Vyyo V3000-C Base Station Transmitter User Manual

Vyyo Base Station Transmitter Users Manual


Users Manual

WMTS T1 AccessConcentratorV3000Network Release 3.6  P/N: 3BR-0014ASystem ConfigurationGuideManual Version: 1.1.15
Copyright and Trademark Information:© 2005 Vyyo Inc. All rights reserved.Vyyo Inc. reserves the right to alter the equipment specifications and descriptions in this publication withoutprior notice. No part of this publication shall be deemed part of any contract or warranty unless specificallyincorporated by reference into such contract or warranty.The information contained herein is merely descriptive in nature, and does not constitute a binding offer forthe sale of the product described herein. Any use of the Vyyo Inc. logo or trademarks is forbidden withoutprior written approval from Vyyo Inc.All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
Table Of ContentsTable Of Contents................................................................................ 3Installation and Safety Information ...................................................... 7Chapter 1. System Configuration Introduction.................................. 101.1 Overview...............................................................................................101.2 Equipment Capabilities.........................................................................131.3 WMTS...................................................................................................131.4 Modems................................................................................................161.4.1 Modems with DOCSIS and IP only................................................161.4.2 Modems with DOCSIS, IP and E1/T1............................................171.4.3 Modems with DOCSIS, IP and PSTN............................................181.4.4 Modems with DOCSIS and IP Only With Built in UHF Radio ........191.5 Modem Capabilities Matrix ...................................................................20Chapter 2. Configuration Overview................................................... 212.1 Network Servers ...................................................................................212.1.1 DHCP Server.................................................................................212.1.2 TFTP Server..................................................................................212.1.3 Time-of-Day (TOD) Server ............................................................212.2 RF Link Layer .......................................................................................212.3 DOCSIS Layer......................................................................................222.4 IP Layer ................................................................................................232.5 E1/T1 Layer ..........................................................................................242.6 Configuration Tools and Files Matrix ....................................................26Chapter 3. The Modem Initialization Process ................................... 283.1 Modem Initialization Sequence .....................................................283.1.1 Power-On Self Test ..........................................................................283.1.2 Downstream Synchronization.............................................................293.1.3 Obtaining Upstream Parameters ........................................................29
www.vyyo.comTable Of Contents – p. 43.1.4 Ranging ..........................................................................................293.1.5 Establish IP Connectivity ...................................................................293.1.6 Establish Time of Day .......................................................................303.1.7 Transfer Operational Parameters .......................................................303.1.8 Registration .....................................................................................303.1.9 Baseline Privacy Initialization (BPI).....................................................30Chapter 4. Overview of the WMTS and Modem Configuration ........ 31Chapter 5. Adding a Modem to the WMTS....................................... 345.1 Editing the Modem Configuration File...................................................355.1.1 Setting the Upstream Channel ......................................................355.1.2 Setting the Downstream Frequency ..............................................385.1.3 Setting Concatenation and Fragmentation Capabilities.................395.1.4 Setting Upstream QoS (Class of Service) for IP Data ...................405.1.5 Setting Additional Downstream and Upstream Channels ..............415.1.6 Setting the Maximum Number of CPEs .........................................425.2 DHCP Settings for the Modem .............................................................435.2.1 IpLease DHCP Server: Editing and running the CM.SRC File ......435.2.2 Windows 200x Server Edition: Modifying the  DHCP Options .......485.3 Configuring the WMTS .........................................................................575.3.1 Setting the WMTS Upstream Parameters .....................................575.3.2 Setting the WMTS Downstream Parameters.................................605.4 Setting the Modem’s Downstream Frequency ......................................625.5 Verifying the Modem Downstream and Upstream Status .....................695.6 Using an HTTP Connection to View Modem Operation........................715.6.1 Viewing the internal modem HTML pages:....................................715.6.2 Viewing the Connection Page .......................................................735.6.3 Viewing the Software Page ...........................................................745.6.4 Viewing the Security Page.............................................................75Chapter 6. Configuring a T1 Connection .......................................... 766.1 Configure the Modem for T1 Operation ................................................776.2 Adding the T1 modem to the WMTS T1 Interface and Assign Port(s) ..85
www.vyyo.comTable Of Contents – p. 5Chapter 7. Setting the WMTS IP Address ........................................ 93Chapter 8. Installing Vyyo Servers for WMTS Operation ............... 1068.1 Installing The Time Server:.................................................................1068.2 Installing the Pumpkin TFTP Server: ..................................................1068.3 Installing IPLease DHCP Server:........................................................1098.3.1 dhcpsvr.ini ...................................................................................1098.3.2 cm.src..........................................................................................1108.3.3 Dhcpgen ......................................................................................1128.3.4 DhcpSvr:......................................................................................115Chapter 9. Maintenance and Troubleshooting................................ 1169.1 Introduction.........................................................................................1169.2 Troubleshooting the RF Frontend.......................................................1169.2.1 General........................................................................................1169.2.2 Checking the Downstream ..........................................................1179.2.3 Checking the Upstream ...............................................................118Chapter 10. Troubleshooting The Subscriber Site ..................... 11910.1 Post-Registration Verification .............................................................11910.2 Physical Layer Troubleshooting..........................................................11910.3 IF Layer Troubleshooting....................................................................11910.4 Troubleshooting the NMS ...................................................................12010.5 Repairs Safety ....................................................................................121Appendix A. WMTS US Port Mapping ........................................ 122Appendix B. Checking the WMTS Version.................................. 123Appendix C. Installing and Uninstalling the NMS........................ 126C.1 First Time Installation..........................................................................126C.2 Launching the Vyyo NMS ...................................................................126C.3 Installation Upgrade............................................................................126C.4 Uninstalling the NMS ..........................................................................127Appendix D. Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool.................. 128
www.vyyo.comTable Of Contents – p. 6D.1 The Vyyo Configuration Tool Menu (exploded view) ..............................129D.2 Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool from the “Start” Menu ...............130D.3 Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool from the NMS ...........................133Appendix E: Vyyo Configuration Tool – Additional Functions ......... 136E.1 Adding and Deleting a Modem ...........................................................136INDEX 137
Installation and Safety InformationThe following information is provided to ensuresafe operation of this equipment.   Vyyoassumes no liability in the event that thecustomer fails to comply with the followingsafety precautions and warnings.System Power-onAC  SystemDC  SystemAC System PowerThe WMTS power supplies are factory wired for 115 ~ 220 VAC (2 X200W).  A power cords are provided to connect the unit to the powersource. To operate the WMTS, turn ON the power switch at the rear panel.Warning!Set the fuse selector on the rear panel to the proper position(110V or 220V), before plugging in the power cord, or turning on theWMTS.DC System Power1.  When  connecting   DC  power  lines  make  sure  to  connect  Ground  linefirst.2. When disconnecting DC power lines – make sure to disconnect groundlast.3.External  Circuit  Breaker  (DuPole)  should  be  used  beforeconnection/removal of the power cable to/from the WMTS.4. FUSE  Replacement – Make sure to use same type and value fuse !Note  that  UL requires use of  AC  ceramic  high  breaking  capacity  10Ampfuse.
www.vyyo.comInstallation and Safety Information – p. 8EarthingGeneralThe minimum cross sectional area of the protectiveearthing should be 1mm2 .T1  CableGeneralT1 cable to be used with WMTS T1 ports is only 26AWGcommunication cable (the common cable for this application).Repairs SafetyGeneral1.  Repairs of WMTS should take place only in Vyyo companyservice laboratories or in other Vyyo formally approveddistributors service laboratories.2.  In case of field handling  - Disconnect the unit from powersupply for safest repair.3. 2. In case of a -48VDC operated WMTS, the External Circuit Breaker(Du Pole) must be used before connection/removal of the power cableto/from the WMTS.
www.vyyo.comInstallation and Safety Information – p. 9Safety SummaryWarnings:Carefully connect units to the supply circuit so thatwiring is not overloaded. For DC system connectGround first (or remove Ground last for disconnect).Read the installation instructions before connectingthe system to its power source.Secure all power cabling when installing this unit.Do not touch the power supply when power cord isconnected. For systems with a power switch, linevoltages are present within the power supply, evenwhen the power switch is off and the power cord isconnected. For systems without a power switch, linevoltages are present within the power supply when thepower cord is connectedThe device is designed to work with TN powersystemsBefore working on equipment that is connected topower lines, remove jewelry (including rings,necklaces, and watches). Metal objects will heat upwhen connected to the power and ground. This cancause serious burns or weld the metal object to theterminalsRepairs of WMTS should take place only in Vyyocompany service laboratories or in other Vyyo formallyapproved distributors service laboratories.  In case offield handling our general SAFETY warning is todisconnect the unit from power supply for safestrepair.
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 10Chapter 1.  System ConfigurationIntroductionThis guide is intended as a practical aid for the Technicians, Operators and FieldService Engineers responsible for quickly configuring Vyyo systems at mostcommon installations. It is not intended as a substitute for a detailed referencemanual.NOTE:  Throughout this manual the terms modem andWMU are used interchangeably.   The term “WMU” refersto “Wired/wireless Modem Unit”.  In some instances theactual modem model (V280, V311, etc.) may be used ifthe information is specific to that modem. The term “WMTS” is used interchangeably with “XMTS”.XMTS is an acronymn for “Xtend Modem TerminationSystem”.  Both terms appear in the software and werederived from the term “CMTS”, “Cable ModemTermination System”.The term “WMU” will appear in the software occasionally.It is an acronymn for “Wireless Modem Unit” and is usedinterchangeably with “CM” (Cable Modem).1.1  OverviewThe system acts as an RF bridge between a network, typically the Internet or thePublic Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) (at the head end) and customerequipment at the other end of the RF link.It may be visualized as a three layer protocol stack. The highest layer may beany one of the following: IP, E1/ T1 or PSTN.All systems include the IP capability, which is required for network management.The E1/T1 capability requires an additional plug-in card at the WMTSInternetorPSTN Wireless or HFC NetworkCustomer PremisesWMTSCableModem(CM)CustomerEquipment
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 11(Cable/Wireless Modem Termination System) end and an E1/T1 capablecable/wireless modem at the downstream end.The data from the IP, E1/T1, or PSTN layer are encapsulated as DOCSIS frameswhich in turn are converted into RF signals and sent over the air or via an HFC(Hybrid Coax Fibre) plant between the WMTS and modem.Important Note: connectivity MUST be obtained at eachlayer, beginning with the lowest (RF link) in order toestablish full communication.
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 12The following diagram illustrates this in the form of a three layer protocolstack:This illustration shows how a complete system is connected:Connection Legend:Blue = 100BaseT EthernetGreen = RF Coaxial cableBlack = T1/E1Grey = RJ-11IP, E1/T1, POTSRF LinkDOCSISWMTSModemIP, E1/T1, POTSRF LinkDOCSISLayer 3Layer 2Layer 1 RxTxV280 Modem100BaseTIP NetworkMTAPCLine #2FaxLine #1PhoneRJ-11RJ-11PSTNH.323v2 orMGCP, VOIPPacketVoiceServerE1/T1V311 E1/T1 ModemIP RouterProvisioningServicesWMTSInternetTelephoneSwitchPBXIntranetRF CoaxRF Cloud orCable Plant100BaseTE1/T1100BaseT
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 13There are different configuration requirements for each layer and differentsoftware tools accomplish this task. The configuration of the RF link is typicallyunique to each installation with the particular downstream and upstreamfrequencies, modulations and bandwidths being the critical parameters that mustbe set on the modem and WMTS.Whereas there is no set standard for implementing an RF link, DOCSIS is a fullyspecified protocol as are the upper layers (IP, E1/T1 or PSTN). The followingsections will describe the currently available system components (equipment)then detail how to configure each of them in turn.1.2  Equipment CapabilitiesThere are several different modems available, the simplest being the DOCSISmodems with IP-only capability. All of the other modems use these as theirfoundation.The WMTS used at the head end is the other major component. There is onlyone basic configuration, which is augmented with additional plug-in cards toaccommodate E1/T1 and PSTN capabilities.NOTE:  The term WMTS was originally conceived as“eVyyoed” CMTS for use in a cable plant, hence the “X”.This was followed by WMTS in which the “W” indicates a“wireless” CMTS.  For practical purposes these terms areinterchangeable and in some places the software usesthe term “WMTS” when referring to any one of thesesystems.1.3  WMTSThe basic WMTS is a chassis with a power supply and a mid-plane PCI bus thataccommodates plug-in cards at the front and rear.  Two redundant power supplycards are provided at the right end of the front of the chassis.The minimum required hardware configuration for an IP-only system consists ofone "HOST" card and three "Universal" cards. One Universal card acts as a"Control and Forward" (C&F) card, one as the "Upstream" digital card and one asthe "Downstream" digital card.  These latter two cards are attached to RF cardsin the rear slots.E1/T1 capability may be added by replacing the Host card with a  Master4 card,and adding one or two E1/T1 interface cards in the rear slots to provide 12 or 24E1/T1 ports, respectively.  An DS3 version of the Master4 card which allows 28T1 connections is also available.  This card has two coax connectors (one forreceive and one for transmit) in place of the E1/T1 interface cards.The HOST or Master4 card serves as the PCI bus arbiter and provides thesystem clock and timing. When the WMTS boots, the Master4 card initializes,then identifies the C&F card. The C&F card then directs the configuration anddownloading of relevant application software.  The C&F card is connectedthrough a 100 BaseT Full Duplex connection to the switch or router and used totransport data (including management packets) through the system.
