in the following procedures are repeated three times.   1. Power on your computer.  2. After a while, Windows 2000 detects the M-CNX-DSL-PCI2 ADSL modem and the <Found New Hardware Wizard> displays a message a system device was detected. Click [Next>] to go to the next wizard panel.   3. Two choices appear. Choose ‘Search to for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)’ and click [Next>] to go to the next wizard panel.   4. The wizard prompts you to specify a location to search for the driver you are installing. Click ‘Specify a location’ and click [Next>] button. An then, insert the installation driver CD into the CD-ROM drive.   5. Click  [Browse] and according to the software to install, select the following directory path and click [OK].  Software  Directory WAN  <CD-ROM Drive Letter>:\WAN LAN  <CD-ROM Drive Letter>:\LAN  6. If the path is correct, the wizard shows a verification panel(Driver Files Search Results) and displays the choice you made. Click [Next>] to go to the next panel.   7. The system finds the driver and begins to automatically copy the driver files from the CD. When the copy is complete, click [Finish] button.   8. After completing the driver installation wizard, set the VPI and VCI value of the channel referring to the next section. And then, according to the installed driver, create the new connection profile(refer to the section, ‘Creating a New Connection Profile : In Case of the WAN Driver’) or set the TCP/IP (refer to the section ‘Setting the TCP/IP : In Case of the LAN Driver).
 9 Setting VPI and VCI 1. Click Start **** Setting **** Control Panel.  2. Double-click Conexant AccessRu… icon       in <Control Panel> window.    3. <Conexant AccesssRunner PCI ADSL WAN Adapter Properties> window appears. Press the [Alt + P] keys simultaneously.   4. Then, several tabs are added to the <Conexant AccesssRunner PCI ADSL WAN Adapter Properties> window. Click Setup tab and specify the VPI and VCI values in the Virtual Path Identifier and Virtual Connection Identifier field.  Click the [Apply] button and click [OK].       ) Contact your ADSL server provider for the VPI and VCI.     Creating a New Connection Profile : In case of WAN Driver Create and save a connection profile for each dial-up session so that you do not have to re-enter the same information each time you connect to your corporate LAN or ISP.  1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections. 2. <Network and Dial-up Connections> window appears. To create a new connection profile, double-click the Make New Connection icon.  3. <Network Connection Wizard> window appears. Click [Next>].   4. The wizard asks ‘Network Connection Type’. Select ‘Dial-up to the Internet’ and click [Next>].   5. <Internet Connection Wizard > window appears. Select ‘I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a local area network(LAN).’ and click [Next>].  6. Select ‘Connecting through the telephone and modem’ and click [Next].   7. The wizard asks how to connect to the Internet. Select ‘I connect through a local area network (LAN)’ and click [Next>].  8. The window for specifying the phone number appears. Enter any number in the ‘Area code’ and ‘Telephone number’ fields. And click [Next>].   ) Because ‘Area code’ and ‘Telephone number’ are not related to the ADSL modem, you can enter any values in these fields.  9. The window for specifying the Internet account logon information appears. Enter the Enter VPI.Enter VCI.
 10 user name and password provided by your Internet server provider and click [Next>].  10. The window for specifying the connection name for dial-up connection appears. Enter the name of the connection used for connecting the network later and click [Next>].  11. <Internet Connection Wizard> prompts you the completing the wizard. Click [Finish] button. And you can connect the Internet from now on.  Setting the TCP/IP : In Case of LAN Driver 1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections. 2. <Network and Dial-up Connections> window appears. Right-click the  icon and click Properties menu.  3. <Local Area Connection Properties> window appears. Click the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the ‘Components checks are used by this connection’ list and click [Properties] button.  4. <Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) Properties> window appears.  Click ‘Use the following IP address’ and enter an IP address and Default gateway address in the IP address field and Default gateway field.          ) Contact your Internet service provider (ISP) for an     IP address and subnet mask.  ) If the DHCP server is enabled, click ‘Obtain an     IP address automatically’ item.   5. <Local Area Connection Properties> window appears. Click [Close].   Enter IP address and default gateway address
 11 &&  CCoonnnneeccttiinngg  tthhee  NNeettwwoorrkk  In Case of WAN Driver On Windows 98 1. Double-click My Computer icon. The My Computer window appears. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon in <My Computer> dialog box.   2. The following windows apeear. Enter the user ID and the password and click [Connect] button.  3. While the system tries to connect the network, the following <Connecting to ADSL> window appears.    4. If you connect the network successfully, the following icon is added to the tray in the desktop.    5. If you move the mouse cursor to the icon in the tray, you can see the network speed and the number of packets received/transmitted.      ) Contact your Internet service provider  for user ID and password.
 12 On Windows 2000 1. Click Start **** Settings **** Network and Dial-up Connections.   2. The <Connect ADSL> windows apeears. Enter the user name and the password and click [Dial] button.     ) Contact your Internet service provider for user ID and password.                       3. While the system tries to connect the network, the following <Connecting ADSL...> window appears.    4. If you connect the network successfully, the following icon is added to the tray in the desktop.   5. If you move the mouse cursor to the icon in the tray, you can see the network speed and the number of packets received/transmitted.    In Case of LAN Driver If you install a LAN driver, you turn on the PC installed M-CNX-DSL-PCI2. Then, you connect the network automatically.

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