Anjie Electronics AJTWBSLIM2 AJTWBslim2 User Manual

Taiwan Anjie Electronics Co.,Ltd. AJTWBslim2

User Manual

1 Introduction
_äìÉpìáíÉ» is a _äìÉ`çêÉ
development suite designed to help with your _äìÉíççíÜ
wireless technology
development program and with all testing requirements for the BlueSlim 2 module.
BlueSuite contains:
Graphical and command-line applications to configure, test and program the BlueCore device in your
The qêìÉqÉëí» Toolkit, a set of libraries for developing production test applications for your BlueCore
enabled devices.
Device drivers to communicate with BlueCore.
Documentation to help development.
This user guide explains:
The minimum system requirements in order to be able to run Bluesuite. See Section 2.
How to install BlueSuite Section 3 and Section 4.
The features and functions Bluesuite contains. See Section 7.
2 System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for BlueSuite are:
Pentium processor based personal computer
64MB of RAM
20MB of available hard disk space
2.1 Operating System
BlueSuite can be used on the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 and later (not x64)
Microsoft Windows Vista (not x64)
Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 and later (only for versions of BlueSuite prior to 2.0)
See the release notes for testing information and detailed operating system requirements.
2.2 Software Required
Your copy of BlueSuite comes with:
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package
Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package
The BlueSuite installer automatically installs these packages on your computer if they are missing.
3 Install BlueSuite
A bug in BlueSuite version 1.23 means that even if a later version of BlueSuite is installed, the version information
for the USB driver may still indicate 1.23. If version 1.23 has previously been installed on the PC, unplug all
CSR hardware, make sure you have the latest version of BlueSuite installed and run usbpurger from the
BlueSuite installation directory. When a CSR BlueCore is plugged in, the Hardware Wizard prompts you for
Run the BlueSuite installer and follow the instructions displayed by the setup wizard.
By default the installer does a full installation, as shown in Figure 3.1. If you do not want to install all of the possible
components, be sure that you install:
Drivers to allow SPI communication with the chip
. You will need these to back-up your BlueCore device.
if you want to connect your device to your computer's USB port.
DLL's, LIB's and headers to assist in production test
if you want to do production testing.
Figure 3.1: Full Installation of BlueSuite
When you get to the Additional Tasks dialogue in Figure 3.2, you have to select the default debug transport. This
configures the default behaviour of the BlueSuite programs. You can change this after installation by changing
environment variable SPITRANS to LPT or USB. See Section 7.1
Figure 3.2: Additional Tasks Dialogue
4 Install a USB Driver
BlueCore devices can be used with a USB host interface. The USB host interface is not a debugging interface and
can be used by end users or in production modules. If you want to use the USB host interface to BlueCore, you must
first configure your BlueCore for the USB host interface, and then install a USB device driver.
5 Firmware Overview
CSR’s BlueCore ICs contain control software (called firmware). Firmware in BlueCores with flash can be updated
using tools in BlueSuite:
(see Section 7.2) is used during development to update your BlueCore's firmware using the Serial
Peripheral Interface (SPI) debugging interface.
(part of
, see Section 8) can be used for
the same purpose on the production line.
(see Section 7.9) can sometimes be used to upgrade the firmware both in development and in
the field.
DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) is a USB standard that allows end users to upgrade the BlueCore's
firmware over the USB or UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) interface.
DFUWizard requires some firmware (the loader) to already be present in the device. The loader can only
be updated by BlueFlash.
The firmware version number is an important piece of information. You can identify your current firmware version
using BlueFlash, see Section 7.2.
5.1 Firmware File Formats
Table 5.1 describes the different firmware file formats you may encounter.
File Extension(s) Description
.xpv/.xdv The standard BlueCore firmware file format holds the
binary data for firmware releases in two separate files,
each of which hold part of the data.
.xuv This firmware file format is one file containing the
contents of both the .xpv file and the .xdv file.
.xhv Chips with integrated flash have firmware files
containing extra production information about the flash.
.dfu File format for use with
, see Section 7.12, can convert .xpv
and .xdv files into a .dfu file.
Table 5.1: Firmware File Formats
The .dfu file format is a flexible container format that can hold multiple different firmware images (for BlueCore2
and later chips) and multiple versions of the Persistent Store. This means you can have a universal .dfu file that
works for multiple hardware devices.
BlueCore Device Firmware Upgrade Overview
for a description of what DFU is and how it is used.
5.2 Persistent Store
As well as containing the firmware image (i.e. control software), firmware files can also contain configuration
information known as Persistent Store (PS). DFU files can contain information for a partial or full update of the PS.
Any areas of the PS that are not in the DFU file will remain as they were before the update. Other firmware files
cannot contain partial information; they either preserve or replace the PS.
