MGA Entertainment 257813 2.4GHz 40 Channel Analog Modulation Cordless Phone User Manual

MGA Entertainment (HK) Ltd. 2.4GHz 40 Channel Analog Modulation Cordless Phone


User Manual

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Document ID313969
Application IDMVLvPu42qOXtEaYYM9uMcw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize37.61kB (470154 bits)
Date Submitted2003-03-28 00:00:00
Date Available2003-03-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-03-10 17:25:08
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2003-03-10 17:26:34
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Caller‘s voice is too low.
Conversation is interrupted
Static noise is present during
~ Tum the Reeerver Voiume Contlol on the
handset Io runner |eve|
~ Move closet to the MS:
~ PlessltbeCH mum in swrloh Ioa clearer
Telephone numbers are not
dialed correctly from the
caller list.
~ Mme tune you have set your Iocn! area
- Make sure the dlsphyed telephone number
reflects me mum diafinn smmmn (r e
‘r belofe ma code)
No dial tongpnone will not
dial out
While on a call, you hear
another call on the line or
experience radio frequency
~ cam mu meAC mer zuzpler rs
plugged rmoa mmrrg AC power mam.
- check all telephone cord connections
a! try anon-tr wail peg
. Do a Ins-c 1m! 0! my mom.
dwwnnea (In mnefmm me mm and
remmmo mmery Leave lol so
mlrrum and men re-mmu a: instructed
DY my manual.
. Switch cmnm Io . cluv channel.
. cmme mung tor bad connect-ens
’ Do not use "us onmwnnm 2!) ice! 073
working mien-wave Yhe microwave
nwduoes frequencies in (ms range winch
may cause inleflevence This
imeflevellce Is normal In! a" 2V4GN1
phones and should rid be consumed a
WWW delefi
Can’t receive or make phone
~ Check inhe one-re I: sea lo the correct
tyne oi werwce,e1lherTnne or Purse
Please keep this manual. I1 confiiB imbunanl Wmafion,
mi. 0 no; um.
mpniy of um Eneminrrrmp.
u my“: Reserved.
mm Selmvlwm s veer
um Hxls. (A sum USA
(mu) m was
am: mhllvelated logos, name: we
fist-Km Ikenusex a! O! exclusrve
ml: symbol is m alert ynu m imporlznt DFEIafing or serving Instructialls that my mum in the
user: manual. Amy; lellnw nesic ”my pnlzalmons when nslng this pMutlh reduce me risk
' 14mm: M ckm'czl shock.
Whnn u-Ing xh mam. bni: may pv-zlullm- chwld AMI" balallawvd le Mmfin rlskoflln hark: mock ml mlu-v
m plmnk includ ngmnlnllmng:
z eel». .ll mung; ...e lmlme Mme pl m We
4. BATTERY CAUTIONARY INSTRUCTIONS 4 1 use ewe- unsumewxwzmx
. ‘ unplug mum m Mull pplelpm “em. panel pm mm pl aerosol wee. Us. 5 amp elm m
5. FCC STATEMENT 5 5 “m9 .
pm use mls ma ”up,“ lw mmple m g ”m me. am. m... w mm m. m . wn human or m, .
mm pep.
