Elettronika S r l VEGA UHF BROADCAST TRANSMITTER User Manual File Number One

Elettronika S.r.l. UHF BROADCAST TRANSMITTER File Number One


User Manual File Number One

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Document ID511698
Application IDSliijS46t5nUT1h3wniVCw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual File Number One
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize161.97kB (2024597 bits)
Date Submitted2005-02-02 00:00:00
Date Available2005-03-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-02-02 15:43:52
Producing SoftwareAFPL Ghostscript 6.50
Document Lastmod2005-02-02 15:43:57
Document TitleUser Manual File Number One

UHF - TV System
User’s manual
ELgfifl@©[flfi@—g CODE: APT 1 393 TITLE: VEGA REV: 0 DATE: 10/06/04
SS 96 Km 113
“. 70027 Palo del CoIIe (Ba) ITALY
-,E,',flj, Tel. +39 (0)80 626755
Wzax Fax +39 (0)80 629262
E-mail: elettronika@elettronika.it
C G 0682 (D Web site: http:l/www.elettronika.it
Index .......
Warning ..
Introduction .
Content of the manual
Treatment of electrical shock .
First-aid ..............................
Treatment of electrical burns ..
Note .............................
Section 1 - Information ..
1.1 Description ......
1.2 Main features ..
1.3 Technical characteristcs
Front panel
Section 2 - Installation ......
2.1 Menu management ..
2.2 Menu description
- Multistandard Audio Mono Section
- Multistandard Audio Stereo Section (Option) ..
— Multistandard Video Section .............
- Multistandard IF Precorrector Section
- Multistandard Local Oscillator Section with Line Offset
- Multistandard Local Oscillator Section with Field Offset (Option)
- Multistandard Channel Filter Section
- Control Section ..
- Final Section
— BUS Section
- External Reference Section
2.3 Alarms and automation
Section 3 - Diagram
Cable diagram ......
APT13QB VEGA - Component list
MTGOO71ARO (Multistandard Audio Mono Modulator Module)
SCH0198AR2 ...............................................................................
MTGOO78ARO (Multistandard Audio Stereo Modulator Module — Option) ..
SCH021 OAR‘I .............................................................................................
MTGOO72ARO (Multistandard Video Modulator Module)
SCH01 72A R2 ..............................................................
M TGOO7SA R0 (Multistandard IF Precorrector Module) ..
SCH0209A R1 ............................................................................
M T60084A R0 (Multistandard UHF Local Oscillator Module)
SCH0293A R0
MTGOO75ARO (Multistandard UHF Channel Filter Module) .
SCH0222A R2 ..................................
MTG0079ARO (Controlled Module).
SCH023 1AR1
MTGOO76ARO {External Referement Module) .
SCH0266A R1 .............................................
MTF0088AR1 ( 5 W UHF Amplifier module)
SCH031 3A R0
SCH0194AR1 (BUS Structure) ..................
E001 7 (SP300—27 Switching power supply)
The apparatus described in this manual has been designed and manufactured with devices to safe-
glard the users. In any case it is recommended that during any operation of installation, maintenance,
miscellaneous interventions and calibrations requiring the apparatus to be switched on,
It is required to use the proper clothes and protection gloves in order to prevent damages from inci-
dental contacts with high—voltage parts.
The manufacturer declines every responsibility in case the recommendations above are not followed
"he component lists attached to the relevant electrical diagrams indicate for each item the reference,
he description and the type normally used.
"he Elettram'ka S.r.L though reserves the right to use or supply as spare parts components with
equivalent characteristics but of a different type, assuring anyway the optimal work of the apparatus
in accordance with the specifications.
"he enclosed monographs are solely owned by Elettronika S.r.L
"he use of anything enclosed in this technical manual without explicit authorization given by Elettmnika
S.r.L will be prosecuted by the law.
"he data and technical characteristics of the apparatus described in this manual are not compelling for
he manufacturer.
‘he Elettrimika S.r.L reserves the right to make, without previous notice, modifications or updates in
order to improve the quality of the product.
"he general conditions of supply and sale are described in the contracts.
“he delivery time are in accordance with the products and quantities ordered.
Summary of warranty
We, ELETTRONIKA int, 55096 Km [13 z1 PALO DEL CDLLE (BA) ITALY, wmmnt to the ORIGINAL PURCHASER ofa NEW product, fora
period ofone (1) year from the dateo/purchase by dieoriginalpurchaser (the ”warrant’ypelwd”) that the new ELETTRDNIKA product is fiee ofdefects
m materiafs and workmanship and wit! meet or exceed at! advertised specificationsfor such a product 77tl's warranty does not extend to any subsequent
purchaser or user, and automatically terminates upon sak or other disposition ofour product
Items excluded from thls ELETTRONIKA warranty
We are not responsible for product fistlure caused by misuse, accident, or neglect. This warranty does not attend to any product on which the serial
number has been defaced, altered or removed. It does not cover damage to loads or any other products or accessories resulting fiom ELETIRONIKA
product fisilure It does not cover defects or damage caused by use ofunauthorized modtficstt'oris, accessories, parts, or service.
What we will do
We will remedy any defect, in material or worhrnanship (atch as excluded), in oursole discretion, by repair, nephrcemem, or refund I/a refund is
elected, then you must make the defective or malfimaloning componentavailable or us free and clear o/all liens or other encumbrances the refund will
be equal no the actual purchase price, not including interest, insurance, ckm'ng cos 5, and other finance charges less a reasonable derreciation on the
product from the date oforiginal purchase. Warranty worh can only be performed at our authorized service centers or at ourfiictory. Ekpenses in
remedying the defect will be borne by ELEHRONIKA, including one-way surface freight shipping costs within the Uniued States d’urchaser must bear
the iatpense ofshtpping the product between my foreign country and the port ofentry in the United States and all taxes, duties, and other custom kfee(s)
for such firreigri shipments)
How to obtain warranty service
You must notify us ofyour need/or warranty seritice riot ater than ninety (90) days after the aspiration ofthe warranty period We will giiie you an
authorization to return the product for service AH components must be shipped in a factory paclt or equivalent which, ifneeaed, may
Deselalmer of consequemlal and Incldemal damages
You are not entitled to recover films 16 any consequential or l'ncl'derlml damages resulting from any defect in our product. This includes anydamage
to another product or products resultin g from such a defect.
Warranty alterations
No person has die authority to enlarge, or inodtyy this warrmlly. The warrmlly is not mended by the lenght oftunefor which you are deflrived of
the use of the product Repairs and replacement parts are provided under the terms ofthis warranty shall carry only the unexpired portion of this
Dsslgn changes
We reserve the right m change the design ofany product from time to nme withoutnotice and with no obligation to male corresponding changes in
products previously manufactured.
