Texas Instruments 2533EM The CC2533EM is a development tool for TIs 2.4 GHz CC2533 IEEE 802.15.4 System-on-Chip. User Manual

Texas Instruments Inc. The CC2533EM is a development tool for TIs 2.4 GHz CC2533 IEEE 802.15.4 System-on-Chip.

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User manual

SWRU253A October 2013   CC2533EMK Quick Start Guide  1. Kit Contents   2 x CC2533EM with PCB antennas 2 x Pulse W1010 2.4 GHz antennas Documentation  The RF boards in this kit are FCC and IC certified and tested to comply with ETSI/R&TTE standards over temperature from 0 to +35°C. The antenna, W1010 from  Pulse,  is a  ¼  wave  dipole  antenna with 2 dBi gain.  FCC/IC Regulatory Compliance FCC Part 15 Class A Compliant IC ICES-003 Class A Compliant  2. Plug EM into SmartRF05EB   In order to run the pre-programmed packet error  rate  test  on  the  device,  you  need  2 SmartRF05  Evaluation  Boards.  The SmartRF05EB  is  included  in  the  CC2533 Development Kit Error! Reference source not found..  Note  that  you  DO  NOT  need  the  SMA antenna, as the PCB antenna is used by default. 3. Power Options  There are several ways of  applying power to the SmartRF05EB;    USB (5V through USB plug)   External Power Supply (requirements below)   2 x 1.5V AA Non-Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries  Voltage  regulators  on  the  SmartRF05EB will set the on-board voltage to 3.3V.  External Power Supply1 Requirements: Nom Voltage: 4 to 20 VDC Max Current: 1500 mA Efficiency Level V  Warning!  To  minimize  risk  of  personal injury  or  property  damage,  never  use rechargeable batteries to power the board. 4. Select Power Source  Locate  the power  source header  P11 just  above  the LCD  on  the SmartRF05EB Connect  pins  1  and  2  if  you  are  using batteries to power the board. Connect pins 2  and  3  if  you  are  using  USB  or  external power supply.  Once  you  have set  P11,  find switch  P8  just next  to  the  DC jack  on  the SmartRF05EB. To  power  on the  board,  flip  the  switch  from  “OFF”  to “ON”.  4. Packet Error Rate (PER)     When  power  is  applied  to  the SmartRF05EB,  the  preprogrammed  PER test on the CC2533 will start running.   The LCD will display the screen as shown in  the  picture  above.  The  number  in  the parentheses is the revision of the CC2533.  Press  Button  1  to continue.  5. Select Channel    Select  one  of  the  16  IEEE  802.15.4 channels, with channel number from 11 to 26  (2405-2480  MHz,  5  MHz  channel spacing). Select the same channel for both boards.  The  channel  number  is  increased  by moving the joystick in any direction.   Press Button 1 to confirm the selection.   6 Set up the Receiver    Set  one  of  the  boards  to  operate  as receiver.  Use  the  joystick  to  select  mode. Confirm by pressing Button 1.    The receiver will now wait for packets from the transmitter.  7. Set up the Transmitter    Set  the  other  board  to  operate  as transmitter. Use the joystick to select mode. Confirm the selection by pressing Button 1.  On  the  transmitter  node,  additional parameters  have  to  be  set.  On  the  next screen, select the TX output power (signal strength).  Use  the  joystick  to  select between  -3  dBm,  0  dBm,  4.5  dBm  or  7 dBm. Confirm the selection with Button 1.  8. TX: Packets and Packet Rate    Next, select burst size (number of packets to send) by using the joystick, either 1000, 10K,  100K  or  1M  packets.  Confirm  the selection with Button 1.   After  selecting  burst  size,  select  packet rate; 100, 50, 20 or 10 packet per second. Confirm the selection with Button 1.                                                        1 When using an external power supply, make sure it meets the listed requirements in addition to complying with applicable regional product regulatory and safety certification requirements such as UL, CSA, VDE, CCC, and PSE.
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Document ID2122289
Application IDvBwWbiGL3oVf+iPIypUEHA==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize49.58kB (619794 bits)
Date Submitted2013-11-19 00:00:00
Date Available2013-11-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2013-10-28 12:52:55
Producing SoftwareMicrosoft® Word 2010
Document Lastmod2013-10-28 12:52:55
Document TitleInterfacing CC1100/CC2500 from MSP430 using the ATC430 Experimenter’s Board
Document CreatorMicrosoft® Word 2010
Document Author: TI User
FCC ID Filing: ZAT2533EM

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