Andrew Wireless System M785HPEU ION-M Remote Unit for cellular systems User Manual MF0145ASAx

Andrew Wireless System ION-M Remote Unit for cellular systems MF0145ASAx


user manual

®-M7HP/85HP EU
Extension Unit
Page 2 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
This document has been developed by CommScope, and is intended for the use of its
customers and customer support personnel. The information in this document is subject to
change without notice. While every effort has been made to eliminate errors, CommScope
disclaims liability for any difficulties arising from the interpretation of the information
contained herein. The information contained herein does not claim to cover all details or
variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible incident to be met in connection
with installation, operation, or maintenance. This document describes the performance of the
product under the defined operational conditions and does not cover the performance under
adverse or disturbed conditions. Should further information be desired, or should particular
problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, contact
CommScope reserves the right to change all hardware and software characteristics without
© Copyright 2014 CommScope Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This document is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of
All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of
CommScope. Names of products mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only
and may be trademarks and / or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH, 04-June-2014
Table of Contents
MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
-M7HP/85HP EU Page 3
2.1.PURPOSE 13
2.2.THE ION-M7HP/85HP EU 13
3.1.1.Health and Safety for Mechanical Installation 15
3.1.2.Property Damage Warnings for Mechanical Installation 15
3.1.3.Mounting Distance between RU and EU 17
3.1.4.Wall-Mounting Procedure 18
3.1.5.Pole Mounting 19
3.1.6.Mounting of DC Box 21
3.2.1.Health and Safety for Electrical Installation 22
3.2.2.Property Damage Warnings for Electrical Installation 22
3.2.3.Connections 23
3.2.4.Grounding (Earthing) 24
3.2.5.Connection of the Antenna Cables 24
3.2.6.Cleaning Procedure for RF Cable Connectors 25
3.2.7.Antenna Cable Connector Assembly 28
3.2.8.Power Connection 29 Power Connection 29 Power Connection 30
3.2.9.Connection Extension Unit to the Main Unit 31
3.2.10.Flowchart 32
5.1.GENERAL 35
Table of Contents
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6.2.1.Electrical Specifications 40
6.2.2.Mechanical Specifications 40
6.2.3.Environmental and Safety Specifications 40
Figures and Tables
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-M7HP/85HP EU Page 5
figure 3-1 Maximum distance between RU and EU ................................................... 17
figure 3-2 Mounting bracket installation ...................................................................... 18
figure 3-3 RU wall mounting ....................................................................................... 18
figure 3-4 Pole-mounting kit ........................................................................................ 19
figure 3-5 Pole-mounting, ML-cabinet, assembly drawing ......................................... 20
figure 3-6 Pole mounting of RU, finished .................................................................... 20
figure 3-7 Mounting of DC Box ................................................................................... 21
figure 3-8 Mounting of DC Box, finished ..................................................................... 21
figure 3-9 Connector flange of ION-M7HP/85HP without DC Box ............................. 23
figure 3-10 Grounding bolt .......................................................................................... 24
figure 3-11 Grounding bolt, schematic view ............................................................... 24
figure 3-12 Mains connector ....................................................................................... 29
figure 3-13 Power supply plug to RU Mains connector .............................................. 30
figure 5-1 Fan unit and heat sink ................................................................................ 36
figure 6-1 Cabinet drawing (without DC Box) ............................................................. 38
figure 6-2 Cabinet drawing (with DC Box) .................................................................. 39
table 3-1 Specified torques ......................................................................................... 16
table 4-1 Status LED alarms ....................................................................................... 34
1. General
Page 6 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
1. General
1.1. Abbreviations
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
AC/DC Alternating current / Direct Current
ALC Automatic Level Control
BITE Built-In Test Equipment
BTS Base Transceiver Station
CE "Conformité Européenne" ("European Conformity")
CD Compact Disk
DL Downlink
EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
EN European Norm
EP Extension Port
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ETS European Telecommunication Standard
EU Extension Unit
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GND Ground
GUI Graphical User Interface
ICP3 Intercept Point 3rd order
ID No Identification Number
ION Intelligent Optical Network
IP Ingress Protection
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LED Light Emitting Diode
LTE Long Term Evolution
MS Mobile Station
MU Main Unit
NF Noise Figure
OTRx Optical Transceiver = SRMU (Subrack Master Unit)
PG Packing Gland
PIM Passive Intermodulation
RF Radio Frequency
RU Remote Unit
RX Receiver
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TS Technical Specification
TX Transmitter
UL Uplink
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplex
1. General
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-M7HP/85HP EU Page 7
1.2. Health and Safety
1. Danger: Electrical hazard. Danger of death or fatal injury from electrical
current. Obey all general and regional installation and safety regulations
relating to work on high voltage installations, as well as regulations
covering correct use of tools and personal protective equipment.
2. Danger: Electrical hazard. Danger of death or fatal injury from electrical
current inside the unit in operation. Before opening the unit, disconnect
mains power.
3. Caution: High frequency radiation in operation. Risk of health hazards associated
with radiation from the unit’s inner conductor of the antenna port(s). Disconnect
mains before connecting or replacing antenna cables.
4. Caution: High frequency radiation in operation. Risk of health hazards associated
with radiation from the antenna(s) connected to the unit. Implement prevention
measures to avoid the possibility of close proximity to the antenna(s) while in
1.3. Property Damage Warnings
1. Attention: Due to power dissipation, the unit may reach a very high temperature.
Do not operate this equipment on or close to flammable materials. Use caution
when servicing the unit.
2. Notice: Although the unit is internally protected against overvoltage, it is strongly
recommended to ground (earth) the antenna cables close to the repeater’s
antenna connectors for protection against atmospheric discharge.
3. Notice: ESD precautions must be observed. Before commencing maintenance
work, use the available grounding (earthing) system to connect ESD protection
4. Notice: Only suitably qualified personnel are allowed to work on this unit and only
after becoming familiar with all safety notices, installation, operation and
maintenance procedures contained in this manual.
5. Notice: Keep operating instructions within easy reach and make them available
to all users.
