GuangZhou Walkera Technology WK-2602 RC MODEL PLANE User Manual

GuangZhou Walkera Technology Co., Ltd RC MODEL PLANE Users Manual



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Document ID1233182
Application IDsaU4WutUuCbwDusvO/BwFQ==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize171.06kB (2138304 bits)
Date Submitted2010-01-26 00:00:00
Date Available2010-01-26 00:00:00
Creation Date2010-01-26 10:50:13
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2010-01-26 10:51:54
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Administrator

w i’xifllfim 191116? WK-zsozigfiéfi
we I kero
£37 fi 535
iIE EfifiifliflfefififilfifiAmWfi. 13?
Part one: General Information
1.0 Fouword --------
1 1 lmporlant Slalements -
I z Seiety Guidelines Needing Allenlian -
I 3 Allenncn beiore fllgh ~
2 a Fuluus
z 1 Transmitter WK-zsoz
3.11 sn-cilications ,
3 1 Transmtllsr Specification ,,,,,,,,,,,
a 2 Receiver Specificanon ,,,,,,,,,
4.0 F-co . ——
4 2 Wiring Diagram
4 3 WK72602 lnpul Key Funcnon
5-0 Control Slick Lnnglh Adjustmmt ............. 7
5 1 Cunlrcl Slick Tension Adluslmenl W.
5 2 Neck strap Usage"—
5 3 Mecnanlcal throttle swllch methods — .
5 3 1 nghbhand throttle swlichad to W,
lefl-hand lhmnle
5.3.2 Lenrhand throttle swllched to right hand --------
5 4 Slick Tension Adjuslmenl —— .
6.0 Installation Raquium-nts -------------------- lo
Party two: Functlon Setup
1.1: Main Mom. 7—
2.1: swampm- «yp.
1. a channel reverse sewrl- - -
4.11 Bumr sflup ................
5.1) Expon-nn-l function -
5 1 Thrcme curve and servo
exponemim lunclion
--------------------- 15
51 1 AdAustmenl fur narma‘ 77777777
5 1 2 Adjuslmem 1111 5mm lhrome curve——
5 1 3 Adius1men1 lur servo exponemia1 W
51 4 Campadbmy selfing 1m axpanem‘m funcfion - - -
6.0 PIT adiustmum --
a 1 PIT adjustment——
s 2 PLT adjustment , —
7.n Adjusmnnt ov gyro sunsitiviiy
and rudder mixing
7 1 Dvechon adjustmem of rudder
7 2 Adjustment of gym sensitiva
and rudder mixmg - -
7 21 Adjusflnsnt of gyro sensitivity ........
7.2.2 Adjustment of rudder sensilwity .......
s.» Snltlnq 1m comp-11111111137. .
s 1 Fugm made ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Part one: General Informatlon
1 0 F word
The WK—ZGDZ adopts ine frequency—hum: g spread spectrum 2 AG ieennoiegy which ieeiures ememeiie code pairing, in essignmerd end nigh
capacity alanfi1amming ii uses ihe graphic menu whim ieaiuras simple sasyalaaroad operaiion
1.1 Important Statements
(1) fire iransrniiier is surname ier experienced radio canimiied neireepier medeiers beyond 1A years did
(2) Fiying ine model arreraii in approved ground is a rnusi
(3) We are noi responsible ier any saieiy caused by operanonr usage er cenimi as seen as me iransmriier is said .
(4) We consign eur flislrlbulors w aiier ieehrucai moon and service aner saie Piease ceniaei ins ideai dislnbulors iar prdniem saiuiiens caused
by usage, Dperzfionr marnierrarree, elc
1.2 Safety Needing Attention
(i ) Far away Irom obsiasie and paepie
RC neiimpier in flight is uneeriain cf flight speed and siaius, w sir pdieniiai risk exisls in wnen iiying, piease keep your RC heiisapier iar
away irdrn peopie, ingir b gs, highslension iine, eie and avoid operafing in rairn sierrns, iiiurrder and iigniening.
(2) Away irarn humidi'y enwrenmeni
RC heiieopier shouid he kepl awayirorn humidity and vapor because II is composed oleornpiieaied precise eieeiranic eiemenis and mechanic
(3) Pmperoperalmn
Phase use Wa‘kera ongvm spars pans In “997868. modwy or mimmn your eqmpmsm In ordnr I0 Issurs It! sat-(y P‘elss operall your
lqmpmlnl wnnm rne rungs ofluneuonr pennmed s romrdden re use omre 55'er rrws or reeunrnons
(A) Serery aperafinn
Preeee ny yaurequrpmanlaecurdmg myour may slaw: and mgnr sxrus Ferrgue, usueseness and mhwpemflon wm rnoreese rne oossrbumee
or eccrdenoer mere.