Legal remedies of purchaser
There a no warranty which extends beyond the terms hereof This written warranty is given in lieu ofany oral or implied warranties not contained
herein We dischtim all implied warranties, including without limitation any warranties ofrnerchantabilitv or fitness for a particular purpose No action
to enforce this warranty shall be commenced later than ninety (90) days after etpiration ofthe warranty period
Warranty for electronlc tubes
Ihe warranty applied for electronic tubes is the one given by the manufiicturer ofthe tube In the even! that the product shows anomalies within the
deadline ofthe validity of the warranty given by the manufacturer ofthe product itself the buyer will have to return it to the seller with the needed
documents and the wrttten description o/die defect. Ihe seller will ship the bmkell tube to the maiufacturer in order to egrect the necessary technical
tests to find out the cause ofthe anomaly. Meanwhile the buyer ofthe tube who needs to use, mid as such to replace unmedustely the product, will have
to buy a new one aid provide to the relevant payment furdier to the issuing by the seller ofa regular commercial invoice. Afler the adequate tests made
by the manufiacturer, should the result be pos ve, that is confirm the defect in manufacturing the seller will issue a regular credit nous in the name of
the buyer and return the amount paid should the result be negative, that is detecta negligence in the installation or use by the buyer, he will have no
right again st the seller
The apparatus described in this manual is the latest of this series, offering high performances, remark—
able reliability and a wide range of characteristics, it all at a low cost.
Its is easy to install and uses It only takes to follow the installation procedure as shown in this manual:
afier having removed all from the package, you only have to follow step by step the description in the
various sections.
Before starting to use the apparatus, remember to:
:| read carefully the general safety information contained in this section;
3 follow the instructions for the installation and set up of the apparatus;
:| read all the remaining sections of this manual in order to know well the apparatus and learn
howto obtain the best of its characteristics
The chapter composing this manual contain all the information concerning the use of the apparatus
For more infomaiion refer to ELETTRONIKA Sail.
This manual is made up of different chapters, each made up of various sections, Each individual
chapter represents a single apparatus composing the whole station.
WW ].I E ].|
This manual is intended as a general glide for trained and qualified personnel who are aware of the
dangers inherent in handling potentially hazaedous electrical and electronic circuits.
It is not intended to contain a complete statement of all safety precautions which should be observed by
personnel in using this or other electronic equipment.
The installation, operation, maintenance and service of this equipment involves risks both to personnel
and equipment, and must be performed only by qualified personnel exercising due care
Elettronika Sir‘l. shallnotheresponsihle for injury or damage resulting from improper procedures or
from the use of improperly trained or inexperienced personnel performing such tasks!
During installation and operation of this equipment, local building codes and fire protection standards
must be observed.
Alw ' nnt wr fr nin vr
I l' "I ll 1.]
vIt in fr rviin vrmk
intrnl 'tmn rfrmmintn r
service when alone or when fatigued
Do not remove, short-circuit or tamper with interlock switches on access covers, doors, enclosures,
gates, panels or shields.
Keep away from live circuits, know your equipment and don‘t take chances!
In fmrn nrtht wrh ni nnt
Treatment of electrical shock
1) If victim is not responsive follow the A, B, C‘s of basic life support
If unconscious. open airway lift up neck, push If not breathing, begin artificial breathing Tilt
forehead back, clear out mouth if necessary, head, pinch nostrils, make airtight seal, 4 quick
observe for breathing, full breaths. Remember mouth to mouth resuscita»
tion must be commenced as soon as possible,
Check carotid pulse. If pulse Approx, 805ec.: ] rescuer, 15 compressions, 2 quick breaths.
absent, begin artificial circulation Approx. 60seci; 2 rescuers. 5 compressions, 1 breath
Call for medical assistance as soon as possible.
2) If victim is responsive:
- keep them warm;
- keep them as quiet as possible;
- loosen their clothing (a reclining position is recommended).
Personnel engaged in the installation, operation, maintenance or servicing of this equipment are urged
to become familiar with first-aid theory and practices, The following information is not intended to be
a complete first-aid procedure, it is brief and is only to be used as a reference It is the duty of all
personnel using the equipment to be prepared to give adequate Emergency First Aid and thereby pre-
vent avoidable loss of life.
1) Extensive burned and broken skin.
- Cover area with clean sheet or cloth (cleansed available cloth article);
- do not break blisters, remove tissure, remove adhered particles of clothing, or apply any salve or
- treat victim for shock as required;
- arrange transportation to a hospital as quickly as possible;
- if arms or legs are effected keep them elevated.
Allow victim to sip slowly about 4 ounces (half a glass) over a period of 15 minutes
I . r E] r l . f r r r l l
2) Less severe burns - (1 st & 2nd degree).
- Apply cool (not ice cold) compresses using the cleansed available cloth article;
- do not break blisters, remove tissue, remove adhered particles of clothing, or apply salve or ointment;
- apply clean dry dressing if necessary;
- treat victim for shock as required;
- arrange transportation to a hospiml as qickly as possible;
- if arms or legs are affected keep them elevated.
EL ~-f*-T1@@Mm
User's manual
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Section 1 - Information
1.1 Description
1.2 Main features
1.3 Technical characteristics
The transmitters and transposers in this series VEGA are characterized by high performance and capability
and by excellent linearity over the entire band thanks to the optimization of the RF circuits.
A high degree of reliability is guaranteed, moreover, by the use of oversized cooling devices and by control
circuits operated by modern microprocessor technologies.
These units are used as low—power transmitters or transposers or as driver stages for amplifiers of greater
power and are available in 2 to 20W versions. The excellent spectral purity of the conversion oscillator
endows these units with an excellent signal/noise ratio of the radiated signal
The synthesized local oscillator allows easy, rapid changing of the transmission channel from the front panel.
The offset option allows frequency shifis in le (CCIR) or 0.999000999Hz (FCC) steps for operation in
“precision offset" or“isofrequency" mode inthe various television standards The units are equipped withan
input connector for an external reference signal at SMHz.
— Modular construction
- Programming oflocal oscillator from front panel
- SAW Vesiigial filter
- Sync restore (SCD
— Group delay precorrectian (SCT)
- Automatic shite level and sync limiter (SCT)
- Multistandard modulator (SCT)
- Available in stem/dual sound version
- Possibility of use of common and separate carriers
Input impedance
Input level
White / Sync level limiter
2T K factor
Amplitude / frequency response
Differential gain
Differential phase
Group delay
Sync pulse compression
SIN ratio (weighted)
Luminance non linearity
Field time bar tilt
Line time bar tilt
Input impedance
Input level
Frequency response (30Hz to ISkI-Iz)
T.H.D (301-12 to 15kHz)
S/N ratio (unweighted)
Stereo/ Dual sound operation
Stereo Crosstalk
Ouput power
Available standards
Operating temperature
Maximum relative humidity
Mains power supply
External reference frequency input
Output impedance
Output connector
Frequency stability
ItMtDt at rated output power
Sporious emissions
External interfaces
Specifications and charactefistrcs are subject to change without notice.
lep tGdB
< 15%
10.563 (throughout the vision band)
< 5%
< 3°
flSns (throughout the vision band)
< 3%
> 60dB
50us or 75ps or flat
< 3°
< 4%
< 2%
< 2%
6009 or 10k, selectable
OdBm t8dB, 0,5dB step
105m (10.2 typ.)
