Symbol Technologies MC906RC RFID Gun with WLAN User Manual Revised
Symbol Technologies Inc RFID Gun with WLAN Users Manual Revised
- 1. Users Manual Revised
- 2. User Manual Revised
Users Manual Revised
uqllem/OTUT Mala/may pue wasted Til/[sum] sad 13¥90d 10; «WE/wares saaz swat/v asmopum WWI mm smmn IEGHIWLOGIES, mc. ATT rTgnrs reserved SymaoT reseryesTne rTgnrre make drangesro any producT (O Tmproye reTTanTTTsy TuncTTon, or deeTgn SymaonoesnmassumeanypreduosTTanTTTcyarTsTngeuTeTerTnoonnechonT/ynndreappTTcarToneruseoranypreducT, mm or BpoTTmlTorT desmhed nereTn NDTTcensengTantad erner espressny er by TT’T’TpTTEatTDrT esmppeT ar emenmse underany patenmght er patent eeyerTngerreTaung tn any EcmbTrTatTErT syscen apparatus machne, materTaT methnd er preeess Tn yunTcn SyrnbUT preducTs ngm be used An TmpTTed TTcense EXTSIS pnTyTer eprmeTTL cTreue, and subsystems cumamed Tn SymooT Tududs gymDOT and dre SymbOT Tego are regTslered (Taflemavks er WNDOT TedrnoTegTes, Tnc UTner pTUUUct names memmned Tn drTs manuaT may he vaflemaTks er TegTsteTed TTademUTks erTrTeTr reepecTTye cUmpanTes and are nereny admchedged SymaaT TeenneTegTes, Tnc UneSymDoT PTaza HoTTsyTTTe N Y TTTAz—TSUU hltp New symeoT cam Paems TnTs Dre-jun Ts eeyaed ay ene er mare an the paTaTTs TTsTad an meWea sTte wwwsymeT awn/patents END-USER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT You naye acquTred a deche (“DEVTCE ’) rnar TncTudes sonare TTcensed ey SYMBOL TECHNOLOGTES, TNC Trem NTcresoTr LTEeT'TsTT'Tg TT'TT: UT H5 anTTTates FMS ') Thnse TrTstaHeU snflware prnducts UT MS angTT’T, asweH as assntTated T'T'EdTa prTT’Tled marerTaTs,and'enTme"ereTecuomcdocumemanonT'SDFTvaRE'TareprereceedeyTneernacTonaTTmeTTecruanroperryTaws and rreaTTes Tne SOFTWARE Ts TTcensed, noT son ATT rTgncs resenyed SOFTWARE TncTudes sonware aTready TnsraTTed on the DEVTEE (TIEVTEE SUM/dare") and MS snilware [untamed UFT the ED RUM dek T'EUT’T’vaT’TTUT’T ED") TF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THTS END USER UcENSE AUREENENT T‘EUTA'T, DD NUT USE THE DEVTEE UR CUPV THE SOFTWARE TNSTEAD, PRDMPTLVCDNTAN SYMBOL TECHNDLEIBTES, TNC FUR TNSTRUCTTDNS DN RETURN OF THE UNUSED DEVTcETST FOR A REFUND AuvusEUE mE sonwenuucwnma numnmwmn TD usEUu me DEVIE WILlEIlHS’TITHTE VDIJRIEREEMENTHI THIS [Ill-fl (DR HATIFIEATIHN “FM" PHEVIfllIS causeun, cmmnrsnnwmz uceuse TnTs EUTAgranTs you the ToTTonyng TTcense ~I1EVIBE Snflwale VUU may use the DEVTEE thware as TT'TstaHeU nT'T [he DEVTEE .cnmmmnu On A CompanTn/T CD Ts TncTuded wnn yourUEVTcE, and yeu nay msuaTT and use me NTcresen AcnyeSyncU 3 TcenponenrenoneTTTornorecompumrsTo exchange anormarTonWTrnoneTTTor mere conpurTng deches That cantaTT'T a Enmpath Te yersTen er Tne NTcreseN® Pntket PE SerTware mug UperatTT’Tg system Eer emer sonware componeansT conraTned en dre Cnrmamon cD,you may TnsraTT and use sucn componenrs onTy Tn accordance Wlll ISHB'W * V “ "all W'MMS'ZI sTenUem/moa TquAsNTNNW UTTN OT Ofi eDTTTD STUT T0 UDTSTsrT TssTeT eUT mj DDvZ—USz—TEU L BZZZ'SZS‘SUS EPEUED USES’ESS'UUB'L SSTFTS DSlTufl Jeweg UOdUTTg ToquuRg eUTmTum HTM AeNT 'TuedeRDe auy uyTM uayquud a sT aTeUTN uOUdng