Acer orporated WPC1 WPC TX User Manual

Acer Incorporated WPC TX Users Manual


Users Manual

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2016-02-18 00:00:00
Date Available2016-02-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-01-18 10:00:34
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF Library 15.0
Document Lastmod2016-01-19 15:59:11
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CC 2015 (Windows)

Addendum for wireless charger
Wireless charging area
This wireless charging function is Qi-compatible. You can charge your Qi-compatible smartphones and other Qi-compatible devices without the use
of a cable. Simply place your Qi-compatible device on the charging area when the PC is turned on, and awake to recharge your device.
Wireless charging output: Max up to 5 W
Notice: Every Qi-compatible wireless charging device may have a different wireless charging area. Please make sure the battery recharge indicator
is on when your Qi-compatible wireless charging device is placed on the charging area.
The LED status of charger
LED – White (blinking)
Status: Your Qi-compatible wireless charging capable device is recharging.
LED – Amber (blinking)
Status: Your Qi-compatible wireless charging capable device is not aligned with the wireless charging area.
Status: A metallic device has been detected in the wireless charging area. Remove the metallic device.
Warranty on safety
Remove your Qi-compatible charging device from any metallic cases before recharging.
Do not place any aluminum or metallic products on the charging area.
Do not place any plastic cards (credit card) or storage media (hard disk drive) containing magnetic strips on the charging area.
Addendum pour chargeur sans fil
Zone de charge sans fil
Cette fonction de charge sans fil est compatible Qi. Vous pouvez charger vos Smartphones compatibles Qi et autres appareils compatibles Qi sans
utiliser un câble. Placez simplement votre appareil compatible Qi sur la zone de charge quand le PC est allumé et réveillé pour recharger votre appareil.
Sortie de charge sans fil : Max jusqu’à 5 W
Avis : Chaque appareil de charge sans fil compatible Qi peut avoir une zone de charge sans fil différente. Veuillez vous assurer que l’indicateur de
charge de la batterie est allumé quand votre appareil de charge sans fil compatible Qi est placé sur la zone de charge.
Le statut de la diode du chargeur
Diode – blanche (clignotante)
Statut : Votre appareil de charge sans fil comptable Qi se recharge.
Diode – orange (clignotante)
Statut : Votre appareil de charge sans fil comptable Qi n’est pas aligné avez la zone de charge sans fil.
Statut : Un appareil métallique a été détecté dans la zone de charge sans fil. Retirez l’appareil métallique.
Garantie sur la sécurité
Retirez votre appareil de charge sans fil comptable Qi d’un éventuel boîtier métallique avant la recharge.
Ne placez aucun produit en aluminium ou métallique sur la zone de charge.
Ne placez aucune carte en plastique (carte de crédit) ou aucun support de stockage (disque dur) contenant des bandes magnétiques sur la
zone de charge.
Zusatz für drahtlose Aufladung
Drahtloser Ladebereich
Die drahtlose Ladefunktion ist Qi-kompatibel. Sie können Ihre Qi-kompatible Smartphones und andere Qi-kompatible Geräte kabellos aufladen.
Legen Sie Ihr Qi-kompatibles Gerät einfach auf den Ladebereich wenn der PC eingeschaltet ist und wecken Sie das Gerät auf, um es aufzuladen.
Drahtlose Ladungsleistung Max. bis zu 5 W
Hinweis: Jedes Qi-kompatible drahtlose Ladegerät könnte über einen anderen drahtlosen Ladebereich verfügen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die
Akkuladeanzeige aktiviert ist, wenn Ihr Qi-kompatibles drahtlose Ladegerät auf den Ladebereich gelegt wird.
Der LED Status des Laders
LED – Weiß (blinkend)
Status: Ihr Qi-kompatibles Gerät für drahtlose Aufladung wird aufgeladen.
LED – Orange (blinkend)
Status: Ihr Qi-kompatibles Gerät für drahtlose Aufladung ist nicht mit dem drahtlosen Aufladebereich ausgerichtet.
Status: Ein metallisches Gerät wurde im drahtlosen Ladebereich entdeckt. Entfernen Sie das metallische Gerät.
Garantie auf Sicherheit
Entfernen Sie Ihr Qi-kompatibles Ladegerät aus metallischen Hüllen, bevor Sie es aufladen.