6. Attention: Only authorized and trained personnel are allowed to open the unit
and get access to the inside.
1. General
Page 8 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
7. Notice: Read and obey all the warning labels attached to the unit. Make sure that
all warning labels are kept in a legible condition. Replace any missing or damaged
8. Notice: Only license holders for the respective frequency range are allowed to
operate this unit.
9. Notice: Make sure the repeater settings are correct for the intended use (refer to
the manufacturer product information) and regulatory requirements are met. Do
not carry out any modifications or fit any spare parts, which are not sold or
recommended by the manufacturer.
1.4. Compliance
1. Notice: For installations, which have to comply with FCC RF exposure
requirements, the antenna selection and installation must be completed in a way
to ensure compliance with those FCC requirements. Depending on the RF
frequency, rated output power, antenna gain, and the loss between the repeater
and antenna, the minimum distance D to be maintained between the antenna
location and human beings is calculated according to this formula:
P (mW) is the radiated power at the antenna, i.e. the max. rated repeater
output power in addition to the antenna gain minus the loss between the
repeater and the antenna.
PD (mW/cm²) is the allowed Power Density limit acc. to 47 CFR 1.1310 (B)
for general population / uncontrolled exposures which is
o F (MHz) / 1500 for frequencies from 300MHz to 1500MHz
o 1 for frequencies from 1500MHz to 100,000MHz
RF exposure compliance may need to be addressed at the time of licensing, as
required by the responsible FCC Bureau(s), including antenna co-location
requirements of 1.1307(b)(3).
2. Notice: For installations which have to comply with European EN50385 exposure
compliance requirements, the following Power Density limits/guidelines (mW/cm²)
according to ICNIRP are valid:
o 0.2 for frequencies from 10 MHz to 400 MHz
o F (MHz) / 2000 for frequencies from 400 MHz to 2 GHz
o 1 for frequencies from 2 GHz to 300 GHz
1. General
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-M7HP/85HP EU Page 9
3. Notice: Installation of this equipment is in full responsibility of the installer, who
has also the responsibility, that cables and couplers are calculated into the
maximum gain of the antennas, so that this value, which is filed in the FCC Grant
and can be requested from the FCC data base, is not exceeded. The industrial
boosters are shipped only as a naked booster without any installation devices or
antennas as it needs for professional installation.
4. Notice: Corresponding local particularities and regulations must be observed. For
national deviations, please refer to the respective documents included in the
manual CD that is delivered with the unit.
5. Note: This unit complies with European standard EN60950.
Equipment Symbols Used / Compliance
Please observe the meanings of the following symbols used in our equipment and
the compliance warnings:
Symbol Compliance Meaning / Warning
--- FCC
WARNING: This is NOT a CONSUMER device. It
is designed for installation by FCC LICENSEES
an FCC LICENSE or express consent of an FCC
Licensee to operate this device. You MUST
register Class B signal boosters (as defined in 47
CFR 90.219) online at
boosters/registration. Unauthorized use may
result in significant forfeiture penalties, including
penalties in excess of $100,000 for each
continuing violation.
Alert sign to R&TTE
To be sold exclusively to mobile operators or
authorized installers – no harmonized frequency
bands, operation requires license. Intended use:
EU and EFTA countries
Indicates conformity with the R&TTE directive
1999/5/EC certified by the notified body no. 0700.
1. General
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1.5. About CommScope
CommScope is the foremost supplier of one-stop, end-to-end radio frequency (RF)
solutions. Part of the CommScope portfolio are complete solutions for wireless
infrastructure from top-of-the-tower base station antennas to cable systems and
cabinets, RF site solutions, signal distribution, and network optimization. For patents
CommScope has global engineering and manufacturing facilities. In addition, it
maintains field engineering offices throughout the world.
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH based in Buchdorf/Germany, which is part of
CommScope, is a leading manufacturer of coverage equipment for mobile radio
networks, specializing in high performance, RF and optical repeaters. Our optical
distributed networks and RF repeater systems provide coverage and capacity
solution for wireless networks in both indoor installations and outdoor environments,
e.g. tunnels, subways, in-trains, airport buildings, stadiums, skyscrapers, shopping
malls, hotels and conference rooms.
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH operates a quality management system in
compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and TL 9000. All equipment is
manufactured using highly reliable material. To maintain highest quality of the
products, comprehensive quality monitoring is conducted at all fabrication stages.
Finished products leave the factory only after a thorough final acceptance test,
accompanied by a test certificate guaranteeing optimal operation.
This product meets the requirements of the R&TTE directive and the Declaration of
Conformity (DoC) itself. A current version of the CE DoC is included in this manual
CD delivered *. Any updated version of the DoC is available upon request from the
local sales offices or directly from CommScope via the local Customer Support at
one of the addresses listed in the following chapter.
According to the DoC, our "CE"-marked equipment can be used in all member
states of the European Union.
Note: Exceptions of and national deviations from this intended use may be
possible. To observe corresponding local particularities and regulations,
please refer to the respective documents (also in national language)
which are included in the manual CD delivered.
* In case the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for the product was not included in the manual CD
delivered, it is available upon request from the local sales offices or directly from CommScope at
one of the addresses listed in the following chapter.
To make the most of this product, we recommend you carefully read the instructions
in this manual and commission the system only according to these instructions.
For technical assistance and support, please also contact the local office or
CommScope directly at one of the addresses listed in the following chapter.
1. General
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-M7HP/85HP EU Page 11
1.6. International Contact Addresses for Customer Support
United States
CommScope Canada
ndrew LLC, A CommScope Company
Mail 505 Consumers Road, Suite 803
Toronto M2J 4V8, Canada Mail 620 North Greenfield Parkway
Garner, NC 27529, U.S.A.
Phone +1-905-878-3457 (Office)
+1-416-721-5058 (Cell) Phone +1-888-297-6433
Fax +1-905-878-3297 Fax +1-919-329-8950
E-mail E-mail
Caribbean & South American Region Caribbean & Central American Region
CommScope Cabos do Brasil Ltda. CommScope Mexico S.A. de C.V.