< 0.4%(bet1e1 then 0.2% typ.)
> GOdB
50us or flat
> 37dB (better then 40dB typ.)
B, D, G, H, I, K, M,N
-10°C to +45°C
90%, non condensing
90 to 260VAC
N Female
3U 19" Rackmount
] ppm
Better than -60dBc (-63dBc typical)
»60dB or better
-60dB or better
Logic and analog signal outputs.
enable input RS485. RSZSZ
Front panel
MulL Mono Audio Modulator Module
Multi video Modulator Module
3 Mult IF Preoorreclor Module
4 Mult UHF Local Oscillator Module
5 Mulll UHF Channel Filter Module
6 Controller Module
Rear panel
RF Amplifier Module
Power Supply Module
External Referemem Module
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Section 2 - Operation
2.1 Menu Management
2.2 Manu Description
2.3 Alarms and Automation
A large munber of options of the VEGA TV exciter can be easily and intuitively controlled through the human—
to-machine interface on the right side of the VEGA. It is composed by a graphic display and a clickable knob.
$smmmm‘mmmmmmw x
When the VEGA is switched on it initialise itself and query to all attached boards on bus the release number.
During this period the display shows the screen below.
Afler the initialisation the VEGA goes to the main menu which contains the deviation bars of the audio IF
carrier signals and the White and Synch bar of the video signal. The last bar on the bottom is the one of the
VCO which shows the position of the control voltage of the local oscillator
li‘Elill “I.“ “9:05
4 Hudiu 5!“ l
Hideoé‘i‘lM I
A1] of the menus of the VEGA contain a top bar which shows the name of the apparatus, the firmware version
of the display board and the current time, and abottorn bar showing the reading of the output forward and
reflectedpower and a stunmary of the current menu.
Since the number of menus of the VEGA is high, we give hereby a detailed description of all menus.
Note that the same firmware works either with the mono audio modulator and the stereo one. The firmware
only needs to be set to mono or stereo from the relevant menu. Depending on the selection, the look of some
menus may vary.
From the default menu, the barmeters menu, the usercan navigate to other 2 menus. To navigate the menus,
rotate the knob. The presence of a menu on the Iefi or the right of the current one is shown as arrows atthe Iefi
or the right respectively.
an.» v1.0 “gm
”India st“ ;
2“ :
To enter the menu of the individual modules, select the module from the menu with the graphical image of
VEGA, both the rear and the front View. Afier clicking, a blinking arc will show in what module you can enter
clicking on the knob. To change module, rotate the knob.
VEGR lill-l} 09:03?
Below are listed all the menus of all modules. Some symbols and functioning are always the same, and are:
0 The EXIT menu is always on the first position of the lefimost menu and sends back to the default menu
containing the deviation bars. So to go back to the default menu you have always to go all menus lefi and click
2 times, the first for selection and the second forconfirmation.
o The parameters maybe represented in different ways depending on their type. In detail:
- the read-only parameters are represented by the name of the parameter and its current value. In case of
failure of a parameter, its value blinks;
— the parameter which can be set within a range of values are represented by the name of the parameter and
its set Value, followed by an arrow pointing downward to show that the value is pan of a list of possible
- the parameters which can be continuously set are represented by a bar showing the indication of the current
value (light) and of the one set at the factory (dark);
- Actions (e.g. "Clear History") are always followed by the ->|<- symbol. By selecting this voice and cofnirming,
the action will be executed.
a Pressing the knob while in any of the menus turns on a blinking cursor which can be used to select any
parameter simply by turning the control. Then the knob can be pressed again to open the window allowing to
change the selected parameter. In this window the control allows to choose the value, which has then to be
confirmed when requested.
- Multistandard Audio Mono Section
;_,;;.._' VEl‘ifl VLD 09:05
‘ Elm annr mu Vffifl V1.“ “$175
Overload Nut
Qeset Trig Ni ‘
lludia 20.3“; 0.1!“ fluflio 10.3“; 0.1"; "MIG Ell-ilk MW; lludio 20.3“, 1].le
Clicking on the knob, alter selecting this voice, goes back to the default menu.
Shows whether there is (Prst), there isn’t (Abst) or there was (Trig) an overload of the audio signal. In
Absent and Triggered case, the label blinks.
Reset Trig
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice7 delete the triggered indication from the overload.
Zin Mm VH} 05:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to change
the impedance of the audio signal inwt connectors from 6000hm to lOkOhm and back .
Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it. Mi. mm mm!
Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Limiter rm v1.0 0un
Clicking on then knob, afler selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to change
the Enables or Disables the limitation circuit. Rotate the knob to select the desired value
and click on it audi- 203m mu
um V” , _ W“ Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
IF mu m use
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggles
between on and off of the IF, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it.
audio 203W; 9.1"
“Eh“ Vb" 09m Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Emph. vm um um
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggles
between presence and absence of the emphasis, Rotate the knob to select the desired
value and click on it. fludia 203W; 0.1“;
Vim VHF M6 Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Source vm um um
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to choose
whether to sample the input signal from the front or rear panel. Rotate the knob to select
the desired value and click on it. mm in 311 “I,“
Vim VIJI tunes Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
m mm always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Shows the PLL lock or unlock of the subcanier In case of unlock, the label blinks
AudloLvI am who 09:05
rel um level
Clicking onthen knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to sets the
input audio signals levels Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on its
Mdi- 203V; Gilli,
9m ”L" ‘m‘ Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
Sal flufiu [eve
tlj dB 1
always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly formthis menu simply click 2 times on the
mml 3 ‘ kn0b<
IF Level
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to sets the
IF levels Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it. ‘
The actual level is represented by the empty arrow, the full arrow represent the value of din 2&3“,- “All
the factory setting of this level, This ‘factory default marker' can help you to set-up the exciterto a good value,
without ant instnunentation.
mu vur um Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
- Multistandard Audio Stereo Section (Option)
‘ [fill VLII “M r VET-ll Vlil'l “0:85
EXIT E t, ' ' . , Fran! v {$121 1
Uverlndl llbst ' ' Slave» v {SQ [will
Overturn Mat . vrasent v 1 >
4 >
mi. mu,- luvl
The last menu is showed as in stereo or mono mode settings. If the mode is set for a dual sound audio
modulation the last menu become the one below, because you can select to adjust the audio level to different
« use level H-CH
tlludiollvl +05 llllv
(findioalvl +05: dB-r
ludio 20.3“ 0.1”
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes back to the default menu.
OverloadL and Overde
Shows whether there is (Prst), there isn't (Abst) or there was (Trig) an overload of the audio lefi and right
signal. In Absent and Triggered case, the label blinks.
Reset Trig
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice7 delete the triggered indication from the overload.
le'l VEM lll.ll Mmfl
Clickingon then knob, afler selecfingthis voice, goes into the menu that allows to change
the impedance of the audio signal input connectors from 6009 to IOkQ and back.
Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it. {tum 203m Mu
”PM W“ 39>“ Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
Sel audio Zin
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Limiter E00 v1.0 09:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to change a"
the Enables or Disables the limitation circuit Rotate the knob to select the desired value
and click on it, Mi. 203“; mil:
vtnn v1.0 Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Mia mm 0.1».