smaLSAgTOTEJTUXDaTsquTTDE;TDUATJZTUUJwamdmhammfiuTsTTTORTUDTDDAEUTUUDTmaTUDTUeaAeurTOAN sUOTTEJTTUUETnO umpueyuemyausmpseymenuTayeuadceypamauuceagysnuun TuunauTasnncdaueyag unyeuunpq any/Alas WTrn dre renre oT dre pTTnmd or onTTne end user TTcense agreemends) predeed WTrn sucn componends) Tn rne absence eTan end user TTUeT'TseagreemenlanpartTrUTachrerrTerTflsTUTthe EnmpanTUrTED,ynurrayTrTstaTTaerUse ennyeneTTT copy oT sucncompenenNsT onrne DEVTCE ore sTngTe nompuleTwTflT wnTcnyouuserneUEVTOE tMicmlm fllllonk®2m TTMTcrOsOTEOT/[TOOKZUUZ Ts TncTudedWTrn ynUrDEVTEE me TeTTowmgTerrnsaepMo VUUT Use nf MTcmsnh Duflnnk 2flfl7 (T) TegardTess U? the TrTfan'TTatTUT’T EDMETT’TEfl TT'T [he 'Snflware TT'TslaTTatTUT'T and Use sechon erdre onTTne EULAynU mayTnsTaTToneTTTcopyorNTcrosoTrDurTeerznnzononeTTTcompurerrouseescnange darasnara daraaccessand TmerachTm rne DEVTCE andTTTT meEUTA TerNTcrosorT Uuflnnk znnz Ts DOM/sen SVMBDLTEDHNDLOBTES TND andrne enduser —Rnlbe|weeR me PC manuTacrurerand enduser as. my Decades/Dian mm: Manluunlnl Cnnmm prodeers are usTng rne dTgTraT rTgnTs managemenr tethnnTUgy cenTaTned Tn st SDFTWARE T'DRN T m prnten me Tmengw eT [heTr cenrem (‘Secure Enmenl ') se that men TnTeTTecruaT prepeny, TncTudTng nOpyTTgTTL Tn sucn coneenr Ts ner stappreprTared Aomens er rnTs SOFTWARE and rnTrdparryappTTcarTonssucnasmedTa pTayersuseDRNre nszSquTeContemT DRN Senware'T Trrne DRN SDFTWARE‘s secursz nas eeen cemprested nereTs eT Secure Bunker“ ( Secure Uenrem Dwners') may reguesT that NS TeT/nke are DRN Soflwave‘s ngnr co copy, depTayand/erpTay Secure Oonrenr ReyocaTTen does nor aTser rne URN Snfiwam‘s abTTTMD pTayunprorecredcomam A TTnnfTstk/UUDFT’M SoTrTnare Ts senrroyourcompumrwneneyeryou deWnTead a TTcense Ter Seeure EUT’Tteth Trem me TtheTrTet VUU mereTere agree That NS nray Tn cenTuncTTen me sucn TTcense, aTso downToad reyocarTen TTses onroyour [nmpumv on eenaTr oT Secure Concenr Owners NS WTTT nor rerneye any persenaTTy TdenTTTTaeTe TnTennaTTon er any we TnTDTmatTon Tromyour compurer oy down Toad Tng sucn reyocarTen TTsrs Secure Oonsem Owners may aTso requTreyou re upgrade some oT me DRN cenponenrs n ma SOFTWARE (“DRM Upgrades") oeTore accessTng sneTr cum"! Wnen yeu anemprro pTay sucn uomeTTL NS DRN Sonware WTTT nerTryyou Mal a URN Upgrade Ts reguTred and men asA Ter yeurcensentaeTere Tne URN Upgrade Ts deWnTeaded TnTrd paw URN Sonare may do me same Tryou decTTne rne upgradeyou WTH Rnlbe abTe to access conrem rnerrequTres the URN Upgradenoweyer VDNWTHSNH eeaeTe reassess unproTecTed cenrenT and Secure EonTenrmardees Nahum/Tm the upgrade nEscmPnUN UE UmEnmUTns AND ummmnus «speeen/uantmicing “mglifinn TT rne SOFTWARE TncTudes speecn end/or nendwnrmg recognmon cenponenTTs) you snoqu undersrand mar speecn and handerng racognTTTon are TnhsTUMNsanTEaT processes and mar errors can eccur Tn meenmpnnent‘s rchgT'TTtTUTT eryeurnandyyrdmg and Tne TTnaTcenyersTen Tmn resT NeTmerstUDL TECHNOLDGTES, TNC nor Trs suppTTers snaTT ee TTaoTe for any damages arTsTng our oT eners Tn rne speecn and nanderTTng recognTTTon process . niminnsol neveseEngineeriagmeconuil Diseaeemly Veumaynorreyerse