Tomy TFY7569C 2 PU Crisp and Clear Monitor User Manual Manual

TOMY International, Inc. 2 PU Crisp and Clear Monitor Manual


Before returning this product to the store for any reason, please contact our  Customer Care at 1-800-704-8697 or www.thefi Often, we can provide helpful tips and instructions to resolve your problem  quickly over the phone.Y7568, Y7569Please retain this instruction sheet for future reference as it contains important information.Crisp & Clear™Audio MonitorCheck our website: www.thefi for the most up-to-date instruction manual as well as tips and troubleshooting advice.NOTE: Y7568 comes with one Child Unit, one Parent Unit, one Parent Unit antenna and two AC adapters. Y7569 comes with one Child Unit, two Parent Units, two Parent Unit antennas and three AC adapters. Except for setting up (and using) the second Parent Unit, instruc-tions for both models are the same.
2              get ready for™Crisp & Clear™ Audio MonitorSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS  This symbol is intended to warn the user of potential safety hazards.    This symbol is intended to alert the user to a potential risk of        electric shock and other electrical safety issues. WARNING:• Strangulation Hazard-Children have STRANGLED  in cords. Keep cord out of the reach of children  (more than 3 ft (0.9m) away).• The product is designed to assist in the monitoring of children, not as a prevention for injury to or loss of a child.• This product is not a substitute for proper adult supervision. All children should be supervised at all times by responsible adults.WARNINGToreducetheriskofreorelectricalshock,donotopenthisproductorexpose the product to:• Water and Moisture: This product should not be used near water,  for example, near a bathtub or sink, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.• Heat: This product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances that produce heat.IMPORTANT• The user should not attempt to service this product. Read all safety and operating instructions before operating this product.• Retain these instructions for future reference.• Observe all warnings.• Follow all operating instructions.
get ready for™              3English• Do not tamper with the plug under any circumstances.• Power Source – This product should be connected only to the power supply provided.• Cleaning —Before cleaning, be sure to unplug. Clean only as recommended in these instructions.• Object and Liquid Entry—Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through the openings.• Damage or Malfunction—Please contact our Parent Service Center at 800-704-8697 if:a. The power supply cord or plug has been damagedb. Objects have fallen or liquid has been spilled into itc. The product has been exposed to raind. The product does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in its performancee. The product has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.Wall Mounting—The Child Unit should be mounted to a wall only as recommended in these instructions.WARNINGDo not mount the Child Unit in a location where the unit or the adapter cord is within the child’s reach. To prevent injury, this apparatus must be securely attached to the wall in accordance with the installation instructions.
4              get ready for™Crisp & Clear™ Audio Monitor Parts DiagramParent UnitHigh performance antennaLow battery indicatorSound level lights Two channel A/B switch High quality speakerVolume and power switchBelt clip    Child UnitHigh performance antennaSuper sensitive microphoneTwo channel A/B switch Wall mount     18293104567181011276543119
get ready for™              5EnglishQuick Start InstructionsPlease read the safety instructions on pages 2-3.Set up the Parent Units•ScrewtheantennaintotheParentUnit.•Batterycompartmentislocatedonthebackofunit.Unscrewtoreleasecoverlock.•InstallthreeAAbatteries.•Or,plugoneoftheACadaptersprovidedintoeachParentUnit.Set up the Child Unit•Placetheunitnearyourchild(within6feet,butnocloserthan3feet).•Positiontheantennastraightup.•PlugintheACadapterprovided.•SlidethechannelswitchtoAorB.•PresstheON/OFFbuttontoturnontheunit.Use the Monitor (Parent Unit)•SlidethechannelswitchtothesamechannelastheChildUnit(AorB).•Rotatethevolumedialtoturnonandadjusttodesiredvolumelevel.•KeeptheParentUnitwithyouandkeepitpositionedupright.
6              get ready for™Crisp & Clear™ Audio MonitorMonitor SetupParent Unit(s)To operate with batteries: 1. Screw the antenna into the Parent Unit.2.  Loosen screw to release the battery compartment cover. Then lift the cover o  (for easier access, rotate belt clip away from battery cover.)3.InsertthreeAAbatteries.Positionthemsothe+and-contactsarealignedwiththe corresponding contacts on the battery compartment. Make sure the ribbon is placed under the batteries to allow assistance in removing.4.  Place cover back on battery compartment and secure it by tightening screw.5.Whenit’stimetochangethebatteries,thepowerindicatorlightwillturnred.Replacebatteries with three new AA batteries at that time. To operate with AC adapter:InsertACadapterplugintothejackonthesideoftheunit,thenplugtheadapterintoanelectrical outlet. CAUTION:  Always use the AC adapter supplied with this product. Do not use any other adapter.  Monitor could become damaged, and warranty would become void.Child Unit1.  Position the Child Unit within approximately 6 feet of your child, but no closer than 3 feet. WARNING:  Do not place Child Unit in crib or attach to crib.(To prevent heat build-up, place on an open surface away from heat sources; do not place in an enclosed space.) 2.  Position antenna straight up as shown.3.InserttheACadapterplugintothejackonthesideoftheunit,thenplugtheadapterintoan electrical outlet.For wall mounting (optional): 1.Securelyfastenone#8panheadwoodscrewonthewall(Forbestresults,usea3/4-inchscrew; mount in solid wood or use a screw wall anchor).2.  Leave the screw head protruding from the wall by at least 1/4-inch.3. Press the adapter cord into the grooved channel on the back of the unit, making certain      to slide it under the holding clips.4.Fitthescrewheadslot(onthebackoftheunit)overthescrewheadandslidetheunitdown to seat it firmly.5. Position antenna to the side.6.  To test the unit is securely mounted, press on its edges.
