Thomson 2-7928B 2.4 GHz Single-Line Cordless Telephone User Manual users manual
Thomson Inc. 2.4 GHz Single-Line Cordless Telephone users manual
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- 1. users manual
- 2. digital security code
users manual
MARSTECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Rafi 2.1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instmctions Furnished to the User" Exhibit A(1) - User’s Guide ATLINKS USA/27928XXX»B EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9H2-7928B Marstech Report NoI 23064D 40-Channel 2.4GH2 % CordlessTelephone User's Guide FCC ID: G9H2-79288 Marstech Report No, 230641) EXHIBIT A( l) Your ullpflune equip!" nwmd In! cummn'nn In 7D“: $0!“th nni MM and is Rznuiitlrms Ind the hrhnical fienuinmmls mTzlzpflDn: Taminllfqmpml nublilhld by “IA. | rim-11m. w m um 1mm Gummy fln m: hnflnm nllhix equrpmemi: - murmur-nu, lmnng nm-riMnlmifion, ma us numbnuM Emu-1 Equialunc- NumbMRENNnvmuquinmunL Vw musL um llqllust mm: mix mhmuiiw m yuur mum... vnmplnv. 1MENiquh-filerm'liw mgmmhevnlflsvim mrytnnmmyoln mm: in mdm‘lhm lhflhm am" mm". vmul'cllpnun! numb-l rs and Inmlhmm-Ihmnmewmw a us»: an" dwiusemu-MdInan:fin:shnuldmwcudNubscmnmunmmrdflw'as youmvmnmmwmwsmmmwmwmmacmmlnmummmmm mm ‘ rm; muiurum mynothuudnncm’nmvice pmvldzd hymmlzphon' tnnplw. - Flnvfinlsmminnoweurihmdmulnvw mzynmbumu m myaurwmlclwhm Mummznlflvwauanamhm Checkwilh your mumupm Mummy, . Nafictmusl a: innlamz'elnphnne tummy "punpznmnlrl disconnminn armmmmmm z ngmdmehhphanlmlw sum vowzquipm m Dhmvuvinzwfiknmvhuu m: uleyhnnl umnmmhlzphqn- ”PM mung-u pumau[=,nnfify_mm.« MMWflanMimuhMflunm-m-uhnmnnimA|lmm~uuw numb m, l| cumulllnn wim um: lilnd W. FEE Wu 1nd E UIPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION Vow Gillian" ullllpmlll i “rm?! lav tunlclhnw M hilt will “WM Mail!!! it h cumufilnu with 1,1":th SI, FCC WI: Ind Mal/Ilia!“ Hum-710m mum 1111me Elli-II (quimm MMGWMT 1 14mm la n an-wm- CM 0mm Mmdmlnwimiullhl ' mm mmmnmmmmm Mllfiqliflhnbl lehuvmflwfiumhflm 1»- mm. In" mum, pmu-fiMm-dm mmhbnluu mm WiGMhmMmfllr-n,mum-tumflnldfimmhmlhmflmmi‘vhfiudh‘xfidw mmmahmh-memmnmcmnmwmm Mom ' ' mmnmmbemmmm-wmwmmm-mw ' h Emll“MinMMIMMm,mmvymhlflthm-mmubmmdpmflmlnmlmmhmmmv mama-1M ' Nbficlmhlwmhhhhphmwwumpmnlmficmlfl'mdwlbhphnnlMmh. z mumrmecmw Na mu immhmmmmmnn-mumww fan-pnwmlllpwymawdwn aomm n mm. u: irnmmhmflm rum mpmcldllmmhflhhSuMKEMPmuECIMIMWIM, V" W“ I W W Th. humanism, uh nhhcnm-fimxmmm' nt Wovmmnmumnmumw hm" n'un “km-nmmmfimm thslndhmhfim.IlM-wmmmflmmtlmmflwmmtdwfifipm DUI thMmuWyuflfinmxmanhmmanhnifilmmmm INTERFEREN INFORMATION Ill nib frluulnny Ind, "aim-um Iii u mmniumxv N . n is m: nun-m mnmmm‘llmm II M mum-m do" um mmwmun-ym "din nmmifiou "nation, mlch m n. 1mm emuuum In try In curl-cl m. hm mm ny nnl ov more of Ifu Icllvwinu mmuux: - Maria! M alum m rm‘muq nmnm Ian ix, m mum hr main or m ‘ "min! or rim-nu an! helm: tho xlnllifivn DWI-m m. nllwmunitlu’an ' Ennmcl thv ulvrmwniulim min-Milly n until! an I ciml'l Marin lrmn ' Cnnxun lhl dull" M tn QWII‘IMIG VIM "clinician lot My. H mm mum: lln mil-m m- lmmmm, pim- chlm 1m dull! N In unlimud udiollchvixirm (“minim h ldfnianll tumfiux Ahq I)! erllCcllmiclllnm Cnmmiuhn nu pup-u hllpffl book“, ‘I‘m 1» 111mm lnfl mm. min/TV lrlllfwlflu MIN-mt" D's Mix ‘ mil-bl! (mm m U3. fiwemmm Pmlino 0m“, Wlsfilrmnn, 0.0. mm. Plum with me! lumbar momma Winn minim; cw‘u. HEARING AID COMPATIBILITY 1 TN: mum»- wmm mm rcc mmmsm "mm AM canwihflilv. US NUMBER IS LOCATED ON THE CABINETBDITDM KEN NUMBER IS lUCATED ON IHE CABINET BDITDM ATLINKS USA, Im.‘ Made! 2792! 10! Wm WM Slree 15695020 (Rev. 1 5/3) Indiunnnolis, IN 0629 02-25 © 2002 ATLINKS USA, Inc. Printed in China Trademarkts) ® Registered P/N: too-1132100000 Mums) maimed-(s) INTRODUCTION CAUTION: When using telephone equipment1 there are basic fliery instructions that should A always be followed, Refer to the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSFRUCI'IONS provided with this product and save them for funne reference. Vour cordless telephone is designed to give you flexibility in use and high quality periormlnee. To get the most lrorn your new cordless telephone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now to read through this