enngeer, decompTTe ordeassemoTe Tne SOFTWARE, exusp! and enTy m dre ecrenrrnarsucn achchy Ts sxprexxTy permmd by appTTcaeTe Taw rTUMTlfTslaerTrTg st TTrT’TTtalTDT’T madam TosuesaddyunTuUesaeucysuT UTNhira'anTws pTes ye enyuaayucu us, age In mnpmd pTcsyo anudaseupmd aua peassaAemeu uT yeue spunarae pagsTuumaeTNae mnnpmdAuspasnaulmnu euayrear srauppo eAng D] eecuuep roy Mummy sNaTTag aflwasnlflnpmdauun aaueuregrad Teasn auu unmueapeuuee uT royeano euTsTre saeeUep meanbaum mnaATDUT Teea s mnauuupeurngequnyeuT saeeuuepuoysyagyearedaupuosaaTreeTyresueueerporyeyonanuTaTesaauenemsaadsapesersaur ATdde NM NM MNVUWAIT DauTWTT STHudD sNDTmTWTT AD SNDTSTTTGX] MDS‘SL’JTTUDHA AOTTS NOd SlTulNTTIJJ NU Sims Hans NT SmUOUd NEWTTSNOO end Slam/WI] TquaRDaSNOO ND TVLNMTJNHO NUTDUTTNTT NO NDTSTTTSX] aHuUO SLSV‘T NNVUWN EHT'TdTNT N7 UNUTNOH NONOTNUWTWMOTTVLDN DU SiTmNflnfl NO Sims awns DOTlfld NNWWN Dim/NH iHl Di NOdeDUNT EHUWTT iHVNTv‘T AR UESUdT/VT 38 AWN lVHLSiUJWHHVNT U3TUWTANT1 asn UmRUUWdRdUdSS3NUdUNVNDTRVDWROUaWdUSiTDdevadTUWTTTvUNTUDTUNTdiUNDidaHUaHsTNURdSmRUUdd 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peunreenuceuopeeruaeaaueesysnpmgaeTuuagmnpaudrm TacmysTrauagsTuN pouedAeueucrnyeuTcueagryopuaanynunuoeenporgpeuede.agryoayepauaTudTgsagyueuseepage, rerupgopmadeueyrenpergapyo yuauocuds peuadar am uosyeuaeuu pue cTusueuuyrem uTsTsegepysuTcee payucucmere papTAmdzanwas uadeuaup Nunez/mm yams sucdau aqunyeuT'suauaeuaysTus lapunmnwdammmeu papuera TquAg upsuedar m1 auarepcee papunAq—mqmsp Ill-tau ny AmTaq u uoaaascns uT mules smeTpueeagsuapun euun paunear uouaeumuo In neu agAeusrredaredg auamTueyoauepaTe upu sAepTasTATTuuopouaeereg syeTaseuupuedTusueuuyTomuTeaayapssueeepacueremare TesnpogyoaeueTayuTce pue eaT/uss an uT asn To, aTng M1ansssTTDmasseqnsm‘musuodmfiasued e Tysyued aleflg sued ueflgm) asuaeryarennyce EUTAuedUmae an uT In eecueundyoaura eupycyeapa uT uepcnpmaenpdug aygendceeuy uT pamem scag Tyeus manpnm pepcuadn In paupmpuoeau pus’snnwn arreeegnucuuauTsanperduueengyTeuouceueadseuuorsnangaedsaaauuospaueeapTe pengouuenpoed'suuausne payyesuT pacer auT auemuos uosupeeunp pue euoTsuerd eueueyy suoprupaaderd pue yeuueu Tapun pascradpsT pue pagpeuuun suTeuuarTsnwauspamerdTeumenuTrarrampawoudasnnaupoasarun'rueuudTusyoauepaup mm susuemrznanpmyoponade To,syeuayeTupuedrgsueuymursyeeyapysureaepaueuennaresrenpergauempreurayyegpeyyeaagysaT UTOUNJBTTnUm/cgfllueuemm AWEMEM .s|.,|.nEV|cE Tne DEVTCE Sonyare Ts TTcensedWTdr rne DEVTEE as a sTngTe anegrared producr Tne DEVTCE thware TT'TstaHeU TT'T read UFTTT/ memnry(' RUM ') U! the DEVTEE may UT’TTybe used as Darin? the DEVTEE . ilgIeEllLA ThenaukflgeTOTmeDEVTCEmaycomm/TTTuTineT/emnnsnhhTsEULA sucnasmuTinemnsTarTons and/or neTTTpTe medTa VETSTOVTS Tep v Tn me userdocumenanon and Tn me soTrwareT Eyen Tryou recene muTerTe yersTens the EULA yeuare TTcensed muse enTy ene (T) cepyeT the UET/TUE thware .NDTTCE REGARDTNG THE NREUea VTSUAL STANDARD TRe SOFTWARE may TncTude MPEB—fl yTsuaT decedTng muMoTogy NFED LA LLE redures me ToTTeWTnpnoTTce -USE OF THTS SOFTWARE TNANv NANNER THAT CDMPLTES WTTH THE MPEGA VTSUAL STANDARD TS RRDHTUTTED, EXCEPT