CALA Tech Support for Distributed
Coverage & Capacity Solutions (DCCS)
Rua Guaporanga, 49
Praça Seca – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
ZIP: 21320-180, Brazil
CALA Tech Support for Distributed
Coverage & Capacity Solutions
(DCCS) products:
Av. Insurgentes Sur 688, Piso 6
Col. Del Valle, CP: 03100
Mexico City, Mexico
Phone +1-815-546-7154 (Cell)
+55-15-9104-7722 (Office) Phone +52-55-1346-1900 (Office)
Fax + 55-15-2102-4001 Fax +52-55-1346-1901
E-mail E-mail
China, India and Rest of Asia
Australia & New Zealand
Andrew International Corporation
ndrew Corporation (Australia) Pty Ltd.
Room 915, 9/F
Chevalier Commercial Centre
8 Wang Hoi Rd
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Unit 1
153 Barry Road
VIC 3061, Australia
Phone +852-3106-6100 Phone +613-9300-7969
Fax +852-2751-7800 Fax +613-9357-9110
E-mail E-mail
Middle East & North Africa
South Africa
CommScope Solutions International Inc.
ndrew Wireless Solutions Africa
PO Box 48 78 22
Unit 3206, Floor 32,
Jumeirah Business Center 5,
Jumeirah Lakes Towers,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
11 Commerce Crescent West
Eastgate, Sandton
PO Box 786117
Sandton 2146
South Africa
Phone +971 4 390 09 80 Phone + 27 11-719-6000
Fax +971 4 390 86 23 Fax + 27 11-444-5393
E-mail E-mail
1. General
Page 12 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
United Kingdom
Andrew Wireless Systems UK Ltd
ndrew Norway (AMNW)
Unit 15, Ilex Building
Mulberry Business Park
Fishponds Road
Wokingham Berkshire
RG41 2GY, England
P.O. Box 3066
Osloveien 10
Hoenefoss 3501
Phone +44-1189-366-792 Phone + 47 32-12-3530
Fax +44-1189-366-773 Fax + 47 32-12-3531
E-mail E-mail
Germany France
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH CommScope France
Industriering 10
86675 Buchdorf
Immeuble Le Lavoisier
4, Place des Vosges
92052 Courbevoie, France
Phone +49-9099-69-0 Phone +33-1 82 97 04 00
Fax +49-9099-69-930 Fax +33-1 47 89 45 25
E-mail E-mail
Austria Switzerland
Andrew Wireless Systems (Austria) GmbH CommScope Wireless Systems AG
Weglgasse 10
2320 Wien-Schwechat
Tiergartenweg 1
CH-4710 Balsthal
Phone +43-1706-39-99-10 Phone +41-62-386-1260
Fax +43-1706-39-99-9 Fax +41-62-386-1261
E-mail E-mail
Italy Iberia Region - Spain & Portugal
CommScope Italy S.r.l., Faenza, Italy
ndrew España S.A.
CommScope Company
Via Mengolina, 20
48018 Faenza (RA)
Avda. de Europa, 4 - 2ª pta.
Parque Empresarial de la Moraleja
Alcobendas, Madrid 28108, Spain
Phone +39-0546-697111 Phone +34-91-745-20 40
Fax +39-0546-682768 Fax +34-91-661-87 02
E-mail E-mail
Czech Republic
CommScope Solutions Czech Republic
C-Com, spol. s r.o
Mail U Moruší 888
53006 Pardubice, Czech Republic
Phone +49 871 9659171 (Office)
+49 171 4001166 (Mobile)
Fax +49 871 9659172
2. Introduction
MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
-M7HP/85HP EU Page 13
2. Introduction
2.1. Purpose
Cellular telephone systems transmit signals in two directions between a base
transceiver station (BTS) and mobile stations (MS) within the signal coverage area.
If weak signal transmissions occur within the coverage area because of indoor
applications, topological conditions or distance from the transmitter, extension of the
transmission range can be achieved by means of an optical distribution system.
Such a system contains an optical Master Unit and several Remote Units. The
number of the Remote Units depends on the hardware and software configuration.
The Remote Units are connected to the Master Unit with optical links. The optical
loss must be less than 10 dB inclusive optical couplers or splitters.
The Master Unit is the connection to the base transceiver stations. The configuration
of a Master Unit depends on the number of the Remote Units and the frequency
WDM (Wave Division Multiplex) filters are integrated in the optical modules. For the
UL, a wavelength within 1546 nm - 1550 nm is used. For the DL, a wavelength of
1310 ±10 nm is used. The maximum output power for the UL and DL is 6.7 mW.
2.2. The ION-M7HP/85HP EU
The ION-M7HP/85HP EU is an LTE CDMA/WCDMA multi-operator, multi-band
Extension Unit. It is used in conjunction with the main unit ION-M17HP/19HP. This
extension system transports multiple LTE700 channels and 850 MHz wide-band
signals simultaneously, providing a cost-effective solution for distribution capacity
from one or more base stations.
The ION-M7HP/85HP EU transports signals on the RF layer in a very inexpensive
manner. This means that multiple operators and multiple technologies are moved
simultaneously from a cluster of base stations to a remote location over the same
The ION optical distribution system is a cost-effective coverage solution for dense
urban areas, tunnels, subway, airports, convention centers, high-rise buildings and
other locations where physical structures increase path loss. It has been specifically
designed to reduce zoning problems and to provide homogeneous coverage. The
compact, mechanical design is specifically architected to mount alongside structures
in such a way that it has a minimal visual impact. The ION-M7HP/85HP EU supports
700 MHz and 850 MHz. It has been specifically tested and optimized for LTE, OFDM,
CDMA, and WCDMA signals.
2. Introduction
Page 14 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
The ION is easily set-up and supervised via a graphical user interface (GUI). Remote
units can be commissioned through the use of built-in test equipment. An auto-
leveling function compensates for the optical link loss making installation easy and
quick. The entire system may be monitored remotely via an Andrew OMC. This
platform uses SNMP protocol and is compliant to X.733 standard.