5- LOCATION OF CONTROLS AND FEATURES 7 s Mnaplumlswmflmmmmemsmnflfime weplpuulnmwmlemsngs-lmpmgelpmpmm
7 Eng am upmmgslrl mg mm! Ina Khulna lie pmdad a unulmm. YD mad ll mm muting. we npsllrlgs m ml
INSTALLATION 11 peplmwmmmmgmpemmplepemplmmepmmmem m ppmplmmlemee
m, We, mama We e: pm a w . mm, pm" mile w, New name be ppm l.. ..l enema
a. CARE AND MAINTENANCE 1s wmnmmwmmunmlswm
s l» m m ml“, m M. e. N W m, pa m me We ppm me m m pl. pe mm w mm “pm
mm; m l
9 up In ma will mm; m mmsm m; s m pen msm l.. m pulle nr-lwu ”x
lo mm pm mpg; a any klna m lm plum mm mm. Mel: n M mly «um val-p. ppm w sell 60! pm fill
wale run ll. . Pl! all. plum-la mm Net! pplll llauu dwma pp hvan
ll we we. m m a male-l ”pp =o nu pleumpl. ml. plpepa mm m ll lo . euulm uMec 9mm mu we. pr
Pep-ll wok l: mull-e opemp , mevlng ewe may apes: yw 10 «mm; vpluppe was an meme run-"my
mam 5mm mmkmhw spplmmmppeqlenry mp
lz Unplug Nl peeps m mar mu"; lp qupllm mp. panama unuu m Vclwlm per-men;
What he pwe’ apply an pl plup ls m. p a Ema,
lump h-s pm pplm We m prev-A:
lllrn plum you been nan-e re rm wml
n no menu ope- nel ppm. arm-fly py Yak-mm lne ppemnp humans. Aulun mm epnlruls m lrl m opnlmfl
lnsvumwls. llllplppel Imumefll pl mu poms may “sun lll amm ma mule nplk a, a lap-ma mm (a meme
The package shauld be lncluded the followan llerns: .. mmmm m,
- Handsel l: Avw'fl mg . Manhunt mm mm p wlpus we”, Cu'lng m elealnl m T'IEV' may pe n mule nsk m meme whack m
_ - llgmfingv
Base UV"l u Demumluepmelplepm.g.el.emmevlcrlmulmle.l<
-1pp of 2/3 AM rechargeable battery
- M ' d
IF vow vacuum UTlleEs nrrmss. THE mewmc ADDITWNAL PRECMJHONS snoum BE cassava):
l Cuullw, w p- etulus’m K filmy ls mama ey 51mm lype Dlsuose mused mew swam m be lnsmnlpus
7. rev me meals: hum-t usewly 3 w zelmn mm Maul Hymdc (mm) smiles laemme penely pm uumm u M
mm nausea,
3 up nut we" ormullllg he an Rfleuscd «any: ls mmlve find my cause damagem mg (ya pr gm Il may be me H
" mama.
4 amp- I!!! ln hrldlrlg bananas ln em: ml to 3m me Emery Wlm cmaumg menus and: us flags, mussels pna ksys. The
DIM pl mum mt] mum-pl um nus: bums
5 up nu allempl ln rem-mm Dmtnts pruvlaea wlm nr ldemlfitd hf use wml lnls pmducl rrla bananas my lnk emsve
emptyle wuplwe
s l» llul mew. lp mlwmllz me blnenes pnwlded Wm pr rammed la use wlln ms palm by nemg mall Sudden release d
we bill-Y elecpume my m. mm; bums at lmlanm le eyes m slam.
7 VWlEl leplmg Merle; .ll hmzs mm pe mplaaefl alme samenme Mlmg lleerl and dlsmtgzd bzmfles mum lame
lnlem- ml ma ma mam me mnurged Dames
a wnel llsmng lm mules Inn: was pmun. me propel pplemy pr dll’afiflan musl be mseweq muse lmerlea pl malls em
mse almlngl wnm my IESAX m Lelkzge Dr =mll>slm
s lew: m balm wpm lrlls pram-ml me plpma wlll nut [75 used lpr a lmp peflod dfime lsmenl mums or mare) slllpe pullnp
W5 me me pm could leak dnnlng me mam
“7. male ‘asau' humans as spell as postal: snce lhzy ale more llkely to let ll 1 product
- This equipment complies with Pan es ofthe FCC rules and the requirements
. d uses , h 1h > F . s . .
11 uifigfisfimm Zgzzhnfiigzzszpzflggj icn wiggahxflfs) °“" '“ “mama adopted by the ACTA. on the bottom of this equtpmenl is a label that contains,
A among other information, a product identifier in the tormat US: AAAEQ##TXXX.