(5) Away from heal source
The rnerde oune uansrniner ls composed ol nreny preuse erecrronrc components and meennnicer pans Keep n hr away 1mm hear eouroee
and sunshme to word drslomon, or even damage caused by men temperature
(6; Carmen Chargmg Meme
n is pronibrred re charge me benery by me CHG jack wnen using a nonerecnergeebre beuery pack
1.3 Anuntlon bnfon fllghl
11) Ensure the benary pack: or bum (rammmer and rec-lver are My charged (saluraledi.
12) Ensure both me mmme suck and (he rhrome mm or ycurtransmmer may er me lowest posmone bflcra opereubn.
13) Preeee sbiedy ebey me order enunmn and omen berore ooereuon wnen starting your mom, mm on yourtransmrmrfirst,1hen eonnecl
me benery ro me new. wnen ruming on me heh, dieoonneeune benery first men Ium ofi‘ms nnsminer An upsel n we order broonneefien
may cause your new Opler k) lose oenlrer Preese ourdyere a ooneer ha enurnon end lurnofl
(4) Ensure rne drreenons end zcnons onne eerybs ere eoneer when exeeuong eernrnends enne oenernmer Uslng a broken sarvo le resull
|n unforeseen dangers
2. 0 Features
2.1 Trans er WK-zeoz
t The WK-ZEOZ adepls 2 AG rrequency-hevprng spread spectrum technoiogy and lean-res automatic code pelrlng and lb eesrgnmenl
2 Grapnle arsplay rnenu ls slmple to understand and ta set
3 The appearance deslgn accords with ergonomics and lealures easy hnidlng The LCD screen wlln backlighl and graphlc rnlerrece ioaks rncre
4 Both me lengln and lensien at me slink can he adiuslabie It is cenvenrenl le lreely swrlcn among lne 4 slick modes
3.0 Specifications
3.1 Transmitter Specification:
Encoder" -- s-channel micro cernpuler system
Frequency - 2.46 spread spammm
output Power-n -- <10mW er <1oornw
Current Drain . . <120mA13|10mW)ur
(230mA 131 100mW)
iner Scum -- - - 1.2v x BNlCad(9 svsounrAn)
or 1 5v x 8 AA dry batteries
output Pulse - - --1050—1850Ms(1500 Neutral)
3.2 Receiver Specification:
Tyne , ,
, Type‘ us 7 channei
Sensiflwty , ,
Frequency lnleryer, ,
Dlrnenslon - . . - - 39 x 28 5 x 14.5mm
Receiver Eallery , , , , a: av llnurnAn
Neck Strap Eyelet
v2 konb
Gear ‘ Flight Mode sw
Elevator Tflm Throttle Tnm
Elevalnr/ Rudder Slick Throme lAileren slick
Power SW
Rudder Trlm
Aileron Tflm
UP / DOWN Funen‘an Increase I Decrease
Function Key
5x7 Funmicn Key
ENT Function Key
4.1 Back
Chargmg Jack: mpm vm'age: 12V, Current 5071DBmA Powamy: sake
w. umylil lnrlhu ncharg-ahlc hamry pack. Non-ncharguhlc one is strictly forbidden to u“ the charg- Inflation!
Cam/inn Nandw
rwang Seew
,— Emery Cover
Tramer Jack (Not um) Chargmg Jank
' ng Diagram:
Connem to EEC
PIT servo
Gear servo
Rudder servo
Thmms ssrvol Esc
AHeron servo
Elsvslor servo
4.3 WK-ZBDZ Input Key Function
EXT: Resel key, press EXT le exrl me semng mode
ENT: Euler key, orees ENT Ia enter me selling and
canfilmallan s13llls
-IIP: Seleclzon key. moves cursor up lo lrre prewous
luncn'on nerrr
-DN: Selecllon key, moves cursordown to me next
luncllon ilern.
eR: change we telllng
L-: Change lne semng
5.0 Control Stick Length
Prolong lrre silck lengm: ccw ralele Ihe silck head unlil me
lenglrr you hope, and men ccw fighlen me stick sleeve;
Shonen lhe sllck lengln: cw rolale Ihe 51le sleeve urml lhe
length you have, and men cw llgnlen the sllek head
sunk sleeve
sllck head
5.1 Control Stick Tension Adjuslment
Remove Me 5 screws m me back cover at WKVZBOZ‘ and remove me
nensmmer back cover lee eerelul nel lo break lrre wlres) men use a
Pnrllrps screwdriver to adjust each screw on me lrrronle erreslmg spring
lor lrre desired lension (Nate: cw rotate le ilghierl Ihe slick and cow
rotate to lousen)
Carmel Slllx
Adllmrv-em Screw
Len Throme slrek
nghlfllmme sllok
5.2 Neck snap Usage
The neck elrap can be nookeo on We lece el lhe WK—ZEOZ hansmlller.