Firmware upgrades from the CSR support website do not contain any PS settings, thus the current settings are
preserved. Firmware dumps that you make contain PS settings, and so will overwrite any existing ones if you upgrade
using a previously dumped file.
If firmware with no PS is downloaded onto a blank flash, a new PS is created on the flash memory using default
values suitable for a Casira module. However, some keys require calibration per module for optimal
See pskeys.html in the firmware release for details on using individual PS Keys. Some of the same
information is available by clicking the
button in
, see the
PSTool User Guide
5.3 Firmware Build Types
The Bluecore’s Bluetooth stack firmware comes in two forms, either containing the Bluetooth stack layers up to the
Host Controller Interface (HCI) layer, or containing all the stack layers up to the Radio Frequency COMMunication
(RFCOMM) layer.
Since Firmware version 18, firmware builds are called Unified. They contain all the Bluetooth stack layers up to
RFCOMM, but can be configured to present either an HCI interface, or an RFCOMM interface. The behaviour is
controlled by PSKEY_ONCHIP_HCI_CLIENT, see the firmware release files for more information.
All types of firmware builds can be held in any BlueCore firmware file format.
5.4 Upgrading Firmware
Go to the Bluetooth Firmware section on the CSR support website ( to get
the latest BlueCore firmware files. Use
to download the firmware to your BlueCore device.
Casira users should see the
Casira User Guide
for instructions on upgrading their firmware.
6 Getting Started
When you have connected your BlueCore device(s) to your computer, you can use BlueSuite tools to communicate
with them.
To test you have connected your BlueCore device(s) succesfully, you can use:
The command-line tool btcli (Section 7.5).
One of the graphical programs PSTool (See the
PSTool User Guide
) or BlueTest3 (See the
BlueTest User
6.1 Exploring the Bluetooth Stack
Use btcli if you want to explore the Bluetooth stack at all before starting development, as it provides a lower-level
interface than the graphical programs in BlueSuite.
The Bluetooth stack is described in the
Specification of the Bluetooth System
7 BlueSuite Programs
This chapter describes the programs included in BlueSuite. The features of each program are briefly described and
any relevant documentation is listed. Some programs without separate user guides are described in full detail.
7.1 Transport Options for Command Line Tools
Some command line tools in BlueSuite take a -trans option, which controls the transport options. Table 7.1
indicates which variables can be used with each tool:
Variable e2bluecmd/
pscli Default Description Example Values
CSRTRANS - x SPI The transport to use SPI, USB, BCSP, H4 and
HCIPORT - x autodetect if
USB, otherwise
The port to use for the
selected HCI transport if
com1, com2, csr0
HCIBAUD - x 115200 The baud rate to use for
uart based HCI
115200, 38400, etc.
SPITRANS x x LPT The SPI transport to use
SPIPORT x x autodetect The port to use for the
selected SPI transport
A LPT port number:
1, 2 etc.
converter's ordinal
position: o, 1, 2.
converter's serial
number (as printed
on the converter
e.g. 185920)
SPIMUL x x 0 The device to use if the
SPI port is multiplexed
0, 1, etc.
Table 7.1: Command Line Transport Options
Where appropriate, BlueSuite tools attempts to prepend \\.\ to a string in HCIPORT. For example the name
of a CSR USB device on WinXP is \\.\csr0; BlueSuite tools re-interpret csr0 as \\.\csr0.
To use USB-SPI (where 185920 is the serial number printed on the USB-SPI):
(or just "SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=185920")
To use BCSP on COM1 at 38.4 kbaud:
It is possible to set these as Windows environment variables, which are then used as the default setting for a variable
e.g. "set SPITRANS=USB" would change the default SPI transport from LPT-SPI to USB-SPI.
7.2 BlueFlash
BlueFlash is a utility that allows you to download and upload firmware to and from the flash memory on the Casira
modules or on your own BlueCore designs.
As described in Section 5, there are several different firmware file formats, and firmware files may contain Persistent
Store settings. Read Section 5.2 to make sure you do not accidentally change Persistent Store settings and to see
which parts of BlueCore's firmware is updated by BlueFlash.
Important Note:
Do not erase the Persistent Store with
Flash Erase
(either by selection or via
Full Erase
) unless you are completely
Fully erasing the flash removes all Persistent Store settings. Use
Full Erase
only in the event that there may be
a problem with the Persistent Store and you want to reload to a previous known working version.
7.2.1 User Interface
BlueFlash opens with a user interface window, see Figure 7.1.
Table 7.2 explains the function of each button or area.
Figure 7.1: BlueFlash User Interface in Windows Vista
Button or
Choose File
Opens a dialogue box for selection of the firmware file to download to the flash on the BlueCore
Module. You may open a .xpv, .xuv or .xbv firmware file
If you open a .xpv file, the .xdv file must be present in the same folder.
If pressed, a message indicates that this is no longer supported.