IF1 0600 m 00:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggles : $
between on and off of the IFl . Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on
it mute 203V: (MW.
mm W" l“ Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
IF2 m v1.0 00:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggles
between on and off of the IF2. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on
ll. ‘ din 203“: 0.10:i
mu VI-IF MM Answerto the continuing question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
g 1 always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Source [till v1.0 00:00
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to choose
whetherto sample the input signal from the ham or rear panel. Rotate the knob to select .
the desired value and click on it. M“, 20.301, my,
vtnn v1.0 09-06 Answer to the continuing question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
min 20:31" 0.1K!
Mod e mm v1.0 um
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menuthat allows to choose
the operating mode between mono, stereo or dual sound. Rotate the knob to select the
desired value and click on it. ttudi' 203m mu
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Emp h.
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggles
between presence and absence of the emphasis. Rotate the knob to select the desired
value and click on it
vm VlJl mm Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Shows the PLL lock or unlock of the subcarrier 1. In case of unlock, the label blinks.
Shows the PLL lock or unlock of the subcarrier 2. In case of unlock, the label blinks.
IF1 Level vm v1.0 amt
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to sets the
IF] level, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it. The actual level is
represented by the empty arrow, the full arrow represent the value of the factory setting nun, 31.3911 (mu
of this level. This ‘factory default market‘ can help you to set-up the exciter to a good
value, without ant instrumentation.
11m Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
“in“ VI
IF2 Level vtm m om
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menuthat allows to sets the
IF2 level, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it The actual level is
represented by the empty arrow, the full arrow represent the value of the factory setting Min 203“: MW-
of this level. This 'factory default marker' can help you to set-up the exciter to a good value, without ant
min mt was Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
Aud l oLvI
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to sets the
input audio signals level, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it
mai. 2033, cm:
min VLIl mm Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
If the mode is set for a dual sound audio modulation you can select to adjust the audio level to different values,
so the set audio level menu become two different menus for audiol and audi02 level setting as showed below:
VEfill V1 0 09:06 Vfl'ill Vlifl 09:05
Sat lluéiol Laval Set Hudinl level
+05 dB +115 ill}
audio 20.3“ nudin 20.39!
- Multistandard Video Section
VEfill Vt.“ 99:06 VEl'ull |ll.“ 09:05
Elli? B l l Clipper 0" v
While Eli‘s llbsl } ti’retnrr Dll v
Sync Clip "list iv tSuntJtestora on v
lleset Trig lit l (Source llear 1
Video mainF mu, Video 20.3“; mm,
9m FIJI 39:08
Uidm 20-3“: m,
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu‘
While Clip
Shows whether there is (Prst), there isn't (Abst) or there was (Trig) the clipper intervention on white. In
Absent and Triggered case, the label blinks.
Sync Clip
Shows Whether there is (Prst), there isn't (Abst) or there was (Trig) the clipper intervention on synci In Absent
and Triggered case, the label blinks,
Reset Trig
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, delete the triggered indication from the clippers.
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
the clipper intervention, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it.
Vii-ll iii-Ii “mi Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
m tiiwer always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Precorr mm m um
Clicking onthen knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
the group delay pre—corrector: Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it
in: my, (mu
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Video Milly 0.1K,
Sync Restore £0415;ng . t 09:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
the sync restore intervention. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it . '
idea mm mm
mu Vl.li Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
‘ knob
I ‘i VES
Video emu, um.
Source Wm m 09:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to choose 1 fl
whether to sample the input signal from the front or rear panel. Rotate the knob to select ‘
the desired value and click on it W;- 203”; um.
PEG" VHF W Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
[31g always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Vid eo
Shows the PLL lock or unlock of the video, In case of unlock the label blinks.
Video Level
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to sets the
video level Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it
The actual level 15 represented by the empty arrow, the full arrow represent the value of Vim
the factory setting of this level This ‘factory default marker' can help you to set- -up the exciterto a good value,
without ant instrumflitation.
van» “L". was Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. "he answer starts
5“ vm: l“ always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
litter-l ?
- Multistandard IF Precorrector Section
‘-‘ i VEGA v1.11 09:05
our 9
Pm. Enahled v
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu‘
Clicking on then knob, alkr selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
the non-linearity pre-corrector. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on
Vim VHF “W Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Pm. maul 4m:1
- Multistandard Local Oscillator Section with Line Offset
"f“w“ Vfiffl will VEM N.“
EXlT ‘ l q hf Iulernal v
Channel t
L‘mefjlmt ne'er“
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select
the transmission channel forthe selected standard. Rotate the knob to select the desired
value and click on it.
Line offset
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the ‘
line offset in either positive (P) or negative(M) steps from 15M to 151’, Rotate the knob i
to select the desired value and click on it, ‘ 4), 203 w
Offset[Hz] : LineOffset[Step]*(LineFrequency[Hz]/12)
9m VLR Mzfli Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Shows the oscillator PLL lock or unlock. In case of unlock, the label blinks
out mm Vl.0 09:05
M Lei But Enable
Clicking onthen knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
the oscillator output Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it
n. roam mu
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
in my, 11.151.
Ref um um um
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select
whether the reference is internal or external t Rotate the knob to select the desired value
and click on it at aim we
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
L.O. Tu ne
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to fine
adjust the frequency of Local Oscillator, usetull only in case of absence of an external
reference. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it. The actual level is
represented by the empty arrow, the full arrow represent the value of the factory setting
of this level‘ This ‘factory default marker' can help you to set-up the exciter to a good value, without ant
Answer to the confirming question7 selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from “Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times onthe
- Multistandard Local Oscillator Section with Field Offset (Option)
MW“ VEfill V Lu 99:06
Channel er )
tinellllliet Zerov it
PM ml 09:06 lift-n vm 09:06
Dulpul Enabledv
lad: Internal v
Fieldflllsel fillzvy
1.0. emu, mm in. man, 0.ng 1.0“ 211.3“; mm,
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu‘
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select
the transmission channel forthe selected standard. Rotate the knob to select the desired
value and click on it.
Line offset =
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the ‘
line offset in either positive (P) or negative(M) steps from 15M to 151’, Rotate the knob ‘ ‘
to select the desired value and click on it, ‘ 4), 203 w
YEW VI-fi WM Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
2m 1 always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
mm? [13] kmh
in, new mm.
Field offset m “4’ “9m
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menuthat allows to set the a k ‘
filed offset in Hertz from -700Hz to +700Hz< This is added to the line offset Rotate the
mob to select the desired value and click on it. 41. man; 0.114,
TotaJOffset[Hz] = FieldOffset[Hz]+LineOfiset[Step] *(LineFrequency[Hz]/ 12)
“El-ll VI-ll MM Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
m 3 always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
, knob
fluépl m
Shows the oscillator PLLs lock or unlock. In case of unlock, the label blinks.