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 14All Universal cards are the physically identical: the card attached to each of themin the rear slots and the application downloaded during initial startup determinethe function of the card (Upstream, Downstream or Control & Forward).In the rear slots, one Downstream and one Upstream RF interface card arerequired. Each of these corresponds to its companion Universal card.  The“Quad” downstream card has four RF connectors and provides four downstreamchannels.  The “Hex” upstream card has six RF connectors and provides sixupstream channels.Note: All Downstream cards have a fixed outputfrequency of 44 MHz which must be converted up per thelocal requirements.Upstream cards may be configured to receive anyfrequency from 5-65 MHzFigure 1-1. The  WMTS Chassis with (from left to right) Upstream card,Downstream card, Control and Forward card, MASTER4 card, and PowerSupplies shown.The WMTS is mounted in a standard 19” by 6U high rack-mounted chassis.The chassis has a fan tray above the unit, bringing the total height required
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 15in the rack, to 8U. The eight bay chassis contains eight slots in the front, sixslots in the rear, and a mid-plane card in between, used to interface thecards. Blank panels cover unused slots.A standard 33 MHz, 32 bit Compaq PCI bus is used to transfer traffic anddata between the system cards. The power supplies, Master4 card and theuniversal cards are inserted in the front slots of the chassis. The QuadDownstream, Hex Upstream, and E1/T1 cards are inserted in the rear slotsof the chassis.The ON/OFF power switch and the fuse are located in the rear of the powersupply.Figure 1-2. Midplane Cutaway View of WMTS; Universal Card Shown inCutaway attached to an RF card.
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 161.4  Modems1.4.1 Modems with DOCSIS and IP onlyThe V280 is Vyyo’s “IP-only” modem.  It uses an RJ45 connector (shown below)on the rear panel to provide IP connection to the customer’s equipment.  TheV280 supports up to 63 data users simultaneously and provides privacy,authentication, service classification, prioritization, and traffic shaping.The USB connector is not supported at this time.  Check with Customer Supportfor updates as they become available if you need this capability.Figure 1-3. V280 Rear PanelFigure 1-4: V280 Front panelHyperterm (a Windows terminal application which permits either a serial or directIP connection and is used in the following examples) or Telnet may be used toconnect the modem to a computer to configure parameters in the modem, suchas the downstream receive frequency. Any equivalent software utilities may beused.A basic WMTS unit (without E1/T1 capability) is all that is required at the headend to complete an IP connection.
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 171.4.2 Modems with DOCSIS, IP and E1/T1The V311 is a V280 modem (to provide the DOCSIS layer) with one E1/T1interface (via an RJ45 connector on the front panel) added.  In addition to IPconnectivity, it supports circuit switched E1/T1 applications. It has one 100BASE-T port for IP data and one E1/T1 port which can support up to 32/24 timeslots.The E1/T1 application supports framed or unframed E1/T1 services. In the caseof unframed configuration, all 32/24 time slots (including time slot 0) are deliveredover the air.In the case of framed E1/T1 configuration, a full or fractional E1/T1 (any numberup to 31/23 time slots) can be delivered.The V311 modem is shown in this image:Figure 1-5:  V311 Modem
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 18The V312 is identical to the V311 but has two E1/T1 interfaces instead of one.The WMTS at the head end requires one or two E1/T1 interface cards (pluggedinto the rear slots, with the second E1/T1 card attached to the first one as adaughter board) to work with the V311 or V312.  The E1/T1 connection will beterminated at one of the ports on this (rear) E1/T1 interface card(s).  In addition,a separate software load is required.All modems have four LED indicators, described below.Figure 1-6. LED IndicatorsTable 1.1 LED Indicators, Functions, and Conditions1.4.3 Modems with DOCSIS, IP and PSTNThe V313 is a V280 (for the DOCSIS layer) with a PSTN interface added: thisphysical interface (provided with the V313) comprises four RJ45 connectors,each of which connects to a special cable terminated in four RJ11 connectors,allowing a total of sixteen PSTN devices to be connected.The WMTS at the head end requires an E1/T1 card and a V5.2 AN stack(additional software available from Vyyo) to work with this unit.  If you plan todeploy the V313 please contact your Vyyo representative.
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 191.4.4 Modems with DOCSIS and IP Only With Built in UHF RadioThe V284 modem is a basic V280 modem integrated with a built-in UHF radiothat provides an upstream RF output in the 710-716 MHz range. Internally theV284 has a factory set intermediate frequency of 44MHz which is converted up toyield an appropriate upstream frequency (This is preset at the factory for 700MHzin the United States).The downstream frequency ranges from 740-746MHz. Note that the RF setup ofthis radio requires appropriate preplanning owing to the complexity introduced bythe internal UHF radio.  Please reference the UHF System Installation Guideand/or your local system engineer.Figure 1-7: V284 Modem
www.vyyo.comSystem Configuration Introduction – p. 201.5  Modem Capabilities MatrixModemModelModemHardwareConnectivityAdditionalWMTSCardsrequiredDescriptionV280V280IPnoneThe basic DOCSIS modemV311V280plusE1/T1cardIP, E1/T1E1/T1interfacecard andMaster4 cardA V280 modem with oneE1/T1 interface (one RJ48connector on the front whichcan handle one E1 or T1line)V312V280plusE1/T1cardIP, E1/T1E1/T1interfacecard andMaster4 cardA V280 modem with twoE1/T1 interfaces (two RJ48connectors on the frontwhich can handle one E1 orT1 line each)V313V280plusinternalPSTNcardIP, PSTNE1/T1interfacecard andMaster4card withadditionalV5.2 ANstackA V280 modem with a built-in PSTN interface (fourRJ45 connectors each ofwhich attaches to four RJ11POTS connectors)V284V280plusinternalUHFradioIPnoneA V280 modem with aninternal UHF radio forcommunication in the700MHz range – special RFconfiguration is necessary.Please see the UHF SystemInstallation Guide.
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 21Chapter 2.  Configuration OverviewThis section of the System Configuration Guide features a short overview of eachcomponent/layer of the System including the WMTS and the modems.  The lastsection is a summary presented as a matrix that shows the relationships betweenthe various tools and files.  The components and layers are described below.•  Network Serverso  DHCP Servero  TFTP Servero  Time of Day (ToD) Server•  RF Link Layer•  DOCSIS Layer2.1  Network ServersThe following servers are required for successful completion of modeminitialization.  They will be accessed by the modem and the WMTS at specificpoints during the registration and installation process.2.1.1 DHCP ServerThis server binds the modem’s MAC address to both its Network IP addressand its configuration (or “boot”) file, which contains several important systemspecific parameters required for the modem to communicate with the WMTS.Viewing this information can help in troubleshooting any problems which mayoccur.2.1.2 TFTP ServerThis server downloads the selected configuration file to the modem duringthe registration process when the modem requests it.  It also downloads filesand configuration information to the WMTS.  This information is used forinitial (first time) startup and for troubleshooting.2.1.3 Time-of-Day (TOD) ServerThis server provides the Time of Day to the modems and the WMTS. Itallows the WMTS and the modem to coordinate their timing.2.2   RF Link LayerThis network layer is unique for each installation and depends on theavailable frequencies, the frequency plan, the specific hardware used for theinstallation, and other factors.
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 22Your System Engineer must develop a detailed system plan that accountsfor each of these variables.  This plan must include the assignments ofdownstream frequencies, modulations (and other RF parameters) andupstream channel IDs assigned to the various modems deployed in thenetwork.  If the modems are to be used with E1/ T1 connections, all relatedparameters, especially QoS (Quality of Service, also referred to as Class ofService) parameters, also need to be defined (these are discussed later inthis document.)NOTE: The methods to define these  factors are uniqueto each customer and are outside the scope of thisdocument.  They are part of the site preparation and pre-planning, including any “overbooking” scheme that maybe desired. Please consult your Vyyo representative orsystem integrator for assistance.The Downstream and Upstream frequencies, modulations and bandwidthsMUST be pre-determined in order to proceed with the configuration of theWMTS and the modems. Each modem must be assigned to a specificWMTS Upstream Channel (the upstream channel is referenced by itsChannel ID which identifies the physical port.) The Upstream channel mustbe configured for a specific frequency, modulation and bandwidth or symbolrate.NOTE: The WMTS must be configured to use the correctUpstream and Downstream parameters.  This is doneusing the  Vyyo Configuration  tool.It also recommended that each modem is assigned to a particularDownstream channel (or set of channels.)  The modem can use Downstreamchannel discovery, however; it is typically not used since it takes muchlonger to discover the correct frequencies.Using pre-determined frequencies also allows greater control over the RFfrequency assignments and can distribute network bandwidth moreefficiently.  A range of frequencies can be defined in the modemconfiguration file to cover all customer assigned bands and to minimizefuture re-configuration.NOTE: The modem’s Downstream ferequency is presetat the factory but may be changed on the modem byusing a direct Telnet connection.  See Section 5.4 Settingthe Modem’s Downstream Frequency  for details.2.3  DOCSIS LayerThe most important items that must match are:The WMTS Downstream Frequency and the modem Downstream FrequencyThe WMTS Upstream Channel ID and the modem Upstream Channel ID (theirassociated parameters must also match.)
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 23First, the modem searches for a signal at its preprogrammed DownstreamFrequency. Once having locked to that downstream channel, the modemreceives upstream channel descriptors (UCDs) from the WMTS that describe theavailable upstream channels.NOTE: The WMTS must be configured to construct theUCDs so that they correspond to the site preplan.  Usethe Vyyo Configuration Tool to accomplish this if anychanges are required.The modem then enters a protocol exchange that requires data be transmittedfrom the modem to the WMTS via an Upstream Channel using its associatedChannel ID (designating the physical interface on the RF Interface card), and thecorrect frequency, modulation and bandwidth or symbol rate.NOTE: A modem configuration file which respecifiesthese parameters is downloaded to the modem after“ranging” (described below) is complete .  This file is alsoreferred to as the modem “boot” file.  All furthercommunication done by the modem uses the parametersspecified in this file. The modem configuration file ismodified using the CMconfigFileEditor tool.This protocol exchange allows the modem to ‘range’ (adjust its timing and powerlevel so that it can work successfully with all of the other modems on line at thistime.).  After the ranging is finished, the modem has successfully establishedphysical layer and Link or MAC layer connectivity with the WMTS. The WMTS isnow capable of sending MAC layer packets such as DHCP and ARP requestsrequired to complete the registration process.2.4  IP LayerYour System Engineer must devise a Network IP Plan. This is required in orderto assign IP addresses to the WMTS and all the modems on the network.  It mustinclude the IP address of all the servers as well as the network mask and othernetwork parameters.After connectivity is established at the DOCSIS layer (discussed in Section 2.3DOCSIS Layer  ), the modem is assigned to an IP address by using DHCP(Dynamic Host Control Protocol.)  If using the ipLease tool as the DHCP Server,this is usually a static IP address defined in the DHCP setup file (CM.SRC.) Thisfile binds the modem's MAC address to a particular fixed IP address.  If usingWindows 2000 Server Edition this binding is accomplished using its DHCPAdministrative Tool, which may be installed at the user’s option using the “netsh”command (follow the instructions provided with your server).The DHCP server grants the “lease” on the IP address to the modem (i.e., tellsthe modem which IP address to use).  The granted IP address is for SNMPconnectivity within the Vyyo system; it is not offered as a public IPaddress toVyyo equipment. However, if desired this can be done using the customer PC orRouter as the modem will behave as Layer 2 bridge device.