Should a sophisticated interface not be required, the Master Unit can be directly
connected to the alarm interface of a base station via its contact relay.
Multi-channel, multi-operator support
Reduced visual impact form factor
Efficient, high power amplifier
Single fiber for multiple bands and multiple remotes
Comprehensive operations and management system for configuration and
OMC with SNMP according to X.733 standard
With reference to 3GPP TS25.143/TS25.106/ TS36.143/TS36.106 and
Easy installation and commissioning
3. Commissioning
MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
-M7HP/85HP EU Page 15
3. Commissioning
Read and observe the health, safety, and property damage warnings as well as the
description carefully to avoid mistakes and proceed step-by-step as described.
Attention: Do not operate the unit without terminating the antenna connectors.
The antenna connectors may be terminated by connecting them to their
respective antennas or to a dummy load.
Notice: Only qualified personnel should carry out the electrical, mechanical,
commissioning, and maintenance activities that require the unit to be powered
on when open.
When opening the unit do not damage the warranty labels on the internal
devices. The warranty is void if the seals are broken.
3.1. Mechanical Installation
The wall and pole mounting illustrations in the following all show units without DC
Box. The installation of the DC Box is explained separately.
3.1.1. Health and Safety for Mechanical Installation
1. Caution: Risk of injury by the considerable weight of the unit falling. Ensure there
is adequate manpower to handle the weight of the system.
2. Caution: Risk of serious personal injury by equipment falling due to improper
installation. The installer must verify that the supporting surface will safely
support the combined load of the electronic equipment and all attached hardware
and components. The screws and dowels (wall anchors) used should also be
appropriate for the structure of the supporting wall.
3.1.2. Property Damage Warnings for Mechanical Installation
1. Attention: Do not install the unit in a way or at a place where the specifications
outlined in the Environmental and Safety Specifications leaflet of the supplier are
not met.
2. Attention: Due to power dissipation, the unit may reach a very high temperature.
Ensure sufficient airflow for ventilation.
3. Notice: Exceeding the specified load limits may cause the loss of warranty.
4. Notice: When connecting and mounting the cables (RF, optical, mains, ...)
ensure that no water can penetrate into the unit through these cables.
5. Notice: Also observe all additional rules or restrictions regarding mounting that
depend on the type of unit. For details refer to section 7.2.2 Mechanical
Specification. Install the unit vertically with the fan unit at the top. A maximum tilt
angle of 25° from a vertical position must be kept, as in the following illustrations:
3. Commissioning
Page 16 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
6. Notice: A spacing of 40 mm (1.58 inch) around the unit is required.
7. Notice: To ensure sufficient airflow when mounting the unit in enclosed spaces,
two lid openings (one for the air inlet and the other for the air outlet) must be
provided. Do not block these air inlets and outlets when mounting the unit. The
size of each opening must equal at least 18 x 18 cm (>300 cm
). Make sure, too,
there is no thermal short circuit between the air inlet and air outlet.
8. Notice: Depending on the installation type (wall or pole), the corresponding
mounting kits must be ordered from the manufacturer. If any different or
additional mounting material is used, ensure that the mounting remains as safe
as the mounting designed by the manufacturer. The specifications for stationary
use of the unit must not be exceeded. Ensure that the static and dynamic
strengths are adequate for the environmental conditions of the site. The
mounting itself must not vibrate, swing or move in any way that might cause
damage to the unit.
9. Notice: To avoid damage when mounting the unit, always make sure that the M8
washers (DIN9021 or DIN125 depending on the mounting kit) are placed behind
and in front of the mounting drillings of the unit.
Specified torques have to be observed for certain mounting procedures according to
the following table:
Type Lens head
screws Hex
nuts Spacing
bolts PG
(plastic) PG (alu-
Thread M 4 M 8 M 4 M 8 PG 13.5 PG 29
Specified torques 3.3 N-m 27 N-m 2.3 N-m 27 N-m 3.75 N-m 10 N-m
table 3-1 Specified torques
Note: To avoid damage when mounting the unit, always make sure that the M8
washers (DIN9021 or DIN125 depending on the mounting kit) are placed
behind and in front of the mounting drillings of the unit.
The mounting procedures for a stand-alone unit without optional accessories are
described and illustrated in the following sections. For further information regarding
special mounting procedures including mounting of accessory equipment, please see
separate manual.
3. Commissioning
MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
-M7HP/85HP EU Page 17
3.1.3. Mounting Distance between RU and EU
The Extension Unit has to be connected to the Remote Unit via the cable bridge that
has to be ordered separately from the supplier. The length of the cable bridge
determines the maximum mounting distance between the Remote Unit and the
Extension Unit:
Length Distance
1200 mm 585 mm /
2000 mm 1385 mm
/ 54.52”
2500 mm 1885 mm
/ 74.21”
figure 3-1 Maximum distance between RU and EU
Cabl e br idge t o
Ex t e n s i o n Un i t
Max. Distance
3. Commissioning
Page 18 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
3.1.4. Wall-Mounting Procedure
Check the suitability of the wall-mounting kit and the wall.
Mark the position of the drilling holes (for measurements and a more detailed
description refer to the wall mounting plan that is part of the delivery).
Drill four holes at the marked positions and insert dowels*.
Screw the mounting brackets to the wall / dowels using the four dowel screws as
illustrated in figure 3-2 Mounting bracket installation.
For each bracket, first screw in the 2 washers, then the 2 spring washers, then
the 2 M8x80 screws (see also figure 3-2 Mounting bracket installation).
Hang the Remote Unit into the upper mounting bracket at a slight angle and let it
move smoothly towards the wall so that it engages firmly into the brackets (see
figure 3-3 RU wall mounting). Then, screw the unit to the lower mounting bracket
using 2 of the M8x25 screws that are part of the delivery (4 are provided).
Ensure that there is free access to the electrical connections as well as to the
cabinet. The approved bending radius of the connected cables must not be
figure 3-2 Mounting bracket installation figure 3-3 RU wall mounting
* The dowels are not part of the delivery since the suitable type depends on the on-site conditions
(material of wall). Therefore, use dowels that are appropriate for the mounting surface.
