Technicolor Delivery Technologies Belgium TG789VNV3 WLAN Access Point TG789vn v3, TG788vn, TG589vn v2 User Manual Annex

Technicolor Delivery Technologies Belgium WLAN Access Point TG789vn v3, TG788vn, TG589vn v2 Annex


User Manual Annex

Download: Technicolor Delivery Technologies Belgium TG789VNV3 WLAN Access Point TG789vn v3, TG788vn, TG589vn v2 User Manual Annex
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Document ID1592092
Application IDpGgyyvZmdkMPTehk74MbHw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual Annex
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
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Date Submitted2011-12-01 00:00:00
Date Available2012-01-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-11-03 02:18:35
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Document Lastmod2017-11-03 02:18:35
Document TitleUser Manual Annex
Document CreatorDocuCentre-IV C2260

I 0 Illustrations
Illustration 2 » Safely instructions supplied wnh the modems
E N Safety |nstructions and Regulatory Notices 2
Read this document pnor to mstauatlcn‘
F R Consignes de Sécurité ex Informaticns Réglementaires 9
LlSE‘Z (9 document avanl defieauer l‘mstallsnon‘
D E Sicherheitshinweise und Zulassungsbestimmungen 15
Llesr dueses Dokumem vor Installanonl
E S Instrucciones de Seguridad e Informacio’n Sobre Regulationes 21
Lea este documento ames de pvoceder a la mstalaoonl
PT Instrugées de Seguranga e Informagées Sobre Normas 27
Lela este documeflto ames de was: a msxalago
IT Precauzioni di Sicurezza e Informazioni Sulla Normativa 33
Leggev questo documemo puma d‘ eseguue l' mstalagao‘
Sv Sakerhetsféreskriher och -|nformation 38
Las sallerhetsforesknherna noggrat'
N L Veiligheidsvoorschriften en Regelgevingsinformatie 43
Gelleve dn document (5 lezen alvmem [e starren mer umallane‘
Illustration 2 continued
~ When uxrng the product, always fo/Iow the basK safety precautions to reduce the risk of/r’re. elect/K shock and
rnju/y to persons. indudlng the foI/owr‘ng'
. AIways man the product as described rn (he documentazron that 15 ”tamed wnh your produfl
. Avold uslng thrs product dunng an eIecmcaI storm There may be a remote rrsk or eIecmc shock From
. Do not use (hrs product [0 reps" a gas teat m the vrcmlzy or the teat
In (ase tns product is equrpped ”h a wweless nanscerver rt uses Drrezt Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)/
Orthogonal Frequency Drvrslon ModuIatrcn (OFDM) vadto [echnDIDgy As such it .s destgned to be |nter—operabIewrth
any other erEIess DSSS/OFDM type product that
- Complres wrth the IEEEsoz IIb/IEEE802 ng/IEEEsoz IIrt Standard on WrreIess LANs. as defined and approved
by the InsmuKe of Elem-cal and E|eclromcs Engineers
. Is Wr—Fr' CERTIFIED" as defined by the Wr-Fr” AIIrance
UnIess express and pnor apprevaI by Technrcolor m wrrtrng you may not
- DrsassembIe d?compiie, reverse engrneer,trace or otherwrse anaIysethe equtprnent Its content operanon or
or otherwise attempt to derrve source code (or the underIyrng Ideas aIgonthms structure or organlzancm) Irom the
or From any other rnIormatron provrded by TechmcoIor, except to the extent that thus Veslnczlon rs expresst
prohrbrted by IocaI law.
Copy. rent. loan. Ie-seII, sub»Ircense. or othermse transr’er or drstrrbute the equrpment to others.