instruction manual, IMPORTANT Beause cordless phones operane on elecuia u should have at least one phone in your home that not oordlm, in use the powerin your home goes out BEFORE You BEGIN PARTS CHECKLIST Make sure wur package includes the items shown here Base Handset Handset Mmmta'ng ac Power supply Telephone line med emery bucket MODUIAR JACK REQUIREMENTS Q You need an R.” It: type modular phone jack, which is the most common type a! phone iack and might look like the one pictured here. It you don't have a modular iack, call your local phone company to find El out how to get one installed ' DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEM Vour cordless phone uses a digital security system to provide protection against lalse ringing, unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line. When you place the handset in the base, the unit verifies its security code. After a power outage or battery replacement, you should place the handset in the base tor about 20 seconds to reset the code. wnmmzm PREVENT FIRE on steer-nun. SHOCK HAZARD. no new Exrose'mls nonuc—r TD rum on MOISTURE. INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to nearby TVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV, microwave ove or VCR. lt' interference continues. moving Ihe cordless telephone farther away from Lhe TV or V ' will often reduce or eliminate the interference, Certain other communications devices may also use the 2.4 GHz frequency for communication, and, if properly set, these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone. If you are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner's manual for these devices on how ID ploperly set channels to avoid interference. Typical devices that may use the 244 GHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/video senders, wireless computer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone systems. and some long-range cordless telephone systems, an; Hmdeet Hindu: Mounting hem-wry leupnt'melmeonm battery bride! MODULAR jncx REQUIREMENTS You need an RJIIC type modular phone jack, which is the most common type of phone ink and might look like the one pictured here. If you don't have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed. DIGITAL SECUmTv SYSTEM Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to provide protection against false ringing, unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line. When you place the handset in the base, the unit verifies its security code, Attar a power outage or battery replacement you should place the handset in the hose lor about 10 seconds to reset the code, wamtuofl'o never" HR: on eLEcmtut. suocx mum), Do mgmfigmowam,.m...m INSTALIATION AND SETUP CAUTION Always disconnect phone cords from the wall outlets before battery mstallatton or replacement INSTALLATION NOTE.- Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to nearby IVs, microwave ovens, and VGRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV, microwave oven, or VCR If interference continues. moving the cordless telephone farther away from the TV or VCR will often reduce or eliminate the interference. Certain other communications devices may also use the 2.4 GHz frequency for communication, and, if properly set, these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone. Ityou are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner’s manual for these devices on how to properly set channels to avoid interference, Typical devices that may use the 2.4 GHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/ video senders, wireless computer networks, mold-handset cordless telephone systems, and some long-range cordless telephone systems IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INFORMATION - Never install telephone wiring during a Iiphtrtinp storm. ~ Never install telephone iacks in wet locations unless theiaclr is specifically designed iorwet locations. - Never touch uninxulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the telephone line has been disconnected atthe network interface. - Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines, - Temporarily disconnect any equipment connected to the phone such as taxes, other