M8 screws
Position of
dowels *
3. Commissioning
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-M7HP/85HP EU Page 19
3.1.5. Pole Mounting
The following mounting hardware is required for pole mounting:
figure 3-4 Pole-mounting kit
Note: The screw bands illustrated above are equipped with quick-release
snaplock clamps which must be disengaged to be applied. The swivel-
action locking of screw to band makes installation and removal fast and
Use the 3 screw bands with clamps to fasten the two mounting brackets to the
pole. Use 2 screw bands fitting next to each other on the upper side and 1 screw
band on the lower side.
Note: When fastening the mounting brackets make sure that they are installed
congruently and not at an angle to each other. To determine the distance
between the beams, refer to the wall/ pole mounting plan that is part of the
Hang the unit into the hooks of the upper mounting bracket and screw the unit to
the lower mounting bracket.
Ensure that there is free access to the electrical connections as well as to the
cabinet. The approved bending radius of the connected cables must not be
Screw bands
Split-lock washers
for M8.0
3. Commissioning
Page 20 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
figure 3-5 Pole-mounting, ML-cabinet, assembly drawing
figure 3-6 Pole mounting of RU, finished
Pole mounting finished
(RU mounted to pole)
Wall-/ Pole
mounting bracket
Screw bands
Plain washer
for M8.0
for M8.0
Wall-/ Pole
mounting bracket
3. Commissioning
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-M7HP/85HP EU Page 21
3.1.6. Mounting of DC Box
The DC Box is pre-mounted on a mounting plate which has to be fastened to the
lower mounting bracket of the RU after it has been mounted to a wall or pole as
explained in the previous chapters.
Fasten the mounting plate of the DC Box to the lower mounting bracket of the RU
using the four pan head screws M4.0x8mm (observe torque of 3.0 N-m) that are part
of the delivery:
figure 3-7 Mounting of DC Box
figure 3-8 Mounting of DC Box, finished
Lower mounting bracket of RU
Mounting plate of DC Box
DC Box
3. Commissioning
Page 22 MF0145ASA.docx User’s Manual for ION
3.2. Electrical Installation
3.2.1. Health and Safety for Electrical Installation
Read and observe observe chapter 1.2 Health and Safety.
1. Danger: Electrical hazard. Danger of death or fatal injury from electrical
current. Obey all general and regional installation and safety regulations
relating to work on high voltage installations, as well as regulations
covering correct use of tools and personal protective equipment.
3.2.2. Property Damage Warnings for Electrical Installation
1. Attention: It is compulsory to ground (earth) the unit before connecting the
power supply. Grounding bolts are provided on the cabinet to connect the
ground-bonding cable.
2. Attention: If the mains connector of the unit is not easily accessible, a
disconnect device in the mains power circuit must be provided within easy reach.
3. Attention: A connection of the mains supply to a power socket requires the
power socket to be nearby the unit.
4. Attention: Before connecting or disconnecting the mains connector at the unit,
ensure that mains power supply is disconnected.
5. Attention: Make sure that an appropriate circuit breaker acting as a disconnect
device (as required by IEC/EN60950-1) and an overcurrent limiting device are
connected between mains power and the unit.
6. Attention: Incorrectly wired connections can destroy electrical and electronic
7. Notice: Although the unit is internally protected against overvoltage, it is strongly
recommended to ground (earth) the antenna cables close to the antenna
connectors of the unit for protection against atmospheric discharge. In areas with
strong lightning, it is strongly recommended to install additional lightning
8. Notice: To avoid corrosion at the connectors caused by electrochemical
processes, the material of the cable connectors must not cause a higher potential
difference than 0.6 V (see electrochemical contact series).
9. Notice: Use an appropriate torque wrench for the coupling torques:
- for N-type connectors (2 N-m / 20 in lb) with 13/16 in opening,
e. g. item no. 244379 available from the CommScope e-catalog
- for 7/16 DIN-type (25 N-m / 19 ft lb) with 1 ¼ in opening,
e. g. item no. 244377 available from the CommScope e-catalog
Do NOT use your hands or any other tool (e.g. a pair of pliers)! This might cause
damage to the connector and lead to a malfunction of the unit.
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10. Notice: For unstabilized electric networks, which frequently generate spikes, the
use of a voltage limiting device is advised.
11. Notice: The unit complies with Overvoltage Category II. It also complies with the
surge requirement according to EN 61000-4-5 (fine protection); however,
installation of an additional medium (via local supply connection) and/or coarse
protection (external surge protection) is recommended depending on the
individual application in order to avoid damage caused by overcurrent.
For Canada and US, components used to reduce the Overvoltage Category shall
comply with the requirements of IEC 61643-series. As an alternative,
components used to reduce the Overvoltage Category may comply with
ANSI/IEEE C62.11, CSA Certification Notice No. 516, CSA C22.2 No. 1, or UL
1449. Suitability of the component for the application shall be determined for the
intended installation.
12. Notice: Observe the labels on the front panels before connecting or
disconnecting any cables.
3.2.3. Connections
figure 3-9 Connector flange of ION-M7HP/85HP without DC Box
Extension connector
to main unit
Status LED
7/16 Antenna
RS485 connector
(not required for
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3.2.4. Grounding (Earthing)
Grounding must be carried out. Connect an earth-bonding cable to the grounding
connection provided at the outside of the unit (see chapter 3.2.3 Connections). Do
not use the grounding connection to connect external devices.
figure 3-10 Grounding bolt figure 3-11 Grounding bolt, schematic view
After loosening the hex nut, connect the earth-bonding cable between the two
washers as illustrated in the figures above. Then, fasten all parts again with the hex
3.2.5. Connection of the Antenna Cables
The unit has N-type antenna connectors. Please refer to chapter 3.2.3 Connections
for its location. Refer to the corresponding documentation of the connector
manufacturer for mounting the cable connectors.