get ready for™              7EnglishMonitor Use1.  Slide the channel A/B switch on the Child Unit to either A or B. Turn the unit on by     pressingtheON/OFFbutton.2. TurntheParentUnitON/OFFbyrotatingthevolumeswitch.3.   Slide the channel selector switch on the Parent Units to the same channel as the   ChildUnit(AorB).FortheMonitortoworkproperly,bothunitsmustbesettothe   same channel.4.  Turn the volume dial on the Parent Units counter clockwise to the desired loudness     level.5.KeepaParentUnitwithyou.Forbestreceptionkeepallunitsasnearuprightaspossible.Range:The range of the Monitor will vary with the surroundings. You may want to test its workable range by walking through your house and yard and listening for the volume and clarity of the sounds being transmitted.Using belt clip:Slide onto your belt or waistband. The belt clip can rotate away from the battery  compartment for easy access to batteries.Changing channels:Alwayskeepbothunitssettothesamechannel(AorB).Ifyouexperienceinterferenceorstatic with one channel, switch to the other on both units.Positioning antennas:IftheChildUnitiswallmounted,antennashouldbetotheside.LightsHere’s how to interpret the lights on the Parent Units. Power Indicator Light is Green BothunitsareONandtheMonitorisreadytotransmitsound. Light is Red BatteriesinParentUnitareweak.Replacewiththree      “AA”  batteries.  Not Lit  Unit is not receiving power    (See“Troubleshooting,”“Nopower”). Three Quiet Sound Lights No Lights Lit NosoundfromChildUnit(babyisquiet). Lights are Green Quiet sounds (baby may be whimpering or talking). One Loud Sound Light Light is Red Loud sounds (baby may be crying or talking loudly). Connectivity     Light is Green  Units are connected and the Monitor is ready to transmit sound.Replacing Batteries (Parent Units):Removeoldbatteriesandsee“Tooperatewithbatteries”onpage6.2134
8              get ready for™Crisp & Clear™ Audio MonitorProblem Possible Cause SolutionNopower Parent Units:Unit is not turned on Turn the unit onBatteries are dead Replacebatteriesorpluginadapter (See “Monitor Setup" on page 6)Child Unit:Unit is not turned on PressON/OFFbuttonAdapter not plugged in Plug in adapterAdapter plugged into outlet which is turned oIfoutletiscontrolledbyawallswitch, be sure switch is turned onHissing sound Parent Unit is turned on,but Child Unit is o Leave Child Unit plugged in and turned on at all times (or if you turn it o, turn o Parent Unit also)StaticorInterference Units set to dierent channels Set both units to same channelAppliances (fans, hair dryer, or mixer for example) causing interferenceTry turning o any nearby appliances  or switching channels or moving the monitors away from source of interferenceCross talk from cordless phone or some other nearby transmitterTry switching channelsChild Unit not receiving power Make sure adapter is plugged in and  outlet is receiving powerBatteries are low ReplacebatteriesorpluginadapterTroubleshooting
get ready for™              9EnglishProblem Possible Cause SolutionNoisyfeedback (high-pitched “screech”)Units too close together Be sure Parent Unit is at least  3 feet from Child UnitVolume too high Lower volume setting on Parent UnitNosoundorveryweakreceptionUnit is getting little or no powerParent Unit:Replacebatteriesor plug in adapterChild Unit: Make sure adapter is  plugged in and outlet is receiving  powerOut of range Move Parent Unit closer to  Child Unit (and be sure Child Unit  is turned on)Antenna is not vertical  or is coveredBe sure antenna is straight up and  not obstructedUnits are set to  dierent channelsSet both units to the same channelWeak batteries ReplacebatteriesoruseACadapterVolume is set too low RaisevolumesettingTroubleshooting
10              get ready for™Crisp & Clear™ Audio MonitorWARNINGKeep batteries away from children. Parents are urged to exercise care in the storage, use and disposal of all batteries. To avoid battery leakage:• Donotuserechargeablebatteries;• Batteriesmustberemovedandinsertedunderadultsupervision;• Non-rechargeablebatteriesarenottoberecharged;• Batteriesaretobeinsertedwiththecorrectpolarity;• Exhaustedbatteriesaretoberemovedfromtheunitanddisposedproperly;• Supplyterminalsarenottobeshort-circuited;• Dierenttypesofbatteries(e.g.alkaline,standardcarbon-zincorrechargeable)ornew   and used batteries are not to be mixed; • Donotdisposeofbatteriesinre,mayexplodeorleak.