Legen Sie keine Produkte aus Aluminium oder Metall in den Ladebereich.
Legen Sie keine Plastikkarten (Kreditkarte) oder Speichermedien (Festplattenlaufwerk) mit Magnetstreifen in den Ladebereich.
Addendum per il caricabatterie wireless
Zona di ricarica wireless
Questa funzione di ricarica wireless è compatibile con Qi. È possibile ricaricare il tuo smartphone e gli altri dispositivi che sono compatibili con Qi
senza utilizzare il cavo. Semplicemente posiziona il dispositivo compatibile con Qi sulla zona di ricarica quando il PC è acceso per ricaricare il tuo
Output di ricarica wireless: Al massimo fino a 5 W
Avviso: Tutti i dispositivi di ricarica wireless compatibili con Qi potrebbero avere una zona di ricarica wireless diversa. Per favore assicurarsi che
l’indicatore di ricarica della batteria sia acceso quando il dispositivo di ricarica wireless compatibile con Qi è posizionato sulla zona di ricarica.
Il LED di stato del caricabatteria
LED - Bianco (lampeggiante)
Stato: Il tuo dispositivo capace di ricaricare wireless compatibile con Qi sta ricaricandosi.
LED - Ambra (lampeggiante)
Stato: Il tuo dispositivo capace di ricaricare wireless compatibile con Qi non corrisponde all’area di ricarica wireless.
Stato: Un dispositivo metallico è stato rilevato nella zona di ricarica wireless. Rimuovi il dispositivo metallico.
Garanzia sulla sicurezza
Rimuovi il tuo dispositivo di ricarica compatibile con Qi da eventuali casse del computer metalliche prima di ricaricarlo.
Non posizionare alcun prodotto metallico o di alluminio sulla zona di ricarica.
Non posizionare carte di plastica (come ad esempio la carta di credito) o supporti di memorizzazione (unità disco rigido) contenenti bande magnetiche sulla zona di ricarica.
Anexo para el cargador inalámbrico
Zona de carga inalámbrica
Esta función de carga inalámbrica es compatible con la tecnología Qi. Puede cargar sus smartphones compatibles con la tecnología Qi y otros
dispositivos compatibles con ella sin necesidad de usar un cable. Para recargar el dispositivo basta con que coloque su dispositivo compatible con
la tecnología Qi en la zona de carga mientras el ordenador se encuentra encendido y activo.
Potencia de carga inalámbrica: máximo 5 W
Aviso: Cada dispositivo de carga inalámbrica compatible con la tecnología Qi puede tener una zona de carga inalámbrica distinta. Asegúrese de
que el indicador de carga de la batería se encuentre encendido cuando el dispositivo de carga inalámbrica compatible con la tecnología Qi se
encuentra en la zona de carga.
El LED de estado del cargador
LED: blanco (parpadeando)
Estado: El dispositivo de carga inalámbrica compatible con la tecnología Qi se está cargando.
LED: ámbar (parpadeando)
Estado: Su dispositivo de carga inalámbrica compatible con la tecnología Qi no está alineado con la zona de carga inalámbrica.
Estado: Se ha detectado un dispositivo metálico en la zona de carga inalámbrica. Retire el dispositivo metálico.
Garantía de seguridad
Extraiga su dispositivo de carga compatible con la tecnología Qi de la funda metálica antes de cargarlo.
No coloque objetos de aluminio o metálicos en la zona de carga.
No coloque tarjetas de plástico (como tarjetas de crédito) o soportes de almacenamiento (unidades de disco duro) que contengan bandas
magnéticas en la zona de carga.
Adenda para o carregador sem fios
Área de carga sem fios
Esta função de carga sem fios é compatível com Qi. Pode carregar os seus smartphones compatíveis com Qi e outros dispositivos compatíveis com Qi sem
usar um cabo. Basta colocar o seu dispositivo compatível com Qi na área de carga quando o PC está ligado, e despertar para recarregar o seu dispositivo.
Saída de carga sem fios: Máximo até 5 W
Aviso: Cada dispositivo de carga sem fios compatível com Qi pode ter uma área de carga sem fios diferente. Certifique-se que o indicador de
recarga da bateria está ligado quando o seu dispositivo de carga sem fios compatível com Qi é colocado na área de carga.