phones, or modems, INSTALLING THE PHONE Your cordless telephone should he placed on a level surface such as a desk or table top, or you can mount it on a well CONNECTING THE AC (ELECTRICAL) POWER Plug the power supply cord into the power jack on the bottom at the base end the other end into an electqical outlet. The chargefin use indicator mm on to indicate the battery is charging. Allow the phone t- eherue tor 12 hours prlurte first no. It you dont property charge the phone, leudry pellet-term will be compromised. CAUTION: Use only the ATLINKS USA, Inc. 52527 (black) or 52526 ( white) power suplply that tame with this unit. Using other adapters may damage the unit. CONNECTING THE TELEPHONE Lqu l 1. Plug the one end or the telephone line cord into me luck on the back otthe base and the other end intole modular well phone jack. 1, Set the lilNGEli switch (on the handset trout) to UN, and plece hendset in the cradle on the base. NOTE: The phone automatically defaults to touch~tpne dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing, see ”Tone/Pulse Dialing.“ Hyou don't know which type of service you have, chedt with the phone company. WALL MOUNTING NOTE: For best resulu, leave the phone on a flat surface during initial charging before you hang the phone on the wall. 1. Turnthe base over, 2. Attach the wall mounting pedestal hy first inserting the tabs on the open edge or the pedestal into the slots on the lower portion of the bottom at the base. When push down and snap the pedestal mto place. 3. ‘Slip the mounting holes (on the back at the base and pedestal] over the wall plate posts and slide the unit down into place. (Wall plate not included.) -/+ vol button TALK hm“ redial button memory button ‘TONE button ”AUSE human bum“ that. button ringer witch pmg button MAKING A CALL After Initial set up, put handset in the base for II hours to charge the battery. The only two things you need to know to make a cell are: - Press the TALK button before you ditl. - Press TALK or place the handset in the beta to hang up. IN Use INDICATOR ‘ The phone is ON when the TALK button/indicator on the handsetis lit and the charge/ in use indicator on the bJse is lit REDIAL Press the redial button to quickly redial the lest number you celled (up to 31 digits). RECEIVING A CALL r. "mm .. Mu w. m...» mm um any to... tar”. m... u. an. I. Turn the base over. It Attach the wall mounting pedestal by first inserting the tabs on the open arigo ol the pedestal into the slots on the lower portion of the bottom of the base. Then push down and snap the pedestal into place. a slip the mounting holes to» the track of th- hase and pod-stall over the wall plate posts and slide the rink down into place (Wall plate not included.) r CORDLESS PHONE BAsrcs i ./+ vol button TALK n i redid button memory button i ‘TDN'E button fiAUSE button dun button M hm" ringer witch pro! button MAKING A CALL Alter initial set up, out hemlsnin the base tor I2 hours to charge the battery The only two things you need to know to make u cell are: - Press the TALK button beloro you dill. - Press TALK or place the handset inthe hose to hung up. [N Use: INDICATOR The phone is ON when the TALK button/indicator on the handset is lit and the charge! in use indicator on the hose is lit Renter. Press the redial hutton to quickly redial the last number you cellerl [up to 32 digits), RECEIVINGA CALL To answer e ceIL you must press the TALK button belore you can talk. FLASH Use the llash button to activate custom calling service: such It Call Waiting or cell transfer, which are available TIP: If you press the TALK button to activate custom ea in up the phone Press “flash mode through your local phone company, 5 services such as call wartm you'll a VOLUME The Vol lelt and right arrow buttons control the volume of the hendset's earpiece, RINGER SWITCH The handset ringer switch can he set to ON or OFF. It the switch is oil, the unit will not ring. RINGER Tom: To select the ringer tone: 1. Puss and hold the program lprog) human. 2, Press I or2 lor Ringer lone selection. 3, Press the program lprugl button again. Vnu will hear a eonlirmafion tone, TONE / PULSE DIALING This adjustment allows you to select tone (touchvtone) or pulse (rotary) mode dialinp.1he phone is automatically set for touch-tone use. To sat tone or pulse dialinq: I. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press and hold the propram (umg) button until the unit beeps. 3. Press ' for TONE or I for PULSE. 0. Press the program lprop) button again. Vou will hear a confirmation tone, TEMPORARY TONE This leatura enables pulsa (rotary) service phone users to access touch-tone services offered by banks, credit card companies, etc., by pressing the “TONE button to temporarily make the phone touch-tone compatible. To get information about your bank account, for example, you would: 1. Press the TALK button. 2, Call the bank's information line. 3. Press the ‘TONE button alteryour call is answered 4. Follow the voice instructions to complete your transaction. 5. Mann up when finished. The phone returns to pulse (rotary) service. PAGING THE HANDSET Press the PAGE button on the base to locate a misplaced handset. When you press the PAGE button, the handset beeps and the TALK bintonfindicetor on the handset and the charge/in use indicator on the base blinks. Press the TAlK button when you lot: ate the handset. The pope stone) is three beeps every two seconds for two minutes. Press the base PAGE button to stop paging. "thth PAGE Mounts NOTE. on can still page the handset get off. CHAN BUTTON If you ever experience any interference or don't have clear voice quality, press the chan button on the hardsat to advance to another channel. MEMORY Store up to ten ZO»dipit telephone numbers in memory for quick dialinp. STORING A NUMBER IN MEMORY I. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press the memory button. 3. Press any number key (0-9) to store the phone numberin thatmemory location. 4. Press memory button. 5. Use the keypad to enter the number (up to 20 digits) you want to store in that memory Iooalion. 5. Press the memory button again to confirm. CHANGING A STORED NUMBER Use the same procedure to change a stored number as you do to store a number~ you're just replacing the phone numberwith a different number. STORING A REDIAL NUMBER l, Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press the memory button. 3. Press any number key (0-9) to store the phone number in that memory location. 4. Press the memory button 5, Press redial 5. Press the memory button again to confirm. STORING A PAUSE IN MEMORY Use the I PAUSE button to inserts pause when a delay is needed in the dialing sequence (for example, when you mustdiol a Bio get an outside line or when you must enter code: to access your bank's inlnrmation line). Each pause counts toward the ZO»digit limit. thug nun-m, are lrenuau ueeps etlu me mun uuuorummceror on me nandset and the charge/in use indicator on the base blinks. Press the TALK button when you locate the handset. The pa e signal is three beeps every two seconds for (Wu minutes. Press the base PAGE button to stop paging. Nfll'E: You can still page the handset With the ringer ot’l. ' CHAN BU'ITON If you ever experience any imerlerence or dont have clear voice quality, press the chan button on the hahdsetto advance to mother channel. MEMORY Store up to ten 2“ elephone numbers in memory lor quick d| STORING A NUMBER IN MEMORY Meke sure the phone is OFF. Press the memory button. Press any number key 1M) to store the phone number in that memory location, Press memory button. Use the keypad to enter the number (up to 20 digits) you want to store in that memory location. Press the memory button age in to confirm, CHANGlNG A STORED NUMBER Use the same procedure to change a stored number as you do to store a number— you're just repllcinq the phone number with a dillerent number. STORING A REDIAL NUhmER 1. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press the memory button. 3, Press any number key (Ml to store the phone number in that memory location. 4, Press the memory button 5. Press redial, 6. Press the memory button again to confirm. STORING A PAUSE IN MEMORY . Use the I PAUSE button to insert auso when e delay is needed in the dialing sequence (lor example, whtn you must dial a 3 to get an outside Ii when you must enter codes to access your bank's information line). E ch pause counts toward the 20-diptt limit. Sal-"P!