ZEBEX Z-220X Android Mobile Data Terminal User Manual
Zebex Industries Inc Android Mobile Data Terminal Users Manual
- 1. User Manual
- 2. Users Manual
Users Manual
Andriod mobile data terminal Quick Reference Guide 1.1nstallation of SIM and TF card 3 tusett SIM and TF wd, Attention: Tn veri i. putdte benety In 2nd pttt the cuvernn diets seteu- axing nln’ nu. the devite is rhuldnwn pmpetiy when yuu replete the SIM." card ut bakery. otherwise, it will cause equipment dentsge. 2.Battery charge 2 1 this neuphuue unhe .eehetged v12 usa det-teesth-tekie charge) 2.2 you eat. teehnigetrsst ehsiget by MA pnwer adapter. Atten 1 LED display neshtngted when eheigtng. and the LED uttt normally on when the ehetge was ecmpmed 2 We suggested la ehnge mete then 12 hours with power sasptet when ntst teehstge 3 it needs to ensure ehente and dtsehutge It teest anee with“: 2 months If Iett unused {at e \cnghme. 4.1.: use the singing equipment which empenhie pieese. 3.start-up, shutdown, restart and restore factory settings 3.1.2 To teieese the powsx key nttet once Vibration 3.1.1 tsng pm: the pawn Key, mm] the 5,...“ SW 3.1.: It >5 starting when the ,5 h, sump seteen appears 3.3 shutdown/Restart 3.2 reboot ‘ taint mi Httnm titthtens n'rvtlv 3.3.: Press the town human for 2 sectsnds in the sum utputtet tsn Lung ptess the POWER hutten test 7 seconds tn testztt in the sun: ntpnttet on 3.3.2 ciiek tsn the " Shutdown ‘ ut " testsn " huttnn 3.3.3 Restore factory settings :ntet'settinghptinn. eiieitnu “personal" .eiieitsn “testnte tenet-y settings" Anettu'um all settings ynu heveheen madeinnhis eeii phnnewiu he testnteti tn the original settings. please npetetinn eetetuny _— Awwfll: this W H amt aH mention van 0 Add “mm tmttttth tntntnui ututuae. ttmttttitnu secutttt vaH aaoqie BKMLW‘ g .thstntn mt mm «hm hm ‘wrmgx 9 WWW Al'UWHiunlivL «this 0 anahnn ten .i t twenty new We in @ tense/nut ten itutwttw nuum is Mt g; n Res?’ mime 4.Connect to PC This device can exchznge data with rcmthugh the use DATA able. The nperztiun process is 25 rhiittws: u Tainsenthesundardmblenfth‘ eeupheneintnusapettntpc andthm inset-ttheathetendarthedsuw ‘htnzhiseeuphehe ”rhetewinpapup USEhasbeencunnemd“unmelmtupufthescreen. tn man down to eohheet Ieeh eh thetep erthe seteeh. en clirkth: “ usa hssbeeh eehheeted 9.: To rllrk “ open the usa statue devtee “ oh the arms up theetriee. 5.0peratmns for touch screen and keys 5.1Tmlcli screen The eeiiphahehsutiuptedcepee vetuuehtet Ittupputts multirtuuch and you can npetstehy xl'ghtmuch such es seteet ehet tnuve seteeh zuums in and nut sun keyboard inputend nthirr upetstinns meets-um Du nmtap mesmmwimzmuchpm this upeeti isrmtvzlidfur sspeeitiveseteensnd the sneen tnsy nathzve any tespunsewhen yen operation Waring gloves thst is normal phenutnenun Thete ate thtee touch 7 keys st the huttutn utthe much scteen and theit function ate as following (lefi tnenu tniddie tetutn m the heme seteen tight tetutni Pawer buttuncan beusrng rurpnwer ant arrand luckm nesenpbnns rnr status or switch human rueuboer ruurenmeremu sereendenuys 1 aAHEPrzsmLK mrrenlndlenhhekk)hmrd hm“! baroode Funman key farUp urdnwn HOME m rerurn m rne n‘m‘n screen MENU use rurbnngup runsnun menu anus surren: appuennun as: use rdr exmbe current appueaudn dr eurrent dperaudn «up; to switch caps Iuek, Lung press tnis key will be switen into Enter Lnngpress orange bununsuse this kzywxll beuxsr 6.Barcode scanning o 1 Sun bar eude scanning Tuviewthescansutus)cununthem n htufthescreen Scanninghasbeenanwatedlr'itls [ 1 seanmngnasnaranavaeeverrrus x m 1 Sun Methods rnr bar bade sbannrng Method A Sumngthe desmp appueauon [scan semng] uar :nde seannangenn / new :mhugfi tn eneerrnesenup uptmnuftheAndrmdsystem click [seansemng] sun area eseannrne o 2 Sun Scanning Open any text. inputhnx nr client appueaudn and yuu ean amvatethe sunning bypress thescannmg kwanbathslde measerun “ sean semngs “ appueaunn )fyauwant rnnrebarebde scanning setbngs dpbnn Needtu open :2 m semng General semngse 11345 7. Starting WIFI Wi - Fi 7,; open me wart wiretees nelwnrk eteeess rn [hEAndrmd 51 sren serup opnnns ruen dick [nem'nrk] operanen srarr be was and enrer mew semng rnen re sexeer rue wm nenrark which yml need When rue ennneenen is successml rue nenrark man is a..— wager. the .nnhemune at Ich an. e wuN - Enzer sezup opnons oflh: Android 5} szem to cl:
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