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 24For the ipLease DHCP Server tool, the CM.SRC file is an ASCII text file that maybe edited using any text editor (such as Notepad).  This document describes theconfiguration process using the ipLease tool.  The changes are similar for otherDHCP servers.  Note that if another operating system, such as the Windows200x Server, is used a DHCP server is often included.  Check with your Vyyorepresentative to make sure the DHCP server is compatible.NOTE: Before the modem can acquire an IP address, theWMTS must be configured with its own IP address Thisprocedure is described later in this document in thesection entitled Setting the WMTS IP Address. TheWMTS IP address is specified in a different configurationfile (regtree.rtr) which may be edited using theXmtsConfigurationFileEditor tool.After the modem successfully receives its IP address it contacts the TOD serverto establish the time of day.  Next, it contacts the TFTP server to download themodem configuration file, which specifies the final DOCSIS parameters for themodem.  This file is also referred to as the modem “boot” file.  All furthercommunication done by the modem uses the parameters specified in this file.This file may cause the modem to change frequencies or reboot in order to resetsome of its configuration parameters.  The modem will acquire this file every timeit is reset or restarted. Configuration changes to the modem configuration file(profile) will be done from the Operation center with out the need to visit themodem remote location for any setup change; These changes may includeencryption, QoS., IP filters, downstream channel parameters. etc….NOTE: the modem configuration file is modified using theCMconfigFileEditor tool..During the final phase of the DOCIS registration process, the modem sends aregistration message to the WMTS confirming that the configuration file wasreceived. The WMTS retrieves a copy of the configuration file from theconfiguration file server TFTP root repository directory. The WMTS thencompares the file from the server with the data from the modem to ensure thatthe modem will only use services for which it was authorized. The modem is thenfinally allowed to transmit real user data into the network, but only after themodem’s configuration file values are crosschecked by the WMTS.At this point, a data only modem will be successfully connected to the system.2.5  E1/T1 LayerAfter IP connectivity is established, E1 or T1 connectivity may be established.Note that in addition to installing an E1/T1 card into the WMTS chassis, E1 andT1 each require that different firmware be loaded into both the WMTS and themodem.The E1/T1 configuration will require appropriate changes to the modemconfiguration file in addition to setting those configuration parameters used for a
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 25standard IP-only modem.  The same modem configuration file may be used forseveral modems provided the Downstream frequencies and the UpstreamChannel ID are the same (i.e., same “profiles”).The WMTS E1/T1 configuration needs to be modifed appropriately for everyE1/T1 modem installed on the network.  This is done using the Java™-basedVyyo Configuration tool.  This tool configures the E1/T1 port on the modem to beconnected (“bound’) to the correct E1/T1 port on the E1/T1 card plugged into theWMTS.After this tool is used to bind the E1/T1 ports together and the standard modemprovisioning is done, the installation is complete and the E1/T1 services in themodem are ready to be activated.
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 262.6  Configuration Tools and Files MatrixToolConfiguredFile or DeviceDescriptionCMconfigurationFileEditorModemConfigurationfile (e.g.,“MIC_xxx.cfg”,where xxx issome uniquenumber.)This file downloads to a modemduring the registration process.It contains all the parametersrequired for the modem’soperation in the DOCSISnetwork: upstream anddownstream frequencies, QoS,etc.   It is also call the modem“boot” file.XmtsConfigurationFileEditor(any standard ASCII text fileeditor may also be used toedit the text version of thefile)Regtree.txtRegtree.rtr(downloadableversion of thetext file)Regtree.txt contains thepermanent IP address of theWMTS.  This tool is aconvenient way to edit the morecommon items in the file.However, when editing theWMTS IP address you mustuse a standard text editor.   TheRegtree file may be saved ineither text or downloadableformat using this tool.SETIP.BATRegtree.txtThis batch file is used toconvert the text version of theRegtree file to thedownloadable format(Regtree.rtr).  It callsRTR2TXT.EXE andRECFMT.EXE to do theconversion.RTR2TXT.EXERegtree.rtrThis tool is used to convert theRegtree.rtr file to a standardtext file (Regtree.txt)XmtsConfigWMTSUsed to assign a temporary IPaddress to the WMTS and todownload files to the WMTS.Specifically it must be used todownload the compiled versionof the Regtree.txt file to theWMTS.  This is primarily usedduring initial setup.
www.vyyo.comConfiguration Overview – p. 27Vyyo Configuration ToolWMTS MIBdatabaseThis is a standalone JAVAbased tool that can beaccessed from the NMS.  It isused to modify and configurethe WMTS operatingparameters.NMS (Castlerock)WMTS orModem MIBvalues(Typically forviewing only.)A general purpose NetworkManagement System foroperating the network; alsoused to launch the VyyoConfiguration tool.Any ASCII text editor, e.g.,NotepadCM.SRCUsed with ipLease (the DHCPserver) to bind a modem’s MACaddress to its network IPaddress and its modemconfiguration file (downloadedduring modem initialization) aswell as other networkparameters needed toconfigure the modem.DHCPGenCM.SRCConverts the file to a formatthat ipLease can useDHCP ServermodemSends the modem its networkIP address and the name of itsmodem configuration file aswell as other informationneeded to setup IPconnectivity.TOD ServermodemUsed to set the time of day inthe modem and the WMTSTFTP Servermodem andWMTSUsed to send the modemconfiguration or “boot” file to themodem during initialization;also used to load the WMTSapplication and configurationfilesTelnetModemUsed to set the downstreamfrequency that the modem willscan to listen to the WMTS.Also used to set the RF offset ifrequired.
www.vyyo.comThe Modem Initialization Process – p. 28Chapter 3.  The Modem InitializationProcessTo understand the configuration process, it is useful to understand thedetailed steps the modem goes through during its initialization.When the modem is first powered up, it must go through a fixed sequence ofsteps before it can exchange data with the network.  To be successful, thisrequires the modem and the WMTS to be configured with variousparameters.These parameters should be defined in a Network RF Plan and a Network IPplan set up by your System Engineer.  The three Network Servers (TOD,DHCP, and TFTP) must be installed and operational. The WMTS must beconfigured with the correct software and an IP address.The modem’s RF parameters must also be correctly configured with theproper software and its RF parameters must be set correctly.  When all ofthis is done, the modem is ready to initialize itself when placed at thecustomer’s premise.Finally, after initialization, the modem’s E1/T1 port must be “bound” (configuredto connect) to the correct E1/T1 port on the WMTS.  This step may be done lastor pre-configured before the modem is at the customer’s premise.The following sections provide an overview of the modem initialization process.3.1  Modem Initialization SequenceAll modems proceed through the following sequence of steps, each of whichis described in more detail below.  The completion of these steps establishesconnectivity at the DOCSIS and IP layers.  Connectivity for additional layers,e.g., E1/T1, may then be established for the V311 and V312 modems. Thesteps are:•  Power-On Self Test•  Downstream Synchronization•  Obtain Upstream Parameters•  Ranging•  Establish IP Connectivity•  Establish Time of Day•  Transfer Operational Parameters•  Registration•  Baseline Privacy Initialization3.1.1  Power-On Self TestThe modem performs a self-check to ensure that its hardware is workingproperly.
www.vyyo.comThe Modem Initialization Process – p. 293.1.2  Downstream SynchronizationThe modem listens for downstream transmissions from the WMTS (whichare broadcast at frequent intervals for exactly this purpose) according to itspre-configured or default frequency plan.  This may be a single fixedfrequency or a sequence of frequencies, depending on the Network RF Planand/or the internal programming of the modem.If the modem is programmed for a single fixed downstream frequency andfails to receive an WMTS downstream transmission after three attempts itswitches to its additional backup frequencies.  See Setting the Modem’sDownstream Frequency for a description of how to set these parameters.Synchronization is obtained when the modem locks onto the WMTSdownstream signal and is able to recognize downstream SYNC messageswhich are periodically broadcast: these are crucial to calculating the timeslots available for upstream transmission.3.1.3  Obtaining Upstream ParametersThe modem must now wait to collect all the Upstream Channel Descriptors(UCDs) for all upstream channels that are connected to the currentdownstream channel.3.1.4  RangingThe modem then sends a “ranging request” message on one or more of theUpstream frequencies, corresponding to a UCD, at different power levels inan attempt to establish communication with the WMTS.  Eventually theWMTS decodes a ranging request from the modem and sends a rangingresponse.Ranging is now complete.  Whenever the modem needs to send MAC layerdata for IP to the WMTS it sends a “request” to the WMTS.  The WMTSschedules a time slot for the modem and sends a “grant” message back tothe modem that contains all the necessary information telling the modemwhen it can transmit data.  A similar method is used to send E1 or T1 dataexcept that the request sets up periodic time slots that the modem uses totransmit data.3.1.5  Establish IP ConnectivityThe modem uses the “request-grant” (“best effort”) mechanism to send astandard DHCP request to the Network DHCP server.  The server willrecognize the modem via its MAC (Ethernet) address and assign it atemporary IP address.  This response also contains the default gateway andthe IP subnet mask.  The IP addresses of the TFTP and ToD servers, andthe name of the modem configuration file are also included.  The responsealso includes the local time offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).Once the modem receives this response it sets its IP address to thedesignated value and uses the default gateway to talk to devices using its IPstack.
www.vyyo.comThe Modem Initialization Process – p. 303.1.6  Establish Time of DayThe modem uses the ToD server address(es) just received to send a Time ofDay request to the ToD server(s).  This is combined with the time offsetreceived in the DHCP response to calculate the current local time.  The Timeof Day is used by both the modem and the WMTS to timestamp loggedevents (accessible via the Network Management System).3.1.7  Transfer Operational ParametersThe modem then requests the TFTP server to send the configuration ( or“boot”) file named in step (5) above during the establishment of IPconnectivity.  If the boot file specifies a different upstream channel and/ordownstream frequency, the modem must repeat its initial ranging using thisnew upstream channel and/or downstream frequency.3.1.8  RegistrationIn order to forward traffic into the network the modem must be “registered”with the WMTS.  To register, the modem sends the WMTS its class ofservice (also called QoS for Quality of Service) and any other operationalparameters it received in the configuration file as part of a RegistrationRequest.  As part of the registration process the modem calculates MessageIntegrity Check (MIC) values using the parameters specified in itsconfiguration file.  This must match the values given for those parameters inthe configuration file itself.3.1.9   Baseline Privacy Initialization (BPI)If the modem is enabled to run BPI then encryption and decryption keys areestablished.  All further data to or from the modem is now encrypted.  Thekeys have a lifetime and are automatically reset to new values after aspecified period which may be set by the operator using the NMS.NOTE: BPI is required in order to support E1/T1
www.vyyo.comOverview of the WMTS and Modem Configuration – p.31Chapter 4.  Overview of the WMTSand Modem ConfigurationThis section provides an overview of the steps and tools necessary to configureboth sides of the communications link (WMTS and modem) required to add adata modem or the data portion of a new E1/T1 modem to the network.  Severaldifferent tools and files are used as described below.1.  Make sure that the three required servers are installed and operational:DHCP, ToD and TFTP.  For details see Chapter 8, Installing VyyoServers for WMTS Operation.  The failure of the modem to establishcommunication with any of these three servers will prevent the modemfrom completing the registration process.2.  Review the Network IP Plan and use it to assign an IP address to theWMTS, then make it permanent by following the procedure in the sectionSetting the WMTS IP Address.3.  Verify that the right software version is loaded into the WMTS asdescribed in Appendix B.  See the “readme” notes in the distributionsoftware for the version number.4.  Review the RF plan for the network and configure the WMTS upstreamand downstream channels accordingly using the procedures in Settingthe Upstream Channel. It may not be necessary to configure newupstream and downstream channels when adding a modem; but ifrequired, the Vyyo Configuration tool can be used to modify theseparameters.5.  Review the RF Plan to find out which downstream frequency(ies) andupstream channel ID(s) the modem will use to communicate with theWMTS.  Use the CMConfiguration Editor (CMConfigFileEditor.exe) toedit the modem configuration file that will be downloaded to the modemduring the modem initialization sequence to reflect these choices andother needed parameters (e.g., QoS or Class of Service, Max Number ofCPE, BPI Enable/Disable – required for E1/T1, etc.).  If you know inadvance that this modem will be used for an E1/T1 connection thenadditional edits may be made at this time as described in Chapter 6,Configuring a T1 Connection.NOTE: One modem configuration file may be used forseveral modems if the same upstream channel ID anddownstream channel are used by all the modems (i.e.,same “profile”); thus, this step may not be required everytime a new modem is added to the system.