“Nr‘ Il you need to dial Sto getan outside line and wantto store a number in memory without having to dial 9 each time, you would: t. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press the memory button. 3. Press any number (N) to store the phone number in that memory location, o. Press memory apein. 5. Enter the numberslor any other appropriate number) to access an outside line. 5. Press I PAUSE. 7. Enter the phone numberyou want to store in memory. 8, Press the memory button again to confirm. TIP If you need a longer pause, press the it PAUSE button lwrc ' ‘t'n DIALTNG A STORED NUMBER I. Mak‘e sure the phone is (lit by pressing the TALK button. 2. Press the memory button. a. Press the number (0-3) tor the desired memory location. ‘lhe number dials automatically. IMPORTANT: If you make lest calls to emergency number: stored in memory, remain on the line and briefly explain the reason for the call to the dispatcher. Also, it‘s a good idea to make these cells in offpeak hours, such as early morning or late evening. CHANGING THE BATTERY Make sure the telephone is OFF belore you replete battery 1. Remove the battery compartment door. 2. Disconnect the battery plug from the jack inside the battery compartment and remove the battery pack lrorn the headset. 3, Insertthe new battery pack and connectthe cord into the jack inside the handset. J. Put the battery compartment door back on. 5. Place handset in the base to chorus. ll you that cite e the handset battery properly (tor 12 hours] when you first set up the phone d/or when you install a new battery pack, the battery's lotto-term parlormanoe will be compromised. CAUTION: To reduce the risk of lire or personal injury, battery listed in the instruction book. BATTERY SAFETY PREmU'rroNs - Do not burn, disassemble, mutilate, or puncture. Like other batteries olthis type, toxic materials could be releesed which can cause injury. To reduce the risk of tire or personal injury, use only the battery listed in the User's Guide. - Keep batteries out otthe reach of children. - Remove batteries littering over30 days. use only the NOTE: The RBRC seal on the battery used in your ATLlNKS USA, Inc. product indicates that we are participating in a program to collect and recycle Nickel Cadmium batteries throughout the United Smear Please (all 1800-&BATTERonr inlormation or W contact your local recycling center. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE in case oi difficulty, please nheckthe following Troubleshooting Guide before seeking service. Problem Solution No dial tone - Check installation: Is the base power cord connected to a working electrical outlet? Is the handsetTALK button and the charge/in use indicator on the base lit? Is the telephone line cord connected to the base unit and the wall phone jack? ' - Disconnect the base from the wall phone jack and connect another phone to the same jack. If there ls no dial tone on the second phone, the problem might be your wiring or local service. - ls the handset out of the base unit‘s range? Movel closer to the base unit. . 0 Make sure the battery is properly charged (12 ho+rsl - Is the battery pack installed correctly? 0 If the phone still does not work, disconnect the power cord and remove the battery pack.Then reconnect the power cord and reinstall the battery pack. Place handset in the base for 10 seconds to allow it to reinitialize. _ cam, “on.“ u. we msu ucuon nous. BA'l'l’ERY Sm PRECAUTIONS - Do not burn, disassemble, mutilate, or puncture. Like other batteries ol this type, tciic materials could be reloaud which can cause injury - To mince the risk of fire or personal injury, use only the battery listed in the User‘s Guido. - Keep batteries out at the reach of children. - Remove batteries il storing worst) days. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE In case of dilliclllty, please check the following Troubleshooting Guide bolore seeking service. Problem Solution No dial tone - Check installation: is the base power cord connected to a working electrical outlet? Is the handsatTALK button and the charge/in use indicator on the base In? 1 Is the telephone line cord connected to the base unit and the wall phone jack? ' Disconnect the base from the wall phone "adt an connect another phone to the same jar-kt f there is no dial tone on the second phone, the problem mig t be your wiring or local service. . ' Is the handset out of the base unit’s range? Move closer to the base unit. ' Make sure the battery is properly charged (12 hours). ' is the battery pack installed correctly? - If the phone still does not work, disconnect the power cord and remove the battery pad<.Than reconnect the power cord and reinstall the battery pack. Place handset in the base for 10 seconds to allow it to reinitialize. Handset does not ring - Make sure the RINGER switch on the handset is turned to ON. 0 You may have too many extension phones on your line.Try unplugging some phones. 0 See solutions for "No dial tone.” Cannot hear phone - Press the left and right arrow button to adjust the . conversation volume to the desired listening leve . You experience static, ' Change channels. noise, or fading in and out 0 Is the handset out of range? Move closer to the ha a. - Does the base need to be relocated? - Charge the handset battery for 12 hours. 0 Make sure the base is not plugged into an electric l outlet with another household appliance. Range is shorter - Press the channel button during the conversation than normal to select a new channel. Battery will not hold a 0 Be sure you sufficiently charge the battery charge- ifor 12 hours), and you can expect approximately 4 hours of talk time. 0 Check to be sure battery contacts on both the handset and the base are making contact and are clean; tree of dirt or lint. - When the handset is placed in the base, check that the base chargefin use indicator is on. Phone dials in pulse a Make sure the dial mode is set toTONE. with tone service. Phone won't dial - Make sure dial mode is set to PULSE. out with pulse service Memory dialing 0 Did you program the memory location keys 1 doesn’t work correctly? 0 Did you follow the proper dialing sequence? - Make sure the tone/pulse setting is programmed correctly. Unit looks up and - if the phone still does not work, disconnect the no communication power cord and remove the battery pack. between the base Then reconnect the power cord and reinstall and the handset the battery pack. Place the handset in the base for 10 seconds to reset it. - If a power outage occurs while the handset is away item the base, return the handset to the base when the power returns. LIMITED WARRANTY What your warranty oovm. - points in materials or workmanship. For how long altar your purchase: ' One year, from data 01 purchase. (The warranty period tor rental units begins with the first rental or 45 days trom.dats at shipment to the rental firm, whichever comes first.) What we will do: - Provide you with a naw or, at our option, a raturoitnad unit.l’ne exchange unit is undar warranty lorthe rantaindar ot the original product's warranty period. Now you on urvlca: - Properly putt your unit, Include any cables, ole. which wsrs originally providad with the product. We recommend using the original carton and padtinv materials, - "Prooroi purchase in tita form on bill ollala or recalpted invoioow ' n is ayidanca that tits product it within the warranty period, must he presented to obtain warranty le ~ For rental firms, proof oi firtt rental is also required. Also print your name and address and a description or tits detect. Sand via stand-rd ups or its aouivalant to: ATLINKS Ufl, Inc. oloThomlorl multimedia Inc. 11721 B Allmldl Ava. Socorro, To!“ 79927 - Pay any air-root billed to you by the Exchange Center tor sarvita not covered by the warranty. - insure your shipment tor loss or damage. ATLINKS accepts no liability in case of damage or loss. - A new or refurbished unit will be shipped to you iraloln praoald. What your warranty does not cover: - Customer instruction. (Your Owner's Manual provides information regarding operating instructions and user controls. Any additional information, should be obtained trom your dealer.) - Inatallation and setup service adjustments - Batteries. ~ Damage irom misuse or neglect. i ' Products which have been modified or inoorpnrated into other products, ‘ - Products purchased or serviced outside the