Copies the selected file to the flash on the BlueCore module. This process updates each flash block
as required and verifies them in turn.
Compares the selected file with the code programmed into the flash on the BlueCore module.
only compares components contained in the file. The status area shows any reported
Status Provides a text report of the status of the current operation.
Displays a visual indication of progress for the current operation.
Changes depending on the status of the processor. If it displays
Stop Processor
, the processor is
running. It must be stopped before attempting to download code. When the new code has been
loaded, the processor can be restarted by clicking
Start Processor
Firmware ID
Identifies which version of firmware is currently loaded on the module. If BlueFlash is unable to
identify the firmware version, you can still upgrade the firmware using this utility.
Allows the user to dump the contents of the flash on the BlueCore module to a file. The data can be
stored either as a pair of .xpv/.xdv files, as a combined .xuv file or as a raw binary file. The
dumped file also contains all of the Persistent Store settings, allowing you to restore to a known
firmware build and Persistent Store settings.
Flash Erase
Provides options for erasing some or all of the flash memory including the Persistent Store area.
File ID
Displays the name and version of firmware of the file selected for download on the module.
Displays the name and location of the file selected for download.
Flash Type Displays the type of flash memory that has been identified on the BlueCore module. Flash type is
identified after you stop the processor. Different types of flash memory may have different memory
block structures that require adjustments to BlueCore’s memory map. If the flash type indicates
Unrecognised Flash assuming SST, either the flash on the BlueCore module is not supported,
or there is a problem with the SPI connection. See Section 7.2.2.
Allows the user to select the LPT or USB port to which the SPI cable is connected.
Indicates the version of the BlueFlash application in use. CSR advises using the most up to date
version. Refer to the CSR support website for available updates.
Table 7.2: Explanation of the BlueFlash User Interface
7.2.2 Troubleshooting BlueFlash
Potential problems:
If BlueFlash cannot identify the current build of firmware on BlueCore, check your firmware version.
If BlueFlash cannot identify flash type, BlueFlash fails to stop processor or BlueFlash times out trying to
make a connection to BlueCore, ensure that the following actions have been completed:
Run InstParSpi.bat (C:\Program Files\CSR\BlueSuite\drivers) to copy and register the
parspi.sys device driver, making sure you have administrative rights . Reboot your PC.
Driver has been installed in the registry by looking for
SPI cable is correctly connected
Check for conflicts with other drivers, especially printer drivers (this includes the PDF converters).
Conflicting printer drivers should be removed. To amend or remove a driver, select
Printers and Faxes
in the
Control Panel
and select
File\Server Properties
. Click on the
tab. Move the port to another
location or delete the device.
Ensure that another SPI application is not trying to access the SPI port. SPI uses mutexes around port
access, therefore another application may lock the port. Close all SPI based applications (use Task
Manager if necessary) and retry. Reboot if necessary.
7.2.3 BlueFlashCmd
BlueFlashCmd is a command-line tool to download and upload firmware to flash memory on your BlueCore device.
It can do everything BlueFlash does.
Type BlueFlashCmd.exe -help for usage instructions.
Running BlueFlashCmd will reset your BlueCore chip
7.3 PSTool
PSTool is an editing suite that allows you to read and modify the Persistent Store. The Persistent Store consists of
configuration keys that modify the operation of the firmware. BlueCore is a very flexible device with many setup
options. PS Keys must be set correctly for BlueCore to work in a particular design. Some PS Keys must be calibrated
for each module.
7.3.1 PsCli
PsCli is a command-line interface for reading and modifying the Persistent Store. Type pscli.exe -help to see
usage instructions.
7.3.2 Documentation
PSTool and pscli are described in the
PSTool User Guide
See pskeys.html in the firmware release for details on using individual PS Keys.
7.4 BlueTest3
BlueTest3 is a program that enables you to execute BlueCore’s Built In Self Test (BIST) functions for RF testing.
The BIST functions consist mainly of low level radio tests (transmitting a continuous wave at a prescribed frequency
or receiving pseudo random data and calculating bit error rates). Included are tests for the PCM port and other
internal blocks.
7.4.1 Documentation
See the
BlueTest User Guide
7.5 BTCli
Bluetooth Command Line Interface (BTCli) is a command-line program that lets you send Host Controller Interface
(HCI) commands to your BlueCore device. Host computers use the HCI interface (part of the Bluetooth specification)
to communicate with Bluetooth controllers (e.g. your BlueCore chip).
See the
BTCli User Guide
for full details.
7.6 RFCli
RFCli is a command line utility for communicating with RFCOMM firmware builds. It enables you to send and receive
RFCOMM primitives to the chip (as well as other protocols). It also has a Tool Command Language (Tcl) interpreter
built in so you can write scripts.
See the
RFCli User Guide
for full details.