www.vyyo.comOverview of the WMTS and Modem Configuration – p.326.  .NOTE 1: Five T1s per 3.2MHz upstream channel using16QAM modulation is the hard limit for the currentsystem.  Attempting to configure more T1s on anupstream channel than it can support will cause themodem initialization to fail. Consult your system engineerfor advice on the maximum number of modems perupstream channel ID.7.  Use the appropriate DHCP tool for your system to bind the modem’sMAC address to its IP address and modem configuration file.  If ipLeaseis used, edit and compile the CM.SRC file as needed. If Windows 200xServer Edition is used then set these values using the graphical userinterface.  These procedures are described in section 5.2.2, Windows200x Server Edition: Modifying the  DHCP OptionsNOTE: this step is ALWAYS required when adding amodem8.  Use the modem’s Telnet server interface to set the modem to apermanent downstream frequency as described in Setting the Modem’sDownstream Frequency. Having a permanent (fixed) downstreamfrequency (or set of frequencies) expedites the modem initializationprocess since the modem does not have to scan multiple downstreamfrequencies to find one being transmitted from the WMTS.  This does,however, require some pre-planning of the network to pre-allocatedifferent downstream frequencies to specific modems.  Ask your SystemEngineer for details.NOTE: this step is ALWAYS required when adding amodem with a fixed permanent downstream frequency9.  If a T1 connection is being setup then use the procedures in Configuringa T1 Connection. Configure the WMTS upstream channel ID for E1/T1operation and bind the WMTS upstream channel ID to the modem E1/T1interface and to bind the modem’s E1/T1 interface to a particular port onthe E1/T1 card plugged into the WMTS (use the Vyyo Configuration toolfor this procedure.)NOTE: the Vyyo Configuration tool binding operation willALWAYS be required when adding a T1 modem.  Thisstep can be done after the modem is installed at thecustomer’s site.10. Install the modem at the customer site and connect it to the RFequipment, provide power to the modem and turn it on.NOTE: This step is ALWAYS required when adding amodem
www.vyyo.comOverview of the WMTS and Modem Configuration – p.3311. If the modem is already on and its modem configuration file has beenchanged (to bind the E1/T1 ports), then the modem must be rebooted;although this happens automatically when the DHCP lease expires, it ismore efficient to simply power cycle the modem (unplug and replug thepower connector or switch the modem OFF then ON) to restart themodem initialization sequence.12. If desired, connect the modem’s internal Telnet server to a localcomputer system to observe the process on site and verify that themodem is working correctly.The POWER and STATUS LEDs should be lit and the LAN & USB, andRF Link LEDs should be flashing (one at a time) with activity:If the Power, Status, RF Link, and LAN/USB LEDs are lit, then the modemhas been successfully installed. If one or all of the lights remains unlit, seeChapter 9,  Maintenance and Troubleshooting
www.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 34Chapter 5.  Adding a Modem to theWMTSNOTE:  These instructions are required for all modems.If you are adding a T1 modem then you must alsoperform the step in Chapter 6, Configuring a T1Connection to finish the installation.Use the instructions in this chapter to setup a data modem or the data portion ofan E1/T1 modem and configure the WMTS to communicate with it over IP.This chapter covers the following topics:1.  Section 5.1 Editing the Modem Configuration File describes the stepsnecessary to setup the modem configuration file.2.  Section 5.2 DHCP Settings for the Modem explains how to set (bind) themodem’s IP address and configuration file using either ipLease or theWindows 200x Server Edition DHCP Server. explains how to set (bind)the modem’s IP address and configuration file using either ipLease orthe Windows 200x Server Edition DHCP Server.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 353.  DHCP Settings for the ModemSection  5.3 Configuring the WMTSdescribes how to configure the WMTS upstream, downstream and QoSparameters. This is done using the Vyyo Configuration Tool.  Instructionsfor performing these changes are shown in Configuring the WMTS.4.  Section  5.4 Setting the Modem’s Downstream Frequency describes howto set the modem downstream initial receive frequency via the modem’sinternal Telnet server.5.  Section  5.5 Verifying the Modem Downstream and Upstream Statusdescribes how to use the modem’s internal Telnet server to view themodem’s downstream and upstream status (current values) and verifycorrect operation.5.1  Editing the Modem Configuration FileYou will need to edit the modem configuration file to set the WMTS downstreamfrequency, upstream channel ID, concatenation and fragmentation capabilities, andQoS.  This file will be downloaded to the modem during its initialization sequence.NOTE: A separate modem configuration file is requiredfor each set of upstream and downstream channels.  Anymodem may use any configuration file and the same filemay be used by many modems; typically only five T1modems are assigned to a single 3.2MHz upstreamchannel.5.1.1 Setting the Upstream ChannelOpen the CMConfigFileEditor to edit the modem configuration file to set theDownstream Frequency and Upstream Channel ID.Note: If using ipLease, the modem configuration file isbound to the modem’s MAC address in the CM.SRC file.If using Windows 200x Server Edition bring up the DHCPAdministrative Tool to find the configuration file to themode:         Programs->Administrative Tools->DHCPFor more detailed information, see section 5.2.2,Windows 200x Server Edition: Modifying the  DHCPOptionsFrom the main screen shown below select “General Parameters” and thenchoose “Upstream Channel ID”.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 36Right-click on “Upstream Channel ID” and select “MODIFY” to display the popupwindow in which you may set the value of the Upstream Channel ID.Note: The detailed parameters for each upstreamchannel must be set in accordance (see Setting theUpstream Channel)with the overall Network RF Plan –contact your system engineer for assistance.  TheChannel ID is the identifier for the physical RF port on theRF cards plugged into the rear of the WMTS.  The portsare numbered as follows:Channel ID = card slot number + port numberWhere the card slot number is zero for the leftmostupstream  card (as viewed from the front of the WMTS)and increases by the ifIndex of the card times eight foreach additional card.  The if index of the card can befound in the ifTable. Please contact Vyyo for the exactdetails of this configuration. Typically, the ifIndexincreases from left to right by 1 for each card, from 0 to n,where n is the rightmost card. The ports are numberedfrom bottom to top on each card starting with one.  Thus,the first card has ports numbered from 1 to 6 (since theHex upstream card only has six ports even though amaximum of 8 are allowed) and the second card has itsports numbered from 9 to 14, etc. Contact Vyyo forDetails.NOTE 2: See Setting the Upstream Channel to set thereceive frequency of an upstream channel.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 37Figure 5-1: Setting Upstream Channel ID
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 385.1.2 Setting the Downstream FrequencyIn the following example, the Downstream Frequency is changed to 743 MHz.1.  From the main screen shown below select “General Parameters” andthen choose “Downstream Frequency”.6.  Right-click on “Downstream Frequency” and select “MODIFY” to displaythe popup window in which you may set the value of the downstreamfrequency in Hertz (note the six zeroes).NOTE: This value will be specified by your systemengineer.Figure 5-2 Setting Downstream Frequency
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 395.1.3 Setting Concatenation and Fragmentation Capabilities1.  Select “Modem Capabilities” and enable “Concatenation” and“Fragmentation” by setting them to “1” (select each one then right-click toview the “Set Value” dialog box, enter the value “1” then click “OK”).NOTE: These should always be used unless specifiedotherwise by your system engineer.Figure 5-3. Setting the Concatenation ValueFigure 5-4. Setting the Fragmentation Value
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 405.1.4 Setting Upstream QoS (Class of Service) for IP Data1.  Select “Class of Service Parameters”2.   Right-click on “Maximum Upstream Rate” to display a selection of QoSprofiles.3.  Choose the profile that is appropriate for the installation being done.Your system engineer can provide assistance based on the Network RF& IP Plan.4.  Select a profile in the left side of the popup window to display itscorresponding parameters on the right side.Figure 5-5. Setting Upstream QoS
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 415.1.5 Setting Additional Downstream and Upstream ChannelsUse the “Vendor Specific Parameters” option to set additional downstreamfrequencies and upstream channels.  Your system engineer should tell you if thisis necessary.  First enter the Frequency of the Additional Downstream Channel inHertz and then enter the associated upstream channel ID (ID of additionalUpstream channels).  To add more downstream and upstream frequencies rightclick on the “Vendor Specific Parameters” option and select “Duplicate” to bringup another screen and enter the desired values.A Downstream Scan Plan value of ‘9’ indicates that the downstream channel isset to a permanent fixed frequency (the advantage is that the modem initializesfaster and doesn’t interfere unnecessarily with other traffic on the network).Figure 5-6: Using Vendor Specific Parameters to set additional DS/US pairs
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 425.1.6 Setting the Maximum Number of CPEsIt is advisable to set the maximum number of CPEs at this time by selecting and enteringthe desired value on the following screen:Figure 5-7: Setting the maximum number of CPEs
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 435.2  DHCP Settings for the ModemThe DHCP Server provides the IP address for the modem and also specifieswhich modem configuration file will be downloaded to the modem.  In thefollowing two sections, instructions are provided for setting up two differentDHCP Servers:  the ipLease DHCP Server and the Windows 200x Server EditionDHCP Server.  Either of these (or any other) DHCP server may be used (but notmultiple ones at the same time).5.2.1 IpLease DHCP Server: Editing and running the CM.SRC FileNote: This section applies only if your configuration usesipLease™  (purchased separately) as the DHCP server.Bind the modem MAC Address to its IP Address and modem configuration file byediting the CM.SRC file.1.  Locate the CM.SRC file – it is usually in the DHCP tool directory. In thisexample we are using ipLease as our DHCP server.2.  Open the CM.SRC file using any text editor.Tip: Use Windows Notepad to edit this file.Figure 5-8. Location of CM.SRC file
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 443.  This section of CM.SRC shows IP addresses of all the servers and theirassociated parameters.  See the comments on each line of the fileshown for details.  Your system engineer can tell you how to configurethese addresses.Figure 5-9: Server Configuration Info on CM.SRC file
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 454.  In the [Hosts] section of CM.SRC shown below, four modems aredefined. You may add additional modems here. If they are not definedhere they will be ignored in the next section.Figure 5-10. CM.SRC File Format5.  Add the configuration parameters for each modem as shown below.Note that even though each modem has a unique bpBootFile filenamethis is not typical.   This file is the modem’s configuration file. The samemodem configuration file may be used for many modems if they use thesame upstream and downstream channels.NOTE: a line that starts with a semicolon “;” is interpretedas a comment and therefore is ignored by the compilerFour modems are defined andnamed in the [Hosts] section ofthis file.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 46Figure 5-11. Defining and Naming Installed ModemsNOTE: This file (CM.SRC) must be compiled byexecuting the command “dhcpgen cm” from the directoryin which the file is located.  Before compilation, the DHCPServer must be shut down.  After compilation thecommand “dhcpsvr” must be executed from the samedirectory to read the compiled files and restart theipLease DHCP server.6.  If the ipLease DHCP server is running it must be shutdown in order toreconfigure the IP addresses given in the CM.SRC file.  Simply click onthe “SHUTDOWN” button in the upper right pane of the ipLeaseapplication window.Each modem name is defined in square brackets andfollowed by its MAC address “Chaddr”, its“StaticIPAddress” and it “bpBootFile” name (this isalso known as its modem configuration file.)