FOR USE DTRECTLY RELATED TO TA] DATA OR TNTURNATTUN TTT GENERATED UVANU OUTATNED WTTHDUT CHARGE FRDM A EDNSLTMER NUT THEREBV ENGAGED TN A BUSTNESS ENTERPRTSE AND (TT) FDR PERSEINAL USE DNLV AND TB) OTHER USES SPEDTFTCALLY AND SEPARATELY LTCENSED BY NREO Us LL c Tryeu Raye guesnonsregardmg meNntTus,staxscnnmuMPEG LA LLB150STssTsSTTssT,SUTmSUUflsRUeREoToTan SEEDS TeTephUrTe 203 HT 1880, FAX 303 SET TEN -N|7 RENTAL ExtentTfanUTfTUaTTyaUITTOTTzsUbySVPT/TEDLTECHNOLUGTES, TNC TerTeasednardryareyeumaynenenr, Tease UT Tend the SDFTWARE [EASEII umnwmt Tn rneeyenrdraryou recenerneUEVTUE under me mrmsoTUTeaseTTomSYMBDLTECHNDLUGTES, TNE or SVNUOT TEEHNOTDUTES NC ‘3 thrd—pany represemanye me ToTTeWTng addmenaT Terms snaTT appTy [T] you rmy Rut rrensrer rne SOFTWARE m anomer user as pan oT me mnsTer er rne DEyTDEmmerner or Rule permanenr rransTer or The SUFTWAREwan ere DEVTEE Ts odrerWTse aTTowed Tn rnTs EULA, TTTTyour rTgnrsnyrrT respecrro anySUFTWARE upgrades man he as deTeraned by me Teaseyeu sTgned rer the UEvTUE, and TTTT) yeu may nee use me SDETWARE aTreryeur Tease seranases, unTess yeu purcnase me DEyTDE Trem SYMBOL TECHNOLDGTES, TNC uSnmuareTn-sfi! VUU may permanenw transler aTT eryeurrTgnes under thTsELTLA enny aspart eTa saTe er transler ed The DEVTCE prodeedyou reraTn no copTesyou rransrer aTT er rne SOFTWARE TTncTudTng aTT componenrpares dre medTa and prmred rmTerTaTs any upgrades,TnTs EULAaRd, TrappTTcaeTeme EmmaamIs]OTAUthentTcTMvanUmerachTsm agrees ro rne eerms er st ELTLA TT are SOFTWARE Ts an upgrade, any mnsTer muss TncTude aTT prTor yersTons oT me SOFTWARE Jan-insan- WTMUUIpTeTUUTcetUaT’wUMeTTTghE SVMEDLTEEHNDLDGTES, TNE UTMSrrayleTmTrTalethTsELTLATV you raTT rocompTyWTdr dre Terneand condTTTens errnTsEUTA Tn sucn eyenryou nesrdesrroyaTTcopTesoT ere SOFTWARE and aTToTTss compenenTpans upcmnEsAnn necnvenv menu .UEv|cEsemnre TT me UET/TUE SerTware Ts predeed DySVMEDL TEUHNDTDDTES, TNE separate Trem Tne DEvTUE en medTasucnaseRONchp,cDRDNdeTdsToryTaweedeemToadorernermeens andT3TaheTed”FnTUpgTadePUmOses DnTy' you may mm” one TTT cepy ersucn DEVTCE Sermare one we DEVTCE as a repTacemenr cepy for me esTssTng DEVICE Software, and use it in accordance with this EULA, including any additional EULA terms accompanying the upgrade DEVICE software. OCOMPANION CD. If any software componentls] is provided by SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. separate from the DEVICE on CD ROM diskls] orvia web download or other means, and labeled "For Upgrade Purposes On ly", you may [i] install and use one [I] copy of such componentls] on the computerls] you use to exchange data with the DEVICE as a replacement copy for the existing Companion CD componentls]. COPYRIGHT. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE [including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and "applets," incorporated into the SOFTWARE], the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by MS or its suppliers [including Microsoft Corporation]. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright orother intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULAgrants you no rights to use such content. All rights not specifically granted under this EULA are reserved by MS and its suppliers [including Microsoft Corporation]. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that SOFTWARE is subject to US. export jurisdiction. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the SOFTWARE, including the US. ExportAdministration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by US. and other governments. For additional information, see PRODUCT SUPPORT. Product support for the SOFTWARE is not provided by MS, its parent corporation Microsoft Corporation, or their affiliates or subs idiaries, For product support, please refer to SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, lNCsupport number provided in the documentation for the DEVICE. Shou Id you have any questions concerning this EULA, or ifyou desire to contact SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. for any other reason, please refer to the address provided in the documentation for the DEVICE. NO lIABILITY FOR CERTAIN DAMAGES. EXCEPT AS PROHIBITED BY LAW, MS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. THIS LIMITATION SHALL APPLY EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. FOR APPLICABLE LIMITED WARRANTIES AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO YOUR PARTICULAR JURISDICTION, PLEASE REFER TO YOUR WARRANTY BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE OR PROVIDED WITH THE SOFTWARE PRINTED MATERIALS. Ergonomic Recommendations Caution: In order to avoid or m'nimize the potential risk of ergonomic injury follow the recommendations below. Consult With your local Health Sr Safety Manager to ensure that you are adhering to your company's safety programs to prevent employee injury. 0 Reduce or elimirate repetitive motion Maintain a natural/neutral position Reduce or elimirate excesswe force Keep objects that are used frequently with in easy reach Perform tasks at correct heights Reduce or elimirate vibration Reduce or elimirate direct pressure Provide adjustable workstations Provide adequate clearance q Provide a sUitab e working enVironment Improve work procedures. Regulatory Information All Symbol devices are designed to be compliant with ru Ies and regu Iations in locations they are sold and will be labeled as required. Any changes or modificationsto Symbol Technologies equipment, not expressly approved by Symbol Technologies, could void the user's authority to operate the equ ipment, Antenna‘s, use on ly the supplied or an approved replqcement antenna. Unauthorized antennas, mod ifications, or attachments could cause damage and may violate regu ations. Radio Modules This device contains an approved radio module. This module is Identified below: 0 Symbol RLAN [11Mbps DSSS] radio module, Type: 21-64436. 