7.7 BCFMRadio
Important Note:
Read the document referenced below before running this program, as you must configure your BlueCore device
before this program will connect to it.
BCFMRadio is a graphical tool for exercising the FM receiver on Bluecore5-FM. It is able to communicate with the
Bluecore using I²C or BCCMDs using BCSP, H4, H4 Deep Sleep, H5, USB and SPI. BCFMRadio provides a user-
friendly interface allowing configuration of the BlueCore5-FM radio.
Operating the BlueCore5-FM Radio Application Note
7.8 E2BlueCmd
E2BlueCmd is a command-line tool which can read and write from/to EEPROM to initialise the BlueCore
EEPROM header, read and write blocks, and verify EEPROM contents against a file.
E2BlueCmd works over the SPI interface.
Type e2bluecmd -help for usage instructions.
7.9 DFU Wizard
The DFU Wizard is a program for end users to upgrade the firmware on their BlueCore devices.
7.10 DFU Babel
The USB to SPI Converter (or Babel) transforms the USB packets from the host computer to SPI signals sent out
over Category 5 cable.
DFU Babel is a program that lets you upgrade your USB to SPI Converter with new firmware. If CSR release a
firmware upgrade for the USB to SPI Converter .
See the
USB-SPI Converter User Guide
7.10.1 Upgrading The USB to SPI Converter Firmware
Important Note:
Do not attempt to upgrade a USB to SPI Converter with firmware designed for different hardware (e.g. Casira
firmware). The USB to SPI Converter needs special firmware and any other firmware may make it permanently
See the
USB-SPI Firmware Upgrade Guide
7.11 DFU ToolTips
BlueSuite comes with DFU ToolTips, a shell extension that shows tool tips for DFU files in Windows. To see the tool
tip, point the mouse over a DFU file, and wait for the tool tip to appear. Figure 7.2 shows a DFU tool tip.
If the tool tip does not appear, you may have disabled tool tips in your version of Windows. To enable tool tips for
1. Go to the
Control Panel
2. Open
Folder Options
3. Select the
4. Scroll down the Advanced settings to
Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items
. Tick this box.
5. Click
DFU ToolTips also lets you right-click on a DFU file, and
Download to BlueCore
. This runs the DFU Wizard to download
the DFU file to your BlueCore device.
Figure 7.2: A DFU ToolTip
7.12 DFU Tools
DFU Tools are a suite of command-line tools to let your sign and combine firmware and persistent store files to form
DFU files.
The DFU Tools documentation can be accessed from the
Menu. Open the
CSR BlueSuite
item, and click
DFU Tools Documentation
8 TrueTest Toolkit
The TrueTest toolkit consists of the necessary libraries and documentation to let you develop applications in a variety
of languages for production programming and testing of BlueCore enabled devices.
The toolkit is designed for use in production test systems. Instead of writing test scripts to call other BlueSuite
programs, you can write a test program that accesses the test APIs (
Application Programming Interface
) directly.
See the
TrueTest Toolkit Introduction
9 Document References
Document Reference
Specification of the Bluetooth System
Version 2.1 + EDR, Core Package, 26 July 2007
BlueCore Class 2 Example Designs
BlueCore Production Information Data Books
BlueCore Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) Overview
USB Device Firmware Upgrade Specification
Part of the USB Specification
PSTool User Guide
BlueTest User Guide
USB-SPI Converter User Guide
TrueTest Toolkit Introduction
Casira User Guide
USB-SPI Firmware Upgrade Guide
USB Device Driver User Guide
Appendix A Regulatory Notes and Information
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the two following conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Changes or modifications to the transmitter not expressively approved by CSR could void the authority ability to
operate the equipment.
User Label Warning
The transmitter is in compliance with the Part 15 FCC Rules. A label which demonstrates compliance with the FCC
is located on the bottom of the laptop. The label contains the following information:
Transmitter Warning
Installers of the Bluetooth transmitter should note that the Bluetooth transmitter should not be co-located with any
other transmitter, for example WLAN interfaces in the lap top. The distance between the Bluetooth transmitter and
antennas of other radio equipment must be at least 20cm in distance away from each other. Any closer installations
require additional certification filings to examine co-location issues.
A.1 Industry Canada Statements
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the
equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.
This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below and having a maximum gain of 3dBi.
Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 3dBi are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
The required antenna impedance is 50Ω.
Module BLUESLIM2 uses a printed dual-meander antenna designed by CSR.
A.2 OEM Responsibilities
The BLUESLIM2 Bluetooth Module has been certified for integration into products only by OEM integrators under
the following conditions:
1. The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained between
the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times.
2. The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
As long as the two conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM
integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with
this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).
Important Note:
In the event that these conditions can not be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another
transmitter), then the FCC and Industry Canada authorizations are no longer considered valid and the FCC ID
and IC Certification Number can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator
will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC
and Industry Canada authorization.

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