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 47 Figure 5-12: DHCP Server Shutdown in ipLease™Click this button
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 487.  Now change directories to the ipLease directory (in a DOS window) andtype “dhcpgen cm” to generate the machine-readable files for theipLease DHCP server.  The output should indicate “successful” asshown below.  If not, check to make sure you have shutdown the ipleaseserver or that you have not mistyped something in the CM.SRC file.8.  Restart the ipLease server.  After compilation the command “dhcpsvr”must be executed from the same directory to read the compiled files andrestart the ipLease DHCP server.5.2.2 Windows 200x Server Edition: Modifying the  DHCPOptionsNote: This section applies only if your configuration usesMicrosoft Windows 200x Server Edition as the DHCPserver.Bind the modem MAC Address to its IP Address and modem configuration file byentering the appropriate information in popup windows.  First bring up the DHCPAdministrative Tool by clicking on the “Start” button on the main windows screenthen choosing “Administrative Tools” and finally “DHCP”.  See the followingscreen shots:1.  Locate and open the DHCP program by using:     Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->DHCPThe DHCP window should open on the desktop as shown in Figure 5-14:Expand “Reservations”
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 49Figure 5-13: Navigate to the DHCP program2.  Expand the tree in the left window pane and expand  “Reservations” toview all the modems to which DHCP is leasing IP addresses
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 50Figure 5-14: Expand “Reservations”3.  Now click “New Reservation” on the “Action” menu (or right-click on“Reservations” and select “New Reservation”)
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 51Figure 5-15: Make a “New Reservation” using DHCP
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 524.  Enter the required information (see your system engineer for details) andclick the “Add” button.NOTE: Make sure to select the “DHCP only” radio buttonunder  “Supported Types”.Figure 5-16: Enter the information for the new reservation
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 535.  Now select the new reservation and right-click on the newly addedmodem then select “Configure Options” to choose the modemconfiguration file that will be downloaded to this modem.  Observe thatfive Options are shown in the right pane of the main window.  These arethe default values.:Figure 5-17: Navigate to the “Configure Options” action
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 546.  Select the “General” tab in the popup window, scroll down to item “067”and check (and select) the “Bootfile Name” checkbox to enter or changethe “boot” or modem configuration file name.NOTE: Any of the other options may be changed usingthis same procedure.  These values must match thephysical setup of the network (as per the Network IP andNetwork RF plans) to make the system work.  If thisDHCP server is already in operation the default valuesshould be correct.Figure 5-18: Enter the “boot” file name
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 55TIP: You may verify that the modem properties havebeen set correctly.  Select the modem and right-click todisplay the action popup window; then select “Properties”to display and allow you to verify the modem informationentered previously.Figure 5-19: Navigate to the Properties display for the selected modem
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 56Tip: The modem information is displayed in this popupwindow.Figure 5-20: View the Properties for the selected modem
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 575.3  Configuring the WMTSNOTE:  Before you can perform this procedure you musthave previously edited the regtree.txt file, compiled it anddownloaded it to the WMTS to set its IP address.  SeeChapter 7. Setting the WMTS IP Address.This section assumes that you have previously installedNMS Version 7.  See Installing and Uninstalling the NMSfor brief instructions.The upstream and downstream channels of the WMTS must be configuredbefore a modem can communicate with the WMTS.   This is done using the VyyoConfiguration Tool.  Before proceeding, launch the Vyyo Configuration Tool asdescribed in Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool.5.3.1 Setting the WMTS Upstream Parameters1.  Expand the WMTS tree in the left pane of the Vyyo Configuration Tooland select the Upstream Channel ID you wish to configure using themouse.  The Channel ID refers to the physical port on the upstream RFcard that you are configuring.   This connection is described in WMTS USPort Mapping. In this example upstream channel 1 is selected and all ofits parameters are displayed in the right pane of the window.You may change the frequency the modem is told by the WMTS totransmit on (labeled “Tx Frequency”), the receive frequency that theupstream RF port  expects to receive the modem’s signal on (this islabeled “Rx frequency”), its bandwidth, modulation, and the associateddownstream channels, antenna diversity and admin status as needed.These parameters are transmitted by the WMTS as part of the upstreamchannel descriptor (UCD) sent during the DOCSIS modem initializationprocess.  These parameters should be determined by the systemengineer responsible for the RF planning and are outside the scope ofthis manual.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 58Figure 5-21: Selecting and Setting Upstream Channel ParametersNOTE:  For Data Service Type, “Best effort channel” or“CIR channel” are typically used for a data-only modem.An “E1 channel” must be used when the modem supportsE1/T1 connections and data.  These settings correspondto the desired SLA (Service Level Agreement.)The “Tx backoff” settings control the scheduling algorithms used in the upstreamchannel.  The default values should be used unless your system engineer has indicatedotherwise.Ensure that the “Optimize channel parameters” box is checked.  This causes the WMTSto maximize the efficiency of the channel usage for the different types of modemsassigned to it.Set this to ‘up” to operate thischannel or “down” to turn it offThe modemtransmits onthis frequencyThis WMTS upstream channelwill receive on this frequencyThese are the WMTSdownstream channelsassociated with thisWMTS upstream channelCheck  this box unless your SystemEngineer indicates otherwiseCheck this boxClick here to save the new settings
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 597.  Click on the Update button at the bottom left of the screen to save thenew settings.  Click ”OK” when the folllowing confirmation popup windowappears.Figure 5-22: Confirm the Update8.  You have now completed configuring the upstream channel.  For asummary of all of the upstream channels click on the “Upstream” item inthe left pane of the window.Figure 5-23: Viewing the WMTS Upstream Channels Summary
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 605.3.2 Setting the WMTS Downstream Parameters1.  Select the WMTS  Downstream Channel  you wish to configure from theleft side of the window.  In this example downstream channel 1 isselected and all of its parameters are displayed in the right pane of thewindow.Bandwidth, modulation, and other parameters can be changed.  Typically thedefault values should be used with “Optimize channel parameters” unlessyour system engineer indicates otherwise.These parameters should be determined by the system engineer responsiblefor the RF planning and are outside the scope of this manual.Figure 5-24: Select the downstream channel and change its parameters
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 619.   To permanently save the configuration to the WMTS click on the“Update” button.  Press the “OK” button on the popup window to confirmthe update.Figure 5-25: Confirm the Update10. You have now completed configuring the downstream channel.  For asummary of all the downstream channels click on the “Downstream” itemin the left pane of the window.Figure 5-26:  Viewing the WMTS Downstream Channels Summary
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 625.4  Setting the Modem’s Downstream FrequencyThis section provides details on how to set the downstream frequency that themodem listens on to begin its initialization sequence.  Setting this value greatlyreduces the time it takes for a modem to complete its initialization sequence.NOTE: the downstream frequency that is set using thistechnique will not be saved in the modem until themodem completes registration.1.  Connect a computer to the RJ45 modem connector using a standard RJ45 patchcable.2.  Make sure your computer's IP address is set to 192.168.100.xxx, where "xxx" isany value from 2 to 254. The subnet mask should be  You mayuse any utility software on your computer that allows you to set these values.3.  All modems include a Telnet server with a fixed IP address of the screens below to set the modem Downstream Frequency and viewthe Downstream and Upstream settings.The modem Telnet server has multiple levels of access privileges:User – the standard level which permits viewing informationOperator – permits changing the downstream frequencyNote: The modem will accept typed settings whilesimultaneously displaying and scrolling though feedbackinformation or messages. This behavior does not affectsetup.  At present there is no procedure to turn off thestreaming messages issued by the modem.4.  Enter the password (obtained from your system engineer or a Vyyorepresentative) on this screen.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 63Figure 5-27: Log In to the Vyyo WMU Telnet ServerEnter the user password herewhen prompted.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 645.  This screen will be displayed after the password is correctly entered:Figure 5-28: Successful Telnet Login
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 656.  Type “su operator”, then press return.  Now enter the operator’s password(obtain this from your system engineer or a Vyyo representative) to access theDOCSIS control commands.Note: Return to user mode from operator mode at anytime by typing “su user” – no password is required toreturn to user mode.Figure 5-29: Switching to the Operator's Permission LevelEnter the operator password herewhen prompted
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 667.  Change to the DOCSIS Control subdirectory by typing “cd docsis”:Figure 5-30: The “cd docsis” CommandType “cd docsis” here
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 678.  Type “goto_ds xxxxxxxxx” to set the Downstream Frequency, where “xxxxxxxxx”is the frequency in Hertz.NOTE: Your system engineer should provide you withthis value. This will now be the permanent fixedfrequency at which the modem will listen for a broadcastfrom the WMTS.  After  a maximum of 30 seconds, themodem LEDs should light up and remain lit. Thisindicates that the modem has locked on to theDownstream channel, is operating on the appropriateUpstream channel, and is authorized for operation on theWMTS.Figure 5-31: Setting the Frequency to 743 Mhz (or 743000000, i.e., sixzeroes)Enter the frequency here
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 689.  To view the “operator” commands type “?”.  The following figure shows the“operator” commands.NOTE: to get help on a particular command type “help<command>”Figure 5-32:  Executing the “?” command to view the Operator commands
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 695.5  Verifying the Modem Downstream and UpstreamStatus1.  View the downstream status after the modem has successfullycompleted registration by typing “dsdiag” to verify that the change tookeffect and the modem is operating correctly:  “QAM = LOCKED” and“FEC = LOCKED” should appear as the last two lines.  You must have“operator” access rights to do this.NOTE:  this will only happen if the modem is in a placewhere it can establish RF connectivity to the WMTS, e.g.,hooked up to the cable plant.Figure 5-33: Viewing the Modem Downstream Status
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 702.  View the Upstream Status after the modem has successfully completedregistration by typing “usdiag” to verify that the modem is operatingcorrectly.    The parameters should be stable.  You must have “operator”access to do this.Figure 5-34: Viewing the Modem Upstream StatusThe modem has now established IP connectivity with the WMTS.Type “usdiag” here
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 715.6  Using an HTTP Connection to View ModemOperationYou may also view this information using an HTTP browser such as InternetExplorer.  All modems include an HTTP server at the same address as theTelnet server.  If the modem does not yet have an IP address assigned andoperating (i.e., completed registration), set your browser to browse the URLhttp:// to get the status information.Note: In order to use this facility, you must be connectedto the same LAN to which the modem is connected.  Thiswould be 192.168.0.xxx with a subnet mask of255.255.255.0 in the initial case.5.6.1 Viewing the internal modem HTML pages:1.  Open the Web Browser application that is installed on your system.Figure 5-35: Opening a Browser Window to view modem activity11. Type into the Address field at the top of the Browserwindow and press “Enter”.Figure 5-36:  Entering the modem IP address into the Browser Window
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 7212. Obtain the Operator user name and password from your SystemAdministrator or an authorized Vyyo representative. Enter the user nameand password in the appropriate fields, and click the OK button. TheVyyo Connection page opens.Figure 5-37: Entering the modem user name and password
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 7313. Each informational page consists of two sections: A Menu box at the left,which enables you to navigate between pages, and a Data area at theright, which shows information specific to the system.5.6.2 Viewing the Connection PageTo view the Connection page click the “Connection” option on the Menu box.Figure 5-38: Selecting the Browser Connection option
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 74The browser displays the Connection page which has five areas of information:•  Startup Procedure•  Downstream Channel•  Upstream Channel•  Assigned IP Address of the Modem•  Current System Time from the ToD Server.Figure 5-39:  Viewing the Browser Connection page5.6.3 Viewing the Software PageTo view the Software page click the Software option on the Menu box.Figure 5-40:  Selecting the Browser Software option