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
the oscillator output, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it
“m Vl-li “9M Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Ml 2&3“; um,
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select
whether the reference is internal or external 4 Rotate the knob to select the desired value
and click on it,
VET-H VI." 09:86 Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
- Multistandard Channel Filter Section
PertrlHnde lhrlo 1
PeretalHan 666i »
Purlevellluio 622 v
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu‘
PwrCtllMode vm v1.0 mm
m m on man '
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to switch
between the manual and automatic (AGC) power control mode. Rotate the knob to
select the desired value and click on it The Auto or Manual selection will be always
displayed on the top bat
AT T ENHON‘for safety operation is better to set 0% to the power level that in not selected.
For example is A U TO power control mode is selected, is better to set 0% to the Power Level in manual
mode. In this way, after a change, the power will start from OW.
mu vur was Answerto the confirming question, selecfingbetween accept or not. The answer starts
l always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
1 l
l 4
llaerl ?
Auto Pwr level E_fiL_fi:£____“2=’£fi
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select m M“ I.“ m"
the operating level of the power in case of automatic power control mode selected.
lotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it film anew, 0.171;
rum Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
SW“! always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply clickl times on the
mm ? 3 knob
fitter mm mm
Manual Hm level mm um um
Clicking on then knob, afler selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select m —
the operating level of the power in case of manual power control mode selected. Rotate
the knob to select the desired value and click on it mm mm luv.
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
law! .
Filler ”Elli UH
- Control Section
m U Lll 09:05
Ml VLIl lmfi EER ul" 0956 [till Vi.“ “1:06
(Rite v “is“! l‘lndnnv > (Dim, Lll
tl'ima ( t (anthem Win 1.11
15m 1 . (III m [mm m
mudm , t r t
mum gnaw, my. Ielnn emu, mu.
Cnnlml lo< '
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes bac (to the default menu
Hist View
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to show
all the events stored into the non volatile memory of the VEGA. Inthe title bar is showed
the current event number and the total events actually stored into the log, To move inside
the log simply rotate the knob Click the knob to exit from the history view‘
Hist Clear
Clicking on then knob, alter selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to clear
all the events stored in the hifiory log.
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows totoggle W
the local or remote control mode Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click ‘
on it.
When in remote mode either the telemeasuring connector or the serial port can be used to control the exciter.
Telemeasming connector and serial port can be always used to monitor the exciter.
Um VI.“ 119m Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
CELEB ‘ always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Contrast ‘ m M 09:35
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to adjust
the contrast settings of the display. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click
on it. {12an mu; 0.114
VET-ll VlJ “ll!
( t t Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
VI fit
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
mm . [m
(neutral 20.1": I.”
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to adjust
the brightness settings of the displays Rotate the knob to select the desired value and
click on it.
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or note The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Serial vm mi 7 0m
Clicking on then knob, atkr selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to toggle
between the possibility for serial port control: RS232 on the front panel and RS485 on
the rear panel. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it. nun! 211.351; mm
item "it _ mi Answerto the confinning question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
flue?! ?
vm m1
Factory Def
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to reste all r, ,
of the parameters of the VEGA to values set during the factory tests
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the knob.
Date that vm > out
Clicking on then knob, aflser selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the
date of the internal clock of the display board, “-
Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it, the selection will go to the next a,“ 21mg “A"
The date format is day/month/year.
cm thl M“ Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
Tlme m v1.0 09:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the
time of the internal clock of the display board. Rotate the knob to select the desired value ‘
and click on it, the selection will go to the next filedt new raw, mm,
The time format is hour/minute/second
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click2 times on the
Std m» mi 09:05
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the
standard used, Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it.
mm 20301 mu]
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer stans
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to sets the
VEGA to work with either the mono or the stereo audio board. Rotate the knob to
select the desired value and click on it,
mu m was Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
Sign?" —
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to select “M"?
the signal type handled by the VEGA. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and
(antral 20.310; 0st“;
click on it
If 'Digital' signal type is selected the sync detection is disabled In the same way is disabled the 3dB power
reduction feature in case of AGC power control and Sync lost
In arse of Digital signal type selection the sync icon in the top bar will be replaced by a 'DIG' icon.
mm m w mm Answer to the continuing question, selecting between accept or not, The answer starts
Em always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
may! 2 kmb'
(numeral avast um
Rel eases
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to view
all the release history of all the microcontrollers around the VEGAboards, The display
board is showed in the first line and then the audio, video, local oscillator and external
- Final Section
fiesetlnrkflul tit t
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu‘
Shows whether the LockOut state is present or absent. In case of presence of LockOut, the label blinks.
Below is detailed the functioning of LockOut
While an alarm is present the exciter switch off the output power. When the alarm disappear, the power is
switched on again Afier 5 times the exciter switch off the output power, the exciter goes in LockOut state: the
power remains off till the userreset the LockOut. If the fails are farmore that 1 hour than the LockOut counter
is automatically cleaned.
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to clear
LockOut counter.
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the knob.
Shows the measure of the power supply voltage of the final power stage. In case of abnormal value, the label
Shows the measure of the power supply current of the final power stage. In case of abnormal value, the label
Te mp.
Shows the measure of the working temperature of the final power stage. In case of abnormal value, the label
Shows the operating mode of the fan, which may run at low or high speed, be still orbe programmed to work
automatically depending on the temperature of the final stage, The fan symbol on the right shows the fan
speed: 0, 1 or 2 means respectively stopped, low and high speeds
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the “M “fl Fm 09415
standard usedi Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on its
final 20.3“; 0.1“
ma VI-li ms Answerto the confinning question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
? m knobs
Final emu; mu,
- BUS Section
vrm fl.»
09:06 “Bill VI.“ 09:05
B ”digital: “MW
{ Wanalngz H4.“
Onv 4 Wendi»): 4-1.“
Bus 20.3“; M“
Pnllinq Enabled 1
Bus mm, mm
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to tums
on or off the power supply of the whole BUS. Rotate the knob to select the desired value
and click on it.
Polling Um vm . lam
Clicking on then knob, afierselecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to turns
on or off the BUS polling feature. Romte the knob to select the desired value and click '
On it. has new, mm,
If 'BUS polling' enabled the display board will poll continuously all the board to obtain
the data values. If ’BUS polling' disabled the boards will inform by using an interrupt line
that a value has changed on them.
Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
Shows the measure of the +5V power supply voltage of the bus. In case of abnormal value, the label blinks.
+/-Va naI 0g
Shows the measure of the +/- 15V power supply voltage of the bus In case of abnormal value, the label
- External Reference Section
VElill NJ] “0:06 Villa ma 09:06
Hill [3 t 4 [kinder/ante llbst
b i belle! Ilir Univ
If link Closedv b t Ealllef Tune TWA
Enhllel. 20.3“ II.IN_ Enamel. 20.351
Clicking on the knob, afier selecting this voice, goes backto the default menu‘
IF link
Clicking on then knob, afler selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to choose
whether the IF connection is internal or located on the rear panel. Rotate the knob to
select the desired value and click on it.
VEW Vi,“ WW Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
MN. 29311}; Mil;
Shows Whether the external reference is present.
ExtRef Dir mu mi mm
Clicking onthen knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to set the
direction of the reference. Rotate the knob to select the desired value and click on it.