USA. ' Acts oi nature, such as but not limited to lightning damage, Product nagi-tratlon: ' Please complete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your unit. it will make it easier to contact you should it ever be necessary, e return oi the card is not required for warranty coverage. Limitation olwtrnnty: End ihe handset the battery pack. Pla'ce the handsol in the base for 10 seconds to reset it. 0 If a power outage occurs while the handset is away . - from the base, return the handset to the base when the power returnsr LIMITED WARRANTY Wlm your my owe Deleon in mltarillx or workmenship. For how long rim your gum-n: One velr. from dlte of on rehlse. (The warranty period for renal unite begins with the fire! rental or 45 day: irarndlll oi lhipment to the rental lirm, whldlever Cornet first) What in will do: How you “t urvlu: Provide you wilh a new or, al our optiony a ralurbielied ImitThe exchange unit is undarwarranly lor lire remainder ol the original product's wnrranly period. 1 Properly padr your unir. Include any ceblee, etc., which were originally provided wilh lire product. We i recommend using ihe origin-l canon and packing meterlals. l "Prowl a! purchase in the Inn" of I oi "In or receipied invoice which is evidence that the product I_‘I within the warranty plrled, mun be mounted to obinln walrlntv torvice.’ For rental Iirms, proof 0! lirlt renul ir also rcguirad. Also grlnr your name and address and . descriptlon or lire delect. Send via stand-rd ups or It: equivalent to: ATLINKS USA, Inc. c/e Thomson multimedia Inc, I‘IHI BAhmtdl Ave. snm,Tllll 79927 Pay any charges blllod lo you by the Exchange Center ior service not oovered by the warranty. Insure your shipm-ni ler loss or dlmnge. ATLINKS nocopia no liabil‘hy In case ol damage or loss. A new or rerurbishad unii will he lhipped tn you lroighl grapaid, Wlm your wan-my dim rial cwlr: Customer instruction (Your Owner’s Manual provides lnformaiidn regarding oporning instructions and user conuolr. Any addiiional information, should be ehleined rram your daalor.) lnsiallalion and setup service rdjualmenrs, Beneriesr Damage rrum misuse or neglect Products which have been modified or incorporated into other products, Products purdlased or serviced oulside Ills USA, Am 01 narure, sum as but not limiled to lighlning damage. Product neglnrarian; Please complete and mail the Product Re inmtion Card poured with your unit. I! will make it easier Io comm you should it ever be necessary. 2 rail-m ol the card is not required ior warranty ooverege. LImIl-tion ofWa-runry: How note law ram: to till: wan-my: If you purchased your product out-Id- the USA: THE WARRANTY STATED ABOVE ISTHE ONLV WARRANTY APPLICABLE TOTHIS PRODUCT. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED, N0 VERBAL OR WRI'I'IEN INFORMATION GIVEN BY ATLINKS USA, INC., ITS AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OFTHIS WARRANTY. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDERTHIS WARRANTY ISTME EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OFTHE CONSUMER, ATLINKS USA. INC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROMTHE USE OFTHIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCITHIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITED WARRANTY ARE GOVERNED BYTHE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF INDIANA. EXCEPTTOTHE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ONTHIS PRODUCT IS LIMITEDTDTHE APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some slates do not allow me axclusion nor limitation of incidental or consequential dlml es, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lull! so the above limitallons or exclusion: mnv nni app y In you. This warraniy gives you specific Iagll rights, and you also may have other rights rhal vary lrorn sure to sun. nrir wirrenly does nol apply. Conlaci your dealer for wonaniy inlorrnalion, ”awe..-“ A..- “Mm am“-.. ...... m, This product iced only bylhe menu ctu not raved WATLINKS USA, Inc. could instructions on how to oblein service, refer to the warranty includ r-eoomom. Dr ruler inquiries to: ATLINKS USA, Int, Mun-oer, Consumer llelutiuns P 0 Box 197! 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