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comAdding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 75The Software page displays modem Information and Status data.Figure 5-41:  Viewing the Browser Software page5.6.4 Viewing the Security PageTo view the Security page click the Security option on the Menu box.Figure 5-42:  Selecting the Browser Status optionThe browser displays the Security page.You use the Security page if you wish to change your login password. To changeyour Password, enter a new Password in the Password field, and enter it againfor verification in the Re-Enter Password field.If you want to return to the factory default password, select the Yes option andclick Apply.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 76Chapter 6.  Configuring a T1ConnectionNOTE:  the data connection for the E1/T1 modem mustbe setup as previously described in Chapter 5, Adding aModem to the WMTSThree separate tools are necessary to configure a T1 connection:The CMConfigFileEditor is used to set the modem QoS (also referred to as Class ofService) in the modem configuration file downloaded during the modem initializationphase.The NMS (Castlerock SNMPc) tool is the Network Management System used to monitorand reconfigure the network on an ongoing basis.  It accesses a MIB database stored inthe WMTS as well as a local version residing in the controlling computer.  It is used hereto set specific WMTS parameters by launching the Vyyo Configuration tool.The Java™-based Vyyo Configuration Tool is necessary to set the E1/T1 parametersof the WMTS when adding a new modem to the network.These tools may be used as directed in any order.  They are described in thefollowing sequence:1.  The CMConfigFileEditor is used to modify the modem configuration filefor T1 operation by adding a second Class of Service (the first Class ofService was used for the data only connection).  Instructions are alsogiven for setting/checking the upstream and downstream parameters(which may have been previously set when configuring the modem fordata only operation).2.  The NMS tool is used to launch the Vyyo Configuration Tool to set theWMTS upstream parameters, specifically the QoS (Quality of Service)which is another name for the Class of Service.  For older systems,Instructions for using the Synoptics interface are given in Chapter 10,Error! Reference source not found..3.  The Vyyo Configuration Tool is required to bind the T1 ports of themodem to the T1 ports of the WMTS.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 776.1  Configure the Modem for T1 OperationIn this section instructions are provided for using the CMConfigFile Editor to editthe modem configuration file which will be downloaded to the modem.  When theedits on the following pages are complete, copy or move the modemconfiguration file to the directory being used by the TFTP Server (usually this willbe something like “C:\vyyo\mic”).  You may also save it directly to the TFTPdirectory using the “Save” menu option of the  CMConfigFile Editor.NOTE: This file name must be bound to this modem’sMAC address by using the appropriate DHCP tool for theparticular system being used (Edit the CM.SRC file ifipLease is being used. If the Windows 200x ServerEdition DHCP Administrative tool is being used then setthe “bpBootfile” name to the name of the modem’sconfiguration file).1.  Set the Downstream Frequency by selecting “General Parameters” thendouble clicking on the “Downstream Frequency (Hz)” parameter asshown.  This is the frequency which the modem will use to receive(downstream) transmissions from the WMTS.  This procedure forconfiguring the downstream channels is described in Setting theDownstream Frequency.Figure 6-1: Set the Downstream Frequency Value
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 784.  Set the upstream channel ID using the same procedure.  This is thechannel ID the modem will use to transmit upstream data to the WMTS.The channel ID parameters are sent by the WMTS when it broadcastsUCDs during the Obtaining Upstream Parameters phase (immediatelyafter the Downstream Synchronization phase) of the modem initializationprcocess. This procedure for configuring the downstream channels isdescribed in Setting the WMTS Upstream Parameters.Figure 6-2. Set the Upstream Channel ID
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 795.  Create a second Class of Service (aka. QoS or Service ID). Select andright-click “Class of Service”, then select the “Duplicate” option.  This isnecessary to add the “Voice” (or “WAN”) service for the T1 connection.NOTE: the first Class of Service was created previouslyfor the data only connection.  This second Class ofService is specifically for the T1 connection so make sureit is setup that way.  The  same upstream channel is usedfor both.Figure 6-3. Duplicating the QoS Value
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 806.  Observe that a second Class of Service has been added in the leftcolumn of the window.7.  Select this second Class of Service, then right-click on the MaximumUpstream Rate parameter and select “Modify” from the popup menu.Figure 6-4. Modifying the Upstream Bit Rate Value
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 818.  Now select “WAN Service/2048k” from the “Parameter” pane of thepopup window.Figure 6-5. Choosing an Upstream Bit Rate Parameter9.  The corresponding parameters will appear on the right side of the popupwindow.
System Configuration Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 8210. Now select “WAN Service/2048K” in the left pane of the popup windowand then Click the “OK” button.Figure 6-6. Choose Profile Setting11. The display will return to the main window showing the new values setabove, as shown in Figure 6-7.Figure 6-7.
12. Select “Modem Capabilities” and turn on “Concatenation” and“Fragmentation” by setting them to “1” (select each one then right-click topopup the “Set Value” window)  and clicking the “OK” button.Figure 6-8. Setting Concatenation ValueFigure 6-9. Setting Fragmentation Value
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 8413. The display will return to the main window.  The modem configuration fileis now configured for T1 operation.  You should save this file.  Thisfilename will be bound to the modem MAC address using the DHCPServer tool as described in IpLease DHCP Server: Editing and runningthe CM.SRC File.  The same modem configuration  file may be used forseveral modems provided the Network RF Plan allows for this; see yoursystem engineer for details.Figure 6-10. Main WMU Configuration File Editor Window
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 856.2  Adding the T1 modem to the WMTS T1 Interface andAssign Port(s)NOTE:  The WMTS Upstream and Downstreamparameters must be configured prior to performing thisprocedure.  In particular the Upstream “Voice ServiceType” must be set to “WAN”  for an E1/T1 channel. SeeConfiguring a T1 Connection. This is done using the VyyoConfiguration Tool.  Before proceeding, launch the VyyoConfiguration Tool as described in Launching the VyyoConfiguration Tool.1.  Expand the WMTS tree in the left pane of the main Vyyo ConfigurationTool window.  Then expand “Modems” to obtain a more informativeversion of the window.  If the modem is already connected, the tool willdetect it automatically and it will appear in the list under“Modems->E1/T1”  or “Modems->Data” by its MAC address; in this caseskip to Step 4. Otherwise you must add the modem to the list bycontinuing this procedure.Figure 6-11:  Expand the WMTS Tree
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 862.  Select the “Insert” menu option and choose “Modem”Figure 6-12: Insert Modem3.  A popup window will appear to allow you to enter the modem type.  Fromthe pulldown menu select “E1/T1 Modem”.Figure 6-13: Select E1/T1 Modem4.  Confirm your selectionFigure 6-14:  Confirm modem selection
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 875.  A new modem icon will appear on the WMTS tree window pane.  Enterthe last three bytes of the Vyyo modem MAC address and press the“Update” button then press “OK” on the popup window which confirmsthe “success” of the update.Note: The first three bytes of the Vyyo MAC address (thevendor ID) are displayed both in the navigation tree onthe left and in the data entry window on the right.Figure 6-15: Vyyo Modem Configuration InformationFigure 6-16: Update Success ConfirmationEnter the last part ofthe Vyyo modemMAC address herePress the update buttonafter entering the MACaddress
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 886.  Enter the desired modem parameters and add the E1/T1 configurationfor the modem by clicking on the “Add E1/T1 Link” button.  You maycross connect an E1/T1 modem to another E1/T1 modem – seeAppendix E: Vyyo Configuration Tool – Additional Functions  for thisprocedure.NOTE: Do this process once for the V311 modems andtwice for the V312 modems (the latter have two activeE1/T1 ports).NOTE: the modem does not need to be active on thenetwork to perform this procedure as this is strictly aconfiguration procedure.  However, the modem will notappear under its IP address unless it is already on thenetwork as a data modem, i.e., the DOCSIS IP portion ofthe initialization has been successful.Figure 6-17:  Adding a new E1/T1 configuration for a modem
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 897.  When this screen appears, select the desired port on the WMTS E1/T1interface card using the drop-down menu.  This binds the T1 port on themodem to its corresponding T1 port on the WMTS E1/T1 interface card(inserted into the rear of the WMTS chassis).Other parameters may be changed from the defaults shown in thisscreenshot to create a “fractional T1” connection: the Framing parametermust be set to ESF Framing or D4 Framing, and then you may set thedesired Time Slots range.  Make sure that both the WMTS and Modemport status are enabled.Figure 6-18: Updating the Port DataSelect the port – allassigned ports willappear (only 1 inthis example)Click the “Update” buttonwhen doneTo make this a fractional T1connection select the specific T1slots you wish to use by setting theFraming parameter and choosingthe Time slot rangeSelect the desired WMTS port usingthe pull down menu
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 908.    Now click on the “Update” button and press “OK” when the confirmationpopup window appears.  Select “Refresh Modems” from the File menu torefresh the modem icons (the new modem icon should change to green).Figure 6-19:  Updating the system for the new modem
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 919.    This screen will show the new modem and its connection to WMTS port1 (in the Connections Table at the bottom).  Note that the color of themodem in the left window pane has now changed from red to green (ifthe modem is online).Figure 6-20:  Viewing the new modem’s E1/T1 interface information
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comConfiguring a T1 Connection – p. 9210.   For a summary of all modems and E1/T1 ports select the “E1/T1Interfaces” item on the navigation tree in the left window paneFigure 6-21:  Viewing the E1/T1 InterfacesAt this point you have successfully connected the E1/T1 modem to the systemand data should be flowing between the modem and the WMTS.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 93Chapter 7.  Setting the WMTS IPAddressNote: Prior to performing this procedure the WMTS mustbe connected to the “download” computer serial port viathe lower COM port (COM2) on the WMTS Control andForward card.The WMTS must also be connected to the same LANsubnet as the computer using its RJ45 connector on thesame (Control and Forward) card.Tip: The procedure used to download the Regtree file viathe LAN connection may also be used to download otherfiles to the WMTS, such as new versions of the software.First, the XmtsConfig.exe tool is used to set a temporary IP addressfor the WMTS. This IP address allows the WMTS to appear on theLAN subnet and communicate with the servers (which are on the samenetwork).  The serial port connection is used to set the temporary IPaddress and the LAN connection is used to perform the actualdownload (via the temporary IP address previously set using the serialport connection).  After the modified version of Regtree (containing thePERMANENT IP address of the WMTS) is downloaded and the WMTSis restarted, the WMTS will be accessible via its PERMANENT IPaddress.Next, we will be modifying regtree.txt to contain the permanent WMTSIP address, then compiling regtree.txt into regtree.rtr and downloadingit.  The download is made by specifying regtree.rtr in the “Version File”field of the XmtsConfig.exe tool and making sure that regtree.rtr (thecompiled version of regtree.txt) is copied into the TFTP file transferfolder.1.  Locate the file “regtree.txt” and open it using a standard text editor suchas Notepad (do not use the XmtsConfigFileEditor for this as it does notallow editing of the necessary entries). There may be several versions ofthe Regtree file available (e.g., “regtree_data.txt”, “regtree_t1.txt”, etc.)so ask your system engineer which one to use, then copy and rename itto “regtree.txt” since that is the file which SETIP.bat expects as its inputfile.  Scroll down (or use the “Find” function from the menu) to the entry“CmtsIPAddress” which is shown as in this example. Thedefault network address for Vyyo equipment is 10.10.10.xxx.   Yoursystem engineer should be able to provide the following informationrequired to configure the WMTS:
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 94•  WMTS IP address•  Gateway computer (used for downloading) IP address•  Gateway computer subnet mask• IP addresses  of  any  other  computers  that are  permitted  toaccess the WMTS remotely2.  Change the “CmtsIPAddress” as desired: this is the WMTS’spermanent IP address which will be downloaded later using theXmtsConfig tool.3.  Change the two lines immediately following this line if necessary: the“GatewayIPAddress” (the address of the gateway computer or router)and the “CmtsSubnetMask”.4.  Change DevNMAccessIP1 and DevNMAccessCommunity for remotecontrol as appropriate in Regtree.txt. Up to five IP addresses  may bedefined here.  The first one should be the same as that of the Gatewaycomputer or router used in the previous step.  If you wish to addadditional remote computers: duplicate the three lines forDevNMAccessIP1 and DevNMAccessCommunity1 andDevNMAccessControl1 for each additional remote computer, changethe numbers so that you have DevNMAccessIP2,DevNMAccessCommunity2,  DevNMAccessControl2 for the secondcomputer and so forth up to the fifth remote computer. Then change thecorresponding IP addresses for DevNMAccessIP2  and so forth.Note: No other edits should be necessary in this file,although the default frequencies for all the upstream anddownstream channels are initialized in this file and maybe changed if necessary.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 95Figure 7-1. Regtree.txt File Contents