Vii-ll Vl-ll 99“ Answer to the confirming question, selecting between accept or not. The answer starts
always from "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
ltrevl? kfl0b~
mm. aw, m.
ExtRef Tu ne
Clicking on then knob, afier selecting this voice, goes into the menu that allows to fine
adjust the fi'equency of the external reference. Rotate the knob to select the desired value
and click on it The actual level is represented by the empty arrow the full arrow represent . . .
the value of the factory setting of this level This ‘factory default marker’ can help you to set— -up the exciterto
a good value, without ant instrumentation,
Vffill V LIE 09:06
Haw—w; I
Exhhl. 203" MM.
Answerto the confirming question, selecting between accept or not The answer starts
always fi'om "Accept: NO", so to exit quickly form this menu simply click 2 times on the
In case of alarm the red LED lights up andthe icon of abell appears in the upper bar of the display If the alarm
disappears, the red LED is turned off and the bell stans blinking, in orderto show that an anomaly occurred.
To know the details of the anomaly and when it occurred, the history menu can be used Once this menu is
accessed, the blinking bell icon disappears.
In case of alarms of a board on the bus, such as the audio or the video modulator, the green status led on the
board, will start blinking When the board is working correctly the led is lit continuously
While an alarm is present the exciter switch off the output power When the alarm disappear, the power is
switched on again. Afier 5 limes the exciter switch off the output power, the exciter goes in LockOut state: the
power remains off till the userreset the LockOut. If the fails are far more that 1 hour than the LockOut counter
is automatically cleaned.
Please find below the list of the automatic interventions of the exciter in case of anomalies, and the relevant
record in the history
0 Amplifier Voltage
No intervention. The history records and intervention if the value is too high or too low by the 10% of its
nominal value (factory setting).
0 Amplifier Current
No intervention. The history records an eventif the value is too high or too low by lhe 20% of its nominal value
(factory setting), only when the amplifier is on.
o Amplifier Temperature
The temperature is connected to the work of the fan, if it is set to automatic mode, in this way: there are 3
thresholds, THl < TH2 < TH3, all with histeresys.
Under the lowest threshold (T H1) the fan is off
Between THl and TH2 the fan is on and rotates slowly
Between TH2 and TH3 the fan is on and rotates fast
Beyond the higher threshold (TH3) the amplifier is switched off and an event is recorded in the history.
If the temperature drops again below TH3, the amplifier is switchedback on.
A fast sequence of on/ol’f switching causes a LockOut of the apparatus.
o BUS Voltages (+5V, +15V, -15V)
No intervention. The history records and intervention if the value is too high or too low by the 10% of its
nominal value
o Fonuard & Reflected Power
If the value of the forward power exceeds the threshold value (factory setting) the ampifier is switched off and
the event is recorded in the alarm history.
0 No communication with the boards on the BUS
No intervention. The history records the event only if Polling is enabled. If Polling is disabled, the ‘No
communication’ is not detected.
0 Noncorresponding standards
There is no intervention in case one or more boards on the BUS are set to work on different standards The
history records the event.
o IF Audio unlock
The audio board turns off its IF in case it becomes unlocked. The history records the event.
o Audio Overload
The menu of the audio board indicated the event with a blinking 'Triggered' message. The history does not
record any event.
0 IF Video unlock
The video board turns off its IF in case it becomes unlocked. The history records the event.
Besides, the final amplifier is switched off.
0 Wdeo Clipper
The menu of the video board indicated the event with a blinking 'Triggered' message. The history does not
record any event.
0 L0. unlock
The local oscillator board turns its output off if any of its PLL unlocks The history records the event
Besides, the final amplifier is switched off.
0 No Sync
In case the synchronism is missing the sync icon in the top barblinks. I > I
In this case the value of the output power is decreased by 3dB only Meters 1310.1“ J 0.1“
if analog signal type is selected and AGC control is selected In case of 3dB otput power decrease, the output
power value in the bottom bar will be Written between brackets.
Section 3 - Diagram
- Cable diagram
- Modules description
Eszzaf 5 fi
955 §§5§ 5.5;
f a , Em £3543 55m 5Ezmz<& 5 «HS Boom
2 545m 532 as a; as $55 Ejefiwwmw M M I
25523 $10 Emil
55: 5 gig 55,2 §< &@ < 7 Q m; m 5063
> 70dB
> 72dB
Carrier FM deviation
Orr/Off selection and level adjustment > t3dB
Internal TCXO externally lockable
Microprocessor with RS485 protocol
lie-configurable through RS485
7 f as 5 195327 052 71,5255; 2 3582
(NOSE E 87 7772457” 5527 Ba 75 38 $55
3539 E 537” 2g 7745777377577 SEGEmJM
‘ $7787 5557
gaé‘ 55 $5 a
=§S§§ 77 05774
5 5
5? 79:75:77 ‘ 5&8 5:77 7 577713 75.7 1875 779437qu 55:
“3 £67 ‘ 77 5757577 7 77 7272 77:53 79—72 mm§c77§m
is 55}
is: 7777623
575 Ea 23 $5 Ea
E75 Sta 5; 5:3“ 5:25
7 7 7 7 7
Z7 M5338; 5:77 5:75 $2277 757 5:5 99: 55:
5595 E 51767 372739 use 0534 5472 51777
m 7 m _ n w _ m 7 v 7 m _ N _ f _ o
The module contains the following blocks:
Input relay —chooses the audio source between the XLR on the front panel of the module and the one
on the back of the apparatus and selects the input impedance to 6009 or lOkQ; both switching are
managed by the software.
Audio level regulation stage —regulates the level of the audio signal by means of a digital potentiometer
which can be programmed trough a uWIRE interface (with 0.5dB step between —8dB and +8dB).
Emphasis stage — inserts an emphasis curve on the audio signal with a time constant depending on the
standard (50,75us); the choice can be selected via sofiwarer
Deviation limiter — cuts the audio level to limit the FM deviation; its intervention is handled by the
sofiware and the intervention of the clipper, if any, is signalled by a red LED on the front panel.
Low—pass filter — filters the audio signal before the modulation to suppress extemal residues from the
audio band (20Hz-15kHz); the filter can be inserted by means ofjumpers on the board.
Audio signal level measurement — this stage detects the peak level of the audio signal providing a
conditioned analog voltage for the A/D conversion; the voltage will be processed by the microcontroller
of the display board (see MTGOO79) to be shown as VU-METER.
Frequency modulator — converts to intermediate frequency the audio signal as FM modulation of a
Carrier level regulation stage— switches on and off the audio can-ier and the regulation within at least
:l:3dB of the level referring to the video carrier.
IF amplifier — amplifies the audio carrier to obtain an output level of -6dBm<
Output low—pass filter— filters the harmonics of the audio carrier‘
Audio IF oscillator— generates the audio canierperforming the PLL fi'equency synthesis; the selectable
standards and the lock indication are handled by the sofiware.