O estado LED do carregador
LED - Branco (a piscar)
Estado: O seu dispositivo capaz de carga sem fios compatível com Qi está a recarregar.
LED - Âmbar (a piscar)
Estado: O seu dispositivo capaz de carga sem fios compatível com Qi não está alinhado com a área de carga sem fios.
Estado: Foi detetado um dispositivo metálico na área de carga sem fios. Remova o dispositivo metálico.
Garantia sobre segurança
Remova o dispositivo de carga compatível com Qi de quaisquer caixas metálicas antes de recarregar.
Não coloque quaisquer produtos de alumínio ou metal sobre a área de carga.
Não coloque quaisquer cartões plásticos (cartões de crédito) ou suportes de armazenamento (discos rígidos) que contenham bandas
magnéticas sobre a área de carga.
Дополнение о беспроводном зарядном устройстве
Область беспроводной зарядки
Эта функция беспроводной зарядки совместима со стандартом Qi. Вы можете без помощи кабеля заряжать ваши смартфоны и другие
устройства, совместимые со стандартом Qi. Чтобы подзарядить ваше устройство, совместимое со стандартом Qi, поместите его на
область зарядки, когда ПК включен, и пробудите его.
Выходная мощность беспроводной зарядки: макс. 5 Вт
Примечание: каждое устройство, совместимое со стандартом беспроводной зарядки Qi, может иметь свою особенную область
беспроводной зарядки. Когда помещаете устройство, совместимое со стандартом беспроводной зарядки Qi, на область беспроводной
зарядки, убедитесь, что индикатор зарядки аккумулятора горит.
Состояние индикатора зарядного устройства
Индикатор - белый (мигает)
Состояние: ваше устройство, совместимое со стандартом беспроводной зарядки Qi, заряжается.
Индикатор - желтый (мигает)
Состояние: ваше устройство, совместимое со стандартом беспроводной зарядки Qi, не совмещено с областью беспроводной зарядки.
Состояние: на области беспроводной зарядки обнаружено металлическое устройство. Удалите это металлическое устройство.
Правила безопасности
Перед зарядкой извлеките из металлического чехла ваше устройство, совместимое со стандартом беспроводной зарядки Qi.
Не кладите на область зарядки никакие алюминиевые или металлические предметы.
Не кладите на область зарядки пластиковые карты (кредитки) или накопители данных (жесткие диски), имеющие магнитные полоски.
Kablosuz şarj aletine ek
Kablosuz şarj alanı
Bu kablosuz şarj etme işlevi Qi-uyumludur. Qi-uyumlu akıllı telefonlarınızı ve diğer Qi-uyumlu aygıtlarınızı bir kablo kullanmadan şarj edebilirsiniz.
PC açıldığında Qi-uyumlu aygıtınızı şarj alanına yerleştirerek aygıtınızı yeniden şarj etmek için uyandırın.
Kablosuz şarj çıkışı: Maks 5 W'a kadar
Bildiri: Herbir Qi-uyumlu kablosuz şarj etme aygıtı farklı bir kablosuz şarj etme alanına sahiptir. Qi-uyumlu kablosuz şarj aygıtınız şarj alanına
yerleştirildiğinde lütfen pili yeniden şarj etme göstergesinin açık olduğundan emin olun.
Şarj aletinin LED durumu
LED – Beyaz (yanıp sönüyor)
Durum: Qi-uyumlu kablosuz şarj yapabilen aygıtınız yeniden şarj ediyor.
LED – Kehribar (yanıp sönüyor)
Durum: Qi-uyumlu kablosuz şarj edebilen aygıtınız kablosuz şarj etme alanı ile hizalanmadı.
Durum: Kablosuz şarj etme alanında metalik bir aygıt algılandı. Metalik aygıtı çıkarın.
Güvenlik garantisi
Yeniden şarj etmeden önce Qi-uyumlu şarj aygıtınızı herhangi bir metalik kasadan çıkarın.
Şarj alanına herhangi bir alüminyum veya metalik ürün yerleştirmeyin.
Manyetik şerit bulunan herhangi bir plastik kartı (kredi kartı) veya saklama medyasını (sabit disk sürücüsü) şarj etme alanına koymayın.