The bending radius of the antenna cables must remain within the given
Choose the type of cable best suited for the antenna. Consider that a cable with
higher loss is less expensive but impairs performance.
Notice: Use an appropriate torque wrench for the coupling torques:
- for N-type connectors (2 N-m / 20 in lb) with 13/16 in opening,
e. g. item no. 244379 available from the CommScope e-catalog
- for 7/16 DIN-type (25 N-m / 19 ft lb) with 1 ¼ in opening,
e. g. item no. 244377 available from the CommScope e-catalog
Do NOT use your hands or any other tool (e.g. a pair of pliers)! This might
cause damage to the connector and lead to a malfunction of the RU.
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Attention: To minimize passive inter-modulation (PIM) distortion, attention has to be
paid to the physical condition of the connector junctions:
Do not use connectors that show signs of corrosion on the metal surface.
Prevent the ingress of water or dirt into the connector.
Use protective caps for the connectors when not mounted.
Before mounting clean the connectors with dry compressed air.
Before mounting clean the mating surfaces of the connector with a lint-free
alcohol-drenched cloth on a wooden or non-metallic item.
Attach and torque the connectors properly.
Avoid metallic abrasion when mounting the connectors by only screwing the
connecting nut, but not turning the whole connector.
Use a torque wrench to fasten the connector, see above.
Clean the protective caps before mounting for antenna cable replacement.
3.2.6. Cleaning Procedure for RF Cable Connectors
1. What is needed for the cleaning?
a. Isopropyl alcohol
b. Compressed air
c. Lint-free wipe
d. Cotton buds
2. Remove protective cap from the RF
3. Remove metal chips and small
particles from the mating and inner
surfaces of the connector using
compressed air.
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4. Clean the connector winding with lint-
free wipe drenched with isopropyl
5. Clean the lip of the inner ring with
lint-free wipe drenched with isopropyl
6. Clean the inside surface of the inner
ring with lint-free wipe drenched with
isopropyl alcohol.
7. Clean the inside of the center
conductor spring tines with a cotton
bud drenched with isopropyl alcohol.
8. Clean in the similar way the
connector of the connected cable.
Remove protective caps from the unit
connector first.
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9. Remove metal chips and small
particles from the mating and inner
surfaces of the connector using
compressed air.
10. Continue with the winding area using
lint-free wipe drenched with isopropyl
11. Continue with the inside mating
surface of the inner ring.
12. Clean the outside surface of the
center pin.
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3.2.7. Antenna Cable Connector Assembly
The figures in this chapter illustrate the cleaning procedure and do not show the
actual RU.
1. What is needed for the connector
a. Torque wrench.
b. (Adjustable) counter
2. Join the connectors and turn the
coupling nut until the thread grips.
3. Push in the connector until it clicks.
4. Fasten the coupling nut hand-tight. Do
not turn the connector but the coupling
nut only.
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5. Retain the cable connector with the
counter wrench and fasten the
coupling nut with the torque wrench
until the torque is applied (torque
wrench clicks).
For angled antenna connectors use your
hand to retain the cable connector and
fasten the coupling nut with the torque
wrench. Make sure only the coupling nut
is turned, not the cable connector.
3.2.8. Power Connection
Before connecting electrical power to the RU, the system must be grounded as
described in the previous section.
Depending on the RU version (AC or DC type) proceed accordingly: AC Power Connection
Mains power must be connected at the
mains connector of the unit (see figure
The power supply plug is part of the
delivery. The correct wiring of the power
supply plug is as follows:
figure 3-12 Mains connector
Note: For the AC power supply connection, a minimum cross section of 1.5 mm
is required. Each wire must observe the applicable national regulations
regarding loop impedance, voltage drop, and methods of installation.
Make sure to connect the correct voltage to the unit.
Note: Do not connect or disconnect the power cord at the mains connector while
power is on. Turn off mains power * before connecting the power cord at
the unit, then, engage mains again.
* Mains power must be interruptible with an external mains breaker. For the mains breaker,
observe the following recommendation:
120 Volt / 20 Amp max. or 240 Volt / 16 Amp, single-phase, 50 / 60 Hz AC service is needed,
i.e. the external AC breaker should be 20 Amps max. for 120-Volt service or 13 to 16 Amps for
240-Volt service. Always make sure that your local requirements are kept.
PIN 3 -
PIN 4 - PE
- L
PIN 2 - N
Torque wrench
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With the mains power turned off, the power supply plug must be connected to the
unit’s Mains connector. The Mains connector’s arrow tip and the power supply plug’s
arrow tip must point to each other as shown in the figure below.
figure 3-13 Power supply plug to RU Mains connector DC Power Connection
The DC Box and the RU are already connected. For DC connection, connect your
local supply to the DC Box.
Note: For DC power supply connection, a minimum cross section of 6.6 mm²
( AWG 9) per potential is required. To ensure watertightness of the cable
gland, a minimum cross section of 9 mm² is necessary for the local supply
cable. Each wire must observe the applicable national regulations
regarding loop impedance, voltage drop, and methods of installation.
Make sure to connect the correct voltage to the unit.
Note: Do not connect or disconnect the local supply cable at the DC Box while
power is on. Turn off mains power before connecting the local supply
cable, then, engage mains again.
Note: Mains power must be interruptible with an external mains breaker. For the
mains breaker, observe the local regulations of the DC service provider.
First, remove the cover of the box by unscrewing the four screws:
Power supply
Mains connector at the
RU (as shown in figure
Arrow tips must point to
each othe
Unscrew to
remove cover
(torque: 1.45 N-m)
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Then, connect your local supply cable by feeding it through a cable gland that should
at least provide IP55:
Then, close the cover again (torque: 1.45 N-m).
3.2.9. Connection Extension Unit to the Main Unit
In order to connect the Extension Unit (EU) with the Remote Unit (RU), use the cable
bridge that has been ordered separately from the supplier (requirements see chapter
3.1.3 Mounting Distance between RU and EU). Connect this cable bridge at the
extension connector of the RU with the corresponding connector at the EU
(illustrated in figure 3-9).