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 965.  Now compile regtree.txt by executing SETIP.bat which should be in thesame directory as regtree.txt. SETIP.bat is a batch file that convertsregtree.txt from text to a special format read by the WMTS. The resultingfile will be named RegTree.rtr.Figure 7-2. Setip.bat
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 976.  Locate the Regtree.rtr file and copy it to the directory (download path)that is used by the TFTP server to get the requested download files (thedownload directory):Figure 7-3. Regtree.rtr Location in TFTP Root Directory
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 987.  Open the TFTP server: in this example we use Pumpkin.exe.  You maybring up the Options dialog window by clicking on the “Options” button.This will allow you to change the download directory.Note:The file RegTree.rtr must be copied to the TFTPserver download path, “C:\Vyyo\mic” as shown in thisexample since this is the directory where the TFTP serverfinds the requested files to be downloaded. You maychange this path to suit your particular directory layout.To save the TFTP server download path as the defaultvalue, exit Pumpkin then restart it.Figure 7-4. PumpKIN TFTP Settings
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 99Note: Observe that RegTree.rtr has been copied to theTFTP download directory (C:\Vyyo\mic) used in thisexample:Figure 7-5. Regtree.rtr, Located in TFTP Root or Specified DownloadDirectory
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 1008.  Open the XmtsConfig.exe tool  to perform the download to the WMTS.This tool is typically located in the “…\Tools\XmtsConfig” directory of thereleased software.9.  When the initial window appears right-click to expose a popup windowfrom which you must select “Activate”.10. This will enable the screen for one minute, after which you must repeatthis procedure to re-activate the screen. The one minute timeoutprevents accidental downloads and restarts.NOTE:  You may have to “activate” the screen and“connect” (explained in the next step) to the WMTSseveral times during this procedure.Figure 7-6. WMTS Configuration Tool
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 10111. After activating this application select ‘Connect’. This will open a secondsmall window within which you can choose the type of connection toopen (Serial or IP).Figure 7-7: The “Connect” button12. Select ‘Serial’ and the appropriate computer ‘Com’ port number to whichthe WMTS is connected. Click on ‘Open Port’ then select ‘Close’ to closethe small window and return to the main application window.Figure 7-8: Making the serial connection
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 10213. Now enter the TFTP Server IP Address, Subnet mask and DefaultGateway. Click the corresponding buttons as you set each of these.Observe that the caption at the top of the XmtsConfig tool indicates“Connected: Com 1” at this time since it is connected via the serialconnection.  After the IP address has been set, the caption will change to“Connected: Remote” in this example (see the next step) toindicate that the LAN connection is active.NOTE:  If the permanent IP address of the WMTS isworking you may connect (in the previous step) using itinstead of the serial port by choosing “IP” instead of“Serial”.  The WMTS is shipped with the default IPaddress of If you do use the IP connectionyou may skip this step.Figure 7-9:  Setting the WMTS temporary IP addressSetup thesethree items
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 10314. Now enter the filename “regtree.rtr” in the “Version File” window, thenclick the “Start Software Download” button.  Recall that the regtree.rtr filemust be in the TFTP download directory as described in the first part ofthis procedure. The message below is displayed after the downloadcommand is sent to the WMTS – it does NOT indicate that the downloadhas occurred.  To confirm the download you must observe the indicatorLEDs on the WMTS:  they should be flashing with activity.  You shouldalso monitor the TFTP application window (see next figure) to verify thatthe download to the WMTS has occurred.  When the file transfer iscomplete, click the “System Restart” button. The WMTS will now rebootand read the new RegTree.rtr file to configure itself.Figure 7-10. WMTS Download of Regtree fileVery importantDo this last!Messages aredisplayed here
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comSetting the WMTS IP Address – p. 104Figure 7-11. TFTP Download Message15. You have now completed downloading the Regtree file containing thepermanent configuration settings for the WMTS.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 10516. The message in the following figure should display after the SystemRestart message is sent.Figure 7-12. System Restart MessageNote: The XmtsConfig application does not report if theaction is successful, only that the command has beensent.17. To verify that the download has taken effect you must use the proceduredescribed in Appendix B.  Checking the WMTS Version.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 106Chapter 8.  Installing Vyyo Servers forWMTS OperationThree servers must be installed before operating the WMTS system.These servers are in accordance with the DOCSIS standard.1.  Time of Day server2.  TFTP server3.  DHCP serverOn the computer connected to the WMTS there is folder namedc:\vyyo\servers.  This software was part of the original software installedfrom the installation CD.  See your system engineer or Vyyo representativefor assistance if necessary.inside this folder you will find three folders, one each for the TOD, TFTP andDHCP servers.8.1  Installing The Time Server:18.  Go to the TimeSvr folder under c:\vyyo\servers and double click on theapplication timeserv.exe.  The ToD server should now be running.Figure 8-1 Time Server Status Window8.2  Installing the Pumpkin TFTP Server:1.  Navigate to the Pumpkin folder at c:\vyyo\servers\pumpkin (or theequivalent on your system)
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 1072.  Start the application pumpkin.exeFigure 8-2. Pumpkin Folder Location19. Click OK and follow the instructions on screen to install the TFTP server.20. When done, go to StartProgramsAccessoriesKlever CoPumKinFigure 8-3. Location of PumpKIN After Installation
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 10821. The following window appears after the application has started:Figure 8-4. PumpKIN Status Window22. Select OptionsFigure 8-5. Options Dialog Box
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 10923. Change TFTP filesystem root (download path) to where your modemconfiguration file will be located. In our case it will be under c:\vyyo\mic.24. Make sure to select “Read Request Behavior and Write RequestBehavior” to Give/Take all files.25. Click OK26. You may close this window as Pumpkin will continue to run in thebackground.  The Pumpkin icon will appear on the taskbar (usually at thebottom of the screen) – click on it to bring up the Pumpkin window.8.3  Installing IPLease DHCP Server:NOTE:  if you are using the DHCP Server program fromWindows 200x Server Edition please see Section 5.2.2Windows 200x Server Edition: Modifying the  DHCPOptions.1.  Before you can execute the DHCP application, you need to makesure that your computer IP address is configured statically to10.10.10.1, subnet mask of  These are the defaults,see your system engineer for the addresses corresponding to yourNetwork IP Plan.2.  Go to the folder iplease that is located under c:\vyyo\servers\iplease.In the folder, there are 4 important files that will configure youriplease DHCP server.• dhcpsvr.ini (the DHCP server configuration file)• cm.src (the file that contains the information sent to the modems)• dhcpgen.exe (the application that processes the CM.SRC file into aformat readable by the DHCP server)• dhcpsvr.exe (the DHCP server application)8.3.1 dhcpsvr.iniThis file sets the computer (DHCP Server) IP address and subnetidentification number.  These should be set according to your IP addressplan set up by your system engineer.  You may edit this file using any ASCIItext editor, e.g., Notepad.NOTE:  the SubnetNum is actually the network numberon which the DHCP server resides – see the comment inthe file displayed below.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 110Figure 8-6. DHCPSVR.ini File1.  Set the computer’s DHCP server IP address in theServerIPAddr= field.27. Set your network identification in the SubnetNum=xx.xx.xx.xx field.28. Save this file after completing your changes8.3.2 cm.srcThe cm.src file maps the modem MAC address to an IP address and bindsthe modem MAC address to a specific modem configuration file.  It alsoprovide the default addresses for the gateway, TFTP server and ToD server.NOTE: The lines beginning with a semicolon “;” arecomments
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 111Figure 8-7. CM.SRC File Format
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 112Figure 8-8. CM.SRC File Format (Continued)1.  Comments in the cm.src file are annotated with */2.  After editing the cm.src file, save your changes.8.3.3 DhcpgenNote: Your computer must be configured with the correctIP address, i.e., the same one as in the dhcpsvr.ini file.( this example) before using dhcpgen1.  cm.src must be compiled with dhcpgen for use with the IPLeaseDHCP server.  Dhcpgen must be run in a DOS window.2.  On the Start Menu, choose Run…3.  Type cmd and click the OK button.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 113Figure 8-9. The Run... Dialog Box29. Navigate to the IPLease folder by executing the following command:cd \; cd vyyo; cd servers; cd ipleaseFigure 8-10: Navigating to the iplease directory
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 11430. Type dhcpgen cm and press the Return or Enter key.   The secondparameter is the name of the .src file the dhcpgen will convert (compile)into a format usable by the DHCP server (this is called the ipLeaseformat).The second to last line informs you if the it has completed successfully.If the compilation reports an error you must re-edit the CM.SRC file andrecompile it and repeat this process until it executes successfully.Otherwise the DHCP will not be using the correct data.Figure 8-11: Successfully compiled CM.SRC fileNOTE: If this is a new installation then the DHCP servershould not be running.  For existing installations, theipLease DHCP server must be shutdown as shown in theinstructions below.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 11531. To shutdown the iplease server click on the Shutdown button in theupper right window pane of the application as shown below:32. Figure 8-12:  ipLease Server Shutdown8.3.4 DhcpSvr:After completing section 6.3.3, open the IPLease folder and startDhcpSvr.exe.  The ipLease application window will be the same as in Figure8-12 above.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 116Chapter 9.   Maintenance andTroubleshooting9.1  IntroductionThe WMTS is an IP centric two-way RF system, which incorporates variousinformation technologies and RF devices.  When the system is not operatingproperly, the malfunction must be isolated to localize the problem to a singlefunctional area.The troubleshooting process consists of three basic steps:• Identifying the problem,• Diagnosing the problem, and• Implementing a solution.To identify a problem, you have to ask two questions:1)  When does the problem occur?2)  What else is affected?For example, when none of the modems respond to an SNMP request, it can beassumed that the WMTS or the RF components at the base station are notfunctioning properly.  Try to find out if the problem is on the downstream orupstream path.  If only a certain modem does not respond, it can be assumedthat the problem relates to the subscriber site, or an NMS software setting forthat particular subscriber.If you have identified the problem, you are ready to diagnose its cause and takethe necessary actions to solve the problem.When implementing solutions, change one thing at a time, if possible.  If the firstsolution does not solve the problem, reverse the change you just made and tryanother solution.  For example, you are experiencing problems in one of theupstream sections.  To solve the problem, replace the demodulator card.  If theproblem still remains, replace the old card and try another solution.Some of the symptoms can be related to a certain functional area, some not.Use the system block diagram in the next section Troubleshooting the RFFrontend to relate the problem to a certain area.9.2  Troubleshooting the RF Frontend9.2.1 GeneralThe RF frontend contains the upstream and downstream channel converters andamplifiers.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 117Use a spectrum analyzer and RF power meter to perform tests.A typical basic RF setup is illustrated in Figure 9-1. Please use the specific blockdiagram for your system when you are troubleshooting problems9.2.2 Checking the DownstreamPerform the following steps to isolate a problem on the downstream channel of the RFfrontend:a. On the transmitter RF power meter -- Check the transmit power on the downstream transmitter, to verify the  RF output- Test the reflected power (SWR), to verify that the transmitter is connected to thecoaxial system correctly.b.   WMTS- Measure the output power of the demodulator card.  Use a spectrum  analyzer tuned to 44 MHz, with a span of 20 MHz. .  The power  should be 10 dBm ±5 dB.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 1189.2.3 Checking the UpstreamPerform the following to isolate a problem on the upstream channel of the RFfrontend:Measure the output power of the downconverter.  Use a spectrumanalyzer tuned to the upstream channel IF (about 44 MHz), with a span of20 MHz.The following diagram illustrates a basic RF test setup. Antenna Coaxial Cable Power Combiner Downconverter Tx  Upconverter and Power Amp WMTS Coaxial Cable Coaxial Cable Coaxial Cable Antenna Cable Modem Coaxial Cable Customer Equipment 100BaseT Switched Hub NMS Station and IP Servers 100BaseT Coaxial Cable LNA Filter Cable Plant Internet Router Figure 9-1: Basic RF Setup