000000000. Power Supply Use only a Symbol-approved power supply output rated 1 1 -1 6 Vdc and minimum 2A. The power supply is certified to ENBO950 with S ELV outputs. Use of alternative power supply will invalidate any approval given to this device and may be dangerous. Benutzen Sie nur eine Symbol Technologies genehmigt in den Ausgabe: 11-16Vdc und minimum 2A. Die Stromversorgung ist bescheinigt nach ENBO9SO mit SELV Ausgaben, A FCC RF Exposure Guidelines Reducing RF Influence - Use Properly It is advisable to use the device only in the normal operating position and it is recommended that no part ofthe human body be allowed to come too close to the antenna during operation of the equipment. Handheld Devices To_ comply with FCC RF exposure redu irements, th is device must be operated in the hand andmustoperate with a minimum separation distance of ZOO cm or more from a person's body. Other operating configurations should be avoided. A Laser Devices Symbol devices using lasers comply with US 21CFRIOAO10, and lEC825—1:1993, EN60825—111994+A11:1996. Thelaser classification is marked on one of the labels on the device. Class 1 Laser devices are not considered to be hazardous when used for their intended purpose. The following statement is reqUired to comply With US and international regulations: Caution: Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures otherthan those specified herein may result in hazardous laser light exposure. 0Class2 laser scanners use a low power, visible light diode. As with any very bright light source, such as the sun, the user should avoid staring directly into the light beam. Momentary exposure to a Class 2 laser is not known to be harmful. Scanner Labeling CAUTIW- user! LIN-IT WHEN OPEN. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAN. ATTENTION- LUIIERE LASER EN GAS DWERTURE. NE PAS MEI! DANS LE FAISOEAU. WRSIOHT- LASERLIGHTJIENN ABDEOKUNG GEOFFNEI’. NIGHT IN DEN 81' RANL BUCK “Pl-IR WITH 210FR1NO.10.IEG Sis-1:1WENWS-1t1.“ a Mt‘lflfi LASERLICHT - NIGHT IN DEN STRAHL BLICKEN. LASER KLASSE 2 LUMI'RE LASER -NE PAS REGARDER DANS LE FAISCEAU APPAREIL El LASER DE CLASSE 2. CAUTION-LASER LIGHT. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM. CLASS 2 LASER PRODUCT B30-BBOnM ,1 mW Laser Labels In accordance with Clause 5, IEC 825 and EN60825, the following information is provided to the user: Emusu HEBREW cms31 CIASS1 LASER PRODLET IWTMW 111m cLAssz LASER LIGHT no NOTSTARE INTO BEAM W 5m 2 nth CIASSZIASER PRODLET mmmmwnbw 2 I'm”! “I” m IIANISII [DANSK nALlAN mALIAm KlASSE1 KlASSEl lASERPROlJUKT ClASSEl PRODOITOALLASEH DICLASSE1 KlASSE2 LASERLVF ClASSEz ULELASER SE IKKEINO iSTnhLEN mom FISSAREIL mcciopnoocrrro kLASSEz [ASERPRODUKT AL lASER DICIASSEZ nutcn mmmuwns mnwmlm 1mm KiASSE 1 KlASSE-‘l lASERPRODUKT kLASSE1 LASEHPRODUKT, KLASSE 1 KLASSE2 LASEnLtiit KIASSE 2 LASEnin IKKE STIRR INN I iyssrnhLEn NIET IN STRAALSTAREN lASERPRODUKT. KLASSE z KIASSE2 lASEtPRODUKT flINISII/SUOMI Pomuautszimnucuis woman wokkm lASEFlTUOTE CLASSEl PRODUTO lASER DACIASSEl womz LASEFNALO CLASSEz UJZ DE LASER nip FIXAR ORAIO UJMINOSO ALA TUIJUTA Sip Errix PRO nuro LASER nAcrASSE 2 UJOKKAZ LASEriruoTE mEmli ”WIS SPANISH lESPNTIOl CLASSEi PROOUIT lASER pEcLASSE1 ClASE1 PROOLCTO LASER DE [A CLASEl ciASSE z UJMIERE lASER CIASEZ LUZ lASER NE PAS REGARDER LE may on FIXEMENT no MIRE FUAMENTE EL ripz PROOUII’ LASER pEcLASSEz Prionusto lASER DE LA ciASEz 3mm / nmtcn swrzmsu