Attention: To prevent damaging the connectors of the extension port, align the
plug end of the connector properly before inserting. Do not twist the
connector. When the connector is in place, tighten the screws in a
clockwise direction. Particular attention must be paid plugging this
connector to maintain the ingress protection class of the Remote Unit.
Cable gland
(IP55 required)
Mains cable to RU
Local supply cable (minimum cross section:
6.6 mm² ( AWG 9) per potential / 9 mm² for cable)
Torque: 6.5 N-m
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3.2.10. Flowchart
Commissioning an ION-M Extension Unit
Mechanical installation
Fasten wall or pole mounting kit to wall or
Manual for
Extension Unit
Electrical connections
Connect grounding cable and
ground the EU.
Switch mains power on.
Screw driver
Spanner, size
13 mm
Connections to Main Unit
Use the cable bridge to connect the EU
with the Main Unit.
RF connection
Connect antenna cable to antenna port.
Electrical connections
Connect AC (DC) power to the power
cable. Ensure there is a circuit breaker
between mains and EU.
Mechanical installation
Mount EU to mounting kit, ensure suffient
air flow and avoid thermal short circuits.
Unpack EU, EU accessories and
mounting kit.
Mounting kit
Spanner, size
13 mm
Screw driver
Earth cable
Spanner 13 mm
Cable bridge
Mains cable
Connecting kit
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All EUs okay.
Go to MU
External error
Close the door (EUs with a door).
ALC alarm at RU: Decrease DL input power
of affected band.
VSWR alarm: Check antenna and cable.
LED status
Proceed to MU to set up the SW
Internal Error
Change power supply (EUs with a
Reduce environmental temperature.
Eliminate thermal short circuit.
Disconnect and connect mains. Fans
should run. If not, replace the fans at
MU: Change amplifier setting at MU
LED statusYellow
Finished setting up
all EUs?
Spare EU
Contact customer
LED on?
Check power switch inside EU
(EUs with door).
Check mains cabling.
Check mains power.
4. Alarms and Troubleshooting
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4. Alarms and Troubleshooting
All alarms occurring can be checked via software at the Master Unit to where a
message is transmitted when the software acknowledges a valid alarm.
A new alarm message will not be repeated if the reason for the alarm is cleared or if
the alarm continues.
A new alarm message will be generated if the alarm is interrupted for at least five
seconds after acknowledgement.
Refer to the corresponding software documentation of the Master Unit for details.
For local supervision, a status LED on the connector flange of the unit (position see
section 3.2.3 Connections) gives an indication of possible reasons for alarms. This
table shows possible on-site measures that could be checked before referring to the
Master Unit alarm list.
Status LED
Indication Alarms Possible on-site measures
Green No alarm
Status ok
Orange Alarms not directly related to RU:
ALC alarm (MU: Decrease DL input power of affected band).
Alarms directly related to EU:
Power 28 V Replace the affected unit.
Temperature Reduce environmental temperature.
Eliminate thermal short circuit.
Fan Disconnect and connect mains. Fans should run.
If not, replace the fans at RU.
I²C Disconnect and connect mains.
Amplifier “Power
Down” (MU: Change amplifier setting at MU controller).
Status LED
off Mains Check mains cabling.
Check mains power.
table 4-1 Status LED alarms
The status of the Extension Unit can be checked via the Master Unit (for details
please refer to the software manual of the Master Controller).
Explicit troubleshooting is also available in the MU software (software manual or
WEB Interface).
5. Maintenance
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5. Maintenance
5.1. General
Read and observe chapter 1.2 Health and Safety.
Caution: Rotating fans. Risk of injury in operation. Wear tight-fitting clothes and
disconnect mains before connecting or replacing or cleaning the fan unit.
Caution: The unit reaches high temperature in operation. Risk of burns by hot
surface. Do not touch the unit before it has sufficiently cooled down.
Due to the design of the Extension Unit the only component recommended to be
replaced is the fan unit. The spare parts list, consequently, contains only units which
can be replaced without tuning or soldering work. For replacing any other
component, please contact the supplier.
Take care not to unintentionally damage any seals to maintain warranty. Please keep
these guidelines in mind during maintenance:
Note: The Extension Unit does not require preventative maintenance measures.
Note: We recommend checking the cleanliness of the unit and in particular of the
heat sink / fan(s) at appropriate intervals depending on the degree of dust
and dirt at the installation site. If necessary, any dusty or dirty areas / parts
should be cleaned at regular intervals, which also depend on the degree of
dust and dirt at the installation site.
Note: Ensure the Extension Unit has been disconnected from mains power
during maintenance.
Note: When sending back the unit, use appropriate packaging (see also section
6.2.2 Mechanical Specifications for details). Use of the original packaging
for shipping the unit is strongly recommended.
Note: Defective parts should only be replaced by original parts from the supplier.
All service work performed inside the housing is performed at the users
own risk.
Note: Label any unlabelled cables before disconnecting them to ensure correct
For most maintenance procedures, appropriate tools are required to ensure correct
handling. All of these tools can be ordered from the supplier.
Note: All Extension Unit screws have a right-hand thread, and are tightened by
turning the screws clockwise and loosened by turning them counter-
clockwise with an appropriate tool.
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5.2. Replacing the Fan Unit
Replacement of the fan unit is not required as a preventative measure. Only if an
alarm indicates a malfunctioning of a fan, must the unit be exchanged.
Note: Please observe that the fan unit can only be replaced as a whole. Do
not remove the fans separately.
Note: NEVER blow out the fan unit with compressed air. This would cause
permanent damage to the unit.
Read and observe chapter 1.2 Health and Safety as well as the instructions in
section 5.1 General before starting with the replacement.
1. Switch off the Extension Unit. Make sure the power supply connector is
disconnected for the following replacement procedure. Then, proceed as
2. Remove the fan guard by unscrewing (Torx 20) the four countersunk-head screws
(two at each side) by which it is fastened:
3. Loosen the four fillister-head screws
M4x8 by which the fan unit is screwed
to the cabinet (circle-marked in the
figure to the right).