Modrfy adaptor create a denvatrye work of the equipment
Remove from any (op-es of the equrpment any product rdennfrcatron copynghr or other notKeL
Drssernrnate performance rnformatron or anaIysrs (lncIudIng wrthout Ilmrtanon. benchmarks) From any source
reIatrng to the equrpment
Such acts not expressly approved by TechnrcoIor erI resuIt rn the Ioss of product warranty and may rnvalrdate the user s
authorrty to operate thrs equrpment m accordance wrth FCC RLIIES
Technicolor drscIarms aII responsrbrI-ty rn the event of use that does not compIy wrth the present rnstnrctrons
Illustration 2 continued
Environmental information
WEEE directive
tnrs symbol means tnet your moperatrve electronic appltance rnust be collected seosretely and not mrxed
wrtn tne nousenord wasteThe European Un.on has rrnprernenteo e soeotre collecnorr eno recycling system for
wh|ch produce's are tesponsrble
Thrs app|ian_ lncludlng the low
yoltage power rrtpdt from the AC malns power supply SELV clrcults
A . The Phone. VolP. FXS port Wlll be classlfled as a TNV-x clrculi when connected internally to the PSTN,
\ FXO port, for example whet. the deyrce a powered olt
. If the product ls equlpped wrtlr a use rntertace (slave and/or master) ol any type of connector thh
metalllc shleldlng, [hen lt a not allowed to connect the Phone. VoIP FXS port wlth the PSTN FXO or the
DSL. ADSL SHDSL. VDSL Llne port by any means. for Example wlrl’l an external telephone cable
Electrlcal powerlng
The powermg of the product must adhere to the power speclficatlons lndlcated on the marklng labels
The power supply must be Class ll and a letted Power Source ln accordance wrth the requttements of lECoono-‘l/
ENoo95m‘ Clause 2 5 and rated as lndKaled on the label on your product lt must be tested and approved to natlonal
or local standards
For USand Canada Thls product a trltended to be supplled by a Lrsted Dtrect Plug—m, or Decltop Power unrt matted
"Class 2" and rated as lndlcated on the label on your product
The use of other types of supplles ls ptohlblted If you are not sure of the type of power supply needed, consult the
product's use! documentatlon or contact your local product dealer
; For US and Canada Do not use the lSDN port. do not attempt to connect thls port to the rtetworl at ahyume
The dewce ls to be connected to err ldentlfled USB port complymg wtth the requlrernents of a erlted Power Source
|7.0 Illustrations :l
Illustration 2 continued
Telephone tool.
To reduce the rrsl of lrre. use only No 26 AWG wrle slze or larger (elecClmmunKallon lrne cord
Connect the telecommunrcatron llne cord only in the PSTN. FXO. DSL. ADSL SHDSLl VDSL or Llne port of the
product Never plug the telecommunrcatron lme cold ln another receptacle of the product
Follow the lrrstallatlon lnstructlons ln the sequence as outlrrred m the rnstallatlorr gulde
Central splrtter / drstributed lllter(s) (.f appllcable)
"telephone serwce ls requlred on the same lrne a central splrrter or dlstrlbuted lllter(5) mtlsl be lrlstalled tor optlmal
DSL performance
Depending on your DSL configuration and type or splltter / frltersv mstallatlon must be tamed out by ouolrrrod servlce
personnel Consult your telephone servme company or DSL servlce ororroer for mslructlons
The Dlrect Plug—m power supply, or the plug on the power Supply cord serves as dlsconnect devrce Be sure that the
power sector outlet you plug tne power supply lntc ls easlly accesslble and located as close to tlne equipment at
Do not overload malns supply socket outlets and extensron cards at (his lnCreasés the rlslt of lrre or electric shock
To reduce the rrslr. of electrlc shock, do not drsassemble thls product None 05 rts rnternal parts are user-replaceable.
therefore there to no reason to actess the rnterror Openlng or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages
lncorrect reassembly could cause electrlc shock ll (he appllance to subsequently used
If seNlce or reparrworl ls required, take rt to a quallfied servlce dealer
Damage requiring semce
Unplug (hls product from the wall outlet and refer serwcmg to qualr‘red servrce personnel under the followlng
- When the power supply or rts plug are damaged
When the attached cords are damaged or frayed
lr llquld has been spllled rnto (he ptodud
ll the product has been exposed to ram or water
l! the product does not operate- normally
lf the product has been dropped or damaged ln any way
There are notlceable stgns or overheatlng
li the product exhlbtts a dlsnncl change ln performante
Illustration 2 continued
tmmedtatety atmnnett the product ttyau nottce .t gttthg on a sme" at butrttrtg or smoke Under ab ctrcumstances
mutt you Open the equipment yourself you run the rat at eteetmutbh
Regulatory Information
You must instaH and use rhts deytte tn stttct accordance wtth the manufacturer's tnstructtons as descrtbed tn the user
documentatton that IE trtduded wtth your product
Before you start tnstallatton or use of thts product. carefutiy read the contents of thts document ior devtce specthc
consttamts or ruTes that may apply tn the country where you want to use (his product
ht some sttuattons or enytronrnents, the use of wtreTess devtces may be restrtcted by the proprtetor of the butldtng or
responstble representattyes of the organtxatton
Tfyou are uncertatn of the pohcy that apthes on the use of wtreless equtpment tn a spectftc organtzatton or enytronrnent
(e g atrpom), you are encouraged to ask for authortzatton to use thts devtce prtor to turnth on the equ-prnent
Techntcolot ts not responstble for any tadto or tetevtston tntetfetence caused by unauthonzed modtftcatton ofthe deuce.