•Neveruseascrewdriveroranyothertooltoprybatteriesfromthecompartment,asthe   supply terminals could be short-circuited.•DonotleavebatteriesintheMonitorforlongperiodsofnon-use.Failuretofollowtheseinstructionsmaycausebatteriestomakepoppingsoundsandleakbatteryacid,whichcouldresultinpersonalinjury,aswellasdamagetotheMonitor.Ifbat-tery leakage occurs, avoid all contact with battery acid, being especially careful to keep it away from eyes and mouth. Should contact occur, wash any aected skin and clothing thoroughly.IMPORTANT:•  ALWAYS DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY MANNER.AlkalinebatteriesandNickelMetalHydridebatteries(Ni-LiorNi-Hydride),areclassiedasnon-hazardouswaste(exceptinCalifornia)andcanbeeitherdisposedofinthetrashore-recycledatalocalrecyclingcenter.Inordertondacenternearyou,goto; using the search function, type in “Batteries” and select the Battery Disposal Guide for Households.Thiswillprovidealinktonearbycentersbasedonzipcode.To Clean UnitsWipe exterior surfaces with a clean, dry cloth.Maintenance
get ready for™              11EnglishNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits foraClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.•Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.•Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdierentfromthattowhichthe receiver is connected.•Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.ThesedevicescomplywithFCCandIndustryCanadaRFradiationexposurelimitsset forth for the general population. They must not be operated when co-located with any other antenna or transmitter.Caution:TomaintainthecompliancewiththeFCC’sandIndustryCanada’sRFexposure guideline, place the child unit at least 20 cm (8 inches) from nearby persons.*ThisdevicecomplieswithRSS-310ofIndustryCanada.Operationissubjecttothe condition  that this device does not cause harmful interference.WARNING ChangesormodicationstothisunitnotexpresslyapprovedbyTOMYcouldvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCCCAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user sauthority to operate this equipment.
© TOMY1111 W. 22nd  StreetOak Brook, IL 60523 U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.Made in China.Y7568/Y7569 120919 WarrantyOur Limited Warranty and Warranty Period  When we use the terms  “we,” “us” and “our,” we are referring to TOMY, and when we use the terms “you” and “your” we mean the original end-user customer.  Our products are guaranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal and intended use for a period of 90 days from the date of your purchase.  Repair/Replacement Ifourproductfailstomeetourlimitedwarrantyduringthewarrantyperiod,wewill,atouroption, repair or replace the product free of charge.What Our Limited Warranty DoesNotCoverWeoerthislimitedwarrantyonlywhentheproductisusedbytheoriginalend-user customer. We oer no other warranty.  Additionally, while our warranty is excel-lent,thereareotherlimitstoit.WeoerNOWARRANTYincasesofdamageintransit,inadequate care, abuse, abnormal use, misuse, accidents, normal wear and tear, damage due to environmental or natural elements, failure to follow product instructions, immersion in water (except for products specifically identified by us in writing as intended for water use), battery leakage or improper storage or maintenance of the products.Disclaimer of Other Warranties THEEXPRESSWARRANTIESINTHEPRECEDINGSECTIONAREEXCLUSIVEANDINLIEUOFALLOTHERWARRANTIES.However,totheextentapplicablelawdoesnotpermitdisclaim-ers of certain implied warranties, such warranties are limited to the warranty period identi-fied above.  Some states and countries do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.Limitation on Damages INNOEVENTSHALLWEBELIABLEFORINCIDENTAL,COMPENSATORY,PUNITIVE,CONSEQUENTIAL,INDIRECT,SPECIALOROTHERDAMAGES.OURAGGREGATELIABILITYWITHRESPECTTODEFECTIVEPRODUCTSISLIMITEDTOTHEMONIESPAIDTOUSFORTHEDEFECTIVEGOOD.Somestatesandcountriesdonotallowtheexclusionorlimitationof incidental, consequential or other damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.  State Variations This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary based on state, province or country.  Contact Us Ifyouhaveawarrantyclaimorrequest,anycustomercarequestions,pleasecontactviaourwebsite or call us at 1-800-704-8697.Crisp & Clear™ Audio Monitor

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