, . . it requested, this Number must be provided to the telephone company.
1233222215szJg‘zsehgfé'izzgs‘; fit-$02“ may “Mme“ c “k “m m' - A FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment.
P ' This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises
13“ not state this ”0de M he batteries provided mm or idem“ to, “sew”. m5 ring using a compatible modular lack which is Part 59 compliant. See installation
instructions for details.
Effn'fpiiipli'izt'iiffieeriiiifl: stlksif‘flf:éfixfisfffo';g$:;fo’:mm - The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to a
mvage and defrosting telephone line. Excesswe RENSI on a telephone line may result In the devices not
‘ ringing in response to an incoming call in most but not all areas. the sum of RENs
should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may be
. i . . connected to a line, a determined by the total RENS. contact the local tele hone
“mm“ 5m“ in “mm“ 5" ’°°'" “m"m’“ F"°"° “59 “mm“ “M399- company. For products approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for this proguct is
part or the product identifier that has the format US: AAAEQ##TXXX. The digits
represented by wt are the REN without a decimal point (e.g.. 03 is a REN cine).
For earlier products, the REN is separately shown an the label,
. "(his equipment 257813 causes harm to the telephone network. the telephone
company will notify you in advance the temporary discontinuance of service may
be required. But itadvanoe notice isn't practical. the telephone companywill notify
the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will lee advised of your right to file a
complaint with the FCC it you believe ll is necessary.
~ The telephone company may make changes in its taci ias, equipment, operations
or procedures that could attecl the operation ofthe equipment. Ifthla happens the
telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary
modiricallvns to maintain uninterrupted service.
é‘ Please follow instructions for repairing if any (e.g. battery replacement section);
otherwise do not alternate or repair any parts ofdevice except specified.
- Connection to party line service Is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public
utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission tor
- ‘l’his equipment is hearing aid compatible. (except Caller ID Box)
__ _ s I h , - An applicable certification jacks Universal Service Order Codes (USOC) for the
mfixfig‘;fnfiizzsfigngzflggs 3.12351; z:::;;"j::;"gf;fe equipment is provided tie. Rm 0) in the packaging with each piece or approved
industry propiamto collectand recyclettiece tiaiteriesatlheend omicir ‘Wm'na' Equll’memv _ ,
. NOTICE: ltyour home has specially Wired alarm equipment connected to the
uselullife.wherllaken oululservicein the United SHISSJ'hQ RBRC . _
program provides: convenieniaiternsiiveic placing used Nl—MH buttery telephone line, ensure the installation or this (us; 6TAW9105257813) does not
intothetmsn urine municipal waste streamwmcn may bulletin! n. disable your alarm equipment, if you have questions about what will disable alarm
Wu'flffl» ”9326 H" (“Wu-“FUN“WNW" 0" “F h “we" equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer,
fem“? 3"? “PM”"“’f’°5'”°"°"‘ "' “W?“- MG‘ 5 , - Should you experience trouble with this equipment. please contact MGA
”meme” '" ""5 “my“ '5 "a" "m” ”°”m"'"°"“° ”mm“ °'" Entertainment Customer Service: (soolzzz-Asss for repair or warranty information.
envircrneni and conserving our natural resuurcls.
it the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company
may request that you disconnect the equipment uniil the prohelm is resolved.
- NOTICE: According to telephone company reports, Ac electrical surges,
typically resulting from lightning strikes, are very destructive to telephone
equipment connected to AC power sources. To minimize damage trom these types
of surges. a surge arrestor is recommended.
~ This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications,
- The Ringer Equivalence Number is an indication afthe maximum number of
terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interlace. The termination on
an interface may connsist of any combination ol devices subject only to the
requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers 01 all the devices
does not exceed five.
- Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipmenlt
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found ta comply with the limits for a
Class 5 digit device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are
designed to provided reasonable protection against harmlul interference in a
residential Installation
Thls equlpment generates, uses and can radiate radio lrequency energy and. if
not Installed and used In accordance with the instructions, may cause harmlul
interference to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that inter-
lerence Will not occur in a particular Installation. Ifthis equipment does cause
harmful interlerence to radio or televlslon reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment all and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interrerence by one or more otthe following measures:
~ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
~ Connect the equipment into an outlet n a circuit different from that In which the
receiver is needed.
- Consult the dealer or an experieced radio/TV technician tor help.
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada
technical specifications.
The Ringer Equivalence Number is an indication of the
maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected
to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface
may consist of any combination of devices subject only
to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer
Equivalence Numbch of all the devices does not
exceed five.
Radial button
Numeric button
Volume button
Tone/Pulse Option flgfi
Memory buttonfi—lig
Speed memory —l1r,©©
Mute button
Channel button
Charge contacts
Talk button
The talk key is used to make or to terminate calls. Flashes quickly when the phone
Flash button
The flash button is used to flash or stop the call.
Volume button
Used to adjust the receiver volume. Turn left to make the receiver volume up, turn
right to make the receiver volume down.
ToneIPuIse Option
lithe base is set to pulse dialing, press' causes subsequent digits to be dialed
out using tone until the line is put back on hook. This lezture is available in pulse
dialing only.
Speed memory button
Used to store or recall Speedily numbers in speed memory
Memory button
Used to store or recall numbers in memory.
Used to transmit your voice to your caller by the microphone.
Charge contacts
Used to charge forthe handset.
Used to display the call information (on pagefl)
Channel button
Used to select another channel for clearer reception.
Mute button
The Mute button is used to temporarily mute the handset microphone.
a button
Used to pause or end the call.
Numeric button
Used in the conventional manner for dialing.
Radial button
Used to redial the last dialed call.
Used to hear the voice oflhe receiveri Mute icon
Channel icon Talk icon
(The two digits for
channel will be
changed by
pressing the
CH button.)
Page icon
Low BAT icon
Volume icon
(the digits for volume will be changed by pressing
the Volume button.)
LCD display
Base face view
Page but
i— Charge contacts
Page button
Used to inltlate a handset page
"1 “S!
Lights (red) lit up when line is use. Flashes steadily when the phone is muted,
Flashes slowly when the battery I5 low, and the LOW Bat. icon will be shown on
the LCD.
Lights (red) lit up when the handset is on the cradle being charged orwhen the
handset is in use. Flashes quickly when the phone is ringing.
Charging contacts
Used to recharge battery and reset the security code in the handset.
Light bulb
Lights (red) flashes steadily when the phone rings.
Ease Back
Tone/pulse switch
Use for connecting the AC power to the telephone.
Tonelpulse switch
Used to set the dialing method far tone or pulse dialing.
Phone Iinejack
Use for connecting the LINE jack on the wall by using the
provided telephone line.
Use for wall mounting.
Desk or table Installation
1. Plug the AC adaptor cord Into the 9V DC input jack on the Base unit.
(see fig. A)
2. Plug one end ofthe telephone cord into the TEL LINEjack on the Base unit.
(see fig. A)
3. Thread the adapter card and telephone line card through the grooves at the
back ofthe unit. The card will exn from the bottom.
4. Plug the olher end at the telephone cord into the telephone wall lack.
(see fig. A)
5. Plug the AC adaptor into a standard l2cv AC wall omlet. (see fig. A)
NOTE Use only With the AC adapter supplied with Eratz cordless phone,
8. To place the base unit on the flat table
7. Place the receiver handset on the lap of base unit after battery has been imtalled.
(see fig. B)
Wall Mounting
The Bratz Cordless Phone could be able to mounted on the wall by lung two screws
(net included) fastened to the wall. For this type of installation, complete the
following steps first
Place the WALL MOUNT TEMPLATES (916) on the wall.