20MHz reference— the frequency reference for the PLL synthesis of the carrier is generated by a
TCXO which may be locked to a more precise S/IOMHz external reference (see MTG0076)<
Controller— all of the described operations are managed by a mierocontroller communicating to the user
interface board (see MTGOO79) by RS485 protocol; the local controller stores the status of the module
and a reprogramming of the firmware (possible via RS485 from the display board) does not alter its
- Instrument list
- Spectrum analyser
Lock of the carriers and reference - Oscilloscope
- Tester
- A with generator
- FM Audio neceiver
- Audio parameters analyser
Calibration of the audio parameters
aflerthe FM moddalion
Description of the adjustment points
R6 FM deviation level
R36 Unused
R37 Audio carrier level (-6dBm)
R99 VU»METER deviation
C17 Tuning of the local oscillator of the audio carrier
Fine mning of the local oscillator of the audio carrier
IF video testpoint (50kHz)
U nused
VCO control voltage testpoint (LABV)
TCXO leslpoint (50kHz)
U nused
External reference lestpoint (100kHz)
Audio input (panel)
IF Monitor (panel)
The calibration procedure of'the module requires a complete structure of display board (see M TG0079)
and extension module (see M T 00095 ) in order to perform the software selection which will be referred
to later and power the module itself.
Menu of the Multistandard Mono Audio Modulator Module
YEW Vial) 09:00 V 09:00
[KIT 9 ‘
from videov }
Overload mm 3 f p
Reset Trig ‘ :
Verification of the IF oscillator section — connect a spectrum analyser to the monitor of the J 5 module
and check the sections in it:
D Configure the module with IF On and IF Level at 1/2 of the scale and calibrate C17, L5 to lock the audio
carrier to the intermediate frequency of the set standard (to change the standard refer to the standard
change procedure) and obtain a lock voltage between 7Vand 8Von J3, checking thatSC is onLock in
the menu of the display
D In case of problems in obtaining the lock, check that on J6, J7 and J 12 there are the fiequencies listed in
the table of the description of the adjustment points
Verification of the audio base-band section — connect an audio source to J2 and an FM demodulator
with audio parameters measurement capability to the IF monitor of J 5 and check the sections in it:
D Configmre the module withAudio Lvl at OdB, Zin on 60m, Limiter of)", Emph present and Source
D Calibrate R6 to obtain the correct level of audio deviation,
D IncreaseAudioLvl to +6dB and set Limiter on, chect that the over LED lighted up and that Overload
indicates Pres, restoreAudio Lvl to ME and check that the LED becomes unlit and Overload indicates
Trig, if needed reset this indication with Reset Trig and check that it goes to Abstt
D Calibrate R99 for the correct indication of the VU-METEK
Component Itgmut SCH0198ARO
This modulator allows the Mono, Stereo and Dual Sound coding of TV audio signal.
The boards accept two input audio chamels with a nominal amplitude of 2Vpp iSdB on
a selectable impedance of either 6000 balanced or lOkQ unbalanced. The selection of
the input impedance is made by means of a relay, the adjustment of the input level is made
by means of a digital power-meter. The audio inputs are trough balanced XLRF audio
connectors on the front panel ortrough the bus connector: The audio source, either from
front or back, is switched by a relay
The modulator allows to add a pre-emphasis circuit, which time constant can be set in
factory to either 50 or 75 microseconds
It is possible to add a deviation circuit to prevent an overdrive of the modulator by an
excessive-level base-band signal.
The base-band audio signals are limited in frequency through low-pass filters which suppress frequencies
higher than 15kHz.
The deviation level is monitored by two peak detectors, one for each audio channel.
The Mono, Stereo or Dual Sound coding is analog. The pilot tone identifying the codification is overlapped to
the audio signal which modulates the secondary audio subcarrier. This tone is represented by a 54.6875kHz
pilot frequency, synthesised locally and locked by a PLL to the line frequency of the video signal in base band.
The coding requires this pilot frequency to be non-modulated for monophonic audio. The pilot frequency is
AM modulated with a frequency equal to 117.5Hz, 50% modulation depth, for Stereo‘ It is AM modulated
with a frequency of 274. le, 50% modulation depth, for Dual Sound audio.
The coded audio signal modulates the two subcarriers generated by the VCO, PLL locked to a reference
frequency of ZOMHZ. Each of the subcarriers can be disabled, and the nominal level can be changed by
i3dB. On the board there is an IF input for the 38.9MHz video canier. The latter is added to the two audio
subcarriers and sent to the output.
The following control signal for the modulator operation are present on the board:
— PLL lock status of the primary audio subcarrier
- PLL lock status of the secondary audio subcarrier.
— PLL lock status of the pilot tone
— Overload on the main audio input.
- Overload on the secondary audio input.
- Peak level of the deviation of the primary audio subcarrier.
- Peak level of the deviation of the secondary audio subcarrier.
A1] of the operating parameters of the board are managedbythe built-in micro-processor. Communication to
outside are performed trough RS485 bus.
Input impedance
Nominal level
Deviation limiter
Low-pass filter
Frequency response
Stereo crosstalk
Synchronous AM SIN
Asynchronous AM S/N
Analog measures
Carrier frequency synthesis
Audio carrier characteristics
Pilot tone characteristics
Pilot tone modulation
Modulation frequency
Frequency reference
External interface
6000 - 10k!) selectable
2Vpp mol+8dB
Front and rear XLR selectable
FLAT»50usec (FLAT»75usec)
ISkHz excludable
< 10.5dB
< 05%
< 60dB (d2,d3)
> 50dB
> 70dB
> 72dB
FM deviation of the carriers
On/Ofl' selection and level adjustment > fldB
AM 50%
274.12Hz(]/57fs) l l7i48H2(11133fs)
Internal TCXO externally lockable
Microprocessor withRS485 protocol
Reconfigurablevia RS485
7 a 7 5m 59 795305 a? 957 57377572. $88;
5271 E am 77:32 Egan ME 2 5 as 352
3529 5 2,577} $3 W70< 7a vikomd 5.55me
77257” 5775”
ti 5
55 ”7932 5 fig
7 an; 7 sag as; Sm
55 57 577715 557 ‘ is; 2:57 “a
7 £57; 77 7 7 gas ‘ 2:2 77 a?
55 a
E\ 5 n:
77 E:
5 AT 575.77 ‘ 53578 I; 535 Es E;
3 £2 ‘ 55 s a? 77 553 7 3792 EVE Sm
«5550 M5565 55:53 i
7 fig, 571 was 5 £5 5555?
jwfigfi 55 555 Es g; Ea
575 55a WE, S723 535:
, 7 7 7 7
2 53:82 5:77 5777.77 A553 757 £775 353 as:
5555 s T 53; g ® ® ® 27.57 555; 957 gs 572 5;
93 SE 55 M 352 max
7555 a; 7
55 5; £27 9; z;
a; N £52 Em
£75 5: Ex 5 say
5 E 73 5 WE, § § 73:5:
7 7 7 7
57 53:52 5577 5772.7 mafia 757 5:5 579: as:
558? s T 27,9 557; gs 957 52 52
557.74 5mm
m _ w _ n _ a _ m 7 q 7 m _ N 7 f _ o
The module contains the following blocks:
Input relays (2) — chooses the audio source betweenthe XLR onthe fiont panel of the module andthe one on
the back of the apparatus and selects the input impedance to 6009 or 10kfl; both switching are managed by
the software.
