UMIDIGI ONE Smart phone User Manual

Shenzhen UMIDIGI company Limited Smart phone

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User manual

Safety precautions Before using your device, please thoroughly read the following safety precautions.  User  manual  is  for  reference  only.  Descriptions  here  are  based  on  the  default setting.  The actual product, depending on different regions, service providers, or model specifications, may vary.  Large files or games that require high CPU and RAM usage will affect the overall performance of the device.  Software,  sound  sources,  wallpapers  and  other  media  provided  with  this device shall not be used for any commercial purpose. Users who illegally use the media would be completely responsible for infringing the copyright laws.  Data services, such as uploading, downloading and auto-syncing, incur additional charges.  Therefore,  it  is  recommended  to  use  Wi-Fi  network  when  coming  to large data transfers.  If  you  have  questions  about  the  pre-installed  apps  on  the  device,  contact  a Service Center. As for user-installed apps, please contact service providers.  Modification  of  device’s  operating  system  or  installation  of  unauthorized third-party  software  may  damage  your  devices,  cause  data  loss  and  even  put your  personal  information  in  danger.  These  actions  violate  the  device  license agreement and will void your warranty.    Touchscreen Tapping To open an app, to select a menu item, to press an on-screen button, or to enter a character using the keyboard on the screen, tap it with your finger. Dragging To move an item, tap and hold it and drag it to the target position. Tapping and holding Tap  and  hold  an  item  or  the  screen  for  more  than  2  seconds  to  access  available options. Double-tapping Double-tap on a message conversation to zoom in. Double-tap again to return. Swiping Swipe  to  the  left  or  right  on  the  Home  screen  or  the  Apps  screen  to  view  other panels. Swipe upwards or downwards to scroll through a web page or a list of items,
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Document ID3958011
Application IDPuZmFfUKO523GA5wCzTDRw==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize20.69kB (258593 bits)
Date Submitted2018-08-09 00:00:00
Date Available2018-08-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-08-07 08:41:23
Producing SoftwareMicrosoft® Office Word 2007
Document Lastmod2018-08-07 08:41:23
Document TitleUser manual
Document CreatorMicrosoft® Office Word 2007
Document Author: zhanghuili

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