The Inmtion of the screws is indicated by the centers of the Erased linest
Fasten the screws leaving 3/16 of the screw extending from the wall
Plug the A0 adapter card into the av DC input jack on the base unit (see fig. A)
Plug one end of the telephone line card into the TEL LINEjack on the Base unit
(see fig. A)
Thread the adaptor cord and telephone line cord lhmugh the grooves in the back
of the unit The card will exit from the bottom.
Plug the other end of the line cord inta the telephone wall jack. (see fig, A)
slmply allgn the bracket wlth the slots on the base with the semws until it is
securely In place
10l Plug the Ac adaptor into a standard (zen/Ac wall outlet.
Note: Use only wlth the AC adapter supplied w'mh amt: careless phone.
11. Place the receiver handset on the top olbase after battery installed. (see (lg, B)
Battery Installation
To install the 3.6V 250mAh cordless handset battery pack:
1. sildethe battery compartment door on the back ofthe handset.
2. Plug the battery connect into the 2-pin connector in the battery
compartment afier inserting the battery.
3 Close the battery compartment door.
4 Place the handset on the base unit cradle,
5 Once you have installed the battery pack and placed the
handset on the base you will hear a tone indicating the
handset has connected with the base and will successfully
IMPORTANT. Charge the battery pack (or at least 12 hours
bevnre usmg the handset.
6, The base unit will llght initially up when the handset is properly
making contact w'nh the charge terminals
emery Duration
Atully charged battery Iasls tor apprcxrmaraly,
. 3 hours when you use the handset continuously (talk time)
~ 5 days when the handset is not in use (standby)
When the battery Needs charglng
~ The LCD display Wlll show Low Bat. icon
Please Note:
‘ Under power failure conditions, this telephcne will not dpemte.
Please ensure that a separate telephone, nu! dependent on Io
power, rs available for emergency use,
~ The earpiece arms handset may ahact small ferromagnetic objects
such as staples and pins, care snculd be taken when placing the
handset hear these items.
- Do not place |he base unit close to other electrical equipment, such
astelevision sels. monitors, tclaccm equipment, fans etc. this to reduce
the risk uflntel‘ference problems Do not place the base unit in areas of
high humidity cr where it will be exposed to dlrect sunlight or other major
heat sources.
- The range of the telephone varies depending on various factors inthe smomdmg
environment The radio Vlmves transmitting me call may be hindered by ohstmaions,
reducing the lenge.
. Specified mnges require an unobstructed transmission between the handset and the
base unit. In such ideal conditions, the telephone range (an be up to 90 metresln a
densely populated area, house, apartment. etc. the range of the telephone will be
reduced. Try to get the best range by relamting the base unit. The ideal Iocatlm tor
the base unit is a high and unobstructed place.
Our timer-gs Warning
ll durirg a all the handset is carried too far from the base wit the somd quality will
deteriorate, a warning tone will be heard (mm the handset Unless the
rendset is moved cluster to the use within a few seconds. the call will be lost.
Memory and Speed Dialing
The first: Cordless Phone will store up to 20 memory dial numbers and 1 speed
dial number.
Memory Dill/rig
Checking the available Memory
1. With the handset in the idle state, press MEM button on the handset, the
display numbers shows how many phone calls were stored.
2. Press MEM again to return back on ST ANDBY mode.
Storing Phone Numb en in to Memory
1. With the handset in the idle state, press and hold the MEM button on the
handset at 2 seconds. You will hear 2 beeps sound and the cursor flash on
LCD display.
2. Dial the number you wish to store (up to 14 digits).
Note: Press Redial to insert a dialing pause into number The pause lasts for
4 seconds and use one digit of the 14 digits available.
3. Press MEM.
4. Press the dial pad key for the location where ynu wish to store the number .
The handset will give a confirmation tone.
Note: Press TALK to cancel this process at anytime if needed.
Displaying the Memory Calls
1. Vlfith the handle in the idle state, press MEM and then dial pad key where you
want to check the position of the stored memory.
2. Press MEM.
3. The phone number recalled on the LCD display.
Noted: If you wish to make a call on the same phone number. Press TALK to
dial the phone numbers directly.