Audio level regulation stages (2) —regulates the level of the audio signal by means of a digital potentiometer
which can be programmed trough a uWIRE interface (with 0.5dB step between —8dB and +8dB),
Emphasis stages (2) —inserts anemphasis curve onthe audio signal with a time constant depending onthe
standard (50,75us); the choice can be selected via sottware.
Deviation limiters (2) —cuts the audio level to limit the FM deviation; its intervention is handled by the
software and the intervention of the clipper; if any, is signalled by ared LED on the front panel.
Low-pass filters (2) —filters the audio signal before the modulation to suppress external residues from the
audio band (20Hz—15kHz); the filtercan be inserted by means ofjlunpers onthe board.
Stereomatfix—encodesthetwoaudiosignalsdeperxiingmthetiansm'ssimmodesetandaddsthe modulated
pilot tone to define the transmission standard as either mono, stereo or dual sound; the selection can be made
via soflware and is indicated by three yellow LEDs on the frontal panel,
14lVlI-Izquartzoscillator— generates theclcckneeded to synthesise thepilottone lockedto the line-synchronism
frequency ofthe video signal coming from the video modulator module (see MTGOO72)‘
Synthesised pilot tone generator —synthesises the pilot tone by means of DDS programmed trough an
Audio signal level measurement—this stage detects thepeaklevel ofthe audio signal providingtwo conditioned
analog voltages forthe A/D conversion; the voltages will be processed by the microcontroller of the display
board (see MTGOO79) to be displayed as VU—METERS,
Frequency modulators (2) —converts to intermediate frequency the audio signal as FM modulation of a
Carrier level regulation stages (2) — switches on and off the audio carrier and the regulation within at least
i3dB of the level referring to the video carrier.
12. IF amplifier — amplifies the audio carrierto obtain an output level of -6dBm<
Output low—pass filter— filters the harmonics of the audio carrier:
Audio IF oscillators (2) — generates the audio carrierperfomiing the PLL frequency synthesis; the selectable
standards and the lock indication are handled by the sofiware.
ZlJMHz reference — the frequencyreference forthe PLL-synthesis of the audio carrier is obtained from the
video module (see MTGOU72) to keep aperfect intercanier linings
Controller— all of the described operations are managed by a microcontroller comnmnicating to the user
interface board (see MTGOO79) by RS485 protocol; the local controller stores the stattn of the module and a
reprogrammjngof the firmware (possible via RS485 from the displayboard) does not alter its contents
- Instrument list
- Spectrum analyser
- Oscilloscope
- Tester
Look of the carriers and reference
- Audio generator
- FM Audio receiver
- Audio spectrum analyser
Calibration of the audio parameters
after the FM modulation
- Description of the adjustment points
R161 Clipper symmetry, Iett channel
R176 Clipper symmetry, right clfinnel
R13 Indication of the main carrier deviation
R134 Indication of the secondary carrler deviation
LP1, LP2, LP3, LP4 Frequency response adjustment
R41, R42, 642 Crosstalk adjustment
R103 Pilot tone level adjustment
R29 Adjustment of the maln carrier deviation
R104 Adjustment of the secondary carrier deviation
030, L7 Adjustment of the maln canler frequency
C102, L14 Adjustment of the secondary canier frequency
R37 Adjustment of the maln canler outan level
R78 Adjustment of the secondary carrier output level
R70 Adjustment of the video carrier (Unused)
R72 Adjustment of the can'lers output level
MF1, MFZ Adjustment of the outpm filter
J2, J7 Audio inpms (panel)
J4 IF monitor (panel)
Component layout for adjustment points
“‘“@' m m
J > Q U o 1.5“ 0 5.31.5 e E1-
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mm 0 min“ mm
® . . M . mm... M: IQ : mm 2 6)
Wk “ n rum-u
m Q gm fl m m mm g
(3 m 5
3 H M M, gm 5
, Amman ® mm kl?" "m o mum “SEE
we Q n m —
“fl—“_“_ w mun
m m
mg 7st:
The calibration procedure of'the module requires a complete structure of display board (see M TGOO79)
and extension module (see M TGOO95 ) in order to perform the software selection which will be referred
to later and power the module itself
- Menu of the Multistandard Stereo Audio Modulator Module
Vim VLB 09:86 VEl'xll VI." 09:05 UT“ Um WM
DVerlnadl libs!
minimum llbst
IlesetTris fit
and» 203“, my. lllnfin emu, um. findio 20m, aim. nuns zeav, 0.in
I El'xll “I.“ 09:06
itll'l level Haw
W2 lava! .__,'_._4
fiufliolvt §05 tiliv
i am 2mm um.
Verified sezione oscillatore a IF — collegare un analizzatore c ' spettro sulla monitoria del cassetto JS e
controllare Ia fimzionalita delle sezioni in esso presenti:
Configure the module with IF] and IF2 On and IFI Level and IF2 Level at 1/2 of the scale and
calibrate C30 and L7 (C102 and L14) to lock the audio carriers to the intermediate frequency of the set
standard (to change the standard refer to the standard change procedure) and obtain a lock voltage
between 2 Vand 3 Von C4 (C113), checking that SCI and SCZ are onLock in the menu of the displays
Connect a spectrum analyser in tracking mode between J3 and the output of the J 1 module and check
the response of the filter calibrating MFI and MF2 to the minimum ripple,
Calibrate the R37 trimmer to obtain on J 1 the maximum level of the main carrier in output and calibrate
R76 fora level of the secondary carrier- 7dBc compared to the main, then calibrate R72 to obtain a level
of the main carrier of —6dBm.
Verification of the audio base-band section — connect an audio source to J2 and J7 and an FM
demodulator with audio parameters measurement capability to the IF monitor of J4 and check the sections in
Configure the module with Mode DualSound,AudioI Lvl OdB, AudioZ LvI OdB, Zin 6009, Limiter
off, Emph present and Source front.
Calibrate R29 and R104 to obtain the correct level of audio deviation for both subcarriersi
Increase AudioI(2) LvI to +6dB set Limiter on, chect that the over LED lighted up and that
OverloadLm) indicates Pray, and that the limitation circtuit acts symmetrically on both polarities of the
audio signal, using an oscilloscope on pin3 of JPl (JPS), and retouch if needed R161 (R176), restore
Audi01(2) LvI to ME and check that the LEDs become unlit and 0verIoadL(R) indicates Trig, if
needed reset this indication with Reset Trig and check that it goes to Absti
Calibrate R13 and R134 for the correct indication of the VU-METERSi
Configure the module with Mode Mono and calibrate R103 to a 2,5kHz deviation of the pilot tone with
no audio sources connected on J 2 and J7.
Configure the module with Mode Stereo and connect an audio signal to J7, calibrate R41, R42 and C42
to maximise the crosstalk of the right channel overthe lefi channel.

Source Exif Data:
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Metadata Date                   : 2005:02:02 15:43:57+01:00
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