4. Disconnect the fan-unit connector and
take out the fan unit.
5. To mount the new fan unit, re-connect
the fan unit connector and place the
fan unit back into its original position.
6. Screw the whole fan unit to the
cabinet with the four fillister-head
screws M4x8.
7. Finally mount the fan guard and fasten
it with the four countersunk head
figure 5-1 Fan unit and heat sink
8. Then, mains power can be reconnected and the unit can be powered up.
In order not to exceed the specified torque of 0.82 N-m, use an appropriate tool.
In order not to exceed the specified torque of 3.3 N-m, use an appropriate tool.
Fan unit connector Fan unit
Heat sink
4 Fillister-head
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5.3. Cleaning the Heat Sink
To avoid a malfunctioning of the Extension Unit, the heat sink should be cleaned in
case of pollution. In order to prevent any damage, proceed as explained in the
Note: Read and observe chapter 1.2 Health and Safety as well as the
instructions in section 5.1 General before starting with the replacement
procedure. Then, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the Extension Unit. For the following procedure ensure that power
supply connector has been disconnected before and that the fans have stopped
2. Before any cleaning action, remove the fan guard and the fan unit from the
Extension Unit as described in the previous section 5.2 Replacing the Fan Unit.
3. Clean the ribs of the heat sink (see figure 5-1 Fan unit and heat sink) very
carefully with a soft brush (not metallic!). Take care that the material is not
scratched or damaged.
4. If necessary, use compressed air (max. 5 bar) to blow out the heat sink from
front to rear side.
5. In case the dirt cannot be blown out completely from the heat sink and parts of it,
still stick to the ribs, clean the parts concerned carefully from the front with the
soft brush. Take care that the material is not scratched or damaged.
6. After cleaning the heat sink, mount the fan unit and the fan guard again according
to section 5.2 Replacing the Fan Unit. Then, reconnect mains power and power
up the unit.
6. Appendix
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6. Appendix
6.1. Illustrations
figure 6-1 Cabinet drawing (without DC Box)
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figure 6-2 Cabinet drawing (with DC Box)
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6.2. Specifications
6.2.1. Electrical Specifications
Mains power, AC nominal 100 Vac to 240 Vac
operating 85 Vac to 264 Vac
Mains power, DC nominal 48 Vdc to 60 Vdc
operating 36 Vdc to 72 Vdc
Power consumption max. temp., fully loaded 900 W
room temp., idle 380 W
Connectors (main unit) E2000/APC 8°
Optical return loss 45 dB
Fiber type Single mode E9/125 mm
Optical link budget 0 dB to 10 dB
6.2.2. Mechanical Specifications
Height, width,
depth *
AC Version 817 x 245 x 218 mm (32.2 x 9.6 x 8.6 in)
DC Version 1053 x 245 x 218 mm (41.5 x 9.6 x 8.6 in)
Weight RU 40 kg (88.2 Ib)
DC Box 1 kg (2.2 Ib)
* Spacing required: 40 mm (1.58 in) around unit (with or without DC Box)
All data is subject to change without notice.
6.2.3. Environmental and Safety Specifications
Note: For detailed information, please refer to the Environmental and Safety
Specifications leaflet of the supplier, related to ETS 300 019 (European
Telecommunication Standard).
Operating temperature range -33° C to +50° C
Ingress protection
RF part IP67
Fan part IP55
RF and fan part UL50 R3
DC Box IP55
All data is subject to change without notice.
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6.3. Spare Parts
The following list contains all parts available for the Extension Unit. The configuration
of the delivered unit meets the requirements of the customer and can differ
depending on the state of the delivery.
Maintenance of the RU should be performed on an FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)
basis only. Do not damage the warranty labels on the components, as this voids the
If any FRU not contained in the following list needs to be replaced, please contact
customer service for additional instructions.
Spare Parts List of the Extension Unit ION-M7HP/85HP
Designations: ID No:
ION-M7HP/85HP 7693966
Fan Unit ML-Cabinet 7632532-00
Manuals for ION-M7HP/85HP 7694409-00
Protective Plug E2000 7160013
Protective Cap E 2000 7158914
Alarm Kit 7157396
Cable Bridge RF/DC 7/7 PIN 1200mm 7604870-xx
Cable Bridge RF/DC 7/7 PIN 2000mm 7652177-xx
Cable Bridge RF/DC 7/7 PIN 2500mm 7691956-xx
Pole Mounting Kit ML-Cabinet 7636344
Pole Mounting Kit DC-Box ML-Cabinet 7690786
Wall Mounting Kit ML-Cabinet 7632566
Wall Mounting Kit DC-Box ML-Cabinet 7690785
The manufacturer reserves the right to replace the spare parts listed above by
equivalent substitutes.
Note: Only the spare parts listed above are FRUs (= Field Replaceable Units) and
can be replaced by the user. For replacement of any other parts, please
send the entire Extension Unit back to the manufacturer.
7. Index
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7. Index
Alarms .................................................................... 34
List ..................................................................... 34
CE Declaration of Conformity (DoC) ...................... 10
Cleaning the Heat Sink .......................................... 37
General .............................................................. 15
CommScope ........................................................... 10
Compliance .............................................................. 8
Antenna ............................................................. 24
Connector Flange .............................................. 23
EU with Main Unit .............................................. 31
Power ................................................................ 29
Contact Addresses, Customer Support ........... 11, 12
Declaration of Conformity (DoC) ............................ 10
Grounding (Earthing).............................................. 24
Health and Safety ..................................................... 7
Illustrations ............................................................. 38
Distance between Units .................................... 17
Electrical ........................................................... 22
Mechanical ........................................................ 15
Maintenance .......................................................... 35
Pole ................................................................... 19
Wall ................................................................... 18
Property Damage Warnings .................................... 7
Replacement of Fan Unit ....................................... 36
Spare Parts ............................................................ 41
Environmental and Safety ................................ 40
Mechanical ........................................................ 40
Status LED ............................................................. 34
Troubleshooting ..................................................... 34

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