4. Press MEM again to return back on ST ANDBY mode.
Making Memory Dial Calls
1. Press MEM and dial pad key number where phone number is stored into
handset memory.
2. Press TALKte collect the call.
Note: The Star button will light-Lip. The LED will flash while the handset is
scanning fora clearchannel. When the hands is in use, the IN USE
buttDn will light-Lip on the base unit.
3. When you are finished with your call, press TALK or place the handset back
on the base.
Storing Phone Numbers into Memory
1. With the handset in the idle state, press SM button on the handset, the cursor
will flash on LCD display,
2. Dial the number you wish to store (up in 14 digits).
Note: Press Redlal to insert a dialing pause into number. The pause lust: for
4 secondeand use one digit ofthe 14 digits available.
3, Press SM again to store the phone numbers or press TALK to cancel thls
Making Speed Dialing Call
7. Press SM butan on the handset
2, Press TALK to collecl the cell
Note: The Star button will light-up, The LED will flash while the handset is
scanning lore clear channel. When the hands is in use. the IN use
button will lightup on the base unit.
3, When you are finished with your call. press TALK or place the handset back
on the base.
The Bratz Causal-Cool Cordless phone has been designed to give years nftroimle
tree service. It is a sensitive electronic instrument. To assure its lorgevity. please
read the fciicwirg maintenance instmcfinrls.
1. Keep the phone away from heat as high temperatures can shoflen the lite ol the
electrical components and distort or melt its plastic parts.
2. The phone shuuld be kept lree oi dust and moisture. It it gets wet, wipe it dry
immediately. Liquids an contain minerals that (an corrode elestmnic circuits.
3. Handle your phone gently and carefully. Dropping it can cause serious damage
ta circuitry. or the plastic case, which may result in malfundion.
4. Do not use any type or chemitzl or any abrasive powder to clean the cabins.
Use only mild detergents an a sort. damp clam to clean the phone
5. The phane has built-in surge protedion circuits that meet or exceed FCC
requirements. However, an Incident such as a lightning strike at or near the
telephone lines, could cause serious damage.
6. if the phone is installed in an area with frequent or severe eiearieel storms.
it is suggested that the telephone be disconnected during these storms. it is
cuggetted that the telephone be disconnected during these storms
or that additional surge suppression equipment be added to the instalation.
7, In the (rise oftrcuble with the telephone, do not attempt to repair the telephone
yourself. It is the responsibility or users requiring service to repon Ihe need for
service to our Service Department. They will make the necessary arrangements
for repair or replacement.
NOTE: Screws needed for wall mounting:
its or #8 Pan head
Self Tapping Screw
Certaines mesmes de sécurité doivent étre prises pendant I’utih‘sation
de material téléphonique afin de réduire Ies risques d’incendie, de choc
électrique et de blessuresi En voici quelquesunes:
Ne pas utiliser l'appareil pres de l'eau, p.exo, pres d’une baignoire, d’un
lavabo, d‘un évier de cuisine, d'un bac a laver, dans un sous-sol humide ou
pres d’une piscine.
Eviter d’ufiliser le téléphone (sauf s’fl s’agit d’un apparei] sans fil) pendant un
orage électrique. Ceci peut presenter un risque de choc élecm’que cause par la
Ne pas utiliser l’appareil téléphonjque pour signaler une fuite de gaz s'iI est
situé pres de la fuite. , ,
Utiliser seulement le cordon d'alimenmtion et le type de piles indiqués dans
ce manuel. Ne pas jeter Ies piles dams Ie fen: elles peuvent exploser. Se
conformer aux réglements perfinents quant a l’élirninafion des piles.
ATTENTION— I] y a danger d'explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la
batterieRempIacer uniquement avec une batter-fie du meme type cu d’un type
équivalent recommandé par le constructeun Mett're au rebut les batteries
usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.

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Modify Date                     : 2003:03:10 17:26:34+08:00
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