The Hook localea el lhe cenler helps lo gel oollrnel balance ol lhe
New soap Eyelel
5.3 Mechanical throttle switch methods
5.3.1 Rigm-hind thrunll swtiehed to Ion-hand throm-
A Tne suck pusilton change
Remove the banery pack and the 5 fixmg screws m the back at
iransminer‘ end then remove the lransmmer back case (59 ceretul
ml to break the wnes tnstde) Use a PhiHlps screwdnver to teesen
the hnkege screws, screw A, screw E end the «wine arreslmg spring
WI the nght throttle posmon Then meunt them to the corresPondlng
posinons WI the tett mrome postuon Amust screw A eccerding to the
personet hand teeting (adjusl the tenston at the thrattle suck) Then
tns'AH the Imnsmmev hank case
Lmkaga Su-wx
Llnkxgl Scwws
Tnmm- ATT-stmg
, t t 7
Len Throme Posmen
Rtgnt Threme Pasmen
E The data ewrtch
Press ENT and both 57ch MOD end we current status at sltck (any
ene number 1mm 1 through 4; flashl That means the setting stems ts
entered Press R or L to flash the number t or 3 behind STICK MOD
Press ENT to confirm and ex" by Pressrng EXT.
tzvv sncltlmnt
new GEAR
m 100%
mm AUX
ex» m Prmunwx cm ecn
m, suckmn:
my em
mm M ,
m m leunmx fine set
The nght—hend threme tnctudes Iwo modes MODE 1 and MODE 3:
The teflrhand nnctudee another Iwo modes- MODE 2 end MODE 4
Reler to the {chewing sketch may,
Etemer Throm- Threme Eteveter
Rudd-r4—1—r Attemn<~$~> tandem—1+ Alluon<~$~>
EI-nlar mom. ‘hrflfill Eteveuer
Alternn<—1—>Ruddnr<—$—> Allemn<~1~> Rudd-«<1.»
The swrtch tram ngnt hend tnreme to weft is compteted and yeur
WKezsoz ls ready tor nonnat flynng
5.3.2 Lem-and throttle swtr'ohed to right hand
A The suck pcsillon change
Remove the battery pack and the s llxlng screws in the back at
tranemttter. and then remove the transmitter back case tBe caretul
not to break the wlres insidet Use a Philltps screwdriver to loosen
the linkage screws. screw A. screw B and the throttle arreslrng sprlha
ln the lett throttle posltlon Then mount them to the correspondtna
Daslllons in the right throttle position Adjust screw A accord-ng to the
personal hand teeltng tadlust the tenston at the throttle slick) Then
lnstall the Imnsmmer back ease
Llnkavs screws
tlntaae screw!
Sch A
Thrullle erreslrna
screw a
ten Thrallle Posltr‘on
Rrght Throttle Posltmn
a The data switch
Press ENT and both sTch MOD and lts cunent status at strck (any
one number alt through 4) are flashing That means the settlng status
rs nrlterefl Press R or L to flash the number? m4 118th sTch MOD
Press ENT to confirm and extt by presstng Ext
Wflflv nchMoDz mum. MICK uotu
ELEV uean ELEV amt
the m 100% he a. 100%
mm Alix . rm Alix
lat/m; arm 3 man Buzz
Exp Pu nrnnrm awn not err m Perllwlx em sou
t:-:. t:-:. t:-:.
The lefiaharld includes twc modes: MODE 2 and MODE A, The right—
hand lhrcttte includes ancthertwe mbdes: MODE 1 and MODE 3 Refer
tc the lcllawing sketch map
MonE1 MoDEz
EI-vflm Threnl. Yhmlllu Elevator
Met, “We. was “mate
EI-valov Threnl. "tum. Elovalnr
The switch lrcrn Iefi hand throttle to right ls completed and your
WK—2602 is ready tor normal flylng.
No": Pay attention to the strength when remanng and ad‘usilng the
screwfi Excessive strength may damage lhern

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