fsvmsxn KlASSE1 LASERPROOUKT DER KLASSE1 KIASS1 LASERPROOUKT KLASS 1 KlASSE2 LASEeStnAiiLEN ms 2 lASERLJLlS STIRHA INTE morsriv't LEN NEHT DIREKT IN DEN lASERSTRAH LSCHAUEN [ASERPROOUKT KIASS 2 IASERPRODUKT DER iciASSEz Radio Frequency interference Requirements Note: Th is equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 8 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Th is equipment generates, “monomers: uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used In accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Howeverthere is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If th is equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio ortelevrsron reception, which can be determined by turning the eqUipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures: . Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 0 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver, _ _ 4 . Connect the eqUipment into an outlet on a Cichit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 0 Consult the dealer or an experienced rad io/T‘v' technician for help. Radio Transmitters (Part 15) Th is device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefol lowing two conditions: I1 ]this device may not cause harmful interference, and [2] this deVice must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Radio Frequency interference Requirements - Canada This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-O03. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme a la norme NMB—OO3 du Canada. Radio Transmitters This device complies with RSS 21 O of Industry & Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: [1 ] this device may not cause harmful interference and l2]this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Label Marking: The Term "IC:" before the rad io certification only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. Battery Information Symbol rechargeable battery packs are designed and constructed to the highest standards within the industry. However, there are limitations to how long a battery can operate or be stored before needing replacement. Many factors affect the actual life cycle of a battery pack, such as heat, cold, harsh environmental conditions and severe drops. When batteriesare stored over six [6] months, some irreversible deterioration in overall battery quality may occur, Store batteries discharged in a dry, cool place, removed from the equipment to prevent loss of capacity, rusting of metallic parts and electrolyte leakage. When storing batteriesfor one year or longer, they should be charged and discharged at lfiastt once a year. If an electrolyte leakage is observed, avoid any contact with affected area and properly dispose of t e attery. Replace the battery when a significant loss of run time is detected. Standard warranty period for all Symbol batteries is SO days, regardless ifthe battery was purchased separately or included as part of the mobile computer or bar code scanner. For more information on Symbol batteries, please visit: .html
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