このワイヤレス充電機能は Qi 対応です。Qi 対応スマートフォンや他のデバイスをケーブルを使わずに充電できます。PC がオンになっていると
きに Qi 対応デバイスを充電エリアに置くだけで、PC が復帰してデバイスの充電を開始します。
ワイヤレス充電出力:最大 5 W
注意:Qi 対応ワイヤレス充電器ごとに、ワイヤレス充電エリアが異なります。Qi 対応ワイヤレス充電器を充電エリアに置くときには、バッテリ
充電器の LED 状態
LED – 白(点滅)
状態:Qi 対応ワイヤレス充電器が充電中です。
LED – オレンジ色(点滅)
状態:Qi 対応ワイヤレス充電器がワイヤレス充電エリアに置かれていません。
充電前に、Qi 対応充電器を金属ケースから取り出してください。
充電エリアには、磁気ストリップが使われているプラスチックカード(クレジットカードなど)やストレージ メディア(ハードディスク ド
此無線充電功能支援 Qi。無需使用充電線,您就可以為支援 Qi 的智慧型手機與其他裝置充電。當個人電腦已開機,只要將支援 Qi 的裝置放置於充
無線充電輸出:最高 5 W
注意:每個支援 Qi 無線充電裝置的充電區可能都不同。Qi 無線充電裝置放置於充電區之後,請確認電池充電指示燈亮起。
充電器的 LED 狀態
LED – 白色(閃爍)
狀態:您的 Qi 無線充電裝置正在充電。
LED – 琥珀色(閃爍)
狀態:您的 Qi 無線充電裝置沒有與無線充電區對齊。
充電前,請將所有金屬外殼從 Qi 充電裝置上移除。
此无线充电功能兼容 Qi。您可对 Qi 兼容智能手机和其它 Qi 兼容设备进行充电而无需使用线缆。只需在电脑开启时将 Qi 兼容设备置于充电区上,即
无线充电输出:最大 5 W
注意:每个 Qi 兼容无线充电设备可能有不同的无线充电区。在 Qi 兼容无线充电设备置于充电区时,请确认电池充电指示灯开启。
充电器的 LED 指示灯状态
LED – 白色(闪烁)
状态 : 您的 Qi 兼容可无线充电设备正在充电。
LED – 琥珀色(闪烁)
状态 : 您的 Qi 兼容可无线充电设备未对准无线充电区。
状态 : 在无线充电区检测到含金属材质的设备。请卸下含金属材质的设备。
充电前请将任何金属壳从 Qi 兼容充电设备卸下。
For Canada
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device
may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée
aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 10cm
between the radiator & your body.
This module is intended for OEM integrator only and limited to host with brand: acer and model:
WPC-W-A-TX-A11-006. The OEM integrator is still responsible for the FCC compliance
requirement of the end product, which integrates this module.
10cm minimum distance has to be able to be maintained between the antenna and the users for
the host this module is integrated into. Under such configuration, the FCC radiation exposure limits
set forth for an population/uncontrolled environment can be satisfied.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's
authority to operate this equipment.
In the users manual of the end product, the end user has to be informed to keep at least 10cm
separation with the antenna while this end product is installed and operated. The end user has to
be informed that the FCC radio-frequency exposure guidelines for an uncontrolled environment can
be satisfied. The end user has to also be informed that any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following " Contains FCC ID:
HLZWPC1 ". The FCC part 15.19 statement below has to also be available on the label: This
device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Canada Request
• The device could automatically discontinue transmission in case of absence of information to
transmit, or operational failure. Note that this is not intended to prohibit transmission of control or
signalling information or the use of repetitive codes where required by the technology.
IC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 10cm
between the radiator & your body.
OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end product for any additional compliance
requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC
peripheral requirements, etc.).
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop
configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the IC authorization is no longer
considered valid and the IC No. cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the
OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and
obtaining a separate IC authorization.
End Product Labeling
This transmitter module is authorized only for use in device where the antenna may be installed
such that 10 cm may be maintained between the antenna and users. The final end product must be
labeled in a visible area with the following: “Contains module IC: 1754F-WPC1”.
Contient le module d'émission IC: 1754F-WPC1

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