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 119Chapter 10.  Troubleshooting TheSubscriber Site10.1  Post-Registration VerificationWhen the modem registration process has reached completion, connect theLaptop or PC to the V280 WMU and verify the following items:Verification ItemTask1Check the IP address.From the Windows Command Prompt,ipconfig or winipcfg to view theconfiguration.Open the Web Browser and verify thatthere is proper Internet access.2Perform relevant systemspeed verification tests.See your System Administrator to installand use a speed verification utility.Note:  BWA  system-specific  variables  can  affect  all  these  troubleshootingsteps. Consult your System Administrator or Vyyo representative forfurther troubleshooting guidance and detail.10.2  Physical Layer TroubleshootingIf you experience difficulties operating the modem, there may be problems withthe modem’s physical layer. Inspect the WMU physical layer by means of thefollowing steps:Verification ItemTask2Power supply connectionVerify that the WMU power supply isconnected to the WMU power input.3Radio connectionVerify that the RF cable connector isconnected to the WMU RF input.4Connection to the testingPCVerify that the WMU Ethernet port LED isilluminated and that the LAN cable isconnected to a working Ethernet port onthe testing PC.10.3  IF Layer TroubleshootingIf the modem powers up, but still is not transmitting or receiving a signal, youmay need to check the IF Layer.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 120Use the following steps to troubleshoot the IF layer:Verification ItemTaskSignal amplitudeConnect the SLM to the IF input cable.Set the SLM to the appropriate known DSfrequency and measure the amplitude indBmV.Verify that the peak amplitude of the IFsignal is compliant with the WMU inputsignal level specification. If no signal ispresent, verify that the radio transceiverwas installed according to themanufacturer’s installation procedures.Transceiver powersupplyVerify that the transceiver power supply isoperational and connected correctly.10.4 Troubleshooting the NMSIf the main SNMPc window does not show the three parts of the panned window(left, right and bottom), try to drag the pan bar. If this fails:Exit SNMPc1) Rename<SNMPc directory (default: c:\program files\SNMPc NetworkManager)>\SSFAdministrator.ssfto be <SNMPc directory>\SSFAdministrator.ssf_2) Reinstall SNMPcIf the SNMPc installation is stuck, restart the computer and try againIf SNMPc gets corrupted (has been installed but fails to work):Report error messages and other relevant datails to Vyyo NMS team3) Uninstall SNMPc, according to instructions (see Appx C.4, Uninstallingthe NMS)4) Reinstall the NMS according to instructions5) If a ‘low virtual memory’ message appears:Close unneeded applications6) If the message re-occurs, report to Vyyo NMS team, close the NMS mainwindow and startup the NMS
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 12110.5 Repairs Safety1. Repairs of WMTS should take place only in VYYO company servicelaboratories or in other VYYO formally approved distributors service laboratories.In case of field handling our general SAFETY warning is to disconnect the unitfrom power supply for safest repair.2. In case of a -48VDC operated WMTS, the External Circuit Breaker(Du Pole) must be used before connection/removal of the power cable to/fromthe WMTS.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comWMTS US Port Mapping – p. 122Appendix A.   WMTS US PortMappingThe following figure shows a rear view of the WMTS with several upstream RFcards.  The numbering proceeds from right to left and allows for eight channelson each card even if the card does not have eight physical connections.  Logicalports are also referred to as “interfaces”.NOTE:  the downstream port mapping is similar exceptthat the first Logical Port is number 2.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comChecking the WMTS Version – p. 123Appendix B.    Checking the WMTSVersionThe version number may be easily checked by using the XmtsConfig toolshown in the figure below: right click on any open area in the main window todisplay the popup shown, and then click on “Activate” followed by “Connect”.This establishes communication between the XmtsConfig tool and theWMTS.  Now click on “Version Check (WMTS)” in the popup window.  SeeSetting the WMTS IP Address for instructions on using the XmtsConfig tool.1.  Right click in the main window on any open space and then click in“Activate” on the popup menu.Figure B-1:  Viewing the XmtsConfig tool-Activate
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comChecking the WMTS Version – p. 12433. Now click on “Connect” in the main window and when the popup menuappears, verify or set the IP address as needed,  and click on “Connect”then “Close”.  A message will appear in the main window indicating if theconnect command was sent.NOTE: the “Activate” command automatically closes theWMTS connection after approximately 60 seconds – thismay cause a message like “Inconsistent WMTS Version”to appear in the message window.  If this occurs just rightclick and select “Activate” again then “Connect” then“Version Check (WMTS)”.Figure B-2:  Connecting to the WMTS
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comChecking the WMTS Version – p. 12534. Right click in the open space in the main menu to bring up the popupmenu and select “Version Check (WMTS)”.  The WMTS version will beshown in the message window.Figure B-3:  Viewing the WMTS Version
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comInstalling and Uninstalling the NMS – p. 126Appendix C.    Installing andUninstalling the NMSC.1 First Time InstallationFollow the steps below to install the NMS.  See the NMS SNMPc Version 7.0Reference Guide for detailed instructions:Unzip the installation ZIP fileLaunch INSTALL.CMDWhen Java is installed choose "Typical" (use defaults)On SNMPc-7  installation choose:-  Server-  No Discovery Seed-  Check the "Start with discovery off"Note:When using Windows XP, you must extract the installation zip file. Don't run theinstall from within the zip file.C.2 Launching the Vyyo NMSThe NMS is launched automatically when you start SNMPc.  You may use the“Start” menu to do thisC.3 Installation UpgradeRun install.cmd after you unzip the installation filesOn the SNMPc installation wizard, choose "Upgrade SNMPc"
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comInstalling and Uninstalling the NMS – p. 127C.4 Uninstalling the NMSThe main steps in uninstalling the NMS based on SNMPc 7.0 are as follows.  See theNMS SNMPc Version 7.0 Reference Guide for detailed instructions:1.  Shutdown the SNMPc manager2.  Stop the Data Collection Service3.  Shutdown the SNMPc NMS4.  Shutdown the SNMPc Server5.  Remove the SNMPc application6.  Remove Java™ Runtime Environment if desired7.  Reboot
Appendix D.   Launching the VyyoConfiguration ToolThe Vyyo Configuration Tool is used to configure the WMTS and there are two ways tolaunch the Vyyo Configuration Tool.  You may use either one, depending on whether ornot the NMS (SNMPc) is up and running.  If you just need to configure the WMTS  it iseasier to launch the Vyyo Configuration Tool from the Windows “Start” menu.  If you arealready working with the NMS you may launch the Vyyo Configuration Tool for aparticular WMTS on the network – there is a small advantage in doing this since you willnot have to add (“Insert”) the WMTS to the Vyyo Configuration Tool because the IPaddress of the WMTS is passed directly to it upon invocation.
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 129D.1 The Vyyo Configuration Tool Menu (exploded view)The following exploded view of the Vyyo Configuration menu shows all the main menuoptions and their second level options.D-1: The Vyyo Configuration Tool Menu (exploded view)
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 130D.2 Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool from the“Start” Menu1.  From the “Start” menu select and click on “Configure WMTS”Figure D-2:  Using the “Start” menu to launch the Vyyo Configuration Tool35. You must now add the WMTS by selecting the “Insert” menu option thenchoosing “WMTS” from the drop down menuFigure D-3: Adding (Inserting) the WMTS36. Insert the WMTS IP address and click “OK”Figure D-4: Inserting the WMTS IP address
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 13137. The Vyyo Configuration Tool will now read data from the WMTS basedon the IP address you entered in the previous stepFigure D-4: Reading the WMTS Data38. Fully expand every level of the WMTS tree to show all the componentsthat may be configured.  You may later collapse the tree to display onlythose with which you are currently working.Figure D-5: Expand the WMTS Tree
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 13239. This is the fully expanded WMTS tree: you have now launched the VyyoConfiguration Tool and may proceed to perform any of the WMTSconfiguration proceduresFigure D-6: Fully expanded WMTS tree
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 133D.3 Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool from theNMS1.  If the NMS is not started, launch it from the “Start” menuFigure D-7:  Launching the NMS from the “Start” menu2.  Expand the Root Subnet tree and the WMTS one level beneath it toreveal an icon and name for the particular WMTS you wish to configure.In this image the WMTS is named “The_WMTS_at_XXX”.  Select anddouble-click on this WMTS name to open it.  You may also select anddouble click the corresponding icon in the right half of the screenwindow.Figure D-8: Select and open the WMTS
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 134
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comLaunching the Vyyo Configuration Tool – p. 1353.  When the picture of the WMTS appears select the “Vyyo WMTS” mainmenu item and then choose the “Configure” option from the drop downmenu.  This will launch the Vyyo Configuration tool.  The WMTS IPaddress is automatically passed to the Vyyo Configuration tool if you usethis method to launch it.  You may now proceed from step (5) of theprevious section D.2 Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool from the“Start” Menu to expand the WMTS tree and perform any of the WMTSconfiguration procedures.Figure D-9: Launching the Vyyo Configuration Tool from the WMTS screen
Appendix E: Vyyo Configuration Tool– Additional FunctionsE.1 Adding an E1/T1 Cross ConnectionE.2  Adding a DS3 Connection
Vyyo Installation Guidewww.vyyo.comIndex – p. 137INDEX[Hosts] in CM.SRC ...................................... 43Additional Channels, Setting....................... 38Castlerock SNMPc ...................................... 79Checking the WMTS Version.................... 137CM.SRC....................................................... 40CmtsIPAddress........................................ 100CmtsSubnetMask .................................... 100Concatenation and Fragmentation, Settingthe............................................................ 36DevNMAccessCommunity ..................... 100DevNMAccessIP1 .................................... 100DHCP Server............................................... 18DHCP Settings, Modem........................ 32, 40Dhcpgen..................................................... 116dhcpsvr.ini.................................................. 113DOCSIS ....................................................... 10DOCSIS Layer............................................. 19Downstream Frequency, Setting the .......... 35E1/T1............................................................ 28E1/T1 Layer ................................................. 21GatewayIPAddress.................................. 100HTTP, Using to view modem Operation..... 74Initialization .................................................. 25IP Layer........................................................ 20IpLease ..................................................40, 88IPLease DHCP Server, Installing the ....... 113Maximum Number of CPEs, Setting........... 39Modem Capabilities..................................... 17Modem Downstream and Upstream Status,Verifying .................................................. 72Modems ....................................................... 13Network Servers.......................................... 18NMS ............................................................. 79NMS, Installing.....................................55, 140NMS, Uninstalling ................................55, 140PSTN........................................................7, 15QoS (Quality of Service, Setting the ...........37RegTree.rtr................................................102regtree.txt..................................................102Repairs.......................................................124RF Link Layer...............................................18SETIP.bat ..................................................102Status LEDs .................................................30Synoptics..............................................79, 126T1 Connection, Configuring ........................79TFTP server ...............................................104TFTP Server ................................................18TFTP Server, Installing the .......................110Time Server................................................110Time-of-Day (TOD) Server..........................18Upstream Channel, Setting the.......28, 32, 33V280 .............................................................13V311 .............................................................14V312 .............................................................15Vyyo Configuration Tool...........................79Windows 200x Server, DHCP Settings29,33, 46, 113XmtsConfig.exe........................................106CMConfigFileEditor ...................................79WMTS ....................................................10, 11WMTS IP Address, Setting the .................100WMTS T1 Interface......................................89WMTS US Port Mapping ...........................136WMTS, Configuring .....................................55

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