or the substttutton or attachment ofconnecttng cabTes and equtpmenr other than spectited by Techntcotor The
correctton of trtterFerence caused by such unauthortzed mothtcatton substttuttort or attachment thI be the
responstbthty of tlte user
Techntcolor and us author-zed reseHers or dtsmbutors are not Itable For any damage orytolatton of government
regu‘anons that may artse from Fat‘tng to comp’y wtth these gutdelines
Europe - European Union
European Community Declaratron of Conformity
Hereby. Techntcobr. declares that thts product a m compttahte wtth the essenttat vequtvements and other
relevant pmvtsnons at Dttetttva 1999/s/EC of the Eutopeart Petttameht and at the Counctl
Thts equtpmem can be used in at counmes that are member of the European umbh and that are member of the
European Free Trade Assomatton
The Dedaranon of Conformtty can be found on wwwlgghmngrcom
Tn case thts product ts equtpped wtth a wtreTess transcetver.
- tt IS restrtcted to tndoor use only
- tt compltes mth the bastc restrtcttons and Itmtts as defined tn the European Counct! Recommendatton (1999/519/
EC) on the ltmttatttm of exposure orthe general pubtte (o Eteettbmaghette netda
Thts product compttes wtth
- Commtsston Regularton (EC) No ms/zooe tmplementtrtg Dtrecrtye zoos/sz/EC Ecodesrgn reoutremehts (or
standby aha off made etaeme pawet consumpnon bf eteetmat and etaettbme hbuaettbtd and bfhee equtpment
- Commtsstort Regulatton (EC) 278/200? Ecodestgn requtrernents for no-[oad condttton eTectrtc power
consumption and average acttve etftetency at externa| power suppttea
Illustration 2 continued
North-America - Canada
Notrflcatlon or Canad-an Radro Frequency lnterference statement
This Class B dtgttar apparatus eemphes Mth Canadtan lCES-oos
NOTICE Thus product meets the applvcable lndustry Canada techmcal spetthsamns
NOTICE The nnger Equwalence Number (REN) For tlus terrnrnal equrpment rs 01 The PEN rs an rndrcerron of the
maxtmum number of devrces allowed to be connected to a telephone In!€rla(e The termmatnon on an rntertace may
consrst of any combrnatton of dewces subject only to the requrrement that the sum of the RENs ofall the devrces does
not exceed five
Canada a Industry Canada (IC)
ln case [l’us product ls equrpped wrth an lEEEsoz Hb/IEEEsoz Hg/IEEEeoz un wneless transcerver complymg wrth
R55 210 and/or RSS 213 of Industry Canada. operatron ts subtect to the lollowmg two (ondmons
| Thrs devrce may not cause harmful mterlerence
2 This device must accept any mrerference recs-Ned lncludlng mtenetence then may cause undesheer operanon
of the dewce
IMPORTAN TN OTE ‘ Radiation Exposure Statement
The equipment temples wrth 1c radatten exposure hnhs set forth for an uncontrolled envlronment Thrs
equipment should be mstalled and operated wlth mlmmum distance 20 cm (8 Inches) between the vadlator and
your body
Restructed Frequency Band
ln case this product ts equlpped mth an lEEEsoz nb/lEEEsoz 11g /IEEEeoz nn wrreless ttensseuer, vi only uses
channels 1 to n (2412 to 2462 MHz) on Canada terntory
North—America — United States of America
Federal Commumcatxons Commissron (FCC) Radro Frequency Interference Statement
Tl’ns equxpment has been tested and Found to comply wvth the Irmvts For a Class B dlgltal dewce. pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Qules These llmlis ete destgned to provrcle reasonable protectron agavnsr harmful tntetfetenee n e restdentlal
rnstallatron This equxpment generates uses and can radrete radro Frequency energy and rf not installed and used In
accordance with the mstrucllons, may cause harmful lnterterence to rad-o commumcanons However. there rs no
guarantee that rnten‘erence w-ll not occur m a pamcular tnstallanon
u th.s equ|pment does cause harmful lhterlerence to radio or television tecepnon wheh tan be determlned by (urnmg
the equipment 0“ and an, the use. .s encouvaged to try to carved the vmerference by one or more of the followmg
. Reonem or relocate the recervlng antenna
- lncrease the separation between the equrpment and vecerver
- Connect the equtpment Into an outlet on a Circult dtlterent from that to whrch the recelver <5 connected
|1 I ustratlons
Illustration 2 continued
. Consult the dealer or an experlenced radro/TV telman to. help
Thrs deuce Complres wrth Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operanon ls subject to the tollvswrng twc cohdrttons
1 Thls awe may mt cause harmful interference and
2 Thls deuce must accept any mterletence recervecl, rncludrng mterference that may cause u‘ldeslled
FCC Caution. Any changes or modrhcatrons not expressly approved by the party responsrble lot complrance could votd
the user s authorrty to operate thrs equrpment
Responsible Party Te
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